Chapter 20 Auditing Prepayments and Accruals
审计学:一种整合方法 阿伦斯 英文版 第12版 课后答案 Chapter 20 Solutions Manual
Chapter 20Completing the Tests in theAcquisition and Payment Cycle:Verification of Selected AccountsReview Questions20-1Because the source of the debits in the asset account is the acquisitions journal (or similar record), the current period acquisitions of property, plant and equipment have already been partially verified as part of the acquisition and payment cycle. The disposal of assets, depreciation and accumulated depreciation are not tested as a part of the acquisition and payment cycle.20-2The reason for the emphasis on current period acquisitions in auditing property, plant, and equipment is that there is an expectation that permanent assets will be kept and maintained on the records for several years. The assets carried over from the preceding years can be assumed to have been verified in the prior years' audits.If it cannot be shown through tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions that all disposals have been recorded, additional testing of the prior balance could be required. A first year audit also necessitates tests of the beginning balance.20-3Many clients may accidentally or intentionally record purchases of assets in the repair and maintenance account. The misstatement is caused by a lack of understanding of generally accepted accounting principles and some clients' desire to avoid income taxes. Repair and maintenance accounts are verified primarily to uncover unrecorded property purchases.The auditor typically vouches the larger amounts debited to those expense accounts at the same time that property accounts are being audited.20-4The audit procedures that may be applied to determine that all property, plant and equipment retirements have been recorded are as follows:1. Review whether newly acquired assets replace existing assets. Ifso, inquire as to whether the old asset has been removed from thebooks.2. Analyze gains on the disposal of assets and miscellaneous incomefor receipts from the disposal of assets. Compare these to property,plant and equipment accounts to see whether the asset has beenremoved from the books.3. Review planned modification and changes in product lines, taxes,or insurance coverage for indications of deletions of equipment.4. Make inquiries of management and production personnel about thedisposal of assets.20-5The two considerations to be kept in mind in auditing depreciation expense are:1. Whether the client is following a consistent depreciation policy fromperiod to period.2. The accuracy of the client's calculations.An overall reasonableness test can be made by calculating the depreciation rate for the year times the undepreciated fixed assets. In addition, it is desirable to check the accuracy of the depreciation calculation. The extent of the accuracy tests will vary depending on the engagement circumstances.20-6Since the source of the debits to prepaid insurance is the acquisitions journal or similar record (assuming all insurance premiums are charged to prepaid insurance rather than insurance expense), the current period premiums have already been partially verified as a part of the acquisition and payment cycle. The allocation of the premium between prepaid insurance is not tested as a part of the acquisition and payment cycle.20-7The audit of prepaid insurance should ordinarily take a relatively small amount of audit time because:1. The balance in prepaid insurance is normally immaterial;2. There are ordinarily few transactions during the year and mosttransactions are immaterial;3. The transactions are ordinarily not complex.20-8The evaluation of the adequacy of insurance is a test of reasonable protection against the loss of existing assets. The verification of prepaid insurance is performed to determine whether:1. The balances represent proper charges against future operations.2. The additions represent charges to these accounts and arereflected at actual cost.3. Amortization or write-off is reasonable under the circumstances.The evaluation of adequacy of insurance coverage is more important because of the potential loss due to under-insurance. Verification of prepaid insurance usually involves an immaterial amount and is not emphasized in most audits.20-9The audit of prepaid expenses differs from the audit of other asset accounts, such as accounts receivable or property, plant, and equipment, because prepaid expenses are often immaterial. Analytical procedures are often sufficient for auditing prepaid expenses, while tests of details of balances are usually required for other accounts such as accounts receivable and property, plant, and