



1. Which letter comes next? A C F J .

A .H

B .M

C .O D.Q

(C)2. From what number can you take half and leave nothing?

A. 1

B. 9


D. 5

(B) 3. What dog never barks?

A. big dog B. hot dog C. small dog D. red dog

(C) 4. Mr. White has two sons, and each of them has a sister. How many children does he have?

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. four

(B) 5. What three letters make a man of a boy?

A. old

B. age

C. boy

D. mum

(A)6. In what mouth do woman talk the least

A. February

B. September

C. January

D. June

7. I meet three men on a bus. A speaks English. C only talks whit B. b can speak Chinese and English. What dose C speak?


(C)8. The words he gives on the computer is above my head.

A 一目了然

B 终于醒悟

C 无法理解

D 头脑发昏

(A)9. I don't like going after the dog.

A 在人背后

B 无事生非 C滔滔不绝 D 当着她面

(C)10. He is going after the dog.

A. 拦截

B. 玩

C. 追逐

D. 戏弄

(D)11. You can play with Bill. He is not in the same class.

A.他与你不是同班 B他是个生手 C他棒极了 D他不是你的对手

(C)12. He’ll succeed because he’s always at his books.

A学识渊博 B博览群书 C刻苦学习 D意志坚强

(B)13. He is the out fish of water.

A离开水的鱼 B不和群 C需要水的鱼 D水中鱼

(B)14. The little boy runs and runs until he blue in the face.

A浑身发热 B筋疲力尽 C鼻青脸肿 D精神焕发

(A) 15. Ten to ten the train will be late.

A很可能 B十分之一 C十二点五十 D十比一

(b)16. I don’t like Mr. Chan. He is an old woman.

A老太婆 B喜欢啰嗦的人 C没妻子的老头 D女人气的男人

(D) 17. If I go to see my uncle, I can read his books .It’s in two twos.

A一分为二 B一文不名 C三心二意 D一举两得


18 would you show me the map, please? Apple

19 I arrived home long before you. Melon

20 A thief stole money and a computer last night. Lemon


1. From what number can you take half and leave nothing?

2. What two words have thousands of letters in them?

3. What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?

4. What kind of dog never bites?

5. Where does afternoon always come before morning?

6. What is pronounced like one letter, written with three letters, and belongs to all animals?

7. What number gets bigger when you turn it upside down?

8. What has two legs but can't walk?

1, 8 2, dictionary 3, sixth 4, hotdog 5, nowhere 6, eye 7, 6


____ is greater than God.

____ is more evil than the Devil.

The poor have ____.

The rich need ____.

If you eat ____, you will die.

Nothing is greater than God.

Nothing is more evil than the Devil.

The poor have nothing.

The rich need nothing.

If you eat nothing, you will die.


1. You can't do it. You can turn to Ann for help.


2. There are a hundred and one books in this small room.

(a lot of)

3. He has a family of three.

(There are three people in his family)

4. -- All right. Let me do it.

-- That's the boy!

(Good boy!)


Peter was a small boy. He lived with his parents in a small house near some hills. The people there were all poor.One night it was very dry and windy.When everybody was asleep, Peter suddenly heard some noise. It came out from the kitchen (厨房). He got up and walked to the kitchen. He found that the wood beside the stove (火炉) was burning . There was no water tap (水龙头) in the house , so he could not put out (扑灭) the fire . He shouted loudly to wake up everyone in the house. Then he ran out of his house and knocked on the doors of many houses to wake the people up. They all left their houses quickly. At last the fire was put out by the firemen. Many houses were burnt. But nobody was burnt in the fire.

1.Peter lived with his______.

A.sisters B.brothers C.uncles D.parents

2.One night he found that______ beside the stove was burning.

A.the table B.the wood C.the door D.the window

3.______, so he could not put out the fire.

A.Everybody was asleep B.He couldn't shout loudly

C.The kitchen was very big D.there was no water tap in the house

4.Peter knocked on the doors of many houses______.

