牛津英语上海版四年级下册M1U1 备课教案

牛津英语上海版四年级下册M1U1 备课教案
牛津英语上海版四年级下册M1U1 备课教案

2016-02-23 4BM1U1

I. 词汇

1. 核心词汇/词组

watermelon grape plum cherry strawberry juice a glass of

2. 其他词汇

名词(noun) n.

vine yard

动词(verb) v.

smell taste guess close have like think want 形容词(adjective) adj.

right crunchy round nice sweet sour sunny

代词(pronoun) porn.

one s ome these those you your this


or and

3. 扩展词【引导语:对感谢的回答】

not at all


例句:A: Thank you very much! B: Not at all! (You are welcome!)

A: Thanks for helping me. B: Not at all! I enjoy it.

2. 客套话,“没什么;哪里哪里”

例句:A: You are very kind./It’s very kind of you!B: Not at all.

3. 道歉,“没关系”

例句:A: I’m sorry, I’m late.B: Oh, not at all, come in please!

4. 表示否定(是No的加强说法),意为“一点也不;完全不”

例句:A: Are you busy? B: Not at all.

A: Is it difficult to study English? B: Not at all!

A: Would you mind looking after my cat? B: Not at all! I’ll be happy to.

5. 变形式not… at all “一点也不……” 常用在否定句中,加强语气

例句:We don’t speak English at all after class.

They are not sweet at all.

The grapes are not sweet at all.


apple 苹果peach 桃子pear 梨orange 橘子,橙子

banana 香蕉lemon 柠檬mango 芒果pineapple 菠萝

II. 语法

名词(noun) n. 是表示人,事物或抽象概念的词。


例如:Hemingway海明威Russia 俄罗斯New York 纽约United Nations联合国,再

如:Hong Kong香港, China中国, Bill Clinton比尔克林顿, Jia Zhen


一类是零冠词,如Yale University,Beijing Railway station, XXX primary school是由专有名词+普通名词组成,往往为并列关系。

另一类属于带冠词,如The United States联合国,The Great Wall长城,由形容词+普通名词组成

普通名词:分为可数名词和不可数名词,其中可数名词又有单数和复数两种形式。如:watermelon, grape, plum, cherry, strawberry, vine 均属于可数名词的单数形式,它们的复数形式分别为watermelons, grapes, plums, , , 。而不可数名词是没有复数形式的,若要表示复数,就要借助数量词。如,juice,some juice, a glass of watermelon juice, two glass es of cherry juice. 类似的词还有people(人,人们),three people, a lot of people,water水, paper纸注, food食物, fruit水果, snow雪, homework家庭作业, ice冰, tea 茶, rice米, milk牛奶, hair头发, bread面包, wind风, sand沙, weather天气,clothes衣服……[注papers是文件的意思,和paper是不同的词]

其他注意:(1) 当名词修饰名词时,前置名词通常用单数形式,如,watermelon juice, tool box… (2)fruit属于集合名词(表示人或事物的总和)为不可数名词,但指代个别水果或种类是也可作为可数名词,如,a fruit(单个水果),类似的还有people。


动词(verb) v.是表示动作或状态的词,有人称和数的变化。

write, walk, drink, smile, talk, be

形容词(adjective) adj. 用来描写或修饰名词、代词的一类词,一般置于其所修饰的名词、代词之前

great, good, sweet, smooth

代词(pronoun) porn.是代替名词词组的词另授

we, his, all,


and, because, or, if


from, in, between, on, after

重点句式:选择疑问句:Is it … or…? 及其回答It’s…




动词v.是表示动作或状态的词,有人称和数的变化。动词的人称和数一般必须与主语的人称和数一致。比如I have an apple. He has a pear. They are playing football.


(1)be动词是最基本的连系动词,(联系动词是一个连接主语和表示主语身份、性质、状态的动词,通常其后必须接名词或形容词作表语)。表示感觉的动词可以是连系动词,如feel,taste,smell,sound等。The watermelon smells nice. The strawberries tastes sweet.

(2)Have意为“有,拥有”时,时一个实意动词(表示具体意义的动词),其一般现在时的第三人称单数为has, 否定形式为haven’t, hasn’t, 其疑问形式是把have/has

置于主语之前;比如Have you eat your cake? 疑问形式的另一种表达方式是don’t have, doesn’t have, 在疑问句中将助动词do放在主语之前,比如Do you have your book? Dose he eat the cake?

