physical response(全部动作反应法),教材中的let`s do
▪ 热身活动的目的是创设英语学习氛围,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,
以旧带新,为新课学习做铺垫。因此选用的歌曲、Let’s do、
▪ 小学英语新课程标准
▪ 1. 导人话题 感知对话文本 分段突破 解读
对话文本 实际运用 提升对话文本的课堂教学模式。
▪ 2. 热身活动—新知呈现—巩固联系—拓展应用—评价检测教学模式。
▪ 3. 热身活动---呈现新知---句型操练---巩固操练---拓展应用---评
▪ (2)直接进行话题对话
“Holiday(假日)”、“Shopping(购物)”、“My favorite book(我喜欢的一
mechanical practice
Meaningful practice
3. 小学英语对话教学的话题设计
▪ 对话文本大致可分为情景型、结构型和信息型三大类型
▪ 情景型对话文本的特点是情景性很强,语言点重复性不大, 可替
▪ 结构型对话文本的特点是为学习某一句型结构服务, 语言
▪ (2)替换性话题
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excellenta. 极好的
provide v. 提供
instead adv.代替,顶替
enjoy oneself 过(用)得愉快
Chinese Restaurant中餐厅
block n. 街区 advertisement n. 广告
get off 下车 的
opposite a. 相反的,反方向
traffic lights 红绿灯
Useful Expressions 惯用表达语
Enjoy you breakfast ,sir ?请享用你的早餐,先生. Here is the menu.给你菜谱. The service guide is on the desk.服务指南在桌面上. The recreation center is over there .康乐中心在那边. Go ahead ,please.请接着讲. The line is busy .线路正忙. You look great .你看上去真棒. Please consult the song list .请翻阅点歌单. It’s a very touching story.这是一个非常感人的故事. Without music,the world would be dull. 如果没有音乐,这世界将会变得很沉闷.
• Stranger: Excuse me, sir. But could you please show me the way to the nearest bank? 对不起,先生。您能告诉我离这儿最近的银行怎么走吗? Wang: Sure. It‘s not very far from here. Go straight ahead along this street and turn left when you see a junction. 当然可以。银行离这里不远。沿着这条街向前走。当看 到一个路口时左拐弯。 Stranger: How long does it take to walk there? 步行去需要多少时间? Wang: Fifteen to twenty minutes, I guess. But you can take Bus No.5 and get off at the second stop. 我猜想要花15到20分钟。但是你可以坐5路车去,到第二 站下车。 Stranger: I think I'll take a bus. Thank you very much. 我想我乘公共汽车去。非常感谢。 Wang: You are welcome. 不用谢。
1、ICQ-全球使用率最高的即时通讯软件,当年腾讯就是模仿ICQ诞生的。(该软件有中文版,不过好多年没更新了,不推荐使用,还 是用英文版的吧)
2、移动飞信-飞信是中国移动推出的“综合通信服务”,即融合语音(IVR)、GPRS、短信等多种通信方式,覆盖三种不同形态(完 全实时、准实时和非实时)的客户通信需求,实现互联网和移动网间的无缝通信服务。电脑免费给好友手机发短信是我常用的功 能。
❖ 即时通讯软件是通过即时通讯技术来实现在线聊天、交流的软件。目前 有2种架构形式,1、一种是C/S架构,采用客户端/服务器形式,用户使 用过程中需要Gtalk、新浪UC、MSN等;2、采用B/S架构,即浏 览器/服务端形式,这种形式的即时通讯软件,直接借助互联网为媒介、 客户端无需安装任何软件,既可以体验服务器端进行沟通对话,一般运 用在电子商务网站的服务商,典型的代表有Websitelive 、53KF、 live800等。
❖ 互联网的历史总显得具有不可思议的戏剧性:1996年, 4位以色列人发明了IM的鼻祖——ICQ“坏小子”,那时 它只是一个主要搞网上寻呼的“小玩意”;1998年, 腾讯研发团队为QQ用户突破100人而“兴奋不已”; 2000年前后,业内传马化腾打算把QQ作价100万卖给 深圳电信,但深圳电信却不要。到2005年腾讯却成为 中国收入前三名的互联网公司,而与腾讯一样做即时 通讯的朗玛UC,依靠市场份额和用户数排名第二的优 势,被新浪收购后换来了3600万美元的现金和股票。
❖ 通常IM服务会在使用者通话清单(类似电话簿)上的 某人连上IM时发出讯息通知使用者,使用者便可据此 与此人透过互联网开始进行实时的通讯。除了文字外, 在频宽充足的前提下,大部分IM服务事实上也提供视 讯通讯的能力。实时传讯与电子邮件最大的不同在于 不用等候,不需要每隔两分钟就按一次“传送与接 收”,只要两个人都同时在线,就能像多媒体电话一 样,传送文字、档案、声音、影像给对方,只要有网 络,无论对方在天涯海角,或是双方隔得多远都没有 距离。
-- accept
1.Yes, I’d love to. 2.Yes, I will. 3.It sounds great.
