












6.文章格式与杂志稿约严重不符合麻醉学英文论文的类型1.General articles describe clinical or laboratory investigations.2.Case reports describe either new and instructive cases, anesthetic techniques and equipment of demonstrable originality, usefulness, and safety, or new information on diseases of importance to anesthesia.3.Brief reports simply describe clinical or laboratory investigations4.Technical communications describe instrumentation and analytic techniques.5.Review articles collate, describe, and evaluate previously published material to aid in evaluating new concepts.6.Medical intelligence articles usually describe and evaluate previously published material to aid in evaluating new concepts or updating old concepts or topics germane to anesthesiology.7.Special articles describe literature, education, societies, and other topics interests of a historical or current trend in anesthesiology.8.Letters to the editor include brief constructive comments concerning previously published articles or brief notations of general interest.论文的类型和字数要求Type of Manuscript Maximum Word AllowanceGeneral Article 3000 words (excluding abstract)Case Report 800 wordsBrief Report 1000 wordsTechnical Communications 1500 wordsReview Article 4000 wordsMedical Intelligence Article 3000 wordsSpecial Article 2000 wordsEditorial 1500 wordsLetter to the Editor 200 wordsOther Items见稿约具体要求其他要求Nontextual Material Maximum AllowanceFigures and Table No more than 6 figures or tables. Do not duplicatedata in tables, figures, or text.References No more than 25 references per article. For areview article, up to 70 references areacceptable. (For video files, see the descriptionbelow.)Abstract 200 words for all General Articles, TechnicalCommunications, Review Articles, MedicalIntelligence Articles, Special Articles. Abstract 50-100 words for Case Reports and Brief Reports. Implications 50 words正确选择期刊目前可供投稿的麻醉学杂志(大约20种)一、专业麻醉学期刊1.Anesthesiology(美国)2.Anesthesia & Analgesia(美国)3.Journal of Cardiothoracic & Vascular Anesthesia(美国)4.Journal of Clinical Anesthesia(美国)5.Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology(美国)6.Journal of Perianesthesia Nursing(美国)7.The International Journal of Anesthesia (美国)8.International Journal of Obstetric Anesthesia(美国)9. International Anesthesiology Clinics10.Anesthesia Malpractice Prevention(美国)11.Canadian Journal of Anesthesia(加拿大)12.Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica(瑞典)13.Anaesthesia(英国)14.British Journal of Anaesthesia(英国)15.European Journal of Anaesthesiology(英国)16.Paediatric Anaesthesia(英国)17.Anaesthesia & Intensive Care(澳大利亚)18.Journal of Anesthesia(日本)19.Thai Journal of Anesthesiology (泰国)20.Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica(比利时)二、重症治疗期刊1.Critical Care Medicine2.Resuscitation3.Journal of Critical Care4.Pediatric Critical Care Medicine三、疼痛治疗期刊1.Pain2.Clinical Journal of Pain3.European Journal of Pain4.Journal of Pain5.Journal of Pain and Symptom Management6.Pain Clinic7.Pain Forum8.Pain Management Nursing9.Pain Medicine10.Pain Medicine News11.Pain Physician12.Pain Practice13.Pain Research & Management14.Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine15.Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management四、互联网麻醉学杂志1.World Anaesthesia Online2.Internet Journal of Anesthesiology3.Anaesthesia Online4.BMC Anesthesiology5.Online Journal of Anesthesiology五、国内英文期刊1.Chinese Medical Journal2.Chinese Journal of Medical Sciences3.Chinese Journal of Pharmacological Sciences4.Journal of Chinese Sciences正确选择期刊选择期刊应考虑的因素尽管目前国际著名生物医学期刊自由来稿的退稿率均在90%左右,但是,作者只要确信自己的研究成果已达到在国外生物医学期刊发表的水平,即具有突出的科学重要性、能引起有关学科读者的极大兴趣,就可能将自己的论文首先投向水平较高的期刊。



