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Part 2
Unit 1 Education
Key words and expressions
Star basketball player
Had to get his grades up
In order to play in the big game at the end of the season
Impossible without some rule-bending
Arranged for the professors
Were unhappy with Frank’s work
To create a special test for him
Finally decided on a good, short quiz
Brought Frank into an empty room
Was filled with books, magazines, and a calculator
Complete the one-question quiz
At the end of his answer
Almost got it
Finally yelled at him
V ocabulary
Rule-bending doing something that is not normally allowed, but will not cause serious problems, usually in order to help someone else
Professor a teacher at a university or college
Quiz a short test that a teacher gives to a class
Yell to cry out or short
Key words and expressions
Exam booklets were provided
Was very strict and told the class
Was not on his desk in exactly two hours
A half hour into the exam
Came rushing in
Asked the professor for an exam booklet
Not going to have time to finish this
Started as he handed the student a booklet
Took a seat and began writing
Called for the exams
Handed them in
All except the late student
Came up to the professor
Sitting at his desk preparing for his next class
Attempted to put his exam on the stack of exam booklets already there
With an air of superiority
Stuffed his in the middle
V ocabulary
Stack an orderly pile or heap of things one above another
Superiority thinking oneself better than others
Stuff to push(something)quickly and carelessly
Unit 2 food and drink
Key words and expressions
Talking to a large audience
The material we put into our stomachs
Enough to have killed most of us sitting here
Red meat
Erode your stomach lining
Loaded with soy sauce
Have been polluted
Realizes the long-term harm caused by the germs in our drinking water
The most dangerous of all
Have eaten it or may eat it in the future
Causes the most grief and suffering for years after eating it
In the front row
V ocabulary
Erode to wear or rub away
Lining a piece or material covering the inner surface of something
Soy sauce dark brown liquid made from soybeans allowed to become sour-tasting in salt-water, used in cooking
Pollute to make(air, water, soil, etc.)dangerous impure or unfit for use
Germ a very small living thing which cannot be seen but may live on food or dirt or in the body, so causing disease
Grief great feelings of suffering, especially at the death of a loved person
Unit 3 Free-time Activity
Key words and expressions
Teachers in the local high school
Wanted to swim in the nearby lake
Didn’t bring their swimming-trunks
Undressed and got into the water for a long, refresh swim
Were halfway back up the beach
To the spot where they’d left their clothes
To get to their clothes in time
Covered his privates
Covered his face while they ran for cover in the bushes
Wandered on
Got dressed again
Covered his face rather than his private
V ocabulary
Swimming-trunks short trousers worn by men or boys for swimming Privates private parts: the outer sex organs
Bush a small low tree
Key words and expressions
Had a strong interest in photography
Went to take pictures of a flood
In order to get closer to the flooded area for better pictures
Called his secretary to hire a plane for him
Will be waiting for you at the airport
Got to the small local airport
Was warming up near the runway
Jumped in with his equipment
Were in the air
Fly over the north side of the river
Make a few low level passes
Asked the pilot
With great impatience
After a long pause
The instructor
V ocabulary
Pilot a person who flies an aircraft
Pause a temporary stop or an activity
Instructor a person who teaches an activity
Unit 4 Health and Body Care
Key words and expressions
Had serious hearing problems for a long time
Was able to have him fitted for a set of hearing aids
Allowed him to hear 100%
Went back to the doctor in a month
Must be really pleased that you can hear again
Haven’t told my family yet
Just sit around and listen to their conversation
Key words and expressions
Outside a chemist
Is holding onto a pole
Not breaching, not moving, just standing there
Strange sight in front of his shop
Goes up his assistant
What’s the matter with that guy
Had the most terrible cough
None of our cough medicines
A box of the strongest laxatives on the market
Dare to cough
V ocabulary
Pole a long, thin, rounded piece of wood or metal, used as a support for something
Cough sending out air from the lungs violently and noisily, especially to clear one’s throat ot when one has a cold, etc.
