英语学习常见问题白皮书___by 朱平老师 (1)




《英语辅导报答案大全》一、词汇部分1. 请选出下列单词的正确汉语意思:(1)apple —— __答案:苹果__(2)banana —— __答案:香蕉__(3)cat —— __答案:猫__(4)dog —— __答案:狗__2. 请将下列汉语翻译成英文:(1)老师—— __答案:teacher__(2)学生—— __答案:student__(3)学校—— __答案:school__(4)家庭—— __答案:family__二、语法部分1. 请选择正确的be动词填空:(1)I ___ (am/is/are) a student. —— __答案:am__(2)She ___ (am/is/are) a teacher. —— __答案:is__(3)They ___ (am/is/are) friends. —— __答案:are__2. 请用一般现在时完成下列句子:(1)He ___ (go) to school every day. —— __答案:goes__(2)She ___ (like) reading books. —— __答案:likes__(3)We ___ (watch) TV in the evening. —— __答案:watch__三、阅读理解Tom is a student. He gets up at 6:30 am every day. He goes to school bus. He likes his teacher very much. After school, he plays football with his friends.(1)What time does Tom get up? —— __答案:6:30 am__(2)How does Tom go to school? —— __答案:By bus__(3)What does Tom do after school? —— __答案:Play football with his friends__请继续关注《英语辅导报答案大全》的下期内容,我们将为您提供更多精彩的学习资料!《英语辅导报答案大全》四、完形填空Mike is a ___1___ boy. He has two ___2___, Tom and Lily. They often play together in the ___3___. Mike's favorite sport is ___4___. He plays it very well.1. A. tall B. happy C. good—— __答案:A. tall__2. A. cats B. dogs C. brothers—— __答案:C. brothers__3. A. park B. school C. library—— __答案:A. park__4. A. basketball B. football C. volleyball—— __答案:A. basketball__五、写作部分姓名:张伟年龄:12岁外貌:高高的,瘦瘦的爱好:打篮球,听音乐性格:开朗,乐于助人__答案示例:__My best friend is Zhang Wei. He is 12 years old. He is tall and thin. Zhang Wei likes playing basketball and listening to music. He is very outgoing and always ready to help others. I like him very much.六、翻译实践1. 请将下列句子翻译成英文:(1)春天来了,花儿都开了。

























解决方法:1. 多听英语材料:多听英语对话、英语新闻、英语电影等,提高自己的听力水平。


2. 创造英语环境:在日常生活中创造英语环境,比如听英语音乐、看英语电影、和外国人交流等。


3. 使用辅助工具:可以使用一些辅助工具,比如英语学习软件、听力练习网站等,帮助自己提高听力水平。


解决方法:1. 多练习口语:多和他人进行英语口语练习,可以选择参加英语角、找语伴或者参加英语口语培训班等。


2. 多模仿:可以模仿英语母语人士的口音、语调和表达方式,通过模仿来提高自己的口语能力。

3. 多背诵:背诵一些英语口语对话或者文章,可以帮助提高口语表达能力和语感。


解决方法:1. 多读英语材料:多读英语文章、英语小说等,通过阅读来积累词汇。


2. 使用记忆法:可以使用一些记忆法来记忆词汇,比如使用单词卡片、制定记忆计划等。


3. 多使用词汇:在日常生活中多使用英语词汇,比如和他人交流时尽量使用英语表达,写作时尽量使用丰富的词汇等。











解决方法:1. 多听英语材料:通过多听英语材料,如英语歌曲、英语电影、英语广播等,可以提高自己的听力水平。


2. 利用字幕:在看英语电影或者视频时,可以打开字幕,这样可以帮助你更好地理解对话内容。


3. 练习听力技巧:可以通过做听力练习题来提高听力技巧。





解决方法:1. 多与外国人交流:与外国人交流是提高口语的最好方法。



2. 多模仿和模拟:可以通过模仿英语原声电影中的对话或者模拟真实场景来练习口语。


3. 刻意练习口语:可以选择一些口语练习材料,如口语练习书籍、口语练习软件等,进行刻意练习。






龙源期刊网 《中国少年儿童英语学习现状及趋势调研白皮书》发布会在京召开作者:来源:《留学》2016年第10期2016年5月12日,由中国青少年研究会,北京市教育学会学科英语教育研究分会团中央未来网,瑞思学科英语联合发布的《中国少年儿童英语学习现状及趋势调研白皮书》在京举行。















义务教育英语课程标准百问百答全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:【义务教育英语课程标准百问百答】1. 什么是义务教育英语课程标准?义务教育英语课程标准是由教育部发布的统一规范,规定了义务教育阶段英语教学的目标、内容、要求及评价标准。

