



PP1 senior mechanic PP1 mechanic PP1 assistant PP1 Material Pre-treatment senior mechanic PP1 mechanic PP1 assistant PP1 normal PP1 Material PP1 assistant PP1 senior mechanic PP1 mechanic PP1 assistant PP1 Sawing Pretreatment multi-functional Specialist G-foreman PP2 machine operator, shearing PP2 assistant operator, shearing PP2 senior mechanic, punching PP2 assistant PP2 mechanic PP1 multi-functional Press senior mechanic Press mechanic PP2 assistant PP2 mechanic PP2 mechanic PP2 multi-functional Specialist G-foreman Welding mechanic Semi-adanved welding mechanic Semi-adanved welding mechanic
开卷线 预处理 部装一班 部装二班 侧板 底架 总装 总焊 二次打砂 油漆 完工一班 完工二班
开卷高级技工 开卷技工 开卷助手 开卷材料工 预处理高级技工 预处理技工 预处理助手 型材上下料 预处理材料工 VOC 看护 罗拉高级技工 罗拉技工 罗拉助手 锯床 预处理全能岗 技师 班长 剪床高级技工 剪床技工 冲床高级技工 冲床助手 修料技工 部品一班全能岗 压床高级技工 压床技工 压床助手 冲压组材料工 模具工 部品二班全能岗 技师 班长 前墙板自动焊 前角柱角件焊 前框拉筋焊



集装箱术语FCLFull Container Load整柜LCLLess Than Container Load 拼箱40 HC40’ High Cubic40高柜40 HRF40’ High Refrigerator40高冻柜G.CGeneral Cargo普通柜S.HSemi Hazardous半危险品H.ZHazardous危险品O/TOpen Top开顶柜F/RFlat rack框架箱R.FRefrigerator冻柜CYContainer Y ard集装箱堆场CFSContainer Freight Station集装箱处理站TEUTwenty-feet Equivalent Units20英尺集装箱FEUForty-feet Equivalent Units40英尺集装箱A/WAll Water全水路(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)MLBMini Land Bridge迷你大陆桥(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)二、主要船务术语Carrier船公司NVOCCNon-V essel OperatingCommon Carrier无船公共承运人Booking Sheet订舱单S/OShipping Order装货通知书Shipper发货人Exporter出口商Consignee收货人Notify Party通知人Port of Loading装运港Port of Discharge卸货港Place of Delivery交货地B/LBill of lading提单Original B/L正本提单Copy B/L副本提单Shipped on Board B/L已装船提单Received for Shipping B/L收迄待运提单或待运提单Direct B/L直达提单Through B/L联运提单或称转船提单MT B/LMultimode Transport B/L多式联运提单Liner B/L班轮提单Clean B/L清洁提单Foul B/L不清洁提单House Bill of Lading货运提单MB/LMaster Bill of Lading船东提单MTDMultimode Transport Document多式联运单据W/TWeight Ton重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费)M/TMeasurement Ton尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)W/MWeight or Measurement ton即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费ETDEstimated time of departure预计开船时间ETAEstimated time of arrival预计到达时间三、运输费用常用术语英文缩写英文中文O/FOcean Freight海运费BAFBunker Adjustment Factor燃油附加费BAFBunker Surcharge or BunkerAdjustment Factor燃油附加费Y ASY en Appreciation Surcharge日元增值附加费Y ASY ard Surcharges码头附加费ORCOrigin Receiving Charge码头附加费DDCDestination Delivery Charge目的港码头附加费(美国)PSSPeak Season Surcharge旺季附加费GRIGeneral Rate Increase旺季附加费THCTerminal Handling Charge码头处理费CAFDevaluation Surcharge orCurrency Adjustment Factor货币贬值附加费PCSPort Congestion Surcharge港口拥挤附加费EPSEquipment PositionSurcharges设备位置附加费DOCDocument charges文件费Deviation Surcharge绕航附加费Suez Canal Surcharge苏伊士运河附加费Transshipment Surcharge 转船附加费Direct Additional直航附加费Port Surcharge港口附加费Heavy-Lift Additional超重附加费Long Length Additional超长附加费Cleaning Charge洗舱费Fumigation Charge熏蒸费Ice Surcharge冰冻附加费Optional Fees or Optional Additional 选择卸货港附加费Alteration Charge变更卸货港附加费运输条款中CY/CY、CY/FO、CY/LO解释1. CY/CY是指堆场到堆场方式,承运人在装货港集装箱堆场接收整箱货物并负责运至卸货港集装箱堆场整箱交付收货人;2. CY/FO(free out)承运人在装货港集装箱堆场接收整箱货物并负责运至卸货港但不负责卸货;3. CY/LO(line out)承运人在装货港集装箱堆场接收整箱货物并负责运至卸货港卸货;4. CY/TACKLE承运人在装货港集装箱堆场接收整箱货物并负责运至卸货港卸货至接货车上;5. CY/HOOK承运人在装货港集装箱堆场接收整箱货物并负责运至卸货港卸货,此处当吊臂吊下货物后服务终止。



集装箱专用名词:集装箱:freight container集装箱分类:普通货运集装箱:general cargo container通用集装箱:general purpose container专用集装箱:special purpose container封闭式通风集装箱:closed ventilated container敞顶集装箱:open top container台架式集装箱:platform based container open sided平台集装箱:platform (container)特种货运集装箱:special cargo container保温集装箱:thermal container绝热集装箱:insulated container消耗式冷剂冷藏集装箱:refrigerated container (expendable refrigerant)机械式冷藏集装箱:mechanical refrigerated container加热集装箱:heated container冷藏和加热集装箱:refrigerated and heated container罐式集装箱:tank container干散货集装箱:dry bulk container按货物命名的集装箱:named cargo container航空集装箱:air mode container空运集装箱:air container空陆水联运集装箱:air surface (inter modal)container集装箱特性:外部尺寸:external dimension内部尺寸:internal dimension公称尺寸:nominal dimension实际尺寸:actual dimension容积:internal volume额定重量(最大工作总重量/质量):rating (R) 自重(空箱质量):tare mass (T)载重(货载重量):payload (P) P=R-T堆码能力:stacking capability栓固能力:restraint capability箱底承载能力:floor loading capability刚性:rigidity风雨密性:weatherproof ness角件:corner fitting用柱:corner post上端梁:top end transverse member下端梁:bottom end transverse member上侧梁:top side rail下侧梁:bottom side rail。


Vertical door frame
Plain washer
Door frame cover plate
Door gasket
Door keeper
Gasket retainer
Door holder / Nylon
Bottom side rail
Rear post inner
Handle hub
Rear post outer
Lashing rod
Corner casting
Door panel
Hinge pin
Horizontal door frame
Hinge butt
Container crane
Drying room / Oven
Lift truck
Painting pump / gun
Stack truck
Grinding machine
Electric drill
Flame torch
Standard parts




A.入境口岸B.货物使用地C.卸货地D.报关地【答案】 A2、口岸出入境检验检疫机构对入境旅客携带的伴侣犬、猫在指定场所进行为期()天的隔离检疫。

A.7 天B.14 天C.20 天D.30 天【答案】 D3、Sales ContractA.allowingB.deductingC.indicatingD.prohibiting【答案】 A4、进境植物繁殖材料地方隔离圃审核机构为直属检验检疫局,对于准予许可,于()个工作日内签发进境植物隔离检疫许可证。

A.10B.30C.60D.90【答案】 A5、This lot of products was derived、from animals slaughtered in a slanghter house which is ( ) licensed for export.A.officeB.officerC.officialD.offcially【答案】 D6、出口危险货物的生产企业,应向检验检疫机构申请包装容器的()。

A.性能检验B.使用鉴定C.适载检验D.残损鉴定【答案】 B7、凡在中华人民共和国境内生产、加工、储存出口食品的企业,必须取得()后,方可生产、加工、储存相应的出口食品。

A.卫生登记证书B.卫生登记证书和卫生注册证书C.卫生注册证书D.卫生登记证书或卫生注册证书【答案】 D8、已办理检验检疫手续的出口货物,因故需变更输入国家和地()A.应重新报检B.有不同检验检疫要求的,应重新报检C.无须重新报检D.不能再更改输入国家或地区【答案】 B9、英译汉:“cargo manifest”,正确的翻译为:()。

A.报关单B.载货清单C.中国强制认证D.空舱证书【答案】 B10、《报检员证》的有效期为2年,期满之日前()天,报检员应向发证检验检疫机构提出审核申请,同时提交审核申请书。



• 36
This container need devanning.
• 这个箱子需要拆箱
• 37 What about your deck load capacity ?
• 你的甲板负荷是多少? • 38 How many ties can we put on your deck?i mean full containers. • • 甲板可以放几层重箱?我是说重箱。 Where to put the twistlock box? 锁箱放在那里? • 39
• 12 Your sailing time(finish time) is half past fifteen
• 你的离泊计划是15:30
• 13 I don’t know,please ask your agent.
• 我不知道请联系代理
• 14 We will finish in six hours
• 40 Can you lend us twistlock operation rod?
• 借一下打锁杆给我们用用好吧?
• 41 Sure ,you can take it from the lashing bridge. • 可以,从绑扎桥上拿吧
• 42 what about the total weight of export containers? • 出口箱总重量是多少?
• • • 我们将在六小时内做完 15 No DG container this time. 这次没有危品箱

• • • •
16 Pease start engine as soon as you can,the pilot[pailət] is coming .



