mt6582HSPA +手机应用处理器技术简明1系统概述mt6582是一个高度集成的基带平台使用调制解调器,应用处理和连接子系统使3G智能手机上的应用。
芯片集成了四核ARM®Cortex-A7 mpcoretm操作高达 1.3GHz,手臂®cortex-r4单片机和强大的多标准的视频加速器。
mt6582 NAND闪存的接口,为获得最佳性能,还支持启动SLC NAND或eMMC减少整体成本LPDDR2和LPDDR3的。
此外,一组广泛的接口,包括接口的摄像头,触摸屏显示,与MMC / SD卡。
应用处理器,四核ARM®Cortex-A7 mpcoretm包括霓虹多媒体处理引擎,提供处理能力要随着它的要求苛刻的应用,如网页浏览,电子邮件的最新openos支持,GPS导航和游戏。
音频支持包括法国,人力资源,财务,人力资源和AMR FR,AMR宽带AMR 声码器,和弦铃声,如回声消除先进的音频功能,免提扬声器操作和噪声消除。
臂®cortex-r4,DSP,和2G和3G的协处理器提供了一个可支持14级强大的调制解调器(21 Mbps HSDPA 下行链路子系统)和6类(5.76 Mbps)HSUPA上行数据速率以及12级GPRS,边缘。
四先进的无线技术集成到一个芯片,mt6582 / mt6627提供最便捷的连接解决方案,在工业。
mt6582 / mt6627实施先进的无线技术共存的算法和硬件机制。
它还支持单天线2.4 GHz天线蓝牙共享,为GPS和1.575 GHz WLAN。
'---------[Program begins here.]----------------------------------------------PAUSE 3000 FOR i = 1 TO 5 Counter(LEFT) = 0 DO WHILE (Counter(LEFT) < 50) PULSOUT MotorL, 850 PULSOUT MotorR, 650 GOSUB Update PAUSE 20 LOOP PAUSE 500 Counter(RIGHT) = 0 DO WHILE (Counter(RIGHT) < 20) PULSOUT MotorR, 650 GOSUB Update PAUSE 20 LOOP PAUSE 500 NEXT END 'Time to remove finger from reset button... 'Initialize LEFT counter. 'Pulse the servos to go straight 'by 50 pulse edges (about 25"). 'Update the encoder counts. '20 ms pulse gap. 'Wait 1/2 second before turn. 'Initialize RIGHT counter. 'Pulse the RIGHT servo to turn a 40% circle. 'Update the encoder counts. '20 ms pulse gap. 'Wait 1/2 second before next side.
2 ea. #4-40 x 1/4" Panhead Machine Screw 2 ea. #4-40 Hex Nut 2 ea. 10K 1/4W Resistor
表 5 所示为其他端口。 Symbol I/O 功能描述 DUMMYR[3:1] 电阻测量管脚,正常情况下悬空。 DUMMYL[3:1] DUMMY 无用管脚,悬空即可。 V0/V63 O 伽玛电压镜像管脚。 VDD3DUM O 内部与 VDD3 接在一起。
表 2 系统接口
表3为 Symbol MDP MDN MSP MSN GPIO[9:0] (DB[17:8]) S_CSB(DB [7])
MDDI 管脚作用。 I/O 功能描述 I/O MDDI 数据输入/输出正端,如果 MDDI 不用,该端口悬空。 I/O MDDI 数据输入/输出负端,如果 MDDI 不用,该端口悬空。 I MDDI 数据选通输入正端,如果 MDDI 不用,该端口悬空。 I MDDI 数据选通输入负端,如果 MDDI 不用,该端口悬空。 I/O 总体输入输出,如果在 MDDI 中没有用 GPIO 的话,这些管 脚应该置地。 O 子屏幕驱动 IC 片选信号。 低电平时说明子屏幕驱动 IC 可用,高电平时说明子屏幕驱动
表 1 电源接口
如表 2 所示为系统接口。 Symbol I/O 功能描述 S_PB I 选择 CPU 接口模式,低电平时为并行接口,高电平时为串行 接口。 MDDI_E I 选择 MDDI 接口,低电平时 MDDI 接口不可用,高电平时 N MDDI 接口可用。 ID_MIB I 选择 CPU 种类, 低电平为 intel 80 系列 CPU, 高电平为 motorola 68 系列 CPU,如果 S_PB 是高电平,该端口为 ID 设置端口。 CSB I 片选信号,低电平芯片可用,高电平芯片不可用。 RS I 寄存器选择管脚。 低电平时,指令/状态,高电平时为指令参数/RAM 数据。 不用时需与 VDD3 接在一起。 RW_WR I 管脚作用 CPU 种类 管脚说明 B/SCL RW 68 系列 读写选择,低电平写,高电平读。 WRB 80 系列 写选通作用,在上升沿捕获数据。 SCL 串行接口 时钟同步信号。 E_RDB I 管脚作用 CPU 种类 管脚说明 E 68 系列 读写操作使能端。 RDB 80 系列 读选通作用,低电平时读出数据。 选择串行模式时,将此端口接在 VDD3 上。 SDI I 串行接口的数据输入接口,在 SCL 上升沿捕捉到输入数据,
April 1996NEC Electronics Inc.A10616EU1V0DS00CMOS-8LHD3.3-Volt, 0.5-Micron CMOS Gate ArraysPreliminary DescriptionNEC's CMOS-8LHD gate-array family combines cell-based-level densities with the fast time-to-market and low development costs of gate arrays. With a unique heterogeneous cell architecture, CMOS-8LHD provides the very dense logic and RAM capabilities required to build devices for fast computer and communications systems.NEC delivers high-speed, 0.5-micron, drawn gate length (Leff=0.35-micron), three-level metal, CMOS technology with an extensive family of macros. I/O macros include GTL, HSTL, and pECL. TTL CMOS I/Os are provided with 5-V tolerance for applications requiring interface to 5-V logic. PCI signaling standards are also supported,including 3.3-V, 66 MHz PCI. The technology is enhanced by a set of advanced features, including phase-locked loops, clock tree synthesis, and high-speed memory. The CMOS-8LHD gate-array family of 3.3-V devices consists of 12 masters, offered in densities of 75K raw gates to 1.123 million raw gates. Usable gates range from 45K to 674K used gates.The gate-array family is supported by NEC's OpenCAD ®design system, a mixture of popular third-party EDA tools,and proprietary NEC tools. NEC proprietary tools include the GALET floorplanner, which helps to reduce design time and improve design speed, and a clock tree synthesis tool that automatically builds a balanced-buffer clock tree to minimize on-chip clock skew.Figure 1. CMOS-8LHD Package Options: BGA & QFPTable 1. CMOS-8LHD Family Features and BenefitsCMOS-8LHD ApplicationsThe CMOS-8LHD family is ideal for use in personal computer systems, engineering workstations, and telecommunications switching and transmission systems, where extensive integration and high speeds are primary design goals. With power dissipation of 0.21 µW/MHz/gate, CMOS-8LHD is also suited for lower-power applications where high performance is required.OpenCAD is a registered trademark of NEC Electronics Inc.CMOS-8LHD2Cell-Based Array ArchitectureThe CMOS-8LHD gate-array family is built with the Cell-Based Array (CBA) architecture licensed from the Silicon Architects Group of Synopsys. CBA architecture uses two types of cells: compute cells and drive cells.This heterogeneous cell architecture enables very high-density design. Compute cells are used to optimize intramacro logic. Drive cells are optimized for intermacro interconnect. The two cell types are also used to build macros with up to three different power/performance/area points.CBA has a rich macrocell library that is optimized for synthesis. RAM blocks are efficiently created from the CBA architecture, using compute cells as memory cores, and sense amplifiers and drive cells as word and address predecoder drivers.As shown in Figure 2, CBA is divided into I/O and array regions. The I/O region contains input and output buffers. The array region contains the gates used to build logic, RAM blocks, and other design features.Power Rail ArchitectureCMOS-8LHD provides additional flexibility for mixedvoltage system designs. As shown in Figure 2, the arrays contain two power rails: a 3.3-V rail, and V DD2.The V DD2 rail is used for interfaces such as 5-V PCI buffers where a clamping diode allows protection for up to an 11-V voltage spike, per the PCI revision 2.1specification.Figure 2. CBA Layout and Cell ConfigurationThe V DD2 rail is separated into sections to give flexibility for including two or more buses requiring special I/O voltage on one device. Each section can operate as an independent voltage zone, and sections can be linked together to form common voltage zones.Packaging and TestNEC utilizes BIST test structures for RAM testing. NEC also offers advanced packaging solutions including Plastic Ball Grid Arrays (PBGA), Plastic Quad Flat Packs (PQFP), and Pin Grid Arrays (PGA). Please call your local NEC ASIC design center representative for a listing of available master/package combinations.PublicationsThis data sheet contains preliminary specifications for the CMOS-8LHD gate-array family. Additional infor-mation will be available in NEC's CMOS-8LHD Block Library and CMOS-8LHD Design Manual . Call your local NEC ASIC design center representative or the NEC literature line for additional ASIC design information; see the back of this data sheet for locations and phone numbers.Table 2. CMOS-8LHD Base Array Line-upDevice Raw Gates Used Gates (1)Total Pads66562750404502416466563997925987518866565125216751292126656617963210777925266568202400121440268665692681281608763086657029792017875232466571359744215845356665725008643005184206657362054437232646866575802240481344532(1) Actual gate utilization varies depending on circuit implementation.Utilization is 60% for 3LM.3CMOS-8LHDInput/Output CapacitanceV DD =V I =0-V; f =1 MHzTerminal Symbol Typ Max Unit Input C IN 1020pF Output C OUT 1020pF I/OC I/O1020pF(1)Values include package pin capacitancePower ConsumptionDescription Limits Unit Internal gate (1)0.21µW/MHz Input buffer 2.546µW/MHz Output buffer10.60µW/MHzAbsolute Maximum RatingsPower supply voltage, V DD –0.5 to +4.6-VInput voltage, V I3.3-V input buffer (at V I < V DD + 0.5-V)–0.5 to +4.6-V 3.3-V fail-safe input buffer (at V I < V DD + 0.5-V)–0.5 to +4.6-V 5 V-tolerant (at V I < V DD + 3.0-V)–0.5 to +4.6-V Output Voltage, V O3.3-V output buffer (at V O < V DD + 0.5-V)–0.5 to +4.6-V 5-V-tolerant output buffer (at V O < V DD + 3.0-V)–0.5 to +4.6-V 5-V open-drain output buffer (at V O < V DD + 3.0-V)–0.5 to +4.6-VLatch-up current, I LATCH >1 A (typ)Operating temperature, T OPT –40 to +85°C Storage temperature, T STG–65 to +150°C (1) Assumes 30% internal gate switching at one timeCaution: Exposure to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods may affect device reliability; exceeding the ratings could cause permanent damage. The device should not be operated outside the recommended operating conditions.Recommended Operating ConditionsV DD = 3.3-V ±0.165-V; T j = 0 to +100°C3.3-V Interface 5-V Interface5-V PCI 3.3-V PCIBlock BlockLevel LevelParameterSymbol Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Unit I/O power supply voltage V DD 3.