

2023届高考地理总复习第一部分高频考点突破 高频考点2地球的宇宙环境和圈层结构

2023届高考地理总复习第一部分高频考点突破  高频考点2地球的宇宙环境和圈层结构

高频考点2__地球的宇宙环境和圈层结构一、选择题[2022·广东模拟]2020 年“嫦娥五号”成功登月并采集“月壤”返回。

有研究表明,月壤中含有太阳风暴带来的氦 3 以及其他物质。


1.月壤可能含有大量()A.液态水B.微生物C.矿物质D.有机质2.地球土壤中氦­3 含量极少,可能因为()A.雨水冲刷强B.大气层阻挡C.地球引力弱D.日地距离远3.“嫦娥五号”在月球指定地点着陆后()A.成为地球的独立卫星B.成为宇宙中的独立天体C.成为月球天体的组成部分D.脱离了最低一级天体系统[2022·河北月考]2021年2月10日19:52,我国“天问一号”探测器实施近火捕获制动,轨控发动机点火工作约15分钟,探测器顺利进入近火点高度约400千米,倾角约10°的大椭圆环火轨道,成为我国第一颗人造火星卫星,实现“绕、着、巡”第一步“绕”的目标,这一步也是整个火星探测任务中技术风险最高、技术难度最大的环节之一。








B篇完型阅读理解期末17-18浦东新区B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.Introducing Planet EarthLet me introduce my self. I am Planet Earth. Different from other planet, I am the ___65___ planet in our solar system. I can support life! Look at Mercury(水星)so close to the sun. Even my desert rats could not live in that ___66___! Poor, cold Pluto(冥王星)sits so far from the sun. How would you like to be a frozen Planet? Not me.I have all the things life needs-air, water, and land. I have four oceans and seven huge pieces of land called continents. On land, I even have lakes and rivers. They are ___67___ fresh water that plants andanimals need.I spin so that all living things have day and night. People call this rotating. Because I am roundlike a ball, sunlight hits me unevenly. This makes parts of me hot and parts of me cold. My fatbelly(腹部)gets the most direct sunlight, so it is the hottest ___68___ my belt. This area is calledthe equator(赤道).My North and South Poles get the least direct sunlight. The sun light is ___69___ here than at my equator. These areas are my coldest. Whether it’s hot, cold, or in between, creatures live all over me.As I travel around the sun during my yearlong trip, I stay in my tilt. Sometimes I tilt toward the sun, and sometimes away from it. That’s how I create seasons.To all my creatures on Earth, I am a planet you can ___70___. I make you a promise. I will rotate every 24 hours to give you daytime and nighttime. I will continue to travel around the sun once each year to give you seasons. And I will do all these things for billions of years to come.65. A. biggest B. luckiest C. oldest D. naughtiest66. A. snow B. wind C. heat D. rain67. A. full of B. afraid of C. made of D. short of68. A. under B. along C. from D. through69. A. warmer B. smaller C. weaker D. harder70. A. reply B. trust C. earn D. conduct65-70 BCABCB18-19浦东新区B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)Maggie’s Diet BlogWeek 1This week I have decided that I have to start keeping fit. I can’t let people see my unhealthy body in a swimsuit this summer. I must do something! I’ve decided to eat fewer sweets and snacks.____44____, I’ m going to eat more fruit and vegetables. It’s difficult, but I know it’s important for me to stay healthy.Week 2It has been a hard week eating vegetables and fruits only. But I____45____go on my diet. I will also have to do some exercise this week____46____I’m worried about getting fit by this summer. So I go jogging (慢跑) for 30 minutes every evening.Week 3This week I feel I’m getting fit! I also feel more energetic. I guess it’s because I’ve eaten a lot of____47____food and have sports every day. I read an____48____in the newspaper today-saying that walking can also help people keep fit effectively. I think I’ll start walking to school. It only____49____me 15 minutes, but I can get more exercise. I believe if I keep practising these good habits, I’ll look great in my swimsuit this summer!44. A. Next B. Besides C. Of course D. Instead45. A. must B. may C. can D. needn’t46. A. because B. though C. why D. until47. A. health B. healthy C. unhealthy D. junk48. A. advice B. article C. adventure D. address49. A. costs B. spends C. takes D. pays44. D 45. A 46. A 47. B 48. B 49. C18-19五四制浦东新区B. Cloze test.(根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案)Tom and Jack are good friends. They live next to each other and their farms are both at the foot of the mountain. So they can help each other. But ____41____ of them likes to use his head. They work hard but they are still very poor. Most villagers have built new houses, but they still live in the low and broken houses. They never ____42____ why.One day, Tom went to town to buy some medicine for his wife. In the town he heard the apples in a city were expensive. He told Jack about it as soon as he went back. They decided to carry some apples to the city. They____43____some money from their friends and bought nearly 1,000 kilograms of apples in the villages and carried them to the city on a tractor (拖拉机). Bad luck! A lot of apples had already been carried there when they arrived. A few days later they had to sell them at a ___44___ price. They felt sad and returned to their village.“I can’t understand why we suffer losses in business ____45____ others always make money.” Tom said one day.“The tractor was too small.” Jack said without thinking. “We’ll carry ____46____ apples on a truck next time!”“I agree!” said Tom. “How foolish we were!”41. A. both B. all C. none D. neither42. A. fine B. find out C. look at D. look for43. A. made B. gave C. borrowed D. sent44. A. high B. low C. expensive D. cheap45. A. while B. because C. although D. so that46. A. few B. fewer C. much D. more41. D 42. B 43. C 44. B 45. A 46. D18-19普陀区C. Choose the words to complete the passage. (选择最恰当的单词完成短文。



