钡铼技术 BL100 Modbus转MQTT网关说明书
版本:V1.0 日期:2021-08-06 版权:深圳市钡铼技术有限公司 网址: BL00 说明书 版本:V1.0日期:2021-08-18版权:深圳市钡铼技术有限公司 BL100 说明书 GSM/SMS/GPRS/3G/4G 转MQTT 网关 BL100前言感谢您使用深圳市钡铼技术有限公司的BL100 MODBUS转MQTT网关,阅读本产品说明书能让您快速掌握本产品的功能和使用方法。
1 产品简介 (5)1.1 概述 (5)1.2 应用示意图 (6)1.3 安全说明 (6)1.4 装箱清单 (7)1.5 功能特点 (9)1.6 技术参数 (10)1.7 设备选型 (11)2 硬件说明 (12)2.1 外形尺寸 (12)2.2 LED指示灯 (13)2.3 接口定义 (13)2.4 升级调试USB接口 (14)2.5 天线连接 (14)3 产品安装 (15)3.1 壁挂式 (15)3.2 导轨式安装 (15)4 配置软件使用 (16)4.1 配置前准备 (16)4.1.1 驱动安装 (16)4.1.2 查找端口号 (16)4.2 登录配置软件 (17)4.3 串口设置 (18)4.4 从机映射表 (19)4.5 云平台设置 (23)4.5.1 金鸽云3.0 (23)4.5.2 金鸽云2.0 (24)4.5.3 金鸽云MQTT (25)4.5.4 华为云配置 (26)4.5.5 阿里云配置 (27)4.5.6 其他平台(自定义协议) (28)4.6 设备自检 (29)4.7.1 参数配置 (30)4.7.2 号码设置 (32)4.7.3 定时器 (33)时钟定时器 (33)周期定时器 (34)4.7.4 设备升级 (34)4.7.5 映射寄存器数据 (35)4.8 导出配置文件 (36)4.9 载入配置文件 (36)4.10 恢复出厂设置 (37)5 设备应用示例和上云平台示例 (38)5.1 数据透传(DTU)的应用设置 (38)5.2 BL100做主站采集从机设备上云平台示例 (40)5.2.1 485串口模式设置 (40)5.2.2 金鸽云应用 (42)5.2.3 华为云的应用 (44)5.2.4 阿里云的应用 (50)5.2.5 MQTT的应用 (56)5.2.6 自定义云 (59)6 附录寄存器地址 (60)6.1 本机寄存器地址 (60)6.2 映射寄存器地址 (61)6.3 改写布尔型映射地址数据 (62)6.4 读取数据类型映射地址数据 (63)6.5 改写数据类型映射地址数据 (64)6.6 短信功能 (65)6.6.1 短信指令集 (65)7 售后服务 (67)7.1 固件升级 (67)7.2 保修条款 (67)7.3 技术支持 (67)1 产品简介概述◆BL100是一款基于4G全网通的MODBUS转MQTT网关设备,支持MODBUSRTU、MODBUS TCP、MQTT、阿里云、华为云、金鸽云和自定义平台以及透明传输功能。
AiGW300 智能Modbus多主机网关一、产品介绍 (3)二、硬件接口 (4)1、硬件布局 (4)2、指示灯说明 (4)3、电源输入接口 (5)4、串口分配 (5)5、RS485口接线 (6)6、RS232口接线 (6)7、10/100Mbps以太网接口 (7)三、安装软件 (8)1、修改IP (8)2、如果扫描不到设备 (8)四、进入产品的设置菜单 (9)1、进入Telnet管理菜单 (9)2、操作规则 (10)五、设置串口参数 (11)六、切换端口类型 (12)七、2个串口主机和以太网主机同时读写1个串口下位机模式(默认模式) (14)1、概述 (14)2、配置参数 (16)1)切换为“自学习式Modbus RTU转TCP,单下位机多主机.”模式 (16)2)配置下位机端口参数 (17)3)配置串口主机端口参数 (18)4)配置网口主机参数 (19)3、连接参数 (20)4、测试方法 (20)1)测试Modbus TCP主机 (21)2)测试Modbus RTU主机 (22)3)测试TCP/IP方式的Modbus RTU主机 (23)八、“智能Modbus交换机”模式,支持多主多下位机总线同时读写数据 (25)1、概述 (25)2、切换为“智能Modbus交换机,多主机多下位机.”模式 (28)3、配置参数 (30)1)配置下位机端口参数 (30)2)配置串口主机端口参数 (31)3)配置网口主机参数 (32)4)增加主机、下位机端口 (34)5)查看地址码分配表 (35)4、连接参数 (36)5、测试方法 (36)1)测试Modbus TCP主机 (36)2)测试Modbus RTU主机 (38)3)测试TCP/IP方式的Modbus RTU主机 (39)九、“串口共享服务器”模式,直接替换普通串口服务器,串口支持多主机同时读写数据。
(41)1、概述 (41)2、配置参数 (43)1)切换为“串口共享服务器”模式 (43)2)配置基本参数 (43)3、连接参数 (45)4、测试方法 (45)1)测试Modbus TCP主机 (45)2)测试TCP/IP方式的Modbus RTU主机 (47)十、将 Modbus TCP下位机同时共享给以太网、串口主机读写数据 (50)1、概述 (50)2、配置参数 (51)1)修改AiGW300主机接口模式为以太网 (51)2)串口参数 (52)3、连接参数 (52)4、测试方法 (52)十一、标准串口服务器模式 (53)1、概述 (53)2、配置参数 (53)3、Server模式参数 (54)4、设置指定串口为Client模式 (55)5、串口参数 (56)十二、使用“一天广联Modbus多主机云服务” (57)1、概述 (57)2、一天广联Modbus多主机云服务说明 (57)3、启用云服务及参数配置 (59)1)切换为“自学习式Modbus RTU转TCP,单下位机多主机.”模式 (59)2)切换为“智能Modbus交换机,多上位机多下位机.”模式 (59)3)启用“一天广联Modbus多主机云服务”。
Modbus RS485转EtherNet IP网关 HT3S-EIS-MDN 用户手册 V1
MODBUS RTU 转ETHERNET/IP协议网关HT3S-EIS-MDN用户手册V1.32北京核拓普科技发展有限公司目录1. 产品概述 (3)1.1 产品功能 (3)1.2 技术参数 (3)1.2.1 EtherNet/IP技术参数 (3)1.2.2 Modbus RTU技术参数 (4)2. 产品外观 (5)2.1 产品尺寸图 (5)2.2 端子说明 (5)2.3 指示灯 (6)2.4 拨码说明 (6)3. 硬件电气规范 (7)3.1 电气参数 (7)3.2 EtherNet/IP的电气连接 (7)3.3 MODBUS的电气连接 (8)3.3.1 RS485电气连接 (8)3.3.2 RS232电气连接 (8)4. 协议及数据转换 (9)4.1 协议转换原理 (9)4.2 EtherNet/IP协议介绍 (9)4.3 MODBUS协议介绍 (10)4.3.1 MODBUS存储区 (10)4.3.2 MODBUS功能码 (10)读取输出状态(01H) (11) 读取输入状态(02H) (11) 读取保存寄存器(03H) (12) 读取输入寄存器(04H) (13) 强制单线圈(05H) (13) 预置单保持寄存器(06H) (14) 强制多线圈(0FH) (14) 预置多寄存器(10H) (15)4.3.3 MODBUS异常码 (15)5. 网关配置及操作 (17)5.1 配置网关的MODBUS报文 (17)5.1.1 网关作为MODBUS主站 (17)5.1.2 网关作为MODBUS从站 (22)5.2 配置网关的EtherNet/IP地址 (26)5.3 配置网关的EtherNet/IP从站 (29)5.3.1 使用AB系统的配置方法 (29)5.3.2 使用欧姆龙系统的配置方法 (38)5.4 启动网关运行 (48)5.4.1 网关的控制字 (48)5.4.2 网关的状态字 (48)5.4.3 启动网关的MODBUS主站 (48)5.4.4 启动网关的MODBUS从站 (51)1. 产品概述1.1 产品功能HT3S-EIS-MDN是一款EtherNet/IP从站功能的通讯网关。
Modbus 网关产品型号:MOD1022-ARM软件特点:-绿色免安装,支持中英文;-支持60种协议同时转为Modbus RTU和ModbusTCP服务器;-支持WEB浏览,查看,设置,进行监视和控制;-支持线性转换,取位,高低字节转换;-1024个采集点限制;-配置软件X2Modbus配置工程方便,1000个点20分钟内即可完成.;-添加新的私有协议支持Modbus,2周内即可完成.硬件特点-Windows CE/32 Bit 400MHz RISC ARM926EJ;-DC24,7W;-三层隔离;-1个网口,2个RS232,2个RS485,接线方便-尺寸:169x 94x 28mm ,重量:400g-铝合金外壳,安装方式:壁挂式,导轨式产品尺寸图欢迎索取产品目录并有机会合作!1、BACnetIP(网口)2、BACnet MS/TP(串口)3、Buhler_MEAFClient(布勒称重)4、DLT645-2007Client(电表通讯协议)5、DLT645-1997Client(电表通讯协议)6、Dynet(灯光控制协议)7、ModbusASCIIClient(串口)8、ModbusRTUClient(串口)9、ModbusTCPClient(网口)10、ModbusUDPClient(网口)11、ModbusASCII_TCPClient(ModbusASCII走网络TCP协议)12、ModbusASCII_UDPClient(Modbus ASCII走网络UDP协议)13、ModbusRTU_TCPClient(Modbus RTU走网络TCP协议)14、ModbusRTU_UDPClient(Modbus RTU走网络UDP协议)15、MitsubishiSMOS—PSIIClient(三菱梯控BA接口)16、SNMPClient(简单网络管理协议)17、VotonThermostatClient(沃顿空调温控器)18、Emerson_ACM03U1(艾默生精密空调控制器)19、LTM9662_485Net(北京长英温控器协议)20、Haiwei ES PLC(厦门海为ES系列PLC)21、Haiwei HN PLC(厦门海为HN系列PLC)22、Mitsubishi Elevator KLR-F485(三菱梯控BA接口)23、Siemens S7_200 PPI(西门子PLC S7-200 PPI协议)24、Siemens S7_1200 Network(西门子PLC S7-1200工业以太网)25、Siemens S7_300 Network(西门子PLC S7-300工业以太网)26、Siemens S7_400 Network(西门子PLC S7-400工业以太网)27、Otis Elevator BA Interface(奥的斯梯控)28、Hitachi Elevator BA Interface(日立梯控)29、XINJE PLC(信捷PLC)30、VRVMANGER(大金空调)31、Toshiba PROVISOR TC200(东芝PROVISOR TC200系列PLC)32、Mitsubishi FX1S(三菱FX-1S系列PLC)33、Mitsubishi FX2N(三菱FX-2N系列PLC)34、Mitsubishi FX2N-20GM(三菱FX-2N系列运动控制PLC)35、Mitsubishi FX3U(三菱FX-3U系列PLC)36、Mitsubishi Melsec Q(三菱Melsec-Q系列PLC)37、Panasonic MINAS A5(松下MINAS A5伺服)38、Bewis BWM426(无锡北微传感科技有限公司BWM426数字双轴倾角传感器)39、Kawamura AllLight(河村电器ALLLIGHT智能照明控制系统)40、J o t o n Tmaster(约顿机房专用空调Tmaster通讯协议)41、Siemens Cerberus FS18(北京西门子西伯乐斯电子有限公司FS18消防报警系统通讯协议)42、Modbus-YZ202(远征科技YZ202微机综合保护装置)43、Idel MicroSmart(和泉PLC)44、FACON FB(永宏PLC)45、AB DF1(AB DF1串口协议、支持MicroLogic PLC)46、AB Ethernet/IP(AB Ethernt/IP工业以太网)47、GE SNP(GE PLC)48、GE SNPX(GE PLC)49、OPTO 22(奥普图控制器)50、OMRON C Series Host Link(欧姆龙C系列PLC)51、OMRON CP1H(欧姆龙CP1H系列PLC)52、OMRON CPM2AH(欧姆龙CPM2AH系列PLC)53、OMRON E5EZ-R3(欧姆龙C系列PLC)54、Rexroth SerialPort(力士乐伺服串口)55、Rexroth Ethernet(力士乐伺服网口)56、Yaskawa UDP(安川伺服网口通信)57、Yaskawa MP2300(安川MP2300串口)58、Hitachi SJ300(日立SJ300 PLC)59、Fuji SPB(富士SPB系列PLC)60、OPC XML-DA(OPC基金会OPC XML-DA规范)61、M-BUSModbus网关产品列表产品名称产品型号尺寸(长*宽*高mm)净重颜色材质实现功能Modbus网关MOD1004-ARM 263x 110x 28500g银色铝合金支持多个协议转为Modbus RTU/TCPModbus凌动网关MOD1004-ATOM208x 150x 391800g黑色支持多个协议转为Modbus RTU/TCPModbus网关MOD1022-ARM 169x 94x 28400g黑色支持多个协议转为Modbus RTU/TCP采集端支持的协议如下:。
