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这里的汉语原文有两层意思。第一层意思是关于该厂 生产的产品,第二层意思是关于产品特点。如果直译 成英文便是:The factory can produce various types of buttons for coats, suits, fashions, shirts and sweaters. The products have a complete range of specifications and their designs are upto-date.这样的翻译在行文上很松散,“various new types”几个词语非常浓缩地揉进第一句当中, 以简化繁,使译文简洁明了。
1.客观准确、翔实生动 2.条理清晰,层次分明 3.流畅简洁,富于美感
Our company makes a point of observing contracts and maintaining our commercial integrity, and warmly welcomes entrepreneurs from both home and abroad to have business talks with us.
For three consecutive years since 1990, our company has been listed as one of the top 30 enterprises among China’s 500 largest foreign trade companies in importexport volumes.
例4 原文: 我公司坚持“以质量和信誉取胜”的方针, 实行平等互利的政策,参考国际习惯作法, 重合同、守信用,积极发展与世界各地厂商 的贸易往来。 译文: “Quality and prestige first” is our principle. Equality and mutual benefit is our policy. We aim to develop business with traders all over the world. We comply with contracts and keep promises according to international practice.
本例中,原文是汉语中的典型表达方式,而英译文也 是英语中惯用的表达方式。大家都知道,汉语中喜欢 用四字短语,但英文中则在绝大多数情况下很难找到 与汉语四字短语相对应的表达方式。其实,汉英翻译 时,对这些汉语中的四字短语,完全可以使用英语中 的某一个词语来表达。例如:“色彩艳丽”以 “colorful”译出即可。翻译时大可不必将它们一一 翻译出来。这是汉英翻译中我们一定要好好把握的重 点所在。
1、地理位置 原文:中山大学三个校区分别坐落在珠江之畔、 南海之滨,总面积达5.05平方公里。南校区树木 葱茏,绿草如茵;北校区林路蔓蔓,曲径通幽; 珠海校区依山面海,景色宜人,均是不可多得的 读书治学的胜境。 译文:Zhongshan University has three campuses which cover a total area of 5.05 square kilometers. South Campus and North Campus are located south and north of the Pearl River, while Zhuhai Campus lies to the west of the South China Sea. All three are beautiful campuses with avenues of green trees and patches of lush grass, providing pleasant environment for study and research.
点评 诸如“进入前30位”之类的表达在企业宣传材料当 中出现的频率是很高的,如何翻译这一表达是需要译 者颇费斟酌的,尤其是如何翻译这里的“进入”一词。 要翻译好这个词,必须考虑它同后面的“前30位”之 间的搭配,再在英语中找出合适的表达方式。这里译 者将其翻译成“has been listed as one of the top 30 enterprises” 充分传达了原文之意,也是地 道的英语表达。
wk.baidu.com 点评
本例中的原文使用了一连串赞美词语如树木葱茏,绿草如茵等。 如果将这些词语依次译出,英译文就显得啰嗦。因此,译者采 用了省略与重组的方法,将赞美词语进行简化翻译:漂亮的校 园有一条条林荫道和一片片草坪,是学习和研究的怡人之地。 这样既突出了重点,也符合网络介绍性资料的特点和要求。
► 2 、历史:学校创建于 1951 年,对外经济贸易大学
例5 原文:
公司年产150万至180万双鞋,远销美 国、加拿大、东南亚以及中国香港等40 多个国家和地区。
The company’s annual output of shoes ranges from 1.5 to 1.8 million pairs. These have been exported to more than 40 countries and regions such as America, Canada, Southeast Asia, and China’s Hong Kong SAR.
已经发展成为一所拥有经、管、法、文、理五大门 类等优势专业为学科特色的多科性财经外语类大学。 校训: “博学,诚信,求索,笃行” ► The University of International Business and Economics, founded in 1951, is a multi-disciplinary and national key university with economics, management, law, literature and science as its core academic areas of expertise. Since its foundation, the university has been steadfast in living up to its motto of “Erudition, Honesty, Endeavor and Perfection” through constant diligence and innovation.
With global headquarters in Detroit, GM manufactures its cars and trucks in 33 countries. In 2005, 9.17 million GM cars and trucks were sold globally under the following brand: Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, GMC, GM Daewoo, Holden, Hummer, Opel, Pontiac, Saab, Saturn and Vauxhall.
通用汽车的的全球总部坐落在底特律, 迄今在全球33个国家 建立了汽车制造业务。2005年,通用汽车在全球售出917万 辆轿车和卡车。通用汽车旗下的轿车和卡车品牌包括:别克、 凯迪拉克、雪佛兰、GMC、通用大宇、霍顿、悍马、欧宝、 庞蒂亚克、萨博、土星和沃豪。
原文: 自1990年起,公司已连续三年在中国 进出口额最大的500家外贸企业中进 入前30位。
例2 原文: 我司经营的品种中有举世闻名的贝雕工艺品;色彩 艳丽、种类繁多的人造花卉;令人爱不释手的小工 艺品;体态生动活泼的各式玩具;款式新颖、穿着 舒适的各种工艺鞋;稀有名贵的钻石珠宝;技艺精 湛、巧夺天工的玉石雕刻;格调高雅的抽纱工艺品。 译文:
Our famous products include carvings, a variety of colorful artificial flowers, small arts and crafts articles, lively toys, fashionable and comfortable shoes, rare jewelry, meticulous jade carvings and sophisticated embroideries.
► 4、影响与前景:学校在与国外大学的交流合
作上处于领军地位,目前,已与超过120所著 名大学和研究机构建立合作交流关系。 plays a leading role in the development of international alliance with universities around the world. Currently, UIBE has established partnerships with over 120 overseas universities and international organizations.
例3 原文:
该厂能生产大衣、西装、时装、衬衣、毛衣 等不同类型服装用的上千花色品种的钮扣, 产品规格齐全、品种繁多、造型新颖。
The factory can produce various new types of buttons in thousands of different designs coats, suits, fashions, shirts and sweaters.
学校简介属于事业单位宣 根据纽马克对文本的分类, 传广告的一种。学校简介 企业宣传材料属于号召型 的潜在目的就是吸引更多 文本。 的人报考该校,从而弘扬 作为以呼唤功能为主,同 学校的名声,使得学校有 时兼有信息功能的文本, 更好的发展。 企业单位宣传材料一方面 学校简介多属于说明性文 不完全追求最贴近的自然 字,语言平实,文体的正 对等语,另一方面也不像 式程度较高,属于信息型 科技翻译那样,强调语义 和诱导型功能的文本。 上的对等。
► 3 、学科状况:目前,学校下设研究生院及 16 个学
院,并设有思政部、体育部和文化艺术教学部;开 设 1440 余门本科课程, 1000 余门研究生课程及 100 余门博士课程。

At present, UIBE consists of 16 academic schools,a Graduate School and a Department of Ideological and political Education,a department of sport,a culture and art education department. Offering over 1440 undergraduate courses, 1000 postgraduate courses, and 100 doctoral courses.
事业的成败在于人,生产出优秀的产品之前,首先培养优秀的人才 ,公司极为重视对人的培养和教育,事实证明,在企业经营方针的 指导下,全体员工具有一种精神的凝聚力,公司的每一项活动都是 围绕培养人而展开的。
The quality of staff is the key to success. Without Well-trained qualified workers, there are no high-quality products. This belief keeps our company giving the first priority to staff-training and staff-education. It has proved that the company’s operating policy can unite all staff in spirit. The company’s central task lies in how to train employees.