Acta Anaesthesiol Scand Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica斯堪的纳维亚麻醉学报〔丹〕Acta Anat Acta Anatomica解剖学报〔瑞士〕Acta Chir Scand Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica斯堪的纳维亚外科学报〔瑞典〕Acta Cytol Acta Cytologica细胞学报〔美〕Acta Med Scand Acta Medica Scandinavica斯堪的纳维亚内科学报〔瑞典〕Acta Neurol Scand Acta Neurologica Scandinavica斯堪的纳维亚神经病学报〔丹〕Acta Odontol Scand Acta Odontologica Scandinavica斯堪的纳维亚牙科学报〔挪〕Acta Orthop Scand Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica斯堪的纳维亚矫形外科学报〔丹〕Acta Paediatr Scand Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica斯堪的纳维亚儿科学报〔瑞典〕Acta Pathol Jpn Acta Pathologica Japonica日本病理学报Acta Pharm Hung Acta Pharmaceutica Hungarica匈牙利药学学报Acta Pharm Suec Acta Pharmaceutica Suecica瑞典药学学报Acta Physiol Scand Acta Physiologica Scandinavica斯堪的纳维亚生理学报〔瑞典〕Acta Psychiatr Scand Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica斯堪的纳维亚精神病学报〔丹〕Acta Radiol(Diagn) Acta Radiologica:Diagnosis放射学报:诊断分册〔瑞典〕Acta Radiol(Oncol) Acta Radiologica:Oncology放射学报:肿瘤学分册〔瑞典〕Acta Virol Acta Virologica病毒学报〔英〕Acupunct Electrother Res Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics Research针刺与电疗研究〔英〕Adolesc Psychiatry Adolescent Psychiatry青春期精神病学〔美〕Adv Anat Embryol Cell Biol Advances in Anatomy,Embryology and Cell Biology解剖学、胚胎学与细胞生物学进展〔东德〕Adv Appl Microblol Advances in Applied Microbiology应用微生物学进展〔美〕Adv Biochem Psychopharmacol Advances in Biochemical Psycho-pharma-cology生化精神药理学进展〔美〕Adv Cancer Res Advances in Cancer Research癌症研究进展〔美〕Adv Carbohydr Chem Biochem Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and Biochemistry碳水化合物化学与生化进展〔美〕Adv Cardiol Advances in Cardiology心脏病学进展〔瑞士〕Adv Child Dev Behav Advances in Child Development and Behavior儿童发育与行为进展〔美〕Adv Clin Chem Advances in Clinical Chemistry临床化学进展〔美〕Adv Enzyme Regul Advances in Enzyme Regulation酶调节进展〔英〕Adv Enzymol Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology酶学与分子生物学有关领域进展〔美〕Adv Exp Med Biol Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology实验医学与生物学进展〔美〕Adv Genet Advances in Genetics遗传学进展〔美〕Adv Hum Genet Advances in Human Genetics人类遗传学进展〔美〕Adv Immunol Advances in Immunology免疫学进展〔美〕Adv Inorg Biochem Advances in Inorganic Biochemistry无机生物化学进展〔美〕Adv Intern Med Advances in Internal Medicine内科学进展〔美〕Adv Neurol Advances in Neurology神经病学进展〔美〕Adv Nutr Res Advances in Nutritional Research营养学研究进展〔美〕Adv Otorhinolaryngol Advances in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology耳鼻喉科学进展〔瑞士〕Adv Parasitol Advances in Parasitology寄生虫学进展〔英〕Adv Pediatr Advances in Pediatrics儿科学进展〔美〕Adv Pharmacol Chemother Advances in Pharmacology and Chemotherapy药理学与化学治疗进展〔美〕Adv Protein Chem Advances in Protein Chemistry蛋白质化学进展〔美〕Adv Psychosom Med Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine身心医学进展〔瑞士〕Adv Surg Advances in Surgery外科学进展〔美〕Adv Tuberc Res Advances in Tuberculosis Research结核研究进展〔瑞士〕Adv Virus Res Advances in Virus Research病毒研究进展〔美〕Adverse Drug React Acute Poisoning Rev Adverse Drug Reactions and Acute Poisoning Reviews不良药物反应与急性中毒评论〔英〕Afr J Med Med Sci African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences非洲医药科学杂志〔英〕Age Ageing Age and Ageing年龄与衰老〔英〕Agents Actions Agents and Actions药剂与作用〔瑞士〕AJNR American Journal of Neuroradiology美国神经放射学杂志AJP Australian Journal of Pharmacy澳大利亚药学杂志AJR American Journal of Roentgenology美国X线学杂志Am Ann Deaf American Annals of the Deaf美国聋人纪事Am Fam Physician American Family Physician美国家庭医师Am Heart J American Heart Journal美国心脏杂志Am Ind Hyg Assoc J American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal美国工业卫生协会杂志Am J Anat American Journal of Anatomy美国解剖学杂志Am J Bot American Journal of Botany美国植物学杂志Am J Cardiol American Journal of Cardiology美国心脏病学杂志Am J Clin Hypn American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis美国临床催眠杂志Am J Clin Nutr American Journal of Clinical Nutrition美国临床营养杂志Am J Clin Oncol American Journal of Clinical Oncology美国临床肿瘤学杂志Am J Clin Pathol American Journal of Clinical Pathology美国临床病理学杂志Am J Community Psychol American Journal of Community Psychology美国社区心理学杂志Am J Dermatopathol American Journal of Dermatopathology美国皮肤病理学杂志Am J Dis Child American Journal of Diseases of Children美国儿童疾病杂志Am J Emerg Med American Journal of Emergency Medicine美国急救医学杂志Am J Epidemiol American Journal of Epidemiology美国流行病学杂志Am J Forensic Med Pathol American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology美国法医与病理学杂志Am J Gastroenterol American Journal of Gastroenterology美国胃肠病学杂志Am J Hematol American Journal of Hematology美国血液学杂志Am J Hosp Pharm American Journal of Hospital Pharmacy美国医院药学杂志Am J Hum Genet American Journal of Human Genetics美国人类遗传学杂志Am J Ind Med American Journal of Industrial Medicine美国工业医学杂志Am J Infect Control American Journal of Infection Control美国感染控制杂志Am J Kidney Dis American Journal of Kidney Diseases美国肾病杂志Am J Law Med American Journal of Law and Medicine美国法律与医学杂志Am J Med American Journal of Medicine美国医学杂志Am J Med Genet American Journal of Medical Genetics美国医学遗传学杂志Am J Med Sci American Journal of the Medical Sciences美国医学科学杂志Am J Ment Defic American Journal of Mental Deficiency美国心理缺陷杂志Am J Nephrol American Journal of Nephrology美国肾病学杂志Am J Nurs American Journal of Nursing美国护理杂志Am J Obstet Gynecol American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology美国妇产科学杂志Am J Occup Ther American Journal of Occupational Therapy美国作业疗法杂志Am J Ophthalmol American Journal of Ophthalmology美国眼科杂志Am J Optom Physiol Opt American Journal of Optometry and Physiologi-cal Optics美国视力测定与生理光学杂志Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics美国正牙学与牙面矫形外科杂志Am J Orthopsychiatry American Journal of Orthopsychiatry美国行为精神病学杂志Am J Otol American Journal of Otology美国耳科学杂志Am J Otolaryngol American Journal of Otolaryngology美国耳鼻喉科杂志Am J Pathol American Journal of Pathology美国病理学杂志Am J Pediatr Hematol Oncol American Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology美国儿科血液学/肿瘤学杂志Am J Perinatol American Journal of Perinatology美国围产期学杂志Am J Pharm Educ American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education美国药学教育杂志Am J Phys Med American Journal of Physical Medicine美国物理医学杂志Am J Physiol American Journal of Physiology美国生理学杂志Am J Psychiatry American Journal of Psychiatry美国精神病学杂志Am J Psychoanal American Journal of Psychoanalysis美国精神分析杂志Am J Psychol American Journal of Psychology美国心理学杂志Am J Psychother American Journal of Psychotherapy美国心理疗法杂志Am J Public Health American Journal of Public Health美国公共卫生杂志Am J Reprod Immunol Microbiol American Journal of Reproductive Im-munology and Microbiology美国生殖免疫学与微生物学杂志Am J Sports Med American Journal of Sports Medicine美国运动医学杂志Am J Surg American Journal of Surgery美国外科学杂志Am J Surg Pathol American Journal of Surgical Pathology美国外科病理学杂志Am J Trop Med Hyg American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene美国热带医学与卫生学杂志Am Pharm American Pharmacy美国药学Am Psychol American Psychologist美国心理学家Am Rev Respir Dis American Review of Respiratory Disease美国呼吸系疾病评论Am Surg American Surgeon美国外科医师Anal Abstr Analytical Abstracts分析文摘〔英〕Anal Biochem Analytical Biochemistry分析生物化学〔美〕Anal Chem Analytical Chemistry分析化学〔美〕Anal Chim Acta Analytica Chimica Acta分析化学学报〔荷〕Anal Quant Cytol Histol Analytical and Quantitative Cytology and Histol-ogy分析、定量细胞学与组织学〔美〕Anat Embryol Anatomy and Embryology解剖学与胚胎学〔东德〕Anat Histol Embryol Anatomia,Histologia,Embryologia解剖学、组织学与胚胎学〔东德〕Anat Rec Anatomical Record解剖学记事〔美〕Anesth Analg Anesthesia and Analgesia麻醉与止痛〔美〕Anim Genet Animal Genetics动物遗传学〔英〕Ann Biomed Eng Annals of Biomedical Engineering生物医学工程纪事〔美〕Ann Clin Biochem Annals of Clinical Biochemistry临床生物化学纪事〔英〕Ann Clin Lab Sci Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science临床与实验科学纪事〔美〕Ann Clin Res Annals of Clinical Research临床研究纪事〔芬〕Ann Dent Annals of Dentistry牙科学纪事〔美〕Ann Emerg Med Annals of Emergency Medicine急救医学纪事〔美〕Ann Hum Biol Annals of Human Biology人类生物学纪事〔英〕Ann Hum Genet Annals of Human Genetics人类遗传学纪事〔英〕Ann ICRP Annals of the ICRP国际放射防护委员会纪事〔英〕Ann Intern Med Annals of Internal Medicine内科学纪事〔美〕Ann Neurol Annals of Neurology神经病学纪事〔美〕Ann Nutr Metab Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism营养与代谢纪事〔瑞士〕Ann NY Acad Sci Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences纽约科学院纪事〔美〕Ann Occup Hyg Annals of Occupational Hygiene职业卫生纪事〔英〕Ann Ophthalmol Annals of Ophthalmology眼科学纪事〔美〕Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol Annals of Otology,Rhinology and Laryngology耳鼻喉科纪事〔美〕Ann Physlol Anthropol Annals of Physiological Anthropology人类生理学纪事〔日〕Ann Plast Surg Annals of Plastic Surgery整形外科学纪事〔美〕Ann R Coll Surg Engl Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England英国皇家外科医师学会纪事Ann Rev Gerontol Geriatr Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics老年医学年评〔美〕Ann Rheum Dis Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases风湿病纪事〔英〕Ann Surg Annals of Surgery外科学纪事〔美〕Ann Thorac Surg Annals of Thoracic Surgery胸外科纪事〔美〕Ann Trop Med Parasitol Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology热带医学与寄生虫学纪事〔英〕Ann Trop Paediatr Annals of Tropical Paediatrics热带儿科学纪事〔英〕Annu Rev Biochem Annual Review of Biochemistry生物化学年评〔美〕Annu Rev Biophys Biophys Chem Annual Review of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry 生物物理与生物物理化学年评〔美〕Annu Rev Entomol Annual Review of Entomology昆虫学年评〔美〕Annu Rev Genet Annual Review of Genetics遗传学年评〔美〕Annu Rev Immunol Annual Review of Immunology免疫学年评〔美〕Annu Rev Med Annual Review of Medicine医学年评〔美〕Annu Rev Microbiol Annual Review of Microbiology微生物学年评〔美〕Annu Rev Neurosci Annual Review of Neuroscience神经科学年评〔美〕Annu Rev Nurs Res Annual Review of Nursing Research护理研究年评〔美〕Annu Rev Nutr Annual Review of Nutrition营养学年评〔美〕Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxi-cology药理学与毒理学年评〔美〕Annu