一、SERVER初始化 (4)1.1程序安装 (4)1.2地图操作 (8)1.2.1添加地图(可选) (8)1.2.2编辑地图 (9)1.2.3更新地图 (10)1.3创建子网 (11)1.4创建网元 (13)1.4.1重新启动E400网管并登录 (13)1.4.2登录子网 (14)1.4.3创建网元 (14)1.5安装单板 (17)1.6网元连接配置 (18)1.7 DCC连接配置 (20)1.8 ECC连接配置(建议选用默认配置) (23)1.9 NCP程序下载 (24)1.9.1设定接入网元 (24)1.9.2设定接入网元的IP (25)1.9.3使用配置工具——设定下载程序 (26)1.9.4拨码开关 (27)1.9.5开始业务 (27)1.9.6下载NCP程序 (27)1.9.7恢复设定接入网元的IP (29)1.10NCP基本数据库下载 (30)1.10.1设定接入网元 (30)1.10.2使用配置工具——设定下载基本数据库 (30)1.10.3拨码开关 (31)1.10.4开始业务 (31)1.10.5刷新FLASH (32)1.10.6开始业务 (32)1.10.7下载网元基本库 (33)1.11使用配置工具——设定正常工作 (33)1.12设定接入网元 (34)1.13开始业务 (34)1.14设定网元时钟源 (35)1.15设定网元公务信息 (36)1.16同步网元时钟 (37)1.17进行告警属性设置 (37)1.18进行性能属性设置 (39)1.19创建分级用户 (41)1.20进行用户管理域设置 (43)1.21下载数据库(性能、告警、公务、时钟源) (44)二、客户端初始化 (44)2.1 Client程序安装 (44)2.2 SNMS程序安装 (46)2.3地图操作 (50)2.3.1添加地图(可选) (50)2.3.2编辑地图 (51)2.3.3更新地图 (52)2.4创建子网 (53)2.5登录 (54)三、数据安全 (56)3.1用户管理(用户属性说明) (56)3.1.1添加用户 (56)3.1.2删除用户 (56)3.1.3修改用户属性 (56)3.2访问控制 (56)3.2.1登录子网 (56)3.2.2退出登录 (56)3.2.3锁定网管 (56)3.2.4解除锁定 (56)3.3管理域 (56)3.3.1用户管理域 (56)3.3.2管理者管理域 (56)3.4日志管理 (56)3.4.1SMCC日志 (56)3.4.2NCP日志 (56)3.5数据库备份恢复 (56)3.5.1子网级数据库 (56)3.5.2网元级数据库 (56)四、日常维护 (57)4.1网元属性管理 (57)4.1.1修改网元名称 (57)4.1.2修改网元位置 (57)4.1.3网元时间校准 (57)4.2告警管理 (57)4.2.1告警等级设置 (57)4.2.2告警响铃设置 (57)4.2.3告警屏蔽设置 (57)4.2.4告警声音设置 (57)4.2.5蜂鸣器控制 (57)4.2.6性能门限设置 (57)4.2.7当前告警事件 (57)4.2.8历史告警事件 (57)4.3性能管理 (57)4.3.1性能门限设置 (57)4.3.2性能评比设置 (57)4.3.3清空性能计数 (57)4.3.4当前性能查询 (57)4.3.5历史性能浏览 (57)4.3.6历史性能累计 (58)4.3.7OSC性能文件 (58)4.4网管诊断操作 (58)4.4.1查询NCP软件版本 (58)4.4.2通讯口测试 (58)4.4.3S口测试 (58)4.4.4上载数据库 (58)4.4.5查询单板寄存器 (58)4.5故障处理操作 (58)4.5.1单板参数调整 (58)4.5.2单板复位 (58)4.5.3单板重要数据调整 (58)一、Server初始化这里提供一个组网实例来说明E400 Server程序和数据初始化过程。
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1 简介2 安全说明与警告3 设备安装4 电气连接5 EzManage 说明 (03).............................................................. 03.................................................... 04.. (05) (16) (01) (17) (18) (19) (21) (17)2.1 2.2 安全符号介绍..................................................... 01. (02)3.1 包装清单3.2 机器外观3.3 选择安装位置3.4 安装6 LED指示灯说明8 故障代码9 技术参数10 相关认证7 工作模式 (06)................................................................. 08 09............................................................................ 11................................................................. 12................................................................ 12....................... 134.1 PV 4.2 电池连接4.3 On-grid和Back-up连接4.4 EzMeter和CT 连接4.5 通讯连接4.6 Wi-Fi 连接4.7 Wi-Fi 复位和恢复出厂设置4.8 系统连接图4.9 特殊的后备连接方式连接 (16) (13)1 简介● 在使用逆变器之前,请仔细阅读本机器及说明书上的所有标签及警示标示,把说明书存放在容易找到的地方。
wso2 esb 使用手册
WSO2 ESB 使用手册一、简介WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) 是一个开源的、易于使用的、功能丰富的平台,用于构建服务导向的架构(SOA) 和实现业务流程管理(BPM)。
WSO2 ESB 是一个轻量级的、高度集成的企业服务总线,它提供了在分布式环境中集成和中介服务的关键功能。
二、安装与配置2.1 安装准备在开始安装之前,请确保您已经满足了所有必需的系统要求。
2.2 下载和安装您可以从WSO2 官网下载适合您系统的WSO2 ESB 发行版。
2.3 配置安装完成后,您需要按照您的需求进行一些基础配置。
三、基础概念3.1 ESB 基础ESB 是基于服务的架构(SOA) 的一个关键组件,它允许各种服务在复杂的业务流程中交互。
3.2 消息传递ESB 使用基于消息的通信方式。
ESB 代理处理和转发这些消息。
四、ESB 工作原理ESB 的核心是一个消息代理,它接收传入的消息,执行必要的操作,然后将结果消息发送到指定的目的地。
在消息传递过程中,ESB 可以进行一系列操作,如消息转换、路由、聚合等。
五、ESB 核心组件5.1 Message BrokerMessage Broker 是ESB 的核心,负责接收、处理和转发消息。
5.2 Proxy ServiceProxy Service 是ESB 的一个重要组件,它充当了服务的代理。
客户端发送请求到Proxy Service,然后Proxy Service 将请求路由到正确的目标服务或存储库。
六、ESB 代理和服务6.1 代理服务代理服务在ESB 中起到关键作用,它处理来自客户端的请求,并负责将这些请求路由到相应的服务。
E6S 汽车 4G 互联智能终端汽车 4G 互联远程控制产品手册Rev.1.0 — 15 June 2017 Product data sheet1.汽车 4G 互联智能终端概述E6S 是由速锐得针对汽车智能互联平台用户精心打造的一款车载智能信息终端硬件,实现互联控制车门灯窗采集电压VIN 总里续航技术得以广泛应用,打造专车专用汽车品牌独立虚拟钥匙,完善了分时租赁相关协议传输,提供私人定制化的车载TBOX 开发,为科技金融、分时租赁行业解决了终端难题,,采用速锐得E6S 的TBOX,让一切变得简单.在瑞福德、奇瑞、上汽、宝马、广汽汇理、通用、东风、奔驰等多个合作案例中应用。
2.产品特征⏹产品模块化架构,采用多核分布式处理,CAN 解码数据处理与主控MCU 融合,实现数据读取、计算、控制更精准;⏹CAN 模块适应当前先进技术(支持发动机自动启停、支持多CAN 等特点),支持实时数据获取,驾驶习惯数据获取,熄火自动生成本次行程报告、快速反馈机制;⏹超低功耗设计,自动启动休眠,自动检测电瓶电压、自动报警;⏹工业级高稳定性希姆通4G 模块,内置高灵敏度蜂窝网络天线,支持TCP/IP 数据传输,支持域名/IP 地址连接服务器;⏹内置六轴陀螺仪振动传感器,休眠模式下,实现异常振动监测并震动上报至服务器;⏹内置大容量存储芯片,支持离线状态下半年以上的数据存储;⏹高灵敏度6 轴加速度传感器,融合精准加速度、角速度算法,实时获取车辆当前姿态,支持急加速、急减速、急转弯、碰撞等车况判断;⏹高灵敏度GPS/北斗模块与主机分离,实现GPS 搜星信号更稳定,支持定位跟踪、同步授时、星历存储等多重搜星机制;⏹休眠模式下,支持电瓶低电压监测报警、异常震动报警等;⏹标准API 接口指令,服务器解析更智能、方便控制PEPS;⏹支持自定义上传实时数据间隔;⏹车辆启动、熄火、休眠自动上报消息;⏹支持在线、远程升级,支持在线、远程配置参数。
用户权限和密码的修改,只需要选中用户,用鼠标左键点击用户管理,即可以修改用户密码从上往下依次代表的含义为:Client View客户端查看权限。
2、PTZ Control云台控制权限。
3、Record Replay 回放权限。
4、Record Send录像下载权限。
5、System Setup系统管理器使用权限。
Philips eService 客户指南说明书
