Legal Due Diligence Report 法律尽职调查报告



二、调查范围本次调查的范围包括但不限于以下内容:1. 公司背景调查:对所涉及公司的注册信息、股权结构、经营范围等进行调查,以了解公司的合法性和经营状况。
2. 合同及协议审查:对与所涉及交易或行为相关的合同、协议进行仔细审查与解读,以确保其合法有效,并评估可能的法律风险。
3. 法规遵从性评估:对所涉及行为是否符合相关法律法规进行评估,并查明存在的法律风险和合规隐患。
4. 知识产权调查:对所涉及公司的知识产权情况进行调查,包括专利、商标、版权等,以查明其合法性与有效性。
5. 诉讼与仲裁历史查询:查明所涉及公司是否参与过任何诉讼或仲裁案件,并评估潜在的法律风险。
6. 合规程序评估:评估所涉及公司的合规程序、内部控制制度等,以确定其是否符合法律要求。
7. 相关许可证与资质调查:对所涉及公司的相关许可证、资质进行调查核实,以确认其是否合法有效。
三、调查方法本次调查主要采用以下方法进行:1. 文件审查:对与所涉及交易或行为相关的文件进行仔细审查、解读和分析,包括但不限于合同、公开文件、报告等。
2. 数据库查询:通过访问公共和专业数据库,获取与调查相关的信息,如公司注册信息、行政许可信息等。
3. 面谈与调查:与相关当事人进行沟通、面谈,以获取关键信息和解答疑问。
4. 司法案例研究:通过研究相关的司法案例,了解类似案件的处理方式和法律适用。
四、调查结果根据本次法律尽职调查的调查方法和范围,得出以下调查结果:1. 公司背景调查:所涉及公司的注册信息完整且合法,股权结构清晰,经营范围符合相关法规。
2. 合同及协议审查:所涉及合同与协议合法有效,无违反法律规定之处,但存在一定的法律风险,建议在交易中加强风险防范。
3. 法规遵从性评估:所涉及行为在大部分方面符合法律法规,但在部分细节上存在合规隐患,建议加强合规管理。

法律尽职调查报告1. 背景介绍本报告是针对公司进行的法律尽职调查的结果汇报。
2. 调查目的通过对合作方的法律情况进行调查,我们的目标是确定以下几点:合作方的企业法律结构是否合规合作方是否存在法律纠纷或诉讼风险合作方是否拥有合适的知识产权保护措施合作方是否存在违反反垄断法或其他竞争法律的行为合作方是否存在违反金融或税收法规的风险3. 调查方法为了完成这项法律尽职调查,我们采取了以下方法:审查合作方的公司注册文件和章程,核实其法律实体的合规性和合法性。
4. 调查结果经过详细的调查和分析,我们得出以下:4.1 公司注册和合规性合作方的公司注册文件和章程符合当地的法律要求,其法律实体的合规性和合法性得到了确认。
4.2 知识产权保护合作方已经注册了相关的商标和专利,且采取了适当的保护措施来确保其知识产权的安全性。
4.3 金融和税收合规合作方的财务报告显示其遵守了金融和税收法规,并未发现任何违规行为。
4.4 法律诉讼和纠纷在过去五年内,合作方并未发生任何重大的法律诉讼或纠纷,其法律风险较低。
4.5 法律合规体系和控制措施合作方建立了一套完善的法律合规体系,并采取了适当的控制措施来确保员工的合规行为。
5. 与建议,根据我们的调查结果,合作方在法律风险和合规性方面表现良好。

法律尽职调查清单(中英文)IntroductionA legal due diligence is an essential step in any corporate transaction, including mergers and acquisitions, private equity investments, and lending deals. The objective of a legal due diligenceis to identify any legal risks associated with the target company and assess potential liabilities that could arise. To ensure a thorough and effective legal due diligence, the following checklist is recommended.前言法律尽职调查是企业交易中的重要步骤,包括并购、私募股权投资和贷款交易。
Legal Due Diligence ChecklistCorporate Informationpany Name and Legal Statuspany Registration Number and Registration Certificate3.Articles of Association and Bylaws4.Business Registration and Licenses5.Shareholding Structure and Capitalization6.Board of Directors and Key Management Personnel7.Financial Statements and Audit Reports8.Material Contracts and Agreements9.Litigation, Arbitration, and Regulatory Proceedings10.Related Party TransactionsIntellectual Property1.Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights2.Trade Secrets and Confidential Information3.Licenses and Agreements Related to Intellectual Property4.Litigation or Claims Related to Intellectual Property5.Ownership and Validity of Intellectual Property Rights6.Intellectual Property ValuationEmployment and Labor1.Employment Agreements and Contractspany Policies and Procedurespliance with Employment and Labor Laws4.Collective Bargaining Agreements and Trade Unions5.Employee Benefits and Compensation6.Litigation or Claims Related to Employment and Labor Matters Real Estate1.Title Deeds and Land Use Permits2.Ownership and Encumbrances on Land3.Leases and Agreements Related to Real Estatepliance with Zoning and Building Regulations5.Environmental and Health and Safety Matters6.Litigation or Claims Related to Real EstateRegulatory Compliance1.Licenses and Permits Required to Operate the Business2.Regulatory Framework for the Industry or Sectorpliance with Environmental, Health and Safety Regulationspliance with Data Privacy and Cybersecurity Regulationspliance with Anti-Bribery and Corruption Laws6.Litigation or Claims Related to Regulatory MattersTax Matters1.Corporate Tax Returns and Financial Statements2.Value Added Tax and other Sales Taxes3.Transfer Pricing and International Tax Matters4.Withholding Taxes and Double Taxation Treaties5.Tax Disputes and Settlements6.Employee Taxes and Social Security Contributions法律尽职调查清单(中文)公司信息1.公司名称和法律地位2.公司注册号和注册证书3.公司章程和规章制度4.工商注册和许可证5.股权结构和注册资本6.董事会和主要管理人员7.财务报表和审计报告8.重要合同和协议9.诉讼、仲裁和监管程序10.关联方交易知识产权1.专利、商标和版权2.商业秘密和保密信息3.与知识产权有关的许可和协议4.与知识产权有关的诉讼或索赔5.知识产权权利的所有权和有效性6.知识产权估值雇佣和劳动1.雇佣协议和合同2.公司政策和程序3.遵守雇佣和劳动法律法规4.集体谈判协议和工会5.员工福利和薪酬6.与雇佣和劳工事务有关的诉讼或索赔不动产1.土地使用许可证和房产所有权证2.土地所有权和限制3.与房地产有关的租赁和协议4.遵守土地规划和建筑法规5.环境、健康和安全事项6.与房地产有关的诉讼或索赔法规合规1.经营业务所需的许可证和证书2.所在行业或领域的法规框架3.遵守环境、健康和安全法规4.遵守数据隐私和网络安全法规5.遵守反贿赂和腐败法律6.与监管事项相关的诉讼或索赔税务事项1.公司税务申报和财务报表2.增值税和其他销售税3.转让定价和国际税务事项4.预扣税和双重征税协定5.税务争议和和解6.员工税费和社会保险费用ConclusionThe legal due diligence process is critical for identifying and assessing potential legal risks associated with a target company. This checklist provides a comprehensive guide for conducting an effective legal due diligence. It is important to note that every transaction is unique, and a customized due diligence approach may be necessary. This checklist serves as a starting point for a thorough legal due diligence.。

Legal Due Diligence Report(法律尽职调查报告)