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 3.0 5.5 3.0 3.6V Junction temperature T J 0+1000+1000+1000+100°C High-level input voltage V IH 2.0V DD 2.0 5.5 2.0V CC 0.5 V CCV CC V Low-level input voltage V IL 00.800.800.800.3 V CCV Positive trigger voltage V P 1.50 2.70 1.50 2.70————V Negative trigger voltage V N 0.60 1.60.60 1.6————V Hysteresis voltage V H 1.10 1.3 1.10 1.3————V Input rise/fall time t R , t F 0200020002000200ns Input rise/fall time, Schmittt R , t F1010————nsAC CharacteristicsV DD = 3.3-V ±0.3-V; T j = –40 to +125°C ParameterSymbol MinTypMax Unit Conditions Toggle frequency (F611)f TOG356MHzD-F/F; F/O = 2 mmDelay time2-input NAND (F322)t PD181ps F/O = 1; L = 0 mmt PD 186ps F/O = 2; L = typ (0.42 mm)Flip-flop (F611)t PD 573ps F/O = 1; L = 0 mm t PD 688ps F/O = 2; L = typ t SETUP 410ps —t HOLD 540ps —Input buffer (FI01)t PD 268ps F/O = 1; L = 0 mm t PD 312ps F/O = 2; L = typ Output buffer (9 mA) 3.3-V (FO01)t PD 1.316ns C L = 15 pF Output buffer (9 mA) 5-V-tolerant (FV01)t PD 1.228ns C L = 15 pF Output buffer (9 mA) 5-V-swing (FY01)t PD 1.517ns C L = 15 pF Output rise time (9 mA) (FO01)t R 1.347ns C L = 15 pF Output fall time (9 mA) (FO01)t F1.284nsC L = 15 pFCMOS-8LHD4(3)Rating is for only one output operating in this mode for less than 1 second.(4)Normal type buffer: I OH < I OL .(5)Balanced buffer: I OH = I OL .(6)Resistor is called 50ký to maintain consistency with previous families.Notes:(1)Static current consumption increases if an I/O block with on-chip pull-up/pull-down resistor or an oscillator is used. Call an NEC ASIC design center repre-sentative for assistance in calculation.(2)Leakage current is limited by tester capabilities. Specification listed representsthis measurement limitation. Actual values will be significantly lower.DC CharacteristicsV DD = 3.3-V ±0.165-V; T j = 0 to +100°C ParameterSymbol Min Typ Max Unit Conditions Quiescent current (1)µPD66578I DDS 2.0300µA V I = V DD or GND µPD66575, 66573, 66572I DDS 1.0300µA V I = V DD or GND Remaining mastersI DDS 0.5200µA V I = V DD or GND Off-state output leakage current3.3-V buffers, 3.3-V PCII OZ ±10µA V O = V DD or GND 5-V-tolerant buffers, 5-V PCI I OZ ±14µA V O = V DD or GND 5-V open-drainI OZ ±14µA V O = V DD or GND Output short circuit current (3)I OS –250mA V O = GND Input leakage current (2)5-V PCI I IH +70, –70µA V IN = 2.7-V, 0.5-V 3.3-V PCI I I ±10µA V IN = V DD or GND RegularI I ±10–5±10µA V I = V DD or GND 50 k Ω pull-up I I –180–40µA V I = GND 5 k Ω pull-up I I –1400–350mA V I = GND 50 k Ω pull-down I I 30160µA V I = V DDResistor values50 k Ω pull-up (6)R pu 2075k Ω5 k Ω pull-upR pu 2.68.6k Ω50 k Ω pull-down (6)R pu 22.5100k ΩInput clamp voltageV IC –1.2V I I = 18 mA Low-level output current (ALL buffer types)3 mA I OL 3mA V OL = 0.4-V 6 mA I OL 6mA V OL = 0.4-V 9 mA I OL 9mA V OL = 0.4-V 12 mA I OL 12mA V OL = 0.4-V 18 mA I OL 18mA V OL = 0.4-V 24 mAI OL 24mA V OL = 0.4-V High-level output current (5-V-tolerant block)3 mA I OH –3mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V 6 mA I OH –3mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V 9 mA I OH –3mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V 12 mA I OH –3mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V 18 mA I OH –4mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V 24 mAI OH –4mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V High-level output current (3.3-V interface block)3 mA I OH –3mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V 6 mA I OH –6mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V 9 mA I OH –9mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V 12 mA I OH –12mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V 18 mA I OH -18mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V 24 mAI OH -24mA V OH = V DD –0.4-V Output voltage (5-V PCI)High-level output voltage V OH 2.4mA I OH = 2 mALow-level output voltage V OL 0.55mA I OL = 3 mA, 6 mA Output voltage (3.3-V PCI)High-level output voltage V OH 0.9 V DDmA I OH = 500 µA Low-level output voltage V OL 0.1 V DDmA I OL = 1500 µA Low-level output voltageV OL 0.1V I OL = 0 mA High-level output voltage, 5-V TTL V OH V DD –0.2V I OL = 0 mA High-level output voltage, 3.3-VV OHV DD –0.1VI OH = 0 mACMOS-8LHD5CMOS-8LHD6Document No. A10616EU1V0DS00For literature, call toll-free 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pacific time: 1-800-366-9782or FAX your request to: 1-800-729-9288©1996 NEC Electronics Inc./Printed in U.S.A.NEC ASIC DESIGN CENTERSWEST•3033 Scott Boulevard Santa Clara, CA 95054TEL 408-588-5008FAX 408-588-5017•One Embassy Centre9020 S.W. Washington Square Road,Suite 400Tigard, OR 97223TEL 503-671-0177FAX 503-643-5911THIRD-PARTY DESIGN CENTERSSOUTH CENTRAL/SOUTHEAST•Koos Technical Services, Inc.385 Commerce Way, Suite 101Longwood, FL 32750TEL 407-260-8727FAX 407-260-6227•Integrated Silicon Systems Inc.2222 Chapel Hill Nelson Highway Durham, NC 27713TEL 919-361-5814FAX 919-361-2019•Applied Systems, Inc.1761 W. Hillsboro Blvd., Suite 328Deerfield Beach, FL 33442TEL 305-428-0534FAX 305-428-5906NEC Electronics Inc.CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS2880 Scott Boulevard P.O. Box 58062Santa Clara, CA 95052TEL 408-588-6000No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of NEC Electronics Inc. (NECEL). The information in this document is subject to change without notice. ALL DEVICES SOLD BY NECEL ARE COVERED BY THE PROVISIONS APPEARING IN NECEL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALES ONLY. INCLUDING THE LIMITATION OF LIABILITY,WARRANTY, AND PATENT PROVISIONS. NECEL makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied or by description, regarding informa-tion set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from patent infringement. NECEL assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. NECEL makes no commitments to update or to keep current information contained in this document. The devices listed in this document are not suitable for use in applications such as, but not limited to, aircraft control systems,aerospace equipment, submarine cables, nuclear reactor control systems and life support systems. “Standard” quality grade devices are recommended for computers, office equipment, communication equipment, test and measurement equipment, machine tools,industrial robots, audio and visual equipment, and other consumer products. For automotive and transportation equipment, traffic control systems, anti-disaster and anti-crime systems, it is recommended that the customer contact the responsible NECEL salesperson to determine the reliabilty requirements for any such application and any cost adder. NECEL does not recommend or approve use of any of its products in life support devices or systems or in any application where failure could result in injury or death.If customers wish to use NECEL devices in applications not intended by NECEL, customer must contact the responsible NECEL sales people to determine NECEL’s willingness to support a given application.SOUTH CENTRAL/SOUTHEAST•16475 Dallas Parkway, Suite 380Dallas, TX 75248TEL 972-735-7444FAX 972-931-8680•Research Triangle Park2000 Regency Parkway, Suite 455Cary, NC 27511TEL 919-460-1890FAX 919-469-5926•Two Chasewood Park 20405 SH 249, Suite 580Houston, TX 77070TEL 713-320-0524FAX 713-320-0574NORTH CENTRAL/NORTHEAST•The Meadows, 2nd Floor 161 Worcester Road Framingham, MA 01701TEL 508-935-2200FAX 508-935-2234•Greenspoint Tower2800 W. Higgins Road, Suite 765Hoffman Estates, IL 60195TEL708-519-3945FAX 708-882-7564。
100TQFP (Lead-Free) only for 128Mb GDDR Z : FBGA (Lead-Free) V : 144FBGA (Lead-Free) only for 128Mb GDDR L : TSOP2 (Lead-Free & Halogen-Free) H : FBGA (Lead-Free & Halogen-Free) F : FBGA (Lead-Free & Halogen-Free) for 64Mb DDR,
Divide Component
Packing Type TAPE & REEL Other ( Tray, Tube, Jar ) Stack MODULE TAPE & REEL MODULE Other Packing
New Marking T 0 ( Number) S P M
17~18. Customer "Customer List Reference"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
14~15. Speed (Wafer/Chip Biz/BGD: 00) 75 : 7.5ns, PC133 (133MHz CL=3) 60 : 6.0ns (166MHz CL=3) 50 : 5.0ns (200MHz CL=3) 40 : 4.0ns (250MHz CL=3) B0 : DDR266 (133MHz@CL=2.5, tRCD=3, tRP=3) B3 : DDR333 (166MHz@CL=2.5, tRCD=3, tRP=3) CC : DDR400 (200MHz@CL=3, tRCD=3, tRP=3) E6 : DDR2-667 (333MHz@CL=5, tRCD=5, tRP=5) E7 : DDR2-800 (400MHz@CL=5, tRCD=5, tRP=5) F7 : DDR2/3-800 (400MHz@CL=6, tRCD=6, tRP=6) F8 : DDR2/3-1066 (533MHz@CL=7, tRCD=7, tRP=7) H9 : DDR3-1333 (667MHz@CL=9, tRCD=9, tRP=9) K0 : DDR3-1600 (800MHz@CL=11, tRCD=11, tRP=11) 7A : GDDR3-2.6Gbps (0.77ns) 08 : GDDR3-2.4Gbps (0.8ns) 1A : GDDR3-2.0Gbps (1.0ns) 12 : GDDR3-1.6Gbps (1.25ns) 14 : GDDR3-1.4Gbps (1.4ns)
Rev A1 DS071220
7628 Thorndike Road, Greensboro, NC 27409-9421 · For sales or technical support, contact RFMD at (+1) 336-678-5570 or sales-support@.
RoHS Compliant & Pb-Free Product Package Style: QFN, 16-Pin, 3mmx3mm
5MHz to 1500MHz Operation
Internally Matched Input and Output
NC 4
9 NC
CATV Distribution Amplifiers Cable Modems Broadband Gain Blocks Laser Diode Driver Return Channel Amplifier Base Stations
20 +/-0.9
1.1 1.5 34.8 38.1 38.7 44.1 48.6 22.5 25.1 25.3
Caution! ESD sensitive device.
