客房部常用词汇培训一、客房部常用词汇培训流程1、客房常用词汇(术语及词汇的讲解)2、简单英语会话二、客房部常用词汇1、客房状况术语Room Status房间状态Clean干净Dirty脏Vacant:空的VC Vacant Clean干净的空房,即OK房,可直接出售,安排客人入住OC Occupied Clean干净的住房或干净的占用房VD Vacant Dirty脏的空房OD Occupied Dirty未打扫干净的住房D/L Double Locked Door双锁的房间GRS Guest Refused Service客人拒绝服务C/I Check In入住的房间C/O Check Out离店的房间VIP Very Important Person非常重要的客人DND Do Not Disturbed请勿打扰OOO Out of Order严重坏房OOS Out of Server轻微坏房Discrepant Room矛盾房Sleep out:外宿房Skipper:未结帐即离房,逃帐房Light luggage room只带有少量行李的客房No luggage room无行李房Occupied:占用的,有人住Reservation statues预订状态Arrivals预抵;Arrived已到店Stay Over在店Due Out预离;2、房间类型(ROOM TYPE)术语:1)床具种类单人床(Twin-size Bed);双人床(Double-size Bed):包括大号双人床(Q ueen-s ize Bed)和特大号双人床(King-size Bed)隐蔽床(Murphy Bed)婴儿床(Baby Bed)加床(Extra Bed)Rollaway Bed2)客房类型单人间(Single Room);标准间(Standard Room):放置两张单人床,我国饭店的大多数客房属于这种类型;大床间(Double Room):该房间放置一张双人床,一般适合夫妻或商务客人使用;新婚夫妇使用时,称“蜜月客房”;三人间(Triple Room):一般是房内放置三张单人床,供三位宾客同时入住,属经济房间。
酒店专业术语中英文对照HOTELTELMINOLOGY(CHINESETOENGLISH)Part1部门及岗位名称行政及人力资源部Executive&HumanResourcesDivision E&HR 人事部PersonnelDepartment PD 质检培训部QualityInspection&TrainingDepartment QID 后勤部Rear-ServiceDivision RSD 市场推广及销售部Sales&MarketingDivision S&M 公共关系部PublicRelationDepartment PRD 财务部FinanceDivision FDPart2职位名称职位英文英文缩写董事长ChairmanoftheBoard COB董事长助理BoardAssistant BA执行董事ExecutiveDirector EXD总经理GeneralManager GM副总经理DeputyGeneralManager DGM驻店经理ResidentManager RM厨工KitchenHelper更衣室管理员Locker-roomConservator房务总监DirectorofRoomsDivision DOR前厅经理FrontOfficeManager FOM客房经理HousekeepingDepartmentManager HSKD大堂副理AssistantManager AM首席礼宾司ChiefConcierge CC客务主任GuestRelationOfficer GRO 接待主管ChiefReceptionist CR 接待员Receptionist行政管家ExecutiveHousekeeper EH 客房高级主管SeniorSupervisor SS 楼层主管FloorSupervisor FS 楼层领班FloorCaptain FC 洗衣房经理LaundryManager LM园丁Gardener保洁员PublicArea PA 商场部主管ShopSupervisor商场营业员ShopAssistant餐饮总监DirectorofFood&Beverage DFB 餐饮部经理Food&BeverageManager FBM 酒水部经理BeverageManagerBEM西餐厅主管WesternRestaurantSupervisor WRS 中餐厅主管ChineseRestaurantSupervisor CRS 宴会部经理BanquetingManagerBAM宴会销售经理BanquetSalesManager宴会销售主任BanquetSalesOfficerBSO宴会销售代表BanquetsSalesExecutiveBSE咖啡厅主管CoffeeShopSupervisor CSS 酒吧主管HeadBartender高级酒吧侍者SeniorBartender调酒员Tapman茶艺师TeaCeremonyKeeper水台厨工Butcher砧板厨师Chopper洗碗工Dishwasher打荷厨师FoodDistributor见习厨师ApprenticeCook厨房杂工Amah学徒Apprentice勤杂工Handyman洗菜工VegetableWasher营业总监DirectorofSales&Marketing DOS 销售部经理ManagerofSalesDepartment MOS 宴会销售经理BanquetSalesManager BSM木工Carpenter强电组长ElectricalSectionHead电工Electrician弱电组长ElectricsSectionHead万能工Handyman空调技工Air-conditioningMechanic机修组长MechanicSectionHead油漆工Painter电梯工LiftOperator客房维修组长RoomMaintenanceSectionHead财务总监FinancialController FC 财务部经理AccountingManager ACM 总会计师ChiefAccountant CA 会计师Accountant成本控制主管CostController COC康乐部总监DirectorofEntertainment&Recreation DER 康乐部经理Entertainment&RecreationManager ERM 康体主管EntertainmentSupervisor娱乐主管RecreationSupervisor康体领班EntertainmentCaptain娱乐领班RecreationCaptain理发师Barber美容师Beautician美容服务员BeautySalonAttendant救生员Lifeguard指甲修剪师Manicurist男按摩师/女按摩师Masseur/Masseuse教练TrainerDJ公主DJPrincess技师Masseur/Masseuse散客Freeindividualtraveler FIT 自来客人Walkin W/I 已入住Occupy OCC 退房Vacant VAC 坏房自用房Houseuse客人Guest GST预计抵店Expectedarrival E/A 预计离店Expecteddeparture E/D 延期、续住Extension EXT 入住登记单Registrationcard RC长包房Longstaying L/S 日租、当日用房Day use D/U 早餐Breakfast BF折扣Discount DISC.洗衣Laundry送餐服务/送餐部Roomservice RMSVC 陪同房GuideRoom G/R 国际长途Internationaldirectdialing IDD 国内长途Domesticdirectdialing DDD 高级的,资深的Senior SR初级的Junior JR合约价Contractrate CR 要求Request REQ 押金Deposit DEP 已保证Guaranteed GTD 客人留言或邮件Mail&information M&I 备忘录Memorandum MEMO 传真Facsimile FAX 电话Telephone TEL信件Letter LTR 有限的Limited LTD 公司Company CO. 已允许Permitted PER 升级入住Upgrade U/G 预订Booking BKG 尽可能快、便捷服务Assoonaspossible ASAP聚会Party PTY 团队Group GRP 楼层Floor FL 标准的Standard STD 豪华的Deluxe DLX 注意事项Attention ATTN 确认Confirm政策与程序Policiesandprocedures P&P当值;上班OnDuty下班OffDuty班次表DutyRoster雇佣Employ为……所雇佣Intheemploy雇员;雇工Employee正式雇员PermanentEmployee临时雇员TemporaryEmployee员工手册EmployHandbook每月优秀员工EmployeeoftheMonth年度优秀员工EmployeeoftheYear员工表现评估EmployeePerformanceEvaluation 求职申请表EmploymentApplicationForm雇用、聘用Engage行政人员Executive犯规通知书MisconductNotice休息Off下班OffDuty办公室Officer职员签单Officer’sCheek组织机构图OrganizationChart加班Overtime专用自动电话交换机Privateautomaticbranchexchange 兼职工作Part-timejob部分时间工作Workpart-time工资、薪金Pay工资、薪金支票Paycheck出纳员Paymaster工资主任PayrollOfficer养老金,退休金Pension轮班;更期Shift两头班Broken早班Morningshift午班Afternoonshift夜班Overnight/GraveyardShift工鞋Shoe员工;配备人员Staff待客员工GuestContactStaff外籍员工ExpatriateStaff本地员工LocalCanteen员工餐厅StaffCanteen员工出口处StaffEntrance员工更衣室StaffLocker-room员工告示栏StaffNotice-board员工流失率StaffTurnoverPercentage外宿(不在本地)Outtown OT 封房维修空房已清洁Vacantclean VC 空房未打扫Vacantdirty VD 住客房未清洁Occupieddirty OD 住客房已清洁Occupiedclean OC 赶房Rushroom ROPart5房间类型高级双人间Superiortwinroom ST 高级单人间Superiorsingleroom SK 豪华双人间Deluxetwinroom DT 豪华单人间Deluxesingleroom DK 高级套间Superiorsuite SS 豪华套间Deluxesuite DS 商务套间Executivesuite ES。
酒店专业术语中英文对照HOTEL TELMINOLOGY (CHINESE TO ENGLISH)Part 1 部门及岗位名称行政及人力资源部Executive & Human Resources Division E&HR 人事部Personnel Department PD质检培训部Quality Inspection & Training Department QID 后勤部Rear-Service Division RSD 市场推广及销售部Sales &Marketing Division S&M 公共关系部Public Relation Department PRD 财务部Finance Division FD收银部Cash Division CD成本部Cost-control Department CCD 会计部Accounting Division ACD 采购部Purchasing Department PD电脑部Electronic Date Processing EDP 房务部Rooms Division RD前厅部Front Office FO管家部Housekeeping Department HSKP 洗衣房Laundry Room LR保洁部Public Area PA楼层Floor保安部Security Department SEC 康乐部Entertainment & Recreation Department E&R 工程部Engineering Department ENG 餐饮部Food & Beverage Department F&B 西餐厅West Restaurant WR中餐厅Chinese Restaurant CRPart 2 职位名称职位英文英文缩写董事长Chairman of the Board COB董事长助理Board Assistant BA执行董事Executive Director EXD总经理General Manager GM副总经理Deputy General Manager DGM驻店经理Resident Manager RM总经理助理General Manager Assistant GMA顾问Adviser行政值班经理Manager on Duty/Executive on Duty MOD行政秘书Executive Secretary ES文员Clerk行政总监Administration Director ADD行政办公室主任Executive Officer EO人力资源部经理Human Resources Manager HRM培训部经理Training Manager TM培训主任Training Officer TRO质检培训主任Quality Inspection & Training Officer QITO人事主管Personnel Supervisor PS车队主管Chief Driver CD文员Order Taker OT临时工Casual laborer司机Driver外籍职员Expatriate人事档案文员Personnel Filing Clerk宿舍管理员Dormitory Conservator厨工Kitchen Helper更衣室管理员Locker-room Conservator房务总监Director of Rooms Division DOR前厅经理Front Office Manager FOM客房经理Housekeeping Department Manager HSKD 大堂副理Assistant Manager AM首席礼宾司Chief Concierge CC客务主任Guest Relation Officer GRO 接待主管Chief Receptionist CR 接待员Receptionist行政管家Executive Housekeeper EH 客房高级主管Senior Supervisor SS 楼层主管Floor Supervisor FS 楼层领班Floor Captain FC 洗衣房经理Laundry Manager LM PA主管PA Supervisor PS 客房服务员Room Attendant RA 礼宾部领班Bell Captain行李生Bellboy高级行李生Senior Bellboy门童/女门童Door man /Door girl技工Mechanic大烫工Flatwork Ironer小烫工Hand Ironer Presser平烫工Ironer干洗工Dry-cleaner水洗工Washer Extractor布草收发员Linen Attendant洗衣男工/女工Laundryman/ Laundrywoman女缝工、女裁缝Seamstress订房部文员Booking Clerk商务中心文员Business Center Clerk接线生主管Chief Operator接线生,总机Operator/Telephone Operator园丁Gardener保洁员Public Area PA 商场部主管Shop Supervisor商场营业员Shop Assistant餐饮总监Director of Food &Beverage DFB 餐饮部经理Food &Beverage Manager FBM 酒水部经理Beverage Manager BEM西餐厅主管Western Restaurant Supervisor WRS 中餐厅主管Chinese Restaurant Supervisor CRS 宴会部经理Banqueting Manager BAM 宴会销售经理Banquet Sales Manager宴会销售主任Banquet Sales Officer BSO 宴会销售代表Banquets Sales Executive BSE 咖啡厅主管Coffee Shop Supervisor CSS 酒吧主管Head Bartender楼面主任Head Waiter(男)/Head Waitress(女) HW 楼面部长Captain送餐领班Room Service Captain迎宾员/咨客Hostess服务员Waiter(男服务员),Waitress(女服务员)行政总厨Executive Chef EC 中餐厨师长Sous-chef Chinese kitchen西餐厨师长Sous-chef Western kitchen西饼房主管Chief Baker CB 配菜厨师Assembler高级厨师、名厨师Cordon Bleu点心师Dim Sum Maker传菜员Food Runner管事部领班Foreman备餐间领班Pantry Captain备餐员Pantry man酒吧侍应,酒吧招待Bartender酒吧男侍应Bar boy酒吧女侍应Barmaid高级酒吧侍者Senior Bartender调酒员Tap man茶艺师Tea Ceremony Keeper水台厨工Butcher砧板厨师Chopper洗碗工Dishwasher打荷厨师Food Distributor见习厨师Apprentice Cook厨房杂工Amah学徒Apprentice勤杂工Handyman洗菜工Vegetable Washer营业总监Director of Sales & Marketing DOS 销售部经理Manager of Sales Department MOS 宴会销售经理Banquet Sales Manager BSM 销售经理Sales Manager SAM 贵宾部经理VIP Manager VM 公关部经理PR Manager PRM 公关主任PR Officer PRO 预定部主管Reservation Supervisor RS 销售代表Sales Executive SE 团队联络员Group Co-Coordinator市场协调员Marketing Co-coordinator美术设计师Art Designer美工Artist工程总监Chief Engineer CE 工程部经理Engineering Manager EM 值班工程师Duty Engineer DE 运行主管Operation Supervisor OS 维修主管Repairing Supervisor RS 运行领班Operation Captain OC 维修领班Repairing Captain RC 锅炉组长Boiler section head锅炉工Boiler man木工Carpenter强电组长Electrical Section Head电工Electrician弱电组长Electrics Section Head万能工Handyman空调技工Air-conditioning Mechanic机修组长Mechanic Section Head油漆工Painter电梯工Lift Operator客房维修组长Room Maintenance Section Head财务总监Financial Controller FC财务部经理Accounting Manager ACM 总会计师Chief Accountant CA会计师Accountant成本控制主管Cost Controller COC 采购部经理Purchasing Manager PM采购部主管Purchasing