equipment.20-10Debits to accrued rent arise from the cash disbursements journal, which is verified as a part of tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions for cash disbursements. The credits typically arise from the general journal and may not have been verified as a part of these tests. Furthermore, tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions do not include verification of the inclusion of accruals on all existing property and verification of the consistent treatment of the accruals from year to year.20-11Property tax accruals take little audit time for most audits, and since there are relatively few transactions to test and they are typically material in amount, it is common to verify the accounts 100 percent. On the other hand, accounts payable takes quite a bit of audit time and since there are usually a large number of transactions to test and they are typically varied in amount, it is common to verify the account on a test basis.20-12The following documents will be used to verify accrued property taxes and related expense accounts:1. Deeds to properties2. Property tax returns3. Cancelled checks4. Invoices from the taxing authority20-13Three expense accounts that are tested as part of the acquisition and payment cycle or the payroll and personnel cycle are:1. Property tax expense2. Payroll expense3. Rent expenseThree expense accounts that are not directly verified as part of either of these cycles are:1. Depreciation expense2. Amortization of patents3. Year-end bonuses to officers20-14The analysis of expense accounts is a procedure by which selected expense accounts are verified by examining underlying supporting vendors' invoices or other documentation to determine if the transactions making up the total are correctly stated. The emphasis in most expense account analysis is on the occurrence of recorded amounts, accuracy, and classification.Potentially the same objectives are accomplished in tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions as for expense account analysis. The major differences are that tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions are selected from all of the acquisitions and cash disbursements journals for the entire period whereas transactions examined for expense analysis are limited to the account being analyzed. Nevertheless, the procedures are closely related, and if the tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions procedures results are satisfactory, reduced expense account analysis is implied.20-15The approach for verifying depreciation expense should emphasize the consistency of the method of depreciation used and the related computations, since these aspects of depreciation expense are the main determinants of the account balance. The use of analytical procedures and reperformance tests is important for depreciation expense.In verifying repair expense, the emphasis should be on vouching transactions that may be capital items; therefore, examining supporting documentation for transactions from months with unusually large totals or transactions that are themselves large or unusual is the normal audit approach followed.The approach is different because in repairs and maintenance the primary objective is to locate improperly classified fixed assets, whereas in depreciation the emphasis is on consistency from period to period and accurate depreciation calculations.20-16The factors that should affect the auditor's decision whether or not to analyze an account balance are:1. The analytical procedures indicate there is a high likelihood ofmisstatement in an account.2. The tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions indicatethere is a high likelihood of misstatement in an account.3. The account is likely to contain misstatements because it is difficultfor the client to properly classify or value the transactions.4. The auditor knows that the account is frequently subject to abuse ormisstatement.5. The analysis of the account might disclose a contingency.6. Tax returns and the SEC require the disclosure of certaininformation, which the account is likely to provide.Four expense accounts that are commonly analyzed in audit engagements are:1. Legal expense2. Travel and entertainment expense3. Tax expense4. Repair and maintenance expenseMultiple Choice Questions From CPA Examinations20-17 a. (1) b. (1) c. (4)20-18 a. (3) b. (4) c. (4)20-19 a. (1) b. (4) c. (3)20-20 a. (2) b. (4) c. (4)Discussion Questions and Problems 20-2120-24a. No. In a first audit the audi tor’s attention cannot be confined to activity in the year under audit because (1) some balance sheetaccounts include material amounts which originated in prior