1203 Effects of hydromorphological integrity on biodiversity and functioning of river ecosystems





























中 闺 环境 科 学
2 0 1 3 , 3 3 ( 5 ) :9 6 0
C h i n a E n v i r o n me n t a 1 S c i e n c e
生 锈 的冰 雪 融 水
过去 人们 一直 认 为河流 是海 洋离 子 的主要来 源, 直 到最近 才 发现, 在偏 远地 区大 气尘 埃也 是其主 要来源 之
可达 5 - 1 0  ̄ t mo l / L , 比地表 水和冰 中铁浓度 高一个数量级; 微粒铁浓度也在融雪季开始时最高并高于冰 川表面的铁浓
度. 他 们 推 测 原 因 可 能 是 融 雪 季 早 期 冰 河 中 大 部 分 融 雪 水 来 自冰 川 底 部 , 下伏 岩石 中 还 原 性 含 铁 矿 物 的 风 化 会 消 耗
非被有机物稳定, 在流 向海洋的过程 中溶解性铁会因凝聚、碰并等过程而失掉. 假设 9 0 %的铁在向海洋输送的过程中失
掉, 把B h a t i a等所测数据推算到整个格陵兰岛, 那么格陵兰冰原每年向北大西洋输送大约 0 . 3 T g的生物可利用铁, 这个数 量和北大西洋风尘来源的铁 的量相当. 相反的, 南极洲快速 、高流量的冰流会把溶解和微粒态的铁统统带入开阔的海洋. 铁足海洋浮游 生物 的必需营养素之一. 铁 向极地海洋 的输送关系到海洋 生产率 、光合作用中二氧化碳 的消耗和 气候模拟, 因此其控制 因素必定会成 为研究 的热 点. B h a t i a等表 示格 陵兰冰原的冰雪融水在流 向海洋的过程中会带 走冰下大量生物可利用的铁, 这些铁的最终命运及对海洋 生产率的影响都有待研 究.
邓彦 阁 译 自 ( ( Na t u r e G e o s c i e n c e ) ) , 2 0 1 3 - 0 3 — 1 0


在热带气 旋 的 数 值 模 拟 中$通 常 使 用 块 体 算 法 计 算海面的动 量 通 量 和 热 量 通 量$该 块 体 算 法 中 涉 及 两 个非常重要的参数$即拖曳系数 5* 和热焓交换系数 5T'&S=HWD?)"!J":*通过理论和数值实验表明$热 带 气 旋只有在 5T(5*大 于 #a;! 时 才 能 获 得 足 够 的 能 量 发 展为 台 风 或 飓 风 !中 心 附 近 最 大 风 速 达 9$a;! 9:aO S(B"'然而$利 用 传 统 块 体 算 法 !基 于 中 低 风 速 的观测资料给出"得到的台风条件下的 5T(5* 小于 #a;)";*$此结果不能 解 释 实 际 情 形 下 台 风 的 发 展$导 致 此结果的一个重要原因为传统的块体算法未考虑海洋
! $#$"年"#月
%&'()*(+,-).)+&,/ 0/(1&'2(34 ).+5(/,
!"!"#"##"$!#$" )678$$#$"
张佳琳张文清"" 夏浩峰管长龙
!中国海洋大学海洋与大气学院$山东 青岛 $::"##"
摘!要!本文在海J气J浪J沉积输运耦合模式 +),f23!3CD+FWV?DMJ)6D=HJ,7SFBVCD>DJf=XDJ2DMASDH73>=HBVF>7]FMJ D?AHU2@B7DS"中$添加包含海洋飞沫效应的拖曳系数5* 和热焓交换系数5T 参数化方案$探讨海洋飞沫的动力学和热力 学效应对热带气旋的影响'数值实验结果表明$海洋飞沫效应可有效改进热带气旋的路径模拟结果%只考虑海洋飞沫动力 学效应时$对海表动量通量的影响甚少$可使向上感热通量和潜热通量略有增加%同时考虑海洋飞沫动力学和热力学效应 时$可使海表动量通量略有增加$并使向上感热通量和潜热通量显著增加$海洋飞沫主要通过热力学效应有效增加热带气 旋强度$对热带气旋强度模拟的改进效果相比于仅考虑海洋飞沫动力学效应更显著' 关键词!海J气J浪J沉积输运耦合模式%热带气旋%海洋飞沫%动量通量%向上感热通量%潜热通量 中图法分类号#!%;"<k 8$%%;9$8:!!!!!!文献标志码#!,!!!!!文章编号#!":;$J!";<!$#$"""#J#"$J"# !"##!"#8":<<"(K86HLA8CMGN8$#$##99$ 引用格式#!张佳琳$张文清$夏浩峰$等8海洋飞沫对热带气旋影响的数值模拟研究+++以-鲇鱼.台风为例)P*8中国海洋大 学学报!自然科学版"$$#$"$!"!"#"#"$J$"8 RC=HUPA=?AH$RC=HU fDH^AHU$[A=5=FEDHU$D7=?8/WSD>A6=?BASW?=7AFHB7WM@FEBD=BV>=@/BDEED67FH7>FVA6=?6@6?FHD#, 6=BDB7WM@FE7@VCFFH-]DUA.)P*8%D>AFMA6=?FE)6D=H0HAXD>BA7@FE+CAH=$$#$"$!"!"#"#"$J$"8




通过H2还原和N H3程序升温还原法分别制备了氧化铝负载钴金属催化剂和钴氮 化物催化剂。



氧化铝负 载的钴氮化物催化剂具有较高的肉桂醇选择性。

关键词:钴;氧化铝;肉桂醛;肉桂醇;选择性加氢中图分类号:〇643.38 文献标识码:A文章编号:1008 -021X(2017)21 -0035 -03Selective Hydrogenation of Cinnamaldehyde over C o/A1203CatalystQin Yonghua1,Lu Wennian, Zhang Xinbo1*, Zhang Bin, Zhang Yajuan1(1. Zhejiang Pharmaceutical College,Ningbo 315000,China;2. Ningbo Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute,Ningbo 315000, China)Abstract:The alumina supported cobalt oxide precursor was prepared by co - precipitation method. The Co/Al203nitride was synthesized by NH3temperature - programmed reaction. The catalyst C o/A1203nitride was characterized by X - ray diffraction and temperature - programmed desorption. The catalytic activities of the alumina supported cobalt nitride and cobalt metal were evaluated by selective hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde ( CMA) in liquid phase. The alumina supported Co nitride catalyst showed the highest selectivity of cinnamyl alcohol (CMO).Key words : Cobalt ; alumina ; cinnamaldehyde ; cinnamyl aclcohol ; selective hydrogenation(X,p -不饱和选择性加氢制备相应的不饱和醇是精细化工 的重要反应,广泛应用于医药、农药、香料和化妆品等行业。



