

物性分析仪(质构仪)使用特点 分析仪操作规程

物性分析仪(质构仪)使用特点 分析仪操作规程




技术参数:1. 由全球食品物性讨论开发的专业讨论级食品物性分析仪(质构仪)2. zui大检测力:2500牛(可依据气力感应元调整)3. 检测精度:优于0.015%(全球检测精度zui高!)4. 检测行程:30厘米(可依据特别使用需求加长)5. 检测速度:0.1500毫米/分钟可调6. 32厘米长下降距离精度:2.5 微米7. 速度精度:优于0.1%8. 数据采集率:大于2000组/秒(每组数据包含8000—12000个数据,经过软件筛选构成zui终的2000组/秒数据)9. 多种检测探头可选,全部探头全部通过标准校准认证,符合工业标准。

10. 智能型气力转换,可选10、25、50、100、250、500、1000和2500牛顿等转换器件,通过气力转换器件,可以更改检测量程范围,同时更改解析度以适合不同的样品分析11. 计算机掌控,具有功能强大的分析软件,可进行各项食品的物性分析。

12. 尺寸及重量:29cm*cm43*75cm;18.2Kg紧要特点:一、TMS—PRO食品物性分析仪(质构仪)是新研发的全球精度zui高的(0.015%)TMS—PRO型高精度专业食品物性分析仪(质构仪)。


AXIS T94N01G 坚固环境下安装用固定系统说明书

AXIS T94N01G 坚固环境下安装用固定系统说明书

techniqueFicheFixation pour poteau AXIS T94N01GPour des installations solides en environnements difficilesLa fixation pour poteau AXIS T94N01G de qualitésupérieure est conçue pourêtre utilisée avec les caméras et les unités de positionnement Axis.Elle convient aux mâts d'un diamètre compris entre100et410mm(4-16po).Cette fixation en inox de qualitémarine(SUS316L)convient aux applications marines,souterraines et autres applications avec corrosion élevé fixation pour poteau AXIS T94N01G est dotée d'un indice de protection IK10pour résister aux chocs et empêcher le vandalisme.Elle se caractérise par un boîtier arrière ferméet un joint de câble qui protège de toute invasion par les insectes.>Boîtier inox de qualitémarine(SUS316L)pour utilisationàl'extérieur en environnements difficiles>Résistance aux chocs pour empêcher tout vandalisme(IK10)>Joint de câble pour empêcher l'invasion d'insectes>Robuste et sûr>Convient pour les caméras et les unités de positionnement AxisFixation pour poteau AXIS T94N01G GénéralProduits pris en charge Fixation murale AXIS T94J01AFixation télescopique sur parapet AXIS T91D62 Série d'armoires AXIS T98A-VEMatériau Inox chromatélaquéSUS316LCouleur:NCS S1002-B blancDéveloppementDurableSans PVCEnvironnement IntérieurExtérieurConditions destockage-45°Cà70°C(-49°Fà158°F)Homologations SécuritéIEC/EN/UL62368-1,IEC/EN/UL60950-22EnvironnementNEMA250Type4x,IEC62262IK10,RoHS,REACH,WEEEDimensions49x231x226mm(1,9x9,1x8,9po) Poids1,7kg(3,7lb)Charge maximale25kg(55,1lb)Pose de câbles Arrière:perforation pour câble AccessoiresfournisGuide d’installationSangles inox de1450mm(57po),3piècesJoint de câble anti-insectes pour4câblesJoint C M20VisAccessoires enoptionSangles inox de700mm(28po),1paireSangles inox de570mm(22po),1pairePour plus d'accessoires,voir Garantie Garantie3ans d’AXIS,voir /warranty Responsabilitéenvironnementale:/environmental-responsibility©2017Axis Communications AB.AXIS COMMUNICATIONS,AXIS et VAPIX sont des marques déposées d’Axis AB ou en cours dedépôt par Axis AB dans différentes juridictions.Tous les autres noms,produits ou services sont la propriétéde leurs détenteursrespectifs.Document sujetàmodification sans préavis.T10098382/FR/M3.2/1804。



1. 反应设备化验仪器:
- 温度计:用于测量反应设备内的温度,保证反应过程的控制和安全。

- 压力计:用于测量反应设备内的压力,确保反应条件的稳定和可控。

- pH计:用于测量反应液的酸碱度,帮助调整反应条件和监控反应过程。

- 电导率计:用于测量反应液的电导率,可以判断反应物质浓度的变化和反应过程的进展。

2. 分离设备化验仪器:
- 离心机:用于分离液体混合物中的固体颗粒或沉淀物,实现物质的分离与提纯。

- 蒸馏仪:用于分离液体混合物中不同沸点的组分,获得目标物质的提纯产物。

- 萃取仪:用于从混合物中提取目标物质,实现有机相和水相的分离。

3. 分析设备化验仪器:
- 气相色谱仪:用于分离和检测气体或揮发性液体中的成分,并进行定性和定量分析。

- 液相色谱仪:用于分离和检测液体样品中的成分,广泛应用于化学分析和质量控制。

- 紫外可见分光光度计:用于测量物质在紫外和可见光谱范围内的吸收和透射特性,帮助确定物质的组成和浓度。





精品文档聚合物熔体动态粘度的测试胡圣飞 编一 实验目的1.了解旋转流变仪的基本结构、工作原理。


二 实验仪器TA 旋转流变仪(型号:DHR-2)、强制空气加热炉(ETC )、空气压缩机、循环泵槽铜铲、铜刷三 实验材料高密度聚乙烯圆片(直径2.5mm ,厚度1-2mm )四 实验原理聚合物受外力作用时,会发生流动与变形,产生内应力。




引入流动的方法有两种:一种是驱动一个夹具,测量产生的力矩,这种方法最早是由Couette 在1888年提出的,也称为应变控制型,即控制施加的应变,测量产生的应力;另一种是施加一定的力矩,测量产生的旋转速度,它是由Searle 于1912年提出的,也称为应力控制型,即控制世界的应力,测量产生的应变。

实际用于粘度等流变性能测量的几何结构有同轴圆筒(Couette )(见图1)、锥板(见图2)和平行板(见图3)等。


图1 同轴圆筒结构示意图 图2 锥板结构示意图 图3 平行板结构示意图平行板主要用来测量熔体流变性能。

平行板主要的优点在于(Collyer et al. 1988,Macosko 1994):①平行板间的距离可以调节到很小。









SHRP计划主要设备(1)美国先进的SHRP计划沥青材料成套设备及沥青混合料试验设备包括:动态剪切流变仪、弯曲梁流变仪、旋转粘度仪、直接拉伸试验仪、压力老化仪、旋转薄膜烘箱等,沥青路面分析仪APA(Asphalt Pavement Analyzer),多功能材料试验系统(MTS),剪切试验系统(SST),约束试件温度应力试验仪(TSRST),旋转压实仪(SGC),沥青混合料振动成型机A VC、诺丁汉沥青混合料试验机、沥青混合料低温低频试验机、光弹性试验设备、路面雷达、落锤式弯沉仪(FWD)、大跨斜拉桥试验模型、FCS电液伺服系统,沥青混合料剪切试验系统等。

