英语口语句型-level 3

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low/minimum temperature tomorrow will be 12 degrees.
• 6. She is Asian and she has dark skin. • 7. He's black but his skin is relatively light.
• 12. How people look-Is he thin/fat? Does she have shoulderlength hair?
• 5. What costs more, 2 shirts or a pair of pants? 2
this building/moneywall?
shirts cost more.
• 14. what does 25 divided by 5 equal? 25 divided by 5
• 6. What is half of 27? The half of 27 is 13.5.
• 4. Does he play it or just watch it? He just watches • 9. When I play with Summer, I usually win.
iHale Waihona Puke Baidu.
• 10. Last time Summer and i played table tennis, I
• 9. What is a quarter of 30? 10.
Hengshan Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China.
• 10. What is 42 plus 25? 67.
• 3. How many rooms in your apartment? There are 6 • 11. What is 68 less 43? 25.
once/twice/three times a week. • 3. How long do you usually stay at the school? I usually stay at the school for 2 hours.
Module 7
• 1. How does John get to school? He takes the bus to school. • 2. Which musical instrument does Collette play? She plays the violin. • 3. I drive/walk/fly to work/school/Japan. • 4. I take the bus/the metro/a taxi home/here/there. • 5. How many days a week does Bob work? He works five days a week. • 6.Which days does he work/teach? He works/teaches Monday to Friday(or Monday through Friday.) • 7. How long does sandra teach for on Thursdays? She teaches for two and a half hours. • 8.How long do you usually sleep? I usually sleep for 8 hours. • 9. It takes me 3 hours from USA to France.
• 5. Which man is thin and which man is fat? The man on the • 11. The high/maximum temperature yesterday was../The
left is thin, and the man on the right is fat.
Module 2
• 1. What kind of food do Chinese people like? Chinese people like Sweet food. • 2. What is his job? His job is a Receptionist/Cousin/. • 3. What does he like? He likes Badminton/speaking Japanese/likes to watch TV shows on line. • 4. Who does she live with? She lives with her parents. • 5. what is her Mobile phone's brand? The brand is Samsung. • 4. He is married/single/British.
Module 6
• 1.What time do you usually get up/ go to bed/get to work/leave work? • 2. How often do you watch TV/come to the school ? I watch TV/come to the school
Level 3
Module 1
• 1. Where is Max from? Max is from San Francisco. Where does Fiona come from? Fiona comes from Nantong.
• 2. Are you from San Franciso? Yes, I am. No, I am not. I am not from Guangzhou. • 3. Where is San Francisco? San Francisco is in California. • 3. What language does she speak? She speaks English , Janpanese and German. • 4. He is a teacher./He works in a hospital. • 5.Are you married/Chinese? Yes, I am. No, I am not. • 6. Who speaks English. Helen and Tom. Who doesn't speak English? Marry.
likes steak especially. What's your favorite/least durian.
favorite sport? My favorite/least favorite sport is • 7. I am good/ok/not bad/terrible at tennis/table
Module 8
• Same as module 7.
Module 9
• 1. when I was a child, I liked to jump into the leaves in autumn.
• 2. when I am old, I am going to live by the sea.
• 4. What does the old man have on his face? A long, gray beard.
yesterday it was mostly/partly sunny/cloudy. It is going to be humid/dry/foggy/cool/overcast. It rained/snowed yeaterday.
• 2.Will it be hotter/warmer tomorrow? Was yesterday colder/cooler than today? Yes, It will. No, It isn't. Yes. It was. No, It wasn't.
Module 11
• 1.what kind of beef does she especially like? She • 6. I don't really like durian. I hate/can't stand
• 5. I love watermelon. It's my favorite watermelon. I won(lost).
really like strawberries.
Module 12
• 1. What sports or games is she good at? She is good at playing football. • 2. What is his/her phone number? His/her phone number is 64479090. • 3. How much do you like ice cream? I like the ice cream very much./kind of/a little. • 4.What languages or dialects does she/he speak? He/she speaks Shanghai dialect.
rooms in my apartment.
• 12. How much is 60 divided by 4? 15.
• 4. What do two shirts cost? Two shirts cost 10 dollars. • 13. How tall/high/much/far/big/long/wide/thick is
Module 3
• Get familiar with all the Numbers
Module 4
• 1. When is your birthday? My birthday is on Sept.3rd. • 8. What is 8 times 7? 56.
• 2. What is your address? My address is No.922,
striped short-sleeved shirt.
• 9. She has shoulder-length red hair/a mustache/a short blond hair.
• 3. what color is the old man's hair? Gray.
• 10. How is the weather?/what's the weather like? Earlier
• 2. Do you prefer A or B? I prefer A.
• 8. I am a/an good/average/ok/terrible swimmer/
• 3. Why doesn't like Thai food? It's too spicy.?
• 8. what is she wearing? She is wearing a red and white
Module 10
• 1. Have you seen the weather forecast for the day after tomorrow? They said it's going to /It is supposed to/It should be sunny tomorrow.
equals 5.
• 7. what is 25% of 80? The 25% of 80.
Module 5
• 1. What is his/her family name/last name? His/her family name/last name is Fan. • 2. How old is she/he?He is 16 years old. • 3. What does she do? Where does she work? She is a teacher. She works in a Primary School. • 4. Is she/he married?Yes, she is. No, she isn't. • 5. Does she/he have any children? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't. • 6. Is she/he rich?Does she/he have a lot of money?/a high salary?