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lunch math class P.E. class
school is over
1.Where are they going?
2.Why they go home at 6 o'clock?
It's time for dinner.
John: School is_____o.ver Let's go to the ____p_la_y_g_r.ound
What time is it? It's __7_:_0_0__. It's time for __b_r_e_a_k_f_a_s_t __.
Time 7:00 9:00 10:00 12:00 2:00 3:00 6:00
subject breakfast English class Chinese class
A:What time is it? B:It's...
It's time for....
Unit 2 What Time Is It?
Part A
Read and write
It's 6:30. It's time to .
get up
It's 6:30. It's time to
What time is it? It's...
11:00 a.m.
Biblioteka Baidut's time for...
是... 的时间。
play a game
listen and pass the box
It's_6_o'clock. It's time for_b_r_ea_k_f_a_st
It's_9:_0_0__a.m. It's time for_E_ng_l_is_h_c_lass
Wu: _o_v_eO_r_K:. 结束
Tips: library/garden/teacher's office/ TV room… Great./Super./Good idea….
Wu: Let's go _h_o_m_e_, John. John: What time is it now? Wu: It's _5_:0_0___. John: ___J_u__st__a__m_i_n_u_t.e.
Guard : Go home, __k_i_d_s_ . John: __W__h_a_t_t_im__e_i_s_i_t__ ? Guard : It's 6:00 . It's time for __d_in__n_e_r . John & Wu : Oh! Let's __ru_n___ .
Let's talk
John: School is _o__v_e_r . Let's go to the _p_l_a_y_g_r_o_u_n_d_ .
Wu: __O_K__ .
Wu : Let's go __h_o_m__e , John. John: What time is it __n_o_w__ ? Wu: It's 5:00 . John: __J_u_s_t _a_m__in_u__te_ .
Guard : Go home, __k_id_s__ . John: __W_h_a_t__ti_m_e__is__it___ ? Guard : It's 6:00 . It's time for _d_i_n_n_e_r_ . John & Wu : Oh! Let's __r_u_n__ .
go to school .
It's 4:35. It's time to
go home .
It's 9:00. It's time to
go to bed.
Unit2 What Time Is It?
breakfast lunch dinner
English class
music class P.E. class
Let's do
It's ____ o'clock.
It's time for____ . class
…… ……
Talk something about the schedule.