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In storage reservoir,the flood downstream can be better controlled and regulated properly so as not to cause their coincidence.


Arch dams transfer the greater proportion of the water load to the valley sides rather than to the floor.拱坝传给两侧岩石的水压力远远大于传给底板的水压力。

The most economical type of dam will often be the one for which materials are to be found in sufficient quantity within a reasonable distance from the site.


Hydroplants may be classified on the basis of hydraulic characteristic as fllow: run-off river plants, storage plants,pumped storage plants, tidal plants.根据水力特性把水力发电站分为下列几种:径流式电站、蓄水式电站、抽水蓄能电站、潮汐电站。

2.During peak hours,the water flows from the reservoir to the turbine and electricity is generated.During off-peak hours,the excess power is available from some other plant,and is utilized for pumping water from the tail pool to the head pool, this minor plant thus supplements the power of another major plan.In such a scheme,the same water is utilized again and again and no water is wasted.


Electric power is generated in power generating stations or plants.


The capacity of individual generators is larger and larger to satisfy the increasing demand of electric power.


.Although the energy delivered to an impulse turbine is all kinetic,while the reaction turbine utilizes pressure energy as well as kinetic energy,the action of both turbine depends on a change in the momentum of the water so that a dynamic force is exerted on the rotating element,or runner.


The water being under pressure,the entire flow from head race to tail race takes place in a closed conduit system and the atmospheric air has no access at any point. 水在水头压力作用下,在引水管到尾水管形成的水流处于一个完全封闭的管路系统,连一丝空气也无法跑出。

Any location that produces asymmetrical flow into the pump bays causes problems with circulation, uneven velocity distribution, vortices, and generally poor pump



2. The greater the number of pumps , the smaller the reduction of the total station capacity if one pump malfunctions.


In power stations, coal or oil is burned and changed into electricity, which is then sent over to homes and factories.


A concentrated-fall hydroelectric development is one in which the station is located near the dam and is more common for low-head installation.


2. If there is no outspoken drop of the river bottom at the dam site, the height of the dam will be of the same order of magnitude as available head of the station.


3. If there is a significant but gradual drop in the river bottom, the situation may lend itself to a variety of solutions.


The speed of a generator is controlled by the prime mover.


A distribution reservoir is a small storage reservoir constructed within a city water supply system. Such a reservoir can be filled by pumping water at a certain rate and can be used to supply water even at rates higher than the inflow rate during periods of maximum demands (called critical periods of demand). Such reservoirs are, therefore, helpful in permitting the pumps or water treatment plants to work at a uniform rate, and they store water during the hours of no demand or less demand and supply water from their “stora

ge” during the critical periods of maximum demand.


A dam must be relatively impervious to water and capable of resisting the forces acting on it. The most important of these forces are gravity (weight of dam), hydrostatic pressure, uplift, ice pressure, and earthquake forces. These forces are transmitted to the foundation and abutments of the dam, which react against the dam with an equal and opposite forces, the foundation reaction. The effect of hydrostatic pressure caused by sediment deposits in the reservoir and of dynamic forces caused by water flowing over the dam may require consideration in special cases. 坝必须