years,(2) some income and expense accounts include entries which arebased on decisions or transactions of prior years, and (3)consistency over the years in the application of generally acceptedaccounting principles is necessary for fairly presented financialstatements. Also, some audit testing of a nonrecurring nature willbe necessary in an initial engagement because the auditor does nothave the benefits of (1) familiarity with the company's history,personnel, system and operations, (2) information regarding thecomposition and reliability of beginning of the year balances, and (3)preceding year's audit working papers. Consequently, in the firstaudit the auditor will require such corporation documents as bylaws,articles of incorporation, minutes since incorporation, organizationcharts and flowcharts, and must comprehensively obtain anunderstanding of internal control and assess control risk todetermine the scope of audit testing.b. The audit program procedures that the auditor should use to verifythe January 1, 2007, balances in the land, building and equipment,and accumulated depreciation accounts of Hardware ManufacturingCompany should include the following:1. Read the minutes since incorporation in 2003 to ascertainthat for major property transactions approved, alltransactions were recorded in the accounts, and recordedtransactions were properly approved.2. Scan activity in the general ledger accounts sinceincorporation in 2003 for both fixed assets and accumulateddepreciation to identify items of large amount and unusualnature which will warrant further investigation.3. Examine support for principal property additions to ascertainthat the capitalization includes costs of freight-in, installation,and major improvements and labor, and overhead on self-constructed assets.4. Ascertain that fixed assets donated by stockholders wererecorded at fair market value on the date of donation andthat contributed capital was properly credited.5. Compare the yearly totals of repairs and maintenanceaccount balances and test abnormally high amounts to seethat they do not include assets charged to expense.6. Examine recorded deeds supporting ownership of buildingsand determine that any encumbrance was properly reportedin the financial statements.7. Examine support (asset and accumulated depreciation) forrecorded disposals or abandonments of material amounts.20-24 (continued)8. Tour the plants and account for major property items onhand to substantiate the reasonableness of fixed assetmaster file records and to ascertain that idle, obsolete orworthless assets are not being reported at more than theirfair value in the financial statements.9. Test the assigned lives of depreciable assets and the bases,methods and computations of accumulated depreciation forpropriety and consistency.10. Review charges to the accumulated depreciation accounts todetermine that they properly represent disposals,abandonments or extraordinary repairs.11. Review the gains and losses on property disposals as anadditional means of assurance that the depreciation livesand methods used are reasonable.12. Scan federal income tax returns of prior years and revenueagents' reports pertaining to them to determine whetheradjustments made for tax purposes should also be made onthe books.13. Determine that generally accepted accounting principles ofincome tax allocation are being used for differences betweentax depreciation and financial statement depreciation.14. Inspect real estate and property tax bills to furthersubstantiate ownership and valuation of fixed assets.20-25Overall, the program fails to emphasize the possibility of omitted property from the list. The key to an adequate audit of accrued property taxes is making sure all owned property and only owned property is included and on the list.20-2620-27 The banker has failed to recognize that the audit tests discussed relate as much to the income statement as to the balance sheet. For example, obtaining an understanding of internal control and the tests of controls and substantive tests of transactions are heavily income statement oriented, analytical procedures are more closely related to the income statement than to the balance sheet, and even tests of details of the balance sheet help to uncover misstatements in the income statement. The typical audit recognizes the interrelationship between the income statement and the balance sheet and uses this interrelationship to help design more effective tests to uncover misstatements in both statements. The auditor is and should be greatly concerned about the fair presentation of the income statement.Case – Ward Publishing Company20-28a. The tests of acquisition