门禁一体机使用说明书V2.2一产品功能及技术参数1.1产品功能此机器是一款采用非接触式感应卡和密码进行出入管制的门禁一体机,使用简单、性能可靠,主要有以下功能:1、卡开门、密码开门、卡加密码开门三种开门方式;2、两组信号独立输出,一组继电器干触点信号和一组对地信号PUSH(低电平);3、一组开门按钮接口;一组门铃接口;4、一组WG26接口,可作为WG信号的输入或者输出(仅适用于部分型号);1.2产品主要技术参数项目指标项目指标工作电压DC 12V±10% 环境温度0℃—60℃工作电流< 100mA 用户容量1000个外型尺寸120×78×22mm 读卡类型MF1卡或EM卡重量110g 读卡距离1-15CM1.3出厂参数默认值1.4声光状态提示灯快闪:亮0.5秒灭0.5秒灯慢闪:亮1秒灭1秒蜂鸣器短鸣:滴蜂鸣器长鸣:滴—日常使用状态提示:待机状态开锁状态刷卡开门密码开门(输入密码后按#)卡+密码开门(刷卡后输入密码,再按#)红灯慢闪绿灯常亮有效卡:绿灯常亮,短鸣一声;无效卡:短鸣三声密码正确:绿灯常亮,短鸣一声;密码错误:短鸣三声无效卡:短鸣三声;有效卡:绿灯快闪。
密码正确:绿灯常亮,短鸣一声;密码错误:短鸣三声编程操作状态提示(以增加用户卡的编程操作为例)步骤# 123456# 1 读卡#声光提示绿灯快闪;短鸣一声密码正确:红灯常亮,短鸣一声;密码错误:短鸣三声绿灯快闪;能添加的卡长鸣一声,不能添加的卡,短鸣三声输入正确:长鸣一声;输入错误,短鸣三声。
二安装和接线说明2.1接线端子说明JP1: JP2:2.2接线示意图注:如直接用继电器驱动电锁,请在电锁的正负端并接一个反向二极管。
序号丝印颜色功能1 12V 红DC 12V输入2 GND 黑电源地3 PUSH 蓝低电平输出4 OPEN 黄出门按钮5 BELL 灰外接门铃6 BELL 白序号丝印颜色功能备注1 12V 红DC 12V输出部分型号无此接口2 GND 黑电源地3 DATA0 绿WG数据线04 DATA1 白WG数据线15 NC 棕继电器常闭端6 COM 蓝继电器公共端7 NO 紫继电器常开端参数名称参数值参数名称参数值开门模式卡或密码开门背光自动继电器开锁信号5秒防拆、安全功能关闭公共开门密码无WG26接口输入三门禁机编程3.1编程操作说明:(编程密码出厂值为:123456)3.2、初始化编程密码(123456)与设置管理卡第一步:断电,把RST(S1)跳线帽连接2、3端,重新上电,三声长鸣后绿灯快闪,此时编程密码恢复为出厂值(123456)第二步(如无需管理卡,此步骤可省略):连续刷两张空白卡(第一张为增加卡,第二张删除卡),此时红灯闪烁、连续短鸣。
UT-1208 八口RS-485集线器(HUB) 产品说明书
UT-1208RS-485HUB 八口集线器()产品说明书一、产品概述:UT-1208RS-485RS-485(HUB)115.2KBPS RS-4851500W 2500V (Lighting)ESD RS-485RS-485RS-4851200UT-1208RS-485HUB RS-4852500V RS-485RS-485UT-1208RS-485HUB RS-485是一款内部采用双核、无休(不间断工作)的设计,专为解决复杂电磁场环境下大系统要求而设计的总线分割集线器。
2RS-232C 5PIN 1-3RS-4855PIN 4-53462500VRMS 500VDC.DC/DC 7300BPS-115.2K8RS-23215KV ESD RS-4851500W 90-5115,200-300BPS 10210mmX130mmx33mm11-40C 85C 5%95%、电气接口:接口为接线端子脚接口为接线端子脚、传输介质:双绞线或屏蔽线、工作方式:异步半双工、隔离度:隔离电压连续隔离模块、传输速率:、保护等级:接口±保护接口每线的雷击浪涌保护、传输距离:公里()、尺寸:、使用环境:到,相对湿度为到5、信号指示:十一个信号指示灯电源(PWR)、发送(TXD)、接收(RXD)、故障(E1-E8)三、产品面板及信号指示:UT-12081115PIN RS-485RS-23283PIN 的前面板共有个指示灯,后面板有个接线端子为、输入端,个接线端子共八个口为光电隔离输出端。
数 量
项 目
周 期
0.35s 0.35s0.35s 0.35s
1s 4s
0.1s0.1s 0.1s0.4s 0.4s
一.产品概述DKC-Y120 是由我公司奕标科技在原DKC-Y110的基础上改进开发的最新一款中文可编程分时双轴控制器,采用进口工业级高性能CPU芯片,使得控制器可靠性高,控制进度高,电机运行平稳,噪音小。
1 宽电压输入:DC6-36V2 多重保护功能:有反接保护,过压保护,过流保护3 指令特点:最优化的12条指令(好记易学可实现各种复杂动作)4 加减速:1-100级加减速设置,使得电机启动更加平稳快速,停止更加精准5 输出频率:1HZ-50000Hz能适合各种对超低频,高频的应用场合6输出:4路输出都具有1A的负载能力可以直接接继电器等7 输入:6路输入都具有任意定义为启动,停止,复位或者是任意的程序中断入口8 密码保护:有密码保护功能,(保护程序不会被随意更改,和程序的知识产权)9 其他:有单双脉冲输出,上电自动回零,上电自动运行等等。
10 单位:有毫米,圈,脉冲三种单位模式可以选择11外形尺寸:104*100*32MM 嵌入式安装。
清晰通 Clear-Com Encore TM TW-12C 系统隔离接口说明书
Features:• Eliminates grounding problems between intercom systems • Matches gain between systems • Provides system isolation for: Clear-Com to Clear-Com; Clear-Com to RTS; RTS to RTS • Passes through and translates signaling• Provides superior hybrid nulling– up to 40 dB• Setup tone allows adjustment during operation• Powered from connected systems• Uses just one rack spaceTW-12C Front PanelClear-Com’s TW-12C intercom system interface is designed for connecting one intercom system to another, without compromising the audio quality of either system.Transparent Isolation Between SystemsThe unique TW-12C completely eliminates hums and buzzes caused by ground loops. The TW-12C compensates not only for level differences between systems, but for varying impedances caused by transformers and capacitance on the lines.The TW-12C provides an electrically isolated interface between the two intercom systems. Either “side” of the interface can connect to a Clear-Com intercom system or an RTS intercom system, allowing Clear-Com- to-Clear-Com, Clear-Com-to-RTS, and RTS-to-RTS combinations. In addition, the TW-12C passes through and translates “call” signals, Clear-Com-to-RTS and vice versa. The interface consists of two identical, 2-wire-to-4-wire hybrid networks which break the ground loops that occur when two systems are run from separate power sources. The audio paths are transformer-coupled and the signaling circuits are opto-isolated. Fast, Easy & Accurate SetupThe operator can quickly set up the TW-12C by using a standard intercom headset and the TW-12C’s built-in setup tone. The TW-12C is capable of a range of null adjustments, allowing it to adapt to a wide variety of line conditions, line lengths, and impedances.The TW-12C provides each side of the system with null adjustment controls that allow adjustment even when the system is operating. The rear panel of the TW-12C contains a pair of 3-pin XLR connec-tors (one male, one female) for each side of the interface. Call Signal TranslationThe TW-12C interface receives “Call” signaling in the appropriate form (DC level for Clear-Com, tone for RTS), decodes it, and passes it to the other side of the interface, via an optical coupler. The receiving side of the interface sends the signal appropriate for the connected intercom.PowerEach side of the TW-12C is powered directly by the intercom system to which it is connected. The unit draws about the same amount of power as a belt-pack. If either system is disconnected, the power loss immediately shuts down the associated electronics, eliminating any unwanted noises on the operating intercom side. The TW-12C front panel provides an LED power indicator for each side of the interface.Americas & Asia 850 Marina Village Parkway, Alameda, CA 94501 USA Tel: +1.510.337.6600Europe, Middle East & Africa 7400 Beach Drive, IQ Cambridge, Cambridge, CB25 9TP UK Tel: +44 1223 815000China Rm 706, Tower B, Derun Building, YongAn Dongli A No. 3, Jianwai Ave, Chaoyang District, Beijing 1000223 China Tel: 008610-8528-8748Canada Clear-Com Research, 1440 Hocquart Street, Suite 221, St.-Bruno, Quebec J3V 6E Canada Tel: +1.450.653.9669© 2009, Vitec Group Communications. All rights reserved. ® Clear-Com is a registered trade mark of The Vitec Group plc.TW-12C Back PanelTechnical Specifications:dBu is an absolute measurement. 0 dBu is referenced to 0.775 volts RMS Clear Comm FormatLine CharacteristicsMax Level Before Clipping : >=3dBu Impedance: >=10KΩSignalling Receive:<=4 VDC Send: >=11VDC RTS FormatLine CharacteristicsMax Level Before Clipping : >=5dBu Impedance: >=10KΩSignalling Tone Send frequency: 20kHz ±100Hz Receive frequency: 20kHz ±500Hz Send level: >=-6dBu Receive level:<=-25dBuGeneral Characteristics Frequency response :Party-line - Party-line:200-8KHz DistortionParty-line - Party-line:<=0.2%Max GainClearCom - RTS:>=9dB ClearCom - ClearCom:>=4dB RTS - ClearCom:>=-1dB RTS - RTS:>=4dB Min GainClearCom - RTS:<=1dB ClearCom - ClearCom:<=-4dB RTS - ClearCom:<=-9dB Power Requirements Input Voltage Range:20-30VDC Input Current (average):<=50mARear Panel Connectors Rear panel:(2) XLR3M (1 per channel)(2) XLR3F (1 per channel)Front Panel Connectors Headset:(1) XLR4M TS1 Earphone:(1) 3.5mm Jack SocketFront Panel Controls and Indicators Power:(2) Green LED(1 per channel)Null Test Button :(2) Buttons(1 per channel)Gain Level Adjust:(2) Controls(1 per channel)Null Adjust:(6) Controls(3 per channel)Connection Type Switch:(2) Switches(1 per channel)Pin Connection Select Switch:(2) Switches(1 per channel)Dimensions1.75in. H x 19in. W x 7.25in. D (45 x 483 x 185 mm)Weight5.63 lbs. (2.56 Kg)Notice About SpecificationsWhile Clear-Com makes every attempt to maintain the accuracy of the information contained in its product manuals, that information is subject to change without notice. Performance specifications included in this manual are design-center specifications and are included for customer guidance and to facilitate system installation. Actual operating performance may vary.。
系统数据:产品规格:项目最大容量规格描述DK1208-100S1DK1208-100S2普通话机线缆长度0.44mm1000m主机容量(端口)64 104 专用话机线缆长度0.44mm100m 公共槽位8 13 后备电源24VDC专用话机接口 4 4 交流电源220VAC10% 内线分机64 104 电源功率50W~75W模拟外线40 80 设备重量<5.2Kg 来电显示外线40 80 设备尺寸439mm×315mm×125mm 3X话务台 1 1数据RS232串口2个标配外接音乐输入口1个选配外接广播输出口1个选配产品功能:支持二种编程模式(PC/话机)普通分机免拍叉转接功能来话接听与转接混合分机模式用户押金管理代接(截接)电话提供通用标准槽位计费功能代拨电话内/外线来电显示主叫号码帐号漫游功能分机端口自检携带来电显示号码转移(Follow Me)多路由出局支持话机重拨键开放式语音引导DISA 指定出中继广播呼叫外线直拨呼入三段引导语音呼出占用中继方式(优先、循环)选择分机自改等级板卡类型自动识别IP接入码加发功能(IP加发号显示、隐藏)反极检测大话务量通话无阻塞内线呼入禁止闹钟服务:定时提醒完善的计费管理外线呼入禁止离位转移话务记录(呼入、呼出、叫醒)用户组、广播组遇忙转移高效的话务处理排队组、中继组无应答回叫入中继UCD:排队/群呼/直拨分机/人工转接组内、组外呼叫遇忙自动回叫大话务量话单存储代接权限设置经理、秘书组对上下班、午休、周末服务拨号代接、快捷代接呼叫等待通话计费方式:延时、反极、不计费强行插入通话分机监听电话会议(同时支持八场三方会议)全弹性号码音乐欣赏外接音乐输入接口呼出号码限制热线服务(内外线)外接广播输出接口分机、账号多等级管理备用电池接口(内置)语音信箱(语音查询分机号码、级别拍叉、挂机时间调整内外线区分振铃等)。
当您安装、使用本产品时,请务必遵守下述事项: 1、请让本产品远离产生电噪声的设备,如荧光灯、马达和电视机等,此类噪声源会干扰 集团电话的性能。 2、请让本产品远离灰尘、湿气、高温(超过 40 度 )及振动等,此类环境会减少集团电 话的使用寿命。 3、本产品只能连接至产品标签上指定类型的电源。如果要连接电瓶,确保电瓶极性及电 压正确。备用电池应放在通风处并远离发热设备和火源。 4、系统主机的接地电阻应小于 4 欧姆。接地条件直接影响通话质量、防雷设施和系统工 作的稳定性,未接地或未正确接地,主机内 k20 抗雷击保护将不起作用,有时甚至可能对工 作人员的人身安全造成威胁。 5、请勿在有雷电时使用有线电话,雷电有导致电击的危险。 6、为减少发生电击的危险,非专业人员请勿拆卸本产品。 7、此为 A 级产品,在生活环境中,该产品可能会造成无线电干扰。在这种情况下,可能 需要用户对其干扰采取切实可行的措施。
2.10.1 分机接线检查 ·························································································································· 28 2.10.2 分机号码检查 ·························································································································· 28 2.10.3 分机使用等级检查 ·················································································································· 28 2.10.4 中继接线检查 ·························································································································· 28 2.10.5 外线打入测试 ·························································································································· 28 2.10.6 主控板八位DIP开关功能定义································································································ 29