其他例句:What do you have? What have you?

I have a glass of watermelon juice.

(3)助动词do本身无词汇意义,在句中不能单独使用,要与实意动词原形一起使用构成否定和疑问结构,其一般现在时的第三人称为dose。如,What do you like?

Does the fox like the grapes? How does the red apple taste?

(4)情态动词can本身有词汇意义,但在句中不能单独使用,需要与实意动词的原形一起使用。如,Can you guess? She can play basketball.

代词pron. 是替代名词词组的词,大体可分为以下八类:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、相互代词、指示代词、疑问代词和不定代词。

(1)`人称代词表示人称范畴,有人称、性别、格和数之分,主格往往作主语,如I, he, she, they.宾格往往用作宾语(用在及物动词或介词之后);物主代词表示所有关系,her, my, theirs, his. 即代表人称代词的所有格,用在名词之前时具有形容词功能,因此



例句:These/Those grapes are sout.(形容词性)

What’s this/that, Danny?(名词性)

These/Those are sour grapes.(名词性)


a) 不定代词some,既可以指人,又可以指物,通常用于表示不定数量,意为“几个,




I have some fruit.(形容词性,作定语)

I have some。(名词性,作宾语)

Some are purple; some are green.(名词性,作主语)

b) 不定代词one指代可数名词单数,既可指人,又可指物。Ones是代词one的复数


How about the green one?

Do you like red ones or green ones?

连词conj.是连接单词、短语或句子的一种虚词,在句中不能单独作句子成分。and 与or 是简单连词,也成为并列连词,用以连接并列的单词、短语或句子。Or用在疑问句中构成选择疑问句(提供两种或两种以上的情况共对方选择),前面的选择部分用升调,最后的的选择部分用降调。一下是两种选择疑问句:


Is it a peach or an apple?

Do you like red ones or green ones?

B. 特殊疑问句+选择部分

Who can eat the grapes,the bird or the fox?

无论哪种选择疑问句,都必须作具体回答,而不能以yes/no来回答,回答常用省略形式。如:—Is it cherry juice or watermelon juice?

—It’s watermelon juice。


(1)A red apple for you and a green apple for me.

A red apple for you or a green apple for you.

(2)Do you like apples and green apples?

Do you like red apples or green apples?






状语:说明事物发生的时间,地点,原因,目的,结果方式, 条件或伴随情况,程度等情况的词叫状语。状语可以由副词, 短语以及从句来担任。

找出下列句中的主谓宾:My father is a farmer.

Lily is a student.

He had lunch this morning. The cat likes fish.

I can understand the meaning.


英语笔记 (四、五年级) 目录 1.音标……………………………………………………………………(P1-6) 2.反义词…………………………………………………………………(P7) 3.人称代词………………………………………………………………(P8) 4.动名词…………………………………………………………………(P9) 5.可数名词的复数变化形式……………………………………………(P10) 6.星期和月份的词汇……………………………………………………(P11) 7.基数词和序数词的用法………………………………………………(P12) 8.to be 句型……………………………………………………………(P13) 9.含有have/has的句型…………………………………………………(P14) 10.can句型…………………………………………………………………(P15) 11.there be 句型……………………………………………………………(P16) 12.祈使句……………………………………………………………………(P17) 13.to do 句型………………………………………………………………(P18) 14.改写句子1-----否定句……………………………………………………(P19) 15.改写句子2-----一般疑问句及肯定、否定回答…………………………(P20) 16.改写句子3----特殊疑问句………………………………………………(P21) 17.…………………………………………(P ) 18.…………………………………………(P ) 19.…………………………………………(P ) 20.…………………………………………(P ) 21.…………………………………………(P ) 22.…………………………………………(P ) 23.…………………………………………(P ) 24.…………………………………………(P )