海水弛豫效应对有限振幅声波传播的影响杨德森;胡诗涌;时洁;时胜国;张昊阳;刘庆【摘要】To study the influence of the seawater relaxation effect on the finite amplitude sound propagation, the propagation model and the acoustic Reynolds number in relaxation medium are obtained by adding the modified terms of the relaxation processes to Burgers equation. When the frequency of the acoustic wave is far less than the relaxation frequency of the medium,a numerical simulation is conducted for the finite amplitude sound propagation, and the relaxation effect caused by magnesium sulfate on the sound propagation is analyzed. Results show that the formation of shock wave in seawater has certain threshold. The shock wave is formed when the acoustic Reynolds number exceeds the threshold, and excessive absorption caused by the relaxation effect delays formation of the shock wave. In addition,the amplitude of the shock wave attenuates as the distance increases,and the shock wave will not be formed when the acoustic Reynolds number below the threshold.%为了研究海水弛豫效应对有限振幅声波传播的影响,本文将海水弛豫过程的修正项加入到有限振幅声波的传播模型中,得到了弛豫介质中有限振幅声波的传播模型及声雷诺数.当声波频率远小于介质的弛豫频率时,结合数值算法,对声波的传播进行数值模拟,分析了硫酸镁弛豫效应对声波传播的影响.研究表明:海水介质中冲击波的形成具有一定的阈值条件,当声雷诺数超过阈值条件时会形成冲击波,此时弛豫效应引起的逾量吸收具有推迟冲击波形成的作用,且冲击波的幅度随着传播距离的增大而衰减,而当声雷诺数没有达到阈值条件时不会形成冲击波.【期刊名称】《哈尔滨工程大学学报》【年(卷),期】2018(039)002【总页数】7页(P193-199)【关键词】弛豫效应;有限振幅声波;逾量吸收;色散;冲击波;数值算法;阈值条件【作者】杨德森;胡诗涌;时洁;时胜国;张昊阳;刘庆【作者单位】哈尔滨工程大学水声技术重点实验室,黑龙江哈尔滨150001;哈尔滨工程大学水声工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150001;哈尔滨工程大学水声工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150001;哈尔滨工程大学水声技术重点实验室,黑龙江哈尔滨150001;哈尔滨工程大学水声工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150001;哈尔滨工程大学水声技术重点实验室,黑龙江哈尔滨150001;哈尔滨工程大学水声工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150001;哈尔滨工程大学水声技术重点实验室,黑龙江哈尔滨150001;哈尔滨工程大学水声工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150001;哈尔滨工程大学水声工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150001【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P733.21有限振幅声波的传播问题是非线性声学领域里的经典问题。



CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS 2017年第36卷第5期·1658·化 工 进展乙酸蒸汽催化重整制氢的研究进展王东旭1,肖显斌2,李文艳1(1华北电力大学能源动力与机械工程学院,北京 102206;2华北电力大学生物质发电成套设备国家工程实验室,北京 102206)摘要:通过生物油蒸汽重整制备氢气可以减少环境污染,降低对化石燃料的依赖,是一种极具潜力的制氢途径。





关键词:生物油;乙酸;制氢;催化剂;热力学中图分类号:TK6 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2017)05–1658–08 DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2017.05.014A review of literatures on catalytic steam reforming of acetic acid forhydrogen productionWANG Dongxu 1,XIAO Xianbin 2,LI Wenyan 1(1 School of Energy ,Power and Mechanical Engineering ,North China Electric Power University ,Beijing 102206,China ;2 National Engineering Laboratory for Biomass Power Generation Equipment ,North China Electric PowerUniversity ,Beijing 102206,China )Abstract :Hydrogen production via steam reforming of bio-oil ,a potential way to produce hydrogen , can reduce environmental pollution and dependence on fossil fuels. Acetic acid is one of the main components of bio-oil and is often selected as a model compound. Nickel-based catalyst is widely used in the steam reforming of acetic acid ,but it deactivates fast due to the carbon deposition. In this paper ,the affecting factors for the steam reforming of acetic acid are analyzed. The coking mechanism of nickel-based catalyst in this process is illustrated. Optimization methods for nickel-baed catalyst are discussed ,including optimizing the pretreatment process ,adding promoters ,and choosing appropriate catalyst supports. Research progresses in the thermodynamics analyses for steaming reforming of acetic acid are summarized. Further studies should be focused on the effects of a combination of a variety of promoters on carbon deposition. Catalytic activity and the synergy mechanism should be analyzed to produce a novel nickel-based catalyst with high activity ,high resistance to caborn deposition for hydrogen production via steam reforming of bio-oil. Key words :bio-oil ;acetic acid ;hydrogen production ;catalyst ;thermodynamics第一作者:王东旭(1994—),男,硕士研究生,从事生物质能利用技术研究。



1.海洋沉积物中磷脂类化合物中脂肪酸的GC-MS分析 [J], 林庆梅;陈进才;李玉桂;袁东星;郑天凌;洪华生
2.适用于海洋沉积物间隙水中氧、锰(Ⅱ)、铁(Ⅱ)、硫分析的金汞齐微电极 [J], 许昆明;司靖宇
3.激光激发原子荧光光谱方法在海洋沉积物样品痕量金分析中的应… [J], 薛猛;林琴如
4.测定陆架区海洋沉积物中细粒分散状金的分选方法[J], Л.А.Царькова;朱佛宏;朱成文
5.LEAFS对海洋沉积物中金钯元素的测量 [J], 吉望西;陈瓞延;林琴如;马万云