龙马 Modbus 网关(型号 LM Gateway202-M)技术数据表说明书
产品简介LM Gateway202-M数据采集网关,基于稳固的硬件平台设计,完善的软件内核。
提供4个RS-485串口,1个10/100 Mbps以太网口。
网关内嵌Modbus,BACnet,DLT645,PPI,Mbus等数据采集驱动,提供私有协议驱动集成,网关作为Modbus RTU,Modbus TCP服务器对外提供数据硬件规格LM Gateway202硬件参数:CPU ARM926EJ,主频为300MHz内存64MByte 高性能内存Nand Flash 128MByte SLC Flash串口4个全隔离RS485接口网口1个100M/10M以太网接口WIFI 可选配USB无线网卡电源DC9V~36V,支持防反接,抗雷,过流等保护整机重量210g外壳防护等级IP51安装尺寸144mm×100mm×35mm(L×W×H) 含挂耳机械安装DIN导轨卡槽固定LM Gateway202环境参数:功耗主板最大功耗≤3W工作温度工作相对湿度-40~80℃20~90%无凝露接口定义1.POWER电源座信号说明V+ 电源正V- 电源负E 安全地线2. DC座,5.5*2.1mm在电源质量不佳的环境下,建议使用开关电源供电,能有效提高网关抗干扰的能力。
LAN口默认IP 子网掩码Eth0功能座PIN号信号说明1 COM1-A RS485-1 信号正端2 COM1-B RS485-1 信号负端3 COM1-GND 信号地4 COM1-TX RS232-1信号发送端5 COM1-RX RS232-1信号接收端6 COM2-A RS485-2 信号正端7 COM2-B RS485-2 信号负端8 COM2-GND 信号地9 COM2-TX RS232-2信号发送端10 COM2-RX RS232-2信号接收端11 COM3-A RS485-3 信号正端12 COM3-B RS485-3 信号负端13 COM3-GND 信号地14 COM3-TX RS232-3信号发送端15 COM3-RX RS232-3信号接收端16 COM4-A RS485-4信号正端17 COM4-B RS485-4 信号负端18 COM4-GND 信号地19 COM4-TX RS232-4信号发送端20 COM4-RX RS232-4信号接收端RS485:全隔离RS485接口,采用三级防护;支持GB/T 17626.5-2008标准中10/700uS测试的最高等级4KV防护;±15kV 人体放电模式;±15kV IEC1000-4-2 气隙放电;通讯参数可配置,默认通讯参数:9600,8-1-N。
Anybus Modbus-TCP RTU 网关用户手册说明书
Anybus®Modbus-TCP/RTU GatewayUSER MANUALHMSI-168-77 3.0ENGLISHImportant User InformationLiabilityEvery care has been taken in the preparation of this document.Please inform HMS Industrial Networks AB of any inaccuracies or omissions.The data and illustrations found in this document are not binding.We,HMS Industrial Networks AB,reserve the right to modify our products in line with our policy of continuous product development. The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be considered as a commit-ment by HMS Industrial Networks AB.HMS Industrial Networks AB assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.There are many applications of this product.Those responsible for the use of this device must ensure that all the necessary steps have been taken to verify that the applications meet all performance and safety requirements in-cluding any applicable laws,regulations,codes,and standards.HMS Industrial Networks AB will under no circumstances assume liability or responsibility for any problems that may arise as a result from the use of undocumented features,timing,or functional side effects found outside the documented scope of this product.The effects caused by any direct or indirect use of such aspects of the product are undefined,and may include patibility issues and stability issues.The examples and illustrations in this document are included solely for illustrative purposes.Because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular implementation,HMS Industrial Networks AB cannot as-sume responsibility for actual use based on these examples and illustrations.Intellectual Property RightsHMS Industrial Networks AB has intellectual property rights relating to technology embodied in the product de-scribed in this document.These intellectual property rights may include patents and pending patent applications in the USA and other countries.Trademark AcknowledgementsAnybus®is a registered trademark of HMS Industrial Networks AB.All other trademarks are the property of their re-spective holders.Copyright©2016HMS Industrial Networks AB.All rights reserved.Anybus®Modbus-TCP/RTU Gateway User ManualHMSI-168-773.0Table of Contents Page1Preface (3)1.1About This Document (3)1.2Document history (3)1.3Conventions (4)1.4Terminology (4)2Introduction (5)3Installation (6)3.1Mounting on DIN Rail (6)3.2MAC ID and Default IP Address (6)3.3Connections (7)3.4LED Indicators (8)4Configuration (9)4.1IP Configuration (9)4.2Web Configuration Interface (12)A Internal Registers (15)B Technical Data (17)C Regulatory Compliance (18)This page intentionally left blank1Preface1.1About This DocumentThis manual describes how to install and configure Anybus Modbus-TCP/RTU Gateway.For additional related documentation and file downloads,please visit the Anybus support web-site at /support.1.2Document historySummary of recent changesRevision list1.3ConventionsUnordered(bulleted)lists are used for:•Itemized information•Instructions that can be carried out in any orderOrdered(numbered or alphabetized)lists are used for instructions that must be carried out insequence:1.First do this,2.Then open this dialog,anda.set this option...b....and then this one.Bold typeface indicates interactive parts such as connectors and switches on the hardware,ormenus and buttons in a graphical user interface.Monospaced text is used to indicate program code and otherkinds of data input/output such as configuration scripts.This is a cross-reference within this document:Conventions,p.4This is an external link(URL):This is additional information which may facilitate installation and/or operation.1.4TerminologyIn this document the TIA-232/485serial communication standards are referred to asRS-232/485when describing hardware,and as EIA-232/485in the software interface.Introduction5(20) 