and cash disbursement transactions have two purposes: to determine whether related internal accountingcontrols are functioning (tests of controls), and to determinewhether the transactions actually contain any monetarymisstatements (substantive). The results of the tests apply to thepopulation of all acquisitions and cash disbursements, includingplant and equipment and lease acquisitions and cashdisbursements, even though the specific sample tested does notinclude any such transaction. Thus, if the results of the tests arefavorable, it is concluded that there is a lower expectation ofmisstatements in plant and equipment and lease transactions, andvice-versa.b. A summary of the results from tests of controls and substantivetests of transactions for acquisitions and cash disbursements from Case 19-32 is: all transaction-related audit objectives are being met at a satisfactory level except:1. All supporting documents are not always attached to thevendor's invoice. Note: Students using a nonstatisticalapproach to Case 19-32 may not conclude that the resultsfor this attribute [9.b.(1)] are unacceptable, depending ontheir estimate of CUER. However, most students will likelyconclude that the results are unacceptable.2. All vendors’ invoices are not initialed for internal verification.Half of those not initialed had account classification errors.The impact of these results and the results from items 1 through 7 affect the balance-related audit objectives for plant and equipment in the following way:Conclusions 3, 5, and 7 indicate a need for more extensive auditing for existence, completeness, accuracy, and classification.All large items should be verified and samples should be larger than normal. All other tests can be performed at minimum levels.c. The results of tests of controls and substantive tests of transactionsare directly related to the tests of many expense accounts, primarilythrough tests for account classification, but also through tests ofaccuracy and existence. For example, if the auditor concludes thatthe internal controls are effective for recording acquisitiontransactions, the likelihood of misstatements for accounts such assupplies, purchases, and repairs and maintenance is greatlyreduced. The auditor must keep in mind, however, that certainexpense accounts are not usually verified as a part of tests ofcontrols and substantive tests of transactions. An example isdepreciation expense. Similarly, certain accounts may have ahigher inherent risk such as legal expense and therefore requireadditional testing even if tests of controls and substantive tests oftransactions results are satisfactory. Also, analytical proceduresand tests of details of balances for balance sheet accounts resultsaffect the extent of auditing needed for expense accounts.d. The results of tests of controls and substantive tests of transactionsindicate the potential for significant classification misstatements.(See the results for Audit Procedure 9b(5) for classification in Part 2of Case 19-32.) This potential for misclassification misstatementcombined with the analytical procedures results in Conclusion 6indicate a need for more extensive account analysis for repairs andmaintenance, small tools expense, and the three other accountswhere there are significant changes from prior years. No otherconclusions should cause the auditor significant concern in theaudit of expense accounts.20-29 a. Items 1 through 6 would have been found in the following way:1. The company's policies for depreciating equipment areavailable from several sources:a) The prior year's audit schedules and permanent file.b) Footnote disclosure in the annual report and SECForm 10-K.c) Company procedures manuals.d) Detailed fixed asset records.2. The ten-year lease contract would be found when supportingdata for current year's equipment additions were examined.Also, it may be found by a review of company lease files,contract files, or minutes of meetings of the board ofdirectors. The calculations would likely be shown on asupporting schedule and can be traced to the general journal.3. The building wing addition would be apparent by the additionto buildings during the year. The use of the low constructionbid amount would be found when support for the additionwas examined. When it was determined that thisinappropriate method was followed, the actual costs couldbe determined by reference to construction work orders andsupporting data. The wing could also be examined.4. The paving and fencing could be discovered when supportwas examined for the addition to land.5. The details of the retirement transactions could bedetermined by examining the sales agreement, cash