2. 为什么需要义务教育英语课程标准?义务教育英语课程标准能够统一学校教学实践,确保学生在不同地区、不同学校接受到相同水平的英语教育。

3. 义务教育英语课程标准具体包括哪些内容?义务教育英语课程标准包括课程目标、教学内容、教学进度、教学方法、评价标准等内容。

4. 义务教育英语课程标准对学生有哪些要求?学生需要按照标准要求掌握英语听、说、读、写等基本技能,具备一定的语言交际能力。

5. 教师如何根据义务教育英语课程标准进行教学?教师需要结合标准要求,设计合理的教学内容和方法,以保证学生能够达到标准规定的学习目标。

6. 义务教育英语课程标准与学生素质的关系是什么?义务教育英语课程标准旨在培养学生的英语能力和综合素质,教师应根据标准要求开展教学,促进学生全面发展。

7. 义务教育英语课程标准对教学改革有何意义?义务教育英语课程标准可以引导教师改进教学方法,提高教学效果,促进学生全面发展。

11. 如何评价义务教育英语课程标准的有效性?通过统一考试和评价体系对学生进行测试,看是否达到了课程标准所规定的学习目标。

12. 义务教育英语课程标准和外语学习的关系是什么?义务教育英语课程标准是对英语学习的规范,能够帮助学生形成良好的学习习惯和方法,奠定外语学习的基础。

13. 义务教育英语课程标准如何保证学生成就的公平性?通过统一的标准和评价体系,确保学生在学习过程中获得的知识和能力能够达到统一水平,保证了学生成就的公平性。

14. 义务教育英语课程标准如何保障学生的发展?通过规范学生的学习目标和要求,激发学生学习英语的兴趣和动力,促进学生的全面发展。

15. 义务教育英语课程标准对教育教学实践有哪些指导作用?义务教育英语课程标准为教师提供了明确的指导方针和标准要求,有助于教师有效开展英语教学活动。






1.回避孩子"成长的烦恼"会带来烦恼 [J], 韩玉印
2.《夏洛特烦恼》:Loser没烦恼 [J], 豹;
3.神奇的烦恼箱——聊聊苏教版六年级习作"成长的烦恼" [J], 张家凤
4.捕捉烦恼,走进内心——《成长的烦恼》习作教学设计 [J], 陆志祥
5.《俱舍论》中的“烦恼”与“断烦恼” [J], 朱兆丰



学 英平

▲ /i/ “健康减肥音”
读下列单词,找出发/i/音的字母和字母组合有: big, copy, expect, business, cabbage, build, honey, women, foreign
学 英平

句子操练 Will you be so good as to give me a lift.
到 我
英平 语中

学 英平 语中

学 英平 语中
Thank you for listening!

学 英平

6 .Nothing is impossible! Just try your best! You’re almost there! 7.Shall we talk now or later? 8.I was lost in thought when you knocked on the door. 9.Luck is a good cook. 10.Look at the woman in the swimming pool! She is really good!
英平 语中

初中音标词汇班大纲 第1讲:音标大法+12个单元音+词汇链接 第2讲: 8个双元音+音节的划分+词汇链接
学 英平 语中

第3讲: 6个爆破音+连读规则+词汇链接 第4讲: 8个摩擦音+音的同化+词汇链接 第5讲: 2个摩擦音+6个破擦音+词汇链接
第6讲: 4个辅音+2个半元音+构词法 第7讲:音标总复习及统练


