A.to wake the people up B.to get some water

C.to find his classmates D.to visit them


小升初英语模拟卷 姓名: 等第: I.选择填空 ( ) 1. --- Why is ___________ young lady busy all day? --- Because she has ___________ one-year-old baby. A. a, the B. the, a C. the, an D. a, an ( ) 2. He makes his class ______, so he always makes the students _______. A. interesting … laughing B. interested …laugh C. interesting…laugh D. interested … to laugh ( ) 3. ---I’d rather have some wine, if you don’t mind. ---________. A. No, you’d better not B. Not at all, anything you want C. Thank you all the same D. Yes, but not good ( ) 4. --- Shall we have a picnic after this exam? --- ________. A. Yes, We shall. B. No, we shan’t. C.I think so. D. Why not? ( ) 5. --- How can I get to Shuren International School? --- You can take Bus No.72 and ____________ at Chahar Road. A. get it off B. get off it C. get it down D. get down it ( ) 6. --- What kind of food would you like to have? --- _________ but Japanese. --- How about Korean, then? A. Anything B. Something C. Everything D. Nothing ( ) 7. --- Why do we listen to the radio? --- To get information on the air. --- _________. --- You are right. A. Do you m ean “ on the plane”? B. Oh, I see. Then we can know more about the world. C. Why not get information in the air? D. So we can get information on the radio. ( ) 8. The police caught the man _________ Jim Brown yesterday, who ______ some malls before. A. was called, had stolen B. was named, robbed C. named, had robbed D. called, stole ( ) 9. ---Do you feel like taking a walk in the park? ---________. A. You may ask your brother to go, too B. Yes, but I can’t afford the time C. No, I’m really not in the mood for it this evening D. No, I’d like it ( ) 10. --- How long can I _________ the book from the library? ---As _______ as you like. A. borrow, long B. get, soon C. lend, soon D. keep, long II. 完形填空 Antarctica is the continent which is the most southern area of land on the Earth and is


整式的乘除计算训练(1) 1. )2()(b a b a -++- 2. (x+2)(y+3)-(x+1)(y-2) 3. 22)2)(2(y y x y x ++- 4. x(x -2)-(x+5)(x -5) 5. ?? ? ??+-??? ??--y x y x 224 6. )94)(32)(23(22x y x y y x +--- 7. ()()3`122122++-+a a 8. ()()()2112+--+x x x 9. (x -3y)(x+3y)-(x -3y)2 10. 23(1)(1)(21)x x x +--- 11. 22)23()23(y x y x --+ 12. 22)()(y x y x -+ 13. 0.125100×8100 14. 30 022)2(21)x (4554---÷??? ??--π-+??? ??-÷??? ?? 15. (1211200622 332141 )()()()-?+---- 16—19题用乘法公式计算 16.999×1001 17.1992- 18.298 19.2010200820092?- 20.化简求值:)4)(12()12(2+-+-a a a ,其中2-=a 。 21. 化简求值2(2)2()()2(3)x y x y x y y x y +--++-,其中12,2 x y =-=。 22. 5(x -1)(x +3)-2(x -5)(x -2) 23. (a -b )(a 2+ab +b 2) 24. (3y +2)(y -4)-3(y -2)(y -3) 25. a (b -c )+b (c -a )+c (a -b ) 26. (-2mn 2)2-4mn 3(mn +1) 27. 3xy (-2x )3·(-41y 2)2 28. (-x -2)(x +2) 29. 5×108·(3×102) 30. (x -3y )(x +3y )-(x -3y )2 31. (a +b -c )(a -b -c )


初中英语阅读理解练习题 A friend of mine was fond of drawing horse. He drew the horses very well,but he always began the tail. Now it is the Western rule to begin at the head of the horse, that is why I was surprised. It struck me that it could not really make any difference whether the artist begins at the head or the tail or the belly(肚子)or the foot of the horse, if he really knows his business. And most great artists who really know their business do not follow other people’s rule.They make their own rules. Every one of them does his work in a way peculiar(奇特的) to himself; and the peculiarity means only that he finds it more easy to work in that way. Now the very same thing is true to literature(文学). And the question, "How shall I begin?" only means that you want to begin at the head instead of beginning at the tail or somewhere else. That is, you are not yet experienced(有经验的) enough to trust to your own powers. When you become more experienced you will never ask the question, and I think that you will often begin at the tail --that is to say, you will write the end of the story before you have even thought of the beginning. 1. A friend of the writer’s drew the horses ____. A. very well B. in the way of western rule C. in the way of his own rule D. all of the above 2. The writer was surprised because ____. A. the artist began to draw at the head of the horse B. the artist began to draw at the tail of the horse C. the artist made his own rule D. the artist did not follow other people’s rule 3. You are not yet experienced because ____. A. you don’t know where to begin B. you want to begin at the head instead of beginning at the tail


