Meta-Event Description Language for Realtime Corba
判断题(20道题,共计20分)Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false on the Answer Sheet.选择题(20道题,共计20分)Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement.名词解释:(20选6)共计30分Use your own words to explain the following terms on the Answer Sheet.1. Language:Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.2. Duality: one design feature of human language, which refers to the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization.3. Metalanguage:certain kinds of linguistic signs or terms for the analysis and description of particular studies.4. Articulatory phonetics: It is a branch of phonetics which is the study of the production of speech sounds.5. Allophone: The different realization of the same phoneme in different phonetic environment is called allophone.6. Distinctive features: They are phonological relevant properties which can distinguish one phoneme from another.7. IPA: It is abbreviation of International Phonetic Alphabet, which is a comprised system employing symbols of all sources, such as Roman small letters, italics uprighted, obsolete letters, Greek letters, diacritics, etc. .8. Morpheme: It is the smallest unit of language in terms of relationship between expression and content, a unit that cannot be divided into further small units without destroying or drastically altering the meaning, whether it is lexical or grammatical.9. Compound: It refers to those words that consist of more than one lexical morpheme, or the way to join two separate words to produce a single form.10. Blending: It is a relatively complex form of compounding, in which two words are blended by joining the initial part of the first word and the final part of the second word, or by joining the initial parts of the two words.11. Back-formation: It is an abnormal type of word-formation where a shorter word is derived by deleting an imagined affix from a long form already in the language.12. Embedding: It refers to the means by which one clause is included in the sentence (main clause) in syntactic subordination.13. Recursiveness: It mainly means that a phrasal constituent can be embedded within (i.e. be dominated by) another constituent having the same category.14. Cohesion: It is a concept to do with discourse or text rather than with syntax, it refers to relations of meaning that exist within the text, and defines it as a text.15. Reference: It means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world; it is concerned with the relation between a world and the thing it refers to, or more generally between a linguistic unit and a non-linguistic entity it refers to.16. Sense: It is the semantic relations between one word or another. It is concerned with the intra-linguistic relations.17. Hyponymy(必考): It is a relation between two words, in which the meaning of one word (the superordinate) is included in the meaning of another word (the hyponym).18. Conversational implicature: It refers to the extra meaning not contained in the literal utterances, unders tandable to the listener only when he shares the speaker’s knowledge or knows why and how he violates intentionally one of the four maxims of the cooperative principle.19. Illocutionary act: It is the act of expressing the speaker’s intention; it is the act performed in saying something.20. Deep structure: It is the abstract representation of the syntactic properties of a construction, i.e. the underlying level of structural relations between its different constituents, such as the relation between the underlying subject and its verb, or a verb and its object.讨论题(6选3)共计30分Read the following questions and write down your understanding on the Answer Sheet.1.Cite examples from English and Chinese to discuss the concept of the syllable.English: a unit of speech sounds consisting of a vowel or a vowel with one or more than one consonant.Chinese: word or part of word which contains a vowel sound or consonant acting as a vowel.In English we can divide a syllable into two parts: the phyme and the onset. As the vowel within the thyme is the nucleus, the consonant after it will be termed the coda, for example clasp .All syllables must have a nucleus but not all syllables contain an onset and a coda. A syllable that has no coda is called an open syllable, for example: bar, tie. While a syllable with coda is known as closed syllable, for example: hard, tied, dead.English syllable can be represented as (((C)C)C)V((((C)C)C)C) , However ,the Chinese syllable allows at most one consonant in the onset position and only nasals in the coda for the Putonghua .Thus the Chinese syllable is represented as (C)V(C) e.g. “split”, “sixths” and “prompts”. “您好,请问河南工业大学在哪里?”2.The sentence “John saw the police with binoculars” has two semantic interpretations. You arerequired to explain why the sentence is two-way ambiguous. Syntactic tree diagrams are necessary for your explanation.3. What are the four maxims of the Cooperative Principle? Please give examples to show how the flouting of these maxims gives rise to conversational implicature (Give at least two examples, each flouting a different maxim).(1) Quantity----Make your contribution as informative as required for the current purpose of the exchange. E.g. War is war.> War is cruel----Do not make your contribution more informative than is required. E.g. A: Where is Tom? B: He has gone to the library. He said so when he left.> I am not sure and I do not believe what he said.(2) Quality----Do not say what you believe to be false. E.g. He is made of iron ----Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence. E.g. A:would you like to come to our party tonight? B: I’m afraid I’m not feeling so well tonight.(3) Relation----Be relevant. E.g. A: Prof. Wang is an old bag. B: Nice weather for the time of year. > I don’t want to talk about Prof. Wang.(4) Manner----Avoid obscurity of expression. E.g. A: Let’s get the kids something. B: Ok, butI veto C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E.> don’t give them chocolate ----Avoid ambiguity. E.g. A: Name and title, please? B: John Smith, Associate Editor and professor. ----Be brief. E.g. A: Did you get my assignment? B: I received two pages clipped together and covered with rows of black squiggles.>not satisfied. ----Be orderly.4. Use structural approach and traditional approach to analyze the sentence “I bought a book yesterday”5. How do you understand the design features of language?1) Arbitrariness,According to Saussure, it refers to the fact that the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning. For instance, we cannot explain why a book is calleda /buk/ and a pen a /pen/.2) Duality. It refers to the property of having two levels of structures: units of the primary level being composed of elements of the secondary level and each level having its own principles of organization. At the lower or the basic level, there is the structure of sounds, which are meaningless, discrete, individual sounds. But the sounds of language can be combined according to rules into units of meaning such as morphemes and words, which, at the higher level, can be arranged into sentences. This duality of structure or double articulation of language enables its users to talk about anything within their knowledge. No animal communication system has duality or even comes near to possessing it.3)Creativity. By creativity we mean language is resourceful owing to its duality and its recursiveness. Peculiar to human languages,users of language can understand and produce sentences they have never heard before. For example, “A red-eyed elephant is dancing on the hotel bed”4) Displacement. Language can be used to refer to things, which are not present: real or imagined matters in the past, present or future, or in far-away places. Displacement enables people to handle generalizations and abstractions. For example, a dog cannot tell people that its master will be home in a few days. Our language enables us to communicate about things that do not exist or do not yet exist.6. Why Saussure is hailed as the father of modern linguistics?1) the book “Course in General Linguistics”(1916),which is the most improtant source of Saussure’s ideas,marked t he beginning of modern linguistics.2) Seaussure was the first to notice the complexities of language which direct our attention to essential of language and make clear the object of study for linguistics as a science. He belived that language is a system of signs, called conventions. He heled this sign is the union of a form an an idea, which he called the signifier and the signified.3) Seassure’s idea on the arbitraty nature of sign, on the relational nature of linguisticunits, on the distiction of langue and parole and synchronic and diachronic linguistics,ect.pushed linguistics into a brand new stage.。
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12maximal onset principle states that when there is a choice as to where to place a consonant. it is put into the onset rather than the coda. . The correct syllabification of the word country should be第一章,填空1. The study of the meaning of lingustic words, phrases is called semantics.2. Displacement is a design feature of human language that enables speakers to talk about a wild range of things free from barriers caused by4. Morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of language.5. If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use, it is said to be descriptive.6. Chomsky defines“competence” as the ideal user's knowledge of the rules of his language.7. Language is a means of verbal communication. It is informative in that communicating by speaking or writing is a purposeful act.8. The link between a linguistic sign and its meaning is a matter of9. Language is distinguished from traffic lights in that the former has the designing feature of duality.10. In linguistics research, both quantity and quality approaches are preferred.判断:11. The writing system of a language is always a later invention used to record speech, thus there are still many languages in today's have no .... √12. According to Chomsky, the word “competence” is not limited to the ability of an ideal native speaker to construct and recognize.×13. Duality and cultural transmission are two most important design features of humanlanguage.×14. Chomsky's competence' and performance are similar in meaning to S aussure’s langue and parole.√15,An important difference between traditional grammarians and modern linguists in their study of language is that the former tended to over-emphasize the written form of language and encourage people to imitate the“best authors”for language usage √16. In modern linguistic studies, the written form of language is given more emphasis than the spoken form for a of reasons.√17. Modern linguistics is mainly diachronic.×chochronic共时的18. Langue and parole is the fundamental distinction discussed by Chomsky in his Aspects of the Theory ofdistinguished the linguistic competence of the speaker and the actual phenomena or data of linguistics as Parole and language. √20. According to Chomsky, the task of a linguist is to determine from the data of performance the underlying system of rules that has been √选择:1. As modern linguistics aims to describe and analyse the language people actually use, and not to lay down rules for correct linguistic behavior, it is said to be descriptive2. I can refer to Confucius even though he was dead 2000 years ago. This shows thatlanguage has the design feature of displacement.3.“Don’t end a sentence with a preposition.” this is an example of prescriptive rules.4.Which of the following is most referred to as a branch of t he study of meaning in5.The synchronic study of language takes a fixed instant as its point of observation.6. The branch of linguistics that studies how context influences the way speakers interpret sentences is called pragmatics.7. The fact that different languages have different words for the same object is good proof that human language is A没照下图片arbitrary8.The descriptive of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study.9.题目没照下来。
湖南省邵阳市2025届高三上学期8月月考试题 英语含答案
1.What color is the dress the woman is trying on?A.Yellow.B.Orange.C.Blue.2.What is the man's job probably?A.A novelist.B.A cartoonist.C.A reporter.3.What kind of occasion are the speakers probably celebrating?A.A wedding.B.A holiday.C.A birthday.4.How does the woman prefer to learn?A.By reading books.B.By watching videos.C.By using the Internet.5.Who was the man angry with?A.The cinema staff.B.The woman.C.Some other audiences.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6.What are the speakers doing?A.Having a picnic.B.Preparing a meal.C.Shopping in a supermarket.7.What did the man want to eat at first?A.A salad.B.A sandwich.C.Noodles.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。
Ask about
Sayer: the kids Receiver: Dufour Verbiage: their safety…
Emphasize Sayer: Dufour
Verbiage: the importance…
Sayer: he Verbiage: “we can’t…”
Behavioral processes refer to physiological and psychological behavior such as breathing, coughing, smiling, etc.
Existential processes represent that something exists or happens. In every existential process, there is an existent.
The editor says his best advice for those who want to talk about the attacks with their children is to begin the discussion by listening to their questions. The kids ask Dufour about their safety, the terrorists' motives, how it relates to the Charlie Hebdo attacks, why they attacked a rock concert and why the attackers killed themselves.