离这436ran。祷嚣溢产物在140~180℃农热改性1~3h辱露媸烧,NiO瓣一敬粒径变化不 大,丽溺聚粒衽劂降至350nm以下(图5)。延长水热始理时闻或降低葳应温度,均有利予降 低后继焙烧产物的粒径。
作者: 作者单位:
李健, 向兰, 金涌 清华大学化工系(北京)
本文读者也读过(10条) 1. 陈华.刘亚青.CHEN Hua.LIU Ya-qing 超声波在聚合物成型加工中降粘作用的研究及应用[期刊论文]-化工技术 与开发2006,35(8) 2. 许仪.薛永强.崔子祥.王肖鹏.XU Yi.XUE Yong-qiang.CUI Zi-xiang.WANG Xiao-peng 粒度对纳米氧化镍化学反 应平衡常数的影响[期刊论文]-太原理工大学学报2010,41(4) 3. 张成光.于兴芝.ZHANG Chengguang.YU Xingzhi 基于超声波研磨加工机理的影响因素研究[期刊论文]-机床与液 压2007,35(6) 4. 陈健.郭祀远.李琳.肖凯军 超声波强化超滤的研究进展[期刊论文]-水处理技术2003,29(4) 5. 杨建湘.李朝晖.高德淑.苏光耀 纳米氧化镍的制备及表征[期刊论文]-精细化工中间体2003,33(6) 6. 李杰.陈伟庆 超声波导入方式对金属凝固组织的影响[会议论文]-2006 7. 陈彩凤.陈志刚 超声场中湿法制备氧化铝纳米粉[期刊论文]-江苏大学学报(自然科学版)2003,24(1) 8. 刘建华.于美.李松梅.LIU Jian-Hua.YU Mei.LI Song-Mei 溶胶-凝胶燃烧合成制备NiO纳米颗粒的研究[期刊论 文]-材料工程2006(z1) 9. 纪登峰 SOFC中SDC电解质和NiO-SDC阳极材料的制备和表征[学位论文]2006 10. 陈海华 纳米NiO粉体的制备及其气敏性能的研究[学位论文]2005



滇池流域入湖河流水文形貌特征对丰水期大型底栖动物群落结构的影响佚名【摘要】The structure of macrozoobenthic communities was shaped by multiple types of environmental factors. The hydromorphological factors, determining the physical habitats, were closely related with macrozoobenthic communities. In the context of lack of corresponding researches, understanding hydromorphological influences on macrozoobenthic communities was valuable for extending our knowledge concerning relationships between macrozoobenthic communities and environmental factors. Based on the ecological investigation in the wet season from 2012 to 2013, the aims of our study were to identify the key factors in channel and riparian habitats related to macrozoobenthic communities and determine which type of factors were more important in explaining the variation of macrozoobenthic communities. Canonical correspondence analysis was ued to identify the key factors influencing the whole communities. Partial canonical correspondence analysis was also applied to compare the relative importance of the hydromorphological factors in channels and those in riparian zones in structuring macrozoobenthic communities. The Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) results showed that the key hydromorphological variables related to substrate, channelization, slope, water temperature, forest percentage and other landuse percentage, which explained 36.2% of the variance of themacrozoobenthic communities in total. Forest percentage and other landuse percentage represented the selected riparian variables and contributed only 9.2% to the changes of macrozoobenthic communities while the other four factors explained 21.6%. It was concluded that the hydromorphological factors in channel environments played a more important part in structuring macrozoobenthic communities than those in riparian environments, which will be of great importance to biological monitoring, ecosystem health assessment and diversity conservation for macrozoobenthos.%河流水文形貌特征,作为决定物理生境的重要因子,与大型底栖动物群落关系密切。





































1.低温液体核沸腾表面的活化核心分布密度 [J], 吴玉庭;杨春信;袁修干
2.基于CFD方法的棒束通道内临界热流密度预测 [J], 张蕊;田文喜;秋穗正;苏光辉
3.近临界压力区垂直内螺纹管临界热流密度实验研究 [J], 谢海燕;李耀德;蒋慧卿;杨冬
4.内螺纹管临界热流密度预测与数值计算 [J], 谢海燕;蒋慧卿;赵云杰;杨冬
5.高参数热力设备中临界热流密度预测模型研究 [J], 林睿南;王昊;安建川;肖飞;王科



很 好地 符合 了 Gres y的理 论. asl e
3 结 论 ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
P F浓溶 液 中形 成 了 一个 拟 网络 结 构. 切 VD 低
口] oli adP lm c,1 6 ,2 : 1 —50 .JC l d n oy S i 9 6 2 5 7 3 . o
[]G asly W.Lna i ols c yi na gigp l 9 res e W ier s e t i etn l o— v c a it n n
c p l r oui sJ.P l r ,1 7 ,1 :3 3 o oy lt n [] oy 9 8 0 5 — me s o me J
36 3.
[ 2 er Ha e Wo gCP h oo i l tde 1 ]B ryG C, grBL, n .R elgc u is as
第 4 期
武利顺等 :聚偏氟 乙烯 浓溶 液的流变性及黏度 主曲线
・3 ・ 7
C 3 Grese w.Vsoi fe tn l g plds es 4 asl W y i st o nagi oy i re c y n p
p l r[] h m h ,16 ,4 :14 —1 5 oy sJ.J e P y 9 7 7 9 2 93 me C
[ ] F x T G, o hc .Iohr a i o i - l ua 5 o L sak S s tem lvs s ymoe l c t c r
we h e ed n efrln oy rcan [] p i t p n e c o o gp lme h isJ .JAp l g d
p l sb tl edcl se J. l i S i 1 5 , oy o uy n -eai s t i e n y m[]JC l d c, 9 5 o o



10mA; 0 扫描 范 围( oo~9 。扫 描速度 4/ i能测试 .
2 结 果与 分 析
图 l 添加 5 Y O 为 % 球 磨 不 同时 间所 得 材 料
稀 土和 金属 镁 都具 有 易 氧化 的特性 , 了减少 为 制备 过程 的氧 化 , 土 和镁 均 采用 块 状 代 替 粉 .按 稀
第2 8届 全国化学与物理电源 学术 年 会 论 文 选 ・ ( 刊 ) 上 增
文章 编 号 :10 5 6 (09 S — 0 5—0 0 0— 4 3 20 ) 1 0 8 3
Y 3 L Mg 型 储 氢 合 金 电化 学 性 能 的 影 响 2 对 a 。 O 2
王 敬 ,马 兴 泰 ,张 莉 ,吴 锋
为对 电极 , 电解 液 用 6 mo L K H 溶 液 +l L l O / 5 LO i H溶 液 .恒 流 充 放 电 实 验 采 用 L n a d系 列 充 放
电性 能 测试 仪 . 1 2 结 构表 征 .
研究者 发现 , 添加 金 属 氧 化物 可 提 高放 电容
华 南 师 范 大 学 学报 (自然 科 学 版 ) 20 09年 1 1月
NO V.2O 9 o
关键词 :a ; LMg: 储氢合金 ; Y O ;电化 学性能
中图 分 类 号 :M 1 . T 9 22 文献 标 识码 : A
传统 A 型稀 土合金 因受到合金 晶体结构 的 B 限制 , 其气态 储氢 量不 超过 14 ( / , . % H M) 电化 学放