1、沥青旋转粘度计—美国SHRP计划〈产地〉:美国〈用途〉:用于测量沥青的粘度〈技术指标〉:·连续地感应及显示温度、粘度、剪切率、剪切应力、转速、转子型号·18个旋转速度·RS232串行驶接口·精度:1%测量范围·重复性:0.2%·粘度测量范围:100-13,000,000mPa.s2、沥青动态剪切流变仪—美国SHRP计划〈产地〉:美国〈用途〉:测定老化和未老化沥青5-85℃温度范围内线粘弹性性质〈技术指标〉:·温度范围-5~ 250℃±0.1℃·试验速率10弧度/秒·角位移20μNm~10μNm·高温试验用25毫米直径试样,厚度为1毫米·疲劳试验用8毫米直径试样,厚度为2毫米3、沥青弯曲梁流变仪—美国SHRP计划〈产地〉:美国〈用途〉:精确测量沥青在最低路面温度的劲度和蠕变速率〈技术指标〉:·精确,测量变形精度可达0.155微米;力的精度在0.147 毫牛(0.015克),测量梁的载荷范围0-45克·标准RS232计算机接口·新的Windows/WindowsNT程序·制冷温度达-36℃4、沥青直接拉伸试验系统—美国SHRP计划〈产地〉:美国〈用途〉:评价低温下沥青胶结料的性质,如破坏时的应力和应变,特别适用于聚合物改性沥青。



82 轮 胎 工 业2024年第44卷硅烷协效剂DOFLOW DST-100H在白炭黑填充胶中的应用邵玉龙1,李根新1,倪 宝1,2,谷倩倩2,章冰莹1,2,黄大业1,2*(1.杭州海潮橡胶有限公司,浙江杭州 310018;2.中策橡胶集团股份有限公司,浙江杭州 310018)摘要:研究硅烷协效剂DOFLOW DST-100H(简称DST-100H)在白炭黑填充胶中的应用。


关键词:白炭黑;硅烷偶联剂;硅烷协效剂;白炭黑分散性;动态力学性能中图分类号:TQ330.38+7 文章编号:1006-8171(2024)02-0082-05文献标志码:A DOI:10.12135/j.issn.1006-8171.2024.02.0082在轮胎胎面胶中应用白炭黑进行补强,可使胶料获得优异的抗湿滑性能和低滚动阻力[1-2],因此,在1992年米其林公司开创绿色轮胎技术之后,白炭黑的应用日益广泛。




硅烷协效剂DOFLOW DST-100H(简称DST-100H)是针对高比例白炭黑填充胶配方而开发的,具有显著提高白炭黑分散性、减少白炭黑絮凝、改善胶料加工性能和动态力学性能等优点。









符合标准ASTM D1238。




1. 盘装变送器需要一个 1/4DIN 开孔器。同时提供一张不干胶模板,作为人工开孔时的安装指导。 建议仪表各侧保留 1in.(25mm)的净边距。
2. 将盘装垫片放在仪表上,装到盘上。 3. 将安装支架从仪表后面推上,直到快速固定卡片卡入仪表两侧的槽中。 4. 拆卸仪表时,在盘前用胶带暂时将仪表挡好,或在后部抓牢。不要让仪表掉落。向外侧撑开快
123.45uS/cm +67.89 ℃
显示传感器输入的电导率值与温度值。 这是永久显示格式。
以下显示项是临时性的,10 分钟后会返回到永久显示项。
Loop Output: 13.75 mA
显示 4-20mA 的电流输出值。
Last CAL: 06-30-01


2 1 实验原 理 .
溶于基础油的乙丙胶大分子在较高的温度下分 子链处于伸展状态 , 并且在高压下进 人均质机 的间 隙 阀件时 获得 了极 高 的 流 速 , 此在 均质 阀里 形 成 因

个 巨大 的压 力跌 , 在空 穴效 应 、 湍流 和剪 切力 的多
3 2

第2 8卷
第 2期
甘 肃科 技
质 前 后 柴 油 喷 嘴 剪 切 稳 定 性 数 据 , 比剪 切 稳 定 对 性变化情况。
表 3 橡 胶 及 基 础 油 配 比
3 结 果 与 讨 论
3 1 均 质机 应 用对低 黏 度产 品剪 切稳 定性 的 影响 . 低 黏度 乙 丙共 聚物 黏度 指数 改进 剂 ( C ) 油 OP 对
10 ,10C运 动 黏 度 为 13 m / , 化 能 力 3' 0  ̄ E 34 m s 稠
0 5 , 切稳定 性 指 数 3 . l的胶 液样 品 经 过 不 同 .5 剪 O2 均 质压 力 均质后 产 品剪 切稳 定性 的 变化 , 见表 5 。
表 5 不 同 均 质 压 力 对 中 黏 度 产 品 剪 切 稳 定 性 的影 响 均 质 压 力 均 质 后 产 品 性 能
的方 法主要 有 两种 : 一是 化学 方 法 , 过降 低橡胶 分 通 子 量来 实现 , 在加 工过 程 中通 人 氧 气 、 气 、 入 如 氮 加


聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯 ( P E T) 的流变性能 , 并计算得到黏流活化能(E ) 和非牛顿指数 (n) 。结果表 明 : 不 同[叩] 的超有光 P E T表观黏度 (叩 ) 均随剪切速率( ) 和温度的升高而降低 , 且n 小于 1 , 均为切力变稀假
塑性流体 ; 在相同 ,和温度 时 , [ 可] 为0 . 7 0 5 , 0 . 6 3 1 d L / g P E T的 , E 和 n较接 近 , 而[ ] 为0 . 8 0 8 ,
间制得 的 P E T切片 。
表 1 超有光 P E T试 样 常 规 性 能 指 标
Ta b. 1 Ph y s i c a l i n de x o f s u p e r b  ̄g h t P ET s a mp l  ̄
就愈 多 , 因此聚合 物熔 体 的 随相对 分子 质量 的 升高而增 加 , 相 对分 子质量 大 的流动性 差 。
随 增加 而 降 低 , 表 现 为切 力 变 稀 假 塑 性 流 体 。 在一定 的温度 及 时 , [叼] 高的P E T , 其叼 也 相 应较 高 , 叼 表 现为 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 , 0 试样 依 次减小 , 且0 试样 与 1 试 样较 接 近 , 2 , 3 和4 试 样 的 变化较 大 , 与文献 [ 6 ] 的瓶 级 P E T的研 究 结果 类 似 。这是 因为 聚合 物 的黏性 流动是 分子链 重心 沿 流动 方 向发 生位 移和链 间相互 滑移 的结果 。虽 然 它们 都是通 过链 段 运 动来 实 现 的 , 但 是相 对 分 子 质量 愈大 , 一个 分子链 包含 的链段 数 目就愈 多 , 为 实 现重心 的位 移 , 需 要 完 成 的链 段 协 同 位移 次 数