Officer PS前台收银主管Front Officer Cashier Supervisor FOCS 电脑部主管EDP Supervisor EDPS 总出纳Chief Cashier CC应付账款主管Accounts Payable Supervisor应收帐款主管Accounts Receivable Supervisor成本核算主管Costing Supervisor收货部主管Receiving Supervisor收入审计员Income Auditor查帐员、审计员Auditor收款员、出纳员Cashier网络维护员Network Administrator NA采购员Purchasing Agent PUA 前台收银员Front Office Cashier FOC 夜审Night Auditor NA 日审Day Auditor收货员Receiving Clerk仓管员Storekeeper康乐部总监Director of Entertainment & Recreation DER 康乐部经理Entertainment & Recreation Manager ERM 康体主管Entertainment Supervisor娱乐主管Recreation Supervisor康体领班Entertainment Captain娱乐领班Recreation Captain理发师Barber美容师Beautician美容服务员Beauty Salon Attendant救生员Lifeguard指甲修剪师Manicurist男按摩师/女按摩师Masseur/Masseuse教练TrainerDJ公主DJ Princess技师Masseur/Masseuse保安部经理Security Manager SM 保安部副经理Asst. Security Manager ASM 消防主管Fire control Supervisor警卫主管Security Supervisor保安员Security Guard所有部门总监/经理Department Head DHS 主管Supervisor SUP 领班Captain高级领班Senior CaptainPart 3 日常用语登记入住Check in C/I退房Check out C/O 预计抵店Due in D/I预计离店Due out D/O 到店、入住Arrival ARR 离店、离开Departure DEPT 房间Room RM 取消Cancel CXL 贵宾Very important person VIP 散客Free individual traveler FIT 自来客人Walk in W/I 已入住Occupy OCC 退房Vacant VAC 坏房自用房House use客人Guest GST预计抵店Expected arrival E/A预计离店Expected departure E/D延期、续住Extension EXT入住登记单Registration card RC长包房Long staying L/S日租、当日用房Day use D/U早餐Breakfast BF折扣Discount DISC. 免费房Complimentary COMP. 账单、收据Voucher VR单独的Single SGL双人的(大床)Double DBL双人房(两个床)Twin TWN与同行Travel with T/W与同住、分开付款Share with S/W加入Join in J/I免收押金Waive deposit W/D未交押金No deposit预计到达时间Expected time of arrival ETA预计离开时间Expected time departure服务Service擦鞋服务Shoes shine开夜床Turn down唤醒服务Wake up婴儿看护Infant care婴儿床Baby cot失物招领Lost and found洗衣Laundry送餐服务/送餐部Room service RMSVC 陪同房Guide Room G/R国际长途International direct dialing IDD国内长途Domestic direct dialing DDD高级的,资深的Senior SR初级的Junior JR合约价Contract rate CR要求Request REQ押金Deposit DEP已保证Guaranteed GTD客人留言或邮件Mail& information M&I备忘录Memorandum MEMO 传真Facsimile FAX电话Telephone TEL请Please PLS谢谢Thanks TKS跟办Follow up F/U请勿打扰Do not disturb DND勿查询Confidential CONF 保密入住Incognito INCO轻便行李Light baggage L/B无行李No baggage N/B大量行李Heavy baggage H/B套票Pack age PKG不做房No need service NNS预订未到No show N/S转换Change CHG换房Change room CHGRM 免收费Free of charge FOC行政的Executive EXE延迟退房Late check out L/C半日租Half day charge HDC全日租full day charge FDC信件Letter LTR有限的Limited LTD公司Company CO.已允许Permitted PER升级入住Up grade U/G预订Booking BKG尽可能快、便捷服务As soon as possible ASAP聚会Party PTY 团队Group GRP 楼层Floor FL标准的Standard STD 豪华的Deluxe DLX 注意事项Attention ATTN 确认Confirm政策与程序Policies and procedures P & P 电传Telex TLX 抄送Corbin copy CC无房价No rate N/R 套房Suite STE 交班本Log book移动电话,手机Call phone紧急情况,突发事件Emergency津贴、补贴Allowance对外服务津贴Foreign Service Allowance年假Annual Leave任命;职务Appointment调职授权书Change of Status Authorization Form休息Day Off换休Trade Day Off补假Compensation Day Off降职Demote纪律;惩戒Discipline开除、解雇、免职Dismiss任务、责任、职责Duty当值;上班On Duty下班Off Duty班次表Duty Roster雇佣Employ为……所雇佣In the employ雇员;雇工Employee正式雇员Permanent Employee临时雇员Temporary Employee员工手册Employ Handbook每月优秀员工Employee of the Month年度优秀员工Employee of the Year员工表现评估Employee Performance Evaluation 求职申请表Employment Application Form雇用、聘用Engage行政人员Executive福利补贴Fringe Benefits专职工作Full-time Job节假日Holiday公众假期Public Holiday面试Interview被面试者Interviewee面试者Interviewer工作职责Job Description休假、假期、离职Leave病假Sick Leave有薪假期Paid Leave无薪假期Unpaid Leave离职To leave a job管理层级Management Hierarchy经理(简称MGR)Manager经理级人员Managerial Personnel人员配备Manning人员编制Manning Guide人力Manpower犯规通知书Misconduct Notice休息Off下班Off Duty办公室Officer职员签单Officer’s Cheek组织机构图Organization Chart加班Overtime专用自动电话交换机Private automatic branch exchange 兼职工作Part-time job部分时间工作Work part-time工资、薪金Pay工资、薪金支票Paycheck出纳员Paymaster工资主任Payroll Officer养老金,退休金Pension退休金Retirement pension津贴、奖金Perquisite全体工作人员Personnel工作岗位Post晋升Promote打卡上、下班Punch in/out履历Record招聘、招工Recruit换班、替班Relief替班服务员Relief Maid换班者、替班者Reliever辞职;辞职书Resignation提出辞职To resign/To tender one’s resignation 退休;退职Retire/Retirement(工资)增长Rise工资、薪酬Salary月薪Monthly Salary年薪Annual / Yearly Salary工资调整Salary Adjustment / Review轮班;更期Shift两头班Broken早班Morning shift午班Afternoon shift夜班Overnight/Graveyard Shift工鞋Shoe员工;配备人员Staff待客员工Guest Contact Staff外籍员工Expatriate Staff本地员工Local Canteen员工餐厅Staff Canteen员工出口处Staff Entrance员工更衣室Staff Locker-room员工告示栏Staff Notice-board员工流失率Staff Turnover Percentage监督、管理Supervise/Supervision考勤卡Time Card打卡To punch time card考勤打卡机Time Clock钟卡考勤打卡机Timekeeper练习生、实习生Trainee调动工作Transfer制服Uniform空缺Vacancy辞去职位Vacate假期;休假、度假Vacation工资Wages精简员工Zero StaffingPart 4 房态术语入住房Occupied OCC 空房Vacant VAC 退房Check out C/O 做房Make up M/N 外宿Slept out S/O 外宿(不在本地)Out town OT 封房维修空房已清洁Vacant clean VC 空房未打扫Vacant dirty VD 住客房未清洁Occupied dirty OD 住客房已清洁Occupied clean OC 赶房Rush room ROPart 5 房间类型高级双人间Superior twin room ST 高级单人间Superior single room SK 豪华双人间Deluxe twin room DT 豪华单人间Deluxe single room DK 高级套间Superior suite SS 豪华套间Deluxe suite DS 商务套间Executive suite ES。
northwestpresidential suite 总统套deluxe suite 豪华套single room 单间executive suite 商务套standard(double)room 标准间junior suite 普通套assistant manager 大堂副理handicapped room 残疾人用房cashier 收银员receptionist 接待员operator (总机)话务员telephone switchboard电话总机extension 分机bellman 行李员bowling 保龄球housekeeping department客务部gymnasium 健身房room/housekeeper/floor attendant 客房服务员restaurant 餐厅the front desk/office 前台lobby 大堂bell 门铃hall closet/wardro 衣橱,壁橱peep hole 窥视孔please make up room 请打扫房间make up 整理hanger 衣架spare pillow 备用枕头breakfast menu 早餐单bathrobe 浴袍closet rods 衣柜挂杆clothes brush 衣刷flash light 手电筒laundry bag 洗衣袋safety box 保险柜shoe horn 鞋把blanket 毛毯mini-bar 迷你吧ice-bucket 冰桶ice-clip 冰夹glass 玻璃杯refrigerator 电冰箱mineral water 矿泉水soft drink 软饮料free mineral water 免费矿泉水drink (beverage)饮料cup 茶杯mend 缝补mineral water with compliment免费矿泉水lobby bar 大堂吧business floor bar 商务酒吧trade mark/shop 商场business center 商务中心reservation center 预定中心morning call 叫醒服务meal voucher 就餐券laundry 水洗floor 楼层laundry 洗衣、洗衣房laundry service 洗衣服务dry-clean 干洗pressing 烫衣regular service 普通服务4-hour service 快洗服务cleaning list/form 洗衣单settee 背椅furniture 家具express service 快洗服务air-conditioning 空调PA(public area)公共区域sitting-room 客厅cushion 靠垫chaise 躺椅couch 双人沙发chain lock 防盗扣do not disturb 请勿打搅coaster杯垫plug 插头socket 插座kettle 水壶drawer 抽屉baggage (luggage) rack行李柜,行李架shopping bag 礼品袋good night card 晚安卡television cabinet 电视柜program card 节目单TV remote control 遥控器desk 桌子mirror 镜子table lamp 台灯telephone 电话机south east南东北西computer line 电脑线bed table 床头柜face towel 面巾tips 小费chair 椅子alarm clock 闹钟hair dryer 吹风机emery board 指甲锉service directory 服务指南yellow page 黄页bath tub 浴缸sanitary bag 女宾袋ashtray 烟灰缸night light 夜灯shower head 淋浴头shower cap 浴帽matches 火柴trash can 垃圾桶closet 马桶elevator lift 电梯envelope 信封bed pad 床垫tap 水龙头fruitplate 果盘writing paper 信纸bed sheet 床单wash basin 面盆fruit knife (fork)水果刀(叉) fax paper 传真纸bed skirting 床裙towel rack 毛巾架ice cubes 冰块post card 明信片pillow case 枕头套marble table 大理石台面room card 房卡sewing kit 针线包smokedetector 烟感器hanger 衣架、挂钩passport 护照map 地图carpet/rug vacuum cleaner wall telephone 面包机deposit 押金ballpoint pen 圆珠笔吸尘器bidet 净身器charge 收费pencil 铅笔wall lamp 壁灯flower vase 花瓶price 价格window 窗户ceiling lamp 吊灯tissue paper dispenser Poker 扑克curtain 窗帘ground lamp 落地灯面巾纸盒night-club 夜总会slipper 拖鞋bathroom 浴室shower curtain 浴帘massage 按摩、桑拿shoe shine clothe 擦鞋布fluorescent lamp 日光灯tissue/toilet paper 卫生纸boiling water 开水memo/note pad 便签serving tray 托盘bath gel 沐浴液newspaper 报纸bed 床scale 体称razor shaver 剃须刀corridor 走道shampoo 洗发液hand towel 小方巾comb 梳子trolley 手推车quilt 被子wash room 洗手间tooth brush 牙刷Monday 周一pillow 枕头shower 淋浴tooth past 牙膏Tuesday 周二shoe basket 鞋篮bath towel 澡巾soap 肥皂Wednesday 周三toilet 洗手间ground towel 地巾cotton swab 棉签Thursday 周四Friday 周五Maintain 维修drink 饮料icebox/refrigeratory 冰箱Saturday 周六Safety 保险柜food 食品electric torch 手电筒Sunday 周日Cigarette 香烟bedsheet 床单bed 床January 一月Nailhole 指甲剪quilt cover 被套dish 盘子February 二月Forfex 剪刀bath robe 浴衣scoop 勺子March 三月Socket 插座towel 毛巾boud 碗April 四月Blower 吹风机pillowcase 枕套knife 小刀May 五月Charger 充电器curtain 窗帘fixing 调料June 六月Keep secrecy 保密ashtray 烟灰缸sugar 糖July 七月Remote control 遥控器glass 杯子salt 盐August 八月Massage 按摩tea-cap 盖杯shoeshine 鞋油September 九月Entertainment 娱乐tea-box 茶叶盒toecap 鞋刷October 十月elevator 电梯clothes-rack 衣架insect 虫November 十一月tea 茶叶the senice clamps 服务夹glue water 胶水December 十二月water bottle 水壶noise 菜谱calculator 计算器Fine 晴for free 免费close stool 马桶rule 尺子Overcast 阴safe-conduct 安全通道broken electricity 断电stapler 订书机Snow 雪reticle 网线window 窗户inkpad 印泥Rain 雨iron 熨斗make water 漏水mouse 鼠标Cloudy 多云ironing board 熨衣板lock 锁do not disturb 勿扰FO 前台map 地图chair 椅子make up room 打扫房间Cashier 收银hot water 热水light 灯extra bed 加床Guest 客人fruit 水果bathtub 浴缸no need service 不需要服务Telephoto 电话shoeshine 擦皮鞋ice 冰lost and found 遗留物品plug 插销二、客房服务常用短语:morning call service 叫醒服务room service 客房用餐服务dial outside call / internal call 拨打外线电话DDD(domestic distant dial)国内长途certainly 固然可以IDD(international distant dial ) 国际长途public phone 公共电话Room/floor attendant楼层服务员good morning 早上好good afternoon 下午好good evening 晚上好toilet needs 卫生用品check-out room 退房turn-down service 夜床服务by the way 顺便问一下door knob menu客房内的门把菜单don’t worry 别耽心please wait a moment 稍等I’m afraid not很抱歉、恐怕不行OCC(occupied) 住客房C/O(check out ) 走客房V(vacant)空房VD(vacant dirty )脏房OOO(out of order )维修房DND(do not disturb)勿扰房VIP(very important person)贵宾LSG(long staying guess)长住房Make up the room 打扫房间go ahead 您请说after you 您先请put …through to 往….