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META标签的author:代表说明网页版权作者信息,写法为:<meta name="author" content="信息参数">。
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AI专⽤词汇LetterAAccumulatederrorbackpropagation累积误差逆传播ActivationFunction激活函数AdaptiveResonanceTheory/ART⾃适应谐振理论Addictivemodel加性学习Adversari alNetworks对抗⽹络AffineLayer仿射层Affinitymatrix亲和矩阵Agent代理/智能体Algorithm算法Alpha-betapruningα-β剪枝Anomalydetection异常检测Approximation近似AreaUnderROCCurve/AUCRoc曲线下⾯积ArtificialGeneralIntelligence/AGI通⽤⼈⼯智能ArtificialIntelligence/AI⼈⼯智能Associationanalysis关联分析Attentionmechanism注意⼒机制Attributeconditionalindependenceassumption属性条件独⽴性假设Attributespace属性空间Attributevalue属性值Autoencoder⾃编码器Automaticspeechrecognition⾃动语⾳识别Automaticsummarization⾃动摘要Aver agegradient平均梯度Average-Pooling平均池化LetterBBackpropagationThroughTime通过时间的反向传播Backpropagation/BP反向传播Baselearner基学习器Baselearnin galgorithm基学习算法BatchNormalization/BN批量归⼀化Bayesdecisionrule贝叶斯判定准则BayesModelAveraging/BMA贝叶斯模型平均Bayesoptimalclassifier贝叶斯最优分类器Bayesiandecisiontheory贝叶斯决策论Bayesiannetwork贝叶斯⽹络Between-cla ssscattermatrix类间散度矩阵Bias偏置/偏差Bias-variancedecomposition偏差-⽅差分解Bias-VarianceDilemma偏差–⽅差困境Bi-directionalLong-ShortTermMemory/Bi-LSTM双向长短期记忆Binaryclassification⼆分类Binomialtest⼆项检验Bi-partition⼆分法Boltzmannmachine玻尔兹曼机Bootstrapsampling⾃助采样法/可重复采样/有放回采样Bootstrapping⾃助法Break-EventPoint/BEP平衡点LetterCCalibration校准Cascade-Correlation级联相关Categoricalattribute离散属性Class-conditionalprobability类条件概率Classificationandregressiontree/CART分类与回归树Classifier分类器Class-imbalance类别不平衡Closed-form闭式Cluster簇/类/集群Clusteranalysis聚类分析Clustering聚类Clusteringensemble聚类集成Co-adapting共适应Codin gmatrix编码矩阵COLT国际学习理论会议Committee-basedlearning基于委员会的学习Competiti velearning竞争型学习Componentlearner组件学习器Comprehensibility可解释性Comput ationCost计算成本ComputationalLinguistics计算语⾔学Computervision计算机视觉C onceptdrift概念漂移ConceptLearningSystem/CLS概念学习系统Conditionalentropy条件熵Conditionalmutualinformation条件互信息ConditionalProbabilityTable/CPT条件概率表Conditionalrandomfield/CRF条件随机场Conditionalrisk条件风险Confidence置信度Confusionmatrix混淆矩阵Connectionweight连接权Connectionism连结主义Consistency⼀致性/相合性Contingencytable列联表Continuousattribute连续属性Convergence收敛Conversationalagent会话智能体Convexquadraticprogramming凸⼆次规划Convexity凸性Convolutionalneuralnetwork/CNN卷积神经⽹络Co-oc currence同现Correlationcoefficient相关系数Cosinesimilarity余弦相似度Costcurve成本曲线CostFunction成本函数Costmatrix成本矩阵Cost-sensitive成本敏感Crosse ntropy交叉熵Crossvalidation交叉验证Crowdsourcing众包Curseofdimensionality维数灾难Cutpoint截断点Cuttingplanealgorithm割平⾯法LetterDDatamining数据挖掘Dataset数据集DecisionBoundary决策边界Decisionstump决策树桩Decisiontree决策树/判定树Deduction演绎DeepBeliefNetwork深度信念⽹络DeepConvolutionalGe nerativeAdversarialNetwork/DCGAN深度卷积⽣成对抗⽹络Deeplearning深度学习Deep neuralnetwork/DNN深度神经⽹络DeepQ-Learning深度Q学习DeepQ-Network深度Q⽹络Densityestimation密度估计Density-basedclustering密度聚类Differentiab leneuralcomputer可微分神经计算机Dimensionalityreductionalgorithm降维算法D irectededge有向边Disagreementmeasure不合度量Discriminativemodel判别模型Di scriminator判别器Distancemeasure距离度量Distancemetriclearning距离度量学习D istribution分布Divergence散度Diversitymeasure多样性度量/差异性度量Domainadaption领域⾃适应Downsampling下采样D-separation(Directedseparation)有向分离Dual problem对偶问题Dummynode哑结点DynamicFusion动态融合Dynamicprogramming动态规划LetterEEigenvaluedecomposition特征值分解Embedding嵌⼊Emotionalanalysis情绪分析Empiricalconditionalentropy经验条件熵Empiricalentropy经验熵Empiricalerror经验误差Empiricalrisk经验风险End-to-End端到端Energy-basedmodel基于能量的模型Ensemblelearning集成学习Ensemblepruning集成修剪ErrorCorrectingOu tputCodes/ECOC纠错输出码Errorrate错误率Error-ambiguitydecomposition误差-分歧分解Euclideandistance欧⽒距离Evolutionarycomputation演化计算Expectation-Maximization期望最⼤化Expectedloss期望损失ExplodingGradientProblem梯度爆炸问题Exponentiallossfunction指数损失函数ExtremeLearningMachine/ELM超限学习机LetterFFactorization因⼦分解Falsenegative假负类Falsepositive假正类False PositiveRate/FPR假正例率Featureengineering特征⼯程Featureselection特征选择Featurevector特征向量FeaturedLearning特征学习FeedforwardNeuralNetworks/FNN前馈神经⽹络Fine-tuning微调Flippingoutput翻转法Fluctuation震荡Forwards tagewisealgorithm前向分步算法Frequentist频率主义学派Full-rankmatrix满秩矩阵Func tionalneuron功能神经元LetterGGainratio增益率Gametheory博弈论Gaussianker nelfunction⾼斯核函数GaussianMixtureModel⾼斯混合模型GeneralProblemSolving通⽤问题求解Generalization泛化Generalizationerror泛化误差Generalizatione rrorbound泛化误差上界GeneralizedLagrangefunction⼴义拉格朗⽇函数Generalized linearmodel⼴义线性模型GeneralizedRayleighquotient⼴义瑞利商GenerativeAd versarialNetworks/GAN⽣成对抗⽹络GenerativeModel⽣成模型Generator⽣成器Genet icAlgorithm/GA遗传算法Gibbssampling吉布斯采样Giniindex基尼指数Globalminimum全局最⼩GlobalOptimization全局优化Gradientboosting梯度提升GradientDescent梯度下降Graphtheory图论Ground-truth真相/真实LetterHHardmargin硬间隔Hardvoting硬投票Harmonicmean调和平均Hessematrix海塞矩阵Hiddendynamicmodel隐动态模型H iddenlayer隐藏层HiddenMarkovModel/HMM隐马尔可夫模型Hierarchicalclustering层次聚类Hilbertspace希尔伯特空间Hingelossfunction合页损失函数Hold-out留出法Homo geneous同质Hybridcomputing混合计算Hyperparameter超参数Hypothesis假设Hypothe sistest假设验证LetterIICML国际机器学习会议Improvediterativescaling/IIS改进的迭代尺度法Incrementallearning增量学习Independentandidenticallydistributed/i.i.d.独⽴同分布IndependentComponentAnalysis/ICA独⽴成分分析Indicatorfunction指⽰函数Individuallearner个体学习器Induction归纳Inductivebias归纳偏好I nductivelearning归纳学习InductiveLogicProgramming/ILP归纳逻辑程序设计Infor mationentropy信息熵Informationgain信息增益Inputlayer输⼊层Insensitiveloss不敏感损失Inter-clustersimilarity簇间相似度InternationalConferencefor MachineLearning/ICML国际机器学习⼤会Intra-clustersimilarity簇内相似度Intrinsicvalue固有值IsometricMapping/Isomap等度量映射Isotonicregression等分回归It erativeDichotomiser迭代⼆分器LetterKKernelmethod核⽅法Kerneltrick核技巧K ernelizedLinearDiscriminantAnalysis/KLDA核线性判别分析K-foldcrossvalidationk折交叉验证/k倍交叉验证K-MeansClusteringK–均值聚类K-NearestNeighb oursAlgorithm/KNNK近邻算法Knowledgebase知识库KnowledgeRepresentation知识表征LetterLLabelspace标记空间Lagrangeduality拉格朗⽇对偶性Lagrangemultiplier拉格朗⽇乘⼦Laplacesmoothing拉普拉斯平滑Laplaciancorrection拉普拉斯修正Latent DirichletAllocation隐狄利克雷分布Latentsemanticanalysis潜在语义分析Latentvariable隐变量Lazylearning懒惰学习Learner学习器Learningbyanalogy类⽐学习Learn ingrate学习率LearningVectorQuantization/LVQ学习向量量化Leastsquaresre gressiontree最⼩⼆乘回归树Leave-One-Out/LOO留⼀法linearchainconditional randomfield线性链条件随机场LinearDiscriminantAnalysis/LDA线性判别分析Linearmodel线性模型LinearRegression线性回归Linkfunction联系函数LocalMarkovproperty局部马尔可夫性Localminimum局部最⼩Loglikelihood对数似然Logodds/logit对数⼏率Lo gisticRegressionLogistic回归Log-likelihood对数似然Log-linearregression对数线性回归Long-ShortTermMemory/LSTM长短期记忆Lossfunction损失函数LetterM Machinetranslation/MT机器翻译Macron-P宏查准率Macron-R宏查全率Majorityvoting绝对多数投票法Manifoldassumption流形假设Manifoldlearning流形学习Margintheory间隔理论Marginaldistribution边际分布Marginalindependence边际独⽴性Marginalization边际化MarkovChainMonteCarlo/MCMC马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗⽅法MarkovRandomField马尔可夫随机场Maximalclique最⼤团MaximumLikelihoodEstimation/MLE极⼤似然估计/极⼤似然法Maximummargin最⼤间隔Maximumweightedspanningtree最⼤带权⽣成树Max-P ooling最⼤池化Meansquarederror均⽅误差Meta-learner元学习器Metriclearning度量学习Micro-P微查准率Micro-R微查全率MinimalDescriptionLength/MDL最⼩描述长度Minim axgame极⼩极⼤博弈Misclassificationcost误分类成本Mixtureofexperts混合专家Momentum动量Moralgraph道德图/端正图Multi-classclassification多分类Multi-docum entsummarization多⽂档摘要Multi-layerfeedforwardneuralnetworks多层前馈神经⽹络MultilayerPerceptron/MLP多层感知器Multimodallearning多模态学习Multipl eDimensionalScaling多维缩放Multiplelinearregression多元线性回归Multi-re sponseLinearRegression/MLR多响应线性回归Mutualinformation互信息LetterN Naivebayes朴素贝叶斯NaiveBayesClassifier朴素贝叶斯分类器Namedentityrecognition命名实体识别Nashequilibrium纳什均衡Naturallanguagegeneration/NLG⾃然语⾔⽣成Naturallanguageprocessing⾃然语⾔处理Negativeclass负类Negativecorrelation负相关法NegativeLogLikelihood负对数似然NeighbourhoodComponentAnalysis/NCA近邻成分分析NeuralMachineTranslation神经机器翻译NeuralTuringMachine神经图灵机Newtonmethod⽜顿法NIPS国际神经信息处理系统会议NoFreeLunchTheorem /NFL没有免费的午餐定理Noise-contrastiveestimation噪⾳对⽐估计Nominalattribute列名属性Non-convexoptimization⾮凸优化Nonlinearmodel⾮线性模型Non-metricdistance⾮度量距离Non-negativematrixfactorization⾮负矩阵分解Non-ordinalattribute⽆序属性Non-SaturatingGame⾮饱和博弈Norm范数Normalization归⼀化Nuclearnorm核范数Numericalattribute数值属性LetterOObjectivefunction⽬标函数Obliquedecisiontree斜决策树Occam’srazor奥卡姆剃⼑Odds⼏率Off-Policy离策略Oneshotlearning⼀次性学习One-DependentEstimator/ODE独依赖估计On-Policy在策略Ordinalattribute有序属性Out-of-bagestimate包外估计Outputlayer输出层Outputsmearing输出调制法Overfitting过拟合/过配Oversampling过采样LetterPPairedt-test成对t检验Pairwise成对型PairwiseMarkovproperty成对马尔可夫性Parameter参数Parameterestimation参数估计Parametertuning调参Parsetree解析树ParticleSwarmOptimization/PSO粒⼦群优化算法Part-of-speechtagging词性标注Perceptron感知机Performanceme asure性能度量PlugandPlayGenerativeNetwork即插即⽤⽣成⽹络Pluralityvoting相对多数投票法Polaritydetection极性检测Polynomialkernelfunction多项式核函数Pooling池化Positiveclass正类Positivedefinitematrix正定矩阵Post-hoctest后续检验Post-pruning后剪枝potentialfunction势函数Precision查准率/准确率Prepruning预剪枝Principalcomponentanalysis/PCA主成分分析Principleofmultipleexplanations多释原则Prior先验ProbabilityGraphicalModel概率图模型ProximalGradientDescent/PGD近端梯度下降Pruning剪枝Pseudo-label伪标记LetterQQuantizedNeu ralNetwork量⼦化神经⽹络Quantumcomputer量⼦计算机QuantumComputing量⼦计算Quasi Newtonmethod拟⽜顿法LetterRRadialBasisFunction/RBF径向基函数RandomFo restAlgorithm随机森林算法Randomwalk随机漫步Recall查全率/召回率ReceiverOperatin gCharacteristic/ROC受试者⼯作特征RectifiedLinearUnit/ReLU线性修正单元Recurr entNeuralNetwork循环神经⽹络Recursiveneuralnetwork递归神经⽹络Referencemodel参考模型Regression回归Regularization正则化Reinforcementlearning/RL强化学习Representationlearning表征学习Representertheorem表⽰定理reproducingke rnelHilbertspace/RKHS再⽣核希尔伯特空间Re-sampling重采样法Rescaling再缩放Residu alMapping残差映射ResidualNetwork残差⽹络RestrictedBoltzmannMachine/RBM受限玻尔兹曼机RestrictedIsometryProperty/RIP限定等距性Re-weighting重赋权法Robu stness稳健性/鲁棒性Rootnode根结点RuleEngine规则引擎Rulelearning规则学习LetterS Saddlepoint鞍点Samplespace样本空间Sampling采样Scorefunction评分函数Self-Driving⾃动驾驶Self-OrganizingMap/SOM⾃组织映射Semi-naiveBayesclassifiers半朴素贝叶斯分类器Semi-SupervisedLearning半监督学习semi-SupervisedSupportVec torMachine半监督⽀持向量机Sentimentanalysis情感分析Separatinghyperplane分离超平⾯SigmoidfunctionSigmoid函数Similaritymeasure相似度度量Simulatedannealing模拟退⽕Simultaneouslocalizationandmapping同步定位与地图构建SingularV alueDecomposition奇异值分解Slackvariables松弛变量Smoothing平滑Softmargin软间隔Softmarginmaximization软间隔最⼤化Softvoting软投票Sparserepresentation稀疏表征Sparsity稀疏性Specialization特化SpectralClustering谱聚类SpeechRecognition语⾳识别Splittingvariable切分变量Squashingfunction挤压函数Stability-plasticitydilemma可塑性-稳定性困境Statisticallearning统计学习Statusfeaturefunction状态特征函Stochasticgradientdescent随机梯度下降Stratifiedsampling分层采样Structuralrisk结构风险Structuralriskminimization/SRM结构风险最⼩化S ubspace⼦空间Supervisedlearning监督学习/有导师学习supportvectorexpansion⽀持向量展式SupportVectorMachine/SVM⽀持向量机Surrogatloss替代损失Surrogatefunction替代函数Symboliclearning符号学习Symbolism符号主义Synset同义词集LetterTT-Di stributionStochasticNeighbourEmbedding/t-SNET–分布随机近邻嵌⼊Tensor张量TensorProcessingUnits/TPU张量处理单元Theleastsquaremethod最⼩⼆乘法Th reshold阈值Thresholdlogicunit阈值逻辑单元Threshold-moving阈值移动TimeStep时间步骤Tokenization标记化Trainingerror训练误差Traininginstance训练⽰例/训练例Tran sductivelearning直推学习Transferlearning迁移学习Treebank树库Tria-by-error试错法Truenegative真负类Truepositive真正类TruePositiveRate/TPR真正例率TuringMachine图灵机Twice-learning⼆次学习LetterUUnderfitting⽋拟合/⽋配Undersampling⽋采样Understandability可理解性Unequalcost⾮均等代价Unit-stepfunction单位阶跃函数Univariatedecisiontree单变量决策树Unsupervisedlearning⽆监督学习/⽆导师学习Unsupervisedlayer-wisetraining⽆监督逐层训练Upsampling上采样LetterVVanishingGradientProblem梯度消失问题Variationalinference变分推断VCTheoryVC维理论Versionspace版本空间Viterbialgorithm维特⽐算法VonNeumannarchitecture冯·诺伊曼架构LetterWWassersteinGAN/WGANWasserstein⽣成对抗⽹络Weaklearner弱学习器Weight权重Weightsharing权共享Weightedvoting加权投票法Within-classscattermatrix类内散度矩阵Wordembedding词嵌⼊Wordsensedisambiguation词义消歧LetterZZero-datalearning零数据学习Zero-shotlearning零次学习。
Residue and metalanguage
e.g. My aunt was given that teapot yesterday by the duke.