receiptsdocumentation, and related detailed fixed asset record. Thisexamination would be instigated by the recording of theretirement in the machinery account or the review of cashreceipts records.6. The auditor would become apprised of a new plant in severalways:a) Volume would increase.b) Account details such as cash, inventory, prepaidexpenses, and payroll would be attributed to the newlocation.c) The transaction may be indicated in documents suchas the minutes of the board, press releases, andreports to stockholders.d) Property tax and insurance bills examined show thenew plant.One or more of these occurrences should lead the auditor to investigate the reasons and circumstances involved. Documents from the city and appraisals could be examined to determine the details involved.b. The appropriate adjusting journal entries are as follows:1. No entry necessary.2. This is an operating lease and should not have beencapitalized.Prepaid rent $50,000Lease liability 354,000Allowance for depreciation-machinery and equipment 20,200Machinery and equipment $404,000Depreciation expense 20,200To correct initial recording of lease:Equipment rent expense $37,500Prepaid rent $37,500 To record nine months rent:9/12 x $50,000 = $37,5003. The wing should have been recorded at its cost to the company.(Accounts originally credited) $15,000Buildings $15,000 To correct initial recording of new wing:Depreciation expense $3,167Allowance for depreciation—Buildings $3,167 To correct depreciation for excess cost.Depreciation on beginning balance1,200,000/25 = 48,000Depreciation recorded on addition51,500 - 48,000 = 3,500Correct depreciation for addition:Remaining useful life of addition is 12 years(600,000/1,200,000 x 25 = 12-1/2 years; 12-1/2 - ½ = 12 years)Depreciation = $160,000/12 x ½ = $6,667Correction = $6,667 - $3,500 = $3,1674. The paving and fencing are land improvements and should bedepreciated over their useful lives.Land improvements (may be $50,000combined with buildingswith buildings account—buildings and improvements)Land $50,000To correct initial recording of paving and fencing:Depreciation expense $2,500Allowance for depreciation—Land Improvements $2,500 To record first year's depreciation on paving and fencing:$50,000/10 x ½ = $2,5005. The cost and allowance for depreciation should have beenremoved from the accounts and a gain or loss on sale recorded.Cost of asset $480,000Allowance for depreciation:To 12/31/06 - 480,000/10 x 3-1/2 168,000For 2007 - 480,000/10 x ½ 24,000192,000Net book value 288,000Cash proceeds 260,000Loss on sale $28,000The correcting entry is:Allowance for depreciation—Machinery and Equipment $203,000Loss on sale of assets 28,000Machinery and Equipment $220,000Depreciation expense 11,0006. Donated property should be capitalized at its fair market value.Land $100,000Buildings 400,000Contributed capital- $500,000Donated PropertyTo record land and building for new plant donated by Crux City:Depreciation expense $8,000Allowance for depreciation—Buildings $8,000 To record depreciation on new plant:$400,000/25 x ½ = $8,00020-30a.To: In-Charge AuditorFrom: Audit ManagerSubject: Concerns about the schedule prepared by the client and the staff assistant in the audit of Vernal Manufacturing CompanyThe analytical procedures schedule for the audit of Vernal Manufacturing Company is completely inadequate and needs to be redone. There are several deficiencies:1. The headings, references, and indexing on the audit schedule areincomplete. It appears that the schedule was prepared by the client, but itis not possible to determine from the schedule.2. A classified income statement would provide more useful informationthan the single-step statement provided.3. The schedule should include the additional columns showing the percentof net sales for 12-31-06 and 12-31-07. This information would permit usto more effectively evaluate the relative change in each account.4. There is no indication that the general ledger totals were compared togeneral ledger balances or that calculations were tested.5. There is no identification of accounts that we are concerned may bematerially misstated. For example, the $1,381 change in insurance expenseappears immaterial but the 427% change in other expense may besignificant.6. There is no indication of specific accounts that require additionalinvestigation and the nature of such investigation.7. There is no indication that the client's explanations have been evaluatedand supported by evidence. Management inquiry is a weak form ofevidence and unsatisfactory by itself.b. For every explanation provided by the client, an alternativepossibility is a misstatement in the financial statements. The auditor must