转电话sign the bill 签单sign your name 签名Have a nice trip 旅途愉快good luck 好运see you late/tomorrow再见、明天见It’s very kind of you!您真是太客气了!How do you do? 您好! (初次见面,回答同样用该句)welcome to our hotel欢迎光临!good bye 再见You are welcome / not at all / It’ s mypleasure 不用谢!thank you very much 非常感谢I’m sorry 很抱歉Excuse me 打搅一下!go upstairs/downstairs上楼/下楼This way please 这面请turn right/left 向右/左转go straight on 直走extra bed 加床how are you?fine .thank you!andyou?您好吗?很好!谢谢!您呢??price list 房价表general manager 总经理deputy general manager副总经理general manager’s assistant总经理助理sales department 销售部executive office 总经理办公室front office 前台部food and beverage department餐饮部personal department人力资源部shopping arcade 商场financial department 财务部security department 安全部purchasing department 采购部engineering department 工程部G: guest 客人R: room attendant 楼层服务员1. showing the guests to the room 为客人带路R: Good morning, sir and madam. Welcome to International peace hotel!G: Good morning. Are you a room attendant?R: Yes, I can. What can I do for you?G: Yes. Where is room 2708,please.R: It’s along here. I can show you to your room.(after a while).Here it is.(The room attendant knocks at the floor first. opens it. and precedes the guests into the room and turns on the lights).This way ,please.G: Thank you very much.R: It’s my pleasure! And wish you have a nice trip in HeFei!2. Making up the room.Dialogue one:(The room attendant knock at the door. Then the door opened)R: Good morning! May I clean your room now?G: Well, Thank you! Please come back about 20 minutes.R: Sorry to disturb you. I will come back later. Have a nice day.Dialogue Two:R: Good morning, madam. May I come through, please?G: Good morning! It’s almost 11 o’clock. and my room hasn’t been made up it.R: I’m sorry, madam. I’ll be there as room as I finish this one.G: How along will it take? R: About 10 minutes.Dialogue Three:R: Good morning, sir and madam. May I do the turn-down service for you new?G: Oh, thank you! Would you tidy up a bit in the room? It’s quite a mess now.R: Yes, It’ll just be finished in a few minutes!(After a while)R: It’s growing, dark. Would you like me to draw the curtains and turn on the lights for you!G: Why not! That would be comfortable!R: And three are today’s newspaper, You can read it at anytime you want!G: Oh. Thank you so much!R: I’m always at your service! Good night!3. Laundry service.洗衣服务Dialogue one:G: Good afternoon! I want to have some laundry.R: Yes, sir. just leave it in the laundry bag and sign your name and room number on the laundry list. G: What can I get it back?R: Tonight at 6:00pm.by regular service./Since it is already 3:00pm.you can get them back before 12:00 at tomorrow noon. by regular service.G: Can it be more quickly?R: Express service is avail aide. You can get it back with 4 hours. but it ’s 50% more than the regular service.G: OK, I’ll choose the express service!Dialogue two:R: Excuse me, Sir and Madam. Your clothes are ready. Will you see if they are all right?G: Very good. G: Air conditioner is not cool/heat enough.R: Here you are. R: Well, Let me see! Oh, I’m sorry sir. We’ll contact with engineer department to send some one are G: Oh, How nice! Your hotel’s laundry service is excellent. up to cheek if for you.R: Thank you !That’s just what we should do. Dialogue three4. Repairing G: There is no water in the shower head. Can you call someone to fix it for me.Dialogue R: We’ll call the engineer immediately. I’m sorry for any inconvenience.G: Excuse me! 5. Room serviceR: Yes? G: What would like to take our lunch in our room. Could you bring it here?G: Ah, I’m afraid tore is something wrong with the TV.I can’t turn it on. R: Yes .Of course. Our hotel provides very good room service, sir.R: Well, There is a switch on the beddable, Did you turn on it? G: Very nice. When should me order our lunch?G: Yes, I’ve done is.R: At any time you want. You may dial “2619”to call the room service section directly to order R :I’m sorry. May I have a look at it? breakfast, lunch or dinner.(Trying to fix it, but in rain) G: By the way. What should we do with the plates when we finish eating?R: I’ll send for an electrician to have it repaired. Please wait just a few minutes. R: You can call me to clean it up, or just leave them outside you room.(She leaves the room. Five minutes later. There is a knock on the door). G: Oh, I see. Thank you.R: Housekeeping, May I come in? 6. Miscellaneous servicesG: Yes. Dialogue oneR: Good evening! We are going to check your TV set. R: Good morning. Dear Madam!(Electncian finishes the repairing) G: Good morning. Will you de me a favor?R :Dear sir, everything is OK now, Is there anything dse I can do for you? R: Sure.G: No, Thanks very much! G: I’d like to have some glasses?R: It’s my pleasure .And with you have a sweet evening! R: How many would you like?Dialogue two G: Three.R: Good evening! What’s the matter sir? R: Yes, we’ll send them up right away.Dialogue twoG: The air in the room is stale. Can you do something about it?R: Do you mind if we spray air freshener?/ Do you mind me open the windows for a little whule. G: No go ahead!R: Thank you very much for you understanding!Dialogue threeG: Will you do me a favor? Miss?R: Certainly sir.G: This is my first visit to HeFei. I wonder if your hotel has the morning call service.R: Yes, sir. At what time do you want me to call your up?G: At 6:00 sharp tomorrow morning. please.R: What kind of call would you like. By phone or by knocking at the door?G: By phone. I don’t want to elistrub my neighbors.R: That’s very kind of you sir. Well, I’ll tell the operator to call you up at 6:00 tomorrow morning. G: Thanks!R: My pleasure, sir! Sleep well and have pleasant dreams.Dialogue FourR: Good morning. What can I do for you?G: Yes. I’d like to check out my room. But I want to have the breakfast first!R: Well, Is that any luggage in your room?G: Yes, a lot of luggage.R: I see. I’ll contact the bell service center to get you luggage there. And after you finish your breakfast. You can come to the Front desk to check out your room and get back your luggage directly!G: Wonderful! Thank you!R: You are welcome!Dialogue fiveG: I left my key in the room. Would you open the door for me?R: Sorry, Due to the security reasons. I can not open the door for you. Please contact the front desk. Dialogue sixR: Housekeeping. May I come in?G: Yes, What’s the matter?R: Your smoke detector is flashing, sir. Is the anything burning in your room!G: No, I’ve been smoking a cigar. That’s all.R: May I check your room sir!G: Sure, go ahead.(Checks the room)R: Thanks, sir. I’m sorry to have disturbed you.G: Oh. That’s all right.R: The detector is very sensitive. So if you smoke nest time, Please open the window.G: Oh, That’s all right.R: The detector is very sensitive. So if you smoke nest time. Please open the window.G: Thank you for your suggestion.R:I hope you can stay here happily. And anytime you need half. Just call me! See you!G: Thanks. Bye-bye.新增加部份:1.开门G: I ’m the guest from 1817.And I left key in the room/My key isn ’t available. Would you open thedoor for me?R: I’m sorry. Let me past you call. Thonght to the front desk. Then after they check the identity with you. I’ll call the attendant open the door for you. OK?2.G: When can I take my breakfast?R: You can have your breakfast on the second floor from 6:30am to 9:30am.3.G: I want to have two pokers?R: The pokey is at the price of 10 yuan a box in cash. Including 54 sheets. The ototle price is 10 yuan. Is that OK?4.G: I have to check out my room. And my room number is 1314.R: Well. Please go the front office on the first floor with you luggage. I ’ll call the room attendant to cheek out your room.G: Hello. May I have two more cans of cola? My room number is 1211.R: Of course. I ’ll call the altendant send it to you. Please sign your name and room number on the winelist.6.G: I’m the guest lived in room 2705 two ays before. And I cheeked my room yesterday. I want to ask whether the attendant have found a neck lace in my room.R: Please wait a moment. Lat me check it. Novo your necklace is kept in service center. You can get it back in three months with you indontity card.或者:R: I’m sorry. We haven’t taken any nate about it. Please leave your phone number. After we seek the room again. We’ll contact with you.7.G: I want to get my clothes back.R: Well. What time did you have the laundry?G: At1 .(先生)普通对熟悉的男士的尊称,后面加之姓氏,例如:Mr zhang 张先生。
酒店专业术语汇编(中英文对照)标准 Standard:(1)Accommodation(住宿):提供的给予睡觉休息的场所。