Exceeding any one or a combination of the Absolute Maximum Rating conditions may cause permanent damage to the device. Extended application of Absolute Maximum Rating conditions to the device may reduce device reliability. Specified typical performance or functional operation of the device under Absolute Maximum Rating conditions is not implied.
Home Contact Us Advanced Search Products Chassis 2U [ ]components.Available Colors BlackDownloadsProduct SKUsCSE-825TQ-563LPBSuperChassis 825TQ-563LPB (Black)Form Factor2U chassis support for motherboard size -12" x 13", 13.68" x 13" E-ATX and 12" x 10" ATX Processor SupportSupports dual, single Intel® / AMD processors DimensionsHeight 3.5" (89mm)Width17.2" (437mm)Depth25.5" (648mm)GrossWeight50 lbs (22.7kg)AvailableColorsBlackExpansion Slots• 7x low-profile full-length expansion slotsDrive BaysHot-swap 8x 3.5" SAS / SATA Hot-swap drive traysSAS or enterprise SATA HDD onlyrecommendedSystem CoolingFans3x 80mm 6300 RPM hot-swap PWM fansSystem MonitoringChassis intrusion switchOperating Environment (System)OperatingTemperatureRange10 - 35°C (50° - 95°F)Non-OperatingTemperatureRange-40 - 70°C (-40° - 158°F)HumidityRange8 - 90% non-condensingNon-OperatingHumidityRange5 - 95% non-condensingPower Supply560W AC power supply w/ PFC (24-pin)AC Voltage100-240 V, 50-60 Hz, 7.5 Amp max+5V18 Amp+5V standby 3 Amp+12V46 Amp @ 100-180V;49 Amp @ 180-240VSuperChassis 825TQ-563LPBSAS / SATA Backplane1x 2U SAS / SATA backplane w/ Enclosure ManagementPeripheral DrivesDVD-ROM Slim DVD-ROM drive (Optional)Front PanelButtons • Power On/Off button • System Reset buttonLEDs • Power LED• Hard drive activity LED • 2x Network activity LEDs • System Overheat LED • Power fail LEDPorts2x USB Ports + DB9 COM Port -12V0.5 Amp+3.3V15 AmpCertification80PLUS Gold CertifiedRegulatory (Power Supply)PowerSupplySafety /EMCUSA - UL listedCanada - CUL listedGermany - TUV CertifiedEN 60950/IEC 60950-CompliantCB ReportCCC CertificationStandard Parts ListPart Number Qty DescriptionOptional Parts ListPart Number Qty DescriptionFront Bezel Cover, Black (optional)Information in this document is subject to change without notice.Other products and companies referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or mark holders.。
(Unless otherwise noted, Ta = –40 ~ +85 °C)
Conditions Output, H Current per circuit output, L
Ratings –0.5 ~ +50 500 –0.5 ~ +30 500
Unit V mA V mA V W °C °C
M63828DP 0.764
Ta = 25°C
Ta = –40°C
75 85
Ambient temperature Ta (°C) Duty-Cycle-Collector Characteristics (M63828WP) 500
Limits min 0 0 0 5 0 typ — — — — — max 50 400
Unit V
Duty Cycle WP : no more than 8% DP : no more than 5% Duty Cycle WP : no more thn 30% DP : no more than 20% “H” input voltage IC ≤ 400mA “L” input voltage
Feb. 2003
Clamping diode forward current Clamping diode reverse voltage Power dissipation Operating temperature Storage temperature Ta = 25°C, when mounted on board
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Voltages ........................................... INTVCC to –0.3V EXTVCC ...................................................... 10V to –0.3V ITH1, ITH2, VFB1, VFB2 Voltages ................. 2.7V to –0.3V PGOOD1, PGOOD2 Voltages ..................... 8.5V to –0.3V
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n Wide Output Voltage Range: 0.8V ≤ VOUT ≤ 10V n Ultralow Operating IQ: 30μA (One Channel On) n Out-of-Phase Controllers Reduce Required Input
n Automotive Systems n Battery-Operated Digital Devices n Distributed DC Power Systems
The LTC®3826 is a high performance dual step-down switching regulator controller that drives all N-channel synchronous power MOSFET stages. A constant frequency current mode architecture allows a phase-lockable frequency of up to 650kHz. Power loss and noise due to the ESR of the input capacitor are minimized by operating the two controller output stages out of phase.
Open collector output pin(NPN Tr)
18 19 20
Osillator input
connect a 4 - MHz ceramic resonator
Osillator output
1/2 Vcc output.
Connect a filter
RLC6 65 LLI 66
RLI 68
( 2 / 20 )
“Super Single Chip” Surround Processor with Dolby Pro Logic Decoder
64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41
Page 2
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
PART A - Lavender and Jasmine Overview
1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
PART B - Functional Descriptions B-1 Clock Unit (CU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
1 Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.1 Application overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 1.2 Jasmine/Lavender Block Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2 APLL Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Solarproducts2Solar fusesREDindicates NEW information ContentsDescription Page Fuse holder and blockselection guide 2-2Volt F uses Size 600Vdc . . . . . . . . . . .PVM. . . . . 13/32˝ x 1 1/2˝. . . . . . . . . 2-4600Vac /300Vdc . . . .PVCF. . . . .CUBEFuse™. . . . . . . . .. 2-5600Vac/dc. . . . . .. . .PVS-R. . . .RK5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-71000Vdc . . . . . . . .. .PV. . . . . . .10x38mm . . . . . .. . . . . . .2-81000Vdc . . . . . . . .. .HPV. . . . . .10x38mm(in-line assembly). . . . . . . .2-91000/1100Vdc. . . .. .PV. . . . . . .14x51mm . . . . . . . . . . .2-101000Vdc . . . . . . . . . .NH. . . . . . .NH Sizes 1, 2, 3. . . . . . . 2-111000Vdc . . . . . . . . . .XL PV. . . . XL Size 01, 1, 2, 3. . .. . .2-121300/1500Vdc . . . .. .PV. . . . . . .14x65mm. . . . . . . . . . . .2-151200/1500Vdc . . . .. .XL PV. . . . XL Size 01, 1, 2, 3. . . . .2-162Solar fuses Holders and blocks for photovoltaic fuses 600 Volts Fuses Volts Page Midget. . . . . . . . . . . . . .PVM. . . . . . . . . . .600V. . . . . . . . . .2-4CF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CFPV. . . . . . . . . .600V. . . . . . . . . .2-5RK5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PVS-R . . . . . . . . .600V. . . . . . . . . .2-7Holders •TCFH CUBEFuse holder, panel/DIN-Rail mount . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-16•CHM DIN-Rail mount holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-2•HEB in-line holders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-46Blocks •Modular knifeblade fuse blocks 250/600V, panel mount . . . . . . . 9-17•RM600 RK5 open fuse blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-24•BMM midget open fuse blocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-32BMM HEB TCFHR600Modular knifeblade1000 Volts Fuses Volts Page 10x38mm . . . . . . . . . . .PV-_A10. . . . . . . .1000V . . . . . . . . .2-814x51mm . . . . . . . . . . .PV-_A14. . . . . . . .1000/1100V. . . . .2-10NH Sizes 1, 2 and 3 . . . . PV-_ANH . . . . . . .1000V . . . . . . . . .2-1101XL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PV-_A-01XL . . . . .1000V . . . . . . . . .2-121XL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PV-_A-1XL . . . . . .1000V . . . . . . . . .2-122XL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PV-_A-2XL . . . . . .1000V . . . . . . . . .2-123L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PV-_A-3L . . . . . . .1000V . . . . . . . . .2-12Holders •CHPV 10x38 DIN-Rail mount holders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-2•CH14 14x51 DIN-Rail mount holders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-2•HEB* 10x38 in-line holders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-46•HPV in-line holder assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-46* Self certified to 1000Vdc.Blocks•SB1XL-S 01XL and 1XL blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-12•SB2XL-S 2XL blocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-12•SB3L-S 3L blocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-12•SD1-D-PV**. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-11•SD2-D-PV**. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-11•SD3-D-PV**. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11** IEC only to 1000Vdc.CHPV CHM CH14HEB SD1-D-PV SB2XL-S SB3L-S HPVSB1XL-SSolarproducts2Solar fuses Holders and blocks for photovoltaic fuses SB2XL-S SB3L-S 1500 Volts Fuses Volts Page 01XL . . . . . . . . . . .PV-_A-01XL-15 . . . .1500V . . . . . . . . .2-161XL . . . . . . . . . . . .PV-_A-1XL-15 . . . . .1500V . . . . . . . . .2-162XL . . . . . . . . . . . .PV-_A-2XL-15 . . . . .1500V . . . . . . . . .2-163L . . . . . . . . . . . . .PV-_A-3L-15 . . . . . .1500V . . . . . . . . . 2-1614x65mm PV-_A14*. . . . . . . . .1300/1500V. . . . .2-15Blocks•SB1XL-S** 01XL and 1XL blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-16•SB2XL-S** 2XL blocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-16•SB3L-S** 3L blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-16*Available with tags for bolt mounting or 10mm fixings for mounting in modular blocks for 10mm diameter fuses.