2IntroductionFig.1OverviewThe Anybus Modbus-TCP/RTU Gateway allows Modbus RTU devices be connected to aModbus TCP network.The gateway functions as a Modbus TCP server and performs a trans-parent conversion between the two protocols.All Modbus accesses that are not addressed tothe virtual slave of the Anybus Modbus-TCP/RTU Gateway will be forwarded to the ModbusRTU network.The maximum frame length(number of registers)that can be used is limited only by the Modbusspecification and the functionality of the connected Modbus RTU devices.All Modbus functioncodes are supported.Configuration is carried out using the built-in web interface.The IP address of the gateway canbe set using the Anybus IPconfig utility.3Installation3.1Mounting on DIN RailMounting Fig.2Mounting on DIN rail1.Hook the unit onto the upper lip of the rail.2.Press the unit towards the rail until it snaps into place.Removing Fig.3Removing from DIN rail1.Insert a flat-head screwdriver into the slotted tab on the bottom of the unit and pull the tab gently downwards.2.Pull the bottom end of the unit free of the rail and lift the unit from the rail.3.2MAC ID and Default IP AddressThe default IP address of a Anybus Modbus-TCP/RTU Gateway is 10.200.1.n ,where n corre-sponds to the last number in the MAC ID,which is printed on the label on the side of the unit.The MAC ID is in hexadecimal format.If the MAC ID is 00:30:11:FA:00:1F ,the IP address will be,since the hexadecimal value 1F =31.MAC IDFig.4Label with MAC ID3.3ConnectionsIn this document the TIA-232/485serial communication standards are referred to as RS-232/485when describing hardware,and as EIA-232/485in the software interface.3.3.1Terminal BlockFig.5Terminal blockTerminal block connectionsDescriptionPower 9–24V DC/AC groundDigital Input 2+(10–24VDC)Digital Input 1+(10–24VDC)Digital Input Common -used usedRS-232Receive RS-232TransmitSerial common (signal ground)RS-485Line A RS-485Line B3.3.2D-sub ConnectorThe 9-pin male D-sub connector provides an RS-232interface.The Anybus Modbus-TCP/RTU Gateway is configured as a DTE device.Fig.6D-sub connectorD-sub connector pin layout3.3.3Ethernet ConnectorThe RJ-45socket provides a 10/100Mbps Ethernet networkconnection.Fig.7Ethernet connectorEthernet connector pin layout3.4LED IndicatorsFig.8LED Indicators4Configuration4.1IP Configuration4.1.1Installing the IPconfig UtilityIPconfig is a Windows-based tool used for TCP/IP network configuration of a HMS devices.Thetool will detect all connected devices and allow configuration of their IP address,netmask,de-fault gateway,DNS and hostname.1.Download IPconfig from /support.2.Extract the contents of the zip archive in a folder on your computer and double-click theexecutable file to run the installer.4.1.2Scanning for Connected DevicesMake sure that the devices to be configured are connected on the same Ethernet subnet as thecomputer running e standard Ethernet cables.When IPconfig utility started it will scan the available local networks.All detected devices will bepresented in a list in the main window.To refresh the list,click on Scan.4.1.3Ethernet ConfigurationTo change the TCP/IP settings for a device,either double-click on the entry or right-click on itand select Configuration.Fig.10Ethernet configurationNotes•Do not enable DHCP if there is no DHCP server available on the network.See also IPconfig Settings,p.11•You can add a name for the device in the Hostname field.Only characters a-z,A-Z, 0–9and_(underscore)are allowed.•The default password for authentication of the new settings is admin.To change the password,check the Change password box and enter the current password in thePassword field and the new password in the New password field.Click Set to save the new settings.The device will be automatically restarted.The new settingscan be tested by opening a web browser and entering the IP address assigned to the device.4.1.4IPconfig SettingsAdditional settings for IPconfig can be accessed by clicking on Settings.settingsCheck this option to select a specific network interface to usedevices on a computer with multiple interfaces.Server If a device has been set to use DHCP but there is no DHCPnetwork,the device may no longer be detected in a scan.Toan internal DHCP server in IPconfig can be activated.Click the checkbox to enable the option,then click OK to closeIPconfig will automatically refresh,and the missing device shoulddetected.Select the device and change its configuration to useaddressing instead of DHCP.Disable the internal DHCP server after the device has been4.2Web Configuration InterfaceRight-click on the entry for the gateway in IPconfig and select Open Web Interface to open itslocal web server in your default browser.You can also type the IP address directly into the webbrowser address field.The default login user name is admin and the default password is admin.Fig.12Logging in to the web interface4.2.1NetworkFig.13Network settingsThe Network settings page allows viewing and changing the TCP/IP settings.These are thesame settings as those entered in IPconfig.When DHCP is enabled the unit will automatically receive the settings for IP address,subnetmask,default gateway,and DNS.Contact your network administrator if in doubt.Click on Save Settings to save the new configuration.4.2.2ModbusFig.14Modbus settings4.2.3StatusFig.15Status page4.2.4AdminFig.16Admin pageThis page allows you to change the default password for the gateway.The user name cannotbe changed.A Internal RegistersAppendix B:Technical Data17(20)B Technical DataTechnical SpecificationsAppendix C:Regulatory Compliance18(20) C Regulatory ComplianceThis product is in compliance with the EMC directive2014/30/EC through conformance with thefollowing standards:EN61000-6-4(2007)Emission standard for industrial environment•EN55016-2-3,Class A(2010)•EN55022,Class A(2011)EN61000-6-2(2005)Immunity for industrial environment•EN61000-4-2(2009)•EN61000-4-3(2006)•EN61000-4-4(2012)•EN61000-4-5(2014)•EN61000-4-6(2014)E214107Field wiring terminals shall be connected with minimum wire size24AWG.This page intentionally left blankHMSI-168-77 3.0./UTC©2016HMS Industrial Networks AB。