Grace Instrument Company 是石油化工业粘度记,流变仪以及其他仪表的技术领先者。

我 们的仪器有以下几个方面优越性:•超牢靠性和耐久性结构适用于恶劣的工作环境和操作员的频繁操作• 远比同类产品更宽的测量范围•极易使用的独立和个人电脑自动操作M3500 粘度记 常压 93°C M5052 高温高压流变仪6895 KPa, 260 °C M5500 高温高压流变仪6895 KPa, 260 °C M5600高温高压流变仪6895 KPa, 260 °CM7500 超高温高压流变仪 200,000 KPa, 316 °CM3500pH粘度记粘度与pH 质 合成液胶化测试 配件 M9100 岩芯流量仪 M6500 旋转液滴式界面张力仪我厂同时返修和维修Nordman Instrument Company 和Fann Instrument Company 的产品. 同时提供他们产品的视窗操作软件.我们的顾客包括:• Shell• Fann Instrument Company 我门的产品用于以下行业: •石油和天然气的开采• 食品与涂料•Weatherford•Exxon/Mobil •Chevron •Halliburton •Schlumberger •Newpark Drilling Fluids •MI Drilling Fluids •BJ Services •Benchmark•Tetra Technology •Degussaand more...•化工生产•科研•生产过程质量检验M3500 ViscometerOur digital, low shear, automatic controlled, PC software included (3500)Viscometer is less expensive and will outlast the 6-Speed Fann® 35 Viscometer with little to no maintenance! The M3500A does NOT require periodic calibration which willsave you even more time and money!Software Snap Shots•Shear Stress vs. Shear Rate Chart Sample•Viscosity vs. Temperature Chart Sample•Real-time test Chart Sample•Shear Stress vs. Time History Chart Sample•3-D Viscosity vs. Time & Shear RateBecause of the new horizontal drilling technology, low shear rate measurements of drilling fluids becomes more important to evaluate the quality of the drilling fluid. M3500a complies with all existing API standards and provides the extreme low shear rate (down to 0.01Rpm) of which the oil industry has been waiting for. The new automatic data acquisition and operation features can substantially improve work efficiency and eliminate human errors. In addition, its heavy metal structure is designed for years of field and lab use!Key Features•One-touch absolute automated testing operation•Single Board Computer controlled stand-alone operation•Precision shear rate control with extremely wide speed range from 0.01 Rpm to 600 Rpm continuously•Automatic temperature control and display capability•Over temperature protection by thermostat•Friendly LCD display and keypad user interface•Automatically will save the last test results and test setups•Complies with all API standards and maintains the same rotor and bob sizes as Fann® 35 and Chan 35•Universal power supply 120-240VAC•Gel Strength, n' & k' measurement•Multi rotor and bob combinations for a wide measurement range•Response time is hundred times faster than Brooksfield VII viscometers.(The following features are only included in a M3500a viscometer.) •Data acquisition and communication software Gracedaq and our new 3-D rheology software M3500Frac.•Microsoft Access® database engine•Customized test reporting capability•Graphic representation of test results•Real time graphing and data collecting•Graph printing capability•Unlimited chart overlapping•9 different types of charting, includes shear stress vs. shear rate, viscosity vs. shear rate, viscosity vs. temperature, etc.•Automatically measure n' & k' with our new M3500Frac software.•Online training, maintenance course and online frequently asked questions on technical support.Model 3500A Viscometer SpecificationsDimensions:5" x 8" x 16"Weight: 20 lbsPressure Range:Atmospheric pressureTemperature Range 0°F~212 °F (-17°C~100°C)Speed Range:0.01~600 rpm continuousShear Rate Range: 0.0027~3254 sec-1Shear Stress Range: 1~37,000 dyn/cm2Viscosity Range: 0.5~5,000,000 CentipoiseTorque: 0~1 oz-in or 0~5 oz-inAccuracy: ±0.5% of full scale rangeViscometer Voltage:115V or 230VHeater Cup Voltage: 120VAC version and 230VAC versionFrequency:50 Hz or 60 HzPart number list:Description P/NM3500a-1 (1 oz full scale, working w/ Gracedaq version)VISC3500001M3500a-5 (5 oz full scale, working w/ Gracedaq version)VISC3500002Thermocup (120VAC)HEAT3500AS1Thermocup (2200VAC)HEAT3500AS26 Month Limited Warrantee WARR350000136 Month Limited Warrantee WARR3500002Small Sample Adapter MACH3500016Small Sample Adapter 303 SS MACH3500021Sample Cup (ST. Steel)CUPP3500001R1 Sleeve MACH3500056R1 Sleeve 303 Stainless Steel MACH3500055R1 Sleeve 303 SS Closed End MACH3500060Bob 1MACH3500058R2 Sleeve MACH3500063Bob 2MACH3500061R3 Sleeve MACH3500064Bob 3MACH3500062Bob Shaft Bearing Bottom BEAR3500002Bob Shaft Bearing Top BEAR3500005Bob Shaft MACH3500066Shaft Pin PINS3500001Rotor (Plated Brass)MACH3500050Dust Shield MACH3500057Comport Cable CABL3500001Gracedaq SOFT3500001Carrying Case CASE3500001SBC Battery BTRY3500001One M3500a unit consists of: one viscometer, one temperature probe, one stainless steel cup (350ml), one cup clip, one set of R1 and B1, one copy of instruction menual, PC user interface software - Gracedaq, and M3500Frac, calibration sheet and one serial cable. (Thermal cup not included.)* For quantities of 10-25 prices are 10% to 20% off. Please request a quote for large quantities.M5052 HTHP RheometerM5052 HTHP Rheometer Key Features:•The M5052 high temperature, high pressure, low shear, automatic, digital rheometer is designed for easy testing of complex samples.•LCD touch display enables standalone operation while providing a digital readout of current sample temperature, pressure, shearstress, speed and viscosity.•Its user friendly PC interface is backed by a Microsoft Access® database engine which allows users to share test results worldwide.Automatic speed and temperature controls make accurate andconsistent tests. A standard API test can be accomplished by a touch of the LCD or with a PC interfaced mouse click.•Compress air activated bath actions by single mouse click.•Automatically turning on and off head cooling water.•Modifying and refreshing test sequences while test in progress.•User can save up to 40 additives related to each test into Access database for future searches.•One PC can operate up to 8 units simultaneously.•One USB port can operate up to 8 units simultaneously.Enlarge Screen ShotModel 5052 HTHP Rheometer SpecificationsWeight:60 lbs (total)Pressure Range: Atmospheric to 1,000 psi25~500°FTemperatureRange:Speed Range: 0.001~600 rpm continuousViscosity:0.5~500,000 CentipoiseSample Size: 52 ml (for B5 bob)Shear Rate Range:0~20,000 dyn/cm2Resolution: 0.1% of full scale range orbetterRepeatability:±0.5% of full scale rangeComputer: PC with Pentium processorVoltage:115V or 230V (withtransformer)Frequency: 50 Hz or 60 HzM5500 HTHP RheometerM5500 HTHP Rheometer Key Features:•Compact size. 8" by 12" foot print and about 35 lbs (including bath), makes it the smallest and lightest HTHP Rheometer set in the world!•Patent pending design eliminates shaft bearings and has ABSOLUTELY zero bearing friction!•One computer can operate up to 8 units simultaneously.•Air cooling instrument head, cooling water is optional for better temperature control.•Anti climb device for viscous sample requires it to need little to no maintenance.•Extremely powerful software with 3-D rheology analyzing tool, database engine, real time chart, auto calibration, etc.•Graphic touch screen and PC software enables users to finish one API 39 test with just ONE TOUCH.•The WIDEST SPEED range in the world: 0.0001 rpm to 1100 rpm continuously.•Rated at 500°F up to 750 Psi for 316 SS version, and 500°F up to 1000 Psi for Hastlloy-C version.•Innovative carbon-Teflon dynamic seal for very corrosive substances and vapors.•Sensitivity 0.02% of full scale, and 0.4% of accuracy.•Optional G' & G" dynamic measurement.Model 5500 HTHP Rheometer SpecificationsDimensions: 8.5" x 12.5" x 24" (with bath)Weight: 37 lbs (with bath)Construction: 316 Stainless Steel (Hastelloy C available) Pressure Range: Vacuum to 1000 psiTemperature Range: -20~500 degree Fahrenheit (°F)Speed Range: 0.0001~1100 rpm continuousViscosity: 0.5~5,000,000 CentipoiseSample Size: 13~43 mlShear Rate Range: 0.00004~1870 sec-1Resolution: 0.01% of full scale range or better Repeatability: ±0.05% of full scale rangeComputer: PC with Pentium processorVoltage: 115V or 230V (with transformer)Frequency: 50 Hz or 60 HzPart number list:Description P/NM5500 Standard (316 ss) VISC5500001M5500 Hastelloy C VISC5500002M5500 0.1 Resilience Component SPRI5500002M5600 HPHT RheometerThe Grace Instrument M5600 HPHT Rheometer is a true Couette, coaxial cylinder, rotational, high pressure and temperature rheometer (up to 1,000 psi and 500 °F). It is engineered to measure various rheological properties of fluids, including n’, k’ and viscosity.The M5600 is also available with an optional viscoelasticmodule for perfoming oscillatory tests to derive G' , G", G* and phase angle. This vastly increases the researcher’s ability to predict the behavior of fluids, such as their capacity for suspending and carrying solids (weight material sag, drill cuttings transport, proppant transfer, etc.).The M5600 incorporates a direct drive between the bob shaft and the torque transducer, which eliminates momentum of inertia errors associated with magnetically coupled torque transducers. The patented design also eliminates bob shaft bearings, allowing the torque transducer to respond quickly and consistently to changing bob shaft torque.M5600 for Acidizing Fluids:The M5600 HPHT Rheometer allows the user to test samples with high acid concentrations, including fluids with 30% HCl. All wetted materials are Hastelloy C276 construction.The M5600 incorporates years of research into its innovative design:•oil or dry heat option•no bob shaft bearings•direct-coupled torque transducer•automatic•fully digital•LCD display•PC interface•test flexibility•fast test cycle:setup-load-test-clean•repeatable results•low maintenanceThe M5600 includes M5600PC™ software, which connects theM5600 with a Windows-based PC(required for M5600 operation)•Tests are simple to set up andrun•Customizable charts andreal-time data are displayedduring tests•Data can be instantlyexported intoMicrosoft®Excel™Report generated by clicking on"Detail Excel" button in M5600 PC™:Model 5600 HTHP Rheometer SpecificationsDimensions: 8.5" x 12.5" x 25.5"Weight: 66 lbs (with bath) 61 lbs (with carbon block) Construction: 316 Stainless Steel (Hastelloy C available) Pressure Range: Atm to 1000 psiTemperature Range: Ambient (20 °F with chiller) to 500 °F Speed Range: 0.0001 to 1,100 rpm continuousViscosity: 0.5 to 5,000,000 CentipoiseSample Size: 38 to 78 mlShear Rate Range: 0.00004 to 1870 sec-1Resolution: 0.01% of full scale range or betterRepeatability: ±0.05% of full scale rangeComputer: PC with Pentium processorVoltage: 120V or 240V (with transformer)Frequency: 50 Hz or 60 HzM7500 Ultra HTHP RheometerThe Grace Instrument M7500 Ultra HPHT Rheometer is a coaxial cylinder, rotational, high pressure, and high temperature rheometer. It is engineered to measure various rheological properties of fluids (including API HPHT tests) under a range of pressures and temperatures, up to 30,000 psi and 600 °F. An optional cement module is also available for testing the rheology of cements.The M7500 is built with a thick-walled steel pressure cell, which is surrounded by a fail-safe steel containment vessel to ensure operator safety. It is designed for easy test set up, sample loading and post-test cleaning. Cool-down after tests can be sped up by connecting a tap water supply or a chiller into the M7500’s cooling fluid loop.Multifunction Option:The M7500 Ultra HPHT Rheometer is also available with the optional HPHT Cement Cell , and/or PVT Tester modules. These options allow a laboratory to significantly expand the scope and variety of fluid performance testing, without having to purchase, operate and maintain multipleinstruments.HPHT Cement Cell Module:•The HPHT Cement Cell Module is an engineered insert for the M7500 Rheometer that is designed for the demands of cement samples.