


======================================================================== EPSON Stylus(R) 高质量 ESC/P 2 打印机驱动程序README文件(Microsoft (R) Windows (R) 2000)========================================================================感谢你购买 EPSON 打印机。


此 README 文件有以下内容:[内容]1. 导言2. 重要版权信息3. 驱动程序安装注意事项4. 使用 EPSON Status Monitor 35. 问题与解答6. 应用程序注意事项7. 已知打印机驱动程序问题------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 导言======================================================================== 在你拨打技术咨询电话前,请一定先阅读此README文件。


2. 重要版权信息======================================================================== 此应用软件- 支持Windows 2000 系统的EPSON Stylus高质量ESC/P 2 打印机驱动程序,以 " AS IS " 方式提供。


此软件可拷贝和分发给 EPSON 打印机的用户,但不能修改。



7、把生成的service.txt复制到C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\License10.0\bin\文件下,替换同名文件即可。有的破解说明中没有强调非C盘不可,但是安全起见还是装在默认的C盘吧。不过我的很奇怪,desktop装在了C盘,engine装在了E盘,照样使用。
8.打开License Server Administrator,启动服务。
FEATURE ArcView3 ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 ADBC8EF1F28B9DC18F96 \
vendor_info=TXDH42L7EY6Z4X4JE221 ck=174
FEATURE ArcView31 ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 FDCC4EB18017443D6297 \
vendor_info=H2T570H3D291F1TGH254 ck=55
FEATURE ArcReader ARCGIS 10.0 01-jan-0000 2048 0D9CBE710E5695C37E6E \
vendor_info=758Y1G82MC96F90LD184 ck=78

idea readme语法

idea readme语法

idea readme语法Idea Readme语法Idea Readme语法是一种用于编写Idea插件的文档格式,可以用来描述插件的功能、安装步骤、使用方法等。

本文将介绍如何使用Idea Readme语法编写规范整洁的插件文档。

## 1. 标题(Title)在文档的开头,我们使用`#`符号来定义标题。


## 2. 插件描述(Description)在描述插件之前,可以使用一段简短的文字来概述插件的作用和目的。


## 3. 安装(Installation)插件的安装是使用者关注的重点之一,因此我们需要提供清晰易懂的安装步骤。


## 4. 使用指南(Usage)使用指南是插件文档的核心部分,它应该详细描述插件的使用方法和功能特点。


## 5. 配置(Configuration)如果插件支持配置选项,我们需要提供相应的配置说明。


## 6. 快捷键(Shortcut)快捷键是提高使用效率的重要工具之一,我们应该为插件的快捷键提供明确的说明。


## 7. 常见问题(FAQ)在使用插件过程中,用户可能会遇到一些问题。



## 8. 支持和反馈(Support and Feedback)为了方便用户与插件作者的沟通,我们应该提供插件的支持和反馈渠道。


## 9. 版权和许可(License)在插件文档的结尾,我们需要声明插件的版权信息和许可证。




解决方法二: 用管理员可以运行,即在本应用程序(全国数模竞赛上传客户端.exe)文件上右键点"以管理员身份运行".




测试环境列表:服务器端(target):服务器型号:NP370D2光纤卡:1块,型号QLA 2460内核版本:Linux 2.6.24所需软件包:scst- core )scstadmin-1.0.6 (简化scst配置的工具软件)qla_isp-1.0.2(针对SCST core的FC卡驱动) 客户端(Initiator):服务器型号:AS500N2光纤卡:1块,型号QLA2460内核版本:Red Hat 企业版5 (kernel 2.6.18)所需软件包:qlafc-linux-8.02.23-3 (FC卡驱动)standalone_sansurfer5.0.1b57_linux(FC卡管理软件)环境搭建详细过程:一.Target端配置以下是target端的配置方法:(1)首先配置target 端,给内核打补丁:Type: patch -p0 scst_exec_req_fifo-2.6.X.patchpatch -p0 io_context-2.6.X.patch内核必须关闭HIGHMEM(通过make menuconfig中配置),否则scst_user模块是无法加载上去的(2)编译和安装SCST模块进入到scst-目录中Type: makemake install(3)加载SCST模块(scst.ko)Type: cd /lib/modules/2.6.18-92.e15/extramodprobe scst(4)加载所需要的device handlers模块测试实验中加载scst_vdisk.ko模块,所以可以用如下的命令进行加载:Type: cd /lib/modules/2.6.18-92.e15/extra/Devicehandlersmodprobe scst_vdisk(5)编译和安装qla_isp-1.0.1。

readme viewer 使用

readme viewer 使用

标题:深入理解和探索Readme Viewer的使用1.引言Readme Viewer是一个简单而强大的工具,它能够帮助用户轻松阅读、编辑和管理Markdown格式的Readme文件。


在本文中,我们将深入探讨Readme Viewer的使用方法和技巧,帮助您更全面地理解和运用这一工具。

2.Readme Viewer的基本功能在开始深入探讨Readme Viewer的使用之前,让我们先来了解一下它的基本功能。

Readme Viewer可以打开、编辑和保存Markdown 格式的Readme文件,支持实时预览和代码高亮显示。


3.如何使用Readme Viewer3.1 安装和启动要使用Readme Viewer,首先需要从官方全球信息湾或应用商店下载安装,并在电脑或手机上启动。

安装完成后,您可以双击图标或点击应用程序来打开Readme Viewer。

3.2 打开和编辑Readme文件在Readme Viewer的主界面上,您可以点击“打开”按钮来选择需要编辑的Readme文件,或者直接拖拽文件至界面中即可打开。


3.3 实时预览和保存Readme Viewer同时支持实时预览功能,您可以随时查看编辑后的效果。


4.更高级的功能和技巧4.1 自动转换格式Readme Viewer可以自动转换Markdown格式的文本为HTML 格式,让您可以直观地查看和共享Readme文件的内容。