** IEC only to 1500Vdc.SB1XL-S2Solar fuses13/32˝ x 1 1/2˝ Midget PV fusesRecommended fuse holders and blocks for the PVM fuse Specifications:Description:fast-acting 600Vdc Midget fuses specificallydesigned to protect solor power systems inextreme ambient temperature, high cyclingand low level fault current conditions (reversecurrent, multi-array fault).Dimensions:13⁄32˝ x 1 1⁄2˝(10.3 x 38.1mm).Ratings:Volts— 600Vdc to UL 2579Amps— 4-30AIR— 50kA DC (4-30A)Agency information:UL Listed 2579, Guide JFGA, FileE335324, CSA Component Certified C22.2. RoHS compliant.Features and benefits:•Specifically designed to protect solar power systems inextreme ambient temperature per UL 2579 listed•Capable of withstanding high cycling and low level faultcurrent conditionsTypical applications:•Solar combiner boxes•Solar string protectorsCatalog numbers (amps)PVM-4PVM-7PVM-10PVM-20PVM-5PVM-8PVM-12PVM-25PVM-6PVM-9PVM-15PVM-30PVMData Sheet: 2153Catalog Amp Power loss (watts)number rating n 1.0 x I nPVM-1010 1.0 1.9PVM-1515 1.0 1.7PVM-3030 1.6 2.9I n= Rated currentPower loss (watts)Dimensions - (mm)11CURRENT IN AMPS.01.1110100AMP5AAAAAA1,TIMEINSECONDSSolar products2Solar fusesPhotovoltaic CUBEFuse™PVCF 600VData Sheet: 2155Carton quantity and weightAmp Carton Weight per cartonrating qty.lbs kgPVCF-35-60A12 1.420.65PVCF-70-100A6 1.740.79Catalog symbol:PVCF_RNFast-acting fuse:6 minutes maximum clearing time at 200%rated current for 30 to 60A fuse8 minutes maximum clearing time at 200%rated current for 70 to 100A fuseRatings:Volts— 600VdcAmps— 35-100AIR— 50kA DC (UL and CSA)Agency information:•UL 2579 Listed Fuse: Guide JFGA, File E335324•CSA Certified Fuse: Class C22.2•RoHS compliantOther ratings/specifications:Watts loss at rated current:PVCF35RN: 5.45WPVCF60RN: 7.27WPVCF100RN: 11.50WOperating and storage temperature range:-40 to 90°CMaterial specifications:• Case: glass filled PES (Polyethersulfone)• Terminals: copper alloy• Terminal plating: electroless tinFeatures and product benefits:•Maximize uptime and reliability using fuses designed and list-Low Voltage Fuses - Fuses for PhotovoltaicSystems.•Minimize chances of equipment failure and personnel injurywhen using full range fuses having the industry’s fastestresponse time to low-magnitude faults.•Maximize return on investment with fuses proven towithstand harsh temperatures.•Minimize design time, operating outage time andchanging enviromental conditions.•Simplify compatibility with readily available industrystandard Class CF holders.•Temperature derating: designed to maximize rated capacity inelevated environmental temperatures.•Overload protection: proven to clear faults faster than the ULrequirement.•Power loss: minimal energy consumption leading to increasedefficiency.Recommended fuse holders for Class CF fuses•2Solar fuses Photovoltaic CUBEFuse™ Data Sheet: 2155 Time-current characteristic curves–average melt 100A60A40A 50A 35A2Solar fusesLimitron™ fast-acting fusesData Sheet: 4203PVS-R(600Vac/dc) Class RK5Recommended fuse holders and blocks for Class RK5 fuses•See page 1-32Solar fuses 10x38mm photovoltaic fuses Description:A range 10x38mm, 1000Vdc PV fuses for the protection and isolation of photovoltaic strings. The fuses arespecifically designed for use in PV systems with extreme ambient temperature, high cycling and low fault current conditions (reverse current, multi-array fault) string arrays.flexibility.Basic fuse size:•10x38mm Catalog symbols:1-20A*—PV-(amp)A10F (cylindrical)—PV-(amp)A10-T (bolt mounting)—PV-(amp)A10-1P (single PCB tab)—PV-(amp)A10-2P (dual PCB tab)—PV-(amp)10F-CT (in-line, crimp terminals)25-30A**—PV10M-(amp) (cylindrical)—PV10M-(amp)-CT (in-line, crimp terminals)*Ceramic tube construction.**Melamine tube construction.Time constant:•1-3ms PV Fuse coordination:With thin film cells and 4”, 5” and 6” crystalline silicon cells Agency information:•UL Listed to 2579*, Guide JFGA, File E335324•IEC 60269-6 (gPV)•CSA File 53787, Class 1422-30 (1-15A), 20-30A Pending •CCC (1-20A) (25-30A pending)•RoHS Compliant *Except crimp terminal version that is UL Recognized to UL 2579, Guide JFGA2, File E335324.Features and benefits:•Meets UL and IEC photovoltaic standards for global acceptance •Low watts loss performance for energy efficiency •Low temperature rise performance for more precise sizing •In-line crimp terminal version is easy to apply in wire harness construction Typical applications:•Combiner boxes •Inverters •PV wire harnesses Recommended fuse blocks, holders and fuseclips:Part number Description Data Sheet #BPVM_10265with optional cover CHPV_Lit # 3185with optional open fuse indication 1A3400-09PCB fuseclip 2131HPV-DV-_AIn-line fuse holder assembly 2157Data Sheet: 1012110x38mm fuses — 1000Vdc, 1-30A Catalog numbers (amp)/electrical characteristics:Rated I 2t (A 2s)Cylindrical Bolt PCB fixing PCB fixing Rated volts Interrupting Pre-Total @Watts loss ferrule fixing single pin double pin crimp terminal amps Vdc rating arcing rated volts 0.8I n I n PV-1A10F PV-1A10-T PV-1A10-1P PV-1A10-2P PV-1A10F-CT 1100050kA 1.5PV-2A10F PV-2A10-T PV-2A10-1P PV-2A10-2P PV-2A10F-CT 2100050kA 1.2 3.40.6 1.0PV-3A10F PV-3A10-T PV-3A10-1P PV-3A10-2P PV-3A10F-CT 3100050kA 4110.8 1.3PV-3-5A10F PV-3-5A10-T PV-3-5A10-1P PV-3-5A10-2P PV-3-5A10F-CT 3.5100050kA 6.6180.9 1.4PV-4A10F PV-4A10-T PV-4A10-1P PV-4A10-2P PV-4A10F-CT 4100050kA 9.526 1.0 1.5PV-5A10F PV-5A10-T PV-5A10-1P PV-5A10-2P PV-5A10F-CT 5100050kA 1950 1.0 1.6PV-6A10F PV-6A10-T PV-6A10-1P PV-6A10-2P PV-6A10F-CT 6100050kA 3090 1.1 1.8PV-8A10F PV-8A10-T PV-8A10-1P PV-8A10-2P PV-8A10F-CT 8100050kA 332 1.2 2.1PV-10A10F PV-10A10-T PV-10A10-1P PV-10A10-2P PV-10A10F-CT 10100050kA 770 1.2 2.3PV-12A10F PV-12A10-T PV-12A10-1P PV-12A10-2P PV-12A10F-CT 12100050kA 12120 1.5 2.7PV-15A10F PV-15A10-T PV-15A10-1P PV-15A10-2P PV-15A10F-CT 15100050kA 22220 1.7 2.9PV-20A10F PV-20A10-T PV-20A10-1P PV-20A10-2P PV-20A10F-CT 20100050kA 34350 2.1 3.6PV10M-25————25100020kA 3251860* 1.7 2.9PV10M-30————30100020kA 5363360* 1.7 3.3*Total I 2************************************.Solarproducts2Solar fuses 10x38mm photovoltaic in-line assembly Data Sheet: 2157HPV — 1000Vdc Catalog symbol:HPV-DV-(amp)ADescription:Single-pole, non-serviceable photovoltaic in-line fuse holderand fuse assembly in an IP67 dust tight and temporary water immersion resistant insulating boot for use in photovoltaic wire harnesses.Ratings — 1000Vdc Amps — 1-20AIR — 33kA Agency information • UL Listed to 4248-1 and 4248-18. File # E 348242• CSA Component Acceptance, Class 6225 30, File # 47235• CE, RoHS Compliant, IP20 Finger-safe, IP67Conductors • 75°C/90°C Cu Stranded 12-10AWG PV wire T erminals • Crimp connection for single, stranded 12-10AWG PV conductor Boot material • UL 5VA flammability resistant rated elastomer. • UV resistant to UL F1 suitable for outdoor use.Operating and storage temperature range • -40°C to +90°C PackagingBulk packed in cartons, 180 fuse assemblies per carton. Cartonweight 19.3 Lbs (8.7543kg).Fuse assemblies poly bagged with PV fuse element, two insulating boots (for lineside and loadside), and one pressure to the wire harness.Catalog numbers (amps) and fuse elements*HPV catalog number 10x38mmPV fuse part number Amps HPV-DV-1A PV-1A10F-CT 1HPV-DV-2A PV-2A10F-CT 2HPV-DV-2.5A PV-2.5A10F-CT 2.5HPV-DV-3A PV-3A10F-CT 3HPV-DV-3.5APV-3.5A10F-CT 3.5HPV-DV-4A PV-4A10F-CT 4HPV-DV-5APV-5A10F-CT5HPV-DV-6A PV-6A10F-CT 6HPV-DV-8A PV-8A10F-CT 8HPV-DV-10A PV-10A10F-CT 10HPV-DV-12A PV-12A10F-CT 12HPV-DV-15A PV-15A10F-CT 15HPV-DV-20A PV-20A10F-CT 20* For fuse specifications and derating curves see data sheet no. 10121 at/DatasheetsEle.Recommended tools • Sta-Kon™ terminal crimping tool, catalog # ERG4002• Multi-Contact assembly tool, catalog # PV-RWZ with PV-KOI+II and PV-KOIII tapered spindles2Solar fuses 14x51mm photovoltaic fuses Time-current characteristic curves—average melt Dimensions - mmData Sheet: 720132Available current (amps), DC-time constant 1-3ms Recommended fuse holders and blocks for 14x51mm fuses •See page 2-2Features and benefits:•Specifically designed to provide fast-acting protection under low fault current conditions associated with PV systems •High DC voltage rating •Demonstrated performance in extreme temperature cycling conditions Typical applications:•Combiner boxes •Inverters Recommended fuse holder:CH141B-PV DIN-Rail modular fuse holder See data sheet # 720148 for more information.14x51mm fuses — 1000/1100Vdc, 15-32A2-11Solar products2Solar fusesNH photovoltaic fusesBUSSMANN SERIES FULL LINE CATALOG1007—July 2015 /bussmannseries Description:A range of 1000Vdc NH size Photovoltaic (PV) fusesspecifically designed for protecting and isolating arraycombiners/re-combiners, disconnects and inverters.Ratings:Volts— 1000VdcAmps— 32-400AIR— 50kAAgency information:•UL Listed, Guide JFGA, File E335324.Photovoltaic to UL 2579•IEC 60269-6 gPV•CSA Class 1422-30, File 53787 (32-160A)•UL Listed, IEC gPV, CSA, CCC Pending, RoHS compliantCatalog numbers/electrical characteristics:Data Sheet: 720133Features and benefits:•Compact size saves panel space and extends designflexibility•Bolt-on versions have common hole centers forstandardizing busbar designs across 63-400 amp range•Low power loss for greater efficiency and loweroperating temperature•Global agency standards simplifies designconsiderations for worldwide markets•Dual indication feature and optional microswitchesmake system monitoring