Philips eService Customer Guide - EnglishCustomer GuidePage CVP of 19 eService Customer Guide – English (H00-PG-169.13 Rev A)All printed copies of this document are uncontrolled unless otherwise indicated. CSIP Level:0IndexIndex __________________________________________________________________________________ 11.Introduction _______________________________________________________________________ 22.Registration _______________________________________________________________________ 32.1.Registering as a new user __________________________________________________________________ 33.Home page ________________________________________________________________________ 6 3.1.Navigation bar ___________________________________________________________________________ 73.1.1.Dashboard _____________________________________________________________________________________ 73.1.2.New Ticket _____________________________________________________________________________________ 73.1.3.My Service tickets _______________________________________________________________________________ 73.1.4.My Equipment __________________________________________________________________________________ 83.1.5.My Contacts ____________________________________________________________________________________ 93.1.6.Help Online ___________________________________________________________________________________ 103.1.7.Portal Survey __________________________________________________________________________________ 10 3.2.Top bar________________________________________________________________________________ 113.3.Content area ___________________________________________________________________________ 124.Opening a Service case ______________________________________________________________ 135.Reviewing your Service case _________________________________________________________ 15 5.1.New ticket note creation _________________________________________________________________ 165.2.New file attachment _____________________________________________________________________ 176.Personal Identifiable Information and Protected Health Information _________________________ 19Page 1 of 191.IntroductionFirst, thank you for choosing Philips!We know that your success depends on selecting the right product, people and services. Our worldwide technical and professional services team works alongside your staff to ensure your Philips product is running at peak performance. Philips provides complete peace of mind during the life of your Philips products so you can focus on what is most important—your patients.To simplify the service process for you, we are now offering our new e-Service portal for your use. You will find the e-Service portal to be a quick and convenient way for you to open service cases and the e-Service portal will provide you a window into your case activity that you have never had before.2.Registration2.1.Registering as a new userWhen you first launch the website you will ha ve the option to “Register” a new user account.First you must review and accept the Terms and Conditions of using the e-Service portal.You will now be required to complete the user information form shown below.You will need to provide a valid corporate domain email address for your work location and a valid Philips K-Number on the form. If you need to open or view service cases from multiple sites/locations within your corporate footprint, please list thosesit es/locations in the “About Me” section of the form.After you have completed and submitted your user profile form, a member of our e-Service Portal administration team will create your profile and associate your profile to the appropriate products installed at your site(s).You will receive a separate email confirming that your profile was sucessfully created and that you can now log into the Philips e-Service portal.Once you are logged in, you will see a screen similar to the one seen here and your se ssion should initially take you to your “home page”.3.Home pageThe “home page” is broken up into 3 main sections:1.Navigation bar2.Top bar (that includes the user profile area)3.Content area.3.1.Navigation barThe “Navigation bar”is broken up into 7 sections:1.Dashboard2.New Ticket3.My Service tickets4.My Equipment5.My Contacts6.Help Online7.Portal Survey3.1.1.DashboardThe “Dashboard” section provides a quick view of your open/closed tickets and your most recent activities.3.1.2.New TicketThe “New Ticket” section provides a quick way to open a new ticket. Please refer to paragraph Service ticketsThe “My Service tickets” section provides quick links to your open/closed cases.Then, the following features are common to many views:1.Create new ticket2.Refresh button3.Customize column layout4.Export to Excel5.Export to pdfNote: In the “My Contacts” section the “New ticket” feature is replaced by “New contact” feature.3.1.4.My EquipmentThe “My Equipment” section allows you to manage your devices list.And if you click on the K-Number, the following window will be opened and you can:1.See further K-Number details2.Edit your Equipment (adding your equipment name)3.Create a new ticket4.Access the list of tickets reported3.1.5.My ContactsThe “My Contacts” section allows you to manage your Organization contacts list.In fact, all contacts in here are contacts from your (Customer) Organization.All the users registered on the portal belonging to the same Organization will share the same contact list.If you click on the Contact Name or Last Name, the following window will be opened and you