Bach- Art Of The Fugue




自古典时期之后,弥撒曲除了在典礼仪 式上使用之外,人们也开始将弥撒曲视为 一种艺术形式而安排在音乐厅演出,时至 今日,除了正统的弥撒曲外,各种形态与 风格的弥撒曲,诸如摇滚弥撒、热门弥撒、 乡村弥撒等也纷纷出现,为弥撒曲这种古 老的宗教音乐形式,注入了一股无比鲜活 的生命力。
Sanctus,sanctus,sanctus,DominusDeusSabaoth.Plenisuntcoeli etterragloriaejus.Osannainexcelsis.BenedictusquivenitinnomineDomini. Osannainexcelsis.
(Holy,holy,holy,LordGodofhosts.Heavenandeartharefull ofthyglory.Hosannainthehighest.Blessedishethatcomethinthename oftheLord.Hosannainthehighest.) AgnusDei(LambofGod) 神的羔羊AgnusDeiquitolispeccatamundi,misererenobis.(LambofGod,who takestawaythesinsoftheworld,havemercyonus.) AgnusDeiquitolispeccatamundi,misererenobis.(LambofGod,who takestawaythesinsoftheworld,havemercyonus.) AgnusDeiquitolispeccatamundi,donanobispacem.(LambofGod,who takestawaythesinsoftheworld,grantuspeace.)



Class1Preposterous=absurdContend=argue, or=maintain/assert (contend that he was right.)Paradigm=example,pattern.Sacrificial lambInstill=to impart gradually.Purvey~purveyor=provide and supply food, drink or other goodsSyllabus教学大纲Verse=poem/poetry/stanza; 独唱部chorus=副歌,合唱Intuition~intuitive=quick and ready insight; immediate apprehension or cognition.Articulate=清楚讲出Pump up=to fill with enthusiam or excitement/inflate/increase.Elevate=raise/ lift up to make higher, raise in rank or status/improve m orally, intellectually/raise the spirit of=elateMandatory=obligatoryPedagogical= of, relating to, or befitting a teacher or educationDrone= to make a sustained deep murmuring, humming, or buzzing soundIntimidate=frightenCoraggio=braveWhy do we listen to classical music?It helps people relax and relieve stress.It helps people center the mind.Classical music provide a vision of a better world. A refuge of beauty, or majesty, of love.Aim of the class: Change your personality; impart you the love of classical music.Week 1~4 element of music:rhythm, melody and harmony.Musical form( Verse and chorus); musical style; melody; rhythm, beatsMusic process by the lobe temporal; if memorize music, by lobe frontal.Music and language is processed in the same way as a gradual assimilation.Beethoven Symphony No.5 and No.9 major and minor.The major and minor chord, the home pitch(tonal key), the conjunct and disjunct music, the direction influence the our response to music.The 2 dimensions of music(the axle of music): pitch and duration(音高和时值)Orchestra管弦乐;brass铜管乐器;percussion intrument打击乐器(timpani/kettledrum定音鼓);Octave(八度音节) interval(间隔间距)Dominant note(属音)Beat→unit= dupe meter; triple meterJohn Kander约翰肯德尔-作品《芝加哥》bass in the music will help us find the meter.Ritard(减慢) accelerando(渐速) modulation转调Class2Prophet=predictorInterior movement室内乐Serenade小夜曲Parlance=speech/idiomChef d’oeuvre名曲Upbeat= an increase in activityVersitile=varible, revisible 多才多艺的,多功能的Realm=kingdom, sphere, domain.Homage: respect, tributeCut to the chase(开门见山)3 piece of classical music.Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony; Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No.1; Ritchar Strauss’s Zarathustra. Music genre: symphony(4 movements, which are independent and complementary. A fast and opening movement, a slower, more lyrical second movement, a third movement derived from dance, forth movement fast and emphatic conclusion.);Concerto(A soloist will confront the orchestra. 3 movements.Tone poem(1 movement, to tell a story or history event)OperaSonataBalletCantata…..Melody=motive and theme弦乐演奏技法pizzacato拨奏ornamenting装饰音Instrument:French horn: make sound through a vibrating column of air, “patrials” or the “Harmonic series”泛音列(without hand but a twelve and a half-foot length of vibrating air.)TrumpetOboeLow tuba(低音号)Sousaphone(苏萨大号) different overtonesWoodwind intrument: bassoon: lowest tone, use to show something funny. (Peter and the wolf) Orchestra/string family: viola(中提琴):16 inches long(41cm), violin 12 inches long(31cm), a bow pull across the intrument which is made by horse hair from the tails of horses. Strings are made out of cat or sheep gut in 16, 17 and 18 century, but now are medal. Vibrato(揉弦) wig a little bit. Pizzicato(拨奏) tremolo(碎弓) Tremolo(颤音)Drum: Bass drum; snare drum(小军鼓)Modest Musorgsky.莫戴斯特·莫索尔斯基—picture at the exhibition(展览会上的画作):Polish Oxcart(波兰牛车) crescendo(渐强) Doppler priciple(多普勒原理). The lowest sound creates the longest sound wave and last longest- lower sounds or lower frequency travel farer.Ritchard Strauss. Death and transfiguration. (a pendant to the Zarathustra).Dissonance resolving to consonance, Dissonance are irrational numbers and Consonance are rational.Class3Nitty-gritty事实真相,本质Cadenza华彩乐章Superimpose添加,双重Musical notation of western culture used in the art music has two advantages: allows the composer to specify rather precisely what he or she wants; allows us to preserve our work of art. Musical notation is the first graph in Western culture.Chuck MangioneWhole note(全音符) representations of durationTwo half notes, 4 quarter notes, 8 8th notes,Rests(休止符) A dot means 50% of the origin note.Bars or measures(小节)Clarinet单簧管Cole Porter 斗牛犬之歌耶鲁Syncopation切分音Pick-up唱头4 ways to tell which is downbeat: duration(downbeat always long); patterns of accoplishment(range音域); chord changes come on the downbeat.Mozart No.40 Symphony g minor Symphony.Maurice Ravel(莫里斯拉威尔) Bolero(波莱罗舞曲)Class4Tempo accelerando(渐速) ritardando(渐慢)Rhythmic devices(节奏类型) syncopation(切分音)来自希腊语Synkope-means to cut short. Scott Joplin斯考特乔普林Tripet三连音Musical Texture: monophonic texture, homophonic texture, and polyphonic texture. Polyphonic texture: imitative polyphonic texture;Imitative counterpoint模仿式对位法;free counterpoint自由对位。



巴赫(Johann Sebastian Bach)是一位著名的德国作曲家,他的管风琴赋格作品以其复杂的结构和技巧要求而闻名。

1. "赋格的艺术"(The Art of Fugue):这是巴赫最著名的管风琴赋格作品之一,它由一系列赋格、镜像赋格和升降调赋格构成,展示了巴赫对赋格形式的深入探索。

2. "生命的赋格"(Fuga a 5 Soggetti):这是一首严肃而复杂的五主题赋格作品,以其音乐的结构和主题的相互关系而闻名。

3. "穆泰斯·拉斯"(Musical Offering):这是巴赫为普鲁士国王弗里德里希二世创作的一部赋格作品集,其中包括六首赋格和一部立体赋格。

4. "音乐的奉献"(Contrapunctus XIV):这是巴赫最后一部未完成的赋格,这部作品被认为是巴赫对复调音乐的最高境界的探索。















二、BWV 868作品结构分析(一)呈示部(1—11小节)蔡先婷吴驰对巴赫赋格作品的分析及录音版本比较——以作品BWV868为例这是一首四声部的赋格作品,B大调,4/4拍,主题首次出现在中声部,从该调主音进入,主题在尾声部分出现一个二分音符的长颤音(相较主题旋律而言),填充了主题与答题部分的缝隙,使二者间衔接更为紧密,同时结束在主音上,巩固主调调性。




新标准大学英语综合教程3课文翻译新标准大学英语综合教程3课后翻译答案We all sensed we were coming to the end of our stay here, that we would never get a chance like this again, and we became determined not to waste it. Most important of course were the final exams inApril and May in the following year. No one wanted the humiliation of finishing last in class, so the peer group pressure to work hard was strong. Libraries which were once empty after five o'clock in the afternoon were standing room only until the early hours of the morning, and guys wore the bags under their eyes and their pale, sleepy faces with pride, like medals proving their diligence.我们都觉得在校时间不多了,以后再也不会有这样的学习机会了,所以都下定决心不再虚度光阴。








Summer-久石让流动的城市-林海夜曲-纯音乐The rain-久石让Snowdreams-班得瑞The truth that you leave-piano boySongs from a secret garden-神秘园杨柳-范宗沛理化学习音乐:理化公式和理论的结合,可用稍明快的歌曲或带歌词的轻音乐来激发兴趣提高书写计算的效率回梦游仙(力荐)-仙剑奇侠传4爱的筵席(love songs feast)-莎拉布莱曼Craigie hill – Cara DillonValder fields-Tamas WellsInside-bang GangTango in my heart – Qq音速Dying in the sun –小红莓Nocturne-神秘园May it be –恩雅30 minutes – T.a.T.u英语:最好是英文歌词,背单词时要无歌词的低频率音乐。

