Fast Algorithms for Comprehensive N-point Correlation Estimates


fastcluster 1.2.3 快速层次聚类算法 R 和 Python 包说明书

fastcluster 1.2.3 快速层次聚类算法 R 和 Python 包说明书

Package‘fastcluster’October13,2022Encoding UTF-8Type PackageVersion1.2.3Date2021-05-24Title Fast Hierarchical Clustering Routines for R and'Python'Copyright Until package version1.1.23:©2011Daniel Müllner<>.All changes from version1.1.24on:©Google Inc.<>.Enhances stats,flashClustDepends R(>=3.0.0)Description This is a two-in-one package which provides interfaces to both R and'Python'.It implements fast hierarchical,agglomerativeclustering routines.Part of the functionality is designed as drop-inreplacement for existing routines:linkage()in the'SciPy'package'scipy.cluster.hierarchy',hclust()in R's'stats'package,and the'flashClust'package.It provides the same functionality with thebenefit of a much faster implementation.Moreover,there arememory-saving routines for clustering of vector data,which go beyondwhat the existing packages provide.For information on how to installthe'Python'files,see thefile INSTALL in the source distribution.Based on the present package,Christoph Dalitz also wrote a pure'C++'interface to'fastcluster':<>. License FreeBSD|GPL-2|file LICENSEURL /fastcluster.htmlNeedsCompilation yesAuthor Daniel Müllner[aut,cph,cre],Google Inc.[cph]Maintainer Daniel Müllner<*******************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2021-05-2423:50:06UTC12fastclusterR topics documented:fastcluster (2)hclust (3)hclust.vector (5)Index7 fastcluster Fast hierarchical,agglomerative clustering routines for R and PythonDescriptionThe fastcluster package provides efficient algorithms for hierarchical,agglomerative clustering.Inaddition to the R interface,there is also a Python interface to the underlying C++library,to be foundin the source distribution.DetailsThe function hclust provides clustering when the input is a dissimilarity matrix.A dissimilaritymatrix can be computed from vector data by dist.The hclust function can be used as a drop-in re-placement for existing routines:stats::hclust and flashClust::hclust alias flashClust::flashClust.Once the fastcluster library is loaded at the beginning of the code,every program that uses hierar-chical clustering can benefit immediately and effortlessly from the performance gainWhen the package is loaded,it overwrites the function hclust with the new code.The function hclust.vector provides memory-saving routines when the input is vector data.Further information:•R documentation pages:hclust,hclust.vector•A comprehensive User’s manual:fastcluster.pdf.Get this from the R command line withvignette( fastcluster ).•JSS paper:https:///v53/i09/.•See the author’s home page for a performance comparison:/fastcluster.html.Author(s)Daniel MüllnerReferences/fastcluster.htmlSee Alsohclust,hclust.vectorExamples#Taken and modified from stats::hclust##hclust(...)#new method#hclust.vector(...)#new method#stats::hclust(...)#old methodrequire(fastcluster)require(graphics)hc<-hclust(dist(USArrests),"ave")plot(hc)plot(hc,hang=-1)##Do the same with centroid clustering and squared Euclidean distance,##cut the tree into ten clusters and reconstruct the upper part of the##tree from the cluster centers.hc<-hclust.vector(USArrests,"cen")#squared Euclidean distanceshc$height<-hc$height^2memb<-cutree(hc,k=10)cent<-NULLfor(k in1:10){cent<-rbind(cent,colMeans(USArrests[memb==k,,drop=FALSE]))}hc1<-hclust.vector(cent,method="cen",members=table(memb))#squared Euclidean distanceshc1$height<-hc1$height^2opar<-par(mfrow=c(1,2))plot(hc,labels=FALSE,hang=-1,main="Original Tree")plot(hc1,labels=FALSE,hang=-1,main="Re-start from10clusters")par(opar)hclust Fast hierarchical,agglomerative clustering of dissimilarity dataDescriptionThis function implements hierarchical clustering with the same interface as hclust from the stats package but with much faster algorithms.Usagehclust(d,method="complete",members=NULL)Argumentsd a dissimilarity structure as produced by dist.method the agglomeration method to be used.This must be(an unambiguous abbrevi-ation of)one of"single","complete","average","mcquitty","ward.D","ward.D2","centroid"or"median".members NULL or a vector with length the number of observations.DetailsSee the documentation of the original function hclust in the stats package.A comprehensive User’s manual fastcluster.pdf is available as a vignette.Get this from the Rcommand line with vignette( fastcluster ).ValueAn object of class hclust .It encodes a stepwise dendrogram.Author(s)Daniel MüllnerReferences/fastcluster.htmlSee Alsofastcluster,hclust.vector,stats::hclustExamples#Taken and modified from stats::hclust##hclust(...)#new method#stats::hclust(...)#old methodrequire(fastcluster)require(graphics)hc<-hclust(dist(USArrests),"ave")plot(hc)plot(hc,hang=-1)##Do the same with centroid clustering and squared Euclidean distance,##cut the tree into ten clusters and reconstruct the upper part of the##tree from the cluster centers.hc<-hclust(dist(USArrests)^2,"cen")memb<-cutree(hc,k=10)cent<-NULLfor(k in1:10){cent<-rbind(cent,colMeans(USArrests[memb==k,,drop=FALSE]))}hc1<-hclust(dist(cent)^2,method="cen",members=table(memb))opar<-par(mfrow=c(1,2))plot(hc,labels=FALSE,hang=-1,main="Original Tree")plot(hc1,labels=FALSE,hang=-1,main="Re-start from10clusters")par(opar)hclust.vector Fast hierarchical,agglomerative clustering of vector dataDescriptionThis function implements hierarchical,agglomerative clustering with memory-saving algorithms. Usagehclust.vector(X,method="single",members=NULL,metric= euclidean ,p=NULL) ArgumentsX an(N×D)matrix of’double’values:N observations in D variables.method the agglomeration method to be used.This must be(an unambiguous abbrevia-tion of)one of"single","ward","centroid"or"median".members NULL or a vector with length the number of observations.metric the distance measure to be used.This must be one of"euclidean","maximum", "manhattan","canberra","binary"or"minkowski".Any unambiguoussubstring can be given.p parameter for the Minkowski metric.DetailsThe function hclust.vector provides clustering when the input is vector data.It uses memory-saving algorithms which allow processing of larger data sets than hclust does.The"ward","centroid"and"median"methods require metric="euclidean"and cluster the data set with respect to Euclidean distances.For"single"linkage clustering,any dissimilarity measure may be chosen.Currently,the same metrics are implemented as the dist function provides.The callhclust.vector(X,method= single ,metric=[...])gives the same result ashclust(dist(X,metric=[...]),method= single )but uses less memory and is equally fast.For the Euclidean methods,care must be taken since hclust expects squared Euclidean distances.Hence,the callhclust.vector(X,method= centroid )is,aside from the lesser memory requirements,equivalent tod=dist(X)hc=hclust(d^2,method= centroid )hc$height=sqrt(hc$height)The same applies to the"median"method.The"ward"method in hclust.vector is equivalent to hclust with method"ward.D2",but to method"ward.D"only after squaring as above.More details are in the User’s manual fastcluster.pdf,which is available as a vignette.Get this from the R command line with vignette( fastcluster ).Author(s)Daniel MüllnerReferences/fastcluster.htmlSee Alsofastcluster,hclustExamples#Taken and modified from stats::hclust##Perform centroid clustering with squared Euclidean distances,##cut the tree into ten clusters and reconstruct the upper part of the##tree from the cluster centers.hc<-hclust.vector(USArrests,"cen")#squared Euclidean distanceshc$height<-hc$height^2memb<-cutree(hc,k=10)cent<-NULLfor(k in1:10){cent<-rbind(cent,colMeans(USArrests[memb==k,,drop=FALSE]))}hc1<-hclust.vector(cent,method="cen",members=table(memb))#squared Euclidean distanceshc1$height<-hc1$height^2opar<-par(mfrow=c(1,2))plot(hc,labels=FALSE,hang=-1,main="Original Tree")plot(hc1,labels=FALSE,hang=-1,main="Re-start from10clusters")par(opar)Index∗clusterfastcluster,2hclust,3hclust.vector,5∗multivariatefastcluster,2hclust,3hclust.vector,5dist,2,5double,5fastcluster,2,4,6fastcluster-package(fastcluster),2 flashClust::flashClust,2 flashClust::hclust,2hclust,2,3,3,4–6hclust.vector,2,4,5,5,6stats,3,4stats::hclust,2,47。

FastICA 1.2-4 快速独立成分分析算法说明书

FastICA 1.2-4 快速独立成分分析算法说明书

Package‘fastICA’November27,2023Version1.2-4Date2023-11-27Title FastICA Algorithms to Perform ICA and Projection PursuitAuthor J L Marchini,C Heaton and B D Ripley<***************>Maintainer Brian Ripley<***************>Depends R(>=4.0.0)Suggests MASSDescription Implementation of FastICA algorithm to perform IndependentComponent Analysis(ICA)and Projection Pursuit.License GPL-2|GPL-3NeedsCompilation yesRepository CRANDate/Publication2023-11-2708:34:50UTCR topics documented:fastICA (1)ica.R.def (5)ica.R.par (6)Index7 fastICA FastICA algorithmDescriptionThis is an R and C code implementation of the FastICA algorithm of Aapo Hyvarinen et al.(https: // perform Independent Component Analysis(ICA)and Projection Pursuit.1UsagefastICA(X,p,alg.typ=c("parallel","deflation"),fun=c("logcosh","exp"),alpha=1.0,method=c("R","C"),row.norm=FALSE,maxit=200,tol=1e-04,verbose=FALSE,w.init=NULL)ArgumentsX a data matrix with n rows representing observations and p columns representing variables.p number of components to be extractedalg.typ if alg.typ=="parallel"the components are extracted simultaneously(the default).if alg.typ=="deflation"the components are extracted one at the functional form of the G function used in the approximation to neg-entropy (see‘details’).alpha constant in range[1,2]used in approximation to neg-entropy when fun== "logcosh"method if method=="R"then computations are done exclusively in R(default).The code allows the interested R user to see exactly what the algorithm does.ifmethod=="C"then C code is used to perform most of the computations,whichmakes the algorithm run faster.During compilation the C code is linked to anoptimized BLAS library if present,otherwise stand-alone BLAS routines arecompiled.row.norm a logical value indicating whether rows of the data matrix X should be standard-ized beforehand.maxit maximum number of iterations to perform.tol a positive scalar giving the tolerance at which the un-mixing matrix is considered to have converged.verbose a logical value indicating the level of output as the algorithm runs.w.init Initial un-mixing matrix of dimension c(p,p).If NULL(default) then a matrix of normal r.v.’s is used.DetailsIndependent Component Analysis(ICA)The data matrix X is considered to be a linear combination of non-Gaussian(independent)compo-nents i.e.X=SA where columns of S contain the independent components and A is a linear mixing matrix.In short ICA attempts to‘un-mix’the data by estimating an un-mixing matrix W where XW =S.Under this generative model the measured‘signals’in X will tend to be‘more Gaussian’than the source components(in S)due to the Central Limit Theorem.Thus,in order to extract the independent components/sources we search for an un-mixing matrix W that maximizes the non-gaussianity of the sources.In FastICA,non-gaussianity is measured using approximations to neg-entropy(J)which are more robust than kurtosis-based measures and fast to compute.The approximation takes the formJ(y)=[E{G(y)}−E{G(v)}]2where v is a N(0,1)r.v.log cosh(αu)and G(u)=−exp(u2/2).The following choices of G are included as options G(u)=1αAlgorithmFirst,the data are centered by subtracting the mean of each column of the data matrix X.The data matrix is then‘whitened’by projecting the data onto its principal component directionsi.e.X->XK where K is a pre-whitening matrix.The number of components can be specified bythe user.The ICA algorithm then estimates a matrix W s.t XKW=S.W is chosen to maximize the neg-entropy approximation under the constraints that W is an orthonormal matrix.This constraint en-sures that the estimated components are uncorrelated.The algorithm is based on afixed-point iteration scheme for maximizing the neg-entropy.Projection PursuitIn the absence of a generative model for the data the algorithm can be used tofind the projection pursuit directions.Projection pursuit is a technique forfinding‘interesting’directions in multi-dimensional datasets.These projections and are useful for visualizing the dataset and in density estimation and regression.Interesting directions are those which show the least Gaussian distribu-tion,which is what the FastICA algorithm does.ValueA list containing the following componentsX pre-processed data matrixK pre-whitening matrix that projects data onto thefirst p principal compo-nents.W estimated un-mixing matrix(see definition in details)A estimated mixing matrixS estimated source matrixAuthor(s)J L Marchini and C HeatonReferencesA.Hyvarinen and E.Oja(2000)Independent Component Analysis:Algorithms and Applications,Neural Networks,13(4-5):411-430See Alsoica.R.def,ica.R.parExamples#---------------------------------------------------#Example1:un-mixing two mixed independent uniforms#---------------------------------------------------S<-matrix(runif(10000),5000,2)A<-matrix(c(1,1,-1,3),2,2,byrow=TRUE)X<-S%*%Aa<-fastICA(X,2,alg.typ="parallel",fun="logcosh",alpha=1,method="C",row.norm=FALSE,maxit=200,tol=0.0001,verbose=TRUE)par(mfrow=c(1,3))plot(a$X,main="Pre-processed data")plot(a$X%*%a$K,main="PCA components")plot(a$S,main="ICA components")#--------------------------------------------#Example2:un-mixing two independent signals#--------------------------------------------S<-cbind(sin((1:1000)/20),rep((((1:200)-100)/100),5))A<-matrix(c(0.291,0.6557,-0.5439,0.5572),2,2)X<-S%*%Aa<-fastICA(X,2,alg.typ="parallel",fun="logcosh",alpha=1,method="R",row.norm=FALSE,maxit=200,tol=0.0001,verbose=TRUE)par(mfcol=c(2,3))plot(1:1000,S[,1],type="l",main="Original Signals",xlab="",ylab="")plot(1:1000,S[,2],type="l",xlab="",ylab="")plot(1:1000,X[,1],type="l",main="Mixed Signals",xlab="",ylab="")plot(1:1000,X[,2],type="l",xlab="",ylab="")plot(1:1000,a$S[,1],type="l",main="ICA source estimates",xlab="",ylab="")plot(1:1000,a$S[,2],type="l",xlab="",ylab="")#-----------------------------------------------------------#Example3:using FastICA to perform projection pursuit on a#mixture of bivariate normal distributions#-----------------------------------------------------------if(require(MASS)){x<-mvrnorm(n=1000,mu=c(0,0),Sigma=matrix(c(10,3,3,1),2,2)) x1<-mvrnorm(n=1000,mu=c(-1,2),Sigma=matrix(c(10,3,3,1),2,2)) X<-rbind(x,x1)a<-fastICA(X,2,alg.typ="deflation",fun="logcosh",alpha=1,ica.R.def5 method="R",row.norm=FALSE,maxit=200,tol=0.0001,verbose=TRUE)par(mfrow=c(1,3))plot(a$X,main="Pre-processed data")plot(a$X%*%a$K,main="PCA components")plot(a$S,main="ICA components")}ica.R.def R code for FastICA using a deflation schemeDescriptionR code for FastICA using a deflation scheme in which the components are estimated one by one.This function is called by the fastICA function.Usageica.R.def(X,p,tol,fun,alpha,maxit,verbose,w.init)ArgumentsX data matrixp number of components to be extractedtol a positive scalar giving the tolerance at which the un-mixing matrix is consideredto have the functional form of the G function used in the approximation to negentropy.alpha constant in range[1,2]used in approximation to negentropy when fun=="logcosh"maxit maximum number of iterations to performverbose a logical value indicating the level of output as the algorithm runs.w.init Initial value of un-mixing matrix.DetailsSee the help on fastICA for details.ValueThe estimated un-mixing matrix W.Author(s)J L Marchini and C HeatonSee AlsofastICA,ica.R.par6ica.R.par ica.R.par R code for FastICA using a parallel schemeDescriptionR code for FastICA using a parallel scheme in which the components are estimated simultaneously.This function is called by the fastICA function.Usageica.R.par(X,p,tol,fun,alpha,maxit,verbose,w.init)ArgumentsX data matrix.p number of components to be extracted.tol a positive scalar giving the tolerance at which the un-mixing matrix is consideredto have the functional form of the G function used in the approximation to negentropy.alpha constant in range[1,2]used in approximation to negentropy when fun=="logcosh".maxit maximum number of iterations to perform.verbose a logical value indicating the level of output as the algorithm runs.w.init Initial value of un-mixing matrix.DetailsSee the help on fastICA for details.ValueThe estimated un-mixing matrix W.Author(s)J L Marchini and C HeatonSee AlsofastICA,ica.R.defIndex∗multivariatefastICA,1∗utilitiesica.R.def,5ica.R.par,6fastICA,1,5,6ica.R.def,3,5,6ica.R.par,3,5,67。

