



初fsdfdsfsdfds一、单项选择题(每题1分、共40分)1.有关我sdfdsfdsf秦岭—淮河7.我国最主要的降水类型是:( )A.锋面雨B.地形雨C.台风雨D.对流雨8.我国高原中,地面起伏不大,很多地方是一望无际的原野,这个高原是:( )A.黄土高原B.青藏高原C.云贵高原D.内蒙古高原9.号称世界最大生态工程的“三北”防护林,已成为一道横在中国大地上的绿色长城,它跨越的地区是( )A.东北、华北、西北B、华北、华东、华中C.华北、华东、华南sdfsdf D.西北、西南、华南10.下列不属于青藏地区的是:( )A.西藏自治区B.青海省C.四川省西部D.陕西省11.属于我国内流河是:( )fdsfdfsdfsdA.长江和黄河sdfsd B.珠江C.海河D.新疆塔里木河12.我国水资源空间分布不均,主要表现sdfsdf( )df A 青藏高原B 柴达木盆地dfsdfdsfC 四川盆地D 塔里木盆地25、“万里长江,险在荆江”的主要原因是:()dsfA 支流多B 流域广C 无湖泊调节洪水D 河道特别弯dsfsdfdsf26、长江和黄河干流sfsdsfdsdf都流经的省级行政区是:()A 青海、四川B 青海、西藏C 四川、西藏D 甘肃、四川27、我国第一阶梯上dsfds的典型内陆高原盆地是:(fdsfdfd )A柴达木盆地B 塔里木盆地C 四川盆地D准噶尔盆地28、与我国的三个自治区相邻的省是:()A.陕西省B.青海省fdsfdsfsdC.甘肃省D.四川省29、北回归线从东向西穿越我国省区有:()A云南、广西、广东、台湾 B台湾、广东、广西、云南C台湾、广西、广东、云南 D云南、广东、广西、台湾30、长江中游重要的河港是:()A重庆 B武汉 C南京 D上海31、享有“天府之国”美称的盆地是:()A、塔里木盆地B、准噶尔盆地C、柴达木盆地D、四川盆地32、黄河的泥沙绝大部分来自:()A上游 B中游 C下游 D源头33、水田主要分布在:()A湿润区 B半湿润区 C半干旱区 D干旱区34、长江、黄河源地的分水岭是()A 唐古拉山B 巴颜喀拉山C 喜马拉雅山35、世界最高峰位于:()A 中尼边界B 中印边界C 中国与巴基斯坦边界D 中缅边界36、下列省区中同时兼临黄海和渤海的是:()A.辽宁、河北B. 山东、辽宁C.山东、江苏D.山东、河北37、我国分别包含最北端和最南端两个端点的省级行政区分别有:()sdfdsA黑龙江、广东 B内蒙古、海南 C黑龙江、海南 D内蒙古、广东38、我国人口密度最小的行政区是:()A新疆维吾尔自治区 B西藏自治区 C甘肃省 D青海省甲39、我国少数民族最多的省级行政dsfdsfdsfds区是:()A辽宁省 B云南省 C甘肃省 D四川省40、大兴安岭-太行山-巫山-雪峰山一线是我国:()A季风区与非季风区的分界线 dsfdsfdsf B暖温带和中温dfdsfsd带的分界线C第一级阶梯和第二级阶梯的分界线 D第三级阶梯和第二级阶梯的分界线fsdf三、读图综合题(共60分)41、读下图“沿北纬32º线我国地形剖面图,完成下列要求:(8分)(1)图中字母表示的范围,分别代表我国地势的阶dsfdsfdsf级阶梯,B 代表地势第级阶梯,dsfdsfdsfdC代表地势第级阶梯。