PROFIBUS转MODBUS-RTU网关PBMD485-K20(主站)PBMD232-K20(主站)使用手册北京微硬创新科技有限公司2009-3目录使用须知 (3)产品系列概述 (3)您关心的技术参数 (3)典型应用网络图 (4)产品功能 (4)1. 硬件连接及STEP7参数配置说明 (5)1.1. 硬件接口及指示灯说明 (5)1.1.1硬件接口说明 (5)1.1.2指示灯说明 (7)1.2. PBMD232/485-K20 STEP7参数配置说明 (7)1.2.1. GSD文件说明 (7)1.2.2. Modbus报文的配置及网关启动操作 (8)1.3. PBMD232/485-K20的通讯状态字及控制字介绍 (9)1.3.1通信状态字 (10)1.3.2通信控制字 (10)2. STEP7硬件建立及配置 (11)2.1. 西门子PLC的PROFIBUS主站配置 (11)2.2. 网关PBMD232/485-K20作为PROFIBUS从站的配置过程 (16)2.2.1. PROFIBUS从站配置——网关做MODBUS主站 (16)3. Modbus-RTU 协议简介 (20)3.1.MODBUS存储区 (20)3.2.MODBUS功能码 (20)3.2.1.读取输出状态(01H) (20)3.2.2.读取输入状态(02H) (21)3.2.3.读取保存寄存器(03H) (21)3.2.4.读取输入寄存器(04H) (22)3.2.5.强制单线圈(05H) (22)3.2.6.预置单保持寄存器(06H) (23)3.2.7.强制多线圈(0FH) (23)3.2.8.预置多寄存器(10H) (23)3.3.MODBUS异常码 (24)附录A:从站状态监测功能说明 (25)附录B:如何使用串口调试助手截取MODBUS报文 (27)附录C:如何使用Modbus Slave连接PBMD232/485-K20(主站) (29)使用须知● 如果您已经熟悉Modbus-RTU协议以及熟练使用西门子配置软件Step7,仅仅关心本产品的使用问题,请参看1.2节《PBMD232/485-K20 STEP7参数配置说明》。
AUTOMATION PANORAMA9输入电压在85%~115%、频率在45Hz ~55Hz 波动范围内设备均能正常工作;• 友好的人机界面人机接口采用触摸屏,全中文界面; • 灵活的用户接口接口方式可采用硬接线方式也可采用通讯方式,提供由用户自定义的输出接口;• 高效率、高功率因素整机效率≥96%,功率因数≥95%; • 特有的单元旁路技术采用接触器机械式旁路执行机构,以独立的旁路控制板控制和独立的供电电源供电,确保单元故障时能够可靠被旁路;• 线电压的自动均衡技术为保证整个变频器输出线电压平衡,SB-HV 系列高压变频器采用特有的线电压控制方式,最大限度地满足了现场运行工况。
SAMCO-SVC06内置PG ,拥有业内最大屏幕的LCD 面板,中、英、日文显示。
LCD 点亮时间可根据需要调节,自定义显示内容,方便用户脱离说明书直接进行操作。
可内置滤波器,符合无铅化要求和CE 标准,对应海拔高度3000m 。
强大的通讯功能,最高传输速率57600bps ,加中继器最大通讯台数可达247台。
支持IEEE 802.11 b/g/n 通信标准,支持4路Socket连接;支持阿里云、百度云、OneNet、标准MQTT协议;支持TCP/UDP/HTTP/MQTT多种网络通信协议。
WiFi模块体积小,自带PCB板载天线,工作在2.4GHz频段,功耗低,数据传输快,WiFi 数传模块可使用串口进行数据收发以及AT指令相关参数设置。
WiFi模块典型应用:1.无线抄表2.无线传感3.智能家居4.工业遥控及遥测5.智能楼宇及智能建筑6.高压线监测7.环境工程8.高速公路9.小型气象站10.自动化数据采集11.消费电子12.智能机器人13.路灯控制串口转WiFi模块功能特点:1.支持同时 TCP/UDP/HTTP/MQTT 多种网络通信协议通信2.支持最多同时 4 路 Socket 通信;3.支持阿里云、百度云、OneNet、标准 MQTT 协议4.支持 Modbus 协议转换(RTU 和 TCP);5.支持 modbus 存储型网关/配置型网关/多主机网关6.支持透传多路协议传输和广播传输;7.支持自定义注册包、自定义心跳包功能;8.支持上位机、AT 指令配置;9.支持断线自动重连;10.支持高速连传;11.支持 IEEE802.11 b/g/n 标准;12.支持 2.4G 频段;13.支持 AP、STA 工作模式;14.支持 WPA2 WIFI 安全认证方式;15.支持动态 DNS、DHCP 网络服务包;16.内置看门狗,永不死机17.参数记忆,掉电保存串口转WiFi模块双向透传参数。
Modbus ECS8103CP 网关服务器用户手册
Modbus网关服务器用户手册ECS8103CP【功能介绍】ECS8103CP是一款多功能串口Modbus 网关设备,它内部集成了Modbus TCP、Modbus RTU 和Modbus ASCII 协议,并且该设备串口可通过软件灵活配置成RS-232、RS-485 或RS-422模式,用户利用它可以轻松实现Modbus以太网设备与Modbus串口设备的无缝整合。
通过此协议,各种Modbus设备(如 PLC、DCS、HMI、各种仪表等)之间经由网络或串行链路可以相互进行通信。
但是使用在串口和以太网上的Modbus 协议是不同的,因此需要一个网关来完成两个协议之间的通讯转换工作。
ECS8103CP是专门用来连通Modbus TCP 设备和Modbus RTU/ASCII 设备的产品。
【产品特点】1、32 位 ARM Cortex-m3 CPU2、支持1个10/100M 以太网接口3、支持 RS-232、RS-422、RS-485 三种串口方式4、串口波特率、数据位、停止位、校验位均可设定5、支持ARP、IP、ICMP、IGMP、UDP、TCP、DHCP、DNS、MODBUS TCP、MODBUS RTU、MODBUS ASCII协议6、支持RTU_ Master--TCP_ Slaver 、TCP_ Master--RTU_ Slaver 、ASCII_ Master--TCP_ Slaver 、TCP_ Master--ASCII_ Slaver四种工作模式7、最大支持 32 个Modbus TCP主站、4个Modbus TCP从站8、提供字符超时时间自动适应功能9、提供 ID 映射功能,实现主机 ID 号的管理10、本地端口、目标IP地址和目标端口号可设定11、可使用 Web Server、Telnet、 MG Configuration配置工具进行配置12、配置工具支持Windows98/me/NT/2000/XP/WIN7/WIN8/WIN10 等操作系统13、工业级设计,可长期稳定运行在恶劣环境【产品规格】以太网标准:10/100Mbps自适应以太网口通讯模式:全双工/半双工自适应传输距离:小于100米接口形式:RJ-45串口RS-232信号:TXD,RXD,RTS,CTS,GNDRS-422信号:T+,T-,R+,R-RS-485信号:D+,D-检验位:None\Even\Odd\space\mark数据位:6bit,7bit,8bit波特率:300bps ~ 230400bps方向控制:RS-485采用数据流向自动控制技术负载能力:RS-485/422端支持最大32结点轮询传输距离:RS-485/422端1000米,RS-232口10米接口保护:1500W浪涌保护,15KV静电保护接口形式:RS-232端DB-9公头,RS-485/422端子台电源电源输入:DC9~48V供电功耗:120mA @ 24V(最大)环境工作温度:-20℃~70℃储藏温度:-40℃~95℃储藏湿度: 5~95% RH外型尺寸长×宽×高:103x72x27(mm)【接口定义】RS-232:DB9公头(TXD,RXD,RTS,CTS,GND)RS-422:接线端子(T+, T-, R+, R-)RS-485:接线端子(D+,D-)网络接口:RJ45(Ethernet)电源接口:接线端子VS+,VS-【恢复出厂设置】硬件恢复:把端子上的Setup和GND短接重新供电,然后断开Setup和GND,可恢复出厂设置。
Modbus网关设备操作手册目录一产品介绍 (4)1.1产品概述 (4)1.2功能特点 (4)1.3技术参数 (4)1.4物品清单 (5)二硬件安装 (6)2.1安装拓扑图 (6)三软件及配置 (8)3.1初次登录 (8)3.2主机配置 (10)3.3主机配置 (10)3.4数据推送配置 (12)3.5串口配置 (13)3.6数据展示 (19)3.7字符叠加配置 (19)3.8导图 (20)四服务与支持 (21)五联系方式 (23)一产品介绍1.1产品概述MODBUS网关设备是一种读取传感器MODBUS数据将其在视频监控画面上叠加显示并可上报至第三方平台的设备,主要用于实时获知、保存所监测多路传感器的数据信息,方便查看。
MGate MB3660系列Modbus网关快速安装指南说明书
P/N: 1802036600013*1802036600013*MGate MB3660 Series Quick Installation GuideVersion 2.2, January 2021Technical Support Contact Information/support2021 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.OverviewThe MGate MB3660 (MB3660-8 and MB3660-16) series gateways are 8 and 16-port redundant Modbus gateways that convert between the Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU/ASCII protocols. The gateways come with built-in dual AC or DC power inputs for power redundancy, and have dual Ethernet ports (with different IPs) for network redundancy.The MGate MB3660 series gateways provide not only serial-to-Ethernet communication, but also serial (Master)-to-serial (Slave) communication, and can be accessed by up to 256 TCP master/client devices, or connected to 128 TCP slave/server devices.Each serial port can be configured individually for Modbus RTU or Modbus ASCII operation and for different baudrates, allowing both types of networks to be