下面是学习累了或想加快速度的一些歌曲Chooolate ioe(听身体唱歌)-卫兰Beat it – MJHeal the world –MJDon’t cry –枪花Anything but ordinary –艾薇儿Nobody’s a nun –王假设琳Behind blue eyes- Limp bizkitZombie-小红莓Time after time –仓木麻衣(柯南)Remember the name-林肯公园政史:自由发挥,喜欢的都行。


推荐几首:旅行的意义-陈绮贞彩虹天堂-刘(田井)宏太早-刘允乐心里有个他-俞思远白月光-张信哲天天想你-张雨生我爱你-王菲宝贝-张悬Forever now – Bang Gang借我一生–水木年华独立-蜜雪薇琪Trouble is a friend-Lenka做一项作业时不能换歌,听前要把歌听熟,声音放得假设隐假设现,别坐在电脑旁边,有一定间隔感最好。



“⾳乐之⽗”巴赫简介-巴赫的作品及个⼈资料-巴赫的故事全名:约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫国籍:德国⽣卒年:1685—1 750年地位:近代⾳乐之⽗曲集》、《法国组曲》、《英国组曲》、《赋格的艺术》、《A钢琴曲集》、《法国组曲》、《英国组曲》、《赋格的艺术》、《⼩调托卡塔语赋格》、《平均律托卡塔语赋格》、《平均律钢琴主要作品:《D⼩调及组曲》,6⾸《⼤提琴⽆伴奏奏鸣曲及组曲》、《布兰登堡⾸《⼤提琴⽆伴奏奏鸣曲及组曲》、《布兰登堡协奏协奏奏鸣曲及组曲》,⼩调⼩调⼩提琴⾸《⼩提琴⽆伴奏奏鸣曲⼩提琴协奏协奏曲》,6⾸《⼩提琴⽆伴奏》和《B⼩调弥撒曲》等受难乐》和《》、《马太受难乐曲》以及《农民》以及《农民康塔塔康塔塔》、《马太舒曼曾说过,⾳乐归功于巴赫,就像宗教归功于它的创造者⼀样。

当贝多芬第⼀次看到巴赫的作品时,惊呼道:“他不是⼩溪(巴赫的德⽂,是⼩溪的意思),是⼤海!”巴赫(Johann Sebastian Bach,1685年3⽉21⽇-1750年7⽉28⽇),是巴洛克时期的德国作曲家,杰约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫出的管风琴、⼩提琴、⼤键琴演奏家,同作曲家亨德尔和D.斯卡拉蒂齐名。








《99首好听的巴哈古典乐曲选集》(99 Most Essential Bach Masterpieces)专辑介绍

《99首好听的巴哈古典乐曲选集》(99 Most Essential Bach Masterpieces)专辑介绍

专辑英文名: 99 Most Essential Bach Masterpieces专辑中文名: 99首好听的巴哈古典乐曲选集艺术家: Various Artists古典类型: 全集作品资源格式: MP3发行时间: 2009年06月09日地区: 美国语言: 英语简介:压缩码率: 210Kbps (VBR)专辑介绍:音乐之父巴哈的99首经典名曲,The 99 Most Essential Bach Masterpieces巴哈(巴赫)Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750 德国Bach音乐之父巴哈家族 200 年间音乐人才辈出 , 尤其以世称大巴哈的约翰 . 萨巴斯坦最为出类拔萃 , 他不仅是巴洛克时期欧洲最具代表性的作曲家 , 同时也是西洋音乐的开山鼻祖 , 故也有 " 音乐之父 " 之称。

巴哈早年於穆尔豪森的圣布拉修士教堂担任管风琴演奏者 , 1708 年到 1714 年间任职威玛宫廷 , 担任管风琴演奏者及宫廷乐长 , 1717 到 1723 年间再转任安哈特的柯恩宫廷为合唱指挥及宫廷乐长 , 1723 年任莱比锡圣汤玛斯教堂合唱乐长之后即长留斯地直到去世。

巴哈生前以管风琴的即兴演奏风靡当世 , 就作曲而言 , 他的创作大约可以分为三个阶段 , 意即以管风琴为主的 "威玛时代 " , 以器乐曲和管絃乐曲为主的 " 柯恩时代 " , 以及以清唱剧及圣颂等宗教音乐为主的 " 莱比锡时代 "。

巴哈在乐史上虽然享有极其崇高的地位 , 但是离世之后他的音乐曾一度式微 , 幸赖孟德尔颂等 19 世纪初莱比锡音乐家的大力阐扬 , 才能辉煌於今世。

巴哈一生中结过两次婚 , 第一任妻子是他的表妹玛丽亚 . 巴巴拉 , 玛丽亚为巴哈生了七个孩子 , 玛丽亚因病去世后 , 巴哈再婚 , 第二任妻子安娜为巴哈生了十三个小孩 . 巴哈的二十个孩子中 , 有十个不幸夭折 , 但有四个成为作曲家 , 他们分别是威廉 . 弗里得曼 . 巴哈;卡尔 . 菲利浦 . 艾曼纽 . 巴哈" 别号柏林巴哈或汉堡巴哈 ";约翰 . 克里斯朵夫 . 腓得利希 . 巴哈 " 别号布克堡巴哈 " 以及约翰 . 克里斯倩 . 巴哈 " 别号米兰巴哈或伦敦巴哈 "。



DG-《DG公司111周年纪念-111段经典⾳轨》6CD限量版专辑英⽂名: 111 Years of Deutsche Grammophon - 111 Classic Tracks专辑中⽂名: DG公司111周年纪念 - 111段经典⾳轨发⾏公司:DG资源格式: APE 版本: 6CD限量版(APE+MP3)发⾏时间: 2009年10⽉05⽇地区: 德国简介:专辑编号:00289 477 8168 GB 6 Made in Germany by EDCCD1 00289 477 8434 CD2 00289 477 8435 CD3 00289 477 8436CD4 00289 477 8437 CD5 00289 477 8438 CD6 00289 477 8439MP3编码格式:320k专辑介绍:DG公司欢庆111年卓越历史从贝多芬把最后⼀部钢琴奏鸣曲编号为“作品111”以来,“111”这个数字在古典⾳乐界即具有特殊意义。

在庆祝DG成⽴111年(以及纪念这特殊数字)的同时,DG公司开展了⼀系列纪念活动,设⽴“DG 111”纪念⽹站(中⽂⽹址:/doc/afd3969e28ea81c758f578a7.html /zh_CN/home),并出版发⾏相关的纪念专辑、书籍。

发⾏三套限量版纪念合辑:1. 111 Years of Deutsche Grammophon - The Collectors' Edition (55 CDs)DG公司111周年纪念 - 收藏家典藏版(55张盒装CD)2. 111 Years of Deutsche Grammophon - 111 Classic Tracks (6 CDs)DG公司111周年纪念 - 111段经典⾳轨(6张盒装CD)3. 111 Years of Deutsche Grammophon - 11 Great Videos (13 DVDs)DG公司111周年纪念 - 11部经典影⽚(13张盒装DVD)与“收藏家典藏版”合辑同时推出的,是“111段经典⾳轨”合辑(477 8168,共6张CD)。



解读《德意志安魂曲》(⼆)解读德意志安魂曲Ein deutsches Requiem1对弥撒的理解和误解解读《德意志安魂曲》(⼀)中篇阿巴多指挥《德意志安魂曲》☝《德意志安魂曲》是⼀部伟⼤的杰作,具有⾮同寻常的重要意义。



从巴赫那⾥学到的和声和对位艺术被勃拉姆斯赋予了现代的⽣命⽓息……The German Requiem saw its first performance in a semi-private concert in Vienna on December 1, 1867. The program was an evening concert given by the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, and dedicated to the memory of Franz Schubert.1867年12⽉1⽇在维也纳的⼀个半公开的⾳乐会上举⾏了《德意志安魂曲》的⾸演,这个晚间⾳乐会是为了纪念舒伯特,由维也纳⾳乐之友协会(Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde)举办的。

Johann von Herbeck, the conductor, had known of Brahms' composition and urged him to allow its early performance; somewhat reluctantly -- for he had his sights set on the Protestant Bremen for the true premiere -- Brahms agreed to the concert.⾳乐会的指挥约翰·冯·赫伯克早就知道勃拉姆斯创作了这部作品,并且催促他尽早上演,但勃拉姆斯有点不太情愿,因为他已经说好把正式的⾸演安排在不来梅的路德教堂。