A Sequential Algorithm for Generating Random Graphs

A Sequential Algorithm for Generating Random Graphs
A Sequential Algorithm for Generating Random Graphs
Mohsen Bd Amin Saberi1
arXiv:cs/0702124v4 [] 16 Jun 2007
Stanford University {bayati,saberi}@ 2 Yonsei University
(FPRAS) for generating random graphs; this we can do in almost linear time. An FPRAS provides an arbitrary close approximaiton in time that depends only polynomially on the input size and the desired error. (For precise definitions of this, see Section 2.) Recently, sequential importance sampling (SIS) has been suggested as a more suitable approach for designing fast algorithms for this and other similar problems [18, 13, 35, 6]. Chen et al. [18] used the SIS method to generate bipartite graphs with a given degree sequence. Later Blitzstein and Diaconis [13] used a similar approach to generate general graphs. Almost all existing work on SIS method are justified only through simulations and for some special cases counter examples have been proposed [11]. However the simplicity of these algorithms and their great performance in several instances, suggest further study of the SIS method is necessary. Our Result. Let d1 , . . . , dn be non-negative integers given for the degree sequence n and let i=1 di = 2m. Our algorithm is as follows: start with an empty graph and sequentially add edges between pairs of non-adjacent vertices. In every step of the procedure, the probability that an edge is added between two distinct ˆj (1 − di dj /4m) where d ˆi and d ˆj denote ˆi d vertices i and j is proportional to d the remaining degrees of vertices i and j . We will show that our algorithm produces an asymptotically uniform sample with running time of O(m dmax ) when maximum degree is of O(m1/4−τ ) and τ is any positive constant. Then we use a simple SIS method to obtain an FPRAS for any ep, δ > 0 with running time O(m dmax ǫ−2 log(1/δ )) for generating graphs with dmax = O(m1/4−τ ). Moreover, we show that for d = O(n1/2−τ ), our algorithm can generate an asymptotically uniform d-regular graph. Our results are improving the bounds of Kim and Vu [34] and Steger and Wormald [45] for regular graphs. Related Work. McKay and Wormald [37, 39] give asymptotic estimates for number of graphs within the range dmax = O(m1/3−τ ). But, the error terms in their estimates are larger than what is needed to apply Jerrum, Valiant and Vazirani’s [25] reduction to achieve asymptotic sampling. Jerrum and Sinclair [26] however, use a random walk on the self-reducibility tree and give an FPRAS for sampling graphs with maximum degree of o(m1/4 ). The running time of their algorithm is O(m3 n2 ǫ−2 log(1/δ )) [44]. A different random walk studied by [27, 28, 10] gives an FPRAS for random generation for all degree sequences for bipartite graphs and almost all degree sequences for general graphs. However the running time of these algorithms is at least O(n4 m3 dmax log5 (n2 /ǫ)ǫ−2 log(1/δ )). For the weaker problem of generating asymptotically uniform samples (not an FPRAS) the best algorithm was given by McKay and Wormald’s switching technique on configuration model [38]. Their algorithm works for graphs 2 2 3 2 with d3 max =O(m / i di ) with average running i di ) and dmax = o(m + 2 2 2 4 time of O(m + ( i di ) ). This leads to O(n d ) average running time for dregular graphs with d = o(n1/3 ). Very recently and independently from our work, Blanchet [12] have used McKay’s estimate and SIS technique to obtain an FPRAS with running time O(m2 ) for sampling bipartite graphs with given

ASimple,Fast Dominance Algorithm

ASimple,Fast Dominance Algorithm

In practice, both of these algorithms are fast. In our experiments, they process from 50, 000 to 200, 000 control-flow graph (cfg) nodes per second. While Lengauer-Tarjan has faster asymptotic complexity, it requires unreasonably large cfgs—on the order of 30, 000 nodes— before this asymptotic advantage catches up with a well-engineered iterative scheme. Since the iterative algorithm is simpler, easier to understand, easier to implement, and faster in practice, it should be the technique of choice for computing dominators on cfgs.
SOFTWARE—PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE Softw. Pract. Exper. 2001; 4:1–10 Prepared using speauth.cls [Version: 2000/03/06 v2.1]
A Simple, Fast Dominance Algorithm
key words:
Dominators, Dominance Frontiers
Introduction The advent of static single assignment form (ssa) has rekindled interest in dominance and related concepts [13]. New algorithms for several problems in optimization and code generation have built on dominance [8, 12, 25, 27]. In this paper, we re-examine the formulation of dominance as a forward data-flow problem [4, 5, 19]. We present several insights that lead to a simple, general, and efficient implementation in an iterative data-flow framework. The resulting algorithm, an iterative solver that uses our representation for dominance information, is significantly faster than the Lengauer-Tarjan algorithm on graphs of a size normally encountered by a compiler—less than one thousand nodes. As an integral part of the process, our iterative solver computes immediate dominators for each node in the graph, eliminating one problem with previous iterative formulations. We also show that a natural extension of



fastmarching算法原理Fast marching algorithm (FMA) is a numerical technique used for solving the Eikonal equation, which describes the propagation of wavefronts. This algorithm is widely used in various fields such as computer graphics, medical imaging, and computational physics.The basic principle of the fast marching algorithm is to iteratively update the travel time (or distance) from a given starting point to all other points in the computational domain. This is done by considering the local characteristics of the wavefront and updating the travel time based on the minimum arrival time from neighboring points.The algorithm starts by initializing the travel time at the starting point to zero and setting the travel time at all other points to infinity. Then, it iteratively updates the travel time at each grid point based on the neighboring points, ensuring that the travel time decreasesmonotonically as the wavefront propagates outward.At each iteration, the algorithm selects the grid point with the minimum travel time among the set of points that have not been updated yet. It then updates the travel time at this point based on the local wavefront characteristics and the travel times of its neighboring points. This process is repeated until the travel times at all points have been computed.One of the key advantages of the fast marching algorithm is its computational efficiency. By exploiting the properties of the Eikonal equation and the characteristics of the wavefront, the algorithm can compute the travel times in a relatively short amount of time, making it suitable for real-time or interactive applications.In conclusion, the fast marching algorithm is a powerful numerical technique for solving the Eikonal equation and computing wavefront propagation. Itsefficiency and versatility make it a valuable tool invarious fields, enabling the simulation and analysis of wave propagation phenomena in a wide range of applications.。



作者姓名:钟柳强论文题目:求解两类Maxwell 方程组棱元离散系统的快速算法和自适应方法作者简介::钟柳强,男,1980年10月出生,2006年9月起师从湘潭大学许进超教授,2009年6月获博士学位。



棱有限元方法是对 Maxwell 方程组进行数值求解的一种基本离散化方法,它能够有效地克服经典的连续节点有限元在求解某些电磁场边值问题或特征值问题时会产生非物理解这一缺陷,从而在工程应用领域得到了越来越广泛的应用。

由于该离散系统通常是大规模, 且高度病态,因此构造其快速求解算法十分必要. 另外由于许多 Maxwell 方程组存在强奇性, 这时若采用一致加密网格进行计算,则会引起自由度的过度增长, 自适应方法是克服该缺陷的有效途径,因此研究求解 Maxwell 方程组的自适应有限元方法具有重要意义.上述两方面的研究是当前计算电磁场中的热点, 其中面临许多难点问题.本文比较系统地研究了求解两类典型 Maxwell 方程组棱有限元离散系统的快速算法和自适应棱有限元方法。

主要内容和结果如下:首先,针对H(curl) 椭圆方程组的高阶棱元离散系统,设计和分析了相应的快速迭代法和高效预条件子。

关于H(curl) 椭圆方程组棱元离散系统的快速算法,已有的大部分研究工作都是针对第一类 Nédélec 线性棱元离散系统。

而在某些时候,高阶Nédélec 棱有限元比线性棱元更具有优势,如可以减少误差的数值耗散,具有更好的逼近性等。

英语 算法 -回复

英语 算法 -回复

英语算法-回复如何使用贪心算法(Greedy Algorithm)解决最优装载问题(Knapsack Problem)。




给定一个背包的容量C和N 个物品,每个物品有自己的重量w和价值v。





【步骤三:算法实现】基于贪心选择策略,我们可以使用如下步骤实现算法:1. 根据物品的重量w和价值v,计算每个物品的单位重量价值vu = v / w。

2. 按照单位重量价值vu从大到小对物品进行排序。

3. 初始化当前背包的总价值val = 0和当前背包的剩余容量rc = C。

4. 逐个遍历排序后的物品列表:a. 如果当前物品的重量小于等于当前背包的剩余容量,则将该物品放入背包中,更新当前背包的总价值val和剩余容量rc。

b. 如果当前物品的重量大于当前背包的剩余容量,则放弃该物品,继续遍历下一个物品。

5. 返回最终的背包总价值val作为最优装载问题的解。


假设背包容量C为10,有以下4个物品可供选择:物品1:重量w1 = 2,价值v1 = 5物品2:重量w2 = 3,价值v2 = 8物品3:重量w3 = 4,价值v3 = 9物品4:重量w4 = 5,价值v4 = 10按照贪心选择策略,首先计算每个物品的单位重量价值vu:物品1:vu1 = v1 / w1 = 5 / 2 = 2.5物品2:vu2 = v2 / w2 = 8 / 3 ≈2.67物品3:vu3 = v3 / w3 = 9 / 4 = 2.25物品4:vu4 = v4 / w4 = 10 / 5 = 2.0然后,按照单位重量价值vu从大到小对物品进行排序:物品2 > 物品1 > 物品3 > 物品4接下来,我们按照步骤三中的算法实现进行装载:初始化当前背包的总价值val = 0和剩余容量rc = 10。