can:1.Edit email and phone numbers2.Delete the contact3.1.6.Help OnlineThe “Help Online” section provides you with the user guide.3.1.7.Portal SurveyThe “Portal Survey” section allows you to provide a feedback concerning this portal.3.2.T op barFrom the “Top bar” you can customize:1.Portal general settings2.Your Profile and passwordWe recommend taking a moment to verify and edit your profile in order to enhance your user experience. This can be done by clicking the “Profile” button shown below.The “Profile” link will take you to your profile screen. You should edit this page with you r most current contact and user information as well as what types of notifications you would like to receive from e-Service. Again, enter only a corporate domain email address.Please feel free to upload a recent photo of yourself if you would like to add a personal touch. Service is a very personal thing for us here at Philips and being able to see who we are working with helps both sides make a personal connection.3.3.Content areaThe “Content area” shows the content of the Navigation bar views.4.Opening a Service caseNow that you have edited your profile, let’s get started on using the system to open a service case.There are several ways to open a service case with Philips from this system, but the following is the recommended workflow for opening a case.First, start by clicking the “My Service Tickets”, then click on “Open Tickets” and then click “New Ticket” button.And you can now fill out the ticket form above:1.Select the Site.2.Select the K-Number (equipment).You can also search by Product name, Location, Your Custom equipment name3.Verify/change the contact info.This will be pre-populated with the information from your profile. It can be updated, if needed, in the event someone else should be contacted as we work to resolve this particular case.4.Enter your internal ticketing system ID, if available.If your site uses and internal ticketing system, the “Your ID” field is a place for you to enter your internal ticket number.The field is not mandatory but it can be used by you to correlate the Philips case to your site’s internal ticketing system and hopefully save you time as you update your internal system.5.Choose the issue severity.Please evaluate the severity of the issue by reading the definitions that are visible by clicking on the question mark near the severity field.We have provided a brief explanation of the Severity levels to guide you in making the proper selection.Case severity can be changed by the Philips service representative.6.Choose the issue type.Please indicate if your case is for a specific technical incident, a request to have a change made in your product/system ora simple question you need to ask an expert or a replacement of a part:Incidents: basically, any Philips system issue that causes – or could cause – an interruption to, or reduction in, the quality of performance or usability.Requests for Changes or Upgrades*: when you need a new configuration, new functionality feature for your software or an upgrade to a new version.Questions*: any queries you might have about your Philips products, services or support agreement.7.Enter the issue description.Being as specific here as possible will not only help Philips ensure your case is sent to the appropriate support group, it will also reduce the time it takes to resolve your issue.For example:“Modality will not send to PACS”This type of description will require an additional phone call to help identify the specific issue you are experiencing before Philips can begin to resolve the technical issue. This can potentially lead to delayed case resolution.A better example would be something like this:“We are unable to send images from our new CT scanner. The specifics for the modality are as follows: AE =BRANDXCT, IP =, port = 104”This will not only help our Service team identify the root cause of the failure quickly but they may even be able to resolve the issue without having to speak to you directly other than validation testing and case closure confirmation.8.Fill the questionnaire in order to speed up the understanding of the issue. It is optional and it can be stopped at any level.For each selection you will have more questions to respond. The severity is automatically calculated based on youranswers.9.Now you can create the case.Note: if the severity calculated by the Questionnaire differs from the severity you initally chose, a pop up message shows up asking you to choose which severity will have to be used.10.As soon as you have created the case, you can enter notes and attach files.Philips will evaluate your request or question and will assign it to the appropriate party. Some implementation and consulting requests and questions may be directed to your Philips sales representative.PLEASE NOTE:Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or Protected Health Information (PHI) must