[ ] CO., LTDProposed RTO and Financing on Over the Counter Bulletin BoardLegal Due Diligence Report[ ](the “Company”).the Company’s offshore holding company with an OTCBB shell company and financing (the “Project”).This Legal Due Diligence Report (this “Report”) is presented on the following bases:1. The information contained in this Report is primarily based on:(i) information and documentation supplied by the Company in response to the informationsought in the due diligence questionnaire and our further requests for supplemental information and documentation;(ii) discussions with the directors, management and staff of the Company;(iii) a search of the public records of the Company available for inspection at relevant PRC authorities in charge of administration for industry and commerce1;2. In reviewing the documentation supplied to, or obtained by, us we have assumed that:(i) all copies made from original documents are true and complete and that such originaldocuments are authentic and complete;(ii) all documents supplied to, or obtained by, us as originals are authentic and complete;(iii) all signatures appearing on documents supplied to, or obtained by, us as originals or copies of originals are genuine;(iv) the Company has the requisite corporate power to enter into all contractual arrangements to which it is a party and to perform its obligations thereunder;(v) all contractual documents have been duly authorised, executed and delivered by the parties thereto and constitute legally enforceable obligations of the parties under the laws of relevant jurisdictions;(vi) the Company has not passed a voluntary winding up resolution and that no petition has been presented to or order made by any court for the winding up or administration of the Company and that no receiver has been appointed in relation to the Company or any of its assets or revenue;(vii)the Company has drawn to our attention all matters relevant to our information requests.3. This Report is subject to the following qualifications:(i) we have not attempted independently to verify the authenticity and completeness of anyoriginal documents by contacting third parties;(ii)this Report does not of itself constitute a verification exercise;1 Such public records were provided to us by the Company.(iii) we are qualified to practice law only in the People’s Republic of China and we express no opinion as to any other laws;(iv) we have not investigated and have not attempted to comment on the commercial, financial ,technical or accounting implications of documents which have been supplied to, or obtained by, us or make any assessment of the current financial condition of the Company;(v) we have not investigated and make no comment on the adequacy of the Company’s insurance cover;(vi) this Report is by its nature a factual analysis and a legal review of the information supplied to us and should not be regarded as, or relied upon as being, a comprehensive or formal legal opinion concerning any matter referred to in it;(vii) we accept no responsibility whatsoever to update this Report for events or circumstances occurring after the date of this Report and cannot accept responsibility for information supplied to us by, or obtained by us from, third parties which may have become out of date at the date of this Report;(viii) this Report is not to be construed as advice on whether or not to proceed with the Project.Instead, regard should be had to a variety of other factors, commercial, financial, technical, accounting and otherwise, which come or should come, to the notice of the addressees of this Report by means other than legal due diligence;(ix) there can be no assurance that the information supplied to, or obtained by, us is complete or accurate in all respects or that there is no material information in relation to the Company of which we have not been made aware.The addressees of this Report should be aware that circumstances such as laws which are applicable in an insolvency, receivership, administration or creditors rights generally may affect the enforceability, performance or validity of agreements summarised in this Report.This Report makes fair disclosure of the legal matters which are referred to in it. However, we accept no responsibility whatsoever for any inaccuracy or incompleteness in this Report to the extent that any inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information and/or documentation on which we report would not be apparent from a careful and thorough appraisal of such information and documentation as it has been supplied to, or obtained by, us and reviewed and after appropriate enquiry arising therefrom.This Report is limited to the effect of the laws of the People’s Republic of China as they, and the facts bearing upon this Report, existed on the date of this Report. We expressly disclaim any obligation or undertaking to update or modify this Report as a consequence of any future changes in such laws or in any facts bearing upon this Report. Additionally, we have not investigated, and we do not express or imply any view or opinion on, or in respect of, the laws of any country other than the PRC, and we have assumed that no such other laws would affect the contents contained in this Report.This Report is addressed solely to you for your benefit and for the purpose of the Placing and Project. It should not be shown, communicated or disclosed to any other person nor relied upon by any other person or for any other purpose. It must not be quoted or referred to in any public document or filed with any person without our prior express written consent.Yours faithfullyCONTENTS1.Corporate matters 72.Licenses, approvals and regulation 123.Banking arrangements and borrowings 164.Contracts 185.Real Property 196.Directors, senior executives and other employees 207.Intellectual property 218.Litigation 229.Insurances 2310.Environmental 2411.Prize and Honour 25DefinitionsThe following definitions are used in this Report:In this Report, the phrase “we are informed” means we are informed by directors, management and staff of the Company, either verbally or in writing.References to Sections and Paragraphs are to sections and paragraphs of this Report.Executive summarySubject to those contents specified in the text of this Report, we hereby summarise our findings of the Company in the following aspects.Corporate mattersThe Company is properly set up and is complying with requirements under PRC law and its own constitution. According to the Articles of Association, the corporate governance of the Company, such as Shareholders’ Meeting and the Board of Directors, is in good standing.Banking arrangements and borrowingsBanking agreements are signed on ordinary commercial terms and the formalities are standard. The interests of the Company can be protected in accordance with the agreements. We are informed that the Company is not aware of any breach of such banking agreements. ContractsWe have reviewed the model contracts provided by the Company and found no non-compliance with laws and regulations of the PRC, and terms and conditions of such contracts are in usual form, and we found no unusual or adverse terms.Real PropertyThe certificates show that the real properties of the Company are duly registered.Intellectual propertyWe are informed that the Company has no ownership of registered intellectual property.LitigationWe are informed that the Company is not aware of any other litigations, prosecutions, disputes or other proceedings (whether current, pending or threatened) to which the Company is or may become a party. InsuranceWe are informed that the Company has vehicle traffic compulsive insurance for its vehicles. EnvironmentalWe are informed that the Company is not aware of any investigations, prosecutions, disputes, claims or other proceedings in respect of environmental protection, nor the Company has been punished or can foresee any punishment to be made by any environmental administration authorities of the PRC.1.Corporate matters1.1 Summary corporate details of the Company*Details of shareholding1.2Corporate history of the Company since 2000After our review of documents filed with [] State Administration of Industry and Commerce, we find corporate history of the company as follows:1)Establishment of [] Zhonglv Eco-technology Enterprise Stock Co., Ltdxx Development Co.,Ltd, [], [] Co.,Ltd, cc Technology Development Co., Ltd and [] Meiste Business & Trade Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “five shareholders”)applied to Xian Municipal Government for the examination and approval of Establishment of [] Zhonglv Eco-technology Enterprise Stock Co., Ltd on August 15,2000; With such approval, the five shareholders then applied to Xian Administration for Industry and Commerce (the “Local AIC”) for the establishment of [] Zhonglv Eco-technology Enterprise Stock Co., Ltd on 8 March 2001. The registered capital was RMB38,000,000. [] Jia He Certified Public Accountings LTD issued the capital verification report (document number: []) on 2 July 2001, certifying that as of 2 July 2001, [] Co., Ltd had received five shareholders’contributions.The shareholding structure was as follows:2)The change of the Company’s name in 2005In July 2005, the Company applied to change the name of the Company from [] Zhonglv Eco-technology Enterprise Stock Co., Ltd to [] Co., Ltd2. The Company had completed the alteration registration with the Local AIC.3)The share transfer of the Company in 20 January, 2006Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company approved the share transfer as of December 2005.And the Company had completed the alteration registration with the Local AIC in 20 January, 2006.After this share transfer, the shareholder’s contribution list was as follows:4)Share purchase of [] in 2006In May, 2006, the company purchased 50.2% shares of [] Co., Ltd, and on the same day, [] Co., Ltd altered its name into [] Co. Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “[]”); In June, 2006, the company purchased 21.05% shares of [] from [] Surea (Group) Co. Ltd,11.15% shares of [] from [] Qin Mei Food Co., Ltd, 8.75% shares of [] from []After this share transfer, the shareholding structure of the [] was as follows:5)The increase of the registered capital of the Company and share transfer of the Company in2006In 12 September 2006, the Company applied to increase the registered capital of the Company. The registered capital of the Company was increased from RMB[] to RMB[]. [] Xin Bei Fang Limited Account Firm issued the Capital Verification Report (document number: []), certifying that as of 6 September 2006, the Company had received the newly increased capital R[], and the total registered capital of the Company was RMB[].Simultaneously, [] Hede Venture Capital Management Co., Ltd subscribed 20,080,000 shares of the Company and became the shareholder of the Company, Li Yao subscribed 7,120,000 shares of the Company and became the shareholder of the Company, [] subscribed 6,010,000 shares of the Company by execution of first refusal right on the basis of ratio of shareholding, [] subscribed 5,928,000 shares of the Company by execution of first refusal right on the basis of ratio of shareholding, [] subscribed [] shares of the Company by execution of first refusal right on the basis of ratio of shareholding, Wang Jianjun subscribed 1,800,000 shares of company by execution of first refusal right on the basis of ratio of shareholding, Dong Sheng subscribed []shares of company by execution of first refusal right on the basis of ratio of shareholding, Cui Yuan subscribed [] shares of company by execution of first refusal right on the basis of ratio of shareholding and Liu Yagang subscribed 1,200,000 shares of company by execution of first refusal right on the basis of ratio of shareholding. Shareholders’ meeting approved this capital increase as of 18 August 2006.The Company had completed the alteration registration with the Local AIC.After this capital increase and share transfer, the shareholdstructurer’s contribution list of the Company was as follows:6)The share transfer of company in January, 2007In 12 January 2007, The Company applied to Local AIC for alteration registration with respect to shareholders and shareholding structure. This alteration registration had been completed.After this share transfer, the shareholders’ contribution list of the Company was as follows:7)The share transfer of company in September, 2007In 10 January, 2007, [] (“[]”),a company duly and legally incorporated in Vanuatu, and shareholders of the Company entered into share purchase agreement to the effect that [] purchased 22.818% shares of company from [] Hede Venture Capital Management Co.,Ltd,17.918% shares of company from [], 17.664% shares of company from [], 9.923% shares ofcompany from [], 9.567% shares of company from [] Ruicheng Business & Trade Co., Ltd,5.455% shares of company from [], 5.455% shares of company from [], 4.292% shares ofcompany from [], 3.636% shares of company from [] and 2.272% shares of company from [] Shareholders’Meeting approved this share transfer. In 3 September 2007, MOFCOM issued its approval (Shaang Zi Pi (2007) No.1175) as of this domestic enterprise merged by foreign investor, and then issued to the Company of Certificate of Approval for Establishment of Enterprises with Foreign Investment.After this share transfer, the shareholding structure of the Company was as follows:1.3Existence of the CompanyWe confirm in relation to the Company that:a)our search of its public records3 on file and available for inspection at []Administration for Industry and Commerce shows that it is a company dulyincorporated under the laws of the PRC and it is still in existence;b)our search of its public records4 on file and available for inspection at []Administration for Industry and Commerce reveals (1) no order or resolution for itswinding up; (2) no notice of appointment of a liquidator, administrator, receiver,administrative receiver, manager or other encumbrancer in respect of it, its businessor assets; and (3) no notice that it has entered into any voluntary arrangement orcomposition for the benefit of its creditors.1.4Registered Capital of the CompanyWe are informed that:a)there are no options, warrants or other rights to purchase, agreements or otherobligations to issue, or other rights to convert any obligations into equity stake orother securities or any interest in securities which are outstanding in respect of theCompany; andb)there are no contractual pre-emptive rights or rights of first refusal or rights of co-sale which relate to the equity stake of the Company.1.5Preferred StockNot applicable to the Company.1.6Options/WarrantsNot applicable to the Company.1.7Convertible debt or other securitiesNot applicable to the Company.3 Such records were provided by the Company.4 Such records were provided by the Company.2.Licenses, approvals and regulation2.1Existing licenses etc.The Company has the following licenses, permissions, authorizations, permits, registrations,consents and approvals in relation to its business, products and services:(i)Business License:See 1.1.