be satisfied that significant differences are not material misstatements. The following are a few examples:c. To perform a meaningful determination of the most importantvariances, an alternative design of the audit schedule follows. It is much easier to determine relevant variances with an adequate analytical procedures schedule.PER G/L PERCENT PER G/L PERCENT CHANGE12-31-06 12-31-06 12-31-07 12-31-07 Amount PercentSales $8,467,312 100.8% $9,845,231 102.5% $1,377,919 16.3%Sales returns andallowances (64,895) (0.8%) (243,561) (2.5%) (178,666) 275.3%Net Sales 8,402,417 100.0% 9,601,670 100.0% 1,199,253 14.3%Cost of goods sold:Beginning inventory 1,487,666 17.7% 1,389,034 14.5% (98,632) (6.6%) Purchases 2,564,451 30.5% 3,430,865 35.7% 866,414 33.8% Freight-in 45,332 0.5% 65,782 0.7% 20,450 45.1% Purchase returns (76,310) (0.9%) (57,643) (0.6%) 18,667 (24.5%) Factory wages 986,755 11.7% 1,145,467 11.9% 158,712 16.1% Factory benefits 197,652 2.4% 201,343 2.1% 3,691 1.9% Factory overhead 478,659 5.7% 490,765 5.1% 12,106 2.5% Factory depreciation 344,112 4.1% 314,553 3.3% (29,559) (8.6%) Ending inventory (1,389,034) (16.5%) (2,156,003) (22.5%) (766,969) 55.2%Total 4 ,639,283 55.2% 4,824,163 50.2% 184,880 4.0%Gross margin 3,763,134 44.8% 4,777,507 49.8% 1,014,373 27.0% Selling, general and administrative:Executive salaries 167,459 2.0% 174,562 1.8% 7,103 4.2% Executive benefits 32,321 0.4% 34,488 0.4% 2,167 6.7%Office salaries 95,675 1.1% 98,540 1.0% 2,865 3.0%Office benefits 19,888 0.2% 21,778 0.2% 1,890 9.5%Travel and entertainment 56,845 0.7% 75,583 0.8% 18,738 33.0% Advertising 130,878 1.6% 156,680 1.6% 25,802 19.7%Other sales expense 34,880 0.4% 42,334 0.4% 7,454 21.4% Stationery and supplies 38,221 0.5% 21,554 0.2% (16,667) (43.6%) Postage 14,657 0.2% 18,756 0.2% 4,099 28.0% Telephone 36,551 0.4% 67,822 0.7% 31,271 85.6%Dues and memberships 3,644 0.0% 4,522 0.0% 878 24.1%Rent 15,607 0.2% 15,607 0.2% 0 0.0%Legal fees 14,154 0.2% 35,460 0.4% 21,306 150.5% Accounting fees 16,700 0.2% 18,650 0.2% 1,950 11.7% Depreciation, SG&A 73,450 0.9% 69,500 0.7% (3,950) (5.4%)Bad debt expense 166,454 2.0% 143,871 1.5% (22,583) (13.6%) Insurance 44,321 0.5% 45,702 0.5% 1,381 3.1%961,705 11.4% 1,045,409 10.9% 83,704 8.7%Total operating income 2,801,429 33.3% 3,732,098 38.9% 930,669 33.2%Other expenses:Interest expense 120,432 1.4% 137,922 1.4% 17,490 14.5%Other 5,455 0.1% 28,762 0.3% 23,307 427.3%Total 125,887 1.5% 166,684 1.7% 40,797 32.4%Other income:Gain on sale of assets 43,222 0.5% (143,200) (1.5%) (186,422) (431.3%) Interest income 243 0.0% 223 0.0% (20) (8.2%) Miscellaneous income 6,365 0.1% 25,478 0.3% 19,113 300.3%Total 49,830 0.6% (117,499) (1.2%) (167,329) (335.8%) Income before taxes 2,725,372 32.4% 3,447,915 35.9% 722,543 26.5% Income taxes 926,626 11.0% 1,020,600 10.6% 93,974 10.1%Net income $1,798,746 21.4% $2,427,315 25.3% $ 628,569 34.9%The following are variances of special significance to the audit that have been determined from the revised analytical procedures worksheet. Before doing additional work, there should be further discussion with knowledgeable management about the variances identified. After investigating management's explanations, the following additional audit procedures may be appropriate:。
Auditing and Assurance Chapter02
©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder
2 - 15
Learning Objective 3
Summarize the role of the Securities and Exchange Commission in accounting and auditing.
©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder
Certified Public Accounting Firms
The legal right to perform audits is granted to CPA firms by regulation of each state.
1. The need for independence from clients. 2. The importance of a structure to encourage competence. 3. The increased litigation risk faced by auditors.
©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder 2 - 11
Learning Objective 2
Understand the role of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board and the effects of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on the CPA profession.
©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder
Steps to Develop Audit Objectives
1. Understand objectives and responsibilities for the audit.
©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder
Learning Objective 2
Distinguish management’s
responsibility for the financial
6-4Βιβλιοθήκη Steps to Develop Audit Objectives
4. Know general audit objectives for classes of transactions and accounts.
5. Know specific audit objectives for classes of transactions and accounts.
statements and internal control
from the auditor’s responsibility
for verifying the financial
statements and effectiveness
of internal control.