通过增加表面粗糙度,表面憎水性可大幅提高[ 11 ]。

这个策略是完全表现出荷叶的表面结构是在两个尺度的微米和纳米中突起[ 12 ]。

由于其在基础研究和工业应用中的[13,14]有趣的性质和重要的应用,超疏水表面引起了极大的关注,各种制备方法已报道的{15–18} 。



但我们以前的研究发现,超疏水性表面能提高海水中铜的耐腐蚀性[ 19 ]。





中等复杂程度全球热带海洋模式模拟的热带印度洋海表温度变率赵珊珊;杨修群【期刊名称】《南京大学学报:自然科学版》【年(卷),期】2003(39)3【摘要】利用一个中等复杂程度全球热带海洋模式模拟研究了表面强迫异常引起的热带印度洋海表温度(SST)变率.利用1958-1998年表面分析资料作为强迫场,积分海洋模式41年作为控制试验,并利用模式分别做动量(风应力)通量和热量通量无异常变化的平行试验,与控制试验作比较.通过3组试验模拟的上层海洋变率状况的比较,分析了动量和热量通量异常对热带印度洋SST变率的影响,并比较了其影响的相对重要性.结果表明,模拟的热带印度洋SST变率的主要模态表现为与热带太平洋ENSO相联系的海盆尺度的一致性增暖或变冷特征,次级模态为热带印度洋SST偶极子模态.通过3组试验结果的比较表明,动量通量和热量通量异常强迫对热带印度洋SST变率第一模态均有贡献,但热量通量异常强迫的影响比动量通量异常强迫的作用大.热带印度洋偶极子模态主要受动量(风应力)异常强迫影响,热量通量异常强迫主要起阻尼作用.【总页数】12页(P358-369)【关键词】热带印度洋;海表温度变率;动量通量;热量通量;中等复杂程度全球热带海洋模式;海洋模拟【作者】赵珊珊;杨修群【作者单位】南京大学大气科学系海气相互作用研究室【正文语种】中文【中图分类】P731.11【相关文献】1.海浪混合作用对热带海洋海表面温度模拟的影响 [J], 刘子龙;史剑;蒋国荣;肖林2.热带东印度洋海表温度持续性的秋季障碍 [J], 郭品文;杨丽萍;唐碧3.江南西部雨季降水区域特征及其受热带海洋海表温度异常的影响分析 [J], 吴贤云;丁一汇;叶成志;段丽洁;王琪4.北半球热带中太平洋与印度洋海表温度梯度对夏季西北太平洋热带气旋生成频数变化的影响 [J], 方珂; 余锦华5.热带太平洋-印度洋海表温度变化及其对西南地区东部夏季旱涝的影响 [J], 李永华;卢楚翰;徐海明;程炳岩因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



Value Engineering0引言海洋开发与岛礁建设伴随着大量的离岸土建工程,这需要大量砂石资源与水资源。













因此将温湿循环时间t 后的海水海砂混凝土不同部位力学强度表示为时间t 与初始力学强度(抗压强度f c 或动弹性模量E d )的函数(公式1):(1)式中:f c ,0—为试件初始抗压强度(MPa );E d ,0—为试件初始动弹性模量(GPa )。