(ii)Organization Code Certificate of the PRCSerial Number:Valid Period:Registration Number:(iii)Tax Registration CertificateState Taxation:Date of Issuance: 15 October 2007Local Taxation:Date of Issuance: 5 December 2007(iv)Certificate of Foreign Exchange RegistrationSerial Number:Date of Issuance:(v)Food Hygiene Permit CertificateCertificate No: [] Shi Wei Shi Zheng Zi (2007)No. 610100--0509Valid Term: Till 11 October 2011Issued by: Health Bureau of [] City(vi)Certificate for High and New Technology EnterpriseCertificate No:Issued by: Science & Technology Bureau of [] CityValid Term: Two Years from 26 December 2006(vii) Certificate for Qualification of Foreign Trade EnterpriseForeign Trade Enterprise Code:Registration No:Registration Date: 20 October 2006(viii) Registration Certificate of Declaration For Inspection & Quarantine On One’s Own Behalf And For One’s Own InterestsRegistration Number:Date Of Issuance: 10 November 2006Issued By: [] Department of Entry-Exist Inspection & Quarantine(ix)Membership Certificate of Commodity Bar Code SystemSerial Number:Manufacturer Identification Code:Date of Issuance: 25 October 2007Valid Term: Two years(x)Kosher CertificateDate of Issuance: December 09, 2007Product Scope: Kiwi Juice Concentrate; Pear Juice ConcentrateExpiration Date: September 30, 20082.2Existing licenses etc. for [] Modern Organic Agriculture Co., Ltd(i)Business License:Registration Number:Date of Issuance:Registered Capital:Registered Address:Legal Representative: [](ii)Organization Code Certificate of the PRCSerial Number:Valid Period: 28 June 2006 to 28 June 2010Registration Number:(iii)Tax Registration CertificateState Taxation:Issuing Date: 27 September 2006Local Taxation:Issuing Date: 29 September 2006(iv)Food Hygiene Permit CertificateCertificate No:Valid Term: From 28 July 2006 To 27 July 2010Issued by: [] Health Bureau(v)Foreign Trade Enterprise RegistrationForeign Trade Enterprise Code:Registration No:Registration Date: 22 August 2006(vi)Registration Certificate of Declaration For Inspection & Quarantine On One’s Own Behalf And For One’s Own InterestsRegistration Number:Date Of Issuance: 10 November 2006Issued By: [] Department of Entry-Exist Inspection and Quarantine (vii)Membership Certificate of Commodity Bar Code SystemSerial Number:Manufacturer Identification Code:Date of Issuance: 14 December 2006Valid Term: Two years(viii)Certificate Of Food Safety Management SystemRegistration Number: 4004H10386ROMProduct Scope: Kiwi Puree And Puree ConcentrateValid Until: 30 December 20072.3Existing Licenses of [] Branch of the Company(i)Business LicenseRegistration number:Date of Issuance: 16 September 2006Registered Address: Sanxu Village, Sanqu Town, [] County(ii)Organization Code Certificate of the PRCSerial Number:Valid Period: 27 September 2006 to 27 September 2010Registration Number: Zu Dai Guan 610423-000426(iii)Tax Registration CertificateState Taxation:Issuing Date: 11October 2006Local Taxation:Issuing Date: 21 November 2006(iv)Food Hygiene Permit CertificateCertificate No:Date of Issuance: 17 August 2006Issued by: Health Bureau of [] County(v)Certificate of Food Safety Management SystemRegistration No:Product Scope: The Production and Process of Clear Apple and PearJuices’ ConcentrateValid Until: 8 February 20102.4Existing Licenses of [] Branch of [](i)Business LicenseRegistration number:Date of Issuance: 26 May 2003Registered Address: Mazhao Town, [] County, [] City(ii)Organization Code Certificate of the PRCSerial Number:Valid Period: 19 October 2006 to 19 October 2010Registration Number: Zu Dai Guan 610124-001924-1(iii)Tax Registration CertificateState Taxation:Issuing Date: 16 November 2006Local Taxation: 1Issuing Date: 16 November 2006(iv)Food Hygiene Permit CertificateCertificate No:Date of Issuance: January 8, 2008Expiration date: January 8, 2009Issued by:(v)National Industry Product Manufacture PermitCertificate Number:Product Name: Drink (Fruit (Vegetable) Juice & Fruit (Vegetable) JuiceDrink, Milk contained Drink & Vegetable Protein Drink) Issuance date: August 21, 2007Expiration Date:Issued By: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspectionand Quarantine2.5BreachesWe are informed that the Company is not aware of any breach of, or non-compliance with, the terms of its licenses, approvals etc or of any notices of failure to remedy any such breach or non-compliance or of any circumstances which would or might give rise to any claims in relation thereto.2.6InvestigationsWe are informed that the Company is not aware of any actual or threatened inspections or investigations or any alleged violations concerning its licenses, approvals etc or otherwise.3.Banking arrangements and borrowings3.1 Loan agreements and banking facilitiesThe terms and conditions of the following agreements are within industry standards.The following circular is within standard arrangement.RMB [] million Loan Agreement ;RMB [] million Trade Finance Line Agreement ;Mortgage AgreementCircular of Establishment of Special Account for Fiduciary Export Rebate (the “Special Account”)Code of RMB []million Loan Agreement: Jian Shaan Kai Loan [2007] No.038Lender: []Borrower: the CompanyTerm: August 10, 2007 to June 7, 2008Amount: RMB 10 millionPurpose: working capitalAnnual Interest rate: 7.542%Code of RMB [] million Trade Finance Agreement: []Lender: China Construction Bank, [] Hi-tech Development Zone BranchBorrower: the CompanyTerm: []Maximum Amount Provided by the Lender: []Form of Loan: Trade Finance Loan with a Maximum AmountThe Mortgage AgreementCode of Mortgage Agreement: []Mortgagee: []Mortgagor: the CompanyForm of Mortgage: Mortgage for a Maximum amountMaximum amount under provided by the Mortgagor: RMB26millionTerm: []Mortgaged Assets:(a): the land use right of the Company. The land use right certificate is [], anduncompleted construction work on the piece of land.(b):Imported production line from Italy. The Import Certificate for the production lineis [].Circular of Establishment of Special Account for Fiduciary Export RebateIssued By: []Date of Issuance: []Beneficiary: []Content: Without Beneficiary’s Authority, this Special Account Shall Be Subject to No Alteration As of Date of Issuance.3.2 Charges and other securityWe are informed that except for the agreements mentioned in the above 3.1, there are no outstanding securities outstanding provided by the Company.3.3 Loans by the CompanyNone.3.4 Early repayment or breachW e are informed that no notice requiring repayment of any borrowings of theCompany has been served and that there has been no breach of any covenant contained in any charge, debenture or guarantee, loan agreement, facility letter or similardocument..4.Contracts4.1 Sales` ContractWe have examined model sales contract of the company and we do not find any special terms and conditions that may cause the Company to afford special obligations or be liable for any special responsibilities. We are of the opinion that the said models are in ordinary terms and conditions and are in compliance of the PRC laws and regulations.4.2 Purchase ContractWe are informed that [] and local farmers have entered into many kiwi fruit purchase agreements. Based on our examination of model kiwi purchase agreement, we have not found any special terms and conditions that may cause the Company to afford special obligations or be liable for any special responsibilities. We are of the opinion that the said models are in ordinary terms and conditions and are in compliance of the PRC laws and regulations.5.Real Property5.1.The Company has the following Rights on real property rights:(i)State Owned Land Use Right CertificateCertificate Number: []Issuing Authority: J[]User’s Name: the CompanyDate of Issuance: 9 April 2007Location: Dangjiaqiao Village, Sanqu Town, [] CountyPurpose ofLand Use Right: industrial usageExpiry Date: 27 December 2056Acreage: 34476.04 square metersType of Use Right: grantedMortgage on the land use right: see above 3.1(ii)State Owned Land Use Right CertificateCertificate Number: []Issuing Authority: []User’s Name: []Date of Issuance: 15 November 2007Expiration Date: 14 November 2048Acreage: 34335.05 square metersType of Use Right: granted5.2.The Company has entered into the following building lease contract:Building Lease Contract executed with [] on 1 July 2007, whereby cc leased a building (area: 300.24 m2) to the Company for office usage with a valid period from 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008.The yearly rent is RMB126100.8.The location is: []6.Directors, senior executives and other employees6.1.Directors of the Company56.2.Senior Executives of the Company6.3.Standard employee documentationWe have been provided with a copy of a sample of the Company’s standard terms and conditions of employment. We do not find anything contained in these standard terms and conditions being in violation of any PRC laws or regulations.6.4.Trade UnionWe are informed that there is no Trade Union or entities of the like nature in the Company.5 Such information is based on a summary provided to us by the Company.7.Intellectual propertyThe Company and its subsidiaries have the following intellectual property:7.1Notice for Acceptance of Registration ApplicationApplication No: []Co-applicant: the CompanyApplication Date: 4 November 2005Issued by Trademark Office, State Administration for Industry and Commerce Date of Issuance: 17 February 20067.2Notice for Acceptance of Registration ApplicationApplication No: 5000010Co-applicant: the CompanyApplication Date: 14 November 2005Issued by Trademark Office, State Administration for Industry and Commerce Date of Issuance: 3 March 20068.LitigationWe are informed that the Company is not aware of any litigation, prosecution, dispute or proceeding (whether current, pending or threatened) to which the Company is or may become a party.9.InsurancesThe Company has effected vehicle compulsive insurances for its seven motor vehicles. We have reviewed the insurance policy, and we are of the opinion that such policy is a standard contract.10.EnvironmentalEnvironment Monitoring ReportSerials Number: []Date of Issuance: 8 September 2007Conducted by: [] Environment Monitoring StationWe are informed that the Company is not aware of any investigations, prosecutions, disputes, claims or other proceedings in respect of environmental protection, nor the Company has been punished or can foresee any punishment to be made by any environmental administration authorities of the PRC.11.Prize and Honour11.1Certificate Of 2005- 2006 Excellent Leadership Enterprise Of National Food Industry Date of Issuance: November, 2006Issued By: China Food Industry AssociationIssued To: The Company11.2Certificate Of Excellent Leadership Enterprise Of [] Agriculture Industry Management Valid Term: 1 December 2006 to 1 December 2008Issued By: [] Agriculture BurearIssued To: []11.3Certificate Of Observance Of Contractual Obligations And Good CreditDate of Issuance: 9 January 2007Valid Term: One YearIssued By: [] SAICIssued To: The Company11.4Certificate Of Membership Of China Chamber Of Commerce For Import & Export OfFoodstuffs, Native Produce & Animal By-ProductsSerial Number: []Date of Issuance: 14 August 2007Issued By: China Chamber Of Commerce For Import & Export OfFoodstuffs, Native Produce & Animal By-Products Issued To: The Company。