IAEA-TECDOC-1182Quality assurance standards: comparison between IAEA 50-C/SG-Qand ISO 9001:1994November 2000The originating Section of this publication in the IAEA was:Nuclear Power Engineering SectionInternational Atomic Energy AgencyWagramer Strasse 5P.O. Box 100A-1400 Vienna, AustriaQUALITY ASSURANCE STANDARDS: COMPARISON BETWEEN IAEA 50-C/SG-Q AND ISO 9001:1994IAEA, VIENNA, 2000IAEA-TECDOC-1182ISSN 1011–4289© IAEA, 2000Printed by the IAEA in AustriaNovember 2000FOREWORDThe International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) agreement regarding the scope and coverage of documents published by both organizations points out that the standards of safety developed by the IAEA are recommendations for use by its Member States in the framework of national regulations for the safe utilization of nuclear energy. Such standards should be considered as nuclear safety regulatory documents. The standards developed by the ISO are complementary technical documents emphasizing industrial application and contractual aspects. Regarding the quality assurance topic, the IAEA standards 50-C/SG-Q are mostly used directly or indirectly to establish the nuclear safety requirements at the utility–regulatory interface. The industrial ISO 9001 standards have progressively been used to implement the quality assurance requirements at the interface utility–supplier.The relationship between both standards is growing in significance owing to the impact upon the owners/operators of nuclear facilities and their contractors/suppliers. The relationship between the IAEA and ISO standards is considered critical, in particular regarding suppliers with a small range of nuclear supplies. These organizations are not always willing to prepare special quality assurance programmes based on nuclear safety standards. On the other hand, these organizations may be qualified on the basis of the ISO quality assurance standards. In any case, for delivering nuclear items and services the quality assurance programme must comply with the requirements established in the nuclear safety regulatory standards. This implies that the utility–supplier will have to demonstrate that the acceptable degree of quality assurance in relation to nuclear safety is accomplished. This may be achieved by imposing additional requirements on the supplier over and above those contained within the ISO.In order to provide a description of the differences between the IAEA and ISO standards when applied in nuclear installations, and to support the practical way of fulfilling nuclear safety, the IAEA established a project for producing a guidance report. Valuable contributions from the European Atomic Forum (FORATOM) were committed and contractual arrangements made, with the target of finalizing the report in the shortest feasible timeframe commensurable with available resources.The issue as to which ISO 9001 standard should be used for the comparison, i.e. the current version 1994 or future version 2000, was discussed quite extensively by the members of the initial consultants meeting held in Vienna in January 1999. The consultants recommended proceeding with the use of ISO 9001 version 1994 on the grounds that some time would still be needed before the next version 2000 is adopted and effectively implemented. In the meantime guidance based upon the ISO 9001 version 1994 was considered to be applicable and the efforts expended in the preparation of the guidance report worthwhile. The report will subsequently be updated to include the new ISO 9001 version 2000 standard.In thanking the contributors to this report, the IAEA wishes to acknowledge the efforts and assistance provided by FORATOM and by the participants at the preparatory and review meetings, who are listed at the end of the report. Special acknowledgement is due to K.-P. Kleinert (Germany), E. Glauser (Switzerland), M. Hille (Germany) and N. Redman (United Kingdom) for their contributions. The IAEA officer responsible for this work was N. Pieroni of the Division of Nuclear Power.EDITORIAL NOTEThe use of particul ar designations of countries or territories does not impl y any judgement by the publ isher, the IAEA, as to the l egal status of such countries or territories, of their authorities and institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries.The mention of names of specific companies or products (whether or not indicated as registered) does not imply any intention to infringe proprietary rights, nor should it be construed as an endorsement or recommendation on the part of the IAEA.CONTENTS1. INTRODUCTION (1)1.1. Background (1)1.2. Objective (1)1.3. Scope (1)2. STANDARDS USED IN THE COMPARISON (1)2.1. IAEA Code and Safety Guides on Quality Assurance 50-C/SG-Q (1)2.2. Quality System Standard ISO 9001:1994 (3)3. MAJOR DIFFERENCES AND LINKAGES (4)3.1. IAEA Code 50-C-Q basic requirements and IAEA Safety Guides50-SG-Q1 to Q14 (4)3.2. IAEA Code 50-C-Q basic requirements and clauses of ISO 9001:1994 (4)3.2.1. Underlying approaches (4)3.2.2. Identification of the customer (4)3.2.3. Additional requirements (5)3.3. Linkages between the IAEA Safety Guides 50-SG-Q1 to Q14 andclauses of ISO 9001:1994 (7)4. GUIDANCE WHEN USING ISO 9001:1994 (8)4.1. Additional requirements of the IAEA Code 50-C-Q (8)4.2. Additional guidance of the IAEA Safety Guides (11)APPENDIX: CORRELATION MATRICES (21)Matrix 1: IAEA Code 50-C-Q basic requirements coverage in the IAEASafety Guides 50-SG-Q1 to Q14 (21)Matrix 2: Correlation between the clauses of ISO 9001:1994 and the IAEA Code50-C-Q basic requirements (22)Matrix 3: Correlation between the clauses of ISO 9001:1994 and the IAEA SafetyGuides 50-SG-Q1 to Q14 (23)REFERENCES (24)CONTRIBUTORS TO DRAFTING AND REVIEW (25)IAEA PUBLICATIONS ON QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY MANAGEMENT (27).1. INTRO DUCTIO N1.1. BackgroundThe International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Code and Safety Guides contained in the Safety Series No. 50-C/SG-Q [1] define basic quality assurance requirements, which must be considered to ensure safety, and provides recommendations on how to fulfil these basic requirements. The IAEA 50-C/SG-Q standard reflects the performance based approach to quality assurance covering all aspects of plant safety, economics and efficiency. The IAEA requirements and recommendations are generally used at the nuclear utility–regulator interface.The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) International Standard ISO 9001:1994 [2] specifies quality system requirements for use where any supplier’s capability to design and supply a conforming product needs to be demonstrated. The requirements specified are aimed primarily at achieving customer satisfaction by preventing non-conformity at all stages from design through to servicing. The ISO 9001:1994 standard is sometimes used at the nuclear utility–supplier interface.1.2. O bjectiveThe objective of this report is to compare the requirements of IAEA 50-C/SG-Q (1996) [1] with ISO 9001:1994 [2] in order to identify