BDCOM IEP1208-4S-V工业EPON接入设备硬件安装必备手册(doc 26页)(正式版)
BDCOM IEP1208-4S-V工业EPON接入设备硬件安装手册目录第1章 BDCOM IEP1208-4S-V工业EPON接入设备简介本节主要对BDCOM IEP1208-4S-V工业EPON接入设备总体方面的特性、参数作了说明和介绍,让读者对BDCOM IEP1208-4S-V工业EPON有一个总体的认识。
1.1 标准配置时的外形说明BDCOM IEP1208-4S-V工业EPON标配端口由三个部分组成:4个百兆以太网RJ45端口,2个GEPON光端口,4个RS232/RS485串口,详细说明如下表。
表 1-1 标配端口特性表此外,在BDCOM IEP1208-4S-V工业EPON的侧面提供了一个接地柱、两个3-pin电源插座、一个console口和一个电源报警接口。
–图 1-1 BDCOM IEP1208-4S-V工业EPON的前面板图表 1-2 BDCOM IEP1208-4S-V工业EPON前面板部件说明表图 1-2 BDCOM IEP1208-4S-V工业EPON侧面板示意图表 1-3 BDCOM IEP1208-4S-V工业EPON侧面板部件说明表1.2 BDCOM IEP1208-4S-V工业EPON系统特性参数第2章安装准备2.1 使用注意事项与其它电子产品类同,快速而频繁地开启和关闭电源易对半导体芯片产生损伤。
需重新开启BDCOM IEP1208-4S-V工业EPON时,请在关闭电源3~5秒后再打开电源开关。
请勿剧烈碰撞或从高处摔落BDCOM IEP1208-4S-V工业EPON,这样的操作可能损坏EPON接入设备内部硬件。
请使用正确的外部接线端口与BDCOM IEP1208-4S-V工业EPON相连。
07DUB系列读卡器说明书目录07DUB系列读卡器说明书 (1)一.读卡器介绍 (3)二.型号及功能 (4)三.07D基本参数 (4)四.开发说明 (4)M1部分读写卡流程 (4)CPU卡透传控制部分流程 (6)CPU卡打包控制部分流程 (7)五.通讯协议 (9)1.命令格式 (9)2.公共命令 (9)上传卡号命令 (9)上传按键 (10)控制蜂鸣器和LED命令 (11)液晶屏显示命令 (12)寻卡命令 (12)关卡命令 (13)恢复主动寻卡命令 (14)复位读卡器命令 (15)返回固件版本号命令 (15)3.M1卡相关命令 (16)读卡命令 (16)写卡命令 (17)加减值命令 (18)4.透传CPU卡相关命令 (19)进入CPU卡模式命令 (19)整合外部认证命令 (20)发送FMCOS指令命令 (22)发送FMCOS指令命令(自动计算MAC) (23)下载CPU卡密码到缓冲区命令 (24)将CPU卡缓冲区密码写入到读卡器命令 (25)退出CPU卡模式命令 (26)进入CPU卡模式2命令 (26)5.打包CPU卡相关命令 (27)下载CPU卡密码到缓冲区命令 (27)将CPU卡缓冲区密码写入到读卡器命令 (28)进入CPU卡主目录 (29)建立目录 (30)进入目录 (31)创建或修改主目录密钥 (32)创建或修改子目录密钥 (33)验证密钥 (34)建立二进制文件 (35)读二进制文件 (36)写二进制文件 (37)格式化CPU卡 (38)退出CPU卡模式命令 (39)六.两字节结果代码查询 (40)一.读卡器介绍此系列读写卡器是一款可以读写Mifare One 卡和FM12XX系列CPU卡的读写设备。
Saia-Burgess PCD2.F2xxx 串行接口模块说明书
Document 27-649 │ Version ENG02 │ 2021-09-20ManualInhalt0 Contents 0.1 Document versions ............................................................................................ 0-20.2 Brand names and trademarks .......................................................................... 0-21PCD2.F2xxx serial interface modules1.1 I/O-Slot Modules overview ................................................................................ 1-11.1.1 Serial interface modules PCD7.F1xxS ........................................................... 1-11.1.2 Block diagram ................................................................................................. 1-21.2General info on the PCD2.F2xxx ...................................................................... 1-31.3 Module description ............................................................................................ 1-41.3.1 Connection terminals ...................................................................................... 1-51.3.2 LEDs ............................................................................................................... 1-51.3.3 Technical data ................................................................................................. 1-61.3.4 Restrictions ..................................................................................................... 1-71.4 Module variants ................................................................................................. 1-81.4.1 RS-422/485 on module - PCD2.F2100 port x.0 .............................................. 1-81.4.2 RS-232 on module - PCD2.F2210 Port x.0 (for modem) ................................ 1-101.4.3 Belimo MP-Bus on module - PCD2.F2810 port x.0 ........................................ 1-111.5 PCD7.F1xxS serial interface modules for port x.1 ............................................ 1-121.5.1 PCD7.F1xxS modules overview ..................................................................... 1-121.5.2 RS-485/RS-422 - PCD7.F110S ...................................................................... 1-131.5.3 RS-232 up to 115 kbit/s, suitable for modem connection PCD7.F121S ......... 1-141.5.4 RS-485 galv. isolation - PCD7.F150S ............................................................ 1-151.5.5 Belimo MP-Bus - PCD7.F180S ...................................................................... 1-161.5.6PCD7.Fxxx - Overview of older interface modules(no longer available) ....................................................................................... 1-172 PCD2 slots are available on...2.1 PCD1.M22xx-C15 ............................................................................................. 2-12.2 PCD1.M21xx ..................................................................................................... 2-22.3 PCD2.M4xxx ..................................................................................................... 2-32.4 PCD2.M5xxx ..................................................................................................... 2-4A AppendixA.1 Icons .................................................................................................................. A -1A.2Contact details ................................................................................................... A -2Dokumenthistorie0.1 Document versionsVersion Date Updated CommentsENG012018-02-082018-02-08Translated from the german version ENG022018-08-152021-09-20- 2021-09-20Revised, overview improved, Chapter 2.Text in 2.3 translated.0.2 Brand names and trademarksSaia PCD ® and Saia PG5®are registered trademarks of Saia-Burgess Controls AG.Technical changes based on the current technical state of the art. Saia-Burgess Controls AG, 2017. ® All rights reserved.Published in Switzerland1PCD2.F2xxx serial interface modules1.1I/O-Slot Modules overviewSerial communications modules with two serial interface portsPCD2.F2100Port x.0: RS-422 / RS-485Port x.1: slot for PCD7.F1xxS modulePCD2.F2210 Port x.0: RS-232Port x.1: slot for PCD7.F1xxS modulePCD2.F2810Port x.0: Belimo MP-BusPort x.1: slot for PCD7.F1xxS module1.1.1 Serial interface modules PCD7.F1xxSSerial interface modules PCD7.F1xxS to port x.1 insertion of PCD2.F2xxx modulesand CPUs.PCD7.F110S RS-422 / RS-485 with connectable terminatingresistorsPCD7.F121SRS-232PCD7.F150S RS-485 galv. isolation and with connectable termi-nating resistorsPCD7.F180S Belimo MP-BusModules overviewGeneral info on the PCD2.F2xxx 1.1.2 Block diagram1.2 General info on the PCD2.F2xxxSystem properties of the PCD2.F2xxx modulesOne plug-in socket (orange) for each interface. The first port named Port # 0 isfactory-fitted with a fixed serial port depending on your choice.The second interface with the designation Port # 1 allows free loading with aPCD7.F1xxS module of your choice or as a reserve for later assembly.The following points must be noted when using the PCD2.F2xxx interfacemodules:●Each Saia PCD® system has a limitation on the maximum number of PCD2.F2xxx modules. For an overview, see chapter 2 in this manual.●The PCD systems have a high-performance processor that processes theapplication and the serial interfaces. The appropriate CPU capacity is requiredto process the interface modules. Please note the following when defining themaximum communication capacity per PCD2 system:●The communication volume is determined by the peripheral devices connect-ed. This may be the case if, for example, a PCD2 is used as an S-Bus slavestation. If a PCD2 control unit is bombarded with a heavy telegram transferat high baud rates, there will be little CPU capacity remaining to process theactual application. The following rules apply here: the use of 8 interfaces with9.6 kbps requires approx. 50% of the CPU capacity. Two 57.6 kbps interfac-es require approx. 50% of the CPU capacity. Two 115 kbps interfaces requireapprox. 60% of the CPU capacity.●If the PCD is the initiator of the communication, the communication volumeand therefore the communication capacity is defined by the user programin the PCD (the PCD is used as the master station). Theoretically, all inter-faces can be operated with a maximum baud rate of 115 kbps. The effectivedata throughput will however depend on the user program and the numberof interfaces and can be correspondingly low. The essential factor is that theconnected peripheral devices can work with the selected configuration andcommunication capacity.1.3 Module descriptionThe PCD2.F2xxx communications modules are designed for the PCD2.Mxxxx sys-tems. Each module has two serial ports, a fixed interface and a second which canbe equipped with one of the PCD7.F1xxS modules if required.Port x.1 still without PCD7. F1xxS modulePort x.0 fix,depending on thePCD2.F2xxxmodule selectedSerial communications modules with two serialinterface ports:PCD2.F2100Port x.0: RS-422 / RS-485 (equipped)Port x.1: slot for PCD7.F1xxS modulePCD2.F2210Port x.0: RS-232 (equipped)Port x.1: slot for PCD7.F1xxS modulePCD2.F2810Port x.0: Belimo MP-Bus (equipped)Port x.1: slot for PCD7.F1xxS moduleExample of one of the PCD7.F1xxS modulesExamples with attached PCD2.F_ module on Portx.1: with serie PCD2.FxxSwith old serie PCD2.FxxS1.3.1Connection terminalsType K terminal block(2x item no. 4 405 5048 0 are also supplied)Each serial port has its own individual 10 pin spring-loaded terminal block.Two type K spring-loaded terminal blocks are fitted on the PCD2.F2xxx module, the right for port x.0 and the left for port x.1.Maximum