计算机网络复习题---综合题专项训练 1.某校园网网络拓扑如下图所示: 请解答以下问题: (1)若将192.168.1.192/26划分为3个子网。其中第一个子网容纳25台主机,另外两个子网分别容纳10台主机。请按照子网序号顺序进行网络地址分配,写出规划方案(给出子网网络地址和子网掩码,192=11000000,224=11100000,240=11110000)(6分)。 (2)若该网络使用上述地址,边界路由器应该具备什么功能(1分)?为保证外网能够访问到该网络内的服务器,那么应该在边界路由器上对服务器地址进行什么样的处理(1分)? (3)为达到对数据包进入该网络时进行过滤检测以确定此包是否包含有威胁网络安全特征的目的,同时检测到恶意数据包时,系统不仅发出警报还要采取相应阻断攻击的措施,那么应在该网络中添加何种设备(1分),该设备部署在位置1、位置2和位置3的哪里最为合适(1分)?

2、现有四个基站进行CDMA通信。已知其中三个基站的码片序列为:A (00011011),B(00101110),C(01011100),D未知。现在A和D发送1,B 发送0,C未发送数据,根据接收端收到的码片序列:S(-1 +1 -3 +1 -1 -3 +1 +1),请推导出D基站的码片序列。 3、某一网络地址块192.168.75.0中有5台主机A、B、C、D和E,它们的IP地址及子网掩码如下表所示。 主机 IP地址子网掩码 A B C D E [问题1](2分) 5台主机A、B、C、D、E分属几个网段?哪些主机位于同一网段? [问题2](2分) 主机C的网络地址为多少? [问题3](2分) 若要加入第六台主机F,使它能与主机D属于同一网段,其IP地址范围是多少? [问题4](2分) 若在网络中另加入一台主机,其IP地址设为192.168.75.164,它的广播地址是多少?哪些主机能够收到? [问题5](2分) 若在该网络地址块中采用VLAN技术划分子网,何种设备能实现VLAN之间的数据转发?


【南外小升初真题分析】 1、考试基本信息 时长:90分钟 满分:150分 特征:全英文试卷、内容广泛、题量很大 (扩展:90左右的空需要学生解答) 题型:英语、数学、百科 (扩展:按小类算,应用题、推理题、首字母填空、填单词、语文常识、自然景观类常识,含课本内容) 出题形式:填空、选择 补充:1、2012年,数学相关分值有70分以上 2、每空或每题基本1~2分 3、纯英文阅读理解3~4篇,分值约40分左右 2、模块特征 a、英语模块试题特点 ①读占比最大 (扩展:备战考试,多阅读,多做题,注意问题里面的一些引导关键词) ②儿歌、对话填空是高频考点 (扩展:尤其儿歌多引用自课本) b、数学模块试题特点 ①每题分值最多 (扩展:分值大于其他类型的题,数学一般都是2分) ②题目灵活,考点广泛 ③不同于奥数,难度分布均匀 说完特征,另外讲了几道题,主要是数字和图形的推理。用老师的话讲,尤其图形的推理,直接看图都能了解各大概(不过还是要注意,问的问题中可能有肯定和否定的区别,是要我们选符合题意的还是找到不符合题意的,这个在图形题中容易出错)数学推理这一块,老师建议如果是找规律,实在找不着一定要转换思路,讲座上就出了一条根据一个长串数字中各个阿拉伯数字的个数填下一个数字的题,这个就是跳出思维,和加减乘除无关的题。 主讲的梁天祥老师,之前做过公务员的培训,他在讲座上讲了这样一句话,给偶滴感触很大得很,“中考、高考有特有的应试思路、四六级有独有的应试思路、公务员也必须调整备考思路、南外的小升初考试也一样要转换思维” c、百科模块试题特点 ①考点广泛 ②文学自然是高频考点 (扩展:语文常识作者什么的,名建筑、朝代、首都、河流、曾考到新街口标志性建筑孙中山雕像,上海南京高铁多长时间等,当然还有说是考到龙江到哪儿的车是几路的,听


