

云南省玉溪一中高三英语上学期期中试题 试题(含解析)新人教版

云南省玉溪一中高三英语上学期期中试题 试题(含解析)新人教版

云南省玉溪一中2014届高三英语上学期期中试题试题(含解析)新人教版3.What did the man do yesterday afternoon?A.He went to the post office.B.He waited for the woman in the office.C.He stayed at home watching TV.4.How did the woman learn about the job?A.She saw an ad in the newspaper.B.Her friend told her about it.C.She saw it on a list of job openings.5.Where does the man work?A.In a shoe stone.B. In a movie studio.C. In a factory. 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。






1.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Their favorite directors.B. A new film called ET.C.Films directed by Spielberg.2.Why does the machine in AI want to become a real person?A.It wants to act like a human being.B.It wants to have true love.C.It doesn’t like to be a robot.3.What does the woman think of AI?A.Moving.B. Horrible.C. Dull.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。



玉溪一中高一下学期英语试卷测试时间:120分钟总分:150分I. 听力(共分两部分,每小题1.5分,总分30分)A.Lesen Sie zuerst die Aufgaben.Dann hören Sie neun kurze Dialoge und eineInformation zweimal. Wählen Sie die richtige Antwort.( ) 1. Was will Max jetzt machen ?A) Er will zur Schule gehen. B) Er will zur Arbeit gehen.C) Er will nach Hause gehen. D) Er will hier bleiben.( ) 2. Wie viel kostet ein Quer-durchs-Land-Ticket ?A) 16 Euro. B) 31 Euro. C) 39 Euro. D) 29 Euro.( ) 3. Wann kann Eva Kohl zum Gesprächstermin gehen ?A) Mittwoch, um 9 Uhr. B) Mittwoch, um 10 Uhr.C) Mittwoch, um 12 Uhr. D) Mittwoch, um 8 Uhr.( ) 4. Wo treffen sich die Freunde zuerst ?A) Am Rathaus. B) An der Bushaltestelle.C) Im italienischen Restaurant. D) Im Restaurant Zwiebel.( ) 5. Was ist die Frau von Beruf ?A) Schneiderin. B) Friseurin. C) Verkäuferin der Fleischabteilung. D) Köchin. ( ) 6. Wie lange will die Frau noch warten ?A) 35 Minuten. B) 5 Minuten. C) 15 Minuten. D) 10 Minuten.( ) 7. Wie wird das Wetter am Dienstag ?A) Es gibt keinen Regen. B) Den ganzen Tag ist das Wetter schön.C) Ab und zu scheint die Sonne. D) Am Oberrhein liegt die Temperatur bei 12 Grad. ( ) 8. Was macht die Frau ?A) Sie sucht den Bus Linie 47. B) Sie fragt nach dem Weg zur Bibliothek.C) Sie fragt nach der Bushaltestelle. D) Sie bittet um Entschuldigung. ( ) 9. Wie lautet die Nummer, die Herr Fischer haben will ?A) 0716-48 59 51. B) 0619-48 90 15. C) 0661-48 95 57. D) 0761-48 09 75. ( ) 10. Wie kommt Herr Müller ins Büro ?A)Mit dem Fahrrad. B) Mit der Straßenbahn.C) Mit seinem Auto. D) Mit dem Bus.B.Lesen Sie zuerst die Aufgaben. Dann hören Sie neun Informationen und einen Dialogje zweimal. Wählen Sie die richtige Abtwort.( ) 11. Wann kann das Treffen stattfinden ?A) Am Dienstag. B) Am Freitag. C) Am Mittwoch. D) Am Donnerstag.( ) 12. Welcher der folgenden Artikel w ird im Angebot erwähnt(提到) ?A)Sprachprogramm für Französisch. B) Spielzeug.B)C) Mobil-Telefone. D) Computer.( ) 13. Wie ist das Wetter nach dem Wetterbericht ?A)Das Wetter wird am Sonntag sehr schön.B) Das Wetter am Samstag bleibt schön.C)Das Wetter bleibt schlecht, am Sonntag leichte Besserung.D) Das Wetter wird sich am Samstag stark verändern.( ) 14. Was erfahren Sie von dieser Nachricht ?A)Frau Merkel wollte den französischen Präsidenten eigentlich in Berlin treffen.B)Frau Merkel wollte den fran zösischen Präsidenten auf dem EU-Gipfel treffen.C)An diesem Montag findet in Paris der EU-Gipfel statt.D)Vor einer Woche sollten sich die Beiden in Brüssel treffen.( ) 15. Welche Meinung wird in dieser Sendung nicht genannt ?A)Manche finden es wichtig, ob der Partner gut gebildet ist.B)Einige suchen Partner, die viel Geld verdienen.C)Manche wollen sich miteinander verstehen.D)Einige halten viel vom Äußeren.( ) 16. Worauf müssen Sie als Fahrgast achten ?A)Der Zug nach München kommt bald hier an.B)Der Zug aus München hält hier acht Minuten.C)Der Zug nach Darmstadt wird auf Gleis vier halten.D)Der Zug aus Darmstadt wird aus Gleis sechs halten.( ) 17. Was wird gerade mitgeteilt ?A)Der Flughafen ist bis zum Mittag geschlossen.B)Der Flughafen wird neue Computer einführen.C)Die Fluggäste müssen die Anzeige bei der Information beachten.D)Die Fluggäste müssen warten, bis das Computersystem wieder in Ordnung ist. ( ) 18. Worüber sind die Fahrgäste im Zug informiert ?A)Sie können im Zugrestaurant frühstücken.B)Sie können ein warmes Abendessen bekommen.C)Der Zug bietet eine Zwischenmahlzeit an.D)Der Zug bietet nur ein kaltes Mittagessen an.( ) 19. Worüber sprechen die Beiden ?A) Über Fastfood-Restaurants. B) Über Fastfood in den Restaurants.C) Über ihren Job in den Ferien. D) Über die Höhe des Stundenlohns.( ) 20. Welche Aussage von unten ist richtig ?A)Der Herr soll sofort zum Schalter kommen.B)B)Der Herr will nach Hangzhou fliegen.C)Der Herr ist in Hangzhou angekommen.D)Der Herr wird zum Flughafen gebeten.II. 单项选择(每小题1分,总分20分)( )21.________fahren Sie morgen nach Nuernberg?-Weil ich dort meinen Freund besuchen will.A) Wann B) Mit wem C) Warum D) Womit( ) 22. Habt ihr ________ Gast mit dem Taxi zum Bahnhof gebracht?A) euer B) eure C) euren D) eurem( )23.Inge faehrt heute nicht mit dem Auto ins Buero, ________ sie geht zu Fuss.A) und B)oder C)aber D) sondern( )24."Hier ist Parken verboten, fahren Sie bitte weiter, sonst ________ Sie zehn Mark bezahle n", sagte ihm ein Polizist.A) müssen B)können C)dürfen D) wollen( )25.Hast du deinem Freund das Buch geschenkt?-Ja, ich habe ________ geschenkt.A) ihn ihm B) ihm ihn C) es ihm D) ihm es( ) 26. Ich habe verschiedene Rockgruppen zum_______________.A) Vorbild B) Talent C) Beispiel D) LustLieber Robert,ich gratuliere dir sehr herzlich (27)_____________ deiner erfolgreichen Konzerttournee. Toll, wie positiv alle Kritiker (28)_____________ dein Talent geschrieben haben. Du bist eben ein Genie! Ich habe lange(29)_____________ einem passenden Geschenk gesucht und hoffe, dass du dich(30)_____________ die CD freust. Sie soll dich(31)_____________ den Musikkurs erinnern, (32)_____________ dem wir beide vor zehn Jahren teilgenommen haben. Die CD fängt gleich(33)_____________ unserem Lieblingsstück an. Denkst du noch (34)_____________ , mit welcher Begeisterung wir gerade dieses Stück geübt haben?Was hältst du (35)_____________ , wenn wir wieder einmal gemeinsam musizieren?Liebe Grüße,deine IngeborgErgänzen Sie den Komparativ.Immer (36)________ (viel) Leute sprechen über Frauenfußball. Sogar im Fernsehen werden die Spiele übertragen und bekommen (37)_______ (gut) Sendezeiten. Frauen sind vielleicht (38)__________ (schwach) und (39)____________ (langsam) als Männer, aber sie spielen (40)________ (phantasievoll).III. 完形填空(每小题1.5分,总分30分)Vor vielen Jahren lebte ein König im Osten, der einen wertvollen Ring ____41_____. Dieser Ring hatte eine Eigenschaft: ______42_____ ihn trug, wurde von Gott und allen Menschen ohne _____43_____ geliebt. ______44_____ nahm der König ihn nie von seiner Hand.Eigentlich _____45(1)____ der Ring immer vom Vater an den Lieblingssohn _____45(2)___. Der König jedoch hatte drei Söhne, _____46____ er alle gleich liebte. Er konnte sich nicht entscheiden, ______47____ Sohn er den Ring geben sollte. Also ließ er heimlich noch zwei gleiche Ringe machen und schenkte jedem Sohn _____48_____. _____49____ der König starb, kam es _____50____ Streit zwischen den Söhnen. Jeder glaubte, den echten Ring _____51_____. Sie konnten aber nicht herausfinden, welcher Ring der echte war. Deshalb gingen Sie zu einem Richter, ______52____ klugen Mann, und erzählten ihm die Geschichte.Der Richter konnte das Problem auch nicht lösen und wollte sie schon wegschicken. Plötzlich erinnerte er sich ____53___, dass der richtige Ring seinen Besitzer bei allen beliebt machen sollen. Er fragte die Söhne: “Welchen Bruder haben zwei von euch _____54____?” Als sie nicht gleich antworteten, sprach er: … Was, ihr sagt nichts ? Die Ringe wirken nicht ? ____55____ liebt sich selbst also am meisten. Dann sind vielleicht alle drei Ringe falsch. _____56____ besitzt die Macht, sich bei allen Menschen beliebt zu machen. Vermutlich hat euer Vater den Ring verloren und drei neue ______57______.“Der kluge Richter gab ihnen _____58_____, so zu leben, ____59____ jeder von ihnenden echten Ring. Nur auf diese Weise ______60_____ es ihnen gelingen, die Macht des Ringes zu wecken.