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一、.will /shall + 动词原形

1. will 用于第___ ____ ___人称,shall只用于第____人称

eg: I will / shall go to Beijing next week, and he will go to Hongkong.

2. 句型转换:

否定:will/shall + not + 动词原形(will not = won’t )

eg: He won’t go to Hongkong next month.

疑问:will/shall + 主语+ 其它

eg: Will he go to Hongkong next month?

there be 结构: 肯定:There will be ……

一般疑问句:Will there + be …? 否定:There will not (=won’t ) be…. eg: Will there be fewer trees? Yes, there will. / No, there won’t

二. be going to + 动词原形,

1. be动词的形式有____,____,____三种.

eg: She __ going to visit her brother. It ____ going to rain.

I ____ going to visit my brother. They ____ going to have lunch.

2. 句型转换:

否定:be + not

She is not (=isn’t) going to visit her brother.

We are not (=aren’t) going to have lunch.


Is her going to visit her brother?

注意:in + 一段时间(如in three hours”3小时后”)表将来,提问用How soon.

eg: I will come back in five months.(对划线部分提问)

→How soon will you come back ?


1. 表将来要发生的动作或状态,常与一些表将来的时间状语连用.

此类时间状语有:__________________________________________________ eg: He will go to Shanghai tomorrow.他明天将去上海

2. 表即将发生的动作,可以和一个时间短语连用,表已确定的,对将来的安排. eg: They will start off on Monday. 他们准备星期一动身

3. be going to + 动词原形,



eg: I am going to buy a car. 我打算买一辆汽车

Look at the dark clouds, it is going to rain. 看那些乌云,可能要下雨了

4. be about to + 动词原形,表即将发生的动作,一般不和时间状语连用.

eg: Autumn harvest is about to start. 秋收马上就要开始了.

5. 有些表位移的动词,如come, go , leave, arrive等,用现在进行时表将要发生的动作,即:be + doing 表将来

eg: The train is leaving at 11:30 p.m. 火车将在晚上11点30出发.



1. He will work in this factory.

否定: _________________________________ 疑问: _________________________________ 2. The boy will start school on Monday.

否定: _________________________________ 疑问: _________________________________ 3. I will leave tonight.

否定: _________________________________ 疑问: _________________________________ 4. She is going to watch the film.

否定: _________________________________ 疑问: _________________________________ 5. My sister is going to come to Shenzhen.

否定: _________________________________ 疑问: _________________________________ 6. My workmates are going to buy a computer.

否定: _________________________________ 疑问: _________________________________ 7. The little boy is going to be a artist in the future.

否定: _________________________________ 疑问: _________________________________ 8. I am going to work in garden.

否定: _________________________________ 疑问: _________________________________ 9. His friends will come next Sunday.

否定: _________________________________ 疑问: _________________________________ 10. He will write to me.

否定: _________________________________ 疑问: _________________________________ 11. We are going to visit the Great Wall next Summer.

否定: _________________________________ 疑问: _________________________________ 12. She will take part in a party tonight.

否定: _________________________________ 疑问: _________________________________ 13. We will go to the Summer Palace.

否定: _________________________________ 疑问: _________________________________ 14. The Greens will fly to America next week.

否定: _________________________________ 疑问: _________________________________ 15. He will travel in France next year.

否定: _________________________________ 疑问: _________________________________ 16. They will see a doctor tomorrow.

否定: _________________________________ 疑问: _________________________________ 17. Jim will come to see me a moment later.

否定: _________________________________ 疑问: _________________________________ 18. I will be twenty years old next year.

否定: _________________________________ 疑问: _________________________________