法律尽职调查报告综合版1. 背景本报告旨在对相关法律尽职调查的结果进行综合评估和总结。
2. 调查方法在进行法律尽职调查过程中,我们采用了以下方法:- 收集和审查相关文件:依据提供的文件清单,我们收集了目标主体的注册文件、合同、财务报表等文件,并对其进行详细审查和分析。
- 实地勘查:我们对目标主体所属的场所进行了实地勘查,以了解其运营状况、资产状况和环境情况。
- 口头询问:我们对目标主体的相关人员进行了面谈,以获取更深入的信息并了解其经营活动和法律合规情况。
- 法律研究:我们对目标主体所涉及的相关法律进行了综合研究,以确定其符合法律要求的程度。
3. 调查结果基于以上的调查方法和分析,我们得出以下结论:- 目标主体合法性:目标主体的注册文件和相关证照齐全,并未发现其存在重大违法行为或非法经营情况。
- 合同合规性:目标主体的合同文件符合法律规定,并未发现存在重大违约或合同漏洞的情况。
- 财务状况:目标主体的财务报表显示其经营状况良好,资产负债表和利润表均符合财务要求,并未发现存在重大的财务风险。
- 环境合规性:目标主体所属的场所经过实地勘查,环境状况符合相关环境保护法规的要求。
4. 风险评估基于对调查结果的综合分析,我们对目标主体的法律风险作出如下评估:- 法律风险评估:目标主体存在一定的法律风险,但风险程度较低,整体符合业界常规水平。
- 潜在问题评估:目标主体存在一些潜在问题,但问题较小且可解决,对经营活动和合规性影响较小。
5. 结论通过本次综合法律尽职调查,我们对目标主体的合法性、合同合规性、财务状况和环境合规性进行了全面评估和分析。

