






It was a great day for a picnic and a picnic was a great day to start the summer holiday. Fred brought his classmates John and Betty to a wonderful picnic place.

After lunch, John said they should play football. When the ball came to Fred, he locked it into some long grass. “I'll get it.” he said and hurried off to find the ball. Moments later there was a shout and out came Fred holding his leg, “I've bitten by a snake!”

As the others rushed over to help. Fred began laughing. “Ha! I'm not really hurt.” But Betty didn't laugh, “I can't believe you did that, Fred. I was really frightened for you.”

The friends then decided to go for a swim. John and Betty jumped into the water. Fred was standing on a long rock by the riverbank and said, “Watch me jump.” They shouted excitedly as he went under the water, but as the seconds passed he didn't come back to the top. The friends became worried. Suddenly they heard Fred's laugh, “Won't you ever learn? I swam behind this tree when I jumped.”

“Very funny, Fred?” said John angrily. “Anyway, I'm feeling tired and I'm going for a sleep.” Betty joined him.

Fred, however, moved to a narrow part of the river and jumped in. Although he was a good swimmer, the water there was moving much faster and Fred found himself dragged away. He managed to catch hold of a tree, but he was very tired now and with the water still moving very fast, couldn't pull himself out.

Back at the picnic place, as Betty and John were preparing to sleep, they heard Fred's cries for help, John looked at Betty and said, “Does he really think we're so foolish? Wake me up in an hour. It'll be time to go back home then.”

1. What happened when Fred went to get the football?

A. He was bitten by a snake.

B. He fell and cut himself.

C. He called for the others to help him.

D. He let out a frightening shout.

2. At the end of the story, why didn't John and Betty go to help Fred?

A. They didn't believe that Fred was really in trouble.

B. They thought Fred was a good swimmer.

C. They couldn't hear his cries for help.

D. They were too tired and needed to rest.

3. The underlined word “dragged” means “_______”.

A. pulled

B. held

C. guided

D. gave

4. What can you learn from this story?

A. It is important for a person to tell the truth.

B. You should know how to swim if toy want to play in the river.

C. You must watch out for snakes in the countryside.

D. Picnics can often be dangerous for children.


5. If you want to buy breakfast on your way to school in the morning, where should you go?

A. Italian Pizza Restaurant.

B. Sichuan Restaurant and Italian Pizza Restaurant.

C. Harry's Hamburger House.

D. Sichuan Restaurant and Harry's Hamburger House.

6. You and your friend want to go out to a restaurant for dinner. It is Monday evening and you have a total of $50 to spend. Where will you go?

A. Sichuan Restaurant or Harry's Hamburger House.

B. Sichuan Restaurant or Italian Pizza Restaurant.

C. Italian Pizza Restaurant.

D. Harry's Hamburger House.

7. Which restaurants are open seven days a week?

A. Sichuan Restaurant and Italian Pizza Restaurant.

B. Italian Pizza Restaurant and Harry's Hamburger House.

C. Sichuan Restaurant and Harry's Hamburger House.

D. Sichuan Restaurant, Harry's Hamburger House and Italian Pizza Restaurant.

8. Which of the following is true about Italian Pizza Restaurant?

A. It has cheaper food than the other restaurants.

B. It is open earlier than the other restaurants.

C. It is the only restaurant that allows take-away.

D. It is a great place for children to get together.


During his life Dr James Naismith worked as a doctor, taught P.E and wrote several books. While he never thought it very important, Dr Naismith is today best known for one thing. He was the inventor of basketball.

Dr James Naismith was born in Canada in 1861 and his first job was at a special sports school in the USA. One day the school principal told James he was having a problem with the students. Because of heavy snow, the students could not go outside. He told James that they needed a sport the boys could play indoors and gave the teacher two weeks to think of something.

It was on the very last da y that James came up with his idea. The “birth of basketball” is said to be on December 21, 1891, when two teams from the school played the first game. It was quite different from the basketball games of today. It had 9 players on each team and footballs were used instead of basketballs. Soon after, the game changed to 5 players on each side, using special “basketballs” through nets.

Although Dr Naismith did not live to see basketball become the worldwide game it is today, in 1936, just three years before his death, basketball became an Olympic sport at the games in Berlin.