the main differences and additional requirements contained within [1]. The report also provides information and guidance, which may be considered when ISO 9001:1994 is utilized by the nuclear industry.1.3. ScopeThe comparison is made with the following publications:IAEA Safety Series No. 50-C/SG-Q (1996), Quality Assurance for Safety in Nuclear Power Plants and other Nuclear Installations, Code and Safety Guides Q1–Q14 [1].ISO 9001:1994, Quality Systems — Model for Quality Assurance in Design, Development, Production, Installation and Servicing [2].ISO 9002:1994, Quality Systems — Model for Quality Assurance in Production, Installation and Servicing [3].ISO 9003:1994, Quality Systems — Model for Quality Assurance in Final Inspection and Test [4].Throughout this report, the comparison discussed is the comparison against ISO 9001:1994 only, as it contains all the requirements contained in ISO 9002:1994 and ISO 9003:1994. Suppliers, utilities, regulatory bodies, as well as research and development organizations could use this report when considering using ISO 9001:1994 to procure items and services for use in the nuclear industry.2. STANDARDS USED IN THE COMPARISON2.1. IAEA Code and Safety Guides on Quality Assurance 50-C/SG-QThe IAEA Safety Series includes one Code 50-C-Q on quality assurance and 14 related Safety Guides 50-SG-Q1 to Q14 [1].The quality assurance Code 50-C-Q establishes the basic requirements that must be met to ensure adequate safety of nuclear power plants and other nuclear installations.The Code consists of 10 basic requirements (BR) to be adopted by the responsible organization as the foundation for establishing and implementing a comprehensive quality assurance programme related to the safety of nuclear power plants. The basic requirements are presented in three functional categories:I. ManagementBR 1: Quality Assurance ProgrammeBR 2: Training and QualificationBR 3: Non-Conformance Control and Corrective ActionsBR 4: Document Control and RecordsII. PerformanceBR 5: WorkBR 6: DesignBR 7: ProcurementBR 8: Inspection and Testing for AcceptanceIII. AssessmentBR 9: Management Self-AssessmentBR 10: Independent AssessmentThe Code includes an annex, which provides guidance to aid the understanding and implementation of the basic requirements. The content of this annex is included in this comparison.The Safety Guides describe acceptable methods of implementing particular parts of the Code. The Safety Guides 50-SG-Q1 to Q14 are one of two types:· Basic requirement related Safety GuidesThese Safety Guides provide recommendations and guidance on how to fulfil the basic requirements of the Code that are relevant in all of the life-cycle stages of nuclear power plants and other nuclear installations.The BR related guides are:Safety Guide Q1: Establishing and Implementing a Quality Assurance ProgrammeSafety Guide Q2: Non-conformance Control and Corrective ActionsSafety Guide Q3: Document Control and RecordsSafety Guide Q4: Inspection and Testing for AcceptanceSafety Guide Q5: Assessment of the Implementation of the Quality Assurance Programme Safety Guide Q6: Quality Assurance in Procurement of Items and ServicesSafety Guide Q7: Quality Assurance in Manufacturing· Stage related Safety GuidesThese Safety Guides provide specific recommendations and guidance on how to implement the Code during the different life-cycle stages of nuclear power plants and other nuclear installations.The Stage related guides are:Safety Guide Q8: Quality Assurance in Research and DevelopmentSafety Guide Q9: Quality Assurance in SitingSafety Guide Q10: Quality Assurance in Design (this specific guide may also be used as a BR related Guide when the design activities are carried out in any stage). Safety Guide Q11: Quality Assurance in ConstructionSafety Guide Q12: Quality Assurance in CommissioningSafety Guide Q13: Quality Assurance in OperationSafety Guide Q14: Quality Assurance in Decommissioning2.2. Quality System Standard ISO 9001:1994The ISO 9001:1994 standard defines the requirements for a quality management system in clauses 4.1 to 4.20. The clauses are sequentially numbered to reflect the sequence of events and activities supporting production, from developing the quality policy to the after sales service.The clauses of ISO 9001:1994 are:4.1 Management Responsibility4.2 Quality System4.3 Contract Review4.4 Design Control4.5 Document and Data Control4.6 Purchasing4.7 Control of Customer-Supplied Product4.8 Product Identification and Traceability4.9 Process Control4.10 Inspection and Testing4.11 Control of Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment4.12 Inspection and Test Status4.13 Control of Nonconforming Product4.14 Corrective and Preventive Action4.15 Handling, Storage, Packaging, Preservation and Delivery4.16 Control of Quality Records4.17 Internal Quality Audits4.18 Training4.19 Servicing4.20 Statistical TechniquesThese 20 clauses have a relationship with and are comparable to the 10 basic requirements of the IAEA Code 50-C-Q. The ISO 9001:1994 standard, however, does not give any guidance or recommendations on how the defined requirements can be implemented.3. MAJOR DIFFERENCES AND LINKAGES3.1. IAEA Code 50-C-Q basic requirements and IAEA Safety Guides 50-SG-Q1 to Q14While the IAEA Code 50-C-Q specifies the ten basic requirements for quality assurance in nuclear power plants and other nuclear installations, the Safety Guides provide recommendations relative to the fulfilment of these basic requirements for different topics and life-cycle stages. An overview showing how each Safety Guide addresses the basic requirements is given in the Appendix: Matrix 1.3.2. IAEA Code 50-C-Q basic requirements and clauses of ISO 9001:1994The linkages between the ten basic requirements of the IAEA Code 50-C-Q and the 20 clauses of ISO 9001:1994 are provided in the Appendix: Matrix 2. In general the basic requirements of the IAEA Code 50-C-Q are addressed by one or more clauses of ISO 9001:1994. However the IAEA Safety Guides provide more detailed and comprehensive guidance and recommendations on how to implement the basic requirements of the IAEA Code.Each basic requirement of the IAEA Code 50-C-Q addresses one or more of the clauses of ISO 9001:1994. However there are some significant differences in the approaches, identification of the customer and additional requirements.3.2.1. Underlying approachesThe IAEA Code 50-C-Q provides the basic requirements to be adopted for establishing and implementing quality assurance programmes related to the safety of nuclear power plants and other nuclear installations. These basic requirements apply to the overall quality assurance programme of the responsible organization, i.e. the organization having overall responsibility for the nuclear power plant, as well as to any other separate quality assurance programmes in each stage of the life of a nuclear power plant.The objective of the IAEA Code is to establish basic requirements for quality assurance in order to enhance nuclear safety by continuously improving the methods