(二)股权结构1、被调查对象名称的股权结构如下:|股东姓名/名称|持股比例|出资方式||||||股东 1 姓名/名称|持股比例 1|出资方式 1||股东 2 姓名/名称|持股比例 2|出资方式 2|||||2、股权不存在质押、冻结等权利限制情形。
三、业务经营(一)资质许可1、被调查对象名称从事的业务需要取得相关资质许可名称 1、相关资质许可名称 2等资质许可。


1. 公司合规性。
2. 项目土地使用权。
3. 债务及诉讼情况。
4. 知识产权。
5. 税务及财务情况。
经过全面的调查,确认了以下情况:1. 公司的合法性和合规性得到了确认,不存在违法违规情况。
2. 项目土地使用权证明齐全,土地使用权合法有效。
3. 公司债务情况良好,不存在重大债务纠纷和未决诉讼。
4. 公司的知识产权得到了有效保护,不存在侵权或被侵权情况。
5. 公司的税务和财务情况良好,纳税合规,财务状况稳健。
1. 公司相关证照复印件。


下面列举三个法律尽职调查报告案例:1. 2007年,一家名为Century Aluminum的公司决定购买Glencore公司的一家铝业务。
2. 2014年,私募股权公司Thomas H. Lee Partners宣布购买物流公司CTC公司的大部分股份。
Thomas H. Lee Partners考虑了这些风险并决定继续交易,但与此同时,他们采取了一些措施来协调风险。
3. 2019年,日本股份公司SoftBank宣布以23亿美元收购印度电商创业公司Flipkart的控股权。

法律尽职调查报告法律尽职调查报告引言法律尽职调查(Legal Due Diligence)是在商业交易中非常重要的一项工作。
一、公司背景信息1. 公司名称:[公司名称]2. 成立日期:[成立日期]3. 公司类型:[公司类型]4. 公司注册地址:[注册地址]5. 主要经营活动:[主要经营活动]二、法律调查范围本次法律尽职调查主要关注以下方面:1. 公司的法律合规性,包括其合法性和合规性。
2. 公司是否存在未解决的法律争议。
3. 公司的知识产权情况,包括商标、专利和版权等。
4. 公司的合同和协议情况,包括与供应商、客户、员工之间的协议等。
三、公司法律合规性评估1. 公司注册信息根据公司注册文件和相关法律文件,公司在成立时的注册信息是否合法、准确,并且是否与现实情况一致。
2. 公司组织结构评估公司的组织结构以确定其是否符合国家和地区的法律要求。
3. 公司证照和许可核实公司是否获得了正当的许可和证照,并且这些许可和证照是否仍然有效。
4. 公司经营活动合规性评估公司业务活动是否符合适用的法律法规,包括行业监管要求、环境保护等方面的合规性。
四、法律争议调查1. 诉讼及仲裁调查公司是否涉及未解决的诉讼案件或仲裁案件,包括与供应商、客户、员工等方面的纠纷。
2. 知识产权纠纷评估公司是否存在与知识产权相关的纠纷,包括与他人的专利、商标、版权等权益的冲突。
3. 合同纠纷调查公司是否存在与合同和协议相关的纠纷,包括与供应商、客户、员工之间的合同纠纷。
五、知识产权调查1. 商标核实公司是否注册了相关商标,并评估其注册商标的合法性和有效性。
2. 专利调查公司是否拥有专利,并评估其专利的合法性和有效性。
3. 版权核实公司是否拥有版权,并评估其版权的合法性和有效性。

公司法律风险调查报告范文Legal Due Diligence Investigation Report Template.Executive Summary.The purpose of this legal due diligence investigation report is to provide a comprehensive review of the target company's legal and regulatory compliance. The report includes an analysis of the target company's corporate structure, ownership, filings, contracts, and other relevant documents. The report also includes an assessment of the target company's compliance with applicable laws and regulations.The legal due diligence investigation was conducted in accordance with industry best practices and applicablelegal requirements. The investigation was conducted by a team of experienced legal professionals with expertise in corporate law, securities law, and regulatory compliance.The findings of the legal due diligence investigation are summarized below:The target company is a Delaware corporation in good standing.The target company has no outstanding liens or judgments against it.The target company is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.The target company has a strong legal and regulatory compliance program in place.Based on the findings of the legal due diligence investigation, the target company is a good investment opportunity. The target company has a strong legal and regulatory compliance program in place, and it is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.Detailed Findings.The following is a detailed summary of the findings of the legal due diligence investigation:Corporate Structure: The target company is a Delaware corporation in good standing. The target company has a single class of common stock outstanding. The target company's authorized share capital is 10,000,000 shares. The target company has issued and outstanding 5,000,000 shares of common stock.Ownership: The target company is owned by a group of individual investors. The largest shareholder of the target company is John Smith, who owns 25% of the outstanding shares of common stock.Filings: The target company is current on all of its filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The target company has filed all required annual reports, quarterly reports, and proxy statements.Contracts: The target company has reviewed all of itsmaterial contracts. The target company has identified no material breaches of its contracts.Other Relevant Documents: The target company has provided all of the other relevant documents requested by the legal due diligence team. The legal due diligence team has reviewed these documents and has identified no material issues.Compliance with Laws and Regulations: The target company has reviewed all of its operations to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. The target company has identified no material violations of any laws or regulations.Assessment of Legal and Regulatory Compliance Program.The target company has a strong legal and regulatory compliance program in place. The program is designed to ensure that the target company complies with all applicable laws and regulations. The program includes the following components:A code of conduct that sets forth the target company's ethical standards and compliance requirements.A compliance committee that is responsible for overseeing the target company's compliance program.A team of compliance officers who are responsible for implementing and enforcing the target company's compliance program.A training program that educates the target company's employees about their compliance obligations.A system of internal audits that reviews the target company's compliance program and identifies any areas for improvement.The legal due diligence team has reviewed the target company's legal and regulatory compliance program and has concluded that it is well-designed and effective. The program is comprehensive and covers all of the targetcompany's operations. The program is also well-implemented and enforced. The target company has a team of experienced compliance professionals who are committed to ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.Conclusion.The legal due diligence investigation has concluded that the target company is a good investment opportunity. The target company has a strong legal and regulatory compliance program in place, and it is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.中文回答:执行摘要。

针对物流公司的法律尽职调查报告范文When conducting a legal due diligence investigation for a logistics company, it is crucial to ensure comprehensive coverage of all relevant legal aspects. In this report, we will assess the key areas that require attention in orderto provide a thorough overview of the company's compliance with applicable laws and regulations.1. Corporate Governance:The first aspect to consider is the company's corporate governance structure. This involves examining the company's articles of association, bylaws, shareholder agreements,and applicable corporate laws and regulations. Additionally, it is important to evaluate the composition and independence of the board of directors, as well as any conflicts of interest among key shareholders or executives.(公司治理方面:首先需要考虑的是公司的治理结构。

一、尽职调查报告的定义尽职调查报告(due diligence report),是指企业在进行重大商业决策前,通过对所涉及的人员、机构、资产、合同、知识产权等进行全方位、深入、细致的调查分析,为决策者提供详细的商业决策资料和评估意见的文件。
【有关法律尽职调查的心得】 尽职调查报告