9. Which of the following things did Dr James Naismith NOT do?

A. Teach P.E in school.

B. Write some books.

C. Work at hospital.

D. Take part in the Olympic Games.

10. In which season did Dr Naismith invent basketball?

A. Summer.

B. Winter.

C. Spring.

D. Autumn.

11. Why is December 21 thought to be the birthday of basketball?

A. It was on this day that Dr Naismith came up with his idea for basketball.

B. It was the day on which Dr Naismith was born.

C. It was the day on which Dr Naismith was asked by his boss to invent a new game.

D. It was on this day that the first game of basketball was played.

12. At the time of Dr Naismith's death, which of the following was true?

A. Basketball was already a worldwide game.

B. Basketball was played with 9 players on each side.

C. Basketball was an Olympic sport.

D. Basketball was still played using footballs.

13. What would be the best title for this story?

A. History of Basketball

B. How Basketball Has Changed

C. Father of Basketball

D. Happy Birthday, Basketball


We have always been interested in the moon. 2000 years ago people already knew it moved around the earth and where it would be in the sky at different times of the year. At that time, everything about the moon was learned by watching it carefully in the sky.

When scientists could use telescopes to study the moon more closely, their ideas began to change. They could see the moon was made of rocks. Most scientists thought moon rocks would be different from those on Earth. This was because they believed the moon had once been a planet that had been caught in the earth's gravity (引力) millions of years earlier.

In 1969 moon rocks were finally brought to the earth and studied. Much to their surprise, scientists found that, except for water, the moon and the earth were made of the same things. Once again new ideas were needed for this new information.

After years of study, most scientists now think that the moon was once part of Earth. They believe very early in its history, maybe 4 million years ago, something about the size of Mars hit Earth. This sent billions of rocks into space around our planet. These rocks slowly joined together and after many years became the moon.

In the future, even though our ideas about the moon may change again, we will still be interested in it.

14. What does the writer want to tell us in the passage?

A. Why people are interested in the moon.

B. How ideas about the moon have changed over time.

C. Where the moon came from in the past.

D. That people have finally learned the truth about the moon.

15. Before 1969 most scientists thought the moon was ________.

A. part of the earth billions of years earlier

B. older than the earth

C. a planet caught by the earth's gravity

D. made of the same things as the earth

16. From this passage we can learn that ________.

A. scientists in the past were not clever

B. the earth was once part of the moon

C. new information brings new ideas

D. we now know everything about the moon


It is said that as the population of a city grows, so do its problems. Pollution, too many cars, and crowded streets are just a few of these difficulties. One way to help with these problems is city trains. Trains traveling to different parts of a city mean fewer cars and buses on our roads, cleaner air, and more open streets. In recent years, cities such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Shanghai have all built city train lines.

The first city train line in China was built in Beijing. The oldest part of the train line, from Beijing Zhan to Ping Guo Yuan was opened in 1969. Its length was 23.6 kilometres. As the city grew after 1980, so did the need for more trains. A newer train line was built to help move people around the city centre. The 16-kilometre-long “circle (环形) line” was finished in 1987. Since that time even more train stations have been built and today the train lines in the city are over 50 kilometres long.

For the 2008 Olympic Games, the trains of Beijing will be very important. It is thought that most of the people who go to watch the different sports during the Games will travel using trains.

17. The passage tells us about ________.

A. the problems in big cities

B. city trains

C. the history of Beijing

D. 2008 Olympic Games

18. How long was the first train line in Beijing?

A. About 16 kms.

B. About 23 kms.

C. About 33 kms.

D. About 50 kms.

19. In 1977, which of the following places in Beijing could you go to by train?

A. Chao Yang Men.

B. An Ding Men.

C. Che Gong Zhuang.

D. He Ping Men.

20. Which of the following is true?

A. In 2008, the Beijing train line will be nearly 40 years old.

B. The larger population a city has, the fewer problems it faces.

C. More and more cities are building undergrounds for the 2008 Olympic Games.

D. There are 20 stations on the “circle line” in Beijing.





考场阅读练习课教学设计 实验小学二年级组何贱娥 教学目标: 1通过完成练习题,引导学生对阅读方法进行整理、归纳。 2、通过练习训练使学生初步知道(几种)阅读方法,提高学生阅读、理解文章的能力。 3、通过学生自主复习,归纳,激发学生的阅读兴趣,积累阅读方法。 教学重点、难点: 能归纳与整理阅读的方法,用习得的方法去完成阅读理解练习。【教学准备】PPT、资料 【教学过程】 一、谈话导入。 孩子们,你们在平时的考试中除了看图写话以外觉得最难做的是那种题目?(阅读题)是呀,有很多孩子前面的基础题做得很好,但通常阅读题都会丢分,我们二年级的阅读题一般都有十二到十五分。随着我们的年级的增加,阅读题的分数也越来越高,阅读那么重要,孩子们想不想学好它呢?(想)那今天何老师就和你们一起来进行考场阅读题的练习。(板书:考场阅读) 谁能说一说,我们的试卷阅读题都有哪些类型的题目呢?(学生说,老师归纳总结)是的,我们试卷阅读常见的题有: 1、了解文章的段落结构(即几个自然段,几句话)。 2、把握文章的关键字、词、句。 3、根据文章内容回答相关的问题。 (师)阅读题其实并没有你们想的那么难,只要你掌握了方法,就