not be included in case information you enter or attachments that you upload to the e-Service portal. Cases that are opened or updated with PII or PHI content will be canceled, the attachments will be deleted and a new case will be opened on your behalf without the protected information. See the PII and PHI section of the document for guidance found on the e-Service portal.Congratulations! You have now submitted a service case via the e-Service portal! Your case will now be entered into Philips’s ticketing system and a Customer Service Representative will contact you according to your current Service Level Agreement.5.Reviewing your Service caseLet’s take a quick look at how to review your open cases.To review your open cases you can simply click the Open Case link in the Navigation Bar.This will provide a quick list of open cases as well as a filter form so that you can quickly and easily find the exact case you are looking for, despite its current status.To update an existing case, simply click the line item for the case you would like to open.Doing so will open the case. To provide an update back to your Philips contact working the case, all you need to do is to add further notes and attachments.5.1.New ticket note creationClick the “Notes” tab, then the “New ticket note” button and fill the note form. Then create it.5.2.New file attachmentClick the “Attachments” tab, then the “Add attachments” button.Finally,1.Select the file you want to attach.2.Add it to the ticket.When the case owner replies, the message will appear in the portal and the customer will receive an email.Replying to messages from email is also allowed, and it will automatically create a new note in the relevant case.Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or Protected Health Information (PHI) must not be included in case information you enter or attachments that you upload to the e-Service portal. Cases that are opened or updated with PII or PHI content will be canceled, the attachments will be deleted and a new case will be opened on your behalf without the protected information. See the PII and PHI section of the document for guidance found on the e-Service portal.6.Personal Identifiable Information and Protected Health InformationPII (sometimes referred to as personal information or personal data)Personal Information or “Personally Identifiable Information” or “Personal Data” is defined as data relating to an identified individual or an individual identifiable by such data (“natural person”). Examples include, but are not limited to: name, number, personal mark, biometric data, or other identifier, and can be used to identify the natural person. Other examples include name, office phone lists, office addresses, age, occupation, birth date, gender, income, physical description, education, financial information, medical information, employment history, marital status, size of household, e-mail address, IP address, driver’s license number, vehicle registration plate number, face, fingerprints, handwriting, credit card numbers, and/or digital identity. It can include statements made by, or attributed to, the individual.PHI (sometimes referred to as medical data)Protected Health Information is any data relating to the past, present or future physical or mental health or condition of an individual, the provision of health care to an individual or the past, present or future payments for the provision of health care for an individual, that is created or received, either orally, in hardcopy, or electronically, by:pany supervisory, management or personnel providing associate services for one or more of the followingpurposes:•Complying with company policy•Receiving medical services•Receiving benefits under a group health plan or another associate welfare benefit plan sponsored by the company•Obtaining accommodations or employment leaves due to an individual’s medical condition; orb.Other company personnel for the purpose of providing equipment, software or services to customersExamplesa.Correct: Study of patient with PID 123 with ACC# 123 has a problem•Incorrect: Study with ACC# 123 of patient John Doe with PID 123 and Date of Birth 1/1/2000 has a problemb.Correct:***********************************************•Incorrect:************************************“Mypa55Word” cannot access to the system Congratulations! You're now ready to use the portal for opening and reviewing service cases. Remember to keep your profile information up to date and upload a photo if you like. We look forward to continuing to provide you with exceptional service and support.。