wire gauge: 1.0 mm 2 AWG 181.3.2 LEDs< L E D T x D x .1< L E D R x D x .1< L E D S t a t u s x .1< L E D T x D x .0< L E D R x D x .0< L E D S t a t u s x .01.3.3 Technical dataCommunication modes supported:MC0 character mode without automatic handshakingMC1 character mode with RTS/CTS handshakingMC2 character mode with Xon/Xoff protocolMC4 character mode for RS-485 interfaceMC5 similar to MC4 with rapid switching between sending and receivingSM1 S-Bus master, parity modeSM2 S-Bus master, data modeSS1 S-Bus slave, parity modeSS2 S-Bus slave, data modeGS1 S-Bus gateway slave, parity modeGS2 S-Bus gateway slave, data modeGM S-Bus gateway master→ Gateway always via the PCD2.Baud rates supported (bit/s):1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200Current consumptionModule description1.3.4 RestrictionsThe PCD2.F2xxx modules for the PCD2 systems enable users to create up to 8additional serial interfaces. Note: every additional interface uses CPU capacity.The use of these 8 ports depends on the type of communication, the baud raterequired and the volume of the data transfer.Additional important factors are:●Communication on the PCD, i.e. Profi-S-Net, Ether-S-Net, USB●Use of the web server●Data transfer from the CPU to the memory●User program in the PCD1.4Module variants1.4.1RS-422/485 on module - PCD2.F2100 port x.0The PCD2.F2100 module contains two different interface types on port x.0, RS-422 with RTS/CTS and RS-485 (electrically connected). The line terminator isintegrated into the module and can be connected to the module via a switch.Switch for network terminatorport x.0 (RS-485)OCRS-422 connectionThe line terminator in RS-422 mode occurs at 150 Ω in all cases on the PCD2.F2100 module.PGND 10TX 11/TX 12RX 13/RX 14PGND 15RTS 16/RTS 17CTS 18/CTS 19PGND TX /TX RX /RX SGND RTS /RTS CTS /CTSPinRS-422Peripherie-device TerminalRS 485connectionPort x.010 pin spring-loaded terminal block(Electrically connected RS-485 interface)PGND PGND RX - TX /RX - /TX x0x1x2RX - TX /RX - /TXGND RS-485RS-485RS-485Peripherie-devicePCD ModulTerminalLine terminator:Pull up 330 Ohm Termination Resistor 150 Ohm First stationMiddle stationsEnd stationPull down 330 OhmThe line terminator for port x.0 is integrated into the module and can be activated using a switch on the module. In addition to the switch, the following indications appear on the LP: ‘O’ for OPEN and ‘C’ for CLOSED.1.4.2 RS-232 on module - PCD2.F2210 Port x.0 (for modem)The PCD2.F2210 module has a full RS-232 interface on port x.0 an. This port is designed in particular for all modem connections, including the RTS/CTS, DTR/DSR and DCD.RS-232 connection10 pin spring-loaded terminal blockRS-232 connection to DTERS-232 connection to DCE6 DTR 0 PGND 1 TXD 2 RXD 3 RTS 4 CTS 5 PGND7 DSR 9 DCDPGND TX RX RTS CTS SGND DTR DSR DCDcablePeripherie device (DTE)8 Reserve PGND TX RX RTS CTS SGND DTR DSR DCD0 PGND 1 TXD 2 RXD 3 RTS 4 CTS 5 PGND 6 DTR 7 DSR 9 DCD8 Reserve cableExternal modem (ETCD) DCE1.4.3 Belimo MP-Bus on module - PCD2.F2810 port x.0The PCD2.F2810 module has a full Belimo MP-Bus interface on port x.0 an. An MP-Bus with up to 8 drives and sensors can therefore be connected to port x.0.Belimo connection10 pinspring-loaded terminal blockMP-Bus cabling1.5PCD7.F1xxS serial interface modules for port x.11.5.1PCD7.F1xxS modules overviewPCD7.F1xxS serial interface modules will be used, among others, for the insertion of port x.1 of the PCD2.F2xxx modules. A second interface can be mounted oneach CD2.F2xxx module depending on the purpose of the application.PCD7.F110S RS-422 / RS-485 with connectable terminatingresistors PCD7.F121SRS-232PCD7.F150S RS-485 galv. isolation and with connectableterminating resistors PCD7.F180S Belimo MP-BusPCD7.F1xxS modules for port x.110 pinspring-loaded terminal block1.5.2 RS-485/RS-422 - PCD7.F110SThe terminating connectors can be linked using slide switches (CLOSED) or isolated (OPEN).PCD7.F110SRS-485 terminatorOpen not terminated (factory setting)Closed terminatedRS-422 connectionThe line terminator in RS-422 mode occurs at 150 Ω in all cases on the PCD2.F2100 module.PGND 10TX 11/TX 12RX 13/RX 14PGND 15RTS 16/RTS 17CTS 18/CTS 19PGND TX /TX RX /RX SGND RTS /RTS CTS /CTSPinRS-422Peripherie-device TerminalRS 485connectionPort x.110 pin spring-loaded terminal block(Electrically connected RS-485 interface)PGND PGND RX - TX /RX - /TX x0x1x2RX - TX /RX - /TXGND RS-485RS-485RS-485Peripherie-devicePCD Modul TerminalMore details are available in the manual 26-740 “Installation components for RS-485 networks”.1.5.3 RS-232 up to 115 kbit/s, suitable for modem connection PCD7.F121SPCD7.F121SRS-232 connectionPort x.110 pin spring-loaded terminal blockRS-232 connection to DTERS-232 connection to DCE6 DTR 0 PGND 1 TXD 2 RXD 3 RTS 4 CTS 5 PGND7 DSR 9 DCDPGND TX RX RTS CTS SGND DTR DSR DCDcablePeripherie device (DTE)8 Reserve PGND TX RX RTS CTS SGND DTR DSR DCD0 PGND 1 TXD 2 RXD 3 RTS 4 CTS 5 PGND 6 DTR 7 DSR 9 DCD8 Reserve cableExternal modem (ETCD) DCE1.5.4 RS-485 galv. isolation - PCD7.F150SElectrical isolation is achieved using three optical couplers and a DC/DC converter. The data signals are protected against excess voltages by a suppressor diode (10 V). The terminating connectors can be linked using slide switches (CLOSED) or isolated (OPEN).PCD7.F150SRS-485 terminatorClosed terminatedOpen not terminated (factory setting)RS 485connectionPort x.110 pin spring-loaded terminal blockPGND PGND RX - TX /RX - /TX x0x1x2RX - TX /RX - /TXGND RS-485RS-485RS-485Peripherie-devicePCD ModulTerminalLine terminator:Pull up 330 Ohm Termination Resistor 150 Ohm First stationMiddle stationsEnd stationPull down 330 OhmThe line terminator for port x.1 is integrated into the module and can be activated using a switch on the module. In addition to the switch, the following indications appear on the LP: ‘O’ for OPEN and ‘C’ for CLOSED.When using this module, the permitted ambient temperature for the control unit isreduced by 5°C.More details are available in the manual 26-740 “Installation componentsfor RS-485 networks”.1.5.5 Belimo MP-Bus - PCD7.F180SUp to a maximum of 8 actuating drives and sensors can be connected.PCD7.F180SBelimo connectionPort x.110 pin spring-loaded terminal blockMP-Bus cabling1.5.6 PCD7.Fxxx - Overview of older interface modules(no longer available)The older serial interface modules PCD7.F1xx (without «S» at the end) are nolonger available.Except PCD7.F130 current loop 20 mAFor completeness they are still listed here.Their functions are the same as with the newer models with the “S” in the articlenumber at the end.PCD7.F110 Serial interface module RS-422 / RS-485PCD7.F121 Serial interface module RS-232, for modem connectionPCD7.F130 Serial interface module, current loop 20 mAPCD7.F150 Serial interface module, RS-485, electrically isolatedPCD7.F180 Serial interface module for Belimo MP bus, for max. 8 actuatorsand sensorsAn equipped PCD2.F2xxx looks like this:PCD1.M22xx-C15 2 PCD2 slots are available on...This chapter indicates which PCD controllers can be used with which PCD2.F2xxxmodules.22.1 PCD1.M22xx-C15A maximum of two PCD2.F2xxx modules can be used on the two slots. The slotscan be accessed with the following port addresses via communication FBoxes:2Slots IO0 and IO1 on the PCD1.M2_ can also be equipped with the PCD2.F2xxx interface modules. The slots can be accessed with the following port addressesvia communication FBoxes (or AWL commands):W-Modul012The PCD2.M4xxx can accommodate the PCD2.F2xxx modules in I/O slots 0...1 or0 ... 3. As shown in the following figure, the I/O slots are designated as follows:01321322The PCD2.F2xxx modules are intended for inclusion in the I/O slot 0...3 on aPCD2.Mxxxx. As shown in the diagram, the I/O slots are labelled as follows:01237654If a PCD2.F2xxx module is connected to I/O slot 0, port 1 cannot be used. Instead, the PCD2.F2xxx module is connected to the two ports 100 and 101.AIconsA AppendixA.1 IconsContact detailsA.2 Contact detailsSaia-Burgess Controls AGBahnhofstrasse 183280 Murten, SwitzerlandHead office telephone ............ +41 26 580 30 00SBC Support telephone .......... +41 26 580 31 00Fax .......................................... +41 26 580 34 99Email support: ........................********************Support website: SBC website: International agencies and SBC subsidiaries: /contactPostal address for customers to return products in Switzerland:Saia-Burgess Controls AGAfter sales serviceBahnhofstrasse 183280 Murten, Switzerland。
Rockwell Automation M 8200 GB安全接口操作指南说明书