能轻松过关。 二、学习规律,灵活运用 (一)学会审题 1、(师)做阅读题,我们首先得学会审题。出示题目:“阅读短文,回答问题”。谁能说一说,题目中最重要的两个字是什么(读)(答) 3、小结:原来做阅读题的时候就需要我们先读再答,才能做对。(二)发现规律 1,孩子们果然很厉害,我相信孩子们今天表现一定很棒。在练习之前,何老师要送给你们一个阅读秘诀!(预先打印好的内容贴到黑板上)大家一起来读读吧: 一读:明内容(师:先一定要逐字逐句读通短文) 二读:知题意(师:再读题目,弄清楚要做什么) 三读:找答案(师:读一道题,知道意思后,再读短文,在短文中找答案) 四读:细检查(做完要检查。在完成的题号前轻轻打钩,防止漏做)下面我们就带着这个秘诀来完成练习吧!(出示短文) 阅读短文,完成练习 受伤的小鸟 在放学回家的路上,我发现了一只受伤的小鸟。看着它可怜的样子,便把它捡回了家。这只小鸟长着一张又长又尖的嘴巴,头上有一小撮(cuō)红色的毛,背上、尾巴上的羽毛是黑色的,腹(fù)部的羽毛是灰色的,可好看了! 妈妈下班回来看见了小鸟,高兴地告诉我说:“这是一只啄木鸟。它能够捕食树洞里的害虫,人们称它‘树医生’。我听了,心想:原来


《阅读复习》教学设计执教者:王新东 学生学情分析 对待一篇短文,一些学生由于识字量的原因,有些学生不能完全理解,读通短文,初步理解短文的能力不强,要强化阅读习惯的培养,在阅读理解的基础上开始答题。阅读要加强学生的阅读的理解力,学会读懂课文,知道短文的意思,明白道理。 教学目标 1、能理解短文的意思,能够解决相关的问题。 2、指导学生归纳阅读方法和做题步骤,能熟练运用到课内外阅读中。 3、激发学生的阅读兴趣,培养良好的阅读习惯。 教学重点 1、将平时所学的阅读方法和做题步骤加以总结,能熟练运用到课外阅读中。 教学难点 2、学会运用多种方法进行阅读,读懂短文,解决相关问题。 一、谈话导入 1、(猜猜他是谁) 师说:黑熊般一身粗肉,铁牛似遍体顽皮。交加一字赤黄眉,双眼赤丝乱系。怒发浑如铁刷,狰狞好似狻猊(Suān ní)。天蓬恶杀下云梯,小名铁牛,江湖人称“黑旋风”人号铁牛儿。 态生两靥之态,娇袭一身之病。泪光点点,娇喘微微。娴静

时如姣花照水,行动时似弱柳扶风。心比比干多一窍,病如西子胜三分。 忽见一大将闪出,面如重枣、二尺长髯(cháng rán)、凤眼蚕眉,胯下赤免追风仰天长啸、手中青龙偃yǎn月冷射秋月。这位是谁呢? 抓耳挠腮、火眼金睛、腾云驾雾、伸张正义,这位又是谁?这几个简单的词语、一两句话,我们读到了几个不一样的人物,同学们,这个学期我们共同学习了不少的课文,相信大家一定收获不少! 2、小组合作完成练习 二、回顾短文阅读常见的题型 1、看来同学们从一次次的阅读练习中都得到了不同的收获。现在谁来说说在做阅读理解的题目中都有哪些类型? 2、学生的交流 课件出示:小学语文阅读常见的题型 ●概括段落或全文内容、加标题。 ●1、联系上下文理解词语2、体会含义深刻的句子3、读短文后的收获、启发。 ●给短文加标点。 ●1、判断修辞2、仿写。 ●1、找中心句。2、“过渡句”以及作用。3、段与段之间的关系。 ●1、句子的转换2、修改病句3、查字典4、关联词语造句或选择填空 5、词语的拓展延伸6、“名言”或“古诗句”7、近,反义词。 3、这些题目我们怎样去解答?