4.2 插入表格和图片除了基本的文字编辑之外,Readme Viewer还支持插入表格和图片的功能。




网上邻居 :用起来不像Windows Explorer那样方便。
NetBrowser:和Windows Explorer类似的风格,左边是树型窗口,右边是列表窗口。左右配合,方便无
网上邻居 :没有管理共享资源的功能。
Hale Waihona Puke ————————————————————————————————————————————————
※搜索开了机地电脑速度快,0. 5秒之内就可以搜索出所有开了机的电脑。
网上邻居 :打开某些共享资源时特别慢(Win2000/WinXP更加突出)。
网上邻居 :拷贝别人共享的巨大的文件时特别担心别人随时关机而使你不得不全部重新拷贝。

超玄翻译管理器版本9.3.1 Readme说明书

超玄翻译管理器版本9.3.1 Readme说明书

Hyperion® Translation ManagerRelease 9.3.1ReadmeReadme FileThis file contains the following sections:Purpose (1)What is Translation Manager 9.3.1? (1)Compatible Software (2)Supported International Operating Systems (2)Installation Updates (2)Upgrading (2)Supported Upgrade Paths (2)Hyperion License Compliance (3)Configuration (3)Known Installation Issue (3)Other Known Issues (3)Tips and Troubleshooting (4)PurposeThe purpose of this document is to outline the known issues and general considerations for this release of Hyperion® Translation Manager. You should review all of the information in this document before you begin using this release of Translation Manager.Top What is Translation Manager 9.3.1?Translation Manager is a Web-based data mapping application that enables users to build and maintain data mapping rules quickly and easily outside the Hyperion® Application Linkintegration design environment. These rules are then utilized at integration runtime through the use of Translation Adapter.Translation Manager provides functionality to minimize the time needed to develop, manage, and maintain the data mapping rules that are required to integrate a variety of external data sources with Hyperion’s Business Performance Management suite of applications.TopCompatible SoftwareThis release of Translation Manager is compatible with the following software releases:•Translation Adapter 9.2.2•Application Link 9.2 and 7.0•Hyperion® Shared Services 9.3.1Top Supported International Operating SystemsThis release of Translation Manager is certified on the following international operatingsystems:French Windows NT4.0 SP5+, Windows 2003,Windows 2000, Windows XPJapanese Windows NT4.0 SP5+, Windows 2003,Windows 2000, Windows XPTop Installation UpdatesUpgradingIf you upgrade any Hyperion product to release 9.3.1, you must also upgrade Hyperion Shared Services to release 9.3.1.Supported Upgrade PathsIf you are upgrading from a previous release of Hyperion products, note the following supported upgrade paths:• to 9.3.1Note: Upgrading from 9.2 releases prior to will be supported in an upcomingservice pack.•9.3.0.x to 9.3.1If you are using a release prior to, you must first upgrade to one of the versions noted above, and then upgrade to 9.3.1. See the product installation guides for the products you are using for upgrade procedures.Hyperion License ComplianceHyperion no longer ships or requires Hyperion® License Server™ (or standalone license files)for use with Hyperion products.To ensure compliance with your license agreement, Hyperion recommends that you implementan auditing process. In addition, during product configuration with Hyperion Configuration Utility, you activate only the features you purchased. After you configure each product, youmust open the file—in <Hyperion_Home>\common\config on the server on which you ran Hyperion Configuration Utility—to review and edit the product options. You must complete this step to ensure you comply with your license agreement and to activate features you are licensed to use. For more information, see “Hyperion License Compliance” in Hyperion Installation Start Here.ConfigurationConfiguration of Translation Manager has been standardized by means of Hyperion®Configuration Utility. This utility enables the configuration of multiple Hyperion products at the same time. User provisioning is done through the Shared Services User Management Console.Note: On UNIX platforms,it is recommended that all Hyperion applications be installed withthe same user name. All Hyperion products install common third-party and internal components under HYPERION_HOME. Installing them under the same user account ensures that installers have the permissions required to modify the HYPERION_HOME location on UNIX platforms.Please refer to these documents:•Hyperion Installation Start Here for system requirements information•The Hyperion Shared Services Installation Guide for Shared Services installation and configuration instructions.•The Hyperion User Management Guide for instructions on provisioning users.Top Known Installation IssueTranslation Manager 9.3.1 cannot be auto-deployed to WebSphere ND. If WebSphere isinstalled with the Network Deployment option, the auto-deployment process for Translation Manager does not run correctly. For installation in such an environment, use the manualdeployment option to create the necessary Web archive or Enterprise archive, depending on the application, and use the WebSphere application deployment tool to deploy the application to the required instance.Top Other Known Issues•When managing Shared Services models and naming applications, you cannot use the forward slash (/), backslash (\), or double quotation (“) characters. All other alphanumeric and special characters can be used in application names.•Using Hyperion Configuration Utility to redeploy an existing Web application to WebLogic8.1.x does not work properly. A workaround is to first undeploy the Web application usingthe application server admin console, and then use Hyperion Configuration Utility to deploy the Web application fresh.•Translation Manager stores the password for database connectivity in file in encrypted form. Ensure this file is secure and is not universallyaccessible or readable.•Microsoft SQL Server databases with hyphens ( - ) in their names are not supported.•On UNIX platforms, the configuration tool script ( throws an error that the name file does not exist or is not readable. This happens only if the host name has repeating characters (for example, the "ll" in scplng2-install or the "pp" inguppy). The workaround for this issue is to remove the following statement from script before running it:| tr -s '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'•When you export a rules table, the file download dialog box displays a corrupted default file name if the file name contains non-Latin characters. You can type a new export file name to override the default.•Translation Manager does not provide supplemental progress feedback for long-running processes such as data import, data export, and translation table validation. The defaultbrowser (Internet Explorer 6) status bar progress indicator is the only sign that a long-running process is active.•Some of the rule syntax reserved characters do not migrate properly when the TMMigrate utility is run. As a result, the rule is not saved properly during a rule import into Translation Manager. Please review the migrated rule file before importing it into Translation Manager, and use the correct escape character for any reserved characters. See the HyperionTranslation Manager User’s Guide for a list of reserved characters and the correct escapecharacter.•On HP-UX systems, when the Hyperion Home Migration Utility is used to copy Hyperion Home components to a new location, the migration utility sometimes does not removecomponents from the old location.•On UNIX platforms, Application Server Deployment or Web Server Configuration tasks may fail if the temporary folder (as defined by the TEMP environment variable) contains *-build.xml files created by another user. Ensure that *-build.xml files do not exist in the temporary folder before running Hyperion Configuration Utility.•If you are using Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 with Hyperion products, your system may experience an abnormal shutdown. To prevent this, install the update from Microsoft by going to: /kb/923996/Top Tips and Troubleshooting•The Translation Manager repository database user name, password, and database name must be created in English.•Translation Manager does not support repository database access through native Windows NT user authentication. A native database username must be created foraccess to the Translation Manager repository, and it must be in English.•Imported translation tables are not automatically saved. When you import a translation table, a reminder is displayed in the page information area, and you are given theopportunity to save the imported information.•The maximum length of a member list folder name is 80 characters. Member list folder names longer than approximately 20 characters are truncated, and scrolling is required.•Translation rule reserved characters (*,?, \, and so on) must be typed using the English (single-byte) representation of the characters. For instance, Japanese platforms support both single-byte and double-byte representations of these characters, but TranslationManager does not recognize double-byte representations during the validation ortranslation process.•The search capability on the Edit Rule page shares the same wildcard rule syntax as any translation rule. When you search by wildcard, escape all reserved characters with a “\”notation. For example, to search for all range rules beginning with “500~” use thefollowing syntax: 500\~*•Translation Manager information and error log messages are output to the default application server console. Tomcat 5.0.28 console log information is not saved to diskand is only available in the foreground console window. Because this information may be required to debug installation, configuration, or login issues, Hyperion recommends that you run the Tomcat application server as a foreground process during the installationvalidation process. After the installation and access to the system is confirmed, you can configure Tomcat to run as a Windows NT/2000 service.•Translation tables are locked whenever a user edits or validates a rule table. These locks prevent two users from editing the same table and the translation adapter from using a table if it is being edited. Table locks are removed in the following events:•Whenever you leave the edit, design, import, or validate pages using an application menu or buttonNote: The lock is not removed if you use the browser’s Back button.•Whenever you log off Translation Manager•If you close the browser during a table edit session, after your Translation Manager Web application session times outTo ensure that all table locks are properly released, Hyperion recommends that youalways use the Logoff link to end a Translation Manager session.•The Translation Manager Web application session timeout length is controlled and maintained by your application server. To alter the timeout parameter for Tomcat, JRun, WebLogic, and WebSphere, please use the respective administrative consoles for those products.•Application Server Java Virtual Machine (JVM) heap size settings can also impact rule table save performance. Hyperion recommends an application server JVM heap size of 128MB for optimum performance.You can change heap size using the application server-specific procedures described in the following table:Tomcat 5.0.28 Modify the file for your operating system:•Windows$HYPERION_HOME\deployments\Tomcat5\bin\setCustomParamsHTMServer.bat•UNIX$HYPERION_HOME/deployments/Tomcat5/bin/setCustomParamsHTMServer.shChange the JAVA_OPTS entry:set JAVA_OPTS=-server -Xms128m -Xmx128mWebLogic 8.1.6 or 9.1 Modify the file in your WebLogic deployment folder for your WebLogic version and operating system:•WebLogic 8.1.6o Windows$HYPERION_HOME\TranslationManager\9.3\AppServer\InstalledApps\WebLogic\8.1\HTMServerDomain\startHTMServerDomain.cmd o UNIX$HYPERION_HOME/TranslationManager/9.3/AppServer/InstalledApps/WebLogic/8.1/HTMServerDomain/ •WebLogic 9.1o Windows$HYPERION_HOME\deployments\Weblogic91\bin\ to UNIX$HYPERION_HOME/deployments/Weblogic91/bin/setCustomParamsHTMServer.shChange the set MEM_ARGS entry:set MEM_ARGS=–Xms128m –Xmx128mWebSphere 6.1 Use the WebSphere admin console, Application Server ->HTMServer -> Process Definition -> Java Virtual Machine;change Initial Heap Size and Maximum Heap Size to 128m.You can use the following internal table save test results as a guideline:•Hardware: 1 500mHz CPU, 486MB RAM•Software: BEA WebLogic 8.1 Application Server, 128MB Heap Size•Rule Table: 1 Input and 1 Output fields (each 20 characters in length)1,000 0:035,000 0:1510,000 0:3250,000 2:33100,000 5:18Tables that contain more input or output fields take longer to save.TopAccessing Hyperion Product DocumentationThe most recent version of each Hyperion product guide is available for download from theDocumentation area of the Oracle Technical Network (OTN) Web site(/technology/index.html).Documentation is also available from the Oracle E-Delivery Web site(/EPD/WelcomePage/get_form). Please note that individualproduct guides are available for download on the Oracle Technical Network (OTN) Web siteonly.TopCopyright © 1999, 2007 Oracle and / or its affiliates. All rights reserved.。