英语练习题: {关键字:speak ,say, talk ,tell的区别;a little,little,a few,few的区别;in front of ,in the front of的区别;put on,take off,get dressed,dress,wear的区别。} 一、speak ,say, talk ,tell的区别: speak主要指说社么语言于方式 如:She speaks English. 她说英语。 say主要指说话的内容 如:"I am a teacher."he says. 他说:“我是一名教师." talk主要指于什么人说话和谈论什么事情,一般和to,with,about连用 如:He likes talking to/with me. 他喜欢和我谈话 He is talking about learning English. 他正在谈论关于学许英语得事情 tell主要指告诉的内容,也可一和to连用 如:He tells me a secret. 他告诉我一个秘密。 也可以说He tells a secret to me. 一、用speak ,say, talk ,tell填空。 1.Did you ____ at the meeting? 2.What did you ___ at the meeting? 3.Can you ____ it in English? 4. I can ____ English. 5.She often _____us stories. 6.He often ____, "I'm good at everything." 7.What are you ____ about? 8.Reporters like ____ to people. 9.Have you ever _____ to foreigners? Keys: 1.speak 2.say 3.say 4.speak 5.tells 6.says 7.talking 8. talking 9. spoken 二、a little,little,a few,few的区别: a little + 不可数名词“有点儿……” little + 不可数名词“没多少……了”或“几乎没有……” 同理: a few + 复数名词“有几个……”


中考数学综合专题训练【几何综合题】(几何)精品解析 在中考中,几何综合题主要考察了利用图形变换(平移、旋转、轴对称)证明线段、角的数量关系及动态几何问题。学生通常需要在熟悉基本几何图形及其辅助线添加的基础上,将几何综合题目分解为基本问题,转化为基本图形或者可与基本图形、方法类比,从而使问题得到解决。 在解决几何综合题时,重点在思路,在老师讲解及学生解题时,对于较复杂的图形,根据题目叙述重复绘图过程可以帮助学生分解出基本条件和图形,将新题目与已有经验建立联系从而找到思路,之后绘制思路流程图往往能够帮助学生把握题目的脉络;在做完题之后,注重解题反思,总结题目中的基本图形及辅助线添加方法,将题目归类整理;对于典型的题目,可以解析题目条件,通过拓展题目条件或改变条件,给出题目的变式,从而对于题目及相应方法有更深入的理解。同时,在授课过程中,将同一类型的几何综合题成组出现,分析讲解,对学生积累对图形的“感觉”有一定帮助。 一.考试说明要求 图形与证明中要求:会用归纳和类比进行简单的推理。 图形的认识中要求:会运用几何图形的相关知识和方法(两点之间的距离,等腰三角形、等边三角形、直角三角形的知识,全等三角形的知识和方法,平行四边形的知识,矩形、菱形和正方形的知识,直角三角形的性质,圆的性质)解决有关问题;能运用三角函数解决与直角三角形相关的简单实际问题;能综合运用几何知识解决与圆周角有关的问题;能解决与切线有关的问题。 图形与变换中要求:能运用轴对称、平移、旋转的知识解决简单问题。 二.基本图形及辅助线 解决几何综合题,是需要厚积而薄发,所谓的“几何感觉”,是建立在足够的知识积累的基础上的,熟悉基本图形及常用的辅助线,在遇到特定条件时能够及时联想到对应的模型,找到“新”问题与“旧”模型间的关联,明确努力方向,才能进一步综合应用数学知识来解决问题。在中档几何题目教学中注重对基本图形及辅助线的积累是非常必要的。 举例: 1、与相似及圆有关的基本图形


17.计算:(1) (-5)×2+20÷(-4) (2) -32-[-5+(10-0.6÷5 3)÷(-3)2] 18.解方程:(1) 7x -8=5x +4 (2) 163 23221-?=+-b b b 19.先化简,后求值:2(x 2y +xy )-3(x 2y -xy )-4x 2y ,其中x =1,y =-1 20.若a 、b 互为相反数,c 、d 互为倒数,m 的绝对值是3,n 在有理数王国里既不是正数也不是负数,求)()()(201322012 d c b a n cd m m b a ++++-++的值 17.(16分) 计算:(1)-17-(-23)+(-13)-(+23) (2) 12)1216143(?-- (3)2 20122013)2()41(4-÷?

