第五关:Jorm"s Ambush
魔法门之英雄⽆敌3-万历记战役全流程攻略 《魔法门之英雄⽆敌3》有很多战役,下⾯为⼤家带来历代记战役的全流程攻略,另附剧情⽂本供⼤家观赏,喜欢的玩家不要错过。
废墟战神(Wa r l o r d s o f t h e Wa s t e l a n d) 在塔南成为不朽英雄以前,他曾经是克鲁洛德野蛮⼈部落⾥的⼀个普通的野蛮⼈。
第⼀关、野蛮⼈国王(A B a r b a r i a n K i n g) 故事背景:多少个世代以来,野蛮⼈部落⼀直遭受着术⼠王国的奴役。
要推翻暴政,⾸先要杀死术⼠王国在克鲁洛德驻军的⾸领R a b a k。
第⼆关、被通缉的国王(T h e C r i m i n a l K i n g) 故事背景:杀死R a b a k之后,塔南封⾃⼰为野蛮⼈国王--⾃从克鲁洛德被术⼠王国所统治以来,已经有许多年没有出现过这个称号了。
英雄无敌3攻略(Heroes and Heroes 3)地图unleashing the bloodthirsty攻略unleashing the bloodthirsty是著名英雄无敌站点astralwizard上提供的一张地图, 作者是andrew tanzi.这张地图是我所见过的最变态的地图, 我玩的时候, 用了296天才完成, 实际游戏时间接近30小时.本关的敌人非常强大, 而且地图的编制者好像也在故意为难游戏者, 许多重要的宝物、事件都隐藏在城堡或山石背后, 很难发现, 如果不用地图编辑器察看, 想打过这一关是极其困难的.提醒大家一点, 在察看本关地图的时候, 最好把阴影功能开启 (按ctrl - p键), 注意黄色的小方块, 能够比较容易发现隐藏的东西.本关开始的时候, 我方的城堡位于地图的右下部, 过关条件是把城堡上方不远处的禁止魔球带回到主城里, 不过禁止魔球直接捡是捡不到的, 只有今后学会了飞行术或时空门才能拿到.另外一个过关条件是全灭敌人, 但是这个条件根本就不可能达到, 因为绿色敌人在地下的左上角有一座城堡, 我方用任何方法都无法攻击到.开始先沿着道路向上走, 捡到一堆钱 (事件) 以后返回城堡, 第二天带上独眼巨人出城, 过水坑后向右走, 会遇到一队低级矮人.在矮人的右边, 火山遮挡的地方, 有一个神龛, 里面传授的是健忘魔法.向上走, 守金矿的是120个矮人战士, 如果主力英雄已经学会专家土系技能, 凭全减速和5个独眼就可以干掉这些矮人战士.上方的山背后, 隐藏着涉水靴.接下来可以回城休息, 等到第三周星期一的时候, 将城里所有部队招光带走, 赶快逃吧! 因为左边小岛上的鬼族很快就会带着1200幽灵龙来打你的.涉水通过上方的水道后, 用全健忘打败挡路的大精灵, 向上方行进.前方的哨塔, 只有交出涉水靴才能通过, 也就是说, 在很长一段时间后都没有办法再返回主城了.通过哨塔后, 访问上方的水车, 然后向右走, 在右边有4个招募精灵的屋子, 还有一口水井.招募精灵后可以去上方攻打女巫城堡, 里面的守军是上千的精灵, 用全健忘和全减速即可对付, 必要的时候可以派雷鸟站在城门口, 将城门堵上, 阻止精灵出城, 顶多死一些妖怪和狼骑兵, 注意节省魔法值.城堡攻下后, 出城向右走一步, 可以捡到大量的兽城未升级部队, 取了之后返回刚才涉水而过的地方, 在野堡里将部队升级.此时根据魔法值的剩余情况, 决定是一刻不休息直接去攻打敌人, 还是访问水井后再出击.出去的时候注意一点, 在城堡背后隐藏着一个事件, 让英雄所有能力加3, 还附赠提高部队速度的路人指环一枚.我们所要面对的第一家敌人是驯兽族, 敌人的配置基本上是一个城堡一个英雄, 城堡里不能修建酒馆, 所以敌人英雄是打一个少一个, 当然, 我方也无法招募英雄了.攻击敌人的要点是消灭其英雄, 一般说来, 敌人会将绝大部分部队集中在一个主力英雄身上, 其他英雄带的部队很少, 弱英雄看见就该打死, 碰到敌人主力的时候, 最好先避开 (我方主力英雄是后勤特技英雄, 专家级的后勤术和探路术, 跑得飞快).攻下敌人城堡后, 让敌主力来攻城, 比较容易获胜, 损失也要少得多.以后各家敌人的情况也与驯兽族差不多, 只不过越到后面, 敌人英雄的能力和部队的实力越强.打开哨塔进入驯兽领地的时候, 注意要从右边的路向上走, 因为左边的路上埋伏着许多蜻蜓, 我方速度比敌人慢, 在出手之前就会遭受相当大的损失.来到敌人第一座城堡的时候, 运气好的话里面不会有英雄守备, 攻城时箭塔会优先攻击妖怪和狼骑兵, 一仗下来这两种兵可能也不会剩下多少了, 可以丢在城里, 换驯兽族的兵来带.应该带的两种兵是蜻蜓和蜥蜴人, 带蜻蜓是为了保证战斗中先出手, 而带蜥蜴人则是为了保护大精灵.关于守城箭塔的攻击对象, misfortune曾经有过精辟的论述, 有兴趣看的话就去看一下,You don't want to look at the can see the conclusion: in this case, there is no speed 8 monster Army (1 passers-by, ring speed) our strength is far more than the strength of the garrison forces, the tower will give priority to the number of killing our troops, for the troops, with remote attack priority value of life is less the high elves and the lizard (15 points), and will not attack priority value of life 20 Orc chiefs; in addition, the tower of attack, to force the same priority, will attack according to the sequence from bottom to top. So, as long as the elves and lizards are at the same time, the lizards are placed below, and the Archer will attack the lizard first.The first beast Castle left, there is a shelter, if necessary use, such as the main force of the enemy in the first castle can not attack on Castle, hide it in the home, second days went to other main castle, run fast anyway. But, be careful not to let the enemy use the shelter, the weak heroes hide in it and don't come out, they will bring us some problems, so if there is a weak enemy nearby, we must kill them first.As mentioned above, when the main enemy, should avoid to play near the castle, and the city. The note with troops the elves and Cyclops surrounded, protected, otherwise the enemy may use the teleport will transfer the Hydra into the castle, you could be in big trouble. The enemy will use the first round of earthquake magic, what not to fear; and if there is a line of enemy troops in the demon (magic master) it is best to use magic to kill him before he did, because he used once every 3 rounds all the magic is very hate. High elves and the one eyed after waiting for one or two rounds in the attack, kill the enemydragon and dragonfly, then put the Hydra blind and attack other troops. The enemy will also use blind magic for us. If our magic is not enough, we should not rush to disarm, and then use the healing magic after being blinded by 3 teams. The main use is blind, acceleration and deceleration, the treatment of some magic, can good luck will not hurt any main enemy killed.The enemy occupied the castle after all 4 (Note: the right beast Castle hidden behind a green tent), to the center to capture 3 swamp Hydra nest (a large number of Hydra guards, with full speed can easily deal with), this castle a week can get 20 Hydra head. Assemble the following units and return to the witches' Castle whenever necessary. Pick up the elves (192 extra units every 3 weeks). There are more than 20 head of Hydra, you can open the top of the tower to go out. There is a standing motionless above the enemy, with many of the Titans army, fighting with time, can be considered only with high elves, Hydra, Cyclops, Thunderbird and dragonfly, Dragonfly will be divided into two groups of 1 years, to block the enemy advanced dwarf blind enemy, like a stone ghost, big shot the Elf queen, Hydra and Cyclops to attack iron man. The battle to a quick fix, because the enemy has burst of magic, dragging a few rounds to let the enemy with this magic, big losses.After defeating the enemy, you can go to sea (no castle in any of the castle can be built, boat hire, it will take a long time to learn in the field), sail above, in a small island prison, you can save a hero. Let him sail to the left, seize the lighthouse hidden in the mountains and bushes, and then return to the mainland to carry out the transportation of forces (temporarily unable to learn the art of returning to the city),so it has to be a bit tired. It should go to the right from the main island of gold, then on the left side of the island (the island is on the island, the Dragon King) hidden Poseidon necklace, then the snow above the gnomes guarded, a large library and gold. After these things are done, or vice heroes to force, to the Titans (the green tower block up territory, didn't forget to visit the tent?)The main hero of the Titans should take hundreds of Titan and other forces a lot of time, but it's spelled directly, but because the main ran can escape the main enemy (pay attention to the use of the wild sanctuary), to fight the enemy to the castle, killing the enemy side hero. On the upper left Titan castle, you can learn to revive magic, and should go as soon as possible. In the lower left of the castle, there are a pile of gems (24) and a magic house hidden in the volcano (first access to the signs next to it), and after visiting, you can see some key locations through magic eyes. The advantage of using mobile force and then round the main enemy, I save some titan. There is a very interesting thing: if the enemy left the castle, also will go to visit the magic house, out the map, some will turn to be a ghost town of darkness covering the next, as long as your main enemy is far away from the main,The enemy will not come after you, but go back to visit the magic house again, and then watch the enemy's main force go back and forth. Our main force is absolutely safe.On the sixty-seventh day, the city on the right beast