integrated with Modbus TCP through one Modbus gateway.Package ChecklistBefore installing the MGate MB3660 series gateway, verify that the package contains the following items:• 1 MGate MB3660-8 or MB3660-16 gateway• 1 RJ45-to-DB9 female serial cable for console setting• 2 L-shaped brackets for wall mounting• 2 AC power cords (for AC models)•Quick installation guide•Warranty cardOptional Accessories•Mini DB9F-to-TB: DB9 female to terminal block connector•CBL-RJ45M9-150: RJ45 to DB9 male serial cable, 150 cm•CBL-RJ45F9-150: RJ45 to DB9 female serial cable, 150 cm •CBL-F9M9-20: RJ45 to DB9 female serial cable, 150 cm•CBL-RJ45SF9-150: RJ45 to DB9 female serial shielded cable, 150 cm•WK-45-01: Wall-mounting kit, 2 L-shaped plates, 6 screws, 45 x 57 x 2.5 mm•PWC-C13AU-3B-183: Power cord with Australian (AU) plug, 183 cm •PWC-C13CN-3B-183: Power cord with three-prong China (CN) plug, 183 cm•PWC-C13EU-3B-183: Power cord with Continental Europe (EU) plug, 183 cm•PWC-C13JP-3B-183: Power cord with Japan (JP) plug, 7 A/125 V, 183 cm•PWC-C13UK-3B-183: Power cord with United Kingdom (UK) plug, 183 cm•PWC-C13US-3B-183: Power cord with United States (US) plug, 183 cm•CBL-PJTB-10: Non-locking barrel plug to bare-wire cableNotify your sales representative if any of the above items are missing or damaged.Hardware IntroductionAs shown in the following figures, the MGate MB3660-8 has 8 DB9/RJ45 ports for transmitting serial data, and the MGate MB3660-16 has 16 DB9/RJ45 ports for transmitting serial data. The MGate MB3660I series gateways provide 2 kV serial port isolation protection.AC-DB9 ModelsDC-DB9 ModelsAC-DB9-I ModelsAC-RJ45 ModelsReset Button — Press the Reset button continuously for 5 sec to load factory defaultsThe reset button is used to load factory defaults. Hold the reset button down for five seconds using a pointed object such as a straightened paper clip. Release the reset button when the Ready LED stops blinking. LED IndicatorsName Color Function PWR 1, PWR 2 RedPower is being supplied to the power input OffPower cable is not connected Ready Red Steady on: Power is on and the unit is booting upBlinking: IP conflict, DHCP, or BOOTP server did notrespond properly, or a relay output occurredGreen Steady on: Power is on and unit is functioning normallyBlinking: Unit is responding to the locate functionOff Power is off, or power error condition existsTx Green Serial port is transmitting dataRx Amber Serial port is receiving dataLAN 1, LAN 2 Green Indicates 100 Mbps Ethernet connectionAmber Indicates 10 Mbps Ethernet connectionOff Ethernet cable is disconnectedHardware Installation ProcedureSTEP 1: After unpacking the unit, use an Ethernet cable to connect theunit to the network.STEP 2: Connect your device to the desired port on the unit.STEP 3: Place or mount the unit. The unit may be placed on a horizontalsurface such as a desktop, or mounted on the wall.STEP 4: Connect the power supply to the unit.Wall or Cabinet MountingTwo metal plates are provided for mounting the unit on a wall or inside a cabinet. Attach the plates to the unit’s rear panel with screws. With the plates attached, use screws to mount the unit on a wall.The heads of the screws should be 5.0 to 7.0 mm indiameter, the shafts should be 3 to 4 mm indiameter, and the length of the screws should bemore than 10.5 mm.Termination Resistor and Adjustable Pull High/Low ResistorsIn some critical environments, you may need to add termination resistors to prevent the reflection of serial signals. When using termination resistors, it is important to set the pull high/low resistors correctly so that the electrical signal is not corrupted. The MGate MB3660 uses DIP switches to set the pull high/low resistor values for each serial port. To expose the DIP switches located on the back of the PCB, first remove the screws holding the DIP switch cover in place, and then remove the cover. The sequence from right to left is port 1 to port 16.To add a 120 Ω termination resistor, set switch 3 on the port's assigned DIP switch to ON; set switch 3 to OFF (the default setting) to disable the termination resistor.To set the pull high/low resistors to 150 KΩ, set switches 1 and 2 on the port's assigned DIP switch to OFF. This is the default setting.To set the pull high/low resistors to 1 KΩ, set switches 1 and 2 on the port's assigned DIP switch to ON.Pull High/low Resistors for the RS-485 PortDefault SW1 23Pull High Pull Low Terminator ON 1 KΩ 1 KΩ120 ΩOFF 150 KΩ150 KΩ–Software Installation InformationTo configure your MGate MB3660, connect the gateway’s Ethernet port directly to your computer’s Ethernet port and then log in from a web browser. The default IP addresses of LAN1 and LAN2 are192.168.127.254 and, respectively.You can download the User's Manual and Device Search Utility (DSU) from Moxa's website: . Please refer to the User’s Manual for additional details on using the DSU.The MGate MB3660 also supports login via a web browser.Default IP address: account: adminDefault password: moxaPin Assignments RJ45 (LAN, Console)Pin LANConsole (RS-232)1 Tx+ DSR2 Tx- RTS3 Rx+ GND4 – TxD5 – RxD6 Rx- DCD7 – CTS8 – DTR DB9 Male (Serial Ports)Pin RS-232RS-422/RS-485-4WRS-485-2W1 DCD TxD-(A) –2 RxD TxD+(B) –3 TxD RxD+(B) Data+(B)4 DTR RxD-(A) Data-(A)5 GND GND GND6 DSR – –7 RTS – –8 CTS – –9 – ––RJ45 (Serial Ports)Pin RS-232RS-422/RS-485-4WRS-485-2W1 DSR – –2 RTS TxD+(B) –3 GND GND GND4 TxD TxD-(A) –5 RxD RxD+(B) Data+(B)6 DCD RxD-(A) Data-(A)7 CTS – –8 DTR – – Relay OutputN.O. Common N.C.SpecificationsPower Input Dual 20 to 60 VDC (for DC models);or dual 100 to 240 VAC,47 to 63 Hz (for AC models) Power ConsumptionMGate MB3660-8-2ACMGate MB3660-8-2DC MGate MB3660-16-2AC MGate MB3660-16-2DC MGate MB3660-8-J-2AC MGate MB3660-16-J-2AC MGate MB3660I-8-2AC MGate MB3660I-16-2AC 144 mA/110 V, 101 mA/220 V312 mA/24 V, 156 mA/48 V178 mA/110 V,120 mA/220 V390 mA/24 V, 195 mA/48 V111 mA/110 V, 81 mA/220 V133 mA/110 V, 92 mA/220 V100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 310 mA (max.) 