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(三)统筹优化水资源配置,加大节水型社会建设力度 Optimizing allocation of water resources, increasing the dynamics of building water-saving society
(四)坚持以人为本,切实解决中南部地区贫困问题 Adhering to People-Centered thinking, and properly resolving the problem of poverty in central and southern regions
健康的身体离不开锻炼美满的家庭离 不开安 全。2021年3月 上午8时23分21.3.108:23Mar ch 1, 2021
• 1、气候变化将加剧宁夏生态系统的脆弱性 Climate change will exacerbate the vulnerability of ecosystem in NX
• 2、气候变化将对宁夏农牧业产生较大影响 Climate change will have great impact on agriculture and animal husbandry in NX
二、宁夏气候影响及风险评估的情景分析 Climate scenarios for impact and risk assessments in NX
(一)气候变化的情景分析及预测 Anaຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduysis and forecasting on climate change scenario
1、宁夏年降水量下降趋势较明显 Downward trend of annual precipitation is obvious
根据自然环境和社会经济发展状况,全区分为北部引黄灌 区、中部干旱带和南部山区三大区域。 According to the natural environment and socio-economic development situation, the region is divided into three areas which include the northern Yellow River Irrigation District, central arid zone and southern mountainous area.
Speeding up the desertification control, building the important ecological security barrier in western China
要我安全是爱护,我要安全是觉悟。, March 01, 2021
卖真品、标真价、送真情。08:23:5508:23:5508:233/1/2021 8:23:55 AM
做好产品包装工作,确保产品最终质 量。21.3.108:23:5508:23Mar- 211-M ar-21
人人把好质量关,经济改入能翻番。08:23:5508:23:5508:23Monday, March 01, 2021
(一)转变经济发展方式,优化能源结构,大力发展低碳经 济
Transforming economic development mode, optimizing the energy structure, vigorously developing low-carbon economy
(二)强化农业基础地位,调整产业结构,促进农牧业可持 续发展
• 3、气候变化将引起水资源分布的变化 Climate change will cause changes in the distribution of water resources
三、宁夏适应气候变化的主要工作和主要思路 Main work and main ideas on adaptation to Climate Change in NX
2、宁夏主要极端天气与气候事件的频率和强度也出现了明 显变化 Significant changes have been reflected in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather and climate events
(二)气候变化风险评估 Climate Change Risk Assessment
Strengthening the position of agriculture as the foundation of the economy, adjusting the industrial structure, promoting sustainable development of agriculture and animal husbandry
宁夏适应气候变化工作思路的汇报 Working Report on adaptation to Climate
Change in Ningxia
宁夏回族自治区发展和改革委 Ningxia Development and Reform Commission
一、宁夏区情概况 Overview of Ningxia region
宁夏是个内陆小省区,地域面积小,人口少,但自然条件 复杂,生态类型多样。 Ningxia is a small land-locked provinces with small area and population, but natural conditions are complex and ecological types are diverse.
质量创造生活,庇护生命,维修系生 存。 1, 2021
环保宣传标语、5S宣传标语。2021年 3月1日 上午8时23分21.
安全管理第一条,遵章守法预防早。2021年3月1日 星期一 上午8时 23分55秒08:23:5521.3.1