Title: Attending the International Conference on Computer Science: A Transformative ExperienceAs an avid enthusiast and aspiring researcher in the field of computer science, I recently had the immense privilege of attending the prestigious International Conference on Computer Science (hypothetical name for illustrative purposes). This annual gathering of scholars, industry leaders, and innovators from around the globe served as a melting pot of ideas, advancements, and collaborations that profoundly impacted my understanding of the ever-evolving landscape of our discipline.The conference, held in a vibrant metropolis renowned for its technological prowess, kicked off with a keynote address by a renowned computer scientist, who painted a vivid picture of the future of computing. Their visionary insights into emerging technologies such as quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity not only sparked my imagination but also underscored the urgency for continued research and innovation in these areas.Throughout the three-day event, I participated in a myriad of technical sessions, workshops, and poster presentations. Each one was a testament to the ingenuity and dedication of the international computer science community. From discussions on the latest algorithms for big data analytics to debates on the ethical implications of AI, the conference provided a comprehensive platform for sharing knowledge and fostering interdisciplinary dialogue.One of the highlights for me was the opportunity to present my own research work during a dedicated session. Standing before a packed auditorium, I shared my findings on a novel approach to improving the efficiency of machine learning models. The positive feedback and constructive criticism I received from my peers and mentors were invaluable, and they have already sparked new ideas for future research directions.Moreover, the conference was a perfect venue for networking and establishing valuable connections. I had the chance to engage in one-on-one conversations with industry experts, academic luminaries, and fellow researchers from diverse backgrounds. These interactions not only broadened my professional network but also inspired me to think beyond my current research focus and explore new horizons.The social events organized by the conference committee further enhanced the overall experience. From the welcoming reception to the closing banquet, the atmosphere was always warm, friendly, and conducive to informal discussions and idea sharing. These moments allowed me to forge friendships and build lasting relationships with people from all corners of the world.In conclusion, attending the International Conference on Computer Science was a transformative experience that enriched my knowledge, expanded my horizons, and ignited my passion for research. It reaffirmed my belief in the power of collaborationand the limitless potential of computer science to shape our future. As I return to my work with renewed vigor and inspiration, I am eager to contribute to this vibrant field and help drive it forward towards even greater heights.。



Algorithm Design Techniques and Analysis: English VersionExercise with AnswersIntroductionAlgorithms are an essential aspect of computer science. As such, students who are part of this field must master the art of algorithm design and analysis. Algorithm design refers to the process of creating algorithms that solve computational problems. Algorithm analysis, on the other hand, focuses on evaluating the resources required to execute those algorithms. This includes computational time and memory consumption.This document provides students with helpful algorithm design and analysis exercises. The exercises are in the formof questions with step-by-step solutions. The document is suitable for students who have completed the English versionof the Algorithm Design Techniques and Analysis textbook. The exercises cover various algorithm design techniques, such as divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, and greedy approaches.InstructionEach exercise comes with a question and its solution. Read the question carefully and try to find a solution withoutlooking at the answer first. If you get stuck, look at the solution. Lastly, try the exercise agn without referring to the answer.Exercise 1: Divide and ConquerQuestion:Given an array of integers, find the maximum possible sum of a contiguous subarray.Example:Input: [-2, -3, 4, -1, -2, 1, 5, -3]Output: 7 (the contiguous subarray [4, -1, -2, 1, 5]) Solution:def max_subarray_sum(arr):if len(arr) ==1:return arr[0]mid =len(arr) //2left_arr = arr[:mid]right_arr = arr[mid:]max_left_sum = max_subarray_sum(left_arr)max_right_sum = max_subarray_sum(right_arr)max_left_border_sum =0left_border_sum =0for i in range(mid-1, -1, -1):left_border_sum += arr[i]max_left_border_sum =max(max_left_border_sum, left_b order_sum)max_right_border_sum =0right_border_sum =0for i in range(mid, len(arr)):right_border_sum += arr[i]max_right_border_sum =max(max_right_border_sum, righ t_border_sum)return max(max_left_sum, max_right_sum, max_left_border_s um+max_right_border_sum)Exercise 2: Dynamic ProgrammingQuestion:Given a list of lengths of steel rods and a corresponding list of prices, determine the maximum revenue you can get by cutting these rods into smaller pieces and selling them. Assume the cost of each cut is 0.Lengths: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]Prices: [1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 17, 17, 20]If the rod length is 4, the maximum revenue is 10.Solution:def max_revenue(lengths, prices, n):if n ==0:return0max_val =float('-inf')for i in range(n):max_val =max(max_val, prices[i] + max_revenue(length s, prices, n-i-1))return max_valExercise 3: Greedy AlgorithmQuestion:Given a set of jobs with start times and end times, find the maximum number of non-overlapping jobs that can be scheduled.Start times: [1, 3, 0, 5, 8, 5]End times: [2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 9]Output: 4Solution:def maximum_jobs(start_times, end_times):job_list =sorted(zip(end_times, start_times))count =0end_time =float('-inf')for e, s in job_list:if s >= end_time:count +=1end_time = ereturn countConclusionThe exercises presented in this document provide a practical way to master essential algorithm design and analysis techniques. Solving the problems without looking at the answers will expose students to the type of problems they might encounter in real life. The document’s solutionsprovide step-by-step instructions to ensure that students can approach the problems with confidence.。



各种算法英文表示array algorithm数组算法bounded variable algorithm边界变量算法dynamic programming algorithm 动态规划算法enumerative algorithm枚举算法Euclid's algorithm欧几里得算法FFT algorithm快速傅里叶算法fuzzy algorithm模糊算法game playing algorithm博奕[对策]算法Gauss-Newton algorithm高斯-牛顿算法iterative algorithm迭代算法knapsack algorithm渐缩算法Markov algorithm马尔可夫算法minimization algorithm极小化算法optimal estimation algorithm最佳估计算法optimization algorithm最优化算法partan algorithm平行切线(算)法recursive algorithm递归算法statistcal algorithm统计算法steepest descent algorithm最速下降算法steplength algorithms步长算法universal algorithm通用算法algorithm for coding images编码图象的算法Hew to 服从,遵守各种分布的表示:泊松分布:Poisson distribution指数分布:Exponential distribution高斯分布:Gaussian distribution几何分布:Geometric distribution全球性分布:Global distribution均匀分布:Homogeneous distribution 对数分布:Logarithmic distribution。



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data structures and algorithm analysi英文原版 pdf (2)

data structures and algorithm analysi英文原版 pdf (2)

data structures and algorithm analysi英文原版 pdfTitle: Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis: A Comprehensive ReviewIntroduction:Data structures and algorithm analysis are fundamental concepts in computer science. They form the backbone of efficient and optimized software development. This article aims to provide a comprehensive review of the book "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis" in its English original version PDF format. The review will cover the key points, structure, and significance of the book.I. Overview of the Book:1.1 Importance of Data Structures:- Discuss the significance of data structures in organizing and manipulating data efficiently.- Explain how data structures enhance the performance and scalability of software applications.1.2 Algorithm Analysis:- Describe the role of algorithm analysis in evaluating the efficiency and performance of algorithms.- Highlight the importance of selecting appropriate algorithms for different problem-solving scenarios.1.3 Book Structure:- Outline the organization of the book, including chapters, sections, and topics covered.- Emphasize the logical progression of concepts, starting from basic data structures to advanced algorithm analysis.II. Data Structures:2.1 Arrays and Linked Lists:- Explain the characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of arrays and linked lists.- Discuss the implementation details, operations, and time complexities of these data structures.2.2 Stacks and Queues:- Define stacks and queues and their applications in various scenarios.- Elaborate on the implementation, operations, and time complexities of stacks and queues.2.3 Trees and Graphs:- Introduce the concepts of trees and graphs and their real-world applications.- Discuss different types of trees (binary, AVL, B-trees) and graphs (directed, undirected, weighted).III. Algorithm Analysis:3.1 Asymptotic Notation:- Explain the significance of asymptotic notation in analyzing the efficiency of algorithms.- Discuss the Big-O, Omega, and Theta notations and their usage in algorithm analysis.3.2 Sorting and Searching Algorithms:- Describe various sorting algorithms such as bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort, and quicksort.- Discuss searching algorithms like linear search, binary search, and hash-based searching.3.3 Dynamic Programming and Greedy Algorithms:- Define dynamic programming and greedy algorithms and their applications.- Provide examples of problems that can be solved using these approaches.IV. Advanced Topics:4.1 Hashing and Hash Tables:- Explain the concept of hashing and its applications in efficient data retrieval.- Discuss hash functions, collision handling, and the implementation of hash tables.4.2 Graph Algorithms:- Explore advanced graph algorithms such as Dijkstra's algorithm, breadth-first search, and depth-first search.- Discuss their applications in solving complex problems like shortest path finding and network analysis.4.3 Advanced Data Structures:- Introduce advanced data structures like heaps, priority queues, and self-balancing binary search trees.- Explain their advantages, implementation details, and usage in various scenarios.V. Summary:5.1 Key Takeaways:- Summarize the main points covered in the book, emphasizing the importance of data structures and algorithm analysis.- Highlight the significance of selecting appropriate data structures and algorithms for efficient software development.5.2 Practical Applications:- Discuss real-world scenarios where the concepts from the book can be applied.- Illustrate how understanding data structures and algorithm analysis can lead to optimized software solutions.5.3 Conclusion:- Conclude the review by emphasizing the relevance and usefulness of the book "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis."- Encourage readers to explore the book further for a deeper understanding of the subject.In conclusion, "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis" is a comprehensive guide that covers essential concepts in data structures and algorithm analysis. The book's structure, detailed explanations, and practical examples make it a valuable resource for computer science students, software developers, and anyone interested in optimizing their software solutions. Understanding these fundamental concepts is crucial for building efficient and scalable software applications.。



Title: Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth Edition (English Version)The fourth edition of Introduction to Algorithms, also known as "CLRS" among its legion of fans, is a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of algorithms. This English version, targeted at a global audience, builds upon the legacy of its predecessors, firmly establishing itself as the standard reference in the field.The book's unparalleled reputation is founded on its ability to bridge the gap between theory and practice, making even the most complex algorithm accessible to a wide audience. Coverage ranges from fundamental data structures and sorting algorithms to more advanced topics like graph algorithms, dynamic programming, and computational geometry.The fourth edition boasts numerous updates and improvements over its predecessors. It includes new algorithms and techniques, along with expanded discussions on existing ones. The updated material reflects the latest research and best practices in the field, making this edition not just a sequel but a complete reboot of the text.The book's hallmark approach combines mathematical rigor with practical implementation, making it an invaluable resource for students, researchers, and professionals alike. Each chapter is meticulously crafted, introducing key concepts through carefully chosen examples and exercises. The accompanyingonline resources also provide additional challenges and solutions, further enhancing the learning experience.In conclusion, Introduction to Algorithms, Fourth Edition (English Version) is more than just a textbook; it's a roadmap to understanding the intricacies of algorithms. Its comprehensive nature and timeless quality make it a must-have for anyone serious about mastering the art and science of algorithm design.。



20世纪十大算法2009-04-09 22:46:54 其他 | 评论(4) | 浏览(218)本世纪初,美国物理学会(American Institute of Physics)和IEEE计算机社团 (IEEE Computer Society)的一本联合刊物《科学与工程中的计算》发表了由田纳西大学的Jack Dongarra和橡树岭国家实验室的Francis Sullivan 联名撰写的“世纪十大算法”一文,该文“试图整理出在20世纪对科学和工程领域的发展产生最大影响力的十大算法”。




1946 蒙特卡洛方法在广场上画一个边长一米的正方形,在正方形内部随意用粉笔画一个不规则的形状,呃,能帮我算算这个不规则图形的面积么?蒙特卡洛(Monte Carlo)方法便是解决这个问题的巧妙方法:随机向该正方形内扔N(N 是一个很大的自然数)个黄豆,随后数数有多少个黄豆在这个不规则几何形状内部,比如说有M个:那么,这个奇怪形状的面积便近似于M/N,N越大,算出来的值便越精确。


蒙特卡洛方法由美国拉斯阿莫斯国家实验室的三位科学家John von Neumann(看清楚了,这位可是冯诺伊曼同志!),Stan Ulam 和 Nick Metropolis共同发明。