The structure of residue:
The typical order of elements in the Residue is: Predicator ∧ Complement ∧ Adjunct The duke Subject Mood gave Predicator my aunt Complement Residue that teapot. Adjunct
that my summary is destined to be truer than I thought. -ubject
Metalanguage and description
几乎所有的网页里,我们可以看到类似下面这段的html代码:<head><meta http-equiv=content-Type content=texthtml; charset=gb2312><head>也许你认为这些代码可有可无。
meat标签的name属性语法格式是:<meta name=参数content=具体的参数值> 。
举例:<meta name =keywords content=science, education,culture,politics,ecnomics,relationships, entertaiment, human>B、description(网站内容描述)说明:description用来告诉搜索引擎你的网站主要内容。
举例:<meta name=description content=This page is about the meaning of science, education,culture.>C、robots(机器人向导)说明:robots用来告诉搜索机器人哪些页面需要索引,哪些页面不需要索引。
RevMan中⽂版Review Manager (RevMan)——临床医⽣通向Meta分析的桥梁Review Manager (RevMan)——a Bridge leading the Clinicians to Meta Analysisiseeyou1989年蒂姆成功开发出世界上第⼀个Web服务器和第⼀台Web 客户机并将他的发明命名为World wide web,由此引发了⼀场新的信息⾰命和经济⾰命;1972年Archie Cochrane ⾸次提出循证医学的思想并将系统评价的⽅法应⽤于产科领域,从⽽开创了⼀场翻天覆地的医学⾰命。
Meta 分析正是循证医学合理配置资源和提⾼资源有限使⽤效率最有效的⼯具[1]。
1 Meta分析简介Meta分析的前⾝源于Fisher1920年“合并P值”的思想,1955年由Beecher⾸次提出初步的概念,1976年⼼理学家Glass进⼀步按照其思想发展为“合并统计量”,称之为Meta 分析[2]。
1979年英国临床流⾏病学家Archie Cochrane提出系统评价(systematic review,SR)的概念,并发表了激素治疗早产孕妇降低新⽣⼉死亡率随机对照试验的系统评价,对循证医学的发展起了举⾜轻重的作⽤。
Meta分析国内翻译为“荟萃分析”,定义是“The statistical analysis of large collection of analysis results from individual studies for the purpose of integrating the findings.”亦即“对具备特定条件的、同课题的诸多研究结果进⾏综合的⼀类统计⽅法。
”[3,4] Meta 从字源来说据考证有“Meta logic:a branch of analytic philosophy that deals with the critical examination of the basic concepts of logic ”;“Meta mathematics:the philosophy of mathematics,especially,the logical syntax of mathematics.”其中最简洁并且⼀语中的的是“Meta science::a theory or science of science,a theory concerned with the investigation, analysis, or description of theory itself.”意为⼀种科学中的科学或理论,⼀种对原理本⾝进⾏调查、分析和描述的原理。
语⾔学期末复习第⼀章(判)Language is only a means of communication.(F)Language has a form-meaning correspondence.(F)The function of language is to exchange information.(F)English is more difficult to learn than Chinese.(F)Black English is not standard and should be reformed.(F)The following are some fundamental views about language.判)Children learn their native language swiftly, efficiently and without instruction.(T) Language operates by rules.(T)All languages have three major components: a sound system语⾳系统, a system of lexicogrammar词汇语法 and a system of semantics语意学.(T)Everyone speaks a dialect.(T)Language slowly changes.(T)Speakers of all languages employ a range of styles and a set of jargons⾏话.(T) Languages are intimately related to the societies and individuals who use them.(T) Writing is derivative 来源的of speech.(T)Language is a means of verbal communication.分析)P3)it is instrumental in that communication by speaking or writing is a purposeful act. It is social and conventional in that language is a social semiotic and communication can only take place effectively if all the users share a broad understanding of human interaction including such associated factors as nonverbal cues, motivation, and socio-cultural roles.Design features of languageThe features that define our human languages can be called design features.(1)Arbitrariness任意性分析,以下三点瑞⼠Saussure(现代语⾔学之⽗): the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning . (定义)(1)Arbitrary relationship between the sound of a morpheme词素 and its meaning, even with onomatopoeic拟声的 words: The dog barks bow wow in English but “汪汪汪” in Chinese.2)Arbitrariness at the syntactic句法的 level: language is not arbitrary at the syntactic level.(判)By syntax that sentences are constructed to the grammar of arrangement3)Arbitrariness and convention. Conventionality 规约性T he link between a linguistic sign and its meaning is a matter of convention. Conventionality , as learners of English we are often told “this is an idiom”—meaning it is conventional to say things this way and you cannot change the expression any other way even if you think it does not look or sound logical.(2)Duality 双重性定义/单By duality is meant the property of having two levels of structures, such that units of the primary level are composed of elements of the secondary level(3)Creativity 创造性定义/填Language is resourceful because of its duality and its recursiveness递归性.(4)Displacement 移位性定义Human languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and concepts which are not present (in time and space) at the moment of communication.And one thing we can say for certain is that language evolves within specific historical, social and cultural contexts.单Functions of languageFor Jakobson, language is above all for communication.In his famous article, Linguistics and Poetics, he defined six primary factors of any speech event, namely:speaker, addressee, context, message, code元语⾔解码, contact.Six key elements of communication,namely:referential (to convey message and information),Poetic诗学 (to indulge in language for its own sake),emotive (to express attitudes, feelings and emotions),conative意动(to persuade and influence others through commands and requests), phatic寒暄(to establish communion with others)Metalingual funcation (to clear up intentions and meanings).Halliday proposes a theory of metafunctions of language, that is, language has ideational 概念功能, interpersonal ⼈际功能and textual 语篇功能functions.填(1)Informative function最重要For most people the informative function is predominantly the major role of language.判The informative function is indeed a crucial function of language.(2)Interpersonal functionBy far the most important sociological use of language, by which people establish and maintain their status in a society. (3)Performative function施为功能The performative function of language is primarily to change the social status of persons, as in marriage ceremonies, the sentencing of criminals, the blessing of children, the naming of a ship at a launching ceremony, and the cursing of enemies. For example, sui sui ping an(4)Emotive functionExpressive function(5)Phatic communion 寒暄功能书上的例句选择(6)Recreational function 娱乐功能the use of language for the sheer joy of using it, s uch as a baby's babbling or a chanter's chanting.(7)Metalingual function 源语⾔填空Our language can be used to talk about itself.What is Linguistics?The scientific study of human languageMain branches of linguistics 定义/填空/⼤题Phonetics 语⾳学Phonology ⾳系学Morphology 形态学Syntax 句法学Semantics 语义学Pragmatics 语⽤学Phonetics studies speech sounds, including the production of speech, that is how speech sounds are actually made, transmitted and received, the description and classification of speech sounds, words and connected speech, etc.We can approach it on various levels.At one level, speech is a matter of anatomy 解剖学and physiology⽣理学. We can study organs such as tongue and larynx and their functions in the production of speech. At another level, we can focus on the speech sounds produced by these organs by identifying and classifying the individual sounds. This is the domain of articulatory phonetics发⾳语⾔学.We can also investigate the properties of the sound waves —acoustic phonetics声学语⾔学.As speech is intended to be heard or perceived, it is therefore possible to focus on the way in which a listener analyses or processes a sound wave —auditory phonetics听觉语⾔学.Phonology studies the rules governing the structure, distribution, and sequencing of speech sounds and the shape of syllables. It deals with the sound system of a language by treating phoneme as the point of departure.A phoneme is the smallest linguistic unit of sound that can signal a difference in meaning.Morphology is concerned with the internal organization of words. It studies the minimal units of meaning — morphemes and word-formation processes.Morphemes serve different purposes.Syntax is about principles of forming and understanding correct sentences.Semantics examines how meaning is encoded in a language.Pragmatics is the study of meaning in context. It deals with particular utterances in particular situations and is especially concerned with the various ways in which the many social contexts of language performance can influence interpretation. Psycholinguistics ⼼理语⾔学单Psycholinguistics investigates the interrelation of language and mind, for example, in processing and producing utterances and in language acquisition.SociolinguisticsSociolinguistics is the study of the characteristics of language varieties, the characteristics of their functions, and the characteristics of their speakers as these three constantly interact and change within a speech community.Descriptive vs. prescriptive 描述Synchronic vs. diachronicA synchronic description takes a fixed instant (usually, but not necessarily, the present) as its point of observation. Most grammars are of this kind.Diachronic linguistics is the study of a language through the course of its history.The structure of Shakespeare EnglishLangue & parole 区别Saussure distinguished the linguistic competence of the speaker and the actual phenomena or data of linguistics (utterances) as langue and parole.Competence and performanceThis fundamental distinction is discussed by Chomsky in his Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (1965).A language user's underlying knowledge about the system of rules is called his linguistic competence.Performance refers to the actual use of language in concrete situations第⼆章Phonetics studies how speech sounds are produced, transmitted, and perceived.定义Three main areas:Articulatory phonetics: studies the production of speech sounds;Acoustic phonetics: studies the physical properties of speech sounds;Auditory phonetics: studies the perception of speech sounds.Phonology is the study of the sound patterns and sound systems of language.单Speech Organs 发⾳器官定义/填空=Vocal organs: parts of human body involved in the production of speechVocal tract, oral cavity⼝腔, nasal cavity⿐腔Vocal folds 声带apart: voiceless sounds [p, s, t]Close together: voiced sounds [b, z, d]Totally closed:glottal stop 声门塞⾳The IPAInternational Phonetic Alphabet国际⾳标表格The idea was first proposed by the Danish grammarian Jespersen in 1886.The first version of IPA was published in August 1888.The latest version was revised in 2005.Consonants and VowelsConsonants: produced by a closure接近 in the vocal tract, or by a narrowing which is so marked that air cannot escape without producing audible friction.Vowels: produced without such stricture so that air escapes in a relatively unimpeded way through mouth or nose. Distinction between C and V: Obstruction of airstream⽓流是否受阻单/填空The Sounds of EnglishRP vs GATeaching of English as a foreign language, it is referred to as received pronunciation(RP) In the USA, the widely accepted accent used by most educated speakers is often referred to as general American(GA)Consonants:[p] voiceless bilabial stop[b] voiced bilabial stop[s] voiceless alveolar fricative[z] voiced alveolar fricativeP36 The description of vowels:The height of tongue raising (high, mid, low)The position of the highest part of tongue (front, central, back)The length or tenseness of the vowel(tense, lax)Lip-rounding (rounded & unrounded)Vowels[i?] high front tense unrounded vowel[?] high back lax rounded vowel[?] mid central lax unrounded vowel[?] low back lax rounded vowel[e] mid front lax unrounded vowelCoarticulation 协同发⾳定义P37When such simultaneous or overlapping articulations are involved, we call the process Coarticulation Broad transcriptionNarrow transcriptionAllophones ⾳位变体P40Peak /speakA process by which one sound takes on some or all the characteristics of a neighboring sound.P45Elsewhere condition 剩余条件规则定义The more specific rule applies first. 较为特殊的规则应⽤在先Distinctive featuresThe idea of Distinctive features was first developed by Roman JacobsonSuprasegmentals 超⾳段Suprasegmental features are those aspects of speech that involve more than single sound segments. The principal suprasegmentals are stress, tone and intonation.The syllable structure ⾳节理解P47A syllable must have a nucleus核⼼节 or peak节峰, which is often the task of a vowel 第三章Morpheme and morphology定义Morpheme is the smallest unit of language in regard to the relationship between sounding and meaning, a unit that cannot be divided into further smaller units without destroying or drastically altering the meaning.The systematic study of morpheme is a breach of linguistics called morphology, which investigates the internal structures and rules of morphemes by which words are formed. Types of morphemesRoot affix stem(P53)Inflectional affix and derivational affix简答P54less productive grammatical function e.g. toys, walks, John’smore productive form new wordse.g. receive, reception, receptionistdo not change the word class of the wordmight change the word classdepend on other factors within a phrase or a sentencedepend on the meaning we want to expressin most cases suffixesprefixes/suffixesWord1)Stability2)Relative uninterruptibility相对联系3)A minimun free formClassification of words1)variable and invariable words可变化和⾮变化词2)Grammatical words and lexical words语法词和词汇词Grammatical/Function words:功能词conjunctions, prepositions, articles, pronouns.Lexical/Content words:实义词nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.3) Closed-class words and open-class words封闭类词和开放类词Closed-class words: New members cannot normally be addede.g. pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, articles, auxiliaries.Open-class words: New members can be added; membership is infinite or unlimitede.g. nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.4)Word classWord formation(1) 看PPTWord formation(2): lexical changeInvention 发明法Blending 混成法举例/定义Blending is a process in which two words are blended by joining together the initial part of the first word and the final part of the second word, or by only joining the initial parts of the two words.smog烟雾(smoke+fog); boatel⽔上旅馆(boat+hotel); brunch早午餐(breakfast+lunch); telecastAbbreviation 缩写词(clipping 截断法)A new word is created by the following methodsCutting the final part: fanatic(fan), advertisement(ad)Cutting the initial part: aeroplane(plane), omnibus(bus)Cutting both the initial part and final parts accordingly: influenza(flu), refrigerator(fridge) Acronym ⾸字母缩略词Acronym is made up from the first letters of the name of an organization, which has a heavily modified headword.Eg: CIA, EEC, WTO, UNESCOThis process is also widely used in shortening extremely long words of word groups in science, technology, and other special fields.Eg: AIDS, SARS, Radar, VATBackformation 逆构词法定义An abnormal type of word-formation where a shorter word is derived by deleting an imagined affix from a longer form already in the language.Analogical creation 类推构词Class shift 词类转换Borrowing 借词PPTGreek: electricity, atomFrench: entail, mortgageSpanish: macho, grandeeLatin: adjacent, inferiorGerman: quartz, plunder第四章Syntax 句法学 P17Syntax is about principles of forming and understanding correct English sentences.或者Syntax is the study of the rules governing the ways different constituents are combined to form sentences in a language, or the study of the interrelationships between elements in sentence structures.Syntactic relations 句法关系单P73单Syntactic relations can be analysed into three kinds: positional relations 位置关系relations of substitutability 替代关系relations of co-occurrence 同现关系Positional relation 位置关系Positional relation, or WORD ORDER, refers to the sequential arrangement of words in a language.Relation of substitutability可替换性关系Grammatical construction语法结构P75Immediate constituents直接成分Constituent is a part of a larger linguistic unit.IC analysis 直接成分分析法Tree diagram要求会画树形图P77Endocentric and Exocentric Constructions向⼼结构和离⼼结构单Usually noun phrases, verb phrases and adjective phrases belong to endocentric types Exocentric :the basic sentence, the prepositional phrase, the predicate (verb + object) construction, the connective (be + complement) construction.Predicate 谓语除主语之外的其他所有成分,谓语通常表达主语的动作,过程和状态Predicate refers to a major constituent of sentence structure in a binary analysis in which all obligatory constituents other than the subject were considered together. Category 范畴单Number 数Gender 性Case 格Agreement ⼀致关系单This syntactic relationship may be anaphoric, as when a pronoun agrees with its antecedent,Recursiveness 递归性Recursiveness mainly means that a phrasal constituent can be embedded within another constituent having the same category.Recursiveness also includes several phenomena such as coordination and subordination, conjoining 连接and embedding嵌⼊, hypotactic and paratactic.