1-32.Goldberg Variations, BWV 988
Recording: Columbia 30th Street Studio, New York City, USA, June 10, 14-16, 1955
Piano Glenn Gould
CD 02 - 贝多芬最后三首奏鸣曲
Recording: Severance Hall, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, March 13, 1960
Performer Symphonia Quartet
CD 10 - 巴赫意大利协奏曲及第一、二帕蒂塔
CD 10 - Bach, Italian Concerto & Piano Partitas Nos. 1 & 2
CD 08 - 贝多芬第三钢琴协奏曲
CD 08 - Beethoven, Piano Concerto No. 3
Total Time: 37:32
Ludwig van Beethoven
1-3.Concerto No. 3 in C Minor for Piano and Orchestra, Op. 37
Cadenza Glenn Gould
Conductor Vladimir Golschmann
Piano Glenn Gould
Performer Columbia Symphony Orchestra
Johann Sebastian Bach
4-6.Concerto No. 5 for Piano and Orchestra in F Minor, BWV 1056
8. Fugue in F-Sharp Minor, BWV 883 (from The Well-Tempered Clavier, Book II)



巴赫英⽂简介 巴赫,巴洛克时期的德国作曲家,杰出的管风琴、⼩提琴、⼤键琴演奏家。


下⾯是店铺给⼤家整理的巴赫英⽂简介,供⼤家参阅! 巴赫简介 John Sebastian Bach (German: Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685.3.21-1750.7.28), the Baroque German composer, the outstanding organ, the violin, the harpsichord. Bach is widely regarded as one of the most important composers in the history of music and is known as "the father of modern music in the West" and one of the most important figures in Western cultural history. Bach was born in the middle of the city of central Thuringia, a music family in the city of Eisenach, in the lifetime is a famous palace music long, in the church of Leipzig in Leipzig, Germany spent the last 27 years. Bach combines the musical styles of different ethnic groups in Western Europe. He set the essence of traditional music in Italy, France and Germany, and made the best of it. Bach himself was not well known in his life and had been forgotten by the world in his fifty years after his death. But in the last half and a half years of his fame is growing, generally believed that he is the history of Western music, one of the greatest two or three composers, and some people think that he is one of the greatest composer. 巴赫⼈物⽣平 Family origin Bach was born on March 21, 1685 in Eisenach, in the central Dillingen forest in central Germany. Eisenach because of the mountain built, so the terrain is high and low ups and downs, and the ground is paved by the quartzite, so it is a rich German fairy mountain city, this place has a deep musical origin, In the Middle Ages, the poet, the court musicians are in Eisenach for performances and competitions, it can be said that it is the birthplace of German music. Although this is just a small town, but the public is love music. It is said that the city's ancient city gate is engraved with "music often in our town shine" message. And medieval singers often hand harp, singing and singing here and singing competition. Wagner had written the famous opera "Don Hauser" accordingly. And the sixteenth century religious reformer Martin Luther, also in this "Bible" translated into German. The Bach family is a family of music, and his family has been famous for many years before his death. His father was an excellent violinist, and two of his grandfather's brothers were talented composers, and several of the uncle's brothers and sisters were respected musicians. For a very high musical talent for the small Bach, in such a family growth was very lucky, but the fate of the god but partial to find some trouble: his 9-year-old mother, 10-year-old father died, had to rely on brother to continue to raise The Although the house holds a lot of music information, can be arbitrary brother does not allow him to read through the study, no matter how hard he pleaded also to no avail. Bach had to take advantage of his brother away from home and sleep late at night, in the moonlight secretly to love the music of a stroke to copy down, which lasted for six months, thus greatly damaged his eyesight. His later years in the blindness of the pain through, until death. runaway Bach 15 years old, finally separated from home, embarked on an independent life of the road. He entered the choir at the same time into the school of the gods by the wonderful singing of the ancient piano, the violin, and the organ. Here the library is rich in classical music works, Bach one drill into, like a huge piece of sponge, to learn, the integration of the various European schools of artistic achievements, broaden their own music vision. In order to practice piano, he often sleep all night, all night long. Every holiday, he has to walk dozens of miles to Hamburg to listen to famous players playing. Employment fame In 1702 he graduated from St. Michel, the following year in a chamber band as a violinist. In the next two decades he had done many things. Bach was known for his great organist life in his lifetime, though he was a composer, teacher, and band conductor. In 1723, when Bach was thirty-eight, he began to sing at the church of St. Thomas in Leipzig, where he had been in the twenty-seven years of his life. Weimar Age (1708-1717) Bach played his orator "God is my king, BWV71", resigned in the same year to accept a more rewarding post: the Duke of Weimar William. Ernst's court orchestra; 1714 became long. In Wimachbach created most of the organ works, but also for the first time found Vivaldi's music, began the concerto creation. In 1717 he accepted the position of Prince Edward Leopold, Prince of Kodon, but his resignation was obstructed by William Ernst and even imprisoned before he was exempted from his duty. Keten era (1717-1723) The days of Ketten are the golden age of Bach's life. Here he created a lot of excellent secular and religious music, such as the "The Book of the Mean Law Piano Collection", which is known as the "Old Testament of the Keyboard", and the "Brandenburg Concerto", which is a milestone in the development of orchestra ; At the same time Bach is still in the palace of Kotten, Kotung Palace of the temple is very beautiful, here also for the Bach like. In 1724, Bach's owner Ketten's interest in music seemed indifferent, so he resigned from the office of the court, came to Leipzig as the St. Thomas church school musicians (music guide), where he spent his life The remaining 27 years. Since then, Ketten is vibrant because of Bach's music: its choir has been using Bach's name since 1906, "Bach Music Festival" founded in 1935, in 1967 to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the Bach service, Bach Music Festival "and" Bach Music Competition ", and this as a continuation of the tradition so far, and then the organizers also set up this, that is today's" Kettenbach community. " In 1983 the Ketten Museum of History opened the Bach Memorial. Leipzig Times (1723-1750) The Leipzig period was the longest of Bach's life and the most creative period. At this time Bach regardless of playing skills or composition level have come to the point of perfection. He wrote a masterpiece in Leipzig, a touching "b minor mass" and "Matthew Passion", "the average law piano collection" voluntarily and reflect his profound composition of the "fugue art" and so on The In 1747, the king of the unmarked music traveled to Potsdam to be summoned by another king, King Frederick of Prussia, and made improvisation. All the audience here are impressed. In the following year, Bach developed the theme of this performance, writing another work that sums up his composition and playing art - "the devotion of music". In Leipzig, Bach spent 27 years as a conductor of the St. Thomas male choir, because of his long overuse, Bach vision loss, suffering from cataract in his later years, but he still dictates the creation of dictation. In the first few days of his death, he also dictated a public praise song "to the Lord's altar." Each note of the music expresses the last devout prayer of the old man, and ends abruptly in the twenty-sixth day, and becomes the master's pen. On the night of July 28, 1750, Bach's life painted the last of the rest, Enron went to the altar of his heart. Three days later, John Sebastian Bach was buried in the cemetery of St. John's Church in Leipzig. Marriage heirs Bach was twenty-one years old with his uncle two sister Mary Barbara married and married, they had a total of seven children, but when Bach thirty-five years old wife died soon. The next year he Luan Feng continued, but his second wife not only can not help raise the first seven children, but gave him gave birth to thirteen. Bach left only nine children after death, of which four became truly famous musicians. 巴赫创作风格 Theme style Bach's works are deep, tragic, broad, inner, full of the first half of the 18th century German real life atmosphere. He believes in religion and is a Lutheran. He wanted his music to serve the church, and most of his works were religious music. His music embodies the idea of living in the 18th century German ordinary citizens. He was deeply afflicted by the pain of life, rich and profound life experience, although henegative, yield, but also did not see the way to change life. He felt that a man must have a strong will, a noble belief, the spirit of self-sacrifice. This is the main content that Bach reflects in his art. His works from different angles, with a different image reflects the eighteenth century German people between the humanist ideology. He is the last great religious artist, he believes that music is "praise the harmony of God's voice", praise God is the central content of human life. His music was originally produced by the Lutheran chant called the hymn. Through the melody you can see the composer combined with the prevailing popular voice. In the form of music he did not intend to innovate, but to push the existing form of the peak. Bach's works contain certain philosophical and ethical meanings, but his manifestations are not abstract, dogmatic. On the contrary, in his works, the philosophy of philosophy is and lyrical, close to the scene, even though he did not like the use of a lot of modeling techniques, but in order to contrast a certain inner feelings, Bach does not avoid the use of natural scenery Depict (eg wind, river). Bach's music content of the ship's polarity determines his musical style of the version of the active and comprehensive. There is no difference between Bach's vocal style and instrumental style, and he creates a new style of vocal music. Vocal works He wrote a number of dramatic elements of the large-scale vocal works, including "Matthew", "b minor" is the most influential works. In these works, Bach as a devout Protestant, through religious forms of music (suffering, mass, scriptures, Cantata, etc.), to express the human disaster, the pain of compassion, sympathy and peace and happiness in the future The desire. Bach's vocal works are the most colorful in Cantata. Bata's Kantata inherited the tradition of the secular "Kang Lu Tata", which was close to the opera, and inherited the tradition of the religious Canta tower, which was close to the polyphonic chorus, to create a new type of acoustic tower. It is both in content and style than the old Cantata to be profound, rich and more. Barthetta Tarta also has secular and religious distinctions. Most of his secular Cantata is written for the needs of official entertainment, the lyrics are mostly by some ancient Greek mythology to the nobility of the arrogant words of the boring words. But Bach is often beyond the scope of the lyrics, or to seize the individual is not the main words, by the play, written into a lively and interesting music works, such as "farmers Kang Tata". The first Kangtata tower by two farmers with Saxon local dialect sing each other, with a very strong folk conversation funny. Bach's religion Cantata is his long-standing often genre, a large number, almost all of his music works half effect. The contents of these songs are profound and rich, the performance method is also very diverse, and evolving. Initially Bach began with chorus-style Cantata, and later he expanded the range of Cantata, and wrote some of the indoor solo Canta Road also wrote a variety of different forms of Cantata, purely chorus of Cantata but instead Write less Bach in his religion used in the form of Cantata also many people his narrative, aria, duet, chorus has his own original characteristics. Cantata is the instrumental and vocal synthesis of the body of the body part is not accompaniment instrumental part of the small ensemble, big ensemble or other different instrument organization. And Kantata, Bach's afflicted music is also a combination of instrumental music; Bach according to the performance of different stages of the psychological state of the free use of vocal and instrumental discretion in a variety of different forms. Bach used the form of mass development of music in general thinking, creating a rich musical image, express Ding deep thought to feel the feelings. At this point he and Handel are similar, they are far from the limitations of the opera art, but they returned to religious music. Although this is the inevitable result of the specific historical conditions, this contradiction in Bach's mass is particularly serious. Instrumental works Bach's instrumental music is the most important of the harpsichord music. His harpsichord works are much more abundant in content, genre and style than the works of his predecessors and his contemporaries. Bach in the process of creating the harpsichord music, learn from all aspects of experience to enrich the harpsichord music content, genre and style; for example, he learned from the organ music of its improvisation and tragic spirit, he put The polyphonic form derived from the organism is developed on the basis of the characteristics of the harpsichord. He learned the experience of the French harpsichord, wrote the composition of the dancing song; studied the style of the Italian violin music and the multi-Scalaati's harpsichord music style, which influenced his variations in the "c minor" Fantasy EQ "in the most significant. Bach's dance from the daily life and historical tradition, his music has never been out of the German music tradition. "The average law piano collection" is Bach in the "pure music" field left one of the important legacy. As a work with a German spirit, "the average law piano collection" reflects the kind ofrigorous German-style thinking. In addition, Bach's "French Suite", "British Suite" and six "Brandenburg Concerto" and other band works, also expressed the composer of peace and good life prayer and desire. These works sparked a strong sympathy in the hearts of the German people.。