Operating instructionsM 8200GBM8200S a f e t y I n t e r f a c eOperatingInstructions DDKEFFINGBGRINNLPSOperating instructions M 82001Zu diesem Dokument 2Zur Sicherheit 3Funktion4Elektrischer Anschluss5Inbetriebnahme 6Technische Daten 7KonformitätSeite 4 (16)1Om dette dokument2Vedrørende sikkerheden 3Funktion4Elektrisk tilslutning5Idriftsættelse 6Tekniske data7OverensstemmelseSide 17 (29)1Sobre este documento 2Sobre la seguridad 3Función4Conexión eléctrica5Puesta en marcha 6Datos técnicos 7ConformidadPáginas 31 (43)1 A propos de cette notice 2La sécurité3Fonctionnement4Raccordement électrique5Mise en service6Schémas de raccordement 7HomologationPages 45 (57)1Dokumenttiin liittyvää2Turvallisuuteen liittyvää3Käyttötarkoitus 4Sähköliitäntä5Käyttöönotto 6Tekniset tiedot7VaatimustenmukaisuusSivut 59 (71)1About this Document 2Safety 3Function4Electrical Connections5Commissioning 6Technical Data 7ConformityPages 73 (85)DDKEFFINGBOperating instructions M 8200GB1Ó÷åôéêÜ ìå áõôü ôïåã÷åéñßäéï2Ó÷åôéêÜ ìå ôçíáóöÜëåéá3Ëåéôïõñãßá4ÇëåêôñéêÞ óýíäåóç5ÈÝóç ëåéôïõñãßáò6Ôå÷íéêÜ óôïé÷åßá7ÄÞëùóç ÁíôáðüêñéóçòÓåëßäá 87 (99)1Informazioni generali 2Sicurezza3Scopo del presentedocumento 4Collegamento elettrico 5Messa in esercizio 6Dati tecnici 7Conformitàpagine 101 (113)1Til dette dokumentet 2Sikkerhet 3Funksjon4Elektrisk tilkobling5Igangsetting 6Tekniske data 7KonformitetSide 115 (127)1Over dit document 2Veiligheid 3Functie4Elektrische aansluiting5Inbedrijfstelling6Technische gegevens 7ConformiteitPagina 129 (141)1Natureza do presentedocumento2Sobre a segurança 3Funçào 4Instalaçào eléctrica 5Colocaçào em serviço 6Dados técnicos 7ConformidadePágina 143 (155)1Detta dokument 2Säkerhet 3Funktion 4Elanslutning5Idrifttagning 6Tekniska data 7KonformitetSidan 157 (169)GRNINLPSOperating instructions M 8200GBAbbreviationsSafety relay interfaceActive opto-electronic protective deviceOutput Signal Switching Device – Safety switching output1.1Function of this documentThis document provides instructions on the operation of the safety interface M 8200. It contains information regarding •Fitting•Electrical installation •Placing in operation •Maintenance1.2Target group of this documentThe target group of this document is persons who install,place in operation and use the M 8200.M 8200AO PD O S SD1About this DocumentWarning1.3Level of informationThese operating instructions contain information on how to install, place in operation and operate the device. Official and legal regulations are always to be observed; it is not possible here to also provide comprehensive information on these basic requirements. In Germany, the trade association directives (ZH 1/597) in particular are to be observed.1.4Symbols usedSome information in these operating instructions is especially marked to provide you with a quick reference.A note provides information on special features of the device.An explanation communicates basic knowledge.A recommendation assists in taking the best action.Warning!Always read warnings carefully and heed them conscientiously.The device can only fulfil its safety-relevant task if it is correctly used, that is "safely" – i. e. fail-safe – fitted and connected.The safety interface M 8200 conforms to the safetyrequirements as per safety category type 4 in accordance with pr EN 50 100.NoteExplanation RecommendationGB2.1Areas of use of the deviceThe M 8200 can be used to provide voltage free contacts from most safety devices. Functions such as restart interlock andcontactor monitoring are carried out by the M 8200 in asimple manner.Both electronic (semi-conductor) and electromagnetic (relay)sensor signals can be processed as input signals. In case ofrelay outputs, the following must be considered: to preventshort circuits between the output signals, the wires must beindividual shielded and the shields must be linked to 0 V.Control cabinet operationThe M 8200 is suitable only for installation in control cabinets. 2SafetyChapter 2 Warning2.2Regulation use of the deviceThe safety interface M 8200 may only be used in compliance with the instructions set out in section2.1 Areas of use of the device. If the device is used in any other way, or if it is modified in any way – including in the course of assembly andinstallation – all warrantly claims against Rockwell Automation shall be rendered void.2.3General Notes on Safety and Protective Measures1.The national / international regulations apply for the use /installation of non-contact protection equipment as well as for commissioning and regular technical checks, in particular Machine directive 98/37 ECGuidelines for working substances 89/655 EEC Safety regulations as well asRegulations for the prevention of accidents / rules for safetyIt is the responsibility of the manufacturers and users of the machine on which our protection equipment is used, to discuss all safety rules and regulations which may apply with the responsible authorities and to observe these rules and regulations.2.Furthermore , our notes, in particular the test regulations(see chapter entitled Tests) in this Technical Description orthese Operating Instructions (such as use, assembly,installation or integration in the machine control unit) must be observed and followed.Chapter 2WarningGBChapter 23.The tests shall be carried out by experts and/or personsspecifically authorized or commissioned to perform these tests. They shall be comprehensively documented at alltimes.4.Our Operating Instructions shall be given to the employee(operator) working at the machine on which our protection equipment is used. The employee shall be introduced tohis job and the equipment by an expert.3FunctionThe inputs of the M 8200 are prepared for the dual channelconnection of AOPD sensors. These are checked for uniformityand control the output circuit. 2 NO contacts and 1 NC contactare available as output contacts. LEDs signal the outputconditions:Red LED Output inactive Make contact openBreak contact closedGreen LED Output active Make contact closedBreak contact openThe M 8200 assumes the restart interlock function, so it is nolonger necessary in the machine control system. The requiredcommand device (start button) is directly connected to theM 8200 (NO contact).If the start/restart interlock is already contained in themachine, this function can be deselected on the M 8200(automatic reset if the sensor protection field is clear).If the M 8200 outputs switch machine contactors, the M 8200provides the contactor monitoring function. This can also bedisabled, if necessary.GB The connections are made by way of the two plug-in terminalstrips: conductor cross-section max. 2.5 mm2. Fig. 1shows theconnection diagram of the M 8200.The number of occupied terminals is determined by the select-ed functions. The Startup/Restart Inhibit and Contactor Moni-toring functions can be deselected separately by means of wirelinks.Depending on the function selection, the reset device and theNC contacts of the external contactors need to be connected inaddition to the sensor, the power supply and the outputs. Whencontactors are connected, appropriate arc suppressionelements must be used directly on the contactor coil. Fig. 2shows the configu-ration of the M 8200 with a external resetand contactor monitoring.Terminals C 1, C 2, C 3, C 4 and D 1, D 2, D 3, D 4 have a loadcapacity of 2.5 A..4Electrical ConnectionsIsolated plastic-sheathed cablesOutside the control cabinet the connected output cables ofprotective device sensors that are not short circuit monitoredmust be routed in separate plastic-sheathed cables, and thewires of the switching outputs (signal lines to the contactors)must be individually shielded and the shields must beconnected to 0 V in the control cabinet.Warning79 75035-119-01(A) / K832 / 26-09-00 © Rockwell Automation • Milwaukee, Wisconsin • All rights reserved8075035-119-01(A) / K832 / 26-09-00 © Rockwell Automation • Milwaukee, Wisconsin • All rights reservedFig. 1: Connection diagram, M 8200.Use of a NO/NC combinationAs a general principle, use both NO contacts as switching outputs!To configure machine contactors this means connecting a contactor at each NO output!If a combination of NO and NC contacts is used as safetyswitching outputs, both NO contacts must be connected in series.The function of the contactors must be tested by use of external device monitor T 21 – T 22 or by equivalent measures.Warning8175035-119-01(A) / K832 / 26-09-00 © Rockwell Automation • Milwaukee, Wisconsin • All rights reservedGBFig. 2: Connection diagram of the M 8200 with command unit and contactor monitoringFig. 3: Dimensions, M 8200Chapter 55CommissioningAfter application of the supply voltage and valid sensor signalsthe M 8200 automatically switches to the green condition – inthe "without start/restart interlock" operating mode; the outputsare activated.In the "with start/restart interlock" operating mode, thenecessary command device (Reset button NO) is activated, inorder to activate the green condition (activation of outputs).Restart will only be allowed when the reset button is released(testing of NO contact).8275035-119-01(A) / K832 / 26-09-00 © Rockwell Automation • Milwaukee, Wisconsin • All rights reservedGB6 Technical DataProtection classHousing protectionSupply voltage UVResidual ripple 1)Power concumption (no load)Inputs Command unitT 13, T 14Command unit actuation time periodContactor monitoringT 21, T 22 contactor monitoringPermissible contactor drop-off timePermissible contactor response timeSensor signal T 3, T 4Input resistance (active)Signal active atSignal LOW atOutputsResponse timeSwitching currentSwitching voltage AC / DCSwitching AC / DCMech. life expectancy (switch actions)Elec. life expectancy (switch actions)Delay on Energisation (NO contacts)Delay on Energisation (NC contacts)Supply voltageConnectionCable cross sectionLoad capacity of terminals(C 1 ... 4, D 1 ... 4)Operating dataSafety categoryTested toAmbient operating temperatureStorage temperatureRelative humidity (non condensing)Vibration specificationShock resistance10 g, 16 ms as per IEC 68-2-29Dimensions (W x H x D)152 x 73 x 118 mm38375035-119-01(A) / K832 / 26-09-00 © Rockwell Automation • Milwaukee, Wisconsin • All rights reservedChapter 61) Maximum voltage limits must not be exceeded, minimum levels must beacheived.2) Response time without attenuation of switching elements (relays), e.g. bymeans of interference suppressors.3) Contact gold plating vaporizes when currents > 100 mA switched. Minimumswitched current becomes 10 mA.8475035-119-01(A) / K832 / 26-09-00 © Rockwell Automation • Milwaukee, Wisconsin • All rights reservedGB7Declaration of ConformitySee /safety85 75035-119-01(A) / K832 / 26-09-00 © Rockwell Automation • Milwaukee, Wisconsin • All rights reservedOperating instructions M 82008675035-119-01(A) / K832 / 26-09-00 © Rockwell Automation • Milwaukee, Wisconsin • All rights reserved Please contact us for Technical Assistance:In the U.S.:1-800-666-0001Outside the U.S.:001-978-441-9500On line:/safety75035-119-01(A) March 2001。
