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2012 年全市降雨平均 pH 值为 5.09,酸雨频率达到 31.9%[12], 统计 1992-2005 年共计 14 a 南京市降雨 pH 值,年平均 pH 值达酸雨比例 57.1%[13]。Kamon 等[14]曾提出,酸雨降落到地表,其中 67%的酸雨进 入江河湖海,剩余 33%则渗入土壤。酸雨入渗将抑 制或延迟水泥固化污染土的水化反应[11, 15],降低固 化重金属污染土的 pH 值, pH 值的降低会增加钙及 重金属溶出,从而影响固化土的强度特性[16],减弱 重金属的固定效果[16]。 由于在现场不便于制备样品测试强度,需要简 便且廉价的方法间接估计[17],目前,针刺试验作为 一种无损性试验,可以快速便捷地预估试样强度, 有成本低廉、材料准备最少等优势[18]。有关针刺试 验目前还没有明确的规范和可以利用的方法,但已 有学者对针贯入阻力(needle penetration resistance, 简称 NPR)与强度提出经验公式[17]。 半动态淋滤试验可以有效模拟固化污染土中重 金属的扩散过程和溶出机制[15, 19],且固化污染土的 扩散系数 De 是污染物在固化污染土中运移的一个 重要参数, 可以反映 S/S 的处理效果[20]。 研究指出, GGBS-MgO 中主要水化产物为水合硅酸钙 CSH 和 类水滑石相 HT[4,
(1.东南大学 岩土工程研究所,江苏 南京 210096;2.东南大学 江苏省城市地下工程与环境安全重点实验室,江苏 南京 210096)
摘 要:以粒化高炉矿渣粉-氧化镁(GGBS-MgO)固化铅污染黏土为研究对象,通过半动态淋滤试验,对 GGBS-MgO 在 酸雨作用下的强度特性及溶出特性进行研究。通过对 GGBS-MgO 固化铅污染黏土半动态淋滤后 pH 值、针刺深度、无侧限 抗压强度及浸出液中[Pb]、[Ca]、[Mg]元素浓度的测试,分析淋滤液初始 pH 值、掺量以及含铅不含铅对 GGBS-MgO 固化土 强度特性的影响,讨论了初始淋滤液 pH 值、固化剂掺量对 GGBS-MgO 固化铅污染土累积铅、钙、镁溶出质量以及铅有效 扩散系数的影响规律。结果表明,半动态淋滤试验使试样无侧限抗压强度 qu 较标准养护 39 d 试样降低了 2%~53%,且淋滤 液初始 pH=2 对试样 qu 影响最大;在相同掺量、相同淋滤液初始 pH 值时,GGBS-MgO 固化未污染土半动态淋滤后 qu 较水 泥固化未污染土 qu 提高了 12%~43%;且当固化剂掺量为 18%时,固化铅污染土强度特性较水泥有明显优势,约为水泥固 化铅污染土强度的 1.3~1.8 倍;且相同配比时,淋滤液初始 pH=2 表层的 pH 值约为 pH=3、4、5、7 的 1/2;随着淋滤液初 始 pH 值、半动态淋滤后 qu 及内部 pH 值的增加,针刺深度减小;针贯入阻力与 qu 存在幂指数关系。此外,累积铅、钙、镁 溶出质量随着初始淋滤液 pH 值、固化剂掺量的增加而减少,在初始淋滤液 pH=2 时,Ai,Pb、Ai,Ca、Ai,Mg 分别约为 pH=3、4、 5 和 7 的 29~222 倍、1.7~4.4 倍和 12.0~80.3 倍;固化剂掺量为 12%时的累积溶出质量约是 18%掺量时的 1.1~2.0 倍;铅 有效扩散系数 De 随着初始淋滤液 pH 值的增加而降低,初始淋滤液 pH=2 时的 De 比 pH=3~7 的 De 高约 3~5 个数量级;且 低于水泥固化铅污染土 De,当初始淋滤液 pH=7 时,GGBS-MgO 固化土 De 相比于水泥固化土低 1~2 个数量级。 关 键 词:粒化高炉矿渣粉-氧化镁(GGBS-MgO) ;固化/稳定化;半动态淋滤;铅污染;无侧限抗压强度;有效扩散系数 中图分类号:TU 411,X53 文献识别码:A 文章编号:1000-7598 (2015) 10-2877-16
Strength and leachability of lead contaminated clay stabilized by GGBS-MgO
BO Yu-lin1, 2, YU Bo-wei1, 2, DU Yan-jun1, 2, WEI Ming-li1, 2
(1. Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210096, China; 2. Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Urban Underground Engineering & Environmental Safety, Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210096, China)
第 36 卷第 10 期 2015 年 10 月
DOI: 10.16285/j.rsm.2015.10.018
岩 土 力 学 Rock and Soil Mechanics
Vol.36 No.10 Oct. 2015
Leabharlann Baidu
淋滤条件下 GGBS-MgO 固化铅污染黏土 强度与溶出特性研究
薄煜琳 1, 2,于博伟 1, 2,杜延军 1, 2,魏明俐 1, 2
Abstract: This paper investigates the effects of simulated acid rain on the strength and dissolution characteristics of lead contaminated clay, which is stabilized by GGBS-MgO (ground granulated blast furnace slag-magnesium oxide). Semi-dynamic leaching tests are conducted to measure the soil pH value, needle penetration depth, unconfined compressive strength and concentrations of lead, calcium and magnesium in leachate. Thus the effects of the initial pH of