汽车机械英语词汇翻译(8)汽车机械英语词汇翻译(8)汽车机械英语词汇翻译(8)动物集装箱live-stock container干货集装箱dry cargo container保温集装箱isothermal container框架集装箱flat rack container散货集装箱bulk container罐式集装箱tank container冷藏集装箱refrigerated container质量mass净底盘干质量bare chassis dry mass净底盘整备质量bare chassis kerb mass底盘与驾驶室干质量chassis and cab dry mass底盘与驾驶室整备质量chassis and cab kerb mass整车交运质量complete vehicle shipping mass整车整备质量complete vehicle kerb mass最大设计总质量maximum design total mass最大允许总质量maximum autohrozed total mass最大设计装载质量maximum design pay mass最大允许装载质量maximum autohorized pay mass厂定最大总质量manufacturer's maxumum total mass载重量payload车辆自重kerb weight总重量gross weight轴荷axle load最大设计轴荷maximum design axle load最小设计轴荷minimum authorized axle load最大允许轴荷maximum design axle load轮胎最大设计拖挂质量maximum design tyre load最大设计拖挂质量maximum authorized tyre load最大允许拖挂质量maximum authorized towed mass汽车列车最大设计质量maximum design mass of vehicle combination汽车列车最大允许质量maximum authorized mass of vehicle combination铰接车最大设计质量maximum disgn mass of articulated vehicle铰接车最大允许质量maximum authorized amss of articulated vehicle半挂牵引车承受的最大静载荷maximum design static laod borne by semi-trailer towing vehicle作用在挂接装置上的最大设计静载荷maximum design staticlaod on coupling device作用在挂接装置上的最大允许静载荷maximum authorized static load on coupling device比功率power/mass ratio比扭矩torque/maximum total mass ratio重量利用系数factor of weight utilizaton汽车型谱chart of automotive model后驱动汽车rear drive automobile前驱动汽车front drive automobile发动机后置式客车bus with rear engine四轮驱动车辆all wheel drive automobile发动机前置式客车bus with front engine发动机底置式客车bus with underfloor engine计算机辅助设计computer aided deisgn (cad)有限寿命设计design for finite life累积疲劳损伤原理theory of cumulative damage in fatique 优化设计optimum deisgn汽车尺寸控制图sketch on layout ofr dimenshion's control of assembly汽车总装配图automobile assembly drawing汽车总布置草图sketch for automobile layout汽车设计的技术经济分析technical -economic analysis inautomobile design设计任务书design assignment系列化、通用化、标准化seriation ,universalization and standardization总布置设计calculation for layout运动校核correction of motion侧视轮廓side outline前视轮廓end outline顶视轮廓plan outlinerare earth catalyst 催化剂耗损catalyst attrition 催化剂收缩catalyst shrinkage 催化剂中毒catalyst poisoning 比表面积specific surface area 空速space velocity 载体涂料washcoat 双重催化系统dual -catalyst system 催化箱catalyst container 载体substrate 整体式载体monolithic substrate 颗粒式载体pelleted substrate 转化效率conversion efficiency 熄灯温度light-off temperature 热态反应系统thermal reacting system 热反应器thermal reactor 反应式歧管reactive manifold 过热保护装置over heating protection system 过热警报装置over heating warning system 排气口衬套exhaust port liner 后燃器after burner 排气再循环系egr system 排气再循环exhaust gas recirculation 节气门前egr系统above throttle valve egr system 节气门后egr 系统below throttle valve egr system 空气比例式egr系统air proportional egr system 负荷比例式egr系统load proportional egr system 孔口真空控制式egr 系统ported vacuum controlled egr system 喉管真空控制式egr 系统venturi vacuum controlled egr system 排气压力控制式egr 系统exhaust pressure controlled egr system 声速控制式egr系统sonic controlled egr system 电子控制式egr系统electronic controlled egr system egr冷却器egr cooler egr 过滤器ger filter egr 控制阀egr control valve egr调压阀egr pressure regulator 再循环排气egr gas 再循环排气率egr rate 点火和喷油时刻控制系统ignition and injection timing control system 点火时刻控制系统ignition timing control system 减速点火提前控制装置deceleration spark advance control 推迟喷油时刻控制系统retarded injection timing control system 转速控制的推迟喷油时刻retarded injection timing with speed 负荷控制的推迟喷油时刻retarded injection timing with load 燃油控制系统fuel control system 反馈控制feedback control 空燃比反馈控制系统air-fuel ratio feedback control system 理论配比stoichiometric 高效带window 氧传感器oxygen sensor 稀混合气lean mixture 浓混合气rich mixture 分层充气stratified charge 温度补偿temperature compensating 海拔补偿altitude compensating 气压补偿atmospheric pressure compensating 电子控制化油器electronic controlled carburetor 电子燃油喷射系统electronic fuel injection system 怠速限制器idle limiter 阻风门开启器choke opener 减速控制装置deceleration control system 补气阀gulp valve 节气门定位器throttle positioner 节气门缓冲器throttle dash pot 节气门开启器throttle opener 强制怠速加浓装置coasting richer 发动机电子集中控制系统electronic concentrated engine control system 温度传感器temperature sensor 压力传感器pressure sensor 位置传感器position sensor 转速传感器speed sensor 爆震传感器knock sensor 进气流量传感器intake flow sensor 温度开关temperature switch 节气门位置开关throttle position switch 其他控制装置other control systems 除水系统water removal system 喷水装置water injection system 调温式空气滤清器temperature controlled (modulated )air cleaner 微粒物捕集装置particulate trap system 捕集装置氧化器trap oxidizer 一氧化碳容积百分率carbon monoxide percent by volume 一氧化碳分析仪co analyzer 湿度moisture 量距和零点span and zero 补偿compensation 标定气体calibration gas 样气处理系统sample handling system 凝水分离器condensate trap 密封垫gasket 玷污contaminate 防漏leakproof 稀释dilution 算术平均值arithmetic average 精度accuracy 全量程full scale 漂移drift 预热时间warm-up time 抗腐蚀性corrosion -resistance 流量计flowmeter 热交换器heat exchanger 不透气收集袋gas-tight collection bag 分析测定方法和仪器analysis measuring method and instrument 不分光红外线分析法nondispersive infrared 不分光紫外线分析法nondispersive ultraviolet 氢火焰离子化检测器flame ionization ditector 总碳氢化合物分析仪total hydrocarbon analyzer 气相色谱仪gas chromatograph 化学发光检测器chemiluminescent detector 臭氧发生器ozonator 底盘测功机chassis dynamometer 惯性模拟系统inertia simulation system 功率吸收装置device for power absorption 转鼓roller 空气阻力aerodynamic resistance 滚动阻力rolling resistance 当量惯量equivalent inertia 滤纸式测试仪filter-type measuring apparatus 转速表tachometer 成套分析设备analytical train 组合气室stacked cell 参比室reference cell 滤光室filter cell 干扰滤光器interferential filter 加热式氢火焰离子化检测器heated flame ionization detector 氮氧化合物转化器nox converter(no2-no) 反应室reactive cell (chamber) 催化燃烧分析仪catalytic combustion analyzer 碳氢化合物响应度hydrocarbon response 碳数当量carbon equivalent 百万分率碳parts per million carbon (ppmc) 氧干扰oxygen interference 氧校正oxygen correction 湿度较正系数humidity correction (kh)factor 拖尾tailing 五氧化二碘法iodine penta-oxide method 平衡气balance gas 零点气zero grade gas (air zero gas) 校正气calibrating gas 量距气span gas 拉格朗日拟合lagrangian fit 二氧化碳干扰校正corrected for co2 extraction 袋式分析bag analysis 柴油机排烟测定仪器diesel smoke measuring instrument 排气烟度opacity of exhaust gas 烟度计opacimeter 全流式烟度计full flow opacimeter 取样烟度计sampling opacimeter 光线有效通过长度effective path length of light ray 吸光系数light absorption coefficient 峰值储存器peak hold device 烟室smoke chamber 引进气体incoming gas 排出气体outgoing gas 色温color temperature 人眼的感光曲线photoptic curve of human eye 光谱反应曲线spectral response curve 光源light source 光束汽车机械英语词汇翻译(8) 相关内容:。