in the castle, there will be 60 head of Hydra output, then I should definitely be more than one hundred square Hydra head, deputyHydra and strong hero will be shipped to the main animal snake there, you can attack the enemy forces near the main castle, waiting to attack the city. The best take a few more progress, change your order to ensure that the enemy troops, will make the arrangement of the queen, and the light like a ghost in the Blackstone cloth together, and then let them fight each other crazy magic to europe. In addition, attention should be paid to a small number of dragonflies to block the enemy's magician, because the wizard siege, shooting is not affected by the wall, causing greater damage than titan. Crazy a few rounds, the enemy light like a ghost and deity, Blackstone died after iron man almost blind, and the sorcerer queen, with strong acceleration, Hydra and beast spell to kill the snake. Do not rush to destroy the enemy's siege vehicles, because after the other forces have been killed, the arrow tower will automatically attack the blind enemy, wake up the enemy, very annoying. Before the tower was broken, each round will be used to blind the enemy, the tower broke down, and then began to use the resurrection (Note: when do not patronize the resurrection, wake up the enemy to fill the blind), then attack the enemy, and the enemy in a few action before him blind, repeat the next few steps round, round down the enemy should go.One of the heroes of the Titans can get a gold bag of 1000 gold a day and take the prophet hidden behind the witch city to the light helmet. Through the one-way portal left on Titan castle on the left, to the ground, the road ahead is required from the light tower, helmet to pass (good heartache, almost not used). In front of the orcs stood above the castle, a hero, the enemy's ability is higher, with 180, 240 and the Titan queen, 360 light gods, and treasures of gold bow, very difficult, if not sureif enough troops come back! The fight should play the role of the animal skin strong, the first round of a dragonfly lie back, the other by dragonfly Titan, pray for later rushed to snake beast, continuous at two times, behind still should pay attention to the use of blind and resurrection. A battle to keep mana down, because there are very strong defenders of the castle, but fortunately no hero, dragonfly blocking gate, plus deceleration, forgetfulness two kind of magic, you can fix.When killing the enemy hero, can get the sword of judgment and freedom of ornaments, free ornaments is used to open the castle on the left tower, return to the ground by the sword, and the trial is used to open the tower with the snow below the sea. The main trial will return to the ground, the sword to side hero, let him go to the open sea towers (because of side hero seamanship, run faster), then the main hero vice ashore, get on shore at the bottom of the land, 3 detour to attack fortress on the sand. Note: above an orc castle, there is a magic fountain above, which should be visited before each big battle, to double the magic value, otherwise the mana value is probably not enough for resurrection. Magic fountains can be visited two times a week because the fountains are two wide, each accessible once a week.Below the big desert, there are two genuine doors, which of the following should go first, after entering the underground boat, go right at the top of the channel, to go ashore can find a witch castle, which has returned to the city after