RD100系列 V1.0 使用说明书




Mini CentrifugesD1008VERSION201207Contents1 General Information (3)1.1 General Safety Guidelines (3)1.2 Warranty on product (4)1.3 Installation, Relocation and After-sale Technical Service (5)1.4 Other Precautions (5)1.5 Safety Summary (5)2 Introduction (7)2.1 Specifications (7)2.2 Installation Condition (7)2.3 Installation Qualification (8)2.4 Rotor installation (8)2.5 The structure introduce (8)3 Troubleshooting (9)3.1 Alarm Codes (9)4 Electrical Components (9)4.1 D2012 main board (9)5 Replacement of the parts (10)5.1 remove the lid (10)5.2 remove the cover (10)5.3 Remove relevant parts. (10)6 Frequency problem (11)6.1The lock switch failure (11)6.2 The motor failure (11)7 Parts List (12)7.1 Parts List (12)7.2 Parts drawing (13)1 General Information1.1 General Safety GuidelinesWARNING:⏹ This centrifuge is not explosion-proof. Never use explosive or flammable samples. ⏹ Do not install the centrifuge in or near places where inflammable gases are generated orchemicals are stored.⏹ Make sure to prepare necessary safety measures before using samples that are toxic,radioactive or contaminated with pathogenic micro-organisms at your own responsibility. ⏹ If the instrument, the rotor, and or accessories that has been contaminated by solutionswith toxic, radioactive or pathogenic materials, clean it according to the decontamination procedure that you specified.⏹ If the above equipment requires services of Dragon lab or authorized agency of dragonlab, either at the customer’s site, or at the agent facilities, sterilize and decontaminate it in advance. Make sure to notify the service representatives of the use of such materials. ⏹ Do not handle the power cord or turn on or off the POWER switch with wet hands to voidelectrical shocks.⏹ For safety purposes, do not enter within 30 cm around this centrifuge while it is inoperation.⏹ While the rotor is rotating, never forcedly release the door lock.⏹ Unauthorized repairs, disassembly, and other services to the centrifuge except by ourservice personnel are strictly prohibited 。

士林 SDC 系列驱动器 V1.00-01 简易说明书

士林 SDC 系列驱动器 V1.00-01 简易说明书

士林SDC 系列驱动器 V1.00-01 简易说明书SDC-010A2(U)/ SDC-020A2(U)/SDC-040A2(U)/SDC-075A2(U)/SDC-100A2(U)非常感谢您选择士林SDC 系列驱动器。











2. 产品型名 ● 驱动器型名S D C_(1)(2)(4)(3)(5)(6)_(7)x y(1) 驱动器代码:以SD 代表伺服驱动器(2) 机种代码:C (3) 驱动器容量:马达输出功率。

将马达输出功率乘1/10后以三码数字表示.例:020表示200W ;100表式1000W (4) 通讯类型:A :Modbus 通讯,C :CANOpen 总线(开发中) (5) 电源型式:输入电源规格。

2:单相 200~240VAC(6) 安规认证:符合CE 但不符合UL 代码为空;既符合CE 又符合UL ,代码为“U ” (7) 士林定义/市场别/客户别…:例: 市场别:TW 台湾;CN :中国…客户别:A1…ZZ(由英文字A~Z 及数字0~9之组合而成) 其他定义… ●马达型名(1) 伺服马达代码:SM 代表伺服马达 (2) 机种代码:E(3) 惯量分类:依马达惯量代码如下:(4) 马达容量:马达输出功率(5) 额定转速:马达的额定输出转速(6) 编码器型式:士林伺服马达编码器型式((SDC 暂不支持光编))(7) 刹车与油封:马达是否附刹车与油封,依下列代码表示之:(8) 键槽与出线型式:马达是否有键槽及出线型式选择,依下列代码表示之:(9) 安规认证:马达通过的安规认证,依下列代码表示之3.安装环境4.安装及配线说明⑥为不使驱动器的散热效果降低,请务必进行纵向安装:⑥为了确保驱动器冷却所需的通气空间及接线空间,请务必遵守下图中所示的安装条件:·单机安装时:·多台安装时:5.端子接线图士林伺服驱动器电源接线为单相电源,图中,Power ON 为a 接点,Power OFF 与Alarm Processing 为b 接点。

RD 人抗甲状腺球蛋白抗体(ATGA TGAB)中文说明书 100ng

RD 人抗甲状腺球蛋白抗体(ATGA TGAB)中文说明书 100ng





依次加入底物A、B,底物(TMB)在辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)催化下转化为蓝色产物,在酸的作用下变成黄色,颜色的深浅与样品中人抗甲状腺球蛋白抗体(A TGA/TGAB)浓度呈正相关,450nm波长下测定OD值,根据标准品和样品的OD值,计算样本中人抗甲状腺球蛋白抗体(ATGA/TGAB)含量。

【试剂盒组成】1 酶标包被板12孔×4条7 底物夜A3mL2 标准品:100ng/ml0.6mL 8 底物夜B3mL3 20倍浓缩洗涤液20mL9 终止液3mL4 标准品稀释液3mL10 说明书1份5 样本稀释液3mL 11 封板膜1张6 酶标试剂3mL12 密封袋1个备注:标准品用标准品稀释液依次稀释为:100、50、25、12.5、6.25、3.12ng/ml【需要而未提供的试剂和器材】1、37℃恒温箱2、标准规格酶标仪3、精密移液器及一次性吸头4、蒸馏水5、一次性试管6、吸水纸【操作步骤】1、准备:从冰箱取出试剂盒,室温复温平衡30分钟。





















第一章 RD100系列产品介绍一、概述RD100系列微机保护及自动装置是我公司为了适应电力系统各发电厂、变电站、配电站等对继电保护的要求而专门开发的新一代微机型继电保护设备。















二、主要技术指标1、工作环境条件●环境温度:-20°C– +60°C●相对湿度:5%–95%●大气压力:86–106KPa2、主要电气技术参数●电源:交直流两用,DC220V或DC110V,AC85-265V允许偏差±20% ,纹波系数不大于5%●交流电流:额定5A, 或1A(订货注明)●交流电压:100V (线电压)●额定频率:50Hz●功率消耗:直流回路不大于8W交流回路不大于0.5VA●精确测量范围:相电流0.1In – 20In零序电流0.1A –10A电压5V – 170V●测量精度:电流<3%电压<3%●保护动作时间:在1.5倍定值下所有保护固有动作时间不大于50ms●开入回路:直流24V,5mA(装置内部提供)●开出接点:可持续接通DC220V,5A电流(纯阻性负载)3、绝缘电阻、介质强度和冲击电压●绝缘电阻:≥50 MΩ●介质强度:2KV,50Hz,1min●冲击电压:5KV,(1.2/50)µs4、振动符合IEC60255-21-1中3.2.1、3.2.2的有关规定。



1.注意!感電危險!控制器送電後請勿觸摸AC 電源接線端子,以免遭受電擊!在實施控制器電源配線時,請先確定電源是關閉的!FY400/600/700/800/9001.控制器送電前請先確定A C電源裝配接腳位置是否正確,否則送電後可能造成控制器嚴重損壞。

(FY 400為Pi n1, 6;F Y600/700/800/900為P in 1,2)2.送電前請先確定電源電壓與控制器的規格〈AC 85~265或 DC 24V〉相符,否則送電後可能造成控制器損壞。

3.請確認配線接到正確用途〈I n p u t,Ou tp u t,Alar m〉的端子。

4.請選用適合M3螺絲的壓接端子,如下圖所示:5.請勿將控制器安裝於易受高週波干擾、腐蝕性氣體及高溫高濕處〈正常工作環境:0 ~ 50℃,20 ~ 90%R H 〉。