除了歌剧,他努⼒征服了当时⾳乐艺术的各个领域、完美了当时所有的⾳乐语⾔和表现形式 —— 他的康塔塔、受难曲、弥撒曲、圣诞节与复活节清唱剧以及众赞歌前奏曲是宗教⾳乐的典范,同时,他也以卓越的艺术⼿法和优美的旋律创作了⼤量的世俗⾳乐,其中包括键盘独奏曲、室内乐、协奏曲、⼤协奏曲与管弦乐 ……100⾸巴赫的“必听之作”,与⼤家⼀起感受这位复调⼤师的崇⾼和庄严、纯净和质朴。

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论巴赫经典读后感10篇《论巴赫》是一本由[德] 阿尔伯特·施韦泽著作,华东师范大学出版社出版的精装图书,本书定价:188,页数:829,特精心从网络上整理的一些读者的读后感,希望对大家能有帮助。


当时并不知道背后Pachelbel向Barbara Gabler求婚的凄美故事,只是自然而然的学到,自然而然的喜爱。










《论巴赫》读后感(二):为什么读《论巴赫》巴赫与施韦泽(Albert Schweitzer,旧译史怀哲、施韦策等),前者是音乐家中最受景仰的几位之一(若抛开“严谨性”的顾虑,或许没有之一),后者是获得诺贝尔和平奖的神学家、医生和音乐家,二者的名声皆数路人皆知之列,且多年来保持着极高的热度。