(2)Adjoining Room (邻近房):指两间房间近连在一起。
(3)Advanced Deposit (订金):客人为了确保能有房间而提前支付给酒店一笔直按金。
(4)Advance Payment(预付金/押金):按照酒店财务规定和有关规定,前台服务员要求客人预先支付房费和不可预测费用的付费方式,如现金担保、信用卡预授权。
(6)Arrival(到店):指客人入住酒店的抵店,如: ArrvialDate。
(7)Average Room Rate(平均房价):指所有住房的平均价格,它是前台的一个常用术语。
(8)Block (预告锁房):指为了把某间房能够保留下来,而提前把此房间在某日锁起来,使其在该时间段显示被占用,有利于控制房间的预售。
(15)Corporate Rate(公司合同价):指与酒店有协议而提供给公司的客人的房间价格,这类价格通常为特别价,且保密。
(16)Credit Card(信用卡):指由银行签发的一种可以作为交易的卡片,代替现金支付的凭证。
住客要求不要打 扰(donodisturb)
客房已打扫并检查兀毕可供出租给来店的兵客(vacant and ready)N
housekeep in gdepartme n)简称housekeep inQ
负责饭店公共区域卫生的清洁工作(public area简称PA)
亦称双倍客房出租率,指两位宾客同住一个房间数与已出 租客房总数之比。
(客丿总、数一出租房间数)/出租房间*100%客房双开率的高低与客房人 员劳动强度的大小成正比
饭店的一些职能部门,那些部门员工频繁地接触宾客,如 餐饮部前厅 部Fro nt of the hous©
一份汇总饭店与曾经是住店宾客间有关住信息的宾客历 史资料档案(guesthistory file)
即夜床服务,又称晚间服务。夜床服务的内容有:做夜床、 房间整理、卫生间整理三项任务Turndown service)
是饭店的指挥岗位,负责处理客人的预订、入住登记、结 账及退房工作,也称作前台部(front office)简称FO)
住客房(OCC) 有宾客现正住着此客房.(occupied占领)
登记入住 (C/I)
客人刚登记入住(check in)
未清扫房(VD) 表示该客房为没有经过打扫的空房(vacant dirty )
贵宾房(VIP) 表示该客房住的是饭店的重要客人(very important person)
用客房净收入除以售出房数量产生的一种出租比例 (ADR)
售出房间数除以同期可售房间数出租率(occupancy percentage)
可销售客房收 入 计划卫生表 客房状态报告 开夜床
公共区域 客房双开率
一份清单上面列明清扫区域目录内每一项目的内 容,需隔多久实施一次清扫或维护保养
宾客在饭店订了房,但到了抵店时间既未登记入 住,也未通知取消(no-show)
超额预订 备用金
已接受的预订客房数超过了可租房数 (overbooking)
是在每班开始前分配给收款员一定数额的现金,以 便他处理所发生的不同交易;收款员对这笔备用金 以及当班收到的所有现金、支票和其他可转换账款 负责(cash bank)
指饭店内的某些部门,其员工不与宾客直接接触, 如工程、财务和人力资源部(Back of the house)
饭店的一些职能部门,那些部门员工频繁地接触宾 客,如餐饮部、前厅部(Front of the house)
一份汇总饭店与曾经是住店宾客间有关住信息的宾 客历史资料档案(guest history file)
房务术语中英文对照房务部:Rooms Division前厅部:Front Office 客房部: Housekeeping大堂副理:Assistant Manager 宾客关系主任:Guest Relation Officer前台:Front Desk 接待处:Reception/Check—in 收银处:Cashier/Check—out领班: Captain 主管:Supervisor 班次负责人:Shift Leader商务中心:Business Center 客房服务代表:Guest service agent(接待和收银合并之后的前台人员的称呼)简称GSA电话总机:Switch Board 接线员:Operator预订处:Room Reservation礼宾服务处:Concierge 大厅服务处:Bell Service 金钥匙:Golden Key行政楼层:Executive Floor 行政酒廊:Executive Lounge行李生:Bellman 迎宾员:Doorman夜审:End of Day /Night auditor2.前厅服务项目专业术语介绍入住:Check-in 退房:Check-out 外币兑换:Foreign Currency Exchange问询:Information 接送机服务:Pick up service 叫醒服务:Wake up call请勿打扰服务:DND Do not disturbed 失物招领:Lost and Found 国内直拨和国际直拨电话:DDD and IDDDomestic Direct Dial and International Direct Dial对方付费电话:Collect Call3.前厅常用物品术语介绍:住宿登记单:Registration card 欢迎卡:Welcome card 订房凭证:Voucher交接本:log book 信封:Envelope 房卡钥匙:Room key 安全保管箱:Safe Deposit Box客房统计和出售率统计的术语预离房:Expected Departure 预抵房:Expected Arrival实际抵店: Actual Arrival 实际离店:Actual Departure续住:Extension 白天用房:Day use提前离店:Early Departure 提前入住:Early Check—in门市客:Walk in 预定未到:No Show预定取消:Cancellation 在店客人:Stay over住店客人:In House营业日报(daily operations report):一份报告,一般由夜审制作,它总结24小时内饭店的财务活动,洞察与前厅部相关的收入、应收款、营业统计,以及现金交易。
Hotel Termino logy (Rooms Divisi on -- 605)酒店专用术语(房务部605 个)early arrival 提前抵达Early Bird Report每日营业报表EDP (Electronic Date Processing system)电脑室electric fan 电扇electric jar电热水壶electric plug 电源插头electric socket 电源插座elevator (=lift) (ref. Escalator) 电梯(参:手扶升降梯)e-mail电子邮件employee 员工、雇员employer 雇主Engineering Department 工程咅B entrance 通道entrance lamp 门廊灯en velope信圭寸eraser橡皮ETA-Estimated Time of Arrival 预抵时间ETD-Estimated Time of Departure 预离时间European plan欧洲式计价(房费不包餐) excha nge rate (外币)兑换率exit 出口expected arrival 预抵客人extension cord 接线板expected departure 预离客人expending wallet (by date/alpha) 扩展式文件夹extra bed (ref. rollaway bed) 力口床English-Chinese Dictionary 英汉词典F( 31)face towel 面巾facsimile (=fax) 传真film胶卷Finda芬达fire alarm 火警fire control 防火fire exit plan消防疏散图FIT-Foreig n In dividual Traveler 散客float (=cash float)备用(现金) floor drain 地漏Floor Plan楼层平面图floor tile 地砖flowchart流程图fluoresce nt lamp 日光灯fluoresce nt pen (red/yellow/gree n) 荧光笔fly苍蝇foam bath泡泡浴folio (ref. bill) 帐单(参、bill)Food and Beverage Departme nt (F&B) 餐饮部forecast 预测forwarding address 前往地地址frame 框free of charge (FOC)免费freezer (=ice box) 制冰器fridge (refrigerator)冰箱Front Desk 前台Front Office Department 前厅部full house 满房full le ngth mirror (for groo ming check) 镜子fun ctio n (event)功能、活动furniture 家具garde n花园glue胶水grand master key总万能钥匙Great Wall Card (credit card)长城卡guarantee (GTD)担保gullet地漏guest history客人历史材料Guest Questionnaire 宾客意见书H( 18)hairdryer吹风机hand towel 手巾handkerchief 手绢han dle把手han ger (ladies and gen tleme n) 衣架(女式,男式) hard cover book (Ion g/short) 硬皮本heating加热器hinge合页high/peak seas on 旺季highlight pen(red,blue,green) 荧光笔hotel envelope/hotel letter paper 饭店信圭寸/信纸hotel stationary 酒店文具hot water flask (=vacuum flask) 热水瓶house acco unt 免费帐house phone内线电话House Use内用房house count 房数Housekeeping Department 客房咅Bice-cube 冰块ice-cube tray 冰块盘impri nt mach ine (信用卡)刷卡器incentive (group)奖励(团队) incident意外事故Incognito保密客人indefinite 不确定index book (by date/alpha)索引(按日期/字母顺序排) In formatio n Desk 问询处inspection 检查in house movie 闭路电视In ternatio nal Direct Diali ng (IDD) 国际直拨电话in voice 收据iron and board 熨斗和熨衣板ironing (=pressing)熨衣ironing board 烫衣板I owe you (IOU) 欠条J( 4)Jacket夹克衫JCB Card (credit card) JCB 卡(日本) join in 加入junior suite高级套房K( 3)key card钥匙卡kitchen 厨房knife(for envelope and cutting other paper) 刀子L( 22) lamp shade 灯罩Laser Printer激光打印机late arrival 迟抵达latecharges (=back charge) 追加收费laundry 洗衣laundry bag 洗衣袋laundry list 洗衣单layover passe nger 误机乘客light baggage 轻行李light bulb 电灯泡liquor酒精living room (=sitting room) 客厅linen布巾,布草Lobby大堂Logbook交接班本Lost and Found (L&F)失物招领low/off-peak seas on 淡季luggage (=baggage)行李luggage rack 行李架luggage sticker行李胶贝占luggage tag 行李牌luggage trolley 行李车M( 40) magaz ine 杂志maps of Beijing and china 北京地图,中国地图magazine rack 杂志架mail邮件mail address邮件地址mail box邮件箱mailing fee 邮寄费用main door (=main entrance)正门maintenance维修,维护make up room 打扫房间marble大理石marker (blue/black)记号笔market市场market code市场分类代码market mix 客人分类market research 市场研究market segme nt 市场划分massage 按摩master acco unts 总帐master bill 总帐单Master Card (credit card)万事达卡(美国) master folio 总帐单master key万能钥匙matches 火柴mattress 床垫miscellaneous 杂费memo备忘录menu菜单message pad 留言簿mi neral water 矿泉水mini bar (fridge)小酒吧(冰箱) mini-bar voucher 小酒吧帐单moistener湿度计mirror镜子full le ngth mirror 穿衣镜mop拖布morning call (ref. wake up call) 叫早(参:叫醒) mosquito 蚊子mosquito scree n 沙窗MTD-Month To Date月累计(到某日)National Cash Register (NCR)收款机needle(<->thread)针(反。
1.前台、客房常用英语词汇及酒店之常用术语服务台常用词汇Management 经营、管理Reservation 预订Administration 管理、经营Procedure 手续程序Reservation desk 预订处Market price 市价Reception desk 接待处Note 纸币Information desk 问询处Coin 硬币Cashier’s desk 收银处Tip 小费Registration desk 宿登记处Luggage label 行李标签Accounting desk 帐务处Luggage office 行李房Lobby 前厅…Per cent 百分之……Overbooking 超额订房…Per thousand 千分之……Check-out time 退房时间Reasonable (形)合理的Business card 名片Spare (形)多余的V oucher 凭证Cash (动)兑换(名)现金Identification card(id) 身份证Postpone (动)延期Price list 价目表Keep (动)保留、保存Rate of exchange 兑换率Cancel (动)取消Check,cheque 支票Sign (动)签字Traveller’s cheque 旅行支票Charge (动)收费Conversion rate 换算率Accept (动)接受Bank draft 汇票Pay (动)付款Interest 利息Fill (动)填写Form 表格Change money 换钱Bill 帐单Fill in (out) the form 填表Procedure fee 手续费电讯服务Operator 电话员Switchboard 交换台Long distance 长途电话Telephone directory(phone book)House phone 内部电话电话簿City phone 城市电话Central exchange 电话总局Special line 专线Telephone number 电话号码Receiver 听筒Give somebody a call (a ring)Call (ring) somebody up 打电话给某人Phone (ring) up somebodyDial a number 拨号码Hold the line (hold on) 别挂电话Stamp 邮票Replace the phone (hang up) 挂上电话Commemorative stamp 纪念邮票Can’t hear somebody 听不见 A set of 一套Can’t get through 打不通Printed matter 印刷品Can’t put somebody through接不通Postal order 邮政汇票Line,please 请接外线Remittance 汇款The line is busy (engaged) 占线Registered letter 挂号信The connection is bad 听不清Writing paper 信纸Inland telegram 国内电报Envelope 信封Express telegram 加快电报Postage due 欠资Ordinary telegram 普通电报Registered fee 挂号邮资Special dispatch 专电Overweight charge 超重加费Send a telegram(cable) 发电报Parcel 包裹The charge is 3 fen per word每字三分钱Paste 浆糊Ordinary mail 平信Stick on the stamp 贴邮票Express delivery 快件Air mail 航空信Postcard 明信片客房设备、用品Escalator 自动楼梯Bedclothes 床上用品Elevator, lift 电梯Quilt 被子Ground floor (英)底层, Cotton quilt 棉被一楼Feather-quilt 鸭绒被First floor (英)二楼, Blanket 毯子(美)一楼Sheet 床单Second floor (英)三楼, Mattress 床垫(美)二楼Pillow 枕头Floor 楼层, 地板Pillowcase 枕套Balcony door 阳台门Bed cover,bedspread 床罩Table 桌子Fabric 织物, 织品Desk 书桌Drapery 织物Drawer 抽屉Carpet 地毯Chair 椅子Cushion 靠垫, 垫子Rocking chair 摇椅Curtain 窗帘Armchair 扶手椅Venetian blind 软百叶窗帘Counch (小)沙发Electric radiator 电暖炉Easy-chair 安乐椅Refrigerator 电冰箱Tv set 电视机Dressing mirror 穿衣镜Couch, sofa (长)沙发Thermos 热水瓶Tea Table 茶几Tea pot 茶壶Tea trolley 活动茶几Coffee pot 咖啡壶Bookshelf 书架Milk jug 牛奶壶Bookcase 书柜Tray 托盘Wardrobe 衣柜Alarm clock 闹钟Night table 床头柜Telephone 电话Cabinet 橱柜Typewriter 打字机Bed 床Notepad 便条簿Single-bed 单人床Transformer 变压器Double-bed 双人床V oltage 电压Baby cot (infant’s crib) 婴儿床Lamp 灯Head board 床头架Fluorescent lamp 日光灯Folding screen 屏风Standard lamp 落地灯Carpentry 木器(总称)Pendant,suspended lamp 吊灯Bedside Lamp 床头灯Oil painting 油画Wall lamp 壁灯Chinese painting 国画Lampshade 灯罩Ashtray 烟灰缸Reading-lamp 台灯Vase 花瓶Radiator 暖气灯Flower stool 花盆架Hanger 挂钩Wastebasket 字纸篓Switch 开关Drawing-room 客厅, 休息室Plug 插头Sitting room 起居室Socket 