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Sea sunrise
Blue sky
Green sea
Golden beach
oriental hawaii
Rizhao city was recognized by the United States as one of the most habitable cities in the world in 2009.
太阳广场是日照水运基地的重要景观亮点,是从新市区济南路通往场地的景观轴,也 是整个水上公园的主景观轴,同时还是游人进入公园的最佳视角。在整个景观轴和太 阳广场的设计上,采用简洁的设计手法,设计以“水”为主要创作元素,充分体现水 上运动和时尚的主题。建筑面积9万平方米,可同时容纳游客3万多人。建成之后,将 成为市民休闲、游客观光、大众健身和举办大型演出活动的场所。也是全国首届水上 运动会开幕式、闭幕式的举办地点。
在太阳广场南侧,有一组由弧形钢结构围合而成的景观灯带,称之为“时光 隧道”。它可以通过灯光色彩的流动让人们感受到时空的变幻。全长102米。
The Beach Night
Jin Shan(金山)
TaiGongdao and the third sea beach face each other across the sea. In ordinary times it is a half hidden island under the sea except an escape tower and an island top which is out of the sea. After the ebb, the whole island appear. People can pick up shellfish and try sea fishing on the island.
This is WanPingkouSqua re. Everyone will see it if you come to RiZhao and watch the sea.
Wanpingkou Scenery
Wanpingkou means that ten thousand boats arrive at the port safely. The sand shore is 4 kilometers long, with wide beach, mild wave, and fine sand. It is a good place for stepping waves and swimming.
Today,I will show you something about a beautiful city—RiZhao .
Ri Zhao
1.Histoical and Cultural Celebrities(历史文化名人)
2.Scenic sports(旅游景点) 3.Specialties(特产)
•The lighthouse is the other symbol of RiZhao City, near the Base of the World Sailing Championships(世界帆船 锦标赛) and the Water sports base(水上运动基 地).In the evening,the light shining and the wind from the sea blowing,you must feel comfortable and enjoyable especially in summer,I believe you will fell in love with it .
刘勰(Liu Xie)
Liu Xie Wen Xin Diao Long 刘勰.doc
Jiang Shang
Jiang Tai Gong (姜太公)
Song Ping(宋平)
丁肇中(Dr.Samuel Ting)
RiZhao is a seaside city and famous for its beautiful scenery. Now,I will introduce some interesting places to you.I’m sure you’ll like it.
The Sun Plaza is an important base of landscape water transportation highlights.It is the axis['æ ksis] from the new urban landscape of Jinan Road to the site, but also the water park„s main landscape axis, meanwhile it is the best perspective for visitors to enter the park. In the design of the landscape axis and the square , the designer using simple design techniques.Designed to “water” as the main creative elements, to fully reflect the theme of water sports and fashion. Construction area of 90,000 square meters, it can accommodate more than 30,000 visitors. Once completed, it will become a public leisure tourists, the public health, and organizing large-scale theater activities.It is the venue ([‟venju:]) of the First National Games opening ceremony, closing ceremony. In this summer, ZhangShaohan also came. Sounds great.
The name of Rizaho originates from an old saying“It is the first to get the sunshine”. It is a new rising port city and it is famous for its blue sky,jade sea and golden beach.
日 照 巨 书

The giant book of the word “RiZhao” ,situated in the cliff of HeShan, it is written down to the Guinness Word Records in 1992 , it is the biggest Chinese characters in the world. The word “Ri" is 20 meters length, 17.5 meters wide and the word “Zhao” is 25 meters length, 25.5 meters wide, it is written by Mr. Sun Xin. “日照”巨书两字镌刻于河山百米之 高的悬壁上,于1992年载入吉尼斯 世界大全,是迄今为止汉字摩崖石刻 的世界之最。“日”字长 20 米,宽 17.5 米,“照”字长 25 米,宽 25.5 米,是由我国著名书法家孙鑫 先生题写的。
Sand art and play
Rizhao International Sailing Base completed in 2004 .It is a natural lagoon . It had successfully hosted the competition of the 2005 International Europe Class, the 2006 470 Class Sailboat International Championships, and it is the training base of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games water sports.
The Sun Plaza
The Sun Plaza is the landscape highlights the importance of water transport base.The Square is composed of three parts:land,water stage, large-scale['lɑ:dʒ'skeil] music laser['leizə] fountain. 太阳广场是水运基地的重要景观亮点,由陆上 部分、水上舞台、大型音乐激光喷泉三部分构 成。
•The symbol of RiZhao City
Geographic Location
It is located at the southern百度文库end of Shangdong Peninsula along the middle part of China coastal line. It is close to Qingdao in the north neighbor, Lianyungang in the south and faces Japan and Korea across the sea.
•This is WanPingkouSquare,the picture is the symbol of WanPingkouSquare,includ ing a anchor['æŋkə] and a rudder['rʌdə] .It‟s situated in the middle of WanPingkouSquare,it‟s rather magnificent.Everyone will see it if you come to RiZhao and watch the sea.
Maybe you have never been to Rizhao for a trip, so it is hard to imagine that its air quality is so good that many major national university professors choose to live here. According to News reports,more than 300 professors at Beijing university had bought houses in Professor garden before 2006.The number is increasing for the past few years.
Music fountain on the sea
The Time Tunnel
The TimeTunnel In the south of the Sun Plaza there is a group formed by the arc of the landscape lights steel enclosure zone, known as the "time tunnel." It can flow through the light colors make people feel the changes of time and space. The length is 102 meters.