【有关法律尽职调查的心得】尽职调查报告法律尽职调查(due diligence),又叫审慎调查,其广泛运用于非诉业务中。

法律尽职调查报告法律尽职调查报告1. 引言本报告旨在对相关法律事务进行尽职调查,为相关方提供详尽而准确的法律评估和建议。
2. 调查目的本调查旨在评估涉及的法律事务的合规性、风险和潜在的法律隐患。
3. 调查方法本次调查采用了综合性的方法,包括但不限于以下步骤:1. 收集相关的法律文件、合同、协议和其他凭证;2. 对文件进行细致的研究和分析;3. 面访相关当事人,了解情况,并核实相关资料;4. 进行现场实地调查(如有必要);5. 对收集到的资料进行归纳、分析和。
4. 调查结果4.1 法律合规性评估经过对相关法律文件的细致研究和分析,我们对涉及的法律事务进行了评估,并得出以下结论:大部分合同和协议符合法律要求,具备合法性和有效性;存在少数合同和协议与相关法律规定不完全一致,需进行修改和补充;部分合同和协议存在合同条款不明确、不完整等问题,需要修订。
4.2 法律风险评估通过对相关文件的详细研究和与当事人的面访,我们对涉及的法律风险进行了评估,并得出以下结论:涉及的法律事务存在潜在的法律风险和隐患;某些风险等级较低,但仍需注意;某些风险等级较高,需要采取相应的预防和解决措施。
4.3 法律建议和解决方案基于对调查结果的分析,我们提出了以下法律建议和解决方案:对于合规性问题,建议对不符合法律要求的合同和协议进行修改和补充,以确保合法性和有效性;对于风险评估较高的问题,建议制定相应的风险管理计划,并采取必要的措施降低风险;针对存在的风险隐患,建议制定应急预案,以应对可能发生的法律纠纷。
5. 结论本法律尽职调查报告对涉及的法律事务进行了全面的调查和分析,旨在提供详尽而准确的法律评估和建议。
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[ ] CO., LTDProposed RTO and Financing on Over the Counter Bulletin BoardLegal Due Diligence Report[], [] Province,From:Date: [ ], 2007Re: Legal Due Diligence Report of [] XX LtdDear SirsWe have been instructed as solicitors to[ ](the “Company”).We present our legal due diligence report on the Company in connection with the proposed RTO of the Company’s offshore holding company with an OTCBB shell company and financing (the “Project”).This Legal Due Diligence Report (this “Report”) is presented on the following bases:1. The information contained in this Report is primarily based on:(i) information and documentation supplied by the Company in response to the informationsought in the due diligence questionnaire and our further requests for supplemental information and documentation;(ii) discussions with the directors, management and staff of the Company;(iii) a search of the public records of the Company available for inspection at relevant PRC authorities in charge of administration for industry and commerce1;2. In reviewing the documentation supplied to, or obtained by, us we have assumed that:(i) all copies made from original documents are true and complete and that such originaldocuments are authentic and complete;(ii) all documents supplied to, or obtained by, us as originals are authentic and complete;(iii) all signatures appearing on documents supplied to, or obtained by, us as originals or copies of originals are genuine;(iv) the Company has the requisite corporate power to enter into all contractual arrangements to which it is a party and to perform its obligations thereunder;1 Such public records were provided to us by the Company.(v) all contractual documents have been duly authorised, executed and delivered by the parties thereto and constitute legally enforceable obligations of the parties under the laws of relevant jurisdictions;(vi) the Company has not passed a voluntary winding up resolution and that no petition has been presented to or order made by any court for the winding up or administration of the Company and that no receiver has been appointed in relation to the Company or any of its assets or revenue;(vii)the Company has drawn to our attention all matters relevant to our information requests.3. This Report is subject to the following qualifications:(i) we have not attempted independently to verify the authenticity and completeness of anyoriginal documents by contacting third parties;(ii)this Report does not of itself constitute a verification exercise;(iii) we are qualified to practice law only in the People’s Republic of China and we express no opinion as to any other laws;(iv) we have not investigated and have not attempted to comment on the commercial, financial ,technical or accounting implications of documents which have been supplied to, or obtained by, us or make any assessment of the current financial condition of the Company;(v) we have not investigated and make no comment on the adequacy of the Company’s insurance cover;(vi) this Report is by its nature a factual analysis and a legal review of the information supplied to us and should not be regarded as, or relied upon as being, a comprehensive or formal legal opinion concerning any matter referred to in it;(vii) we accept no responsibility whatsoever to update this Report for events or circumstances occurring after the date of this Report and cannot accept responsibility for information supplied to us by, or obtained by us from, third parties which may have become out of date at the date of this Report;(viii) this Report is not to be construed as advice on whether or not to proceed with the Project.Instead, regard should be had to a variety of other factors, commercial, financial, technical, accounting and otherwise, which come or should come, to the notice of the addressees of this Report by means other than legal due diligence;(ix) there can be no assurance that the information supplied to, or obtained by, us is complete or accurate in all respects or that there is no material information in relation to the Company of which we have not been made aware.The addressees of this Report should be aware that circumstances such as laws which are applicable in an insolvency, receivership, administration or creditors rights generally may affect the enforceability, performance or validity of agreements summarised in this Report.This Report makes fair disclosure of the legal matters which are referred to in it. However, we accept no responsibility whatsoever for any inaccuracy or incompleteness in this Report to the extent that any inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information and/or documentation on which we report would notbe apparent from a careful and thorough appraisal of such information and documentation as it has been supplied to, or obtained by, us and reviewed and after appropriate enquiry arising therefrom. This Report is limited to the effect of the laws of the People’s Republic of China as they, and the facts bearing upon this Report, existed on the date of this Report. We expressly disclaim any obligation or undertaking to update or modify this Report as a consequence of any future changes in such laws or in any facts bearing upon this Report. Additionally, we have not investigated, and we do not express or imply any view or opinion on, or in respect of, the laws of any country other than the PRC, and we have assumed that no such other laws would affect the contents contained in this Report.This Report is addressed solely to you for your benefit and for the purpose of the Placing and Project. It should not be shown, communicated or disclosed to any other person nor relied upon by any other person or for any other purpose. It must not be quoted or referred to in any public document or filed with any person without our prior express written consent.Yours faithfullyCONTENTS1.Corporate matters 82.Licenses, approvals and regulation 133.Banking arrangements and borrowings 174.Contracts 195.Real Property 206.Directors, senior executives and other employees 217.Intellectual property 228.Litigation 239.Insurances 2410.Environmental 2511.Prize and Honour 26DefinitionsThe following definitions are used in this Report:In this Report, the phrase “we are informed” means we are informed by directors, management and staff of the Company, either verbally or in writing.References to Sections and Paragraphs are to sections and paragraphs of this Report.Executive summarySubject to those contents specified in the text of this Report, we hereby summarise our findings of the Company in the following aspects.Corporate mattersThe Company is properly set up and is complying with requirements under PRC law and its own constitution. According to the Articles of Association, the corporate governance of the Company, such as Shareholders’ Meeting and the Board of Directors, is in good standing.Banking arrangements and borrowingsBanking agreements are signed on ordinary commercial terms and the formalities are standard. The interests of the Company can be protected in accordance with the agreements. We are informed that the Company is not aware of any breach of such banking agreements. ContractsWe have reviewed the model contracts provided by the Company and found no non-compliance with laws and regulations of the PRC, and terms and conditions of such contracts are in usual form, and we found no unusual or adverse terms.Real PropertyThe certificates show that the real properties of the Company are duly registered.Intellectual propertyWe are informed that the Company has no ownership of registered intellectual property.LitigationWe are informed that the Company is not aware of any other litigations, prosecutions, disputes or other proceedings (whether current, pending or threatened) to which the Company is or may become a party. InsuranceWe are informed that the Company has vehicle traffic compulsive insurance for its vehicles. EnvironmentalWe are informed that the Company is not aware of any investigations, prosecutions, disputes, claims or