Laxative a medicine that the bowels to empty easily
Dare to be brave or rude enough
Key words and expressions
Decides to have a facelift for his birthday
Feels really good about the result
Goes into a bookstore and the guys a book on how to stay young
Goes into a coffee shop a celebrate
Standing at the bus stop
A sure way of telling a man’s age
Read your palm
Be able to tell your exact age
Was brilliant
V ocabulary
Facelift a medical operation to make the face look younger by tightening the skin Palm the inner surface of the hand between the base of the fingers and the wrist
Unit 5 Home and Family
Waiting (E)
Key words and expressions
Decided to separate
Before being allowed to do so legally
The family court
Insisted they undergo some counseling from the marriage counselor
If their union could be saved
Made up their minds to go through with the separation leading to divorce Haven’t been able to stand each other
Before we spilt up
V ocabulary
Undergo to experience (especially suffering or difficulty)
Counsel to give professional advice to (someone with a problem)
Thanksgiving (M)
Key words and expressions
Hate to bring you the bad news
Are getting a divorce
Forty-five yeas of misery
Sick of talking about it
Hangs up
Nearly in tears
Not going to believe this
Shouts on the phone
Stay put
Call you right back
Coming for Thanksgiving
Paying their own fares
V ocabulary
Stay put to be or remain firmly fixed
Fare the price of traveling in a bus ,airplane , or taxi
Angry Wife (D)
Key words and expressions
Having fun in a party one night
Are you kidding me
Lets me do whatever I want
Embarrassed that his wife controls him
Try to sneak past her every time
Drive really slowly down the street
Turn the headlights off 100 yards short of my driveway Fifty feet short
Can coast in
Shut the car door gently
Open the front door to the house quietly
Can go up the stairs in my socks
Sneak through the bedroom door
As soon as I hit the bed
Is up screaming at me
Go home late at night
Drive fast down my street
Bump into the garage
Slam the car door shut
Kick open the front door
Stomp up the stairs
Swing the bedroom door open
Jump up on the bed
Shout to my wife
V ocabulary
Kid to talk jokingly with ( someone)
Sneak go quietly and secretly
Coast to keep moving without using any power Slam to shut loudly and with force
Stomp to walk with a heavy step
Honey a person who is very much liked or loved
Unit 6 Jobs and Occupations
A Job Interview
Key words and expressions
Reaching the end of a job interview
Asked a young accountant fresh out of college
Starting salary
$100,000 a year
Depending on the benefits package
A package of 5 week’s vacation
Full health insurance
A retirement fund for 50% of your salary
A company car leased every 2 years
Sat up straight
You started it
V ocabulary
Salary fixed regular pay each month , 3 months ,year ,or sometimes each week ,for a job ,especially as for works of higher skill and rank
Lease to grant the temporary possession or use of (something) to another for a certain time
Test (M)
Key words and expressions
Applied for a single position at a computer company
Had the same qualification
In order to determine which individual to hire
Upon completion of the test
Missed only one of the questions
Thank you for your interest
Got nine question correct
Have based our decision not on the correct answers
But on the question you missed
Your fellow applicant put down on question #5
V ocabulary
Determine to conclude or figure out
Fellow someone with whom you share an activity or spent time in a place
Competing for a Job
Key words and expressions
Puts a want ad in the newspaper in order to recruit workers
A crew of five men and a crew of five women
Cannot decide whom to give the job to
Give the two groups a test
Will receive a telephone pole
Must be installed into the ground
With the long telephone poles sticking out the back
Must wait until the other crew comes back
The reason they’re delayed
Not because of traffic or the truck breaking down
Are flushed and breathing hard
Had just gone through hard labor
Put the pole in halfway
V ocabulary
Want ad a small newspaper advertisement stating that something or someone is wanted (such as a job ,a person for a job ,or a particular thing )
Recruit to get (someone) as a new member (of any organization)
Install to fix (something) in position for use
Flush to turn red as a result of a sudden flow of blood to the skin
Unit 7 People
Larry Words and Expressions
Key words and expressions
Could never remember which was which
Called Mary on the phone
Cut off the tip of one cow’s tail
Worked great
Got his tail caught in a bush
Tore in the same place
Looked exactly like the other cow’s tail
Was stuck again
Notch the ear of one cow
Caught his ear on a barbed wire fence
Couldn’t tell the two cows apart
Measure the cows for height
V ocabulary
Notch to make V-shaped cut in a surface or edge
Barbed wire wire with short sharp points in it
Lean very thin
Wade and 168 Ducklings (M)
Key words and expressions
Riding a bike in the countryside
Stopped to let a flock of little ducklings pass
Admiring the cute little fluffy birds
Said to the farmer
Guess how many duckling you have
Being the correct number
Was, understandably ,totally amazed
Keep my promise
Take your pick of my flock
Picked the one that was by far cuter and more playful than any of the others
Have a proposition for you
Guess your IQ
My chick
V ocabulary
Flock a group of (sheep , goats ,or birds )
Duckling a small young duck
Fluffy covered with very soft fur or down or animals or birds
Proposition a suggested offer , arrangement , or settlement
IQ intelligence quotient :a measure of intelligence ,with 100 representing the average Chick a young chicken
Unit 8 Services
Why Do You Keep Calling (E)
Key words and expressions
Calls his doctor’s office
Speak to my doctor
The receptionist replies
Phones again and asks the same question
Is getting a little annoyed
V ocabulary
Receptionist a person who receives people arriving in a hotel, visiting a doctor, etc.