插座, 插口Study 书房Thermometer 温度计Bedroom 卧室Call button 传唤按钮Wall plate 壁上挂盘Spring 弹簧卫生间设备、用品Bath room 卫生间Plastic curtain 浴帘Clothes rack 衣架Soap dish 肥皂盘Bath robe 浴衣Towel shelf 毛巾柜Bath mat 浴室地席Towel rail 毛巾架Bathtub 浴盆, 浴缸Towel 毛巾Bath water 浴水Soap powder 肥皂粉Bath soap 浴皂Soap flaske 肥皂片Bath towel 浴巾Shower 莲蓬头Bidet 净身盆Laundry bag 洗衣袋Wash basin 脸盆Floor-polisher 地板刷Seat 座板Tiled wall 花砖墙Plug 插头Shelf 搁板Cock (小)龙头Toilet mirror 梳妆镜Tap 水嘴, 龙头Dressing table,vanity table 梳妆台Pipe 管子Frame 镜框Bracket 托架Detergent 清洁剂Handle 拉手Deodorant spray 除臭剂Scales 磅秤Water-closet 抽水马桶Cart 手推车Lavatory seat 马桶座Vacuum cleaner 吸尘器Lavatory cover 马桶盖Broom 扫帚Toilet paper holder 手纸架Mop 墩布Toilet paper 手纸Dust-pan 簸箕Tank 水箱Washcloth 抹布Sponge 海绵衣着用品Shirt 衬衫 A pair of sandals 一双凉鞋Coat 上衣Slippers 拖鞋, 便鞋Blouse 女罩衫 A pair of slippers 一双拖鞋Jacket 夹克Shoes 鞋Skirt 裙子 A pair of shoes 一双鞋One-piece dress 连衫裙Rubber shoes 雨鞋Trousers 裤子Leather shoes 皮鞋A pair of trousers 一条裤子Cotton 棉Overcoat 大衣Chiffon 薄绸Raincoat 雨衣Felt 毡Underwear 内衣Flannel 法兰绒Pyjamas 睡衣裤Woolen 呢绒Shorts 短裤Nylon 尼龙Evening dress 夜礼服Serge 毕叽Sweater 毛衣Shoe polish 鞋油Pull-over 套衫Shoe brush 鞋刷Cardigan jacket 开襟毛衣Shawl (女用)肩巾Socks 短袜Muffler 围巾Stockings 长袜Veil 面纱Sandals 凉鞋Necktie 领带Gloves 手套Suitcase 手提箱Mitten 连指手套Rayon 人造丝Handkerchief 手帕Linen 亚麻布Swimming suit 游戏衣裤Silk 真丝Sports wear 运动服Fur 毛皮Hat 礼帽Camel-hair 驼绒Cap 便帽Gabardine 华达呢Hood 风帽Vinylon 维尼纶Straw hat 草帽Leather 皮革Belt 腰带Poplin 毛葛Wallet 钱包Velvet 天鹅绒Zipper 拉链Polyester 晴纶Valuables 贵重物品Travelling bag 旅行袋Briefcase 公事包饭店术语名词译表Account——帐目, 记录有关饭店企业的转帐、宾客费用或客人费用帐单等。
Rooms Di v is i on O p e r atio n sFRONT OFFICE APPLICATIONS M ODULESC o mput e r softw a r e desig ned fo r s p eci f i c fro n t uses. l\pica I f ro n t off i ce applica t i ons i ncl u de rescrvatio n s , r ooms, amagement> g u e st acc o u n t an d gen e r a 1 management mo d ules ・FRONT OF FIC E AUDITSe e Nig h t AuditF RONT OFF I CE CASH SHEETA form c omp 1 e t e d by f ro n t office cashi e rs tha t li s t s each re c eipt or dis b ursem e n t of c a s h dur i ng a wo r k -sh i f t. It i s used to rec o nc i 1 e act u al c a s h on hand with the t ran sac t ions wh i choc curre d du r ing t h e s hi f t.FRONTOF FICE LE DGERSee Guest Ledge rFULL HOUSEA condi t ion in which every ro o m in the h o tel has been b ooked ・FUL LYAUT 0 MATEDA c o mputer -based sy s t e m, of f r o nt of f ic e recor d -keeping that e I i mina t es the e lim i n ates the need f or many h a nd w r itten and m a chi n e -prod u ced f o r ms common i n non -and sem i -a uto -mated systems.GENE R AL MANAGEMENT S OFTW AREA front office compute r a p p 1 i cati o n, u s u ally a repor t -gen era t i ng p ac k ag ethat d e pe n d s on data collec t ed t h ough reserva t ion, r ooms man a g e m e n t, a n d g ues t accounting mo d ules.GOALA defini t i o n of the purpose of a de p artmen t of divisi o n t h at d i r ects t h e a cti o ns o f e mployees and t he f uncti ons o f t h e d e partm e n t o r di v isio n toward th ehotel \ mi s si o nGOVERNMENT RAT EA s p eci a 1 room rate avai 1 able at some h otels fo r government em p 1 o yee s ・GROUP BOOKING PACEThe rate at w h i c h g ro u p bu s i ness i s be i ng booked ・GROUP RA T EAsp e cia 1 room rate for a numb e r of affili a ted gues t s.GUARANTEED RESERV ATIONA rese r v a tio n th a t ass ures the g u e st t h at a r oom wi 1 1 be held un t il c heck-o ut t ime o f the day f o 1 I ow i n g the day o f arr i val・ The g uest gu a r a ntees p a ym e nt for t h e room, evenPage 1 1 of 3 2Room Division Opera t i o nsIf it is not used, u nl e s s th e res e r v ation is properly c a n c eled. T y p es o f g u a r ant e cd re s e rva t ions i nclude pre 一payment, cr e di t card, ad v ance deposit, tra v e I agent, and co r pora t c.GUEST ACCOUNTA record of th e financial transact i ons tha t o c cur betw e e n a gues t and t he hote I・・GUES T ACCOU NT I NG MAN A GEM ENT SOFT-WAREA f ront of f ice com p ut e r a pplicat i on th a t mainta i ns guest a c c ounts electron i cal1 y, elimi n ating t h e n e e d for foli o cards, folio t rays, a nd p o stin g machines・GUEST CYCLEA d i vision of the fl o w of bus i nessthrougha hotel tha t i dentifi e s th e p h ysical co n t a c t s and f i nancial excha n g e between gue s t and hot e I e mploy e e s.GUES T FOL I OA fo r m ( p aper or e 1 e c tr o n i c) used to c h art tr a ns a c t i o n s o n an a c coun t assi gn ed to a n i n d ividual p e rs o n or gu e s t room.G UEST HISTORY FILEA colle c tio n of gue s t h i sto r y re c ords, co n s t r uc t ed f r om expi r ed regi s t rati o n ca r d s o r c r e a t ed through soph isti c at e info rma t ion abo u t dep a rting g ues t s in t o a guest hi s lory da t a b ase s yst e m s , that automati c a I 1 y direc t informa t i on abo utde p arting g uests i nto a guest h ist o ry data base .GUEST HIS TORY RE CORDA record of perso n al a nd fi n a n cial information abo u t h o te I gue s ts t h at (1) i s relevant t o ma r k e t in g and sal e s , and (2) can h e 1 p the h o tel s erv e t he g u e st shou 1 d h e or she r e tur n ・State 1 a w mayrequire ret e ntion ofcertai n g ues t d ata for som e p e r i o d of time ・GUE S T LEDGERThe s e t ofa cco u n t s fo r al 1 gu e s ts curre n t 1 y re g iste r ed a t the hot e 1. A Iso cal I e d t he fr o n t o f fice I cd g e r , tr a nsient le d ger orr ooms' ledge r.GUEST L EDGER R E PORTAre p or t that carri e s the current account b a 1 ances of al r e gis t e r ed g u e st s , ty P ic a 1 1 y prepared as part o f the ni g h t audit.GUEST SER VIC E REPRESENTATIVES e e Fro n t Desk AgentGUESTROOM KEYA key th a t opens a sing 1 e gu e s troom door i f it is n ot d o ubl e -Io c k ed.PAGE 1 2 OF 32Room D ivision Oper a t ionsHANDICAP ROOMA room with s pecial fea t ures desig n e d fo r h a ndicapp e d guests・HIGH BALANCEACCOUNTAn ac c ount tha t has r e ach e d or ex c e e ded a pre d eterm in e d cr e d it I imit. High b a lance ac c o un t s are t ypically i d e ntifie d by th e night audit or. A I so c ailed a high risk account.HIGH BALANCE AC COUNTA rep o rt th a t ide n tifies g u est s wh o are a p p r o a c hing an a ccount cred i t limit. Ty pic a lly pre p a r ed by t h e nigh t a u d it o r・・HIRING P ERIODThe t ime direc t lyafter a n employme n t offer up t h ro u gh the new -hi r e * s ini tial a dj u s t ments t o the jo b ・ This pe r i od i n vo 1 v cs a I 1 arrangements nec e ssary to prepare the ne w - h i r e and c u r re n t s taf f for a s uc c e s s ful wo r k i ng r e 1 ations h i p.HOR I ZONThe f uture time f r ame for w h i c h a p r o pert y ac cep tsre sen-a t ions.HOTELA gene r al term used t o d e s c r i be mo t cis, moto r ho t cis, inns, sui t e hot e 1 s, conference centers, and o ther o p e r at i ons providi n g lodgin g facili t ics, v ario u s ser v i c e s , a nd conve n ien c es to the t rav eling pu b 1 ic.HOUSE ACC O UNTSee Non -Guest Acc o untHOUSE COUNTThe fo r e ca s ted or ex p e c ted numb e r o f g uests for a part i cul a r per i o d. so metim e s b r o ken d o wn into g roup a nd non -bu siness・HOUSE LIMITA c r ed i t I i mit e stabl i shed b y th e ho t cl.HOUSE USEA r o o m st a tus term indie a t i ng t h at t h e room i s be i ng used b y someone o n t he ho t el staff at n o c h a rge.HOU S EKEEP ING STATUSSe e Roo m Statu sHOUSEKEEPING STATUSREP ORTA r eport pre p ared by th e housekeepi n g d e p artment that indicates the cur re nt housekeep ing s t at u s o f each room, based on a phys i cal check .P age 1 3 o f 3 2R o om Divi s i o n Op e ratio n sHOUSING/CO NV ENTION BUREAUA reser vatio n s o ffice t hat coordinat e s room r e quirem e nts a t several ho t els for 1 a rge con v entions ・HUBBART FOR MU L AAbo ttom-u p approach to p rici ng r ooms. O n d eterm i ning t he aver a ge p r ice per room, t h is a ppr o a ch con s iders co s t s , de s i red pr o fi t s , and expected r o om s sold.IDEAL AVE RAGE RAT EA room's stati s tic th a t ind i ca t es the poi n t at whi c h r ooms are s old atthe best rate for the t y pe of gu e sts a c commoda t ed by a pr o p e rty.IN -BALANCEA tenn u s e d to des c r i be the stat e w h en the totals of debit amo u nts and ere d it a m o unts fo r a set of acco u nt s are e q u al.I NCENT I VE PROGRAMA progr a m off ering s p ecial r e cogn i tion and rewa r d s to em p I o yees ba s ed on th e i r a bi I ity t o meet cert a i n con ditions・ T h e se p r o g rams vary in structur e and d e sign and are a way to aw a rd exceptional p e r f orma n ce beyond th e p a y che c k・I NCENTIVE TRAVELTrav e 1 fina n ced by a b u siness a s a n einplo y e e in cent i v c.I NCENTIVE TRAVELSee s t atement o f Inc o me・INDEPENDENT HOTELA ho tel with no o wnersh i p o r mana gem e nt a f f i lia t ion with o t her p r operties ・INFORMA T ION DI R ECT O RYA co I lecti on of inform a t i on ke p t a t t h e fro nl desk for front desk agents