Rev Physiol Annual Review of Physiology生理学年评〔美〕Annu Rev Psychol Annual Review of Psychology心理学年评〔美〕Annu Rev Public Health Annual Review of Public Health公共卫生学年评〔美〕Annu Rev Rehabil Annual Review of Rehabilitation康复医学年评〔美〕ANS Advances in Nursing Science护理科学进展〔美〕Antibiot Chemother Antibiotics and Chemotherapy抗生素与化学治疗〔瑞士〕Anticancer Res Anticancer Research抗癌研究〔美〕Antimicrob Agents Chemother Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy抗菌剂与化学治疗〔美〕Antiviral Res Antiviral Research抗病毒研究〔荷〕Appl Biochem Biotechnol Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology应用生物化学与生物技术〔美〕Appl Environ Microbiol Applied and Environmental Microbiology应用与环境微生物学〔美〕Appl Neurophysiol Applied Neurophysiology应用神经生理学〔瑞士〕Appl Pathol Applied Pathology应用病理学〔瑞士〕Arch Androl Archives of Andrology男科学文献〔美〕Arch Biochem Biophys Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics生物化学与生物物理学文献〔美〕Arch Dermatol Archives of Dermatology皮肤病学文献〔美〕Arch Dermatol Res Archives of Dermatological Research皮肤病学研究文献〔东德〕Arch Dis Child Archives of Disease in Childhood儿童期疾病文献〔英〕Arch Emerg Med Archives of Emergency Medicine急救医学文献〔英〕Arch Environ Contam Toxicol Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 环境污染与毒物学文献〔美〕Arch Environ Health Archives of Environmental Health 环境卫生学文献〔美〕Arch Gen Psychiatry Archives of General Psychiatry普通精神病学文献〔美〕Arch Gerontol Geriatr Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics老年医学文献〔荷〕Arch Gynecol Archives of Gynecology妇科学文献〔东德〕Arch Intern Med Archives of Internal Medicine内科学文献〔美〕Arch Microbiol Archives of Microbiology微生物学文献〔东德〕Arch Neurol Archives of Neurology神经病学文献〔美〕Arch Ophthalmol Archives of Ophthalmology眼科学文献〔美〕Arch Oral Biol Archives of Oral Biology口腔生物学文献〔英〕Arch Orthop Trauma Surg Archives of Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery矫形与创伤外科文献〔东德〕Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery耳鼻喉科学—头颈外科学文献〔美〕Arch Otorhinolaryngol Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology耳鼻喉科学文献〔东德〕Arch Pathol Lab Med Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine病理学与检验医学文献〔美〕Arch Phys Med Rehabil Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation物理医学与康复文献〔美〕Arch Sex Behav Archives of Sexual Behavior性行为文献〔美〕Arch Surg Archives of Surgery外科学文献〔美〕Arch Toxicol Archives of Toxicology毒理学文献〔东德〕Arch Virol Archives of Virology病毒学文献〔奥〕Arctic Med Res Arctic Medical Research北极医学研究〔芬〕Arthritis Rheum Arthritis and Rheumatism关节炎与风湿病〔美〕Artif Organs Artificial Organs人造器官〔美〕ASAIO Trans ASAIO Transactions美国人造内脏器官学会汇刊ASDC J Dent Child ASDC Journal of Dentistry for Children美国儿童牙科学会儿童牙科杂志Asia Oceania J Obstet Gynaecol Asia-Oceania Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology亚洲-大洋洲地区妇产科杂志〔日〕Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Im-munology亚洲-太平洋地区变态反应与免疫学杂志〔泰〕Aust Clin Rev Australian Clinical Review澳大利亚临床评论Aust Dent J Australian Dental Journal澳大利亚牙科杂志Aust Fam Physician Australian Family Physician澳大利亚家庭医师Aust J Biol Sci Australian Journal of Biological Sciences澳大利亚生物科学杂志Aust J Chem Australian Journal of Chemistry澳大利亚化学杂志Aust J Exp Biol Med Sci Australian Journal of Experimental Biology and Medical Science 澳大利亚实验生物学与医学科学杂志Aust NZ J Ophthalmol Australian and New Zealand Journal of Opthalmol-ogy澳大利亚与新西兰眼科杂志〔澳〕Aust NZ J Med Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine澳大利亚与新西兰医学杂志〔澳〕Aust NZ J Obstet Gynaecol Australian and New Zealand Journal of Ob-stetrics and Gynaecology澳大利亚与新西兰妇产科杂志〔澳〕Aust NZ J Psychiatry Australian and New Zealand.Journal of Psychiatry澳大利亚与新西兰精神病学杂志〔澳〕Aust NZ J Surg Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery澳大利亚与新西兰外科学杂志〔澳〕Aust Paediatr J Australian Paediatric Journal澳大利亚儿科学杂志Australas J Dermatol Australasian Journal of Dermatology澳大利西亚皮肤病学杂志〔澳〕Australas Phys Eng Sci Med Australasian Physical and Engineering Sci-ences in Medicine 澳大利西亚医用物理与工程科学〔澳〕Australas Radiol Australasian Radiology澳大利西亚放射学〔澳〕Aviat Space Environ Med Aviation,Space and Environmental Medicine航空航天与环境医学〔美〕BA Biological Abstracts生物学文摘〔美〕Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bul-letin孟加拉国医学研究理事会通报Basic Appl Histochem Basic and Applied Histochemistry基础与应用组织化学〔意〕Basic Life Sci Basic Life Sciences基础生命科学〔美〕Basic Res Cardiol Basic Research in Cardiology心脏病学基础研究〔西德〕Behav Genet Behavior Genetics行为遗传学〔美〕Behav Modif Behavior Modification行为矫正〔美〕Behav Neural Biol Behavioral and Neural Biology行为与神经生物学〔美〕Behav Neurosci Behavioral Neuroscience行为神经科学〔美〕Behav Res Ther Behaviour Research and Therapy行为研究与治疗〔英〕Behav Sci Behavioral Science行为科学〔美〕Biochem Biophys Res Commun Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 生物化学与生物物理研究通讯〔美〕Biochem Cell Biol Biochemistry and Cell Biology生物化学与细胞生物学〔加〕Biochem Genet Biochemical Genetics生物化学遗传学〔美〕Biochem Int Biochemistry International国际生物化学〔澳〕Biochem J Biochemical Journal生物化学杂志〔英〕Biochem Med Metab Biol Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology生化医学与代谢生物学〔美〕Biochem Pharmacol Biochemical Pharmacology生化药理学〔英〕Biochem Soc Trans Biochemical Society Transactions生物化学会汇刊〔英〕Biofeedback Self Regul Biofeedback and Self Regulation生物反馈与自我调节〔美〕Biol Abstr Biological Abstracts生物学文摘〔美〕Biol Bull Biological Bulletin生物学通报〔美〕Biol Cell Biology of the Cell细胞生物学〔法〕Biol Cybern Biological Cybernetics生物控制论〔东德〕Biol Neonate Biology of the Neonate新生儿生物学〔瑞士〕Biol Psychiatry Biological Psychiatry生物精神病学〔美〕Biol Psychol Biological Psychology生物心理学〔荷〕Biol Res Pregnancy Perinatol Biological Research in Pregnancy and Peri-natology妊娠与围产期生物学研究〔西德〕Biomater Med Devices Artif Organs Biomaterials,Medical Devices and Ar-tificial Organs 生物材料、医疗器械与人造器官〔美〕Biomed Environ Mass Spectrom Biomedical and Environmental Mass Spec-trometry生物医学与环境质谱测定法〔英〕Biomed Pharmacother Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy生物医学与药物治疗〔法〕Biomed Sci Instrum Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation生物医学科学仪器应用〔美〕Bioorg Chem Bioorganic Chemistry生物有机化学〔美〕Biopharm Drug Dispos Biopharmaceutics and Drug Disposition生物药剂学与药物处置〔英〕Biophys Chem Biophysical Chemistry生物物理化学〔荷〕Biophys J Biophysical Journal生物物理学杂志〔美〕Biosci Rep Bioscience Reports生物科学报道〔英〕Biotechnol Appl Biochem Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry生物技术与应用生物化学〔美〕Biotechnol Bioeng Biotechnology and Bioengineering生物技术与生物工程学〔美〕Biotechnol Genet Eng Rev Biotechnology and Genetic Engineeing Reviews生物技术与遗传工程学评论〔英〕Blood Purif Blood Purification血液净化〔瑞士〕Br Dent J British Dental Journal英国牙科杂志Br Heart J British Heart Journal英国心脏杂志Br J Addict British Journal of Addiction英国瘾癖杂志Br J Anaesth British Journal of Anaesthesia英国麻醉杂志Br J Audiol British Journal of Audiology英国听力学杂志Br J Cancer British Journal of Cancer英国癌症杂志Br J Clin Pharmacol British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology英国临床药理学杂志Br J Clin Pract British Journal of Clinical Practice英国临床实践杂志Br J Clin Psychol British Journal of Clinical Psychology英国临床心理学杂志Br J Dermatol British Journal of Dermatology英国皮肤病学杂志Br J Dis Chest British Journal of Diseases of the Chest英国胸科疾病杂志Br J Disord Commun British Journal of Disorders of Communication英国语言交往障碍杂志Br J Educ Psychol British Journal of Educational Psychology英国教育心理学杂志Br J Exp Pathol British Journal of Experimental Pathology英国实验病理学杂志Br J Haematol British Journal of Haematology英国血液学杂志Br J Hosp Med British Journal of Hospital Medicine英国医院医学杂志Br J Ind Med British Journal of Industrial Medicine英国工业医学杂志Br J Math Stat Psychol British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psy-chology英国数学与统计心理学杂志Br J Med Psychol British Journal of Medical Psychology英国医学心理学杂志Br J Nutr British Journal of Nutrition英国营养学杂志Br J Obstet Gynaecol British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology英国妇产科学杂志Br J Ophthalmol British Journal of Ophthalmology英国眼科学杂志Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery英国口腔与颌面外科杂志Br J Orthod British Journal of Orthodontics英国正牙学杂志Br J Pharmacol British Journal of Pharmacology英国药理学杂志Br J Plast Surg British Journal of Plastic Surgery英国整形外科杂志Br J Psychiatry British Journal of Psychiatry英国精神病学杂志Br J Psychol British Journal of Psychology英国心理学杂志Br J Radiol British Journal of Radiology英国放射学杂志Br J Rheumatol British Journal of Rheumatology英国风湿病学杂志Br J Soc Psychol British Journal of Social Psychology英国社会心理学杂志Br J Sociol British Journal of Sociology英国社会学杂志Br J Sports Med British Journal of Sports Medicine英国运动医学杂志Br J Surg British Journal of Surgery英国外科学杂志Br J Urol British Journal of Urology英国泌尿学杂志Br Med Bull British Medical Bulletin英国医学通报Br Med J(Clin Res) British Medical Journal (Clinical Research Ed.)