考点17 并列句(核心考点精讲精练)1. 三年真题考点分布并列句2. 命题规律及备考策略【命题规律】近3年新高考卷对于并列连词的考查共计10次,主要考查:1.考查常用的并列连词and,but和or;2.有关祈使句和并列句的相关句型;【备考策略】系统归类并列连词的用法,尤其是常用并列连词的用法,熟练掌握并列句的相关考点。


并列连词1. 常见的表示语义引申的并列连词有:and, both... and , neither... nor, not only... but also, as well asShe could neither speak the language nor write it. 这种语言她既不会说,也不会写。

A man should have both courage and perseverance.一个人既要有勇气又要有毅力。

We should not only be bold, but also be cautious. 我们不仅要大胆,而且要谨慎。

I have read one of his novels as well as a few of his plays. 我读过他的一本小说和几个剧本。

2. 表示选择的并列连词有: or, either... orYou may do it yourself, or ask someone else to do it. 你可以自己做或者让别人做。

I left it either on the table or in the drawer. 我不是把它放在桌子上了,就是放在抽屉里了。

除了表示选择外,or和either... or还可以表示否定的条件:1) Now I must go or (if not) I shall be late for the party. 我现在得走了,否则晚会我就要迟到了。





2020年 注会 审计 提前学练习 -4考点17-27(课后作业)

2020年  注会 审计 提前学练习 -4考点17-27(课后作业)







1考点18·了解被审计单位的内部控制课后作业(考点17~考点27)2020年注会审计提前学练习考点23·控制测试的程序7. 下列各项审计程序中,注册会计师在实施控制测试和实质性程序时均可以采用的是()。










































经 过
共和阶段 (1649-1660)
查理二世 詹姆士二世
复辟阶段 (1660-1688)
胜 利 资产阶级和新贵族发动宫廷政变,迎立荷 (1688“光荣革命”) 兰执政威廉任英国国王,废黜詹姆士二世
William III
James VI and I James Stuart
Charles I Charles Stuart
爆发标志 (1640) 内战阶段 (1642-1648)
(克伦威尔)1645年纳西比战役:彻底击败王军; 1646年攻克国王大本营牛津,取得胜利; 王 军: 1648年普雷斯顿战役:结束第二次内战; (查理一世) 1649年处死国王查理一世
材料一:(中世纪的欧洲)的这个制度形如一座金字塔,每一层都有它的等级。 最高处就是皇帝。下一层是由皇帝直接分封的世俗和宗教诸侯。 ——曼弗雷德· 马伊《一口气读完世界历史》 材料二:1265年,孟福尔召开了一次大型会议。这次会议包含了组成后来的“议 会”的所有要素,在历史上是第一次。与会人员除了大领主和王室官员以外,还 包括每个郡的两名骑士和每个城市的两个市民。 ——朱迪斯· 本内特《欧洲中世纪史》 材料三:在此前开幕的第四次改革会议上(1534年),议会通过《上诉法案》宣 布:“……英国由一个至高无上的国王统治,国王拥有相应的至高无上的尊严和 财产。” ——阎照祥《英国政治制度史》 材料四:凡未经议会同意,以国王权威停止法律或停止法律实施之僭越权力,为 非法权力。 ——《权利法案》 (1)在方框中依次填出材料所对应的政治制度。(4分)

第5部分 考点2 列方程解决问题

第5部分 考点2 列方程解决问题
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从图看出:当徒弟做27,那么师傅做(1-27)=57,分数27和57都是对一天做的零件的 数量而说的。师傅做57,徒弟做27,两人相差57-27=37,而已知两人相差实际数是 21 个,也就是全部零件的(75-72)对应着 21 个,所以,零件总数×(57-27)=21(个)。
上一页 返回首船坐 15 人,还剩 21 人;如果每船坐 18 人, 刚好剩余 1 只船,有多少只船?(列方程解答) 解:设有 x 只船。 15x+21=18(x-1) x=13
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4.小华一家四口人的年龄和为 147 岁,爷爷比爸爸大 38 岁,妈妈比小华大 27 岁,爷爷的年龄是小华与妈妈年龄之和的 2 倍,小华的年龄是多少岁?(列方程 解答) 解:设小华的年龄是 x 岁。 x+(27+x)+2×(x+27+x)+[(x+27+x)×2-38]=147 x=5
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1.甲、乙两车同时从 A 地出发,相背而行,3.5 小时后相距 336 千米。乙车的速 度是 46 千米/时,求甲车的速度。(列方程解答) 解:设甲车的速度为 x 千米/时。 3.5×(x+46)=336 x=50
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2.甲、乙工程队铺一条长 1200 米的公路,他们从两端同时施工,甲队每天铺 70 米,乙队每天铺 50 米,几天后能够铺完这条公路?(列方程解答) 解:设 x 天能铺完这条公路。 (70+50)x=120 x=10
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3.商店以每双 130 元的进价购进一批凉鞋,现售价 148 元,卖到还剩 5 双时, 除去购进这批鞋的全部开销外还获利 880 元,这批凉鞋有多少双?(列方程解答) 解:设这批凉鞋有 x 双。 148×(x-5)-130x=880 x=90