•The M7500 PVT Module measures changes in the density of a fluid sample under conditions of temperature and pressure over a period of time. The PVT Module replaces components of the M7500 Rotor/Bob assembly.Model 7500 Rheometer SpecificationsDimensions:22" x 12" x 24" (cell tower)12" x 25" x 15.5" (control unit)Weight: 250 lbsConstruction:Stainless SteelPressure Range: Atm to 20,000 or 30,000 psiTemperature Range:20 °F (w/chiller) to 600 °FSpeed Range: 0.01 to 600 rpm continuousViscosity:0.5 to 5,000,000 CentipoiseSample Size: 132 mlShear Rate Range:0.0082 to 1020 sec-1Shear Stress Range: 2 to 1,600 dyn/cm2Repeatability:±1% of full scale range or betterComputer: PC with Pentium processorVoltage:120V or 240V (with transformer)Frequency: 50 Hz or 60 HzM7500 Ultra HTHP RheometerThe Grace Instrument M7500 Ultra HPHT Rheometer is a coaxial cylinder, rotational, high pressure, and high temperature rheometer. It is engineered to measure various rheological properties of fluids (including API HPHT tests) under a range of pressures and temperatures, up to 30,000 psi and 600 °F. An optional cement module is also available for testing the rheology of cements.The M7500 is built with a thick-walled steel pressure cell, which is surrounded by a fail-safe steel containment vessel to ensure operator safety. It is designed for easy test set up, sample loading and post-testcleaning. Cool-down after tests can be sped up by connecting a tap water supply or a chiller into the M7500’s cooling fluid loop.Multifunction Option:The M7500 Ultra HPHT Rheometer is also available with the optional HPHTCement Cell , and/or PVT Tester modules. These options allow a laboratory to significantly expand the scope and variety of fluid performance testing, without having to purchase, operate and maintain multiple instruments.HPHT Cement Cell Module:•The HPHT Cement Cell Module is an engineered insert for the M7500 Rheometer that is designed for the demands of cement samples.•The M7500 PVT Module measures changes in the density of a fluid sample under conditions of temperature and pressure over a period of time. The PVT Module replaces components of the M7500 Rotor/Bob assembly.Model 7500 Rheometer SpecificationsDimensions:22" x 12" x 24" (cell tower)12" x 25" x 15.5" (control unit)Weight: 250 lbsConstruction:Stainless SteelPressure Range: Atm to 20,000 or 30,000 psiTemperature Range:20 °F (w/chiller) to 600 °FSpeed Range: 0.01 to 600 rpm continuousViscosity:0.5 to 5,000,000 CentipoiseSample Size: 132 mlShear Rate Range:0.0082 to 1020 sec-1Shear Stress Range: 2 to 1,600 dyn/cm2Repeatability:±1% of full scale range or betterComputer: PC with Pentium processorVoltage:120V or 240V (with transformer)Frequency: 50 Hz or 60 HzCrosslink TesterWith our fracture fluid Crosslink Tester Kit (Cross-link Time Tester Kit), users can very accurately and precisely determine the crosslink time of your fracture fluid. It works best with our M3500pH Viscometer and side band heating cup.C rosslink in M3500pH SoftwareCrosslink Temp Test1Crosslink Temp Test 2P urpose of Crosslink Tester KitTraditional oilfield determination of the crosslink time of a fluid has typically been a subjective "hang lip" or "flop time" type test. With the introduction of the new Grace Instrument Company Crosslink Time Tester Kit, the crosslink time becomes quantifiable. Both clean andproppant-laden fluids can be characterized using the patented Crosslink Time Tester Kit.The instrument was designed for field use and ease of operation. Multiple tests can be performed during a job providing immediate feedback. The compact, non-pressurized instrument heats the fluid to the desiredset-point at a controlled rate while continuously measuring the true viscosity of the fluid.With time and temperature, as the fluid complexes, the viscosity of the fluid increases. The real-time graph of the viscosity and temperature versus time that is constantly displayed in the software provides the engineer with a clear understanding of how the fluid structure is changing as the fluid is pumped down the well.Whether in the lab performing pre-job fluid design work, or in the field running QC tests, the Crosslink Time Tester Kit provides a way to quantify how proppant laden fluids react/complex as they are pumped down the well.D escription of the InstrumentThe Crosslink Time Tester Kit features a compact, extremely durable design for field or laboratory use. The instrument is equipped with a 60,000 different speed motor, a programmable temperature controller, and a display.The instrument is provided with PC-based data acquisition software enabling the user to record and compare test data. The crosslink time is visually identified by the user.The data is managed in an Access® Database and can be exported to Excel® compatible files. The software features an on-line help system for ease of use.The thermocouple is immersed in the fluid during test. This eliminates the large error that occurs when the temperature of the heating cup is recorded rather than the actual fluid temperature. The heat-up rate is programmable allowing the user to perform tests with different ramped heat-up rates, or with a final setpoint.The unique design of the sample blender maintains the proppant in suspension while the fluid has relatively low viscosity.F eatures and Benefits•True viscosity reading•True PH reading•Auto temperature and speed controls•Unique sample container and blender to keep proppant in suspension •Easy to use and clean up•Real-time data collection and graphic display•Scalable On-screen data plots•Data Logging to Access® database and exported to Excel® compatible files•Automatic calculation and display of Crosslink time•Hi/Lo speed control•Compact and rugged•Designed for field or lab use•Stainless Steel•Meets API and DIN standards for drilling fluids, oil well cements,and fracturing fluidsM6500 Spinning Drop TensiometerThe Grace Instrument M6500 Spinning Drop Tensiometer was developed for the measurement of interfacial tension, surface tension, absorption rate and extreme low interfacial tension. Excellent temperature control and optimum synchronization of the instrument allow the sample to be observed over a long period of time at constant conditions.M6500 Spinning Drop Tensiometer Features:•Measurement of extremely low interfacial surface tension•Accurate RTD temperature readout•Advanced PID temperature controller•Accurate speed controller ensures high image synchronization •High accuracy of reading with stroboscope illumination•Digital read out on integrated microscope•Light weight•Adjustable leveling•Optional chilling sleeve for low temperature applicationsModel 6500 Tensiometer SpecificationsDimensions:19" x 19.5" x 9"Weight: 24 lbsTemperature Range:45°F (w/chiller) to 208 °FSpeed Range: 0~11,000 rpm continuousMeasuring range 10-6 to 2 mN/mCapillary diameter: Up to 3.5 mm0.0001 mmLCD DisplayResolution:Voltage:120V or 240V (withtransformer)Frequency: 50 Hz or 60 HzM9100Automatic Core Flow TesterThe Grace Instrument M9100 Automatic Core Flow Tester is designed to accurately measure permeability changes to a formation core sample in a high temperature and high pressure environment, while exposing it to a variety of test fluids. A core that is collected from a formation is inserted into a core holder. A computer with Grace Instrument M9100 Core Flow™ software controls the environment within the core holder and the injection rate and/or pressure of fluid into the core. Many different types of tests can be performed with the M9100 by changing the test parameters in the test setup section of the M9100 Core Flow™ software.The M9100 is easy to operate:Step 1: Set up test parameters using the M9100 Core Flow™ softwareStep 2: Insert a core into the core holderStep 3:Load test fluid into the accumulatorStep 4:Click Start in M9100 Core Flow on the PCM9100 Core Flow™ software:•Standard core injection with optional cross-face•Tests controlled and data recorded by computer•Data instantly exported into Microsoft® Excel™M9100 Automatic Core Flow Tester SpecificationsDimensions:28" (wide) X 70" (high) X 26" (Deep)Weight:250 lbsConstruction:Hastelloy & Stainless SteelM aximum Confining Pressure:Atm to 10,000 psiMaximum Back Pressure:Atm to 2,000 psiWorking Pressure:Atm to 9,800 psiFluid Injection Rate:0 to 60 mL/min (depending on pump)Temperature Range:Ambient to 392 °FAccumulator::1L sample capacityCore Dimenstions: 1 or 1.5 inch x 6 to 24 inchVoltage:120VAC or 240VAC (with transformerFrequency: 50 Hz or 60 HzAccessoriesProductDescriptionNameCalibrationOilWe offer 100 cP, 200 cP, 500 cP siliconcalibration oil.Heating Oil We offer compatible heating bath oil for up to 500° F.fann®50 PartsWe offer fann® 50 repair and service parts,sample cup, bob, etc.Chiller Cup We offer 150ml sample volume chiller cup for M3500 viscometer.。