一、系统功能··························································································· 12 二、注意事项 ··························································································· 13 三、用户分机新业务功能········································································ 13
第一章 概述 ··························································································· 1
一、系统简介···································································································· 1 二、主要特点··································································································· 1
五、话费管理··························································································· 31 六、系统维护··························································································· 35 七、系统帮助 ··························································································· 36
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ES-1204 1208 说明书
ES-1204/1208使用说明书目录包装明细 (2)产品简介 (2)产品特征 (2)产品尺寸 (3)技术参数 (4)安装说明 (5)操作说明 (6)包装明细物品名称数量ES-1204/1208切换器1台DC 9V 600mA电源适配器1个说明书光盘1张合格证1张保修卡1张安装支架1对固定螺丝10颗产品简介ES-1208支持一套显示器、键盘和鼠标操作8台电脑,是一种功能完善,操作方便的智能型多电脑切换器,它不仅节省了显示器、键盘和鼠标等设备,而且节约了可贵的空间。
产品特征支持Microsoft IntelliMouse等、其它具滚轮装置等各式鼠标;无需软件:可使用OSD与热键轻易切换;自动为每一台电脑重置Caps Lock,Num Lock和Scroll Lock键的状态;在切换时音频反馈;具PS/2键盘鼠标仿真功能,所以可直接激活计算机;可设密码保护:只有权限的人能操作并监控计算机;支持热插拔,可随意增减电脑,而无需关机;屏幕分辨率最高可达1920×1440/200MHz;全金属外壳,可上19英寸机架;多平台兼容技术:支持WINDOWS/UNIX/LINUX/ NOVELL /DOS等多种平台支持所有的PS/2和USB接口的兼容机和原状机支持SUN/IBM/ COMPAQ /HP/DELL/LENOVO等品牌服务器和工控机采用隔离技术与仿真技术,避免键盘鼠标的串扰现象,支持同时开机和热插拔可搭配USB接口切换器连接线或PS/2转USB的转接器,可在Windows操作系统下使用USB接口之键盘及鼠标装置一组键盘,鼠标,显示器控制4台(ES-1204)或8台(ES-1208)电脑主机主机切换方式1.OSD屏幕窗口选单,提供在屏幕上直接显示。
ESI M8U 8接8出128通道USB MIDI接口说明书
INDEX1. Introduction (2)Key Features (2)2. Description of M8U (3)Front Panel (3)3. System Requirements (5)PC (5)Mac (5)4. Installation (6)Hardware Installation (6)Driver Installation under Windows XP (6)Driver Installation under Mac OS X (8)Exclusive driver Installation under Windows ME, 2000 or XP (8)5. Application Setup (12)PC (12)Cubase SX (12)Giga Studio (13)Reason (13)Sonar (14)Mac (14)Cubase SX (14)Nuendo (16)Logic (17)Reason (17)END USER WARRANTY (18)v2 November 2005* All specifications are subject to change without prior notice.1. IntroductionThank you for choosing ESI M8U.The M8U is a convenient 8 in 8 out, 128 channels USB MIDI Interface for PC and Mac computers, offering maximum MIDI connectivity.M8U can even act as a stand-alone MIDI patch bay when it is not connected to a computer and offers various MIDI Thru functions.With ESI’s hardware based MIDI timing technology, M8U guarantees that your music will play back exactly the way you played it.M8U supports Plug-n-Play for easy installation.Key Features· 8 in 8 out MIDI (128 MIDI channels)· perfect MIDI timing· MIDI activity indicators for each port· USB-powered; requires no external power supply (if you use a Notebook or USB hub, you may need an external power power supply, depending on the situation)· high-speed connection to USB-equipped PC or Apple computers· several thru functions· when disconnected from the PC, the unit operates as a stand-alone MIDI patch bay· professional 19”single height rack mount· optimized for Windows XP and Mac OS X, special drivers for Windows ME, 2000 and XP available2. Description of M8UFront PanelRear Panel1. Power LED2. USB/THRU switchThis is where you select USB mode or three kind of MIDI Thru mode(*).USB mode: When you select this mode, M8U will be working as a basic MIDI interface. It’s the normal mode. You can control MIDI in/ouput from your sequencer application. In addition, the Power LED will be turned to red color. If you push the button again, you can go to the Thru mode. If you want go back to the normal mode, always push to pull out the button.Thru mode 1: Input and Output ports will be matched by 1:1. For example, MIDI data from Input 2 directly goes to Output 2. All LED display will be turned on. After 2~3 seconds, LED will be turned off again. Power LED will become green color.Thru mode 2: The MIDI data from Input 8 goes to Output 1~8. LED Display Input 8 and Output 1~8 would be turned on. After 2~3 seconds, Output 1~8 will turned off (Input 8 remains to be turned on). Output LED will be lit by signal. Power LED will become green color.Thru mode 3: The MIDI data from Input 1 goes to Output 1~8. LED Display Input 1 and Output 1~8 would be turned on. After 2~3 seconds, Output 1~8 will be turned off (Input 1 remains to be turned on). Output LED will be light by signal. In addition, Power LED will become green color.* The three Thru modes are changed in sequence whenever the button is pushed.Caution: The Thru Mode works whether your computer is turned on or off.3. MIDI IN LED display indicator4. MIDI OUT LED display indicator5. MIDI IN 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ports6. MIDI OUT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ports (Output 8 is located both on front and rear side)7. USB connector8. External power supply connectorWhen your computer does not supply enough power via USB or if you want to use M8U as stand-alone device, you need to use an optional external power supply adapter (DC 9 ~ 15 V, 300mA) which is not included and connect it here.3. System RequirementsPC· Windows XP, 2000 and ME,Windows XP operating system recommended· Intel Pentium III CPU or equivalent AMD or compatible CPU· motherboard with Intel or VIA chipset or compatible· one available USB port· UDMA66/100 7200rpm hard disk drive· more than 256MB of RAM· note that the system requirements depend more on your choice of audio softwareMac· Mac OS X v10.2 or later only· Macintosh with G3 or better processor (except the original PowerBook G3)· one available USB port· more than 256MB of RAMnote that the system requirem· ents depend more on your choice of audio software* Caution1. We don’t recommend using many USB devices with the M8U via USB hub at the same time. It may cause Input data lose sometimes.2. Some old mainboard that using OHCI (open host controller interface) may cause problem.3. Check our web site occasionally for the most recent update information or technical issues.4. InstallationIf you use a Macintosh with Mac OS X or a PC with Windows XP, you can install the hardware before you install or setup any drivers or applications. If you use a PC with Windows 2000 or ME, you need to install the driver first (see below) and the the hardware.Hardware InstallationBefore you begin, make sure you have read your computer’s manual on installing USB devices. Your computer’s manual should describe the precautions you should take.Shutting down computer wouldn’t need for installing an USB device to the computer. However, we will take it from the start to make sure you can follow every detail of installation.1. Find the USB port on your computer. The USB port looks like shown below. You can usually find it close to the PS/2 or serial ports on the back of a desktop computer system.USB port on computer2. Plug in the appropriate plug of the USB cable (so-called Series A plug) to the USB port of computer. You will notice that USB ports on computer and M8U are different.Series A plug3. Connect the other end of the USB cable (the Series B plug) to the USB port of M8U.Series B plugTurn on the computer. You will see that the LED displays of M8U are lit. M8U gets power from the computer via USB cable so you don’t need to attach any external power supply normally.Series A Plug is used for those devices on which the external cable is permanently attached like Mouse, Keyboard and USB hubs, etc.Series B Plug is for devices that require detachable external cables and so is used for devices like Printers, Scanners, Modems, Stand alone Hubs.Driver Installation under Windows XPAfter the hardware installation has been done properly, your PC with Windows XP or newer versions of Windows will automatically detect the M8U and install a default driver. You don’t need to install an additional driver for basic