the magic troop is more convenient. There are 1200 Blue Phoenix tents guarded by the Phoenix under the right of the castle. After visiting, through the one-way gate on the left of the castle, we reachedthe top of the cursed land. Appeared to be a mediocre, actually hiding many obstacles, when viewed with the map editor, the overlay on top of the curse removed, you can see the terrain below, is purely a maze. The mission here is to visit the red tent on the right, then take the boat on the left and return to the castle just now. On the road will encounter many Minotaur ambush, with full speed reduction and powerful long-range forces can deal with, anyway, is cursed land, lucky morale is invalid, not afraid of Minotaur morale high.Take the lower right channel through the gate to the ground and into the realm of the witch. In the export right, recruit rust dragon place, although in the megasporocyte, one or two head of dragon fighting what no rust at all, but still have to move, because although I have acceleration treasure, but the enemy is also the only recruit 17 speed rust dragon, in order to ensure the shot at the enemy before the dragon. To fight against the enemy the principle is the same as before, to avoid the main enemy, capture the enemy castle defense, pay attention to the regular access schedule,Because the enemy has boots and gloves, it won't go anywhere slowly. Witch family 4 castles, the right side of the seat a little while playing down, because the road spans a anti magic fortress, which is 7200 defenders battle unicorn, fight will certainly be a loss, how much damage according to our strength, as the first slow, save a troops, took the opportunity to pick up on the map the two teams belong. A team is in the snow below keep mine, 3000, the other team is the underground sewer left guard obelisk, 4000 head. Bilong is strong, it is not hard to deal with. I took a head rust dragon, hundreds of Titan, 2Magician (save mana used, divided into 2 groups, 4 squadrons, Titan) put the first, when the fire Titan will be placed in the upper left corner. Put a wall in front of the dint, rust dragon Zaifei in Bilong could not come in, and then accelerated, pray, ensure Titan faster than even the dragon because of rust Bilong, fear not action don't need to be afraid. Then the interval using the force wall and crazy magic, let each other after the Bilong, almost let the Titan hand clean up the remnants of troops, when necessary can clone.Remember the two doors in the desert? Have a spare time, can take a look down on the open, after the tower can get the mercury bottle, after the use of the. To walk is Guizu territory, but the middle channel partition, we can not pass, and tread water magic enemy castle, open water tower with silver, is actually the enemy put out. Fortunately, here the enemy strength is not strong, and go slow, can not, let him into the desert on a trip to the castle, close to my side, and then back to the main operation to pack them, all are not able to build the castle tavern, Guizu is the same, so the enemy hero is playing a little.A few no movement.The troops had enough, open the unicorn guarded fortress, exterminate witch family, then go up, hand over the mercury bottle just picked up, go through the door into the underground tower. In the underground waiting for our enemies is a hell with 18000 dogs, 30 devil hero, as long as our army is strong enough, the enemy is not Cerberus packet (the enemy hero in the battle before according to the strength