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授课课题:Unit 1 Classroom En glish (2)

1. To master the Ian guage points in Secti on C;


2. To understand the text well and get someideas on how to lead

a mea nin gful college life

素质能力目标: 1. To expand Ss ' vocabulary;

2. To train their translation ability.

教学重点:Help Ss an alyze the whole Text A in Secti on C.

教学难点:How to un dersta nd and tran slate complex senten ces appeared in the text.

授课方法: 1. Communi cative Approach; 2. Task-based teach ing method.

教学仪器:Tape-recorder, mini-type amplifier, MP4 player, etc..

Unit 1 Classroom En glish (2)

Step One Review: Classroom En glish

T: Ask two students to come to the platform to greet all the Ss, check

attendance, and give a brief introduction of the text to the whole class, just as a real teacher.



Step Two Lead-i n:

1. Test time: Take the following test which can assess your interpersonal

stre ngth in college. 【Page 11 】

2. Question:

T: Do you have strong interpersonal strength

If not. How could you stre ngthe n


Step Three Prese ntati on:

T: Tell the stude nts related backgro und about types of Colleges in the . Types of Colleges in the . :

If you ' re planning to study in the U.S., you have a number of

choices whe nit comesto pick your college. There are many types of schools, each having its own mission and purpose within American education. There are two-year colleges, four-year colleges and universities, public versus private, privately owned colleges.

S: Tell something about their own college life.

Sectio n One New words and Expressi ons

1. S: Read the new words together after a student;

2. T: Correct the wrong pronunciations of the leading student;

3. T: Explain some key words.

(1) expect vt. ~ sb. to do sth.

.You can ' t 〜me to approve of your plan.

⑵admit vt.

Jack was admitted into Harvard last year.

⑶arise —arose -arisen vi. 出现,产生

. rise —rose -risen vi. 升起;上涨

⑷equip vt.

.The soldiers were equipped with t he latest weap ons.

(5) favor n. 帮助.Could you do me a favor

=Can you give me a hand = Can you help me vt. 较喜欢,选择.We favor your plan.

(6) com muni cate (with sb.)

(7) acquire vt. : get, gain

. 译:不花力气,不下功夫是得不到知识的。

Kno wledge will not be acquired without pain and application.

(8) responsibility n. 责任,职责;义务take on responsibilities

resp on sible adj. be ~ for sth. 对…负责
