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1.I’m considering____________(change) a new job. I will leave my new address in a few days.

2.There were 12 people ___________(kill) in the accident, ____________(include) two babies.

3.The beach is famous, ____________(especial) in summer.

4.What a ____________(thrill) game! The winner was in doubt until the last minute.

5.The village is far from the big city. It looks very ____________(peace).

6.She is a ____________(live) girl. We all like her.

7.He feels like____________(do) morning exercises every day.

8.Would you like____________(drink) some orange juice?

9.The girl felt very ____________(tire) and didn’t want to run any longer.

10.He said he ____________(be) a scientist some day.

11.It’s easy for the young girl ____________(work) out the problem.

12.____________(stand) here too long will make you ____________(tire).

13.I think you are supposed ________(ask) your parents for help when it is __________(need).

14.I would like ____________(travel) to an ____________(excite) place.

15.The MP3 costs only 300 yuan. I think it’s ____________(expensive). I can afford it.

16.We want to take a trip this summer somewhere in ____________(east) China.

17.Our teacher often tells us ____________(not talk) in class.

18.Don’t _________(do) it all by________(you) . Let Helen________(help)you ________(do) it.

19.Here are the ____________(find)of the survey.

20.The book needs ____________(read) again.

21.It’s very ____________(excite) to sail down the river.

22.It is ____________(report) that 200 people were killed in the accident.

23.The classroom was very________(noise) because some students are talking________(noise).

24.___________(like) football, basketball is played with five members on each side.

25.I would rather____________(not eat) anything that’s been___________(cook) in oil.

26.There are many places of____________(interesting) near the city.

27.I hope you and Jim can enjoy____________(you) at the party.

28.He always supports charities because he thinks it’s__________(mean) to help people in need.

29.Old David lives with his family in a small house____________(quiet).

30.We got together to celebrate her grandma’s ____________(ninety) birthday.

31.Keep clean please. It is ____________(correct) to litter there.

32.The bridge that____________( be) built last year is very strong.

33.The books that ____________(be)written by Lu Xun____________(sell) well.

34.What’s the ____________(little) expensive way to travel, by train, by bus or by plane?

35.Daniel is interested in playing computer games and __ ____(chat) with friends on the Internet.

36.So far, this project ____________(help) poor young girls return to school.

37.Can you tell me when he____________(interview) the pop stars? In two days.

38.We’ll have a ____________(discuss)at two this afternoon.

39.The population in China is ____________(increase)very quickly.

40.Whose notebook is this? It must be my____________(uncle).

41.Wearing ____________(ear) is not good for school girls.

42.Try your best and you will ____________(successful).

43.—Grandmother fell down, —please call 120 and get the ____________(medicine) help first.

44.I would wait for the new student to introduce____________(her) to me.

45.There are many books on these____________(shelf).

46.He knows much about history. He is a ____________(knowledge) teacher.

47.Please turn off the lights before____________(leave) the room.

48.He went to school without____________(have) breakfast.

49.You can’t believe him, because he is ____________(honest).

50.He fell____________(sleep) before he took off his clothes.

51.The police caught a man ____________(try) to get into a shop through the window.

52.Our teacher________(give) out the test papers this morning. I am sorry I __________(fail).

53.Meimei plans ____________(travel) in the south of ____________(china).

54.He____________(spend) and hour ____________(read) every morning.

55.Long Zhou wants____________(be) a ____________(profession) ____________(sing).

56.Ming says he has ____________(meet) some____________(wonder) people at eh hospital.

57.I____________(run) out of my money last week. He____________(lend) me some.

58.He also put up some signs_________(ask) for old bikes and ________(ring) up all his friends.

59.Why can’t he stop____________(cry)? Because his grandpa died, he is too sad.

60.They want to help____________(able) soldiers.

61.Lily is a friend of ____________(I), you are one of ____________(I) friends too.

62.My sister and I take turns____________(look after) my sick mother.

63.The movie is so exciting that the boy can’t stop____________(laugh).

64.We __________(ask) not to talk in class.

65.He remained __________(stand)though we asked him to sit down.

66.Japan is a __________(develop) country and India is a__________ county.

67.Potato chips__________(invent) by a man__________(call) George Crum.

68.Tree __________(leaf) begin to fall down when autumn falls.

69.He did the work as__________(care) as most of us.

70.Tea is one of __________(popular) drinks in the world today.

71.He added some__________(salt) on the food but it was still not__________.

72.What do you think is the __________(annoy) invention?

73.Henry Ford was the __________of the car. The car is a very helpful__________(invent).

74.The weather is so __________.I can’t stan d the __________. (heat)

75.Lots of __________(drink) water in our village has__________(pollute)