idea readme语法

idea readme语法

idea readme语法Idea Readme语法Idea Readme语法是一种用于编写Idea插件的文档规范,它能够帮助开发者更好地记录和分享自己的Idea插件项目。

本文将从标题、段落、列表、代码块、链接等方面介绍Idea Readme语法的使用方法。

1. 标题标题在Idea Readme语法中起着承上启下的作用,能够帮助读者快速了解文档的内容。

在使用标题时,应注意以下几点:- 标题应使用#符号开头,#的数量代表标题的级别,一般使用1到6个#,#数量越多,标题级别越低。

- 标题的数量应逐级增加,不要跳级。

- 标题应简洁明了,能够准确概括所要表达的内容。

2. 段落段落是Idea Readme语法中最基本的文本组织单位,能够帮助读者更好地理解文档的内容。

在编写段落时,应注意以下几点:- 段落之间应使用空行进行分隔,以提高可读性。

- 段落中的文字应简洁明了,避免冗长的描述。

- 段落中可以使用适当的标点符号和连接词,以提高文档的连贯性。

3. 列表列表是Idea Readme语法中常用的排列方式,能够清晰地表达项目中的重要信息。

在使用列表时,应注意以下几点:- 有序列表使用数字和英文句点表示,无序列表使用减号、加号或星号表示。

- 列表项之间应使用空行进行分隔,以提高可读性。

- 列表项中的文字应简洁明了,能够准确概括所要表达的内容。

4. 代码块代码块是Idea Readme语法中用于展示代码的方式,能够帮助读者更好地理解和使用插件。

在使用代码块时,应注意以下几点:- 代码块应使用三个反引号(`)开头和结尾,以标识代码的起止位置。

- 代码块中的代码应保持缩进,以提高可读性。

- 代码块中的代码应简洁明了,能够准确概括所要表达的功能。

5. 链接链接是Idea Readme语法中用于引用外部资源的方式,能够帮助读者深入了解插件的相关信息。

在使用链接时,应注意以下几点:- 链接应使用方括号([])和圆括号(())进行标记,方括号内写明链接的文字描述,圆括号内写明链接的地址。


README.md文档编写⽂档编写⽂章参考⾃:为什么要写这篇博客? 其实我是⼀个⼊坑已经半年的程序员,因为不是计算机专业,只能⾃⼰摸索,所以我深知博客的重要性。




github,oschina git gitcafe的代码托管平台上的项⽬的Readme.MD⽂件都是有其特有的语法的。


也许很多⼤神说,Markdown这么简单的,还需要写个博客炫耀? 其实你错了,对于我们这些在windows上操作惯了的野路⼦,根本对除了word之外的编辑语⾔不感冒,也不习惯,但是每次项⽬都会需要README⽂件,记得我第⼀次写的README⽂件是TXT格式,被⽼师嘲笑了,说README⽂件是.md格式,但是我⾃⼰⽐较笨,请教了⼀个哥们,终于知道了写README的好⽅法,那就是使⽤mardkdown⼯具,我下载的是有道云笔记(我还⽤的是windows操作系统),他不但有MARKDOWN,更重要的是,还有MarkDown使⽤指南,(⼤家不要误会,我不是推销这个软件,对于还是⼩⽩的我,觉得遇到了神器,很激动)。


这篇⽂说到这⾥,这才刚刚开始,下⾯主要介绍⼀下 MarkDown的主要⽤法,⽅便⼤家写README⽂件。

为什么要写README⽂件? 对于这个问题详解,请看博客: 这个问题很简单,因为README的编写,过了很长时间后,你仍然知道你当初写了什么;因为README的编写,其他⼈看你的代码不需要那么费劲;因为README的编写,你代码的质量就⼤⼤的提⾼;因为README的编写,你的语⾔⽔平就⼤⼤的提⾼了。






以下是一个示例:# 项目名称[开源项目的名称]# 项目背景[简要介绍开源项目出现的背景和动因]# 项目目的[详细描述开源项目的目的和理念]# 项目功能[列举开源项目的主要功能和特点]二、项目安装和使用指南在这一部分,我们需要提供关于项目的安装方法和使用指南。


以下是一个示例:# 安装步骤1. 下载并解压项目源代码git clone [项目的git仓库地址]2. 安装依赖项npm install# 使用指南1. 配置项目在项目根目录下创建一个名为`.env` 的文件,并填写以下内容:API_KEY=[你的API_KEY]2. 运行项目npm start三、项目贡献指南在这一部分,我们需要告知读者如何参与项目的贡献。


以下是一个示例:# 提交问题和反馈我们欢迎任何用户提交问题报告或提供反馈意见。

您可以通过以下方式与我们取得联系:- 在项目的[GitHub Issues](项目的GitHub Issues链接)页面提交问题报告- 通过电子邮件联系我们的开发团队# 贡献代码我们非常乐于接受来自开发者的代码贡献。

如果您希望改进项目,请按照以下步骤进行:1. Fork该项目的仓库2. 创建一个新的分支:`git checkout -b my-new-feature`3. 提交您的更改:`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`4. 推送您的分支:`git push origin my-new-feature`5. 提交拉取请求(Pull Request)到我们的仓库中# 文档改进如果您发现文档有任何错误或者描述不准确的地方,请提交一个问题报告或者直接进行修改,并提出拉取请求。



Minitab® 16 Statistical Software内容第 1 部分. Minitab 16 简介第 2 部分. Minitab 16.2 中的新功能第 3 部分. Minitab 16.1.1 中已解决的问题第 4 部分. Minitab 16.2 中已解决的问题第 5 部分. Minitab 16.2.1 中已解决的问题第 6 部分. 已知问题和解决方法=====================================================================第 1 部分. Minitab 16 简介=====================================================================欢迎使用 Minitab 16!这个最新版本包括多个新功能和增强功能,其中包括新增的“协助”功能。