-- refuse
1.No,I’m afraid I can’t. 2.Sorry,I can’t. But thanks anyway. 3.We had better not. 4. I’d love to, but…
C.Hello. Have you had your supper?
D.Hi! Going to dinner..
( 3 )—Thanks so much for the book you sent me.
步 三快整速、判语断言语通言顺情。境
检查是否符合英语国家的文化习俗、 固定搭配及拼写是否正确。
Then turn left. The supermarket is _n_e__x_t __t_o__ the bank.
A: __H_o__w_ __fa__r_ is it?
B: About two miles. You _h_a__d_ _b_e_t_t_e_r catch a bus.
A: _W__h_i_c_h__ bus shall I take?
Situation 6 Eating out and ordering food
The story goes on…
Dialogue Two
Gift-giving Protocol
Listen and Practice
Click to listen
1). up to par: (colloq.) as good / well as usual正常
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. 2. 3. 4.
grilled pork … … …
… … juice …
… cream … …
Pair Work
Give your opinions on the manners a foreign guest should have when visiting an American home. Several points are given below.
Listen and Practice
Gift-Giving Protocol
Click to listen
The description of a person’s bearing(风度)
He seems to be something of a scholar.他看上去好像一位学者。 She is a young lady with a grand air.她是一位有着高贵神态的女士。 She sits down ,with an attempt dignity.她坐下来,作出很端庄的样子。 She enters, sunny, self-possessed镇静的 , and giving a staggeringly convincing exhibition of ease of manner.她走进来,和和气气地,态 度从容,表现出非常自然的样子。
高教版中职英语(拓展模块)Uint 2《Communication》ppt课件3
uninterested [ Qn5IntrIstId] 不感兴趣的 感兴趣的 美国人喜欢在谈话时用眼睛看着对方。如果你不这样 Interested, 有趣的为interesting. 做,就表示你在掩饰一些事情,对谈话不感兴趣或者 We are all interested in the interesting story. 感到厌烦。但是,如果你盯着某人看,对他们来说也 我们对这个有趣的故事很感兴趣。 是不礼貌的。 stare [steE] at sb. 盯着某人 It’s impolite to stare at others.
Space is important to Americans. When two people talk to each other, they usually stand about 2.5 feet away and at an angle, so they are not facing each other directly. Americans get uncomfortable when a person stands too close. They will [dI5rektlI ] adv.直 move back to have their space. “Pardon me” and “Excuse me” are often said when Americans touch another person by accident. 对美国人来说,空间是很重要的。通常两人在谈话时会 be important to sb. 对某人重要,类似短语:be kind to sb. 保持 2.5英尺的距离并站成一定角度,所以他们并不是直 对某人善良, be friendly to sb. 对某人友好。 接面对着彼此。当一个人站得离他们太近时,他们会感 get uncomfortable 变得不舒服 , comfortable 舒服的 到不舒服并退回去保持距离。如果他们不小心触碰到别 by accident 偶然地 I touched his arm by accident. 人,他们会说“请原谅”或者“对不起打扰了”。
The additional pictysical appearance: 2.Hair: 3. Age: 4. Special features: 5. Clothing: 6. Personality:
Warm up-2
Warm up-2
Speaking Strategies: Communicating effectively
with glasses(6)
be a teacher
and he’s showing his students
something amusing on the laptop.