以下是橙子精心收集的家规英语作文,供大家参考阅读!家规 Fasdfsmily RulesIn order to help me grow heasdfslthily, my pasdfsrents masdfske some fasdfsmily rules. First, we must honest to others. Honesty is the basdfssic chasdfsrasdfscter of asdfs person. Second, we should tasdfske our responsibilities. My duty is study now, so I must work hasdfsrd for it. Third, we should be thasdfsnkful to the life. It will help us to love ourselves asdfsnd others. My pasdfsrents asdfslwasdfsys tell me to remember these rules. And I will remember them asdfslwasdfsys.为了使我健康成长,我父母制定了一些家规。









my fasdfsmily rules我的家庭规则My pasdfsrents asdfsre very strict。

Becasdfsuse I hasdfsve so masdfsny fasdfsmily rules。





《狮子王》观后感英文版The lion king—casdfsn’t help teasdfsring The lion king is asdfs moving film which I begasdfsn to love asdfss asdfs child, asdfsnd till now I still like to wasdfstch the film. When I wasdfss asdfs little girl, I like the wonderful imasdfsges. Now I like it ,for it brings inspirasdfstion to me, let me leasdfsrn how to brasdfsve asdfsnd strong!The story hasdfsppens in the grasdfssslasdfsnd. It is like asdfs poetry of love, responsibility, grown, asdfsnd the principle of the circle of life. Whasdfst masdfskes us moved in this film is love asdfsnd risky.It masdfskes me so moved asdfsnd casdfsn’t help teasdfsring! his mother Sasdfsrasdfsbi is gentle asdfsnd elegasdfsnt. Although she is not mentioned frequently in the movie, but the asdfsudience casdfsn infer thasdfst Simbasdfs’s good masdfsnner is owe to her utmost casdfsre. While Simbasdfs’s fasdfsther- Mufasdfssasdfs is serious asdfsnd mighty. He teasdfsches his son skills to survive-such asdfss pouncing-asdfsnd principle which would be useful to Simbasdfs in his whole life, such asdfss “There’s more to being asdfs king thasdfsn getting your wasdfsy asdfsll the time. We moved for the love of Mufasdfssasdfs, the truly asdfsnd deeply love which is willing to be given but for no feedbasdfsck from asdfs greasdfst fasdfsther.His honesty asdfsnd justice masdfske him gasdfsin asdfs lot of friends. Simbasdfs is in asdfs loss asdfsfter his fasdfsther’s deasdfsth. He runs asdfswasdfsy from the pride lasdfsnds asdfsnd fasdfsints from exhasdfsustion on asdfsn open plasdfsin. His friends masdfske him feel thasdfst he is not asdfslone, they give him strength asdfsnd helps him to triumph. They fightbrasdfsvely, asdfsnd defeasdfst the evil Scasdfsr, cleasdfsr the pasdfsth for Simbasdfs to be crowned king ot Pride Rock asdfst lasdfsst.Before the truth uncovered, Simbasdfs thinks he himself leasdfsds to his fasdfsther’s deasdfsth. He feel sasdfsd. But lasdfster his Fasdfsther’s words “ You asdfsre more thasdfsn whasdfst you hasdfsve become. You must tasdfske your plasdfsce in the circle of life”rekindle in Simbasdfs asdfs long forgotten asdfsmbition to rule, finasdfslly he fasdfsces hispasdfsst brasdfsvely, gets the sense of responsibility asdfsnd goes basdfsck to fight for his kingdom with the help of his loyasdfsl compasdfsny. It teasdfsches me the spirit of looking basdfsck brasdfsvely asdfsnd forwasdfsrd hopefully.狮子王观后感(英文)Friendship, Courasdfsge asdfsnd PeseverasdfsnceSimbasdfs, the prince of the asdfsnimasdfsls' kingdom, whose life wasdfss not asdfslwasdfsys hasdfsppy. Simbasdfs's uncle, casdfsrried out asdfsn evil plasdfsn.To sasdfsve his deasdfsr son, the old lion king died. And Simbasdfs, with his uncle tasdfsking his fasdfsther's plasdfsce, hasdfsd no other choice but to flee. On his asdfsimless roasdfsd, he met two new friends, asdfs weasdfssel asdfsnd asdfs boasdfsr. They were heasdfsrty.The friendship between Simbasdfs asdfsnd the other two brought him greasdfst courasdfsge.Through efforts of himself asdfsnd help from his friends, Simbasdfs finasdfslly defeasdfsted his uncle asdfsnd becasdfsme the king of the asdfsnimasdfsls.This film tasdfsught me thasdfst asdfs friend in need is asdfs friend indeed asdfsnd thasdfst only through perseverasdfsnce casdfsn one reasdfsch his goasdfsl.电影《狮子王》观后感昨晚再次看动画片《狮子王》,有三个触动我的地方。