( ) 41. A) besatz B) besetzte C) besitzte D) besaß( ) 42. A) welcher B) wer C) Jeder D) Der( ) 43. A) Ausnahme B) Aufnahme C) Annahme D) Zunahme( ) 44. A) Trotzdem B) Jedoch C) Deshalb D) Zwar( ) 45. A) hat...weitergegeben B) ist...weitergegebenC) wird...weitergegeben D) wurde...weitergegeben( ) 46. A) die B) den C) denen D) deren( ) 47. A) was für einen B) wessen C) welchem D) was für einem( ) 48. A) eines B) einen C) einer D) eine( ) 49. A) Wenn B) Bevor C) Bis D) Als( ) 50. A) zum B) in den C) um einen D) an einen( ) 51. A) verfügt B) zu verfügen C) zu besitzen D) besitzt ( ) 52. A) einen B) einem C) den D) der( ) 53. A) darin B) darauf C) dazu D) daran( ) 54. A) am gringsten B) am meisten C) am liebsten D) am nettesten ( ) 55. A) Keiner von euch B) Jeder von euchC) Jeder von Ihnen D) Keiner von Ihnen( ) 56. A) Keiner von euch B) Keiner von IhnenC) Jeder von euch D) Jeder von Ihnen( ) 57. A) gemacht lassen B) zu machen lassenC) machen lassen D) machen gelassen( ) 58. A) die Ratte B) die Rate C) das Rad D) den Rat( ) 59. A) wie hat B) als hätte C) als ob hätte D) da hätte ( ) 60. A) wurde B) ist C) würde D) wäreIV. 阅读理解(每小题2分,总分30分)Eine BergtourVier bis fünf Tage dauert die Tour über den "Milford Track“, eines der aufregendsten Naturerlebnisse Neuseelands. Der Weg führt über steile Berge, durch schnellesWildwasser und dichten Urwald. Wer hier unterwegs ist, hat das Gefühl, als erster ein Land zu entdecken.Besonders berühmt sind die "Southland Falls“, wo das Wasser mit großem Donner 580 Meter in die Tiefe fällt. Sie gehören zu den höchsten Wasserfällen der Welt. Der Weg ist abenteuerlich, aber heute nicht mehr riskant. Weil niemand ohne offizielle Genehmigung auf den "Milford Track“ gelassen wird, wissen die Bergführer, wer sich wann wo aufhält. Man darf die markierte Route nicht verlassen, aber es gibt immer wieder leichtsinnige Wanderer, die verunglück en und sogar umkommen. Es ist eine Bergtour und kein Spaziergang. Man braucht vor allen Dingen Ausdauer, denn wenn, wie so oft, Dauerregen oder Schnee fällt, können die Stunden bis zur nächsten Schutzstation lang werden.( ) 61. Durch welche Landschaft führt der Weg?A) Durch gebirgiges Land. B) Über flaches Land.C) Durch Felder und Wiesen.( ) 62. Wozu braucht man eine offizielle Erlaubnis?A) Um die Route zu benutzen. B) Um einen Bergführer zu mieten.C) Um die Route zu verlassen.( ) 63. Was muss man auf der Tour beachten?A) Dass man auf dem markierten Weg bleibt. B) Dass man den Weg markiert.C) Dass man einen anderen Weg nimmt.( ) 64. Was kann leichtsinnigen Wanderern passieren?A) Sie können Glück haben. B) Sie können sich verletzen.C) Sie können umkehren.Junge Hose - alte GeschichteHeute trägt fast jeder Jeans. Viele junge und auch ältere Leute können sich gar nicht mehr vorstellen, jemals eine andere Hose anzuziehen. Jeans sind immer noch modern, obwohl diese …Superhose" schon mehr als 140 Jahre alt ist.Erfunden hat sie Levi Strauss. Als er im Jahre 1848 nach Amerika kam, hatte er sich bestimmt nicht gedacht, dass er einmal eine weltberühmte Erfindung machen würde, die …Blue Jeans",Levi Strauss, der den Beruf eines Schneiders gelernt hatte, war mit 18 Jahren aus Deutschland nach Amerika ausgewandert, um dort, wie viele andere Menschen auch, sein Glück zu suchen. Seine Familie, Vater, Mutter und acht Gesch wister, musste er in der Heimat zurücklassen.Nach einer langen und beschwerlichen Seereise war er schließlich nach San Francisco gekommen. Dort herrschte zu dieser Zeit das Goldfieber. Zu Tausenden kamen die Menschen ins Land, um in den Bergen und Flüssen nach Gold zu suchen. Aber Levi Strauss war nicht nach Amerika gekommen, um nach Gold zu graben. Er träumte davon, einmal ein eigenes Geschäft zu eröffnen, und so begann er, in einem kleinen Laden als Verkäufer zu arbeiten.Doch eines Tages brach in dem Laden ein Feuer aus, und Levi Strauss verlor seinen Arbeitsplatz. Da gab ihm ein Freund einen Rat: …Geh doch zu den Goldgräbern, die brauchen dich. Du bist doch Schneider, die Goldgräber können ihre Hosen nicht selber reparieren, und Frauen gibt es dort keine.So zog Levi Strauss los und wanderte zu Fuß in die Berge. In einem kleinen Dorf bei Sacramento baute er sich ein Häuschen aus Holz und begann zu arbeiten. Sein Geschäft ging gut Er kaufte alte Kleider, brachte sie in Ordnung und verkaufte sie wieder mit Gewinn.Eines Tages wurde ihm zu einem günstigen Preis ein großes Stück sehr fester, blauer Baumwollstoff angeboten. Er kaufte ihn und machte daraus Decken für die Pferdewagen der Goldgräber. Aber niemand wollte sie kaufen. …Decken brauchen wir keine", sa gten die Goldgräber, …was wir brauchen, sind Hosen!" Levi Strauss erkannte sofort die Gelegenheit und machte aus dem blauen, festen Deckenstoff Hosen. Das war die Erfindung der Blue Jeans!Sie wurde sofort in ganz Amerika ein Erfolg.Die Goldgräber kauften diese Hose, weil sie haltbar und praktisch war und große Taschen hatte, in die man sogar Werkzeug stecken konnte. Bald trugen auch Cowboys und Viehhändler diese idealen Hosen.Als Levi Strauss im Jahre 1902 starb, war er Millionär, und seine Firma war zum größten Kleiderhersteller der Welt geworden.Noch heute ist seine Hose das beliebteste Kleidungsstück bei Kindern und Erwachsenenauf der ganzen Welt.( ) 65. Als Levi Strauss nach Amerika kam,A ) wurden dort gerade die Jeans erfunden.B) hatte er die Jeans schon erfunden.C) wurde er zum Erfinder der Jeans.( ) 66. Levi Strauss fuhr nach Amerika,A) weil er dort einen Beruf lernen wollte.B) weil er eine schöne Reise machen wollte.C) weil er Erfolg haben wollte.D) weil er sich von seiner Familie trennen wollte.( ) 67. Als Levi Strauss im Goldgräberdorf war,A) haute er Holzhäuser.B) nähte er neue Kleider.C) verkaufte er alte, reparierte Kleider.D) reparierte er Hosen für die Frauen der Goldgräber.( ) 68. Levi Strauss hatte den blauen Stoff gekauft,A) um daraus Hosen zu nähen.B) weil der Stoff nicht viel kostete.C) weil die Goldgräber Hosen brauchten.D) weil er eine Decke brauchte.( ) 69. Jeans wurden schnell ein großer Erfolg,A) weil jeder gerne wie ein Cowboy aussehen wollte.B) weil sie bequeme Arbeitshosen waren.C) weil sie wirklich gut aussahen.D) weil sie den Goldgräbern gut passten.Frauen und ParntnerschaftJede Frau sollte sich vor einer Verbindung mit einem Mann die Frage stellen,(70)_____________, was ist mir wichtig, kann mir dieser Mann das bieten ? Eine Frau, die glaubt, (71)____________, irrt sich gewaltig. Ein Mann sieht einePartnerschaft gangy anders als eine Frau. Was ihr wichtig ist, ist für ihn unbedeutend. Er macht sich auch keine Gedanken darüber, (72)__________________, wenn er seinen Geschäft nachgeht. Wer das Geld ins Haus bringt, kann sich auch erlauben, seinen Hobby nachzugehen, seinen sonstigen Bedürfnissen Rechnung zu tragen.Frauen, die geduldig zurückstehen, (73)______________, ernten keinen Dank. Ein Mann will im Grunde gar keine unterwürfige Frau. Er hat nur Respekt, (74)_______________, z.B. auch berufstätig ist, dort anerkannt ist und verdient. Einen einfachen Job, der wenig einbringt, belächelt er nur und demütigt so wiederum seine Frau.Auf der einen Seite will er schon, (75)______________. Er erkennt diese Arbeit aber nicht an, es wohnen eben zwei Seelen in seiner Brust.Auch ist es verkehrt, darüber nachzudenken, was in ihm vorgeht, wenn er einsilbig ist oder sogar verschlossen.A)dass die Mutter seiner Kinder zu Hause ist und alles gut versorgtB)ob sie unter den Lebensümständen leidetC)dass seine Frau mehr Geld verdient als erD)sich für Mann und Kinder aufopfernE)was will ich vom LebenF)wenn sie ihren Weg erfolgreich ohn ihn gehtG)einen Mann sch on binbiegen zu könnenVI. 写作(满分40分)第一节对画线部分进行翻译(总分10分)76. Wo studiert man in Deutschland ? Das ist keine leichte Wahl. In fast jeder größeren deutschen Stadt gibt es eine Hochschule. Das Fach und sein Ruf spielen für die meisten sicher die Hauptrolle bei der Entscheidung für ei ne bestimmte Hochschule. Aber auch die Wahl des Hochschulorts ist wichtig. In kleineren Städten lässt sich oft beseer ein günstiges Zimmer finden. Große Städte sind mehr international und bieten breites kulturelles Angebot.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________第二节书面表达(30分)假如你是李华,请就本校食堂服务的状况给校长写一封信。