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 310 mA (max.)Operating Temperature 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F)Storage Temperature -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)Operating Humidity 5 to 95% RHDimensions (W x D x H) 440 x 197.5 x 45.5 mm(17.32 x 7.78 x 1.79 in)Fault Relay Circuit 3-pin circuit with current carrying capacityof 2 A @ 30 VDC。
Modbus tcp转ETHERCAT网关modbus tcp和modbusRTU的区别
Modbus tcp转ETHERCAT网关modbus tcp和tcp的区别Modbus tcp转ETHERCAT网关modbus tcp和modbusRTU的区别Modbus tcp转ETHERCAT网关modbus tcp报文解析Modbus tcp转ETHERCAT网关modbus tcp与tcp/ip的区别Modbus tcp转ETHERCAT网关modbus tcp/ip协议Modbus tcp转ETHERCAT网关modbus tcp和profinet区别Modbus tcp转ETHERCAT网关modbus tcp主从站区别Modbus tcp转ETHERCAT网关modbus tcp可以有多个客户端吗Modbus tcp转ETHERCAT网关modbus tcp功能码Modbus tcp转ETHERCAT网关modbus tcp传输距离Modbus tcp转ETHERCAT网关ethercat通讯协议详细解析Modbus tcp转ETHERCAT网关ethercat通讯协议Modbus tcp转ETHERCAT网关ethercat总线控制Modbus tcp转ETHERCAT网关ethercat通讯距离Modbus tcp转ETHERCAT网关ethercat总线驱动通讯距离远创智控YC-ECT-TCP网关能够连接到Modbus tcp总线和ETHERCAT总线中,实现两种不同协议设备之间的通讯。
远创智控YC-ECT-TCP 是自主研发的一款ETHERCAT 从站功能的通讯网关。
该产品主要功能是将ETHERCAT 网络和MODBUS-TCP 网络连接起来。
本网关连接到ETHERCAT 总线中做为从站使用,连接到MODBUS-TCP 总线中做为主站或从站使用。
1.2 技术参数1.2.1 ETHERCAT 技术参数网关做为ETHERCAT 网络的从站,可以连接倍福、欧姆龙、基恩士等厂家的PLC。
t h e ATM EGA1 2 8 A i n t h e g a t e wa y . Th e c o n i f g u r a —
t i o n a nd p r o g r a m mi ng of t he wi r e l e s s g a t e wa y c a n be d on e e a s i l y by PLC.The a c t u a l t e s t i ndi c a t e s
试表 明 , 无 线模 块 的 发 射 功 率 、 接 受灵ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 度 、 通 信 距
离、 误 包率 和速 度 满足 工 业的 实时性 安 全性要 求 。
网 关 的 总 体 设 计
Mo d b u s 总 线 的无 线 网网关 能 够 将 Mo d b u s总 线 及路 由 I O透 明 连 接 到一 起 , 即通 过 P L C或 其他 支持 Mo d b u s R TU 协议 的设备 , 可 以实 现对 每一个 路由I O 的配置 以及 数 据 的采 集 , 指令的下发, 报警
摘要: 为使 无线技 术能 够方便 的应 用到 工业 中,
设计 了一 种 和 Mo d b u s协 议 网 络 通 信 的 无 线 网 网
的通 讯 标准 。将 Z i g b e e 无线 通信 技术 接入 Mo d b u s 总线 , 可 以方 便地 将 无 线技 术 融 入 到 工 业 控 制 当 中 去, 如 电力 系统 自动化 等行 业Ⅲ , 从而 实现 无线 生产
ZHANG J i a n—q i , LI M o—h a n , DANG Ho n g—t a o 2
( 1 . Xi ’ a n Ae r o s p a c e a n d Au t o ma t i o n Co . , L t d ., Xi ’ a n 7 1 0 0 6 5; 2 . Ro c k we l l Au t o ma t i o n , Xi ’ a n Of f i c e , Xi ’ a n 7 1 0 0 5 2, Ch i n a )
AiGW300 智能Modbus多主机网关一、产品介绍 (3)二、硬件接口 (4)1、硬件布局 (4)2、指示灯说明 (4)3、电源输入接口 (5)4、串口分配 (5)5、RS485口接线 (6)6、RS232口接线 (6)7、10/100Mbps以太网接口 (7)三、安装软件 (8)1、修改IP (8)2、如果扫描不到设备 (8)四、进入产品的设置菜单 (9)1、进入Telnet管理菜单 (9)2、操作规则 (10)五、设置串口参数 (11)六、切换端口类型 (12)七、2个串口主机和以太网主机同时读写1个串口下位机模式(默认模式) (14)1、概述 (14)2、配置参数 (16)1)切换为“自学习式Modbus RTU转TCP,单下位机多主机.”模式 (16)2)配置下位机端口参数 (17)3)配置串口主机端口参数 (18)4)配置网口主机参数 (19)3、连接参数 (20)4、测试方法 (20)1)测试Modbus TCP主机 (21)2)测试Modbus RTU主机 (22)3)测试TCP/IP方式的Modbus RTU主机 (23)八、“智能Modbus交换机”模式,支持多主多下位机总线同时读写数据 (25)1、概述 (25)2、切换为“智能Modbus交换机,多主机多下位机.”模式 (28)3、配置参数 (30)1)配置下位机端口参数 (30)2)配置串口主机端口参数 (31)3)配置网口主机参数 (32)4)增加主机、下位机端口 (34)5)查看地址码分配表 (35)4、连接参数 (36)5、测试方法 (36)1)测试Modbus TCP主机 (36)2)测试Modbus RTU主机 (38)3)测试TCP/IP方式的Modbus RTU主机 (39)九、“串口共享服务器”模式,直接替换普通串口服务器,串口支持多主机同时读写数据。
(41)1、概述 (41)2、配置参数 (43)1)切换为“串口共享服务器”模式 (43)2)配置基本参数 (43)3、连接参数 (45)4、测试方法 (45)1)测试Modbus TCP主机 (45)2)测试TCP/IP方式的Modbus RTU主机 (47)十、将 Modbus TCP下位机同时共享给以太网、串口主机读写数据 (50)1、概述 (50)2、配置参数 (51)1)修改AiGW300主机接口模式为以太网 (51)2)串口参数 (52)3、连接参数 (52)4、测试方法 (52)十一、标准串口服务器模式 (53)1、概述 (53)2、配置参数 (53)3、Server模式参数 (54)4、设置指定串口为Client模式 (55)5、串口参数 (56)十二、使用“一天广联Modbus多主机云服务” (57)1、概述 (57)2、一天广联Modbus多主机云服务说明 (57)3、启用云服务及参数配置 (59)1)切换为“自学习式Modbus RTU转TCP,单下位机多主机.”模式 (59)2)切换为“智能Modbus交换机,多上位机多下位机.”模式 (59)3)启用“一天广联Modbus多主机云服务”。
Modbus-Modbus TCP-IP的网关设计
Modbus-Modbus TCP/IP的网关设计摘要:介绍一种基于STM32芯片的Modbus-Modbus TCP/IP网关系统,系统采用μCOSII 嵌入式实时操作系统,实现Modbus串行链路到以太网的协议转换,利用多线程与存储池技术解决速率不匹配问题,最后对系统的通信质量进行相关测试。
关键词: Modbus 协议;移植;协议转换;多线程与存储池“十二五”规划纲要将“智能电网”正式纳入国家发展战略,特别提出“现代电网体系要适应大规模跨区输电和新能源发电并网的要求。
因此提出了一个在STM32F107芯片上实现Modbus-Modbus TCP/IP协议转化的解决方案,能在成本上和性能上同时满足需求。
1 Modbus协议 Modbus是Modicon(现为施耐德电气公司的一个品牌)在1979年开发的一项在OSI模型第7层的应用层报文传输协议,在过去几十年已被大量地应用于工业控制领域的开放的、标准的、免费的网络通信协议[4]。
ELPRO 105U-G 无线网关说明书
105U-G 无线网关数据总线接口和转换说明ELPRO 无线网关提供工业数据总线设备与现场设备之间的接口和通信(例如,Modbus 至 Profibus 至 EtherNet/IP 或 PLC 至 SCADA/DCS)。
通过 RS-232/RS-485/RJ-45 连接,寄存器分配的数据总线值通过无线电在现场与控制室设备之间发送和接收。
ELPRO 105U-G 系列产品最多可以中继四次,支持各种工业协议,可以与 ELPRO 105U/505U-K 和 115S 系列产品组合,创建强大的 I/O和数据总线网络。