BEC商务英语词汇解析:containercontainer n.集装箱,货柜【商务用语】loaded container 已装货集装箱,实货柜bulk cargo container 散装货柜container shipping 集装箱运输auto container 汽车集装箱BEC商务英语词汇解析:consularconsular adj.领事的【商务用语】consular agent 领事代办consular jurisdiction 领事裁判权consular fee 签证手续费consular invoice 领事发票BEC商务英语词汇解析:considerationconsideration n.考虑;报酬;补偿;对价【商务英语】economic considerations经济利益general considerations总则pecuniary consideration金钱报酬consideration money报偿奖金【例句】The cost of consumption articlesis the first consideration,as far as most ordinary people are concerned.就多数普通百姓而言,首先要考虑的是消费品的价格。




普通干箱加装上挂衣铁架。用来吊挂外衣、外套和 高级时装等。
? 按集装箱的制造材料分
–钢制集装箱 –铝合金集装箱 –玻璃钢集装箱 –不锈钢集装箱
? 请说出“整箱货”、“拼箱货”、“集装箱堆场”、 “集装箱货运站”这几个词用英文该如何表达方法? 并说出其英文缩写。
整箱货(Full Container Cargo Load, FCL) 拼箱货(Less Than Container Cargo Load,LCL) 集装箱堆场(Container Yard,CY) 集装箱货运站(Container Freight Station,CFS)
在不同的交接方式下,集装箱运输经营人与货方承 担的责任、义务有很大不同。
某国际货运代理企业经营国际集装箱拼箱业务,此时他是 CONSOLIDATOR,由 于他签发自己的提单,所以他是无船承运人(以下称为无船承运人)。 2004 年9月15日,该无船承运人在 KOBE港自己的CFS将分别属于六个不同发货人的 拼箱货装入一个 20英尺的集装箱,然后向某班轮公司托运。该集装箱于 2004 年9月18日装船,班轮公司签发给无船承运人 CY/CY交接的FCL条款下的MASTER B/L一套;无船承运人然后向不同的发货人分别签发了 CFS/CFS交接的LCL条款 下的HOUSE B/L共六套,所有的提单都是清洁提单。 2004年9月23日载货船舶 抵达提单上记载的卸货港。第二天,无船承运人从班轮公司的 CY提取了外表 状况良好和铅封完整的集装箱(货物),并在卸货港自己的 CFS拆箱,拆箱时 发现两件货物损坏。2004年9月25日收货人凭无船承运人签发的提单前来提货, 发现货物损坏。请问:
COC:(1)carrier'sown contain船er公司自有柜 (2)Carrier Order contain船er公. 司指定的柜



海运业务词汇(常用海运英文)1. 运输术语Bill of Lading (B/L): 提单,是海运货物交接的凭证,证明承运人已收到货物并承诺按照合同条款运输。

Container: 集装箱,用于装载货物的标准尺寸的金属箱。

Freight: 货物,泛指运输的物品。

Charter Party: 租船合同,船东与租船人之间订立的协议,规定船舶的租赁条款。

Cargo Manifest: 货物清单,列明船上所有货物的详细信息。

Customs Clearance: 清关,指货物进出口时,必须经过海关的检查和批准。

2. 船舶术语Vessel: 船舶,泛指各种水上交通工具。

Ship: 船,通常指较大的船舶。

Barge: 驳船,用于运输货物的小型船只。

Hull: 船体,指船舶的主体结构。

Deck: 甲板,船舶的上层结构。

Hold: 货舱,用于装载货物的船舱。

Bridge: 驾驶室,船舶的指挥中心。

3. 货物类型Dry Bulk: 干散货,指非液体、非包装的散装货物,如煤炭、矿石等。

Liquid Bulk: 液体散货,指液体状态的散装货物,如原油、化学品等。

General Cargo: 杂货,指各种类型的货物,通常需要包装。

Reefer Cargo: 冷藏货物,指需要冷藏运输的货物,如冷冻食品、药品等。

Dangerous Goods: 危险品,指具有易燃、易爆、有毒等特性的货物。

4. 其他常用术语ETD (Estimated Time of Departure): 预计离港时间。

ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival): 预计到港时间。

Voyage: 航次,指船舶从一个港口到另一个港口的航行。

Port of Loading: 装货港,指货物装船的港口。

Port of Discharge: 卸货港,指货物卸船的港口。

Shipper: 托运人,指将货物交给承运人运输的人或公司。

Consignee: 收货人,指从承运人处接收货物的人或公司。



2023年报检员之报检员资格考试模拟考试试卷A卷含答案单选题(共30题)1、英译汉:“commodity”,正确的翻译为( )。

A.容积B.体积C.贸易D.商品【答案】 D2、某公司与美国某公司签订外贸合同,进口一台原产于日本的炼焦炉(检验检疫类别为M),货物自美国运至青岛口岸后再运至郑州使用。


A.美国、日本、美国、郑州B.日本、美国、美国、郑州C.日本、美国、日本、青岛D.美国、日本、日本、青岛【答案】 A3、英译汉:“original; certificate”,正确的翻译为()。

A.副本;单据B.副本;证书C.正本;单据D.正本;证书【答案】 D4、产地检验检疫机构对出境货物检验检疫合格后,通过电子转单将相关信息传到I I岸检验检疫机构,并出具()供发货人或代理人到口岸检验检疫机构办理换证手续。

A.出境货物换证凭单B.预检结果单C.出境货物换证凭条D.出境货物通关单【答案】 C5、已办理检验检疫手续的出口货物,因故需变更输入国家和地()A.应重新报检B.有不同检验检疫要求的,应重新报检C.无须重新报检D.不能再更改输入国家或地区【答案】 B6、山西星运肉类加工厂与新西兰诺顿肉类联合制造厂签订合同进口一批冷冻鹿肉(检验检疫类别为P. R/Q. S),海运集装箱运输,入境口岸为青岛。



A.山西星运肉类加工厂;太原B.青岛保税区食品加工厂;青岛C.山西星运肉类加工厂;青岛D.青岛保税区食品加工厂;太原【答案】 C7、在《出入境检验检疫机构实施检验检疫的进出境商品目录》中,某商品的海关监管条件为“A”,则其检验检疫类别可以是()。

A.LM/B./NC.R/SD.P/Q【答案】 A8、Sales ContractA.acceptedB.coveredC.mailedD.sent【答案】 B9、下列关于进出口化妆品表述错误的是()。



海运基础知识Basic Sea Transport Knowledge一、集装箱种类及规格Kinds and sizes of container1.普通集装箱,又称干货集装箱(dry container / general purpose)Ordinary container, or dry container这种集装箱占集装箱总数的70 ~ 80%。

This kind of containers take 70-80% of the total amount2.冷冻集装箱(reefer container)分外置和内置式两种。

温度可在-28℃ ~ +26℃之间调整。


T here’re external and internal settings. The temperature could be adjusted between -28℃-26℃. The internal container could start refrigerator at any time during the transportation to keep the container at designated temperature. The external container must be refrigerated by refrigerator equipped on container carrier, ship, container yard or station.3.开顶集装箱(open top container)这种集装箱没有箱顶,装运时用防水布覆盖顶部。


T here’s no top at this container, water-proof cover shall be used to cover the top during loading. It’s fit for loading big volume objects, for instance, glass plate.4.框架集装箱(flat rack container)没有箱顶和两侧。


Front sill
Corner floor support
Front sill web
Bottom cover plate
Front panel
Front channel section
Front corner post
Front channel section cover plate
Folded container
尺寸类型: 20', 20'HC, 40', 40'HC, 45', 48'及53'等
Type & size: 20', 20'HC, 40', 40'HC, 45', 48' & 53', etc.
The International Organization for Standardization (I.S.O.)
Door sill
Gear cam
Door sill web
Gear cam keeper
Rear channel section
Anti-rack ring
Rear channel section cover plate
Lock handle
Container crane