employed to achieve quality. The Code recognizes that all work is a process that can be planned, performed, assessed and improved.The quality assurance model set out in ISO 9001:1994 provides the framework for the quality assurance programme of a supplier, which enables the supplier to demonstrate the capability to produce a quality product and provides a vehicle for assessment by external parties. The requirements specified are aimed primarily at achieving customer satisfaction by preventing non-conformity at all stages from design to servicing. They are generic and independent of any specific industry sector.The comparison suggests that the IAEA Code 50-C-Q is a top-down approach focused on meeting the overall safety requirements for the plant, personnel and the society in general whilst ISO 9001:1994 is a bottom-up approach focusing on satisfying the specific requirements of the immediate customer.3.2.2. Identification of the customerThe nuclear utility in meeting national regulatory requirements satisfies the safety requirements of its customer: society at large. The regulator, representing the customer in thiscase, utilizes the IAEA Code 50-C-Q to define the requirements for the quality assurance programme of its supplier, the nuclear utility. The nuclear utility also fulfils the role of the customer utilizing, where appropriate, ISO 9001:1994 plus any additional requirements to define the quality assurance programme of its suppliers of items and services. The supplier satisfies the nuclear utility (the customer) by supplying a quality product. (See Figure 1)_______ Requirement path............... Satisfaction pathFig. 1: Application of IAEA Code 50-C-Q and ISO 9001:1994.3.2.3. Additional requirements Management self-assessmentThe IAEA Code 50-C-Q defines specific requirements for “Management self-assessment”, an activity not required by ISO 9001:1994.“Manag ement at all levels shall reg ularly assess the processes for which it is responsible. Manag ement shall determine its effectiveness in establishing , promoting and achieving nuclear safety objectives. Management process weaknesses and barriers that hinder the achievement of the nuclear safety objectives shall be identified and corrected.” (Section 401)Regulator (Customer) Supplier (Items or Services)This statement in the Code is further clarified in the Annex:“The thrust of manag ement self-assessment is to identify, correct and prevent management problems that hinder the achievement of the organization's objectives. This Code establishes the requirement for a routine and continuing assessment of the management system by the organization's managers.This self-assessment methodology is in addition to the traditional audit/appraisal that determines the adequacy and extent of the QA programme development, documentation and implementation in accordance with specified requirements. This basic requirement improves on the standard stipulation in many QA prog rammes, which requires that management regularly assess the adequacy of the portion of the programme for which it is responsible and ensure its effective implementation. This standard requirement is typically achieved, on an annual basis, by an independent consultant or g roup of consultants on behalf of management, and it addresses compliance issues rather than broad categ ories of manag ement issues. Manag ement self-assessment g oes beyond such matters as conformance to regulations, item standards or established procedures.An effective management self-assessment evaluates issues such as:— mission of the organization— whether employees understand the mission— what is expected of the organization— whether the expectations are being met— opportunities for improving quality and enhancement safety— how to make better use of human resources.The results of the management self-assessment are documented. Decisions and related actions resulting from the recommendations are promptly followed up to evaluate their effectiveness.The assessment process involves all levels of manag ement, but senior manag ement retains the overall responsibility for manag ement self-assessments. It is essential that senior management directly participate in this process.” GradingThe IAEA QA Code 50-C-Q recommends a graded approach for the application of quality assurance during the various stages of a nuclear power plant life cycle.All items, services and processes have various controls built in to ensure they perform correctly. The grading process is a means of determining what types and extent of controls are applied to specific items, services and processes.Applying controls costs money, therefore they should be applied and focused where necessary and not applied or applied to a lesser degree for less important activities. Errors in more significant activities can potentially cost huge amounts of money, could shut down a plant or production line and could cause a threat to the staff and the environment. Additional controls that may reduce or eliminate such errors are therefore a good investment.“Nuclear safety shall be the fundamental consideration in the identification of the items, services and processes to which the quality assurance prog ramme applies. A g raded approach based on the relative importance to nuclear safety of each item, service orprocess shall be used. The g raded approach shall reflect a planned and recog nized difference in the applications of specific quality assurance requirements.In g eneral, the hig hest g rade should require the most string ent application of the quality assurance requirements; the lowest grade the least stringent.The following are examples of topic areas where grading should be applied:— Type and content of training— Amount of detail and degree of review and approval of instructions— Need for and detail of inspection plans,— Degree of in-process reviews and controls,— Requirements for material traceability— Type of assessment,— Records to be generated and retained. (Section 210).When items, processes or services are modified, the assigned grade of quality assurance requirements could become more string ent or less string ent depending on whether a change in nuclear safety significance has occurred.” (Section 211)Safety Guide 50-SG-Q1 explains what the “graded approach” in relation to nuclear safety means:“Whilst the quality assurance principles remain the same, the extent to which the quality assurance requirements are to be applied shall be consistent with the importance to nuclear safety of the item, service or process. A graded approach which can satisfy the necessary requirements and ensure the required quality and safety shall be used.” (Section 209)ISO 9001:1994 does not specify or define a graded approach for applying the controls specified in the quality system. Independence of inspection and testing personnelThe IAEA Code 50-C-Q requires that inspection and testing of specified items, services and processes shall be conducted using established acceptance and performance criteria. The level of inspection and testing and the degree of independence of personnel shall be established.ISO 9001:1994 does not specifically cover the independence of inspection and testing personnel.3.3. Linkages between the IAEA Safety Guides 50-SG-Q1 to Q14 and clauses of ISO9001:1994The linkages between the content of the IAEA Safety Guides and the ISO clauses are presented in the Appendix: Matrix 3.Matrix 3 supports the following observations:· The IAEA Safety Guides do not directly consider the customer-related requirements of ISO 9001 defined in Clauses 4.3 Contract Review, 4.7 Control of Customer-Supplied Product and 4.19 Servicing.