easierTypical applications:•Recombiner boxes•InvertersRecommended fuse blocks*:Fuse size Fuse blockNH1SD1-D-PVNH2SD2-D-PVNH3SD3-D-PVSee data sheet # 720149 for more information.Optional microswitches*:Tab size/number mm (inch)Connection Volts Amps170H0236250/6.3 (1⁄4)Quick connect2502170H0238110/2.8 (0.11)Quick connect2502BVL50187/4.8 (3⁄16)Quick connect2506 NH fuses — 1000Vdc, NH1, 2, 3, 32-400A*For use with bladed version.FusesizeCurrentrating(amps)Energy integralsI2t (A2S)Watts lossPart numberPre-arcingT otal at1000V0.8InInPV-32ANH1NH1328072048PV-40ANH1NH140185167059PV-50ANH1NH1504003600611PV-63ANH1NH1634704300612PV-80ANH1NH1806405760815PV-100ANH1NH1100130011,700816PV-125ANH1NH1125260023,400917PV-160ANH1NH1160520046,8001427PV-200ANH1NH120010,20082,0001325PV-250ANH2NH225017,000136,0001938PV-300ANH3NH330032,000260,0002440PV-315ANH3NH331532,000260,0002644PV-350ANH3NH335044,500370,0002745PV-355ANH3NH335544,500370,0002846PV-400ANH3NH340067,500550,0003050Blade without bolt-holesSee data sheet No. 720133 for complete details.Part numberwith bolt holesFusesizeCurrentrating(amps)Energy integralsI2t (A2S)Watts lossPre-arcingT otal at1000V0.8InInPV-63ANH1-B NH1634704300612PV-80ANH1-B NH1806405760815PV-100ANH1-B NH1100130011,700816PV-125ANH1-B NH1125260023,400917PV-160ANH1-B NH1160520046,8001427PV-200ANH1-B NH120010,20082,0001325PV-250ANH2-B NH225017,000136,0001938PV-315ANH3-B NH331532,000260,0002644PV-355ANH3-B NH335538,000310,0002948PV-400ANH3-B NH340061,000490,0003250See data sheet No. 720133 for complete details.Blade with bolt-holesRequest Info2-12BUSSMANN SERIES FULL LINE CATALOG 1007—July 2015 /bussmannseries 2Solar fuses1000Vdc XL photovoltaic fuses Data Sheet: 10201Description:protecting and isolating photovoltaic array combiners and disconnects. These fuses are capable of interrupting low overcurrents associated with faulted PV systems (reverse microswitches for use in monitoring systems.Catalog symbols:Blade — PV-(amp)A(size)XL Bolt-In — PV-(amp)A(size)XL-B Agency information:•UL 2579, Guide JFGA, File E335324•IEC 60269-6•CSA Class 1422-30, File 53787•RoHS Compliant Features and benefits:•Specifically designed to provide fast-acting protection under low fault current conditions associated with PV systems •High DC voltage rating •Variety of mounting options for flexibility •Demonstrated performance in extreme temperature cycling conditions Typical applications:•Recombiner boxes •InvertersRecommended fuse holders:Fuse size Part number Description 01XL SB1XL-S 1-pole block 1XL SB1XL-S 1-pole block 2XL SB2XL-S 1-pole block 3L SB3L-S 1-pole block See data sheet # 10066 for more information.Optional microswitches:Blade — 170H0235 or 170H0237 for size 01XL— 170H0236 or 170H0238 for sizes 1XL, 2XL and 3LBolt-in — 170H0069 for all sizes XL fuses — 1000Vdc, XL01, 1, 2, 3, 63-630A Catalog numbers (amp)/electrical characteristics:Rated I 2t (A 2s)Rated volts Interrupting Total @Watts loss Fuse size Bladed version Bolted version amps Vdc rating Pre-arcing rated volts 0.8I n I n PV-63A-01XL PV-63A-01XL-B 63100050kA 26019001324PV-80A-01XL PV-80A-01XL-B 80100050kA 4903600172901PV-100A-01XL PV-100A-01XL-B 100100050kA 87063001832PV-125A-01XL PV-125A-01XL-B 125100050kA 193013,9002040PV-160A-01XL PV-160A-01XL-B 160100050kA 390028,10022441PV-200A-1XL PV-200A-1XL-B 200100033kA 940027,2603160PV-160A-2XL PV-160A-2XL-B 160100033kA 278021,0002544PV-200A-2XL PV-200A-2XL-B 200100033kA 495037,00028502PV-250A-2XL PV-250A-2XL-B 250100033kA 945070,0003460PV-315A-2XL PV-315A-2XL-B 315100033kA 16,600123,0004066PV-350A-2XL PV-350A-2XL-B 350100033kA 26,000192,0004268PV-355A-2XL PV-355A-2XL-B 355100033kA 26,000192,0004268PV-350A-3L PV-350A-3L-B 350100050kA 31,000161,2004065PV-400A-3L PV-400A-3L-B 400100050kA 44,500231,40048823PV-500A-3L PV-500A-3L-B 500100050kA 85,000442,0005085PV-600A-3L PV-600A-3L-B 600100050kA 137,000712,40080108PV-630A-3L*PV-630A-3L-B*630*100050kA 137,000712,40092118*630A thermally rated to UL only.Request Info2-132Solar fuses1000Vdc XL photovoltaic fuses for solar ap plications BUSSMANN SERIES FUL L LINE CATALOG 1007—July 2015 /bussmannseries 2XL blade sizeDimensions - mm (n ot to scale)3L blade size3L bolt size01XL blade size 01XL bolt sizeData Sheet: 7201342XL bolt size Request Info2-14BUSSMANN SERIES FULL LINE CATALOG 1007—July 2015 /bussmannseries 2Solar fuses 1000Vdc XL photovoltaic fuses for solar applications Data Sheet: 720134100100010000160A 125A 100A 200A 0.010.11100001000100101P r e -a r c i n g T i m e (s )63A 80A Time-current curves for 01XL and 1XL Available current (amps), DC-time constant 1-3ms Time-current curves for 2XLAvailable current (amps), DC-time constant 1-3ms Time-current curves for 3L Available current (amps), DC-time constant 1-3ms2-152Solar fuses 14x65mm photovoltaic fuses BUSSMANN SERIES FULL LINE CATALOG 1007—July 2015 /bussmannseries 14x65mm fuses — 1300/1500Vdc, 2.25-32A Features and benefits:•Specifically designed to provide fast-acting protection under low fault current conditions associated with PV systems •Variety of mounting options for flexibility •Fuses meet UL and IEC photovoltaic standards for global product acceptance Data Sheet: 1172Request Info2-16BUSSMANN SERIES FULL LINE CATALOG 1007—July 2015 /bussmannseries 2Solar fuses 1500Vdc XL photovoltaic fuses Data Sheet: 10201Description:protecting and isolating photovoltaic array combiners and disconnects. These fuses are capable of interrupting low microswitches for use in monitoring systems.Catalog symbols:Blade — PV-(amp)A(size)XL-15Bolt-In — PV-(amp)A(size)XL-B-15Agency information:•UL Listed, Guide JFGA, File E335324. Photovoltaic to UL 2579•IEC 60269-6 gPV •CSA Class 1422-30, File 53787•RoHS compliant Features and benefits:•Specifically designed to provide fast-acting protection PV systems •Variety of mounting options for flexibility Typical applications:•Recombiner boxes •InvertersRecommended fuse holders:Fuse size Part number Description 01XL SB1XL-S 1-pole block 1XL SB1XL-S 1-pole block 2XL SB2XL-S 1-pole block 3L SB3L-S 1-pole block See data sheet # 10066 for more information.Optional microswitches:Blade — 170H0235 or 170H0237 for size 01XL— 170H0236 or 170H0238 for sizes 1XL, 2XL & 3LBolt-in — 170H0069 for all sizes XL PV fuses — 1500Vdc, XL01, 1, 2, 3, 50-400A Catalog numbers (amp)/electrical characteristics:Rated I 2t (A 2s)Rated volts InterruptingTotal @Watts loss Fuse size Bladed version Bolted version amps Vdc rating Pre-arcing rated volts 0.8I n I n PV-50A-01XL-15PV-50A-01XL-B-1550150030kA 7510001425PV-63A-01XL-15PV-63A-01XL-B-1563150030kA 3622250152601PV-80A-01XL-15PV-80A-01XL-B-1580150030kA 56533001935PV-100A-01XL-15PV-100A-01XL-B-151********kA 110066002240PV-125A-01XL-15PV-125A-01XL-B-151********kA 220010,5002342PV-160A-01XL-12PV-160A-01XL-B-12160120030kA 500024,0002652PV-100A-1XL-15PV-100A-1XL-B-151********kA 1250600024431PV-125A-1XL-15PV-125A-1XL-B-151********kA 195093602552PV-160A-1XL-15PV-160A-1XL-B-151********kA 420020,1603058PV-200A-1XL-15PV-200A-1XL-B-152********kA 940045,1203161PV-125A-2XL-15PV-125A-2XL-B-151********kA 220015,00025442PV-160A-2XL-15PV-160A-2XL-B-151********kA 500032,0002948PV-200A-2XL-15PV-200A-2XL-B-152********kA 880051,0003257PV-250A-2XL-15PV-250A-2XL-B-152********kA 16,60085,0004070PV-250A-3L-15PV-250A-3L-B-152********kA 22,30092,00032503PV-315A-3L-15PV-315A-3L-B-153********kA 38,000160,0003666PV-355A-3L-15PV-355A-3L-B-153********kA 44,500184,0004480PV-400A-3L-15PV-400A-3L-B-15400150030kA58,000240,0004991Request Info2-17Solar products2Solar fuses1500Vdc XL photovoltaic fusesBUSSMANN SERIES FULL LINE CATALOG1007—July 2015 /bussmannseriesDimensions - mm (not to scale)Bladed - size 01XL, 1XL, 2XL and 3L1XL blade size1XL bolt size2XL blade size3L blade size3L bolt size01XL blade size01XL bolt sizeData Sheet: 7201342XL bolt sizeRequest Info2-18BUSSMANN SERIES FULL LINE CATALOG1007—July 2015 /bussmannseries2Solar fuses1500Vdc XL photovoltaic fusesData Sheet: 720134Time-current curves for 01XL - 1500VdcAvailable current (amps), DC-time constant 1-3msTime-current curves for 1XL - 1500VdcAvailable current (amps), DC-time constant 1-3ms Time-current curves for 2XL - 1500VdcAvailable current (amps), DC-time constant 1-3msTime-current curves for 3L - 1500VdcAvailable current (amps), DC-time constant 1-3msRequest Info。
24V T t1 t2 t3 t4 U45 2脚输出的方波
高频头电路检修: (1)当出现无台、TV黑屏、不开机故障时,都有可能是此电路造成,请检查 U30的工作条件及工作电压; ①对于不开机故障,高频头只有总线可能引起,可通过开/待机动作检测总线 电压或U30的(4)脚和(5)脚对地电阻来判定(本机总线对地电阻很 大); ②对于无台、信号弱、TV黑屏,先检测U30的工作电压;其次测量(3)脚电 压来进行判定,使用示波器观察(12)脚波形,可以更加直接看到高频头是 否有输出。 (2)测试高频头总线时以波形为准,总线波形在有数据交换时才有(工作电 压在4.6~4.8V变化),故在测试时,打出“自动搜索”项,让电视处于收台状 态; (3)高频头输出的视频信号经R402、R173、L69、C59输入到U39的(46、47) 脚,U39的信号输入端为差分输入,(46)脚为正相输入,(47)脚为反相 输入,要使U39内的差分电路正常工作,必须保证47脚外接的C60、R195正常。
LT37810U LT32810U LT26810U
U-DTV数字可升级 H.264蓝光全高清 底座一体化包装 左右15度可旋转 IPS硬屏
后缀命名方式:U——U-DTV;F——FULL HD;D——120Hz(双倍);Q——240Hz(四倍)。
LM24 机 芯
液晶810系列具有H.264蓝光DVD的核心解码技术、独立解码播放 H.264格式网络1080P高清电影并兼容高清RM网络高清电影,传承和 升级了HD-RM。 H.264的优势: (1)画质水平增加一倍:相同码率下,H.264格式电影同MPEG-4格 式电影相比。 (2)播放更流畅,空间占用更小,下载更快捷:同样的画面质量 下,H.264的码率仅仅为MPEG-4的二分之一。 (3)免费的高清节目源更丰富:网络上有超过70%的高清电影都是 H.264格式(MKV\MOV\AVI\TS是常见的H.264封装格式)
