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①You could choose either half of the pear. 你选择这个梨的哪一半都行。


②We planted trees on either side of the road,=We planted trees on both sides of the road.我们在路两边栽上树。

③He saw two films, but he didn’t like either one very much. 他看了两部电影,但哪一部他也不太喜欢.

④On either side of the river there are some small factories. 在河的哪一边都有几座小型的工厂.

⑤There are a lot of trees on either side of the street. 街道的两边都有许多树.

⑥You may use either book.两本书你可以随便用一本。

⑦Come on Saturday or Sunday. Either day is OK.星期六或星期天来吧,这两天哪天都行。


①Either of the boys is my brother. 那两个男孩子有一个不是我兄弟。

②Either of them must clean the classroom. 他们两人中行一个非打扫教室不可。

③Either of them can do the work. 他们两人中谁都能做这工作

④Either of the students does well in their studies. 两学生中,无论是谁学习都不错

⑤—Do you like the two books? 你喜欢这两本书吗?

—No, I don’t like either. 不,哪一本我都不喜欢

⑥Either of the knives is useful.两把刀都有用。

⑦—Do you want tea or coffee?你要茶还是咖啡?

—Either is OK.哪一种都行。

⑧Is either of your parents coming to see you next week?下周你父亲或母亲要来看你吗?

⑨Either of the films if good. (作主语,谓语用单数)两部电影中有一部不错。⑩He wrote to either of them.(作宾语) 他给他们中的一个人写了信。


①If you don’t go, I won’t, either.

②He doesn’t like meat. I don’t like it, either.

③Her father can’t help her with her English, and his mother can’t either.


4、either作连词,构成搭配either…or…“要么…要么…”“或者…或者…”“不是…就是…”。either作连词时,与or 连用,构成并列连用,连接语法结构相同的单词、短语或从句(它们可充当句子的多种成分,如主语、宾语、谓语或表语等),当连接两个主语时,谓语动词要和最近的主语(即or后的主语)保持一致,例如:

①Either he or I am right. 不是他对,就是我对。(主语)

②You can either go with me or stay at home. 你要么跟我走,呆家里。(谓语)

③You may choose either the green shirt or the blue one ,but you can’t take both of them. 你可以选择绿色的衬衫或蓝色的衬衫,不能两件都拿。(宾语)

④Either your brother or your father has to stay there today,going on night patrol.

⑤We can eat either cakes or bread for breakfast.早餐时我们不是吃蛋糕就是吃面包

⑥You may buy either a sweater or a jacket for his birthday.

⑦You either go right now or stay here,saying nothing.

⑧The man is either a doctor or a teacher. 那人要么是一名医生,要么是一名教师

⑨They’ll come back from Hong Kong either today or tomorrow. (状语)


①Lily may go with you ,or Lucy may.

Either Lily or Lucy may go with you . 莉莉或露西和你去。

②My father will go to the evening party, or my mother will.

Either my father or my mother will go to the evening party.



在either作副词,表示“也”时,这时如是所在的句子的前后结构是并列的,那么可以与neither引起的倒装句和neither作连词时的句子结构之间相互转换,如:He won’t spend his holiday anywhere else, and his wife won’t, either.


=Neither he nor his wife will spend his holiday anywhere else.


Liu Mei doesn’t want to go home on foot, ant Xiao Hai doesn’t, either.


=Liu Mei does’t want to go home on foot, neither does Xiao Hai .


=Neither Liu Mei nor Xiao Hai wants to go home on foot .


I don’t speak French. She doesn’t, either.

(=Neither I nor she speaks French.) 我不会讲法语,她也不会讲法语。

If she won’t go, neither shall I.

(=If she won’t go, I won’t, either.) 要是她不去,我也不去。

注意:如果either此时所在句子前后不是并列关系,则不能转换,如前例:If you don’t go to Changsha, I won’t, either.不能转换,因为前句子为条件状语从句,与后句不是并列关系。




①Neither of the books is good.(主)

②He phoned neither of us yesterday.(宾)

③Neither way is correct.(定)