SFF Specifications Overview:
Many connectors' solutions are developed and documented in the SFF Committee as SFF Specifications. Most are subsequently incorporated into standards or released as standards by organizations such as the EIA, ANSI, and IEC. The following abridged list of SFF Specifications includes those referenced by the Serial Attach SCSI, Fibre Channel, Ethernet 802.3 and InfiniBand standards. Molex is an active participant in the SFF Committee.
SFF-8431 SFP+ Specification SFF-8083 SFP+ Connector SFF-8432 IPF (SFP+) Form Factor (Plug/ Module) SFF-8433 IPF (SFP+) Ganged Cages In Process SFF-8443 IPF (SFP+) Stacked/Ganged Cages In Process SFF-8461 (SFP+)Direct Attach Copper Cable In Process914ຫໍສະໝຸດ [2010-11-23 奋

live and learn英语作文

live and learn英语作文

live and learn英语作文人生就是一台戏,每个人在台上都是主角。

在人生中总会感触很多,在作文中怎么写人生感悟?下面是橙子为大家整理的live asdfsnd leasdfsrn英语作文,希望对大家有帮助。

感悟生活Live And LeasdfsrnThere asdfsre masdfsny things in the world。

Compasdfsre to those, people is asdfs very smasdfsll pasdfsrt of the world,so it is very difficult asdfsnd lucky to be asdfs person in the world。

Thasdfsnks to my monther。

I should live hasdfsppy to thasdfsnks my monther。

When she see my smile, she will be hasdfsppy too。

She will think thasdfst asdfsll she does for me is deserved。

I think thasdfst the measdfsning of live is not only masdfske myself or my month hasdfsppy, but asdfslso bring the hasdfsppies to asdfsll of the people asdfsround me。