前瞻性研究实验室主要仪器设备:美国BIR CT扫描仪、日本Hitachi扫描电镜(SEM)、英国OXFORD能谱仪、美国MACCOR高精度充放电测试仪、气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC-MS)、数码显微镜及电池安全与可靠性测试装置等。


理化分析实验室主要仪器设备:荷兰Panalytical X射线衍射仪(XRD)、日本JEOL扫描电镜(SEM)、英国OXFORD 能谱仪、美国Thermo Scientific傅立叶红外(FT-IR)光谱仪、美国WOLPERT维氏硬度仪、美国Agilent 气相色谱质谱联用仪(GC-MS)、英国Malvern Mastersizer粒度分析仪、美国Quantachrome比表面和孔隙度分析仪、美国Quantachrome真密度分析仪、德国NETZSCH差示扫描量热仪(DSC)、德国NETZSCH 热重分析仪(TG)、荷兰Panalytical X射线荧光仪(XRF)、美国Varian电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(ICP-OES)、日本Shimadzu紫外分光光度仪、意大利Milestone微波消解仪、美国Millipore超纯水装置、美国Brookfield旋转粘度计、美国Brookfield椎板粘度计、美国Buehler精密切割机、美国Buehler磨光机、瑞士METTLER-TOLEDO高级液体密度测试仪、瑞士METTLER-TOLEDO卡式水分测试仪、瑞士Metrohm全自动电位滴定仪、瑞士Metrohm卡式炉、原子吸收光谱仪及拉伸仪等。