other proceedings in respect of environmental protection, nor the Company has been punished or can foresee any punishment to be made by any environmental administration authorities of the PRC.1.Corporate matters1.1 Summary corporate details of the Company*Details of shareholding1.2Corporate history of the Company since 2000After our review of documents filed with [] State Administration of Industry and Commerce, we find corporate history of the company as follows:1)Establishment of [] Zhonglv Eco-technology Enterprise Stock Co., LtdXX Co.,Ltd, [], [] Co.,Ltd, XX Co., Ltd and [] Meiste Business & Trade Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “five shareholders”)applied to Xian Municipal Government for the examination and approval of Establishment of [] Zhonglv Eco-technology Enterprise Stock Co., Ltd on August 15,2000; With such approval, the five shareholders then applied to Xian Administration for Industry and Commerce (the “Local AIC”) for the establishment of [] Zhonglv Eco-technology Enterprise Stock Co., Ltd on 8 March 2001. The registered capital was RMB38,000,000. [] Jia He Certified Public Accountings LTD issued the capital verification report (document number: []) on 2 July 2001, certifying that as of 2 July 2001, [] Co., Ltd had received five shareholders’ contributions.The shareholding structure was as follows:2)The change of the Company’s name in 2005In July 2005, the Company applied to change the name of the Company from [] Zhonglv Eco-technology Enterprise Stock Co., Ltd to [] Co., Ltd2. The Company had completed the alteration registration with the Local AIC.3)The share transfer of the Company in 20 January, 2006Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company approved the share transfer as of December 2005.And the Company had completed the alteration registration with the Local AIC in 20 January, 2006.After this share transfer, the shareholder’s contribution list was as follows:4)Share purchase of [] in 2006In May, 2006, the company purchased 50.2% shares of [] Co., Ltd, and on the same day, [] Co., Ltd altered its name into [] Co. Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “[]”); In June, 2006, the company purchased 21.05% shares of [] from [] Surea (Group) Co. Ltd,11.15% shares of [] from [] Qin Mei Food Co., Ltd, 8.75% shares of [] from []After this share transfer, the shareholding structure of the [] was as follows:5)The increase of the registered capital of the Company and share transfer of the Company in2006In 12 September 2006, the Company applied to increase the registered capital of the Company. The registered capital of the Company was increased from RMB[] to RMB[]. [] Xin Bei Fang Limited Account Firm issued the Capital Verification Report (document number: []), certifying that as of 6 September 2006, the Company had received the newly increased capital R[], and the total registered capital of the Company was RMB[].Simultaneously, [] Hede Venture Capital Management Co., Ltd subscribed 20,080,000 shares of the Company and became the shareholder of the Company, Li Yao subscribed 7,120,000 shares of the Company and became the shareholder of the Company, [] subscribed 6,010,000 shares of the Company by execution of first refusal right on the basis of ratio of shareholding, [] subscribed 5,928,000 shares of the Company by execution of first refusal right on the basis of ratio of shareholding, [] subscribed [] shares of the Company by execution of first refusal right on the basis of ratio of shareholding, Wang Jianjun subscribed 1,800,000 shares of company by execution of first refusal right on the basis of ratio of shareholding, Dong Sheng subscribed []shares of company by execution of first refusal right on the basis of ratio of shareholding, Cui Yuan subscribed [] shares of company by execution of first refusal right on the basis of ratio of shareholding and Liu Yagang subscribed 1,200,000 shares of company by execution of first refusal right on the basis of ratio of shareholding. Shareholders’ meeting approved this capital increase as of 18 August 2006.The Company had completed the alteration registration with the Local AIC.After this capital increase and share transfer, the shareholdstructurer’s contribution list of the Company was as follows:6)The share transfer of company in January, 2007In 12 January 2007, The Company applied to Local AIC for alteration registration with respect to shareholders and shareholding structure. This alteration registration had been completed.After this share transfer, the shareholders’ contribution list of the Company was as follows:7)The share transfer of company in September, 2007In 10 January, 2007, [] (“[]”),a company duly and legally incorporated in Vanuatu, and shareholders of the Company entered into share purchase agreement to the effect that [] purchased 22.818% shares of company from [] Hede Venture Capital Management Co.,Ltd,17.918% shares of company from [], 17.664% shares of company from [], 9.923% shares ofcompany from [], 9.567% shares of company from [] Ruicheng Business & Trade Co., Ltd,5.455% shares of company from [], 5.455% shares of company from [], 4.292% shares ofcompany from [], 3.636% shares of company from [] and 2.272% shares of company from [] Shareholders’Meeting approved this share transfer. In 3 September 2007, MOFCOM issued its approval (Shaang Zi Pi (2007) No.1175) as of this domestic enterprise merged by foreign investor, and then issued to the Company of Certificate of Approval for Establishment of Enterprises with Foreign Investment.After this share transfer, the shareholding structure of the Company was as follows:1.3Existence of the CompanyWe confirm in relation to the Company that:a)our search of its public records3 on file and available for inspection at []Administration for Industry and Commerce shows that it is a company dulyincorporated under the laws of the PRC and it is still in existence;b)our search of its public records4 on file and available for inspection at []Administration for Industry and Commerce reveals (1) no order or resolution for itswinding up; (2) no notice of appointment of a liquidator, administrator, receiver,administrative receiver, manager or other encumbrancer in respect of it, its businessor assets; and (3) no notice that it has entered into any voluntary arrangement orcomposition for the benefit of its creditors.1.4Registered Capital of the CompanyWe are informed that:a)there are no options, warrants or other rights to purchase, agreements or otherobligations to issue, or other rights to convert any obligations into equity stake orother securities or any interest in securities which are outstanding in respect of theCompany; andb)there are no contractual pre-emptive rights or rights of first refusal or rights of co-sale which relate to the equity stake of the Company.1.5Preferred StockNot applicable to the Company.1.6Options/WarrantsNot applicable to the Company.1.7Convertible debt or other securitiesNot applicable to the Company.3 Such records were provided by the Company.4 Such records were provided by the Company.2.Licenses, approvals and regulation2.1Existing licenses etc.The Company has the following licenses, permissions, authorizations, permits, registrations,consents and approvals in relation to its business, products and services:(i)Business License:See 1.1.(ii)Organization Code Certificate of the PRCSerial Number:Valid Period:Registration Number:(iii)Tax Registration CertificateState Taxation:Date of Issuance: 15 October 2007Local Taxation:Date of Issuance: 5 December 2007(iv)Certificate of Foreign Exchange RegistrationSerial Number:Date of Issuance:(v)Food Hygiene Permit CertificateCertificate No: []Valid Term:Issued by:(vi)Certificate for High and New Technology EnterpriseCertificate No:Issued by:Valid Term: Two Years from 26 December 2006(vii) Certificate for Qualification of Foreign Trade EnterpriseForeign Trade Enterprise Code:Registration No:Registration Date: 20 October 2006(viii) Registration Certificate of Declaration For Inspection & Quarantine On One’s Own Behalf And For One’s Own InterestsRegistration Number:Date Of Issuance: 10 November 2006Issued By: [] Department of Entry-Exist Inspection & Quarantine(ix)Membership Certificate of Commodity Bar Code SystemSerial Number:Manufacturer Identification Code:Date of Issuance: 25 October 2007Valid Term: Two years(x)Kosher CertificateDate of Issuance: December 09, 2007Product Scope:Expiration Date: September 30, 20082.2Existing licenses etc. for [] Modern Organic Agriculture Co., Ltd(i)Business License:Registration Number:Date of Issuance:Registered Capital:Registered Address:Legal Representative: [](ii)Organization Code Certificate of the PRCSerial Number:Valid Period: 28 June 2006 to 28 June 2010Registration Number:(iii)Tax Registration CertificateState Taxation:Issuing Date: 27 September 2006Local