Title: Introduction to Shipping ContainersIntroduction:Shipping containers, also known as intermodal containers, are standardized metal boxes primarily used for the transport of goods across various modes of transportation, including ships, trains, and trucks. These containers revolutionized the global logistics industry by streamlining the process of cargo transportation and storage. In this introduction, we will explore the key features, dimensions, and benefits of shipping containers.Key Features:Shipping containers are typically constructed from steel, providing durability and protection for goods during transit. They are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and rough handling, ensuring the safety of the cargo inside. The standardized dimensions of shipping containers facilitate efficient loading, unloading, and stacking, allowing for seamless integration into different transportation systems.Dimensions:Shipping containers come in various sizes, but the most common ones are the 20-foot and 40-foot containers. The standard dimensions for these containers are as follows:●20-foot Container: Length: 20 feet (6.1 meters), Width: 8 feet (2.44 meters), Height: 8 feet 6inches (2.59 meters).●40-foot Container: Length: 40 feet (12.19 meters), Width: 8 feet (2.44 meters), Height: 8 feet6 inches (2.59 meters).There are also high cube containers, which have an additional height of 1 foot, providing more space for taller cargo.Benefits:The use of shipping containers offers numerous benefits to businesses and industries involved in global trade. Some of the key advantages include:1.Standardization: Standardized dimensions enable efficient handling and transportation ofgoods across different modes of transport.2.Security: Containers are sealed and lockable, ensuring the security and integrity of the cargothroughout its journey.3.Cost-effectiveness: Containers optimize space utilization, reducing transportation costs perunit of cargo.4.Versatility: Containers can be easily modified and adapted for various purposes, such asstorage, accommodation, or mobile offices.5.Environmental sustainability: The use of containers promotes eco-friendly practices byminimizing packaging waste and optimizing logistical efficiency.Conclusion:Shipping containers play a crucial role in facilitating global trade and commerce by providing a reliable and efficient means of transporting goods across long distances. With their standardized dimensions, robust construction, and numerous benefits, shipping containers have become indispensable assets in the modern logistics industry.。