· Similar requirements defined under the clauses ‘management responsibility’ and ‘quality system’ in ISO 9001 can be found in all of the Safety Guides.· Stage related Safety Guides in general address the majority of subjects in the ISO clauses.4. GUIDANCE WHEN USING ISO 9001:1994A detailed comparison of the IAEA Code 50-C-Q and BR related Safety Guides with ISO 9001:1994 to identify all additional requirements and guidance was carried out. In this comparison the annexes of the IAEA publications 50-C/SG-Q have not been considered as they contain examples illustrative of how the guidance could be implemented. The stage related Safety Guides, with exception of the Safety Guide “Quality Assurance in Design” (50-SG-Q10), were not included in this comparison as they provide specific recommendations for the content of the quality systems at each of the life-cycle stages. The Safety Guide 50-SG-Q10 was included as it provides guidance that may be relevant to the design activity of all stages.The detailed results of the comparison are included in Sections 4.1 and 4.2. These sections identify additional requirements or guidance found in the IAEA publications 50-C/SG-Q that are not found in ISO 9001:1994. Where the additional requirement or guidance is not self-explanatory some additional notes on application to suppliers are provided.The application of additional requirements or guidance from the IAEA Code and Safety Guides 50-C/SG-Q should be considered by the nuclear utility from two points of view:— Should the nuclear power plant/utility address this difference within its own quality assurance programme?— Should the nuclear power plant/utility require its suppliers to address the difference as an additional requirement in the procurement documents?The consideration should also take into account the regulatory requirements of each Member State.4.1. Additional requirements of the IAEA Code 50-C-QThe following table identifies additional or more detailed requirements in the IAEA Code 50-C-Q that are not contained within ISO 9001:1994.Section Additional Requirement Notes to aid application101 to 108 Introduction104 The responsible organization has to demonstrate the effective fulfilment of the quality assurancerequirements to the satisfaction of the regulatorybody… The utility should demonstrate that its quality programme takes account of and incorporates any requirements from the regulatory body. The utility should require its suppliers to apply any of these specific requirements where necessary.201 to 205 BR 1: Quality Assurance Programme204 Nuclear safety shall be the fundamentalconsideration in the identification of the items,services and processes to which the qualityassurance programme applies. A gradedapproach based on the relative importance tonuclear safety of each item, service or processshall be used. The graded approach shall reflecta planned and recognized difference in theapplications of specific quality assurancerequirements. The graded approach for activities and items, including procurement, should be described within the utility quality programme. The application of grading to supplier activities should be clarified. The utility should consider whether its supplier should adopt complimentary grading and provide guidance.Section Additional Requirement Notes to aid application 206 BR 2: Training and Qualification206 Personnel shall be trained and qualified so thatthey are competent to perform their assignedwork and understand the safety consequences oftheir activities. The utility should identify personnel involved with safety matters and provide the related training and qualification programme. The utility should notify its suppliers when their personnel are involved with safety matters and ensure they are trained appropriately.206 to 208 BR 3: Non-Conformance Control andCorrective Actions Non-conformance (as per IAEA Code 50-C-Q) covers non-conforming product, system and process non-conformity as per the ISO standard.304 to 305 BR 6: Design305 The adequacy of design, including design tools and design inputs and outputs shall be verifiedor validated by individuals or groups other thanthose who originally performed the work.Verification, validation and approval shall becompleted before implementation of the design. The utility quality programme addressing design should specify that persons in charge of safety related design verification and validation should be different from those performing the work. The utility should notify the relevant requirements to suppliers when they perform safety related design activities. Any design verification and approval should be performed before implementation of design. Generally design validation is performed through commissioning under defined operating conditions and specific dispositions should be applied for accidental conditions.Annex …Design inputs include all requirements for thedesign, such as the technical bases for thedesign (design basis), performancerequirements, reliability requirements, andsafety and security requirements. …... Computer programs used in design arevalidated through testing or simulation prior touse if not proven through previous use.—306 to 308 BR 7: Procurement Suppliers in IAEA terms are equivalent tosubcontractors.308 Requirements for reporting deviations fromprocurement requirements shall be specified inthe procurement documents. The option contained within ISO 9001:1994 for reporting deviations (non-conforming product) should be identified as being necessary.309 to 310 BR 8: Inspection and Testing for Acceptance309 Inspection and testing of specified items,services and processes shall be conducted usingestablished acceptance and performance criteria.The level of inspection and testing and thedegree of independence of personnel shall beestablished. It is recommended that utilities request suppliers to include this requirement in their quality programme, when appropriate.401 BR 9: Management Self-Assessment Management Self-Assessment is more complexand detailed than the ISO Management-Review.Management Self-Assessment focuses on theachievement of the nuclear safety objectives.Although ISO 9001:1994 covers themanagement review and internal audit processesit does not cover management self-assessment.(It is therefore recommended that suppliersproviding items and services to ISO Standardalso include management self-assessment intheir quality assurance programme.)。