(4)21(14---)2×35--÷(2 1-)3. 18.计算(8分)(1)(2a -1)+2(1-a ); (2)3 (3x +2)- 2(3+x ). 19.(6分) 解方程:(1)13)12(3-=-x x (2)231 221=--+x x 20.(6分)先化简.再求值. -2(ab -a 2)-3ab -1+(6ab -2a 2),其中a =1,b =-1. 19. 152 18()263 ?-+ 20. 2 232)(--- 21. 431 (1)(1)3(22)2 -+-÷?- 22. 744-+-x x 四.解下列方程(每题5分,共15分). 23. 5x 3-= 24. 5476-=-x x 25. 212 132 x x -+=+

五.先化简,再求值(本题6分) 26.222225(3)(3)2a b ab ab a b ab --++,其中2 1=a ,3b =. 19计算(1). 5)4()16(12--+-- (2). 21119 41836???? --+÷- ? ????? (3) (4).42 1 1(10.5)2(3)3??---??--?? (4) )32(4)8(2 222-+--+-xy y x y x xy (5) 5ab 2-[a 2b +2(a 2b -3ab 2)] 21(8分)先化简求值:()()2221234,,1 2 x y xy x y xy x y x y +---==-其中 9221441254-???? ??-÷?--


饶平二中高三地理综合题训练3 班级座号姓名得分 1.读关于广东省珠江三角洲经济区的图文资料,回答问题。 珠江三角洲经济区是全国社会经济发展最为快捷的地区之一,但其内部各县市的经济发展水平以及交通、环保等基础设施存在差异。 1982年、2010年广东省珠江三角洲经济区人口分级图 (注:图中标出地名的6市为中部地区,其东面的7个县市为东部地区,其西面的11个县市为西部地区) 珠江三角洲经济区人口增长主要依靠自然增长还是机械增长?分析该地区这类人口增长的正负效应。 2.阅读图文资料并结合所学知识,完成下列要求。 新疆轮台(位置见下图)盛产小白杏。原来,杏肉食用,杏核弃之。某年,浙江义乌某瓜子商经反复试验,研究出炒制此种杏核的方法,其杏仁口味上佳。此后,该瓜子商从轮台大量收购杏核,在义乌炒制后出口美国。由此,小白杏成为轮台重要的农产品之一。

(1)评价轮台种植瓜果的自然条件。 3.读“某区域等高线地形图”,回答下列问题。 (1)为解决港口用电,计划在C处或D处利用水力发电,试选取一处进行合理性评价。 (2)规划在E或F地建一个石化工业区,哪一个更为合理?试分析原因。 4.阅读图文材料,完成下列问题。 据湖北省教育厅透露,武汉目前在校大学生的数量超过100万人,在校大学生数量在世界城市中排第一。2009年武汉东湖开发区被列为国家自主创新示范区。下图为武汉部分大学分布示意图。



解比例练习题 一、应用题 1、用同样的方砖铺地,铺20平方米要320块,如果铺4 2平方米,要用多少块方砖? 20:320=42:x 20x=320*42 20x= 2、一间教室,用面积是0.16平方米的方砖铺地,需要2 75块,如果用面积是0.25平方米的方砖铺地,需要方砖多少块? 3、建筑工地原来用4辆汽车,每天运土60立方米,如果用6辆同样的汽车来运,每天可以运土多少立方米? 4我国发射的人造地球卫星绕地球运行3周约3.6小时,运行20周约需多少小时? 5一辆汽车从甲地开往乙地,3.5小时行了全程的,照这样计算,行完全程要几小时?

6、一种铁丝,7.5米长重3千克,现在有19.5米长的这种铁丝,重多少千克? 7、汽车在高速公路上3小时行240千米,照这样计算,5小时行多少千米? 8、修一条公路,4天修了200米,照这样计算,又修了6天,又修了多少米? 9、小明读一本书,每天读12页,8天可以读完。如果每天多读4页,几天可以读完? 10、小华看一本240页的小说,4天看了64页,照这样计算,看完这本书还需多少天? 11、今春分配给学校一些植树任务,每天栽200棵6天可以完成任务,现在需要4天完成任务,实际每天比原计划多栽多少棵? 12、农场用3辆拖拉机耕地,每天共耕225公顷,照这样速度,用5辆同样拖拉机,每天共耕地多少公顷?

13、一艘轮船,从甲地从开往乙地,每小时航行20千米,12小时到达,从乙地返回甲地时,每小时多航行4千米,几小时可以到达? 14、100千克黄豆可以榨油13千克,照这样计算,要榨豆油6.5吨,需黄豆多少吨? 15学校计划买54张桌子,每张30元,如果这笔钱买椅子,可以买90张,每张椅子多少钱? 16、一对互相咬合的齿轮,主动轮有20个齿,每分钟转60转,如果要使从动轮每分钟转40转,从动轮的齿数应是多少? 17、把3米长的竹竿直立在地面上,测得影长1.2米,同时测得一根旗杆的影长为4.8米,求旗杆的高是多少米? 18、李师傅计划生产450个零件,工作8小时后还差33 0个零件没有完成,照这样速度,共要几小时完成任务?