of our troops, the enemy and re grouping) when cloth array, will the dog and the devil in the hell go crazy (remember to bring a rust and accelerationof the treasure, guarantee the enemy than first move), let the dog killed the hell, then blind enemies slowly rectification.The portal behind the enemy go to hell after winning the group's territory, tactics will not repeat, use more crazy, let the enemy the devil to kill efreeti Sultan. It's important to note that the castle on the right side of the inferno is hiding purple tents behind the castle. There are 4000 big men lurking on the road. Extinguish the inferno, walk on the right side of the road, return to the ground from the lower right corner of the city, now can finally put back. The enemy with 1200 Ghost Dragons heroes do not deal with, is the main force Guizu does not eat the blind, no chance to rise slowly. Only the defenders, but also put some troops on the city, with only a part of heroes to lure enemy siege - the enemy will be stupid to think that our castle inside and outside the city have a hero. Kill 1200 Ghost Dragons not very difficult, of course, our losses are not small, then still have a chance of resurrection, because Heroes 3 AI have a big disadvantage, is inclined to use Summoning Magic, let the enemy to call, we slowly raised inside. Walls will be notched, even if there is no gap, the enemy will use the earthquake to change the gap, it does not matter, with a relatively weak force to block the gap on it.Then you can go to the sea. There are two boats on the beach. One is brought by the enemy, and the other is hidden behind a volcano in the lower swamp. You need to pick up a pile of stones before you board the ship. To the left side hero island for a ghost town, hire a ghost dragon, return back to town with the underground fortress, and right away, the purple border gate and task tower, known as the "monster lair" into place (thereis a sign in the way back to the visit), there are 27 wild the beast nest, want to ah. The main force is to go to the island above the witch tribe, where there are 4000 angels, rust Dragon / big devil (to ensure speed advantage), plus Titan, afterburner wall can easily get, at most a clone. Then to the top of human habitation on the island, although only a human city, the army is still very strong, need to blind (Order: Archangel / long-range forces -- > ground) and then slowly, remediation. There are 3 gold mines on the left of the castle, and there is a magic nest hidden behind the volcano! Now you can go back and pick up the Guizu, learn to tread water magic.Just hit the archangel Island, and there's an island on the right,There are important tasks above, lion shield. First to the witch clan territory, on the island before go right out on the boat, the city left on the island to visit the black tent, then the lion shield Island, open the black tower, picked up the lion shield quickly after surgery to slip away, because there is an enemy hero on the island, with the archangels, the Titan, Bilong 9999, to strength now, do not fight.From the human island to the lower elements of the island, surrender the lion shield into enemy territory. Now we are playing the main enemy but, as long as we catch the enemy with four lines which can be a hero, when I play, good luck, with four magic ball heroes with only a small number of troops, otherwise...... Some are bitter.After a false start four ball, back to the hell clan territory,from the notch above the shore of the recruit