聆听音乐13Let us begin then with the subject of today,我们开始今天的主题which is the fugue.那就是赋格fugue:/fju:g/n.赋格曲,神游v.谱赋格曲Every educated person should know what a fugue is.每个有素养的人都该知道赋格曲是什么educate:/'edjukeit/vt.教育,培养,训练Why?Because it’s an intellectual model,为什么呢因为这是个富有智慧的曲式intellectual:/.intә'lektʃuәl/GRE CET6CET4TEM4TOF n.有知识者,知识分子,凭理智做事者a.智力的,用脑力的,聪明的an intellectual paradigm一种智慧的结晶paradigm:/'pærәdaim/GRE TEM8n.范例,式样,词形变化表,纵聚合关系语言项that surfaces in a number of disciplines–并广泛出现于其他许多领域surface:/'sә:fis/n.面,表面,水面,外表,平面a.表面的,外观的,肤浅的,水面上的vt.使成平面,使浮出水面vi.浮出水面,呈现,在地面上工作discipline:/'disiplin/GRE CET6CET4TEM4TOF n.训练,纪律vt.训练,惩罚for example,in poetry,oddly.比如在诗歌领域这个比较独特oddly:/'ɒdli/TOF adv.奇怪地If you’ve ever peeked at Thomas–如果你看过一眼托马斯peek:/pi:k/GRE vi.偷看,窥视n.偷看,看一眼T.S.Eliot’s”The Four Quartets,”T·S·艾略特的诗《四首四重奏》12the structure of the fugue is referenced there fre-其中就经常参考赋格的结构quently.reference:/'refәrәns/CET6CET4TEM4TOF n.参考,索引,参照vt.给...加上参考资料vt.引用vi.引用[计]引用frequently:/'fri:kwәntli/adv.频繁,经常地We could go to literature–在文学领域literature:/'litәrәtʃә/CET6CET4TEM4TOF n.文学,文艺,著作[经]广告,商品介绍等文学a novel written about the same time,一本写于相同时代的小说Aldous Huxley’s Point Counter Point.阿道司·赫青黎的《针锋相对》It’s framed in the shape of a fugue.就是以赋格的形式来构架的frame:/freim/CET4TEM4TOF n.框,结构,体格vt.构成,设计,制定,使适合,陷害[计]框架,图文框,帧We could go to geology.在地理学领域geology:/dʒi'ɒlәdʒi/CET6TOF n.地质学,地质情况Geologists occasionally will say,地理学家有时会说geologist:/dʒi'ɔlәdʒist/n.地质学家,地质学者occasionally:/ә'keiʒәnli/adv.有时候,偶而”This particular crystal has a fugue-like structure to这种晶体有特殊的赋格曲式结构it.”particular:/pә'tikjulә/GRE CET4TEM4TOF n.一项(或条、点),个别项目,详细说明a.特别的,独有的,挑剔的,详尽的crystal:/'kristl/CET4TOF n.水晶,水晶装饰品,结晶a.水晶的,水晶一样的,透明的Turning to painting,在绘画领域painting:/'peintiŋ/CET4TEM4n.画,绘画,油漆[化]涂漆there are painters of the twentieth century.二十世纪的很多画家painter:/'peintә/CET4TEM4n.画家,油漆匠[机]油漆匠,喷漆匠twentieth:/'twentiiθ/num.第二十,二十分之一3I can name at least three,我就能说出至少三个Franz Kupka,弗朗兹·库布卡Henry Valensi,亨利·瓦伦西and Josef Albers,以及约瑟夫·亚伯斯who used to be the dean of our own Yale School of他过去是我们耶鲁的艺术与建筑系院长Art and Architecture.dean:/di:n/CET6n.院长,主持牧师[法]外交团长,学院院长,教务长They all painted fugues他们都有赋格式的作品and we will be looking at Alber’s fugue–我们会看到亚伯斯的作品which actually happens to be in your textbook–正好你们的课本上有actually:/'æktʃuәli/adv.事实上,竟然,如今,现在when we come to section this week,我们这周会上到section:/'sekʃәn/CET4TOF n.区段,部分,区域,节,截面,处,科,区,扇区vt.把...分段,把...切片vi.被切成片[计]扇区so be sure to bring your textbooks to section this所以不要忘记带着你们的书week’cause we’ll–we will be using them.因为我们会用到I’m interested in the fugue also because of this book,我对于赋格的兴趣源于这本书Douglas Hofstadter’s道格拉斯·郝夫斯台特的Godel,Escher,Bach.《哥德尔艾舍尔巴赫》Oh,my.That’s heavy.天呐真重My–mine–I didn’t bring in my copy.我没带我的那本4This is the Bass copy that Lynda was kind enough to这是琳达友情提供的精装本pull over.Mine is a paperback.我的是平装本paperback:/'peipәbæk/CET6n.平装本,纸面本It’s not this heavy,没那么重but in a way this is indicative,不过这么重是有暗示的indicative:/in'dikәtiv/GRE CET6TEM4 a.指示的,象征的,表示...的[经]指标的because it’s heavy reading.这本书不好读Anybody ever peeked at this book and any other–有人翻过这本书吗peek:/pi:k/GRE vi.偷看,窥视n.偷看,看一眼good.Is it Adam?好的是亚当吗Yeah.Adam,没错亚当what course did you read this in?你在什么课上读到这本书的It was recommended by a friend.我朋友推荐给我看的Recommended by a friend.由朋友推荐的I can follow about the first twenty-five or thirty pages我大概在前二十五到三十页还能跟上or so.Then when it gets to the math it really gets over my之后的数学部分我就很难看懂了head,but what it is is an attempt to use the fugue这本书尝试运用赋格attempt:/ә'tempt/CET6CET4TEM4TOF n.尝试,企图vt.尝试,企图fugue:/fju:g/n.赋格曲,神游v.谱赋格曲5 as a way of bringing a common mode of understand-形成一种共通的模式ingmode:/mәud/GRE CET4TEM4TOF n.模态,调式,样式,文体,状态,方式,风尚[计]方式;DOS外部命令:设定各种设备命令understanding:/.ʌndә'stændiŋ/n.理解,谅解[法]协商,协议,谅解to the visual arts,to mathematics and to music.来理解视觉艺术数学和音乐visual:/'viʒuәl/CET4TEM4TOF a.视觉的[医]视觉的,视力的,视觉性记忆优势者mathematics:/.mæθә'mætiks/CET4TOF n.数学[机]数学The musician that is foregrounded here,其中最突出的音乐家musician:/mju:'ziʃәn/CET4TOF n.音乐家,乐师,作曲家foreground:/'fɒ:graund/n.前景,最显著的位置[计]前景,前台of course,is J.S.Bach,当然就是J·S·巴赫the master of the fugue.他是赋格大师master:/'mɑ:stә.'mæstә/CET4TEM4n.主人,硕士,大师,母机a.主人的,主要的vt.征服,控制,精通So we want to know about how fugues operate,我们要学习赋格的结构operate:/'ɒpәreit/CET4TEM4TOF v.操作,运转,动手术,活动so let’s take a look at the specifics here.我们先来看一下赋格这个词specifics:/spi'sifiks/GRE n.详情;细节;特性(specific的复数)The term”Fugue”Fugue这个词term:/tә:m/CET4TEM4n.术语,专有名词,期限,学期,任期,条件,价钱,关系,地位,项,界石vt.称,呼[计]检索词;项Actually comes from an old Latin word,”Fuga,”实际上源于古拉丁词Fugaactually:/'æktʃuәli/adv.事实上,竟然,如今,现在Which means”Flight”Or”To fly,”意为飞翔或者飞so in a fugue what you get is所以在一首赋格中one voice going ahead,leading ahead,一个声部先行作为引导6and another voice following it.然后另外一个声部跟进Now I just used the term”Voice”There.注意我用了声部这个词Fugues can be written for actual voices sounding声乐可以谱成赋格voicesactual:/'æktʃuәl/CET4TOF a.真实的,实际的,现行的[医]实际死亡率or they can be written for instruments such as the乐器比如小提琴或大提琴violin or the celloinstrument:/'instrumәnt/CET6CET4TEM4TOF n.工具,手段,仪器[化]仪器violin:/.vaiә'lin/n.小提琴cello:/'tʃelәu/GRE n.大提琴individual lines.赋格可以作为单个谱线individual:/.indi'vidʒuәl/GRE CET6CET4TEM4TOF n.人,个人,个体a.个别的,个人的,独特的They can even be written for instruments that can可同时演奏多声部或多部分的乐器play several linesor several parts at once.也可以谱成赋格The piano can do that.The organ can do that.钢琴可以风琴也可以organ:/'ɒ:gәn/CET4TEM4n.风琴,器官,元件,机构,机关[电]风琴Even the guitar and occasionally the violin甚至吉他和小提琴occasionally:/ә'keiʒәnli/adv.有时候,偶而will be asked to do that.也可以谱成赋格Fugues have been written for as few as two voices.赋格至少要有两个声部Yes,you could have a two-voice fugue–当然赋格可以有两个声部up to as many as thirty-two voices–也可以多达三十二个声部7and they can be,as mentioned,written for–根据之前提到的and they are best,perhaps,performed on–these key-键盘乐器谱成和演奏的赋格是最好的board instrumentsperform:/pә'fɒ:m/CET4TEM4TOF vt.进行,履行,完成,执行,表演vi.行动,工作,执行,演出keyboard:/'ki:bɒ:d/n.键盘[计]键盘that have the capacity to play many lines,因为它可以同时演奏多声部capacity:/kә'pæsiti/CET6CET4TEM4TOF n.容量,能力,才能,资格[计]容量many parts,many voices at once.多部分The greatest collection of fugues,你们碰到过的collection:/kә'lekʃәn/GRE CET4TEM4n.收集,采集,(一批)收藏品,募捐[医]收集;收集品,标本fugue:/fju:g/n.赋格曲,神游v.谱赋格曲that you may have bumped into,最伟大的赋格作品集bump:/bʌmp/GRE CET6TEM4TOF n.撞击,肿块vt.碰撞vi.撞,颠簸而行heard about or at least heard the term,你们可能听过或者至少听过名字is this collection of preludes and fugues by J.S.Bach就是巴赫的prelude:/'prelju:d/GRE TOF n.前奏,序幕,序诗,前奏曲vi.作为前奏vt.作为...的开头called”The Well-Tempered Clavier.”《平均律钢琴曲集》的前奏和赋格集temper:/'tempә/GRE CET6CET4TEM4n.(钢等的)硬度,脾气,心情,中和剂,倾向,回火vt.使回火,锻炼,调和,使缓和vi.回火clavier:/'klæviә/n.键盘,练习用无声键盘,键盘乐器First of all,what’s a prelude?首先什么是前奏It’s just a warm-up piece,就是一段热身曲8to just sort of get relaxed.让演奏者放松relaxed:/ri'lækst/TOF a.松懈的,不严密的,不严格的,放松的,得到休息的,随意的,不拘束的,自在的You get to see your fingers,关注自己的指法get a feel of the keyboard or the–感受键盘的触感of the lute or whatever it might happen to may be–或者是琵琶不管什么lute:/lu:t/n.鲁特诗琴,封泥vt.用封泥封,弹诗琴表达vi.弹诗琴a pre lude,a pre play,a warm-up,前奏就是演奏前的热身pre://abbr.炼油工程师(Petroleum Refining Engineer)and then we go on to the meat of the issue,接下来我们来说正题issue:/'isju/GRE CET6CET4TEM4TOF n.发行,问题,后果,流出,出口,争端vi.发行,流出,造成...结果,传下vt.使流出,放出,发行,发布,发给which is the fugue.赋格Now why is this called为什么这个作品”The Well-Tempered Clavier”?被称作《平均律钢琴曲集》呢Anybody know?Anybody have–有人知道么that’s an odd term.这是个奇怪的名字odd:/ɒd/CET4TEM4TOF a.奇数的,古怪的,剩余的,零散的,各种各样的,少量的n.奇特的事物,怪人[计]奇数,奇校验,光数据数字转换器term:/tә:m/CET4TEM4n.