授课日期时间主题定语从句知识点复习 学习目标1.复习限制性定语从句三要素,梳理和复习定语从句的基本知识及解题技巧。 2.弄清限制性和非限制性定语从句的区别和基本解题技巧。 3.定语从句中常犯错误总结。 教学内容 1、上次课后巩固作业复习; 2、互动探索 教学建议: 1. 询问一下学生是否熟悉“She”这首歌,以及这首歌的演唱者; (背景简介:Groove Coverage,中文译为舞动精灵王族,是德国新晋乐队,以其混合多种元素的舞曲风格迅速走红,驰名全欧。自2019年一首在网络上颇为受欢迎的英文舞曲God Is A Girl红遍全国各地。该舞曲幕后团体、来自德国的二人电子舞曲组合成为了继黑眼豆豆后,又一支在华拥有巨大影响力的舞曲组 合。) 2. 歌词如下:朗读(如果能演唱出来是最好的)并简单解释,让学生格外留意粗斜标红处; 3. 通过这些内容旨在借助流行音乐激发学生兴趣来导出本节课要学习的语法定语从句。

(Chorus)She is the one that you never forget She is the heaven-sent angel you met Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl She is so pretty all over the world She puts the rhythm, the beat in the drum She comes in the morning and the evening she's gone Every little hour every second you live Trust in eternity that's what she gives 定语从句 【知识梳理1】定语从句的概念 修饰某一名词或者代词的从句叫定语从句(Attributive Clause) The man(who lives next to us)sells vegetable. You must do everything(that I can do). 【知识梳理2】定语从句的分类 1.限制性定语从句:与先行词关系密切,如果没有定语从句,主句不完整,且与先行词之间无逗号。 eg: He asked me a question which was about my study at school.他问了一个有关我在学校学习的问题。如果 后面的定语从句去掉,句子意思显然不完整。 2.非限制性定语从句:对先行词起补充说明作用,如果删除,主句意义仍然完整,与先行词之间有逗号。


上海牛津英语五年级下册语法点整理 动词的形式: 一、动词后面加上ing : ①、现在进行时:表示某个动作正在发生或进行。它的构成方式是:主语+be+动词ing 〔现在分词〕形式,有时会要求自己加上be动词(is, am , are )。句子中经常会出现look, listen, now……等词。 现在进行时的变化 肯定句式:主语+be( am, is, are)+动词ing+其它. 否定句式:主语+be(am, is, are) +not +动词ing+其它. 一般疑问句:Be(am, is, are) +主语+动词ing +其它? 特殊疑问句:疑问词(what , where…)+be(am, is, are)+主语+动词ing +其它?对现在进行时的特殊疑问句的回答,它不可以用Yes或No直接作答,要根据实际情况回答。 练习:1. What are you _________(do) now? I ___________(eat) bread. 2. It’s nine o’clock.. My father_______________(work) in the office. 3. Look, the boy____________(put) the plate on his finger. 4. __________he__________(clean) the classroom? No, he isn’t. He____________(play). 5. Where is Mak? He___________(run) on the grass. 6. Listen, who___________(sing) in the music room? Oh, Mary___________(sing) there. ②like(s), go , do some , 后面的动词加ing. 如:1. I like (play ) football, but my father likes (play) chess. 2.Let’s go (swim). 二、动词后面加s/es. 这就有关一种时态:一般现在时。 一般现在时:表示经常性的事情。 时间状语:often经常, usually通常, always总是,every每个, sometimes有时,at…在几点钟 它的动词变化与主语人称有关,只有肯定句中第三人称单数用动词三单(动词加s/es),其余动词均用原形。在否定句和问句中,因为有助动词do, don’t , does , doesn’t,所以后面的动词用原形。 三单变化:多数在动词后加s play—plays like—likes 以s,x,sh,ch,o结尾的动词加es go—goes wash—washes watch--watches 以辅音字母加y结尾,把y改i再加es fly—flies study—studies 一般现在时的变化: 1、肯定句:主语(非三单)+动原+其它/ 主语(he , she )+动词三单+其它。 2、否定句:主语(非三单)+don’t+动原+其它/ 主语(he , she )+动原+其它。 3、一般疑问句:Do +主语(非三单)+动原+其它/ Does +主语(he, she )+动原+其它。 4、特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词(What, Where …)+do +主语(非三单)+动原+其它 特殊疑问词(What, Where…)+ does +主语(he , she )+动原+其它。 练习:1. We often___________(play) in the playgound. 2. He _________(get) up at six o’clock.