boat, right at the end of the voyage, ashore, go up, hand over four lines through the task after the magic ball tower, into the black dragon clan territory. The right side of the Black Dragon Castle before the four tower block, the first not to open, go to other city. When I pick up the lion shield, open the black tower the enemy hero put out, let the enemy access to the brown tent, then access to the white tent, now the black dragon clan hero should be run all over the world, be careful, don't let them take our city to account.The top left the seat in the Black Dragon Castle right under a white tent, can access two-way transmission to the green door (several), let hero to go, find the prison, which held the hero, will bring you the 3000 beast! The bitter thing is that we do not have a crystal mine at the moment, so we can not upgrade the monster. But, except for all the black dragon castles on the far right, the hero attack power (plus treasure) should be 99 too The witch clan territory above the shore, open the tower, can pick up a pile of crystal, the number is 4800! With 4000 of the ancient behemoths (including those recruited in the castle), the elemental race is not difficult. 4000 ancient monsters can be divided into two teams, cloning, magic, as far as possible.The only obstacle now is the last black dragon castle. The enemy hero brought troops is astonishing, 6000 black, 6000 red dragon, in addition to the winged lion, before and after the upgrade before and after the Minotaur, Medusa, the number is more than this. The enemy hero is not strong, orb of vulnerability situation, want to win only one way is to go back to save theancient behemoth. 29 giant nests in the wild, plus castles and special events, produce more than 170 monsters a week on average. Later, the main city of the monster nest will be automatically built, at this time can produce more than 200 per week. During the period of saving soldiers, the Treasury of several witch cities will be built automatically, and the funds will grow in series. Be careful not to rise above the limit!Finally saved the more than 7000 beast, save so much is to ensure that an attack can be shot dead 6000 red, two can shoot dead dragon. When I started, I also brought more than 300 big Angels (the city of human beings produced 72 extra eggs every 3 weeks). Although I was shot in front of the black dragon, it would still play a big role. At the start of the fight, I placed the ancient Leviathan in the lower left corner. The archangels were divided into 6 groups, 5 of which were 1. In the first round, the 1 angels on the left were motionless, and the 1 angels attacked the black dragon to cheat back, while the other archangels protected the monster. The position of the more than 300 angels must be chosen (if not sure, take several more steps) to ensure that the black dragon attacks the two teams, and the archangel will make way for the monster and will not be blocked by the clones. When the monster action (equipment accelerated treasures, ensure move first, than the Dragon beast) to clone themselves to attack the black dragon, cloned to shoot the red dragon. The enemy will use the first round shield of magic, but most of the black dragon, the Dragon had no effect, so don't be afraid. The second round, there should be the archangel did not die, so you can continue to guarantee the first start, prayer, monster robbed before the black dragon hands, and the rest of the black dragon shot dead. It is possible for the enemy to use a fire shield for a groupof soldiers at the back. Do not be afraid to use the cloned beast to kill the group. The right to use blind magic, the other enemy troops after killing, leaving only one team was blind, and then began to revive. The beasts of the fall may have 3000-4000 heads, and certainly not enough with the resurrection magic. Now it's time for the archangels to show their talents. The first resurrection angel, when almost seventy or eighty head, cloning of an angel, with the cloned Archangel to resurrect archangels, the next round of burning a fire wall, let the clone Archangel to die, and then repeat the "clone / Resurrection -- > burned steps, the angel end beast resurrection resurrection.From the shore behind the enemy, to the sea, to the island can be dug into the Holy Grail, and sent back to the castle elements (4 of the top of the block), built aurora,Finally, flight and space gates are available. Hurry, can directly get banned magic ball, crystal dragon, is defenders Bilong and rust 19998 dragon head, 9999 fairy dragon head, can let the Deputy hero with Jinlong to force wall, and madness, weaken the enemy, the most important thing is to get rid of the wicked fairy dragon. How long it can last depends on when the golden dragon can not act because of terror. If the enemy doesn't have much left, the main player can go straight to pick up the mess. If there are many, then take the Dragon orb of vulnerability to below (ashore place) below the volcano heap can pick up the navigator cap, get back to the city to teach surgery witch below the castle seers can change to a cap; can be found below the city air Book Hell swamp, two treasures must be picked up by flight or time the door to your speech; finally caps and air gave left under the desert prophet, will be ableto get the orb of vulnerability against the enemy, for the blind.After all the hero's abilities are 90, take the lower section of the underground channel to find the outdoor pubs, markets, and freelancer unions. Right in the desert, with the gate or flight operation can access to three a total of 1800 prophets hut, can be an angel, although the need to pay the deposit extremely, but now more than enough money, the ore market in dragon just came out for a change. In addition, there is an altar on the right side of the desert. However, these effects have not to pass, to get back to the main city, forbidden magic ball, go through!Note appended:The map will be recommended to you, there are a lot of friends to play, and expressed their views, among which Cyclo (Heilong) post (/showesscontent.php? Id=870962) the most worth a visit. In his inspiration, I will reconsider this figure again, made a big breakthrough, 204 days. In addition, thousands of miles without two names(/showesscontent.php, id=867374, and /showesscontent.php, id=870611) are also very good, recommended to you.。
第五关:国王之死(The Fall of the King):
胜利条件:一周内攻占杜默尔(Dunmoor)城堡并解救伊莎贝尔。守住杜默尔城堡,并造出奇迹建筑。派遣戈德里克(Dodri c)前去联络尼科莱(Nicolai)。伊莎贝尔和戈德里克不能战败。英雄等级上限为24级,伊莎贝尔和戈德里克将会被带入后续战役。
本关城堡里可以造酒馆了,可以招两个英雄出来作跑腿的,或者去完成一些简单的战斗。如果看到了农民英雄埃兰妮,不妨招出来,她能 使农民的产钱效果加倍,几百个农民带身上就相当于一个移动金矿。
城堡内还可以建造训练场,可以把低级别的圣堂部队训练为高级别的。不过暂时别去建造,因为前期没多少钱,即使造了也没有余钱用来 训练,等国会建好以后再说吧。
第一关:王后(The Queen):
胜利条件:积攒100农民和25个步兵,攻克关卡。伊莎贝尔(Isabel)不能战败。英雄等级上限为5级,伊莎贝尔将会被带入 下一关。
英雄无敌3 战役全部详细功略 以及简易剧情
英雄无敌3骨灰级技巧一、游戏简介《英雄无敌3》(Heroes of Might and Magic III)是由New World Computing 于1999年推出的一款回合制策略游戏。
英雄无敌3历代记攻略《废墟战神》第一关:Cerberus Gate概述:Tarnum进入通往地底世界的大门并消灭那里的恶魔才可过关。
攻关要点:由于本关我方的骑士族城堡只能训练4级生物,所以要想在与敌人作战时占得先机就必须借助野外生物,尤其是要尽早进入城堡上方Griffin Conservatory的以免敌方获得其中的天使。
另外,Tarnum 亲自访问东部的先知茅屋可以得到幸运苜蓿,利用此物可以通过北部的任务塔;拥有11只皇家狮鹫的英雄可以通过东南部红色帐篷前的任务塔并访问红色帐篷,之后即可通过上方的红色关卡;6级英雄可以通过东南部恶魔宫殿旁边的任务塔;6级英雄可以在西北部的先知茅屋中加6点知识。
第二关:The Boatman概述:找到反魔球才可过关。
二、图形与音响长期以来,“魔法门”系列的最大卖点就是它那博大精深的游戏内涵,NewWorldComputing 对此当然心知肚明。
全部关卡的图文详细攻略第一关炮塔首选,火雨也是要用的,后面用得更频繁;这一关比较简单,一个路口,虽然这关简单,但是策略还是要明确,就是集中火力打击敌人,我们选择这3个位置布置防守,有个炮塔基本就足够了,可以炮台魔法塔箭塔组合,双箭塔也可以,关键是把炮放中间,发挥火炮的最大优势,小兵就摆3个火力的中间位置,挡住来犯之敌后,3个火力点就有足够的时间进行打击,轻松搞定第二关操作得好的玩家两个东西就能解决一切了;开始的第一波就用火雨清狼,到后面火雨就用来清狼;由于第一关前就一个炮塔一个兵营,控制兵离远一点,用支援卡第一和第二头狼,然后就火雨;1,发挥火力的最大攻击范围,就是3个半岛的位置;2,充分利用小兵阻挡敌人,给火力点提供足够的攻击时间;3,重要的是火炮的威力,可以升一级加强杀伤和距离;在线玩:皇家守卫军新版;此版本新增加了第十四关卡第三关首先造两个炮塔在这里,然后用火雨清狼;之后造一个魔法塔这是最后一波,有个小技巧,老玩家都知道;兵营没兵之后点升级兵就重新刷出来三个了,这里就可以用这种方法;火雨清狼,到后面火雨配合支援,卡了很多巫师和巨人之后马上清;皇家守卫军第三关需要注意以下几点:1,第一个火炮的位置很重要,就是要放中间那个位置,并且要尽量早点把这个火炮升一级,绝对的核心力量2,建两个以上兵营,一定要充分利用小兵来阻挡大量的敌人,为火力提供足够的打击时间~3,上面那条路要配两箭塔打击高抗魔法还会恢复生命的怪物~4,下面的炮塔也要配个箭塔打击漏网之鱼5,随时在防御薄弱的地方投下小兵,阻挡敌人,防止偷过~总之,哪个地方敌人可能偷过就尽早补好防守,只要注意这几点,这关也不难过~信得过自己操作的,支援右边,目测狼的数量然后放火雨;不能的就造兵营,最后在中间那空的位置造一个炮塔,用支援堵住巫师让炮塔杀巫师;第四关第二个方法,摆法就是这样,同样的目测狼的数量然后点火雨,其实第一波开始也可以点火雨的;然后造箭塔,操作很重要,支援要到位;箭塔的无视防御,前期可以这样用,但是我觉得到后面那点攻击完全是占空地;所以到后面我都是法师和炮塔;男巫魔塔,神秘之塔,500MM卡拉维,圣骑营;这四个我打过关的,现在英雄模式也过了几关了,残酷挑战有点难啊- -现在就过了5个;这关开始就没那么简单了,还是要明确防御策略,集中火力打击,火力点要达到最大使用范围:1,3个火炮,特别是中间的炮台尽快升级2,两边各放一个兵营,充分利用小兵拖时间的特点,让大炮猛轰敌人;其实右边那个兵营没放好,应该放右下那个位置,可以把兵拉前一些,让4个火力点同时打击~3,箭塔配合打击抗魔法恢复的怪4,空投小兵补防守薄弱处5,流星雨在敌人密集出现时提前位置使用,在怪物刚出的路口进行打击,不要等怪两边分散~只要注意及时空投小兵救急,安全起见可以在最上面加个炮台,这关应该也不难过~第五关巨人站多的一排了,用火雨;首先升精灵塔满,最后一波过后把塔卖了升自然保险;其实操作好了塔都不用卖;皇家守卫军第五关注意明确防御策略:1,最重要一点:刚开始把3个防守建在最上面的3个位置,三角形那里把原来的箭塔拆掉非常重要,别觉得可惜,架上火炮2,打过几回合有钱了就补齐下面的防守,分担防守压力;3,及时出兵营,用小兵拖时间,好让火力充分打击4,空投小兵及时补弱,步步阻击5,抗不住的时候在最上面的黄圈内放火流星,利用掉下来的火石残热烧光怪物,这是最后的救命稻草千万别乱放火流星~只要注意空投小兵的利用,及时出兵营配合拖住敌人,问题也不大,救命的时候放火流星~~要塞,第一个火雨用来清最后一波的黑暗武士;注意兵的摆放;摆在神圣骑士的前面;黑暗武士这一波就不要点怪马上来了,清完之后蝙蝠也来了;然后把两个魔法塔升到240;再把钱用来买两个魔法塔,不够的就买两个箭塔;第七关这一关看起来就一条路,好像很好守,但是一不小心就挂了;需要明确级点:1,首先布防最下面这个洞口,一定要放一个兵营,否则等大量敌人从这里冲出来时,空投小兵也来不及了,悔之晚矣;切记2,每个火力交叉点放一个兵营配合,小兵的阻击是最有力的支持,如果让敌人一哄而过,那就GAME OVER了;3,火力升级的顺序是从下往上,步步为营~火炮不宜过多,因为它对空中的敌人毫无办法~基本上之要做好前两点,这关还是比较容易的~虽然是第8关,其实比较容易,分析下策略:1,刚开始就在红圈旁边放炮塔2魔法塔,最下面放兵营;2,后面就围绕这个圈补强就可以了发展,在有4个火力点后就要增加兵营了,否则根本挡不住;如图布置3个兵营3,小兵就直接空投在红圈内,两头兼顾;4,等中间的防御完全牢固之后,再向上扩张;5,下面这条路蜘蛛很多,一定要及时补兵在红圈内;第九关这一关也不是很难,唯一要注意的就是最后的大BOSS;策略如下:1,刚开始就在中间那排建防守,炮塔箭塔魔法2兵营2,后面就在上面那排最左边位置加个炮台,然后最下面那排左边放个兵营前期基本上就没什么问题了3,中期就在两个半岛处放魔法塔,上面先放洞口出来的敌人反应时间太短,所以先补强,下面的有足够的时间空投小兵,所以等上面布好之后再下面补;4,最后就说下大BOSS了,一出来马上火流星打击,别废话;巨熊会冰冻塔防,一冰冻马上鼠标快速点击解冻一定要快,否则刚好有小怪从洞口冲出来的话,那就拜拜咯~只要密切注意形势,果断空投小兵在薄弱处,问题应该不大第十关有点难度一开始就把炮升好,出龙息飞炮,上面三个塔先放,出狼的一波再放兵营那个树塔要先起来出缠绕,狙塔,魔塔再起,右边有占不行时再起个魔塔;这一关民兵和炮塔是重点,两者技能的点要加满;炮也要出,终级集束炮弹,才能很好过去;这一关很有讲究,稍微有点疏忽的话就容易失败,下面来分析下策略;1,由于墓地里的骷髅会突然杀出,而且左路有小恐龙出现速度快,狂奔型所以防守的重点应该是左路;2,左路:炮塔魔法箭塔兵营3,右路:炮塔双魔法兵营右边红圈最近4个点4,最中间的魔法炮塔是优先升级对象,可以两头兼顾;然后是右边的魔法炮塔5,尽早在左边增加一个兵营,分批阻击敌人;左边敌人经常密集出现,要非常小心,一不小心溜过去一个~~~第十一关一开始没有很多钱,只摆上最上面的八个塔,没钱弄炮塔,先升级覆盖面大的塔,如从左右数第三个塔,再升级最上面的两个塔,有飞的东西来了再升最中间的两个塔;第6波第7波来的时候开造炮塔,两边都造;升炮塔,出飞弹技能就赢了;防御策略如下:1、左边用物理攻击炮塔箭塔,右边全用魔法塔2、为什么不把所有防御全放到最上面,这样看似只要守一个点,火力更加密集,其实不然;死灵法师出现后会不停的召唤不死军团;防御会顶不住,所以最好的办法就是提前防守,在他刚出现时就干掉他;3、最先升级中间两个塔,左右都可以兼顾;4、最上面放两个塔,保全万一;只要注意这几点,基本上就过了;第十二关1.上面有两路,左边一路是抗魔法的怪,右面一路是抗物理的,左下角还有个墓地出骷髅,了解这些后,首先所有的怪都会最后通过同一条路,所以一上来先在最右下角两个位置最不好的地方造俩兵营,并在兵营旁边造一个炮塔和一个魔法塔,魔法塔升级术士塔,出召唤石头人;炮塔出电塔,为了防空,这两塔优先升级魔法塔,因为后面有飞龙;2.后续升级塔的基本原则是左路造箭塔对付魔抗,右路魔法塔对付物理抗,最后一路造炮塔和兵营用来收兵;3.上面两路的交汇处也是一个兵集中出现的地方,这里可以尝试造下箭塔升级森林箭塔后升级缠绕,或者造一个术士塔升级召唤石头,暂时拖一下怪;4.最后的Boss是从左路过来的,所以左路最一开始最好升级一个森林塔升级毒素,打BOss比较好使;5.用好召唤农民和流星雨的技能;第十三关请看下面两张图的布局:标准打法图;。
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1-3 找出敌人的弱点,击败他们