判第五章Semantics 语义学The subject concerning the study of meaning 研究意义的学科Semantics is the study of the meaning of linguistic units, words and sentences in particular.Meanings of “meaning”Geoffrey Leech (1974, 1981). Semantics: The Study of MeaningSeven types of meaning:Conceptual meaning概念意义Associative meaning 联想意义Connotative meaning内含意义Social meaning社会意义Affective meaning情感意义Reflected meaning反射意义Collocative meaning搭配意义Thematic meaning主位意义The referential theory 指称论The theory of meaning which relates the meaning of a word to the thing it refers to, or stands for, is known as the referential theory.Words → Meaning: Words‘name’ or ‘refer to’ things -- PlatonicAnd that something is abstract, which has no existence in the material world and can only be sensed in our minds. This abstract thing is usually called concept(概念). Sense relations PPT单Synonymy同义词buy/purchaseworld/ universebrotherly/ fraternalAntonymy 反义词1.Gradable antonyms 等级反义词hot Vs. cold2. Complementary antonyms 互补反义词male Vs. female3.Converse antonymy 反向反义词teacher Vs. pupilHyponymy 上下意义关系PPT后的选择题1. Which of the following statements about language is NOT true?CA. Language is a system.B. Language is symbolic.C. Animals also have languages.D. Language is arbitrary.2. Arbitrariness of language was first discussed by ___D___.A. ChomskyB. HallidayC. FirthD. Saussure3. Which function is the major role of language?AA. InformativeB. InterpersonalC. PerformativeD. Emotive4. Which branch of study cannot be included in the scope of linguistics?DA. SyntaxB. PragmaticsC. PhoneticsD. Anthropology5. What are the dual structures of language?BA. Sounds and lettersB. Sounds and meaningC. Letters and meaningD. Sounds and symbols6. Productivity is one of the _____ features of languages.BA. distinctiveB. designC. SuprasegmentalD. pragmatic7. The function of the sentence “Lovely weather, isn’t it?” is _B____.A. informativeB. phaticC. performativeD. recreational8. Once the notion of __B__ was taken into consideration, semantics spilled into pragmatics.A. meaningB. contextC. formD. content9. Which of the following is NOT the function of language?DA. Metalingual functionB. Interpersonal functionC. Emotive functionD. Cultural transmission10. _A___ investigates the interrelation of language and mind.A. PsycholinguisticsB. SociolinguisticsC. Anthropological linguisticsD. Computational linguistics11. The following about language are wrong EXCEPT _A____. (⼤外,11年)A. Language evolves within specific historical, social and cultural context.B. Language has a form-sound correspondence.C. Language is a means of communication.D. Language is not related to any of the individuals who use it.12. Verbal dueling, the use of language for the sheer joy of using it, is mainly to do with the _B___ function of language. (武汉⼤学11)A. performativeB. interpersonalC. informativeD. recreational13. “I can refer to Confucius even though he was dead 2000 years ago.” This shows that language has the design feature of _B__. (天外11)A. arbitrarinessB. creativityC. dualityD. displacement14. _A___ refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community. (天外11)A. LangueB. CompetenceC. Communicative competenceD. Linguistic potential15. _B___ has been widely accepted as the father of modern linguistics. (天外12)A. ChomskyB. SaussureC. BloomfieldD. Halliday1. Which of the following is the most important function of languge?CA. Interpersonal functionB. Performative functionC. Informative function2. _C__ function refers to expressions that help define and maintain interpersonal relations.A. PerformativeB. InterpersonalC. PhaticD. Metalingual3. _C__ refers to the actual use of language in concrete situations.A. CompetenceB. PerformanceC. EloquenceD. Action4. _B___ is the study of the characteristics of language varieties, the characteristics of their functions and the characteristics of their speakers as these three constantly interact and change within a speech community.A. PsycholinguisticsB. SociolinguisticsC. Anthropological linguisticsD. Computational linguistics5. The sentence “Close your textbook and listen to me carefully!” performs a(n) _D___ function.A. InterrogativeB. informativeC. PerformativeD. directive6. C___ is defined as the study of the relationship between language and mind.A. SemanticsB. PragmaticsC. Cognitive linguisticsD. Sociolinguistics7. A___ refers to the learning and development of a language.A. Language acquisitionB. Language comprehensionC. Language productionD. Language instruction8. Language is a tool of communication. The symbol “ Highway closed” on a highway serves __B__.A. An expressive functionB. an informative function9. Which of the following is NOT a design feature of human language?DA. ArbitrarinessB. DisplacementC. DualityD. Diachronicity10. The distinction between parole and langue was made by___D__.A. HallidayB. ChomskyC. BloomfieldD. Saussure1.All syllables contain a __A___. (北⼆外)A. nucleusB. codaC. onset2.A sound which is capable of distinguishing one word from another in a given language is ___C__. (北⼆外)A. allophoneB. phoneC. phoneme3.__D___ is one of the suprasegmental features.A. stopB. voicingC. deletionD. tone(东南)4.Which of the following consonants does not exist in English? (东南)AA. dental stopB. bilabial stopC. alveolar stopD. velar stop5.Of the following sound combinations, only _A___ is permissible.A. kiblB. bkilC. ilkbD. ilbk6.Which pair of words is NOT a minimal pair?B7.If two sounds are in complementary distribution, they are __B__ of the same phoneme.A. symbolsB. allophonesC. phonesD. signs8.Where are the vocal cords?DA. in the mouthB. in the nasal cavityC. above the tongueD. inside the larynx9._B___ studies the sound systems in a certain language.A. PhoneticsB. PhonologyC. SemanticsD. Syntax10.Distinctive features are used to describe _D___.A. phonesB. phonologyC. allophonesD. phonemes11.In the production of consonants at least __B__ articulator(s) are involved.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four12.Voiceless sounds are produced when the vocal folds are B____.A. closedB. apartC. totally closedD. completely open13.__C__ involve more than one manners of articulation.14.The distinction between vowels and consonants lies in _B___.A. the place of articulationB. the obstruction of airstreamsC. the position of the tongueD. the shape of the lips1. __C__ are bound morphemes because they can not be used as separate words.A. RootsB. StemsC. AffixesD. Compounds2. __C__ is the smallest unit of language in terms of relationship between expression and content.A. RootB. AllomorphC. MorphemeD. Word3. The English word “untouchable” is composed of _B___ morphemes.A. fourB. threeC. twoD. five4. Which of the following is NOT a compound word?BA. pencil boxB. unreasonableC. deadlineD. upstairs5. When the suffix _A__ is added to a verb, it changes this verb into an adjective.A. lessB. nessC. fullyD. er6. The “s” in drums is _D__.D. an inflectional affix7. The word “bodyguard” is a __A___.A. compound wordB. complex wordC. derivational wordD. free morpheme8. Which of the following words is a derivational one?CA. blackboardB. singsC. astonishmentD. boys1. Atom is a word of __B__ origin.A. LatinB. GreekC. ArabicD. Spanish2. English has managed to widen her vocabulary by borrowing words from other languages EXCEPT _B___.A. FrenchB. KoreanC. LatinD. Greek3. Which of the following words is built by abbreviation?BA. smogB. fridgeC. motelD. edit4. The word “hamburger” is of __C_ origin.A. AmericanB. ItalianC. GermanD. French5. The word “smog” is formed through __B_.D. backformation6. WTO is _B____.A. an abbreviationB. an acronymC. a blending wordD. a backformation word7. Of the following word formation processes, _D__ is the most productive.A. clippingB. blendingC. initialism。
3选取关键字技巧A:认真思索B:多问周围人的意见C:分析日志文档D:参考其他网站关键词密度关键词密度(Keyword Density)也叫关键词频率(Keyword Frequency),所阐述的实质上是同一个概念,它是用来量度关键词在网页上出现的总次数与其他文字的比例,一般用百分比表示。
关键词页面布置位置<a title=”xxx”></a><img title =”xxx”/><li title=”xxx”></li>页头关键词设置<META NAME="Title" CONTENT="xxx"><META NAME="Author" CONTENT="xxx"><META NAME="Subject" CONTENT="xxx"><META NAME="Description" CONTENT="xxx"><META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="xxx"><META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="xxx"><META NAME="Language" CONTENT="xxx"><META NAME="Expires" CONTENT="xxx"><META NAME="Abstract" CONTENT="xxx"><META NAME="Copyright" CONTENT="?xxx"><META NAME="Designer" CONTENT="xxx"><META NAME="Publisher" CONTENT="xxx"><META NAME="Revisit-After" CONTENT="xxx Days"><META NAME="Distribution" CONTENT="Global"><META NAME="Robots" CONTENT="Follow">以上的xxx为关键词布置位,要简练。
第九章 语义Web效力(xiào lì)
概述(ɡài shù) 语义网 语义Web效力
第一节 概述(ɡài shù)
语义是事物的观察者给事物自身赋予的含 义,分歧共享的语义构成观察者对事物的 知识(zhī shi),是观察者之间相互交流的基 础。
What is a concept?
Different communities have different notions on what a concept means:
formal concepts concept label
– Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler, Ora Lassila, The Semantic Web, Scientific American, May 2001
Semantic Web的架构(jià ɡòu)的相关规范
语义网经过给万维网上的文档(如:HTML)添 加可以被计算机了解的语义(Meta data),从 而使整个万维网中现存的信息展开成一个 庞大的全球信息库、知识(zhī shi)库。
语义Web效劳(xiào láo)
Web 效力运用规范的、规范的 XML中止描画,包 括音讯格式、传输协议和位置,隐藏了完成效力 的细节。
1、META标签的keywords写法为:<meta name="Keywords" content="信息参数" />meat标签的Keywords的的信息参数,代表说明⽹站的关键词是什么。
2、META标签的Description<meta name="Description" content="信息参数" />meat标签的Description的信息参数,代表说明⽹站的主要内容,概况是什么。
3、META标签的http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/htmlhttp-equiv=Content-Type代表的是HTTP的头部协议,提⽰浏览器⽹页的信息,<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=信息参数" />meat标签的Description的信息参数如GB2312时,代表说明⽹站是采⽤的编码是简体中⽂;meat标签的Description的信息参数如BIG5时,代表说明⽹站是采⽤的编码是繁体中⽂;meat标签的Description的信息参数如iso-2022-jp时,代表说明⽹站是采⽤的编码是⽇⽂;meat标签的Description的信息参数如ks_c_5601时,代表说明⽹站是采⽤的编码是韩⽂;meat标签的Description的信息参数如ISO-8859-1时,代表说明⽹站是采⽤的编码是英⽂;meat标签的Description的信息参数如UTF-8时,代表世界通⽤的语⾔编码;4、META标签的generator<meta name="generator" content="信息参数" />meat标签的generator的信息参数,代表说明⽹站的采⽤的什么软件制作。
译林版高中英语选择性必修第一册UNIT4 单元提能强化练(四)含答案
UNIT 4单元提能强化练(四)Ⅰ.单词拼写1.There is a passage through the darkness and the (薄雾).2.Loving relationships that a child makes will give him an (内心的) sense of security.3.The weather was so cold that the thick air seemed to be (冷冻的).4.I don’t have a (线索) where she lives.5.The health security systems of many countries are (经历) considerable transformation.6.Most Americans (提倡) the spirit of social service and voluntary contribution.7.We suspect they are trying to hide something, (因此) the need for an independent inquiry.8.Her latest novel, (给……命名) “To the Youth”,is out this week.9.The paintings are (代表) of English art in the early 19th century.10.Most of his adult life has been a losing struggle against (债务) and misfortune.Ⅱ.词形转换1.We had never seen anything (remote) like it before.2.I find no (contradictory) between his publicly expressed opinions and his private actions.3.There has been no (detect) change in the patient’s condition.4.We are (constant) being reminded to cut down our fat intake.5.Though he is seventy years old,he is (bend) on studying medicine.6.I couldn’t (belief) it when he told me what had happened.7.The (novelist) is the most adaptable of all literary forms.8.It is one of the country’s most (distinguish) universities with almost 22,000 students.9.In one respect,however,the men really were (striking) similar.10.New experiences often mean taking some risks,so your brain raises your(tolerate) for risk as well.Ⅲ.完成句子1.他张开嘴好像要说什么。
Fault-tolerant systems
Chapter1Hume:aFunctionally-Inspired Language for Safety-Critical SystemsKevin Hammond1and Greg Michaelson2Abstract:Hume is a novel functionally-based language that targets safety-critical applications.The language is designed to support rigorous cost and space anal-yses,whilst providing a high level of abstraction including polymorphic type inference,automatic memory management,higher-order functions,exception-handling and a good range of primitive types.1.1INTRODUCTIONThis paper describes the Hume programming language.Hume(Higher-order Unified Meta-Environment)is a strongly typed,mostly-functional language with an integrated tool set for developing,proving and assessing concurrent,safety-critical systems.Hume aims to extend the frontiers of safety-critical language design,introducing new levels of abstraction and provability.A full description of Hume including a formal dynamic semantics and a partially completed static semantics can be found at /hume. We anticipate publishing this material as a formal language definition in the near future.1.1.1BackgroundHume is named for the Scottish Enlightenment sceptical philosopher David Hume (1711-1776),who counseled that:To begin with clear and self-evident principles,to advance by timorous and sure steps,to review frequently our conclusions,and examine accurately all their consequences;though by these means we shall make both a slow and a short progress in our systems;are the only methods,by which we can ever hope to reach truth,and attain a proper stability and certainty in our determinations.D.Hume,An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding,1748These sentiments epitomise the philosophy of programming language design that we have followed in constructing Hume.1.2MOTIV ATION AND OBJECTIVESSince the focus of the Hume design is on safety critical applications,it is paramount that Hume programs have predictable and,preferably,provable properties.How-ever,the strong properties of program equivalence,termination and time and space use are undecidable for Turing complete languages.Conversely,languages in which such properties are decidable(i.e.finite state machines)lack expressive-ness.The goal of the Hume language design is to support a high level of expres-sive power,whilst providing strong guarantees of dynamic behavioural properties such as execution time and space usage.Hume reflects these considerations in: the separation of the expression and coordination aspects of the language;and the provision of an integrated tool set,spanning both static and dynamic pro-gram analysis and manipulation.1.2.1Important Design CharacteristicsAny system that is aimed at safety critical applications must meet a number of stringent criteria if it is to be used with confidence.Hume has been designed to support Leveson’s guidelines for Safeware—software intended for safety critical applications[11],as well as similar guidelines provided by other authors[2].In general,safety critical systems must meet both strong correctness criteria and strict performance criteria.The latter are most easily attained by working at a low level,whereas the former are most easily attained by working at a high level.A primary objective of the Hume design is to allow both types of criteria to be met while working at a high level of abstraction.The Hume language has been designed to allow relatively simple formal cost models to be developed,capable of costing both space and time usage.This re-quires some restrictions on the expression language in cases which are cost or2space critical.Thisfirst version of the language design is deliberately rather spar-tan,allowing experimentation with essential features but omitting some desirable syntax or other language features,such as type classes.Future versions of the language should address these omissions.The language definition does support a wide range of(particularly numeric)basic types.This is because issues of type coercion and type safety are fundamental to ensuring both correctness and safety.Both system level and process level exceptions are supported,including the ability to set timeouts for expression computations.Exceptions may be raised from within the expression language but can only be handled by the process lan-guage.This reduces the cost of handling exceptions and maintains a pure expres-sion language,as well as simplifying the expression cost calculus.A radical design decision for safety critical systems is the use of automatic memory management techniques.Automatic memory management has the ad-vantage of reducing errors due to poor manual management of memory.The disadvantage lies in terms of excessive time or space usage.Hume implementa-tions will use static analysis tools to limit space usage,and will incorporate recent developments in bounded-time memory management techniques[3].1.3THE HUME LANGUAGEThis section introduces the Hume language informally.A full description,from which this section is abstracted,can be found in the Hume language definition[13].1.3.1Structure of the LanguageIn common with other coordination language approaches such as Linda[4],Hume takes a layered approach.The outermost layer is a static declaration language that provides definitions of types,streams be used in the dynamic parts of the language.The innermost layer is a fairly conventional expression language which is used to define values and(potentially higher-order)functions using purely func-tional expressions.Finally,the middle layer is a coordination language that links functions into possibly concurrent processes.Exceptions transcend the layers.They are declared by exception<id> <type>within declarations,raised by raise<id><expr>within expres-sions and handled by boxes.1.3.2The Hume Expression LanguageThe Hume expression language is a purely functional language with a strict se-mantics.It is intended to be used for the description of single,one-shot,non-reentrant processes.It is deterministic,and has statically bounded time and space behaviour.In order to achieve this,expressions that are not the target of dynamic timeouts must be restricted to statically-checkable primitive recursive forms.This allows the construction of verifiable static cost analyses.Dynamically bounded time and space expressions(within-expressions)specify that evaluation of the3associated expression must complete within the specified constant time or space. Failure to do so causes the Timeout or HeapOverflow exception to be raised.Note that the expression language has no concept of external,imperative state. Such state considerations are encapsulated entirely within the coordination lan-guage.1.3.3The Hume Coordination LanguageThe Hume coordination language is afinite state language for the description of multiple,interacting,re-entrant processes built from the purely functional ex-pression layer.The coordination language is designed to have statically provable properties that include both process equivalence and safety properties such as the absence of deadlock,livelock or resource starvation.The coordination language also inherits properties from the expression language that is embedded within it.The basic unit of coordination is the box,an abstract notion of a process that specifies the links between its input and output channels in terms of functional expressions,and which provides exception handling facilities including timeouts and system exceptions The coordination language is responsible for interaction with external,imperative state through streams and ports that are ultimately con-nected to external devices.1.3.4The Hume Declaration LanguageThe declaration