术语,专有名词,期限,学期,任期,条件,价钱,关系,地位,项,界石vt.称,呼[计]检索词;项”Clavier”Just means”Keyboard,钢琴就是指键盘乐器”The well-tuned”Keyboard.”调好的键盘乐器tune:/tju:n/n.歌曲,主旋律,心情,声调,和谐,一致,语调,程度vt.为...调音,调整,调谐,使一致vi.协调,调谐9 Thoughts there?有想法吗thought:/θɒ:t/CET4TEM4n.想法,思想,思维,关心,挂念think的过去式和过去分词Well,what was going on in Bach’s day is好吧在巴赫所处的年代that they didn’t have a keyboard that–他们的键盘乐器they didn’t have a tuning system是没有调音系统的tuning:/'tju:niŋ/n.调音,调谐,协调[计]调整system:/'sistәm/CET4TEM4n.系统,体系,制度,方式,秩序,分类原则[计]系统;体制;体系in which all of the pitches were exactly a half step不能让各音高准确相隔半音apart.pitch:/pitʃ/GRE CET6CET4TEM4TEM8TOF n.程度,坡度,顶点,前倾,倾斜,投掷,音高,螺距,节距,摊位,树脂,沥青vt.投,掷,向前倾跌,扎营,竭力推销,为...定调,定位于,用沥青涂vi.搭帐篷,投掷,向前跌,猛然摔倒,坠落,倾斜[计]孔距exactly:/ig'zæktli/CET4TEM4adv.确切地,精确地,恰好,完全地,确实,恰恰正是,确实如此apart:/ә'pɑ:t/CET4TEM4adv.成零碎,成距离,分别地,分离着a.分离的Some were slightly closer together,有些音会比较接近slightly:/'slaitli/adv.些微地,苗条地and then others farther apart.有些音会比较远离farther:/'fɑ:ðә/a.更远的,进一步的adv.更远的,此外,far的比较级And the key of C actually had a slightly differentC实际上听上去和Dsoundactually:/'æktʃuәli/adv.事实上,竟然,如今,现在than the key of D,只有一点点差别10and it’s only in the eighteenth and nineteenth cen-直到十八至十九世纪turyeighteenth:/ei'ti:nθ/num.第十八,十八分之一nineteenth:/.nain'ti:nθ/num.第十九,十九分之一that we gradually shifted from an unequal keyboard我们才逐渐由不均调的键盘乐器gradually:/'grædʒuәli/adv.逐渐地shift:/ʃift/CET4TEM4TOF n.变化,移动,轮班,手段,应急办法,移位vt.替换,转移,改变,推卸,变速vi.转换,移动,转变,推托,变速[计]DOS内部命令:该命令可将批处理参数向左移动一个位置keyboard:/'ki:bɒ:d/n.键盘[计]键盘unequal:/.ʌn'i:kwәl/a.不相等的,不规则的,不能胜任的[经]不平均的,不等的to an equally tuned keyboard.过度到了均调的键盘乐器equally:/'i:kwәli/adv.相等地,同样地,平等地So Bach is kind of part of this transition所以巴赫正处在transition:/træn'ziʃәn/GRE CET6TEM4TOF n.转变,转换,变迁,过渡时期,临时转调[化]跃迁to the equal-tuned keyboard.向均调键盘转型的时期He was getting close to the equal temperament of the他开始逐渐熟悉均调的现代键盘modern keyboardtemperament:/'temprәmәnt/CET6TOF n.气质,性格,性情[医]气质,禀赋and that’s why he called it the well-tuned keyboard,这就是为什么他称之为平均律键盘and it–by tuning it this way,就调音而言it allows you to modulate to all keys,这种键盘乐器可以转调到任何音modulate:/'mɒdjuleit/GRE TOF vt.调整,使转调,控制vi.转调,调制and that’s what he did in this collection.巴赫在这部作品中就这么做了collection:/kә'lekʃәn/GRE CET4TEM4n.收集,采集,(一批)收藏品,募捐[医]收集;收集品,标本11He wrote a–two books,他有两本著作one in seventeen-一本写于十七世纪seventeen:/sevn'ti:n/num.十七,十七个about1722,when he was in Coethen大概在一七二二年当时他在柯登Then and another about1742,when he was in还有一本在莱比锡写于一七四二年Leipzig.And in each of these books在每本书中we have a total of twenty-four preludes and fugues:都有二十四首前奏和赋格prelude:/'prelju:d/GRE TOF n.前奏,序幕,序诗,前奏曲vi.作为前奏vt.作为...的开头one,the prelude and fugue in C major,一首C大调major:/'meidʒә/CET4TEM4TOF n.主修课,成年人,陆军少校a.主要的,较多的,大部分的,成年的,严重的vi.主修[计]主要,主要刻度one prelude and fugue in C minor,一首C小调minor:/'mainә/CET4TEM4TOF n.未成年人,副修科目a.较小的,二流的,未成年的vi.副修[计]次要one prelude and fugue in C-sharp major,一首升C大调and one prelude and fugue in C-sharp minor再一首升C小调and so on it goes,以此类推all the way up the keyboard in that fashion–一路沿着键盘上行fashion:/'fæʃәn/CET4TOF n.流行,风尚,时样vt.形成,造,作two books of those.写了整整两本书12And this is kind of standard fodder for those他可以说是那些standard:/'stændәd/CET4TEM4TOF n.标准,规格,旗,军旗,本位a.标准的,合规格的[计]标准fodder:/'fɒdә/GRE n.饲料,草料,素材,弹药vt.喂that want to become professional musicians.有志成为职业音乐家的人的模范榜样professional:/prә'feʃәnl/CET6CET4TEM4TOF n.专业人才a.专业的,职业的musician:/mju:'ziʃәn/CET4TOF n.音乐家,乐师,作曲家Okay.So that’s what that is about,好了以上这些”The Well-Tempered Clavier.”就是《平均律钢琴曲集》的内容temper:/'tempә/GRE CET6CET4TEM4n.(钢等的)硬度,脾气,心情,中和剂,倾向,回火vt.使回火,锻炼,调和,使缓和vi.回火clavier:/'klæviә/n.键盘,练习用无声键盘,键盘乐器We’ve been referencing Bach here and nobody,我们这里提到了巴赫reference:/'refәrәns/CET6CET4TEM4TOF n.参考,索引,参照vt.给...加上参考资料vt.引用vi.引用[计]引用of course,wrote better fugues than J.S.Bach.当然在赋格上无人能出其右Some continued.也有别人写过Some continued to write fugues.一些人也写过赋格Mozart wrote some fugues,莫扎特写过一些Haydn wrote some fugues,海顿写过一些Beethoven wrote some fugues and so on,贝多芬等人也写过一些and even into the twentieth century we have a few甚至到了二十世纪也有一些作曲家composers:twentieth:/'twentiiθ/num.第二十,二十分之一composer:/kәm'pәuzә/GRE n.作曲家,作家,调停者Paul Hindemith,used to teach at Yale,保罗·辛德米特曾经在耶鲁任教13Dmitri Shostakovich.还有德米特里·肖斯塔科维奇They wrote fugues,他们也都曾写过赋格but generally speaking the fugue但是一般来说generally:/'dʒenәrәli/CET4TOF adv.通常,逐渐地,普遍地has its heyday in the Baroque period,赋格的鼎盛时期是在巴洛克时代heyday:/'heidei/GRE n.全盛期interj.嘿baroque:/bә'rɒk/GRE TEM8n.巴罗克风格,巴罗克式a.巴罗克式的,绮靡的,以俗艳标新立异的roughly sixteen hundred to seventeen fifty,大概在一六零零年至一七五零年间roughly:/'rʌfli/CET4TOF adv.概略地,粗糙地,粗暴地sixteen:/'siks'ti:n/num.十六,十六个the heyday of Bach and Handel.那是亨德尔和巴赫的黄金年代How do fugues work?那赋格的形式是什么Well,they start out–as mentioned–首先就像刚才说的with one voice leading forward首先是一个声部作为引导forward:/'fɒ:wәd/GRE CET4TEM4 a.向前的,早的,迅速的,在前的,进步的vt.促进...的生长,转寄,运送adv.向前地[计]前推,转信and then another voice imitates that voice exactly.然后另一个声部完全仿效第一声部imitate:/'imiteit/CET6CET4TEM4TOF vt.模仿,效法,冒充,仿造exactly:/ig'zæktli/CET4TEM4adv.确切地,精确地,恰好,完全地,确实,恰恰正是,确实如此Now if that following voice–here’s a question.如果后一个声部这里有个问题If that following voice imitated the leader exactly如果后一个声部完全仿效引导声部from beginning to end,从头到尾都一样what would we have?那会变成什么14Hm?什么A round.轮唱Okay.Good.没错很好That’s what we would have,a round.就是这个轮唱Or we could call–use the fancier music word,或者可以用一个专业术语fancier:/'fænsiә/n.空想家,育种者,爱好者a”Canon.”即卡农Canon,round–the same thing,卡农轮唱是一回事one voice imitating the other exactly from beginning一个声部从头到尾完全仿效另一个声部to end.But in a fugue what happens is after the main idea–但在赋格中在主旋律后which we’ll be calling the”Subject”–也可以称之为主题the main idea is stated,主旋律呈现之后state:/steit/CET4TEM4TOF n.州,状态,情形,国家,政府,领土,国务,社会地位a.国家的,正式的,礼仪用的,州的vt.说明,陈述,规定[计]状态then the parts go their independent ways所有部分便各自为政independent:/.indi'pendәnt/CET4TEM4TOF n.独立自主者,无党派者a.独立的,有主见的,不须依赖的,不受约束的generating counterpoint,从而产生旋律配合generate:/'dʒenәreit/GRE CET6CET4TEM4TOF vt.产生,发生,导致[电]产生counterpoint:/'kauntәpɒint/n.对位法,旋律配合,复调but they’re not exact;它们并不完全相同15 they’re not precise duplications of the rhythms它们并没有完全复制precise:/pri'sais/GRE CET6CET4TEM4TOF a.精确的,严谨的,明确的[机]精密的,正确的duplication:/.dju:pli'keiʃәn/n.副本,复制[医]重迭,双折,复制rhythm:/'riðәm/CET6CET4TEM4TOF n.旋律,节奏,韵律,匀称,张弛节律[医]节律and the pitches of the leaders.引导声部的节奏和音高pitch:/pitʃ/GRE CET6CET4TEM4TEM8TOF n.程度,坡度,顶点,前倾,倾斜,投掷,音高,螺距,节距,摊位,树脂,沥青vt.投,掷,向前倾跌,扎营,竭力推销,为...定调,定位于,用沥青涂vi.搭帐篷,投掷,向前跌,猛然摔倒,坠落,倾斜[计]孔距So what we could do would be to visualize this我们现在能做的visualize:/'viʒuәlaiz/CET6vt.使看得见,使具体化,想象,设想vi.想象,显形in a sort of crude way up here.就是简单地将此结构形象化crude:/kru:d/CET4TEM4TOF a.天然的,未成熟的,粗糙的,粗鲁的n.天然的物质We have a leader and then a follower.先是引导声部然后是跟随声部follower:/'fɒlәuә/CET6n.从者,属下,追补者[电]随动机And the follower duplicates the main idea,跟随声部复制主旋律duplicate:/'dju:plikeit/CET6TEM4n.副本,复本,复制品a.复制的,二重的vt.复制,使加倍[计]复制which we’re going to call the subject,我们将称之为主题for a period of time,主题将持续一段时间but then it kind of breaks off.之后就中断了So voices will come in其他声部会进入16and duplicate a certain amount of material重复了一段主题后material:/mә'tiәriәl/CET4TEM4TOF n.材料,物资,素材,布料,资料a.物质的,肉体的,重要的and then break off and go their own way.就中断去进行自己的旋律了So that’s a good way of thinking of the beginning of这样很容易理解赋格的开头部分a fugue,which we will call the”Exposition.”这部分我们称之为呈示部I’ll come back to that point in a moment.之后我们再展开这点Notice here I’ve put a little–注意这里我画了一个小树状图silly little tree up here.画得挺傻的We could say that we have the genus polyphony here这可以说是一张复调种类图genus:/'dʒi:nәs/GRE n.