一、阅读改错 A butterfly is an insect. It lays eggs. The eggs are small and white. The eggs become caterpillars. They eat leaves. They make little houses. They are cocoons. They are brown. When the cocoon opens, a butterfly comes out. ( ) 1、The eggs are big and white. ( ) 2、The egg eats leaves. ( ) 3、The cocoons are white. ( ) 4、Butterflies come out of cocoons. ( ) 5、The caterpillars make cocoons. 二、要求写句子 1. There are five birds in the tree. (对画线部分提问) 2. I can see some juice in the bottle. (改成一般疑问句) 3. I like model ships. (改成否定句) 4. There is a cat behind the door. (对画线部分提问) 5. The masks are forty yuan. (对画线部分提问) 6. The boy can play the guitar. (对画线部分提问) 7. I like tiger masks. (对画线部分提问) 三、选择 ( ) 1. They are going to the restaurant by A. a taxi B. the taxi C. taxi ( ) 2. My brother to school at seven o’clock in the morning. A. is going B. go C. goes ( ) 3. Kitty needs uniform for school .A. a B. an C. the ( ) 4. Look! Our classroom is on the __________ . A. second floor B. two floor C. two floors ( ) 5. This doll too old. I need a new A. ones B. one C. that one . ( ) 6. The traffic light . “Stop” ! A. is red man B. red C. is red ( ) 7. ——washes his face at six o’clock in the morning . A. Danny B. Danny and Ben C. They ( ) 8. We like and leaves .A. some fruit B. fruits C. fruit ( ) 9.The are going to the underground statain . A. Lis B. Mr Li C. Li ( ) 10. My birthday is on of January . A. the twenty-first B. the twentieth-first C. the twenty-one 选择对应的回答 ()1、What is this monkey doing? ()2、How much is that ball ? ()3、How is Kitty, Mary ? ()4、What do you like ? ()5、How many children ? A、She is sick today. B、One hundred . C、It’s eating a banana. D、Ninety yuan . E、Bananas . 填进适当的词 1、Ben and his ______ (家庭) are in the sitting-room. 2、There aren’t ______ (一些) sofas in the sitting-room. 3、Now ,follow ______ (我),please. 4、We’re having a Music _______(课). 5、They like (做) model planes. 6、We ______(需要) some flowers and vases. 7、--What do you like? -- I like ______(马).

上海牛津英语高二上Unit1 Translation 翻译练习

Unit 1 A 1.只有信守诺言的人才能赢得他人的信任。(word) 2.尽管身体不好,他还是坚守自己的岗位。(despite) 3.只要继续努力,你想上名牌大学的梦想一定能实现。(dream) 4.他太渴望见到久违的朋友了,以至于无法入眠。(dying) 5.在这特殊的日子里,举办一场晚会来庆祝我们的团聚怎么样?(How about) B 6.他的吸烟开支令我们惊讶不已。(expense) 7.他向父母承诺:即便很忙他也会每隔一周去看望他们一次。(promise) 8.俗话说,玩火者必自焚。(play with) 9.老师的话对我触动很大,我决定努力学习了。(touch) 10.从来没人见过比这更美丽的油画了。(Never before…) C 11.他答应6点来接我,但到现在还没有出现。(pick up) 12.别担心,我们有足够的时间在旅馆登记入住。(check in) 13.我们租好滑雪服和靴子后就按捺不住要尝试滑雪的滋味了。(wait) 14.专家指出,医疗不能代替饮食平衡在保健中的作用。(point out) 15.既然你承认自己错了,我们也就既往不咎了。(since) D 16.老师祝贺我在英语竞赛中取得了成功,这让我很受鼓舞。(congratulate) 17.如果你不将理论与实践结合起来,你的研究将毫无用处。(combine) 18.她没有理会他的粗鲁举动,尽力装作若无其事的样子。(overlook) 19.说实话,第一次与老外交流时我很紧张。(for the first time) 20.我们必须牢记:语言学习要循序渐进。(step by step) E 21.众所周知,奥运会每四年举行一次。(hold) 22.令人担忧的是,假期里孩子们花太多时间看电视。(spend) 23.妈妈很高兴看到我这学期的英语学习取得了巨大的进步。(pleased) 24.只要没有意外事情发生,我们的计划就一定能实施。(definitely) 25.学会用外语与人交流比学习单个词义更重要。(It)


Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 1 Use your eyes! [bl?k] n.大楼,街区 [???d?u] n.阴影;影子 在…前面,在…面前 [fr?nt] a.前面的 [fl?t] n.公寓套房 [‘str?:b?ri] n.草莓 [?t?eri] n.樱桃(树) [pl?m] n.李子 ['du:ri?n] n.榴莲 [raiz] vi.升起 [daun] a./ ad.向下prep.沿着…而下Unit 2 Use your ears! [?kwai?t] a.轻声的;安静的 [?k??ful] a.小心的,仔细的 [?leidi] n.女士,夫人 [??sli:p] a.睡着的 [??weik] a.醒着的 [?h?m?] n.锤,榔头 [?skru:?draiv?] n.螺丝起子 [b?uθ] a.两个…(都),两者的 [?mju:zik?l] a.音乐的 [?instrum?nt] n.仪器,器械,乐器[bi:n] n.豆 [st ri?]n.弦,线 [?empti] a.空的 [??uv?] prep.在…的上方 [?k?b?d] n.(放食物,衣物,碗碟等的)柜橱 [raund] a.圆的v.环(绕) [?:l] a.全部的,所有的(三个或东西以上) Unit 3 Use your hands! [?fl?fi] a.绒毛的 [??aini] a.发光的;磨光的,有光泽的[?pɑ:sl]n.小包,包裹 [?ku??n] n.垫子,坐垫 [t??]n.舌头 [k??rekt] a.正确的;合适的

[wie, wiθ]prep.和,跟,同;具有;用;关于;随着 [?k?ntri] n.国家; [the ~]农村,乡村[l?st] a.失去的 [?aut] v./ n.呼喊,呼叫[seiv] vt.救 [seim] a.相同的 [?difr?nt] a.不同的 ['bin.st?k] n. 豆茎 [?d?ai?nt] n.巨人 [?kɑ:s?l]n.城堡 [?g?uld?n] a.金(黄)色的;金的[gu:s] n.鹅 [sel] v.卖,出售 Module 2 My favourite things Unit 1 Animals in the zoo [?ki:l?u] n.千克,公斤 [k?:n] n.谷物,小麦;玉米[fi:d] vt.喂(养) [hei] n.干草 [left] a.左边的ad.在左边[rait] a./ ad.对(的);右(的) [?p] ad./a. 向上(的) prep. 沿…往上 [??l??]ad. 向前地prep. 沿着[h?u?tel] n.旅馆,宾馆,酒店,饭店[?h?l?di] n.假期,假日,节日[step] n.(脚)步;台阶 [kr?s] v.穿过,交叉 [brɑ:nt?]n.树枝 [ɑ:sk]vt.询问;请求 [sei] v.说 Unit 2 Favourite toys [?p?pit] n.木偶 [?dain?s?:] n.恐龙 [k?m?pju:t?] n.计算机,电脑 Unit 3 At home [pɑ:st]prep./ ad.经过,过[faind] vt.发现 [in?said] ad./ prep.在…里面


单词音标释义单词音标释义autumn ['?:t?m] 秋天swing [swi?]摇摆,秋千rubber ['r?b?] 橡皮balloon [b?'lu:n] 气球colour ['k?l?] 颜色postman ['p?ustm?n] 邮差fisherman ['fi??m?n] 渔民;渔夫building ['bildi?]建筑物present ['preznt] 赠品;礼物toothbrush ['tu:θbr??] 牙刷chopsticks ['t??pstiks] 筷子plate [pleit] 盘子spoon [spu:n] 勺子breakfast ['brekf?st] 早餐umbrella [?m'brel?] 伞queen [kwi:n] 皇后playground ['pleiɡraund] 操场triangle ['trai??ɡl] 三角形library ['laibr?ri] 图书馆shape [?eip] 形状square [skwε?] 正方形、广场sandwich ['s?nwid?] 三明治camera ['k?m?r?] 照相机telephone ['telif?un] 手机、电话pineapple ['pain,?pl] 菠萝strawberry ['str?:b?ri] 草莓skateboard ['skeitb:d] 滑板beautiful ['bju:tiful] 美丽blouse [blauz] (女)短上衣,衬衫quiet ['kwai?t] 安静raindrop ['reindr?p] 雨滴season ['si:z?n] 季节classmate ['klɑ:smeit] 同学dentist ['dentist] 牙医engine ['end?in] 引擎waitress ['weitris] 女服务员branch [brɑ:nt?] 树枝sharp [?ɑ:p] 尖锐地shoulder ['??uld?] 肩strong [str??] 强壮bookshop ['buk??p] 书店chocolate ['t??k?lit] 巧克力climb [klaim] 爬coffee ['k?fi] 咖啡exercise ['eks?saiz] 练习fountain ['fauntin] 喷水池rectangle ['rek,t??ɡl] 长方形sunglasses ['s?n,ɡlɑ:siz] 太阳眼镜supermarket ['sju:p?,mɑ:kit] 超市answer ['ɑ:ns?,] 答案question ['kwest??n] 问题rubbish ['r?bi?] 垃圾blind [blaind] 瞎的blunt [bl?nt] 钝的hamburger ['h?mb?:ɡ?] 汉堡包kitchen ['kit?in] 厨房bathroom ['bɑ:θrum]浴室restaurant ['rest?r??]餐馆