Minitab 16 具有与之前版本相同的用户友好界面,因此用户可以便捷地过渡到 Minitab 16。

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Cakewalk Pro Audio 6.0for Windows 95README.RTFCopyright 1991-1997 by Twelve Tone Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.Cakewalk is a registered trademark of Twelve Tone Systems, Inc.Cakewalk Pro Audio and Cakewalk Music Software are trademarks of Twelve Tone Systems, Inc.This file contains information on Cakewalk Pro Audio that became available after the printed documentation went to press. If you enlarge the document window to its maximum size, this document will be easier to read. To do so, click the Maximize button in the top-right corner of the window. You can also open the Control menu in the top-left corner of the window (pressALT+SPACEBAR), and then choose the Maximize command.To move through the document, press PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN, or click the arrows at the top and bottom of the scroll bar along the right side of the window.To print the document, choose the Print command from the File menu.ContentsGeneral information (4)Press F1 for context-sensitive Help (4)Web (4)Newsgroups (4)Beginners (4)General (4)Audio (4)Coffeehouse (4)Driver Included with Cakewalk Pro Audio (4)Roland MPU-401 and compatibles (4)Additions and corrections to the 6.0 documentation (6)Working with linked clips (6)Selecting linked clips (6)Linked clips and StudioWare view (6)Piano Roll view enhancements (6)Selecting notes of a single pitch (6)Moving and copying Controller events (7)Staff view enhancements (7)Percussion notation ―ghost stroke‖ support (7)Inserting measures (7)An important note about ActiveMovie (7)Exporting audio events as Wave files (8)Real-time effects and processor speed (8)Track volume and audio event velocities (9)StudioWare Tutorial correction (9)StudioWare enhancements (9)StudioWare view and audio tracks (9)Widget Properties Channel field (10)Closing a StudioWare view (10)Advanced Panel programming (10)Widget bitmaps (10)Copying widgets (11)Widget groups and group ranges (11)Grouping widgets in Use mode (12)Faders templates and StudioWare Panels (12)Window layouts enhancements (12)Adding and loading layouts (12)Replacing, renaming, and deleting layouts (12)Window layouts options (13)Layout and StudioWare default directories (13)Other notes (13)Stretch Audio and tempo changes (13)Audio Event Properties Material field (14)Full MMC Auto Punch (16)Chord dialog Import button (16)Panic strength (16)MIDI activity monitor (16)Hardware-specific information (18)MIDI Time Piece tips and tricks (18)MIDI output port restriction (18)System Exclusive tips (18)MOTU starting template (18)Connecting two MTPs (18)Using the sync input port (18)General information about GPFs (General Protection Faults) (18)HP Deskjet printers (19)HP 500, 600, and 800 (19)HP 870C, 660C, 680C, and 690C (19)HP 820Cse and 850C (19)Canon BJC printers (19)Other printers (19)Gravis UltraSound (19)WARNING: SCSI hard drives (20)The purpose of the VxD (20)The potential problem with SCSI cards (20)Removing a VxD .386 file (20)Sample files (21)StudioWare View Layouts (.CakewalkStudioWare) and Template Files (.TPL) (21)DNA Grooves (.GRV) (21)Work files (.WRK) (21)Template files (.TPL) (21)Bundle files (.BUN) (21)CAL files (.CAL) (22)Playlist files (.PLY) and Set files (.SET) (22)TECHniques on-screen tutorials (22)CD Audio tracks! (22)Instrument definitions (23)Upgrading from an earlier version (23)Roland SR-JV80 Series expansion boards (23)Other notes (25)Virtual Piano (25)Lyrics view, CAL view, and special keys (25)Dump Request Macros (25)Mail support (25)Acknowledgments (27)StudioWare Panels (27)Instrument definitions (27)Dump Request Macros (28)General informationPress F1 for context-sensitive HelpRemember that you may press the F1 function key at any time to get help related to what you're doing in Cakewalk Pro Audio.WebPlease visit us on the World Wide Web at NewsgroupsThe Cakewalk newsgroups are discussion forums that let you trade tips, advice, and success stories with other Cakewalk users. Here are four Cakewalk newsgroups in which you can participate:Beginnersnews:///cakewalk.beginnersThe cakewalk.beginners group is for users new to Cakewalk, MIDI, and digital audio.Generalnews:///cakewalk.generalThe cakewalk.general group is for general Cakewalk and MIDI issues.Audionews:///cakewalk.audioThe group focuses on issues related to digital audio.Coffeehousenews:///cakewalk.coffeehouseThe cakewalk.coffeehouse group is for chatting and brainstorming with the Cakewalk community, from exploring music composition techniques to trading secrets for mastering projects at home like a pro.If you’re using a dedicated newsreader like Free Agent or Microsoft Internet News, just point the application toward the server . If you need help accessing any news server, including Cakewalk's, please consult the documentation for your newsreader program or the customer support for your online service or Internet Service Provider.Driver Included with Cakewalk Pro AudioMost drivers you will use are either included with Windows 95 or provided by the manufacturer of the MIDI interface or sound card. However, we have included our driver on the Cakewalk Pro Audio diskette.IMPORTANT! If you have a SCSI hard drive controller, be sure to thoroughly read the "WARNING: SCSI Hard Drives" section of this README!Roland MPU-401 and compatiblesWindows 95 includes a driver for MPU-401 compatible MIDI interfaces, but you may want to use our driver instead. The Cakewalk driver can be opened for output by more than one program at the same time, so that you don't have to quit one MIDI program before starting another.Important: Be sure to Remove the Microsoft driver before you Add ours. If both drivers are installed, you will experience problems.Please see the Cakewalk Pro Audio User’s Guide for instructions on adding or removing drivers using the Drivers icon of the Windows Control Panel. Insert the Cakewalk Pro Audio disk in the drive when prompted.Additions and corrections to the 6.0 documentationWe added or refined some features in Cakewalk Pro Audio 6.0 after the manual went to press. Read this section thoroughly for information about these changes. Other corrections and clarifications to the manual are also found below.Working with linked clipsSelecting linked clipsWhile in Track view, you can select all of the clips (if any) that are linked to a clip. To do this, right-click on any linked clip in the Track view Clips pane and choose Select all Siblings. Linked clips and StudioWare viewWhen you take snapshots and record widget movements in StudioWare view, Cakewalk inserts the events (such as volume Controller messages) into clips. If the clips are linked, you will get multiple instances of the events, which may be what you want. However, if you want to avoid this, set up a fresh extra track (with the same port/channel as