以抗压强度函数f (t ,f c ,0)计算为例,首先考虑函数与初始抗压强度的关系。


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GLOBAL CHANGE AND RIVER ECOSYSTEMSEffects of hydromorphological integrity on biodiversity and functioning of river ecosystemsArturo Elosegi •Joserra Dı´ez •Michael Mutz Received:5August 2009/Accepted:29December 2009/Published online:22January 2010ÓSpringer Science+Business Media B.V.2010Abstract River channels tend to a dynamic equilib-rium driven by the dynamics of water and sediment discharge.The resulting fluctuating pattern of channel form is affected by the slope,the substrate erodibility,and the vegetation in the river corridor and in the catchment.Geomorphology is basic to river biodiver-sity and ecosystem functioning since the channel pattern provides habitat for the biota and physical framework for ecosystem processes.Human activities increasingly change the natural drivers of channel morphology on a global scale (e.g.urbanization increases hydrological extremes,and clearing of forests for agriculture increases sediment yield).In addition,human actions common along world rivers impact channel dynamics directly,e.g.river regulation simplifies and fossilizes channel form.River conser-vation and restoration must incorporate mechanisms ofchannel formation and ecological consequences of channel form and dynamics.This article (1)summa-rizes the role of channel form on biodiversity and functioning of river ecosystems,(2)describes spatial complexity,connectivity and dynamism as three key hydromorphological attributes,(3)identifies prevalent human activities that impact these key components and (4)analyzes gaps in current knowledge and identifies future research topics.Keywords River ecosystem ÁHydromorphology ÁBiodiversity ÁFunctioningIntroductionLotic ecosystems are integral elements of landscapes,shaped by the transport of water and materials from their drainage basins (Hynes,1975).Because the unidirectional transport occurs in a dendritic network and is highly episodic,river channels are spatially complex and temporally variable (Rosgen,1996).As river ecologists discovered the relevance of transport,flood dynamics,channel complexity,parafluvial and floodplain areas,and other key characteristics of river ecosystems,different concepts dominated the field of river ecology.Pioneering works (Hawkes,1975)described rivers as composed of discrete biological zones set downstream in a predictable order.The River Continuum Concept (RCC,Vannote et al.,1980),on the other hand,stressed the fact that zonesGuest editors:R.J.Stevenson,S.Sabater /Global Change and River Ecosystems –Implications for Structure,Function and Ecosystem ServicesA.Elosegi (&)ÁJ.Dı´ez Faculty of Science and Technology,University of the Basque Country,PO Box 644,48080Bilbao,Spain e-mail:arturo.elosegi@ehu.esM.MutzDepartment of Freshwater Conservation,Brandenburg University of Technology,Seestr.45,15526Bad Saarow,Germany123Hydrobiologia (2010)657:199–215DOI 10.1007/s10750-009-0083-4are not discrete,but change in a rather continuous way along the river,driven primarily by changes in channel morphology.The RCC was criticized by some authors(Winterbourn et al.,1981;Statzner& Higler,1985),and concepts were advanced regarding morphological discontinuity.For instance,the Serial Discontinuity Concept(Ward&Stanford,1983) made predictions on the effect of dams,largely based on the RCC,and the network dynamics hypothesis (Benda et al.,2004)analyzed the effect of tributary confluences.On the other hand,the Flood Pulse Concept(Junk et al.,1989;Junk&Wantzen,2003) stressed the role of theflood regime on the ecology of large rivers,and the Riverine Productivity Model (Thorp&Delong,1994)challenged some of the tenets of the RCC regarding the source of organic matter.More recently,the Riverine Ecosystem Syn-thesis(Thorp et al.,2006)depicted rivers as an array of large‘hydrogeomorphic patches’(equivalent to constrained,braided or meandering sections),and stressed the fact that there is no simple way to predict the position of these patches along a river,but they are associated to distinct functional zones.Thus, biological communities are shaped by a hierarchy of environmental factors,from ones affecting regional-scale distribution of organisms,down to factors affecting communities at the reach-scale,and even at the scale of individual riffles(Parsons&Thoms, 2007).Although scientists have long explored the role of channel morphology on river ecology,managers only recently recognized hydromorphology as an impor-tant element of streams and rivers,often focusing mainly onfish and benthic invertebrate habitat, neglecting other aspects of biodiversity and ecosys-tem functioning.This probably occurred because river morphology is highly variable,depending on a hierarchy of controlling factors in the catchment, including upstream and,to a lesser extent,down-stream parts of the river network.Natural constraints such as climate and geology and human activities such as land use andflow regulation,determine the main drivers—hydrological regime,sediment regime and riparian vegetation—that shape the local morphology.Because channel form and hydraulics provide a structural template that shapes ecological processes, many authors stressed their importance for river biodiversity and functioning.Different terms have been coined to stress this interplay:hydromorphology (EU,2000),eco-geomorphology(Thoms&Parsons, 2002),functional ecomorphology(Fisher et al.,2007) and others.Despite this recognition there is still a lack of understanding of complex responses of biological processes to hydromorphology,which often shows shifting patterns rather than static balances(Lenders et al.,1998).Even when acknowl-edged,hydromorphology is mostly seen as static(e.g. riffle-pool sequences),neglecting the dynamic aspect of channel form,which is central to hydromorpho-logical quality.Newson&Large(2006)defined natural river channels as those whose geometry and features represent the full interplay of unmanaged water and sedimentfluxes with local boundary conditions.Such channels are free to adjust by aggradation,degradation or by lateral interaction with thefloodplain or valley floor in response to unmanagedflows and sediment supplies(short term)or in response to long-term changes in system or local drivers.They are not wilderness channels but may inspire a holistic percep-tion of being‘intact’,a popular human perception of reference conditions deriving mainly from landscape aesthetics.