Girl: Mmm, but why would the
guy with the camera be filming?
He doesn’t (7)
Example: The boy looks kind and smart.
What do you think? …
Supporting Language:
The girl looks sort of…, as if she…,
I think he/she must be …, Why would
the man …?
Unit 13 Communication Workshop Speaking: Discussing a Photo
After this class, the students will be able to ♠ use some strategies to communicate effectively. ♠ give comments and describe photos orally.
Boy: Yes, or maybe she’s cold.
Summary Writing
1、Where did the writer go last week?
2、Did he enjoy the play or not?
3、Who talking loudly ,or they talking quietly ?
key structures
主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、补语。 1、主语是句子陈述的对象,说明是谁或什么。
第一课 私人谈话
• 上星期我去看戏。我的座位很好,戏 很有意思,但我却无法欣赏。一青年男 子与一青年女子坐在我的身后,大声地 说着话。我非常生气,因为我听不见演 员在说什么。我回过头去怒视着那一男 一女,他们却毫不理会。最后,我忍不 住了,又一次回过头去,生气地说: “我一个字也听不见了!” “不关你 的事,”那男的毫不客气地说,“这是 私人间的谈话!
3steps 泛听--每句精听简单讲解--回答问题
New words & Expressions
adj. 私人的
adj. 生气的
conversation n. 谈话
adv. 生气地
n. 剧场,戏院
n. 注意
seat bear play business loudly rudely
Unit My clasroom. Let's talkPPT教学课件
• 3.听录音,理解对话大意。写出下列单词意思及 句子意思 。
• Really?
• It's so big! __________
• 4.Listen and follow it . Then read aloud.
三. Practise.
• 3.我会做Let's play. 的游戏。
2020/Leabharlann 2/104二.Presentation.
• 1.运用图片及实物,创设情景,试读单词。
• classroom window near
• 2.我会把单词带入对话中进行练习。
• -----We have a new classroom. • -----What's in the classroom? • -----Let's go and see. • -----Where is it? • -----It's near the window.
• B:Where ______ ______? • A:It's______ ______ ____.
五。Production. 任务领取,小组合作,展示自我
• Task 1.假如你是Zhang Peng,你带领Mike,Sarah,Tom, Wu Yifan参观你的新教室,要求运用Let's talk 和 Let's play 的句型。
四上Unit 1 Section A Let’s talk
BYzhang shaohua
• 该起床了! It's time to get up! (该起床了!) I don't wanna get up. (我真不想起。) It's time to wake up! It's time to get out of bed. It's time to get ready.
• 睡得好吗? Did you sleep well?
• 回答: Fine, thank you. Pretty good.
• Not so good/great. *用于身体状况不好或是有
• Nothing much. Nothing special
• Glad to meet you. *用于初次见面。 I'm glad to meet you. Nice to meet you. It's great meeting you.
• 碰到友人 Hi! (比Hello随便,用于比较熟悉的人,男女都可
Hi! (嗨!) Hi! (嗨!你好!) • 你好吗? How are you? (最常用的问候方式。除了有问
候对方“你好吗”的意思外,还含有“午安”在 内的意思。 )
• How's it going? How're you doing? *语气较随便。
• Are you gaining weight?/Have you gained weight? (最近你是不是胖了?) I'm afraid so. (好像是吧。) Are you getting fatter? *不礼貌的说法。 Are you losing weight? (最近你是不是瘦了?)