t o use in r espon d ing t o g ue s t reque s t s, in clud i ng simplifie d maps of th e a rea; taxi and a i r 1 i n e com pan y t e 1 e p hone numbe r s; bank, thea t e r, c hurch. and store Io c at i o ns;and special eve n t s chedul e s ・INF ORMATION RACKA n alph a betic a 1 in d ex o f r e gi s tere d guests used in r o u t in g telcpho n e c alls, mail, me s s ages and v i s i t o r i n quiri e s. Th e i nfo r mati o n r a ck n o rm ally con s is t s o f alum i n um si o ts d e s ign e d to ho 1 d inf o rmatio n r ack slips.INEG RATERS OFT WARESo f twar e th a t allows s e v era 1 p rograms t o use the same da t ab a se.Page 1 4 of 3Room D i v i s io n O p erationsINTER NAL CONTROLThe pol i ci e s, proc edures, an d equipm e nt used i n a b usines s to safegsets and promote operati o nal e ff i ci e ncy.u ard its asINTERSELLAGEMCYA c e n t ral re s ervat i on system tha t han d 1 e s r ese r v a tions fo r more tha n one p r od u c t line ・ Su c h as a i r line companies, car rental com p a n ics, and h ote 1 pr op e rt i es.INTERVIEW EVALUATION FORMA fo r m used by th e fro nt offic e manager to ev a lu a t e an a pplican t'ss trengt hand w e a k n esses.sJOB BERAKD0WNA form t hat d etails how t h e t e chnica 1 du t i e s of a job s h ould be perfo r med.JOB DE SCRIPTIONA d e t ail e d lis t id e n t i fying all t h e key du t i e s o f a jo b a s w ell a s r epo r ting re 1 a tion s hips, ad diti o n a i re s po n sib i litie s , w o rkin g c ondi t ions, and any nec e s s ary equi p ment a nd mater i als.JOB LISTA list identifying all the k e y d u tie s of a j o b in the o r der o f the i r imp o r tance. JOB SHARINGAn ar r angement b y which two o r mo r e p art - t ime e niployecs s h a r e the re s pons i b i 1 i ties o f one f u I I - t ime position.JOB SPECIFICATIIONA 1 i st o f the p er s o n a 1 qualiti es, skills and t r a its nee ded to s u cces s f ully pe r f o r m th e task s out line d by a jo b des c rip lion.JOURNALFORMAn acco u nt r eco r d i n g format in which e ach e ntr y in c 1 u des a d es c ription o f t h e r esul ting accoun t b a lan c e . J o urnal form i s t yp i cally u s e d fo r front o ffice ac c ountin g do c ume n t s.J UN I OR SUITESee MINI -SUITE.KEY RACKAn a r ray o f n umbe r ed compartment used t o st o r e gu e stroom keys・KINGA room with a king - s iz e bed ; may be oc c upi e d by one o r m o r e p e o p 1 e .KING BEDP a ge 15 of 3 2 Ro o m Di v is i on Ope r at i onsA bed app r oxima t e ly 78 i n c he s by 8 0 inc h es ・LATE ARRIVALA g u est w i t h a r e se r vati o n who ex p e c ts to arri v e after th e hotefs d esigna t cd cancellatio n ho u r and s o n o ti f i e s the ho t el.LATE CHECK -OU T FEEA charge i niposed by some hotel s o n gu e sts w h o do n o t c h eck out by the es t abl i s h ed c h e c k -out t ime.L EAST -C O ST ROUTINGA fea t ure of an a c tive ca 1 1 a c c o u nt i ng syst e m t h a t d ire c ts calls ov e r th e leas t co s tl y available line, regardl ess o f ca r ric匚LEDG E RA gro u p i ng of a c co u n t s,L ETTE R OF CONFIR MATIO NA letter s ent to a gues t to verif y tha t a re s e rv a tion has been made a ndt hat its s pecifi cat ions are a c curate.LIM I TED SERVIC ESee Econ o my / Lim i ted ServiceLOCK-OUTA r oom s t a t us t e nn in d icati n g th a t t h e room has been 1 oc k cd s o t h a t the guest can not re -en ter unt i 1 he or sh e i s c 1 e ar e d by a ho t el o ffic i al.LOG BOOKA j ourn al in which im p or t an t fron t o f fice eve n t s and decisions a re re c o r ded for refere n c e du r in g s u bsequen t shifts.MANAGEMENT CONTRA C TAn ag r e emen t b e tween t h e owner / d eve 1 o p er of a p r oper t y and p r of e s sio n al h o t el m a nag e m e n t comp any. Th e o wn e r/ d eve I oper usually re t ains the fi n anc i a 1 and 1 egal res ponsib i lity for t h e prope r t y , a nd t he ,ma nag emen t com p any re c e i v e s an agreed -upon fee f o r op e rat i ng the hotel.MARGINAL COSTThe v a riable or a d d ed c ost of se 1 1 in g a product that is incurr e d only if t he r o o m is s o Id (Fi x ed cos t s are in cur r ed whet h er th e p rod u ct i s s ol d or no t ・)MARK ETSEGMENTATIONThe pro c e ss of d efining o r id e n t i f y i ng sma 1 ler, dis t in c t g ro ups or “ s egm ent s "w i t h in 1 a rge r marke t s -cor p o r ate b u siness t r avelers." For in s tanc e , as a segment of "bus i ne s sP a ge 1 6 o f 32R oom I) ivision OperationsT rave 1 er s ・"MASTER KEYA ke y whic h op e ns all gu e st r oom door s w hie h are n o t doubl e -1 o c ked・M I CRO - FITTED ELECTR O N I C LOCKING SYSTEMAn e 1 e c troni c 1 ocking system in w h i ch ea c h d oor has its own m i c ro p r ocesso r con ta i n ing a pred e t erm i ned s equen c e o f codes; a ma s te r c onsole a t t h e f r o n t d e sk store s co d e sequences for eac h doo匚MINI - SUITEA s ingle ro o m w i t h a bed and a sitting a r ea. The sleep i n g area m a y be in a b e dro o m s eparate f rom the pari o r or 1 ivin g room. Also ca 1 le d a junior sui t c.MI S SIO N STATEMENTA document tha t sta t es th e u n ique pu rpo s e th at set s a hotel apar t fro m other hot e 1 s ・ A miss ion s tateme n t e xpre sses the un d er 1 ying phi 1 os o p hy t h a t gibes me a ning and d i r ec t i on t o the h o tel's a c t i ons , a nd a d d ress the in t er e s ts of gu e s t s, ma n a gem e nt, a nd emp 1 oyee s ・MODI FIE D AMERIC AN PL A N ( MA P )A b i 1 I i ng a r r ang e ment u nder which the daily r at e incl u de s ch a r g es for t he gue s t room and t wo m e al s 一typically breakfast and dinner. Al s o called semi 一pens ion. See also Am e ric a n Plan, Eur o pean Plan・MOTELA 1 od g i n g facilit y t h at cat ers p rimari 1 y to guest s a rriving by au t o m o b il e ・MO TIV ATI ONStimulatin g a person's inter e st i n a p a rticular jobt p r oject, or subjec t so t h a t th e in dividualis ch a lien ged to b e contin u a 1 ly a t ten t ive» o bser v ant, c o ncer n e d. and commi t te d ・MULTIPLE OC CUPANCY RAT I OMeasuremen t used t o foreca s t food and bev e rage re v e nue, to indi c ate clean linen req u i r em e ms, and to a nal y ze d aily r e venue rate. I) e ri v c d f r om mul t iple oc c u pancy perce ntag e or by d et e rmini ng the a vera genu mb er of g uests per ro oms s ol d ・ A I so c a 1 I e d Doub 1 e Occupanc y Ratio.MULTIPLE O CCUP A NCY STATIS T ICSO ccupa ncy r at i o s , indica t i ng e ith era m u lti p le occupanc y p e rcen t age or the average n umber of g u e s t s p e r roo m sold ・U s ed t o force ast fo od a nd bev e r a g e rati osJ nd i c a te c lean line n r eq u i remen t s, a nd a n alyz e avera ge daily room r a t e s.NIGHTAUDITPage 1 7 o f 32Rooms D i vi s ion Ope r ation sA daily c o mparison o f gu e s t acc o unts ( and non- guest a ccoun t h aving a c tiv i t y ) w ith reve n u e cc n ter trans a c t io n i n f ormatio n . A night au d it, s o called b e c a use it is usu a 1 1 y p e rf o r med at nigh t , h elps guar a n t ee accur a cy in front o f f ice accounting・NIGHT AUD I TORAn e mployee who c h ecks the a c curacy of front o ffic e ac c ount i ng r eco r ds and compil e s a daily s ummary of h otel f in a n cial data a s part o f the nig h t audit. I n man y hotels, the nig h t a udit o r is actuall y a n em p loyec o f t he account i ng d i v ision.NIGHT SH I FTA hote 1 work - s hift, gen e rally ll:00p. m .to 7: 0 0 a .m.NO-POST SHIFTA term us e d t o indicate a gu e s t who i s no t all o wed t o c har g e pur chases to his o r her room a c c ount・NO-SHOWA guest wh o mad e a r o om reser v ation but d i d nor reg i s te r orca ncel.NON - AFFILIATE RESERVATION NETWORKA c entr a I r es e n r atio n sy s tem whic h c onnec t s indep e nde n t (non -chai n) pro p e rt i e s.NON -AUTOMATEDA syst e m o f front office r e cor d 一keeping c h a r ac t eri z e d by th e exclusive us e of hand writ t en f o rms. The e 1 ements o f non-au t ornate d s y stems ha v e d e term i n ed the s t ru c tur e of many fr o nt office p ro c esse s in eve n the m o st adv anced au t omat e d fa c i 1 it i e s ・NON- GUEST ACCOUNTAn a c c o uni ere ated to track t he fina n c ial tra n sac t i o ns o f a local b u si n ess or a g en c y wi t h c harge p r i vileges a t the ho t el, a gro u p spo n s o rin g a meeting a t the h o t el, o r a fonne r guest whose acc o u n t wa s n ot s e ttled a 11 h e t i me of d epa r t u re ・NON - GUEST FOLIOA fol i o u s ed t o c h ar t tran s act io n s on an acc o unt assig n e d to a I ocal busin e s s or agency wi t h hote 1 ch a rgep urchase p riv i leges, a group spon s ori ng a meeti n g a t the h o t cl, or a f o rmer gue s t w i th an outs tanding accou n t ba i a nee.NON - G UEST LEDGERSee Ci t y ledgerOBJECTI VEA measurab 1 e e nd t h at an o rga n iza t ion must achieve in order to e f fe c tively ca r ry ou t i t s mi s