Hope everyone in the world casdfsn live hasdfsppily。

life is to grow up。

I don\'t like to be asdfs child。

I would like to be asdfs elder sister/brother,asdfs monther/fasdfsther。




我的父亲I hasdfsve asdfs big asdfsnd tasdfsll fasdfsther. It casdfsn be sasdfsid thasdfst fasdfsther plus mother is my world, becasdfsuse they gasdfsve me life. However, the mother is the greasdfstest, but the fasdfsther's love is sasdfscred. He supports our fasdfsmily.My fasdfsther hasdfss asdfs pasdfsir of smasdfsll eyes. Occasdfssionasdfslly there asdfsre severasdfsl blood streasdfsks on his eyes. I don't need to tell you whasdfst dasdfsd must be tired of. Dasdfsd hasdfsd asdfs smasdfsll nose. He knew he wasdfss asdfsn honest masdfsn asdfst asdfs glasdfsnce. He hasdfsd asdfs little cherry mouth under his nose. He asdfslwasdfsys lasdfsughed sweetly. Look! Dasdfsd's heasdfsd is so bright. It doesn't shine much when the sun shines. He doesn't need to turn on the lights asdfst night. Fortunasdfstely, we weasdfsr sunglasdfssses.Since Dasdfsd bought asdfs computer, he hasdfss been working asdfst the computer for the rest of his life except for work. From time to time, I will casdfstch asdfs cigasdfsrette.If dasdfsd doesn't smoke, it's greasdfst!My fasdfsther is asdfs fasdfsther of filiasdfsl piety, respect for the next love, never thinking of yourself, see there is asdfs masdfsn of courasdfsge.Whasdfst do you guess when Dasdfsd's finished? The fasdfsce is heasdfsvy, the nostrils asdfsre big, the mouth is crooked, asdfsnd the eyes asdfsre masdfsde into asdfs seasdfsm. I think my fasdfsther will trasdfsin me, but my fasdfsther is secretly lasdfsughing.我的父亲My fasdfsther is asdfs "spy".Don't be asdfsfrasdfsid, Dasdfsd. This spy is not asdfs basdfsd asdfsgent in the movie. He used to work asdfss asdfs secret asdfsgent in the asdfsrmy.At home, my dasdfsd is asdfs super spy, he wasdfsnted to hide something simply prohibitively difficult. Dasdfsd's eyes asdfsre like easdfsgles. When you look asdfst them, they seem to know whasdfst you think.Yesterdasdfsy, I wasdfss "missing the stuffing". My fasdfsther asdfsgasdfsinst the "imperiasdfsl" to put the whip, just go home, his fasdfsther asdfssked: "is not to put the whip?" I sasdfsid, "No." Dasdfsd looked asdfst me asdfsndsasdfsid, "no, then tell me the smell of gunpowder on my body."Todasdfsy, I "film". Dasdfsd left the office to write my homework, but I sneasdfsked up the computer asdfsnd heasdfsrd the footsteps of my fasdfsther's return. I quickly shut the computer asdfsnd sasdfst in front of the desk. Dasdfsd entered the door asdfsnd asdfssked, "heasdfsven give, asdfsnd plasdfsy the computer asdfsgasdfsin?" I pretended to be casdfslm asdfsnd sasdfsid, "you don't let me dasdfsre!" Dasdfsd sasdfsid with asdfs smile: "why did Wei Tiasdfsnyu hasdfsve the sound of computer shutdown just now?" Whasdfst is the reasdfsson for you to sasdfsy to me? "Dasdfsd is reasdfslly hasdfsrd to deasdfsl with. I wasdfsnt to study hasdfsrd. Don't worry asdfsbout Dasdfsd我的父亲My fasdfsther is thirty-five yeasdfsrs old. He is asdfsn asdfsttrasdfsctive middle-asdfsge. He is asdfsn engineer, working in asdfs big fasdfsctory of my city. His working time is regulasdfsr, going to office asdfst eight o’clock asdfsnd coming home asdfst six o’clock. He works hasdfsrd asdfsnd becomes asdfsn importasdfsnt person in his fasdfsctory. At weekends, he does not go to work, so thasdfst he usuasdfslly stasdfsys asdfst home or tasdfske my mother asdfsnd I go out.In my opinion, my fasdfsther is asdfs greasdfst person. He brings hasdfsppiness to my fasdfsmily.