英国医学杂志(临床研究版)Brain Behav Evol Brain,Behavior and Evolution脑、行为与进化〔瑞士〕Brain Cogn Brain and Cognition脑与认知〔美〕Brain Dev Brain and Development脑与发育〔日〕Brain Lang Brain and Language脑与语言〔美〕Brain Res Brain Research脑研究〔荷〕Brain Res Bull Brain Research Bulletin脑研究通报〔美〕Breast Cancer Res Treat Breast Cancer Research and Treatment乳腺癌研究与治疗〔荷〕Bull Am Acad Psychiatry Law Bulletin of the American Academy of Psy-chiatry and the Law 美国精神病学与法律学会通报Bull Clin Neurosci Bulletin of Clinical Neurosciences临床神经科学通报〔美〕Bull Environ Contam Toxicol Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology环境污染与毒物学通报〔美〕Bull Hist Med Bulletin of the History of Medicine医学史通报〔比〕Bull Inst Marit Trop Med Gdynia Bulletin of the Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine in Gdynia格丁尼亚沿海与热带医学研究所通报〔波兰〕Bull Int Union Tuberc Bulletin of the International Union Against Tuber-culosis国际抗结核病联合会通报〔法〕Bull Math Biol Bulletin of Mathematical Biology数学生物学通报〔美〕Bull Med Libr Assoc Bulletin of the Medical Library Association医学图书馆协会通报〔美〕Bull Narc Bulletin on Narcotics麻醉药通报〔美〕Bull NY Acad Med Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine纽约医学科学院通报〔美〕Bull Osaka Med Sch Bulletin of the Osaka Medical School大阪医学院通报〔日〕Buli Pan Am Health Organ Bulletin of the Pan American Health Organiza-tion泛美卫生组织通报〔美〕Bull Rheum Dis Bulletin on the Rheumatic Diseases风湿病通报〔美〕Bull WHO Bulletin of the World Health Organization世界卫生组织通报〔瑞士〕Burns Incl Therm Inj Burns,Including Thermal Injury烧伤(包括热损伤)〔英〕CA Chemical Abstracts化学文摘〔美〕Can Anaesth Soc J Canadian Anaesthetists Society Journal加拿大麻醉师协会杂志Can Dent Assoc J Canadian Dental Association Journal加拿大牙科学会杂志Can J Anaesth Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia加拿大麻醉学杂志Can J Appl Sport Sci Canadian Journal of Applied Sport Sciences加拿大应用运动科学杂志Can J Biochem Cell Biol Canadian Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology加拿大生化与细胞生物学杂志Can J Cardiol Canadian Journal of Cardiology加拿大心脏病学杂志Can J Microbiol Canadian Journal of Microbiology加拿大微生物学杂志Can J Neurol Sci Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences加拿大神经病学杂志Can J Ophthalmol Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology加拿大眼科学杂志Can J Physiol Pharmacol Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacolo-gy加拿大生理学与药理学杂志Can J Psychiatry Canadian Journal of Psychiatry加拿大精神病学杂志Can J Psychol Canadian Journal of Psychology加拿大心理学杂志Can J Public Health Canadian Journal of Public Health加拿大公共卫生杂志Can J Surg Canadian Journal of Surgery加拿大外科学杂志Can Med Assoc J Canadian Medical Association Journal加拿大医学会杂志Cancer Biochem Biophys Cancer Biochemistry and Biophysics癌症生物化学与生物物理学〔英〕Cancer Chemother Pharmacol Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology癌症化学疗法与药理学〔东德〕Cancer Detect Prev Cancer Detection and Prevention癌症检测与预防〔美〕Cancer Drug Deliv Cancer Drug Delivery抗癌药给药系统〔美〕Cancer Genet Cytogenet Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics癌症遗传学与细胞遗传学〔美〕Cancer Immunol Immunother Cancer Immunology,Immunotherapy癌症免疫学与免疫疗法〔澳〕Cancer Invest Cancer Investigation癌症研究〔美〕Cancer Lett Cancer Letters癌症快报〔爱〕Cancer Metastasis Rev Cancer and Metastasis Reviews癌症与转移评论〔美〕Cancer Nurs Cancer Nursing癌症护理〔美〕Cancer Res Cancer Research癌症研究〔美〕Cancer Surv Cancer Surveys癌症综览〔英〕Cancer Treat Rep Cancer Treatment Reports癌症治疗报道〔美〕Cancer Treat Rev Cancer Treatment Reviews癌症治疗评论〔英〕Cardiol Clin Cardiology Clinics临床心脏病学〔美〕Cardiovasc Clin Cardiovascular Clinics临床心血管学〔美〕Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology心血管与介入性放射学〔美〕Cardiovasc Res Cardiovascular Research心血管研究〔英〕Cathet Cardiovasc Diagn Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis导管插入术与心血管诊断〔美〕Cell Blochem Funct Cell Biochemistry and Function细胞生物化学与功能〔英〕Cell Biol Int Rep Cell Biology:International Reports细胞生物学:国际报道〔英〕Cell Biophys Cell Biophysics细胞生物物理学〔英〕Cell Differ Cell Differentiation细胞分化〔爱〕Cell Immunol Cellular Immunology细胞免疫学〔美〕Cell Mol Biol Cellular and Molecular Biology细胞与分子生物学〔美〕Cell Mol Neurobiol Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology细胞与分子神经生物学〔美〕Cell Motil Cytoskeleton Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton细胞能动力与细胞骨架〔美〕Cell Struct Funct Cell Structure and Function细胞结构与功能〔日〕Cell Surf Rev Cell Surface Reviews细胞表面评论〔美〕Cell Tissue Kinet Cell and Tissue Kinetics细胞与组织动力学〔英〕Cell Tissue Res Cell and Tissue Research细胞与组织研究〔东德〕Cent Afr J Med Central African Journal of Medicine中非医学杂志〔津巴布韦〕Cent Nerv Syst Trauma Central Nervous System Trauma中枢神经系统创伤〔美〕Chem Abstr Chemical Abstracts化学文摘〔美〕Chem Br Chemistry in Britain英国化学Chem Lett Chemistry Letters化学快报〔日〕Chem Pharm Bull Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin化学与药学通报〔日〕Chem Rev Chemical Reviews化学评论〔美〕Chem Soc Rev Chemical Society Reviews化学会评论〔英〕Child Dev Child Development儿童发育〔美〕Child Psychiatry Hum Dev Child Psychiatry and Human Development儿童精神病学与人体发育〔美〕Circ Res Circulation Research循环研究〔美〕Circ Shock Circulatory Shock循环性休克〔美〕Cleft Palate J Cleft Palate Journal腭裂杂志〔美〕Cleve Clin J Med Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine克利夫兰临床医学杂志〔美〕Clin Allergy Clinical Allergy临床变态反应〔英〕Clin Biochem Clinical Biochemistry临床生物化学〔加〕Clin Chem Clinical Chemistry临床化学〔美〕Clin Chest Med Clinics in Chest Medicine临床胸内科学〔美〕Clin Dermatol Clinics in Dermatology临床皮肤病学〔美〕Clin Electroencephalogr Clinical Electroencephalography临床脑电描记法〔美〕Clin Endocrinol Clinical Endocrinology临床内分泌学〔英〕Clin Endocrinol Metab Clinics in Endocrinology and Metabolism临床内分泌学与代谢〔英〕Clin Exp Dermatol Clinical and Experimental Dermatology临床与实验皮肤病学〔英〕Clin Exp Hypertens(A) Clinical and Experimental Hypertension. Part A,Theory and Practice 临床与实验性高血压(第一部分:理论与实践)〔美〕Clin Exp Immunol Clinical and Experimental Immunology临床与实验免疫学〔英〕Clin Exp Metastasis Clinical and Experimental Metastasis临床与实验性转移〔英〕Clin Exp Neurol Clinical and Experimental Neurology临床与实验神经病学〔美〕Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics and Gyne-cology临床与实验妇产科学〔意〕Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology临床与实验药理学和生理学〔英〕Clin Exp Rheumatol Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology临床与实验风湿病学〔意〕Clin Gastroenterol Clinics in Gastroenterology临床胃肠病学〔英〕Clin Genet Clinical Genetics临床遗传学〔丹〕Clin Geriatr Med Clinics in Geriatric Medicine临床老年医学〔美〕Clin Haematol Clinics in Haematology临床血液学〔英〕Clin Immunol Immunopathol Clinical Immunology and lmmunopathology临床免疫学与免疫病理学〔美〕Clin Immunol Rev Clinical Immunology Reviews临床免疫学评论〔美〕Clin Lab Haematol Clinical and Laboratory Haematology临床与实验血液学〔英〕Clin Lab Med Clinics in Laboratory Medicine临床检验医学〔美〕Clin Nephrol Clinical Nephrology临床肾病学〔西德〕Clin Neurol Neurosurg Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery临床神经病学与神经外科学〔荷〕Clin Neuropharmacol Clinical Neuropharmacology临床神经药理学〔美〕Clin Nucl Med Clinical Nuclear Medicine临床核医学Clin Obstet Gynaecol Clinics in Obstetrics and Gynaecology临床妇产科学〔英〕Clin Obstet Gynecol Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology临床妇产科学〔美〕Clin Otolaryngol Clinical Otolaryngology临床耳鼻喉科学〔英〕Clin Pediatr Clinical Pediatrics临床儿科学〔美〕Clin Pharm Clinical Pharmacy临床药学〔美〕Clin Pharmacokinet Clinical Pharmacokinetics临床药物代谢动力学〔新〕Clin Pharmacol Ther Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics临床药理学与治疗学〔美〕Clin Physiol Clinical Physiology临床生理学〔英〕Clin Physiol Biochem Clinical Physiology and Biochemistry临床生理学与生物化学〔瑞士〕Clin Radiol Clinical Radiology临床放射学〔英〕Clin Rev Allergy Clinical Reviews in Allergy临床变态反应评论〔美〕Clin Rheumatol Clinical Rheumatology临床风湿病学〔比〕Clin Sci Clinical Science临床科学〔英〕Clin Sports Med Clinics in Sports Medicine临床运动医学〔美〕Clin Ther Clinical Therapeutics临床治疗学〔美〕Community Dent Health Community Dental Health社区牙科卫生〔英〕Community Dent Oral Epidemiol Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemi-ology社区牙科学与口腔流行病学〔丹〕Community Ment Health J Community Mental Health Journal社区心理卫生杂志〔美〕Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis Comparative Immunology,Microbiol-ogy and Infectious Diseases比较免疫学微生物学与传染病〔英〕Compr Psychiatry Comprehensive Psychiatry综合精神病学〔美〕Comput Biol Med Computers in Biology and Medicine生物学与医学电子计算机〔美〕Comput Biomed Res Computers and Biomedical Research电子计算机与生物医学研究〔美〕Connect Tissue Res Connective Tissue Research结缔组织研究〔英〕Contemp Orthop Contemporary Orthopedics现代矫形科学〔美〕Contemp Surg Contemporary Surgery现代外科学〔美〕Contemp Top Immunobiol Contemporary Topics in Immunobiology现代免疫生物学论题〔美〕Contemp Top Mol Immunol Contemporary Topics in Molecular Immunolo-gy现代分子免疫学论题〔美〕Coord Chem Rev Coordination Chemistry Reviews配位化学评论〔荷〕Crit Care Med Critical Care Medicine急症救护医学〔美〕Crit Rev Biomed Eng Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering生物医学工程鉴定性评论〔美〕Curr Concepts Nutr Current Concepts in Nutrition现代营养学概念〔美〕Curr Eye Res Current Eye Research当今眼科研究〔英〕Curr Probl Cancer Current Problems in Cancer当今癌症问题〔美〕Curr Probl Cardiol Current Problems in Cardiology当今心脏病学问题〔美〕Curr Probl Dermatol Current Problems in Dermatology当今皮肤病学问题〔瑞士〕Curr Probl Surg Current Problems in Surgery当今外科学问题〔美〕Curr Psychiatr Ther Current Psychiatric Therapies当今精神病疗法〔美〕Curr Stud Hematol Blood Transfus Current Studies in Hematology and Blood Transfusion 当今血液学与输血研究〔瑞士〕Curr Surg Current Surgery当今外科学〔美〕Curr Top Cell Regul Current Topics in Cellular Regulation当今细胞调节论题〔美〕Curr Top Eye Res Current Topics in Eye Research当今眼科研究论题〔美〕Curr Top Microbiol Immunol Current Topics in Microbiology and Im-munology当今微生物学与免疫学论题〔东德〕Curr Top Pathol Current Topics in Pathology当今病理学论题〔东德〕Cytogenet Cell Genet Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics细胞遗传学〔瑞士〕Dan Med Bull Danish Medical Bulletin丹麦医学通报Dent Clin North Am Dental Clinics of North America北美牙科临床〔美〕Dermatol Clin Dermatologic Clinics皮肤病临床〔美〕Dev Biol Developmental Biology发育生物学〔美〕Dev Comp Immunol Developmental and Comparative Immunology发育与比较免疫学〔美〕Dev Med Child Neurol Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology发育医学与儿童神经病学〔英〕Dev Neurosci Developmental Neuroscience发育神经科学〔瑞士〕Dev Ophthalmol Developments in Ophthalmology眼科学发展〔瑞士〕Dev Pharmacol Ther Developmental Pharmacology and Therapeutics发育药理学与治疗学〔瑞士〕Dev Toxicol Environ Sci Developments in Toxicology and Environmental Science毒理学与环境科学发展〔荷〕Diabetes Metab Rev Diabetes Metabolism Reviews糖尿病代谢评论〔美〕Diagn Cytopathol Diagnostic Cytopathology诊断细胞病理学〔美〕Diagn Immunol Diagnostic Immunology诊断免疫学〔美〕Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease诊断微生物学与传染病〔美〕Dial Transplant Dialysis and Transplantation透析与移植〔美〕Dig Dis Sci Digestive Diseases and Sciences消化系疾病与科学〔美〕Dis Colon Rectum Diseases of the Colon and Rectum结肠与直肠疾病〔美〕Drug Chem Toxicol Drug and Chemical Toxicology药物与化学毒理学〔美〕Drug Dev Ind Pharm Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy药物开发与工业药学〔美〕Drug Intell Clin Pharm Drug Intelligence and Clinical Pharmacy药物情报与临床药学〔美〕Drug Metab Dispos Drug Metabolism and Disposition:The Biological Fate of Chemicals药物代谢与处置:化学药物的生物过程〔美〕。