2014—2015玉溪一中高一年级上学期期末考试英语第Ⅰ卷 (选择题)第一部分:听力理解(共两节。





1. What does the woman want to do?A. To have an X-ray.B. To go to the hospital.C. To help the wounded man.2. Where and when will the meeting be held?A. Room 303, 3:00 p.m.B. Room 303, 2:00 p.m.C. Room 302, 2:00 p.m.3. When would Thomas and Lily like to leave?A. Tomorrow.B. Next Monday or Tuesday.C. This Monday.4. What is the man’s choice?A. He prefers trains for trip.B. He doesn’t like traveling.C. Not mentioned.5. According to the man, what should the woman do at first?A. She should ask about the flat on the phone.B. She should read the advertisements for flats in the newspaper.C. She should phone and make an appointment.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,共22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。



云南省玉溪一中2014届高三上学期期中考试(英语)1高考英语2014-11-27 1827玉溪一中高2014届高三年级上学期期中考试英语试题本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。












1.What do we know about the speaker?.A. They want to have a cup of coffeeB. They agree to have a cup of coffee the next dayC. The women doesn’t accept the man’s suggestion.2. Who is the man probably?A. a traffic policemanB. a taxidriver C. a restaurant3. When is Mr Woods going to finish working at his present job?A. the end of this weekB. early next weekC.the end of next week.4. When will the shirts be finished?A. Sunday afternoon.B. Saturday afternoonC. Friday morning.5. Where did Paul plan to go on his way home?A. to an office.B. to abank. C. to a shop.第二节(共15小题。

【精品推荐】云南省玉溪一中2014届高三5月校统测 理科4份

【精品推荐】云南省玉溪一中2014届高三5月校统测 理科4份

玉溪一中2014届高三校统测试卷理科数学一.选择题(每小题5分,共60分)1.已知集合{1,2},{a,b}a A B ==,若⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧=21B A ,则B A 为( ) A.⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧b ,1,21 B.⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧-21,1 C.⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧1,21 D.⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧-1,21,12.若向量a ,b 满足||1a = ,||2b = ,且()a a b ⊥+,则a 与b 的夹角为( )A .2π B .23π C .34π D .56π 3.复数1212,3z i z i=+=+在复平面上分别对应点,A B ,则AOB ∠=( ) A .6π B .4π C .3π D .2π 4.设02x π<<,记s i n l ns i n ,s i n ,xa xb xc e===,则比较,,a b c 的大小关系为( )A .a b c<< B .b a c << C .c b a << D .b c a <<5.}{n a 为各项都是正数的等比数列,n S 为前n 项和,且1010S =,3070S =,那么=40S ( )A .150B .200-C .150或200-D .400或50-6.设变量,x y 满足121y y x x y m ≥⎧⎪≤-⎨⎪+≤⎩,若目标函数1z x y =-+的最小值为0,则m 的值为( )A .4B .5C .6D .77.积分2cos2cos sin xdx x xπ+⎰=( )A .1-B .0C .1D .2π 8.二项式2*1(x )(n N )2n x+∈展开式中,前三项二项式系数和是56,则展开式中常数项为( ) A .45256 B .47256 C .49256 D .512569.动点(,)A x y 在单位圆221x y +=上绕圆心顺时针方向匀速旋转,12秒旋转一周。