英语语法专练第一部分冠词 1.Is there “s”in the end of the word? A.an B.a C.the D. / 2.Mr. Wang is ___ _honest man. A.an B.a C.the D. / 3.He is ____university student. A.a B.an C.the D. / 4. __ book is very useful. I bought it from unknown little town. A. A, a B.The, a C.The, the D.The, an 5. _________________________ ___girl in ___Grade three is tallest in our school. A.The, the, the B.A, a, a C.The, ×, the D.A, ×, a 6. ___ moon moves around _____ e arth,and they both are smaller than sun. A.The, an, a B.A, the, the C. ×, ×, × D.The, the, the 7. She was playing _ piano then. A.a B./ C.the D.an 8. ___ young should care for __ old. A.The, a B.The, the C.A, a D.A, the 9. _______________ The city lies on Yangtzi River. A.the B.a C./ D.an 10. ___________________ H e doesn ' t have lunch at home. A.a B.the C./ D.that 第二部分名词 1.Is there _ on that plate? There are under that tree. a. some chicken b.any chicken c.some chickens d.any chickens 2. ______________ We need two to repair the table. a. block of woods b.blocks of wood c.block of wood d.blocks of woods 3. __________ We know doesn't travel so fast as light. a.sound b.sounds c.a sound d.the sound 4. _______________ There are sixty in our school. a.woman teacher b.women teachers C.woman teachers d.women teacher 5. _______________________ Miss Smith is a friend of . a.Mary 's mother 's b.Mary 's mother c.mother 's of Mary d.Mary mother 's 第三部分数词 1. ___________________________________________________________ He always wanted to have ___of books and he has recently bought four ________________. a.hundred,hundred b.hundreds,hundred


一数综合练习 1、琳琳左边有12个人,右边有8个人,从左边移()个人到琳琳的右边,琳琳就站在中间了。 2、小明有16本书,送给幼儿园后,还剩6本,送给幼儿园多少本? 3、在马路的两边各插了8面彩旗,一共插了多少面彩旗? 4、写一个数,使它的个位比十位多3,这个数是()。 5、在16这个数中,个位上的数是(),表示()个(),十位上的数是(),表示()个()。 6、在1 7、3、5、10、11、7、20中,比10大的数有(),比10小的数有()。 7、我们上下楼梯都要靠()行。 8、小红看一本书,前两天看了19页,第三天从第()页看起。 小红看一本书,第一天看10页,第二天看8页,第三天从第()页看起。 9、18再添上()就是2个十,是()。 13去掉()就是1个十。 18里面有()个一。 10、一个数比13大,比17小,这个数可能是()。 一个数比13大,比17小,而且是双数,这个数可能是()。 一个数比13大,比17小,而且是单数,这个数可能是()。 11、东东和小明看一本页数相同的书,小明看了11页,东东看了8页,谁剩下的页数

多?( ) 12、把0——9按从小到大的顺序排列,从0开始数,第7个数是( )。 儿童乐园 1、碰碰车:7元 小火车:4元 木马:5元 轮船:8元 小红玩两次,一共用了12元,可能是哪两样? □+□=□ □+□=□ 夏明玩三次,最少花了( )钱,最多花了( )钱。 2、把下面算式按得数按从小到大的顺序排列 10-4、 13-5、 8+7、 0+9、 20-10、 19-1 < < < < < 3、 、 最后的我前面有( )人。 □ ○□=□ 4、苹果比梨多( )个,桃比苹果少( )个,梨比桃多( )个. 去掉( )个苹果,去掉( )个梨,三种水果的个数就同样多.


数学题1: 一个等边六边形的房子一角拴着一条狗,六边形变长为1m,栓狗绳长2m,狗绕着房子行走,它能走出多少面积?(圆周率取3) 数学题2: 求数字题,A,B,C是3个不同的自然数;其中 B+C=10; AB +CA ___ DBD 问:A,B,C各是什么数 数学3 Mary今年的年龄是弟弟的2倍,爸爸的年龄是Mary的2倍,22年后,爸爸的年龄是弟弟的2倍,问Mary今年几岁? 数学题4: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7=100加入四个加号使等式成立。 数学题5: 老师叫学生们到黑板上写数字,每个学生所写数字是前面所写数之和。老师写下第一个数1,Tom第二个上去,Peter最后一个上去写的是1000,请问Tom不可能写的数字是: A: 249 B: 299 C: 499 D: 999 数学6 某农场有一种动物,它的数目至少是马的1/5,至多是猪的1/6。马与该动物的数目和为23,问猪有几只?