集装箱英语1variety of container 集装箱种类air container 贮气容器,空气瓶,储气罐,航空集装箱air conditioned container 空气调节集装箱air mode container 航空集装箱air freight container 空运集装箱all container ship 全集装箱aluminum container 铝制集装箱aluminum dry cargo container 铝制干货柜amphibious container 水陆联运集装箱,水陆两用集装箱animal container 动物集装箱auto container 汽车货柜,汽车集装箱automobile container 汽车集装箱,汽车装运框架baby container 小型集装船bag container 袋式集装箱belly container 空运集装箱,机腹集装箱,机腹式集装箱book shipping container 预定船运集装箱box container 盒式集装箱bulge container 散货集装箱built-in type reefer container 自带冻机冷藏集装箱bulk cargo container 散装集装箱bulk container 散装货集装箱,散装货箱,散装集装箱,散粒物容器bulk discharge open top container 敞顶散货集装箱bulk liquid container 液体货集装箱,集装箱罐柜car container 汽车集装箱clip on type reefer container 外接冷气式冷藏集装箱closed box container 封闭式集装箱closed container 密闭容器,封闭式集装箱closed container mechanically ventilated 封闭式机械通风集装箱closed van type container 封闭式集装箱closed ventilated container 闭式通风集装箱collapsible container 可折叠的集装箱(FR框架),可折叠货柜,可折式集装箱,可拆装的集装箱collapsed container 折叠式集装箱combination container 组合集装箱composite material container 混合材料集装箱composite wood and fiberboard木板、纤维板合制集装箱containerConex Container 康乃克斯集装箱container(CTN)集装箱、容器、外壳、包装container 20 footer 20 英尺的集装箱container carried in holds 舱内运装的集装箱container seaworthiness 适航集装箱contoured container 特型集装箱corrugated container 槽型壁集装箱cross section container 断面集装箱conventional enclosed container 封闭型集装箱covered container 有盖集装箱dangerous goods container (DG危险品箱container)deck container 甲板集装箱demountable container 可拆集装箱dress hanger container 挂式集装箱dry cargo container 普通集装箱、干货集装箱、杂货集装箱dry container 干货集装箱dry freight container 干货集装箱emergency living container 应急生活集装箱enclosed container 封闭型集装箱enclosed small container 封闭式小集装箱express shipment container 快件集装箱exterior post type container 外柱式集装箱fiberboard container 以纤维板及硬化纸板为主制造的集装箱fiberglass reinforced plastic container 用纤维玻璃和聚酯强化板制造的集装箱flat bed container 平床货柜,平床式集装箱flat rack container 框架集装箱flat rack folding container 平架集装箱flexible intermediate bulk container 可调式联运散货集装箱floating barge container 浮驳集装箱floating container 漂浮货柜,浮式集装箱,流动集装箱flow van container 散装货集装箱fluid tank container 流体集装箱folding container 折叠式集装箱free flowing bulk material container 散装粉状货集装箱freight container 货运集装箱,物集装箱frozen products container 冷货集装箱frozen products insulated container 泠冻集装箱fruit container 鲜果集装箱garment container 服装集装箱general cargo container 杂货集装箱general container 普通集装箱general purpose container(GP container) 一般用途货柜,通用集装箱,多用途集装箱glass fibre reinforced plastic container 玻璃钢制集装箱half height container 半高集装箱hard top container (顶开式集装箱之一种)硬顶式集装箱high cube container 高集装箱high cubic container 特大型集装箱hide container 兽皮集装箱hopper container 漏斗货柜,漏斗式集装箱horse stall container 马厩集装箱insulated container 绝热集装箱,保温集装箱,保温货柜international marine container 国际海运集装箱inter modal container 联运集装箱interior post container 内柱式集装箱interior post type container 内柱式集装箱ISO container 国际标准化组织集装箱lapsable container 可拆装的集装箱,可折叠货柜,固定可折叠容器liquid cargo container 液体货物集装箱liquid bulk container 液体集装箱live stock container 装牲畜用集装箱master container 主集装箱,总容器,外容器mechanical refrigerator container 机械冷藏集装箱metal container 金属容器,金属集装箱metal mesh container 金属网集装箱mixed container 混合集装箱monocoque container 薄壳式集装箱nesting type container 套装式集装箱new container 新集装箱non-captive container 非限定集装箱non-collapsible container 固定型集装箱,非可折叠的集装箱non-insulated container 非隔热集装箱non-standardized container 非标准化集装箱normally insulated container 标准保温集装箱nuclear container ship 核集装箱船offshore container 近海集装箱open container 开敞集装箱open side container 侧壁敞开式集装箱open top container 开顶集装箱,开盖集装箱open topped container 顶开集装箱ordinary container 普通集装箱other composite material container复合材料集装箱outside post container 外柱式集装箱outside post type container 外柱式集装箱over sea's container 海上运输集装箱over dimension container 超规格集装箱pallet size container 货盘形集装箱pen container 运送牲畜集装箱,牲畜货柜,动物集装箱,牲畜集装箱plastic container 塑料集装箱,塑性容器,塑料容器Platform Based Container 平台式集装箱platform container (PF)台架式集装箱,平台集装箱,平板箱plywood container 胶合板集装箱,纤维胶合板集装箱reefer container 冷藏集装箱refrigerated container (RF) 冷藏箱refrigerated container 冷藏集装箱reusable container 可再用的容器;可反复使用的容器或集装箱rigid container 固定式集装箱,硬质容器safe container 安全集装箱semi-container 半集装箱sealed container 气密封罐,密封容器,密闭集装箱special container 特种集装箱,特殊容器,专用集装箱semi container ship 半集装箱船;半货柜船,部分集装箱船shipping container 运输用集装箱,装运容器,货运包装ship's container 船用集装箱shipper loaded container 货主自装集装箱shipper's own container 发货人备集装箱Shippers Packed Container 托运人装箱shipping and storage container 海运和贮存的集装箱side door container 侧门集装箱,侧开门集装箱single trip container 不回收的箱、不回收集装箱small container 小型集装船,小容器,小型集装船smooth panel container 内柱式集装箱soft top container 软顶式集装箱solid bulk container 固体散货集装箱;散货集装箱special type container 特种形式集装箱specific cargo container 特种货物集装箱special type container (如压缩装货的)特种形式集装箱standard 20-feet container 20英尺标准集装箱standard container 标准集装箱,标准容器standardized container 标准式集装箱steel container 钢制集装箱steel dry cargo container 钢制干货集装箱stainless steel Container 不锈钢制集装箱stowable cargo container 装载式货物集装箱tank container 油罐集装箱,罐式集装箱,桶状货柜,液体集装箱,液货集装箱thermal container 热保温集装箱,冷藏集装箱,保温集装箱thermostat container 恒温集装箱tight metal container 紧闭金属容器,紧闭金属集装箱tilting container 倾斜集装箱tinned iron container 镀锡铁皮容器或集装箱tippable container 可倾翻集装箱trailer-mounted container 拖车载运的集装箱trans-container 跨国跨海集装箱universal container 通用集装箱unsafe container 不安全集装箱ventilated container 通风集装箱,通风式集装箱van (freight) container 大型集装箱watertight container 水密集装箱wood container 木制集装箱van container 牵引车车厢型集装箱vehicle rack container 汽车集装箱vulcanized fiber container 硬质纤维板集装箱集装箱英语2base 底结构bend 弯曲bottom end rail 下端架bottom side rail 下桁材bow 压弯bull ring(D Ring)箱内稳货环cable sealing devices 绳缆式箱封设备can lock bracket 门锁杆凸轮座container 集装箱、容器、外壳、包装container air duct system 集装箱空气导管系统container bale capacity 集装箱内部容积container cell 集装箱井型架container cell guide system 集装箱格导系统container central fan system 集装箱集中风扇系统container cleaning 洗箱container control system 集装箱管理系统;集装箱控制系统container corner seating 集装箱角配件container cubic 集装箱容量container deck 集装箱甲板container derrick 集装箱吊杆container dimensions 集装箱尺寸container disposition system 集装箱配置系统container equipment data exchange 集装箱设备数字交换container examination system 集装箱检测系统container feet 集装箱底角container fixing device 集装箱(在装车时)的加固器具container guide 集装箱导轨装置container handling information system 集装箱管理信息系统container head 箱头container height 集装箱高度container hold 集装箱舱container individual fan system 集装箱分散风扇系统container internal volume 集装箱内容积container lashing 集装箱捆索container lashing and securing device 集装箱紧固装置container length 集装箱长度container load 整箱集装箱的荷载;集装箱荷载量container load weight 集装箱载重量container maintenance 集装箱维修container material 容器材料container No. 箱号container rock 储层container room 集装箱舱container Ro-Ro-lashing securing 集装箱滚装系索和固定器材container securing 集装箱固定系统container ship refrigeration 集装箱船制冷装置container socket 集装箱承座container spray 集装箱安全壳喷淋container standard 集装箱标准container standardization 集装箱标准化container standards 集装箱标准规格container weight 集装箱重量container width 集装箱宽度container’s internal dimensions集装箱内尺寸container’s overall external dimensions集装箱外尺寸container’s uno bstructed capacity 集装箱内容积corner fitting 角件corner flitting 角配件corner post 角柱cracked 裂痕cross member 底梁dent 凹进door cross member 门根条door edge member 门底缘材door hinge 门锁链door holder 门钩door holder 门构扣槽door licking handle 门把手door lock rd 门锁杆door meander 门媚door sheet 门板door sill 门栏dunnage lumber 垫料efficient of container 箱容系数end door 端门end frame 端框架end post 端柱end wall 端壁,侧墙equipment control (E/C) 箱管Euro pallet 欧(洲)式托盘(800mm X 1200mm)floor 底板fork pockets 叉孔forty-foot containers. 40英尺标箱front lining 端壁内衬板front sheet 端壁板frozen (FRZ) 冰冻handle lock 把手锁件heated (HTD) 加热horizontal container coupler 集装箱水平连接装置inside dimension (I.D.) 箱内尺码inside measurement 箱内尺码ISO Standard for Container 国际标准集装箱规格lock door cam 门锁杆凸轮locking cam keeper of container end frame 集装箱端架锁凸轮杆插座normal / chemical wash 清洗/化学清洗reefer draws power (手提式/轻便)冷箱发电机roof 箱顶roof bows 顶板梁roof sheet 顶板seal metal strip 箱封side frame 例框架side lining 侧壁内衬板side post 侧壁柱side sheet 侧壁板side wall 端墙/侧墙,侧壁slip sheet 活动隔板spigot of container 集装箱塞standard container fittings 标准集装箱配件standard pallet 标准托盘(1000mm X 1200mm)strength of container 集装箱强度tare weight (TW) 箱子皮重temperature and humidity. 箱体内气体、温度、湿度调控temperature controlled container list 集装箱温度控制表top end rail 上端架type of container 箱尺码,集装箱规格upper side rail 上桁材ventilated (VEN) 通风weight of empty containe (TARE WEIGHT,箱子皮重TW)集装箱英语3break bulk container ship 杂货船,集装箱船,杂货货柜cargo container ship 杂货-集装箱货船cattle-container ship 牲畜集装箱船cellular container ship 网格式集装箱船,格导式集装箱船,层格式集箱船cellular container vessel 组格式集装箱货船combination container roll 组合式集装箱滚装船,组合式水平on roll-off ship 装卸集装箱船combination container ship 混合集装箱船composite container ship 混合型集装箱船container carrier 集装箱船container catamaran 集装箱双体船container barge carrier 集装箱载驳船container bulk carrier 集装箱散货船container bulk oil carrier 集装箱散货石油船container bulk ship 集装箱散货两用船container carrying vessel 集装箱船container feeder ship 集装箱供应船container ferry 集装箱渡船container freight liner 集装箱班轮container liner 集装箱班轮container ore carrier 集装箱/矿石兼用船container ore carrier 集装箱矿石船container ore vessel 集装箱矿石运输船container pallet carrier 集装箱托盘货物运输船container pallet ship 集装箱托盘船集装箱托盘运输船container pressure vessel 集装箱压力船container rail car carrier 集装箱火车船container roll on roll off bulk 集装箱滚装散装多用途船container ship 集装箱船,集装箱货轮,货柜船container trailer ship 集装箱拖车两用船container vessel 集装箱船convertible container ship 可变货柜船,集装箱两用船conventional container ship 混装集装箱船express container ship 快速集装箱船feeder container ship 集装箱集散船full container ship 全集装箱货轮,集装箱专用船,全集装箱船full cellularised container ship 全格栅式集装箱船,全槽格式集装箱船fully cellular container ship 全蜂窝式集装箱船,导轨式全集装箱船fully cellular container vessel 全格舱式集装箱船hybrid container ship 两用集装箱船,混合式集装箱船,滚装吊货船lift-on lift-off container ship 吊装集装箱船lift-on life-off full container ship 吊装式全集装箱船mixed container roll on roll off ship 混合式集装箱滚装船,混合式水平装卸集装箱船multipurpose container ship 多用途集装箱船pontoon-container 集装箱组合驳partial container ship 部分集装箱货船refrigerated container ship 冷藏集装箱船roll on roll off full container ship 滚装式全集装箱船roll on roll off container ship 滚装集装箱船roll on container ship 滚装集装箱船tanker container ship 集装箱油船,集装箱油轮double stack container train 可载二层集装箱的火车container car 集装箱专用车container car with brake men's带控制室的集装箱专运车roomcontainer carrier 集装箱运输车;集装箱运输船container carrier truck 集装箱载运汽车container chassis 集装箱底盘车container freight liner 集装箱班轮,集装箱定期快运列车container on flat car 集装箱铁路平车,container trailer 集装箱拖车container truck 集装箱载运车container tractor 集装箱拖拉车container semi-trailer 集装箱半挂车container unit train 集装箱专用列车集装箱英语4container car集装箱车,货柜车container conveyer 集装箱输送机container crane集装箱起重机container crane 集装箱专用起重机container ferry集装箱渡船container fork lift truck集装箱装卸叉车container gantry crane集装箱龙门起重机container handler集装箱搬运车container handling appliance集装箱装卸用具container handling crane 集装箱起重机container handling equipment集装箱搬运设备container handling machinery集装箱搬运机械container handling system 集装箱搬运装置,集装箱装卸系统container handling vehicle 集装箱吊运车container lift 集装箱升降机container loading bridge集装箱装卸桥container marine line system集装箱搬运吊车方式container on flat car (COFC)集装箱铁路平车,平板车装运的集装箱container portal crane 集装箱门架式起重机container ship loader 集装箱装船机container spreader集装箱吊架,集装箱吊具container straddle carrier 集装箱跨运车fork truck for lifting container集装箱叉车fully cellular container ships全蜂窝式货柜gantry container crane集装箱龙门起重机,岸壁集装箱装卸桥Mitsubishi automatic container system三菱集装箱自动系统modular automatic container handling标准型自动化集装箱搬运modular automated container handling积木式集装箱自动装卸power pack 供冷箱用的小型发电机(可租用)quayside container crane码头区集装箱起重机rail container crane集装箱轨道起重机roll on roll-off container滚装集装箱rubber-tyred container gantry crane轮胎式集装箱龙门起重机shore container crane岸壁集装箱装卸桥,岸边集装箱起重机sliding boom container crane活动吊杆式集装箱起重机tank and container clean油罐与集装箱清洗twin-lift transporter container crane双吊式集装箱装卸桥集装箱英语5container base 集装箱总站,集装箱基地container berth 集装箱泊位,集装箱船泊位,集装箱码头container bridge 集装箱装卸桥container cargo depot 集装箱货物仓库集装箱装卸处container cargo receiving station 集装箱收货站container cargo depot 集装箱装卸处container depot 集装箱堆场;集装箱装卸站container freight station (CFS) 集装箱货运站container harbor 集装箱港口,集装箱货运场,container inland depot 集装箱内陆货运站container lift 集装箱升降机container marshalling yard 集装箱前方堆场container marshalling and storage area 集装箱整理存放地区container parking area 集装箱堆场,集装箱集停放场container pier 集装箱码头container plant 集装箱厂container pool 