,匀变速直线运 万有引力与航天 动 13分 运动学规律,打点 游标卡尺读数, 计时器纸带分析, 霍尔元件电场, 螺旋测微仪读数, 电路分析 欧姆定律 牛顿定律,平抛运 牛顿定律,匀变 动,动能定理,匀 速直线运动,受 变速直线运动 力分析 带电粒子在匀强磁 带电粒子在匀强 场中的运动,电场 磁场中的运动, 强度,运动学规律 运动学规律
题号变化 分值变化 2012 2013
14 15 16 17 18 19
物理学史 万有引力与航天
物理学史 受力分析
受力分析,机械 运动学规律,机械 能守恒,功能关 能守恒 系 交变电流电压图 受力分析 像 交变电流电压图 楞次定律,法拉 像,变压器 第电磁感应定律 电荷,电势能 电荷,电势能, 电场强度
年份 所考内容 题号 16 17 18 19 20 21 牛顿定律,力 的合成分解 匀变速直线运动 万有引力与航天 交变电流,变压器 电场、电荷 法拉第电磁感应定律 牛顿定律,力 的合成分解,能量守 恒,匀变速直线运动 12分 力的合成分解, 欧姆定律 牛顿定律,匀变 速直线运动,曲线运 动,能量守恒 电场强度,法拉第电 磁感应,曲线运动 受力分析,匀变速 物理学史 直线运动 万有引力与航 力的合成与分解 天 运动学规律, 万有引力与航天 动能定理功率 交变电流,变压器 受力分析 电场、电荷 交变电流电压 图像,变压器 分值 2009 2010 2011
电磁感应,楞次定 电荷,电场强 律 度,电势能 功能关系,机械能 法拉第电磁感 守恒 应定律 匀变速直线运动, 运动学规律, 欧姆定律 欧姆定律 牛顿定律,匀变 速直线运动,曲线 运动,动能定理, 平抛运动 法拉第电磁感应, 圆周运动,动能定 理 牛顿定律,平 抛运动,动能 定理,匀变速 直线运动 带电粒子在匀 强磁场中的匀 速圆周运动

非谓语动词作定语、状语、 宾语补足语 单句语法填空+单句改错——语法考点(非谓语动词篇)

非谓语动词作定语、状语、 宾语补足语 单句语法填空+单句改错——语法考点(非谓语动词篇)
He had his bike repaired. (-ed分词作使役动词的宾语补足语,表示“使/让……被做某事”, 表示被动意义。)
We heard her sing. (省略to的不定式作感官动词的宾语补足语,表示“听到/看到……做
某事的全过程,或看到/听到时,此动作已完成” ,表示主动意义。) We heard her singing. (-ing分词作感官动词的宾语补足语,表示“听到/看到……正在做某
考点19 非谓语动词 作宾语补足语
(1)高考中考查的宾语补足语,多指在使役动词、感官动词和 with的复合结构中的宾语补足语。
(2)常见常考的使役动词有:have, get, make, let, leave 常见常考的感官动词有:see, hear, find, watch, feel, listen to,
sweeping first before sitting down to have a rest.
3. It is said that the buildingto__b_e_b_u_i(lbt uild) here next year will be completed
within one year.
and tried again.
7. ______ (bite) by a dog once, the child will get frightened whenever
seeing a dog.
8. The plan, if ______ (carry) out effectively, will be a big success.

考点17 语法填空之

考点17 语法填空之

考点17 语法填空之传统文化、节日、食物Part 1 题型详解:语法填空又称开放式语篇填空,这种命题形式以语篇为核心,体现了新课改由语法学问到语法技能的语法教学观念的转变以及当今高考英语改革的趋势。