7.熱電偶〈Th er mo co u p le〉引線延長時,請配合該熱電偶的種類,使用補償導線。

8.測溫阻抗體〈RT D〉引線延長時,請選用阻抗值較小者,三線間請使用相同線材。


FY400FY600FY700FY800FY900143.2mm3.2mm螺絲鎖緊扭矩:0.4 N.m (4 kgf.cm)5050AT OUT1OUT2PV 數目前的設定值段顯示器〉SET 定鍵完成時,按下此顯示時,按下此增加鍵增加設定值OUT1AL1m1動作報動作時,紅色〉AL2m2動作報動作時,*Relay SSR G1K1G2Relay 34CLOSE OPENmA,V34TRSRS232151617RD SDSG RS485Dx-Dx+345AL 11819Remote SV91056151617G1G2151719Relay SSR G1K1G2Relay 2CLOSEOPEN mA,V3AL 1TRSRS23211RD RS4851112Dx-RD 891212101112131415Relay SSR mA,VK2G2K1Relay 6CLOSE OPEN mA,VAL 1AL 2TRSRS232141516RDSDSG RS485Dx-Dx+78967812Remote SV14AC 85~265VRelay SSR mA,V Relay 67mA,V AL 1AL 2TRSRS232141516RD SDSGRS485Dx-1718193940Remote SV 1415G1G2313339G1K1CLOSE673132RG1RG23133G1K13132RS2323132RS4853132Dx-Dx+控制器送電後會依序顯示如下:顯示單位( C )及輸入類型( K2 )顯示上下限範圍(0.0 ~ 400.0)開始使用點亮所有LED 及7段顯示器本例設定SV =100 , 操作步驟如下:本例將警報值設定為5 (當PV 高於SV “5” 時 , 第一組警報動作)* 警報模式共有16種 , 請參考"警報模式對照表"* 變更警報模式時,請按 + 鍵5秒 , 進入Level 3(輸入層),設定ALD1參數按 鍵 按 鍵 (自動演算中)(自動演算結束)控制輸出自動演算過程 ATVL=0(自動演算中)(自動演算結束)自動演算過程 ATVL=20可將P ID 參數最佳化 , 以達到更好的控制效果,操作步驟如下:04偏差高警報 (第一次不警報)( :SV :)按下 鍵 按 鍵按下 鍵 按下 鍵 按 鍵按下 鍵 SET 按 鍵 切換至AT SET 按下 鍵 SV文字開始閃動按 鍵 設定成YES按下 鍵後 (AT燈亮)SET1008060100806010080601008060100806010080601008060100806010080601008060100806010080601008060100806010080601008060SETH.CT輸入H.CT輸入Level 1 (用戶層按 鍵及 鍵 5秒Level 1 (用戶層)Level 2 (PID 層)第一組比例帶範圍:0.0-200.0%當P=0時為 ON/OFF 控制第一組積分時間第一組微分時間參數保留自動演算偏移量(Auto tuning offset Value)第一組工作週期(Cycle time 1)第一組輸出遲滯調整(Hysteresis 1)第二組比例帶第二組積分時間第二組微分時間第二組工作週期(Cycle time 2)第二組輸出遲滯調整(Hysteresis 2)第一組輸出間隙第二組輸出間隙參數鎖定範圍:0~3600 秒當I=0時,積分關閉範圍:0~900 秒當D=0時,微分關閉範圍:0~USPL範圍:0~150秒SSR輸出=1,4 ~ 20mA輸出=0,Relay輸出一般設定在10以上範圍:0~1000(ON/OFF 控制用)PV 大於 (SV+HYS1),OFF PV 小於等於(SV-HYS1) ,ON 與 P1 相同與 I1 相同與 D1 相同與 CYT1 相同與 HYS1 相同第一組輸出(加熱側)設定點=SV-GAP1(雙輸出時才需設定)第二組輸出(冷卻側)設定點=SV+GAP2(雙輸出時才需設定)P1=0.0時P2=0.0時* 60秒內未按任何鍵自動回到Level 1 (用戶層)* 任何時候按 鍵2次回到 Level 1(用戶層)A/M回到 P1程序值(Process Value)設定值(Set Value)輸出百分比限制(Output Limit)自動演算(Auto Tuning)第一組警報設定值(Alarm 1 Set)顯示CT 電流值HBA 警報設定值第三組警報設定值(Alarm 3 Set)第二組警報設定值(Alarm 2 Set))(Level 3 (輸入層)回到 INP1範圍:0 ~ 255通訊鮑率(Baudrate)可選擇2400,4800,9600,19200,38400 bps 範圍:-1000~1000範圍:-100.0~500.0PV 與 SV的單位可選擇:C(℃),F(℉),A(Analog)加熱/冷卻模式選擇可選擇heat(加熱),cool(冷卻)控制方式可選擇:PID,Fuzzy 電源頻率可選擇:50,60HZ參數保留可選擇0000,000.0,00.00,0.000(當INP1=AN1 ~ AN5 時使用)主輸入類型選擇(Input 1)類比輸入信號"低點"校正(Analog Input Low Limit Calibration)範圍:-1999 ~ 9999類比輸入信號"高點"校正(Analog Input High Limit Calibration)範圍:0 ~ 9999小數點位置調整(Decimal point)設定值/顯示值低點設定(Lower set-point limit)設定值/顯示值高點設定(Upper set-point limit)遙控輸入/CT輸入"低點"校正(Remote Input Low Limit Calibration)範圍:-1999 ~ 9999遙控輸入/CT輸入"高點"校正(Remote Input High Limit Calibration)範圍:0 ~ 9999第一組輸入警報模式(Alarm mode of AL1)範圍:00~19(請參考警報模式對照表)與 ALD1 相同第二組警報時間調整(Alarm 2 time set) 與 ALT1 相同第三組輸入警報模式(Alarm mode of AL3)與 ALD1 相同第三組警報時間調整(Alarm 3 time set) 與 ALT1 相同警報遲滯調整(Hystersis of alarm) 範圍:0~1000output 1)第一組輸出低點校正(Calibrate the low value of 範圍:0 ~ 9999第一組輸出高點校正(Calibrate the high value of output 1)範圍:0~9999第二組輸出低點校正(Calibrate the low value of output 2)與 CLO1 相同第二組輸出高點校正(Calibrate the high value of output 2)與 CHO1 相同傳送輸出低點校正(Calibrate the low value of output 3)與 CLO1 相同傳送輸出高點校正(Calibrate the high value of output 3)與 CHO1 相同馬達閥門(valve)運轉時間設定範圍:5~200 秒程式執行等待溫度(只適用於可程式控制器)0=不等待其它值=等待溫度0:警報閃爍,99:59:警報持續動作範圍:0~99分:59 秒第二組輸入警報模式(Alarm mode of AL2)第一組警報時間調整(Alarm 1 time set)其它值:警報延遲(delay)動作時間(當ALD=07時,為警報動作時間)警報正逆動作設定可選擇MODBUS RTU、MODBUS ASCII、TAIE可選擇O_81、O_82、E_81、E_82PSL:通訊協定選擇bits:通訊位元選擇通訊機號(ID number)SV 補償(SV compensation)PV 補償(PV compensation)PV數位濾波器(PV Filter)PV數位濾波調整(數值愈大,PV值愈不容易變化)型別尺寸電源電壓電源頻率消耗功率FY400FY600FY700FY800FY90048X48mm 96X48mm 72X72mm 48X96mm 96X96mm AC 85~265V , DC24V (選購功能)50/60 HZ約3VA約4VA 約3VA 約4VA 約4VA 記憶體熱電偶(TC)白金電阻體(RTD)線性電流(mA)2斷電保持記憶體 E PROMK , J , R , S , B , E , N , T , W , PL2 , U , L PT100 , JPT100 , JPT504~20mA , 0~20mA線性電壓(mV,V)0~1V , 0~5V , 0~10V , 1~5V , 2~10V -10~10mV , 0~10mV , 0~20mV , 0~50mV , 10~50mV ,小數點位置0000 , 000.0 , 00.00 , 0.000 (只適用於線性電流、電壓輸入)控制輸出(可設定為HEAT 模式或COOL 模式)繼電器 (Relay)1a 接點1c 接點1a 接點1c 接點1c 接點3A , 220V , 電氣壽命: 100,000次以上(於額定負載下)。



保护动作时间: 在 1.5 倍定值下所有保护固有动作时间不大于 50ms 开入回路: 开出接点: 直流 24V,5mA(装置内部提供) 可持续接通 DC220V,5A 电流(纯阻性负载)
3、绝缘电阻、介质强度和冲击电压 4、振动 符合 IEC60255-21-1 中 3.2.1、3.2.2 的有关规定。 5、冲击 符合 GB/T14537-1993 中 4.2.1、4.2.2 的有关规定。 绝缘电阻:≥50 MΩ 介质强度:2KV,50Hz,1min 冲击电压:5KV,(1.2/50)µs
RD100 系列微机保护技术说明书
6、碰撞 符合 GB/T14537-1993 中 4.3 的有关规定。 7、抗电磁干扰性能 能承受频率为 1MHz 及 100KHz,电压幅值共模 2500V,差模 1000V 的衰减震荡波脉冲干 扰试验。 能承受 IEC1000-4-2 标准Ⅲ级、试验电压 6kV 的静电放电试验。 能承受 IEC1000-4-3 标准Ⅲ级、干扰场强 10V/m 的辐射电磁场干扰试验。 能承受 IEC1000-4-4 标准Ⅲ级的快速瞬变干扰试验。
t T fs ( I I fs ) 1 T fs ( I I fs )2 1
式中: Tfs - 时间常数; Ifs – 反时限启动电流; I– 线路实际运行电流;
RD100 系列微机保护技术说明书
3.3 过负荷保护 过负荷保护可以选择跳闸或告警。过负荷元件监视三相电流,当有任一相电流大于整定值并 达到整定延时后保护即动作。过负荷保护动作时装置自动闭锁重合闸。 3.4 零序过流保护 本装置配置了定时限零序过流保护。零序电流由专用的穿芯零序互感器提供,可以选择跳闸 或告警。 四、主要技术指标 4.1 额定数据 交流额定电流: 交流额定电压: 频率: 工作电源: 5A 或 1A(订货需说明) 100V 50.00Hz 交直流两用,DC220V 或 DC110V,AC85-265V
















●2021.07V1.0.1 更新“10寸设备”章节,增加一个10寸设备。

2020.12 V1.0.0 首次发布。
















RDG100KN RDG160KN 室内恒温器使用说明书

RDG100KN   RDG160KN 室内恒温器使用说明书

sMain display Operating modeRoom temperature Heating modeOutdoor temperatureElectric heater activeRoom temperature in degreesCelsius Cooling modeRoom temperature in degreesFahrenheit Comfort modeButton lock active Economy modeFault indicator * Auto timer modeCondensation in the room *Protection mode:Protection against frostTimer function active Indicator for mode selectionWeekday 1 = Monday7 = SundayAdditional user info, e.g.current time of dayFan modeEscape (Cancel) Automatic fanConfirm (OK)Operating mode buttonFan mode buttonRotary knobManual fan:Low Medium High* Needs to be configured by your HVAC installerChanging the room temperature∙Turn the rotary knob clockwise (+) to increase, or counterclockwise (-) to decrease the current room temperature setpoint. The thermostat changes to Comfort .The setting range is from 5...40 °C; it can be limited by parameters P09 and P10.(for parameter settings, see reverse side).Adjusting the fan speedLow Medium High∙Press the right button repeatedly until the desired fan mode is reached.∙In Automatic mode , the fan speed is automatically selected by the thermostat depending on the setpoint and the actual room temperature.RDG100KN: When the room temperature reaches the setpoint, the fan keepsrunning at low speed (factory setting).RDG160KN: The fan stops (factory setting) or keeps running at low speed (P15).∙In Manual mode, the fan operates independently and always runs at the speed you set: low / medium / high.Note:If desired, you can change the fan mode selector option via P03: Auto / manual, Manual only, orManual including Protection mode.Changing the operating mode of the thermostatPress the operating mode button repeatedly until the symbol points to the operatingmode you desire.1. Protection mode∙In protection mode, the plant stops operating. However, if the room temperature falls below 8 °C, heating is switched on to protect the room against frost.The setpoints for Protection mode can be changed by your HVAC installer if desired:Changes made by installer: Frost protection: _________ ˚C Heat protection: __________˚C2. Comfort mode∙In Comfort mode, the thermostat maintains the room temperature on the setpoint which can be adjusted with the rotary knob3. Auto Timer mode∙In Auto Timer mode, the thermostat automatically switches over between Comfort and Economy mode according to the schedule via KNX bus.If no schedule via KNX is available, then Auto Timer is replaced by Comfort.4. Economy mode∙In Economy mode, the thermostat maintains the room temperature at a lower or higher setpoint, thus saving energy and money.∙The thermostat can be set to Economy mode either by pressing the operating mode button if enabled (P02 = 2), or via an external signal (switch or KNX buscommand) such as window switch, keycard or presence detector.∙The Economy setpoints are factory-set to 15 °C for heating and 30 °C for cooling.They can be adjusted via parameters P11 and P12 (for parameter settings, seereverse side).Important: These setpoints can be set to OFF; which means that the thermostatis not active., i.e. no protective heating or cooling function. Risk of frost!Changing from heating to cooling mode∙The changeover from heating to cooling (or vice versa) is made–either automatically by a changeover sensor, or a changeover switch, or a remote changeover switch via KNX command–or manually by pressing the operating mode button.If the thermostat is configured for "heating only" or "Cooling only", changeover isnot available (see parameter P01)∙To select cooling or heating manually (P01=2), press the operating mode button until the symbol points to the mode you desire.∙With automatic changeover or continuous heating / cooling, symbolsindicate that the system currently heats or cools.∙With manual changeover, symbols indicate that the system currently operates in heating or cooling mode. Symbols indicate that the systemcurrently heats or cools.Timer to extended presence or absenceThe Comfort and Economy modes can be temporarily extended by 0.5 to 9.5 hours using the timer.1. To set the timer, press and hold the operating mode button.While holding the button, turn the rotary knob clockwise or counterclockwise as required. a) Turn the rotary knob clockwise to extend Comfort mode.Display:0...+9:30 b) Turn the rotary knob counterclockwise to extend Economy mode.Display: 0...–9:302.Release the operating mode button and the mode is temporarily changed, indicated by symbol. ∙After the temporary timer has elapsed, the thermostat will resume operation in the operating modeaccording to schedule via bus (if available). Without schedule:– when extended Comfort mode ends → new operating mode = Economy – when extended Economy mode ends → new operating mode = Comfort∙ If Economy mode cannot be selected via the operating mode button (P02 ≠ 2), Protection mode willbe used for extended absence instead. ∙ The temporary timer function is aborted whenever a new setting is made.Temporary timer to extend the Comfort modeWhen the operating mode is Economy (commanded by schedule via KNX or by en external signal. e.g. keycard), it can be set back to Comfort temporarily by pressing the operating mode button. The symbol will appear.Pressing the operating mode button again will stop the timer.This function is only available when parameter P02 = 1. Duration: * P68 = 0...360 min, factory setting = 0 min. * Needs to be configured by your HVAC installer.Reminder clean filter and display of external faultsFIL *AL1 *AL2 * AL3 *This message reminds you to clean the filter on your HVAC equipment.It will appear after ✐ _______ "fan operating hours" and disappear when the thermo-stat is set to ProtectionThese fault messages tell you an external fault has occurred *: AL1 :✐ _______________________ AL2 :✐ __________________________AL3 :✐ _______________________* Needs to be configured by your HVAC installerButton lock∙ If the button lock function is enabled (parameter P14 = 2), then pressing theright button for 3 seconds will lock or unlock the buttons respectively. Locked buttons are indicated with the key symbol∙ If "Auto lock" is configured (P14 = 1), the thermostat will automatically lock thebuttons 10 seconds after the last adjustment.Commissioning (by qualified HVAC installer)To adapt the thermostat to your system and optimize the control performance, a number of control parameters can be adjusted. This can be done during operation, either via the buttons on the thermo-stat or via a commissioning tool.Control parametersIf you wish to change control parameters, proceed as follows:1. Press left and right buttons simultaneously for at least 4 seconds.2. Release them and, within 2 seconds, press the right button again until "P01" is displayed.3. Select the required parameter by turning the rotary knob.4. Press button (OK). The current value of the selected parameter starts blinking and can be changed by turning the rotary knob.5. Press button (OK) to confirm the adjusted value, or (Esc) to cancel the change.If you wish to adjust additional parameters, repeat steps 3 through 5, or press (Esc) to leave the parameter setting mode.Parameter listNo.DescriptionDefault valueSetting rangeAdj. ✐P01Control sequence2-pipe / 2-stage: 1 = cooling only4-pipe: 4 = H and C0 = Heating only 1 = Cooling only2 = H/C changeover, manual3 = H/C changeover, automatic4 = Heating and coolingP02 Mode selection via operating mode button11 = Auto** / Comfort / Protection2 = Auto** / Comfort / Economy / Protection P03 Mode selection via fan mode button 0 = Auto / Manual 0 = Auto / Manual 1 = Manual2 = Auto / Manual / Protection P04 Selection of °C or °F0 = °C0 = °C 1 = °F P05 Sensor calibration0.0 K-3...+3 °CP06 Standard temperature display 0 = Room temp. 0 = Room temperature 1 = Setpoint P07Additional user information0 = No display0 = No display1 = Room Temperature in °C / °F2 = Outside temperature (via bus)3 = Time of day (12h, via bus)4 = Time of day (24h, via bus)P08 Comfort basic setpoint21 °C 5 ... 40 °C P09 Minimum setpoint limitation in Comfort mode5 °C 5 ... 40 °C P10 Maximum setpoint limitation in Comfort mode35 °C 5 ... 40 °CP11 Setpoint for heating in Economy mode (WheatEconomy)15 °C OFF, 5 °C…WcoolEconomy P12 Setpoint for cooling in Economy mode (WcoolEconomy)30 °C OFF, WheatEconomy…40 °C P13 *** Electric heater in cooling mode ON OFF = Disabled ON = Enabled P14 Button lock0 = Disabled 0 = Disabled 1 = Automatic 2 = Manual P15Fan stage in dead zone (Comfort) (RDG160KN only)0 = Disabled0 = Disabled1 = Low speed (heating and cooling)2 = Low speed (cooling only)** When no time schedule via KNX exists, then Auto is equal to Comfort. *** Parameter P13 is only displayed with application 2-pipe with el. heater . All temperature settings can be made in increments of 0.5 °C. ✐ Please record all changes you make!Siemens Building TechnologiesSubject to changeCE1B3191en 2012-09-19。