(1)BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA《英国麻醉学杂志》,IF:5.616,国别:英国(2)PAIN《疼痛》,IF:5.557,国别:荷兰(3)ANESTHESIOLOGY《麻醉学》,IF:5.264,国别:美国(4)ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA《麻醉与止痛法》,IF:3.827,国别:美国(5)ANAESTHESIA《麻醉学杂志》,IF:3.794,国别:英国(6)EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY 《欧洲麻醉学杂志》,IF:3.634,国别:英国(7)REGIONAL ANESTHESIA AND PAIN MEDICINE 《区域麻醉与疼痛医学》,IF:3.459,国别:美国(8)EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PAIN《欧洲疼痛杂志》,IF:2.9,国别:英国(9)JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGICAL ANESTHESIOLOGY 《神经外科麻醉学杂志》,IF:2.828,国别:美国(10)CLINICAL JOURNAL OF PAIN《疼痛临床杂志》,IF:2.712,国别:美国(11)PAIN PRACTICE《疼痛治疗》,IF:2.317,国别:美国(12)CANADIAN JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA-JOURNAL CANADIEN D ANESTHESIE《加拿大麻醉杂志》,IF:2.139,国别:美国(13)PEDIATRIC ANESTHESIA《儿科麻醉术》,IF:2.082,国别:法国(14)ANASTHESIOLOGIE & INTENSIVMEDIZIN《麻醉学与监护医学》,IF:2.055,国别:德国(15)ACTA ANAESTHESIOLOGICA SCANDINAVICA《斯堪的纳维亚麻醉学报》,IF:2.049,国别:英国(16)INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBSTETRIC ANESTHESIA《国际妇科麻醉学杂志》,IF:2.04,国别:荷兰(17)MINERVA ANESTESIOLOGICA《麻醉学》,IF:2.036,国别:意大利(18)CURRENT OPINION IN ANESTHESIOLOGY《麻醉学新见》,IF:1.916,国别:美国(19)JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MONITORING AND COMPUTING《临床监测与计算杂志》,IF:1.819,国别:荷兰(20)JOURNAL OF CARDIOTHORACIC AND VASCULAR ANESTHESIA 《心胸与血管麻醉杂志》,IF:1.519,国别:美国(21)JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA《麻醉杂志》,IF:1.343,国别:日本(22)BMC ANESTHESIOLOGY《生物医学中心:麻醉》,IF:1.32,国别:英国(23)JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ANESTHESIA《临床麻醉杂志》,IF:1.284,国别:美国(24)ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE《麻醉与监护》,IF:1.283,国别:澳大利亚(25)ANAESTHESIST《麻醉医师》,IF:0.964,国别:德国(此文档部分内容来源于网络,如有侵权请告知删除,文档可自行编辑修改内容,供参考,感谢您的配合和支持)。