Part 2 常见话题:文化是一个国家、一个民族的灵魂。





Part 3 常见题目设置及解题技巧:1.给出提示词的空格,考查形容词、副词、动词、名词,数词,以动词发散的各考点是这几年的考查重点。





--提示词为动词,通常考查动词的谓语(时态、语态、人称)和非谓语状况(to do , doing, done)。




--考查短语介词结构及常用的介词in, at, on, before, during等。

--考查连词、关联短语结构,如and, but, so , for ,while 等。

--考查冠词a, an, the之间的推断Part 4 真题检测2023年新课标全国Ⅰ卷英语真题Xiao long bao (soup dumplings), those amazing constructions of delicate dumpling wrappers, encasing hot, 1 (taste) soup and sweet, fresh meat, are far and away my favorite Chinese street food. The dumplings arrive steaming and dangerously hot. To eat one, you have to decide whether 2 (bite) a small hole in it first, releasing the stream and risking a spill (溢出), 3 to put the whole dumpling in your mouth, letting the hot soup explode on your tongue. Shanghai may be the 4 (recognize) home of the soup dumplings but food historians will actually point you to the neighboring canal town of Nanxiang as Xiao long Bao’s birthplace. There2022年全国乙卷英语真题Part 5 模拟题检测2024届湖南省永州市高三上学期第一次模拟考试英语试题Roujiamo,also called rougamo, is one of the most popular Chinese snacks. Despite its 51 (compare) to a hamburger, it carries far more geographical and historical meaning.Roujiamo is 52 (close) associated with the north-central city of Xi’an, in Shaanxi province. Since 202 BCE, Xi’an has been both the eastern terminal of the Silk Road and the capital for 13 more-or-less successive Chinese 53 (dynasty).Traditionally, Roujiamo mainly consists of two parts--the flatbread and the filling. The meat preparation used to make the filling for roujiamo dates back 54 the Warring States period. The introduction into China of Central Asian-style flatbreads, like the kind used in roujiamo, in general, 55 (owe) to Ban Chao, a Chinese general who spent over 30 years battling 56 union of nomadic(游牧的)tribes to regain control of the farthest western reaches of China. The flatbread bun, called baijimo, takes its name from 57 is today known as Beiji township. There exist differences between the flatbreads used for different districts in Shaanxi. For example, the flatbread used for Tongguan roujiamo is unlike 58 used in the Xi’an style. Tongguan roujiamo, 59 (name) after a town that, in days long past, guarded a strategic pass roughly 120km east of Xi’an.Despite its tasty flavor, it’s risky 60 (eat) on the go. Proper roujiamo is filled to bursting, regardless of the potential consequences for one’s clothes and dry-cleaning budget.2024届四川省双流中学高高三适应性模拟检测英语试题2024届云南省大理州高三毕业生第一次复习统一检测英语试题Porcelain, also named china, is made by heating raw materials, often a mix between china stone and kaolin clay, in a kiln (窑) at a temperature as high as 1, 200 degree Celsius, which is key 71 making porcelain.72 (go)through the fire of reinvention at a high temperature gives porcelain with greater 73 (strong), more translucence (半透亮) and a feast of colors.Blue porcelain produced in Longquan, Zhejiang province, a technique which 74 (pass) down at least 1, 600 years ago, is a typical example of craftsmen’s pursuit of the perfect green light. And 75 takes 72 steps to produce Longquan celadon’s jade-like green. Plum green and light green are two colors of the best quality.Porcelain has also been a carrier for cultural exchanges. Along with China’s silk and tea, porcelain was one of the first goods 76 (receive) worldwide trade. As it 77 (gradual) travelled around the globe through the ancient Maritime Silk Road, porcelain enjoyed great popularity among royal families and upper classes in Europe, 78 were attracted by these beautiful containers they named after China, a product that could be produced only in the far East.Porcelain began as a 79 (practice) container and evolved into pieces of art. Even when shattered into pieces and buried deep in mud, cultural values 80 (attach) to porcelain would never disappear.2024届甘肃省白银市高三上学期联考一模英语试题Originating in ancient China, the Chinese knot is a decorative art form, 81 involves tying silk strings into various patterns. It is believed to have been created during the Tang and Song dynasties. Throughout history, Chinese knots have played 82 significant role in traditional Chinese ceremonies and celebrations, symbolizing good luck and harmony.Chinese knots come in 83 (vary) shapes and forms, each carrying its unique symbolism. Somepopular designs include the “Double Coin Knot” representing wealth and success, the “Button Knot” symbolizing unity and friendship, and the “Good Luck Knot” signifying blessings and good fortune. These knots can be further decorated with beads, tassels or other decorations 84 (enhance) their beauty.Chinese knots hold great significance in Chinese culture and are often used for decorative 85 (purpose) or as accessories (饰品). They can be seen on traditional clothing, handbags, home decorations, and even used as bookmarks. During festive occasions 86 Chinese New Year or weddings, these knots are 87 (common) used as decorations to create an auspicious (吉利的) and joyful atmosphere.In recent years, the art of Chinese knots 88 (gain) international recognition, with enthusiasts and collectors 89 (appreciate) its beauty and cultural value. Workshops and exhibitions 90 (hold) worldwide, allowing people to learn about this unique form of art and even try their hand at making their own Chinese knots.2024届河南省信阳市浉河区信阳高级中学高三上学期一模英语试题In the Chinese lunar calendar, Sanfu, also called the dog days, refers to the three 10-day periods that are predicted to be the 91 (hot) days of the year, which are called Toufu, Zhongfu and Mofu.Sanfu usually comes between mid-July to mid-August. It is said that 92 (receive) Sanfutie during the hottest summer days is 93 (benefit) for our health. Many people regard it 94 an effective solution for winter ills in summer. The treatment is based on the principle of yin and yang, 95 believes the balance of both elements in the body is vital for good health.People eat differently in this period of time. When the dog days come, people tend 96 (lose) their appetites, and jiaozi, or boiled dumplings, can refresh people’s feelings toward food. Actually jiaozi is an all-time classic, which people eat at Liqiu, the start of autumn, and Dongzhi, the start of winter. The second phase of Sanfu is 97 (traditional) a time for consuming noodles because it 98 (believe) to help people sweat and 99 (relief) internal heat. As Mofu comes, the weather turns cool, and 100 is easy to get cold if a person keeps eating noodles in sweat. People, especially those living in North China, prefer the Chinese egg pancake by custom.2023届广东省深圳市高三班级其次次调研考试英语试题Every year during the Spring Festival, a small village east of Beijing puts on a special show. It’s about-15°C, and a man dressed in a straw hat and sheepskin coat 101 (throw)spoon after spoon of heavy molten iron(铁水) at a massive,icy wall.The collision(碰撞)between the 1,600℃ liquid metal and the frozen brick creates a waterfall of sparks(火花) 102 (fall) over him, equally beautiful and dangerous.This is a performance 103 requires extraordinary courage, skill and strength. Known as Da Shuhua, it has a history of 500 years in Nuanquan, a highly-developed steel town.Da Shuhua translates literally into “beating down the tree flowers,” 104 agricultural activity of hitting fruit trees to stimulate growth.In ancient times, fireworks weren’t always 105 (wide) affordable. So people in Nuanquan made use of scrap iron and developed Da Shuhua as a way 106 (celebrate) festivals.As a result,they brought firework displays 107 a whole new level.2023届广东省深圳市大湾区高三一模英语试题The approaching of a new year is always exciting. The Little New Year, 111 is also called the Minor New Year’s Day, usually falls roughly a week before 112 Lunar New Year. In 2023, it will fall on Jan. 14th and 15th. The Chinese Little New Year is not a 113 (fix) festival as it varies with local 114 (custom).Worshiping Kitchen God is the most important activity in 115 (celebrate) of the Chinese Little New Year. According to the folklore, the Kitchen God would report 116 the Jade Emperor on the good and evil deeds of every family on the 23rd of the 12th lunar month for the Emperor to reward or punish. While 117 (offer) sacrifice to the Kitchen God, people place candy, water, beans