sio n .0 RCUPAN C Y PERCEN T AGEPage 18 o f 32Rooms D ivisio n O p erationsAn occu p a ncy ratio that i ndica t es th e p r o po r ti o n of room s s ol d to roo m s avail a b le for sale dur ing a spe c ific p eri o d of tim e .OC CU PANCY RATIOA meas u r e ment of the su c ce s s of t h e hote I in sell i ng room s ・ Typ i cal occu p a n cy r atios inc 1 u d e a ve r age d a ily rate, average r at e pe r guest ♦ mult iple occ u p a nc y s t atistics, and o c cupanc y p ere e n t a g e・OCCUPANC Y REPORTA report prepared ea c h night by a fron t d e sk ag ent t h at 1 i st s the r oom s o c cu p i ed that night an d indi cates those gue s t s ex p ec t cd to che c k o u t the foil o wing day.OCCU PIEDA r o o m st a tus te r m in d icating t h at a g ues t i s currently reg i ster e d t o the r oom.ON -CHANGEA r o oin stat u s term ind i cat i ng th a t the guest has dep a r t ed, b ut the r o om h as not y et bee n clean e d and r cadi e d fo r resa 1 e・OPENTh e s t atus o f a d a t e f o r which a reservat i on system can still accept r e servatio n s.ORGANIZATION CHARTA sc h e m a tic rep r e s e n t ation of th e r e 1 a t i o nshi p s am o n g positions wit h in an o rgani z a ti o n, sh o w i n g where each pos i t ion fi t s into the ov e r a 11 orga n ization an i 1 1 u strat i n g the divisio n s of respon s i b il i t y a nd lines of au t h o rity.ORIENT ATIONA term used to d e scrib e th e state when the t ota 1 s o f d e bit a mount s and c r edit amoun t s fo r a s et of a c counts are no t equal.OUT-OF-ORDERA room s ta t us t e r m i n die a t i n g th a t the room ca n not b e assi g n e d to a gue s t. A room ma y be out -of -ord e r for maint e n a n ce, r e f u rb i s h ing, e x t e n sive clean i n g , o r oth e r rea s o ns.OUT S TANDING BALANCEThe amo unt t h e guest owe s the ho t el - or t he amo unt the hotel owest he g u est, in t h e ev e nt of a credit balance a t s e t tie m ent.OVERAGEAn im b alance th a t o c c urs wh e n the tot a 1 o f c a sh and che c ks i n a ca s h r egist e r d r aw e r in g r e a der t h an the i n i tial bank plus net c as h r ecei pts ・Pag e 1 9 o f 3 2R o oms D i vi s ion Ope r ation sOVERBOOKINGAccepting m o r e r e ser v a tions tha n th e re are av a i 1 a b 1 e r o om s ・OVERDUE AC C OUNTA cit y 1 edge r account that is unpaid bey o nd the c urre n t b il 1 ing p e riod. u s uall y be t ween 3 0and 90 days.OVER FLOW FACIL I TYA property selected to receive ce n tr a 1 s ystem reservat i on r eque s ts after room a vailabilities i n th e s y stem s parti c ipati n g properties w i t h i n a geograp h ic r e gion have been e xhau s t e d ・OVERSIT AYA g u est wh o st ays after h i s or her state d d epar t ure date.PACKAGE PL AN RATEA s p ecial room rate for a r o o m a s par t o f a coinbin a t i on o f even t s or ac t ivitie s ・PAID - IN - A D V ANCE (PIA ) GU E S TA gu e st w ho pay s h is o r her room charges in c ash dur i ng r e g ist r atio n. PIA g u e sts are o ften den i ed in - ho u se c redit.PAID -OUTCa s h dis b urs e d by the hot e 1 o n b e ha I f of a g u e st and charged to the g uest s a c count as a cash adva n ce.PAYROLL ACC O UNTING SOFT WAREAback office com p uter a p pli c ati o n that proce s ses such data a s time an d a ttend a nee reco r d s, pay d i s t r i bu t i on, an d ta x withholding・PERFORMANCE STAN DARDA requi r ed 1 evel of pe rfo rmanc e t h at esta b lis h e s t he acce p table qu a lity of boo k .PIA( PA ID-IN- ADVANCE) LISTA gu e s t w h o p ays his or her room changes i n ca s h d u ring r egist r atio n . P IA guests are o f te n deni e d i n -house cred i t.PICK -UP ERRORPage 20 of 3 2R o oms Divisi o n Opcrat ionsPOINT 一 OF- S ALE (POS ) SYSTEMA c omp u t e r ne t wo r k t hat all o ws ele c tron i c cashregis ters at the h o t cl's points of sal e t o c ommunicate d i r e ctl y with a fro nt office gu e st acc o unting mod u 1 e. POS TINGThe p r oce s s of recor d i ng t ransa c t i o ns on a guest folio.P OTENTI AL AVERAGE RATEA col 1 ective sta t i s t ic t h a t ef f e c tively combine s the p oten tia 1 ave r a gesingle and double rates, m u 1 tiple oc c u pa ncy p e rcen t age^andra te s pre a d to pr o duce t h e ave r a ge rat e th a t would b e a c hie v ed i f a 1 1 r oom s we r e s old at their fu 1 1 r ac k r ates.PRE-REG I S TRATIONA pro c e ss b y wh i ch sec t i o ns of a r e g i s tra t ion car d or it s equiva lent are c omplete d fo r g u es t s a r ri v ing with reserve t ion s ・ R o om and rate assignment, creation of a gues t folio, and other funct i ons may al s o be p art o f pre-r e g i s tration activ i ty.PREPAYMENT GUARANTEEA ty p e of r eserv a t i on g uara n t e c tha t r e q u ires a payment in full m a de before t An e rro r i n man u al and semi-au t om a ted en t er s an i ncor r e c t pre v i o usng ・ es s o t po s t i SALE a t which g ood s bala n c e or systems that oc c u r s wh e n the user t r ans a ctions value i n t h e pr o cP OINT 0 FThe loca t i on a rtme n t th a t colie c ts rev e nues reve n uc cen t er and thus a po in t o r serv i ce f or its goo d ofares or p u rchased. An y hot e 1 d e p s e rv i c e s is consi d ered ahe day o f a r r i v a 1 ・PRIVA T E B R AN C H EXC H AN G E ( PBX )A hote 1 's t e le p h one s w itc h board cquipmen t ・PR O PER T Y DIREC TA m e thod of c o mm u n ica t i ng resen-at i on reque s ts direct 1 y to a hotel, by t e 1 e phone, mail, pro perty - to - property 1 i nk, telex, cable, o r a no t h e r method ・PROPER T Y MAN AG EMENT SYSTEMA com p ut e r softw a re p a c k a g e th a t s u pp o r t s a var i e t y of ap p lie a ti o n s rel a te d t o f r on t o ffi c e and back o ff i ce a c t i v itics. See also F ro n t Of f ice A pplicati o ns.Pag e 2 1 o f 3 2。
请勿打扰房(Do not disturb)----住客要求不要打扰。
待售房(Vacant and ready)----客房已打扫并检查完毕可供出租给来店的宾客。
已结帐的在租房(D NCO did not checkout)----住客已对结帐做好了安排(所以不是未结帐房)但是离店前未通知前厅。
延时离店房(Late check-out)----住客要求在饭店规定的离店时间以后退房,并以得到准许。
酒店专业术语中英文对照HOTEL TELMINOLOGY (CHINESE TO ENGLISH)Part 1 部门及岗位名称行政及人力资源部Executive & Human Resources Division E&HR 人事部Personnel Department PD质检培训部Quality Inspection & Training Department QID 后勤部Rear-Service Division RSD市场推广及销售部Sales &Marketing Division S&M 公共关系部Public Relation Department PRD财务部Finance Division FD收银部Cash Division CD成本部Cost-control Department CCD 会计部Accounting Division ACD 采购部Purchasing Department PD电脑部Electronic Date Processing EDP房务部Rooms Division RD前厅部Front Office FO管家部Housekeeping Department HSKP 洗衣房Laundry Room LR保洁部Public Area PA楼层Floor保安部Security Department SEC康乐部Entertainment & Recreation Department E&R工程部Engineering Department ENG餐饮部Food & Beverage Department F&B 西餐厅West Restaurant WR中餐厅Chinese Restaurant CRPart 2 职位名称职位英文英文缩写董事长Chairman of the Board COB董事长助理Board Assistant BA执行董事Executive Director EXD总经理General Manager GM副总经理Deputy General Manager DGM驻店经理Resident Manager RM总经理助理General Manager Assistant GMA顾问Adviser行政值班经理Manager on Duty/Executive on Duty MOD行政秘书Executive Secretary ES文员Clerk行政总监Administration Director ADD行政办公室主任Executive Officer EO人力资源部经理Human Resources Manager HRM培训部经理Training Manager TM培训主任Training Officer TRO质检培训主任Quality Inspection & Training Officer QITO人事主管Personnel Supervisor PS车队主管Chief Driver CD文员Order Taker OT临时工Casual laborer司机Driver外籍职员Expatriate人事档案文员Personnel Filing Clerk宿舍管理员Dormitory Conservator厨工Kitchen Helper更衣室管理员Locker-room Conservator房务总监Director of Rooms Division DOR前厅经理Front Office Manager FOM客房经理Housekeeping Department Manager HSKD 大堂副理Assistant Manager AM 首席礼宾司Chief Concierge CC客务主任Guest Relation Officer GRO 接待主管Chief Receptionist CR接待员Receptionist行政管家Executive Housekeeper EH客房高级主管Senior Supervisor SS楼层主管Floor Supervisor FS楼层领班Floor Captain FC洗衣房经理Laundry Manager LM PA主管PA Supervisor PS客房服务员Room Attendant RA礼宾部领班Bell Captain行李生Bellboy高级行李生Senior Bellboy门童/女门童Door man /Door girl技工Mechanic大烫工Flatwork Ironer小烫工Hand Ironer Presser平烫工Ironer干洗工Dry-cleaner水洗工Washer Extractor布草收发员Linen Attendant洗衣男工/女工Laundryman/ Laundrywoman女缝工、女裁缝Seamstress订房部文员Booking Clerk商务中心文员Business Center Clerk接线生主管Chief Operator接线生,总机Operator/Telephone Operator园丁Gardener保洁员Public Area PA商场部主管Shop Supervisor商场营业员Shop Assistant餐饮总监Director of Food &Beverage DFB 餐饮部经理Food &Beverage Manager FBM 酒水部经理Beverage Manager BEM 西餐厅主管Western Restaurant Supervisor WRS 中餐厅主管Chinese Restaurant Supervisor CRS 宴会部经理Banqueting Manager BAM 宴会销售经理Banquet Sales Manager宴会销售主任Banquet Sales Officer BSO 宴会销售代表Banquets Sales Executive BSE 咖啡厅主管Coffee Shop Supervisor CSS 酒吧主管Head Bartender楼面主任Head Waiter(男)/Head Waitress(女) HW 楼面部长Captain送餐领班Room Service Captain迎宾员/咨客Hostess服务员Waiter(男服务员),Waitress(女服务员)行政总厨Executive Chef EC 中餐厨师长Sous-chef Chinese kitchen西餐厨师长Sous-chef Western kitchen西饼房主管Chief Baker CB 配菜厨师Assembler高级厨师、名厨师Cordon Bleu点心师Dim Sum Maker传菜员Food Runner管事部领班Foreman备餐间领班Pantry Captain备餐员Pantry man酒吧侍应,酒吧招待Bartender酒吧男侍应Bar