1.3技术参数2I210xxx控制器2.1外观I210xxx系列门禁控制器支持单门双向或双门单向应用, 支持TCP/IP、CDMA、GPRS 通讯。












1、监测仪在施加工作电源之前,务必确保工作电源在仪表规定范围之内;2、现场安装使用时,电流输入端子严禁开路,电压输入端子严禁短路;3、通讯端子(RS485)严禁施加高压;4、使用时仪表接线方式务必与内部系统设置方式一致;5、与后台通讯时,仪表通讯参数务必与后台一致;不能带电拔插通信接口;6、本手册中的信息如有变动,恕不另行通知;我公司自始至终本着“质量第一服务第一”的宗旨,将以优质的产品、优良的服务奉献给国内外用户!●使用前请仔细阅读本用户使用手册●请注意妥善保存目录一、概述-------------------------------------------------- 1二、型号定义---------------------------------------------- 1三、尺寸对照表-------------------------------------------- 1四、型号与功能对照表-------------------------------------- 2五、技术指标---------------------------------------------- 3六、外形及安装尺寸---------------------------------------- 4七、接线图------------------------------------------------ 6八、操作说明---------------------------- 7(RS485通讯规约、CT/PT设置、开关量操作、变送输出操作)多功能电力监测仪使用手册一、概述多功能电力监测仪具有对电网中电流、电压、频率、有功功率、无功功率、视在功率、电能、功率因数等进行同时测量的功能。

Yokogawa RD100A RD1800 数字程序控制图表记录仪说明书

Yokogawa RD100A RD1800 数字程序控制图表记录仪说明书

100 mm and 180 mm Programmable Chart RecordersRD101A$1465Basic UnitߜDigital and BargraphDisplayߜ1, 2, 3, 4 Continuous Pensor 6 Point Dot PrintingModels (RD1800 Also12, 18, 24 Dot Printing)ߜUniversal InputsThermocouple,RTD, VoltageߜProgrammable InputTypes, Full ScaleRanges, Alarms,Chart SpeedߜPowerful but Easy to UseߜInteractive Displaysfor Easy SetupߜLarge, Bright Dot-MatrixDisplay for Data and UnitsߜCompact—Only 220 mm(8.6") DeepߜSplash Resistant DoorߜFast Dot Printing(6 Channels in asLittle as 10 Seconds)ߜRemovable Terminal Blocks for Easy Wiring ߜOptional Alarms with Remote ControlߜOptional RS-422ACommunicationsߜOptional CE Approval With English, French,German Display Prompts ߜPortable Units(RD100A Only)ߜPen Offset Compensation StandardThe RD100A 100 mm (4") andRD1800 180 mm (7") Series programmable chart recorders provide continuous monitoring of your essential processes. These recorders are designed for ease of use, featuring universal inputs of thermocouple, RTD or voltageinputs. The front panel of each unitfeatures an analog bar graph anddigital display for easy monitoring.The simplified operation of thesepowerful recorders allows for universalinputs that are fully programmablefrom the front panel. Universalinputs allow you to select inputsfreely on-site without setting DIPswitches. Simple front panel keypadoperations program each inputindividually for thermocouple, RTD,DC voltage (mV or V) or contactinput for operation recording.The recorders are designed forease of use. In addition to the clear,easy-to-read analog chart, eachrecorder prints out on the chartpaper the date and time, channelnumber, scale marking, tag number,proper engineering units, chartspeed, alarm value and completeprogram list at programmedintervals or on demand.The RD100A/RD1800 recordersutilize a non-contact ultrasonic penposition transducer for higheraccuracy when compared tostandard pen mechanisms. Thewear-free, brushless DC servo-motor completely eliminates motorbrushes, lead wire and connectors,and is directly mounted to theprinted circuit board. These twofeatures contribute to the long,trouble-free life of these recorders.Optional Communication OutputThe optional RS-422A interface letsyou connect up to 16 units on amultidrop line to a single hostcomputer for datalogging orinput/output of any setup parameter.Versatile Alarm and RemoteControl Functions, OptionalVersatile alarm functions areincluded to select up to four of thefollowing six alarm types: high/lowlimit, deviation high/low limit, rate ofchange high/low. Each can beKTSS-18G-12, $19thermocouple soldseparately. See page A-83.Specificationsprogrammed for each individual channel. Optional alarm relay contact outputs are available with versatile front panel selectable feature. The remote control feature comes with the alarm relays and lets you select any five of the following remote control functions on site through the front keypad: recording start/stop; chart speed change;manual printout start; messageprintout start (up to five user-defined messages).RD1800 shown smaller than actual size.GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions:RD1800: 288 W x 288 H x 220 mm D (11.4 x 11.4 x 8.66");RD100A: 144 W x 144 H x 220 mm D (5.67 x 5.67 x 8.66")Weight:RD1800: 4 pen 9.4 kg (20.5 lb); 6 dot 9.1 kg (20 lb); 24 dot 9.6 kg (21.1 lb) approx.; RD100A 1 pen 3.2 kg (7 lb), 2 pen 3.4 kg (7.5 lb),3 pen 3.6 kg (7.9 lb),4 pen 3.8 kg (8.4 lb), 6 dot 3.5 kg (7.7 lb) approx. Case:Drawn steelFront Door:Aluminum die casting Panel Thickness:2 to 26 mm (0.078 x 1.02")Power:90 to 132, 180 to 250 Vac 50/60 Hz standard; Optional 24 Vdc (-24 V) Maximum Power Consumption:70 VA approximatelyAmbient Temperatureand Humidity:0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F), 20 to 80% RH at 5 to 40°C (41 to 104°F) Memory Backup:Lithium battery to preserve setup parametersINPUTReference Junction Accuracy:Type J, K, T, E, N, J DIN, T DIN:±0.5°C; Type R, S, B, C, ±1°C Temperature Coefficients:Effect of ambient temperatureof 10°C (50°F)Digital Display:Within ±0.1% of rdg + 1 digit Recording:Within digitaldisplay ±0.2% of recording span (excluding reference junction) Measurement Accuracy:±0.3% of recording span Performance Under Reference Operating Conditions: Temperature:23°C ±2°C (73°F ±3.6°F)Humidity:55% ±10%Usable Power Voltage:90 to 132, 180 to 250 Vac 50/60 HzWarm Up-time:30 minutes Measurement Intervals:Pen Models:125 ms/channelDot-Models:RD100A: 2.5 sec/6 channels; RD1800: 2.5 sec/24 channels Input Resistance:DC voltage 2 V and lower ranges, TC ranges: 10 MΩmin.; DC voltage 6 V and higher ranges: Approx. 1 MΩInput Bias Current:10 nA max. (approx. 100 nA on a TC input if burnout detection selected) Thermocouple Burnout Detection: On/off programmable for each channel or more detected as open circuit Maximum Input Voltage:2 Vdc or lower and TC ranges: ±10 Vdc continuous; 6 to 20 Vdc ±30 Vdc continuousRECORDING SYSTEMRecording Span:RD100A 100 mm; RD1800 180 mm Pen-writing:Disposal felt pens (analog recording), plotter pens (digital recorder)Dot Printing:6-colorwire dot recordingRecording Paper:RD1800 20 mZ-fold chart; RD100A:16 m Z-fold chartStep Response Time:RD1800 1.5 sec.;RD100A 1 sec. max.Deadband:Pen Model 0.2%of recording span max.Maximum RecordingResolution:Dot printing models0.1 mmRecording Format:Normal, zone andpartial recordingChart Speed:Pen models: 5 to12,000 mm/h (82 increments)Dot printing models 1 to1,500 mm/h (1 mm steps)Analog Recording Cycles:Pen Models: Continuous Dot PrintingModels: 6 dots/10 sec.; 12 dots/15 sec;18 dots/20 sec, 24 dots/30 sec max.Print Cycle Time:Dot PrintingModels:AUTO mode chart speeddetermines analog recording cycle rate;FIX mode recording is done at fastestanalog recording intervalChart Speed Accuracy:Less than±0.1% (chart running more than1000 mm continuously and relatedto grid of the paper)Message Print Out:5 messages, 16 charactersPeriodic Printout:Engineering units(up to 6 alphanumeric), tag marker(up to 7 alphanumeric), scale marker(0/100%), the measured data printList Printout:Prints listing of range settings, alarmsettings, and other parametersManual Printout:Provides a digitalprintout of measured resultsDISPLAY SYSTEMDisplay: VFD 5 x 7" dot matrix,11 character (RD100A)20 characters (RD1800)Display and Status Indicator Items:Channel number, or tag name, alarmtype, measured value, engineeringunits, time, dateBar Graph Display:Measured Value:1% resolution, left-reference or center-zero bar graph display (individuallyprogrammable for each channel)Alarm Display:(with optional alarmfeature) Alarm setting level indicatorchannel number of channel in alarm(Dot-matrix models only)Alarm:Number of Alarm Levels:Four levels/channelTypes:High, low, high-rate of change,low rate of change, delta high, delta low(rate of change alarm time interval:Measurement interval x 1 to 15)Alarm Indications:Shared alarmindicator flashes. In case of dot-printingmodel, alarm status of channel in alarmis also displayedAlarm Recording:Prints channelnumber, alarm type, and time ON orOFF on right side of chartOPTIONAL ALARM RELAYCONTACT OUTPUT ANDREMOTE CONTROLAlarm Relays:4, 6 (all units), 12 and24 points (RD 1800 only); AND or ORoutput programmable. Energize orde-energize on alarm (shared by allrelays). Hold or non-holdRemote Control:Enables any mix ofthe following to be assigned to fivecontact inputs: output programmable,recording start/stop; chart speedchange; manual printout start;message printout start (up to five)Input Signal:TTL, open collector, contactInput Signal Width: 1 sec. minimumContact Capacity:3 A @250 Vac;0.1 A @250 Vdc resistive loadOPTIONAL COMMUNICATIONOUTPUTRS-422A Interface:Conforms toEIA RS-422A. Can be used to outputmeasured values, input and outputsetup parametersAddresses:1 to 16Asynchronous:Start-stopsynchronizationCommunication System:Half duplexWiring:4- or 5-wireData Length:7- or 8-bitParity:odd, even or noneCommunication Rate:75, 150, 300,600,1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 bpsCommunication Mode:ASCII or binary (measured data only)Communication Distance:500 mCE Option: Meets Europeanstandards for EMI interference.Includes programming prompts inFrench, German and English,see ordering block for pricing.mounting brackets, and complete operator’s manual.OMEGACARE SM extended warranty program is available for models shown on this page. OMEGACARE SM covers parts, labor, and equivalent loaners.Ask your sales representative for full details when placing an order.Ordering Example: RD104A-AR-S4-24V,4-pen recorder with 4 alarm relays and remote control, RS-422A output, and 24 Vdc power supply,$2885 + 380 + 185 + 135 = $3585.OCW-3, OMEGACARE SM extends standard 2-year warranty to a total of 5 years ($350),$3585 + 350 = $3935.(Not Field Installable)CANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.fr Guyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。