英语阅读理解题的应试技巧 福州格致中学欧翠芳 一.教学设计: (一).教材分析: 高考英语阅读理解题保持着鲜明的风格,突出语篇,强调应用,注重实际,试卷突出对语言综合应用能力的考查,对书面语篇的整体领悟能力和接受具体信息的能力也提出了很高的要求,篇章结构复杂。在时空顺序,深层含义和逻辑推理等方面的组篇手段与教材中平铺直叙的课文组篇方式完全不同,复杂的语篇形式与干扰性极强的选项,增加了试题的难度。所选材料题材多样化,特色鲜明,内容涉及科普、社会、文化、政治、经济等各个方面,既有严肃的语言学、心理学话题,又有时尚新鲜的社会热点问题。文章的阅读量大。阅读速度的要求也进一步提高。生词出现率的提高也增强了对语篇理解的挑战性。测试要求广大考生:掌握主旨大意,事实细节;理解具体事实,抽象概念;理解字面意思,深层含义;理解句段与篇章,把握文章脉络,进行推理和判断;领会生词,根据上下文,前后句猜测生词词义。进行图表识别等。其基本题型包括:主旨寓意题;事实细节题;猜测词义题;推理判断题;综合概括题;推断作者意图和逻辑关系分析判断题等。 (二).教学目标: 这一节的公开教学课,通过对2002年和2003年高考英语试卷的评析,对短文阅读题型的归纳,总结,在高考短文阅读方面对学生进行指导,讲授一些基本的解题思路,解题方法与技巧,使学生能进一步掌握一些基本

的短文阅读的解题方法与技巧,帮助学生提高在短文阅读方面的解题能力。 (三).设计理念: 综合应用“五步教学法”和“任务型教学法”,将课程内容分为:复习(Revision),呈现(Presentation),阅读(Reading)和巩固(Consolidation)等几个方面,课程讲授采用师生互动的方式,充分发挥教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用,并应用多媒体教学手段,增加课堂容量,讲清重点和难点,使学生能掌握英语短文阅读的基本题型,一些基本的解题思路与技巧,提高学生英语阅读理解题的解题能力。 (四).教学实录(T— the teacher, S 1— a student S 2—another student S 3—…)Step One Revision (复习) 1.Duty Report: ( My School Life ) S 1: (…略………….) T:Good! Thank you! (通过值日生报告,营造英语的学习氛围。) 2.Lead-in T: Today we are going to talk about Reading Comprehension. First of all, please answer my questions. T:1).What should we pay attention to while reading the passage ? S: (Six W, One H) (the whole class)(全班) T: 2).What are they ? S 2: (when, where, who, what, which, why, how) (对英语阅读理解应注意的几个问题进行提问,通过师生问答,既营造了英语课的课堂气氛,又为后面的课堂教学进行了铺垫。)


Reading Comprehension ------How to get the main idea? Learning goals: 1. To learn about the question forms about the main idea. 2. To learn some ways to get the main idea. 3. To use the skills to practice in groups. Step 1 Lead-in A mother mouse was out for a walk with her babies when she found a cat behind a bush. She watched the cat, and the cat watched the mice. Mother mouse barked fiercely, "Woof, woof, woof!" The cat was so frightened that it ran for it's life. Mother mouse turned to her babies and said, "Now, do you understand the value of a second language?” What is the story mainly about? Step 2 Question forms about the main idea of a paragraph or a passage? Choose the question forms about the main idea: _____ 1. The main idea/topic of the passage is ________. 2. What is the passage mainly about? 3. What can we infer from the passage? 4. What is the last paragraph mainly concerned (关于) about? 5. What does the underlined word stand for? 6. The best title/headline for this passage might be_____. 7. The passage could be entitled__________. 8. What is the best title for the passage? Step 3 How to get the main idea 1.Today the problem of environment has become more and more serious. The world population is rising, so quickly that the world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources too quickly and at the same time we are polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. The main idea of the paragraph is ________.