operation.To check if the driver has been installed properly, go to Device Manager and check ‘USB Audio Device’ under Sound, video and game controllers. Double click this device and check ‘ESI-M8U’ under USB audio device properties.Driver Installation under Mac OS XIn Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar) or later, you can check if your M8U is recognized properly by using Audio MIDI Setup application in Applications/Utilities folder. Launch the Audio MIDI Setup application and click the MIDI Devices tab on the Audio MIDI Setup window. If the M8U is recognized properly, the ESI-M8U icon will be appeared on the window.Exclusive driver Installation under Windows ME, 2000 or XPIf you use Windows 2000 or Windows ME or if you use Windows XP and need best possible performance, you can install the exclusive ESI driver for M8U on your system.1. Windows XP (or newer)Under Windows XP or newer, just plug the USB device and insert the ESI installation CD into your CD-ROM drive. Then go to ESI folder -> M8U folder and run M8U.exe.2. Windows 2000/MEDon't plug the USB device before you install the driver, otherwise your system might crash / reboot. Insert the ESI installation CD into your CD-ROM drive. Then go to ESI folder -> M8U folder and run M8U.exe.Driver InstallationPlease follow the instructions on screen:With Windows 2000 and XP installations, a message might appear stating “The software has not passed Windows Logo testing to verify its compatibility with Windows XP.” Though the message appeared, the driver is completely tested and verified by ESI and is safe to use. You can ignore the message and just click ‘Yes’.After finishing the driver installation, plug the USB device to your computer.In the case of Windows 2000, you may see the following message again. Simply ignore the message and just click ‘Yes’.5. Application SetupThis chapter contains the basic setup for some software applications. For more detailed info, please refer to the manual of the software.PCDepending on the installed driver (either the exclusice ESI driver for Windows ME, 2000, XP or the default driver under Windows XP), the device names are either called ‘M8U’ or ‘USB Audio Device’.Cubase SXIn Cubase, set input and output as USB Audio Device or M8U, depending on the driver you are using. Check the picture below.Giga StudioAfter launching GigaStudio, set input and output as USB Audio Device or M8U. Check the following picture.ReasonGo to Edit -> Preference -> MIDI and select USB Audio Device or M8U.SonarAfter launching Sonar, Go to Option -> MIDI devices setting and select USB Audio Device or M8U.M acAs long as the M8U is recognized by Mac OS X with no problem, all the applications that support CoreMIDI should work fine with the M8U. Here are some examples of how to change application settings for using the M8U.Cubase SXIn Cubase, expand the MIDI section in the Inspector by clicking its tab.In this section, you can choose a port (or all ports) for MIDI input.In addition, you can choose a port for MIDI output.NuendoIn Nuendo, you can choose a port for a MIDI track in the Track List area.LogicIn Logic, you can choose a port for a MIDI track in the instrument parameter box in Arrange Window.ReasonIn Reason, open the Preferences window and you can choose a port for MIDI input in the MIDI Page.。
Brainboxes ED-588 8接口8输出网络到数字I O设备说明书
• 8 Digital Inputs and 8 Digital Outputs • Supports simple ASCII or industry standard Modbus TCP • 1 Ethernet Port• -30°C to +80°C/-22ºF to +176ºF Temperature range •Software APIs for VB, C# and moreIntegral DIN mount and slim design takes up minimal cabinet space+5 to +30 Volt Power Input enables the device to be run from USB, a vehicle battery or the factory floorNon conducting polyamide casing with removablenumbered terminal blocks for easy wiring 8 Digital Inputs and 8 Digital OutputsEthernet to Digital I/OED-588GB AEOF 00031/11ConnectorsScrew Terminals 3.5mm pitch, #22 - #14, 0.5mm 2-2.5mm 2 pin power supplyWire Thickness0.150 inch, 3.81mm, 20 pins, 12+8 screw terminals, #26 - #16 AWG, 0.14mm 2-1.3mm 2Power SupplyPower Supply input Unregulated +5V to +30Volts DC, reverse polarity protection Isolation1500V RMS Magnetic isolation from Ethernet EnvironmentalOperating Temperature -30o C to +80o C / -22ºF to +176ºF Storage Temperature-40o C to +85o C / -40ºF to +185ºF Ambient Relative Humidity 5 to 95% (non-condensing)Magjack LED Information Link/Activity LED Solid greenConnection established Flashing Green Data communication Speed LED Green 100Base-Tx Unlit10Base-TEthernetEthernet Port RJ45 jack, 10/100Mhz autosensing, crossover auto sensing (Auto MDIX)Protection 1,500 Volts magnetic isolation between ports HousingIP-20 rated non-conducting polyamide caseEasy Wire Removable screw terminal blocksWide Range Input Power: +5VDC to +30VDCEthernet to Digital I/OED-588Integral DIN rail clip with earthIP20 Non-conductingpolyamide case with vents-30ºC to +80ºC/-22ºF to +176ºF temperature range Ethernet PortSerial Expansion Port suitable for ADAM modules8 Digital Input LinesView from webpage - no software requiredIntegrate with popularsoftware packages or use with our free APIsSupports Modbus TCP or ASCII commands8 Digital Output LinesEthernet Port Pin Outs PIN FUNCTION 1RD+ / TD+2RD- / TD-3TD+ / RD+4NC 5NC 6TD- / RD-7NC 8NCLifetime Warranty and Support:We can help with every aspect of your project, from getting you up and running to custom application.Ethernet to Digital I/OED-588Terminal Block Pin OutsDigital Channels - 8 Inputs and 8 OutputsInputs NPN/PNP Logic Level 0:Logic Level 1:Input countingInput latching Debouncing One jumper configures all inputs with either pull-up for NPN (contact clos-es to 0V) type sensors, or pull-down for PNP (close to V+) type sensors -30V to +1V +2.0V to +30VUser programmable – counts positive or negative transitions Up to 250Hz count rate16-bit (65335 count) or 32-bit (4.2 billion count) counters Counter values persist over power-off periodsTriggered by user programmable positive or negative edges, stays true until acknowledgedUser programmable debouncing for noisy contact inputsOutputsMaximum output current0.85A on all outputs simultaneously(ambient temperature ≤ 70°C, 1m/s airflow)0.5A on all outputs simultaneouslyambient temperature 70-80°C, 1m/s airflow)Outputs can be paralleled for higher current loadsOutput TypeCurrent sink to 0V (low-side switch, open-drain MOSFET output), allowing loads at multiple voltages Maximum output load Voltage 36VProductionIntelligent short circuit protection up to 36V Over-temperature shutdown ESD Protection to 16kVQuick-Stop functionWhen a user programmable input transitions to a preconfigured high or low state then all outputs go to a user programmable known good stateSerial Expansion Port - RS485Half Duplex RS485 port allows connection and control of industry standard NuDAM, eDAM and ADAM modules using ASCII protocols.Power Supply Power Supply input Unregulated +5V to +30Volts DC, reverse polarity protection Isolation1500V RMS Magnetic isolation from EthernetPower Consumption2.5 Watts Max : 220 mAmps@+5VDC/36mAmps@+30VDCEthernet to Digital I/OED-588Full command tables can be found in the device manualSoftwareOS Compatibility Brainboxes’ software provides a TCP or Serial COM port interface . Allsoftware versions and updates available to download from our website.Microsoft Legacy COM port drivers for Microsoft OS up to latest Windows 10OtherTCP and web browser interface for other OSs & Linux, e.g. Android, Raspberry PiBoost.IO ManagerLets you find, install and upgrade devicesIndustry Standard PackagesThe COM port based driver means devices are compatible with popular packages such as: LabView, MATLAB, Agilent VEE. So you can continue to get value from your existing development and process control system.Software PlatformsAPIs and sample program code for: Microsoft .NET, C#, Visual Basic, C++,JavaScript, PHP, Java, Objective-C, Python and more - ModbusDevice works as a Modbus TCP server. Modbus TCP can be used on the input and output lines.Examples from Modbus TablesModbus access typeSupported Modbus function codes Logical address 984 style address IEC 61131address Read DI counter values Holding register 30x0000...40001...%MW0…Clear DI counters Coil 5, 150x0200...00513%M512…Set/read digital outputsCoil1, 5, 150x0000...00001...%M0…ASCIIThe ED device’s webpage has an interactive ASCII console where any command can be entered and it is immediately executed showing the device’s response.$01M read the name of device address 01 !01ED-588device 01 replies that its name is ED-588$01F read firmware version number of device address 01 !012.54firmware version of device 01 is 2.54ED RangeRemote I/O products available in a range of formats and specifications.PW-650Power supply with USBconnector and prewired screw terminal block. Suitable for use with 5V USB ports.PW-600Power supply with connectors for UK, USA, EU and AUS mains socket. ‘Tails’ are suitable for connecting to screw terminal blocks.Packaging Information PackagingInstallation CD including manual, Microsoft signed drivers & utilities, Quick Start Guide DevicePackaged Weight 0.234 kg, 8.25 ouncesPackaged Dims 160x135x49 mm, 6.3x5.3x1.9 inches GTIN Universal Code 837324003178ApprovalsIndustry Approvals Microsoft Certified Gold Partner, WEEE, RoHS, AEO (C-TPAT), CE Product Support Warranty Lifetime - online registration requiredSupportLifetime Web, Email and Phone Support from fully qualified, friendly staff who work in and alongside the Product Development Team Additional Information OEM option Available for bulk buy OEMMade In Manufactured in the UK by Brainboxes Winner 2005 European Electronics Industry Awards ‘Manufacturer of the Year’CustomisableBrainboxes operate a ‘Perfect Fit Custom Design’ policy for volume users. Moreinfo:********************© Brainboxes 2017BBEDI170328Ethernet to Digital I/OED-588//********************。