the track containing the linked clips) and record the widget events in that extra track.See the "Track View" chapter in the User’s Guide for more information on clip linking. See the "StudioWare View" chapter to learn more about recording widget movements.Piano Roll view enhancementsSelecting notes of a single pitchIn Cakewalk 5.0, you could drag notes in Piano Roll view by double-clicking on the piano keysor note names at the left of the view. This has changed somewhat to give you more editing power. In version 6.0, you can use the keys or note names (at the left of the view) to select all note events that have the same pitch or MIDI note.This new method is more flexible, because you can select all notes of a single pitch (or several pitches) first, then move or edit the notes. For example, you can click on C4 to select all notes of that pitch, then drag the notes to different pitches or times. You can also apply editing commands to just the selected note events.To select and move notes of a single pitch:1.Click on the Selection tool (the arrow-shaped tool at the upper left of the Piano Roll view) toenter Select mode.2.Click once on the piano key or note name in the keyboard pane at the left of the Piano Rollview. This selects all notes of that pitch in the track; you’ll see them highlighted in the note pane. To select notes having several pitches, hold the mouse button and drag up or down to select the pitches you want.3.Click once on any of the selected notes in the note pane.4.While still holding the mouse button, drag the notes to the location you want, and release themouse button.You can use Shift+Click to add notes to the selection, and Ctrl+Click to toggle between adding to or removing from the selection.Moving and copying Controller eventsThis section corrects information on page 180 in the User’s Guide.You cannot drag-move or drag-copy selected Controller events in the Controllers pane of the Piano Roll view. To move or copy Controller events with drag and drop, you must first select them by clicking and dragging in the time ruler. This is called a "deep selection," because you have selected all of the track’s events in that time span, including note events and Controller events. Now you can move or copy the notes, and the Controllers will be moved or copied too. You can also copy, move, and delete Controller events without affecting other data. First select the desired Controller events in the Controllers pane, then use the Edit menu’s Cut, Copy, Paste, or Delete commands. The Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V keyboard shortcuts also work, as well as the Delete key.Staff view enhancementsPercussion notation “ghost stroke” supportIn percussion notation, parentheses around a note mean that it is a "ghost stroke," played very lightly and barely heard. Cakewalk currently supports this by displaying parentheses around any percussion note event with velocity less than 32, a fixed, arbitrary threshold. You can adjust the Vel+ of the track vs. the velocities of the individual notes to effectively move this threshold without changing the way the note sounds.Inserting measuresThe User's Guide mentions an "Insert Measures" command. It is mistaken. If you want to open up measures of silence in a song, you can use any one of the following methods:∙Select the events and use the Cut and Paste editing commands (or the Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V keyboard shortcuts for these commands.)-or-∙Split the clips where you want the empty measure. Select the clips, right-click on them, and choose the Split command (see the User’s Guide for steps on using Split.) Next, turn Snap to Grid on, and set the Snap to Grid value to Whole note. Then drag the newly-split events over by one or more measures.-or-∙In some cases, you can use the Edit | Slide command for inserting measures. Keep in mind though that the Slide command won't move tempo and meter/key changes.An important note about ActiveMovieMicrosoft has changed the name of their ActiveMovie technology, a plug-in format that Cakewalk Pro Audio uses for audio effects. As of March 31, 1997, the official name of this technology is DirectX.The Cakewalk 6.0 User’s Guide describes an "ActiveMovie" menu that appears on the Edit | Audio submenu, and in the Audio view’s Inspector menu. You access the DirectX plug-ins through this menu, or through the Edit | Audio | ActiveMovie submenu.Audio plug-ins that use the ActiveMovie/DirectX format work as described in the User’s Guide. See the ―Audio Editing Commands‖ and ―Effects View‖ chapters for details.Exporting audio events as Wave filesYou can use the File | Utilities | Export Audio to Wave command to export audio events as a stereo .WAV file. However, Export Audio to Wave is not intended as a general-purpose "mixdown" function; it won’t always recreate exactly what Cakewalk plays. Your exported Wave files may sound slightly different from the audio you hear when playing back your sequence, in two ways:1.Any Controller 7 (volume) and Controller 10 (pan) events that appear in audio tracks will beleft out of the exported audio. All audio volume will be computed solely on the basis of the track Volume, Pan, and Vel+ properties, plus each event's velocity.2.The newly-exported files will not include any real-time effects added in the Effects view.Real-time effects are added "on-the-fly" during playback, just like effects that you might add during mixdown using outboard effects processors. Therefore, the real-time effects are never stored permanently as audio. This lets you use the same audio events in different songs, with different effects each time.If you want to create .WAV mixdowns of your audio tracks, here’s one method (you need afull-duplex sound card, preferably with digital I/O): Arm a fresh pair of audio tracks for recording. Route the output of the sound card to the input. Next, start playback/recording in Cakewalk; this re-records the final output mix into the fresh pair of tracks. Finally, select only those two tracks, and choose Export Audio to Wave.If you don’t have a full-duplex sound card, try this instead: Copy the audio you want to export to one or more unused "scratch" tracks and use the effects commands in the Edit | Audio submenu on the copied audio. (Be sure not to use linked clips in these scratch tracks!) For more about these commands, see the "Audio Editing Commands" chapter in the User’s Guide. When you’re done exporting waves, you can just delete or archive these scratch tracks.Tip:If you’ve worked hard at tweaking your effects parameters for playback, and you want to apply the same settings to the copied audio, be sure to take advantage of Cakewalk Pro Audio’s Presets feature. Presets let you easily save and recall your Cakewalk effects settings for use at any time, even in different song files. You can read more about Presets in the "Navigation" chapter