boy酒吧女侍应Barmaid高级酒吧侍者Senior Bartender调酒员Tap man茶艺师Tea Ceremony Keeper水台厨工Butcher砧板厨师Chopper洗碗工Dishwasher打荷厨师Food Distributor见习厨师Apprentice Cook厨房杂工Amah学徒Apprentice勤杂工Handyman洗菜工Vegetable Washer营业总监Director of Sales & Marketing DOS 销售部经理Manager of Sales Department MOS 宴会销售经理Banquet Sales Manager BSM 销售经理Sales Manager SAM 贵宾部经理VIP Manager VM 公关部经理PR Manager PRM 公关主任PR Officer PRO 预定部主管Reservation Supervisor RS 销售代表Sales Executive SE 团队联络员Group Co-Coordinator市场协调员Marketing Co-coordinator美术设计师Art Designer美工Artist工程总监Chief Engineer CE 工程部经理Engineering Manager EM 值班工程师Duty Engineer DE 运行主管Operation Supervisor OS 维修主管Repairing Supervisor RS 运行领班Operation Captain OC 维修领班Repairing Captain RC 锅炉组长Boiler section head锅炉工Boiler man木工Carpenter强电组长Electrical Section Head电工Electrician弱电组长Electrics Section Head万能工Handyman空调技工Air-conditioning Mechanic机修组长Mechanic Section Head油漆工Painter电梯工Lift Operator客房维修组长Room Maintenance Section Head财务总监Financial Controller FC财务部经理Accounting Manager ACM 总会计师Chief Accountant CA会计师Accountant成本控制主管Cost Controller COC 采购部经理Purchasing Manager PM采购部主管Purchasing Officer PS前台收银主管Front Officer Cashier Supervisor FOCS 电脑部主管EDP Supervisor EDPS 总出纳Chief Cashier CC应付账款主管Accounts Payable Supervisor应收帐款主管Accounts Receivable Supervisor成本核算主管Costing Supervisor收货部主管Receiving Supervisor收入审计员Income Auditor查帐员、审计员Auditor收款员、出纳员Cashier网络维护员Network Administrator NA采购员Purchasing Agent PUA 前台收银员Front Office Cashier FOC 夜审Night Auditor NA日审Day Auditor收货员Receiving Clerk仓管员Storekeeper康乐部总监Director of Entertainment & Recreation DER 康乐部经理Entertainment & Recreation Manager ERM 康体主管Entertainment Supervisor娱乐主管Recreation Supervisor康体领班Entertainment Captain娱乐领班Recreation Captain理发师Barber美容师Beautician美容服务员Beauty Salon Attendant救生员Lifeguard指甲修剪师Manicurist男按摩师/女按摩师Masseur/Masseuse教练TrainerDJ公主DJ Princess技师Masseur/Masseuse保安部经理Security Manager SM 保安部副经理Asst. Security Manager ASM 消防主管Fire control Supervisor警卫主管Security Supervisor保安员Security Guard所有部门总监/经理Department Head DHS 主管Supervisor SUP 领班Captain高级领班Senior CaptainPart 3 日常用语登记入住Check in C/I 退房Check out C/O 预计抵店Due in D/I 预计离店Due out D/O 到店、入住Arrival ARR离店、离开Departure DEPT 房间Room RM取消Cancel CXL 贵宾Very important person VIP散客Free individual traveler FIT自来客人Walk in W/I已入住Occupy OCC 退房Vacant V AC 坏房Out of order O.O.O. 自用房House use客人Guest GST 预计抵店Expected arrival E/A预计离店Expected departure E/D延期、续住Extension EXT 入住登记单Registration card RC长包房Long staying L/S日租、当日用房Day use D/U早餐Breakfast BF折扣Discount DISC. 免费房Complimentary COMP. 账单、收据V oucher VR单独的Single SGL 双人的(大床)Double DBL 双人房(两个床)Twin TWN 与同行Travel with T/W与同住、分开付款Share with S/W加入Join in J/I免收押金Waive deposit W/D 未交押金No deposit预计到达时间Expected time of arrival ETA 预计离开时间Expected time departure服务Service擦鞋服务Shoes shine开夜床Turn down唤醒服务Wake up婴儿看护Infant care婴儿床Baby cot失物招领Lost and found洗衣Laundry送餐服务/送餐部Room service RMSVC 陪同房Guide Room G/R国际长途International direct dialing IDD国内长途Domestic direct dialing DDD高级的,资深的Senior SR初级的Junior JR合约价Contract rate CR要求Request REQ押金Deposit DEP已保证Guaranteed GTD客人留言或邮件Mail& information M&I备忘录Memorandum MEMO 传真Facsimile FAX电话Telephone TEL请Please PLS谢谢Thanks TKS跟办Follow up F/U请勿打扰Do not disturb DND勿查询Confidential CONF 保密入住Incognito INCO轻便行李Light baggage L/B无行李No baggage N/B大量行李Heavy baggage H/B套票Pack age PKG不做房No need service NNS预订未到No show N/S转换Change CHG换房Change room CHGRM 免收费Free of charge FOC行政的Executive EXE 延迟退房Late check out L/C 半日租Half day charge HDC 全日租full day charge FDC 信件Letter LTR 有限的Limited LTD 公司Company CO. 已允许Permitted PER 升级入住Up grade U/G 预订Booking BKG 尽可能快、便捷服务As soon as possible ASAP 聚会Party PTY 团队Group GRP 楼层Floor FL标准的Standard STD 豪华的Deluxe DLX 注意事项Attention ATTN 确认Confirm政策与程序Policies and procedures P & P 电传Telex TLX 抄送Corbin copy CC无房价No rate N/R 套房Suite STE 交班本Log book移动电话,手机Call phone紧急情况,突发事件Emergency津贴、补贴Allowance对外服务津贴Foreign Service Allowance年假Annual Leave任命;职务Appointment调职授权书Change of Status Authorization Form休息Day Off换休Trade Day Off补假Compensation Day Off降职Demote纪律;惩戒Discipline开除、解雇、免职Dismiss任务、责任、职责Duty当值;上班On Duty下班Off Duty班次表Duty Roster雇佣Employ为……所雇佣In the employ雇员;雇工Employee正式雇员Permanent Employee临时雇员Temporary Employee员工手册Employ Handbook每月优秀员工Employee of the Month年度优秀员工Employee of the Year员工表现评估Employee Performance Evaluation 求职申请表Employment Application Form雇用、聘用Engage行政人员Executive福利补贴Fringe Benefits专职工作Full-time Job节假日Holiday公众假期Public Holiday面试Interview被面试者Interviewee面试者Interviewer工作职责Job Description休假、假期、离职Leave病假Sick Leave有薪假期Paid Leave无薪假期Unpaid Leave离职To leave a job管理层级Management Hierarchy经理(简称MGR)Manager经理级人员Managerial Personnel人员配备Manning人员编制Manning Guide人力Manpower犯规通知书Misconduct Notice休息Off下班Off Duty办公室Officer职员签单Officer’s Cheek组织机构图Organization Chart加班Overtime专用自动电话交换机Private automatic branch exchange 兼职工作Part-time job部分时间工作Work part-time工资、薪金Pay工资、薪金支票Paycheck出纳员Paymaster工资主任Payroll Officer养老金,退休金Pension退休金Retirement pension津贴、奖金Perquisite全体工作人员Personnel工作岗位Post晋升Promote打卡上、下班Punch in/out履历Record招聘、招工Recruit换班、替班Relief替班服务员Relief Maid换班者、替班者Reliever辞职;辞职书Resignation提出辞职To resign/To tender one’s resignation 退休;退职Retire/Retirement(工资)增长Rise工资、薪酬Salary月薪Monthly Salary年薪Annual / Yearly Salary工资调整Salary Adjustment / Review 轮班;更期Shift两头班Broken早班Morning shift午班Afternoon shift夜班Overnight/Graveyard Shift 工鞋Shoe员工;配备人员Staff待客员工Guest Contact Staff外籍员工Expatriate Staff本地员工Local Canteen员工餐厅Staff Canteen员工出口处Staff Entrance员工更衣室Staff Locker-room员工告示栏Staff Notice-board员工流失率Staff Turnover Percentage 监督、管理Supervise/Supervision考勤卡Time Card打卡To punch time card考勤打卡机Time Clock钟卡考勤打卡机Timekeeper练习生、实习生Trainee调动工作Transfer制服Uniform空缺Vacancy辞去职位Vacate假期;休假、度假Vacation工资Wages精简员工Zero StaffingPart 4 房态术语入住房Occupied OCC 空房Vacant V AC 退房Check out C/O做房Make up M/N 外宿Slept out S/O外宿(不在本地)Out town OT封房维修Out of order O.O.O. 空房已清洁Vacant clean VC空房未打扫Vacant dirty VD住客房未清洁Occupied dirty OD住客房已清洁Occupied clean OC赶房Rush room RO Part 5 房间类型高级双人间Superior twin room ST高级单人间Superior single room SK豪华双人间Deluxe twin room DT豪华单人间Deluxe single room DK高级套间Superior suite SS豪华套间Deluxe suite DS商务套间Executive suite ES。
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房务部:Rooms Division
前厅部:Front Office 客房部:Housekeeping
大堂副理:Assistant Manager 宾客关系主任:Guest Relation Officer
前台:Front Desk 接待处:Reception/Check-in 收银处:Cashier/Check-out
领班:Captain 主管:Supervisor 班次负责人:Shift Leader
商务中心:Business Center 客房服务代表:Guest service agent(接待和收银合并之后的前台人员的称呼)简称GSA
电话总机:Switch Board 接线员:Operator
预订处:Room Reservation
礼宾服务处:Concierge 大厅服务处:Bell Service 金钥匙:Golden Key
行政楼层:Executive Floor 行政酒廊:Executive Lounge
行李生:Bellman 迎宾员:Doorman
夜审:End of Day /Night auditor
入住:Check-in 退房:Check-out 外币兑换:Foreign Currency Exchange
问询:Information 接送机服务:Pick up service 叫醒服务:Wake up call
请勿打扰服务:DND Do not disturbed 失物招领:Lost and Found 国内直拨和国际直拨电话:DDD and IDD
Domestic Direct Dial and International Direct Dial对方付费电话:Collect Call
住宿登记单:Registration card 欢迎卡:Welcome card 订房凭证:Voucher
交接本:log book 信封:Envelope 房卡钥匙:Room key 安全保管箱:Safe Deposit Box 客房统计和出售率统计的术语
预离房:Expected Departure 预抵房:Expected Arrival
实际抵店:Actual Arrival 实际离店:Actual Departure
续住:Extension 白天用房:Day use
提前离店:Early Departure 提前入住:Early Check-in
门市客:Walk in 预定未到:No Show
预定取消:Cancellation 在店客人:Stay over
住店客人:In House
营业日报(daily operations report):一份报告,一般由夜审制作,它总结24小时内饭店的财务活动,洞察与前厅部相关的收入、应收款、营业统计,以及现金交易。
出租率:Occupancy Ratios:一种衡量饭店客房销售业绩的尺度;标准的住房比例包括日平均房价,每间可销售房收入,每位客人平均价格,多人居住统计数和出租房百份比;
每日平均房价(average daily rate,average room rate):用客房净收入除以售出房数量产生的一种出租比例;
每位客人平均房价(average rate per guest):用客房净收入除以客人人数产生的一个出租比例;
多人居住百分比(multiple occupancy ratio):一种用于预测餐饮收入、说明布草洗涤需求和分析日营业收入的比率;这些数据得自于多人居住百分比,或者由确定每间售出平均住客人数产生;也被称为双人居住比例;
每间可销售房收入(revenue per available room):一种注重每间可销售房营收的收入管理尺度;
房价变化报告(room rate variance report):列出未以门市价售出的房间的报告;
门市价(Rack rate):是由前厅部管理层制定的标准价格,列在房价表上,告诉总台接待员饭店各个客房的销售价格;
门槛价(hurdle rate):在营收管理中,它是某一日期可接受的最低房价;
促销价(Promotion rate):这种价格给予那些属于有吸引力的团体中的个人,以激励他们的惠顾。
公司或商务价或协议价(Contract rate):这种价格给那些经常为饭店或其连锁集团提供客源的公司;
团队价(Group rate):这种价格给团队、会议和使用饭店的大型会议。
奖励价(Encouragement rate):为了争取潜在业务,这种价格给予那些有业往来的机构客人,如旅行社和航空公司的客人。
家庭房价(Family-Plan rate):为携带儿童的家庭保留的房价;
小包价(Mini package rate):一间客房与其他活动如早餐、高尔夫球、网球或停车结合在一起的价格;
Room Status:房间状态;
Out of Order:严重坏房;λ
Out of Server:轻微坏房;λ
Front Officeλ Status:前台状态;
λ Vacant:空的;
Reservation statues:预订状态
Stay Over:在店;
λ Due Out:预离;
λ Departed:已离店;
λ Not Reserved:纯空房,没有预订;
" Reserved:有预订的(将来某天)
VC:(vacant clean)干净的空房,即OK房,可直接出售,安排客人入住;
VD:(vacant dirty)脏的空房;
OC:(occupied clean)干净的住房或干净的占用房;
OD:(occupied dirty)未打扫干净的住房;
Discrepant Room:矛盾房(房态差异)
Sleep out:外宿房;
Light luggage room: 只带有少量行李的客房;
No luggage room:无行李房;
Out of Order:严重坏房;
Out of Server:轻微坏房;
房间类型(ROOM TYPE)术语:(见饭店前厅服务与管理P63页)
单人床(Twin-size Bed);
双人床(Double-size Bed):包括大号双人床(Queen-size Bed)和特大号双人床(King-size Bed)隐蔽床(Murphy Bed)
婴儿床(Baby Bed)
加床(Extra Bed)Rollaway Bed
2)客房类型单人间(Single Room);
标准间(Standard Room):放置两张单人床,我国饭店的大多数客房属于这种类型;
大床间(Double Room):该房间放置一张双人床,一般适合夫妻或商务客人使用;新婚夫妇使用时,称“蜜月客房”。