集装箱堆放场,集装箱货场container port 集装箱港,集装箱港口,货柜港口container stack 集装箱堆码container storage area 集装箱储放区container terminal 集装箱码头,集装箱装卸区,集装箱终点站container van pool container 集装箱空箱堆场container wharf 集装箱码头container yard (CY) 集装箱堆场heavy-lift cum container berth 重货及集装箱泊位inland container depot 内地集装箱站栈,公路集装箱中转站inland depot 集装箱中转站或内路站intermodal container terminal 联运集装箱,联运集装箱终点站intermodal container transfer facility 联运集装箱转运工具modern container terminal 现代化集装箱码头railway container terminal 铁路集装箱站railway container yard 铁路集装箱场through container service port 集装箱联运港集装箱英语6(一)40 GH 40’ garment high cube 40英尺挂衣高箱40 TH 40’ TIE High Cube 40英尺高箱40’/45’ HI-CUBE container surcharge 40’/45’高箱费acceptable container condition 认可的集装箱条件actual carrier 集装箱实际承运人automated container handling 集装箱自动装卸automatic container unhooking device 集装箱自动脱钩器bay number 排号booking container summary 集装箱订舱汇总清单Cable sealing devices 绳缆式箱封设备car container cargo 汽车集装箱货cargo container 集装箱,货物集装箱cargo handling system in container terminal 集装箱码头的装卸工艺方式cargo in container 集装箱货carrier owned CTN 船东自有箱carrier’s own container(COC) 船东自有箱carry in one container 装在一个集装箱内运送CFS packed container 集装箱货运站装箱CFS to CFS 站到站CFS to CY 站到场CFS to door 站到门collapsible container cell guide system 折叠式集装箱格导系统collection and distribution transport 拼箱分拨运输computer controlled container movement 计算机控制的集装箱装卸computer monitor for refrigerated container 计算机冷藏集装箱监测器cone device for positioning container 集装箱固着器,集装箱锥形紧固装置container leasing company 集装箱租赁公司container receiving and delivery system 集装箱运输交接方式container bale capacity 集装箱包装容积;集装箱内部容积container barge 集装箱驳container bill of lading 集装箱提单container capacity 载箱量,装载集装能力container cargo 集装箱货,集装货container cargo Export clearance 集装箱出口货物海关申报单container cargo import clearance 集装箱进口货物海关申报单container cargo insurance 集装箱货物保险container carried on deck 甲板集装箱container case 集装箱container cleaning 洗箱container consortium 集装箱联合企业container delivery clause 交箱条款container delivery number 交箱量container delivery plan 集装箱交货计划container discharging Plan 集装箱卸船计划container dispatch order 集装箱订货单container distribution center 集装箱分配中心container efficiency 集装箱运输效率container equipment data exchange 集装箱设备数字交换container exchange 货柜互换container fleet 集装箱船队container flow 箱流container freight door to door 集装箱门到门运输container freight station to container freight站到站运输stationcontainer freight station to container yard 站到场运输container freight station to door 站到门运输,站到门container handling 集装箱装卸container hire 集装箱租金container hold 集装箱舱container industry 集装箱业container insurance 集装箱保险container interchange 集装箱互换,集装箱相互交换container itself insurance 集装箱本身保险(指箱本身) container lashing 集装箱捆索container lashing and securing device 集装箱紧固装置container leasing 集装箱租赁container leasing agreement 租箱协议container leasing co. 租箱公司container leasing company 集装箱出租公司container leasing contract 租箱合同container leasing long-term 集装箱长期租赁container leasing short-term lease 集装箱短期租赁container lessor 集装箱出租人container limits of liability 集装箱责任限制container list 集装箱清单container load cargo 集装箱整箱货,整箱货container load minimum weight 整箱集装箱货的起码重量container load plan 装箱单,集装箱装箱单container load plan 集装箱配载图container load rate 整箱集装箱货运价container load weight 集装箱载重量container loader 装箱机,集装箱装箱机container loading list 集装箱装货清单container loading list 集装箱装船单container loading plan 集装箱装箱单container locked and sealed 集装箱已锁妥、封好container loss and damage 集装箱灭失和损坏container maintenance 集装箱维修container management 集装箱管理container marine line 集装箱班轮,集装箱海运公司,集装箱航线container marking 集装箱标记container monthly delivery 保证按月供箱合同container network liability system 集装箱网状责任制container No. 箱号container number list 集装箱号码单container object 包容对象,集装箱物体container offloading and transfer system 集装箱卸货与传输系统container on deck 集装箱舱面装载container on flat car 集装箱铁路平车/平板车装运的集装箱container operator 集装箱营运者,集装箱运输经营人container owner's third party liabilityinsurance集装箱物主第三者责任保险container packing 集装箱装箱container packing certificate 集装箱装箱证书container power unit 集装箱动力机组container rehandling report 集装箱翻舱报告container released 集装箱已交付container remanding report 集装箱翻舱报告container rental company 集装箱出租公司container returned 集装箱已交还container Ro-Ro-lashing securing 集装箱滚装系索和固定器材container rule 集装箱规则container rules of freight conference 航运公会集装箱规则container safety approval plate 集装箱安全认可标牌container seal 集装箱箱封container seal number 箱封号container seaworthiness 适航集装箱container securing 集装箱固定系统container service 集装箱业务,集装箱运输container service charge 集装箱服务费,集装箱业务费container ship goods 集装箱装运的货物container ship insurance 集装箱船保险container ship refrigeration 集装箱船制冷装置container shipper’s liabilities 集装箱托运人责任container space 集装箱舱位container survey 集装箱检验container terminal capacity model 集装箱港口容量模型container time insurance 集装箱定期保险container total loss 集装箱全损险container traffic 集装箱运输,集装箱运输container transport 集装箱运输container transport department 集装箱运输处container transport international 国际集装箱运输container transport system 集装箱运输系统container transportation 集装箱运输container uniform liability system 集装箱同一责任制container unloading list 集装箱卸货清单container wear and tear 集装箱箱体自然损耗container yard to container yard 场到场containerable 可用集装箱装运的、适于装集装箱的containerable cargo 可用集装箱装运的货物,集装箱货物,适用集装箱装运的货物集装箱英语6(二)container owner's third party liability insurance 集装箱物主第三者责任保险container packing 集装箱装箱container packing certificate 集装箱装箱证书container power unit 集装箱动力机组container rehandling report 集装箱翻舱报告container released 集装箱已交付container remanding report 集装箱翻舱报告container rental company 集装箱出租公司container returned 集装箱已交还container Ro-Ro-lashing securing 集装箱滚装系索和固定器材container rule 集装箱规则container rules of freight conference 航运公会集装箱规则container safety approval plate 集装箱安全认可标牌container seal 集装箱箱封container seal number 箱封号container seaworthiness 适航集装箱container securing 集装箱固定系统container service 集装箱业务,集装箱运输container service charge 集装箱服务费,集装箱业务费container ship goods 集装箱装运的货物container ship insurance 集装箱船保险container ship refrigeration 集装箱船制冷装置container shipper’s liabilities 集装箱托运人责任container space 集装箱舱位container survey 集装箱检验container terminal capacity model 集装箱港口容量模型container time insurance 集装箱定期保险container total loss 集装箱全损险container traffic 集装箱运输,集装箱运输container transport 集装箱运输container transport department 集装箱运输处container transport international 国际集装箱运输container transport system 集装箱运输系统container transportation 集装箱运输container uniform liability system 集装箱同一责任制container unloading list 集装箱卸货清单container wear and tear 集装箱箱体自然损耗container yard to container yard 场到场containerable 可用集装箱装运的、适于装集装箱的containerable cargo 可用集装箱装运的货物,集装箱货物,适用集装箱装运的货物containerisable 可用集装箱装运的containerizable cargo 可用集装箱装运的货物,集装箱货containerization 集装箱化,集装箱运输containerization of traffic 运输集装箱化containerization transportation 集装箱化运输containerize 货物集装箱化,使集装箱化,集装箱化containerized 集装箱化的containerized cargo 集装箱货物containerized cargo system 集装箱货物装卸系统containerized goods 集装箱货物containers line 集装箱船队container's lock 集装箱锁装置container-shipping 集装箱船运输continuous head plug container 连续式水泥头CY to CFS 场到站CY to CY 场到场CY to door 场到门deck lashing container lock 甲板上固定集装箱之锁扣delivered at container collection depot 在集装箱内陆站交货demountable cargo container 拆卸式货物集装箱demurrage 重箱滞箱费detention charges 空箱滞箱费direct interchange of sub chartered container 直接交接转租箱dock receipt 站场收据door to CFS 门到站door to CY 门到场door to door 门到门door to door container transport 门到门集装箱运输drayage 短驳拖运dry cargo container(DC) 干杂货集装箱,干货集装箱,干货箱empty container 空容器,空集装箱empty container gate-out advise 空箱出场通知empty container inventory report 空箱存场报告equipment change 换箱equipment exchange (interchange) receipt 设备交接单equipment receipt 设备接收单exception of container insurance 集装箱保险除外责任flat car for container 装运集装箱平车flat rack container 平板货柜flat rack container (FR) 框架箱fleet of containers 集装箱箱队forty-foot equivalent unit (FEU) 40英尺换算单位freight calculated for shippers container 货主箱运费计收freight container inspection certificate 集装箱检验证书freight container traffic 货物集装箱运输full container 整装货柜full container load cargo 整柜装货物,整箱货full container load(FCL)整箱货,整箱集装箱货,集装箱整箱货物,整柜装full container loadless than container load 整箱装不足整箱general cargo carrier arranged for carriage ofcontainers杂货船可装集装箱符号general product container (GP) 干货箱half-high container 半截货柜handling of container 集装箱装卸hanging garment container 衣架货柜HC/HQ HI-CUBE (high cube)高箱insulated produce container 保温集装箱;隔热保温集装箱;隔热保温货柜insurance of container comprehensive loss 集装箱综合险integrated container service 综合集装箱服务,综合运输interchange agreement of container 相互交换协定,集装箱相互交换协定inter-fumigation of container cargo 集装箱熏蒸集装箱英语6(三)International Convention for Safe Container 《国际安全集装箱公约》international Regulations Concerning the Carriage ofContainer国际集装箱运输规则inventory report 盘存报告LCL cargo received delivery as FCL cargo 拼箱货改整箱货交接lead fastener 箱封leasing company 租箱公司less than a full container load 拼箱货less than a full container load cargo 拼箱货less than a full container load full container load 拼箱货但整箱交货责任less than container load cargo 拼箱货,非整箱货less than container load(LCL) 拼箱货,未满载货柜liability forms of container carrier 集装箱运输承运人责任形式liability of container shipper 集装箱运输发货人责任lift on/off (吊)上车/下车费用limitation liability of container carrier 集装箱运输承运人责任限制load container (整装集装箱)整装货柜loaded container 载货货柜(集装箱),实货柜,已装.... 集装箱maintenance expenses of container ship 集装箱船船舶费用maritime container network 海运集装箱网Master lease 总租赁movement of the container between origin and destination 箱封检查记录non-vessel operating common carrier(NVOCC)装箱无船经营人number of slots 箱位数off-hire containers 退租箱on-deck container 甲板集装箱one way free use 单向免费使用one-way lease 单程租箱open top (OT) 开顶箱operation expenses of container ship 集装箱船营运费用outturn list for container cargo 集装箱货物溢短残损单overseas container line 海外集装箱运输公司partial container freighter 部分集装箱货物payload 有效载重量/净载重量period of container leasing 租箱期portainer 集装箱岸吊pre-stowage plan 集装箱配载图pre-trip inspection(PTI) 冷藏箱预检费pre-trip inspection(PTI)冷藏箱预检费primitive test of container board 箱板性能测定rack container 框架货柜record of container seating seal examining 集装箱验封施封记录reefer container (集装箱)冷藏货柜reefer container cargo 冷藏集装箱货reefer container management system 冷藏集装箱管理系统refrigerated container monitor 冷藏集装箱监视器refrigerated enclosed container 冷冻货柜repairing company 修箱公司report of undelivered container 集装箱催单,集装箱催提单repositioning 集装箱回空round trip lease 往返租赁row number 行号seal metal strip 箱封seal record 箱封检查记录selection of container 集装箱选择shipper owned CTN 货主自有箱shipper’s load and count (SL&C) 货主装箱、点数shipper’s own container(SOC) 货主自有箱shipper’s pack and seal (SP&S) 货主装箱、加封shippers liability for carriers container used 货主使用承运人集装箱责任shippers liability when his own container used 货主使用自有箱责任short overload and damaged container list (集装箱)溢短、残损单slot number 箱位号slots, slot space 箱位sold report 卖箱报告stowage of container 集装箱的堆装symbol to denote air surface container 空陆水联运集装箱标记tally sheet for container 集装箱理箱单tank container marketing organization 液体集装箱交易机构thermal container loading survey 保温集装箱载货检验through container service 集装箱联运服务tier number 层号trip lease/return trip lease 航次/回程租赁twenty-feet equivalent units(TEU) 20英尺换算单位undelivery container report 集装箱未交付报告unit 自然箱unitization of cargo 货物装运成组化,货物装运单元化wear and tear 正常损耗货运关系人英语A-Cactual carrier 实际承运人actual shipper 实际托运人Bearer ( of a B/L) 提单持有人Boarding Agent/Clerk 代理外勤(登轮)Boatman 缆工Booking Agent 订舱代理Booking Agent the party who securesFOB cargo订舱代理Bunker Supplier 船舶燃料供应公司captain 船长cargo agent 货运代理人cargo airline 货运航空公司,货运航线cargo attendant 货物押运员,货物押运人员Cargo Canvassing 揽货cargo checker 点货员cargo concerned 有关货方cargo consolidator 货物并箱人,货物集运人,货物集中[集运]人cargo interests 货主,货方cargo receiver 交货人Cargo Receiver 受货人cargo sheet clerk 船舶货运员,装卸交货总管理员cargo stevedores 货物装卸工人cargo superintendent 理货员,货物管理员cargo superintendent 货物配载主管cargo tally corporation 理货公司cargo trimmer 匀货工人,平舱工人,平舱机carrier 承运人,运送人,运输业者charterer 租船(机)人chief mate 大副Common carrier 公共承运人Conference Carrier 公会承运人consignee 收货人consigner 发货人consignor 托运人,发货人Contract carrier 契约承运人Contract NVOCC 签约无船承运人Contractual Shipper 契约托运人Controlled Carrier 受控承运人Disponent owner 二船东docker 码头工人efficient deck hand (E.D.H.) 二级水手fast delivery courier 速递公司Forwarder(fwdr)货运代理人forwarding agent 运输代理人freight agent 承运人freight canvasser 揽货员Freight Forwarding Fee(FFF)货代佣金Handling Agent 操作代理Head charterer 主租船人Independent carriers 独立承运人Local shipping agent 当地船代Marine Terminal Operator(MTO)海运码头经营者master 船长Master NVOCC 主装无船公共承运人master’s mate 大副Merchant (班轮提单)货方。