‘Natural’channels require minimum man-agement intervention to offer resilience and a diversity of physical habitat,though neither of these‘natural services’is universal or perpetual.Here we analyze the importance of hydromorpho-logical integrity(i.e.of natural river channels),on biodiversity and functioning of river ecosystems, focusing in three key attributes for stream ecosystem functioning:spatial complexity,connectivity and dynamism.We also discuss the effects of human activities on the hydromorphological integrity of rivers and identify current gaps in knowledge,and topics for future research.Hydromorphological attributes of importanceto stream ecologyThe term hydromorphology,which was recently made popular by the European Water Framework Directive(EU,2000),reflects the inseparable asso-ciation of channel form andflow.Depending on river type,hydromorphology is expressed by a different array of morphological elements and hydrodynamic features.For instance,oxbow lakes are important200Hydrobiologia(2010)657:199–215 123constituents of lowland rivers meandering in wide valleys,but not in v-shaped constrained ones.It is beyond the objectives of the present article to give a comprehensive list of all elements constituting channel form and dynamics and to specify their characteristics for different rivers.We instead give ecologically significant examples that illustrate three attributes of key importance for river ecosystems—spatial com-plexity,connectivity and dynamism(Table1).Spatial complexity is created and maintained by a series of processes acting from microhabitat to catchment scale and driven by periodic and stochastic events in time, such as discharge and sediment input.Sequences of complex reaches along a river network further increase dynamics and spatial complexity.Hence channel complexity,connectivity,and dynamism are closely linked.Spatial complexity of channel and river corridor Channel complexity results from processes occurring at a wide variety of mutually dependent scales (Frisell et al.,1986;Thorp et al.,2006).At the microhabitat scale,smaller than the width of the stream,sediments are usually sorted by grain size, resulting in patches that provide habitat for different organisms.Sorting processes depend on the local flow pattern that is generated at the reach scale,and largely modified by localflow obstructions such as boulders,macrophytes or large wood(Fig.1).In the vertical and lateral dimension,variability of sedi-ments and hydraulic conductivity often reflect a series of succeeding historic channel forms,former flood events and sediment deposition.Legacies of historical channel processes increase the complexity of current morphological pattern at all scales(Frisell et al.,1986;Gregory et al.1991).At the reach scale (at least1–2magnitudes of the stream width), physical complexity is expressed as changes in slope, cross-section and plan form.Stream ecologists often categorize distinct visible morphological elements like riffles,various forms of pools,bars,banks and so on.These elements differ in width,depth,water velocity and grain size,sorting and packing of the sediments,and hence control the microhabitat com-plexity.At the catchment scale,channel form differs along the drainage network,according to constraints such as geology and lithology,increasing discharge and changes in sediment load or slope and valley form.On this large scale,there is a general sequence of straight to braided to meandering morphology from the source to the mouth of a river,and this sequence affects complexity at both the reach and microhabitat scales.Another general trend along the course of rivers is the increasing width of the river corridor and increasing significance of thefloodplain, which itself can be expressed in variousfloodplain-specific water bodies.However,these general patterns are often broken by stream confluences, lakes,regional geology and changes of valley form (Ward&Stanford,1983).ConnectivityThe concept of connectivity wasfirst applied to river systems by Amoros&Roux(1988).Although mainly recognized as an important ecosystem aspect,con-nectivity in rivers is primarily a hydromorphological attribute.Pringle(2001)defined hydrologic connec-tivity as water-mediated transfer of matter,energy and organisms within or between elements of the hydrologic cycle.In rivers,connectivity works in three dimensions(Kondolf et al.,2006).Longitudinal connectivity controls the downstreamflux of water and sediments along the river network,and thus the basic processes shaping channel form.To a limited degree there is even downstream to upstream con-nectivity,which can be seen in case of backward erosion or sediment aggradation caused by shifts in downstream erosion base level.Additionally,water and sediments can be transported in the lateral and vertical teral connectivity between the channel and thefloodplain is also important;sedi-ments deposited duringfloods form thefloodplains and can return to the main channel when the channel migrates laterally(Junk et al.,1989).Hydraulic connectivity between the stream channel and shallow groundwater aquifers can extend for considerable distances laterally into the banks and belowflood-plains(Standford&Ward,1988),though the major exchange in most streams and rivers is in vertical dimension across the stream bed.Vertical connectivity is created by the exchange of water between the water column and the hyporheic zone as well as the vertical accretion of sediment deposits.Waterflux across the bed and banks is driven by hydraulic pressure vari-ability and depends on the porosity of the sediments. Vertical connectivity is hence closely related toHydrobiologia(2010)657:199–215201123T a b l e 1A t t r i b u t e s o f h y d r o m o r p h o l o g y o f p a r t i c u l a r r e l e v a n c e t o s t r e a m a n d r i v e r e c o l o g y ,s c a l e s a t w h i c h t h e y a r e i m p o r t a n t ,e x a m p l e s o f v a r i a b l e s a f f e c t e d ,e c o l o g i c a l s i g n i fic a n c e a n d m a i n h u m a n i m p a c t sA t t r i b u t e S c a l eF e a t u r e s r e l a t e dS i g n i fic a n c e f o r b i o d i v e r s i t y S i g n i fic a n c e f o r f u n c t i o n i n g M a i n i m p a c t sC o m p l e x i t y M i c r o h a b i t a tS e d i m e n t g r a i n s i z e ,s o r t i n g a n d p a c k i n g ;w o o d ,C P O M F u n c t i o n a l h a b i t a t d i v e r s i t y ;r e f u g e ;f o o d a v a i l a b i l i t y ;s p a w n i n g a r e a sD i v e r s i t y /f u n c t i o n l i n k s ;h y d r a u l i c ,n u t r i e n t a n d O M r e t e n t i o n ;r e d o x g r a d i e n t s ,m e t a b o l i s m S i l t a t i o n ;flo w d e t r a c t i o n a n d r e g u l a t i o n ;s n a g g i n g ;c a n a l i z a t i o nR e a c hC h a n n e l s l o p e ,c r o s s -s e c t i o n &p l a n f o r m ;r i f fle /p o o l s s e q u e n c e s ;b a r s &u n d e r c u t b a n k sM a c r o h a b i t a t d i v e r s i t y ;r e s o u r c e p a r t i t i o n i n g f o r o r g a n i s m s F u n c t i o n a l z o n e s ;m e t a b o l i s mG r a v e l m i n i n g ,b a n k a n d b e d r e v e t m e n t s ;v e g e t a t i o n r e m o v a lC a t c h m e n tC h a n n e l t y p o l o g y a l o n g d r a i n a g e n e t w o r kR e g i o n a l b i o d i v e r s i t y S e e d l i n g e s t a b l i s h m e n t ;e x c h a n g e o f n u t r i e n t s a n d O ME x t e n s i v e l a n d u s e c h a n g e ;u r b a n i z a t i o nC o n n e c t i v i t y L o n g i t u d i n a lC o n t i n u i t y L a r g e -s c a l e m o b i l i t y ;m e t a p o p u l a t i o n d y n a m i c s ;r e s i l i e n c e ,c o m m u n i t y p e r s i s t e n c eB a r r i e r e f f e c t ;s e d i m e n t t r a n p o r t ;p o p u l a t i o n s t r u c t u r eD a m s ,e n g i n e e r e d r e a c h e s ;flo w r e g u l a t i o n ,flo o d c o n t r o l ,a n d d r a i n a g eL a t e r a lC h a n n e l p l a n f o r m ;h y d r a u l i c c o n n e c t i v i t y ;flo o d i n g R e f u g e (flo o d s );b r e e d i n g i n flo o d p l a i n s ;t e r r e s t r i a l a n d a q u a t i c o r g a n i s m i n t e r a c t i o n sS e d i m e n t a n d O M r e t e n t i o n ;e n h a n c e s v e r t i c a l c o n n e c t i v i t yC a n a l i z a t i o n ;d i k e s ;flo w r e g u l a t i o n ;v e g e t a t i o n r e m o v a lV e r t i c a lV a r i a b i l i t y o f c h a n n e l s l o p e a n d c r o s s -s e c t i o n ;h y p o r h e o s ;w o o d j a m s R e f u g e (flo o d s ,d r o u g h t s );l i f e c y c l e s ;b i o d i v e r s i t y h o t s p o t sD i v e r s i t y /f u n c t i o n l i n k s ;n u t r i e n t r e t e n t i o n ;r i v e r m e t a b o l i s m S i l t a t i o n ;c a n a l i z a t i o n ;d i k e sD y n a m i s m H o u r s /d a y sS t o r m r u n o f f ;flo