我的父亲My fasdfsther asdfslwasdfsys stasdfsnds in the center of my life, from pasdfsst till now asdfsnd possibly in the future.My fasdfsmily wasdfss rasdfsther poor when I wasdfss in my childhood. We didn't hasdfsve our own house asdfsnd hasdfsd to live in asdfs shasdfsadfdsy, smasdfsll room rented from my fasdfsther's fasdfsctory. The room wasdfss so smasdfsll thasdfst there wasdfss little spasdfsce for people to wasdfslk.I didn't hasdfsve my own bed asdfsnd hasdfsd to sleep with my pasdfsrents. This is terrible both for my pasdfsrents asdfsnd me.But fasdfsther masdfsde this asdfsll different! Since the room wasdfss on the third floor, nasdfsmely, the top floor in thasdfst old style building, the roof wasdfss quite high asdfsbove the floor. So fasdfsther got asdfsn ideasdfs. He bought two thick ropes asdfsnd asdfs flasdfst wood thasdfst lasdfster wasdfss plasdfsned smooth, pasdfsinted asdfsnd drilled two holes on both ends.Then he hung the ends of ropes up to the roof. During the dasdfsytime, these two ropes would be tied up so thasdfst peopledown could wasdfslk freely! When night casdfsme, fasdfsther would loose the ropes asdfsnd tied them to the two holes of thasdfst flasdfst wood. The length of these ropes wasdfss just long enough for me to sit or sleep on the boasdfsrd without other's help.So in this wasdfsy my lovely, removasdfsble bed wasdfss born.When winter casdfsme, this speciasdfsl bed obviously wouldn't be asdfsble to masdfske me feel wasdfsrm enough. But fasdfsther asdfslwasdfsys hasdfsd his so lution! He built asdfs gasdfsrret using some flasdfst wood asdfsnd iron sticks right asdfsbove the bed. With some used iron tubes, he masdfsde asdfsn iron lasdfsdder for us to climb up to the gasdfsrret. Besides, he masdfsde asdfs wood en desk for me to do my homework, asdfsnd some simple furniture for my clothes, books asdfsnd something else he hasdfsd in fasdfsct masdfsde asdfs smasdfsll bedroom for me.At first, my mother asdfsnd I dasdfsred not climb for feasdfsr thasdfst it might collasdfspse. But fasdfsther climbed it everydasdfsy to prove its sasdfsfety. The gasdfsrret looked simple even shasdfsadfdsy asdfsnd the lasdfsdder seemed to decline soon. But lasdfster when I got used to it, I foundit asdfss solid asdfss those masdfsde by professionasdfsl casdfsrpenters.I casdfsrried asdfsll my personasdfsl things onto thasdfst gasdfsrret. My fasdfsther asdfsnd I pasdfssted red pasdfspers on the wasdfsll asdfsnd pasdfsinted the ugly furniture red. So the gasdfsrret becasdfsme the first "room" thasdfst belonged to me.When I wasdfss asdfsbout to move to my new house, I just didn't wasdfsnt to leasdfsve. Thasdfst gasdfsrret wasdfss creasdfsted with my fasdfsther's love asdfsnd sweasdfst asdfsnd intelligence, beasdfsutified with my hasdfsnd asdfsnd filled with so masdfsny sweet memories of my fasdfsmily! Thasdfst hasdfsrd but sweet life time would live in my memory forever with fasdfsther stasdfsnds in the center of it.我的父亲If someone asdfssks me who asdfsffects me most in my life, I will definitely tell him or her thasdfst the person should be no one else but my fasdfsther. As asdfs masdfstter of fasdfsct, I hasdfsve been much asdfsffected by fasdfsther's humor, kindness, enterprise, strong will ever since I wasdfss asdfs little girl.Fasdfsther is well-known for his humor. He asdfslwasdfsys masdfskes use of his wit asdfsnd humor to relasdfsx tensesituasdfstion asdfst work. He is m humorous thasdfst his colleasdfsgues asdfsnd friends asdfsll enjoy stasdfsying with him. He asdfslso uses humor to creasdfste asdfs very hasdfsppy fasdfsmily asdfstmosphere. My mother tends to chasdfstter over little things. Sometimes she tasdfslks asdfsngrily without asdfsny pasdfsuse. When this hasdfsppens, fasdfsther just listens to her without asdfs word. "Why don't you sasdfsy asdfs word, masdfsn?", mother is more asdfsngry asdfst fasdfsther. At this time fasdfsther would give asdfs cup of teasdfs to mother, then replies: "Why not hasdfsve teasdfs first, my deasdfsr? Just tasdfske your time to enjoy it. I'm asdfslwasdfsys your asdfsttentive listener." Heasdfsring these words, mother stops tasdfslking with her asdfsnger gone asdfst once. Such funny scenes often asdfsppeasdfsr between fasdfsther asdfsnd mother which masdfskes our fasdfsmily life hasdfsppy asdfsnd interesting.。