【小学 五年级英语】上海版牛津英语5B教案 共(35页)

【小学五年级英语】上海版牛津英语5B教案共(35 页) Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 1 Use your eyes~ The First Period Teaching aims: 1. Words: shadow, rise, high, 2. Structures: Where is the shadow? Language Focus: The prep. Difficult Points: Asking about the position. Teaching aids: tape a doll a light cards PROCEDURES CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSES I. Pre – task: 1. behind, in T--Ps(Show the Review the prep.and Revision: front of cards) the position. 2. beside next to near II. While-task 1.shadow T(show the doll T: Show the Presentation: under the light) shadow‘s changing T- Pa- Pb during a day. T (show how to shadow change 2.Look and read during a day) 2.Ps(Listen to the Ps: Learn to use prep. tape) To inducate position. 3.Pa – Pb (Listen


1. 音标……………………………………………………………………(P1-6) 2. 反义词…………………………………………………………………(P7) 3. 人称代词………………………………………………………………(P8) 4. 动名词…………………………………………………………………(P9) 5. 可数名词的复数变化形式……………………………………………(P10)
6. 《 7. 星期和月份的词汇……………………………………………………(P11) 8. 基数词和序数词的用法………………………………………………(P12) 9. to be 句型……………………………………………………………(P13) 10. 含有 have/has 的句型…………………………………………………(P14) 11. can 句型…………………………………………………………………(P15) 12. there be 句型……………………………………………………………(P16) 13. 祈使句……………………………………………………………………(P17) 14. to do 句型………………………………………………………………(P18)
15. 。 16. 改写句子 1-----否定句……………………………………………………(P19) 17. 改写句子 2-----一般疑问句及肯定、否定回答…………………………(P20) 18. 改写句子 3----特殊疑问句………………………………………………(P21)
…………………………………………(P )
…………………………………………(P )
…………………………………………(P )
…………………………………………(P )
…………………………………………(P )
24. &
…………………………………………(P )
…………………………………………(P )
…………………………………………(P )


(一) ? 1.为了保持健康,他每天早起,且每天至少做20分钟的运动。(in order to) ? 2.为了期中考试考好,我必须认真仔细复习我所学过的知识。(so that) ? 3.即使工作做为教师很辛苦,但我仍然喜欢它。(even though) ? 4.尽管Anna 升职了,但她仍然感到很不开心。(despite) ? 5.一旦你做出承诺,你就必须信守诺言。(keep one’s word) ? 6.尽管遇到一些困难,最终她还是提前完成了任务。(in spite of;manage) ?7.他在这篇论文中提及到这个问题,但没有做深入分析。(refer) ?8.无论我们做什么,我们都应将理论与实践相结合。(combine) ?9.Mingming 昨天被他的老师批评了(criticize),因为他被抓到在考试中作弊。(be caught cheating) ?10.如果你方便的话,请帮我在书店买一本有关儿童教育的书。(convenient) 答案:(一) 1. In order to keep healthy(fit),he gets up early and does at least 20 minutes of exercise every day. 2. I must go over (review) what I have learned carefully so that I can do well in the middle exam. 3. Even though working as a teacher is very difficult/hard, I still enjoy it. 4. Despite Anna’s promotion, she still felt unhappy. 5. Once you have made a promise, you must keep your word. 6. In spite of some difficulties, she still managed to finish the task in advance. 7. He referred to the problem in this essay(paper),but (he)didn’t make a deeper analysis of it. 8. No matter what /whatever we do, we should combine theory with practice. 9. Mingming was criticized by his teacher yesterday, because he was caught cheating in the exam.