就其本质而言,蒙特卡洛方法是用类似于物理实验的近似方法求解问题,它的魔力在于,对于那些规模极大的问题,求解难度随着问题的维数(自变量个数)的增加呈指数级别增长,出现所谓的“维数的灾难”(Course of Dimensionality)。



ai英语作文写作查重The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have revolutionized various aspects of our lives, and the field of academic writing is no exception. The integration of AI-powered tools into the writing process has brought about both opportunities and challenges for students, educators, and academic institutions. One such application of AI in the writing domain is the use of AI-assisted plagiarism detection systems.The rise of AI-powered plagiarism detection tools has significantly impacted the way academic writing is approached and evaluated. These tools leverage sophisticated algorithms to analyze the content of a written work, comparing it against a vast database of online sources and previously submitted papers. By identifying textual similarities and potential instances of plagiarism, these systems aim to maintain the integrity of academic work and ensure the originality of student submissions.One of the key benefits of AI-assisted plagiarism detection is the ability to identify instances of unintentional plagiarism. Students,especially those new to academic writing, may inadvertently incorporate sources without proper attribution due to a lack of understanding of citation practices or proper paraphrasing techniques. AI-powered tools can help detect these instances, allowing students to learn from their mistakes and improve their writing skills.Furthermore, these AI-driven systems can also identify more deliberate forms of plagiarism, such as the verbatim copying of content from external sources or the use of purchased essays or papers. By flagging these instances, institutions can take appropriate measures to address academic dishonesty and uphold the principles of academic integrity.However, the increasing reliance on AI-assisted plagiarism detection has also raised concerns among some educators and students. There is a fear that the overreliance on these tools may lead to a shift in the focus of academic writing, where the emphasis is more on avoiding plagiarism rather than on developing critical thinking, analytical skills, and original ideas.Additionally, some argue that AI-powered plagiarism detection systems may not always be accurate or comprehensive, potentially leading to false positives or the overlooking of more sophisticated forms of plagiarism. This raises questions about the fairness andreliability of these tools, and the need for human oversight and judgment in the evaluation of academic work.To address these concerns, it is crucial for academic institutions to implement comprehensive strategies that go beyond the mere use of AI-assisted plagiarism detection. This may include providing comprehensive training and support for students on academic writing and citation practices, fostering a culture of academic integrity, and encouraging the development of original and critical thinking skills.Moreover, educators must strive to strike a balance between the benefits of AI-powered tools and the need to maintain a holistic approach to academic writing assessment. This may involve using these tools as one component of a broader evaluation process, where human judgment and feedback play a crucial role in assessing the quality, originality, and overall academic merit of a student's work.In conclusion, the integration of AI-powered plagiarism detection tools in the field of academic writing has brought both opportunities and challenges. While these tools can be valuable in identifying instances of plagiarism and upholding academic integrity, it is essential for educational institutions to approach their use with a nuanced and balanced approach. By fostering a comprehensivestrategy that combines the strengths of AI-assisted tools with the expertise and judgment of human educators, we can ensure that the writing process remains a meaningful and enriching experience for students, ultimately contributing to their academic and personal growth.。

