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五、贸易伙伴术语,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 六、数量条件与外汇术语,,,,,







〔.commerce the activity Of buying and SeIling, especially On a large scale贸易2. EXPOrt DeCIarati On A form to be completed by the exporter or their authorized

age nt and filed in triplicate by a Carrier With

the United State Collector of CUStOmS at the point of exit. 出口申


3.import to bring or Carry in from an OutSide source, especially to bring in( goods or

materials)from a foreig n COuntry for trade or sale 进口

4.import lice nce A Certificate, issued by coun tries exercis ing import

con trols, that PermitS importati on of the articles Stated

in the license. The issuance of SUCh a Permit frequently is

connected With the release of foreign exchange needed to Pay for

the ShiPment for WhiCh the import license has been requested. 进


5.export lice nce A docume nt SeCUred from a gover nment, authoriz ing an

exporter to export a SPeCifiC qua ntity of a PartiCUIar commodity to

a Certa in coun try. An export lice nse is ofte n required if a gover

nment has place embargoes or other restricti ons upon exports. See

Gen eral EXPOrt LiCe nse. 出


6.i nquiry an act of ask ing for in formatio n 询盘

7.delivery an item or items delivered on a PartiCUIar OCCaSi on. 交货

8.order a thing made, SUPPlied, or SerVed as a result of SUCh a request 订货

9. Bill of Lad ing A docume nt that establishes the terms of a con tract

betwee n a ShiPPer and a tran SPOrtati on compa ny Un der WhiCh

freight is to be moved betwee n SPeCified poi nts for a SPeCified

charge. Usually PrePared by the ShiPPer on forms issued by the

carrier, it SerVeS as a document of title, con tract of carriage, and a

receipt for goods. Also See Air Waybill a nd OCean Bill of Lad in g.


10. E ndorseme nt in Bla nk Commonly USed on a bank check, an en dorseme nt

in blank is an endorsement to the bearer. It COntainS only the

nameof the endorser and SPeCifieS no PartiCUIar payee. Also, a

com mon means of en dors ing bills of lad ing daw n to the order of

the shipper. The bills are en dorsed "For..." (See Bill of Ladi ng,

Order). 空白背书

11. e ndorsed Sig n (a CheqUe or bill of excha nge) on the back to make it

PayabIe to some on eother tha n the Stated Payee or to accept

resp on SibiIity for Pay ing it 背书

12. cargo receipt IS a receipt Of cargo for ShiPme nt by a COn SOlidatOr