and hay on the table in front of the Kitchen God image.Other activities during the festival 118 (main) include sweeping dust and making Chinese paper cuts for window decoration. Chinese Little New Year also means that Chinese people begin to prepare special purchases for the Spring Festival and are ready 119 (spend) a clean Spring Festival. Above all, it suggests a new year with a new image and 120 (express) the good wishes of Chinese people to ring out the Old Year and ring in the New Year.2023届浙江省杭州市高三下学期教学质量检测(二模)英语试题It’s common to see a barista (咖啡师) create coffee art, but it’s a whole different ball game doing the same thing with tea. Han Zheming, 121 80-year-old Shanghai resident, has managed 122 (perfect) the skill, creating tea art in cups, or dian cha (点茶) in Chinese, which used to be a routine during the Song Dynasty (960-1279). Over the past decades, he 123 (use) tea and spoons to create nearly 200 patterns 124 (base) on ancient paintings.It’s also his intention to bring the old ritual back to modern life and have more people appreciate 125 (it) charm. Dian cha in modern brewing enhances the taste of tea, Han says. ‘‘It is similar 126 the foam on top of a cup of coffee, except that it is made of tea rather than milk.”Chinese tea culture started to enjoy 127 (popular) during the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and flourished throughout the Song Dynasty, 128 tea had become a necessity for almost everyone, from nobles and scholars to common people, just like other important items, such as rice, oil and salt, as suggested by Song politician and thinker Wang Anshi.129 (total) different from the method of brewing tea during the Tang period, in the Song Dynasty, the popular way of having tea was through dian cha. The action of pouring hot water over fine powdered tea is called dian, hence the name dian cha, which 130 (list) as an intangible cultural heritage of Runzhou district,Zhenjiang city, Jiangsu province, in 2019.2023届江苏省苏北七市高三二模英语试题Jingxi Taiping Drum is a traditional form of dancing. With its display of profound cultural elements, it 131 (include) in the first batch (批次) of China’s national intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) items in 2006.The 132 (early) historical references of this art date back to the Spring and Autumn Period. At the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, it started to gain 133 (popular) in and around the capital, and then it was introduced to Mentougou District of Beijing.In ancient times, the drums were played 134 New Year’s Eve at the imperial palace to bring peace. As a result, the performance also became known as the “New Year Drum” by Beijingers. This type of drum dance is commonly seen 135 (perform) during the last and first month of the lunar year in many local festive activities, thus expressing 136 (people) hope of a peaceful and prosperous year to come.During a given performance, drummers perform various dance moves while 137 (hold) the drum in their left hands and a mallet in their right hands. Traditional Chinese aesthetic (美学的) concepts are reflected in the drum playing, all of 138 represent distinctive local features.In the past decades, efforts 139 (make) by Mentougou District to preserve this signature folk dance culture. Today, the time-honored folk art of the Jingxi Taiping Drum is being taken up by the young people 140 is presenting its lively artistic charm (魅力) on a global stage.·2023届河北省衡水中学高三上学期四调考试英语试题Anyone who has an interest in Dunhuang will have heard of Fan Jinshi. The Chinese archaeologist 141 has spent more than half a century researching and preserving the caves at the heart of the ancient Silk Road in Gansu Province 142 (know) as the “Daughter of Dunhuang” in her field, though “protector” is probably a more fitting 143 (describe).Fan has been studying the historical site since the early 1960s, first as an archaeology undergraduate from Peking University, then as a conservationist when she 144 (become) the deputy director of the Dunhuang Research Academy in 1984, which serves to prevent the ancient site 145 being destroyed.“It is over a thousand years old. It is an old person, an 146 (extreme) weak old person. It has 147 (variety) illnesses. If you are a little careless, it could be gone. Gone forever,” Fan says.Today, thanks to the work of great 148 (archaeologist) such as Fan, Dunhuang is proud of the world’s largest and best-preserved collection of Buddhist relics 149 (date) from the 15th to the 13th centuries. The main Mogao site is made up of 735 caves spread across a 1,700-metre-wide cliff face, containing 45,000 square metres of murals(壁画) 150 more than 2,000 colourful sculptures.2023届江苏省苏北四市(徐州连云港宿迁淮安)高三上学期第一次调研测试英语试题Consisting of a bamboo frame and a 151 (delicate) painted paper surface, Chinese oil-paperumbrellas have long been viewed as a symbol of China’s tradition of cultural craftsmanship and poetic beauty. Not just are they an instrument to keep off rain or sunlight, but also works of art 152 (possess)rich cultural significance and aesthetic(美的)value.The first oil-paper umbrellas appeared during Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220).Later,they 153 (bring) overseas to Japan and ancient Korea during the Tang Dynasty (618-907),which is 154 they were known as “Tang umbrellas”.It takes quite a lot of time and effort to make a traditional Chinese oil-paper umbrella 155 hand. For example,in Fenshui township in Luzhou, Sichuan Province,craftsmenmust complete more than 90 steps and use over 100 different tools 156 (create) a single handmade oil-paper umbrella.Since the appearance of modern mechanical umbrellas, traditional oil-paper umbrellas 157 (suffer) from declining sales, while 158 number of craftsmen has been on thedecrcase. Fortunately, with the 159 (include) of Fenshui oil-paper umbrellas as one ofChina’s national intangible cultural heritages in 2008, things have been improving. These greatitems appear in many fashion shows and media publications due to the positive publicity 160 they have received.2023届山东省济南市,滨州市高三一模英语试题When you set foot in Nanhan village, Hebei Province, you will be amazed at what you see. An ancient stone gate first greets your eyes 161 the entrance to the village. As you explore it 162 (far), rows of ancient buildings and carved doorways spring into view.Nanhan has a long history of producing 163 have been widely recognized as fine crafts (工艺品) at home and abroad. Although there has been back and forth in the village development, the villagers’ craftsmanship has managed to survive the test of time and get 164 (carry) forward. With the support of local authorities, the traditional crafts business has expanded over the years and increased the locals’ income. They have come to believe that possessing a handicraft skill can enable them 165 (make) a living. Liu Junchao, the youngest craftsman in the village, 166 (start) to learn about craftsmanship at a workshop in the village after graduation from high school. He is now preparing to build a public cultural and creative education center to provide free 167 (train) for young people who are interested in learning handicrafts, and will also use short-video platforms to release free teaching 168 (video).The village has stepped up support for local craftsmen and carried out education for villagers, so more people can commit 169 (they) to taking up local craftsmanship. The idea is to carve out 170 new road of beautiful countryside that is ideal for living, working and traveling.2023届辽宁省沈阳市其次中学高三第三次模拟考试英语试题In and around China’s southwestern Sichuan Province, one can often find folk artists producing sugar painting with liquid sugar along the streets and in the parks.According to some academic studies, sugar painting 171 (date)back to the Ming Dynasty when sugar animals and figures were made in moulds (模具) as part of a sacrifice in 172 (religion) ceremonies. In the Qing Dynasty, sugar painting gained more popularity. The production techniques were upgraded and the patterns2023届湖北省华中师范高校第一附属中学高三其次次学业质量评价检测英语试题189massive infrastructure base, construction of which is estimated 190 (take) 4, 000 people a decade to accomplish.。



