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ATA21 - Air Conditioning System(空调系统)


This chapter covers the air conditioning, ventilation and pressurization systems.(这一章包括了空调、通风和增压系统)The basic airflow through the pressurized part of the fuselage starts with the pneumatic system. (从引气系统开始基本的气流通过了机身的增压区域)Hot, high pressure air is supplied to two packs.(热的高压力的气体提供给PACK组件) The packs are responsible for basic temperature regulation.(PACK组件负责基本的温度调节)From the packs the air is distributed throughout the aircraft.(从PACK出来的空气被分配到飞机内)The pressurization system controls the airflow overboard to maintain the cabin pressurization within safe limits.(增压系统控制排往机外的气流以保持客舱压力在安全限制内)


The pneumatic system supplies air to each pack. (引气系统给PACK组件供气)The packs are responsible for BASIC temperature regulation. (PACK组件负责基本的温度调节)Temperature regulated pack discharge air is sent to the mixer unit.(调节好温度的空气从PACK组件出来,并供往混合组件)At the mixer unit, the air is mixed with air re-circulated from the main cabin.(在混合组件内与从客舱来的再循环气体混合) This reduces the overall bleed demand and saves fuel.(这样可以减少总的引气量并节省燃油)From the mixer, the air is distributed to the cockpit and the forward and aft cabin zones.(空气从混合组件供往驾驶舱、前客舱、后客舱)Some of the air from

the pneumatic system is used for the OPTIMIZED temperature regulation system. (从引气体统来的另一部分气体用于优化温度调节系统)This hot air is mixed with the air from the mixer to adjust the temperature in each zone independently.(这部分热空气与从混合组件来的空气混合来单独的调节每个区域)The air is distributed throughout the cabin and finally discharged overboard through the outflow valve to maintain pressurization.(空气分配到客舱,最终通过外流活门排往机外以维持增压)


The Single Aisle family is equipped with two air conditioning packs located in the wing root area forward of the landing gear bay. (单通道系列的飞机在大翼根部起落架舱前部安装有两部空调组件)The packs supply dry air to the cabin for air conditioning, ventilation and pressurization.(空调组件提供干的空气用于空调、通风、增压)The main component of each pack assembly is the Air Cycle Machine.(每一个空调组件的主要部件是空气循环机)Hot air from the pneumatic system is supplied to the pack through the pack Flow Control Valve (FCV). (从引气系统来的热空气供到流量控制活门)The FCV adjusts the flow rate through the pack and is the pack shut-off valve.(流量控制活门调节通过空调组件的流量并且作为空调组件的关断活门)The pack temperature control system controls the pack outlet temperature and sets its maximum and minimum limits. (空调组件的温度控制系统控制出口温度、设定其最大和最小限制)The system includes two Pack Controllers (PCs). (系统包括两部PACK控制器)Each PC controls one pack and has two computers, one primary and one electrically independent secondary computer. (每个控制器控制一个空调组件,每个控制器都是双通道的:一个主通道和一个独立供电的次级通道)When the primary computer is operational, the system is fully functional. (主通道操作时系统有全部的功能)If the primary fails, some functions are lost as the secondary computer takes control.(主通道失效时,次级通道接替控制,但会时区一部分功能)During normal operation, the Zone Controller (ZC) sends the required pack outlet temperature to both PCs. (正常工作时,区域控制器给PACK控制器发送所需的PACK 出口温度命令)To control the pack outlet temperature, the PC modulates the BYPASS VALVE and the RAM-AIR INLET doors. (PACK控制器通过调节旁通活门和冲压空气进口门来控制PACK出口的温度)For maximum cooling, the ram-air doors are fully open and the bypass valve