5B-M1-单词 杂乱mess /mes/ 笔记本notebook /'n??tb?k/ 我的mine /ma?n/ 刷子brush /br??/ 颜料paints /peints/ 蜡笔crayon /?kre??n/ 胶带tape /te?p/ 胶水glue /glu?/ 谁的whose /hu?z/ 放put /p?t/ 整齐的, 整理tidy /'ta?d?/ 沙发sofa /'s??f?/ 手套gloves /gl?vz/ 围巾scarf /skɑ?f/ 石头stone /st??n/ 有魔力的magic /'m?d??k/ 钉子,指 甲nail /ne?l/ 工作间workshop /'w??k??p/ 磁铁magnet /?m?ɡn?t/ 是(过去式) was /w?z/ 蝴蝶butterfly /'b?t?fla?/ 蛹cocoon /k?'ku?n/小狗puppy /'p?p?/ 小鸭子duckling /'d?kl??/飞蛾moth /m?θ/ 周四Thursday /'θ??zde?/ 曾经once /w?ns/ 海龟turtle /'t??t(?)l/ 是(are过 去式) were /w?/ 卵,蛋egg /eg/ 小鸡chick /t??k/ 昆虫insect /'?nsekt/ 蚕丝silk /s?lk/ 翅膀wing /w??/ 周六Saturday /?s?t?d?/ 出生born /b??n/ 抓catch /k?t?/ 生长grow /gr??/ 毛毛虫caterpillar /'k?t?p?l?/ 鸡,鸡肉chicken /'t??k?n/ 有趣的interesting /??ntr?st??/蚕silkworm /'s?lkw??m/下蛋,产 卵lay /le?/ 周三Wednesday /?wenzd?/ 尾巴tail /te?l/ 钻机drill /dr?l/


牛津英语上海版四年级上册知识点整理 Module1 Getting to know you Unit 1 Meeting new people 生词: eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen new morning classmate her name sit afternoon his 句型:My/His/Her name is ... Nice to meet you. See you. He’s/She’s ... (age) This is my... Good morning/afternoon 语法:形容词性物主代词 my, her, his, your 在英语中有物主代词,它可以分成名词性的和形容词性的。形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,置于名词前,在句子中用于修饰名词,做定语,后面必须跟一个名词。例如:This is my brother. His name is Tom. 这是我的哥哥。他叫汤姆。形容词性物主代词有人称和数的变化, 单数形式:my我的,your你的,his /her/its他的、她的、它的。复数形式:our(我们的),your(你们的),their(他们的)。Unit2 Can you swim? 生词:run fast fly draw read write swim jump welcome but skate dance cat mouse bird rabbit fish elephant 句型:I/He/She/Kitty/My sister can... I/He/She can’t… Can you/he/she…? What can you/he/she do? Welcome to Super Show. A fish can swim. An elephant can ran fast. 语法: 1. 情态动词can 意思是“会,能”,表示会做某事。 句子结构:肯定句:主语 + can + do(动词原形) 否定句:主语 + can + not + do(动词原形) 一般疑问句:Can you/he/she/they run fast? 特殊疑问句:What can you/he/she/they do? 例如:My friend can ride a bicycle. I can’t swim. My brother can hear the bird. I can’t draw flowers. 注:can 的否定有两种书写形式 ca n’t 和 cannot 2. 连词 but But 是个表示转折关系的并列连词,意思是“但是,然而”。例如: I can run, but I can’t swim. 我会跑但是我不会游泳。My sister can sing, but she can’t dance. 我妹妹会唱歌但是不会游Unit3 Are you happy? 生词: happy hungry thirsty sad full tired bird see drink


上海市牛津版英语高二下Unit6知识梳理 Unit 6 Problems and solutions 知识要点梳理 V ocabulary cosmetics n.化妆品face cream 面霜persuasive adj.有说服力的;令人信服的 advertising n.做广告campaign n.运动anti-ageing adj.看衰老的 present v.呈现packaging n.包装材料double v. 加倍;是...的两倍 poison v.使中毒blind v.使失明force-feed v.强迫进食 injection n.注射drip v.滴入amazing adj.令人惊奇的;令人惊喜的 unconventional 不因循守旧;新奇的principle n.规则 revolutionize v.改革limitation n.局限;缺陷recycle v.回收利用 refill v.再装满unique adj.独一无二的;独特的campaign v.开展运动 remarkably adv.不寻常地;突出地alternative adj.供选择的global adj.全球的 publicity n.公众的注意;媒体的注意hold v.举办;进行publicize v.宣传 pro-environment adj.支持保护环境的substance n.物质take the lead 带头 make up 组成tube n.软管wrapper n.包装材料