Key words and expressions
Prayed every night for two weeks
Got no response
Would be a good idea to write to God
See if that worked
Received the letter addresses to “God, Los Angeles”
Would be best to just forward the letter to the major
Sat down immediately to write a thank-you letter
Thought you should know this
Sent it thought you should know this
Sent it through City Hall
V ocabulary
Major a man or a woman appointed to be head of city or town
City Hall the local government of a city
Deduct to take away(an amount, a part)from a total
Key words and expressions
Don’t care where
Have a double room with one guest
Might be glad to split the cost
Snores so loudly
Have complained lately
Not sure it’s be worth it to you
Assured him
Came down to breakfast bright-eyed
Was impressed
No problem with the other guy snoring
Shut him up in no time
How did you manage that
On the forehead
V ocabulary
Snore to breathe heavily and noisily through the nose and mouth while asleep Impress to fill(someone) with admiration
Forehead the part of the face above the eyes and below the hair
Unit 9 Shopping
Key words and expressions
Went into a shop
Took a toy tank
Gave the shopkeeper fake money
Isn’t real money
Continuing walking out of the shop
Repeated himself
Look at the tank in his hands
V ocabulary
Toy a thing to play with, especially for a child
Fake not genuine
Key words and expressions
Walking through a supermarket to pick up a few things Noticed an old man following her around
Thinking nothing of it
Ignored him and continued shopping
Went to the check line
Got in front of her
If my staring at you has made you feel uncomfortable
Look just like my granddaughter
Just died recently
Miss her very much
Would you make me feel so much better
Stepped up the checkout counter
Her total was $178.50
How can that be
Key words and expressions
Was at the corner store picking out a bow of laundry detergent Had a lot of laundry to do
Wash your rabbit in this
Might even kill him
Was not to be stopped
Carried the detergent to the counter
Still tried to talk him out of washing his rabbit
To buy some candy
How his rabbit was doing
Not to used that detergent on your rabbit
V ocabulary
Laundry clothes, sheets, etc., needing washing or that have just been washed(or washed and ironed)
Detergent a chemical product used for cleaning (especially clothing and dishes)
Unit 10 Social Relations
Key words and expressions
Had been childhood sweethearts
Collected enough courage
Quite a lot of advantages to being single
There comes a time
Long for the championship of another person
Will regard you as perfect, as an idol
Can treat as your absolute own
Will be kind and faithful when times are hard
Will share your joys and sorrows
To his delight
Saw her eyes light up with joy
Nodded an agreement and responded
V ocabulary
Companionship the relationship of people spending time together
Idol someone or something admired or loved too much
Faithful loyal to one’s marriage partner by having no sexual relationship with anyone else Sorrow sadness
Puppy a young dog
Key words and expressions
Attractive and intelligent
Always enjoys being with her
Are talking easy
Are having a walk on a moonlit beach
With the sea breeze blowing through her hair
The stars in her eyes
Can no longer bear the uncertainty
Not knowing where their relationship is going
Have some kind of future together
Also has strong feelings for her
Make a lasting commitment
Doesn’t want to hurt her by holding out false hope
V ocabulary
Breeze a light gentle wind
Bear to suffer without complaining
Commitment a responsibility
Hold out to offer
Key words and expressions
Must be mentally ill
Married a widow with a grown-up daughter
Became my stepdaughter
Fell in love with my lovely stepdaughter
Brother to my stepmother
Hold on just a few minutes more
V ocabulary
Mentally ill ill in the mind
Widow a woman whose husband has died, who has not married again Stepdaughter the daughter of one’s husband/wife by an earlier marriage Half-brother a brother related through one parent only
Stepmother the person to whom one’s father has been remarried
Unit 11Travel
Key words and expressions
Had checked her luggage through
The cage carrying her cat
The flight was uneventful
Appeared after a normal wait
The luggage handlers
Must have died in the cold luggage compartment
Looked like an ordinary cat
Decided to find another one to put in the cage
In the meantime
Kept asking about the rest of her luggage
Was delayed
Time dragged on
Found a replacement cat in a pet shop
Looked into the cage
Jumped back with a horrified look , and screamed out
A proper burial
V ocabulary
Cage a framework of wires or bars in which animals or birds may be kept or carried Ordinary common
In the meantime in the time between two events
Burial the action or ceremony of putting a dead body into the grave
Trip to France (M)
Key words and expressions
Decided to end her own life
Throwing herself into the ocean
Went down to the docks
Was about to leap into the water
On the edge of the pier
Took pity on her
A lot to live for
Can stow you away on my ship
Slipped his arm around her shoulder
Keep you happy
Nodded yes
What did she have to lose
Brought her aboard and hid her in a lifeboat
Absolutely had a good time together
During a routine inspection
The caption
Have an arrangement with one of the sailors
V ocabulary
Pier a bridge like framework built out into the sea at which boats can stop to take in or land their passengers or goods
Stow away to hide oneself in a ship or aircraft before its departure , in order to travel without paying or being seen
Lifeboat a strong boat kept on shore and used for saving people in danger at sea
Captain the person in charge of a ship or aircraft
Unit 12 Weather
Snow Plow
Key words and expressions
Hear the weatherman
Have three to four inches of snow
Must park your car on the even numbered side of the street The snowplow can get through
Goes out and moves his car
On the odd numbered side of the street
The power goes out
V ocabulary
Snowplow a vehicle for pushing snow off roads or railways。