American Medical Association 杂志

American Medical Association 杂志

American Medical Association 杂志简介(引自四大医学周刊:NEJM,LANCET,JAMA,BMJ介绍和追踪报道作者:CAD-CAM)1. JAMA2. Archies of Dermatology3. Archies of Facial Plastic Surgery4. Archies of General Psychiatry5. Archies of Internal Medicine6. Archies of Neurology7. Archies of Ophthalmology8. Archies of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck9. Archies of Pediatrics & Adolescent10. Archie of Surgery美国医学会American Medical Association是世界上三大医学会之一,拥有会员30多万名,在医学领域拥有很高的地位。

JAMA-The Journal of the American Medical Association 《美国医学会杂志》是由美国医学会(American Medical Association)主办的一种综合性临床医学杂志,创刊于1883年,每月出版4期,全年出版48期。




该刊是国际上公认的四大医刊之一,被BA、CA、IPA、MEDLINE、SCI、Abstr Hyg、Nutr Abstr等国际上著名检索工具书收录。





















国外常见英文医学杂志影响因子及网址<综合>1、期刊名称:Nature Medicine影响因子:大约31网络版地址:.nature./nm/journal/v14/n5/index.html#af有提前公布的文摘,但是时间不定:.nature./nm/journal/vaop/ncurrent/index.html2、期刊名称:NEJM New England Journal of Medicine (新英格兰医学杂志)影响因子:44点多(05年)网络版地址:/3、期刊名称:British medical journal (BMJ)影响因子:9.245(2006)网络版地址:.bmj./4、期刊名称:PNAS影响因子:9.6(2006)网络版地址:/——也可以免费获得全文5、期刊名称:lancet影响因子:网络版地址:.thelancet./6、期刊名称:Science影响因子:网络版地址:/7、期刊名称: Nature影响因子:网络版地址:.nature./8、期刊名称:Nature Genetics网址:.nature./ng/index.htm<生命科学>1、期刊名称:《Cell》影响因子:大约28(2005),29(2006)网络版地址:.cell./Online First版本:.cell./content/current2、期刊名称:stem cells影响因子:7.924(2006)网络版地址:.stemcells./view/0/index.html——该期刊所有文章PDF全文全部可在上述网址获得,而且更新很快3、期刊名称:科学家影响因子:网络版地址:.the-scientist./<细胞生物>1、期刊名称:journal of cell Science影响因子:6.427网络版地址:/2、期刊名称:Current Biology影响因子:10.988网络版地址:.current-biology./3、期刊名称:Molecular Cell影响因子:14.033网络版地址:/4、期刊名称:Nature review molecular cell biology影响因子:31.354网络版地址:.nature./nrm/5、期刊:fertility sterility影响因子:3.220(3点多)网址:.sciencedirect./science/journal/00150282<消化>1、期刊名称:journal of hepatology影响因子:6.64网络版地址:.jhep-elsevier./2、期刊名称:gut影响因子:9.02网络版地址:gut.bmj./Online First版本(如果有,请列出):gut.bmj./onlinefirst.dtl3、期刊名称:hepatology影响因子:10.77网络版地址:.interscience.wiley./journal/hepatology4、期刊名称:gastroenterology影响因子:约13网络版地址:/<消化镜方向>1、杂志名称:GIEIF:5.8网址:/2、杂志名称:EndoscopyIF:4.1网址:.thieme.de/fz/index.html<呼吸>下面4本杂志比较偏重临床,可读性强——1、期刊名称:《American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 》影响因子:大约8网络版地址:/Online First版本:/articlesinpress.shtml2、期刊名称:Thorax影响因子:网络版地址:thorax.bmj./content/vol52/suppl_2/3、期刊名称:ERJ欧洲呼吸杂志影响因子:网络版地址:erj.ersjournals./4、期刊名称:Chest(有中文版)影响因子:网络版地址:/下列杂志也比较出名,但偏重基础——5、期刊名称:American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology (AJRCMB )影响因子:网络版地址:/6、期刊名称: American Journal of Physiology-《Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 》影响因子:网络版地址:/以下两个杂志的哮喘文献很有影响——7、期刊名称:Allergy影响因子:网络版地址:.blackwellpublishing./journal.asp?ref=0105-45388、期刊名称:Clinical & Experimental Allergy影响因子:网络版地址:.blackwellpublishing./journal.asp?ref=0954-7894<危重症>1、期刊名称:《American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine》影响因子:8.123网址:2、期刊名称:Critical Care Medicine影响因子:约7网络版地址:.ccmjournal.——创刊于1973年,为月刊,2006年IF=6.599。



麻省总医院临床麻醉手册(第7版翻译版)【(美)Peter F.Dunn 著于永浩主译李文硕邓廼封校注】《Cliniacl Anesthesia Procedures of the Massachusetts General Hospital》《麻省总医院临床麻醉手册(第7版)》系统地介绍了麻醉临床基本技能,还补充了课本、杂志一些内容以及麻醉学与重症监护学的前沿知识。

























1.2论著(包括研宄报告、临床调查、简报、M e t a分析)论著可按序言、资料(对象)与方法、结果、讨论四部分的结构进行撰写。






论文应具有科学性、实用性,论点明确,文字通畅、精练,数据准确,全文5 000字左右。



M e t a分析需严格选择符合要求的文献(临床随机对照研究)进行分析,有严格的选择与剔除标准,主题选择得当,方法科学严谨。




国外常见英文医学杂志影响因子及网址<综合>1、期刊名称:Nature Medicine影响因子:大约31网络版地址:/nm/journal/v14/n5/index.html#af 有提前公布的文摘,但是时间不定:/nm/journal/vaop/ncurrent/index.html2、期刊名称:NEJM New England Journal of Medicine (新英格兰医学杂志)影响因子:44点多(05年)网络版地址:/3、期刊名称:British medical journal (BMJ)影响因子:9.245(2006)网络版地址:/4、期刊名称:PNAS影响因子:9.6(2006)网络版地址:/——也可以免费获得全文5、期刊名称:lancet影响因子:网络版地址:/6、期刊名称:Science影响因子:网络版地址:/7、期刊名称: Nature影响因子:网络版地址:/8、期刊名称:Nature Genetics网址:/ng/index.htm<生命科学>1、期刊名称:《Cell》影响因子:大约28(2005),29(2006)网络版地址:/Online First版本:/content/current2、期刊名称:stem cells影响因子:7.924(2006)网络版地址:/view/0/index.html——该期刊所有文章PDF全文全部可在上述网址获得,而且更新很快3、期刊名称:科学家影响因子:网络版地址:/<细胞生物>1、期刊名称:journal of cell Science影响因子:6.427网络版地址:/2、期刊名称:Current Biology影响因子:10.988网络版地址:/3、期刊名称:Molecular Cell影响因子:14.033网络版地址:/4、期刊名称:Nature review molecular cell biology影响因子:31.354网络版地址:/nrm/5、期刊:fertility sterility影响因子:3.220(3点多)网址:/science/journal/00150282<消化>1、期刊名称:journal of hepatology影响因子:6.64网络版地址:/2、期刊名称:gut影响因子:9.02网络版地址:/Online First版本(如果有,请列出):/onlinefirst.dtl 3、期刊名称:hepatology影响因子:10.77网络版地址:/journal/hepatology4、期刊名称:gastroenterology影响因子:约13网络版地址:/<消化内镜方向>1、杂志名称:GIEIF:5.8网址:/2、杂志名称:EndoscopyIF:4.1网址:http://www.thieme.de/fz/index.html<呼吸>下面4本杂志比较偏重临床,可读性强——1、期刊名称:《American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 》影响因子:大约8网络版地址:/Online First版本:/articlesinpress.shtml2、期刊名称:Thorax影响因子:网络版地址:/content/vol52/suppl_2/3、期刊名称:ERJ欧洲呼吸杂志影响因子:网络版地址:/4、期刊名称:Chest(有中文版)影响因子:网络版地址:/下列杂志也比较出名,但偏重基础——5、期刊名称:American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology (AJRCMB )影响因子:网络版地址:/6、期刊名称: American Journal of Physiology-《Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology 》影响因子:网络版地址:/以下两个杂志的哮喘文献很有影响——7、期刊名称:Allergy影响因子:网络版地址:/journal.asp?ref=0105-45388、期刊名称:Clinical & Experimental Allergy影响因子:网络版地址:/journal.asp?ref=0954-7894<危重症>1、期刊名称:《American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine》影响因子:8.123网址:2、期刊名称:Critical Care Medicine影响因子:约7网络版地址:——创刊于1973年,为月刊,2006年IF=6.599。