电池性能检测与评价实验室主要仪器设备:美国Arbin高精度充放电测试仪、美国Arbin GSM/CDMA脉冲充放电测试仪、德国Zahner电化学工作站、英国THT加速量热仪ARC、温度冲击箱、恒温恒湿箱、真空箱、高温实验箱及各种电池测试柜等。



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Grace Instrument Company 是石油化工业粘度记,流变仪以及其他仪表的技术领先者。

我 们的仪器有以下几个方面优越性:•超牢靠性和耐久性结构适用于恶劣的工作环境和操作员的频繁操作• 远比同类产品更宽的测量范围•极易使用的独立和个人电脑自动操作M3500 粘度记 常压 93°C M5052 高温高压流变仪6895 KPa, 260 °C M5500 高温高压流变仪6895 KPa, 260 °C M5600高温高压流变仪6895 KPa, 260 °CM7500 超高温高压流变仪 200,000 KPa, 316 °CM3500pH 粘度记粘度与pH 质 合成液胶化测试 配件 M9100 岩芯流量仪 M6500旋转液滴式界面张力仪我厂同时返修和维修Nordman Instrument Company 和Fann Instrument Company 的产品. 同时提供他们产品的视窗操作软件.我们的顾客包括:• Shell• Fann Instrument Company• Weatherford 我门的产品用于以下行业: •石油和天然气的开采 • 食品与涂料• 化工生产•Exxon/Mobil•Chevron •Halliburton•Schlumberger •Newpark Drilling Fluids •MI Drilling Fluids •BJ Services •Benchmark•Tetra Technology •Degussaand more...•科研•生产过程质量检验M3500 ViscometerOur digital, low shear, automatic controlled, PC software included (3500)Viscometer is less expensive and will outlast the 6-Speed Fann® 35 Viscometer with little to no maintenance! The M3500A does NOT require periodic calibration which willsave you even more time and money!Software Snap Shots•Shear Stress vs. Shear Rate Chart Sample•Viscosity vs. Temperature Chart Sample•Real-time test Chart Sample•Shear Stress vs. Time History Chart Sample•3-D Viscosity vs. Time & Shear RateBecause of the new horizontal drilling technology, low shear rate measurements of drilling fluids becomes more important to evaluate the quality of the drilling fluid. M3500a complies with all existing API standards and provides the extreme low shear rate (down to 0.01Rpm) of which the oil industry has been waiting for. The new automatic data acquisition and operation features can substantially improve work efficiency and eliminate human errors. In addition, its heavy metal structure is designed for years of field and lab use!Key Features•One-touch absolute automated testing operation•Single Board Computer controlled stand-alone operation•Precision shear rate control with extremely wide speed range from 0.01 Rpm to 600 Rpm continuously•Automatic temperature control and display capability•Over temperature protection by thermostat•Friendly LCD display and keypad user interface•Automatically will save the last test results and test setups•Complies with all API standards and maintains the same rotor and bob sizes as Fann® 35 and Chan 35•Universal power supply 120-240VAC•Gel Strength, n' & k' measurement•Multi rotor and bob combinations for a wide measurement range•Response time is hundred times faster than Brooksfield VII viscometers.(The following features are only included in a M3500a viscometer.) •Data acquisition and communication software Gracedaq and our new 3-D rheology software M3500Frac.•Microsoft Access® database engine•Customized test reporting capability•Graphic representation of test results•Real time graphing and data collecting•Graph printing capability•Unlimited chart overlapping•9 different types of charting, includes shear stress vs. shear rate, viscosity vs. shear rate, viscosity vs. temperature, etc.•Automatically measure n' & k' with our new M3500Frac software.•Online training, maintenance course and online frequently asked questions on technical support.Model 3500A Viscometer SpecificationsDimensions:5" x 8" x 16"Weight: 20 lbsPressure Range:Atmospheric pressureTemperature Range 0°F~212 °F (-17°C~100°C)Speed Range:0.01~600 rpm continuousShear Rate Range: 0.0027~3254 sec-1Shear Stress Range: 1~37,000 dyn/cm2Viscosity Range: 0.5~5,000,000 CentipoiseTorque: 0~1 oz-in or 0~5 oz-inAccuracy: ±0.5% of full scale rangeViscometer Voltage:115V or 230VHeater Cup Voltage: 120VAC version and 230VAC versionFrequency:50 Hz or 60 HzPart number list:Description P/NM3500a-1 (1 oz full scale, working w/ Gracedaq version)VISC3500001M3500a-5 (5 oz full scale, working w/ Gracedaq version)VISC3500002Thermocup (120VAC)HEAT3500AS1Thermocup (2200VAC)HEAT3500AS26 Month Limited Warrantee WARR350000136 Month Limited Warrantee WARR3500002Small Sample Adapter MACH3500016Small Sample Adapter 303 SS MACH3500021Sample Cup (ST. Steel)CUPP3500001R1 Sleeve MACH3500056R1 Sleeve 303 Stainless Steel MACH3500055R1 Sleeve 303 SS Closed End MACH3500060Bob 1MACH3500058R2 Sleeve MACH3500063Bob 2MACH3500061R3 Sleeve MACH3500064Bob 3MACH3500062Bob Shaft Bearing Bottom BEAR3500002Bob Shaft Bearing Top BEAR3500005Bob Shaft MACH3500066Shaft Pin PINS3500001Rotor (Plated Brass)MACH3500050Dust Shield MACH3500057Comport Cable CABL3500001Gracedaq SOFT3500001Carrying Case CASE3500001SBC Battery BTRY3500001One M3500a unit consists of: one viscometer, one temperature probe, one stainless steel cup (350ml), one cup clip, one set of R1 and B1, one copy of instruction menual, PC user interface software - Gracedaq, and M3500Frac, calibration sheet and one serial cable. (Thermal cup not included.)* For quantities of 10-25 prices are 10% to 20% off. Please request a quote for large quantities.M5052 HTHP RheometerM5052 HTHP Rheometer Key Features:•The M5052 high temperature, high pressure, low shear, automatic, digital rheometer is designed for easy testing of complex samples.•LCD touch display enables standalone operation while providing a digital readout of current sample temperature, pressure, shearstress, speed and viscosity.•Its user friendly PC interface is backed by a Microsoft Access® database engine which allows users to share test results worldwide.Automatic speed and temperature controls make accurate andconsistent tests. A standard API test can be accomplished by a touch of the LCD or with a PC interfaced mouse click.•Compress air activated bath actions by single mouse click.•Automatically turning on and off head cooling water.•Modifying and refreshing test sequences while test in progress.•User can save up to 40 additives related to each test into Access database for future searches.•One PC can operate up to 8 units simultaneously.•One USB port can operate up to 8 units simultaneously.Enlarge Screen ShotModel 5052 HTHP Rheometer SpecificationsWeight:60 lbs (total)Pressure Range: Atmospheric to 1,000 psi25~500°FTemperatureRange:Speed Range: 0.001~600 rpm continuousViscosity:0.5~500,000 CentipoiseSample Size: 52 ml (for B5 bob)Shear Rate Range:0~20,000 dyn/cm2Resolution: 0.1% of full scale range orbetterRepeatability:±0.5% of full scale rangeComputer: PC with Pentium processorVoltage:115V or 230V (withtransformer)Frequency: 50 Hz or 60 HzM5500 HTHP RheometerM5500 HTHP Rheometer Key Features:•Compact size. 8" by 12" foot print and about 35 lbs (including bath), makes it the smallest and lightest HTHP Rheometer set in the world!•Patent pending design eliminates shaft bearings and has ABSOLUTELY zero bearing friction!•One computer can operate up to 8 units simultaneously.•Air cooling instrument head, cooling water is optional for better temperature control.•Anti climb device for viscous sample requires it to need little to no maintenance.•Extremely powerful software with 3-D rheology analyzing tool, database engine, real time chart, auto calibration, etc.•Graphic touch screen and PC software enables users to finish one API 39 test with just ONE TOUCH.•The WIDEST SPEED range in the world: 0.0001 rpm to 1100 rpm continuously.•Rated at 500°F up to 750 Psi for 316 SS version, and 500°F up to 1000 Psi for Hastlloy-C version.•Innovative carbon-Teflon dynamic seal for very corrosive substances and vapors.•Sensitivity 0.02% of full scale, and 0.4% of accuracy.•Optional G' & G" dynamic measurement.Model 5500 HTHP Rheometer SpecificationsDimensions: 8.5" x 12.5" x 24" (with bath)Weight: 37 lbs (with bath)Construction: 316 Stainless Steel (Hastelloy C available) Pressure Range: Vacuum to 1000 psiTemperature Range: -20~500 degree Fahrenheit (°F)Speed Range: 0.0001~1100 rpm continuousViscosity: 0.5~5,000,000 CentipoiseSample Size: 13~43 mlShear Rate Range: 0.00004~1870 sec-1Resolution: 0.01% of full scale range or better Repeatability: ±0.05% of full scale rangeComputer: PC with Pentium processorVoltage: 115V or 230V (with transformer)Frequency: 50 Hz or 60 HzPart number list:Description P/NM5500 Standard (316 ss) VISC5500001M5500 Hastelloy C VISC5500002M5500 0.1 Resilience Component SPRI5500002M5600 HPHT RheometerThe Grace Instrument M5600 HPHT Rheometer is a true Couette, coaxial cylinder, rotational, high pressure and temperature rheometer (up to 1,000 psi and 500 °F). It is engineered to measure various rheological properties of fluids, including n’, k’ and viscosity.The M5600 is also available with an optional viscoelasticmodule for perfoming oscillatory tests to derive G' , G", G* and phase angle. This vastly increases the researcher’s ability to predict the behavior of fluids, such as their capacity for suspending and carrying solids (weight material sag, drill cuttings transport, proppant transfer, etc.).The M5600 incorporates a direct drive between the bob shaft and the torque transducer, which eliminates momentum of inertia errors associated with magnetically coupled torque transducers. The patented design also eliminates bob shaft bearings, allowing the torque transducer to respond quickly and consistently to changing bob shaft torque.M5600 for Acidizing Fluids:The M5600 HPHT Rheometer allows the user to test samples with high acid concentrations, including fluids with 30% HCl. All wetted materials are Hastelloy C276 construction.The M5600 incorporates years of research into its innovative design:•oil or dry heat option•no bob shaft bearings•direct-coupled torque transducer•automatic•fully digital•LCD display•PC interface•test flexibility•fast test cycle:setup-load-test-clean•repeatable results•low maintenanceThe M5600 includes M5600PC™ software, which connects theM5600 with a Windows-based PC(required for M5600 operation)•Tests are simple to set up andrun•Customizable charts andreal-time data are displayedduring tests•Data can be instantlyexported intoMicrosoft®Excel™Report generated by clicking on"Detail Excel" button in M5600 PC™:Model 5600 HTHP Rheometer SpecificationsDimensions: 8.5" x 12.5" x 25.5"Weight: 66 lbs (with bath) 61 lbs (with carbon block) Construction: 316 Stainless Steel (Hastelloy C available) Pressure Range: Atm to 1000 psiTemperature Range: Ambient (20 °F with chiller) to 500 °F Speed Range: 0.0001 to 1,100 rpm continuousViscosity: 0.5 to 5,000,000 CentipoiseSample Size: 38 to 78 mlShear Rate Range: 0.00004 to 1870 sec-1Resolution: 0.01% of full scale range or betterRepeatability: ±0.05% of full scale rangeComputer: PC with Pentium processorVoltage: 120V or 240V (with transformer)Frequency: 50 Hz or 60 HzM7500 Ultra HTHP RheometerThe Grace Instrument M7500 Ultra HPHT Rheometer is a coaxial cylinder, rotational, high pressure, and high temperature rheometer. It is engineered to measure various rheological properties of fluids (including API HPHT tests) under a range of pressures and temperatures, up to 30,000 psi and 600 °F. An optional cement module is also available for testing the rheology of cements.The M7500 is built with a thick-walled steel pressure cell, which is surrounded by a fail-safe steel containment vessel to ensure operator safety. It is designed for easy test set up, sample loading and post-test cleaning. Cool-down after tests can be sped up by connecting a tap water supply or a chiller into the M7500’s cooling fluid loop.Multifunction Option:The M7500 Ultra HPHT Rheometer is also available with the optional HPHT Cement Cell , and/or PVT Tester modules. These options allow a laboratory to significantly expand the scope and variety of fluid performance testing, without having to purchase, operate and maintain multipleinstruments.HPHT Cement Cell Module:•The HPHT Cement Cell Module is an engineered insert for the M7500 Rheometer that is designed for the demands of cement samples.•The M7500 PVT Module measures changes in the density of a fluid sample under conditions of temperature and pressure over a period of time. The PVT Module replaces components of the M7500 Rotor/Bob assembly.Model 7500 Rheometer SpecificationsDimensions:22" x 12" x 24" (cell tower)12" x 25" x 15.5" (control unit)Weight: 250 lbsConstruction:Stainless SteelPressure Range: Atm to 20,000 or 30,000 psiTemperature Range:20 °F (w/chiller) to 600 °FSpeed Range: 0.01 to 600 rpm continuousViscosity:0.5 to 5,000,000 CentipoiseSample Size: 132 mlShear Rate Range:0.0082 to 1020 sec-1Shear Stress Range: 2 to 1,600 dyn/cm2Repeatability:±1% of full scale range or betterComputer: PC with Pentium processorVoltage:120V or 240V (with transformer)Frequency: 50 Hz or 60 HzM7500 Ultra HTHP RheometerThe Grace Instrument M7500 Ultra HPHT Rheometer is a coaxial cylinder, rotational, high pressure, and high temperature rheometer. It is engineered to measure various rheological properties of fluids (including API HPHT tests) under a range of pressures and temperatures, up to 30,000 psi and 600 °F. An optional cement module is also available for testing the rheology of cements.The M7500 is built with a thick-walled steel pressure cell, which is surrounded by a fail-safe steel containment vessel to ensure operator safety. It is designed for easy test set up, sample loading and post-testcleaning. Cool-down after tests can be sped up by connecting a tap water supply or a chiller into the M7500’s cooling fluid loop.Multifunction Option:The M7500 Ultra HPHT Rheometer is also available with the optional HPHTCement Cell , and/or PVT Tester modules. These options allow a laboratory to significantly expand the scope and variety of fluid performance testing, without having to purchase, operate and maintain multiple instruments.HPHT Cement Cell Module:•The HPHT Cement Cell Module is an engineered insert for the M7500 Rheometer that is designed for the demands of cement samples.•The M7500 PVT Module measures changes in the density of a fluid sample under conditions of temperature and pressure over a period of time. The PVT Module replaces components of the M7500 Rotor/Bob assembly.Model 7500 Rheometer SpecificationsDimensions:22" x 12" x 24" (cell tower)12" x 25" x 15.5" (control unit)Weight: 250 lbsConstruction:Stainless SteelPressure Range: Atm to 20,000 or 30,000 psiTemperature Range:20 °F (w/chiller) to 600 °FSpeed Range: 0.01 to 600 rpm continuousViscosity:0.5 to 5,000,000 CentipoiseSample Size: 132 mlShear Rate Range:0.0082 to 1020 sec-1Shear Stress Range: 2 to 1,600 dyn/cm2Repeatability:±1% of full scale range or betterComputer: PC with Pentium processorVoltage:120V or 240V (with transformer)Frequency: 50 Hz or 60 HzCrosslink TesterWith our fracture fluid Crosslink Tester Kit (Cross-link Time Tester Kit), users can very accurately and precisely determine the crosslink time of your fracture fluid. It works best with our M3500pH Viscometer and side band heating cup.C rosslink in M3500pH SoftwareCrosslink Temp Test1Crosslink Temp Test 2P urpose of Crosslink Tester KitTraditional oilfield determination of the crosslink time of a fluid has typically been a subjective "hang lip" or "flop time" type test. With the introduction of the new Grace Instrument Company Crosslink Time Tester Kit, the crosslink time becomes quantifiable. Both clean andproppant-laden fluids can be characterized using the patented Crosslink Time Tester Kit.The instrument was designed for field use and ease of operation. Multiple tests can be performed during a job providing immediate feedback. The compact, non-pressurized instrument heats the fluid to the desiredset-point at a controlled rate while continuously measuring the true viscosity of the fluid.With time and temperature, as the fluid complexes, the viscosity of the fluid increases. The real-time graph of the viscosity and temperature versus time that is constantly displayed in the software provides the engineer with a clear understanding of how the fluid structure is changing as the fluid is pumped down the well.Whether in the lab performing pre-job fluid design work, or in the field running QC tests, the Crosslink Time Tester Kit provides a way to quantify how proppant laden fluids react/complex as they are pumped down the well.D escription of the InstrumentThe Crosslink Time Tester Kit features a compact, extremely durable design for field or laboratory use. The instrument is equipped with a 60,000 different speed motor, a programmable temperature controller, and a display.The instrument is provided with PC-based data acquisition software enabling the user to record and compare test data. The crosslink time is visually identified by the user.The data is managed in an Access® Database and can be exported to Excel® compatible files. The software features an on-line help system for ease of use.The thermocouple is immersed in the fluid during test. This eliminates the large error that occurs when the temperature of the heating cup is recorded rather than the actual fluid temperature. The heat-up rate is programmable allowing the user to perform tests with different ramped heat-up rates, or with a final setpoint.The unique design of the sample blender maintains the proppant in suspension while the fluid has relatively low viscosity.F eatures and Benefits•True viscosity reading•True PH reading•Auto temperature and speed controls•Unique sample container and blender to keep proppant in suspension •Easy to use and clean up•Real-time data collection and graphic display•Scalable On-screen data plots•Data Logging to Access® database and exported to Excel® compatible files•Automatic calculation and display of Crosslink time•Hi/Lo speed control•Compact and rugged•Designed for field or lab use•Stainless Steel•Meets API and DIN standards for drilling fluids, oil well cements,and fracturing fluidsM6500 Spinning Drop TensiometerThe Grace Instrument M6500 Spinning Drop Tensiometer was developed for the measurement of interfacial tension, surface tension, absorption rate and extreme low interfacial tension. Excellent temperature control and optimum synchronization of the instrument allow the sample to be observed over a long period of time at constant conditions.M6500 Spinning Drop Tensiometer Features:•Measurement of extremely low interfacial surface tension•Accurate RTD temperature readout•Advanced PID temperature controller•Accurate speed controller ensures high image synchronization •High accuracy of reading with stroboscope illumination•Digital read out on integrated microscope•Light weight•Adjustable leveling•Optional chilling sleeve for low temperature applicationsModel 6500 Tensiometer SpecificationsDimensions:19" x 19.5" x 9"Weight: 24 lbsTemperature Range:45°F (w/chiller) to 208 °FSpeed Range: 0~11,000 rpm continuousMeasuring range 10-6 to 2 mN/mCapillary diameter: Up to 3.5 mm0.0001 mmLCD DisplayResolution:Voltage:120V or 240V (withtransformer)Frequency: 50 Hz or 60 HzM9100Automatic Core Flow TesterThe Grace Instrument M9100 Automatic Core Flow Tester is designed to accurately measure permeability changes to a formation core sample in a high temperature and high pressure environment, while exposing it to a variety of test fluids. A core that is collected from a formation is inserted into a core holder. A computer with Grace Instrument M9100 Core Flow™ software controls the environment within the core holder and the injection rate and/or pressure of fluid into the core. Many different types of tests can be performed with the M9100 by changing the test parameters in the test setup section of the M9100 Core Flow™ software.The M9100 is easy to operate:Step 1: Set up test parameters using the M9100 Core Flow™ softwareStep 2: Insert a core into the core holderStep 3:Load test fluid into the accumulatorStep 4:Click Start in M9100 Core Flow on the PCM9100 Core Flow™ software:•Standard core injection with optional cross-face•Tests controlled and data recorded by computer•Data instantly exported into Microsoft® Excel™M9100 Automatic Core Flow Tester SpecificationsDimensions:28" (wide) X 70" (high) X 26" (Deep)Weight:250 lbsConstruction:Hastelloy & Stainless SteelM aximum Confining Pressure:Atm to 10,000 psiMaximum Back Pressure:Atm to 2,000 psiWorking Pressure:Atm to 9,800 psiFluid Injection Rate:0 to 60 mL/min (depending on pump)Temperature Range:Ambient to 392 °FAccumulator::1L sample capacityCore Dimenstions: 1 or 1.5 inch x 6 to 24 inchVoltage:120VAC or 240VAC (with transformerFrequency: 50 Hz or 60 HzAccessoriesProductDescriptionNameCalibrationOilWe offer 100 cP, 200 cP, 500 cP siliconcalibration oil.Heating Oil We offer compatible heating bath oil for up to 500° F.fann®50 PartsWe offer fann® 50 repair and service parts,sample cup, bob, etc.Chiller Cup We offer 150ml sample volume chiller cup for M3500 viscometer.。