OMEGA RD-MV100 200 无纸式记录仪产品说明书

OMEGA RD-MV100 200 无纸式记录仪产品说明书

Paperless RecorderRD-MV102-1Starts at$267314 cm (5.5") TFT Color DisplayRD-MV210-1, $4454, shown smaller than actual size.ߜUp to 12 Channels on RD-MV100ߜUp to 30 Channelson RD-MV200RD-MV204-1Starts at$423426 cm (10.4")TFT Color DisplayߜProgrammable Inputs:RTD, Thermocouple,VoltageߜTFT Color LCD for Better ViewingߜRemovable Storage on 3.5" Floppy Disk, Zip Disk, or PCMCIA ATA Flash Memory Card ߜData Collection Over Ethernet Network (Standard)ߜNetwork-Compatible Sophisticated Software ߜHighly Reliable HardwareToday’s users want mobile capabilities in all types of devices that use information. Cellular phones andnotebook computers are embodiments of this concept of mobility. With the RD-MV100/200 OMEGA is now setting the mobility standard for data loggers.The RD-MV100/200’s internal memory can store approximately 27 hours of continuous data when recording at 1-second intervals with a 6-channel model, or 8 hours when using a20-channel model. The RD-MV100/200is standard equipped with an Ethernet (10BASE-T) port for high-speed communications. The Ethernet capability makes it possible to form a simple network of PCs andRD-MV100/200 units using a hub orconnect the RD-MV100/200 to a LAN.* See page S-18 for details.Common Specifications Removable Storage Medium:3 options (3.5" floppy disk, zip disk, PCMCIA ATA flash memory card) Inputs: DC voltages, thermocouples, resistance temperature detectors, and digital inputs can be mixedRD-MV100 External Dimensions: Approx 225 H x 152 W x 240 mm D(9 x 6 x 9.5")Weight:Approx 4 kg (8.8 lb)RD-MV200 External Dimensions: Approx 338 H x 281 W x 252 mm D(13 x 11 x 10")Weight:Approx 7 kg (15.4 lb)Input Unit:Input Types: Floating unbalanced input, inter-channel isolation; (however, a common terminal is used for b terminals of RTDs)Measurement Intervals:RD-MV102/104/204/208: 125 msRD-MV106/112/210/220/230: 1 second (measurement interval is 2 seconds when the A/D integrating time is setto 100 ms)Input Ranges, Measuring Ranges,and Measurement/Display Accuracy: (Reference operating conditions: 23±2°C; 55 ±10% RH; supply voltage: 90 to 132, 180 to 250 Vac; supply frequency: 50/60 Hz ±1%; warmup time: 30 minutes or longer; performance under conditions, such as vibrations, which do not affect equipment operations)Reference Junction Compensation (RJC): INT (internal)/EXT (external) switching possibleRJC Accuracy:Type R, S, B, C: ±1°C; Type K, J, E, T, N, L, U: ±0.5°C (when measured at 0°C or higher)Maximum Input Voltage:2 Vdc or lower voltage range and thermocouple: ±10 Vdc(continuous); 6 V, 20 Vdc voltage range:±30 Vdc (continuous)Input Resistance: 2 Vdc or lower voltage range and thermocouple: 10 MΩor greater; 6 V, 20 Vdc voltage range: approx 1 MΩInput External Resistance:DC Voltage, Thermocouple Input:2 KΩor lessRTD Input:10 Ωor less per line (equal on all 3 lines)Input Bias Current:10 nA or less Maximum Common Mode Noise Voltage:250 Vac rms (50/60 Hz) Common Mode Rejection Ratio:120 dB (50/60 Hz ±0.1%; 500 Ωunbalanced; negative terminal to ground) Normal Mode Rejection Ratio:40 dB (50/60 Hz ±0.1%) Thermocouple Burnout:SensorON/OFF switching possible; burnout upscale/downscale switching possible CalculationDifference Calculation:Difference calculation between any channels Difference Calculation Range:DCV, TC, RTDLinear Scaling: Scaling range: DCV, TC, RTD; scalable value: -30000 to 30000Square Root Scaling:Scaling range: DCVScalable value: -30000 to 30000Display UnitDisplay Colors: Trend and bar graphdisplays: 12 colors for RD-MV100,16 colors for RD-MV200Background: white or blackTrend Display:Direction:Vertical or horizontalNumber of Windows:Switchingbetween 4 (4 groups)Thickness:1, 2, or 3 dotsWaveform Update Rate:15 or 30seconds (125 ms measurement intervalmodel only); 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, or 30minutes; or 1, 2, 4 hours (per div)Bar Graph Display:Direction: Vertical or horizontalNumber of Windows:Switchingbetween 4 (4 groups)Scale:Can be set in range of 4 to 12Horizontal Bar Graph ReferencePosition:End or centerUpdate Rate:1 secondDigital Display: Update rate: 1 secondOverview Display: Measurement valuesand alarm status on all channelsInformation Display: Alarm summary,message summary, memory information,media information, etc.Other Displayed Information:Memory status, scale values(0, 100%, display ON/OFF switchingcapability); grid (number of divisions canbe set between 4 and 12), and hours:minutes; time (year/month/date,hours/minutes/seconds); trip line(thickness: 1, 2, or 3 dots); Messages(maximum 16 characters, up to 8 types),alarm marksData Reference FunctionData can be played back from internalmemory or a removable storage mediumDisplay Types:Split screen (divided in 2)or whole screen; time axis operations:Zoom-in/-out display, scrollingStorage FunctionsRemovable Storage Drive: A drive forthe following types of media can beselected when you place your order:3.5" floppy disk (2HD), Zip disk, orPCMCIA ATA flash memory cardData Saving Method: Manual saving orauto-savingManual Saving: Saves data when a removable storage medium is inserted Auto-SavingSaving Display Data: Saves data to a removable storage medium periodically (every 10 minutes to 31 days)Saving Event Data: Saves data to a removable storage medium periodically (every 3 minutes to 31 days when trigger is not yet specified)or saves data when sampling period ends (when trigger is specified)Data Saving IntervalsDisplay Data Files: Interval varies according to the waveform update rate Event Data Files:Sampling interval is specifiedEvent Data File Sampling Intervals: RD-MV102/104/204/208: 125, 250,500 ms; 1, 2, 5, 10, 30, 60, or 120 seconds Measurement Data Files: The following two types of files can be created:1. Event data files (to save instantaneousvalues sampled at specified samplingintervals)2. Display data files (to save maximum andminimum values occurring in displayupdate interval in measurement datasampled at measurement interval)The two files can be combined as follows: 1. Event data file (trigger only)plus display data file2. Display data file only3. Event data file onlyData Format: OMEGA®standard format (binary format)Display DataMeasurement Data: 4 bytes per data Calculation Data: 8 bytes per data Event DataMeasurement Data: 2 bytes per data; Calculation Data:4 bytes per data Manual Sampling DataStorage Trigger: Key input or contact input Data Format: ASCII formatMaximum Stored Data: 50 dataTLOG Data (with calculation option only): Time series integrated (totalized) value, maximum value, minimum value, average value, max/min valueStorage Trigger: Data saved when TLOG time is upReport Data (with calculationoption only): Periodic average value, maximum value, minimum value, and integrated (totalized) valueTypes: hourly reports, daily reports, daily + weekly reports, daily + monthly reportsData Format: ASCIIScreen Copying Function Copying Method: Key inputData Format: PNGOutput to: Removable storage medium or online outputTrigger FunctionsEvent Data File: Select FREE, TRIG, or ROTATE mode Display Data + Event Data File:Select TRIG or ROTATE modeTrigger Source: Key input, remotecontrol (optional), alarmPretrigger: Works with event data;0, 5, 25, 50, 75, 95, or 100%Alarm FunctionsMaximum Number: A maximum of4 alarms can be set on each channelAlarm Types: High/low limits,high/low difference limits, rate ofchange increase/decrease limitsRate of Change AlarmTime Interval:Measurement interval x 1 to 15Display: Status (alarm type) andcommon alarm display in digital displayarea when alarm occurs; hold/no holdswitching capabilityHysteresis: ON (0.5% of displayspan)/OFF switching (common toall channels/levels)Outputs: 2, 4, 6, 12, or 24 (12 and 24can be specified for RD-MV200 only)operation excitation/no excitation,hold/no hold switching capabilityStorageStored Information: Alarmoccurrence/clear time, alarm typeNumber of Saved Items:Maximum 120 (most recent)COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONSNetwork Type: Ethernet (10BASE-T)Basic Protocol: TCP/IPFile Transfer Function: Automatictransfer from RD-MV100/200 (FTP clientprotocol); file transfer in response torequest from host computer (FTPserver protocol)Real Time Monitor Function:Real time online monitoring ofRD-MV100/200 measurement data(proprietary protocol)Transferable Files: Display data files,event data files, report data, andscreenshot dataFTP Server Functions: Directoryoperations on a removable storagemedium, file output, file deletion, andinformation on available memory spacein a storage mediumDisplay:RD-MV100: 5.5" TFT color LCD(320 x 240 dots)RD-MV200: 10.4" TFT color LCD(640 x 480 dots)Supply VoltageAC Power Supply: 90 to 132,180 to 250 Vac, 50/60 Hz, 80 VADC Power Supply: 10 to 18 Vdc, 42 VAAmbient:5 to 40°COptional SpecificationsAlarm Output Relay Contacts(/A1, /A2, /A3, /A4, /A5) :250 Vdc/0.1 A (resistance load),250 Vac (50/60 Hz)/3 A. NO-C-NC(excitation/no excitation, AND/OR,hold/no hold switching capability)Serial Communications (/C2, /C3):RS232 or RS422-A/485 (4-wire half-duplex multidrop connection); 1200, 2400,4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 bps; 7 or 8 bits,1 stop bit, odd/even/none parityFail/Memory End Output (/F1):Relay output from back side before starttime specified for display data fileoverwriting or when system abnormalityoccurs (1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100 hourscan be specified)Screw Input Terminals (/H3):(/H3 option for RD-MV100 only;specified suffix code for RD-MV200)The standard clamp input terminals arereplaced with screw type input terminalsMathematical Calculation and ReportFunctions (/M1):Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,square root, absolute value, commonlogarithm, exponent, power, relationships(<, >, =, ≠), logical calculations (AND, OR,NOT, XOR),time series data average;maximum, minimum, and integrated(totalized) values; up to 12 constants can beset for RD-MV100, 30 for RD-MV200Report Types:Hourly reports, dailyreports, daily + weekly reports,daily + monthly reportsCalculation Types:Average,maximum, minimum, and integrated(totalized) valuesRemote Control (/R1):Memory start/stop, event data filetrigger, time adjustment, calculationstart/stop, calculation data reset, manualsampling, message writing, alarm ACKApplication SoftwareDAQSTANDARD (included)DATA VIEWER: Configurationsoftware (see next page)DAQEXPLORER (sold separately)Functions include:Desktop (file transfers, configurations,etc., using operations on desktop); datamonitoring; hardware configurations(online or using a removable storagemedium; data viewer; printout ofplayback data; file conversion to ASCII,Lotus 1-2-3, and MS-Excel formats)RD-MV106-1,$2784, shownsmaller thanactual size.Digital Display Bar Graph DisplayOverview Display Information Display4-Split Screen Data ViewerThe data viewer can be used to convert fileformats and play back data files saved onthe RD-MV100/RD-MV200 (event data,display data, TLOG data files), and data filestransferred to a file server using a protocolsuch as FTP (event data, display data,TLOG data files); the file conversionfunctions let you convert RD-MV100/200data files to ASCII format, as well as theformats of off-the-shelf spreadsheetprograms such as Lotus 1-2-3 andMS-ExcelConfiguration SoftwareThe configuration software can be used toenter various RD-MV100/200 configurations Display TypesCANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.fr Guyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。