一、SERVER初始化 (4)1.1程序安装 (4)1.2地图操作 (8)1.2.1添加地图(可选) (8)1.2.2编辑地图 (9)1.2.3更新地图 (10)1.3创建子网 (11)1.4创建网元 (13)1.4.1重新启动E400网管并登录 (13)1.4.2登录子网 (14)1.4.3创建网元 (14)1.5安装单板 (17)1.6网元连接配置 (18)1.7 DCC连接配置 (20)1.8 ECC连接配置(建议选用默认配置) (23)1.9 NCP程序下载 (24)1.9.1设定接入网元 (24)1.9.2设定接入网元的IP (25)1.9.3使用配置工具——设定下载程序 (26)1.9.4拨码开关 (27)1.9.5开始业务 (27)1.9.6下载NCP程序 (27)1.9.7恢复设定接入网元的IP (29)1.10NCP基本数据库下载 (30)1.10.1设定接入网元 (30)1.10.2使用配置工具——设定下载基本数据库 (30)1.10.3拨码开关 (31)1.10.4开始业务 (31)1.10.5刷新FLASH (32)1.10.6开始业务 (32)1.10.7下载网元基本库 (33)1.11使用配置工具——设定正常工作 (33)1.12设定接入网元 (34)1.13开始业务 (34)1.14设定网元时钟源 (35)1.15设定网元公务信息 (36)1.16同步网元时钟 (37)1.17进行告警属性设置 (37)1.18进行性能属性设置 (39)1.19创建分级用户 (41)1.20进行用户管理域设置 (43)1.21下载数据库(性能、告警、公务、时钟源) (44)二、客户端初始化 (44)2.1 Client程序安装 (44)2.2 SNMS程序安装 (46)2.3地图操作 (50)2.3.1添加地图(可选) (50)2.3.2编辑地图 (51)2.3.3更新地图 (52)2.4创建子网 (53)2.5登录 (54)三、数据安全 (56)3.1用户管理(用户属性说明) (56)3.1.1添加用户 (56)3.1.2删除用户 (56)3.1.3修改用户属性 (56)3.2访问控制 (56)3.2.1登录子网 (56)3.2.2退出登录 (56)3.2.3锁定网管 (56)3.2.4解除锁定 (56)3.3管理域 (56)3.3.1用户管理域 (56)3.3.2管理者管理域 (56)3.4日志管理 (56)3.4.1SMCC日志 (56)3.4.2NCP日志 (56)3.5数据库备份恢复 (56)3.5.1子网级数据库 (56)3.5.2网元级数据库 (56)四、日常维护 (57)4.1网元属性管理 (57)4.1.1修改网元名称 (57)4.1.2修改网元位置 (57)4.1.3网元时间校准 (57)4.2告警管理 (57)4.2.1告警等级设置 (57)4.2.2告警响铃设置 (57)4.2.3告警屏蔽设置 (57)4.2.4告警声音设置 (57)4.2.5蜂鸣器控制 (57)4.2.6性能门限设置 (57)4.2.7当前告警事件 (57)4.2.8历史告警事件 (57)4.3性能管理 (57)4.3.1性能门限设置 (57)4.3.2性能评比设置 (57)4.3.3清空性能计数 (57)4.3.4当前性能查询 (57)4.3.5历史性能浏览 (57)4.3.6历史性能累计 (58)4.3.7OSC性能文件 (58)4.4网管诊断操作 (58)4.4.1查询NCP软件版本 (58)4.4.2通讯口测试 (58)4.4.3S口测试 (58)4.4.4上载数据库 (58)4.4.5查询单板寄存器 (58)4.5故障处理操作 (58)4.5.1单板参数调整 (58)4.5.2单板复位 (58)4.5.3单板重要数据调整 (58)一、Server初始化这里提供一个组网实例来说明E400 Server程序和数据初始化过程。
Then the customer can get in the eService System If PM hasn’t given the customer any privilege, the page will be empty, he can’t see any bulletin or issue.
In this page, customer can query issues belonged to his company
Click you can see this page, default value is to show non-closed issues.
Use and to manage your query Double click the fields you want to change At last press then you can see the result list You also can press make it shown in group
After this page, customer can’t modify the project
In this page, customer can enter the detail info of this issue
The red fields are invalid, customer can get detail message by stay mouse on
When this issue is resolved in CQ, it goes to Resolved
When this issue is verified in CQ, it goes to Verified
驻京机构人员办理北京市工作居住证用户使用手册2007年11月北京市人事局目录1 系统登录 (4)1.1用户注册 (4)1.2用户登录 (5)2 事项查找 (5)2。
1通过“热点事项"查找 (5)2。
2通过“在线申报”查找 (6)2。
3通过输入事项名称的关键字查找 (8)2。
4通过事项的属性查找 (9)2.5通过委办局的分类查找 (10)3 业务申报 (11)3。
1业务咨询 (11)3.1。
1 查询“办事指南” (11)3。
1.2 查询“办理程序" (12)3。
1.3 查询“办理依据” (12)3。
1.4 表格下载 (13)3。
2事项申报主页面 (13)3。
3填报表格 (14)3。
1 在线填报表格 (14)3。
2 离线填报表格 (16)3。
4提交材料 (24)3。
1 网下递交材料 (25)3.4.2 在线上传材料 (26)3。
5提交申报 (26)4 办理情况反馈 (28)4。
1网络反馈 (28)4.2短信订阅 (30)4。
3打印表格 (31)首都之窗-办事服务频道简介十五期间,根据政府文件要求,发改委会同市信息办、市监察局、市人事局、市编办等8部门组织实施了由全市41个政府部门参加的电子政务网上审批工程.按照“需求主导、应用优先、先行试点、逐步展开”的工程建设思路,先后进行了两期工程建设,建立了北京市电子政务网上审批市级平台,及各委办局的网上审批业务系统,初步搭建起全市网上审批服务系统。
以及关注我们的微信帐号!一、概述 2二、外观接口说明 2(一) 前面板说明 2(二) 后挡板说明 3(一) 加歌: 31. 批量加歌 32. 单增歌曲: 6(二) 编辑歌曲资料 7(三) 删除歌曲 7(四) 设置K米新歌、设置新歌、设置公播、设置VIP 8(五) 导出歌库 9(六) 歌曲文件管理 91. 启用、禁用歌曲文件 102. 删除文件: 103. 歌曲清理: 11四、歌星相关操作 11(一) 添加歌星: 121. 单增歌星 122. 批量添加歌星 13(二) 编辑歌星 14(三) 更新歌数 14(四) 歌星头像分析 14五、歌词相关操作 14(一) 添加歌词(歌词目录) 15(二) 歌词更新 15(三) 歌词检索 16六、机顶盒相关操作 17(一) 更换机顶盒 17(三) 添加机顶盒 18(四) 设置机顶盒 18七、常用操作 18(一) 授权注册 181. 网络授权 182. 手工授权 19(二) 程序升级 20(三) 更换logo 21(四) 更换开机视频 22(五) 查看系统运行情况、查看负载情况 22(六) 文本编辑 22(七) 日期和时间设置 23(九) 系统备份和制作镜像 26八、常见故障 27(一) 硬盘故障(非系统盘故障) 27(二) 系统盘故障 29(三) 服务器损坏 29九、开关机顺序要求 29一、概述锋云视频服务器EVS6000采用一体化嵌入式架构设计,支持CCTRSP协议,内置视频服务、智能存锋云视频服务器拥有视频流媒体点播、多路视频流、双网卡智能负载、智能加歌、智能系统自检、可下面就网管日常工作中常见知识点及常用操作进行介绍。
二、外观接口说明(一) 前面板说明服务器前面板的接口有硬盘指示灯、网卡指示灯、报警指示灯、电源指示灯、前置USB口、报警嗡鸣器、开关机按键。
目录目录 0第一章:系统概要 (3)第二章:系统结构 (3)第一节:网络拓扑图 (3)第二节:功能模块 (4)第三章:系统操作 (4)第一模块:登录系统 (4)第二模块:节目管理 (5)第一节:制作节目 (6)第一要素:编辑器 (6)1、新版编辑器 (6)2、旧版编辑器 (8)第二要素:节目制作 (11)1、名词介绍 (11)2、制作(旧版编辑器为例) (11)2.1文字插入功能 (11)2。
1.1静态文字使用方法 (11)2。
2动态滚动字幕使用方法 (12)2。
2图片插入功能 (13)2.2.1背景图片使用方法 (13)2。
2.2普通图片使用方法 (14)2。
3广告图片使用方法 (15)2.2。
4 Logo图片使用方法 (16)2。
3视频插入功能 (16)2.3.1 Flash动画插入使用方法 (16)2。
2自动播放媒体插入使用方法 (17)2。
3.3视频直播使用方法 (18)2.4日期时间插入功能 (18)2。
5倒计时和正计时插入功能 (18)2.5.1倒计时使用方法 (18)2.5。
2正计时使用方法 (19)2。
6 Office组件插入功能 (20)2。
7数据采集组件插入功能 (20)2。
8天气预报插入功能 (20)2。
9触摸卡片的使用方法 (21)2.9。
1 摘要卡片 (21)2.9。
2 图片卡片 (22)2.9.3 视频卡片 (22)2。
10 选择模版功能 (23)2.11播放时间设置 (23)2。
12框架节目(互动节目)的制作 (23)2.13插入按钮的使用方法 (23)2。
14 保存、新建场景、生成节目与预览 (24)第三节:节目管理界面 (24)第四节:节目发布设置 (25)第五节:节目审批 (27)第六节:下载管理 (28)第七节:删除节目 (29)第一要素:终端节目删除 (29)第二要素:管理端节目删除 (30)第八节:节目备份 (30)第九节:节目发布界面 (31)第十节:节目审批界面 (32)第三模块:终端管理 (32)第一节:插播消息 (32)第二节:终端信息管理 (33)第三节:终端监控管理 (35)第四节:终端带宽管理 (36)第五节:终端升级 (37)第四模块:系统设置 (37)第一节:权限管理 (38)第一要素:机构管理 (38)第二要素:角色管理 (39)第三要素:用户管理 (41)第二节:分发服务器管理 (42)第三节:数据采集服务 (43)第一要素:数据采集服务 (43)第四节:参数设置 (44)数据组件节目制作 (46)第五节个性化 (48)第五模块:系统日志 (49)第一节:用户操作日志 (50)第二节:播放日报表 (50)第三节:素材统计表 (50)第六模块:素材管理 (51)第一节:素材管理 (51)第一要素:素材上传 (51)大文件上传 (52)第二节:模版管理 (53)第一要素:背景模板 (53)第二要素:普通模板 (53)第三节:在线资源 (53)多媒体信息发布系统V3。
6-3 热门关键字排行榜-昼面
2.查询关键字所提 供问题集
6-4 观看动态教学-功能
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
6-4 观看动态教学-说明
为了增加 FAQ 的阅读性,有些解答我们制作成 『数位语音动态教学』, 您必须要有喇叭及安装 Flash播放软件才能观看喔!如果您尚未安装播放 软件,建议您直接在这个网站做下载就可以了!