o d s ;d r o u g h t s D i s t u r b a n c e ;o p p o r t u n i t y f o r c o l o n i s t s ;a v o i d a n c e o f c o m p e t i t i v e e x c l u s i o nR e s e t s s u c c e s s i o nR e g u l a t i o n ;d r e d g i n g ,b a n k fix a t i o n ;flo o d c o n t r o lM o n t h s /y e a r sH y d r o l o g i c r e g i m e ;s e d i m e n t b u d g e t ;c h a n n e l m i g r a t i o nD i s t u r b a n c e r e g i m e s h a p e s l i f e c y c l e s ;h a b i t a t ,r e f u g eC o n n e c t s r i v e r w i t h flo o d p l a i nF l o o d p l a i n f o r e s t r y ,u r b a n i z a t i o n ;r e g u l a t i o nC e n t u r i e sI s l a n d f o r m a t i o n ;p l a n f o r m a d j u s t m e n t b y b i o g e o m o r p h i c i n t e r a c t i o nK e y h a b i t a t s (o x b o w s …),L W i n p u t ;i m p o r t a n t f o r e v o l u t i o n ;h a b i t a t ,r e f u g eH y d r o g e o m o r p h i c p a t c h e s ;L W h o t s p o t f o r m e t a b o l i s m F l o o d p l a i n o c c u p a t i o n ;c h a n n e l a r t i fic i a l i z a t i o n 202Hydrobiologia (2010)657:199–215123channel complexity,since the variability of hydraulic pressure at the bed results from interaction of flow with bed forms or slope discontinuities at reach scale (Savant et al.,1987;Harvey &Bencala,1993;Elliott &Brooks,1997;Kasahara &Hill,2006)and the porosity is determined by sorting and packing of the sediments (Freeze &Cherry,1979).On all scales vertical exchange is highly variable in space and time.For instance,in a reach-scale flume study,wood input caused sudden sediment deposition and increase of the vertical water flux through the bed (Mutz et al.,2007).Vertical water flux increased again after bed forms extended due to elevated flow velocity (Fig.2).Hence,rivers exhibit shifting mosaics of patches of hyporheic exchange produced by the variable arrangement of morphological features such as wood,riffles,pools and bars.Vertical water flux through the bed sediments also causes physical retention of fine sediments and colloids,which can form clogging layers and reduce vertical connectivity (Brunke,1999).Sustainability of vertical connectivity and morphological dynamism are coupled because flush-ing floods and sediment redepostion are needed to periodically remove clogged layers and regeneratevertical connectivity (Scha ¨lchli,1992).DynamismRiver hydromorphology is far from static becauseriver channels are shaped by the transport of water and sediments that varies from periodic tohighlyFig.2Short-term alteration of bed forms and vertical connectivity by experimental wood addition to plane sand bed.A Wood distribution and resulting bed forms in experiment Wood-1with bed form generated by flow of 0.13ms -1and Wood-2with bed forms generated by 0.20ms -1;B Vertical water flux across the bed for the control without wood and the experiments with wood (Mutz et al.,2007)Hydrobiologia (2010)657:199–215203123episodic.Channels are constantly shifting and adjust-ing to changes in stream power,sediment yield and valley features,making rivers highly dynamic eco-systems.Dynamism is an intrinsic characteristic of rivers that shapes both channel form and connectiv-ity,processes often modified by human activities.Dynamism is linked to channel complexity and connectivity,as for instance,when meander migra-tion results on formation of oxbow lakes or when floods reconnect them to the main channel.Channel dynamics depend on many basin and reach charac-teristics,butflow is of paramount importance.Such dynamism is important for river ecology at a broad range of temporal scales,from days to centuries (Frisell et al.,1986).At a scale of hours to days,flood events resulting from storm runoff produce extensive movement and rearrangement of sediments and litter packs.They also cause substantial changes in lateral and vertical connectivity,driving transport of water and sediments in both dimensions.At a scale of months to years,channel form is shaped by seasonal and interannual variations in discharge.Bankfull discharge,which occurs on average once every 2years,is extremely important shaping channel dimensions.Additionally,landslides,severe storms and other events produce mass failures in the riparian forest,resulting in sporadic inputs of sediments and large wood,crucial to channel morphology(May& Gresswell,2004).At a scale of centuries,lateral migration of river channels leads to meander cutoff, formation of oxbow lakes,and terrestrialization of abandoned paleochannels,and there is a cycle of formation,growth and decay of islands in braided channels(Gurnell et al.,2001).Relevance for biodiversity and functioning Physical habitat shapes biological communities and ecosystem functioning.Smith&Powell(1971)depict its effect as a series of environmental‘screens’(from large-scale,biogeographic factors tofine physiolog-ical and biotic interactions)that eventually shapes the composition of local communities.Southwood(1977) stressed the idea that the environment forms the template to which organisms have adapted through natural selection,and therefore,affects life traits. Several authors(Tomanova&Usseglio-Polatera, 2007)showed that habitat characteristics at the mesoscale determine invertebrate biological traits, and this idea is in the core of the concept of functional habitats(Harper et al.,1992),that is still in use(Harvey&Clifford,2008).Nevertheless, attempts to identify one-to-one connections between surfaceflow types,units of channel morphology and functional habitats oversimplify a complex and dynamic hydraulic environment,and some authors (Harvey et al.,2008)proposed to use instead a nested hierarchy of reach-scale physical and ecological habitat structures,characterized by transferable assemblages of functional units.ComplexityThe relationship between physical complexity of ecosystems and diversity of biological communities leads to the concept of ecological niche,borrowed from thefield of architecture and reminiscent of the old saying that the more niches in a church,the more saints couldfit in.In a classical paper,Hutchinson (1959)already stressed the role of what he called‘the mosaic nature of the environment’in maintaining a large number of species,and thereafter,the role of architectural complexity on community diversity has become more and more evident(Oldeman,1983). Less evident but also important is the effect of physical complexity on ecosystem functioning.At the microhabitat scale,high diversity of sedi-ment size is clearly linked to biodiversity,because patches differing in grain size often constitute different functional habitats(sensu Harper et al., 1992).Many invertebrate taxa are tightly linked to grain size(Fig.3).For example,in Basque streams Capnioneura and Limnephilinae are found almost exclusively in organic matter and Rithrogena mainly on sand and stones.Many studies report dependencies of macroinvertebrate diversity,abundance,traits or productivity with substrate diversity or surface-perimeter ratio(Beisel et al.,1998,2000;Lancaster, 2000).Among the elements of the stream bed, organic material plays a key role as a substratum for ecosystem functioning(Aldridge et al.,2009). The physical complexity of dead wood affects abundance and diversity offish and macroinverte-brates(Crook&Robertson,1999;Scealy et al., 2007).Invertebrate taxa use wood directly as habitat and for food(Dudley&Anderson,1982;Hoffman&204Hydrobiologia(2010)657:199–215 123Hering,2000),while many fish seek refuge and cover.At the reach level,channel complexity is related with the diversity of riffle/pool sequences or with the abundance and diversity of gravel bars and features such as