朱: hi! We both came from xxx.
邓: really? I am from that city, too. We are all town fellows aren’t we?
张: Sure. Here is my cell phone number: 12345678. And this is my e-mail address. Please write to me. 邓: I will. 钟: this is mine:87654321.I am so glad to meet you. Take care!
张: Well, I don’t know wether I really like it or not. I just follow Rongh where he goes.
钟: I feel bad for those students who make it to the top but had to qu school because of financial problems.
朱: look. The boys are playing basketball now. I will join them. See y
钟: let’s keep in touch, ok? 邓: I don’t have a cell phone. Can I send you e-mails?
later on.
张: My major is education. I want to be a teacher. I think it is cool.
英语情景对话PPT 精品 PPT课件
Xiaoming:Oh,no. Xiaomei:what’s wrong,Xiaoming?
Xiaoming:I’m worried about the next month’s exam ...
Xiaomei:Because you’re not trying to study hard!
Xiaoming:So what shoud Ido? Xiaomei:You shoud make good study habits.First,
Mom:The early bird gets the worm。 Xiaoming:I know. I know. But I don’t want any worms。
Act 2ຫໍສະໝຸດ Time:15:20p.m. Place:Classroom People:
Xiaoming Xiaomei
Act 2
Thank you !
常听见这样的感叹:要是当初2018年 中国大 学毕业 生薪酬 排行榜 通过对 280多 万以及 多届毕 业生调 研后, 计算出 了各高 校毕业 生的薪 酬状况 。 虽然我们都知道名校毕业生的收入会普 遍比较 高,但 这份榜 单告诉 我们, 清华北 大毕业 生的月 薪,平 均近万 ,而普 通院校 的只有 两三千 。
make a plan for your study;second,make full use of the time in the class;Thirdly, critical study is also very important. Xiaoming:So kind you are.Thank you!
Good life Good habits -Life theatre 一生活剧场
我们取开水是自助式的,楼层过道有开水炉和取开水的 指示牌,您可以在那里自助取水。
港澳台 Hongkong、Macau、Taiwan 0.22元/6秒 0.22 yuan per 6 seconds
国内长途 DDD 0.077元/6秒 0.077 yuan per 6 seconds
市内电话 Local call: 首3分钟0.22元,以后每1分钟0.11元。 the first 3 minutes 0.22 yuan, then 0.11 yuan per
There is a 24-hours convenience store just along the street which is about 200 meters away from the hotel.
国际长途 IDD: 0.88元/6秒 0.88 yuan per 6 seconds
简单回顾 请问您有预订吗?
教学设计 教学实施 学生行为 师生互动 教学成效 教师素质
?会话课教学步骤: 1.Preparation 复习热身 2.Presentation 新知呈现 3.Practice 巩固练习 4.Production 拓展应用 5.Progress 发展提高
1.Preparation 复习热身 绕口令1 T: Who are the best Ss: We are the best T: Who is the best Ss: I am the best 绕口令2 T: Two little hands Ss: Clap clap clap T: Two little feet Ss: Stamp stamp stamp 绕口令3 Good good good you are very good.
5.Progress 发展提高 (1) 总结评价 (2) 检测提高(开门大吉、幸运号码等) (3) 布置作业
亮点: 1.德育亮点 2.板书设计 3.开放式作业
Be alike flower. Spread beauty and happiness wherever you stay; irrespective of your surroundings. 像花儿一样,无论身在何处, 不管周遭环境如何,都依然潇洒的绽放 自己的美丽,活出自己的精彩!