施耐德SITRANS RD100产品概述说明书

施耐德SITRANS RD100产品概述说明书
of loop required
The RD100 is very versatile. It can be installed indoors or outdoors, in hot or cold environments, and in safe or hazardous areas. It has been approved by FM and CSA as Intrinsically Safe and nonincendive, and operates from -40 to +85 ºC (-40 to +185 ºF), adding only 1 V to the loop. Calibration consists of a quick two-step process involving the adjust­ ment of only two non-interacting potentiometers. • Key Applications: remotely displays process variables in level,
and G
• 2 inch (5.08 cm) pipe mounting kit (zinc plated or stainless steel)
• Panel mounting kit
Dimensional drawings
RD100 - front view D
Wall mounting holes beneath cover screws
S+ S- S- S+
Loop jumper (remove when display PCB is connected)



New security feature uses magnetic stylus (included) for keypad activation. No accidental button presses. Perfect for dirty hands or if wearing glovesU L arge Multicolor Backlit Display with 25 mm (1") Digits Readable From Over 10.7 m (35')U U p to ±0.2°C (±0.3°F) or ±0.1% Rdg Accuracy U C onnects Directly to3-Wire Pt100 RTD Sensors U U ser Scaleable 4 to 20 mA , 0 to 5 or 0 to 10 Vdc Analog Output Standard U P owered by Internal Battery or External DC Power Supply U I ncluded Setup andService Software Allows for Fast Maintenance and Calibration via USB Connection U W ireless Transmitter Option Sends Readings to Remote Locations and Allows for PC-Based Chart Recording and Data Logging U L ow Power Operation and Sleep Mode for Long Battery Life U D isplay BacklightChanges from Green to Blue for Low Alarm and from Green to Red for High AlarmDigital RTD Thermometer316 SS Enclosure for Wash-Down and Marine ApplicationsDTG-RTD100 SeriesA v a i l ab l e w i t h B u i l t -I n W i r e l e s sT r a n s m i t t e r O pt i o nDTG-RTD100-1/4-600-E-W-ABwith angle bracket and wireless transmitter option,shown actual size.L a r g e 25 m m(1") D i g i t sAntenna connection for wireless option.A n g l e Br ac k e t O p t i o n f o rF l e x i b l e U s emonitoring, chart recording and data logging. A variety of user-configurable options and settings include: sample interval, units and backlight.reading at distances up to 10.7 m (35') easy. Models are available with or without integral standard sensors. Standard features include: internal battery external DC power supply operation, analog output and user programmable alarms. The wireless transmitter option allows for remoteOMEGA’s new DTG-RTD100 Thermometer Series features a rugged 316 SS enclosure that is designed specifically for wash-down and marine applications. The large backlit LCD display incorporates both large 25 mm (1") digits and a 25 segment bar graph that makeMagnetic stylus (included).NSpecificationsRange: -51 to 538°C (-60 to 1000°F) (depending on sensor selected)Accuracy: ±0.2°C (±0.3°F) or ±0.1% of readingResolution: 0.1°C (0.1°F)Operating Environment: -40 to 70°C (-40 to 158°F) 5 to 100% RH non-condensingRTD Probe/Sensor Input: Pt100, 3-wireDisplay Type: LCD with selectable backlightDisplay Digits: 4 digits, 9999 counts Character Height: 25.4 mm (1.0")Computer Interface: USB (one programming cable included)Sample/Display Interval: User adjustable from 0.375 to 30 seconds, preset to 1/secondPower: 3.6V lithium, 8.5 Ah capacity (“C” cell) included; 12 to 24 Vdc Battery Life (Typical): 1 year* Analog Output: User selectable0 to 5 Vdc, 0 to 10 Vdc, or 4 to 20 mA; Requires external 12 to 24 Vdc power supply for operationEnclosure: 316 stainless steel housing, ABS center gasketEnclosure Finish: Brushed 316 stainless steelEnclosure Rating: NEMA 4X (IP65)Settings (USB/Software)Units: °F, °C, KAlarms: User selectable “high” and “low” alarm limitsAnalog Output: User selectable scaling Backlight: On/off, or 10 second, 30 second, 1 minute, 5 minuteWireless Transmitter (Optional): Channel number, transmission rate, alarms, sensor offset, chart recording, data logging Dimensions:115.1 H* x 114.8 W x 74.2 mm D (4.53* x 4.52 x 2.92")(*height not including sensor)Weight: 0.72 kg (1.59 lb)Wireless Option SpecificationsTransmit Sample Rate:User programmable from 1 sample/ 2 minutes to 1 sample/every 2 seconds Radio Frequency (RF) Transceiver Carrier: ISM 2.4 GHzRF Output Power: 10 dBm (10 mW)Range of RF Link: O utdoor Line of Sight: Up to 120 m (400')Indoor/Urban: Up to 40 m (130') Software (Included Free): Requires Windows ® XP/Vista/7 (32- and 64-bit)Internal Battery: Two 3.6V lithium, 8.5 Ah capacity (“C” cell) included Data Transmitted to Host: Temperature reading, ambient temperature reading, RF transmit strength and battery levelReceive data from up to 48 transmitters, and provide a scalable retransmitted, hard wired analog output for 4 user selected transmitters in your system.UWTC-REC4 receiver UWTC-REC1Receive data from up to 48 transmitters, powered directly by the USB connection on yourcomputer.Wireless ReceiversTemperature Units (°C/°F)Large 25 mmReceiver/host with ethernet is compatible with UWTC and UWRTD connectors, transmitters and wireless probe assemblies. Connects directly toyour network or the Internet—no PC required!UWTC-REC2-D with analog output and display.design, Pt100 sensor with M12 male connector, stainless steel construction and 11⁄2" 16AMP cap, standard lengths from 3 to 6". Temperature range -50 to 200°C (-58 to 392°F).Probe sold separately.Probe sold separately.Probe sold separately.Temperature range -50 to 260°C (-58 to 500°F).heavy-duty design, Pt100 sensor with M12 male connector, stainless steel construction and 11⁄2" 16AMP cap, standard lengths from 3 to 6". Temperature range -50 to 200°C (-58 to 392°F).74-0574-05use with Remote SensorOptional Cables with M12C Connectors forRemote Sensor ConnectionDTG-RTD100-M12-M shown smaller thanactual size.General purpose M12 style cable with stripped leads and additional mating M12 field installable connector included.M12C-PVC-4-S-M-S-F-2, with Rugged PVC jacketed cables for wash-down Female model (-F) recommended forwashdown applications.O p t i o n a l W a l lM o u n t i n g B r a c k e tA v a i l a b l e UWTC-REC122 )DTG-RTD100 shown with integral industrialprobe and angle bracket option.DTG-RTD100 shown with M12 probe, soldseparately.NMagnetic stylus (included).Integral sensor.DTG-RTD100-M12-F with PR-21B-3-100-A-1/4-0600-M12 sensor, sold separately, shownsmaller than actual size.Purchase the DTG-100 with a 1⁄8 or 1⁄4" diameter industrial sensor attached or use the DTG-RTD100-M12-Fconfiguration to affix any M12style probe.Standard 304 or 316 stainless steel models–260L SeriesUniversal Angle Bracket OptionAntenna connection for wireless option.Integral sensor.DTG-RTD100-1/4-600-E-W, sensor included, shown smaller than actual size.Digital RTD Thermometer as an Integral Sensor1⁄8" or 1⁄4" dia, industrial sensor, 316 stainless steel construction, and 1⁄2 x 1⁄2 NPT fitting, temperature range -51 to 538°C (-60 to 1000°F).Ordering Example:DTG-RTD100-1/4-400-E, comes complete with thermometer and 4" L integral sensor.* Specify probe length; “300” for 3", “400” for 4", “500” for 5", or “600” for 6".** Specify analog output signal: “V1” for 0 to 5 Vdc; “V2” for 0 to 10 Vdc, “TC” for Type K thermocouple, or “MA” for 4 to 20 mA signal.To order with angle bracket option, add suffix “-AB” to model number for additional cost.To order with wireless transmitter option, add suffix “-W” to model number for additional cost.Note: Units with the wireless option require a UWTC series receiver or transceiver to operate.Ordering Examples: DTG-RTD100-1/4-600-E-W-AB, RTD meter with integral Pt100, 6" long, 1⁄4" diameter industrial probe with angle bracket and wireless options, and UWTC-REC1, 48-channel USB receiver.DTG-RTD100-M12-M , RTD meter with male M12 connector.。