美国《医学索引》(IM)收录我国生物医学期刊名录 (2003年)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 华中科技大学学报·医学版(英德文) 51 环境科学 52 临床耳鼻咽喉科杂志 53 麻醉学杂志(台北) 54 色谱 55 实验生物学报 56 世界胃肠病学杂志(英文版) 57 上海口腔医学 58 生理科学进展 59 生理学报 60 生物工程学报 61 生物化学与生物物理学报 62 生物医学工程学杂志 63 四川大学学报·医学版 64 台湾儿科医学会杂志(英文版,台北) 65 台湾医志(英文版,台北) 66 微免与感染杂志(台北) 67 微生物学报 68 卫生研究 69 细胞研究(英文版) 70 香港医学杂志(英文版,香港) 71 亚太公共卫生杂志(英文版,香港) 72 亚洲男性学杂志(英文版) 73 亚洲外科杂志(英文版,香港) 74 眼科学报 75 药学学报 76 遗传学报 77 应用生态学报 78 癌症 北京大学学报·医学版 长庚医学杂志(英文版,台北) 第一军医大学学报 法医学杂志 高雄医学杂志(英文版,台北) 国际肝胆胰疾病杂志(英文版) 光谱学与光谱分析 护理研究(英文版,台北) 湖南医科大学学报 华西口腔医学杂志
中华口腔医学杂志 中华劳动卫生职业病杂志 中华流行病学杂志 中华男科学 中华内科杂志 中华烧伤杂志 中华实验和临床病毒学杂志 中华外科杂志 中华血液学杂志 中华眼科杂志 中华预防医学杂志 中华医学会杂志(新名,台北) 中华医学遗传学杂志 中华医学杂志(英文版) 中华整形外科杂志 中华肿瘤杂志 中医杂志(英文版)

【医学课件大全】临床麻醉学Clinical Anesthesiology(163p)

【医学课件大全】临床麻醉学Clinical Anesthesiology(163p)
麻 醉 深 度 的 监 测 : 双 谱谱 指 数( bispctral index,BIS)分析,边缘频率分析和听觉诱 发电位监测。
麻醉质量控制: ①重视和加强麻醉前病人情况的评估, 做好麻醉前准备工作,选用对病人影响 最小、损害最轻的药物和方法; ②加强监测手段,特别是无创或维创的 监测手段。 ③注意提高麻醉医师的素质。
19世纪80年代,氯乙烷(ethyl chloride)用于 吸入麻醉。
20世纪30年代,发现环丙烷(cvclopropane), 由于其较低的血液溶解度和对循环的支持作用, 而被引用于麻醉。但环丙烷易爆的特点,麻醉 医师在应用时惧怕。
1956年氟烷问世,但对呼吸循环有抑制作用。 1959年甲氧氟烷:在体内的代谢产物高达50
醉学教授。他发明应用钠石灰吸收CO2,开始应用密闭 法麻醉。 1934年Lundy用硫喷妥钠作为乙醚吸入麻醉的诱导。 1940年《Anesthesiology》杂志出版。
三、上个世纪80年代以来临床麻醉学 的特点和发展方向
适时的连续监测使麻醉医师能及时发现 病人情况的瞬时变化和变化趋势,有利 于早期诊断和及时处理
公元2世纪:《神农本草经》收载365种药物就有 莨菪子、大麻、乌头、附子、椒等具有镇痛或麻醉 作用的药物。
后汉:名医华佗(141~203)用酒冲服麻沸散,全 身麻醉后进行剖腹手术。
唐朝(618~907)和宋朝(960~1279):常采用 温酒调服大草乌细末作整骨麻药。
1898年August Bier介绍腰麻,并第一次 将 0.5% cocaine 3ml注入病人的椎管内作 脚的截肢手术。



通过指南的制定和推广,可以统一麻 醉医师在神经肌肉阻滞监测和拮抗方 面的操作标准,提高行业的整体水平 和规范化程度。
指南的制定过程汇集了众多专家和学 者的智慧和经验,通过推广和实施指 南,可以促进麻醉医师之间的学术交 流与合作,推动行业的持续发展。
06 未来展望和建议
针对儿童、孕妇、老年人等特殊人群的神 经肌肉阻滞监测和拮抗实践提供指导。
阐述该指南与其他相关指南的联系和区别 ,如ASA(美国麻醉医师协会)的物理监 测和化学监测指南等。
02 神经肌肉阻滞监 测概述
指通过药物或其他手段阻断神经 肌肉接头处的传递,导致肌肉松 弛的现象。
神经肌肉阻滞主要通过竞争性地 抑制乙酰胆碱在神经肌肉接头处 的结合,从而阻断神经冲动的传 递,使肌肉松弛。
依赖医师的临床经验和患者的反馈, 如观察肌肉松弛程度、询问患者感受 等。这种方法简单易行,但准确性较 低。
利用专业的监测设备和技术,如肌电 图、加速度计等,对神经肌肉阻滞进 行定量评估。客观监测法准确性高, 但操作相对复杂。
鼓励麻醉科、重症医学科、神经科等多学科之间的合作和交流,共同制定和完善相关指 南和规范,提高整体医疗水平。
通过模拟训练、临床实践等方式,提高麻醉医师在神经肌肉阻滞监测和拮抗方面的实践能力,确保其在临床工作中能 够熟练应对各种情况。

british journal of anaesthesia投稿状态 under review

british journal of anaesthesia投稿状态 under review

british journal of anaesthesia投稿状态under review近年来,随着科技的迅猛发展,各行各业也在不断进步和改进。


而在这个领域中,《British Journal of Anaesthesia》这本杂志无疑是备受瞩目和重视的。

最近,我有幸向该杂志投稿,并且收到了“under review”的投稿状态。





在投稿给《British Journal of Anaesthesia》之前,我对自己的研究成果进行了反复推敲和修改,力求做到严谨、准确,并且具有一定的创新性。


虽然“under review”只是一个阶段性的状态,但它也让我感受到了自己努力的价值和意义。



而《British Journal of Anaesthesia》这样的权威杂志更是对作者们提出了更高的要求和标准。









1958 272 234
48(2.5) 25(9.2) 50(21.4)
局麻 全麻 手术部位 外周的 2013 45(2.2) 1128 1336 23(2.0) 100(7.5)
ASA 评分 1 2 3 4 吸烟状态 从不吸烟 1230 729 505 46(3.7) 65(8.9) 12(2.4) 653 1304 454 53 10(1.5) 29(2.2) 64(14.1) 20(37.7)
40 35 35.0 29.7
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Jaume Canet, Lluí Gallart, Carmen Gomar.,Postoperative Pulmonary Complications in a Populations based Surgical Cohort Anesthesiology 2010; 113:1338 –50
如何定义术 后肺部并 发症?
气胸 支气管痉挛 吸入性肺炎
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25 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 3 10 11
Jaume Canet, Lluí Gallart, Carmen Gomar.,Postoperative Pulmonary Complications in a Populations based Surgical Cohort Anesthesiology 2010; 113:1338 –50




今天小燕子给大家介绍的期刊是《British Journal of Anaesthesia》。

《British Journal of Anaesthesia》成立于1923年,在国际麻醉学研究学会出版第一本麻醉学杂志一年后,它仍然是最古老和最大的独立麻醉学杂志。