特点• 150/220/400/869 MHz,5 mW–5W,3.6–19.2 kbps,通过多次中继,在35英里(55km)的范围内实现无线电通信• 能够连接类似和不相似的工业协议和供应商设备:主/从、从/从、主/主网络• 灵活和固定的网络,点至多点通信以及前向矫正(FEC),数据完整性检查(CRC)和数据加密• 八个可配置的数据机载 I/O,且通过 ELPRO 115S 系列产品实现I/O扩展• AC/DC/电池电源选项以及 UPS 电池充电器• 模块诊断,包括寄存器I/O读/写,报告接收的信号强度显示(R S S I)、通信日志和内部测量低/正常电压以及电池电压应用• 数据总线 SCADA/DCS 至 PLC-PLC 通信• 移动机器 PLC-PLC/HMI 通信/操作• 数据总线电缆更换• 智能仪表接口和连接(例如,气体分析仪)• 用于大型网络的多-I/O 数据集中器/中继器2105U-G 无线网关EATON 技术信息 TD032007SC生效日 2014年1月规格规格说明发射器和接收器频率 a148-174 MHz200-235 MHz 360-512 MHz 869.525 MHz 869.875 MHz发射功率 a148–174 MHz, 0.1–5W220-235 MHz, 0.1–5W 360–512 MHz, 10 mW–5W 869.525 MHz, 500 mW 869.875 MHz, 5 mW 传输频率调制 (FM)调制数字移频键控(DFSK)接收器灵敏度148–512 MHz:–114 dBm869.525 MHz, 869.875 MHz:-106 dBm 信道间距148–512 MHz:12.5 kHz869.525 MHz, 869.875 MHz:250 kHz 数据速率400 MHz:3.6 kbps869.525 MHz, 869.875 MHz:19.2 kbps 前向纠错范围(LoS)b150/220/400 MHz:10 mW,EIRP 至 1.2 英里 (2 km),500 mW EIRP 至 6.2 英里 (10 km),5W EIRP 至 34 英里(55 km)869.525 MHz:3.1 英里 (5 km) 500 mW 869.875 MHz:0.6 英里 (1 km) 5 mW 天线连接器148–512 MHz:BNC 阴型同轴869.525, 869.875 MHz:SMA 阴型同轴 内部气体放电器避雷器保护输入/输出离散 I/O c 8 输入无电压/NPN,润湿电流 0.5 mA;8 输出 FET 30 Vdc/500 mA以太网端口以太网端口10/100Base-T; RJ45 连接器 (IEEE 802.3)链路状态Link,100Base-T 通过 LED串行设置7/8 数据位,无奇偶性,1 个停止位串行端口RS-2329-引脚 DB9 阴型连接器RS-4852 引脚端子板,非隔离距离 4000' (1200 m) 数据速率(bps)300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400串行设置7/8 数据位;停止/启动/奇偶校验(可配置)协议和配置系统地址可配置系统地址支持的协议:105U-G-MD1Modbus RTU(主/从)、DF1 最高 4300 I/O 点:模拟和/或离散Modbus, RS-232/RS-485,300–38400 bps DF1(全双工),RS-232, 300–38400 bps 105U-G-ET1EtherNet/IP(2 层 I/O 服务器)Modbus/TCP(0 级,1 级,部分 2 级slave)TCP/IP 功能:嵌入式 web 系统(动态 HTTP);机载文件系统,用于通过 FTP 服务器可下载的网页;电子邮件 (SMTP) 2048 字节输入/2048 字节输出;最多 4300 DIO 或 1024 AI/1024 AO;10/100 Mbps,RJ-45 连接器105U-G-PR1Profibus DP slave符合 EN 50170 标准;416 I/O 字节(最多 1952 DI/1952 DO 或 122 AI/122 AO)RS-485 光学隔离,使用机载 DC/DC 转换器,自动波特率探测:9600 bps–12 Mbps规格说明105U-G-PR2Profibus DP master,符合 EN 50170 标准;2048 字节输入/2048 字节输出(最高 4300 DIO 和 1024 AI/1024 AO)RS-485 光学隔离,使用机载 DC/DC 转换器,自动波特率探测:9600 bps–12 Mbps 105U-G-DE1DeviceNet 从站512 字节输入/512 字节输出(最高 4300 DIO 或 256 AI/256 AO)16-位寄存器尺寸;最多 500 个远程地址RS-422 光学隔离(可选择 125/250/500 kbps 波特率)105U-G-M+1Modbus plus 从站全局数据库事务:最多路由至六个网络2048 字节输入/2048 字节输出;最多 4300 DIO 或 1024 AI/1024 AORS-485 光学隔离;标准波特率 1 Mbps 用户配置E-系列配置程序可配置参数单个 I/O 映射,更新时间,数据总线映射,协议设置安全无线电和串行 64-位加密LED 指示灯和诊断LED 指示Active,OK,串行 TX and RX,无线电 TX 和 RX,I/OLED 状态有关详细信息,请参见产品手册。
莫萨MGate MB3170 MB3270系列1和2端口高级串行到Ethernet Modbus网关
MGate MB3170/MB3270Series1and2-port advanced serial-to-Ethernet Modbus gatewaysFeatures and Benefits•Supports Auto Device Routing for easy configuration•Supports route by TCP port or IP address for flexible deployment•Connects up to32Modbus TCP servers•Connects up to31or62Modbus RTU/ASCII slaves•Accessed by up to32Modbus TCP clients(retains32Modbus requests foreach Master)•Supports Modbus serial master to Modbus serial slave communications•Built-in Ethernet cascading for easy wiring•10/100BaseTX(RJ45)or100BaseFX(single mode or multi-mode with SC/STconnector)•Emergency request tunnels ensure QoS control•Embedded Modbus traffic monitoring for easy troubleshooting•Serial port with2kV isolation protection(for“-I”models)•-40to75°C wide operating temperature models available•Supports redundant dual DC power inputs and1relay outputCertificationsIntroductionThe MGate MB3170and MB3270are1and2-port Modbus gateways,respectively,that convert between Modbus TCP,ASCII,and RTU communications protocols.The gateways provide both serial-to-Ethernet communication and serial(master)to serial(slave)communications.In addition,the gateways support simultaneously connecting serial and Ethernet masters with serial Modbus devices.The MGate MB3170andMB3270Series gateways can be accessed by up to32TCP master/clients or connect to up to32TCP slave/servers.Routing through the serial ports can be controlled by IP address,TCP port number,or ID mapping.Serial-port routing by TCP port and IP address allows access for up to4 TCP clients/masters(MB3270models),while routing by ID mapping allows access for up to32TCP clients/masters(MB3170/MB3270).A featured priority control function allows urgent commands to obtain an immediate response.All models are rugged,DIN-rail mountable,and offer optional built-in optical isolation for serial signals.Integrate TCP Masters without Altering the Modbus RTU/ASCII Network or SoftwareThe MB3270can integrate Modbus TCP with Modbus RTU/ASCII,without modifying the existing Modbus RTU/ASCII architecture or software.With the serial redirector function,a serial master can maintain direct access to serial slave devices through a specially mapped serial port.This allows the serial and TCP masters to access serial slaves simultaneously.Optical Fiber for Ethernet CommunicationThe MGate MB3170Series includes100BaseFX fiber models that support transmission distances up to4km for multi-mode models,and up to40 km for single-mode models.Optical fiber is well-suited for industrial applications because it is immune to electromagnetic noise and interference. For environments that experience high ground loop voltages,fiber provides the best isolation protection,and because there is no danger of sparking,optical fiber is safer than copper wire to use in hazardous environments.Auto-Device Routing for Easy ConfigurationMoxa’s Auto-Device Routing function helps eliminate many of the problems and inconveniences encountered by engineers who need to configure large numbers of Modbus devices.A single mouse click is all that’s required to set up a slave ID routing table and configure Modbus gateways to automatically detect Modbus requests from a supervisory control and data acquisition(SCADA)system.By removing the need to manually create the slave ID routing table,the Auto-Device Routing function saves engineers significant time and cost.Priority Control for Urgent CommandsAs Modbus networks increase in size and complexity,the lag time between commands and responses becomes a major concern.Advanced models of the MB3000Series provide a priority control function for urgent commands,allowing users to force certain commands to get an immediate response.Depending on your system’s requirements,different methods are available to define which commands receive