leachant, content of GGBS-MgO and lead contamination on the strength characteristics of GGBS-MgO stabilized clay are analyzed, and their effects on the cumulative mass of leached lead, calcium and magnesium and effective diffusion coefficient of lead are further determined. The results demonstrate that the unconfined compressive strength of clay using the semi-dynamic leaching tests is 2%-53% less, compared with the value under standard curing conditions for 39 days. Moreover, the highest impact on the strength of soil is found with an initial pH 2 of the leachant. Under the same content of GGBS-MgO and initial pH of leachant, the strength of the GGBS-MgO stabilized clay is approximately 12%-43% higher than that of the cement solidified clay. When the content of GGBS-MgO is 18%, the strength of clay stabilized by GGBS-MgO is almost 1.3-1.8 times of that of clay stabilized by cement. When the initial pH of leachant is 2, the pH at the specimen subsurface is approximately 50% of that when the pH values of leachant are from 3 to 7. The needle penetration depth decreases with increasing initial pH of leachant, qu and internal pH of clay. Furthermore, the relationship between needle

2015 年
penetration resistance and unconfined compressive strength fits unique power. In addition, the cumulative mass of leached lead, calcium and magnesium decreases with the increase of initial pH of leachant and the content of GGBS-MgO. When initial pH of leachant equals to 2, the cumulative mass of leached lead, calcium and magnesium is approximately 29-222, 1.7-4.4, 12.0-80.3 times of that when initial pH values of leachant are 3, 4, 5 and 7, respectively. Besides, when the content of GGBS-MgO is 12%, the cumulative mass is 1.1-2.0 times of that when the content is 18%. In addition, the effective diffusion coefficient of lead De decreases with the increase of the initial pH of leachant. When pH of leachant is 2, the De is 3-5 orders of magnitude higher than that of the pH values of leachant are 3, 4, 5 and 7. It is found that the De of lead contaminated clay stabilized by GGBS-MgO is lower than that of cement stabilized clay. Particularly, when the pH of leachant is 7, the De of the former one is 1-2 orders of magnitude lower than that of the later one. Keywords: ground granulated blast furnace slag-magnesium oxide (GGBS-MgO); solidification/stabilization; semi-dynamic leaching test; lead contamination; unconfined compressive strength; effective diffusion coefficient
收稿日期:2014-12-31 基金项目: 国家 863 计划课题 (No. 2013AA06A206) ; 国家自然科学基金重点项目 (No. 41330641) ; 国家自然科学基金项目 (No. 51278100, No. 41472258) ; 江苏省自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目( No. BK2012022) 。 第一作者简介:薄煜琳,女,1990 年生,硕士研究生,主要从事环境岩土工程方面的研究。E-mail: boyulin.com@163.com