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安装Flash Player (可观看动态教学)
注: Acrobat Reader & Flash Player 可至e-Service 网站下载
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6-4 观看动态教学-昼面
6-5 Call Center进度查询-功能
Call Center进度查询
6-5 Call Center进度查询-说明
使用』问题处理进度查询 。 查询案件进度有 未结案件:可显示至目前截止『未结服务案件列表』 历史已结案件:可显示最近半年内『历史已结案件列表』
NPServe用户指南 Comm模块MN024002EN有效日期2017年2月说明书
NPServe Users GuideDISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITYThe information, recommendations, descriptions and safety notations in this document are based on Eaton Corporation’s (“Eaton”) experience and judgment and may not cover all contingencies. If further information is required, an Eaton sales office should be consulted. Sale of the product shown in this literature is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policies or other contractual agreement between Eaton and the purchaser.THERE ARE NO UNDERSTANDINGS, AGREEMENTS, WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFICALL Y SET OUT IN ANY EXISTING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. ANY SUCH CONTRACT STATES THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF EATON. THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BECOME PART OF OR MODIFY ANY CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. In no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or user in contract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damage or loss whatsoever, including but not limited to damage or loss of use of equipment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power, additional expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claims against the purchaser or user by its customers resulting from the use of the information, recommendations and descriptions contained herein. The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice.ii Users GUide MN024002EN February 2017ContentsDISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ii SAFETY FOR LIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iv SAFETY INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iv Safety instructions (iv)NPSERVE USERS GUIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Connections (1)Connection details (2)Real-time data (3)Configuration (3)DNP SCADA (4)Diagnostics (5)System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 USB maintenance port (5)iiiUsers GUide MN024002EN February 2017NPServe Users GuideUsers GUide MN024002EN February 2017Safety for lifeEaton meets or exceeds all applicable industry standards relating to product safety. We actively promote safe practices in the use and maintenance of our products through our service literature, instructional training programs, and the continuous efforts of all Eaton employees involved in product design, manufacture, marketing, and service.We strongly urge that you always follow all locally approved safety procedures and safety instructions when working around high voltage lines and equipment, and support our “Safety For Life” mission.Safety informationThe instructions in this manual are not intended as a substitute for proper training or adequate experience in the safe operation of the equipment described. Only competent technicians who are familiar with this equipment should install, operate, and service it.A competent technician has these qualifications:●●Is thoroughly familiar with these instructions.●●Is trained in industry-accepted high and low-voltage safe operating practices and procedures.●●Is trained and authorized to energize, de-energize, clear, and ground power distribution equipment.●●Is trained in the care and use of protective equipment such as arc flash clothing, safety glasses, face shield, hard hat, rubber gloves, clampstick, hotstick, etc. Following is important safety information. For safe installation and operation of this equipment, be sure to read and understand all cautions and warnings.This manual may contain four types of hazard statements:Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, ifnot avoided, will result in death or serious injury . Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if notavoided, could result in death or serious injury .Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury .CAUTIONIndicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in equipment damage only .Safety instructionsFollowing are general caution and warning statements that apply to this equipment. Additional statements, related to specific tasks and procedures, are located throughout themanual.Hazardous voltage . Contact with hazardous voltage will cause death or severe personal injury . Follow all locally approved safety procedures when working around high- and low-voltage lines and equipment .G103 .3Before installing, operating, maintaining, or testing this equipment, carefully read and understand the contents of this manual . Improper operation, handling or maintenance can result in death, severe personal injury, and equipment damage .G101 .0This equipment is not intended to protect humanlife . Follow all locally approved procedures and safety practices when installing or operating this equipment . Failure to comply can result in death, severe personal injury and equipment damage .G102 .1Power distribution and transmission equipment must be properly selected for the intended application . It must be installed and serviced by competent personnel who have been trained and understand proper safety procedures . These instructions are written for such personnel and are not a substitute for adequate training and experience in safety procedures . Failure to properly select, install or maintain power distribution and transmission equipment can result in death, severe personal injury, and equipment damage . G122 .2iv1NPServe Users GuideUsers GUide MN024002EN February 2017NPServe Users GuideFigure 1 . NPServe LayoutThe NPServe must be viewable via its web page in order to use this guide. The IP address and subnet mask must be set up accordingly. Type in the IP address in the user’s desired web browser and the NPServe can be accessed.This guide is intended solely to provide user guidelines on the features, connections, and possible troubleshooting points of the NPServe device.ConnectionsThe NPServe has the following connections:●●Relay 1 (30A)●●INCOM ●●Ethernet ●●Micro USB ●●DNP Port 2●●DNP Port 1●●Analog Inputs ●●Analog PS ●●MPCV Pendant ●●Digital Inputs ●●Power ●●Relay 2 (10A)●●Relay 3 (10A)otee:N Each connection can be selected via the Home webpage shown in Figure 2. If a connection is made, theICON will be active and not grayed out.Figure 2 . Home web page2NPServe Users GuideUsers GUide MN024002EN February 2017Connection detailsRelays1. Relay contacts (1, 2, 3) – Relay 1 is NO contact thatcan handle 30 Amps. Relay 2 and 3 are 10A form C contacts. All three contacts can be controlled by activating the contact on the NPServe web page (see Figure 2). Each contact will change state after selection and will show the state change once action is complete(see Figures 1 and 2).Figure 3 .Open contactFigure 4 . Closed contact2. When the contact is activated, the user will be askedif the action is to be executed. Click OK. A successful contact state change note will appear.Possible troubleshooting1. If an error arises when the contact is selected, pleaseverify that NPServe is active. otee:N Relay will change states with no connections.2. Ensure that the relay is not configured to energize onbootup. (This is configurable from the Configuration page.)INCOM1. The icon is for EATON’s INCOM protocol devices. SeeIL TD17513 for wiring specification.2. Clicking the INCOM connection will allow for quickaccess to the set of INCOM devices polled by the NPServe.Possible troubleshootingIf no device shows up once the icon is selected, verify the INCOM compatible device is connected:1. Verify that INCOM wiring is carried out per IL TD17513.2. Verify the INCOM device is powered and active.3. Verify that NPServe has auto learned devicesconnected to it or