D篇任务型阅读理解期末17-18浦东新区D. Answer the questions.A Dragon’s Lullaby(摇篮曲)(1)In a castle high on a mountain lived a kindly dragon called Dario. The dragon looked after the people who lived in the village below. Each evening, Dario flew over the village. When it was completely dark, Dario began to sing his lullabies.(2)When Dario began to sing, the children ran to their windows and tried to find Dario. However, Dario’s song made the children so sleepy that they went back to bed and closed their eyes. The dragon’s song soon put everyone in the village to sleep. After singing his lullabies, Dario said‘Good night, everyone, Sleep tight.’But no one ever answered.(3)One night, Dario didn’t show up. His lullabies were not heard in the village. Without it, the villagers couldn’t fall asleep. The next day, the babies cried. The villagers got very little work done. Everyone was tired. A week passed. Dario still didn’t sing. The villagers were miserable. They couldn’t sleep. Work or even eat! Something had to be done.(4)At last, the mayor climbed the mountain and reached Dario’s castle. It was daytime, but the mayor found Dario in bed. Dario looked sadly at the mayor.“Every night I sing lullabies to the villagers. Then I wish them good night. But no one ever wished me good night. People don’t care about me.”Then Dario cried and hid under the covers.(5)The mayor went back. He told all the villagers what Dario had said.‘We can do something for Dario!’said a little girl named Olivia. Everyone agreed. They wrote a letter to invite Dario to Olivia’s home. Dario just had no idea what would happen. But the next day, he still flew into the village. The girl’s house was dark when he arrived. Dario slowly opened the door. Suddenly, the light came on. People _____________________________________________________________. Dario’s heart was filled with joy and soon fell asleep!(6)The next night, Dario returned to the village with his songs. When he said,‘Good night,’no one answered. But this time Dario knew why.76. The children were afraid of Dario, weren’t they?77. No one answered Dario, because ______________________________________.78. What happened to the villagers a week after Dario didn’t show up?79. Who finally found out the reason why Dario didn’t sing anymore?80. Fill the blank in paragraph 5.People ____________________________________________________________76. No, they weren’t.77. all villagers fell asleep. / they all fell asleep.78. They couldn’t sleep, work or eat.79. The mayor did.80. shouted,‘We love you, Dario!’Then they sang their lullaby. , 18-19浦东新区D. Read and answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)Chocolate is a favorite food for people all over the world. People prefer chocolate over ice cream, cakes and cookies.The idea of eating chocolate didn’t begin until the 19th century. Before that people drank chocolate. The habit began in Central America where the Aztecs drank bowls of chocolate to stay watchful. When the liquid chocolate was brought to Spain in the 1500s people thought it was medicine because it had a medicine taste. In fact, the people who made chocolate into drinks were doctors. Then people discovered that mixing chocolate with sugar made a wonderful drink King Ferdinand of Spain loved this drink so much that he put out an order: anyone who talked about chocolate outside the court would be killed For about 100 years, “chocolate” was a secret In Spain.People finally found out about chocolate, and it became a popular drink in Europe. The Swiss mixed milk and chocolate Today most Americans prefer milk chocolate, while Europeans prefer dark chocolate.New research shows that chocolate is actually good for us. “Chocolate has more than 300 different chemicals. One chemical works on the parts of the brain that feels pleasure. People who feel good when they eat chocolate are.. actually healthier. Feeling pleasure is important for health and can protect against illness.” “Good chocolate doesn’t have much fat or sugar. You can enjoy it if you eat a little at a time says Tara Berish, another chocolate lover.55. When did the idea of eating chocolate begin?56. Why did people think the liquid chocolate was medicine in the 1500s?57. Who in fact made chocolate into drinks at that time?58. What did people discover then?59How many different chemicals does chocolate have?60. What can we learn from the passages?55. It began in the 19th century.56. Because it had a medicine taste.57. Doctors58. They discovered that mixing chocolate with sugar made a wonderful drink.59. Chocolate has more than 300 different chemicals.60. We can learn that chocolate has a long history and it has different kinds.18-19五四制浦东新区D. Answer the following questions.(根据短文内容,回答问题)A few days ago, I ran into(撞上)a stranger as he passed by. I said sorry to him, and he said, “Excuse me too,I wasn’t even watching you.” We were very polite, this stranger and I. Then we went on our way after saying goodbye.Later in the kitchen at home, as I was cooking our meal, my daughter Betty walked up to me, very quietly. When I turned around, I nearly knocked her down. “Get out of the way!” I shouted angrily. She ran away, crying.That night, when I lay in bed, my husband said to me, “You were so rude to Betty. Go and look around on the kitchen floor, and you’ll find some flowers there. Betty brought those for you. She picked them herself — pink, yellow, and your favourite blue.”When I heard this, I thought deeply: While meeting with a stranger, I was calm and polite; but I was not patient to my daughter. I felt sad and tears began to fall.I quietly went to Betty’s bed, “Wake up, my dear,” I said, “Are these the flowers you picked for me?” She smiled, “I found them by the tree. I knew you’d like them, especially the blue.” I said, “I am so sorry that I treated you that way today.” And she whispered(悄声说), “Mommy, that’s okay — I still love you anyway.” I kissed her and said, “I love you too and I do love the flowers.”That day Betty gave me a lesson on how to get along with each other in the family. I spent much time on work before and now I realized how important family life was. I decided to do better in the future.54. Who did the writer run into a few days ago?55. What was the writer doing when her daughter walked up to her?56. Why did the writer feel sad?57. The writer liked the blue flowers best, didn’t she?58. How many people were there in this family?59. What did the writer learn from her daughter?54. A stranger.55. She was cooking their meal.56. Because she was rude/not patient to her daughter.57. Yes, she did.58. (There were) three (people).59. (She learned) how to get along with each other in the family/ they should be patient to each other. She realizedhow important family life was/family life was very important.(必须提及两点才能得2分)18-19普陀区E. Answer the following questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题)(5分)Have you ever recycled? To recycle is to take rubbish and make it into something new. Recycling makes rubbish into something useful, so it is good for our environment. Recycling often helps to cleanup the litter that makes our streets dirty.We can recycle all kinds of things. The most common materials like glass, plastic, paper, metals, cloth are all recyclable. Sometimes these things are broken down (降解) to make the same kinds of things. An example of this type of recycling is using paper to make more paper. Rubbish can also be broken down to make completely new things, too!We can recycle some materials forever. Glass is one of them. We use glass things, then break them down and use them again and again. Aluminum cans (铝罐) are one of the most useful recycled metals. We can recycle them again and again. We have recycled nearly 60% of all aluminum can.A family of four can make nearly 2,000 pounds of rubbish each year. As time goes on, we have fewer places to put all the rubbish in. Recycling is one way to limit (限制) the amount of rubbish we need to put into the land.The next time you throw a can or bottle into the rubbish bin, look to see if there is a recycling sign on the label (标签)or on the bottom.79. Why is recycling good for our environment?(1分)____________________________________________________________.80. According to the passage, can we recycle glass bottles forever ?(1分)___________,_________________________________________________.81. How many aluminum cans have we recycled?(1分)____________________________________________________________.82. What can be the best title for this passage? ( In no more than 10 words) (2分)____________________________________________________________79. Because it makes rubbish into something useful.// Because we can take the rubbish and it into something new.意思对即可。