Silabs BT122 Bluetooth Dual Mode模块项目配置指南说明书
UG496: BT122 Project Configuration User’s GuideThis document walks you through how to start a software projectfor your BT122 Bluetooth Dual Mode module, how to include the necessary resources in the project and also how to configure the hardware interface settings for the Bluetooth modules.KEY FEATURES•BT122 Project structure•Precise description of attributes and syntax used inside project files.Table of Contents1. Project Structure (3)1.1 Project File (3)1.2 Hardware Configuration (3)1.3 Bluetooth Low Energy Service Database (3)1.4 Bluetooth BR/EDR Profile SDP Entries (3)1.5 BGScript Application Code (3)1.6 Host Application Code (3)2. Project File Syntax (4)2.1 <project> (4)2.2 <hardware> (4)2.3 <gatt> (4)2.4 <script> (5)2.5 <image> (5)2.6 <entry> (6)2.7 <library> (6)2.8 Examples (7)2.8.1 Basic Project File for BT122 Bluetooth Dual Mode Module without a BGScript Application: (7)2.8.2 Basic Project File for BT122 Bluetooth Dual Mode Module Including a BGScript Application..73. Hardware Configuration File (8)3.1 <adc> (8)3.2 <sleep> (8)3.3 <controller sleep> (9)3.4 <wakeup pin> (10)3.5 <port> (11)3.6 <uart> (13)3.7 <i2c> (14)3.8 <host wakeup> (15)3.9 <bridging> (15)3.10 <lfxo> (15)4. SPP Configuration File (16)5. DID Configuration File (17)6. HID Configuration File (18)7. Revision History (21)The figure below illustrates the Bluetooth software project structure and the mandatory and optional resources. The structure is relative-ly simple and consists of the following components:1.Project file.2.Hardware configuration file.3.Bluetooth Low Energy service and characteristics database (GATT database).4.Bluetooth BR/EDR profile SDP entries.5.BGScript application source code (optional).6.Host application source code (optional and exclusive to BGScript code).1.1 Project FileThe project file defines the resources included in the project and their physical locations.1.2 Hardware ConfigurationThe hardware configuration file defines the host and peripheral interfaces (like UART, I2C and GPIO) used by the application and their settings.1.3 Bluetooth Low Energy Service DatabaseThe service database (GATT database) defines the contents and structure of the Bluetooth GATT services and characteristics imple-mented by the application. The GATT database is defined with the Profile Toolkit™ ― an XML-based description language1.4 Bluetooth BR/EDR Profile SDP EntriesThe SDP entries define the content of the Service Discovery Profile database for Bluetooth BR/EDR profiles like Serial Port Profile, Human Interface Device Profile, Apple iAP2 profile, or Device Information Profile.1.5 BGScript Application CodeBGScript is a basic-style application scripting language, which allows simple applications to be embedded into the BT122 Bluetooth Dual Mode module. When BGScript is used to implement the application logic, the source file needs to be included in the Bluetooth project file.1.6 Host Application CodeAn alternative way to implement the application is to use an additional host (typically an MCU) and use the Bluetooth module as a mo-dem. In this case, the application code runs outside the module and the source code files do not need to be included in the Bluetooth project, but the architecture selection needs to be defined in the project file.The project file (typically project.xml) describes all the components included in your Bluetooth Dual Mode project. Typically, these files are named as follows:•hardware.xml – Hardware configuration file for interfaces like UART and I2C•GATT.xml – GATT database file for Bluetooth Low Energy services and characteristics configuration•DID.xml, SPP.xml, HID.XML, etc. – SDP entry file(s) for possible Bluetooth profiles•script.bgs – Optional BGScript application source codeThe project file also defines other settings of the project like the hardware version or the firmware output files.The project file itself is a simple XML file with only a few elements in it, which are described below.2.1 <project>The XML attribute <project> starts the definition of the project file and includes the hardware device type the project is meant for. All the2.2 <hardware>The XML attribute <hardware> with its in parameterdefines the hardware configuration of the device.2.3 <gatt>The XML attribute <gatt> with its in parameter defines the GATT database file.Note: The GATT definition can also be placed inside Project XML file.The optional XML attribute <script> and its in parameters define the BGScript source code file. This XML attribute is placed within the2.5 <image>The XML attribute <entry> and its parameters are used to define the actual XML files for each of the Bluetooth BR/EDR SDP static records that you want to include in the firmware.These XML attributes are grouped within an XML attribute pair <sdp></sdp> which is used to define the Bluetooth BR/EDR Service2.7 <library>The optional XML attribute <library> and its in parameter are used to select which of the available variants of the software is to be built. The XML attribute is placed within the XML attribute pair <software></software>. This tag is not mandatory, if omitted the default library2.8.1 Basic Project File for BT122 Bluetooth Dual Mode Module without a BGScript Application:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><!-- Project configuration including BT122 device type --><!-- XML file containing GATT service and characteristic definitions both for BLE and GATT over BR/EDR--> <gatt in="gatt.xml" /><!-- Local hardware interfaces configuration file --><hardware in="hardware.xml" /><!-- Local SDP entries for Bluetooth BR/EDR --><sdp><entry file="DID.xml" autoload="true"/><entry file="SPP.xml" id="2"/></sdp><!-- Firmware output files --><image out="BT122_BGDemo.bin"/></project>2.8.2 Basic Project File for BT122 Bluetooth Dual Mode Module Including a BGScript Application<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><!-- Project configuration including BT122 device type --><project device="bt122"><!-- XML file containing GATT service and characteristic definitions both for BLE and GATT over BR --><gatt in="gatt.xml" /><!-- Local hardware interfaces configuration file --><hardware in="hardware.xml"/><!-- Local SDP entries for Bluetooth BR/EDR --><sdp><entry file="DID.xml" autoload="true"/><entry file="SPP.xml" id="2"/></sdp><!-- BGScript source code file --><scripting><script in="bgdemo.bgs"/></scripting><!-- Firmware output files --><image out="BT122_BGDemo.bin"/></project>3. Hardware Configuration FileThe hardware configuration file is used to configure the hardware features such as TX power, UART, hardware timers, and GPIO set-ting of your Silicon Labs Bluetooth Dual Mode device.3.1 <adc>The XML attribute <adc> is used to configure the module’s ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) settings. ADC reference is always VDD.3.2 <sleep>The XML attribute <sleep> can be used to allow or prevent the use of deeper sleep modes. In order to enable deep sleep modes, please make sure that this option is enabled together with <controller_sleep> attribute. Otherwise, no sleep will be enabled.Note: If you enable the <sleep> feature and use UART to communicate with the module you must also enable the <wakeup_pin>.3.3 <controller sleep>The XML attribute <sleep> can be used to allow or prevent the use of sleep modes.3.4 <wakeup pin>The XML attribute <wakeup_pin> can be used to define an input GPIO that wakes the module from a sleep mode or alternatively pre-vents the Bluetooth module from entering a sleep mode. If sleep modes have been enabled and the UART interface is used for commu-nication with the module, this feature must be enabled.The wake-up pin functionality can only be assigned to a single GPIO, but you can still assign normal GPIO interrupts to other pins. The difference between the wake-up pin and normal GPIO interrupt is that the wake-up pin will not only generate the interrupt which wakes up the module from sleep but will also keep the module awake if it is asserted. Normal GPIO interrupts will wake the module form any state but after the interrupt event handler completes the module will return to sleep.How to use the wake-up pin:1.Assert the wake-up pin from an external host and keep it asserted.2.Process the dumo_evt_hardware_interrupt event generated by the module (see the API Reference Manual for more details)3.Send the desired BGAPI command(s) to the module.4.Wait until you receive the full BGAPI response(s) back from the