transport v.运输;运送cardboard n.卡纸板end up 结束;告终landfill n.垃圾填埋地take up 占去;占据stink v.发恶臭 leak v. 漏;透carton n.硬纸盒appropriate adj.合适的;恰当的 sort v. 整理;把....分类process v.加工do one`s part 尽自己的职责 句型 1.It promises that your dreams will come true if you use a certain type of shampoo or face cream. 2.In 1991,Germany took the lead by requiring companies to recycle the packaging used for their goods. 3.She thought it was immoral to make false promises about the qualities of her cosmetics. 语法:独立主语结构 语言点解读 I.key words 重点单词 1.cosmetics n. Lipstick and hair conditioner are cosmetics. 口红和护发素都是化妆品。 2.Persuasive adj. The argument he presented was so persuasive that the manager agreed to reconsider his proposal. 他的理由很有说服力,所以经理同意重新考虑他的提议。


5B Module 1 Unit2 Watch it grow 教学内容: 教时安排: The first period 教学内容: 认知内容: Using the key words in context. 能力要求:能用所学的单词正确表述动物的不同成长阶段。 情感态度:能正确掌握动物的不同成长阶段。 教学过程:

The second period 教学内容: 认知内容: 1. Using the simple past tense to talk about past states. 2. Using the simple present tense to talk about present states.

3. Using adjectives to describe some insects and animals. 能力要求:学会用所学的句型表达昆虫和动物的不同成长阶段。 情感态度:通过学生之间相互交流,培养学生运用所所学的语言正确表达昆虫和动物的不同成长阶段。 教学过程:

The third period 教学内容: 认知内容: 1. Using the simple past tense to talk about past states. 2. Using the simple present tense to talk about present states. 能力要求:学会正确表述事物的变化。 情感态度:通过学习,培养学生之间相互交流的能力,同时让学生积极主动地运用所学的语言,表达动物和昆虫的变化成长过程。 教学过程:


Module1 Getting to know you Unit1 My birthday 生词: first second third fourth fifth sixth 音标: e e_e ee ea /i:/ she these bee sea me Chinese sweet read i y /i/ it drill easy happy this fish very early 语法: When is your birthday? It ’son the...of January/February/March/April/May/June/July/August/September/October/ November/December. Unit2 My way to school 生词: taxi underground zebra crossing traffic lights pavement 音标: e a ea /e/ bed any head pet many bread a /? / dad apple back black 语法 : How do you come to school? I come to school... Unit3 My future 生词: worker pilot farmer cook shop assistant 音标: /p/p pick map/t/t taste fruit /b/b book job/d/d date bad k kite work /k/c cook picnic ck clock duck /g/g game big 语法: What do you want to be? I want to be a/an...


My room This is my room. Near the window there is a desk. I often do my homework there. You can see some books, some flowers in a vase (花瓶), a ruler and a pen. On the wall near the desk there is a picture of a cat. There is a clock above the end of my bed. I usually put my football under my bed. Of course there is a chair in front of the desk. I sit there and I can see the trees and roads outside. 根据短文内容,补全下列句子 1. Near the window there is a_________ . 2. There are some____ , some______ in a vase, a____ and a _____ . 3. There is a_______ above the end of my bed. 4. I usually put my______ under my bed. 5. There is a______ in front of the desk. My classmate Tom is my classmate. He is from London in England. But he likes China very much. Now he is in Beijing. He is a little fat. He has a round face and big blue eyes. His hair is not black but yellow. His nose ,mouth and ears are all big. He likes blue. He likes wearing a blue T-shirt and blue jeans. Look at his hand. He has a football in it. We often play football after class. 阅读后做判断,在括号里填入"T"或"F" ( ) 1. Tom is an English boy. ( ) 2. Tom’s hair and eyes are blue. ( ) 3. The boy with big eyes, big ears ,a big nose and a big mouth is LiuT ao. ( ) 4. Tom likes basketball. ( ) 5. Tom’s favorite color is blue. Job Nancy : Who’s that man with a big mouth and two small eyes? Yang Ling: He’s my uncle and he’s a doctor. Nancy: My father is a doctor too. What’s your aunt’s job? Yang Ling: She’s a bus driver. What about your mother? Nancy: She’s an English teacher.