Fast algorithms for frequent itemset mining using fp-trees

Fast algorithms for frequent itemset mining using fp-trees

Fast Algorithms for FrequentItemset Mining Using FP-TreesGo¨sta Grahne,Member,IEEE,and Jianfei Zhu,Student Member,IEEE Abstract—Efficient algorithms for mining frequent itemsets are crucial for mining association rules as well as for many other data mining tasks.Methods for mining frequent itemsets have been implemented using a prefix-tree structure,known as an FP-tree,for storing compressed information about frequent itemsets.Numerous experimental results have demonstrated that these algorithms perform extremely well.In this paper,we present a novel FP-array technique that greatly reduces the need to traverse FP-trees,thus obtaining significantly improved performance for FP-tree-based algorithms.Our technique works especially well for sparse data sets.Furthermore,we present new algorithms for mining all,maximal,and closed frequent itemsets.Our algorithms use the FP-tree data structure in combination with the FP-array technique efficiently and incorporate various optimization techniques.We also present experimental results comparing our methods with existing algorithms.The results show that our methods are the fastest for many cases.Even though the algorithms consume much memory when the data sets are sparse,they are still the fastest ones when the minimum support is low.Moreover,they are always among the fastest algorithms and consume less memory than other methods when the data sets are dense.Index Terms—Data mining,association rules.æ1I NTRODUCTIONE FFICIENT mining of frequent itemsets(FIs)is a funda-mental problem for mining association rules[5],[6],[21], [32].It also plays an important role in other data mining tasks such as sequential patterns,episodes,multidimen-sional patterns,etc.[7],[22],[17].The description of the problem is as follows:Let I¼f i1;i2;...;i n g be a set of items and D be a multiset of transactions,where each transaction is a set of items such that I.For any X I,we say that a transaction contains X if X .The set X is called an itemset.The set of all X I(the powerset of I)naturally forms a lattice,called the itemset lattice.The count of an itemset X is the number of transactions in D that contain X. The support of an itemset X is the proportion of transactions in D that contain X.Thus,if the total number of transactions in D is n,then the support of X is the count of X divided by nÁ100percent.An itemset X is called frequent if its support is greater than or equal to some given percentage s,where s is called the minimum support.When a transaction database is very dense and the minimum support is very low,i.e.,when the database contains a significant number of large frequent itemsets, mining all frequent itemsets might not be a good idea.For example,if there is a frequent itemset with size l,then all 2l nonempty subsets of the itemset have to be generated. However,since frequent itemsets are downward closed in the itemset lattice,meaning that any subset of a frequent itemset is frequent,it is sufficient to discover only all the maximal frequent itemsets(MFIs).A frequent itemset X is called maximal if there does not exist frequent itemset Y such that X&Y.Mining frequent itemsets can thus be reduced to mining a“border”in the itemset lattice.All itemsets above the border are infrequent and those that are below the border are all frequent.Therefore,some existing algorithms only mine maximal frequent itemsets.However,mining only MFIs has the following deficiency: From an MFI and its support s,we know that all its subsets are frequent and the support of any of its subset is not less than s,but we do not know the exact value of the support. For generating association rules,we do need the support of all frequent itemsets.To solve this problem,another type of a frequent itemset,called closed frequent itemset(CFI),was proposed in[24].A frequent itemset X is closed if none of its proper supersets have the same support.Any frequent itemset has the support of its smallest closed superset.The set of all closed frequent itemsets thus contains complete information for generating association rules.In most cases, the number of CFIs is greater than the number of MFIs, although still far less than the number of FIs.1.1Mining FIsThe problem of mining frequent itemsets was first introduced by Agrawal et al.[5],who proposed algorithm Apriori.Apriori is a bottom-up,breadth-first search algorithm.It uses hash-trees to store frequent itemsets and candidate frequent itemsets.Because of the downward closure property of the frequency pattern,only candidate frequent itemsets,whose subsets are all frequent,are generated in each database scan.Candidate frequent item-set generation and subset testing are all based on the hash-trees.In the algorithm,transactions are not stored in the memory and,thus,Apriori needs l database scans if the size of the largest frequent itemset is l.Many algorithms,such as [28],[29],[23],are variants of Apriori.In[23],the kDCI method applies a novel counting strategy to efficiently determine the itemset supports without necessarily per-forming all the l scans..The authors are with the Department of Computer Science,ConcordiaUniversity,1455De Maisonneuve Blvd.West,Montreal,Quebec,H3G1M8,Canada.E-mail:{grahne,j_zhu} received28Apr.2004;revised27Nov.2004;accepted11Mar.2005;published online18Aug.2005.For information on obtaining reprints of this article,please send e-mail to:tkde@,and reference IEEECS Log Number TKDE-0123-0404.1041-4347/05/$20.00ß2005IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer SocietyIn[14],Han et al.introduced a novel algorithm,known as the FP-growth method,for mining frequent itemsets.The FP-growth method is a depth-first search algorithm.In the method,a data structure called the FP-tree is used for storing frequency information of the original database in a compressed form.Only two database scans are needed for the algorithm and no candidate generation is required.This makes the FP-growth method much faster than Apriori.In [27],PatriciaMine stores the FP-trees as Patricia Tries[18].A number of optimizations are used for reducing time and space of the algorithm.In[33],Zaki also proposed a depth-first search algorithm,Eclat,in which database is“verti-cally”represented.Eclat uses a linked list to organize frequent patterns,however,each itemset now corresponds to an array of transaction IDs(the“TID-array”).Each element in the array corresponds to a transaction that contains the itemset.Frequent itemset mining and candidate frequent itemset generation are done by TID-array ter,Zaki and Gouda[35]introduced a technique, called diffset,for reducing the memory requirement of TID-arrays.The diffset technique only keeps track of differences in the TID’s of candidate itemsets when it is generating frequent itemsets.The Eclat algorithm incorporating the diffset technique is called dEclat[35].1.2Mining MFIsMaximal frequent itemsets were inherent in the border notion introduced by Mannila and Toivonen in[20]. Bayardo[8]introduced MaxMiner which extends Apriori to mine only“long”patterns(maximal frequent itemsets). Since MaxMiner only looks for the maximal FIs,the search space can be reduced.MaxMiner performs not only subset infrequency pruning,where a candidate itemset with an infrequent subset will not be considered,but also a “lookahead”to do superset frequency pruning.MaxMiner still needs several passes of the database to find the maximal frequent itemsets.In[10],Burdick et al.gave an algorithm called MAFIA to mine maximal frequent itemsets.MAFIA uses a linked list to organize all frequent itemsets.Each itemset I corre-sponds to a bitvector;the length of the bitvector is the number of transactions in the database and a bit is set if its corresponding transaction contains I,otherwise,the bit is not set.Since all information contained in the database is compressed into the bitvectors,mining frequent itemsets and candidate frequent itemset generation can be done by bitvector and-operations.Pruning techniques are also used in the MAFIA algorithm.GenMax,another depth-first algorithm,proposed by Gouda and Zaki[11],takes an approach called progressive focusing to do maximality testing.This technique,instead of comparing a newly found frequent itemset with all maximal frequent itemsets found so far,maintains a set of local maximal frequent itemsets.The newly found FI is only compared with itemsets in the small set of local maximal frequent itemsets,which reduces the number of subset tests.In our earlier paper[12],we presented the FPmax algorithm for mining MFIs using the FP-tree structure. FPmax is also a depth-first algorithm.It takes advantage of the FP-tree structure so that only two database scans are needed.In FPmax,a tree structure similar to the FP-tree is used for maximality testing.The experimental results in[12]showed that FPmax outperforms GenMax and MAFIA for many,although not all,cases.Another method that uses the FP-tree structure is AFOPT [19].In the algorithm,item search order,intermediate result representation,and construction strategy,as well as tree traversal strategy,are considered dynamically;this makes the algorithm adaptive to general situations.SmartMiner [36],also a depth-first algorithm,uses a technique to quickly prune candidate frequent itemsets in the itemset lattice.The technique gathers“tail”information for a node in the lattice.The tail information is used to determine the next node to explore during the depth-first mining.Items are dynamically reordered based on the tail information. The algorithm was compared with MAFIA and GenMax on two data sets and the experiments showed that SmartMiner is about10times faster than MAFIA and GenMax.1.3Mining CFIsIn[24],Pasquier et al.introduced closed frequent itemsets. The algorithm proposed in the paper,A-close,extends Apriori to mine all CFIs.Zaki and Hsiao[34]proposed a depth-first algorithm,CHARM,for CFI mining.As in their earlier work in[11],in CHARM,each itemset corresponds to a TID-array,and the main operation of the mining is again TID-array intersections.CHARM also uses the diffset technique to reduce the memory requirement for TID-array intersections.The algorithm AFOPT[19]described in Section1.2has an option for mining CFIs in a manner similar to the way AFOPT mines MFIs.In[26],Pei et al.extended the FP-growth method to a method called CLOSET for mining CFIs.The FP-tree structure was used and some optimizations for reducing the search space were proposed.The experimental results reported in[26]showed that CLOSET is faster than CHARM and A-close.CLOSET was extended to CLOSET+by Wang et[30]to find the best strategies for mining frequent closed itemsets.CLOSET+uses data structures and data traversal strategies that depend on the characteristics of the data set to be mined.Experimental results in[30]showed that CLOSET+outperformed all previous algorithms.1.4ContributionsIn this work,we use the FP-tree,the data structure that was first introduced in[14].The FP-tree has been shown to be a very efficient data structure for mining frequent patterns [14],[30],[26],[16]and its variation has been used for “iceberg”data cube computation[31].One of the important contributions of our work is a novel technique that uses a special data structure,called an FP-array,to greatly improve the performance of the algorithms operating on FP-trees.We first demonstrate that the FP-array technique drastically speeds up the FP-growth method on sparse data sets,since it now needs to scan each FP-tree only once for each recursive call emanating from it.This technique is then applied to our previous algorithm FPmax for mining maximal frequent itemsets.We call the new method FPmax*.In FPmax*,we also introduce our technique for checking if a frequent itemset is maximal,for which a variant of the FP-tree structure,called an MFI-tree, is used.For mining closed frequent itemsets,we have designed an algorithm FPclose which uses yet another variant of the FP-tree structure,called a CFI-tree,forchecking the closedness of frequent itemsets.The closednesschecking is quite different from CLOSET+.Experimentalresults in this paper show that our closedness checkingapproach is more efficient than the approach of CLOSET+.Both the experimental results in this paper and theindependent experimental results from the first IEEE ICDMWorkshop on frequent itemset mining (FIMI ’03)[3],[32]demonstrate the fact that all of our FP-algorithms have verycompetitive and robust performance.As a matter of fact,inFIMI ’03,our algorithms were considered to be the algo-rithms of choice for mining maximal and closed frequentitemsets [32].1.5Organization of the PaperIn Section 2,we briefly review the FP-growth method andintroduce our FP-array technique that results in the greatlyimproved method FPgrowth*.Section 3gives algorithmFPmax*,which is an extension of our previous algorithmFPmax,for mining MFIs.Here,we also introduce ourapproach of maximality checking.In Section 4,we givealgorithm FPclose for mining CFIs.Experimental results arepresented in Section 5.Section 6concludes and outlinesdirections for future research.2D ISCOVERING FI’S2.1The FP-Tree and FP-Growth MethodThe FP-growth method [14],[15]is a depth-first algorithm.Inthe method,Han et al.proposed a data structure called theFP-tree (frequent pattern tree).The FP-tree is a compact repre-sentation of all relevant frequency information in a database.Every branch of the FP-tree represents a frequent itemset andthe nodes along the branches are stored in decreasing order offrequency of the corresponding items with leaves represent-ing the least frequent pression is achieved bybuilding the tree in such a way that overlapping itemsetsshare prefixes of the corresponding branches.An FP-tree T has a header table,T :header ,associatedwith it.Single items and their counts are stored in theheader table in decreasing order of their frequency.Theentry for an item also contains the head of a list that links allthe corresponding nodes of the pared with breadth-first algorithms such as Apriori and its variants,which may need as many database scans as the length of the longest pattern,the FP-growth method only needs two database scans when mining all frequent itemsets.The first scan is to find all frequent items.These items are inserted into the header table in decreasing order of their count.In the second scan,as each transaction is scanned,the set of frequent items in it is inserted into the FP-tree as a branch.If an itemset shares a prefix with an itemset already in the tree,this part of the branch will be shared.In addition,a counter is associated with each node in the tree.The counter stores the number of transactions containing the itemset represented by the path from the root to the node in question.This counter is updated during the second scan,when a transaction causes the insertion of a new branch.Fig.1a shows an example of a data set and Fig.1b the FP-tree for that data set.Now,the constructed FP-tree contains all frequency information of the database.Mining the database becomes mining the FP-tree.The FP-growth method relies on the following principle:If X and Y are two itemsets,the count of itemset X [Y in the database is exactly that of Y in the restriction of the database to those transactions containing X .This restriction of the database is called the conditional pattern base of X and the FP-tree constructed from the conditional pattern base is called X 0s conditional FP-tree ,which we denote by T X .We can view the FP-tree constructed from the initial database as T ;,the conditional FP-tree for the empty itemset.Note that,for any itemset Y that is frequent in the conditional pattern base of X ,the set X [Y is a frequent itemset in the original database.Given an item i in T X :header ,by following the linked list starting at i in T X :header ,all branches that contain item i are visited.The portion of these branches from i to the root forms the conditional pattern base of X [f i g ,so the traversal obtains all frequent items in this conditional pattern base.The FP-growth method then constructs the conditional FP-tree T X [f i g by first initializing its header table based on the frequent items found,then revisiting the branches of T X along the linked list of i and inserting the corresponding itemsets in T X [f i g .Note that the order of items can be different in T X and T X [f i g .As an example,the conditionalpattern base of f f g and the conditional FP-tree T f f g for the GRAHNE ANDZHU:FAST ALGORITHMS FOR FREQUENT ITEMSET MINING USING FP-TREES 1349Fig.1.An FP-tree example.(a)A database.(b)The FP-tree for the database (minimum support =20percent ).database in Fig.1a is shown in Fig.1c.The above procedure is applied recursively,and it stops when the resulting new FP-tree contains only one branch.The complete set of frequent itemsets can be generated from all single-branch FP-trees.2.2The FP-Array TechniqueThe main work done in the FP-growth method is traversing FP-trees and constructing new conditional FP-trees after the first FP-tree is constructed from the original database.From numerous experiments,we found out that about80percent of the CPU time was used for traversing FP-trees.Thus,the question is,can we reduce the traversal time so that the method can be sped up?The answer is yes,by using a simple additional data structure.Recall that,for each item i in the header of a conditional FP-tree T X,two traversals of T X are needed for constructing the new conditional FP-tree T X[f i g. The first traversal finds all frequent items in the conditional pattern base of X[f i g and initializes the FP-tree T X[f i g by constructing its header table.The second traversal constructs the new tree T X[f i g.We can omit the first scan of T X by constructing a frequent pairs array A X while building T X. We initialize T X with an attribute A X.Definition.Let T be a conditional FP-tree and I¼f i1;i2;...;i m g be the set of items in T:header.A frequent pairs array(FP-array)of T is aðmÀ1ÞÂðmÀ1Þmatrix,where each element of the matrix corresponds to the counter of an ordered pair of items in I.Obviously,there is no need to set a counter for both item pairsði j;i kÞandði k;i jÞ.Therefore,we only store the counters for all pairsði k;i jÞsuch that k<j.We use an example to explain the construction of the FP-array.In Fig.1a,supposing that the minimum support is 20percent,after the first scan of the original database,we sort the frequent items as b:5,a:5,d:5,g:4,f:2,e:2,c:2.This order is also the order of items in the header table of T;. During the second scan of the database,we will construct T; and an FP-array A;,as shown in Fig.2a.All cells in the FP-array are initialized to0.According to the definition of an FP-array,in A;,each cell is a counter of a pair of items.Cell A;½c;b is the counter for itemset f c;b g,cell A;½c;a is the counter for itemset f c;a g, and so forth.During the second scan for constructing T;,for each transaction,all frequent items in the transaction are extracted.Suppose these items form itemset J.To insert J into T;,the items in J are sorted according to the order in T;:header.When we insert J into T;,at the same time A;½i;j is incremented by1if f i;j g is contained in J.For instance, for the second transaction,f b;a;f;g g is extracted(item h is infrequent)and sorted as b;a;g;f.This itemset is inserted into T;as usual and,at the same time,A;½f;b ;A;½f;a ,A;½f;g ;A;½g;b ,A;½g;a ;A;½a;b are all incremented by1. After the second scan,the FP-array A;contains the counts of all pairs of frequent items,as shown in Fig.2a.Next,the FP-growth method is recursively called to mine frequent itemsets for each item in T;:header.However,now for each item i,instead of traversing T;along the linked list starting at i to get all frequent items in i0s conditional pattern base,A;gives all frequent items for i.For example, by checking the third line in the table for A;,frequent items b;a;d for the conditional pattern base of g can be obtained.Sorting them according to their counts,we get b;d;a.Therefore,for each item i in T;,the FP-array A; makes the first traversal of T;unnecessary and each T f i g can be initialized directly from A;.For the same reason,from a conditional FP-tree T X,when we construct a new conditional FP-tree for X[f i g,for an item i,a new FP-array A X[f i g is calculated.During the construction of the new FP-tree T X[f i g,the FP-array A X[f i g is filled.As an example,from the FP-tree in Fig.1b,if the conditional FP-tree T f g g is constructed,the FP-array A f g g will be in Fig.2b.This FP-array is constructed as follows:From the FP-array A;,we know that the frequent items in the conditional pattern base of f g g are,in descending order of their support,b;d;a.By following the linked list of g,from the first node,we get f b;d g:2,so it is inserted asðb:2;d:2Þinto the new FP-tree T f g g.At the same time,A f g g½b;d is incremented by1.From the second node in the linked list, f b;a g:1is extracted and it is inserted asðb:1;a:1Þinto T f g g.At the same time,A f g g½b;a is incremented by1.From the third node in the linked list,f a;d g:1is extracted and it is inserted asðd:1;a:1Þinto T f g g.At the same time,A f g g½d;a is incremented by1.Since there are no other nodes in the linked list,the construction of T f g g is finished and FP-array A f g g is ready to be used for construction of FP-trees at the next level of recursion.The construction of FP-arrays and FP-trees continues until the FP-growth method terminates.Based on the foregoing discussion,we define a variant of the FP-tree structure in which,besides all attributes given in [14],an FP-tree also has an attribute,FP-array,which contains the corresponding FP-array.2.3DiscussionLet us analyze the size of an FP-array first.Suppose the number of frequent items in the first FP-tree T;is n.Then, the size of the associated FP-array is proportional to P nÀ1i¼1i¼nðnÀ1Þ=2,which is the same as the number of candidate large2-itemsets in Apriori in[6].The FP-trees constructed from the first FP-tree have fewer frequent items,so the sizes of the associated FP-arrays decrease.At any time when the space for an FP-tree is freed,so is the space for its FP-array.There are some limitations for using the FP-array technique.One potential problem is the size of the FP-array. When the number of items in T;is small,the size of the FP-array is not very big.For example,if there are5,000frequent items in the original database and the size of an integer is 4bytes,the FP-array takes only50megabytes or so. However,when n is large,nðnÀ1Þ=2becomes an extremely large number.At this case,the FP-array technique will reduce the significance of the FP-growth method,since the method mines frequent itemsets without generating any candidate frequent itemsets.Thus,one solution is to simply give up the FP-array technique until the number of items in an FP-tree is small enough.Another possible solution is to1350IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING,VOL.17,NO.10,OCTOBER2005Fig.2.Two FP-array examples.(a)A;.(b)A f g g.reduce the size of the FP-array.This can be done by generating a much smaller set of candidate large two-itemsets as in[25]and only store in memory cells of the FP-array corresponding to a two-itemset in the smaller set. However,in this paper,we suppose the main memory is big enough for all FP-arrays.The FP-array technique works very well,especially when the data set is sparse and very large.The FP-tree for a sparse data set and the recursively constructed FP-trees will be big and bushy because there are not many shared common prefixes among the FIs in the transactions.The FP-arrays save traversal time for all items and the next level FP-trees can be initialized directly.In this case,the time saved by omitting the first traversals is far greater than the time needed for accumulating counts in the associated FP-arrays.However,when a data set is dense,the FP-trees become more compact.For each item in a compact FP-tree,the traversal is fairly rapid,while accumulating counts in the associated FP-array could take more time.In this case, accumulating counts may not be a good idea.Even for the FP-trees of sparse data sets,the first levels of recursively constructed FP-trees for the first items in aheader table are always conditional FP-trees for the most common prefixes.We can therefore expect the traversal times for the first items in a header table to be fairly short,so the cells for these items are unnecessary in the FP-array.As an example,in Fig.2a,since b,a,and d are the first three items in the header table,the first two lines do not have to be calculated,thus saving counting time.Note that the data sets(the conditional pattern bases) change during the different depths of the recursion.In order to estimate whether a data set is sparse or dense, during the construction of each FP-tree,we count the number of nodes in each level of the tree.Based on experiments,we found that if the upper quarter of the tree contains less than15percent of the total number of nodes, we are most likely dealing with a dense data set.Otherwise, the data set is likely to be sparse.If the data set appears to be dense,we do not calculate the FP-array for the next level of the FP-tree.Otherwise,we calculate the FP-array of each FP-tree in the next level,but the cells for the first several(we use15based on our experience)items in its header table are not calculated. 2.4FPgrowth*:An Improved FP-Growth Method Fig.3contains the pseudo code for our new method FPgrowth*.The procedure has an FP-tree T as parameter.T has attributes:base,header,and FP-array.T:base contains the itemset X for which T is a conditional FP-tree,the attribute header contains the header table,and T:F P-array contains the FP-array A X.In FPgrowth*,line6tests if the FP-array of the current FP-tree exists.If the FP-tree corresponds to a sparse data set,its FP-array exists,and line7constructs the header table of the new conditional FP-tree from the FP-array directly.One FP-tree traversal is saved for this item compared with the FP-growth method in[14].In line9,during the construction, we also count the nodes in the different levels of the tree in order to estimate whether we shall really calculate the FP-array or just set T Y:F P-array as undefined.3FP MAX*:M INING MFI’SIn[12],we developed FPmax,another method that mines maximal frequent itemsets using the FP-tree structure.Since the FP-array technique speeds up the FP-growth method for sparse data sets,we can expect that it will be useful in FPmax too.This gives us an improved method,FPmax*. Compared to FPmax,in addition to the FP-array technique, the improved method FPmax*also has a more efficient maximality checking approach,as well as several other optimizations.It turns out that FPmax*outperforms FPmax for all cases we discussed in[12].3.1The MFI-TreeObviously,compared with FPgrowth*,the extra work that needs to be done by FPmax*is to check if a frequent itemset is maximal.The naive way to do this is during a postprocessing step.Instead,in FPmax,we introduced a global data structure,the maximal frequent itemsets tree(MFI-tree),to keep the track of MFIs.Since FPmax*is a depth-first algorithm,a newly discovered frequent itemset can only be a subset of an already discovered MFI.We therefore need to keep track of all already discovered MFIs.For this,we use the MFI-tree.A newly discovered frequent itemset is inserted into the MFI-tree,unless it is a subset of an itemset already in the tree.From experience,we learned that a further consideration for large data sets is that the MFI-tree will be quite large,and sometimes one itemset needs thousands of comparisons for maximality checking.Inspired by the way maximality checking is done in[11],in FPmax*,we still use the MFI-tree structure,but for each conditional FP-tree T X,a small local MFI-tree M X is created.The tree M X will contain all maximal itemsets in the conditional pattern base of X.To see if a local MFI Y generated from a conditional FP-tree T X is globally maximal,we only need to compare Y with the itemsets in M X.This speeds up FPmax significantly.Each MFI-tree is associated with a particular FP-tree.An MFI-tree resembles an FP-tree.There are two main differ-ences between MFI-trees and FP-trees.In an FP-tree,each node in the subtree has three fields:item-name,count,and node-link.In an MFI-tree,the count is replaced by the level of the node.The level field is used for maximality checking in a way to be explained later.Another difference is that the header table in an FP-tree is constructed from traversing the previous FP-tree or using the associated FP-array,while theGRAHNE ANDZHU:FAST ALGORITHMS FOR FREQUENT ITEMSET MINING USING FP-TREES1351Fig.3.Algorithm FPgrowth*.。