has INCOM devices in the configuration uploaded.Ethernet connectionThe Ethernet connection is for the network LANconnections. The port can be used to connect the NPServe to any Ethernet capable device:●●Supports Web Page access●●DNP Slave/Master communications are also available via this connection●●Supports NTP time synchronization●●Selecting the Ethernet ICON will take the user to the NPServe Maintenance Configuration page.Possible troubleshootingIf NPServe is unreachable over Ethernet or is unconfigured, see the USB Maintenance Configuration section.DNP ports (1 and 2)The DNP Ports (1 and 2) are RS485 ports:●●Can be used to connect to the VaultGard or other SCADA Master●●Can be used to connect downstream DNP devicesPossible TroubleshootingSee the DNP SCADA Section.Analog inputsNPServe provides three power rails:●●+5VDC, 150mA load ●●-5VDC, 100ma load ●●AGND (Analog ground)●●250mA total load1. Configurations uploaded to NPServe may contain scalefactors to convert raw voltage readings to engineering units.2. Clicking the green box containing the readings togglesbetween scaled and raw voltage readings.3NPServe Users GuideUsers GUideMN024002EN February 2017Figure 5 . XXXXXXXXPossible troubleshooting1. Verify the proper voltage supply is on the sensor.2. Verify the multimeter and raw voltage readings match.3. Verify supply voltages are +/- 5VDC.4. Ensure there is no short between a power rail andAGND.5. Verify that the proper configuration file is uploaded.MPCV pendant connection●●Intended for direction connection to an MPCV relay ●●Replaces need for pendant hookup to relay ●●Detects +5V signal from MPCV relayDigital input●●Eight individual dry contacts using 125 VAC●●Provides a user friendly way of reading the status of equipment●●An open contact will display no line (see Figure 6).●● A closed contact will display a completed lineconnections.Figure 6 . Open contact displays no linePossible troubleshooting1. Verify no voltage is present on the contact beforeconnection.2. Verify the device changes state before connection.3. Verify the Status change of the device via the WebHome page Digitial Input display (see Figure 6).4. Ensure that there are 0 V between RET and AC Neutral.5. Ensure there are 120 V across an open connection.Real-time dataOnce various INCOM and DNP devices are connected, all of the various data will be displayed under the Real-Time Datalink at the bottom of the web Home Page (see Figure 7).Figure 7 . Real-time dataAll connected devices are viable in this location. The devices currently supported are:●●MPCV Relay and ARMS ●●Digitrip●●Analog and digital input readingsPossible troubleshootingIf no data is viewable, verify that all devices are connected correctly per INCOM and RS-485 standards.ConfigurationConfiguration filesThis page allows the user to back up the current NPServe configuration to a downloadable file. This file may later be reimported into an NPServe to apply the exported configuration:●●If an NPServe must be reset to factory defaults, importing this file will bring it back to the prior configuration.●●The configuration may be imported into another NPServe.4NPServe Users GuideUsers GUide MN024002EN February 2017Operation1. By default, leave all checkboxes checked. Only duringcertain custom procedures should the user pick and choose which files to export.2. Press “Create Configuration Archive” to beginthe export process. The web page will create a downloadable link.3. Click the downloadable link to save the file.Save configurationThis is a minimal file upload to import a configurationexported by NPServe.Figure 8 . Save configurationDevices and IONPServe can autolearn INCOM devices connected to it.The user can supply an address range to minimize autolearn time, if the addresses are known a priori:●●First Address – Autolearn scan starts at this address and should be less than or equal to lowest address on network.●●Last Address – Autolearn scans up to and including this address and should be greater than or equal to highest address on network.Possible T roubleshooting1. If no INCOM devices are found, please make sure theyare properly connected.2. Please refer to TD 17513 for wiring specifications.Default relay state1. On startup, the NPServe can by default energize orleave idle the three output relays.2. The default state for each relay is toggled by the pulldown box:a. “No Default” – Relay is not energized on startup.b. “Force Closed” – Relay is energized on startup andcannot be changed by control.3. Press the “Commit” button to save the relay states toNPServe.DNP SCADAStatus●●Link Type – How NPServe hooks up to DNP Master; may be UDP or RS-485●●Link Status – Whether NPServe is responding to DNP requests●●Bytes Transmitted – How many bytes NPServe has sent to Master since bootup or communications reconfiguration●●Bytes Received – How many bytes NPServe has received since bootup or communications reconfigurationotee:N This is a raw count of bytes, not what NPServe hasdetermined to be valid DNP .●●Start Traffic Capture – Brings up a window showing the raw communications on the DNP port (UDP or RS-485)●●Stop Traffic Capture – Stops the traffic capture processCommunications1. Select the Communications tab on the SCADA (DNPSlave) web page to configure the communications Network interface. Network options include RS485 serial or DNP over Ethernet (TCP or UDP).2. Port 20000 is the default port for DNP3 communicationover Ethernet.3. NPSERVE supports a single SCADA master. Up tofour (4) backup master IPs are supported, but only one master may be active at a time.4. To change the network interface, click the radiobutton for the chosen interface, enter the requested parameters, and click the <Submit Changes> button.5. A built-in DNP sniffer provides traffic capture of theDNP interaction between NPSERVE and the DNPmaster. Click the <Start Traffic Capture> button to begin the capture and the <Stop Traffic Capture> button to stop. A new browser window will open and display the bytes transmitted and received from NPSERVE.5NPServe Users GuideUsers GUide MN024002EN February 20176. DNP is a very extensive protocol with multipleconformance levels and various data representations. Inconsistencies between what a SCADA Masterexpects and what a virtual DNP profile specifies lead to puzzling results in the control room. SCADA Masters are complex software themselves and getting access to the raw data may be incongruous. Raw traffic capture data is critical for Eaton engineers when diagnosing these issues.Virtual settings1. Upload Profile – Select a file provided by Eaton toconfigure the NPServe DNP Virtual configuration.2. Profile – Select which uploaded profile to use.3. Slave Address – Set the DNP Slave address of theNPServe.4. Master Address – Set the expected DNP Masteraddress.5. Submit Changes – Apply changes in this tab to theNPServe Configuration.Possible troubleshooting1. Ensure that the NPServe has a valid SCADAconfiguration.2. Ensure that Communications settings are set upcorrectly.3. If bytes are received, then Master is not reaching theNPServe.4. If bytes are received but not transmitted, NPServe isrejecting requests from the Master, possibly due to mismatched DNP addresses.5. Traffic capture can provide insights into some issues;please initiate to find more low level information.Diagnostics1. Download a diagnostic file to submit to Eaton forfurther troubleshooting.2. Display INCOM Comm Statistics:●●Displays low-level INCOM communications statistics. Most counters are intended for Eaton troubleshooting but the following are end user interpretable:●●BCH Errors – Counts the number of corrupted datamessages due to bad wiring, mismatched addresses or other INCOM issues●●The second table is a per device statistics table. Non-zero values for any statistic indicate possible problems with the specific device or wiring.SystemThis page is used to verify the firmware version and to upload necessary firmware updates as necessary.otee:N NPServe can be reset to factory default status ifdesired. It is recommend to save the configuration before resetting.USB maintenance portThe USB Maintenance port provides access to a graphical maintenance web page via a USB-to-Ethernet connection.Required components●●Ethernet Cable●●Recommended connector – Plugable USB 2.0 OTG Micro-B to 10/100 Fast Ethernet Adapter for Windows Tablets & Raspberry Pi Zero (ASIX AX88772A chipset)●●Host PC or LaptopAccessing the maintenance web page1. If using a laptop, disable the wireless Ethernetfunctionality.2. Connect one end of the Ethernet cable to the plugableadapter.3. Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to the hostPC.4. Plug the MicroUSB end of the adapter into theNPServe MicroUSB port.5. Open a web browser and go to the following URL:http://eaton.console.Y ou should now be at the maintenance page.T roubleshooting the access procedure1. Make sure the wireless is disabled.2. Try to browse to instead of http://eaton.console.3. Make sure your IP address is similar to number can vary).4. Try rebooting the Host PC.6NPServe Users GuideUsers GUide MN024002EN February 2017Changing the NPServe IPIMPORTANTWhen configuring the NPServe network configuration, the Ethernet port on the NPServe must be connected to a live device (for example, a switch). If the web page indicates “No Ethernet Carrier”, then you do not have a working Ethernet connection.1. Populate the “Maintenance IP Configuration” fields asper your network specification. 2. Click “Commit” and the present setting will update toreflect your input.T est modeTest mode turns off the normal functionality of the NPServe and gives access to low-level functions:●●Reboot – Reboots the NPServe●●Reset to Factory Defaults – Clearing the configuration from this page will do a low-level format of the datastorage and will clear network settings, etc. This normally is not necessary and a clearing configuration from the Ethernet interface is recommended.7NPServe Users GuideUsers GUide MN024002EN February 2017his page is intentionally left blank.TEaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122 United States © 2017 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No. MN024002EN February 2017Eaton is a registered trademark.All trademarks are propertyof their respective owners.For Eaton product informationvisit: 。
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2.系统管理2.1 用户组管理2.1.1 基本功能用于建立基本的用户组——角色,以用于设置用户权限时在角色的基础上调整用户权限。
CMS网站内容管理系统iservice-企业云服务-官方网站综合用户手册用户使用手册目录CMS网站内容管理系统 (I)用户使用手册 (I)目录 (I)第一章CMS系统概述 (1)第二章内容管理系统功能介绍 (2)2.1前后台简述 (2)2.2网站后台管理 (2)2.2.1网站后台登陆 (2)2.2.2CMS网站后台页面说明 (3)第三章网站后台功能详细介绍 (4)1门户菜单 (4)1.1新增主菜单 (4)1.2添加子菜单 (6)1.3编辑菜单 (8)1.4删除菜单 (9)2.用户管理 (9)2.1新增用户 (9)2.2删除用户 (10)2.3修改用户密码 (11)2.4用户数据加载 (11)3系统参数管理 (11)3.1新增参数 (12)3.2删除系统参数信息 (13)3.3修改系统参数信息 (13)3.4用户数据加载 (14)4LOGO管理 (15)4.1添加LOGO (15)4.2修改LOGO (16)5幻灯片管理 (17)5.1新增幻灯片 (17)5.2修改幻灯片 (19)5.3删除幻灯片 (19)5.4批量删除幻灯片 (20)5.5幻灯片信息加载 (20)6页面管理 (21)6.1新增页面 (21)6.2预览页面 (22)6.3修改页面 (22)6.4删除页面 (23)7文章管理 (24)7.1新增文章 (24)7.2预览文章 (25)7.3修改文章 (26)7.4删除文章 (27)7.5文章数据加载 (27)8合作伙伴管理 (27)8.1添加合作伙伴信息 (27)8.2修改合作伙伴信息 (28)8.3删除合作伙伴信息 (29)8.4合作伙伴数据加载 (30)9服务管理 (30)9.1添加服务 (30)9.2修改服务 (31)9.3删除服务 (32)9.4服务数据加载 (33)10产品管理 (33)10.1新增产品 (33)10.2修改产品 (34)10.3删除产品 (35)10.4产品数据加载 (36)11用户留言管理 (36)11.1批量删除用户留言 (36)11.2查看详细留言信息 (37)11.3删除用户留言 (38)11.4用户留言数据加载 (39)12友情链接管理 (39)12.1添加合作伙伴信息 (39)12.2修改友情链接信息 (40)12.3删除友情链接信息 (41)12.4友情链接数据加载 (41)13员工管理 (41)13.1新增员工 (42)13.2修改员工信息 (43)13.3删除员工 (43)14类型管理 (44)14.1新增类型 (44)14.2编辑类型 (45)14.3删除类型 (45)14.4取消选择 (46)15文件管理 (46)15.1图片文件的上传 (46)15.2分目录浏览图库 (47)15.4图片的删除和下载 (48)16图库管理 (48)16.1新增图片 (49)16.2修改图片信息 (49)16.3删除图片 (50)16.4图片页面数据加载 (51)17多媒体管理 (51)17.1新增多媒体 (52)17.2修改多媒体信息 (53)17.3删除多媒体文件 (54)17.4多媒体页面数据加载 (54)第一章CMS系统概述CMS是一个使用当前最新技术构建的内容管理系统,主要有以下几个部分:驱动器(类似于java的action,负责业务逻辑的处理,使用JavaScript技术),配置文件(类似于action的xml配置文件,使用一种轻量级的数据交换格式JSON),模板(使用Velocity模板技术,jQuery技术,Ajax技术,JavaScript+HTML5+DIV+CSS技术进行模板的设计),静态文件(包括系统使用到的css,js,jpg,png等资源)。
VEI人员档案维护手册 V1.0
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Customer can see the attachment he submit in issue detail page, but can’t download it. They also can sort them and select which columns can be shown.
Account Management
System URL Customer account application Query application status Customer login eService How to reset password
Enter the issue id(or part of it) you want, then press
You can get this issue you want these two button means two default query condition means this yourid is the customer’s id which login means Press these two button can get this two kind of issues quickly
After edit, click If success, this message will be given
Or there will be a fail message
After creating an issue, its state is Submitted
When this issue is assigned in CQ, it goes to Assigned When this issue is accepted in CQ, it goes to Working
In this page, customer can query issues belonged to his company
Click you can see this page, default value is to show non-closed issues.
Use and to manage your query Double click the fields you want to change At last press then you can see the result list You also can press make it shown in group
Click the issue’s state will become “reworking”, just like “working” state, it will be resolved again.
In issue detail page, click In this page, enter the comment, then click
In issue detail page, click In this page, click then select the file you want to upload, enter the description if you want, then click
If success, this message will be given
Two actions were allowed
◦ Close and Reopen
Click the issue will be closed. The issue’s state will become “Closed”. Customer can only see its detail.
When a issue is edited or status changed, a notify mail will be send to the customer who created the issue and the mail address in the ccList.
It include the changes and give a link to the issue
Login as a customer Select tab The default page list issues belonged to the customer’s company
Click Select the project you want in this page, double click it
Issue Management
Submit Single Issue Edit Issue Close/Reopen Issue Add comment Add Attachment Email notify to customer Query Issue Export issues Import issues
When the application is approved by PM, customer will receive an email with account and password When customer first login eService, it is required to reset the password.
If success, this message will be given
Customer can find the comments he submit in issue detail page. They also can sort them and select which columns can be shown.
If PM approved this application, the status will become to approved
If PM rejected this application, the status will become to reject then customer must submit a new application
Press you want
then double click the project
Click the
Save this file to your computer
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Click In this page, customer can edit some of the fields.
When the id of a newly-submitted issue is “generating”
It means that, this issue has not been submitted into CQ.
Click the “Apply Account”
Input PM’s email, click “Add”, then it will list below. Customer can input more than one email and all of them will be notified. Select the email which you want to remove in the list, then click Make sure the email list is ok, then click
You can only export present query’s results Press then you can see this message
The file’s form is like this
The first row give how many issues have been exported The second row show names of every column The first column are links for each issue
Then the customer can get in the eService System If PM hasn’t given the customer any privilege, the page will be empty, he can’t see any bulletin or issue.
Click “Forget Account/Password”
Enter the email, then click
Click “Yes”
This message means reset success
Customer will receive a email, tell him the new password At this time, he login the eService, will see the reset password page again.
If success, this message will be given.
Or there will be a fail message
In this page, customer can see issues
Double click the issue you want to edit, get into the issue’s detail info page