Taxation:Issuing Date: 29 September 2006(iv)Food Hygiene Permit CertificateCertificate No:Valid Term: From 28 July 2006 To 27 July 2010Issued by: [] Health Bureau(v)Foreign Trade Enterprise RegistrationForeign Trade Enterprise Code:Registration No:Registration Date: 22 August 2006(vi)Registration Certificate of Declaration For Inspection & Quarantine On One’s Own Behalf And For One’s Own InterestsRegistration Number:Date Of Issuance: 10 November 2006Issued By: [] Department of Entry-Exist Inspection and Quarantine (vii)Membership Certificate of Commodity Bar Code SystemSerial Number:Manufacturer Identification Code:Date of Issuance: 14 December 2006Valid Term: Two years(viii)Certificate Of Food Safety Management SystemRegistration Number:Product Scope:Valid Until: 30 December 20072.3Existing Licenses of [] Branch of the Company(i)Business LicenseRegistration number:Date of Issuance: 16 September 2006Registered Address:(ii)Organization Code Certificate of the PRCSerial Number:Valid Period: 27 September 2006 to 27 September 2010Registration Number:(iii)Tax Registration CertificateState Taxation:Issuing Date: 11October 2006Local Taxation:Issuing Date: 21 November 2006(iv)Food Hygiene Permit CertificateCertificate No:Date of Issuance: 17 August 2006Issued by: Health Bureau of [] County(v)Certificate of Food Safety Management SystemRegistration No:Product Scope:2.4Existing Licenses of [] Branch of [](i)Business LicenseRegistration number:Date of Issuance: 26 May 2003Registered Address:(ii)Organization Code Certificate of the PRCSerial Number:Valid Period: 19 October 2006 to 19 October 2010Registration Number:(iii)Tax Registration CertificateState Taxation:Issuing Date: 16 November 2006Local Taxation: 1Issuing Date: 16 November 2006(iv)Food Hygiene Permit CertificateCertificate No:Date of Issuance: January 8, 2008Expiration date: January 8, 2009Issued by:(v)National Industry Product Manufacture PermitCertificate Number:Product Name:Issuance date: August 21, 2007Expiration Date:Issued By: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspectionand Quarantine2.5BreachesWe are informed that the Company is not aware of any breach of, or non-compliance with, the terms of its licenses, approvals etc or of any notices of failure to remedy any such breach or non-compliance or of any circumstances which would or might give rise to any claims in relation thereto.2.6InvestigationsWe are informed that the Company is not aware of any actual or threatened inspections or investigations or any alleged violations concerning its licenses, approvals etc or otherwise.3.Banking arrangements and borrowings3.1 Loan agreements and banking facilitiesThe terms and conditions of the following agreements are within industry standards.The following circular is within standard arrangement.RMB [] million Loan Agreement ;RMB [] million Trade Finance Line Agreement ;Mortgage AgreementCircular of Establishment of Special Account for Fiduciary Export Rebate (the “Special Account”)Code of RMB []million Loan Agreement:Lender: []Borrower: the CompanyTerm: August 10, 2007 to June 7, 2008Amount: RMB 10 millionPurpose: working capitalAnnual Interest rate: 7.542%Code of RMB [] million Trade Finance Agreement: []Lender:Borrower: the CompanyTerm: []Maximum Amount Provided by the Lender: []Form of Loan: Trade Finance Loan with a Maximum AmountThe Mortgage AgreementCode of Mortgage Agreement: []Mortgagee: []Mortgagor: the CompanyForm of Mortgage: Mortgage for a Maximum amountMaximum amount under provided by the Mortgagor: RMB26millionTerm: []Mortgaged Assets:(a): the land use right of the Company. The land use right certificate is [], anduncompleted construction work on the piece of land.(b):Imported production line from Italy. The Import Certificate for the production lineis [].Circular of Establishment of Special Account for Fiduciary Export RebateIssued By: []Date of Issuance: []Beneficiary: []Content: Without Beneficiary’s Authority, this Special Account Shall Be Subject to No Alteration As of Date of Issuance.3.2 Charges and other securityWe are informed that except for the agreements mentioned in the above 3.1, there are no outstanding securities outstanding provided by the Company.3.3 Loans by the CompanyNone.3.4 Early repayment or breachW e are informed that no notice requiring repayment of any borrowings of theCompany has been served and that there has been no breach of any covenant contained in any charge, debenture or guarantee, loan agreement, facility letter or similardocument..4.Contracts4.1 Sales` ContractWe have examined model sales contract of the company and we do not find any special terms and conditions that may cause the Company to afford special obligations or be liable for any special responsibilities. We are of the opinion that the said models are in ordinary terms and conditions and are in compliance of the PRC laws and regulations.4.2 Purchase ContractWe are informed that [] and local farmers have entered into many kiwi fruit purchase agreements. Based on our examination of model kiwi purchase agreement, we have not found any special terms and conditions that may cause the Company to afford special obligations or be liable for any special responsibilities. We are of the opinion that the said models are in ordinary terms and conditions and are in compliance of the PRC laws and regulations.5.Real Property5.1.The Company has the following Rights on real property rights:(i)State Owned Land Use Right CertificateCertificate Number: []Issuing Authority: J[]User’s Name: the CompanyDate of Issuance: 9 April 2007Location:Purpose ofLand Use Right: industrial usageExpiry Date: 27 December 2056Acreage: 34476.04 square metersType of Use Right: grantedMortgage on the land use right: see above 3.1(ii)State Owned Land Use Right CertificateCertificate Number: []Issuing Authority: []User’s Name: []Date of Issuance: 15 November 2007Expiration Date: 14 November 2048Acreage: 34335.05 square metersType of Use Right: granted5.2.The Company has entered into the following building lease contract:Building Lease Contract executed with [] on 1 July 2007, whereby Yang leased a building (area: 300.24 m2) to the Company for office usage with a valid period from 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008.The yearly rent is RMB126100.8.The location is: []6.Directors, senior executives and other employees6.1.Directors of the Company56.2.Senior Executives of the Company6.3.Standard employee documentationWe have been provided with a copy of a sample of the Company’s standard terms and conditions of employment. We do not find anything contained in these standard terms and conditions being in violation of any PRC laws or regulations.6.4.Trade UnionWe are informed that there is no Trade Union or entities of the like nature in the Company.5 Such information is based on a summary provided to us by the Company.7.Intellectual propertyThe Company and its subsidiaries have the following intellectual property: 7.1Notice for Acceptance of Registration ApplicationApplication No: []Co-applicant: the CompanyApplication Date: 4 November 2005Issued byDate of Issuance: 17 February 20067.2Notice for Acceptance of Registration ApplicationApplication No: 5000010Co-applicant: the CompanyApplication Date: 14 November 2005Issued byDate of Issuance: 3 March 20068.LitigationWe are informed that the Company is not aware of any litigation, prosecution, dispute or proceeding (whether current, pending or threatened) to which the Company is or may become a party.9.InsurancesThe Company has effected vehicle compulsive insurances for its seven motor vehicles. We have reviewed the insurance policy, and we are of the opinion that such policy is a standard contract.10.EnvironmentalEnvironment Monitoring ReportSerials Number: []Date of Issuance: 8 September 2007Conducted by: [] Environment Monitoring StationWe are informed that the Company is not aware of any investigations, prosecutions, disputes, claims or other proceedings in respect of environmental protection, nor the Company has been punished or can foresee any punishment to be made by any environmental administration authorities of the PRC.11.Prize and Honour11.1Certificate Of 2005- 2006 Excellent Leadership Enterprise Of National Food Industry Date of Issuance: November, 2006Issued By:Issued To: The Company11.2Certificate Of Excellent Leadership Enterprise Of [] Agriculture Industry Management Valid Term: 1 December 2006 to 1 December 2008Issued By: [] Agriculture BurearIssued To: []11.3Certificate Of Observance Of Contractual Obligations And Good CreditDate of Issuance: 9 January 2007Valid Term: One YearIssued By: [] SAICIssued To: The Company11.4Certificate Of Membership Of China Chamber Of Commerce For Import & Export OfFoodstuffs, Native Produce & Animal By-ProductsSerial Number: []Date of Issuance: 14 August 2007Issued By:Issued To: The Company。