Web Optimal Static Range Reporting in One Dimension

Web Optimal Static Range Reporting in One Dimension

of Optimal Static Range Reporting in One Dimension Stephen AlstrupGerth S.BrodalTheis RauheITU Technical Report Series2000-3 ISSN1600–6100November2000Copyright c2000,Stephen AlstrupGerth S.BrodalTheis RauheThe IT University of CopenhagenAll rights reserved.Reproduction of all or part of this workis permitted for educational or research useon condition that this copyright notice isincluded in any copy.ISSN1600–6100ISBN87–7949–003–4Copies may be obtained by contacting:The IT University of CopenhagenGlentevej67DK-2400Copenhagen NVDenmarkTelephone:+4538168888Telefax:+4538168899Web www.itu.dkOptimal Static Range Reporting in One Dimension Stephen Alstrup Gerth Stølting Brodal Theis Rauhe24th November2000AbstractWe consider static one dimensional range searching problems.These problems are to build static data structures for an integer set,where,which support various queries for integer intervals of.For the query of reporting all integers in contained within a query interval,we present an optimal data structure with linear space cost and with query time linear in the number of integers reported.This result holds in the unit cost RAM model with word size and a standard instruction set.We also present a linear space data structure for approximate range counting.A range counting query for an interval returns the number of integers in contained within the interval.For any constant,our range counting data structure returns in constant time an approximate answer which is within a factor of at mostof the correct answer.1IntroductionLet be a subset of the universe for some parameter.We consider static data structures for storing the set such that various types of range search queries can be answered for.Our bounds are valid in the standard unit cost RAM with word size and a standard instruction set.We present an optimal data structure for the fundamen-tal problem of reporting all elements from contained within a given query interval.We also provide a data structure that supports an approximate range counting query and show how this can be applied for multi-dimensional orthogonal range searching.In particular,we provide new results for the following query operations.FindAny:Report any element in or if there is no such element. Report:Report all elements in.Count:Return an integer such that. Let denote the size of and let denote the size of universe.Our main result is a static data structure with space cost that supports the query FindAny in constant time.As a corollary,the data structure allows Report in time,where is the number of elements to be reported.Furthermore,we give linear space structures for the approximate range counting prob-lem.That is,for any constant,we present a data structure that supports Count in constant time and uses space.The preprocessing time for the mentioned data structures is expected timematching upper bound of. For linear space cost,these bounds were previously also the best known for the queries Find-Any,Report and Count.However,for superlinear space cost,Miltersen et al.[19]providea data structure which achieves constant time for FindAny with space -tersen et al.also show that testing for emptiness of a rectangle in two dimensions is as hard as exact counting in one dimension.Hence,there is no hope of achieving constant query time for any of the above query variants including approximate range counting for two dimensions using space at most.Approximate data structures Several papers discuss the approach of obtaining a speed-up ofa data structure by allowing slack of precision in the answers.In[17],Matias et an approximate variant of the dynamic predecessor problem,in which an answer to a prede-cessor query is allowed to be within a multiplicative or additive error relative to the correct universe position of the answer.They give several applications of this data structure.In particular,its use for prototypical algorithms,including Prim’s minimum spanning tree al-gorithm and Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm.The papers[4]and[6]provide approximate data structures for other closely related problems,e.g.,for nearest neighbor searching,dy-namic indexed lists,and dynamic subset rank.An important application of our approximate data structure is the static-dimensional orthogonal range searching problem.The problem is given a set of points in,to computea query for the points lying in a-dimensional box.Known data structures providing sublinear search time have space cost growing exponential with the di-mension.This is known as the“curse of dimensionality”[9].Hence,for of moderate size,a query is often most efficiently computed by a linear scan of the input.A straight-forward optimization of this approach using space is to keep the points sorted by each of the coordinates.Then,for a given query,we can restrict the scan to the dimen-sion,where fewest points in have the th coordinate within the interval.This approach leeds to a time cost of where is the number of points to be scanned and is the time to compute a range counting query for a given -ing the previous best data structures for the exact range counting problem,this approach has a time cost of1.2OrganizationThe paper is organized as follows:In Section2we define our model of computation and the problems we consider,and state definitions and known results needed in our data structures. In Section3we describe our data structure for the range reporting problem,and in Section4 we describe how to preprocess and build it.Finally,in Section5we describe how to extend the range reporting data structure to support approximate range counting queries.2PreliminariesA query Report can be implemented byfirst querying FindAny.If anis returned,we report the result of recursively applying Report,then,and the result of recursively applying Report.Otherwise the empty set is returned.Code for the reduction is given in Figure2.If elements are returned,a straightforward induction shows that there are recursive calls to Report, most calls to FindAny, and we have therefore the following lemma.Lemma1If FindAny is supported in time at most,then Report can be supported in time,where is the number of elements reported.The model of computation,we assume throughout this paper,is a unit cost RAM with word size bits,where the set of instructions includes the standard boolean operations on words,the arbitrary shifting of words,and the multiplication of two words.We assume that the model has access to a sequence of truly random bits.For our constructions we need the following definitions and results.Given two words and,we let denote the binary exclusive-or of and.If is a bit word and a nonnegative integer,we let and denote the rightmost bits of the result of shifting bits to the right and bits to the left respectively,i.e.and .For a word,we let denote the most significant bit position in that contains a one,i.e.for.We define. Fredman and Willard in[13]describe how to compute in constant time.Theorem1(Fredman and Willard[13])Given a bit word,the index can be com-puted in constant time,provided a constant number of words is known which only depend on the word size.Essential to our range reporting data structure is the efficient and compact implemen-tation of sparse arrays.We define a sparse array to be a static array where only a limited number of entries are initialized to contain specific values.All other entries may contain ar-bitrary information,and crucial for achieving the compact representation:It is not possible to distinguish initialized and not initialized entries.For the implementation of sparse arrays we will adopt the following definition and result about perfect hash functions.Definition1A function is perfect for a set if is1-1on.A familyis an-family of perfect hash functions,if for all subsets of size there is a function that is perfect for.3The question of representing efficiently families of perfect hash functions has been throughly studied.Schmidt and Siegel[21]described an-family of perfect hash functions where each hash function can be represented by bits.Jacobs and van Emde Boas[16]gave a simpler solution requiring bits in the standard unit cost RAM model augmented with multiplicative arithmetic.Jacobs and van Emde Boas result suffices for our purposes.The construction in[16]makes repeated use of the data structure in[12]where some primes are assumed to be known.By replacing the applica-tions of the data structures from[12]with applications of the data structure from[10],the randomized construction time in Theorem2follows immediately.Theorem2(Jacobs and van Emde Boas[16])There is an-family of perfect hash functions such that any hash function can be represented in words and evaluated in constant time for.The perfect hash function can be constructed in expected time.A sparse array can be implemented using a perfect hash function as follows.Assume has size and contains initialized entries each storing bits of ing a perfect hash function for the initialized indices of,we can store the initialized entries of in an array of size,such that for each initialized entry.If is not initialized,is an arbitrary of the initialized entries(depending on the choice of ).From Theorem2we immediately have the following corollary.Corollary1A sparse array of size with initialized entries each containing bits of infor-mation can with expected preprocessing time be stored using space words,and lookups are supported in constant time,if and.For the approximate range counting data structure in Section5we need the following result achieved by Fredman and Willard for storing small sets(in[14]denoted Q-heaps; these are actually dynamic data structures,but we only need their static properties).For a set and an element we define.Theorem3(Fredman and Willard[14])Let be a set of bit words and an integer,where ing time and space words,a data structure can be constructed that supports queries in constant time,given the availability of a table requiring space and preprocessing time.The result of Theorem3can be extended to sets of size for any constant, by constructing a-ary search tree of height with the elements of stored at the leaves together with their rank in,and where internal nodes are represented by the data structures of Theorem3.Top-down searches then take time proportional to the height of the tree.Corollary2Let befixed constant and a set of bit words and an integer,where ing time and space words,a data structure can be constructed that supports predecessor queries in constant time,given the availability of a table requiring space and preprocessing time.40 Array 12341234567891011121314151011001110011Figure1:The binary tree for the case=4,,and.The set induces the setsand,and the two sparse arrays and.3Range reporting data structureIn this section we describe a data structure supporting FindAny queries in constant time.The basic component of the data structure is(the implicitly representation of)a perfect binary tree with leaves,i.e.a binary tree where all leaves have depth,if the root has depth zero.The leaves are numbered from left-to-right,and the internal nodes of are numbered.The root is thefirst node and the children of node are nodes and, the numbering of nodes in an implicit binary heap[11,25].Figure1 shows the numbering of the nodes for the case.The tree has the following properties (see[15]):Fact1The depth of an internal node is,and the ancestor of is,for .The parent of leaf is the internal node,for.For ,the nearest common ancestor of the leaves and is theancestor of the leaves and.For a node in,we let and denote the left and right children of,and we let denote the subtree rooted at and denote the subset of where if,and only if,,and leaf is a descendent of.We let be the subtree of consisting of the union of the internal nodes on the paths from the root to the leaves in,and we let be the subset of consisting of the root of and the nodes where both children are in.We denote the set of branching nodes.Since each leaf-to-root path in contains internal nodes,we have ,and since contains the root and the set of nodes of degree two in the subtree defined by,we have,if both children of the root are in and otherwise.To answer a query FindAny,the basic idea is to compute the nearest common an-cestor of the nodes and in constant time.If,then eitheror is contained in,since is contained within the interval spanned by ,and and are spanned by the left and right child of respectively.Otherwise what-ever computation we do cannot identify an integer in.At most nodes satisfy compute FindAny,we have,,and.By storing these nodes in a sparse array together with and,we obtain a data structure using space words,which supports FindAny5Proc ReportFindAnyif thenReportoutputReportProc FindAnyif thenforif then returnreturnFigure2:Implementation of the queries Report and constant time.In the following we describe how to reduce the space usage of this approach to words.We consider the tree as partitioned into a set of layers each consisting of consecutive levels of,where,i.e..For a node,we let denote the nearest ancestor of, such that.If,then.Since is a power of,we can compute as,i.e.for an internal node,we can Figure1,and.The data structure for the set consists of three sparse arrays,,and,each being implemented according to Corollary1.The arrays and will be used tofind the nearest ancestor of a node in that is a branching node.A bit-vector that for each node in with(or equivalently),has if,and only if,there exists a node in with.A vector that for each node in where or stores the distance tothe nearest ancestor in of,i.e..A vector that for each branching node in stores a record with thefields:left,right,and,where and and left(and right respec-tively)is a pointer to the record of the nearest descendent in of in the left(and right respectively)subtree of.If no such exists,then left(respectively right).Given the above data structure FindAny can be implemented by the code in Figure2. If,the query immediately returns.Otherwise the value is computed,and the6nearest common internal ancestor in of the leaves and is computed together with .Using,,and we then compute the nearest common ancestor branching node in of the leaves and.In the computation of an error may be introduced,since the arrays,and are only well defined for a subset of the nodes of.However,as we show next,this only happens when.Finally we check if one of the and values of and is in.If one of the four values belongs to,we return such a value.Otherwise is returned.As an exampled consider the query FindAny for the set in Figure1.Here, ,.Since,we have, and.The four values tested are the and values of and,i.e.,and we return12.Theorem4The data structure supports FindAny in constant time and Report in time, where is the number of elements reported.The data structure requires space words. Proof.The correctness of FindAny can be seen as follows:If,then the algorithm returns,since before returning an element there is a check tofind if the element is contained in the interval.Otherwise.If,then by Fact1the computed is the parent of and.We now argue that is the nearest ancestor node of the leaf that is a branching node.If,then and,and is computed as,which by definition of is the nearest ancestor of that is a branching node.Otherwise,implying and.By definition is then defined such that is the nearest ancestor of that is a branching node.We conclude that the computed is the nearest ancestor of the leaf that is a branching node.If the leaf is contained in the left subtree of,then and.It follows that.Similarly,if the leaf is contained in the right subtree of,then.For the case where and,we have by Fact1that the computed node is the nearest common ancestor of the leaves and,where,and that.Similarly to the case,we have that the computed node is the nearest ancestor of the node that is a branching node.If, the nearest common ancestor of the leaves and,then or.If and,thenand.If and,then and. Similarly if,then either or.Finally we consider the case where,i.e.either or.Ifand,then and.Similarly if and,then and. If and,then is either a subtree of or,implying that or respectively.Similarly if and, then either or.We conclude that if,then FindAny returns an element in.The fact that FindAny takes constant time follows from Theorem1and Corollary1,since only a constant number of boolean operations and arithmetic operations is performed plus two calls to and three sparse array lookups.The correctness of Report and thetime bound follows from Lemma1.7The space required by the data structure depends on the size required for the three sparse arrays,,and.The number of internal levels of with is, and therefore the number of initialized entries in is at most.Finally,by definition, contains at most initialized entries.Each entry of,,and requires space:,,and bits respectively,and, ,and have,and at most initialized entries respectively.The total number of words for storing the three sparse arrays by Corollary1is therefore.Theorem5Given an unordered set of distinct integers each of bits,the range reporting data structure in Section3can be constructed in expected timeor with the randomized algorithm of Andersson et al.