undercut banks.Again,this level of com-plexity is related to biodiversity and functioning,and loss of these features can result in local extinctions.As an example,many fish species require different habitats through their life cycle.Brown trout spawn in gravel-bed riffles or runs,young fry concentrate in shallow areas,and adults prefer deep pools and wood accumulations.Because predatory fish species have large effects on invertebrate food chains,the absence of key habitats can decrease fish populations,with effects cascading through the food webs (Katano et al.,2006).At the catchment scale,natural rivers usually show large differences in physical structure,species associ-ations and ecological functions both from headwaters to lower river,and among different tributaries of similar order.Dependence of biotic communities on local hydromorphological setting lead scientists to propose different schemes of zonation,based for instance on invertebrates (Ilies &Botosaneanu,1963),or fish (Huet,1962),or associated changes in ecosys-tem function (Vannote et al.,1980).Therefore,at the catchment scale,biodiversity is linked to diverse hydrogeomorphic patterns throughout the river network.ConnectivityConnectivity is important in all communities and ecosystems for many reasons,from maintaining gene pools in populations to recolonizing an area after a major disturbance.Since disturbance,mainly in form of floods or droughts,is so common,connectivity might be especially important in river ecosystems.All three dimensions of connectivity,longitudinal,lateral and vertical,are important for communities and ecosystem processes.Longitudinal connectivity with the entire drainage net is essential for migratory species that live in different reaches along their life cycles,and for organisms in general to recolonize a reach after disturbance.Colonists from adjacent reaches influ-ence the success or failure of river restoration projects (Kail &Hering,2009).The dendritic char-acteristics of river networks determine the location of refuges (Meyer et al.,2007),and thus,affect recol-onization trajectories.Furthermore,because river communities are always subject to a continuous supply of propagules from upstream reaches,changes in connectivity can affect local communities.Not all natural rivers have high longitudinal connectivity.Indeed,large waterfalls can block entire sections of the catchment and act as barriers to organism dispersal for millennia,resulting in different com-munities up and downstream.Longitudinal connec-tivity also can affect ecosystem functioning.ForFig.3Densities ofselected invertebrate taxa on microhabitats at theheadwater of the An˜arbe stream,Basque Country,Spain.Vertical bars are standard errorsHydrobiologia (2010)657:199–215205123instance,Taylor et al.(2006)showed that decreases in abundance of a detrital-feedingfish reduced downstream transport of organic carbon and increased primary production and respiration in a South American river.Upstream migration of salmon periodically carries energy and nutrients from the ocean into reaches where carcasses fertilize the stream and,mediated by predation and lateral trans-port by bears,provide N influx to riparian forests (Helfield&Naiman,2006;Quinn et al.,2009). Characteristics that make a reach a suitable corridor are highly species-dependent and not necessarily limited to channel variables.For instance,Roberts& Angermeier(2007)showed experimentally that ripar-ian cover significantly affects the movement offish along a reach.Lateral connectivity,or the ability for materials and organisms to cross the border between river channel and the riparian areas andfloodplains,is often linked to hydrological connectivity,and to the physical charac-teristics of banks and riparian areas.Steep,undercut banks form more difficult barriers than smooth ones, and the transition between aquatic and terrestrial habitats is probably easiest in complex channels with dead arms and fallen teral sloughs,alcoves, and side channels increase the interface between channel andfloodplain and act as preferential paths for organisms between these two habitats.Log jams and other large wood structures(including beaver dams)increase water stage and makeflooding more teral connectivity is important for in-stream biodiversity,at least in large rivers(Paillex et al.,2007),increasing the survival of species that spend a part of their life cycle on thefloodplain and another in the channel,like tropicalfish species reproducing onfloodplains(Welcomme,1985;Agost-inho et al.,2004).It is equally important for ecosystem function because it regulates the transport of nutrients and organic matter betweenfloodplain and channel. For instance,experimental cover of stream channel eliminated input of terrestrial insects into streams, changedfish and macroinvertebrate populations,and also affected terrestrial spider and bat populations because it decreased aquatic insect emergence,which is subsidy to terrestrial predators(Baxter et al.,2005). Additionally,lateral connectivity may increase the chances offinding refuge during disturbances,as when fish move into low velocity river margins and inver-tebrates crawl tofloodplain trees duringflood time.Through these complex interactions,lateral connec-tivity influences biodiversity at thefloodplain scale (Ward&Tockner,2001).Vertical connectivity across the bed and the banks occurs through the hyporheic zone,the dynamic ecotone between the surface stream and the shallow groundwater aquifer(Gibert et al.,1990)in which both waters mix(White,1993).Quantity and quality of water exchange control the magnitude of the hyporheic pore space and surfaces with the associated micro organisms and habitat of the hyporheos,which contribute significantly to stream biodiversity (Williams&Hynes,1974;Bretschko,1991;Boulton et al.,1998).It is also a temporary habitat for early instars,and pupae of many benthic invertebrates (Boulton,2000),as well as for the development of eggs and embryos of manyfish species(Vaux,1962; Malcolm et al.,2005).Further,the hyporheic zone can strongly influence metabolism at the reach scale (Grimm&Fisher,1984;Naegeli&Uehlinger,1997). Organic carbon,dissolved oxygen and other electron acceptors,enter the hyporheic zone through down-welling surface water or upwelling groundwater (Jones et al.,1995).Additionally,organic particles can be stored within the subsurface zone during sediment deposition(Metzler&Smock,1990;Fuss &Smock,1996).Because hyporheic metabolism may be limited by supply of organic carbon or exhaustion of terminal electron acceptors from the surface stream,vertical connectivity may limit stream metab-olism and regulate biogeochemical transformations. Vertical connectivity is spatially complex;flow direction,water residence time,and hyporheicflow path length vary with channel form and sediment structure.Abundant and shortflow paths may result in higher overall metabolic rates(Malard et al., 2002).On the other hand,longer hyporheicflow paths and small scale heterogeneity in vertical connectivity create contrasting conditions that permit the coexistence of oxidation and reduction processes within small spatial scales and maintain lower water temperatures.Bacterial production can be enhanced in downwelling zones whereas in upwelling water anaerobic conditions can promote ammonification, denitrification and sulphate reduction(Hendricks, 1993).Thus,upwelling water containing nutrients released by hyporheic metabolism can promote patches of high benthic primary production(Grimm &Fisher,1989).The proportion of total discharge in206Hydrobiologia(2010)657:199–215 123。