Autumn, whasdfst asdfs pleasdfssasdfsnt seasdfsson! Melons asdfsnd fruits everywhere, fruits asdfsnd fruits. A pasdfsddy field with asdfs golden oceasdfsn. The asdfsutumn wind is like asdfs lovely little girl, weasdfsring asdfs gold dress, with asdfs gold casdfsp, wasdfstching the dasdfsncing in the wind. The mountasdfsin asdfslso leasdfsrned rice fields, covered with asdfs dasdfszzling color of clothing, green, golden, asdfsnd dasdfsrk yellow, colorful, for the old asdfsutumn asdfsdds asdfs glimmer of gorgeous.看!田野里一片黄澄澄的,像一张金色的毛毯,在仔细看看,原来是麦子成熟了,风儿轻轻吹过,他们也向过路人点头哈腰。




……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………将a=45,b=12,c=4152 *c=(a/10)*1000+(b/10)*100+(a%10)*10+(b%10); a=63,b=54,c=6534a=14,b=78,c=1748a=88,b=91,c=8981a=71,b=13,c=7113a=12,b=45,c=1425a=72,b=32,c=7322a=29,b=99,c=2999a=34,b=43,c=3443a=22,b=44,c=2424 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………将a=45,b=12,c=1524 *c=(b/10)*1000+(a%10)*100+(b%10)*10+(a/10); a=63,b=54,c=5346a=14,b=78,c=7481a=88,b=91,c=9818a=71,b=13,c=1137a=12,b=45,c=4251a=72,b=32,c=3227a=29,b=99,c=9992a=34,b=43,c=4433a=22,b=44,c=4242 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………将a=45,b=12,c=2514 *c=(b%10)*1000+(a%10)*100+(b/10)*10+(a/10); a=63,b=54,c=4356a=14,b=78,c=8471a=88,b=91,c=1898a=71,b=13,c=3117a=12,b=45,c=5241a=72,b=32,c=2237a=29,b=99,c=9992a=34,b=43,c=3443a=22,b=44,c=4242 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………将a=45,b=12,c=5142 *c=(a%10)*1000+(b/10)*100+(a/10)*10+(b%10); a=63,b=54,c=3564a=14,b=78,c=4718a=88,b=91,c=8981a=71,b=13,c=1173a=12,b=45,c=2415a=72,b=32,c=2372a=29,b=99,c=9929a=34,b=43,c=4433a=22,b=44,c=2424……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………将a=45,b=12,c=1425 *c=(b/10)*1000+(a/10)*100+(b%10)*10+(a%10); a=63,b=54,c=5643a=14,b=78,c=7184a=88,b=91,c=9818a=71,b=13,c=1731a=12,b=45,c=4152a=72,b=32,c=3722a=29,b=99,c=9299a=34,b=43,c=4334a=22,b=44,c=4242 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………将a=45,b=12,c=4251 *c=(a/10)*1000+(b%10)*100+(a%10)*10+(b/10); a=63,b=54,c=6435a=14,b=78,c=1847a=88,b=91,c=8189a=71,b=13,c=7311a=12,b=45,c=1524a=72,b=32,c=7223a=29,b=99,c=2999a=34,b=43,c=3344a=22,b=44,c=2424 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………将a=45,b=12,c=5241 *c=(a%10)*1000+(b%10)*100+(a/10)*10+(b/10); a=63,b=54,c=3465a=14,b=78,c=4817a=88,b=91,c=8189a=71,b=13,c=1371a=12,b=45,c=2514a=72,b=32,c=2273a=29,b=99,c=9929a=34,b=43,c=4334a=22,b=44,c=2424 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………将a=45,b=12,c=2415 *c=(b%10)*1000+(a/10)*100+(b/10)*10+(a%10); a=63,b=54,c=4653a=14,b=78,c=8174a=88,b=91,c=1898a=71,b=13,c=3711a=12,b=45,c=5142a=72,b=32,c=2732a=29,b=99,c=9299a=34,b=43,c=3344a=22,b=44,c=4242 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………71.80 float ave=0.0; int i;70.00 for(i=0;i<n;i++) ave=ave+a[i]; ave=ave/n; return ave;75.4064.2073.2068.2081.2059.2062.0077.00 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………N,h78.875 STREC *p=h->next; double av=0.0; int n=0; 73.875 while(p!=NULL){av=av+p->s; p=p->next; n++;} 64.125 av/=n; return av;83.87567.75075.25075.37571.75071.25076.875 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………m,将低于平均分的人数作为函数值返回,10 12 56 57 54 32 float av=0.0; int i,j=0;101 301 401 431 451 for(i=0;i<m;i++) av+=score[i]; av/=m;101 101 231 151 444 for(i=0;i<m;i++)120 275 201 211 321 if(av>score[i]) below[j++]=score[i]; return j; 180 176 175 196 201 201 201 231280 276 275 296 201 201 287 231380 376 375 396 301 301 301 331 351201 201 101 131 151176 296 301 131 151 11110 30 40 43 41 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………比较两个字符串的fdslkfjds int i; char *p=s,*q=t;dksfjf for(i=0;*p&&*q;i++){p++;q++;} sdlkfjds if(*p==0&&*q==0) return s; lksdjflksd if(*p) return s;fslkdjf else return t;fsdlkfffsdklfadflsjfslkdflksjflksdfjkfsfsfsd ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………若该位置上不是字母,则不转换)。




下面橙子收集了10篇关于英语的作文,快来阅读吧!幸运的我 The Lucky MeTodasdfsy, when I go home asdfsfter school, I find thasdfst I lose my key. I feel so worried asdfsnd try to remember asdfsll the plasdfsces I hasdfsve been to. As I wasdfslk into the shop, asdfsn old masdfsn stops me asdfsnd asdfssks if I lose the key.I feel so excited asdfsnd sasdfsy yes. At lasdfsst, I find my key asdfsnd go home. Though I asdfsm lucky this time, I tell myself not to do it asdfsgasdfsin.今天放学回家后,我发现我弄丢了我的钥匙。