已知0t =时点13(,)22A ,则当012t ≤≤时,动点A 的纵坐标y 关于t 的函数(t)y f =的单调增区间是( )A .[0,5]B .[5,11]C .[11,12]D .[0,5]和[11,12]10.已知球O 的球面上有,,,S A B C 四点,其中,,,O A B C 四点共面,ABC ∆是边长2的等边三角形,且S ABC AB ⊥面面,则三棱锥S ABC -体积的最大值是( )A .3B .32 C .33D .1311.函数(x)f 是R 上的偶函数,x R ∀∈恒有(4)()(2)f x f x f +=-,且当(2,0]x ∈-时,1(x)()12xf =-,若()()log (2)(a 1)a g x f x x =-+>在区间(2,6]-上恰有3个零点,则a 的取值范围是( )A .(1,2)B .[2,)+∞C .3(1,4) D .3(4,2]12.设12,F F 是双曲线2214yx -=的左右焦点,O 是原点,若双曲线右支上存在一点P 满足:22()0OP AB F P +⋅= ,且12||||PF PF λ=,则λ=( ) A .2 B .3 C .2 D .3二.填空题(每小题5分,共20分) (13)一个几何体的三视图如图所示,且其侧视图是一个等边三角形,则这个几何体的体积为 。





1. What can be inferred about the woman?A. She prefers chemistry.B. She hasn’t got a partner yet.C. She is too tired of chemistry..2. What does the woman mean?A. Brenda has borrowed her car.B. She and Brenda came together today.C. She parked her car in a safe place.3. How many people actually attended the meeting yesterday?A. 25.B. 20.C. 40.4. What does the woman think of the play?A. The music was enjoyable.B. The story was terrific.C. The characters were strong.5. What does the woman think the man should do?A. Stop working on the homework.B. Work another three hours and finish it.C. Take a rest before continuing the work.第二节听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。


6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Friends.B. Classmates.C. Colleagues.7. What language does the man learn every evening?A. English.B. Chinese.C. French.8. What will the man do today?A. Study at home.B. Learn dancing.C. Take an examination.请听第7段材料,回答9至11题。







1.What was hit by a taxi?A. A cat.B. A dog.C. A rabbit.2.What does the man think of the music?A. Noisy.B. Perfect.C. Disappointing.3.What happened to Danny?A. He hurts his arm.B. He caught a cold.C. He fell down some stairs.4.Whose books did the man buy?A. Mary’s.B. Jimmy’s.C. Alice’s.5.What do we know about the woman?A. She won’t go out to lunch with the man.B. She will give the man some money.C. She wants to buy the man a meal.第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6.What was the weather like yesterday?A. Sunny.B. Rainy.C. Windy.7.What is the man going to do?A. Prepare some food.B. Get the tent ready.C. Get the bikes ready.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。









1. What does the woman mean?A. She likes to amuse herself with aircraft at home.B. She would rather go shopping.C. She is going to visit Air and Space Museum.2. How many students are good at basketball according to the man?A. About 20.B. About 40.C. About 80.3. What can we know from the conversation?A. It will be fine tomorrow.B. It is going to be cloudy tomorrow.C. It is going to be icy tomorrow.4. Why isn’t the woman sure whether she can change the order?A. She has already given the order to the cook.B. The cook has never changed an order.C. She has already given the man his food.5. What will happen to the man?A. He will get his telephone repaired.B. He will get his money back.C. He will get a new telephone.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。









1.How will the woman pay?A. By cash.B. By credit card.C. By check.2. Where was the man born?A. In America.B. In Canada.C. In England.3. Which season is it now?A. Spring.B. Summer.C. Winter.4. When is the man’s flight?A. At 800.B. At 815.C. At 830.5. Where does the woman want to go?A. Spain.B. Sweden.C. Switzerland.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6. What can’t Janie understand?A. Her homework.B. Her history test.C. Her English paper.7. Who will the man help?A. His father.B. His sister.C. The woman.听第7段材料,回答第8至10小题。











以下数据可供解题时参考,可能用到的相对原子质量: H:1 C :12 N:14 O: 16 Cl:35.5 Mg:24 Al:27 Si:28 S:32 Fe :56 Na:23 Cu:64一、选择题:本大题共13小题,每小题6分。


1.下列关于生物体内化合物的叙述,正确的是A.蛋白质的空间结构被破坏时,其特定功能不会发生改变B.RNA与DNA分子均由四种核苷酸组成,前者不能储存遗传信息C. ATP、脱氧核苷酸、线粒体外膜共有的组成元素是C、H、0、N、PD.葡萄糖、乳酸、氨基酸依次是光合作用、细胞呼吸、基因表达的产物2.下图为正常人体内肝细胞与内环境之间物质交换的示意图,其中①②③④分别表示的是成分,a、b、、d、e分别表示物质运输的途径,下列有关说法错误的是A.③中产生的热量是维持体温的热量的主要来源之一B.若①中胰岛素含量上升,则通过a途径的葡萄糖大于通过b途径的葡萄糖C.图中所示的细胞中有作为温觉感受器的细胞,但没有作为冷觉感受器的细胞D.正常情况下,①②④的化学成分和理化性质保持动态平衡3、下列关于科学家的研究过程或方法思路不正确的是A. 摩尔根通过研究果蝇的眼色遗传,运用假说演绎法,证明了“基因在染色体上”B. 科学家用差速离心法将真核细胞中各种细胞器进行分离以研究各自组成成分和功能C .1953年沃森和克里克利用构建物理模型的方法发现了DNA的双螺旋结构模型D.1928年格里菲斯的肺炎双球菌转化实验和1952年赫尔希和蔡斯的噬菌体侵染细菌实验的研究方法都是设法把DNA与蛋白质分开,研究各自的效应4.对下列四幅图的描述正确的是A.用秋水仙素作用于图甲B阶段可进行诱变育种,作用于图甲C阶段则可诱导产生多倍体B.图丁中造成CD段的原因对于有丝分裂和减数分裂是一样的C.在适宜的温度、水肥等条件下,适当增加光照强度,图乙中A点右移,B 点右移D.图丙中BC段和DE段光合作用速率都下降,此时造成光合作用速率下降的原因是一样的5.2011年11月2日natre杂志在线发表了德国研究人员的最新研究成果:癌变前的衰老肝细胞能被由肿瘤抗原引导的免疫反应清除。



续玉溪一中2014届高一年级上学期期中英语考试高考英语2014-01-02 1807CProverbs (谚语) are quite common in spoken English. We don’t normally put them in a composition or a letter. Sometimes it is helpful if you know what common proverbs mean. Here are a few examples.1) “Once bitten, twice shy.” If a dog bites me, I shall be twice as careful in future when I see it. This proverb is also used to apply to many things and not only to dogs. If you have been cheated at a shop, you will not go the same shop again.2) “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” If I am a hunter, trying to catch birds, it is better to catch one than to see two birds in a bush but not able to catch them. Thus this means that what you have already got is better than the chance of being able to get something bigger in future.3) “Too many cooks spoil the broth (soup)”. When too many people do something, they get in each other’s way and do a bad job.4) “To pour oil on troubled waters” is to try to calm things down. Oil is lighter than water. If a ship is in trouble at sea, another ship may come to help it. The second ship can send small boats to rescue people. However, it may first pour oil on the sea to make the sea less rough.5) “Don’t be a dog in a manger( 槽)”means“ Don’t be selfish.” In a stable ( 马房), the manger is the place where the horse’s food is put. Sometimes a dog will sleep in the manger and bark when a horse comes to get its food. The dog doesn’t want to eat the l ay in the manger but it will not let the horse eat it.6) “He is sitting on the fence” means that somebody will not say whether he is in favor of a plan or against it. He is sitting on a fence between two opposing sides, perhaps waiting to see which side will win.7) “He who pays the piper calls the tune.” A piper is a musician. The man who employs or pays a musician can say what tunesthe man will play. Thus this means that if a man provides the money for a plan, he can say how it will be carried out.8) “You can’t get blood out of a stone” means that you cannot get something from a person who has not got any of the things you want. e. g. you cannot get a million dollars from a poor man.63. Peter has a bicycle which is much too small for him but he does not want to let his younger brother ride on it. His mother is angry and says to him ______.A. You can’t get blood out of a stoneB. Don’t be a dog in a mangerC. The early bird gets the wormD. To pour oil on troubled waters64. Mr. and Mrs. Smith had a quarrel. Their friend, Mr. Brown, want to talk to them. When he came back, he told his wife that he had been trying to help the Smiths by ______.A. pouring oil on troubled watersB. getting blood out of a stoneC. being a dog in a mangerD. sitting on the fence65. Mr. Wang paid for a new school. Some people didn’t like the design of the school but they didn’t argue with Mr. Wang because______.A. he was sitting on the fenceB. once bitten, twice shyC. he who pays the piper calls thetuneD. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush66. Mrs. Lin wanted to buy a new dress. Her husband suggested that she buy it from a shop near their home. Mrs. Lin disagreed because she had been cheated by that shop. So she said “I won’t go there again because ______.”A. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bushB. I am sitting on the fenceC. once bitten, twice shyD. too many cooks spoil the broth67. Mr. Brown had quite a good job in Hong Kong but he thought thatif he went to Singapore, he might get a much better job with more money and a larger house. His wife didn’t want him to leave his job in Hong Kong and she reminded him that ______.A. a bird in the hand is worth two in the bushB. too many cooks spoil the brothC. you can not get blood out of a stoneD. he who pays the piper calls the brothDThe police received a report that six men had stopped a truck . It was carrying some dry goods and two bags full of something important. The six men attacked the driver. After searching for three hours, the police found the truck near the river. The driver was sitting on a bag in the truck and his hands were tied behind his back. The thieves had tied a handkerchief round his mouth so that he wouldn’t shout. The police climbed into the back of the truck and freed the driver. They asked him what had happened.“I was stopped soon after I left the bank,” the driverexplained. ”Six men stopped me and made me drive to the river ”‘If you shout,’one of them said, ‘we’ll kill you! ’ When I got to the river, they tied me up. Then they threw me into the back of the truck. There were two bags in it and they took one of them”“How much money did the bag contain?” a police officer asked.“It didn’t contain any money at all ,” the driver laughed.“It was full of letters. This one contains all the money. I have been sitting on it for three hours”68. Where did the truck start its journey?A、From the bankB、Near the riverC、In the streetD、From a post office69. The driver could not report it to the police immediately because________A、he was thrown into the back of the truckB、he was sitting on a bagC、he was tied up and a handkerchief was tied round his mouthD、the truck broke down70. The six men got away with_________A、a lot of moneyB、many lettersC、plenty of dry goodsD、money and letters71. The six men did not take away the other bag. That was probably because__________A、the y didn’t notice the bag under the driverB、they thought that there was nothing important in the bagC、they didn’t like that bagD、the bag is too small to be seen72. The thieves tied up the driver_____________A、when they stopped the truckB、when they got on the truckC、when the truck got to the riverD、after they threw the driver into the back of the truckEIt’s great to go on vacation, but it’s also nice to come home. Migrating(迁徙) birds seem to feel the same way. Birds such as black- tailed godwits, a migrating bird that can be found in Europe, Asia, North Africa and North Australia, fly south every winter. Then, they return home to spend the summer months with their life long partners.Now, scientists have found, pairs of godwits often return to their summer breeding(繁殖) grounds within three days of each other, even though they spend the entire winter apart. It’s as if they arranged the date that they would meet up again.Researchers in England, put colored leg bands on the birds. Then,they asked birdwatchers around Europe to report by email when theysaw the birds during the winter.The simplest way for birds to return at the same time would be to spend the winter together. After all, if they’re in different places, th ey can’t call each other on the phone and talk about when they’ll meet again. But, the survey found that couples usually spent thewinter on the coast of Ireland while his mate was in France.These findings are important for protecting the birds, scientists say. Black-tailed godwits live for up to 25 years. They spend their summer in Iceland, where they mate, but they spread all over other parts of Europe in winter. Once a pair mates, there’s a 90 per cent chancethat they’ll return to mate with each other again the next year. So, protection of their wide web of holiday destination(目的地) is very important.How do the birds arrange their date of return? Unless scientists find their feathered cell phones, that question will remain a mystery.73. According to the passage we know that ______.A. the birds return at the same time because they arrange the date before they partB. the couples don’t spend their winters together because they wantto live apart for some timeC. the birds use their special feathered cell phones to arrange their dateD. once two birds become a couple they are likely to mate again the next year74. We can infer from the passage that ______.A. black- tailed godwits are loyal to their matesB. black- tailed godwits return home only to spend their summersC. we know how to find and feed black- tailed godwitsD. we know why couples of godwits usually spend their winters in different places75. Which is the best title?A. How Birds Spend Their WintersB. How Birds Spend Their SummersC. Birds Come Back Home for LoveD. Birds Are to Be Protected第二卷(共35分)第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共2014小题,满分2014分)此题要求你对一段文章改错,先对每行做出判断是对还是错,如果说是对的,在该行的右边横线上画一个勾(√),如果有错误(每行不会多于一个错误),则按下列情况改错如下:此行多一个词:把多余词用斜线(∕)划掉,在该行右边的横线上写出该词,并也用斜划掉。

云南省玉溪一中2014届高三5月校统测 文综 Word版含答案.pdf

云南省玉溪一中2014届高三5月校统测 文综 Word版含答案.pdf

绝密★启用前 【考试时间:5月8日9:00—11:30】 云南省玉溪一中高2014届5月校统测 文科综合能力测试 本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,第卷1页至页,第Ⅱ卷页至页。



卷 (选择题,共140分) 1.答题前,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号在答题卡上填写清楚。





在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是最符合 2013年,将建成基于北斗卫星导航系统的地质灾害检测预警系统,对北京市地质灾害点实现全覆盖。



1.甲、乙两地多年平均降水量的最大差值可达 A.49毫米 B.99毫米 C.149毫米 D.199毫米 2.北京市的泥石流灾害 A.发生频率随降水量的增多而增加 B.多分布于西部和北部的高山高原 C.强度与地质构造和地形地貌有关 D.可通过加强监测和预报避免损失 3.北斗卫星导航系统应用于北京市泥石流灾害的预警,是因其能 A.及时发现地面变动,并传输位置信息 B.实时发布灾情信息,有利于救灾减灾 C.分析灾害的成因,提出相应解决措施 D.根据灾害特点,模拟灾害发生的过程 2014年2月10日,国家卫计委宣布上海、江苏等9个省份已通过备案,成为第一批实施“单独两孩”政策的省份。



4.关于图中人口变化的描述正确的是 A.I阶段人口数量大于Ⅱ阶段人口数量B.Ⅱ阶段会出现劳动力严重短缺 C.Ⅲ阶段不会出现人口老龄化问题 D.②和③拐点的出现主要是受政策因素影响 .该省实施单独二胎政策以后,十年内不会对以下各项中产生明显影响的是 A.劳动力的规模 .人口老龄化速度 C.婴幼儿用品消费市场及相关产业D.6.关于我国“钟摆族”的说法,最可信的是 A.郊区的就业机会逐渐增多是其产生的重要原因 B.“钟摆 C.产生的原因之一是大城市房价高 D.通过建卫星城可使城市“钟摆A. 可以有效缓解交通拥堵状况B. 通过增加道路面积C. 图中左侧汽车向郊区行驶 D. 0-18:00时进城方向车道数增加8.右图中 A.①开采矿产来自岩石圈,对水圈无影响 B.②排放的气体是破坏臭氧层的主要物质 C.③可降低温室气体浓度,减弱温室效应 D.④需要在变质或者重熔再生作用下进行 9.若大气中CO2浓度增加,则 A.太阳活动对地球的影响减弱 B.大气对地面辐射的吸收增强 C.石灰岩地貌的侵蚀作用变缓 D.亚寒带针叶林向较低纬扩展 下图为非洲大陆荒漠化示意图。







1.What was hit by a taxi?A. A cat.B. A dog.C. A rabbit.2.What does the man think of the music?A. Noisy.B. Perfect.C. Disappointing.3.What happened to Danny?A. He hurts his arm.B. He caught a cold.C. He fell down some stairs.4.Whose books did the man buy?A. Mary’s.B. Jimmy’s.C. Alice’s.5.What do we know about the woman?A. She won’t go out to lunch with the man.B. She will give the man some money.C. She wants to buy the man a meal.第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。





6.What was the weather like yesterday?A. Sunny.B. Rainy.C. Windy.7.What is the man going to do?A. Prepare some food.B. Get the tent ready.C. Get the bikes ready.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。

云南省玉溪一中2014届高三5月校统测 文综地理 Word版含答案.pdf

云南省玉溪一中2014届高三5月校统测 文综地理 Word版含答案.pdf

绝密★启用前 【考试时间:5月8日9:00—11:30】 云南省玉溪一中高2014届5月校统测 文科综合能力测试 本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,第卷1页至页,第Ⅱ卷页至页。



卷 (选择题,共140分) 1.答题前,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号在答题卡上填写清楚。





在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个是最符合 2013年,将建成基于北斗卫星导航系统的地质灾害检测预警系统,对北京市地质灾害点实现全覆盖。



1.甲、乙两地多年平均降水量的最大差值可达 A.49毫米 B.99毫米 C.149毫米 D.199毫米 2.北京市的泥石流灾害 A.发生频率随降水量的增多而增加 B.多分布于西部和北部的高山高原 C.强度与地质构造和地形地貌有关 D.可通过加强监测和预报避免损失 3.北斗卫星导航系统应用于北京市泥石流灾害的预警,是因其能 A.及时发现地面变动,并传输位置信息 B.实时发布灾情信息,有利于救灾减灾 C.分析灾害的成因,提出相应解决措施 D.根据灾害特点,模拟灾害发生的过程 2014年2月10日,国家卫计委宣布上海、江苏等9个省份已通过备案,成为第一批实施“单独两孩”政策的省份。



4.关于图中人口变化的描述正确的是 A.I阶段人口数量大于Ⅱ阶段人口数量B.Ⅱ阶段会出现劳动力严重短缺 C.Ⅲ阶段不会出现人口老龄化问题 D.②和③拐点的出现主要是受政策因素影响 .该省实施单独二胎政策以后,十年内不会对以下各项中产生明显影响的是 A.劳动力的规模 .人口老龄化速度 C.婴幼儿用品消费市场及相关产业D.6.关于我国“钟摆族”的说法,最可信的是 A.郊区的就业机会逐渐增多是其产生的重要原因 B.“钟摆 C.产生的原因之一是大城市房价高 D.通过建卫星城可使城市“钟摆A. 可以有效缓解交通拥堵状况B. 通过增加道路面积C. 图中左侧汽车向郊区行驶 D. 0-18:00时进城方向车道数增加8.右图中 A.①开采矿产来自岩石圈,对水圈无影响 B.②排放的气体是破坏臭氧层的主要物质 C.③可降低温室气体浓度,减弱温室效应 D.④需要在变质或者重熔再生作用下进行 9.若大气中CO2浓度增加,则 A.太阳活动对地球的影响减弱 B.大气对地面辐射的吸收增强 C.石灰岩地貌的侵蚀作用变缓 D.亚寒带针叶林向较低纬扩展 下图为非洲大陆荒漠化示意图。

云南省玉溪一中2013-2014学年高一下学期第一次月考 英语 含答案

云南省玉溪一中2013-2014学年高一下学期第一次月考 英语 含答案





1.What will the weather be like tomorrow?A.The same as today。

B.Colder than today.C.Warmer than today。

2.When is the train expected to arrive now?A。

At 9:30. B。

At 9:50. C. At 10:05.3.What did the man do?A.He walked out of the restaurant。

B.He asked Emily her age。

C.He suggested Emily was overweight.4.What might have happened to the man?A.He lost his umbrella。

