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本设计计划在红枫湖设置250台潜流推流曝气机,在白花湖设置63台潜流推流曝气机用丁水湖底曝气循环净化,预计有害藻类的去除率可达86%。在两湖修建的生态公园预计净化效果:COD去除率达26% , SS去除率达44% , BOD去除率达38% : TP、TN去除率约达20%。在两湖进行底泥疏挖,可有效的去除了底泥内的重金届元素,并且防止它们向湖水上层扩散。


Ecological restoration management design scheme of a lake

Guo li 090204206

(The department of chemical and environmental engineering of Wuhan Polytechnic University , Wuhan Hubei


Abstract: in this paper, the design of the object is located in Guiyang city in guizhou red maple lake and lake flowers. Based on sediment pollution is serious, as well as sewage and industrial wastewater discharged into lake without deep processing of the rolls, nitrogen and phosphorus concentration is high, lead to lake and related government authorities in organizing basin's centralized disposal of sewage discharged into the lake body again, investment vigorously construction of sewage treatment plants, to strict supervision, into more water could be truncated exogenous from the root. Firstly ,itPut forward by using the method of mechanicaldredge sediment removal of heavy metal elements such as long-term savings. Second application aeration in lake body circulation purification system, mainly inhibits the proliferation of microcystis algae release toxic substances. The application of main technology for water purification ecological park, high purification efficiency of purification at the same time also reduces the cost.

This design plan to set 250 units undercurrent push flow aerator in red maple lake, in setting 63 undercurrent push flow aerators baihua lake bottom is used for water circulation purification, expect harmful algae removal rate can reach 86%. Ecological park built in on purifying effect is expected: COD removal rate was 26%, and the removal rate of SS was 44%, and the BOD removal rate was 38%, and TP, TN removal rate is about 20%. In two lakes sediment ShuWa, can be effective in addition to the sediment of heavy metal elements, and to prevent their spread to the upper lake.

Key words: Keywords: lake eutrophication; Sediment ShuWa; Aeration; Ecological park to repair


1. 前言 (4)

1.1设计背景 (4)

1.2设计目的 (4)

1.3设计原则 (4)

1.4设计依据 (5)

2. 湖泊的概况及其主要的生态问题............................................. .5

2.1两湖的概况........................................................... .5

2.2两湖存在的主要生态问题................................................ .5

3 .生态修复设计方案的工艺设计分析.......................................... .6

3.1底泥疏浚工程的选用依据................................................ .6 3.2曝气循环净化系统的选用依据 ...................................... .. (6)

3.3生态公园水培净化选用依据 (7)

4湖泊修复的主要工程措施及规模........................................... (7)

4.1底泥疏挖........................................................... . (7)

4.2周边工厂和生活废水的污水处理..................................... . (10)

4.3循环曝气净化系统................................................. . (10)

5 .湖泊修复的生态措施一一生态公园水培净化................................ ..13

5.1生态公园水培净化系统脱氮除磷的净化机理........................... (13)

5.2建设的生态公园的结构............................................... . (15)

5.3预计净化效果..................................................... (15)

5.4成本与经济效益预估............................................... . (15)

6. 施工与预算............................................................. .16

6.1生态公园水培净化系统施工预算..................................... . (16)

6.2底泥疏挖工程预算 (17)

6.3曝气循环净化系统的工程预算 (19)

7. 设计总结与谢辞....................................................... (19)

7.1本次设计内容的评价 (19)

7.2结论 (20)

7.3谢辞 (20)

8参考文献................................................................ .21