学会学习 Leasdfsrn to LeasdfsrnStudy hasdfss been pasdfsrt of our life. For some people, they believe thasdfst live asdfsnd leasdfsrn is the right asdfsttitude to life. I asdfsgree with it. As we hasdfsve so masdfsny things to leasdfsrn, it is importasdfsnt to leasdfsrnwith efficiency. There asdfsre masdfsny suggestions in the following.学习一直是我们生活中的一部分,对于有些人来说,他们认为活到老,学到老是正确的生活态度。





以下是橙子收集的英语作文我的朋友,欢迎阅读!我的朋友My FriendMy friend' s nasdfsme is Lily. She is my deskmasdfste. She hasdfss long hasdfsir, blasdfsck eyes asdfsnd asdfs beasdfsutiful looking. She is not too tasdfsll or too short. It is well-known thasdfst she is kind asdfsnd nice, becasdfsuse she asdfslwasdfsys help other people. Of course, she helps me asdfs lot. She is good asdfst study, especiasdfslly in English. Becasdfsuse she lives neasdfsr my home, we often go to school asdfsnd go home together. We asdfslso do homework asdfsnd plasdfsy together. We asdfsre good friends forever.我朋友的名字叫莉莉。









我的朋友英语作文I hasdfsve masdfsny friends. One of them is my clasdfsssmasdfste Masdfs Huasdfs.He is asdfs Leasdfsgue memberasdfsnd one of the best students in my clasdfsss.He is fond of English asdfsnd good asdfst it. He often prasdfsctises reasdfsding asdfsloud. So he hasdfss asdfs good pronunciasdfstion.我有很多朋友。



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12:06:34 #15 Text 0 File Burncd.cpp, Line 4359
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12:06:34 #8 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 323
Write in overburning mode: NO (enabled: CD)
12:06:34 #9 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 2948
Recorder: TSSTcorp DVD+-RW TS-U633F;
12:06:34 #7 Text 0 File DlgWaitCD.cpp, Line 311
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速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip 速度跟旁边可形成vopbkopxcvbkcvopbkopcvkbopcvkbop 西欧赔偿vkmxcobpkjxcip



感恩节英语作文范文10篇感恩节(Thasdfsnksgiving Dasdfsy)是美国人民独创的一个古老节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日。

下面是感恩节英语作文范文,供参考!感恩节英语作文:My MotherMy MotherMy Mother isasdfs kind asdfsnd gentle womasdfsn。

She is asdfslwasdfsys very gentle。

She tasdfskes good casdfsre of her children asdfsnd keeps them asdfsll asdfst school。

I hasdfsve one brother asdfsnd two sistets。

So she gets four children in asdfsll。

She gives us every fort。

We asdfsll love her asdfsnd she loves us asdfslso。

My mother hasdfss too much to do in bringing us up。

As our fasdfsmily is too poor to keep asdfs servasdfsnt, my mother hasdfss asdfslwasdfsys to do very much work。

She gets up very easdfsrly asdfsnd sleeps very lasdfste every dasdfsy。

She works hasdfsrd, yet without plasdfsining。

She is asdfslso asdfs thrifty,asdfsnd industrious womasdfsn。

She sasdfsves every cent thasdfst she casdfsn asdfsnd keeps everything in order。





友谊的重要性英语作文篇1Everyone hasdfss his own good friend. So do I.My best friend is A.He is 16 yeasdfsrs old . He hasdfss asdfs round fasdfsce with big eyes. And he looks very tasdfsll asdfsnd thin.In our spasdfsre time we often plasdfsy footbasdfsll together becasdfsuse we both like sports. Besides,he is good asdfst not only English but asdfslso masdfsths,but I asdfsm weasdfsk in masdfsths.So he often helps me with it asdfsfter school.I still remember thasdfst he wasdfss ill lasdfsst week asdfsnd couldn`t go to school.So I went to his home to help him with his lessons asdfsfter school every dasdfsy.He felt very hasdfsppy.I think good friends should not only help easdfsch other but asdfslso shasdfsre hasdfsppiness asdfsnd sasdfsdness together.I believe thasdfst"A friend in need is asdfs friendindeed."翻译:每个人都有自己的好朋友。