language introduces types and values that scope over either or both the coordination and expression languages.The coordination language is embedded in the declaration language through box and wiring declarations while the expression language is embedded through function and value declarations. While it is possible to define recursive and mutually recursive functions,it is not possible to do the same for simple values.1.4EXAMPLE PROGRAMS1.4.1Parity CheckingOurfirst example is a simple even parity checker whose input is wired to a com-munications port(comm1),and whose output is wired to its second input.The initial parity value is defined to be even_parityin(b::word1,p::bool)out(p’::bool)match(0,true)->true|(1,true)->false|(0,false)->false4|(1,false)->true;wire even_parity(comm1,even_parity.p’initially true)(even_parity.p);1.4.2ChecksumThe second example calculates the checksum of256input numbers.It returns a string which is either"OK"or an error message.This example illustrates(some-what artificially)the use of exceptions and handlers.type short=int16;type long=int32;box checksumin(n::short,sum::long,count::short)out(sum’::long,count’::short,message::string)handles CheckSumErrormatch(n,sum,256)->(0,0,if n=sum then"OK"else raise CheckSumError())|(n,sum,count)->(sum+n,count+1,"")handleCheckSumError_->(0,0,"Checksum error:sum="+tostring(sum)+"checksum="+tostring(n));wire checksum(comm1,checksum.sum’initially0,checksum.count’initially0)(checksum.sum,checksum.count,stdout); 1.5COSTING HUME PROGRAMSFigures1.1–1.6give rules that can be used to statically derive a bounded time cost forfirst-order Hume programs(we are independently working on time sys-tems for higher-order programs[12]).The rules are a simple big-step operational semantics,with extensions to timeouts and exceptions.We have deliberately used a very simple cost semantics here rather than the more general form that we are developing as part of our work in parallel computation[12].The latter is intended for arbitrary recursion and requires the use of a constraint solving engine,whereas Hume is restricted to primitive recursive forms.It would be straightforward to al-ter these rules to cover space rather than time cost,as required.The cost rules specified here derive notation from the Hume static and dynamic semantics,which is in turn derived from that used for Haskell and Standard ML.5E decls E Costni1i n EE’j decl i E i c ij1E var exp cE var∞matches c cE body CostE matches c c E handlers cE matches time handles min t c c cFIGURE1.2.Cost axioms for boxesOnly two forms of declaration are interesting.Variable declarations are evaluatedat the start of a declaration block.They therefore have afixed dynamic cost.The cost of a function(of the form var matches)is defined as the cost of matching allpatterns in the set of matches,plus the cost of the most expensive expression on the right-hand-sides of the matches.This therefore computes an upper bound on the cost of evaluating a function body.Recursive definitions are assigned infinitecost.The cost is bound to the function name in the environment so that the cost of each and every function call is correctly calculated.The result of a declaration sequence is the union of the environment recording function costsFigure1.2gives the cost of a single box iteration.This is defined similarly to the cost of a function definition,but including the upper bound of the exceptionhandling cost.There are two cases.If no timeout clause is given,then the matches must befinite.Otherwise the cost is the lesser of the timeout and the actual execution cost plus the handler cost.Figures1.3–1.4give cost rules for expressions.The cost of a function ap-plication is the cost of evaluating the body of the function plus the cost of each argument.The cost of building a new constructor such as a list or tuple is thecost of evaluating the arguments to that constructor plus one for each argument (representing the cost of building each heap cell).Note that the cost of a non-nulllist exp1exp n includes the cost of thefinal,and is therefore greater than the equivalently sized tuple exp1exp n or vector exp1exp n.The cost of a coercing an expression to a given type using an as-expression dependson the original type of the expression and the one that it is coerced to.There is,of course,no cost for a simple type cast.The cost of raising an exception is the cost of the enclosed expression plus one(representing the cost of actually throwing that exception).Finally the cost of an expression enclosed within a timeout is the minimum of the expression cost and the specified timeout.Figure1.5gives costs for pattern matches.Two values are returned from a match sequence.Thefirst is the total cost of matching all the patterns in the match sequence.This places an upper bound on the match cost.The second is the cost of evaluating the most expensive right-hand-side.This places an upper7E exp Costn0E var exp1exp n∑n i1c i cE con exp1exp n∑n i1c i1E exp1exp n∑n i1c i n1E exp1exp n∑n i1c i nE exp1exp n∑n i1c i nFIGURE 1.3.Cost axioms for expressions(variables,applications and construc-tors)bound on the expression cost.The cost of matching multiple patterns in a single match is the sum of matching each pattern.Wildcard patterns(E exp Cost E exp c E match cE if exp1then exp2else exp3c1max c2c3E decls E’c E E’exp cE exnid exp c1value exp2t E exp1cE Matches Cost CostE match c c E matches c cE pat1pat n exp∑n i1c i cE pat CostE con pat1pat n∑n i1c i1i1i n E pat i c iE0i1i n E pat i c iE0i1i n E pat i c iE1FIGURE1.5.Cost axioms for pattern matchesapproach separatesfinite data structures such as tuples from potentially infinite structures such as streams.This allows the definition of functions that are guar-anteed to be primitive recursive.In contrast with Hume,it is necessary to identify functions that may be more generally recursive.Ada is widely used for embedded systems,and many tools have been con-structed to assist the understanding of space and time behaviour[2].Compared with ANSI standard Ada,Hume provides much higher level of abstraction with a far more rigorously defined semantics,which is specifically designed to support cost semantics.Finally,there has been recent interest in using variants of Java as the ba-sis for embedded systems,though to our knowledge there is as yet no specif-ically safety-critical design.Two interesting variants are Embedded Java[17]10E Handlers CostE pat c E exp cE handler handlers max c cFIGURE1.6.Cost axioms for exception handlersand RTJava[9],for soft real-time applications.Like Hume,both languages sup-port dynamic memory allocation with automatic garbage collection and provide strong exception handling mechanism.The primary differences from Hume are the incorporation of arbitrary recursion in all cases,an absence of formal design principles,the use of a single-layered approach in which coordination is merged with computation,and of course the use of an object-oriented expression language rather than one that is purely functional.We believe that the design choices made here are more suitable for applications where safety is paramount.For example, the use of purely functional rather than dynamically-linked object-oriented design allows straightforward static reasoning about the meaning of programs,at the cost of convenience in modifying a running system.1.7CONCLUSIONThis paper has introduced the Hume language,a novel functionally-inspired lan-guage that is geared towards safety critical applications.A key feature of the design is the incorporation of a purely functional expression language that pro-vides strong guarantees of functional correctness with equally strong guarantees of time and space behaviour.To our knowledge,this is thefirst fully-featured functional language that supports such guarantees.To illustrate the key features of our language design,we have produced a sim-ple boundedfirst-order time cost analysis.The analysis makes a number of sim-plifying assumptions,such as costing all heap allocations,exception raises and variable bindings identically(as1in this set of definitions).It would,however, be straightforward to parameterise the analysis on more realistic costs,or even to modify it so as to calculate space rather than time costs.Clearly,Hume is still at an early stage of development.None of our language tools has yet been constructed and important design details are still to be resolved. We feel,however,that the properties designed into the language should yield long-term benefits in the safety-critical arena.11REFERENCES[1]W.Ackermann,Solvable Cases of the Decision Problem,North Holland,1954.[2]J.G.P.Barnes,High Integrity Ada:the Spark Approach,Addison-Wesley,1997.[3]C.Clack,“The Demense Model for Bounded Automatic Memory Management”,Un-published Report,University College,London,2000.[4]D.Gelernter,and N.Carriero,“Coordination Languages and Their Significance”,CACM,32(2),February,1992,pp.97–107.[5]A.D.Gordon,S.Marlow and S.L.Peyton Jones,“A Semantics for Imprecise Excep-tions”,Proc.Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages(POPL2000), January2000.[6]M.G.Hinchey and J.P.Bowen,Applications of Formal Methods,Prentice-Hall,1995.[7]International Organisation for Standardisation,“ISO:Information Processing Sys-tems—Open Systems Interconnection—LOTOS,A Formal Description Technique based on the Temporal Ordering of Observational Behaviour”,ISO8807,Geneva, August1988.[8]International Organisation for Standardisation,“ISO:Information Processing Sys-tems—Open Systems Interconnection—Estelle,A Formal Description Technique based on an Extended State Transition Model”,ISO9074,Geneva,May1989. [9]D.Jensen,“‘Real-time Java’.What could and what should it mean?”URL:/carnahan/real-time/vocab/ rt-java。
Oracle PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.60.04 更新记录说明书
Documentation Updates Oracle’s PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.60.04March 2023 | Version1.00Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliatesConfidential: PublicPURPOSE STATEMENTThis document provides a list of document updates since the generally available release of PeopleTools 8.60. DISCLAIMERThis document in any form, software or printed matter, contains proprietary information that is the exclusive property of Oracle. Your access to and use of this confidential material is subject to the terms and conditions of your Oracle software license and service agreement, which has been executed and with which you agree to comply. This document and information contained herein may not be disclosed, copied, reproduced or distributed to anyone outside Oracle without prior written consent of Oracle. 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Package‘worldmet’June5,2023Type PackageTitle Import Surface Meteorological Data from NOAA Integrated SurfaceDatabase(ISD)Version0.9.8Date2023-06-05ByteCompile trueDepends R(>=3.2.0)Imports openair,doParallel,parallel,foreach,purrr(>=1.0.0),dplyr,leaflet,tidyr,readr,magrittr,tibbleMaintainer David Carslaw<*********************.uk>Description Functions to import data from more than30,000surfacemeteorological sites around the world managed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad-ministration(NOAA)Integrated SurfaceDatabase(ISD).License GPL(>=2)URL, https:///davidcarslaw/worldmet/issuesSuggests knitr,rmarkdownLanguage en-GBLazyLoad trueLazyData trueEncoding UTF-8RoxygenNote7.2.3VignetteBuilder knitrNeedsCompilation noAuthor David Carslaw[aut,cre]Repository CRANDate/Publication2023-06-0518:20:02UTC12exportADMS R topics documented:exportADMS (2)getMeta (3)getMetaLive (4)importNOAA (5)weatherCodes (7)Index8 exportADMS Export a meteorological data frame in ADMS formatDescriptionWrites a textfile in the ADMS format to a location of the user’s choosing,with optional interpola-tion of missing values.UsageexportADMS(dat,out="./ADMS_met.MET",interp=FALSE,maxgap=2)Argumentsdat A data frame imported by importNOAA().out Afile name for the ADMSfile.Thefile is written to the working directory by default.interp Should interpolation of missing values be undertaken?If TRUE linear interpola-tion is carried out for gaps of up to and including maxgap.maxgap The maximum gap in hours that should be interpolated where there are missing data when interp=TRUE.Data with gaps more than maxgap are left as missing.ValueexportADMS()returns the input dat invisibly.Examples##Not run:##import some data then export itdat<-importNOAA(year=2012)exportADMS(dat,out="~/adms_met.MET")##End(Not run)getMeta3 getMeta Find a ISD site code and other meta dataDescriptionGet information on meteorological sitesUsagegetMeta(site="heathrow",lat=NA,lon=NA,country=NA,state=NA,n=10,end.year="current",provider=c("OpenStreetMap","Esri.WorldImagery"),plot=TRUE,returnMap=FALSE)Argumentssite A site name search string"heathrow".The search strings and be partial and can be upper or lower case"HEATHR".lat A latitude in decimal degrees to search.Takes the values-90to90.lon A longitude in decimal degrees to search.Takes values-180to180.Negative numbers are west of the Greenwich The country code.This is a two letter code.For a full listing see https:// /pub/data/noaa/isd-history.csv.state The state code.This is a two letter code.n The number of nearest sites to search based on latitude and longitude.end.year To helpfilter sites based on how recent the available data are.end.year can be"current","any"or a numeric year such as2016,or a range of years e.g.1990:2016(which would select any site that had an end date in that range.Bydefault only sites that have some data for the current year are returned.provider By default a map will be created in which readers may toggle between a vec-tor base map and a satellite/aerial image.provider allows users to overridethis default;see a list of all base maps that can be used.If multiple base maps areprovided,they can be toggled between using a"layer control"interface.plot If TRUE will plot sites on an interactive leaflet map.returnMap Should the leaflet map be returned instead of the meta data?Default is FALSE.4getMetaLiveDetailsThis function is primarily used tofind a site code that can be used to access data using importNOAA().Sites searches of approximately30,000sites can be carried out based on the site name and based on the nearest locations based on user-supplied latitude and longitude.ValueA data frame is returned with all available meta data,mostly importantly including a code that canbe supplied to importNOAA().If latitude and longitude searches are made an approximate distance, dist in km is also returned.Author(s)David CarslawSee AlsogetMetaLive()to download the all meta data to allow re-use and direct querying.Examples##Not run:##search for sites with name beijinggetMeta(site="beijing")##End(Not run)##Not run:##search for near a specified lat/lon-near Beijing airport##returns n nearest by defaultgetMeta(lat=40,lon=116.9)##End(Not run)getMetaLive Obtain site meta data from NOAA serverDescriptionDownload all NOAA meta data,allowing for re-use and direct querying.UsagegetMetaLive(...)Arguments...Currently unused.Valuea tibbleExamples##Not run:meta<-getMetaLive()head(meta)##End(Not run)importNOAA Import Meteorological data from the NOAA Integrated SurfaceDatabase(ISD)DescriptionThis is the main function to import data from the NOAA Integrated Surface Database(ISD).The ISD contains detailed surface meteorological data from around the world for over30,000locations.UsageimportNOAA(code="037720-99999",year=2014,hourly=TRUE,n.cores=1,quiet=FALSE,path=NA)Argumentscode The identifying code as a character string.The code is a combination of the USAF and the WBAN unique identifiers.The codes are separated by a“-”e.g.code="037720-99999".year The year to import.This can be a vector of years e.g.year=2000:2005.hourly Should hourly means be calculated?The default is TRUE.If FALSE then the raw data are returned.n.cores Number of cores to use for parallel processing.Default is1and hence no paral-lelism.quiet If FALSE,print missing sites/years to the screen.path If afile path is provided,the data are saved as an rdsfile at the chosen locatione.g.path="C:/Users/David".Files are saved by year and site.DetailsNote the following units for the main variables:date Date/time in POSIXct format.Note the time zone is GMT(UTC)and may need to be adjusted to merge with other local data.See details below.latitude Latitude in decimal degrees(-90to90).longitude Longitude in decimal degrees(-180to180).Negative numbers are west of the Green-wich Meridian.elevation Elevation of site in metres.wd Wind direction in degrees.90is from the Wind speed in m/s.ceil_hgt The height above ground level(AGL)of the lowest cloud or obscuring phenomena layer aloft with5/8or more summation total sky cover,which may be predominantly opaque,or the vertical visibility into a surface-based obstruction.visibility The visibility in metres.air_temp Air temperature in degrees Celcius.dew_point The dew point temperature in degrees Celcius.atmos_pres The sea level pressure in millibars.RH The relative humidity(%).cl_1,...,cl_3Cloud cover for different layers in Oktas(1-8).cl Maximum of cl_1to cl_3cloud cover in Oktas(1-8).cl_1_height,...,cl_3_height Height of the cloud base for each later in metres.precip_1212-hour precipitation in mm.The sum of this column should give the annual precipita-tion.precip_66-hour precipitation in mm.precip This value of precipitation spreads the12-hour total across the The description of the present weather description(if available).The data are returned in GMT(UTC).It may be necessary to adjust the time zone when combining with other data.For example,if air quality data were available for Beijing with time zone set to "Etc/GMT-8"(note the negative offset even though Beijing is ahead of GMT.See the openair pack-age and manual for more details),then the time zone of the met data can be changed to be the same.One way of doing this would be attr(met$date,"tzone")<-"Etc/GMT-8"for a meteorological data frame called met.The two data sets could then be merged based on date.ValueReturns a data frame of surface observations.The data frame is consistent for use with the openair package.Note that the data are returned in GMT(UTC)time zone ers may wish to express the data in other time zones,e.g.,to merge with air pollution data.The lubridate package is useful in this respect.weatherCodes7Author(s)David CarslawSee AlsogetMeta()to obtain the codes based on various site search approaches.Examples##Not run:##use Beijing airport code(see getMeta example)dat<-importNOAA(code="545110-99999",year=2010:2011)##End(Not run)weatherCodes Codes for weather typesDescriptionThis data frame consists of the weather description codes used in the ISD.It is not of general use to most users.Examples##basic structurehead(weatherCodes)Index∗datasetsweatherCodes,7exportADMS,2getMeta,3getMeta(),7getMetaLive,4getMetaLive(),4importNOAA,5importNOAA(),2,4lubridate,6tibble,5weatherCodes,78。