舒瑞普/传特板式换热器国际公司是全球知名的拼装式(PHE)及钎焊式(CB E)板式换热器专业生产商,为石油化工、机械工业、汽车工业、食品工业、电力、冶金、造船业、暖通、空调制冷行业提供产品和服务。
舒瑞普/传特板式换热器有不锈钢SUS304,SUS316L、Ti、Hadtelloy Alloy、Nickel等多种板片材质,适用于各种工况。
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4124Product descriptionEaton’s Bussmann ® series Type D and D0 fuse links are specifically designed for the protection of general industrial applications such as power distribution and cable protection.Both types D and D0 are available in threeoperating characteristics: Time-delay, Fast-acting and Ultra-rapid versions that fit into screw cap fuse link carriers for mounting in 1- or 3-pole DIN-Rail or screw fixing.Features and benefi ts:•Characteristics to suit the protection needs of inductive and resistive loads•Fast trouble shooting with easily visible fuse operated pin indicator • Historically reliable range•Wide range of fuse bases and accessories available for many applications•Compliant to IEC 60269 and DIN 49515D and D0 fuse links and basesBUSSMANNSERIESTechnical Data 4124Effective October 2017 D and D0 fuse links and basesCatalogue symbol - T ype D fuse linksFuse LinkSizeTime-Delay Fast-acting Ultra-rapidDI(amp)D16(amp)D16Q(amp)D16RDII(amp)D27(amp)D27Q(amp)D27RDIII(amp)D33(amp)D33Q(amp)D33RDIV(amp)D125(amp)D125Q(amp)D125RDV(amp)D200(amp)D200Q(amp)D200RFuse size• DI• DII• DIII• DIV• DVT o be used with fuse base• E16 (DI)• E27 (DII)• E33 (DIII)• R1 ¼ ” (DIV)• R2 (DV)T echnical data• Volts: 500 V a.c.• Amps: 2 to 200 A• Breaking capacity: 50 kAClass of operation• Time-delay• Fast-acting• Ultra-rapidStandards/Approvals• IEC 60269 and DIN 49515Fuse bases and accessories (ordered separately)• CD27 and CD33 Screw cap fuse link carriers• GD27 and GD33 Screw cap gauge pieces• SFD (1-pole) and TFD (3-pole) Fuse base screw fixing• SFRD (1-pole) and TFRD (3-pole) Fuse base DIN-Rail mount Weight• D16: 12 - 16 grams• D27: 27 - 30 grams• D33: 48 - 52 grams• D125: 105 - 109 grams• D200: 215 grams T able 1. T echnical dataCurrent(Amps)I2t(Amp2 seconds)Nominal wattsloss233 1.5452 1.66100 1.810160 1.416460 2.1201100 2.22520003354700 4.150780056312300 6.98019000N/A 10029000N/A125N/A N/A160N/A N/A200N/A N/ATechnical Data 4124Effective October 2017 D and D0 fuse links and basesT able 2. T ype D Catalogue numbers time delay and fast actingFuse link Operatingcharacteristics GaugeringcolourFuse linksizeTo fit fusebaseCurrent(Amps)Voltage(V a.c.)BdimensionsPackquantity2D16Time-delay Pink DI E162500610 4D16Time-delay Brown DI E164500610 6D16Time-delay Green DI E166500610 10D16Time-delay Red DI E1610500810 16D16Time-delay Grey DI E16165001010 20D16Time-delay Blue DI E16205001210 25D16Time-delay Yellow DI E16255001410 2D27Time-delay Pink DII E272500625 4D27Time-delay Brown DII E274500625 6D27Time-delay Green DII E276500625 10D27Time-delay Red DII E2710500825 16D27Time-delay Grey DII E27165001025 20D27Time-delay Blue DII E27205001225 25D27Time-delay Yellow DII E27255001425 32D33Time-delay Black DIII E33325001625 35D33Time-delay Black DIII E33355001625 40D33Time-delay Black DIII E33405001625 50D33Time-delay White DIII E33505001825 63D33Time-delay Copper DIII E33635002025 80D125Time-delay Silver DIV R1 ¼ ”8050053 100D125Time-delay Red DIV R1 ¼ ”10050073 125D200Time-delay Yellow DV R2125500510 160D200Time-delay Copper DV R2160500710 200D200Time-delay Blue DV R2200500910 2D16Q Fast acting Pink DI E162500610 4D16Q Fast acting Brown DI E164500610 6D16Q Fast acting Green DI E166500610 10D16Q Fast acting Red DI E1610500810 16D16Q Fast acting Grey DI E16165001010 20D16Q Fast acting Blue DI E16205001210 25D16Q Fast acting Yellow DI E16255001410 2D27Q Fast acting Pink DII E272500625 4D27Q Fast acting Brown DII E274500625 6D27Q Fast acting Green DII E276500625 10D27Q Fast acting Red DII E2710500825 16D27Q Fast acting Grey DII E27165001025 20D27Q Fast acting Blue DII E27205001225 25D27Q Fast acting Yellow DII E27255001425 35D33Q Fast acting Black DIII E33355001625 50D33Q Fast acting White DIII E33505001825 63D33Q Fast acting Copper DIII E33635002025 80D125Q Fast acting Silver DIV R1 ¼ ”80500510 100D125Q Fast acting Red DIV R1 ¼ ”100500710 125D200Q Fast acting Yellow DV R2125500510 160D200Q Fast acting Copper DV R2160500710 200D200Q Fast acting Blue DV R2200500910T able 3. T ype D Catalogue numbers ultra rapidFuse linkOperatingcharacteristicsGauge ring colourFuse link sizeTo fit fuse baseCurrent (Amps)Voltage (V a.c.)BdimensionsPack quantity2D16R Ultra rapid Pink DI E1625006204D16R Ultra rapid Brown DI E1645006206D16R Ultra rapid Green DI E166********D16R Ultra rapid Red DI E161050082016D16R Ultra rapid Grey DI E1616500102020D16R Ultra rapid Blue DI E1620500122025D16R Ultra rapid Yellow DI E162550014202D27R Ultra rapid Pink DII E2725006254D27R Ultra rapid Brown DII E2745006256D27R Ultra rapid Green DII E27650062510D27R Ultra rapid Red DII E271050082516D27R Ultra rapid Grey DII E2716500102520D27R Ultra rapid Blue DII E2720500122525D27R Ultra rapid Yellow DII E2725500142530D27R Ultra rapid Black DII E2730500142535D33R Ultra rapid Black DIII E3335500162550D33R Ultra rapid White DIII E3350500182563D33R Ultra rapid Copper DIII E3363500202580D125R Ultra rapid Silver DIV R1 ¼ ”8050053100D125R Ultra rapid Red DIV R1 ¼ ”10050073125D200R Ultra rapid Yellow DV R2125500510160D200R Ultra rapid Copper DV R2160500710200D200R Ultra rapid Blue DV R2200500910DI DIIDIII DIV Dimensions - mmDVTime-current curve - T ype D Fuse links444106-2264-11024610 0262462102610 1466 22410 324610 44621011021034A2A63A50A 35A 25A 20A 16A 6A10A 100A80A 232A 40A13A Cut-off characteristics - T ype D Fuse links2101024610246102461024610241046104262T i m e i n s e c o n d s (S )Current in Amps (A)Prospective current (A)M a x i m u m v a l u e o f c u r r e n t (A )Technical Data 4124Effective October 2017D and D0 fuse links and basesAccessories for type D Fuse linksT able 4. Screw cap fuse links carriers Screws into fuse base.T able 5. Screw cap gauge piecesFuse rating rejection insert to prevent incorrect fuse rating from being installed.Catalogue numberFuse link sizeTo fit fuse base type Current (Amps)Pack qtyCD27DII E272550CD33DIII E336330Catalogue numberColourCurrent (Amps)Fuse link sizeTo fit fuse base type Packqty2GD27Pink 2DIIE27254GD27Brown 4DII E27256GD27Green 6DII E272510GD27Red 10DII E272516GD27Grey 16DII E272520GD27Blue 20DII E272525GD27Yellow 25DII E272535GD33Black 35DIII E332550GD33White 50DIII E332563GD33Copper 63DIII E3325Fuse carrier/capRated current (Amps) A BC D 2GD273/16” 6.517244GD273/16” 6.517246GD273/16” 6.5172410GD273/16”8.5172416GD273/16”10.5172420GD273/16”12.5172425GD273/16”14.5172435GD333/16”16.5173050GD333/16”18.5173063GD333/16”20.51730Gauge pieceDimensions - mm2GD274GD276GD2710GD2716GD2720GD2725GD2735GD3350GD3363GD33Technical Data 4124Effective October 2017D and D0 fuse links and basesT able 6. Fuse base screw fixingTFD27Catalogue numberNumber of poles Fuse link sizeTo fit fuse base type Current (Amps)Pack qtySFRD271-pole DII E272515TFRD273-pole DII E27254SFRD331-pole DIII E336315TFRD333-pole DIII E33636T able 7. Fuse base DIN-Rail mountDIN-Rail mount receptacle to hold screw cap fuse link carrier and fuse link.SFRD33TFRD27TFDDimensions - mmTFRDTechnical Data 4124Effective October 2017 D and D0 fuse links and bases+Fitting exampleCD27Screw cap fuse link carrier10D27Fuse link10GD27Screw capgauge pieceTFD27Fuse basepanel mount++Technical Data 4124Effective October 2017 D and D0 fuse links and basesCatalogue symbol - T ype D0 fuse linksFuse link size Time-delay Ultra-rapidD01(amp)NZ01(amp)NZ01RD02(amp)NZ02(amp)NZ02RD03(amp)NZ03N/AFuse size• D01• D02• D03T o be used with fuse base• E14 (D01)• E18 (D02)• M30 x 2 (D03)T echnical data• Volts: 400 V a.c.• Amps: 2 to 100 A• Breaking capacity: 50 kAOperating class• Time-delay• Ultra-rapidStandards/Approvals• IEC 60269 and DIN 49515Packaging• 10 per cartonWeight• NZ01: 6 grams• NZ02: 11 - 15 grams• NZ03: 35 grams T able 8. T echnical dataCurrent (Amps)I2t (Amp2 seconds)Nominal watts loss 2330.8452 1.16100 1.210160 1.116460 1.7201100 1.7252000 2.3354700 2.8507800 3.863123005Fuse bases and accessories (ordered separately)• CN01, CN02 and CN03 screw cap fuse link carriers• GN01 and GN02 screw cap gauge pieces• FN_C, FRNC-SA, FRN-SB, FRN-SD, FRN-SE single pole fuse base screw fixing• TFN_C, TFRNC-SA, TFRN-SB, TFRN-SD, TFRN-SE triple pole fuse base screw fixing• FRN_C, FRNC-A, FRN-B, FRN-D, FRN-E single pole fuse base DIN-Rail mounting• TFRN_C, TFRNC-A, TFRN-B, TFRN-D, TFRN-E triple pole fuse base DIN-Rail mounting• PPD01 and PPD02 Plastic base• D0-GPK gauge piece key• D0-SFH special holderDimensions - mmSee catalogue numbers table for dimensionA.Use with fusebase E14Use with fusebase E18Use with fusebase M30 x 2Technical Data 4124Effective October 2017 D and D0 fuse links and basesT able 9. T ype D0 fuse link catalogue numbersCatalogue numbers Operatingcharacteristics Gauge ring colourFuse linksizeTo fit fusebaseCurrent(Amps)Voltage(V a.c.)Adimensions Pack qty2NZ01Time delay Pink D01E1424007.310 4NZ01Time delay Brown D01E1444007.310 6NZ01Time delay Green D01E1464007.310 10NZ01Time delay Red D01E14104008.510 16NZ01Time delay Grey D01E14164009.710 20NZ02Time delay Blue D02E182040010.910 25NZ02Time delay Yellow