Programmable Chart Recorders 100 and 180 mmRD101B SeriesU D igital and BarGraph DisplayU1, 2, 3, 4 Continuous Pensor 6-Point Dot PrintingModels (RD1800B AlsoHas 12-, 18-, 24-DotPrinting)U U niversal Inputs:Thermocouple,RTD, VoltageU P rogrammable InputTypes, Full ScaleRanges, Alarms,Chart SpeedU Powerful but Easy to UseU I nteractive DisplaysMake Setup EasyU L arge, Bright Dot-MatrixDisplay for Data and UnitsU C ompact—Only 220 mm(8.6") DeepU Splashproof Front DoorU F ast Dot Printing—6 Channels in asLittle as 10 SecondsU R emovable TerminalBlocks for Easy WiringU O ptional Alarms with Remote ControlU O ptional RS422A/RS485 or EthernetCommunicationsU Pen Offset CompensationThe RD100B 100 mm (4") andRD1800B 180 mm (7") Series programmable chart recorders are easy to use. They feature universal thermocouple, RTD, and DC voltage (mV or V) inputs, as well as an analog bar graph and a digital display.Each recorder can print out—at programmed intervals or ondemand—the date and time,channel number, scale marking,tag number, proper engineeringunits, chart speed, alarm value,and complete program list.The non-contact, ultrasonicpen-position transducer is moreaccurate than standard penmechanisms. The wear-free, brushlessDC servo-motor eliminates the needfor motor brushes, lead wire, andconnectors, and is directly mountedto the printed circuit board. These2 features contribute to the long,trouble-free life of these recorders.Optional Communication OutputThe optional RS422A/RS485or Ethernet interface lets theuser connect up to 32 units ona multidrop line to a single hostcomputer for data logging or input/output of any setup parameter.Versatile Alarm and RemoteControl Functions (Optional)The user can select up to 4 of thefollowing 6 alarm types: high/lowlimit, deviation high/low limit, rateof change high/low. Optional alarmrelay contact outputs are front-panel selectable. Also includedis a remote control feature, whichlets the user select any 5 of thefollowing functions through the frontkeypad: recording start/stop; chartspeed change; manual printoutstart; message printout start (up to5 user-defined messages).RD106B with KTSS-18G-12 thermocouple,sold separately, shown smaller than actualsize. See Type C W5%-R/W-26%; J DIN, T DIN: DIN 43760.Pt100: JIS C 1604-1989, JIS C 1606-1989, IEC 751, DIN IEC 751.JPt100 JIS C 1604-1981, JIS C 1606-1989.RD1824B shown smaller than actual size.General SpecificationsDimensions:RD1800B: 288 W x 288 H x 220 mm D (11.4 x 11.4 x 8.66")RD100B: 144 W x 144 H x 220 mm D (5.67 x 5.67 x 8.66")Weight:RD1800B: 6 dot, 8.4 kg (20 lb); 24 dot, 9.0 kg (20 lb) approx RD100B: 1 pen, 2.1 kg (4.5 lb); 2 pen, 3.4 kg (7.5 lb); 3 pen, 3.6 kg (7.9 lb); 4 pen, 2.4 kg (6.9 lb); 6 dot, 2.5 kg (5.5 lb) approx Case: Drawn steelFront Door: Aluminum die casting Panel Thickness:2 x 26 mm (0.078 x 1.02")Power: 90 to 132, 180 to 250 Vac, 50/60 Hz standardMaximum Power Consumption: Approximately 40 VA Ambient Temperatureand Humidity: 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F), 20 to 80% RH @ 5 to 40°C (41 to 104°F)Memory Backup: Lithium batteryInputReference Junction Accuracy:Type J, K, T, E, N, J DIN, T DIN: ±0.5°C; Type R, S, B, C: ±1°CTemperature Coefficients: Effect of ambient temperature of 10°C (50°F) Digital Display:Within ±0.1% rdg + 1 digit Recording: Within digitaldisplay ±0.2% of recording span (excluding reference junction)Performance Under Reference Operating Conditions:Temperature: 23 ±2°C (73 ±3.6°F)Humidity: 55 ±10%Usable Power Voltage: 90 to 132 or 180 to 264 Vac, 50/60 Hz Warm-Up Time: 30 minutes Measurement Intervals:Pen Models: 125 ms/channelDot Models: RD100B: 1 s/6 channels; RD1800B: 2.5 s/6 channelsInput Resistance: DC voltage 200 mV and lower ranges; T/C ranges: 10 M Ω min; DC voltage 2V and higher ranges: approx 1 M ΩInput Bias Current: 10 nA max (approximately 100 nA on athermocouple input if burnout detection selected)Thermocouple Burnout Detection: On/off programmable for each channel or more detected as open circuit 1 to 5 V Burnout: Less than 0.2VMaximum Input Voltage: 200 mV or lower and TC, RTS, DI ranges: ±10 Vdc continuous; 2 Vdc or greater: ±6 Vdc continuousRecording SystemRecording Span: RD100B: 100 mm RD1800B: 180 mmPen-Writing: Disposable felt pens (analog recording), plotter pens (digital recording)Dot Printing:6-color wire dot recording Recording Paper:RD1800: 20 m Z-fold chart RD100B: 16 m Z-fold chart Step Response Time: RD1800: 1.5 s RD100B: 1 s maxDeadband: Pen models 0.2% of recording span max Maximum RecordingResolution: Dot-printing models 0.1 mm Recording Format:Normal, zone and partial recording Chart Speed:Pen Models: 5 to 12,000 mm/h (82 increments)Dot-Printing Models: 1 to 1500 mm/h (1 mm steps)Analog Recording Cycles: Pen Models: ContinuousDot Printing Models: 6 dots/10 s; 12 dots/15 s; 18 dots/20 s, 24 dots/30 s maxPrint Cycle Time—Dot Printing Models: Auto mode chart speeddetermines analog recording cycle rate; fix mode recording is done at fastest analog recording intervalChart Speed Accuracy: Less than ±0.1% (chart running more than 1000 mm continuously and related to grid of the paper)Message Printout:5 messages, date/time and message up to 16 charactersPeriodic Printout: Engineering units (up to 6 alphanumeric), tag marker (up to 7 alphanumeric), scale marker (0/100%), the measured data print List Printout:Prints listing of range settings, alarm settings and other parametersManual Printout: Provides a digital printout of measured resultsDisplay SystemDisplay:RD100B: VFD 254 x 406 mm (10 x 16") dot matrixRD1800B: 457 x 406 mm (18 x 16") dot matrixDisplay: Selectable display screen Bar Graph Display: Measured value is 1% resolution, left-reference orcenter-zero bar graph display (individually programmable for each channel)Alarms:Display: Alarm setting level indicator; channel number (dot-matrix models only)Levels: 4 levels/channelTypes: High, low, high rate of change, low rate of change, delta high, delta low (rate of change alarm time interval: measurement interval x 1 to 15)Indications: Shared alarm indicator flashes; in dot-printing models, alarm status of alarm channel is also displayedRecording: Prints channel number, alarm type and time on or off on right side of chartOptional Alarm Relay Contact Output and Remote ControlAlarm Relays: 2, 4, 6 (all units), 12 and 24 points (RD1800 only); outputs programmable; energize or de-energize (all relays); hold or non-hold Remote Control: Enables any mix of the following to be assigned to 5 contact inputs: output programmable, recording start/stop; chart speed change; manual printout start; alarm acknowledge, time adjust; computation start/stop, computation restate; message printout start (up to 5)Input Signal: TTL, open collector, contactInput Signal Width: 1 second minimum Contact Capacity: 3 A @ 250 Vac; 0.1 A @ 250 Vdc resistive loadOptional Communication OutputRS422A/RS485: Conforms to EIA RS422A; can be used to outputmeasured values, input and output setup parametersAddresses: 1 to 32Asynchronous:Start-stop synchronizationCommunication System: Half duplex Wiring: 5-wireData Length: 7 or 8-bit Parity: odd, even or noneCommunication Rate: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19,200, 38,400 baud Communication Mode:ASCII or binary (measured data only)Communication Distance: 1.2 km Ethernet Interface: Electrical and mechanical conformance to IEE8023Transmission Media: 10 Base-T Protocol: TCP, IP, UDP, ICMP, ARP CE Option: Meets Europeanstandards for EMI interferenceSM of 5 years.OMEGACARE SM extended warranty program is available for models shown on this page.OMEGACARE SM covers parts, labor and equivalent loaners. Ask your sales representative for full details when placing an order.。

RD100 Remote Display 控制图- July 2007说明书

RD100 Remote Display 控制图- July 2007说明书

RD100 Remote Display - Approval Connections Control DrawingUsing single or dual channel intrinsic safety7ML19985JY01SITRANS RD100 – CONTROL DRAWING July 2007Calibrator Connected to main board with no backlightJ2 - Decimal Point Location Selection R4 - HI Calibration Coarse Control R5 - HI Calibration Fine Control R6 - LO Calibration Coarse ControlR7 - LO Calibration Fine ControlControl loop connected to main board with backlightField wiring is made to the back side of the main board which is mounted in the enclosure.WARNING: Electrostatic hazard. Clean only with a moist cloth. Protect enclosure from exposure to chemical solvents and exces-sive ultraviolet (UV) light (such as sunlight).Control loop connected to main board without backlightField wiring is made to the back side of the main board which is mounted in the enclosure.WARNING: To prevent damage to electronic components caused by electrostatic discharge, a grounding strap should be worn when servicing the display.Calibration connectionsTo access the input terminals, remove the enclosure cover and the display PCB.1. Loosen the four screws on the enclosure cover and remove the cover.2. Completely loosen both thumb screws that hold the main board to the enclosure.3. Turn the main board over to gain access to the reverse side.4. Next, connect a calibrated current source as shown in Calibrator connected to mainboard with no backlight above.CalibrationLO and HI coarse and fine calibration controls are located below the display (Calibrator connected to main board with no backlight above)1. Apply a signal equal to 4 mA and adjust the LO coarse control followed by the LOfine control to display the desired reading.2. Apply a signal between 16 and 20 mA and adjust the HI controls to display thedesired reading.3. Complete the calibration procedure by making any minor adjustments to the LO andHI fine controls.Loop connectionsDisconnect power to the loop and install the meter as illustrated in either Control loop connected to main board with backlight or Control loop connected to main board without backlight above. Connect the negative terminal to S- to disable the backlight option or connect it to B- to enable the backlight option. Replace the enclosure cover.Removing display PCB from the loopThe display PCB cannot be removed from the loop as there is no separate loop PDB in the CE Marked version of the SITRANS RD100.For calibration, a calibrated current source and a screwdriver are required.Note: Except where noted, all specifications apply to operation at +25 °C (+77 °F).Display• 1.1 “ (27.9 mm) high LCD, numeric display range from -1000 to 1999• Optional backlightMaximum Voltage Drop• 1 V at 20 mA• 4 V at 20 mA with optional backlight activeCalibration• Four-step coarse and fine control; non-interacting zero and spanApprovals• CE MarkedNote: This product is not approved by either FM nor CSANote: The information contained here concerns only the SITRANS RD100 CEversion. For additional information, please consult the complete RD100 instruction manual on the enclosed CD.LIM685ASI_A - 05/16。