[5]in expected timeThe information to be stored in the arrays and can by another traversal of be constructed in time linear in the number of nodes to be initialized.Consider an edgein,where is the parent of in, the nearest ancestor node of in that is a branching node or is the root.Let be the nodes on the path from to in such that.While processing the edge we will compute the information to be stored in the sparse arrays for the nodes, i.e.the nodes on the path from to exclusive.From the defintion of and we get the following:For the array we store,if),and for all,where and.For the array we store for all whereor or.Finally,we store for the root and.Constructing the three sparse arrays,after having identified the.5Approximate range countingIn this section we provide a data structure for approximate range counting.Let denote the input set,and let denote the size of.The data structure uses space words such that we can support Count in constant time,for any constant.We assume has been preprocessed such that in constant time we can compute FindAny for all.Next we have a sparse array such that we for each element can compute in constant time.Both these data structures use space.Define count.We need to build a data structure which for any computes an integer such that count count.In the following we will use the observation that for,,it is easy to compute the exact value of count.This value can be expressed as and thus the computation amounts to two lookups in the sparse array storing the ranks.We reduce the task of computing Count to the case where either or are in. First,it is easy to check if is empty,i.e.,FindAny returns,in which case we simply return0for the query.Hence,assume is non-empty and let be any element in this set.Then for any integers and such that count count and count count,it holds that count count countcount Hence,we can return Count Count as the answer for Count,where is an integer returned by FindAny. Clearly,both calls to Count satisfy that one of the endpoints is in,i.e.,the integer.In the following we can thus without loss of generality limit ourselves to the case for a query Count with(the other case is treated symmetrically).We start by describing the additional data structures needed,and then how to compute the approximate range counting query using these.Define,and.We construct the following additional data structures (see Figure3).JumpR For each element we store the set JumpR count.9JnodeR For each elementwe store the integer JnodeR being the successor of in .LN For each element we store the set LN JnodeR.120304060274761625063034Figure 3:Extension of the data structure to support Count queries.,,and.Each of the sets JumpR and LN have size bounded by ,and hence using the -heaps from Corollary 2,we can compute predecessors for these small sets in constant time.These -heaps have space cost linear in the set sizes.Since the total number of elements in the structures JumpR and LN is ,the total space cost for these structures is .Furthermore,for the elements in given in sorted order,the total construction of these data structures is also .To determine Count,where ,we iterate the following computation until the desired precision of the answer is obtained.Let JnodeR .If ,return count Pred .Otherwise,,and we increase by count .Let Pred JumpR and JumpR .Now countcount .We increase by .Now count and count .If we return .If ,we are also satisfied and return .Otherwise we iterate once more,now to determine Count .Theorem 6The data structure uses spacewords and supports Count in constant timefor any constant .Proof.From the observations above we conclude that the structure uses space and expected preprocessing time .Each iteration takes constant time,and next we show that the number of iterations is at most .Let ,,after thefirst iteration.In the th iteration we either return count or count ,where .In the latter case we have count .We need to show thatcount .Since count ,we can write .We have .Since and ,we have and the result follows.References[1]P.K.Agarwal.Range searching.In Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry,CRC Press .1997.10[2]A.Aggarwal and J.S.Vitter.The input/output complexity of sorting and related prob-munications of the ACM,31(9):1116–1127,September1988.[3]M.Ajtai.A lower bound forfinding predecessors in Yao’s cell probe bina-torica,1988.[4]A.Amir,A.Efrat,P.Indyk,and H.Samet.Efficient regular data structures and algo-rithms for location and proximity problems.In FOCS:IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science(FOCS),1999.[5]A.Andersson,T.Hagerup,S.Nilsson,and R.Raman.Sorting in linear time?Journalof Computer and System Sciences,57(1):74–93,1998.[6]A.Andersson and O.Petersson.Approximate indexed lists.Journal of Algorithms,29(2):256–276,November1998.[7]A.Andersson and M.Thorup.Tight(er)worst-case bounds on dynamic searching andpriority queues.In STOC:ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing(STOC),2000. 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Fast Algorithms for Comprehensive N-point CorrelationEstimatesWilliam B.March Georgia Institute ofTechnology266Ferst Dr.Atlanta,GA,USA march@Andrew J.ConnollyUniversity ofWashington391015th Ave.NE Seattle,WA,USAajc@Alexander G.GrayGeorgia Institute ofTechnology266Ferst Dr.Atlanta,GA,USAagray@ABSTRACTThe n-point correlation functions(npcf)are powerful spatial statistics capable of fully characterizing any set of multidi-mensional points.These functions are critical in key data analyses in astronomy and materials science,among other fields,for example to test whether two point sets come from the same distribution and to validate physical models and theories.For example,the npcf has been used to study the phenomenon of dark energy,considered one of the ma-jor breakthroughs in recent scientific discoveries.Unfortu-nately,directly estimating the continuous npcf at a single value requires O(N n)time for N points,and n may be2,3, 4or even higher,depending on the sensitivity required.In order to draw useful conclusions about real scientific prob-lems,we must repeat this expensive computation both for many different scales in order to derive a smooth estimate and over many different subsamples of our data in order to bound the variance.We present thefirst comprehensive approach to the entire n-point correlation function estimation problem,including fast algorithms for the computation at multiple scales and for many subsamples.We extend the current state-of-the-art tree-based approach with these two algorithms.We show an order-of-magnitude speedup over the current best approach with each of our new algorithms and show that they can be used together to obtain over500x speedups over the state-of-the-art in order to enable much larger datasets and more accurate scientific analyses than were possible previously.Categories and Subject DescriptorsJ.2[Physical Sciences and Engineering]:Astronomy;G.4[Mathematical Software]:Algorithm design and anal-ysisKeywordsN-point Correlation Functions,Jackknife ResamplingPermission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on thefirst page.To copy otherwise,to republish,to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.KDD’12,August12–16,2012,Beijing,China.Copyright2012ACM978-1-4503-1462-6/12/08...$15.00.1.INTRODUCTIONIn this paper,we discuss a hierarchy of powerful statistics:the n-point correlation functions,which constitute a widely-used approach for detailed characterizations of multivariatepoint sets.These functions,which are analogous to the mo-ments of a univariate distribution,can completely describe any point process and are widely applicable.Applications in astronomy.The n-point statistics havelong constituted the state-of-the-art approach in many sci-entific areas,in particular for detailed characterization ofthe patterns in spatial data.They are a fundamental tool in astronomy for characterizing the large scale structure ofthe universe[20],fluctuations in the cosmic microwave back-ground[28],the formation of clusters of galaxies[32],and thecharacterization of the galaxy-mass bias[17].They can beused to compare observations to theoretical models throughperturbation theory[1,6].A high-profile example of this was a study showing large-scale evidence for dark energy[8]–this study was written up as the Top Scientific Break-through of2003in Science[26].In this study,due to themassive potential implications to fundamental physics of theoutcome,the accuracy of the n-point statistics used and thehypothesis test based on them were a considerable focus of the scientific scrutiny of the results–underscoring both thecentrality of n-point correlations as a tool to some of themost significant modern scientific problems,as well as theimportance of their accurate estimation.Materials science and medical imaging.The ma-terials science community also makes extensive use of the n-point correlation functions.They are used to form three-dimensional models of microstructure[13]and to character-ize that microstructure and relate it to macroscopic proper-ties such as the diffusion coefficient,fluid permeability,andelastic modulus[31,30].The n-point correlations have alsobeen used to create feature sets for medical image segmen-tation and classification[22,19,2].Generality of npcf.In addition to these existing ap-plications,the n-point correlations are completely general.Thus,they are a powerful tool for any multivariate or spa-tial data analysis problem.Ripley[23]showed that any point process consisting of multidimensional data can be completely determined by the distribution of counts in cells. The distribution of counts in cells can in turn be shown to be completely determined by the set of n-point correlation func-tions[20].While ordinary statistical moments are defined in terms of the expectation of increasing powers of X,the n-point functions are determined by the cross-correlationsof counts in increasing numbers of nearby regions.Thus, we have a sequence of increasingly complex statistics,anal-ogous to the moments of ordinary distributions,with which to characterize any point process and which can be estimated fromfinite data.With this simple,rigorous characterization of our data and models,we can answer the key questions posed above in one statistical framework.Computational challenge.Unfortunately,directly es-timating the n-point correlation functions is extremely com-putationally expensive.As we will show below,estimating the npcf potentially requires enumerating all n-tuples of data points.Since this scales as O(N n)for N data points,this is prohibitively expensive for even modest-sized data sets and low-orders of correlation.Higher-order correlations are often necessary to fully understand and characterize data [32].Furthermore,the npcf is a continuous quantity.In or-der to understand its behavior at all the scales of interest for a given problem,we must repeat this difficult computa-tion many times.We also need to estimate the variance of our estimated npcf.This in general requires a resampling method in order to make the most use of our data.We must therefore repeat the O(N n)computation not only for many scales,but for many different subsamples of the data.In the past,these computational difficulties have restricted the use of the n-point correlations,despite their power and generality.The largest3-point correlation estimation thus far for the distribution of galaxies used only approximately 105galaxies[16].Higher-order correlations have been even more restricted by computational considerations.Large data.Additionally,data sets are growing rapidly, and spatial data are no exception.The National Biodiversity Institute of Costa Rica has collected over3million observa-tions of tropical species along with geographical data[11]. In astronomy,the Sloan Digital Sky Survey[25]spent eight years imagining the northern sky and collected tens of ter-abytes of data.The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope[14], scheduled to come online later this decade,will collect as much as20terabytes per night for ten years.These mas-sive datasets will render n-point correlation estimation even more difficult without efficient algorithms.Our contributions.These computational considerations have restricted the widespread use of the npcf in the past. We introduce two new algorithms,building on the previ-ous state-of-the-art algorithm[9,18],to address this entire computational challenge.We present thefirst algorithms to efficiently overcome two important computational bottle-necks.•We estimate the npcf at many scales simulta-neously,thus allowing smoother and more accurateestimates.•We efficiently handle jackknife resampling by shar-ing work across different parts of the computation,al-lowing more effective variance estimation and more ac-curate results.For each of these problems,we present new algorithms ca-pable of sharing work between different parts of the compu-tation.We prove a theorem which allows us to eliminate a critical redundancy in the computation over multiple scales. We also cast the computation over multiple subsamples in a novel way,allowing a much more efficient algorithm.Each of these new ideas allows an order-of-magnitude speedup over the existing state of the art.These algorithms are there-fore able to render n-point correlation function estimationtractable for many large datasets for thefirst time by al-lowing N to increase and allow more sensitive and accuratescientific results for thefirst time by allowing multiple scalesand resampling regions.Our work is thefirst to deal directlywith the full computational task.Overview.In Section2,we define the n-point correla-tion functions and describe their estimators in detail.Thisleads to the O(J·M·N n)computational challenge men-tioned above.We then introduce our two new algorithmsfor the entire npcf estimation problem in Section3.Weshow experimental results in Section4.Finally,we conclude in Section5by highlighting future work and extensions ofour method.1.1Related WorkDue to the computational difficulty associated with esti-mating the full npcf,many alternatives to the full npcf havebeen developed,including those based on nearest-neighbordistances,quadrats,Dirichlet cells,and Ripley’s K function (and related functions)(See[24]and[3]for an overview andfurther references).Counts-in-cells[29]and Fourier spacemethods are commonly used for astronomical data.How-ever,these methods are generally less powerful than the fullnpcf.For instance,the counts-in-cells method cannot becorrected for errors due to the edges of the sample window. Fourier transform-based methods suffer from ringing effectsand suboptimal variance.See[27]for more details.Since we deal exclusively with estimating the exact npcf,we only compare against other methods for this task.Theexisting state-of-the-art methods for exact npcf estimationuse multiple space-partitioning trees to overcome the O(N n) scaling of the n-point point estimator.This approach wasfirst introduced in[9,18].It has been parallelized using theNtropy framework[7].We present the serial version here andleave the description of our ongoing work on parallelizing ourapproach to future work.2.N-POINT CORRELATION FUNCTIONS We now define the n-point correlation functions.We pro-vide a high-level description;for a more thorough defintion,see[20,27].Once we have given a simple description of thenpcf,we turn to the main problem of this paper:the com-putational task of estimating the npcf from real data.We give several common estimators for the npcf,and highlightthe underlying counting problem in each.We also discussthe full computational task involved in a useful estimate ofthe npcf for real scientific problems.Problem setting.Our data are drawn from a point pro-cess.The data consist of a set of points D in a subset of R d.Note that we are not assuming that the locations of in-dividual points are independent,just that our data set is afair sample from the underlying ensemble.We assume thatdistant parts of our sample window are uncorrelated,so thatby averaging over them,we can approximate averages over multiple samples from the point process.Following standard practice in astronomy,we assume thatthe process is homogeneous and isotropic.Note that the n-point correlations can be defined both for more general pointprocesses and for continuous randomfields.The estimatorsfor these cases are similar to the ones described below and can be improved by similar algorithmic techniques.Defining the npcf.We now turn to an informal,in-tuitive description of the