D02E182540012.110 35NZ02Time delay Black D02E183540013.310 50NZ02Time delay White D02E185040014.510 63NZ02Time delay Copper D02E186340015.910 80NZ03Time delay Silver D03M30 x 28040021.410 100NZ03Time delay Red D03M30 x 210040021.410 2NZ01R Ultra rapid Pink D01E1424007.310 4NZ01R Ultra rapid Brown D01E1444007.310 6NZ01R Ultra rapid Green D01E1464007.310 10NZ01R Ultra rapid Red D01E14104008.510 16NZ01R Ultra rapid Grey D01E14164009.710 20NZ02R Ultra rapid Blue D02E182040010.910 25NZ02R Ultra rapid Yellow D02E182540012.110 35NZ02R Ultra rapid Black D02E183540013.310 50NZ02R Ultra rapid White D02E185040014.510 63NZ02R Ultra rapid Copper D02E186340015.910Time-current curve - T ype D0 fuse links - Time-delay11EATON 12EATON Accessories for type D0 Fuse linksT able 10. Fuse cap fuse link carriers Screws into fuse base.Catalogue numberFuse link size Pack qtyCN01D0120CN02D0220CN03D0320T able 11. Screw cap gauge piecesFuse rating rejection insert to prevent incorrect fuse rating from being installed.DimensionsCatalogue numberColourCurrent (Amps)Fuse link sizeTo fit fuse base type PackqtyAB2GN01Pink 2D01E14507.9124GN01Brown 4D01E14507.9126GN01Green 6D01E14507.91210GN01Red 10D01E14509.1122GN02*Pink 2D02E18507.916.64GN02*Brown 4D02E18507.916.66GN02*Green 6D02E18507.916.610GN02*Red 10D02E18509.116.616GN02*Grey 16D02E185010.316.620GN02Blue 20D02E185011.516.625GN02Yellow 25D02E185012.716.635GN02Black 35D02E185013.916.650GN02White 50D02E185015.116.62GN01CN01Fuse carrier/capDimensions - mmDimensions - mm* For using fuse links D01 and fuse bases D024GN016GN0110GN0116GN0220GN0225GN0235GN0250GN0213EATON ConnectionsCatalogue number Current (Amps)ScrewWith protection cover Withoutprotection cover DIN-Rail mountingScrewfixingOutlet SupplyCross-section of connecting lead (mm 2)Dim (A)mm Pack qtyFRN01C 16E14x xM4M4 1.5-45315FN01C 16E14x xM4M4 1.5-45315FRN02C 63E18x x2 x M5 2 x M5 2.5-255715FN02C 63E18x x2 x M5 2 x M5 2.5-255715FRN02C-A 63E18x x2 x M5M6 2.5-25575FRN02C-SA 63E18xx2 x M5M6 2.5-255715FRN01-B 16E14x xM4M4 1.5-45315FRN01-SB 16E14x xM4M4 1.5-45315FRN02-D 63E18x x2 x M5 2 x M5 2.5-25575FRN02-SD 63E18x x2 x M5 2 x M5 2.5-255715FRN02-E 63E18x x2 x M5M6 2.5-255715FRN02-SE 63E18xx 2 x M5M6 2.5-255715T able 12. Single pole fuse basePanel mount receptacle to hold screw cap fuse link carrier and fuse link.Dimensions - mmConnectionsCatalogue number Current (Amps)Screw With protection cover Withoutprotection cover DIN-Rail mountingScrewfixingOutlet SupplyCross-section ofconnecting lead (mm 2)Dim (A)(mm)Pack qtyTFRN01C 16E14x xM4M4 1.5-4535TFN01C 16E14x xM4M4 1.5-4535TFRN02C 63E18x x2 x M5 2 x M5 2.5-25575TFN02C 63E18x x2 x M5 2 x M5 2.5-25575TFRN02C-A 63E18x x2 x M5M6 2.5-25575TFRN02C-SA 63E18xx2 x M5M6 2.5-25575TFRN01-B 16E14x xM4M4 1.5-4535TFRN01-SB 16E14x xM4M4 1.5-4535TFRN02-D 63E18x x2 x M5 2 x M5 2.5-25575TFRN02-SD 63E18x x2 x M5 2 x M5 2.5-25575TFRN02-E 63E18x x2 x M5M6 2.5-25575TFRN02-SE 63E18xx 2 x M5M6 2.5-25575T able 13. Three pole fuse basePanel mount receptacle to hold screw cap fuse link carrier and fuse link.Dimensions - mmFN01C FRN01CTFRN02CEatonEMEA Headquarters Route de la Longeraie 71110 Morges, Switzerland Eaton Electrical Products Limited Melton RoadBurton-on-the-WoldsLeicestershire, LE12 5TH United Kingdom © 2017 EatonAll Rights Reserved PDF OnlyPublication No. 4124October 2017Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Accessories for type D0 Fuse linksTypeCatalogue number To fit fuse link Number of polesRated current(A)Dim B (mm)Pack qtyPPD01-1PDD01-1D0111626.81PPD01-3PDD01-3D0131680.43PPD02-1PDD02-1D0216326.815PPD02-3PDD02-3D0236380.45T able 14. Plastic base PDD01 and PDD02++Fitting exampleCN01Fuse cap fuse link carrier16NZ01Fuse link16GN02Screw cap gauge ringFRN02C DIN-Rail fuse mount++Catalogue numberPack qtyMOQ D0-GPK 2020T able 15.Gauge piece keyCatalogue numberPack qtyD0-SFH25T able 16. Special holderDimensions - mmChanges to the products, to the information contained in this document, and to prices are reserved; so are errors and omissions. Only order confirmations and technical documentation by Eaton is binding. Photos and pictures also do not warrant a specific layout or functionality. Their use in whatever form is subject to prior approval by Eaton. The same applies to Trademarks (especially Eaton, Moeller, and Cutler-Hammer). The Terms and Conditions of Eaton apply, as referenced on Eaton Internet pages and Eaton order confirmations.。
DESCRIPTIONM62301 semiconductor integrated circuit forms an integrating A-D converter,being connected to a microcomputer unit.By using selection signals and counter clock signals from the unit,a 10~12-bit A-D converter can be created at a low cost. The integration time and resolution can be set at the user‘s option by changing external parameters.In addition,the built-in circuit offset,delay time and temperature fluctuation are adjustable,enabling a wide range of applications.M62301 has a 3 input decoder circuit,high-precision reference voltage(1.22V)generator,current supply andcomparator for integration,and voltage-monitoring reset circuit for a 5V power supply.It is also equipped with girdling to prevent current leak from integration capacitor.FEATURES•Separate power supplies for analog section and digital section.•Low power dissipation.....................................2mA(typ) (1mA for A-D conversion and the other 1mA for reset)•Linear error......................................................±0.02%(typ)•Conversion time...............................................526µs/ch(typ)•Built-in system reset.........................................4.45V(typ)APPLICATIONHigh-precision control systems such as temperature control and speed control10~12-BIT 4CH INTEGRATING A-D CONVERTERABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25°C, unless otherwise noted)V RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (Ta=25°C, unless otherwise noted)Symbol LimitsUnit Analog section supply voltage 12.0V IA C I Reference input voltage(I I =50µA)Integration capacityV cc Resistance to determine charge current5.5ParameterV DD V IR mAR I Digital section supply voltage Analog input voltage range (I I =50µA)V V V MinTypMaxI oOutput current4.54.50130068.05.022000604No more than(Vcc-2.5V)and V DD (Note 1)No more than(Vcc-2.5V)and V DD (Note 1)pF k ΩNote 1.Maximum analog input voltage is less than the difference between Vcc-2.5V as well as V DD .*Charging current I I =R1V REF10~12-BIT 4CH INTEGRATING A-D CONVERTERELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Vcc=5.0V,V DD =5.0V,Ta=25°C, unless otherwise noted)Symbol Test conditionsLimits UnitParameterMin.Typ. Max.1.0V V REF Supply current1.172.00.1µA Permissible current inflow atreference voltageEcConversion error0.0550-10Icc Reference input voltage T T Conversion time 526Tdi Discharge time3-0.35V IA I REF +I REF -Analog input voltage range E L Linear error I B V IH V IL V LINT I OHINT V DET ∆V DET T DE V LRE I OHRE I RE V OPL10~12-BIT 4CH INTEGRATING A-D CONVERTEROPERATING DESCRIPTION(1)DecoderBased on digital inputs to C0,C1,C2,the analog switch is set to on,and the input of "0" scale (GND input),input of reference scale (reference voltage input),input toA1~A4,or discharge from integration capacitor (C I) is performed.None of these operations is performed when the "mode 8" input is given:Mode12345678C0 C1 C2Discharge1GND11111111111V REF A1A2A3A4(2)A-D conversionMultiplexer first selects V GND,obtaining minimum pulseT GND.It then selects V REF,obtaining reference pulseT REF.Input is selected next,obtaining input pulse T IN.V IN is obtained by deducting T GND,as the offset,from T REF and T IN.Note. To ensure discharge from capacitor C I,the decoder input as in the above diagram should stay in mode 1 at least for theperiod calculated above:Tdi=(C I X1mAV IA max+0.49) It is not necessary to measure T GND,and T REF for eachchannel.V IN=V REF •TREF-T GT IN-T GBy measuring voltage at the maximum input for approximately 500µs under the counter clock of8MHz,resolution of approximately 12bits can be obtained;500µs 125ns . =.212GND T IN10~12-BIT 4CH INTEGRATING A-D CONVERTER(3)Constant current controlIntegrating current I I can be obtained based on the reference voltage(1.22V)by the built-in high-precision generator and resistance R I .I I =R I1.22(A) (1)Integration time T I can be calculated as follows;T I =(V IN +0.49)I I CI (2)(However,parameters such as built-in comparator offset voltage,analog switch offset,voltage leak current and delay time are not counted.)When voltage applied to pin V RE becomes less than within 150µsec.RESET SUPPLY VOLTAGERESET OUTPUT4.45V0.8VttV RE10~12-BIT 4CH INTEGRATING A-D CONVERTERAPPLICATION SUGGESTION1.4-channel 11-bit A-D converter systemResolution depends on the number of microcomputer counter clock pulses that are generated while the INT output status is "high" at the maximum input voltage 2.5V (vcc-2.5V).When the microcomputer counter clock frequency is 8MHz,the resolution can be calculated by using the constant calculated above,as follows; 4700pFX50µA (2.5+0.13)8M1=..211Therefore,the resolution of this system is approximately11 bits.Charge current I I =24k