奥马OSP 100系列移动红外温度计用户指南说明书

奥马OSP 100系列移动红外温度计用户指南说明书

OSP 100 seriesPortable Infrared ThermometerUser’s Guidee-mail:**************O M E G A E N G I N E E R I N G , I N C . w a r r a n t s t h i s u n i t t o b e f r e e o f d e f e c t s i n m a t e r i a l s a n d w o r k m a n s h i p f o r a p e r i o d o f 13 m o n t h s f r o m d a t e o f p u r c h a s e . O M E G A ’s W a r r a n t y a d d s a n a d d i t i o n a l o n e (1) m o n t h g r a c e p e r i o d t o t h e n o r m a l o n e (1) y e a r p r o d u c t w a r r a n t y t o c o v e r h a n d l i n g a n d s h i p p i n g t i m e . T h i s e n s u r e s t h a t O M E G A 's c u s t o m e r s r e c e i v e m a x i m u mc o v e r a g e o n e a c h p r od u c t.I f t h e u n i t m a l f u n c t i o n s , i t m u s t b e r e t u r n e d t o t h e f a c t o r y f o r e v a l u a t i o n . O M E G A 's C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e D e p a r t m e n t w i l l i s s u e a n A u t h o r i z e d R e t u r n (A R ) n u m b e r i m m e d i a t e l y u p o n p h o n e o r w r i t t e n r e q u e s t. U p o n e x a m i n a t i o n b y O M E G A , i f t h e u n i t i s f o u n d t o b e d e f e c t i v e i t w i l l b e r e p a i r e d o r r e p l a c e d a t n o c h a r g e . O M E G A 's W A R R A N T Y d o e s n o t a p p l y t od e f e c t s r e s u l t i n g f r o m a n y a c t i o n o f t h e p u r c h a s e r , i n c l u d i n g b u t n o t l i m i t e d t o m i s h a n d l i n g , i m p r o p e r i n t e r f a c i n g , o p e r a t i o n o u t s i d e o f d e s i g n l i m i t s , i m p r o p e r r e p a i r , o r u n a u t h o r i z e d m o d i f i c a t i o n . T h i s W A R R A N T Y i s V O I D i f t h e u n i t s h o w s e v i d e n c e o f h a v i n g b e e n t a m p e r e d w i t h o r s h o w s e v i d e n c e o f b e i n g d a m a g e d a s a r e s u l t o f e x c e s s i v e c o r r o s i o n ;o r c u r r e n t , h e a t , m o i s t u r e o r v i b r a t i o n ; i m p r o p e r s p e c i f i c a t i o n ; m i s a p p l i c a t i o n ; m i s u s e o r o t h e r o p e r a t i n g c o n d i t i o n s o u t s i d e o f O M E G A 's c o n t r o l. C o m p o n e n t s w h i c h w e a r a r e n o t w a r r a n t e d , i n c l u d i n g b u t n o t l i m i t e d t o c o n t a c t p o i n t s ,f u s e s , a n d t r i a c s .O M E G A i s p l e a s e d t o o f f e r s u g g e s t i o n s o n t h e u s e o f i t s v a r i o u s p r o d u c t s , H o w e v e r , O M E G A n e i t h e r a s s u m e s r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r a n y o m i s s i o n s o r e r r o r s n o r a s s u m e s l i a b i l i t y f o r a n y d a m a g e s t h a t r e s u l t f r o m t h e u s e o f i t s p r o d u c t s i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d b y O M E G A , e i t h e r v e r b a l o r w r i t t e n . O M E G A w a r r a n t s o n l yt h a t t h e p a r t s m a n u f a c t u r e d b y i t w i l l b e a s s p e c i f i e d a n d f r e e o f d e f e c t s . O M E G A M A K E S N O O T H E RW A R R A N T I E S O R R E P R E S E N T A T I O N S O F A N Y K I N D W H A T S O E V E R , E X P R E S S E D O R I M P L I E D , E X C E P T T H A T O F T I T L E , A N D A L L I M P L I E D W A R R A N T l E S I N C L U D I N G A N Y W A R R A N T Y O F M E R C H A N T A B I L I T Y A N D F I T N E S SF O R A P A R T l C U L A R P U R P O S E A R E H E R E B Y D I S C L A I M E D . L I M I T A T l O N O F L I A B I L I T Y : T h e r e m e d i e s o f p u r c h a s e r s e t f o r t h h e r e i n a r e e x c l u s i v e a n d t h e t o t a l l i a b i l i t y o f O M EG A w i t h r e s p e c t t o t h i s o r d e r , w h e t h e r b a s e d o n c o n t r a c t , w a r r a n t y , n e g l i g e n c e , i n d e m n i f i c a t i o n , s t r i c t l i a b i l i t y o r o t h e r w i s e , s h a l l n o t e x c e e d t h ep u r c h a s e p r i c e o f t h e c o m p o n e n t u p o n w h i c h l i a b i l i t y i s b a s e d . I n n o e v e n t s h a l l O M E G A b e l i a b l e f o rc o n s e q u e n t i a l , i n c ide n t a l o r s p e c i a l d a m a g e s .C O ND I T I O N S :E q u i p m e n t s o l d b y O M E G A i s n o t i n t e n d e d t o b e u s e d , n o r s h a l l i t b e u s e d : (1) a s a ”B a s i c C o m p o n e n t ” u n d e r 10 CF R 21 (N R C ), u s e d i n o r w i t h a n y n u c l e a r i n s t a l l a t i o n o r a c t i v i t y ; o r (2) i n m e d i c a l a p p l i c a t i o n s o r u s e d o n h u m a n s . S h o u l d a n y P r o d u c t (s ) b e u s e d i n o r w i t h a n y n u c l e a r i n s t a l l a t i o n o r a c t i v i t y , m e d i c a l a p p l i c a t i o n , u s e d o n h u m a n s , o r m i s u s e d i n a n y w a y , O M EG A a s s u m e s n o r e s p o n s i b i l i t y a s s e t f o r t h i n o u r b a s i c W A R R A N T Y /D I S C L A I M E R l a n g u a g e , a n d a d d i t i o n a l l y , p u r c h a s e r w i l l i n d e m n i f y O M E G A a n d h o l d O M E G A h a r m l e s s f r o m a n y l i a b i l i t y o r d a m a g ew h a t s o e v e r a r i s i n g o u t o f t h e u s e o f t h e P r o d u c t (s ) i n s u c h a m a n n e r.D i r e c t a l l w a r r a n t y a n d r e p a i r r e q u e s t s /i n q u i r i e s t o t h e O ME G A C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e D e p a r t m e n t. B EF O R E R E T U R N I NG A N Y P R O D U C T (S ) T O O M E G A , P U R CH A S E R M U S T O B T AI N A N A U T H O R I Z E D R E T U R N (A R ) N U M B E R F R O M O M E G A 'S C U S T O M E R S E R V I C E D E P A R T M E N T (I N O R D E R T O A V O I D P R O C E S S I N G D E L A Y S ). T h e a s s i g n e d A R n u m b e r s h o u l dt h e n b e m a r k e d o n t h e o u t s i d e o f t h e r e t u r n p a c k a g e a n d o n a n y c o r r e s p o n d e n c e . T h e p u r c h a s e r i s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r s h i p p i n g c h a r g e s , f r e i g h t , i n s u r a n c e a n d p r o p e r p a c k a g i n g t o p r e v e n t b r e a k a g e i n t r a n s i t.O M E G A 's p o l i c y i s t o m a k e r u n n i n g c h a n g e s , n o t m o d e l c h a n g e s , w h e n e v e r a n i m p r o v e m e n t i s p o s s i b l e . T h i s a f f o r d so u r c u s t o m e r s t h e l a t e s t i nt e c h n o l o g y a n d e n g i n e e r i n g .O M E G A i s a r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e ma r k o f O M E G A E N G I N E E R I N G , I N C .(C ) C o p y r i g h t 1999 O M E G A E N G I N E E R I N G , I N C . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . T h i s d o c u m e n t m a y n o t b e c o p i e d , p h o t o c o p i e d , r e p r o d u c e d , t r a n s l a t e d , o rr e d u c e d t o a n y e l e c t r o n i c m e d i u m o r m a c h i n e -r e a d a b l e f o r m , i n w h o l e o r i n p a r t , w i t h o u t p r i o r w r i t t e n c o n s e n t o f O M E G A E N G I N E E R I N G , I N C .W A R R A N T Y /D I S C L A I M E RR E T U R N R E Q U E S T S / I N Q U I R I E STEMPERATURE]Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors, Panels & Assemblies]Wire: Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor ]Calibrators & Ice Point References]Recorders, Controllers & Process Monitors ]Infrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCE ]Transducers & Strain Gauges ]Load Cells & Pressure Gauges ]Displacement Transducers ]Instrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVEL]Rotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow Computers ]Air Velocity Indicators]Turbine/Paddlewheel Systems ]Totalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITY]pH Electrodes, Testers & A ccessories ]Benchtop/Laboratory Meters]Controllers, Calibrators, Simulators & Pumps ]Industrial pH & Conductivity EquipmentDATA ACQUISITION]Data Acquisition & Engineering Software ]Communications-Based Acquisition Systems ]Plug-in Cards for Apple, IBM & Compatibles ]Datalogging Systems]Recorders, Printers & PlottersHEATERS]Heating Cable]Cartridge & Strip Heaters ]Immersion & Band Heaters ]Flexibie Heaters ]Laboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND CONTROL ]Metering & Control Instrumentation ]Refractometers ]Pumps & Tubing]Air, Soil & Water Monitors]Industrial Water & Wastewater Treatment]pH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen Instruments Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA…Of Course!M-3269/00OpticsWarnings and Cautions!USE OF CONTROLS OR ADJUSTMENTS OR PERFORMANCE OFPROCEDURES OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFIED HERE MAY RESULT IN HAZARDOUS RADIATION EXPOSURE.!DO NOT LOOK AT THE LASER BEAM COMING OUT OF THE LENS OR VIEW DIRECTLY WITH OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS - EYE DAMAGE CAN RESULT.!USE EXTREME CAUTION WHEN OPERATING THE LASER.!NEVER POINT THE LASER BEAM AT A PERSON.!KEEP OUT OF REACH OF ALL CHILDREN.PATENT NOTICE: U.S. PAT . B1 5,368,392; 5,524,984; 5,727,880; 5,465,838; 5,823,678; 5,823,679. Other U.S. and Foreign Patents and Applications Pending. Manufactured in Italy. Licensed by Omega Engineering, Inc.Distance: Sensor to Object (mm)Distance: Sensor to Object (in)OSP100, OSP100L Nominal D:S = 12:1Nominal D:S = 30:1OSP100L and OSP100LX models onlyOperational Flow ChartLaser pointer enable/disableDisplay external probe/infrared measurementsBacklight ON/OFFHold measurements in lower display. Refresh hold.Circular switch between Average, Minimum or Maximum measurements on lower display.Activate 2nd function keys.Switch engineering temperature units.Set mode for HIGH alarm.Set mode for LOW alarm.Set mode for Emissivity.Increase digit.Decrease digit.Store value and return in normal mode.Probe Lamp Min/MaxHold2nd2nd Probe Lamp Hold Min/MaxSet eHI LO °C/°F +=2nd 2nd ++===2nd+FOOD (HACCP) To control and supervise production phases, handling, transport, and conservation of cooked and refrigerated foods.AUTOMOTIVE To check engine, bearings, muffler , brakes, etc.INDUSTRIAL & ELECTRICAL Bearings, motors, valves, switches, insulation, etc.HVAC/R Heating & cooling systems, thermal insulation, radiators, ducts, etc.Applications2nd +Laser beam mode: Continuous / Flashing (economy mode).Basic functionsEnhanced functionsdisplayed. The High alarm level is to be set by adjusting the [UP] or [DOWN] keys. Press the [HI] key to enable/disable the acoustic alarm. Press the [ENTER] key to store the displayed nd value and return to normal mode. Press in sequence the [2] and [LO] keys to change the Low alarm set point..“LAL” will be seen on the display. The Low alarm level is to be set by adjusting the [UP] or [DOWN] keys. Press the [LO] key to enable/disable the acoustic alarm. Press the [ENTER] key to store the displayed value and return in normal operation mode. When the measurement is inside the programmed alarm band, the “LAL” or “HAL” symbol will be lit and an intermittent beep will be emitted.To take a temperature reading, point the unit at the target you wish to measure. Push and keep the trigger pushed. The current temperature reading is displayed. Last reading before previous switching-off is displayed in lower display. Release the trigger. A “Lock” symbol on the LCD will be displayed and the Hold value is refreshed. OSP100 will remain switched on for 40 seconds. The time will reset if a key is pressed or a serial communication message is sent.. Press and release quickly the trigger to switch the instrument off.The OSP100L and 100XL models can be supplied with a laser sighting with either a “laser dot” to read the target area center or with a “laser circle” to read the target area. Press the [*] key to enable/disable the laser. The message “LAS EN” or “LAS DIS” will be displayed. When enabled, the laser can be switched on by pressing the trigger button for more than 1 sec. The laser will automatically switch off when the trigger button is released. The emission indicator symbol (*) will appear on lower display.nd Press in sequence the [2] and [*] keys to change the laser beam mode between Continuous and Flashing (to increase battery expected life) mode.Press the [Lamp] key to switch back-light on or off.nd Press in sequence the [2] and [°C/°F] keys to change the engineering units between °C and °F.The OSP100 is the ideal tool for periodic process monitoring and for measuringtemperature quickly and easily, by contact with the target or from distance. An optional laser pinpointing method simplifies the identification of the measuring surface area.The OSP100 is the essential tool for the prevention of a variety of temperature related equipment or process malfunctions. It can prevent serious damage to bearings, motors, valves, electrical switches and distribution conductors, cooling or steam traps, thermal insulation deterioration, hot spots, engine performances, extrusion heads, depleted refrigeration system, etc.The instrument is rugged, accurate and compact for fast and easy periodic process monitoring, to control quality and/or supervise production phases of cooked and refrigerated foods.SpecificationsGeneral!Spectral band: 8-14 m m!Display: 3 ½ digit custom backlighted LCD plus labels for max, min, emissivity, Hold, °C, °F, low battery.!Resolution: 0.1°C up to 199.9°C. 1°C otherwise.!Response time: 500 ms!Target pinpointing: sight dot or circular laser sighting (L and XL models only)!Emissivity: adjustable from 0.30 to 1.00!Auto Power Off: Automatic power Off if no key is pressed for more than 40 sec.!Alarm: low and high alarm with visual and acoustic beeper!Signal processing: °C/°F, average, hold, max, min (where applicable)!Accuracy IR channel:range from 23°C to f.s. : ±1% of reading or ±1°C whichever is greater range from -32°C to 23°C : ±1.5°C!RTD channel: Pt100 IEC751 a 385 (probe excluded)Input range: from -32°C to 520°CAccuracy: ±0.3% of rdg or ±0.3°C whichever is greater !Laser sight::Wavelength: 650nm, Beam diameter: 3mm, Beam divergence: <0.5mrad; Laser indicator: asterisk on display!FDA Classification: Class II, Complies with 21CFR Chapter 1, Subchapt.er J !Safety Classification: Class 2!Power supply: alkaline or rechargeable battery !Battery life: 60 h (back light & laser off)!Ambient temperature: -10 to +45°C / 10-95% RH non condensing !Storage temperature: -30°C to +60°C!Dimensions and weight: 180x140x45 mm 380g nettWhen alkaline batteries are used, DO NOT connect power module to input jack.CE certificationsThis instrument conforms to the following standards: EN 50081-1: 1992, Electromagnetic emissions EN 50082-1: 1992, Electromagnetic susceptibility。