学 英平 语中

I hope we can take care of our environment. Let’s make our w orld more and more beautiful.高分作文的特点来自学 英平 语中考
• • • • • •
主旨清 要点全 句子顺 语法准 有亮点 书写整
专注中考英语教学,连续5年带出共计数十位中考英语状 元,被学生们尊称为“考神”
学 英平 语中

学 英平 语中

学 英平 语中

学 英平 语中

• • • •
多看 多背 多写 多改
作文话题 • 环保
学 英平 语中

学 英平 语中

审清题 圈要点 定基调 列纲要 写成文 查病漏 重抄写
学 英平 语中

1. 许多河流和湖泊受到严重污染。
学 英平 语中

2. 被污染的空气有害人们的健康。
3. 人们必须采取措施来制止这些行为。
4. 保护环境,人人有责。
学 英平 语中

____________________________________________ 5. 在当今社会,每个人在环境保护中都扮演着重 要的角色。 ____________________________________________ 6. 如果人人都为保护环境作出贡献,世界将变得 更加美丽。 ____________________________________________



新人教版英语七下各单元短语及句型集Unit1play chess下国际象棋G7BU1p1speak English说英语G7BU1p1play the guitar弹吉它G7BU1p1want to do…想做……G7BU1p1be good at擅长于G7BU1p2what club/sports什么俱乐部/运动G7BU1p2music/swimming/sports club音乐/游泳/运动俱乐部G7BU1p2 like to do…喜欢做……G7BU1p2What about…?……怎么样?G7BU1p2be good at doing…擅长做……G7BU1p2tell stories讲故事G7BU1p2the story telling club讲故事俱乐部G7BU1p2talk to跟…..说G7BU1p3write stories写小说G7BU1p3want…for the school show为学校表演招聘……G7BU1p3 after school放学后G7BU1p3do kung fu打中国功夫G7BU1p3come and show us来给我们表演G7BU1p3play the drum敲鼓G7BU1p4play the piano弹钢琴G7BU1p4play the violin拉小提琴G7BU1p4be good with善于应付…..的,对…..有办法G7BU1p5make friends结交朋友G7BU1p5help sb.with sth在某方面帮助某人G7BU1p5on the weekend在周末G7BU1p5help with...帮助做……G7BU1p5be free/busy有空/很忙G7BU1p5call sb.at…拨打某人的……号码G7BU1p5need sb./sth.to do…需要某人/某物做……G7BU1p5English-speaking students说英语的学生G7BU1p5be in…参加……G7BU1p6Unit2get up起床,站起G7BU2p7get dressed穿上衣服G7BU2p7take a shower洗淋浴G7BU2p7brush teeth涮牙G7BU2p7eat breakfast吃早餐G7BU2p7What time几点,何时G7BU2p7at night在晚上G7BU2p8from…to…从……到……G7BU2p8in the morning在上午G7BU2p8be late for…做……迟到G7BU2p8go to work去上班G7BU2p8on weekends在周末G7BU2p9on school days在上学期间G7BU2p9have breakfast/dinner吃早餐/晚餐G7BU2p9do(one's)homework做作业G7BU2p10take a walk散步,走一走G7BU2p10a quarter past/to………过/差一刻钟G7BU2p10in the afternoon/evening在下午/晚上G7BU2p10go to bed上床睡觉G7BU2p10half past………点半G7BU2p10go home回家G7BU2p10either…or要么……要么,或者…..或者G7BU2p11lots of大量,许多G7BU2p11eat quickly吃得快G7BU2p11play sports做运动G7BU2p11have much time for…有许多时间做……G7BU2p11for half an hour半小时G7BU2p11get home到家G7BU2p11eat a good breakfast早餐吃得好,好好吃一顿早餐G7BU2p11 eat…for lunch午餐吃……G7BU2p11after lunch/dinner午餐/晚餐后G7BU2p11be(not)good for对……健康有(没)益G7BU2p11taste good尝起来好吃G7BU2p11have a shower洗澡G7BU2p12have a very healthy life有健康的生活G7BU2p12need to do…需要做……G7BU2p12after doing to have…为了有……做……后G7BU2p12from Monday to Friday从周一到周五G7BU2p12make breakfast for sb.替某人做早饭G7BU2p12get to school到校G7BU2p12Unit3take the train/bus/boat乘火车/公共汽车/船G7BU3p13How do you get to…?你怎样到达……G7BU3p13by bike骑自行车G7BU3p14how long多久,多长G7BU3p14how far多远G7BU3p14How long odes it take sb.to do…?做……花某人多长时间?G7BU3p14 How far is it from…to…?……离……有多远?G7BU3p14I'm not sure.我不能确信。



10. back to back adv.背对背,紧接 back-to-back adj.紧接的,背靠着背的 hand in hand adv.关系密切地;手拉着手地 hand-in-hand adj.手拉手的,亲密的,并进的 face to face adv.面对面地 face-too-face adj.面对面的
11. team up with [口]与……合作,配合,协力从事 12. mark out 规划;划线分出;选出(通常指为了晋升而选出) be marked with 标记有,有…记号 make one’s mark 成功,成名 make a mark 作记号 13. take in 接受,吸收,理解;包括;欺骗;改短(衣服) take after 相似 take back 撤销;同意收回;同意回来 take for 当作;误认为 take off 脱掉(衣服);(飞机)起飞 take on 雇用;聘用;开始显现 take over 接任;接管;接收 take up 开始从事;专注于;继续;接下去
上周,孙女开办了一个幼儿园。按常理,我预祝她成功。实际上我 撒了慌,我真正对她的希望是失败,因为我相信失败的力量。 成功是令人厌烦的。成功只是证明你能够做你已经知道自己会 做的事情,或是第一次就能正确地做某件事情,而这通常是一次有 问题的成功。第一次的成功通常都是侥幸的成功,相反的,第一次 的失败恰恰是值得期待的。这是事物的自然法则。 失败是学习的过程。我听说过一个在非洲用来形容大厨的词语, “那个炒坏了很多锅的”。如果你花了足够时间在厨房,炒坏了无 数锅,那你也就掌握了大量烹饪方面的知识。有次我和厨师们共进 晚餐,他们一直在比较刀伤和烫伤疤痕的多少,因为他们知道曾经 的失败带来了无上的信誉。 我以为日报专栏写作谋生。每周我都会意识到会有其中一个成 为本周最差专栏。我并不刻意去这样写,而是每天都尽我最大的努 力,但每周都还是会有一个专栏比其他的差,有时候差距还挺大。



造 成学 生 英 语 阅 读 能 力不 强 的原 因 是 多 方 面 的 .其 中 有 应 试 教 育 的影 响 , 有 教 学 思 路 陈 旧 、 育 观念 滞 后 及 不 良的 也 教 阅 读 习惯 等 诸 多 因 素 的影 响 。英 语 教 师应 该 从 教 与 学 的 实 际 出 发 , 高认 识 , 放 思 想 , 提 解 更新 观 念 , 宽 教 学 视 野 , 进 教 拓 改 学 方法 , 帮助 学 生 提 高 英 语 阅读 能力 。结 合 多年 的教 学 实践 .
二 、 高 学 生英 语 阅 读 能 力的 策 赂 提
《 通 高 中英 语 课 程 标 准 》 出 : 高 中 英 语 教学 要 着 重 培 普 指 “ 养 学生 获 取 信息 处 理信 息 分 析 问题 和解 决 问 题 的能 力 . 特别 注 重 培 养 学生 用 英 语 思 维 和 表达 的能 力 … … ” 近 几 年 的高 考 英
读 理 解 能 力是 高 中英 语 教 学 的 当 务之 急 。本 文 将 探 讨 影 响 阅 读 理 解 能力 提 高 的原 因 , 及提 高 学 生阅 读理 解 能 力 的策 略 。 以 影 响 阅读 理 解 能 力提 高的 原 因 1急功 近 利 的 阅读 教 学 。 . 长期 以来 ,很 多 高 中英 语 教 师 一 直 重 视 培 养学 生 的 阅读 理 解 能力 ,但 大 多 数 教 师 的 阅读 教 学 局 限 于 以 应试 为 目 的的 阅 读训 练 ,并 没 有从 提 高学 生 获 取 信 息 能力 的角 度 进 行 阅 读 教 学 ,也 没 有 对学 生 阅读 习 惯 和 阅读 兴趣 的培 养 给 予 足 够 重 视。 不少 教 师 在 阅读 教 学 中多 采用 应 试 的 强化 训 练 模 式 . 致 导 学 生 长 期 处 于被 动 阅读 的 状 态 。学 生 能 接 触 到 的 阅 读 材料 基 本 上 是 教 材 、 题 和复 习 资 料 。 师训 练 学 生 阅读 的方 法 基本 试 教 上 是 解 答 高考 阅 读 理 解题 ,学生 在 教 师 的 指 导 下 阅 读规 定 的 材 料 , 后从 设 计 好 的 题 目中选 出最 佳答 案 。 整 个 训 练过 程 然 在 中 , 生 始 终处 于被 动 阅 读 中 , 去 了 自己 的 思 维空 间和 思 考 学 失 动力 , 在整 个 阅读 过 程 中 , 阅读 仅 仅 是 为 了做 题 目。 另 外 , 少 教 师 的 教学 中 心失 衡 , 不 当前 的江 苏 牛 津 版 教 材 提供 了大 量 的 阅读 材 料 , 中 的课 文 不 仅 在 篇 幅上 有 所 增 加 . 其 材 料 的选 择 和难 易 度 与 以前 的 教 材相 比有 了较 大 的 改 进 。 虽
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英语学习常见问题白皮书___by 朱平老师在和家长的沟通交流中,看到很多家长对于孩子英语学习的各种问题都非常的焦心,知道孩子碰到了这样那样的问题,非常想帮孩子解决,但又不知如何解答!我也很了解家长们的心情,寻思整理一下大家常见的问题吧,给出一些建议,这样也算为家长们解除些许烦恼!针对大家的询问,把问题大致总结为以下几类:一、应试能力类二、知识技能类三、学习习惯类四、教辅选择类专属领地QQ群:280039022(此群只针对朱平老师学员,请提供网校用户名+课程名称)学英语,平天下:331776474(此群为针对所有学员的答疑群,无需验证)作文批改发到603843493@一、应试能力类Q1:我们几乎每项都扣分,但不多,基本保持90分,该如何练习?A1:一定要学会归纳总结,每次做错的题都汇总到一个本上,建立一个错题本,了解错的哪方便然后去巩固练习,每次考试前还可以拿出来作为复习材料。







3).推荐听力教材:初一《大家说英语》初二《空中英语教师》应试考试的话《快捷英语》Q5:孩子的首字母题,不会做怎么办?A5: 整体思路:首字母填空类短文题是近几年各省、市中考题经常采用的题型之一,这种题难度相对较大,考生失分现象很严重。



1. 通读短文知大意,看整体全面了解在解题之前通读一遍短文,目的是对文章有个全面的了解,弄清其中心思想和大意。

2. 复读短文抓信息,前后照应巧猜词挖空题就是考察上下文的逻辑关系所以要求我们看两遍以上至少两遍第一遍不要填写只看全文大意第二遍在第一遍的基础上再填写答案3. 反复推敲多分析,慎重答题讲技巧再次通读短文,对留空的句子进行全面的分析,看它在全文中所处的位置、作用和意义。


4. 认真复查全文,把握整体和词形做完以后,再认真读一遍,检查所填写的单词是否与文章要求相符,文章是否通顺,前后是否呼应,有无句型结构及语法错误。











Q4:初中需要掌握多少个词汇呀?那三年书本上的词汇也不止1600吧?A4:如果中考想要高分1600是不够的如果说良好的话 1600就够了中考高分词汇量要求3000有这个能力的同学可以突破一下高中词汇Q5:请老师推荐一本随身携带的单词本 3000以上的A5:高中词汇《word it》不过看孩子的情况和具体要求,不是说都必须来学习高中词汇的呀!Q6:老师,我们家孩子总是完形和阅读丢分多,该怎么办?A6:网校体系的课程里面就讲解了关于技巧的问题和实战演练。




规矩!您就注意一下孩子细节上的问题吧!背诵的时候特别关注一下 BE IN ON这类的虚词!约法三章如果有错接受惩罚让他意识到问题的严重性哦!有的时候学习习惯必须先通过生活习惯去改变教辅选择类Q1:老师能推荐一些辅导书吗?A1:书虫、典范英语、悦读联播都不错,辅导书关键是选好一本后要吃透它,不在于多。





Q3: 语法不好的情况:A3:《初中习题化知识清单》您可以给孩子选择这本书讲解和练习相结合Q4:如果学了网校同步的课程,还有必要学习新概念吗?A4:答:不需要,新概念很经典,但内容确实不够与时俱进, 新概念不是针对中考写的,可帮助适当词汇量的积累和语法基础的巩固提高。

Q5:老师有最新人教版和外研的同步配套课程MP3听力吗?A5:有的,下载链接如下:最新人教同步MP3听力链接: /s/1kTDPx1H 密码: pqej最新外研同步MP3听力链接: /s/1bnlF2gB 密码: 7pbh课程选择类Q1:网校体系班是针对什么版本教材的?A1:网校体系班是在掌握课内教材知识的基础上,拓展补充的知识,这个是不分版本的,所有基础不错想拔高的孩子都适合。













Q11:网校体系和满分班的区别?A11: 1.如果英语基础还好的话建议购买网校体系课程。