priority. SpecificationsEthernet Interface10/100BaseT(X)Ports(RJ45connector)2(1IP,Ethernet cascade)Auto MDI/MDI-X connectionMagnetic Isolation Protection 1.5kV(built-in)Optical Fiber800Typical Distance4km5km40kmWavelengthTypical(nm)13001310TX Range(nm)1260to13601280to1340 RX Range(nm)1100to16001100to1600Optical PowerTX Range(dBm)-10to-200to-5 RX Range(dBm)-3to-32-3to-34 Link Budget(dB)1229 Dispersion Penalty(dB)31Note:When connecting a single-mode fiber transceiver,we recommend using anattenuator to prevent damage caused by excessive optical power.Note:Compute the“typical distance”of a specific fiber transceiver as follows:Linkbudget(dB)>dispersion penalty(dB)+total link loss(dB).Ethernet Software FeaturesIndustrial Protocols Modbus TCP Client(Master)Modbus TCP Server(Slave)Configuration Options Web Console(HTTP/HTTPS)Device Search Utility(DSU)MGate ManagerMCC ToolTelnet ConsoleManagement ARPDHCP ClientDNSHTTPHTTPSSMTPSNMP TrapSNMPv1/v2c/v3TCP/IPTelnetUDPNTP ClientMIB RFC1213,RFC1317Time Management NTP ClientSecurity FunctionsAuthentication Local databaseEncryption HTTPSAES-128AES-256SHA-256Security Protocols SNMPv3HTTPS(TLS1.2)Serial InterfaceNo.of Ports MGate MB3170Models:1MGate MB3270Models:2Connector MGate MB3170/MB3170I:DB9male for RS-232and terminal block for RS-422/485MGate MB3270/MB3270I:2x DB9maleSerial Standards RS-232/422/485(software selectable)Baudrate50bps to921.6kbpsData Bits7,8Parity NoneEvenOddSpaceMarkStop Bits1,2Flow Control DTR/DSRRTS Toggle(RS-232only)RTS/CTSPull High/Low Resistor for RS-4851kilo-ohm,150kilo-ohmsTerminator for RS-485120ohmsIsolation I Models:2kVRS-485Data Direction Control ADDC(automatic data direction control)Serial SignalsRS-232TxD,RxD,RTS,CTS,DTR,DSR,DCD,GNDRS-422Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDRS-485-2w Data+,Data-,GNDRS-485-4w Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDSerial Software FeaturesIndustrial Protocols Modbus RTU/ASCII MasterModbus RTU/ASCII SlaveModbus(Transparent)Max.No.of Client Connections32Max.No.of Server Connections32Power ParametersInput Voltage12to48VDCInput Current MGate MB3170/MB3270:435mA@12VDCMGate MB3170I/MB3170-S-SC/MB3170I-M-SC/MB3170I-S-SC:555mA@12VDCMGate MB3270I/MB3170-M-SC/MB3170-M-ST:510mA@12VDCPower Connector7-pin terminal blockRelaysContact Current Rating Resistive load:1A@30VDCPhysical CharacteristicsHousing PlasticIP Rating IP30Dimensions(with ears)29x89.2x124.5mm(1.14x3.51x4.90in)Dimensions(without ears)29x89.2x118.5mm(1.14x3.51x4.67in)Weight MGate MB3170Models:360g(0.79lb)MGate MB3270Models:380g(0.84lb)Environmental LimitsOperating Temperature Standard Models:0to60°C(32to140°F)Wide Temp.Models:-40to75°C(-40to167°F)Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsEMC EN55032/35EMI CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class AEMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:6kV;Air:8kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:10V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:4kV;Signal:2kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:2kVIEC61000-4-6CS:10VIEC61000-4-8PFMFIEC61000-4-11Hazardous Locations ATEXClass I Division2IECExMaritime DNVFreefall IEC60068-2-32Shock IEC60068-2-27Vibration IEC60068-2-6IEC60068-2-64Safety EN60950-1IEC60950-1IEC62368-1UL62368-1MTBFTime MGate MB3170Models:1,662,526hrsMGate MB3170I Models:1,484,777hrsMGate MB3270Models:1,477,768hrsMGate MB3270I Models:1,144,837hrsMGate MB3170-M/-S Models:1,580,051hrsMGate MB3170I-M/-S Models:1,385,414hrsStandards Telcordia SR332WarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x MGate MB3170/MB3270Series gatewayDocumentation1x quick installation guide1x warranty cardDimensionsOrdering InformationModel Name Ethernet No.of Serial Ports Serial Standards Serial Isolation Operating Temp. MGate MB31702x RJ451RS-232/422/485–0to60°C MGate MB3170I2x RJ451RS-232/422/4852kV0to60°C MGate MB32702x RJ452RS-232/422/485–0to60°C MGate MB3270I2x RJ452RS-232/422/4852kV0to60°C MGate MB3170-T2x RJ451RS-232/422/485–-40to75°C MGate MB3170I-T2x RJ451RS-232/422/4852kV-40to75°C MGate MB3270-T2x RJ452RS-232/422/485–-40to75°CMGate MB3270I-T2x RJ452RS-232/422/4852kV-40to75°C MGate MB3170-M-SC1x Multi-Mode SC1RS-232/422/485–0to60°C MGate MB3170-M-ST1x Multi-Mode ST1RS-232/422/485–0to60°C MGate MB3170-S-SC1x Single-Mode SC1RS-232/422/485–0to60°C MGate MB3170I-M-SC1x Multi-Mode SC1RS-232/422/4852kV0to60°C MGate MB3170I-S-SC1x Single-Mode SC1RS-232/422/4852kV0to60°C MGate MB3170-M-SC-T1x Multi-Mode SC1RS-232/422/485–-40to75°C MGate MB3170-M-ST-T1x Multi-Mode ST1RS-232/422/485–-40to75°C MGate MB3170-S-SC-T1x Single-Mode SC1RS-232/422/485–-40to75°C MGate MB3170I-M-SC-T1x Multi-mode SC1RS-232/422/4852kV-40to75°C MGate MB3170I-S-SC-T1x Single-Mode SC1RS-232/422/4852kV-40to75°C Accessories(sold separately)CablesCBL-F9M9-150DB9female to DB9male serial cable,1.5mCBL-F9M9-20DB9female to DB9male serial cable,20cmConnectorsMini DB9F-to-TB DB9female to terminal block connectorPower CordsCBL-PJTB-10Non-locking barrel plug to bare-wire cable©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Aug07,2023.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。
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可将 RS232/RS485串口设备连接至wifi
支持Modbus TCP转RTU、适合PLC无线监控
转WIFI TCP/IP的功能,而且集成了Modbus TCP网关功能,可以方便地实现Modbus RTU协议转化为Modbus TCP wifi协议。
也可以使用组态软件中的Modbus TCP协议直接和RTU设备连接,实现wifi联网通信。
当wifi和PC或者路由器建立链路后,通过ZLVircom软件一键式搜索和配置设备参数,设备IP和PC 不必处于同一个网段。
TCP Server方式支持虚拟串口。
ZLAN7100只在TCP client方式支持虚拟串口,ZLAN7142在TCP Server和Client方式都支持虚拟串口。