Ω1.22V =..50µAC REF :To stabilize reference voltage, be sure to connectcapacitance of approximately 4700pF.C INT :We suggest that this capacitance be connected to prevent malfunction due to noise.Use C I that leaks as slight current as possible.To prevent leak to the circuit board,we recommend providing girdling 7 , 910~12-BIT 4CH INTEGRATING A-D CONVERTER2.4-channel 12-bit A-D converter systemBecause separate power supplies are provided for theanalog are digital sections,the M62301 has two supply voltage Vcc and V DD ,enabling a wide analog input voltage range V IA .The upper limit of the range is required to be no more than the difference between Vcc-2.5V as well as V DD ,therefore,the analog input voltage range in this application is 0V to 5V.C REF :To stabilize reference voltage, be sure to connectcapacitance of approximately 4700pF.C INT :We suggest that this capacitance be connected to prevent malfunction due to noise.Use CI that leaks as slight current as possible.To prevent leak to the circuit board,we recommend providinggirdling 7 , 9Separate power supplies to analog section and digital section,analog input voltage range mode wider up to V DD ,external reference voltage for integration.8M16800pF X(5 + 0.13)=..212An A-D converter system with resolution of approximately12 bits can be formed.Recommended operational settings according to clock frequency,resolution,and time required for discharge(decoder mode 1)Counter clockResolution Change currentI I (µA)Resistance to determine constant current R I (k Ω)Integration capacitance C IDischarge timeTdi(µs)8MHz16MHz 10-bit11-bit 12-bit 10-bit11-bit12-bit5010050100501005010050100501002412241224122412241224121400pF 2800pF 2800pF 5600pF 5600pF 12000pF 700pF 1400pF 1400pF 2800pF 2800pF 5600pF7.715.415.430.730.765. 1.Discharge time Tdi=(C I X 1mAV IA max+0.49)The values in this table apply when V IA max is 5V.10~12-BIT 4CH INTEGRATING A-D CONVERTERTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSTHERMAL DERATING20040080075AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Ta(°C)0.05INT OUTPUT VS.AMBIENT TEMPERATURE0100-200204060AMBIENT TEMPERATURE Ta (°C)2002.5ANALOG PART SUPPLY CURRENTVS.SUPPLY VOLTAGE1.00510ANALOG Vcc (V)10~12-BIT 4CH INTEGRATING A-D CONVERTERRESET SUPPLY CURRENT VS.SUPPLY VOLTAGE0. VOLTAGE Vcc V RE(V)。
SAMPO 多媒体液晶显示器 说明书
,,,若產品發出怪聲或怪味等故障情形,繼續使切勿自行拆卸顯示器,因為內部有觸電的危注 意04請勿對面板表面施加壓力,以免面板損毀。
將本機壁掛嵌入於室內裝潢時,應與牆壁保留 10 公分以上的散熱空間。
安 裝請詳讀及妥善保存此說明手冊,並依照產品本身所示之說明操作本產品。
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布列松无火系统技术手册 FPD-7024、D7024、DS9400M I等上升指南说明书
TECHNICAL BULLETINFire FPD-7024Upgrading From D7024 or DS9400M/IAugust 19, 20111.0 Upgrading a D7024 FACP to an FPD-7024 Control/CommunicatorUse the table below to determine which D7024 FACP-compatible components you mustreplace when upgrading to an FPD-7024 Control/Communicator:D7024 CompatibleComponent Equivalent FPD-7024 CompatibleComponent DescriptionD7039D7039 with v1.04 firmware or newer. NOTE: Do not use the FACP’s v2.07 EPROM (which shipped with older D7039 modules) in the FPD-7024 Control Communicator.Multiplex Expansion ModuleD7033 FMR-7033 LCD Keypad D7036FMR-7036Fire Annunciator KeypadD7034 FPC-7034 Four-Point Expander D7038 FPP-RNAC-8A-4CNOTE: Replace the D7038 with theFPP-RNAC-8A-4C if the D7038 is connected to the Options Bus. Replacement is not necessary if the D7038 is connected to the conventional NAC outputs of the FACP.Remote Notification Appliance Circuit Power SupplyTransformer(P/N: 29413), which has only two leads (black and white)Transformer with three leads (black, white, and yellow); use either(P/N: F01U008702 with short leads, or P/N: F01U033706 with long leads)NOTE: If ordering a transformer(P/N: F01U100228), call the Bosch Security Systems, Inc. Spare Parts number: 800-894-5215.Transformer© 2011 Bosch Security Systems, Inc.130 Perinton Parkway, Fairport, NY 14450-9199 USA (800) 289-0096TBF 11-16-09-02 Upgrading to FPD-7024 Technical Bulletin8/11FPD-7024 Page 2 of 22.0 Upgrading a DS9400M/I FACP to an FPD-7024 Control/CommunicatorUse the table below to determine which DS9400M/I FACP-compatible components you must replace when upgrading to an FPD-7024 Control/Communicator:DS9400M/I Compatible Component Equivalent FPD-7024 CompatibleComponent DescriptionDS9431D7039 with v1.04 firmware or newer.NOTE: Do not use the FACP’s v2.07 EPROM (which shipped with older DS9431 modules) in the FPD-7024 Control Communicator.Multiplex Expansion ModuleDS9447 FMR-7033 LCD Keypad DS9436FMR-7036Fire Annunciator KeypadDS9434 FPC-7034 Four-Point Expander DS9484 FPP-RNAC-8A-4CNOTE: Replace the DS9484 with theFPP-RNAC-8A-4C if the DS9484 is connected to the Options Bus. Replacement is notnecessary if the DS9484 is connected to the conventional NAC outputs of the FACP.Remote Notification Appliance Circuit Power SupplyTransformer(P/N: 29413), which has only two leads (black and white)Transformer with three leads (black, white, and yellow); use either(P/N: F01U008702 with short leads, or P/N: F01U033706 with long leads)NOTE: If ordering a transformer(P/N: F01U100228), call the Bosch Security Systems, Inc. Spare Parts number: 800-894-5215.TransformerMX361 D7044 MUX Single-Input Module MX361M D7044M MUX Mini Single-Input Module MX465 D7053 MUX Input-Output Module MX363 D7052 MUX Dual-Input Module MX250 Series D7050 Series Addressable Smoke and Heat DetectorsDS9432 D7042 Eight-Input Remote Module DS9432B D7042BEight-Input Remote Module with Fire EnclosureMX310 FMM-7045 Series, or D7045 SeriesMUX Addressable Manual Stations。
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Symbol ton toff Parameter Turn-on time Turn-off time
(Unless otherwise noted, Ta = 25°C)
Test conditions CL = 15pF (note 1)
min — —
(Unless otherwise noted, Ta = –40 ~ +85°C)
Symbol VO Output voltage Collector current (Current per 1 circuit when 7 circuits are coming on simultaneously) “H” input voltage “L” input voltage Parameter
Taiwan A’ssy product
0 0 3.85 3.4 0
mA 200 25 0.6 V V
Symbol V (BR) CEO VCE (sat) II VF IR h FE Parameter
(Unless otherwise noted, Ta = 25 °C)
Test conditions ICEO = 100µA
Limits typ 20 400
max — —
Unit ns ns
INPUT Measured device OPEN PG 50Ω CL OUTPUT VO
OUTPUT 50% 50%
ton (1) Pulse generator (PG) characteristics : PRR = 1kHz, tw = 10µs, tr = 6ns, tf = 6ns, ZO = 50Ω VI = 3.85V (2) Input-output conditions : RL = 25Ω, VO = 10V (3) Electrostatic capacity CL includes floating capacitance at connections and input capacitance at probes
e r t y u
•The collector current values represent the current per circuit. •Repeated frequency ≥ 10Hz •The value in the circle represents the value of the simultaneously-operated circuit. •Ta = 85°C
IN1→ 1 IN2→ 2 IN3→ 3 IN4→ 4 IN5→ 5 IN6→ 6 IN7→ 7 GND 8 16 →O1 15 →O2 14 →O3 13 →O4 OUTPUT 12 →O5 11 →O6 10 →O7 9 COM COMMON
Limits min 50 — — — — — — 1000 typ — 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.9 1.4 — 3000 max — 1.6 1.3 1.1 1.4 2.0 100 —
Unit V V mA V µA —
Collector-emitter breakdown voltage
II = 500µA, IC = 350mA Collector-emitter saturation voltage II = 350µA, IC = 200mA Input current Clamping diode forward voltage Clamping diode reverse current DC amplification factor II = 250µA, IC = 100mA VI = 3.85V IF = 350mA VR = 50V VCE = 2V, IC = 350mA
M63827DP 0.764
Ta = 25°C
Ta = –40°C
75 85
Ambient temperature Ta (°C) Duty-Cycle-Collector Characteristics (M63827WP) 500
50 1.47(WP)/1.00(DP) –40 ~ +85 –55 ~ +125
Taiwan A’ssy product
16P4X-A(WP) Package type 16P2X-B(DP)
APPLICATION Drives of relays and printers, digit drives of indication elements (LEDs and lamps), and MOS-bipolar logic IC interfaces
DESCRIPTION M63827WP and M63827DP are seven-circuit Darlington transistor arrays with clamping diodes. The circuits are made of NPN transistors. Both the semiconductor integrated circuits perform high-current driving with extremely low inputcurrent supply. PIN CONFIGURATION
The diode, indicated with the dotted line, is parasitic, and cannot be used. Unit : Ω
Symbol VCEO IC VI IF VR Pd Topr Tstg Parameter Collector-emitter voltage Collector current Input voltage
FEATURES Two package configurations (WP/DP) High breakdown voltage (BVCEO ≥ 50V) High-current driving (Ic(max) = 500mA) With clamping diodes Driving available with TTL, PMOS IC output Wide operating temperature range (Ta = –40 to +85° C)
Feb. 2003
Clamping diode forward current Clamping diode reverse voltage Power dissipation Operating temperature Storage temperature Ta = 25°C, when mounted on board
The seven circuits share the COM and GND.
FUNCTION The M63827WP and M63827DP each have seven circuits consisting of NPN Darlington transistors. These ICs have resistance of 2.7kΩ between input transistor bases and input pins. A spike-killer clamping diode is provided between each output pin (collector) and COM pin (pin 9). The output transistor emitters are all connected to the GND pin (pin 8). The collector current is 500mA maximum. Collector-emitter supply voltage is 50V maximum.
(Unless otherwise noted, Ta = –40 ~ +85 °C)
Conditions Output, H Current per circuit output, L
Ratings –0.5 ~ +50 500 –0.5 ~ +30 500
Unit V mA V mA V W °C °C
Limits min 0 typ — — — — — — max 50 400
Unit V