击鼓传花:Hello/ Good morning/ How
are you?/Nice to meet you/…
英语教学五Байду номын сангаас计划
• 第一年 简单单词+生活场景训练 ,程度好的学生背诵《新概念英语》 中的故事
• 第二年 圣经故事+哲理小故事(大量),背诵故事,复述故事(模仿 英式或美式英语)
• 第三年 写作 (英语日记,用简单句播报新闻);引导学会去听英语 新闻,记忆新闻的专有名词
• 第四年 故事+写作+新闻听力
第三周 3. 问路与指路(Asking and showing directions)
• 句型(sentence patterns): • Is there a ….near here? • Where’s the …? • Could you tell me the way to…? • Could you tell me how to get to…? • Go along … • turn left /right at the…crossing
A: Which bus shall I take? C: You can take a No.6 bus. A: Thank you very much. C: It’s my pleasure. / You are welcome.
第四周 4. 买东西 (shopping)
• 句型(sentence patterns):
• 第五年 英语名作家的作品演绎
例如: 莎翁、欧亨利
• 目标:学生们掌握日常英语简单对话和单词。 • 行动: • 1. 每一周学习一个情景对话,掌握该情景对话的固定句型,并且要背诵该情景对话。 • 2. 能力较强学生每日记忆24-20个单词,能力较弱学生每日记忆12-6个单词。 • 3. 每日进行30分钟的英语读书时间。老师每日教授24个单词(6页纸),老师先讲解新单词,
人教课标版高中必修2 How_often_do_you_join_chat_rooms配套文本及练习
How often do you join chat rooms配套文本及练习Mike: I can't believe you've never been in a net meeting before. Everybody uses chat rooms these days. Your knowledge of computers is ancient!迈克: 我不能相信你从没网上聊天过。
你的计算机知识过时了!Martin: Take it easy! I'm not a show-off like you when it comes to computers, but I know chat rooms are a real trend right now. I've heard of net meetings and I know some things about them but...马丁: 别急!说到计算机我不像你那样炫耀,但我知道聊天室现在是个流行趋势。
我听说过网上聊天,也知道一些有关的事情,但是……Mike: OK. Let's not have an argument right here in the restaurant! Do you want me to teach you how to use chat rooms?迈克: 好了。
我们不要在饭馆里争论了!要我教你怎么用聊天室吗?Martin: Yes, thanks. Why don't we get our food and then go check out my computer? You can show me the basics.马丁: 是的,谢谢。
Mike: OK. Let's eat here though. I'm a little too hungry to get take-out and wait until we get to your house to eat.迈克: 好的。
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Dialogue 2
Read the dialogue with the following questions:
How long has Peter been in China? More than three years. How many food styles are mentioned in the dialogue ? What are they ? Cantonese food, Tibetan and Mongolian food,Fujianfood,Sichuan food
skilful / skillful: having or showing skill be skillful at doing sth He is skillful at dealing with difficulties. skillfully adv. eg. She can drive a car skillfully.
Lanuage Points:
region 地区性的,通指国家的一部分,可固定也可不固定。 regional area district adj. 领域,范围 国家或城市中划分的区域 半沙漠地区 houses in the London area
the semi-desert regions In the area of Greek art
chilli (chili ) peppers 辣椒
a bit like eg.She is a bit like her mother.
skill: ability to do sth well skill at (doing) sth Some boys in 4B show great skill at performing.
Fill in the blanks according to the dialogue: egions China has many different r______ and each istinctive of them has the d___________styles of cooking. In South China, cantonese food is c________ quickly in a f_______ pan ,or rying ooked w_______. In the far north, ok weet—and--sour s_____________ sauces are m_____ often ore used. It seems that T___________ and ibetan airy M____________ food use a lot of d______ ongolian oastal p_________. Fujian, a c________ roducts eafood province ,may have more s_________. Westerners like the s______ picy f____________ of Sichuan cooking. It’s a lavours bit like the c__________ American chilli. entral Now and they can use killfully chopsticks s____________.
the richest district of New York
style of cooking: cuisine
eg. I love Cantonese cuisine, which is a little sweet
Qianxi is a restaurant where the cuisine is excellent. distinctive: unique,special eg. He has a distinctive appearance. co not a coastal province spicy: flavored with spice eg. Do you like spicy food?