种,类[医]属(分类)polyphony:/pә'lifәni/n.一符多音(现象),复音现象,复调音乐[医]多音[现象]and we’ve got monophonic texture,在大分类上有单音结构monophonic:/,mɔnә'fɔnik/[电]单音texture:/'tekstʃә/GRE CET6TOF n.(织物的)密度,(材料等的)结构,纹理[化]纹理homophonic texture and polyphonic texture.主音结构和复调结构homophonic:/,hɔmә'fɔnik/a.同音的,齐唱的polyphonic:/.pɒli'fɒnik/a.多音的,有多种声音的So within polyphonic texture we have non-imitative在复调中可以分为非模仿复调textureand then a stream of imitative polyphony和模仿复调stream:/stri:m/GRE CET6CET4TEM4TOF n.水流,小河,流出,趋势,人潮vt.流出,流动,展开vi.流,涌,飘扬[计]流imitative:/'imitәtiv/GRE a.喜模仿的,伪造的,仿制的,摹拟的17 and then two forms of imitative polyphony,模仿复调可以分为两种rather strict–exactly strict–一种相对严格非常严格strict:/strikt/CET4TEM4TOF a.严厉的,绝对的,详尽的,严格的,精确的[法]严格的,精确的,绝对的exactly:/ig'zæktli/CET4TEM4adv.确切地,精确地,恰好,完全地,确实,恰恰正是,确实如此imitative polyphony,the canon,即卡农canon:/'kænәn/GRE CET6TEM8n.教会法规,圣典,准则,标准,教士[医]规范,[加农]炮and less strict imitative polyphony–还有一种不很严格的模仿复调the fugue.即赋格Okay?Questions about that so far?好了对这个有问题吗All right.Let’s go back to the beginning of the fugue.好了我们回到赋格的开头We have this opening melody,开头有一个开场旋律opening:/'әupәniŋ/CET4TEM4n.开始,口子,穴,揭幕a.开始的melody:/'melәdi/GRE CET6TEM8TOF n.曲子,美妙音乐,曲调the distinctive part of it,很与众不同distinctive:/di'stiŋktiv/GRE a.有特色的,出众的which we’re going to call the subject.我们称之为主题That’s just what we call the melody in a fugue,the我们称赋格中的旋律为主题subject.And the way this works is in a fugue在赋格中each of the voices in turn will come in with that sub-每个声部都会以该主题轮流进入ject.One will start out,then another will come in,一个结束另一个跟进18then another will come in.之后再一个跟进After all of the voices are in,等到所有声部都进入后we’re at the end of what we call the exposition of the赋格曲的呈示部就进入尾声了fugue.exposition:/.ekspә'ziʃәn/GRE CET6TOF n.阐述,讲解,说明,博览会,展览会[经]展览会,集市,义卖市场Now we have had the term”Exposition”before我们以前也提过呈示部这个词term:/tә:m/CET4TEM4n.术语,专有名词,期限,学期,任期,条件,价钱,关系,地位,项,界石vt.称,呼[计]检索词;项and where was that?在哪方面Over there,Elizabeth.I hear you.那边伊丽莎白我听到你说了–sonata form?奏鸣曲式sonata:/sә'nɑ:tә/GRE TEM8n.奏鸣曲Yeah,sonata form,sonata-allegro form,对奏鸣曲式奏鸣曲快板式allegro:/ә'leigrәu/adv.急速地a.快速的n.快板so we–and what do we mean by”Exposition”There?当时的呈示部是什么意思呢Well,it’s a chance where you present all of the–all the在这部分可以表现所有的主题themes,theme:/θi:m/CET6TEM4n.主题,话题,题目and we talked about first theme有第一主题and then second theme and closing theme.第二主题和结尾主题closing:/'klәuziŋ/n.结束a.结束的Well,here in a fugue we have just one theme在赋格中只有一个主题but everybody’s going to get a chance to present it,每个声部都会呈现这个主题and after everyone has a chance to present it–每个声部呈现主题后19every voice has a chance to present it–每个声部呈现完主题后then we’re finished with the exposition;呈示部就结束了all the voices have exposed the theme in their range.所有声部都用独特的音域呈现了主题expose:/ik'spәuz/CET6CET4TEM4vt.使暴露,使曝光,揭穿,陈列[医]暴露,露置range:/'reindʒ/CET4TEM4TOF n.排,行,山脉,范围,行列,射程vt.排列,归类于,使并列,放牧vi.平行,延伸,漫游[计]量程;范围;域;距离After that we go to what’s called the”Episode”Of a接下来我们来看看赋格的插句fugue.episode:/'episәud/GRE TEM8TOF n.插曲,插话,有趣的事件,一段情节[医]插话,插曲,发作What happens in an episode?插句是什么Well,usually it modulates key它通常用于转调modulate:/'mɒdjuleit/GRE TOF vt.调整,使转调,控制vi.转调,调制and the vehicle through which composers frequently作曲家们频繁转调借助的方式是modulatevehicle:/'vi:ikl/GRE CET6CET4TOF n.交通工具,车辆,传播媒介[化]载体;运载体;漆料composer:/kәm'pәuzә/GRE n.作曲家,作家,调停者frequently:/'fri:kwәntli/adv.频繁,经常地is melodic sequence,either up or down.旋律模进上行或下行melodic:/mә'lɒdik/TOF a.有旋律的,旋律美妙的sequence:/'si:kwәns/CET6CET4TEM4TOF n.序列,续发事件,顺序,连续vt.按顺序排好[计]顺序You can kind of move around by using sequence.旋律模进可以用来调整You can get to different places by using sequence.可以借助旋律模进来转换20So it tends to be contrapuntal插句是对位的tend:/tend/GRE CET4TEM4vi.走向,有某种的倾向,易于,照顾,注意vt.照料,护理contrapuntal:/.kɒntrә'pʌntl/a.对位的because it’s using little motives from the theme.因为它使用了主题中的部分动机motive:/'mәutiv/CET6CET4TEM4TOF n.动机,目的,主题,基调a.运动的,成为动机的It modulates,moves around a lot,通过转调上下变化goes to different keys,sounds a bit unsettled.来达到不同的调听起来不太稳定unsettled:/.ʌn'setld/a.不整齐的,未处理的,未决定的[法]未决的,未定的,怀疑的If you were to think back on sonata-allegro form回想一下奏鸣曲式and try to find an analog for sonata-allegro form in其中哪一部分和赋格的插句相似the fugue episode,analog:/'ænәlɔg/[计]模拟what would it be?哪部分What is the episode of the fugue like in sonata-allegro哪一部分和插句相似form?Roger.罗杰The development?发展部Exactly–the development section.没错发展部section:/'sekʃәn/CET4TOF n.区段,部分,区域,节,截面,处,科,区,扇区vt.把...分段,把...切片vi.被切成片[计]扇区So these episodes in a fugue are sort of mini develop-赋格的插句可以说是迷你发展部ment sections,mini:/'mini/n.同类中的极小者,微型汽车,超短裙a.微型的21 so visualize if you will–想象一下visualize:/'viʒuәlaiz/CET6vt.使看得见,使具体化,想象,设想vi.想象,显形we’ve started out here with the exposition,从呈示部开始exposition:/.ekspә'ziʃәn/GRE CET6TOF n.阐述,讲解,说明,博览会,展览会[经]展览会,集市,义卖市场in which all voices present the subject.所有的声部都表达同一主题Then you have this kind of free period这相当于一段自由时间in which the motive out of the subject is played with,演奏主题中的动机developed,moved around,different pitches.不断地发展调整变化音高pitch:/pitʃ/GRE CET6CET4TEM4TEM8TOF n.程度,坡度,顶点,前倾,倾斜,投掷,音高,螺距,节距,摊位,树脂,沥青vt.投,掷,向前倾跌,扎营,竭力推销,为...定调,定位于,用沥青涂vi.搭帐篷,投掷,向前跌,猛然摔倒,坠落,倾斜[计]孔距Then the subject will come back in a new key之后主题会以新的调重新开始because we’ve modulated in the episode,因为在插句中进行了转调subject in just one voice,new key,在单个声部中主题有了新的调then another episode in which there’s modulation,之后又一个带转调的插句modulation:/.mɒdju'leiʃәn/n.调制,调节,语调[计]调制more counterpoint,more movement;对位更多变化更多counterpoint:/'kauntәpɒint/n.对位法,旋律配合,复调movement:/'mu:vmәnt/GRE CET4TEM4TEM8n.运动,动作,运转,移动,倾向,变化,活动,乐章[医]运动another statement of the subject in a new key;以新的调来呈现主题statement:/'steitmәnt/CET6CET4n.陈述,指令,声明[计]程序语句;语句22another episode;再一个插句episode:/'episәud/GRE TEM8TOF n.插曲,插话,有趣的事件,一段情节[医]插话,插曲,发作another statement of the subject,and on it goes再一次呈现主题until–oh,we run out of energy usually about–直到能量用尽为止energy:/'enәdʒi/CET4TEM4n.精力,精神,活力,能量[化]能;能量after four or five minutes or so,通常在四五分钟左右at which point the composer will bring the subject此时作曲家将音乐带回主题back–composer:/kәm'pәuzә/GRE n.作曲家,作家,调停者maybe in the bass or in the soprano可能通过低声部或高声部bass:/bæs/n.低沉的声音,男低音,椴树a.低音的soprano:/sә'prænәu/TOF n.女高音,最高音部,女高音歌手a.女高音的in a very prominent range in the tonic key–用主调中非常突出的音域来表现prominent:/'prɒminәnt/GRE CET6CET4TEM4TOF a.卓越的,显著的,突出的,凸出的range:/'reindʒ/CET4TEM4TOF n.排,行,山脉,范围,行列,射程vt.排列,归类于,使并列,放牧vi.平行,延伸,漫游[计]量程;范围;域;距离tonic:/'tɒnik/GRE TEM8n.补药,(音乐)主调音或基音a.滋补的,声调的,使精神振作的and we have the sense,这样我们会意识到”Oh,this is a very solid moment;哦这是个特定的时刻solid:/'sɒlid/CET4TEM4TOF n.固体a.坚硬的,稳固的,固体的,实心的,纯质的,立体的,立方的[计]原色yes,this fugue is ending.”没错这首赋格要结束了23 And maybe they’ll throw upon one or–throw one or在结尾可能还有一两个和弦two chords on the endchord:/kɒ:d/GRE CET6TEM8n.弦,和音[医]索,带but that’s it.就是这样So it’s a complex form,这是一种复杂的曲式complex:/kәm'pleks/CET6CET4TEM4TOF n.综合体,情结,络合物a.复杂的,组合的but maybe not quite as complex as sonata-allegro但没有奏鸣曲式那么复杂form.sonata:/sә'nɑ:tә/GRE TEM8n.奏鸣曲allegro:/ә'leigrәu/adv.急速地a.快速的n.快板What’s a definition then?赋格的定义是什么definition:/.defi'niʃәn/GRE CET6CET4TEM4n.定义,精确度,清晰度[计]清晰度;清晰度If you’re taking notes there,如果你要作笔记what’s a definition of a fugue?赋格的定义是什么呢Well,I wrote a definition of a fugue我为赋格做了一个定义and I will read the definition out of the textbook.我来读一读书上我写的赋格的定义Students don’t like this,学生们读书时I’ve found,if you read out of a textbook.并不喜欢背定义But I ought to be able to do this since I wrote the text-但因为我是编书得所以必须这么做book.Okay?So I’m going to read a good definition of a fugue here.我来读一下赋格的精确定义Definition of the fugue:赋格的定义。