授课教师:游东华 教学目的:使学生初步掌握现代文阅读试题答题方法,通过练习使学生巩固提高现代文阅读试题答题方法、技巧和能力。 教学重点:现代文阅读试题答题方法的指导 教学难点:现代文阅读试题答题能力的提高 教学时数:1—2课时 教学方法:归纳法、讲练结合法(以练为主) 教学过程: 一、新课导入:强调现代文阅读的重要性(占总分20%) 二、讲授新课 (一)现代文阅读试题考查内容与形式 中学考试中的现代文阅读篇目一般选自课外,记叙类文章是初一阶段的重点,也是中考的重点,命题侧重考查对文章内容的积累运用、感知理解、揣摩体味等方面。 (二)现代文阅读试题答题方法 1、基本要领:整体把握,顺藤摘瓜 2、步骤:(读文章共两遍) 第一遍:先整体粗略阅读全文,大致感知文章大意即可;[宜快] 第二遍:再结合试题(顺藤)找到相关的段、句,深入理解文章, 找出或归纳出答案(摘瓜)。[宜慢,并回读检查] (三)掌握常见题的解题技巧和注意事项: ①“积累运用”部分一般考查字词的注音、解释,成语和名言警句的背记运用,此类题目要求平时要多积累字词和点滴知识,对于确实未见过的陌生词语可结合语境(上下文)揣摩分析。 ②问指示代词“这、那”所指内容:多从代词前面文字中找答案。 ③问语句、语段的作用:(要从两方面考虑) 一从结构上,常起A承上启下过渡、B总领下文或C总结上文的作用; 二从内容上,常有A开篇点题,B设伏笔、C作铺垫、D深化中心、E点明主旨(画龙点睛)等作用。 ④问文章、段落的结构形式: 注意总分式(A总分、B分总、C总分总);层进式;并列式。 ⑤问文章线索:注意那些在文中多次出现的字眼。 ⑥问文段大意:找中心句,注意段首句、段尾句。 (如无中心句)归纳段意:本段(概括或具体)写了“谁——干什么”。 (或“什么——怎么样”) ⑦问语句含义:要从文章主旨中心去分析,表述要准确、通顺。 ⑧问文章写作特色:可从文章选材、结构布局、语言、立意等角度考虑。 ⑨问阅读后的体会见解:要注意观点正确、健康,注意言之有理。 (二)课堂练习:学生训练后,教师评点明确 三、课堂小结四、作业布置 [附]阅读文章,回答文后问题: 《悟》(摘自《当代日本文集》) (注:文中的中村、贵之君、和佳子为人名) (1)中村家住在一幢在山腰里的商品小住宅里。家里四个人生活,父亲,母亲,还有念大


阅读理解教学教案 一、教学目的:为了锻炼学生阅读的耐心,提高阅读能力。 二、过程:学生独立完成以下阅读理解练习题: 阅读下面5篇短文,然后根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 (A) It was a great day for a picnic and a picnic was a great day to start the summer holiday. Fred brought his classmates John and Betty to a wonderful picnic place. After lunch, John said they should play football. When the ball came to Fred, he locked it into some long grass. “I'll get it.” he said and hurried off to find the ball. Moments later there was a shout and out came Fred holding his leg, “I've bitten by a snake!” As the others rushed over to help. Fred began laughing. “Ha! I'm not really hurt.” But Betty didn't laugh, “I can't believe you did that, Fred. I was really frightened for you.” The friends then decided to go for a swim. John and Betty jumped into the water. Fred was standing on a long rock by the riverbank and said, “Watch me jump.” They shouted excitedly as he went under the water, but as the seconds passed he didn't come back to the top. The friends became worried. Suddenly they heard Fred's laugh, “Won't you ever learn? I swam behind this tree when I jumped.” “Very funny, Fred?” said John angrily. “Anyway, I'm feeling tired and I'm going for a sleep.” Betty joined him. Fred, however, moved to a narrow part of the river and jumped in. Although he was a good swimmer, the water there was moving much faster and Fred found himself dragged away. He managed to catch hold of a tree, but he was very tired now and with the water still moving very fast, couldn't pull himself out. Back at the picnic place, as Betty and John were preparing to sleep, they heard Fred's cries for help, John looked at Betty and said, “Does he really think we're so foolish? Wake me up in an hour. It'll be time to go back home then.” 1. What happened when Fred went to get the football? A. He was bitten by a snake. B. He fell and cut himself. C. He called for the others to help him. D. He let out a frightening shout. 2. At the end of the story, why didn't John and Betty go to help Fred? A. They didn't believe that Fred was really in trouble. B. They thought Fred was a good swimmer. C. They couldn't hear his cries for help. D. They were too tired and needed to rest. 3. The underlined word “dragged” means “_______”. A. pulled B. held C. guided D. gave 4. What can you learn from this story? A. It is important for a person to tell the truth.