胡壮麟《语言学教程》课后答案胡壮麟《语言学教程》课后答案1. Design feature:are features that define our human languages,such asarbitrariness,duality,creativity,displacement,cultural transmission,etc.2.Function: the use of language tocommunicate,to think ,nguage functions inclucle imformative function,interpersonal function,performative function,interpersonal function,performative function,emotive function,phatic communion,recreational function and metalingual function.3. etic: a term in contrast with emic which originates from American linguist Pike’s distinction of phonetics and phonemics.Being etic mans making far too many, as well as behaviously inconsequential,differentiations,just as was ofter the case with phonetic vx.phonemic analysis in linguistics proper.4. emic: a term in contrast with etic which originates from American linguist Pike’s distinction of phonetics and phonemics.An emic set of speech acts and events must be one that is validated as meaningful via final resource to the native members of a speech communith rather than via qppeal to the investigator’s ingenuith or intuition alone.5. synchronic: a kind of description which takes a fixed instant(usually,but not necessarily,the present),as its point of observation.Most grammars are of this kind.6.diachronic:study of a language is carried through the course of its history.7. prescriptive: the study of a language is carried through the course of its history.8. prescriptive: a kind of linguistic study in which things are prescribed how ought to be,ying down rules for language use.9. descriptive: a kind of linguistic study in which things are just described.10. arbitrariness: one design feature of human language,which refers to the face that the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural relationship to their meaning.11. duality: one design feature of human language,which refers to the property of having two levels of are composed of elements of the secondary.level and each of the two levels has its own principles of organization.12. displacement: one design feature of human language,which means human language enable their users to symbolize objects,events and concepts which are not present c in time and space,at the moment of communication.13. phatic communion: one function of human language,which refers to the social interaction of language.14. metalanguage: certain kinds of linguistic signs or terms for the analysis and description of particular studies.15. macrolinguistics: he interacting study between language and language-related disciplines such as psychology,sociology,ethnograph,science of law and artificial intelligence etc.Branches of macrolinguistics include psycholinguistics,sociolinguistics, anthropological linguistics,et16. competence: language user’s underlying knowledge about the system of rules.17. performance: the actual use of language in concrete situation.18. langue: the linguistic competence of the speaker.19. parole: the actual phenomena or data of linguistics(utterances).20.Articulatory phonetics: the study of production of speechsounds. 21.Coarticulation: a kind of phonetic process in which simultaneous or overlapping articulations are involved..Coarticulation can be further divided into anticipatory coarticulation and perseverative coarticulation.22.Voicing:pronouncing a sound (usually a vowel or a voiced consonant) by vibrating the vocal cords.23.Broad and narrow transcription: the use of a simple set of symbols in transcription is called broad transcription;the use of a simple set of symbols in transcription is called broad transcription;while,the use of more specific symbols to show more phonetic detail is referred to as narrow transcription.24.Consonant: are sound segments produced by constricting or obstructing the vocal tract at some place to divert,impede,or completely shut off the flow of air in the oral cavity. 25.Phoneme: the abstract element of sound, identified as being distinctive in a particular language.26.Allophone:any of the different forms of a phoneme(eg.<th>is an allophone of /t/in English.When /t/occurs in words like step,it is unaspirated<t>.Both<th>and <t>are allophones of the phoneme/t/.27. Vowl:are sound segments produced without such obstruction,so no turbulence of a total stopping of the air can be perceived.28.Manner of articulation: in the production of consonants,manner of articulation refers to the actual relationship between the articulators and thus the way in which the air passes through certain parts of the vocal tract.29.Place of articulation: in the production of consonants,place of articulation refers to where in the vocal tract there is approximation,narrowing,or the obstruction of air.30.Distinctive features: a term of phonology,i.e.a property which distinguishes one phoneme from another.31.Complementary distribution: the relation between tow speech sounds that never occur in the same environment.Allophones of the same phoneme are usually in complementary distribution. 32.IPA: the abbreviation of International Phonetic Alphabet,which is devised by the International Phonetic Association in 1888 then it has undergong a number of revisions.IPA is a comprised system employing symbols of all sources,such as Roman small letters,italics uprighted,obsolete letters,Greek letters,diacritics,etc.33.Suprasegmental:suprasegmental featuresare those aspects of speech that involve more than single sound segments.The principal supra-segmental features aresyllable,stress,tone,,and intonation.34.Suprasegmental:aspects of speech that involve more than single sound segments.The principle suprasegmental features are syllable,stress,tone,and intonation.35. morpheme:the smallest unit of language in terms of relationship between expression and content,a unit that cannot be divided into further small units without destroying or drastically altering the meaning,whether it is lexical or grammatical.36. compoundoly morphemic words which consist wholly of free morphemes,such as classroom,blackboard,snowwhite,etc.37.inflection: the manifestation of grammatical relationship through the addition of inflectional affixes,such as number,person,finiteness,aspect and case,which do not change the grammatical class of the stems to which they are attached.38.affix: the collective term for the type of formative that can be used only when added to another morpheme(the root or stem).39. derivation: different from compounds,derivation shows the relation between roots and affixes.40. root: the base from of a word that cannot further be analyzed without total lass of identity.41.allomorph: any of the different form of a morpheme.For example,in English the plural mortheme is but it is pronounced differently in different environments as/s/in cats,as/z/ in dogs and as/iz/ in classes.So/s/,/z/,and /iz/ are all allomorphs of the plural morpheme.42.Stem: any morpheme or combination of morphemes to which an inflectional affix can be added.43. bound morpheme: an element of meaning which is structurally dependent on the world it is added to,e.g. the plural morpheme in “dog’s” morpheme: an element of meaning which takes the form of an independent word.45.lexeme:A separate unit of meaning,usually in the form of a word(e.g.”dog in the manger”)46.lexicon: a list of all the words in a language assigned to various lexical categories and provided with semantic interpretation.47.grammatical word: word expressing grammatical meanings,suchconjunction,prepositions,articles and pronouns.48. lexical word: word having lexical meanings,that is ,those which refer to substance,action and quality,such as nouns,verbs,adjectives,and a word whose membership is in principle infinite or unlimited,such asnouns,verbs,adjectives,and many adverbs.50. blending: a relatively complex form of compounding,in which two words are blended by joining the initial part of the first word and the final part of the second word,or by joining the initial parts of the two words.51. loanvoord: a process in which both form and meaning are borrowed with only a slight adaptation,in some cases,to eh phonological system of the new language that they enter.52.loanblend: a process in which part of the form is native and part is borrowed, but the meaning is fully borrowed.53. leanshift: a process in which the meaning is borrowed,but the form is native.54.acronym: is made up form the first letters of the name of an organization,which has a heavily modified headword.55.loss: the disappearance of the very sound as a morpheme in the phonological system.56. back-formation: an abnormal type of word-formation where a shorter word is derived by deleting an imagined affix from a long form already in the language.57.assimilation: the change of a sound as a result of the influence of an adjacent sound,which ismore specifically called.”contact”or”contiguous”assimilation.58.dissimilation: the influence exercised.By one sound segment upon the articulation of another, so that the sounds become less alike,or different.59.folk etymology: a change in form of a word or phrase,resulting from an incorrect popular nation of the origin or meaning of the term or from the influence of more familiar terms mistakenly taken to be analogous60.category:parts of speech and function,such as the classification of words in terms of parts of speech,the identification of terms of parts of speech,the identification of functions of words in term of subject,predicate,etc.61.concord: also known as agreement,is the requirement that the forms of two or more words in a syntactic relationship should agree with each other in terms of some categories.62. syntagmatic relation between one item and others in a sequence,or between elements which are all present.63.paradigmatic relation: a relation holding between elements replaceable with each other at a particular place in a structure,or between one element present and he others absent.64.immediate constituent analysis: the analysis of a sentence in terms of its immediate constituents---word groups(or phrases),which are in trun analyzed into the immediate constituents of their own,and the process goes on until the ultimate constituents are reached.65.endocentric construction: one construction whose distribution is functionally equivalent,or approaching equivalence,to one of its constituents,which serves as the centre,or head, of the whole.Hence an endocentric construction is also known as a headed construction.66.exocentric construction: a construction whose distribution is not functionally equivalent to any to any of its constituents.67.deep structure: the abstract representation of the syntactic properties of a construction,i.e.the underlying level of structural relations between its different constituents ,such sa the relation between,the underlying subject and its verb,or a verb and its object.68.surfacte structure: the final stage in the syntactic derivation of a construction,which closely corresponds to the structural organization of a construction people actually produce and receive. 69.c-command: one of the similarities,or of the more general features, in these two government relations,is technically called constituent command,c-command for short.ernment and binding theory: it is the fourth period of development Chomsky’s TG Grammar, which consists of X-bar theme: the basis,or the starting point,of the utterance.municative dynamism: the extent to which the sentence element contributes to the development of the communication.72.ideational function: the speaker’s experience of the real world,including the inner world of his own consciousness.73. interpersonal function: the use of language to establish and maintain social relations: for the expression of social roles,which include the communication roles created by language itself;and also for getting things done,by means of the interaction between one person and another..74.textual function: the use of language the provide for making links with itself and with features of the situation in which it is used.75.conceptual meaning: the central part of meaning, which contains logical,cognitive,or denotative content.76.denotation: the core sense of a word or a phrade that relates it to phenomena in the real world.77.connotation: a term in a contrast with denotation,meaning the properties of the entity a word denotes.78.reference: the use of language to express a propostion,meaning the properties of the entity a word denotes.79.reference: the use of anguage to express a proposition,i.e. to talk about things in context.80.sense: the literal meaning of a word or an expression,independent of situational context.81.synonymy: is the technical name for the sameness relation.plentary antonymy: members of a pair in complementary antonymy are complementary to each field completely,such as male,female,absent.83.gradable antongymy: members of this kind are gradable,such aslong:short,big;small,fat;thin,etc.84.converse antonymy: a special kind of antonymy in that memembers of a pair do not constitutea positive-negative opposition,such as buy;sell,lend,borrow,above,below,etc.85.relational opposites:converse antonymy in reciprocal social roles,kinship relations,temporal and spatial relations.There are always two entities involved.One presupposes the other. Theshorter,better;worse.etc are instances of relational opposites.86.hyponymy: a relation between tow words,in which the meaning of one word(the superordinate)is included in the meaning of another word(the hyponym)87.superordinate: the upper term in hyponymy,i.e.the class name.A superordinate usually has several hyponyms.Under animal,for example,there are cats,dogs,pigs,etc,88.semantic component: a distinguishable element of meaning in a word with twovalues,e.g<+human>positionality: a principle for sentence analysis, in which the meaning of a sentence depends on the meanings of the constituent words and the way they are combined.90.selection restriction:semantic restrictions of the noun phrases that a particular lexical item can take,e.g.regret requires a human subject.91.prepositional logic: also known as prepositional calculus or sentential calculus,is the study of the truth conditions for propositions:how the truth of a composite propositions and the connection between them.92.proposition;what is talk about in an utterance,that part of the speech act which has to do with reference.93.predicate logic: also predicate calculus,which studies the internal structure of simple.94.assimilation theory: language(sound,word,syntax,etc)change or process by which features of one element change to match those of another that precedes or follows.95.cohort theory: theory of the perception of spoken words proposed in the mid-1980s.It saaumesa “recognition lexicon”in which each word is represented by a full and independent”recognistion element”.When the system receives the beginning of a relevant acoustic signal,all elements matching it are fully acticated,and,as more of the signal is received,the system tries to match it independently with each of them,Wherever it fails the element is deactivated;this process continues until only one remains active.96.context effect: this effect help people recognize a word more readily when the receding words provide an appropriate context for it.97.frequency effect: describes the additional ease with which a word is accessed due to its more frequent usage in language.98.inference in context: any conclusion drawn from a set of proposition,from something someone has said,and so on.It includes things that,while not following logically,are implied,in an ordinarysense, a specific context.99.immediate assumption: the reader is supposed to carry out the progresses required to understand each word and its relationship to previous words in the sentence as soon as that word in encountered.nguage perception:language awareness of things through the physical senses,esp,sight. nguage comprehension: one of the three strand of psycholinguistic research,which studies the understanding of language.nguage production: a goal-directed activety,in the sense that people speak and write in orde to make friends,influence people,convey information and so on.nguage production: a goal-directed activity,in the sense that people speak and write in order to make friends,influence people,concey information and so on.104.lexical ambiguity:ambiguity explained by reference to lexical meanings:e.g.that of I saw a bat,where a bat might refer to an animal or,among others,stable tennis bat.105.macroproposition:general propositions used to form an overall macrostructure of the story. 