A)22; B)23; C)24; D)25。 数学题7: 在空白圈内填入5、7、9、11,使三角形各个边之和相等。 数学8 求△ABC的面积 数学题9: (找规律) A C F H K M __ 数学题10: 有一个复印机,可以按照原文件的200%、125%、100%、75%、50%、10%的比例缩放,复印机的100%、75%、50%这三个缩放按钮坏了,杰克想按原文件大小复印一份相同的文件,每调整按钮一次就要投币一元。问他至少要花多少钱才能打印出来? 数学11 在9点到10点间,分针与时针3个顶点所构成的等腰三角形,问这时是几时几分?

A:9:36 B:9:38 C:9:40 D:9:42 数学题12: 马至少跳多少步到达P 数学题13: 下面的三角形被任意分成5份,请问涂色部分面积? 数学题14: 2 1 3 4 7 7 7 6 10 2。。中位数(median)为A,众数(mode)为B,问B-A=?数学题15: 圆上三点ABC,BC=6,半径R=5,求三角形ABC的最大面积.

第4讲 精练习题 高效作业

(建议用时:45分钟) 一、选择题 1.(2020·湖北荆、荆、襄、宜四地七校联盟高三联考)启蒙学者们认为,按照他们的思想推翻封建统治之后,一切“迷信、偏私、特权和压迫必将为永恒的真理,为永恒的正义,为基于自然的平等和不可剥夺的人权所排挤。”可是,事实却完全出乎他们的意料之外。在这种历史背景下产生的文艺作品是() A.《红与黑》B.《人间喜剧》 C.《老人与海》D.《巴黎圣母院》 解析:选D。由材料“事实却完全出乎他们的意料之外”表明是对启蒙学者理想王国的失望,这是浪漫主义文学产生的背景,《巴黎圣母院》典型地表现了浪漫主义文学的特征,故选D项。 2.(2020·南宁二模)一位诗人在其文学创作中,回顾了法国大革命,想到了卢梭、伏尔泰等号召人民推翻封建暴政;缅怀了意大利古代光荣的历史,提到了但丁、彼特拉克、薄伽丘等意大利著名作家。材料表明这位诗人() A.反对肤浅的抒情 B.擅长现实主义的创作手法 C.追求理想的世界 D.强调文艺创作应遵从理性 解析:选C。根据材料“回顾了法国大革命,想到了卢梭、伏尔泰等号召人民推翻封建暴政;缅怀了意大利古代光荣的历史,提到了但丁、彼特拉克、薄伽丘等意大利著名作家”可知,这位诗人属于浪漫主义流派,浪漫主义对启蒙思想家设想的“理性王国”深感失望,努力寻找新的精神寄托,追求理想世界,故选C项。

3.(2020·河南高考适应性考试)法国大革命前的画家与小说家,或着墨于父子关系的紧张,或从“父亲不在”写起,不啻对“父亲的权力”打了一个大问号。而革命时代的立法诸公,就是在这种文艺氛围之下成长起来的。材料表明() A.法国文人皆反对封建专制制度 B.文艺对法国大革命的积极影响 C.文艺作品是大革命的思想根源 D.文艺家已成为大革命的领导者 解析:选B。“革命时代的立法诸公,就是在这种文艺氛围之下成长起来的”体现了文艺作品对法国大革命的积极影响,故选B项;题中所述现象并不能代表所有法国文人,排除A项;法国大革命的思想根源启蒙思想,排除C项;材料论述的是革命时代的“立法诸公”受到文学的影响,不能说明文艺家已成为大革命的领导者,排除D项。 4.(2020·滨州高三期末)法国大革命时期的画家大卫的作品风格是“考古式地真实再现当时的情景”,他创作出《马拉之死》(雅各宾派的核心领导人)、《拿破仑加冕》等作品,被誉为“历史的见证者”。这表明大卫的作品() A.深受现代主义影响 B.推动历史革命进程的发展 C.反映社会重大题材 D.属于浪漫主义美术的范畴 解析:选C。根据“法国大革命时期”“马拉”“拿破仑”等信息可知,大卫的作品反映了法国大革命和拿破仑时期的重要历史事件和人物,属于新古典主义美术作品,故选C 项。 5.(2020·广东五校协作体联考)18至19世纪,欧美作家笔下“地球是人类的母亲”“动物是人类的朋友”等,“他们谋求一种隐喻以把好的纯朴的自然状态与(假设的)邪恶的人类行动和科学工业世界的败落及世界观相对比”。这些作品主要表达() A.对科学发展的期盼B.对理性社会的追求 C.对自然风光的向往D.对西方文明的忧虑 解析:选D。由材料并结合所学知识可知,18到19世纪欧美各国开始工业革命,自然环境也开始遭到破坏,所以一些作家借作品表达对西方文明的忧虑,故D项正确;作家的认识也是感性的,他们并没有对工业发展与环境保护进行深入思考,因此不会涉及科学发展问题,故A项错误;材料中作家只是对工业革命下自然状态的破坏感到担忧,并没有提出