常用集装箱运输词汇(英汉对照)agency 代理animal and the plant quarantine动植物检疫apply to the customs 报关arrival notice 到达通知average agreement 海损协议书barge carrier 载驳船,子母船basic service ports 主要停靠港berth 泊位bill of lading (B/L) 提单,海运提单bill of lading original 提单正本booking 订舱booking container summary 集装箱订舱总单booking list 订舱清单booking note (B/N) 订舱单,托运单box rates 包箱费率broken 破损bulk container 散货集装箱buyer 买方,付款人cargo delivery notice 提货通知cargo manifest 货物舱单,运货单carrier 承运人carrier haulage 承运人接运carrier pack 承运人装箱cell 箱格CFS to CFS集装箱货运站到货运站CFS to CY集装箱货运站到集装箱堆场CFS to door集装箱货运站到门Chassis 底盘车Check digit 核对数字CIM 国际铁路货物运输公约Class rate 分级运费率Clause paramount 首要条款Clean bill / of lading 清洁提单Clean shipping document 清洁货运单证CMR 国际公路货物运输公约collapsible container 折叠式集装箱combination rate联运费率combined transport B/L联运提单combined –transport operator (CTO) 联运经营人commodity inspection 商品检验common carrier公共承运人common law 习惯法,不成文法律concealed damage隐蔽损坏confirmed booking确定订舱consignee 收货人container集装箱,货柜container freight station CFS集装箱货运站container load cargo集装箱货container load plan(CLP)集装箱装箱单container number list 集装箱号码单container rehandling report集装箱翻舱报告container service charge 集装箱服务费container ship 集装箱船container terminal 集装箱码头container unit train 集装箱专用列车container unloading list集装箱卸箱清单container yard (CY)集装箱堆场containerization 集装箱化contents unknown 内容不知;内货不详conventional vessel常规船convertible container ship 集装箱杂货两用船copy of B/L提单副本cost and freight (C&F)成本加运费价格cost, insurance and freight (CIF) 成本加运费保险费,到岸价格Customs Convention on Containers,1972 1972年集装箱海关公约Cut 割伤CY to CFS集装箱堆场到货运站CY to CY集装箱堆场到堆场CY to door集装箱堆场到门Damage 破损Dangerous cargo list危险货物清单Declare 申报Defective(集装箱箱体)异常Delivery order交货单,出栈凭单Delivery record交货记录Demurrage 滞期费Dented 凹损Devanning 拆箱Devanning report拆箱报告单Dock apron 码头前沿Dock receipt (D/R)场站收据Door to CFS 门到集装箱货运站Door to CY门到集装箱堆场Door to door门到门Dry cargo container干货集装箱Duplicate副本Early termination clause提前终止条款Empty container空箱Equipment receipt (ER)设备交接单Equipment receipt in(out)设备交接(交出)单Export declaration 出口申报单Export permit 出口许可证Face clause 提单正面条款Feeder port集散港,支线港Fiber glass reinforced plastic container玻璃钢集装箱Final destination 最终目的地Fines 罚款Flat bed trailer板架式集装箱Forklift 叉车,铲车Fragmental transport 分段运输Free alongside ship(FAS)船边交货Free carrier (FRC) 货物交指定地点承运人价格Free on board (FOB)船上交货,离岸价格Free time免费存放期限Freight all kinds (FAK) 均一费率,不分品种运价Freight forwarder 货运代理人,货运公司Freight liner定期货运列车Freight or carriage and insurance paid to……(CIF)运费和保险费付至目的地价格Freight or carriage paid to …(DCP)运费付至目的地价格Freight ton 计费吨Front-handling mobile crane 集装箱正面吊运起重机Frontier health and quarantine 国境卫生检疫Full container load(FCL)集装箱整箱货Full container ship全集装箱船Gantry container crane 集装箱门式起重机Gate大门Group carriage, transportation in groups 成组运输Hague Rules 海牙规则Hague Visby Rules 海牙-维斯比规则Hamburg Rules 汉堡规则Handling charge装卸费,搬运费High cube container大型集装箱Hook 吊钩Immediate transportation 即运Import permit进口许可证Import / export tariff 进口/出口税率Incidental liabilities and expenses附带责任和费用Inland depot 内陆货运站Inland transportation charge 内陆运输费Inspection certificate 检验证书Insulated container保温集装箱Insurance 保险Interior post type container 内柱式集装箱Intermodal operator 多式联运经营人Intermodalism 多式联运International Convention for Safe Container (CSC)国际集装箱安全公约International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织International Multimodel Transport Convention 国际多式联运公约International Standardization Organization (ISO)国际标准化组织Inward manifest 进口舱单Joint rate联合运输费率Land bridge 陆桥,大陆桥Lashing operation 加固(捆扎)作业LCL service charge 拼箱服务费Less than container load cargo(LCL)拼箱货Letter of credit (L/C)信用证Letter of guarantee (L/G)银行担保书,保函Lift on / lift off (LO/LO)吊上吊下方式Lighter aboard ship (LASH)拉西型船,载驳船Liner班轮Loading and unloading line装卸线Loading list装货清单Local clause地区条款Local devanning (LD)当地拆箱Local repair (LR)当地修箱Local vanning (LV)当地装箱Maintenance shop 维修车间Mate’s receipt (M/R)大副收据Micro-bridge微型陆桥Mini-land bridge 小陆桥Mixing rate混装费率Mobile crane 移动式起重机Non-vessel operator无船承运人Ocean freight 海运运费On board B/L 装船提单On deck / liberty clause 装载甲板自由条款Open side container侧壁全开式集装箱Open-top (hard top) container开顶(硬顶)集装箱Open-top (soft top) container开顶(软顶)集装箱Outside post type container 外柱式集装箱Outturn report卸船报告Overland transit empty外地空箱回送Overland transit full 外地装货回运Pallet托盘,货板Pen container牲畜集装箱Pick up charge提箱费Piggyback trailer on flat car 背负式集装箱运输Place of delivery 交货地点Place of receipt接货地点Port additional, port surcharge港口附加费Protection and Indemnity Association of Club (P&I)保赔协会Quayside container crane 岸边集装箱起重机Rail division 铁路费用Rail mounted transtainer 轨道式集装箱龙门起重机Rail wagon铁路货车Ramp 跳板Received B/L待装提单Refrigerated container 冷藏集装箱Repair shop 修理车间Road vehicle 公路车辆Roll on/roll off (RO/RO)滚装方式Round the world service环球运输Rubber-tired transtainer seal 轮胎式集装箱龙门起重机Seal 铅封Semi-container ship半集装箱Semi-trailer tractor 半挂车牵引车半挂车集装箱牵引车Service charge服务费Shipped B/L已装船提单Shipper’s load and count由托运人装箱并计数Shipper’s pack由托运人装箱Shipping charge装船费Sort fall freight 亏舱运费Side door container侧开门集装箱Slot箱位Special cargo list特种货物清单Spreader 集装箱吊具Storage charge 保管费,仓储费Stowage plan 货物配载图Straddle carrier跨运车Suitable containerize able cargo 适箱货Surcharge (or additional) 附加费Tally sheet理货单Tank container罐式集装箱Terminal 码头Terminal handlings charge装卸费用Terminal port终点港Through B/L联运提单Through Transit Club 全程联运保赔协会Tractor 牵引车Transfer crane 搬运起重机Transtainer集装箱龙门起重机Twenty foot equivalent unit(TEU)20英尺集装箱换算单位(换算箱) Twistlock旋锁Unitized 成组化Unitized cargo成组货物Unsuitable containerizeable cargo非适箱货Vanning 装箱Ventilated container通风集装箱。