in the User’s Guide.Real-time effects and processor speedTo properly use real-time effects in Effects view, you need a computer with a Pentium 100 MHz or faster processor. Even with such a powerful CPU, there is a limit on the number of effects you can use simultaneously. Furthermore, different types of effects are "more expensive" in terms of how much CPU they consume. For example, Reverb is relatively expensive, whereas the 2-band EQ effect is relatively inexpensive.A good strategy is to use an expensive effect like Reverb in an Effects Loop. That way, you can have se veral audio tracks share one effect. You can then individually adjust each track’s send and return levels.Finally, no matter how slow your CPU is, you can always use any effect by applying it to the audio as an off-line edit command. See the "Audio Editing Commands" chapter in the User’s Guide for more information on these commands.Track volume and audio event velocitiesIf you try using an older version of Cakewalk to play files created in Cakewalk 6.0, you may notice that audio tracks play back at a different volume. This is because Cakewalk 6.0 uses a different technique for mapping track volumes and event velocities to audio volumes (in dB.) Note, however, that 6.0 will always play back older files at the proper volume. StudioWare Tutorial correctionStep 4 under "Create new Widget Properties" (on page 115 of the User's Guide) is wrong. The step should read:4. Choose "Pitch Wheel" in the Primary Action Kind field. Then type "Track2Pitch" in theAmount field.StudioWare enhancementsStudioWare view and audio tracksWhen you select one or more tracks playing on audio ports and choose View | New | Panel, the Panel is different than it is for a MIDI track. You get an Arm button and send and return level controls for Effects Loop 1. This makes it easier to work with real-time audio effects that you have set up in that Effects Loop in the Effects view.Arm buttonAudio tracks have an Arm button instead of the Chorus knob supplied for MIDI tracks. This kind of button will be familiar to anyone who uses multitrack recording gear — the button lets you arm (record enable) or disarm (record disable) the track. Having an Arm button is especially useful for audio tracks, as opposed to MIDI tracks, because you often need to arm multiple audio tracks at once.Note that on a generic Windows sound card, you can only arm two tracks at a time, because there are only two input channels available. If you try to arm a third track, Cakewalk will automatically disarm some other track. Odd-numbered tracks are always armed for the left channel, andeven-numbered tracks are armed for the right channel.Send knobPanels for audio tracks also have a Send knob instead of the Reverb knob supplied for MIDI tracks. The Send knob is assigned to Controller 91, channel 1 (i.e., the send level out to Effects Loop 1.) So if you’ve put effects in Effects Loop 1 in the Effects view, the Send knob is a quick and easy way to control the send level.Return clusterAny Panel containing at least one audio track has an extra "Return" cluster. The Return cluster controls the volume and pan of the return level coming in from Effects Loop 1. In other words, the Return cluster’s Pan knob has been assigned to Controller 93, channel 1, and its Volume fader has been assigned to Controller 92, channel 1. Just as with send levels, these controls make it easy to control and automate effects return levels.Widget Properties Channel fieldThere is a "Channel" property in the Design mode Widget Properties dialog. This field appears when you select an Action Kind that sends events via MIDI. The Channel field selects the MIDI channel on which the widget will send its events. You can choose 1-16, a simple alias, a calculated expression, or a formula.Closing a StudioWare viewIf you have changed a StudioWare Panel in Design mode, and you try to close the StudioWare view without saving it first, you will see a warning. Click Cancel and click the Save button to save the Panel, or click OK to discard the Panel.If you save a workfile, any open Panels will be saved as part of the workfile. Note that if you want the Panels to be open when you reload the song file, you must check "When Opening a File, Load its Layout" under View | Layouts.You can save a Panel at any time by clicking the StudioWare view’s Save button. This will let you use the View | Layouts command to open the Panel and use it with any workfile. Advanced Panel programmingThe text at the bottom of page 299 reads: "A complete description of the expression syntax is beyond the scope of this manual, but some samples follow:" The samples were omitted; they are shown below:Formula:Example:x = y Alias x is assigned the value of alias y whenever the value of alias ychanges.x = y + 2 * z Alias x is assigned the value of alias y plus 2 times the value of alias zwhenever either y or z changes.x = (y + 2) * z Alias x is assigned the value of alias y plus 2, then multiplied by thevalue of alias z whenever either y or z changes.x = y | z Alias x is assigned the value of alias y bitwise ORed with the value ofalias z whenever either y or z changes. If y==0xF0 and z==0x0F, then xis set to 0xFF.Widget bitmapsHorizontal and vertical slider bitmapsYou may notice that horizontal sliders use the same "thumb" as the vertical sliders. You can change this by entering Design mode, right-clicking on the slider, and choosing Foreground Bitmap. Click "None" in the dialog box that appears. This will change the slider’s thumb so that it better fits the horizontal slider.To go back to the thumb for a vertical slider, enter Design mode, right-click on the slider, and choose Foreground Bitmap. Then click Default, and the slider will return to its original look.Suppressing the display of all widget bitmapsYou can force Cakewalk to hide all widget bitmaps while in Use mode (except those in Image widgets) for faster screen updates. To do this, type the following line in the [WinCake]section of the WINCAKE.INI file:[WinCake]PanelsShowWidgetBitmaps=0To let widgets show their bitmaps again, change the entry to:[WinCake]PanelsShowWidgetBitmaps=1You can also change these options within Cakewalk by using Settings | Initialization File. You must then restart Cakewalk for the settings to take effect.Note: Bitmaps are always displayed in Design mode, so that you can edit them.Copying widgetsThere is an error on page 283 in the User’s Guide. Using Shift+Drag will not copy a widget. To copy a widget, select it and hold down the Ctrl key while you drag a copy to a new location. Then release the mouse button.Widget groups and group rangesThe User’s Guide describes widget groups on page 293; we would like to clarify this section.