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1, 做运动 pl_ _ sp_ _ ts

2,吃早饭 _ _t br_ _kfast 。

3,做早操 do m_ _ning ex_ _cises 。

4,第二十twent__ __th .。

5,拜访祖父母 v __s__t gr__ndp ___rent 。

6,堆雪人m__k__ a sn __wm__n 。

7,做饭c__ __king d__nner 。

8,照相t__king p__cture 。

9,数昆虫c__ __nting insects 。

10,野餐 having a p__cn__c


1,I usually __________________(吃晚饭) at 7:00 in the evening . 2,I often _________( 爬山 )on the weekend .

3,My brithday is in _______( 四月 )in spring .

4,What’your ________( 最喜爱的 )season ?

5,The elephants are _____________.( 喝水 )

6,ZhengPeng is ________________.( 采摘树叶 )

7,What’s the _______?( 日期 )

8,I like _________best .( 冬季 )


1、do,you, when,,do,exercises,morning(?)


2、 am , I , the, dishes, doing . ———————————————————

3、 doing , what, you, are .




5、 on,what,you,do,the,weekend,do


6、 date,what,is,the,today,(?)


7、 zhangpeng,what,doing,is(?)


8、 elephant,is,the,water,drinking,


9、 season,do,like,which,you,best(?)


10,、 in,lake,because,the,I,can,swim.



()1,What’s your name ? A, Yes, she is .

( ) 2, When do you get up ? B, Flying.

( ) 3, what’s your favourite season ? C, At 6:30.

( ) 4, What is the bird doing ? D, Lucy.

( )5,Is her birthday in June ? E, Spring.


Seasons in Canada

I’m john .I love summer . In summer,the weather is very hot .

and I can swim in the sea .

Spring is beautiful ,but in Canada it’s often rains .I don’t like spring .

In fall I can pick up apples . They are delicious . I also love to watch the leaves fall .So I like fall best .

It’s usually snows in winter in Canada .Sometimes it snows here in Beijing ,too . When it snows ,I can skate .

1, There are ______seasons in a year . They are ________,__________,_________and_________.

2, John like _______best.

3, Spring is beautiful ,but he ________like it.

4, What can John do in winter ?

He can _________.

5, What can John do in summer ?

He can _________.

6, What can John do in fall ?

He can _________.


Man: Hello.

John: Hello. Can I speak to Chen Jie , please ?

Man: Sure . Hold on , please . She’s doing homework .

Chen: Hello .

John: Hi , This is John .

Chen: Hi ,John .What are you doing ?

John: My family is having a fild trip .