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-10°C–+55°C 5%–95% 86–106KPa
RD100 系列使用说明书
2、主要电气技术参数 工作电源: CT 二次额定电流: PT 二次额定电压: 额定频率: 功率消耗: 测量范围:

测量精度: 开入回路: 开出接点:
交直流通用(AC85V-265V, DC110V-240V) 额定 5A,1A(订货时需注明) 100V 50Hz 工作电源不大于 10W 交流回路不大于 0.5VA 相电流 0.1In–20In 零序电流 0.1A–5A 电压 1.2Un 电流 < 3% 电压 < 3% 装置内部提供直流 24V(无需外部电源, 外部 开入只需提供干接点) DC220V,5A 电流(纯阻性负载)
6.2 限时速断保护校验 ① 参照图 1-1 接线;只接入电流; ② 将限时速断保护投入,整定控制字 1 令 KZ1=0000 0010[02]; ③ 按下表整定限时速断过流电流,测量动作电流值,记入下表。保护动作时,测 量 A09-A10 端子导通,面板“TRIP”灯亮。
KZ2(控制字 2)各位定义如下:(1-投入;0-退出) D0 D1 D2 D3
零序出口选择(0-告警;1-跳闸) 低电压保护投退 备用
D4 D5 D6 D7
备用 备用 备用 备用
KZ3(控制字 3)各位定义如下:(1-投入;0-退出) D0 D1 D2 D3 PT 断线告警投退 PT 断线闭锁投退 备用 备用 D4 D5 D6 D7 备用 备用 备用 备用
控制字格式: KZn = D7.D6.D5.D4.D3.D2.D1.D0
RD100 系列使用说明书
KZ1(控制字 1)各位定义如下:(1-投入;0-退出)
D0 D1 D2 D3 速断保护投退 限时速断保护投退 定时限过流保护投退 反时限过流保护投退 D4 D5 D6 D7 反时限过流曲线选择(0-一次;1-二次) 过负荷保护投退 过负荷出口选择(0-告警;1-跳闸) 备用
RD100 系列使用说明书

2 倍额定电流: 10 倍额定电流: 40 倍额定电流: 1.2 倍额定电压:
连续工作 10S 1S 连续工作
三、RD100 系列装置安装开孔尺寸
RD100 系列使用说明书
第一章 RD100F 型微机线路保护装置 1、概述 本装置适用于 35KV 及以下电压等级的架空线路、电缆线路的保护。既可以分 散在开关柜就地安装,也可以集中组屏安装。完善的设计保证了装置可以在恶劣 环境下长期、可靠地运行。 2、主要功能 三段过流保护 速断、限时速断、定时限过流 反时限过流保护 一次曲线/二次曲线可选 过负荷保护 告警/跳闸可选 零序过流保护 告警/跳闸可选 低电压保护 故障事件记录和查询 RS485 通讯 中文汉字显示 3、保护配置及工作原理 3.1 速断保护 本装置提供电流速断保护。任一相保护电流大于速断整定值并达到整定延时 保护动作。 3.2 限时速断保护 本装置提供限时速断保护。任一相保护电流大于限时速断整定值并达到整定 延时保护动作。 3.3 定时限过流保护 本装置提供定时限过流保护。任一相保护电流大于过流整定值并达到整定延 时后保护跳闸动作。 3.4 反时限过流保护 本装置提供反时限过电流保护。提供两种曲线的反时限特性,反时限曲线可 以选择。 一次反时限曲线: 二次反时限曲线:
Ua Ub Uc
B09 B10 B11
保护跳闸 1
图 1-1
② 将速断投入,整定控制字 1 令 KZ1=0000 0001[01]; ③ 按下表整定速断电流,测量动作电流值,记入下表。保护动作时,测量 A09-A10 端子应导通,面板“TRIP”灯亮。
测 A 相动作电流 (端子 B01-B02) 测 B 相动作电流 (端子 B03-B04) 测 C 相动作电流 (端子 B05-B06) 速断定值(A) 动作值 速断定值(A) 动作值 速断定值(A) 动作值 5 5 5 10 10 10 15 15 15 20 20 20

概 述............................................................... - 1 第一章 RD100F 型微机线路保护装置 .................................. - 4 第二章 RD100T 型微机变压器保护装置 ............................... - 12 第三章 RD100M1 型微机电动机保护装置 .............................. - 23 第四章 RD100M2 型微机电动机差动保护装置 .......................... - 34 第五章 RD100C 型微机电容器保护装置 ............................... - 40 第六章 RD100P 型微机 PT 自动切换装置 .............................. - 47 第七章 RD100 系列保护装置操作说明 ................................ - 51 第八章 常见问题解答 ............................................... - 62 -
t t
T fs ( I I fs ) 1 T fs ( I I fs )2 1
RD100 系列使用说明书
式中:Tfs-时间常数;Ifs-反时限启动电流;I-线路实际运行电流 3.5 过负荷保护 本装置提供过负荷保护。过负荷元件监视三相电流,当任一相电流大于整定 值并达到整定延时后保护动作,可以选择跳闸或告警。 3.6 零序过流保护 本装置配置了高压侧定时限零序过流保护,零序电流由专用的穿芯零序互感 器提供,可以选择跳闸或告警。 3.7 低电压保护 本装置配置了低电压保护。当三个线电压均小于低电压保护的整定值并达到 整定延时后保护即动作。为防止装置上电时母线三相失压而引起低电压保护动作, 装置只有监测到母线电压正常后才投入低电压保护。 若 PT 断线闭锁投入时,当发生 PT 断线时将闭锁低电压保护。 3.8 PT 断线检测功能 ① 三个线电压均小于 7V,且任一相电流大于 0.2A,经过 10 秒判为三相断线; ② 任两个线电压差大于 30V 时, 经过 10 秒判为电压 绝缘电阻: ≥100 MΩ 介质强度: 2KV,50Hz,1min 冲击电压: 5KV,(1.2/50)µs 4、振动 符合 IEC60255-21-1 中 3.2.1、3.2.2 的有关规定。 5、冲击 符合 GB/T14537-1993 中 4.2.1、4.2.2 的有关规定。 6、碰撞 符合 GB/T14537-1993 中 4.3 的有关规定。 7、抗电磁干扰性能 GB/T14598.13-2008 标准Ⅲ级震荡波抗扰度检验合格。 GB/T14598.14-1998 标准Ⅲ级静电放电抗扰度检验合格。 GB/T14598.9 -1998 标准Ⅲ级射频电磁场辐射抗扰度检验合格。 GB/T14598.10-2007 标准Ⅲ级电快速瞬变抗扰度检验合格。 8、允许过载能力
零序 电流
电 压
标准化 批 准 档案号 日 期
图 号
RD100 系列使用说明书
6、 保护功能校验 6.1 速断保护校验 ① 参照图 1-1 接线;只接入电流; Ia1* Ia1
B01 B02 A01
RD100 系列使用说明书
5、RD100F 型微机线路保护装置端子图

装置 电源
A01 AC/DC+ A02 AC/DCA03 断路器状态 A04 备用开入1 A05 备用开入2 A06 备用开入3 A07 备用开入4 A08 开入公共端 A09 保护跳闸1 A10 A11 保护跳闸2 A12 A13 跳闸信号 A14 A15 告警信号 A16 A17 RS485-A A18 RS485-B
设 制 校 审 计 图 核 核
开 关 量 输 入

保 护 继 电 器 信 号 继 电 器 通 讯
B01 B02 B03 B04 B05 B06 B07 B08 B09 B10 B11 B12
Ia1* Ia1 Ib1* Ib1 Ic1* Ic1 I0* I0 Ua Ub Uc
保 护 电 流
RD100 系列使用说明书

一、RD100 系列产品特点 RD100 系列微机保护及自动装置是我公司为了适应电力系统各发电厂、变电 站、 配电站等对继电保护的要求而专门开发的新一代微机型继电保护设备。 为 35KV 及以下电压等级架空线路、电缆线路、变压器、电动机、电容器、PT 柜等一次设 备提供完善的保护功能。 RD100 系列微机保护及自动装置由高集成度、总线不出芯片的单片机、高精 度电流电压互感器、高绝缘强度出口中间继电器、高可靠开关电源模块等部件组 成。具有集成度高、保护配置齐全、抗干扰能力强、功耗小、抗恶劣环境等优点, 特别适合于直接分散安装在开关柜上。 RD100 系列微机保护及自动装置具有以下特点: 采用最新型高集成度单片机开发平台,总线不出芯片,抗干扰性能好。 采用统一的硬件框架、软件平台,产品一致性好。 装置采用全密封铝合金结构,抗电磁干扰能力强,外形美观,安装十分 简易。 保护功能配置灵活齐全,各种保护功能均可以通过控制字投退。 模拟量输入、 开关量输入、 电源输入及通讯接口部分采用了变压器隔离、 光电隔离、TVS 保护的抗干扰措施,使得装置的抗干扰能力特别强。 装置具备完善的自检功能, 当发现装置工作不正常时可靠闭锁保护出口, 保证装置不误动。 采用专用时钟芯片,由单独的晶振支持,带有备用电池,时钟即使在装 置掉电后也能正确走时,使装置能准确记录各种故障信息。 装置具有三级看门狗,外部硬件看门狗、CPU 硬件定时器看门狗和软件 看门狗,使装置在任何情况下不会死机。 具有高速光电隔离 RS485 通讯接口,通讯稳定可靠,并向用户提供开放 的通讯协议,方便实现综合自动化。 装置中软件采用模块化设计,具有多种冗余措施,并经过了长时间 的现场运行考验,程序运行稳定可靠。 采用全中文液晶显示界面,多层菜单显示,显示信息丰富,人机界面友 好,无需复杂培训即可完成调试工作。 二、主要技术指标 1、工作环境条件 环境温度: 相对湿度: 大气压力: