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Module 3

Unit 1


1. that far=so far 那么远

2. glance at 瞥见,看一眼

3. in sight 在视野之内

out of sight 在视野之外

at first sight 第一眼就,即刻的

at sight of…一看见……

lose sight of…不再看见……失去某人的音讯

4. set off 出发,动身

set out to do 着手做……

set aside 把……放在一旁

5. by the time (连词)在……之前

6. feel a rough hand brush her face 觉得有一只粗糙的手拂了一下她的脸

7. feel heart beating with fear 感到心由于自己害怕在砰砰跳,

8. wish for…希望得到……

9. hold her still 使她一动也不动

10. reach out (for)…伸手拿……

11. stare(up) at 盯着看

12. come to one’s aid 前来帮助

13. watch out for 当心……

14.a fog this bad 像这样糟糕的雾

15. pay back 偿还

pay off = be rewarded 得到回报;还清

16.get across the road 穿过马路

17.except in a fog like this 除非在这样的大雾里

18.have…in common 有共同之处

19.hear the sound of footsteps approaching 听到脚步声靠近

20.go adj. 变得……

go hungry 变饿

go bad 变糟

go mad 变疯

21.be related to = be linked to 与……相关

22.a question to be answered 一个要被回答的问题

23.have something / nothing to do with…与……有关/无关

24.make the most of = make the best of =make full use of 充分利用

take advantage of 利用

25.make one’s way to (辛苦地)前进

26.can’t help doing 情不自禁地做某事

27.warm…up 把……加温,使……热心起来

28.get close to 接近……

29.continue doing/ to do 继续做……

30.sweat with fear 吓得出汗

31.all of a sudden=suddenly 突然

32.make progress 取得进步

33.apply various methods to do sth 运用各种各样的方法做某事

34.work out a safe treatment plan 制定一个计划

35.be used to do 被用来做

used to do 过去经常做

be used to doing 习惯做……

36.a chair to sit on 一张用来坐的椅子

a paper to write on 一张可以在上面写字的纸

a pen to write with 一支用来写的钢笔

37.fall asleep 入睡

fall behind 落后于……

fall down 从……落下

fall into a bad habit 养成一个坏习惯

38.offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 主动提供某人某物

provide /supply sb. with sth 提供某人某物

provide sth. for sb. 提供某人某物

supply sth. to sb. 提供给某人某物

39.mainly because 主要因为

40.be known as 作为……而出名

be known for 因……而出名

be known to 被……熟知

41.be fit to do…适合做……

42.be likely to do 可能做……

43.be attracted to sth. 被……所吸引

44.the following tips 以下的建议

45.hit sb. on the nose 打在某人的鼻子上

catch sb. by the arm 抓住某人的手臂

pull the monkey by the tail 拉猴的尾巴

hit sb. on the face 打某人的脸

pat sb. on the shoulder 拍某人的肩膀

46.stick sb. in the eye 刺某人的眼睛

stick to my plan/principle 坚持我的计划/原则

47.sign language 手势语

48.manage to do…经过一番努力成功地做某事

49.be grateful to 感激……

50.in the near future 在不久的将来

51. to one’s surprise 令人惊讶的是

55.last (for) four hours 持续4个小时

56.roll up the paper 卷起这张纸

57.attach sth to sth 把…系到/附到

attach great importance/significance to 重视

58.set the bird loose 松开这只鸟

59.avoid large numbers of people 避免大量的人群

avoid sth/doing

60. reduce the risk of doing/sth 减少…风险