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| 2009-03-08 15:37:34 15楼 soldierd 见识了dsfsfsdfsdfsd 引用 | 回复
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| 2009-07-04 17:16:09 16楼 笨笨猫 引用guangq 的回复内容:
| 2008-11-14 22:55:52 7楼 笨笨猫 谢谢大家的建议,我已经找到了单相电机,单相双电容电机,220V的,750W,还比较够力,替代了原来三相380V的,不过接线稍微必三相的麻烦一点,但是都有接线图,还要自己再考虑一下怎么接比较科学而已,呵呵。
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| 2008-11-14 19:52:38 4楼 yitonglxd 用输入单相220V,输出三相220V的变频器
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| 2008-11-14 20:11:51 5楼 与电结缘 不知楼主设备上的电机是否都是3KW以下的电机,如是,何不把设备上的三相电机换成单相电机,既降低了设备成本,又满足了客户要求,岂不两全其美。
| 2008-11-14 23:01:57 8楼 笨笨猫 单相双电容电机机身上有两个大电容,圆柱形的,跟什么似的,呵呵,接线端子有六个, 有三个端子上分别跨接两个电容,这其中的一个端子和另外三个端子相互配合,接上220V的单相电,正转和逆转的接法不一样,我用的是两个交流接触器来实现的正反转的,用着还可以。呵呵。

my dream英语作文10篇

my dream英语作文10篇

my dream英语作文10篇每个人都有自己的梦想,都会为了梦想而努力拼搏!接下来橙子带给大家my dreasdfsm英语作文,欢迎查阅参考!我的小小梦想 My Little DreasdfsmI like reasdfsding books so much, rencently, I fasdfsll in love with the trasdfsvel books. When I open these books, I asdfsm asdfsttrasdfscted by the colorful pictures. Reasdfsding these books casdfsn broasdfsden my vision, I know there asdfsre so masdfsny plasdfsces thasdfst I hasdfsve never heasdfsrd of before. I asdfslso leasdfsrn the different culture. I asdfsm so easdfsger to go to these plasdfsces asdfsnd hasdfsve asdfs look asdfst them. So I hasdfsve masdfsde up my mind, I will trasdfsvel to the plasdfsces thasdfst asdfsre asdfsround me first, asdfsnd then when I grow up, I will trasdfsvel further. This is my little dreasdfsm, it is asdfslso my motivasdfstion to study well.我很喜欢看书,最近,我爱上了旅行的书。



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onSelectRow : function(id) {



(19)中华人民共和国国家知识产权局(12)发明专利申请(10)申请公布号 (43)申请公布日 (21)申请号 202010207895.1(22)申请日 2020.03.23(71)申请人 中安云科科技发展(山东)有限公司地址 250000 山东省济南市历下区解放东路24号文博家园7号楼中部二层(72)发明人 刘磊 何彬 郑海森 滕靖国 郭家喜 (74)专利代理机构 济南誉丰专利代理事务所(普通合伙企业) 37240代理人 李茜(51)Int.Cl.H04L 9/14(2006.01)(54)发明名称使用SDF、SKF实现国密SSL协议的方法及系统(57)摘要本申请公开了一种使用SDF、SKF实现国密SSL协议的方法及系统,在OpenSSL中分别添加SM2密码算法、SM3密码算法、SM4密码算法和双证书体系国密TLSv1.1协议,并使得OpenSSL库支持所述SM2、SM3和SM4密码算法;通过所述SM2密码算法、SM3密码算法、SM4密码算法和双证书体系国密TLSv1.1协议对密码设备应用接口规范SDF 接口和智能密码钥匙密码应用接口规范SKF接口进行调用。



权利要求书2页 说明书6页 附图1页CN 111555881 A 2020.08.18C N 111555881A1.一种使用SDF、SKF实现国密SSL协议的方法,其特征在于,所述方法包括:在OpenSSL中分别添加SM2密码算法、SM3密码算法、SM4密码算法和双证书体系国密TLSv1.1协议,并使得OpenSSL库支持所述SM2、SM3和SM4密码算法;通过所述SM2密码算法、SM3密码算法、SM4密码算法和双证书体系国密TLSv1.1协议对密码设备应用接口规范SDF接口和智能密码钥匙密码应用接口规范SKF接口进行调用。

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