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In its original sense of the transfer of powers from a central to a devolved jurisdiction, 其原始意义上的权力转移是从中央到地方分权下放权限,Decentralization(分权)might be seen as a simple structural consequence of a re-allocation(重新分配)of functions(功能)within government. 其可能被视为一个简单的结构性后果,即政府内部功能的重新分配。The results of a real transfer of power, however, have profound implications for the state, central/local relations and the citizen. 然而,真正权利移交的结果对国家、中央或地方关系和公民都有深刻的意义。Decentralization has been recommended inter alias a cure for cumbersome decision-making at the centre;分权被推荐为是治愈繁琐决策的中心;as a means of achieving greater popular participation(参与)and of empowering(授权)local communities; as an aid to planning, improved policy implementation and more effective delivery of services; 作为一种实现更大的大众参与和赋予地方社区权利的手段;作为一个提高执行政策和更有效地提供服务的援助规划;as a way of generating additional resources; and, at its widest, as a necessary pre-condition for small-scale, ecologically sustainable, development. 作为一种产生额外资源的方式;和作为一个小规模的、生态可持续发展的最广泛的必要前提。If any of these goals were realized, the difficulty of undertaking; such reforms might be justified. 如果这些目标实现了,难以进行这种改革可能是合理的。As it is, decentralization has often been the rock on which a considerable(相当大的)burden(负担)of expectations has been dashed, expectations which have been amplified by association(协会)with important political and social aspirations and with different schools of thought in public administration. 正如,分权常被认为是掺和在期望中的一块具有相当大负担的岩石,导致在公共行政中期望被那些有着重要政治和社会抱负及不同派别思想的协会所放大。

In addition, the emphasis given to the key features of the concept have changed over time, further confusing purpose and outcome. 此外,给予重视概念的主要特点已经随着时间的推移改变了,这进一步混淆的目的和结果。In the 1950s and I960s, notions of decentralization under lay attempts to create or recover indigenous local government from colonial practice. 在1950和1960年,在分权观念下试图建立或恢复从殖民到本土地方政府的实践。In the 1970s, it was a central plank in the New Public Administration movement's efforts to achieve greater responsiveness and responsibility. 在1970年,在新公共管理运动的努力下它作为中央条款,实现了更大的能力和责任。In the 1980s, it was emphasized as an essential component of effective "bottom-up" planning;. 在1980年代,它强调了作为一个有效的“自下而上”计划的重要组成部分。And in the 1990s, as I shall argue, the doctrines of New Public Management have resulted in a further redefinition of the concept, changing its application from a focus on territorial and structural concerns to a functional division between policy-making and execution. 而在上世纪90年代,我认为,新公共管理学说已导致其概念进一步的重新界定,在政策制定和执行之间,转变了从领土集中和结构关系向职能分工的应用。

Political, Economic and Organizational Constraints on Decentralization政治,经济和组织限制分权

In the face of this kaleidoscope of promises and changing fashions, governments have been understandably cautious about decentralization. 面对这个万花筒般的承诺和改变着的时尚,政府对于分权的谨慎是可以理解的。Few have ventured beyond limited devolution and most have retained effective control of key ministries and resources at the centre. 很少有人敢于冒险超越有限的权力下放,保留了有效控制关键部门和资源中心。Where decentralization has occurred, even under the wave of reforms induced by New Public Management, the suspicion persists that there must be immediate or future political, rather than economic or administrative, advantages to the new arrangements. 当权利下放的时候,甚至在新公共管理改革的诱发浪潮下,依然对现在或将来的政治优势来做新安排存在怀疑而不是经济或行政方面的优势。

Governments have not always seen the diverse values of decentralization as positive; in its wider context, transfer of power from centre to locality may have serious repercussions for the social fabric of the state.政府并不总是积极的看待分权的不同价值取向,在其广泛的背景,把中央的权利下放到地方已经严重影响了国家的社会结构。