初中英语测试题(全套含答案) 一.单项填空 1.I don't think Mary and Sue before, ? [ ] A.have met;haven't they B.have met;have they C.have seen;do I D.have seen;don't they 2.As your spoken English gets better, your written English. [ ] A.so does B.so will C.such does D.such will 3.If you don't go, I. [ ] A.so do B.so will C.nor do D.neither shall 4.I still remember being taken for the first time a rainy evening to the village where my mother was born. [ ] A.in B.atC.on D.during 5.—Jack is a hard working boy. —. [ ] A.this B.Nor is he C.So he is D.Neither he is 6.How do you find to work with him? [ ] A.this B.that C.it D.your self 7.It's nice me with my lessons. [ ] A.of you to help B.for you to help C.of you helping D.for you helping 8.His “Selected Words”in his thirties. [ ] A.have been written B.has been written C.were written D.was written 9.Mary ill for a week.She is still in hospital. [ ] A.has been B.has fallen C.was D.fell 10.—will his birthday be? ----In a week. [ ] A.How far B.How long C.How soon D.How often 11.There are only two assistants in that shop. [ ] A.woman;shoe B.women;shoe C.woman;shoes D.women;shoes 12.The Whites are holiday,but Idon't know where they have gone their holidays. [ ]


初四英语练习题U1---U4 一、单词拼写 1. Without my p__________. don’t touch my things. 2. You should exercise more so as to keep e_____________. 3. C___________ people aren’t afaid of speak in public. 4. Mary doesn’t study hard so he feels a____________ before exam. 5. Be careful of the dog .it’s a____________. Keep away from it. 6. They greeted him with many e____________ of pleasure. 7. A machine is made of m_________. 8.One c______ means a period of 100 years. 9.An a_________ Chinese legend told us that tea was invented by the Chinese. 10. Tea t________ very delicious. 11. Most people are a___________ raising the price of oil. 12. Do you know who d______________America? 13. Lei feng is an i_____________ to us all. We should learn from him. 14. R__________waste paper and books is very important. 15. Using less energy or water s_____________ our money. 二、选择填空 1. His friends all say he is easy to _______________. A. get along B. get on C. get along with D. get alone 2. What are you doing now?please join us in the game. Sorry, I am so busy. If I ___________ time, I ___________ join you. A. have, will B. have, would C. had, would D. had, will 3. Xiao li said she would rather ____________ join us. A. did not B. to not C. not D. not to 4. We believe scientists will ____________ a way to solve the promlems of air pollution. A. set off B. put off s C. come up with D. catch up with 5. The sick boy _____________ to hospital by the police yesterday. A. is taken B. was taken C. takes D. took 6. Could you tell me ___________________________ A. what’s wrong with you B. what wrong with you is C. what was wrong with you D. what wrong with you was 7. What ____________ this time yesterday? A. happened to him B. was happened on him C. was happening to him D. is happening on hin 8. There will not be enough space to _____________ the earth in the future A. live on B. live in C. live on in D. live in on 9. I feel that zoo ___________ a clean ang safe place ______________animals. A. provide, for B. give, for C. provide, with D. provide, to 10. Two days _________ enough for me to finish the work. I need ____________ day. A. aren’t, a third B. isn’t, a third C aren’t, the third D isn’n’t, the third 11. I have no paper ___________ A. to write on B. to write with C. to writing D. written 12. When jack arrived, he learned mary ____________ for almost an hour. A. had gone B. has set off C. had left D. had been away.