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具体说有贪婪算法、遗传算法和两阶段Benders (班德尔)分解算法,考虑解决问题的效果,各算法的计算效率和计算时间也被考虑在内。




















IBM业务咨询白皮书(作者Naresh Hingorani、Derek Moore、Keld Tornqvist 2005年)显示,集装箱航运市场仍以每年8%-10%的速度增长。
















最近常见的是,承运人形成战略联盟来实现规模经济,通过为客户提供高频率的航班和高速度的中转,扩大其客户基础和增加设备利用率(Song and Panayides 2002)。




Christiansen, Fagerholt, and Ronen(2004)详细的将全球航运业划分为三种不同的营运模式,大宗工业物资运输、不定期船运输和班轮运输。












正如Christiansen, Fagerholt and Ronen(2004)所观察的那样,随着全球集装箱货物的增加,班轮运输也高速发展。


根据Barry Rogliano Aales AlphaLiner2002年的报告,2000年2月到2006年2月,全球班轮贸易的集装箱能力从515万标箱增加到913.5万标箱,增加了77.4%。







为了维护客户,为客户提供固定船期,大部分船舶一周至少挂靠一次其运输航线上的每个港口(e.g. a cycle)。


















而且,大部分可用的文献也随着行业和不定期船运输的发展而发展(Christiansen, Fagerholt, and Ronen 2004)。



为了综合系统的回顾船队规划和路径选择方面的文献,我们推荐Romen1983年完成的论文、Ronen1982~1992年研究于1993年完成的论文和Christiansen, Fagerholt, and Ronen2004年完成的对于近十年研究的论文。

Rana and Vickson(1991)通过为每一艘集装箱船选择最优的挂靠港顺序、为每艘船舶在每组港口中转提供了最优的货物单元数量,提出了非线性整数规划的方法,来解决总利润最大化。

他们允许船舶多次的收发货物(pickups and deliveries)。