(金丽衢十二校 联考)2012年政府工作报告近70次出现 “改革”字眼,发出了继续全面推进改革的强烈信号。人民群众 是改革的参与者、见证者、受益者,也是推动者,一项调查显示, 72.7%的受访者明确表示期待未来十年能有新一轮的改革。改革 开放以来,经济、教育和科技等发展取得了丰硕成果,人民群众 的思想观念也发生了很大变化。同时,资源、环境、收入差距等 一系列制约科学发展的深层次问题日益凸现。 材料是怎样体现实践是认识发展的动力? ①随着经济社会发展,资源、环境、收入差距等一系列新的矛 盾和问题日益凸现,推动着人民群众进行新的探索和研究。 ②经济和社会发展成果,科技、教育、大众传媒等为人民群众 深化对改革的认识提供了途径和手段。 ③人民群众作为参与者、见证者在改革开放实践中提高了自身 的文化素养,增强了对社会和改革的认识能力。
最好把真理比作燧石,它受到的敲打越厉害, 发射出的光辉就越灿烂。 ▲考点20 认识具有反复性、无限性和上升性
1.认识具有反复性 2.认识具有无限性 3.认识具有上升性 原因? 原因? 原因?
◆认识具有反复性、无限性和上升性,追求真理是一 个过程,这要求我们与时俱进、开拓进取,在实践中 认识和发现真理,在实践中检验和发展真理。
认识具有反复性、无限性和上升性,追求真理是一个 过程,这要求我们与时俱进、开拓进取,在实践中认 识和发现真理,在实践中检验和发展真理。
误区: 正确表述:真理只有一个,是指对于同一个确定的对象,只有一 个正确的认识。但是真理又是具体的、有条件的,它在发展 的过程中不断超越自身。那些经过实践反复检验的、已经确 定的真理并没有被推翻,而是不断向前发展,所以,不能笼 统地说真理只有一个。