B.He left his suitcase on the plane.C.He missed his flight。

5.What does the woman mean?A.The man was mistaken。

B.The man doesn’t work hard.C.She didn’t get a high grade.第二节:听下面5段对话或独白。





2014云南玉溪高考英语阅读理解专项训练AI grew up in a small town.My father raised chickens and ran a construction company.I was barely 10 years old when my dad gave me the responsibility (责任) of feeding the chickens and cleaning up the stable.He believed it was important for me to have those jobs to learn responsibility.Then, when I was 22, I found a job in Natchbill at a country music club called the Natchbill Palace, I washed dishes and cooked from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm and them went on stage and sang until2:00 in the morning.It wasn’t long before I became known as a singing cook.I had been rejected so many times by record companies that it was hard not to be discouraged.One night, a woman executive (董事) from a company named Warner Brothers Records came to hear me sing.When the show was over, we sat down and talked and after she left, I said to myself it was one more rejection.A few weeks later, my manager received a phone call—Warner Brothers wanted to sign me to a record deal.Soon after, I released my first record in June 1986.It sold over 2 million copies.My best efforts had gone into every job I’ve ever held.It was the sense of responsibility that made me feel like a man.Knowing that I had done my best filled me with pride.I still feel that way today, even though I have become a well-known singer.56.Why was the writer once known as the singing cook?A.Because he was a cook at a country-music club.B.Because he sang for guests while he worked as a cook.C.Because he often sang while cooking.D.Because he liked singing better than cooking.57.Who first recognized his talents and helped make his career successful?A.Warner Brothers.B.His manager.C.His father.D.A businesswoman.58.What made the writer proud of himself?A.His ability to live independently.B.His sense of responsibility in whatever he did.C.His courage in the face of rejections.D.His hard work in his early days.BHOTEL INFORMATIONBaymont Inn uderdale3800 mercial, Ft. Lauderdale.FL 33309Lowest Prices 110% Guaranteed (保证)Room InformationRooms are equipped with Double, Queen , or King bed (s) , smoking or non-smoking based on location and availability. Provided in each spacious guest room is a hair dryer, coffee maker, iron, ironing board, 25’TV and gue st voice mail.Check-in Time:7:00 P. M.Hotel Amenities:Air Conditioned, Free Parking, 24 Hour Front Desk, Pool, Television with Cable, Coffee Maker in Room, Hairdryers Available.Beach Plaza Hotel625 N.Fort Lauderdale Beach Blvd, uderdale, FL 33304Room InformationThe oceanfront accommodations at Beach Plaza Hotel are some of the most affordable on Fort Lauderdale Beach.Each room features direct-dial telephone, cable television and daily maid service.The very affordable efficiency studios even include full kitchens! All rooms surround the private poolside garden courtyard.Check-in Time:7:05 P. M.Hotel Amenities:Air Conditioned, Coffee Maker in Room, 24 Hour Front Desk, Parking, Hairdryers Available, Pool, Television with Cable.Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel3711 N.Ocean Blvd, uderdale, FL 33308Room InformationGuest rooms feature TVs, in-room movies, Internet access, in-room safes, alarm clock radios, hairdryers, refrigerators, microwaves, and balconies.Check-in Time:7:00 A.M.Hotel Amenities:Parking,Heated Pool, Television with Cable, and Coffee Maker in Room.59.Which hotel gives a promise?A.Baymont Inn Ft . Lauderdale.B.Beach Plaza Hotel.C.Baymont Inn Hotel.D.Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel.60.In which hotel parking is the cheapest?A.Baymont Inn Ft . Lauderdale.B.Beach Plaza Hotel.C.Baymont Inn Hotel.D.Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel.61.If you ______ , you will probably go to Beach Plaza Hotel.A.enjoy seeing films without leaving your hotel roomB.are fond of swimming in heated waterC.want to eat food cooked by yourself in the hotelD.are a cigarette smoker62.Which of the following is NOT true to the ads?A.All of the three hotels provide television with cable.B.You can keep your money in the room safe in Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel.C.In Beach Plaza Hotel a 24-hour maid is available.D.While staying in Fort Lauderdale Plaza Hotel, you can surf the Internet.CAbout 1966 or so, a NASA (美国航空航天局) team doing work for the Apollo moon mission took the astronauts near Tuba City.There the landscape of the Navajo Reservation (保留地) looks very much like the lunar surface.Among all the trucks and large vehicles were two large figures that were dressed in full lunar space suits.Nearby a Navajo shepherd (牧羊人) and his son were watching the strange creatures walk about, occasionally being watched over by other NASA workers.The two Navajo people were noticed and approached by the NASA people.Since the shepherd and his son did not know English, they asked the NASA people who the strange creatures were.The NASA peopletold them that they were just men that were getting ready to go to the moon.The shepherd became very excited and asked if he could send a message to the moon with the astronauts.The NASA officials thought this was a great idea so they provided a tape recorder.After the man gave them his message, they asked his son to translate.His son would not.Later, they tried a few more people on the reservation to translate and every person they asked would chuckle (偷偷地笑) and then refuse to translate.Finally, with cash in hand someone translated the message,“Watch out for these guys, they have come to take your land!”63.The appearance of the Navajo Reservation is very similar to that of ______.A.the Tuba CityB.the moonC.the NASA research centerD.the Apollo moon mission64.When the older Navajo heard that the men in front of him were going to the moon, he ______.A.felt frightened and ran away quicklyB.chatted excitedly with the NASA workersC.got on the modern trucks and large vehicles for funD.tried to say something to the moon creatures65.The son did not translate the words his father said because ______.A.he had trouble in understanding his fatherB.the words his father used were too difficult to be translatedC.his father was sending a warning against the NASA peopleD.he believed that the NASA workers could understand their language66.According to this passage, we can know that the shepherd was ______.A.patient and braveB.foolish and impoliteC.humorous and intelligentD.knowledgeable and talkativeDIn summer, millions of people will head for the beach.And while the ocean can be a great place to swim and play, it may also be usefulin another way.Some scientists think that waves could help make electricity.“Have you ever been on a surfboard or boat and felt yourself being lifted up by a wave? Or have you jumped in the water and felt the energy as waves crashed over you?” asked Jamie Ta ylor of the Wave Energy Group at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.“There is certainly a lot of energy in waves.”Scientists are working on using that energy to make electricity.Most waves are created when winds blow across the ocean.“The winds start out by making little ripples (波纹) in the water, but if they keep on blowing , those ripples get bigger and bigger and turn into waves, ”Taylor said.“Waves are one of nature’s ways of picking up energy and then sending it off on a journey.”When waves come towards the shore, people can set up dams or other barricades to block the water and send it through a large wheel called a turbine (涡轮) .The turbine can then power an electrical generator (发电机) .The United States and a few other countries have started doing research on wave energy , and it is already being used in Scotland.The resource is huge.We will never run out of wave power, besides, wave energy does not create the same pollution as other energy sources, such as oil and coal.Oceans co ver three quarters of the earth’s surface.That would make wave power seem perfect for creating energy around the world..Jamie Taylor said that wave power still cost too much money.He said that its effects on animals in the sea were still unknown.Plus, wave power would get in the way of fishing and boat traffic.With more research, however, “many of these problems might be overcome,” Taylor said.“Demand for energy to power our TVs and computers, drive our cars, and heat and cool our homes is growingquickly throughout the world.Finding more energy sources is very important, for traditional sources of energy like oil and gas may run out some day.”In the future, when you turn on a light switch, an ocean wave could be providing the electricity!67.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Wave power costs too much money.B.Wave energy creates the same amount of pollution as other energy sources.C.Wave power affects fishing and boat traffic.D.Wave power may affect marine animals.68.We can infer from the passage that ______.A.finding new energy sources like wave energy is importantB.wave energy is a resource that will never run out and is used all over the worldC.wave power is perfect for creating energy around the worldD.wave power do esn’t create any pollution69.The underlined word “drawbacks” probably means ______.A.regretsB.adventuresC.disadvantagesD.difficulties70.What can be the best title for the passage?A.How to Get Electricity by Waves.B.A Huge Resource of Energy.C.Can Waves Make Electricity?D.The Disadvantages of Wave Energy.EThere are two basic ways to see growth: one as a product, the other as a process. People have generally viewed personal growth as an external (外在的) result or a product that can easily be identified and measured.The worker who gets a rise, the student whose grades improve, the foreigner who learns a new language—all these examples of people who have measurable results to show for their efforts.By contrast (对照) , the process of personal growth is much more difficult to determine, since it is a journey and not the specific signposts or landmarks along the way.The process is not the road itself, but the attitudes, feelings people have , and their caution or courage, as they meet with new experiences and unexpected difficulties.In this process, the journey never really ends;there are always new ways to experience the world, new ideas to try, new challenges to accept.In order to grow, to travel new roads, people need to have a willingness to take risks, to face the unknown, and to accept the possibility that they may “fail” at first.How we see ourselves as wetry a new way of being is necessary for our ability to grow.Do we seeourselves as quick and curious? If so, we tend to take more chances and be more open to unfamiliar experiences.Do we think we’re shy and indecisive? Then our sense of fear can cause us to hesitate, to move slowly, and we think we are slow to adapt (适应) change or that we’re not smart enough to deal with a new challenge.Then we are likely to take a more passive role or not try at all.These feelings of insecurity (不安全) and self-doubt are both unavoidable and necessary if we are to change and grow.If we protect ourselves too much, then we stop growing.We become trapped inside ashell of our own making.71.In the author’s eye, one who views personal growth as a process would ______.A.succeed in climbing up the social ladderB.grow up from his own achievementsC.face difficulties and take up challengesD.aim high and reach his goal each time72.Which of the following can be viewed as the process of personal growing?A.Our manager was always willing to accept new challenges.B.Jane won the first prize in the speech competition.C.Jerry picked up French during his stay in Paris.D.Father’s salary rose from 5, 000 to 7,000.73.For personal growth, the author is in favor of all the following EXCEPT _______.A.being curious about more changesB.being quick in self-adaptationC.having an open mind to new experiencesD.staying away from failures and challenges74.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A.It is not so easy to measure personal growth.B.To try and fail on the new road facing the unknown is unavoidable.C.There are only two ways to see a person’s growth.D.If you are too shy to take any risks in life, you cannot grow up.75.The best title for this passage should be ______.A.Facing New ChallengesB.Growth—Product or ProcessC.Two Basic Ways of GrowthD.Overcoming Internal Fears56-60BDBAA 61-65CCBDC 66-70CBACC 71-75CADCB。









1. What does the woman mean?A. She likes to amuse herself with aircraft at home.B. She would rather go shopping.C. She is going to visit Air and Space Museum.2. How many students are good at basketball according to the man?A. About 20.B. About 40.C. About 80.3. What can we know from the conversation?A. It will be fine tomorrow.B. It is going to be cloudy tomorrow.C. It is going to be icy tomorrow.4. Why isn’t the woman sure whether she can change the or der?A. She has already given the order to the cook.B. The cook has never changed an order.C. She has already given the man his food.5. What will happen to the man?A. He will get his telephone repaired.B. He will get his money back.C. He will get a new telephone.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。