∙You set min and max values in Design mode Widget Properties. Min and max values are what the widget will send at its start and end positions, respectively. (For example, when a knob is rotated all the way counter-clockwise, it’s at its start position; when rotated all the way clockwise, it’s at its end position.) The min and max values also define the highest and lowest values that a widget can send or receive.∙You set up group ranges in Use mode, to control things like submixes and crossfades. A group range defines how a widget will move relative to other widgets in the same group.There isn’t any field for entering these ranges; you just hold the Shift key and drag eachgrouped widget to a new position. When you release the Shift key and move the widgets, you’ll see that they move according to how you arranged them.Note that the min and max values discussed on pages 294 and 295 (under "Group Examples") refer to group ranges, and not the values that you define in Widget Properties. This may seem confusing, but just try grouping some widgets and setting their group ranges using theexamples on those pages. Doing this should help you see how group ranges affect grouped widgets.In short: First you set the min and max values in the Design mode Widget Properties dialog. Then you group some widgets. Finally, you set up group ranges that tell the grouped widgets how to move within their min and max values.Grouping widgets in Use modeYou can group and ungroup widgets while in Use mode. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on widgets to add them to a group. Hold Ctrl and click on any grouped widget to remove it from the group.Faders templates and StudioWare PanelsAs you may have noticed, Cakewalk StudioWare is similar to the Faders view from Cakewalk 5.0. StudioWare goes far beyond the Faders view, which was mostly limited to Controller number changes. StudioWare gives you even greater control over products like the Yamaha ProMix 01 and the Roland VS-880, and lets you send more kinds of data, including Sysx and MCI commands. Though you cannot directly convert any old Faders templates into StudioWare Panels, we are offering new StudioWare versions of the Faders view templates we used to supply.If you want to quickly call up a set of controls for mixing your song, select one or more tracks and choose the View | New | Panel command. This automatically creates a default Panel similar to the old Faders view, with one fader group for each selected track.See the "Sample Files" section of this document for a list of StudioWare Panels included with Cakewalk Pro Audio 6.0.Window layouts enhancementsWe’ve improved Cakewalk’s window layouts feature so that you can better control how Cakewalk Pro Audio looks each time you start it.Choosing View | Layouts opens the Window Layouts dialog box. Window layouts consist of currently open windows, their positions, and the tracks (if any) that each window shows. You can save this window layout any time you want, and load it into files of your choice later. Every time you save a Cakewalk .WRK file, its current layout is saved too. You can automatically reset Cakewalk’s window arrangement to this saved state when loading a file, if you want. Your songs can all use the same layout, or use different ones —it’s entirely up to you.When you save a StudioWare Panel, it will also appear as a layout in this dialog box.Adding and loading layoutsTo add a new layout, just arrange your windows as desired. Choose View | Layouts, and click Add. Type a name for the layout, then click OK. The Window Layouts list will grow each time you add a new layout. Whenever you want to apply one of your layouts to a view, highlight the layout you want in the list, and click Load.Replacing, renaming, and deleting layoutsIf you change an open layout that already exists, and you want to replace the original layout, just choose View | Layouts and highlight its name in the list. Click Add, then click OK without changing its name. You will be asked if you want to replace it, and you can click Yes.To rename a layout, highlight it and click Rename. Type in a new name and click OK.To delete a layout, highl ight it and click Delete. You can’t undo this, so be sure that you re ally want to delete the layout.Window layouts optionsYou have two options for using layouts with songs. The first is "Close Old Windows Before Loading New Ones." Checking this means that Cakewalk will close all windows that a newly loaded layout doesn't use. If you leave it unchecked, open windows will stay open when you load a new song.The second option only applies to layouts saved in workfiles and templates. Check "When Opening a File, Load its Layout" if you want Cakewalk to reset the windows and views to each file's saved layout whenever you open a file.Layout and StudioWare default directoriesBy default, Cakewalk looks for layouts and StudioWare Panels in your workfile directory. If you want to choose where you store your layouts and Panels, and still access them through View | Layouts, you can specify the directories where Cakewalk will look for these files. You do this by typing LayoutFileDir and StudioWareFileDir options and path names in the [WinCake]section of the WINCAKE.INI file. Here is an example:[WinCake]StudioWareFileDir=c:\PanelsLayoutFileDir=c:\LayoutsYou can also change these options within Cakewalk by using Settings | Initialization File. You must then restart Cakewalk for the settings to take effect.Once you’ve done this, choose View | Layouts, and you will see all the Layouts and StudioWare files that are stored in the directories you specified.See "Appendix D" in the User’s Guide for more about changing the Wincake.INI file.Other notesWindow layouts are saved in your default Cakewalk directory, and havea .CakewalkWindowLayout extension. StudioWare Panel layouts are also saved in this directory, and have the .CakewalkStudioWare extension.Tip: If you want Cakewalk to use a certain layout when you create a new file, you can arrange windows in an empty file, and save the file as a template; give the template a name like "New" or "General MIDI Authoring." (Be sure to make a backup copy of Cakewalk’s Normal.tpl file first, just to be safe.) Now when you open a new file using your template, and you’ve checked "When Opening a File, Load its Layout," Cakewalk will arrange the screen the way you like. For more information on templates, see Appendix F in the User’s Guide.Stretch Audio and tempo changesThe User's Guide mentions a "Stretch Audio" option at the bottom of page 398. Note that you can turn the option on and off by checking or unchecking the Stretch Audio checkbox in the Tempo dialog box.If the Stretch Audio option is on, Cakewalk will shrink or stretch all audio in the song to conform to tempo changes. This is good if you want to change the tempo, and the audio is already lined up with measure boundaries. Let's say you've recorded vocals into a song. Click on the Tempo window in the Control bar, check the Stretch Audio option, and click OK. Now when you insert。