module.5.De-assert the wake-up pin.6. The module enters sleep mode.Note: Steps 2 and 4 are critical and must be implemented correctly or otherwise, data loss might occur.Note: When this pin is pulled up, the Bluetooth Dual Mode module does not enter any of the sleep modes which increases power con-sumption.3.5 <port>The XML attribute <port> can be used to define the settings for I/O ports A, C, and F. The parameters are described in the table below.3.6 <uart>The XML attribute <uart> can be used to define the UART interface settings.3.7 <i2c>The XML attribute <i2c> can be used to define the module’s I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) interface configuration. Adding this attribute to3.8 <host wakeup>This XML element <host_wakeup> can be used to wake up the host processor when the module is about to send events or data over the UART to a host. Host wake up pin is guaranteed to stay up if there are more events to be sent to a host but not the end of the3.9 <bridging>The XML attribute <bridging> Bluetooth Low Energy can be used to allow or prevent the possibility of using bridging between serialNote: Enabling bridging with this attribute only allows or prevents the possibility of using this feature. To make sure it is going to work properly you still need to use proper endpoint routing in BGScript, and you need to run the API command at the BLE side to set the maximum MTU parameter value to 50 using gatt_set_max_mtu(50).3.10 <lfxo>Note: If custom value is not set, device uses tuning value from flash, written at manufacturing process.For Bluetooth BR/EDR profile the SDP entries also need to be configured so the profiles are properly advertised to remote devices. The SDP entries for all desired profiles must be defined in the project configuration file.In addition, the one XML file per profile must also be included in actual project, and these XML files are used to configure profile based settings.Below is an example showing the user configurable options for the Serial Port Profile (SPP) XML file.This mandatory SDP entry defines the Device Information Profile, the attributes of which describe certain characteristics of the mod-ule such as Vendor ID, Product ID, Version etc. For the Device Information Profile there is a corresponding XML file, named did.xml in the configuration file.The DID configuration file itself is a simple XML file consisting of nested structured elements, their attributes and attribute values.Below is an example showing the user configurable options for the Human Interface Devices (HID) XML file. Note that the “autoload”attribute cannot be used in the project.xml with HID SDP records.Note: Attribute “autoload” cannot be used in the project.xml with HID SDP records.7. Revision HistoryRevision 1.3October, 2023•Updated the I2C bit rate range.Revision 1.2July, 2022•Added new <uart> element attributes.Revision 1.1October, 2021•Added <lfxo> option in hardware.xml•Updated <library> options with HCI mode firmware example Revision 1.0•Initial release UG496: BT122 Project Configuration User’s GuideRevision HistoryIoT Portfolio /products Quality /quality Support & Community /communitySilicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701USA DisclaimerSilicon Labs intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software imple-menters using or intending to use the Silicon Labs products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and “Typical” parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Labs reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Without prior notification, Silicon Labs may update product firmware during the manufacturing process for security or reliability reasons. Such changes will not alter the specifications or the performance of the product. Silicon Labs shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the infor -mation supplied in this document. This document does not imply or expressly grant any license to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any FDA Class III devices, applications for which FDA premarket approval is required or Life Support Systems without the specific written consent of Silicon Labs. A “Life Support System” is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Labs products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Labs products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons. Silicon Labs disclaims all express and implied warranties and shall not be responsible or liable for any injuries or damages related to use of a Silicon Labs product in such unauthorized applications. Note: This content may contain offensive terminology that is now obsolete. 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深圳市同创新佳科技有限公司技术文件LS-PMS酒店门锁管理系统集成发卡接口说明书Hotel Locks Management SystemPMS Integrate Keycards EncodeSDK User Guide版本号:2.0目录1 目的和范围 (4)2 系统组成 (4)Windows API接口与TCP/IP接口. (4)系统结构 (4)3 Windows API接口 (5)接口特点以及接口使用条件 (5)Windows API接口文件说明 (5)Windows API接口函数库说明 (6)4 Windows API接口函数说明 (7)Init –接口初始化 (7)IssueCard –发行客人卡 (8)ReadCard –读取客人卡 (10)CancelCard –注销客人卡 (11)Windows API接口示例使用说明 (12)5 Windows API接口返回值说明 (15)6. TCP/IP接口 (16)6.1 接口特点以及接口使用条件 (16)6.2 TCP/IP接口文件如下表: (16)7 TCP/IP数据通讯协议 (17)7.2 信息格式 (17)7.3 命令详解 (19)前言本说明书由深圳市同创新佳科技有限公司提出。
LS-PMS酒店门锁管理系统集成发卡接口说明书Hotel Locks Management System PMS Integration KeycardsEncode SDK User Guide1目的和范围该接口主要为酒店管理软件与我公司的读写卡设备提供标准的接口,以便酒店管理软件可以通过该接口对我公司设备进行操作。
2系统组成Windows API接口与TCP/IP接口.系统结构Windows API接口系统结构:TCP/IP 接口系统结构:: 3Windows API 接口接口特点以及接口使用条件该接口具有单机与网络2种接口,其特点是不管是单机还是网络接口,每个接口都必须安装一台发卡机,只能在安装了发卡机的电脑上调用ICDLL 动态库完成制卡操作。
二、错误说明1.常规错误码2.设备相关错误3.数据解析相关错误三、特殊获取说明1. hotelInfo获取通过固定Cloud API服务器接口获取,若未在本地配置特殊的Cloud API服务器,请固定使用接口:***.com/v3/hotel/getInfo接口:/v3/hotel/getInfo, GET说明:获取hotelInfo串返回值:四、函数说明1.配置服务器接口地址原型:bool CE_ConfigServer (const char *url)说明:本函数用于配置请求的服务器域名地址。
未配置本地服务器时,默认不再调用该接口,使用公网地址进行访问,url配置为具体的目标接口参数:返回值:2.连接设备原型:int CE_ConnectComm (const char *portName)说明:本函数用于PC与酒店发卡器设备的连接与初始化。
参数:portName:连接串口(COM1~COM256)返回值:3.关闭连接原型:int CE_DisconnectComm(void)说明:本函数用于关闭PC到酒店发卡器的连接。
返回值:4.配置发卡器原型:int CE_InitCardEncoder(const char *hotelInfo) 说明:将发卡器配置给指定的酒店。
参数:返回值:5.将空白卡写成酒店专用卡原型:CE_InitCard(const char *hotelInfo)说明:将空白卡初始化成指定酒店的卡,操作前请终止其它操作参数:返回值:6.停止发送空白卡操作原型:int CE_StopInitCard(void)说明:本函数用于打断酒店发卡操作,请另启线程执行,执行完成后再执行其它操作!否则可能出现未知错误!!返回值:7.新增单条IC卡数据原型:int CE_WriteCard(const char *hotelInfo, int buildNo, int floorNo, const char *mac,unsigned long timestamp, bool allowLockOut)说明:向IC卡中写入一条开锁数据参数:返回值:新增卡数据部分参数说明:8.清空IC卡数据原型:int CE_ClearCard(const char *hotelInfo) 说明:清空IC卡中写入的开锁数据参数:返回值:9.读取IC卡中的所有数据原型:int CE_ReadCard(const char *hotelInfo, char **hotelArray) 说明:从IC卡中读取所有写入的数据参数:返回值:hotelArray参数:hotelArray.hotelArray参数说明:10.获取IC卡卡号原型:int CE_GetCardNo(char **cardNumber)说明:本函数用于获取IC卡卡号参数:返回值:11.蜂鸣器发声原型:int CE_Beep(int voiceLen, int interval, int voiceCount)说明:本函数用于使得蜂鸣器发声,在连续操作接口时,请完成其他操作后调用参数:返回值:12.获取设备的版本信息原型:int CE_GetVersion(char **versions)说明:获取发卡器的版本信息参数:返回值:versions返回值:13.发工程卡原型:int CE_InitConstructionCard()说明:将空白卡初始化成工程卡,工程卡可用来打开所有未初始化的酒店锁返回值:14.恢复空白卡原型:int CE_DeInitCard(const char *hotelInfo)说明:将酒店卡反初始化为空白卡参数:返回值:15.写入挂失卡信息原型:int CE_CancelCard(const char *hotelInfo, const char *cardNo, unsigned long timestamp)说明:向A卡内写入一条需要挂失的卡B的信息参数:返回值:16.读取IC卡中的挂失相关数据原型:int CE_ReadCancellationInfo(const char *hotelInfo, char **infoArray) 说明:从IC卡中读取所有挂失相关的数据参数:返回值:infoArray参数:Array参数说明:17.设置扇区可用性原型:int CE_SetSectors(const char *sectors) 说明:设置各个扇区的可用性参数:返回值:18.读取扇区可用性原型:int CE_GetSectors(char **sectorStr); 说明:读取各个扇区可用性参数:返回值:19.解析单个扇区的数据(1.2.0)原型:int CE_ParseResData(const char *hotelInfo, unsigned char *sectorData, bool isLowestSector, char **hotelArray);说明:解析单个扇区的数据,该接口可脱离本公司发卡器使用参数:返回值:hotelArray参数:hotelArray.hotelArray参数说明:20.创建单个扇区数据(1.2.0)原型:int CE_GenerateSectorData(const char *hotelInfo, unsigned char *sectorData, bool isLowestSector, int buildNo, int floorNo, const char *mac, unsigned long timestamp, bool allowLockOut);说明:获取向单个扇区内写入一条数据的扇区数据,该接口可脱离本公司发卡器使用,该接口必须配置远程服务器地址参数:返回值:新增卡数据部分参数说明:21.创建用于删除扇区数据的数据(1.2.0)原型:int CE_GenerateClearData(unsigned char *srcBytes);说明:创建用于删除扇区数据的数据,该接口可脱离本公司发卡器使用参数:返回值:22.获取新增挂失信息的单个扇区数据(1.2.1)原型:int CE_Ge nerate CancelCardData(const char *hotelInfo, unsigned char *sectorData, bool isLowestSector, const char *cardNo, unsigned long timestamp);说明:获取向单个扇区内写入一条挂失信息的扇区数据,该接口可脱离本公司发卡器使用,必须配置远程服务器地址参数:返回值:23.解析单个扇区内挂失相关数据(1.2.1)原型:int CE_ParseLossData(const char *hotelInfo, unsigned char *sectorData, bool isLowestSector, char **infoArray);说明:解析挂失卡单个扇区内写入的挂失数据信息,该接口可脱离本公司发卡器使用,该接口必须配置远程服务器地址参数:返回值:24.创建工程卡块区数据(1.2.1)原型:int CE_GenerateConstructionCardData(unsigned char *blockData, const char *cardNo);说明:获取创建工程卡的块区数据,该接口可脱离本公司发卡器使用,必须配置远程服务器地址,工程卡数据必须写入第0个扇区的第2块区(以0,1,2块区标准)参数:返回值:五、常见问题说明1.操作卡片返回错误106(1)卡片为空白卡,无法进行读卡、写卡、清卡、挂失等相关卡数据操作。
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● 物理接口:串行口
● 接口参数:
● 接收:4毫秒/字节
● 发送:往主机发送信息时,必须满足以下条件:
6. 需要主机程序E3.02或以上版本支持。
说明: 总长48个字节,格式如下:
说明: 总长6个字节,格式如下:
EAH 14H 分机端口号(00H-DFH)00H 分机等级(0-7)00
EAH 14H 02H 00H 02H 00H
说明: 总长48个字节,格式如下:
说明: 总长48个字节,格式如下:
说明: 总长6个字节,格式如下:
EAH 25H 分机端口号(00H-DFH)00H 分钟小时
EAH 25H 02H 00H 30H 07H
说明: 总长6个字节,格式如下:
EAH 26H 分机端口号(00H-DFH) 00H 开关(00H-关,01H-开)00
EAH 26H 02H 00H 01H 00H
EAH 26H 02H 00H 00H 00H。