106.modular:which a assumes that the mind is structuied into separate modules or components,each governed by its own principles and operating independently of others.107.parsing:the task of assigning words to parts of speech with their appropriateaccidents,traditionally pupils learning lat in grammar.108.propositions:whatever is seen as expressed by a sentence which makes a statement.It is a property of propositions that they have truth values.109.psycholinguistics: is concerned primarily with investigating the psychological reality of linguistic structure.Psycholinguistics can be divided into cognitive psycholing uistics(being concerned above all with making inferences about the content of human mind,and experimental psycholinguistics(being concerned somehow whth empirical matters,such as speed of response to a particular word).110.psycholinguistic reality: the reality of grammar, a purported account of structures represented in the mind of a speaker.Often opposed,in discussion of the merits of alternative grammars,to criteria of simplicity,elegance,and internal consistency.111.schemata in text: packets of stored knowledge in language processing.112.story structure: the way in which various parts of story are arranged or organized.113.writing process: a series of actions or events that are part of a writing or continuingdevelopmeng.municative competence: a speaker’s knowledge of the total set ofrules,conventions,erning the skilled use of language in a society.Distinguished by D.Hymes in the late 1960s from Chomsley’s concept of competence,in the restricted sense of knowledge of a grammar.115.gender difference: a difference in a speech between men and women is”genden difference”116.linguistic determinism: one of the two points in Sapir-Whorf hypothesis,nguage determines thought.117.linguistic relativity: one of the two points in Spir-Whorf hypotheis,i.e.there’s no limit to the structural diversity of languages.118.linguistic sexism:many differences between me and women in language use are brought about by nothing less than women’s place in society.119.sociolinguistics of language: one of the two things in sociolinguistics,in which we want to look at structural things by paying attention to language use in a social context.120.sociolinguistics of society;one of the two things in sociolinguistics,in which we try to understand sociological things of society by examining linguistic phenomena of a speaking community. 121.variationist linguistics: a branch of linguistics,which studies the relationship between speakers’social starts and phonological variations.122.performative: an utterance by which a speaker does something does something,as apposed to a constative,by which makes a statement which may be true or false.123.constative: an utterance by which a speaker expresses a proposition which may be true or false. 124.locutionary act: the act of saying something;it’s an act of conveying literal meaning by means of syntax,lexicon,and ly.,the utterance of a sentence with determinate sense and reference.125.illocutionary act: the act performed in saying something;its force is identical with the speaker’s intention.126.perlocutionary act: the act performed by or resulting from saying something,it’s the consequence of,or the change brought about by the utterance.127.conversational implicature: the extra meaning not contained in the literalutterances,underatandable to the listener only when he shares the speaker’s knowledge or knowswhy and how he violates intentionally one of the four maxims of the cooperative principle.128.entailment:relation between propositions one of which necessarily follows from theother:e.g.”Mary is running”entails,among other things,”Mary is not standing still”.129.ostensive communication: a complete characterization of communication is that it is ostensive-infer-ential.municative principle of relevance:every act of ostensive communication communicates the presumption of its own optimal relevance.131.relevance: a property that any utterance,or a proposition that it communicates,must,in the nature of communication,necessarily have.132.Q-principle: one of the two principles in Horn’s scale,i.e.Make your contribution necessary (G.Relation,Quantity2,Manner);Say no more than you must(given Q).133.division of pragmatic labour: the use of a marked crelatively complex and/or expression when a corresponding unmarkeda(simpler,less”effortful”)alternate expression is available tends to be interpreted as conveying a marked message(one which the unmarked alternative would not or could not have conveyed).134.constraints on Horn scales:the hearer-based o-Principle is a sufficiency condition in the sense that information provided is the most the speaker is able to..135.third-person narrator: of the narrator is not a character in the fictional world,he or she is usually called a third –person narrator.136.I-narrator: the person who tells the story may also be a character in the fictional world of the story,relating the story after the speech: a kind of speech presentation in which the character said in its fullest form. 138.indirect speech: a kind of speech presentation in which the character said in its fullest form. 139.indirect speech: a kind of speech presentation which is an amalgam of direct speech.140.narrator’s repreaentation of speech acts: a minimalist kind of presentation in which a part of passage can be seen as a summery of a longer piece of discourse,and therefore even more backgruonded than indirect speech representation would be.141.narrator”srepresentation of thought acts: a kind of categories used by novelists to represent the thoughts of their of characters are exactly as that used to present speech acts.For example,,she considered his unpunctuality.142.indirect thought: a kind of categories used by novelist to represent the thoughts of their characters are exactly as that used to present indirect speech.For example,she thought that he woule be late.143.fee indirect speech: a further category which can occur,which is an amalgam of direct speech and indirect speech features.144.narrator’s representation of thought acts:a kind of the categories used by novelists to present the thoughts of therir characters are exactly the same as those used to represent a speech e.g.He spent the day thinking.145.indirect thought: a kind of categories used by novelist to represent the thoughts of their characters are exactly as that used to present indirect speech.For example,she thought that he would be late.146.fee indirect speech: a further category which can occur,which is an amalgam of direct speech and indirect speech features.147.narrator”s representation of thought: the categories used by novelists to present the thoughts of their characters are exactly the same as those used to represent a speech e.g.He spent the day indirect thought: the categories used by novelists to represent the thoughts of their characters are exactly the same as those used to represent a speech,e.g.He was bound to be late. thought: categories used by novelists to represent the thoughts of their characters are exactly the same as those used to represent a speech..puter system: the machine itself together with a keyboard,printer,screen,diskdrives,programs,etc.puter literacy: those people who have sufficient knowledge and skill in the use of computers and computer software.puter linguistics: a branch of applied liguistics,dealing with computer processing of human language.153.Call: computer-assisted language learning(call),refers to the use of a computer in the teaching or learning of a second or foreign language.154.programnded instruction: the use of computers to monitor student progress,to direct students into appropriate lessons,material,etc.155.local area network: are computers linked together by cables in a classroom,lab,or building.They offer teachers a novel approach for creating new activities for students that provide more time and experience with target language.156.CD-ROM: computer disk-read only memory allows huge amount of information to be stored on one disk with quich access to the information.Students and teachers can access information quickly and efficiently for use in and out of the classroom.157.machine translation: refers to the use of machine(usually computer)to translate texts from one language to another.158.concordance: the use of computer to search for a particular word,sequence of words.or perhaps even a part of speech in a text.The computer can also receive all examples of a particular word,usually in a context,which is a further aid to the linguist.It can also calculate the number of occurrences of the word so that information on the frequency of the word may be gathered.159.annotation: if corpora is said to be unannotated-it appears in its existing raw state of plain text,whereas annotated corpora has been enhanced with various type of linguistic information, 160.annotation: if corpora is said to be unannotated—it appears in its existing raw state of plain text,whereas annotated corpora has been enhanced with various type of linguistic information. rmational retrieval: the term conventionally though somewhat inaccurately,applied to the type of actrvity discussed in this volume.An information retrieval system does not infor(i.e.change the knowledge of)the user on the subject of his merely informs on the existence(or non-existence)and whereabouts of documents relating to his request.162.document representative: information structure is concerned with exploiting relationships,between documents to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of retrieval strategies.It covers specifically a logical organization of information,such as document representatives,for the purpose of information retrieval.163.precision: the proportion of retrieval documents which are relevant.164.recall: the proportion of retrieval documents which are relevant.165.applied linguistics: applications of linguistics to study of second and foreign language learning and teaching,and other areas such as translation,the compiling of dictionaries,etcmunicative competence: as defined by Hymes,the knowledge and ability involved in putting language to communicative use.167.syllabus:the planning of course of instruction.It is a description of the cousr content,teaching procedures and learning experiences.168.interlanguage:the type of language constructed by second or foreign language learners who are still in the process of learning a language,i.e.the language system between the target language and the learner’s native language.169.transfer: the influence of mother tongue upon the second language.When structures of the two languages are similar,we can get positive transfer of facilitation;when the two languages are different in structures,negative transfer of inference occurs and result in errors.170.validity: the degree to which a test meansures what it is meant to measure.There are four kinds of validity,i.e.content validity,construct validity,empirical valiodity,and face validity.171.rebiability: can be defined as consistency.There are two kinds of reliability,i.e.stability reliability,and equiralence reliability.172.hypercorrection: overuse of a standard linguistic features,in terms of bothfrequency,i.e.overpassing the speakers of higher social status,and overshooting thetarget,i.e.extending the use of a form inalinguistic environment where it is not expected to occur,For example,pronouncing ideas as[ai’dier],extending pronouncing post-vocalic/r/ in an envorienment where it’s not supposed to occur.173.discrete point test: a kind of test in which language structures or skills are further divided into individual points of phonology,syntax and lexis.174.integrative test: a kind of test in which language structures or skills are further divided into individual points of phonology,syntax and lexis.。
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Meta-Event Description Language for Realtime CorbaSerge MidonnetEcole Sup´e rieure d’Ing´e nieurs en Informatique et G´e nie des T´e l´e communications, 1Rue du port de Valvins77210Avon,FranceInstitut Gaspard-Monge-Universit´e de Marne la Vall´e e,5,boulevard Descartes,Champs sur Marne,77454Marne-la-Valle Cedex2,FranceABSTRACTAsynchronous programming model is widely used in real time applications.In a CORBA real-time sys-tem,requests may be triggered by the occurrence of asynchronous eful System Events can come from external sources(such as hardware interrup-tions)or from internal program logic.These requests will then be propagated towards a distant Servant in order to be treated as a Servant operation.An asyn-chronous call to a Real-Time Servant Operation is a real-time event.Even if a wide range of applications can benefit from this language,this paper presents the application of MEDL for fault-detection and fault-handling of during the invocation of real-time oper-ations using SORBET.KEY WORDSReal-time Systems,Real-time CORBA,Event Pro-gramming,Specification and Description Languages. 1IntroductionReal-time is one aspect of quality of service which has recently been taken into account in JAVA[1] and in CORBA thanks to two specifications;Real-Time CORBA[2]and Dynamic Scheduling[3].The Real-Time Specification for JAVA(RTSJ)enables real-time applications to choose from different real-time event traffic models(periodic or sporadic),to associate temporal constraints,called release param-eters,with real-time threads and to test their feasibil-ity.The Real-Time Specification for JAVA does not support any particular aperiodic server technology. The Real-Time CORBA Specification provides an ab-straction for distributed real-time programming as an end-to-end schedulable entity termed distributable thread.The RT-CORBA Specification defines a stan-dard for CORBA system implementations that sup-port end-to-end predictability,but does not attempt to address more advanced issues such as resource management or temporal fault tolerance.The aim of the RT-SORBET research project is to implement our research results using the Real-Time JAVA Spec-ification and thus to prove them to be workable. Real-Time Java technology has matured consid-erably since its inception with appropriate tools, methodology and technology.Its prime advantages; portability,type safety,and syntax can be brought to realtime and embedded systems as well.So more and more commercial products are beginning to adopt Java technology to develop real-time components,[4] reports that more than3000people have used the RTSJ reference implementation(RI)from Timesys, a commercial RTSJ compliant JVM i.e.JamaicaVM from AICAS[5],[9]or other free implementations such as Jrate[6]and[7]Flex[8]to create application prototypes.In this paper we propose a tool based on RTSJ specifications,capable of incrementing the produc-tivity and maintenance of real-time systems which interact closely with the physical ing this tool we can clearly separate the interpretation of ex-ternal stimula from the logic of the application. 1.1An asynchronous worldThe real-world can be modeled as an asynchronous system.RT applications interact closely with the real-world(real-time embedded systems,real-time sensors,etc...),so every RT programming environ-ment has to provide support for event handling and asynchronous control transfer.RTSJ(Real-Time Specification for Java)provides the support for asynchronous transfer of control in real-time Java applications.Due to its dependency on the real-world,a great part of a real-time application code is dedicated to handling incoming signals.Often the meaning of those events depends on previously received signals. We introduce the concept of meta-event,which stands for“an event that encapsulates a sequence of events”and the Meta-Event Description Language and tools for meta-event description and Java code generation.With SORBET,we use a standard CORBA IDL to specify the application’s interface and we used MEDL to modelize the application’s temporal behavior by a rational expression which describes the inter-relation between events.1.2Paper organisationThe remainder of the paper is organised as follows: Section1gives a general introduction to the asyn-chronous programming model and its implementa-tion in Java;in Section2we introduce the concept of meta-event by an example and in Section3we ex-plain the language’s structure and how to define a meta-event;in Section4we discuss the result of the compilation process;Section5summarizes the results we have obtained and presents how they can be used to improve the construction of a real-time based ap-plication.2Asynchrony in Realtime Java The Realtime Java specification generalises Java’s mechanism for event handling and asynchronous transfer of control.The Asynchrony section of RTSJ contains classes that:•Provide mechanisms for binding internal and ex-ternal events to a program logic.The program will execute as the event occurs.•Provide an alternative approach for interruptinga schedulable object,using asynchronous trans-fer of control(ATC).The RTSJ ATC model is integrated with the Java exception handling fa-cility.•Provide mechanisms for the asynchronous termi-nation of threads.In this section we focus our attention on RTSJ’s event model.As an extension to the classic event model for Java,an event is represented by the non-abstract class javax.realtime.AsyncEvent.An instance of this class is an object corre-sponding to the possibility of an aynchronous event occurence.On the other hand,the class javax.realtime.AsyncEventHandler is an abstract class that represents the action to be taken when an event occurs.An AsyncEvent can befired by the application logic or can be bound to a happening external to the JVM,such as a software signal or a hardware inter-rupt(this case is very frequent in RT systems).The invocation of the fire()method on an AsyncEvent corresponds to the occurence of the event.An AsyncEventHandler subclass embodies the code which executes when a particular event occurs. The handler can embody the code in two differents ways(according to the same pattern used to embody the code of a normal Java thread):•by subclassing the AsyncEventHandler class and by implementing the abstract handleAsyncEvent()method with the action code.