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• “It is upon bad fortune that good fortune leans, upon good fortune that bad fortune rests” (祸兮,福之所倚,福兮,祸之所伏). • “In Dao the only motion is returning; The only useful quality, weakness. For though all creatures under heaven are the products of Being, Being is itself is the products of Non-being”(反者道之动:弱者 道之用。天下万物生于有,有生于无).
Life of Laozi
• The name Laozi is an honorific title, translated roughly(粗糙地) as “the old master”. • Little is known about Laozi’s life and in fact his historical existence is strongly debated.
• Water is used as a representation of the Dao because water always seeks the path of least resistance.
• (水作为道家的象征,因为水总是寻求阻力 最小的途径。)
Dao De Jing as ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduoctrine of Daoism
Philosophy of Laozi
• Laozi was reputedly(据说) the founder of Daoism, which established the earliest ontology (本体论) and cosmology(宇宙论) in China, expanding the scope of man’s thinking form daily life to the universe as a whole. • To be in accord with Dao, one has to “do nothing”, but rather than advocating(提倡) passivity(被动性) it recommended a policy of perpetually(永恒地) succeeding by never forcing things against their nature.
The influence of Laozi
• With great wisdom about life and dialectics(辩证 法), the theory of Laozi produced an extremely far-reaching influence on the Chinese nation and mankind. • At the wake of the 21st century, Laozi’s philosophy still shines brilliantly and lightens the way for the Chinese in their efforts to maintain complete harmony and social stability in the Chinese society and the world at large.
• Laozi lived in the late Spring and Autumn Period more than 2400 years ago. • He and Confucius were said to be contemporaries. • Li was his surname and Er, his name. • His courtesy name was Boyang, and he styled himself Dan which means “Mysterious”. • According to The Grand Historian Records and Zhuangzi, two major sources of information about him, Laozi was a native of Quren Village, Li Township(厉乡曲仁里), Ku County(苦县) in the state of Chu, in present day Luyi (鹿邑) County, Henan Province.