hierarchy of n -point correlations.Since we have assumed that properties of the point process are translation and rotation invariant,the expected number of points in a given volume is proportional to a global den-sity ρ.If we consider a small volume element dV ,then the probability of finding a point in dV is given by:dP =ρdV(1)with dV suitably normalized.If the density ρcompletely characterizes the process,we refer to it as a Poisson process.Two-point correlation.The assumption of homogene-ity and isotropy does not require the process to lack struc-ture.The positions of points may still be correlated.The joint probability of finding objects in volume elements dV 1and dV 2separated by a distance r is given by:dP 12=ρ2dV 1dV 2(1+ξ(r ))(2)where the dV i are again normalized.The two-point corre-lation ξ(r )captures the increased or decreased probability of points occurring at a separation r .Note that the 2-point correlation is characterized by a single scale r and is a con-tinuously varying function of this distance.Three-point correlation.Higher-order correlations de-scribe the probabilities of more than two points in a given configuration.We first consider three small volume ele-ments,which form a triangle (See Fig.1(b)).The joint probability of simultaneously finding points in volume ele-ments dV 1,dV 2,and dV 3,separated by distances r 12,r 13,and r 23,is given by:dP 123=ρ3dV 1dV 2dV 3[1+ξ(r 12)+ξ(r 23)+ξ(r 13)+ζ(r 12,r 23,r 13)](3)The quantity in square brackets is sometimes called the com-plete (or full)3-point correlation function and ζis the re-duced 3-point correlation function .We will often refer to ζas simply the 3-point correlation function,since it will be the quantity of computational interest to us.Note that unlike the 2-point correlation,the 3-point correlation depends both on distance and configuration.The function varies contin-uously both as we increase the lengths of the sides of the triangle and as we vary its shape,for example by fixing two legs of the triangle and varying the angle between them.Higher-order correlations.Higher-order correlation functions (such as the 4-point correlation in Fig.1(c))are defined in the same fashion.The probability of finding n -points in a given configuration can be written as a summa-tion over the n -point correlation functions.For example,in addition to the reduced 4-point correlation function η,the complete 4-point correlation depends on the six 2-point terms (one for each pairwise distance),four 3-point terms (one for each triple of distances),and three products of two 2-point functions.The reduced four-point correlation is a function of all six pairwise distances.In general,we will denote the n -point correlation function as ξ(n )(·),where the argument is understood to be `n 2´pairwise distances.We refer to this set of pairwise distances as a configuration ,or in the computational context,as a matcher (see below).2.1Estimating the NPCFWe have shown that the n -point correlation function is a fundamental spatial statistic and have sketched the defi-nitions of the n -point correlation functions in terms of theunderlying point process.We now turn to the central taskof this paper:the problem of estimating the n -point corre-lation from real data.We describe several commonly used estimators and identify their common computationaltask.(a)2-point (b)3-point (c)4-pointFigure 1:Visual interpretation of the n -point corre-lation functions.We begin by considering the task of computing an esti-mate b ξ(n )(r )for a given configuration.For simplicity,we consider the 2-point function first.Recall that ξ(r )captures the increased (or decreased)probability of finding a pair of points at a distance r over finding the pair in a Poisson distributed set.This observation suggests a simple Monte Carlo estimator for ξ(r ).We generate a random set of points R from a Poisson distribution with the same (sample)den-sity as our data and filling the same volume.We then com-pare the frequency with which points appear at a distance close to r in our data versus in the random set.Simple estimator.Let DD(r )denote the number of pairs of points (x i ,x j )in our data,normalized by the total number of possible pairs,whose pairwise distance d (x i ,x j )is close to r (in a way to be made precise below).Let RR(r )be the number of points whose pairwise distances are in the same interval (again normalized)from the random sample (DD stands for data-data,RR for random-random).Then,a simple estimator for the two-point correlation is [20,27]:ˆξ(r )=DD(r )RR(r )−1(4)This estimator captures the intuitive behavior we expect.If pairs of points at a distance near r are more common in our data than in a completely random (Poisson)distribution,we are likely to obtain a positive estimate for ξ.This simple estimator suffers from suboptimal variance and sensitivity to noise.The Landy-Szalay estimator [12]ˆξ(r )=DD (r )−2DR (r )+RR (r )RR (r )(5)overcomes these difficulties.Here the notation DR (r )de-notes the number of pairs (x i ,y j )at a distance near r where x i is from the data and y j is from the Poisson sample (DR –data-random pairs).Other widely used estimators use the same underlying quantities –pairs of points satisfying a given distance constraint [12,10].Three-point estimator.The 3-point correlation func-tion depends on the pairwise distances between three points,rather than a single distance as before.We will therefore need to specify three distance constraints,and estimate the function for that configuration.The Landy-Szalay estima-tor for the 2-point function can be generalized to any value of n ,and retains its improved bias and variance [29].Weagain generate points from a Poisson distribution,and the estimator is also a function of quantities of the form D (n ),or D (i )R (n −i ).These refer to the number of unique triples of points,all three from the data or two from the data and one from the Poisson set,with the property that their three pairwise distances lie close to the distances in the matcher.All estimators count tuples of points.Any n -point correlation can be estimated using a sum of counts of n -tuples of points of the form D (i )R (n −i )(r ),where i ranges from zero to n .The argument is a vector of distances of length `n 2´,one for each pairwise distance needed to specify the configuration.We count unique tuples of points whose pairwise distances are close to the distances in the matcher in some ordering.2.2The Computational TaskNote that all the estimators described above depend on the same fundamental quantities:the number of tuples of points from the data/Poisson set that satisfy some set of dis-tance constraints.Thus,our task is to compute this number given the data and a suitably large Poisson set.Enumer-ating all n -tuples requires O (N n )work for N data points.Therefore,we must seek a more efficient approach.We first give some terminology for our algorithm description below.We then present the entire computational task.Matchers.We specify an n -tuple with `n 2´constraints,one for each pairwise distance in the tuple.We mentioned above that we count tuples of points whose pairwise dis-tances are“close”to the distance constraints.Each of the `n2´pairwise distance constraints consists of a lower and upperbound:r (l )ij and r (u )ij .In the context of our algorithms,we refer to this collection of distance constraints r as a matcher .We refer to the entries of the matcher as r (l )ij and r (u )ij ,where the indices i and j refer to the volume elements introduced above (Fig.1).We sometimes refer to an entry as simply r ij ,with the upper and lower bounds being understood.Satisfying matchers.Given an n -tuple of points and a matcher r ,we say that the tuple satisfies the matcher if there exists a permutation of the points such that each pair-wise distance does not violate the corresponding distance constraint in the matcher.More formally:Definition 1.Given an n -tuple of points (p 1,...,p n )and a matcher r ,we say that the tuple satisfies the matcher if there exists (at least one)permutation σof [1,...,n ]such thatr (l )σ(i )σ(j )< p i −p j <r (u )σ(i )σ(j )(6)for all indices i,j ∈[1,...n ]such that i <j .The computational task.We can now formally define our basic computational task:Definition putational Task 1:Compute the counts of tuples D (i )R (j )(r ).Given a data set D ,random set R ,and matcher r ,and 0≤i ≤n ,compute the number of unique n -tuples of points with i points from D and n −i points from R ,such that the tuple satisfies the puting these quantities directly requires enumerating all unique n -tuples of points,which takes O (N n )work and is prohibitively slow for even two-point correlations.Multiple matchers.The estimators above give us avalue b ξ(n )(r )at a single configuration.However,the n -point correlations are continuous quantities.In order to fully char-acterize them,we must compute estimates for a wide range of configurations.In order to do this,we must repeat the computation in Defn.2for many matchers,both of different scales and configurations.Definition putational Task 2:Multiple match-ers.Given a data set D ,random set R ,and a collection of M matchers {r m },compute D (i )R (j )(r m )for each 1≤m ≤M .This task requires us to repeat Task 1M times,where M controls the smoothness of our overall estimate of the npcf and our quantitative picture of its overall behavior.Thus,it is generally necessary for M to be large.Resampling.Simply computing point estimates of any statistic is generally insufficient for most scientific applica-tions.We also need to bound the variance of our estima-tor and compute error bars.In general,we must make the largest possible use of the available data,rather than with-holding much of it for variance estimation.Thus,a resam-pling method is necessary.Jackknife resampling is a widely used variance estimation method and is popular with astronomical data [15].It is also used to study large scale structure by identifying variations in the npcf across different parts of the sample window [16].We divide the data set into subregions.We eliminate each region from the data in turn,then compute our estimate of the npcf.We repeat this for each subset,and use the resulting estimates to bound the variance.This leads to our third and final computational task.Definition putational Task 3:Jackknife re-sampling.We are given a data set D ,random set R ,a set of M matchers r m ,and a partitioning of D into J subsets D k .For each 1≤k ≤J ,construct the set D (−k )=D/D k .Then,compute D (i )(−k )R (j )(r ).This task requires us to repeat Task 1J times on sets of size D −D/J .Note that J controls the quality of our vari-ance estimation,with larger values necessary for a better estimate.The complete computational task.We can now iden-tify the complete computational task for n -point correlation estimation.Given our data and random sets,a collection of M matchers,and a partitioning of the data into J subre-gions,we must perform Task 3.This in turn requires us to perform Task 2J times.Each iteration of Task 2requires M computations of Task 1.Therefore,the entire compu-tation requires O (J ·M ·N n )time if done in a brute-force fashion.In the next section,we describe our algorithmic approach to simultaneously computing all three parts of the computation,thus allowing significant savings in time.3.ALGORITHMSWe have identified the full computational task of n -pointcorrelation estimation.We now turn to our new algorithm.We begin by addressing previous work on efficiently comput-ing the counts D (i )R (j )(r )described above (Computational Task 1.)We first describe the multi-tree algorithm for com-puting these counts.We then give our new algorithm for directly solving computations with multiple matchers (Com-putational Task 2)and our method for efficiently computing counts for resampling regions (Computational Task 3).3.1Basic AlgorithmWe build on previous,tree-based algorithms for the n -point correlation estimation problem [9,18].The key idea is to employ multiple kd -trees to improve on the O (N n )scaling of the brute-forceapproach.(a)Comparing twonodes.(b)Comparing threenodes.Figure 2:Computing node-node bounds for prun-ing.kd -trees.The kd -tree [21,5]is a binary space partition-ing tree which maintains a bounding box for all the points in each node.The root consists of the entire set.Children are formed recursively by splitting the parent’s bounding box along the midpoint of its largest dimension and partitioning the points on either side.We can build a kd -tree on both the data and random sets as a pre-processing step.This requires only O (N log N )work and O (N )space.We employ the bounding boxes to speed up the naive com-putation by using them to identify opportunities for prun-ing .By computing the minimum and maximum distances between a pair of kd -tree nodes (Fig.2),we can identify cases where it is impossible for any pair of points in the nodes to satisfy the matcher.Dual-tree algorithm.For simplicity,we begin by con-sidering the two-point correlation estimation (Alg.1).Recall that the task is to count the number of unique pairs of points that satisfy a given matcher.We consider two tree nodes at a time,one from each set to be correlated.We compute the upper and lower bounds on distances between points in these nodes using the bounding boxes.We can then com-pare this to the matcher’s lower and upper bounds.If the distance bounds prove that all pairs of points are either too far or too close to possibly satisfy the matcher,then we do not need to perform any more work on the nodes.We can thus prune all child nodes,and save O (|T 1|·|T 2|)work.If we cannot prune,then we split one (or both)nodes,and re-cursively consider the two (or four)resoling pairs of nodes.If our recursion reaches leaf nodes,we compare all pairs of points exhaustively.We begin by calling the algorithm on the root nodes of the tree.If we wish to perform a DR count,we call the algorithm on the root of each tree.Note also that we only want to count unique pairs of points.Therefore,we can prune if T 2comes before T 1in an in-order tree traversal.This ensures that we see each pair of points at most once.Multi-tree algorithm.We can extend this algorithm to the general n case.Instead of considering pairs of tree nodes,we compare an n -tuple of nodes in each step of the algorithm.This multi-tree algorithm uses the same basic idea –use bounding information between pairs of tree nodes to identify sets of nodes whose points cannot satisfy the matcher.We need only make two extensions to Alg.1.First,we must do more work to determine if a particularAlgorithm 1DualTree2pt (Tree node T 1,Tree node T 2,matcher r )if T 1and T 2are leaves thenfor all points p 1∈T 1,p 2∈T 2doif r (l )12< p 1−p 2 <r (u )12then result +=15:end ifend forelse if d min (T 1,T 2)>r (u )12or d max (T 1,T 2)<r (l )12then Prune else 10:DualTree2pt (T 1.left ,T 2.left)DualTree2pt (T 1.left ,T 2.right)DualTree2pt (T 1.right ,T 2.left)DualTree2pt (T 1.right ,T 2.right)end if Algorithm 2MultiTreeNpt (Tree node T 1,...,Tree node T n ,matcher r )if all nodes T i are leaves thenfor all points p 1∈T 1,...,points p n ∈T n do if TestPointTuple (p 1,...,p n ,r )then result +=15:end ifend forelse if not TestNodeTuple (T 1,...,T n ,r )then Prune else 10:Let T i be the largest nodeMultiTreeNpt (T 1,...,T i .left ,...,T n ,r )MultiTreeNpt (T 1,...,T i .right ,...,T n ,r )end iftuple of points satisfies the matcher.We accomplish this in Alg.3by iterating over all permutations of the indices.Each permutation of indices corresponds to an assignment of pairwise distances to entries in the matcher.We can quickly check if this assignment is valid,and we only count tuples that have at least one valid assignment.The second exten-sion is a similar one for checking if a tuple of nodes can be pruned (Alg.4).We again iterate through all permu-tations and check if the distance bounds obtained from the bounding boxes fall within the upper and lower bounds of the matcher entry.As before,for an D (i )R (j )count,we call the algorithm on i copies of the data tree root and j copies of the random tree root.3.2Multi-Matcher AlgorithmThe algorithms presented above all focus on computing in-dividual counts of points –putational Task 1,from Sec.2.2.This approach improves the overall dependence on the number of data points –N –and the order of the cor-relation –n .However,this does nothing for the other two parts of the overall computational complexity.We now turn to our novel algorithm to count tuples for many matchers simultaneously,thus addressing Computational Task 2.Intuitively,computing counts for multiple matchers will repeat many calculations.For simplicity,consider the two-point correlation case illustrated in Fig.3(a).We must count the number of pairs that satisfy two matchers,r 1and r 2(assume that the upper and lower bounds for each are very。