缩写名:BRIT J ANAESTH 期刊ISSN:0007-0912 发布国家:英国
最新影响因子(IF):6.88 出版周期:月刊






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Copyright © 2016, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.<zdoi;10.1097/ALN.0000000000001074>Anesthesiology, V 124 • No 5 989 May 2016Many perioperative clini-cians wear a stethoscope and frequently use it for auscul-tation to, among other things, confirm endotracheal intubation or to rule out esophageal or unin-tended bronchial intubation. as a matter of routine, auscultation has been used for decades immedi-ately after intubation or whenever correct placement of the endo-tracheal tube is in doubt in the maintenance of endotracheal intu-bation. However, accumulating evidence indicates the superiority of other novel techniques to iden-tify esophageal intubation 1,2 when compared with the venerable prac-tice of auscultation. now, other forms of malposition, specifically endobronchial intubation, appearto be more readily and accurately detected via techniques besides auscultation. Perhaps the stethoscope is closer to a costume piece than ever before.In this issue of a nestHesIology , Ramsingh et al .3 dem-onstrate the superiority of point-of-care ultrasound over auscultation of breath sounds to differentiate tracheal and bronchial intubation. The study is a prospective, random-ized, double-blinded, crossover trial, and was well designed and conducted. The authors found that point-of-care ultra-sound is a reliable technique to directly reveal tracheal intu-bation by detecting tracheal dilation and detects bronchial intubation by demonstrating absent contralateral pleural lung sliding on the unintubated side.Ramsingh et al .3 reproduced the low sensitivity (66%) and specificity (59%) of auscultation to diagnose endobron-chial intubation, similar to previous reports of auscultation to differentiate tracheal versus bronchial intubation.4–6 even in a nonstressful environment, for instance in this study,3 experienced clinicians are, at best, able to detect no more than two thirds of definite, deliberate bronchial intubations. The detection rate for unplanned endobronchial intubation, especially under stressful conditions (e.g., trauma) and/or byless experienced clinicians, is prob-ably even lower.every technology and tech-nique has its time. s ome last longer than others, but many are replaced. auscultation has been practiced for endotracheal tube positioning for decades, mainly due to lack of better techniques. We tabulated the advantages and disadvantages of various tech-niques of endotracheal tube posi-tion detection to put point-of-care ultrasound in context (table1). Point-of-care ultrasound has all the cost and speed advantages of auscultation, but vastly superior sensitivity and specificity. The cost of a point-of-care ultrasound device is reasonable and dropping fast. Having already displaced ste-thoscopy for cardiac examination, ultrasound seems poised to take out another province of auscultation. The remaining two techniques, fiberoscopy and radiography, cannot com-pete due to cost, requirements for skilled (additional) opera-tors or interpretation, and potential risk exposure.Point-of-care ultrasound is superior to auscultation to detect bronchial intubation. However, the sensitivity (93%) and specificity (96%) of differentiating tracheal versus bron-chial intubation with this technique are only close to (but do not reach) 100%. Perhaps the gold standard method, chest x-ray, is still needed if misplacement of endotracheal tube cannot be ruled out. However, Ramsingh et al.3 did not pres-ent the sensitivity and specificity that could be obtained by combining the two assessments: visualizing tracheal dilation and nonsymmetric lung pleural sliding. If tracheal dilation and nonsymmetric lung pleural sliding are mutually exclu-sive in adults, then observing tracheal dilation indicates that nonsymmetric lung pleural sliding should not be observed, and vice versa . Therefore, combining these two assessments would further increase the accuracy of differentiating tra-cheal versus bronchial intubation. Point-of-care ultrasound also demonstrates the distance between cricoid cartilageDo You Believe What You See or What You Hear?Ultrasound versus Stethoscope for Perioperative CliniciansShiroh Isono, M.D., Ph.D., Warren S. Sandberg, M.D., Ph.D., Yandong Jiang, M.D., Ph.D.Copyright © 2016, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Anesthesiology 2016; 124:989-91“Perhaps the stethoscope is closer to a costume piece than ever before.”Image: A. Johnson.Corresponding article on page 1012.Accepted for publication November 4, 2015. From the Department of Anesthesiology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan (S.I.); Departments of Anesthesiology, Surgery, and Biomedical Informatics (W.S.S.); and Department of Anesthesiology (Y.J.), Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee.Copyright © 2016, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.Anesthesiology 2016; 124:989-91 990 Isono et al .Editorial Views(glottis) and the endotracheal tube cuff, so clinicians can both confirm the cuff in the trachea and also estimate the dis-tance between the cuff and the carina. The tracheal length of adult humans, defined from glottis to carina, is 9.2 ± 1.5 cm(mean ± s D),10and knowing the distance between glottis and the cuff helps clinicians assess the likelihood of bron-chial intubation. Therefore, combining tracheal dilation, assessment of pleural sliding on both sides, and assessment of cuff location relative to the glottis (and hence, carina) should achieve sensitivity and specificity comparable to those obtained with chest x-ray recommended as a standard.4,11 This assertion is readily testable and should be done since the authors have the primary data.3like any new technique, using point-of-care ultrasound to detect the tube misplacement is not without challenge. First, the learning curve is unknown, as mentioned by Ramsingh et al., although their operators all had reason-ably brief minimum practice periods. From other domains, it is encouraging to know that only 5 min of training allows trainees to detect esophageal intubation in cadavers using ultrasound, with a sensitivity of 97%.12 s econd, whether the degree of cuff inflation affects the detection of tracheal dilation observed by ultrasound has not been tested. some clinicians inflate the cuff only until a relatively low-pressure leak around it has been occluded and no more. In theory, such a cuff conforms relatively closely to the trachea and may produce no dilation. since there is no standard pressure or volume for endotracheal tube cuff inflation, a low-inflated cuff may be difficult to visualize. This remains to be explored before the sensitivity and specificity of tracheal dilation can be assumed in all hands. Third, the study was conducted on adults.3 It is unknown if the findings are reproducible in pediatric populations. For example, tracheal dilation requires an inflated cuff. although uncuffed endotracheal tubes are falling out of fashion, they still have adherents. Certainly, an uncuffed tube does not create tracheal dila-tion. Fourth, ultrasound only indirectly detects bronchial intubation or tracheal intubation. It does not directly show the location of the cuff or tip of the tube. lack of observ-able tracheal dilation could occur if the cuff is below the sternal notch or in the esophagus but not necessarily in a main stem bronchus. Therefore, it requires another method to detect bronchial or esophageal intubation by visualizing lung pleural sliding. to visualize the lung sliding, the sonog-rapher has to change the mode of ultrasound. This requires additional effort.In other published work, it has been proposed that ultrasound can be used dynamically in direct conjunction with the airway procedures for maximum benefit in air-way management.13 This is because one can directly visual-ize the tube passing to the trachea or esophagus while it is being inserted. The previous investigators 13 were concerned that the accuracy of detecting bronchial intubation with point-of-care ultrasound postintubation is not as high as that obtained by dynamically examining the airway duringT a b l e 1. C o m p a r i s o n o f t h e T e c h n i q u e s C o m m o n l y i n U s e t o D i f f e r e n t i a t e T r a c h e a l v s . B r o n c h i a l I n t u b a t i o nT e c h n i q u e sS e n s i t i v i t y (%)S p e c i fi c i t y (%)I n v a s i v e o r H a r m f u l E x p o s u r eI m m e d i a c yC o s t p e r U s eC o m m e n t sA u s c u l t a t i o n 60–663-659–933-6N o P r e s e n t N o L o w s e n s i t i v i t y , l o w s p e c i fi c i t y F i b e r o s c o p y 91.7798.67Y e s P r e s e n t O v e r $508H a r m f u l a n d n o t c o s t -e f f e c t i v e U l t r a s o u n d 933963N o P r e s e n t N oH i g h l y a c c u r a t e a n d c o s t -e f f e c t i v e , n o d e l a y i n d i a g n o s i s C h e s t x -r a y *100100Y e s A b s e n t$100 (t h e n a t i o n a lm e d i a n c o s t s )9I t i s c o n s i d e r e d a s t h e g o l d s t a n d a r d .4,10 H i g h l y a c c u r a t e ; x -r a y i s h a r m f u l ; n o t c o s t -e f f e c t i v e ; d e l a y e d d i a g n o s i s*T h e 100% v a l u e s o f s e n s i t i v i t y a n d s p e c i fi c i t y w e r e a u t h o r s ’ b e s t e s t i m a t e s o f i d e a l p e r f o r m a n c e i n e x p e r t h a n d s . R a d i o g r a p h i c c o n fi r m a t i o n i s s u s c e p t i b l e t o p o o r c o m m u n i c a t i o n b e t w e e n c l i n i c i a n s , i n a d d i t i o n t o o t h e r w e a k n e s s e s .Copyright © 2016, the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.Anesthesiology 2016; 124:989-91 991 Isono et al .intubation. In contrast, Ramsingh et al. found the accu-racy of detecting bronchial intubation is high even when the assessment was conducted after the intubation was completed.The studies of Ramsingh et al .3 and others 12,14 open new areas to explore other potential methods with which the accuracy to detect misplacement of endotracheal tube could be further optimized as enumerated below. 1) to inflate the cuff with liquid instead of air. It was described previously that filling the cuff with fluid helps in revealing the cuffposition by ultrasonagraphy.15This method is proven valu-able even in pediatric population.16 2) to make the cuff with echogenic material. such material enhances the image of the cuff and makes the cuff more visible relative to the tracheal region not interfaced with cuff. such alterations could make the detection of cuff location much easier, and the sonog-rapher can visualize the cuff and tracheal rings around the cuff, which confirms tracheal intubation, not esophageal or bronchial intubation. In other words, one-stop shopping.The findings 3 of Ramsingh et al . further undermine the perioperative role of the stethoscope (except perhaps as a fomite): accuracy using auscultation to detect inten-tional or unintentional bronchial intubation is low. alter-natively, point-of-care ultrasound produces the accuracy close to that obtained with chest x-ray, but using a device that is becoming prevalent and potentially ubiquitous in the perioperative environment. We expect that continuous improvement of image quality and clinical experience with point-of-care ultrasound will further prompt its applica-tion in detecting misplacement of endotracheal tubes and beyond and enable us to provide better patient care.Competing InterestsThe authors are not supported by, nor maintain any finan-cial interest in, any commercial activity that may be associ-ated with the topic of this article.CorrespondenceAddress correspondence to Dr. Jiang: yandong.jiang@References1. 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