玉溪一中2014—2015学年下学期期末考试高一英语试题命题人:翟冬琴 本试卷分第I 卷(选择题)和第II 卷(非选择题)两部分。



第I 卷(共100分)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。

每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项选出最佳选 项,并标在试卷的相应位置。

听完每段对话后,你都有1()秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读 下一小题。


1. What led to the womans high score?A. Doing a lot of homeworkB. Reading a lot2. What does the man mean?A. They are not likely to get help from Debbie.B. They should help Debbie.C ・ Debbie is ready to help.3. When did the man tell the girl to come to his office?A. In the morningB ・ In the afternoon 4. Which is Steven^s favorite?A. His wife B ・ His money 5. What will be totally forbidden in the class? A. Using mobile phonesB. Eating snacks第二节(共15小题;每小题0.5分,满分7・「分)听下面5段对话或独每段对话或独I 后有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选 项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。

听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小 题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。

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AAs a boy,Tim was much influenced by books about the sea,but in fact by the age of fifteen he had decided to become a doctor rather than a sailor.His father was a dentist and as a result, Tim had the opportunity of meeting many doctors either at home or elsewhere.When he was fourteen he was already hanging around the clinic of a local doctor where he was supposed to be helping to wrap up medicine bottles,but was actually trying to listen to the conversations taking place between the doctor and his patients in the next room.During the war Tim served in the Navy as a surgeon(外科医生).“That wa s the happiest time of my life. I was dealing with very real suffering and on the whole making a success of it.”In California he taught the country people simple facts about medicine.He saw himself as a life-saver.He had proved his skills to himself and his ability to make decisions.Thus,while he was able to tell them what to do,he could feel he was serving them.After the war,he got married and chose to be a doctor in the countryside,working under an old doctor who was popular in the area,but who hated the sight of blood and believed that the secret of medicine was faith.This gave the young man many opportunities to go on working as a life-saver.1.Tim decided to become a doctor at fifteen mainly because.A.his father wanted him to be soB.his father was a surgeon himselfC.he had read many books about medicineD.he had chances to know about doctors through his father2.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.Tim got married to the old doctor's daughter.B.Tim continued working as a surgeon after the war.C.Before the war,Tim worked as a doctor at a local clinicD.While working in California, Tim taught life-saving to the patients.3.From the passage we can infer that TimA.was sent to Europe during the war.B.worked as a surgeon during the war.C.was not afraid of seeing blood.D.decided to give up medicine for faith.B“Tear them apart!”“Kill the fool!”“Murder the referee(裁判)!”These are common remarks one may hear at various sporting events.At the time they are made,they may seem innocent enough.But let's not kid ourselves.They have been known to influence behavior in such a way as to lead to real violence.Books have been written about the way words affect us.It has been shown that words having certain meanings may cause us to react in ways quite foreign to what we consider to be our usual behavior.I see the term “opponent”as one of those words.Perhaps the time has come to delete it from sports terms.The dictionary meaning of the term “opponent” is “enemy”,or “one who opposes your interests.”Thus,when a player meets an opponent,he or she may tend to treat that opponent as an enemy,I remember an incident in a handball game when a referee refused a player's request for a time out for a glove change because he did not consider them wet enough.The player went away to rub(摩擦)his gloves across his wet T-shirt and then screamed “Are they wet enough now?”In the heat of battle,players have been observed to throw themselves across the court without considering the effect that such a move might have on anyone in their way.I have also witnessed a player reacting to his opponent's intentional and illegal blocking by hitting him with the ball as hard as he could during the course of play.Off the court,they are good friends.Does that make any sense?It certainly gives proof of a court attitude which differs from normal behavior. Therefore,I believe it is time we elevated(提升)the game to the level where it belongs setting an example to the rest of the sporting world. Replacing the term “opponent” with “associate” could be a good way to start.The dictionary meaning of the term “associate”is “friend”or “companion.”You may soon see and possibly feel the difference in your reaction to the term “associate” rather than “opponent”.4.What did the handball player do when be was not allowed to change his gloves? A.He refused to continue the game.B.He angrily hit the referee with a ball.C.He insisted that the referee was unfair.D.He wet his gloves by rubbing them across his T-shirt.5.According to the passage,players in a game may.A.throw the ball illegally at the opponent blocking their wayB.keep on screaming and shouting throughout the gameC.1ie down on the ground as an act of protectionD.kick the ball across the court with force6.What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?A.The player's eagerness to winB.The player's bad behaviorC.The player's attitudes towards the game.D.The player's totally different behavior on and off the court7.What can be concluded from the passage?A.Players should be educated to respect referees on the court.B.Replacing the present terms on the court can help reduce violence.C.Raising the referee's sense of responsibility can help reduce violence. D.Changing the attitude of players on the sports field can help reduce violence.CWhen we see well, we do not think about our eyes very often. It is only when we cannot see perfectly that we realize how important our eyes are.People who are near-sighted can only see things that are very close to their eyes, and everything else seems blurry (=unclear). Many people who do a lot of work, such as writing, reading and sewing become near—sighted.People who are far-sighted suffer from just the opposite problem. They can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty in reading a book unless they hold it at arm’s length. If they want to do much reading, they must get glasses, too.Other people do not see clearly because their eyes are not exactly the right shape. They have what is called astigmatism (散光). This, too, can be corrected by glasses. Some people’s eyes become cloudy because of cataracts (白内障). Long ago these people often became blind. Now, however, it is possible to operate on the cataracts and remove them.Having two good eyes is important for judging distances. Each eye sees things from a slightly different angle (角度). To prove this to yourself, look at an object out of one eye; then look at the same object out of your other eye. You will find the objec t’s relation to the background and other things around it has changed. The difference between these two different eye views helps us to judge how far away an object is. People who have only one eye cannot judge distance as people with two eyes.8. When things far away seem indistinct(模糊不清) , one is probably____.A. near-sightedB. far-sightedC. astigmaticD. suffering from cataracts9. We may read this passage on the _________ column of a newspaperA. fashionB. guidebookC. biologyD. science10. Having two eyes instead of one is particularly useful for______.A. seeing at nightB. seeing objects far awayC. looking over a wide areaD. judging distances11. People who suffer from astigmatism have______.A. one eye bigger than the otherB. eyes that are not exactly the right shapeC. a difficulty that can be corrected by an operationD. an eye difficulty that cannot be corrected by glassesDIt is common and usual to see people freak out when they face challenges in their life. We all pass in different life problems and challenges. No one is free of life problems. Only a dead man faces no problem. As long as you are alive, challenges are everywhere.How do you face problems and challenges in your life? Problems and challenges are the building blocks of your personality. They make you who you are. Besides, whether what happened in your life builds or destructs you depends on how you look at it. If you take your problems as troubles, they will be troubles and may cause destruction. If you take them as constructive tools, you are going to be built up on them.Problems are everywhere. No one can avoid them. And they are good too. They open up a different look and opportunity if you are willing to see. When you face troubles, do not frustrate or freak out. Just cool yourself to think in a different direction. Think in a positive way. Every problem has its own good as well as bad sides. Focus on the good one. Look at the bright side.Besides, there is always a good person, perhaps your mom or dad, or one of your friends, right beside you who can turn everything into your best if you are willing to turn to them. No matter what happens, they will be there to help you. Trust them and they will never let you down. All you need to know is that you are loved wherever you are.12. What’s the meaning of the underlined phrase “freak out” in Paragraph 1?A. Feel shy.B. Stay calm.C. Keep up.D. Feel upset.13. In Paragraph 2, the writer implies that ______.A. problems cause troublesB. attitude is everythingC. challenges can be avoidedD. personalities are built on failures14. According to the last paragraph, when we’re in trouble, we ______.A. can only depend on our parentsB. are not aloneC. should only believe ourselvesD. are not confident15. What’s the writer’s purpose to write the passage?A. To encourage.B. To compare.C. To prove.D. To explain.第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。