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## 用法

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Copyright (C) 1992-93, Charles B. Abrams
Developed using MacroMind Director, Copyright (C) 1991, MacroMind
Installation Instructions (PC):
1. Create a new directory called IRTUTOR on your hard drive.
C:>md irtutor - makes a new directory
C:>cd irtutor - moves into that directory
2. Insert disk 1 into drive a: (or b:) and type the following:
C:\IRTUTOR>copy a:*.* - (use b: if appropriate)
When completed, insert disk 2 and repeat, then again with disk 3.
3. Type the following to unpack the files:
C:\IRTUTOR>install1 - unpacks first set of files.
C:\IRTUTOR>install2 - unpacks second set of files.
C:\IRTUTOR>install3 - unpacks third set of files.
4. Delete the INSTALL*.EXE files when finished:
C:\IRTUTOR>del install*.exe
5. Start Windows
6. Within Windows, create the icon for IR Tutor by following these steps:
a. Double click on Applications to open it (if it is not already open.)
b. Choose New from the File menu.
c. Click on Program Item, then OK.
d. In the Description box, type "IR Tutor v1.0"
e. In the Command Line box, type C:\IRTUTOR\IRTUTOR.EXE, or the correct path for the program if different from this. Alternatively, click on the browse button to find IRTUTOR.EXE.
f. Click OK.
A movie projector icon will appear in your Applications window. Double
click on this icon to run the program.
7. For further information, please refer to the user manual.。