•by implementing the ng.Runnable interface infilling in the run()method with the required logic,then creating the AsyncEventHandler instance using the con-structor which takes the Runnable interface as parameter.With this mechanism handlers inherit from other hierachies,not necessarily from AsyncEven-tHandler.To bind a handler to an event,the addHandler(AsyncEventHandler h)method of AsyncEvent is used.This kind of association is any-to-any,thus we can have several handlers attached to the same event and,at the same time,a handler can be attached to several differents events.2.1Threads and handlersWhen fire()method is called on an event object, the run()method of each registered handler is scheduled(not executed!)with the guarantee that multiple calls will be serialized and that there will be,at most one execution for each handler.There are two types of RTSJ handler:Bound and Unbound Handler.The execution style depends on the type of handler:Unbound Handlers In this case the handler is dy-namically bound to the execution context at the moment it is triggered.This solution does not require a dedicated thread for each handler’s in-stance but introduces non-determinism(a vari-able execution time)in the handler execution.The AsyncEventHandler class implements the Schedulable and Runnable interfaces.Bound Handlers The BoundAsyncEventHandler class is a subclass of the AsyncEventHandler abstract class which implements the event’s handler.In this case the handler is permanently bound to a realtime thread.A BoundAsyncEventHandler encapsulates aRealtimeThread from the moment of the for-mer’s creation.The real-time thread is added to the scheduler’s timeline.This approach should be used by handlers which cannot tolerate the time loss caused by the dynamic binding.This situation can lead to a scheduler overload as there may be a large number of threads.2.2Specifying time parameters forhandlersAs handlers have the same structure as real-time threads,the class AsyncEventHandler provides con-structors with references to SchedulingParameters, ReleaseParameters and MemoryParameters.If no parameter is provided during the handler creation(or a dummy constructor is used),the associated thread inherits real-time parameters from its parent thread. Scheduling parameters specify a thread priority or importance.Handlers are scheduled with respect to their priority with the same procedure as a real-time thread.Memory parameters specifications are relevant only in the case in which a lot of heavy objects are created during the handler execution.The RTSJ specification describes a Peri-odic,a Sporadic and an Aperiodic thread traffic model.In order to specify this traf-fic model,we use PeriodicParameters; AperiodicParameters(subclasses of ReleaseParameters)or SporadicParameters (subclass of AperiodicParameters).These parame-ters contain a set of associated time values and fault handlers.The associated time values are set accord-ing to the traffic model.A Periodic traffic model is characterized by;thefirst activation time Offset; the Period;the Cost and the Deadine.A Sporadic traffic model is characterized by;its inter-arrival time;its Cost and its Deadline.An Aperiodic traffic model is characterized by;its Cost and its Deadline. The CostOverrun handler is triggered when a thread overruns its allocated execution duration value(the Cost value).The DeadlineMiss handler is triggered when a thread misses its deadline.The handler is triggered by an external source,so the traffic model of the thread,which is bound to the handler,is imposed by the timing model of the event’s source.For example if the event is triggered by a periodic thread of period T1,the event oc-curs periodically,so the handler periodicity equals T1.The RTSJ specifications provide a method createReleaseParameters()for the AsyncEvent classes which enables the handler’s programmer to ac-cess at its worst case value.(the estimation is based upon the analysis of the release parameters of the thread associated to the event).This method returns a ReleaseParameter object which has to befilled in before being sent on to the handler’s constructor.3The SORBET Meta-Event Description LanguageThe meta-event concept arose from the need to control and identify situations characterized by the happening of a series of”simple”events.This series is expressed using a Description Language,which is based on rational expressions.The meta-event itself is an event(subclass of AsyncEvent)to which it is possible to attach han-dlers.The handlers are scheduled when the rational condition described in the Event Description is satis-fied.Two entities are always attached to a meta-event:•the suppliers,or the base events which are used to describe thefire condition for the meta-event•the consumers,or the handlers,attached to the meta-eventSo the meta-event can be considered by a series of suppliers as a proxy of consumers(fig.1).The fun-damental difference with the proxy model is that the meta-event controls an internal state that records all past suppliers’solicitations and activates consumers only when the conditions described in the ME de-scription are reached.SuppliersFigure1:Meta-Event’s Architecture3.1An example scenarioLet us introduce a typical scenario in which the con-cept of a meta-event can be simply understood.We have already seen that any implementation of the RTSJ can signal,via an AsyncEvent,the situation in which a realtime thread has overrun its costs or missed its deadline.According to the theory of real-time systems, it is clear that a cost overrun condition is a good indicator of a future missed deadline.Let us consider a set of realtime periodic operation threads,τ1,τ2,τ3,we use the concept of meta-event in order to design a fault-prediction system.Thus we create a meta-event that will be launched if there are three consecutive cost overruns byτ3,or two byτ2.The handler associated with this meta-event will take some preventive action such as de-scheduling the two threads,increasing their cost and then rescheduling them if possible.Another kind of meta-event occurs in the criti-cal situation whereτ3reaches twice times the cost overrun and thenτ2does the same thing.In this case,there is a precedence relation between these base events.In this situation drastic action must be taken in order to prevent missing deadline situations,such as a deadline increment forτ2andτ3.With SORBET-MEDL,both of the previous situ-ations can be easily described by a logical relation-ship between base events.If we call co1,co2,co3the cost overrun events and dm1,dm2,dm3the deadline missed events,respectively associated withτ1,τ2and τ3,we can define the two meta-events by the following expressions:•((co3TIMES3)OR(co2TIMES2))for thefirst meta-event•((dm3TIMES2)THEN dm2))for the secondmeta-eventThe result of the compilation of the Descriptionfile for those meta-events is two Java classes that map each described event.The generated classes take as constructor parameters the reference to each base sig-nal and each meta-event handler.In the next section we will be presented the formal grammar of SORBET-MEDL.4The languageThe language that we use to describe a meta-event has been designed to be easy to use and to learn. Such as with Corba IDL or QDL[10][11]a compiler generates implementation skeletons Java classes. The Descriptionfile is divided into two main sec-tions:declarations and definitions.4.1Language DeclarationsThe aim of the declaration section is the generation via a command-line option of empty skeletons for sup-pliers and consumers classes.So the programer can clearly see all the classes which must be coded.The import and package directives have the same meanings as in Java:all generated classes will be put into the specified package,while the import directive will be copied onto all the generated meta-event classes to ensure correct cross-package instance of suppliers and consumers.4.2Language DefinitionsThe semantics of a meta-event generally involves three entities:the instances of base events called here suppliers,the instances of meta-event’s handlers (called consumers)and the expression of thefire con-dition.Each of these elements has to be defined in the meta-event definition statement.For suppliers’and consumers’instances we use the classic type:instance_name declaration statement. For thefire condition expression,the language of-fer a set of operators that maps the most commonly used relationships between base events and/or com-posite expressions:AND,OR,THEN,TIMES.The first two operators can be compared with gates in a logic network where the signals are the events.The last two operators introduce timing relationships be-tween their operands.Let us explain in detail the meaning of each of these terms:e1AND e2is verified if e1and e2are already ver-ified.The space of sequences matched by this rule is:[(e1,e2),(e2,e1)].No temporal rela-tionship is required between e1and e2.e1OR e2is verified if either e1or e2is verified.Again,this operator does not use any temporal relationship between its operands.e1THEN e2means that e2requires one occurrence of e1in order to be verified.This operator clearly introduces the relation of temporal prece-dence between two expressions or base suppliers.e1TIMES n is verified if the expression e1has itera-tively been satisfied n times.Note that this op-erator(TIMES)authorizes an expression on itsleft hand side and an integer on its right handside e.g.(e1AND e2)TIMES2.The grammar permits multiple definitions of events in the same compilation unit.Every base event(sup-plier)and every handler(consumer)instance can be seen only in the compilation unit in which they are declared.The grammar permits multiple definitions of events in the same compile unit,because every base event (supplier)and every handler(consumer)instance has the limited scope of the event in which they are de-clared.Events{MetaEvent1,MetaEvent2};/*base events*/Suppliers{CostOverRun,DeadLineMiss};/*handlers*/Consumers{COHandler,DLMHandler};/*definition of MetaEvent1*/MetaEvent MetaEvent1{Supplier CostOverRun:co2,CostOverRun:co3; Consumer COHandler:c1;EventCondition((co3TIMES3)OR(co2TIMES2)); };/*definition of MetaEvent2*/MetaEvent MetaEvent2{Supplier DeadLineMiss:dm2,DeadLineMiss:dm3; Consumer DLMHandler:h1;EventCondition((dm3TIMES2)THEN dm2);};The listing shows the complete meta-event specifica-tions for the above example scenario.// empty class to be filled// by the programmer// empty class to be filled// by the programmer// empty class to be filled// by the programmer// empty class to be filledrtme.example.MetaEvent1+ MetaEvent1 (CostOverRunEvent co3,CostOverRunEvent co2,COHandler c1 )+ activate()+ deactivate()+ MetaEvent2 (DeadLineMissedEvent dm3,DeadLineMissedEvent dm2,DLMHandler c1 )+ activate()+ deactivate()rtme.example.MetaEvent2 rtme.exemple.CostOverRunEvent rtme.exemple.DeadLineMissedEventrtme.exemple.DMLHandlerrtme.exemple.COHandler// by the programmer<<generated classes>>Figure2:Compilation output5The compilation outputEach meta-event described in the compilation unit is mapped into a Java class.Each generated class has the same name as the meta-event described in the SORBET-MEDL specifications and has a sin-gle constructor to whom we pass all suppliers’and consumers’references.Each of those parameters is mandatorily typed with the class specified in the event’s definition.To avoid mistakes in the case where the meta-event uses multiple references to the same supplier type, each parameter has the same name of the instance defined in the event specification.Seefigure 2. Where the compilation output for2meta-events is given.5.1Sequence detector implementa-tionsA meta-event must be ready for a call from any or all of its suppliers.A handler(subclass of AsyncEventHandler)is created for each supplier and bound to its respective event.Note that this series of handlers is encapsulated and therefore is invisible from the exterior.There are two possible design solutions for the in-ternal handlers.The choice between them depends onthe implementation of the sequence of detectors:via a classic transition table(1)or via a runtime based on internal events’propagation(2).The compiler uses the second solution as default implementation.To choose the transition table option,the user needs to specify--transition-table in the command-line. In the next paragraph we describe these two solu-tions.Transition table implementation The transition table is generated by the compiler from the meta-event’s logic expression.In this classic approach, the sequence detector can be viewed as a lexical scanner in which events are tokens.The advan-tages of this solution are:•a self-contained class,that doesn’t requirean external library.•a constant execution time for each inter-nal handler associated with the event’s sup-plier.The drawbacks are:•this solution can lead to state explosionwith complex logic conditions.•the memory size necessary for the generatedclass is variable.Internal propagation of events In this solution we use a runtime library, org.sorbet.realtime.rtme.detectors.This package provides a class for each operator in the event condition specification:AndDetector,OrDetector,ThenDetector, TimesDetector,Each class implements the IDetector interface and acts like a logic gate.Input signals are represented by expression’s operands and the output signals become the input at the upper-level expression.The entire expression is mapped onto a logic net-work in which every node of the Abstract Pars-ing Tree(APT)corresponds to a detector of the appropriate class.The IDetector interface pro-vides methods for the linking of nodes and facil-itates the communication between them,using respectively the registerSource()method and the handle()method.The reference of the upper-level gate is trans-mitted to the current gate by its constructor.At this point the upper-level gate reference registers as source using the registerSource method.Thus each gate is linked both to itspredecessors and to its successor.A single gate signals that its condition is satisfiedby calling the handle()method on the upper-level node.Base events are handled by special detectors,instances of SignalDetector(which inherits from AsyncEventHandler).On the other hand,a meta-event signals that its condition is satisfied by calling the external handler’sfire method(meta-event consumers).To avoid the propagation of signals for expressions that are already verified,the IDetector interface provides the reconnect() and disconnect()methods.Consider,for ex-ample,the expression s1AND s2:if the received signal sequence is s1,s1,s2,there is no reason to continue accepting s1after itsfirst occurence, accordingly the s1.disconnect()method is called at this point.All connections are restablished when the global fire condition is satisfied.The pros of this solution are mainly scalability and modularity.It is simple to connect new com-ponents by adding new detector classes.without entering into the compiler’s implementation to modify the transition table’s generation process.We consider this to be a great advantage and we plan to add more detectors to the next compiler’s version.Conversly,the execution duration of the sup-plier’s event handler is variable,due to a non-deterministic chain of method calls between de-tectors.In any case,it is possible to estimate the cost of each SignalDetector by a worst-case analysis.6Conclusions and future chal-lengesIn this paper was have explored the concept of meta-event and the SORBET framework’s contribution to real-time systems engineering.The principle contri-bution of our work is the separation of application logic from signal interactions.This separation en-ables us to make real-time applications more modular and thus more scalable.We hope to have shown just how powerful a solution based on meta-events can be.There is still a lot of work to be done.( s1 AND s2 ) THEN s3THENANDs3s1s2Transition Table0123s1s2s311 3 1 32 23 3 Fire2 0Sequence DetectorSuppliersConsumersSignalDetectorFigure 3:Different implementations of a meta-eventOur aim in the future is to extend the framework with the following features:•The creation of a new structure in the language which maps transitions between states and there related actions.•The performance improvement of the sequence detection system •The addition of new operands to the runtime•The addition of worst-case analysis method forthe cost determination of the meta-eventInformation,documentation and dis-tribution versions are available at .Since SORBET-MEDL is an open-source project,we encourage developers and researchers to download the code and to contact us with comments,questions,and add-ons.References[1]G.Bollela et al.”The Real-Time Specificationfor JAVA”,Addison-Wesley Publishing Compant,195pages,Jan 15,2000.[2]Object Management Group Real-time CORBA,OMG Document orbos/99-03-32ed.,March 1999[3]Object Management Group Dynamic Scheduling,OMG Document orbos/99-03-32ed.,March 1999[4]C.D.Locke.”Real-time Java moving to the main-stream”.RTC Journal,January 2004.[5]/jamaica.html[6]A.Corsaro, D.C.Schmidt.”Evaluating real-time java features and performance for real-time embedded systems”.In Proceedings 8th Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applica-tions.IEEE Computer Society,September 24-27,2002.[7]/M.Rinard et al.,”FLEX 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