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1.official adj.官方的;正式的;公务的

e.g. There will be an official inquiry into the matter.将对这件事进行正式调查。

【拓展】official 或officer两者都有官员的意思,但是所指不同。


【练习】My father is an________ in the army, while his father is an________ in the government.

2. voyage n.航行;航海;航天


1) voyage: 去国外或较远地方的海上旅行make a voyage 进行一次航行

e.g. Columbus succeeded in making a voyage to America in 1942.

2) journey: 指较远的从一地到另一地旅行,距离较远,多指陆地

e.g. They will make a journey to Beijing by train.

3) travel: 一系列的旅程,泛指旅游e.g. We had six days’ travel by car.

4) trip: (短途)旅行 e.g. The Greens will take a weekend trip to the Great Wall.

5) tour:为了公务、娱乐或教育参观多处名胜的旅行

e.g. We will make a tour of Hainan next week.


1). It is tiring to take a long _______ by train from Paris to Moscow.

2). The _________ from England to Australia used to take several months.

3). We’ll have time for a ______ to France next weekend.

4). We went on a guided ______ round the castle.

3. because of 因为;由于

e.g. They are here because of us. 他们是因为我们来这里的。

[短语归纳] because of 是复合介词。because 是从属连词,引导原因状语从句。[练习] He came late to school again _______ he got up too late.

The girl cried __________ what the teacher said.

We have to cancel our trip _________ the bad weather.

because of的近义词组thanks to 因为;由于

as a result of 由于…的原因

by reason of 因为

due to 因为,由于

owing to 归功于…

Thanks to his help, I finished the task on time.多亏了他的帮助,我按时完后了任务。

I had to stay at home due to the weather.由于天气原因我只能呆在家里。

4. native adj. 本国的;本土的n.本地人,本国人

e.g. Finally, she returned to her native land.

The panda is a native of China.熊猫原产于中国。

【注意】native 做形容词用时,只能做前置定语。

be native to 意为(动植物)是…特有的,原产于…e.g. The tiger is native to India.

e up走近;上来;提出

e.g. The little came up to the stranger and showed him how to get to the police station. [短语归纳] come across邂逅偶遇come about发生

come at向…扑来,攻击come from 来自

come out 出版;开花;结果是come up with想出

come true实现come down下来;传承

[练习] 用come构成的词组填空。

1). The hunter walked across the forest when suddenly a bear _______ him.

2). The magazine __________ once a month.

3). I wish you can ___________ to England on your holiday.

4). The engineers has ______________ new ways of saving energy.

5). They ___________ an old school friend in the street this morning.

6. actually adv. 实际上;事实上(=in fact/ as a matter of fact)

e.g. He looked calm, but actually he was very nervous.

【其他】actually adv.居然;竟然

e.g. He actually expected me to pay for the ticket.他竟然指望我给他付票钱。actual adj. 实在的;实际的 e.g. What were his actual words? 他到底怎么说的?

7. base vt. 以…为基础

base sth on sth 以某事物为另一事物的根据或基础be based on 以…为基础

e.g. One should always base one’s opinions on facts.

The story is based on facts.

n.基础;基地;an air base 空军基地

8. at present现在,目前

present n. 礼物adj. 在场的;目前的vt. 赠送

e.g. The mountain bike is a birthday present from my parents.

I am afraid I can’t help you at present.

[重点用法] at present=at the present time=now 目前,现在

be present at 出席;到场(反义:be absent from)

present sb. with sth. = present sth. to sb.把某物送给某人


e.g. He doesn’t know how to deal with the present problem.

The people present at the meeting are advanced workers.

9. gradual adj.逐渐的,逐步的→gradually adv.逐渐地,逐步地

e.g. Things gradually improved. 情况已经渐渐地改善。

This is a gradual change in his attitude towards his stepmother.

10. especially/ specially


specially 指为了某一目的,专门做某事

【练习】1). Our city is very beautiful, ___________ in spring.

2). He came here ___________ to ask you for help.

11. make use of利用;使用

[短语归纳] use前可加形容词,表示不同程度的利用。

make good use of 好好利用

make full use of 充分利用

make the best/most of 充分利用

use up 用尽,耗尽
