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1.What the correspondent sent us is an_____news report.We can depend on it. A.Evident B.authentic C.ultimate D.immediate

2.The vast majority of people in any given culture will_____established standards of that culture.

A.confine B.conform C.confront D.confirm

3.Many tourists were_____by the city’s complicated traffic system. A.degraded B.bewildered C.evoked D.diverted

4.Some criminals were printing_____dollar bills until they were arrested. A.decent B.fake C.patent D.suspicious

5.Put on dark glasses or the sun will_____you and you won’t be able to see. A.discern B.distort C.distract D.dazzle

6.Under the present system,state enterprises must_____all profits to the government. A.turn down B.turn up C.turn out D.turn in

7.Some children display an_____curiosity about every new thing they encounter. A.incredible B.infectious C.incompatible D.inaccessible

8.The court considers a financial_____to be an appropriate way of punishing him. A.option B.duty C.obligation D.penalty

9.If you work under a car when repairing it,you often get very_____.

A.waxy B.slippery C.sticky D.greasy

10.In general,matters which lie entirely within state borders are the_____concern of state governments.

A.extinct B.excluding C.excessive D.exclusive

11.In this experiment,they are wakened several times during the night and asked to

report what they_____.

A.had just been dreaming B.have just been dreaming

C.are just dreaming

D.had just dreamt

12.Stop shouting!I can’t hear the football_____.

A.judgement B.interpretation mentary D.explanation

13.I think we need to see an investment_____before we make an expensive mistake. A.guide B.entrepreneur C.consultant D.assessor

14.The people living in these apartments have free_____to that swimming pool. A.access B.excess C.excursion D.recreation

15.We must look beyond_____and assumptions and try to discover what is missing. A.justifications B.illusions C.manifestations D.specifications 16.Now a paper in Science argues that organic chemicals in the rock come mostly from_____on earth

rather than bacteria on Mars.

A.configuration B.constitution C.condemnation D.contamination

17.I think that I committed a_____in asking her because she seemed very upset by my question.

A.blunder B.revenge C.reproach D.scandal

18.The_____on this apartment expires in a year’s time.

A.treaty B.lease C.engagement D.subsidy

19.They had a fierce_____as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship which we broken years ago.

A.debate B.clash C.disagreement D.contest

20.This book will show the readers_____can be used in other contexts.

A.how that they have observed B.that how they have observed

C.how what they have observed

D.that they have observed

21.In our highly technological society,the number of jobs for unskilled worker is_____.

A.shrinking B.obscuring C.altering D.constraining

22.The presidential candidate_____his position by winning several primary elections. A.enforced B.enriched C.intensified D.consolidated

23.I guess Jones didn’t have a chance to win the election.Almost all of the people in the city

voted for his_____.