巴赫简介英语约翰塞巴斯蒂安巴赫,音乐史上最重要的作曲家之一,并被尊称为“西方近代音乐之父”,下面是我为你整理的巴赫简介英语,盼望对你有用!约翰塞巴斯蒂安巴赫后世影响Bach is the greatest composer of the collection of Nederland, Italian and French music since the 16th century and is revered as the father of music in modern times. His works are both highly logical, structured, and have inherent philosophical, profound and meaningful. Because of his humanistic noble belief and the indomitable pursuit of a better life, his music is often vibrant and humane. Feng Lan believes that Bach is the worlds highest level of composer, the greatest composer.First of all, Bach music from the vocal music as the main body, developed into instrumental as the main body, and instrumental playing skills developed to an unprecedented peak. In Bach before, music to vocal music as the main body, rare with musical instruments as accompaniment, instrumental music has no independent status. Bach full play the ancient piano playing skills, invented the fingers and use the keyboard fingering. Before Bach, the organ and the piano keyboard did not use the thumb, only four fingers fingering.Bach invented the thumb transport fingering, laid the pianofingering today This new type of fingering after the invention, so that the skills of the keyboard instrument is very developed. Pure music is the art of sound, has nothing to do with the poem of poetry, of course, can not use vocal music singing, and must use the instrumental music play. Therefore, the development of instrumental music, means that the formation and development of pure music. Bach developed instrumental music, so that instrumental music developed into a new, independent art form, so that music out of other art constraints, and the liberation of free and independent art, Bach in the West as the father of music.Second, Bach applied the twelve average rate scale on the composition. Twelve average rate scale is the sound of the interval for twelve equal parts, set it into a semitone, two divided into the whole tone. This music is advocated by the French music theorist Ramo. But it is only a theory that has not been implemented. Bach is the first person to apply this music to compose and receive satisfactory results. The use of the average rate, so that the transfer (fixed a tone of the composition, in the way into another tune) is very free, polyphonic music fugue, which is very developed. Fugue usually includes the presentation part, the expansion department, the reproduction part of the three parts. The basic feature is the use of imitation of the bit method, so that a short and characteristic theme in the music of the various parts of the rotation once; and then enter the theme of the motive of the development of theinsert, then the theme and insert and in each Different new tune on the repeated appear; to the final theme once again back to the original tune, and often end with the end. The development of the fugue has a great influence on the subsequent development of the sonata. The average rate of use, but also lead to musicians can be very free to use the chromatic harmonies, so that the effect of harmony is more novel and rich. Bach himself had applied the harmony of the semitone scale, made a phonogram.When Bach was alive, the work was not understood by the people, neither he had a prominent position nor won the recognition of society, was the great Mozart and Beethoven, first discovered his precious value. They were Bach music deep, perfect and impeccable shock. When Beethoven first saw some of Bachs works, can not help but exclaimed: He is not a creek (Bachs name German Bach, is the creek means), is the sea! In 1829, Mendel Song in Berlin, a landmark performance, so that Bachs Matthew suffering song resurrection. Chopin practiced Bachs work before holding his concert, and Liszt adapted some of Bachs organ works into piano pieces. Schumann was one of the founders of the Bach Association, which undertook the full version of the masters work Great task. Today, all over the world, everywhere can hear Bach music. Among them, many works have long been classified as art institutions to cultivate students of compulsory teaching materials and majorinternational music competition entries. Bach is known as can not go beyond the master, and even known as the father of modern music in Europe.巴赫简介英语相关。

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No license: PDF produced by PStill (c) F. Siegert - /~frank/pstill.html

No license: PDF produced by PStill (c) F. Siegert - /~frank/pstill.html

No license: PDF produced by PStill (c) F. Siegert - /~frank/pstill.html

No license: PDF produced by PStill (c) F. Siegert - /~frank/pstill.html

No license: PDF produced by PStill (c) F. Siegert - /~frank/pstill.html

No license: PDF produced by PStill (c) F. Siegert - /~frank/pstill.html