上海七年级下册英语期末考点分类真题训练-C篇⾸字母阅读理解(解析版)C篇⾸字母阅读理解期末17-18浦东新区C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.A Rainbow of FoodDid you know that you can eat a rainbow?You can’t eat a rainbow in the s___71___, of course. You can make a healthy rainbow out of all the different colors of fruits and vegetables.A red apple can help keep your heart strong. Eat some slices of this fruit for a healthy snack. Red strawberries can help you from getting sick. Eat a handful of this fruit i___72___ of candies.An orange carrot can help keep your eyes healthy. This vegetable is just plain fun to erunch(咬碎)between your teeth. An orange is filled with vitamins that can help keep you from c___73___ a cold. Squeeze this fruit for some juice with breakfast in the morning.A yellow b___74___ can give you tons of energy. Peel(剥)and eat it before you play basketball or go swimming. Yellow corn can help keep your stomach healthy. Eat this vegetable right after a hamburger at a picnic.A green avocado can help your body take in all the stuff it needs. Squish up this fruit to make a creamy salad. Green broccoli can help keep your bones strong. Pretend you are a dinosaur eating a tree.Blueberries can help you r___75___ things. Eat this fruit every day to help you do well in tests at school.Purple grapes can help keep blood moving around your body. Toss a bunch of this fruit in the freeze and have a chilly treat. These fruits and vegetables are just a few that can make up a food rainbow. Eating a rainbow every day is a fun and colorful way to stay healthy. How many colors will you eat today?71. sky 72. instead 73. catching 74. banana 75. Remember18-19浦东新区C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短⽂的空格内填⼊适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填⼀词,⾸字母已给)WHAT time of day do you feel most clear-headed? Are you more of a morning person? Or does it take you a few hours to get your brain going? A lot of recent studies show that we should pay attention to our body clock. It can tell us at what time of day we are a____50____to perform best, says the report.When it comes to the human brain (⼤脑), many people work best later in the morning. This is because the body’s temperature takes time to rise through the day. Taking a warm shower when you w____51____up can help speed this up. But everyone’s body clock is different and some have special patterns (模式). Morning people will get up early and work better early in the day. E____52____people will get up later but their brain work better towards the end of the day.Studies show that we are better at some activities at certain times of the day. Physical performance is at its bestb____53____3 p.m. and 6 p.m, so it’s better to exercise later in the day.F____54____, it is best to eat during our active periods. This allows our body to burn calories better and stop our blood sugar levels (⾎糖⽔平) from getting too high.50. able51. wake52. Evening53. between54. Finally18-19五四制浦东新区C. Fill in the blanks according to the given letters.(根据⾸字母填空,每空格限填⼀词)The 2019 summer holiday is on the way. You may have a nice trip in London with the help of the followinginformation.47. easily48. children49. plan50. boat51. expensive52. riding53. best18-19普陀区D.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with suitable words. (在短⽂的空格内填⼊适当的词,使其内容通顺。

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材料一:这是一场规模空前的技术革命,它创造了 巨大的生产力。马克思、恩格斯曾指出: “资产阶级在它不到一百年的阶级统治中所 创造的全部生产力,比过去一切时代创造 的生产力还要多,还要大”。 材料二:在这次革命的推动下,世界资本主义处于 高速发展的“黄金时代”,工业生产取得巨 大飞跃。1870—1900年间,世界工业总产 值增长2倍多,交通运输业获得空前发展。
4、宋元时期,中国古代科学技术 的发展达到( 高峰 ) ①、火药 ②、 活字印刷术 ③、 指南针
④、 棉纺织技术
1.四大发明中,在两宋时期完成的是…( ) ①火药 ②活字印刷术 ③造纸术 ④指南针 A.②③④ B.②④ C.①②③④
2.从黎族人民那里学到棉纺织技术,促进内地 棉纺技术普及的妇女是………………( ) A.蔡文姬 B.文明太后 C.黄道婆 D.李清照
3.毕升的最大贡献是发明了……………( A.印章和拓印碑文技术 B.雕版印刷术 C.轮检排字法 D.活字印刷术

4.18世纪60年代的( )的发明、改进和推 广是英国工业革命的起点。 A蒸汽机 B发电机 C纺织机器 D火车机车 5.你知道著名的汽车大王吗……………( ) A克里斯汀 B凯特 C亨利福特 D卓别林 6.在科学理论的指导下,技术发明层出不穷, 工业革命进入了一个新的阶段,这一时期最 突出的特点是…………………………( ) A机械运动转为热能 B蒸汽机的发明和使用 C电力在生产生活中的广泛应用 D内燃机的发明和使用
⑴材料一中的“革命”指的是哪一历史事件? 它使人类进入了什么时代?
⑵材料中的“革命”深刻改变了人类 的 生活,请举出至少2例至今仍在发 挥重要作用的成果。
⑶试比较分析这两段材料中的“革命” 的不同之处。
材料一:以蒸汽机为动力。 材料二:以电动机为动力。
宋元时期,( 火药)广泛地应用 于战争 宋朝时,( 指南针 )应用于 航海事业
1、春秋时期,( 铁农具 )( 牛耕技术 ) 的使用的推广,极大地促进了(农业 ) 的发展。 2、西汉时期,( 造纸术)的发明,推 动了( 文化教育 )的发展和进步 3、唐朝,农业上应用( 筒车 )和 ( 曲辕犁 ),农业生产效率大大提高。