©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder
常用审计英语词汇基本词汇1 ability to perform the work 能力履行工作2 acceptance procedures 承兑程序过程3 accountability 经管责任,问责性4 accounting estimate 会计估计5 accounts receivable listing 应收账款挂牌6 accounts receivable 应收账款7 accruals listing 应计项目挂牌8 accruals 应计项目9 accuracy 准确性10 adverse opinion 否定意见11 aged analysis 年老的分析(法,学)研究12 agents 代理人13 agreed-upon procedures 约定审查业务14 analysis of errors 错误的分析(法,学)研究15 anomalous error 反常的错误16 appointment ethics 任命伦理学17 appointment 任命18 associated firms 联合的坚挺19 association of chartered certified accounts(ACCA)20 assurance engagement 保证约定21 assurance 保证22 audit 审计,审核,核数23 audit acceptance 审计承兑24 audit approach 审计靠近25 audit mittee 审计委员会,审计小组26 audit engagement 审计业务约定书27 audit evaluation 审计评价28 audit evidence 审计证据29 audit plan 审计计划30 audit program 审计程序31 audit report as a means of munication 审计报告如一个通讯方法32 audit report 审计报告33 audit risk 审计风险34 audit sampling 审计抽样35 audit staffing 审计工作人员36 audit timing 审计定时37 audit trail 审计线索38 auditing standards 审计准则39 auditors duty of care 审计(查帐)员的抚养责任40 auditors report 审计报告41 authority attached to ISAs 代理权附上到国际砂糖协定42 automated working papers 自动化了工作文件43 bad debts 坏账44 bank 银行45 bank reconciliation 银行对账单,余额调节表46 beneficial interests 受益权47 best value 最好的价值48 business risk 经营风险49 cadbury mittee cadbury 委员会50 cash count 现金盘点51 cash system 兑现系统52 changes in nature of engagement 改变约定的性质上53 charges and mitments 费用和评论54 charities 宽大55 tom walls tom 墙壁56 chronology of an audit 一审计的年代表57 CIS application controls CIS 申请控制58 CIS environments stand-alone microputers CIS 环境单机微型计算器59 client screening 委托人甄别60 closely connected 接近地连接61 clubs 俱乐部62 munications between auditors and management 通讯在审计(查帐)员和经营之间63 munications on internal control 内部控制上的通讯64 panies act 公司法65 parative financial statements 比较财务报表66 paratives 比较的67 petence 能力68 pilation engagement 编辑约定69 pleteness 完整性70 pletion of the audit 审计的结束71 pliance with accounting regulations 符合~的作法会计规则72 puters assisted audit techniques (CAATs)计算器援助的审计技术(CAATs)73 confidence 信任74 confidentiality 保密性75 confirmation of accounts receivable 应收账款的查证76 conflict of interest 利益冲突77 constructive obligation 建设的待付款78 contingent asset 或有资产79 contingent liability 或有负债80 control environment 控制环境81 control procedures 控制程序82 control risk 控制风险83 controversy 论战84 corporate governance 公司治理,公司管制85 corresponding figures 相应的计算86 cost of conversion 转换成本,加工成本87 cost 成本88 courtesy 优待89 creditors 债权人90 current audit files 本期审计档案91 database management system (DBMS)数据库管理制度(数据管理系统)92 date of report 报告的日期93 depreciation 折旧,贬值94 design of the sample 样品的设计95 detection risk 检查风险96 direct verification approach 直接核查法97 directional testing 方向的抽查98 directors emoluments 董事酬金99 directors serve contracts 董事服务合约100 disagreement with management 与经营的不一致101 disclaimer of opinion 拒绝表示意见102 distributions 分销,分派103 documentation of understanding and assessment of control risk 控制风险的协商和评定的文件编集104 documenting the audit process 证明审计程序105 due care 应有关注106 due skill and care 到期的技能和谨慎107 economy 经济108 education 教育109 effectiveness 效用,效果110 efficiency 效益,效率111 eligibility / ineligibility 合格 / 无被选资格112 emphasis of matter 物质的强调113 engagement economics 约定经济学114 engagement letter 业务约定书115 error 差错116 evaluating of results of audit procedures 审计手序的结果评估117 examinations 检查118 existence 存在性119 expectations 期望差距120 expected error 预期的错误121 experience 经验122 expert 专家123 external audit 独立审计124 external review reports 外部的评论报告125 fair 公正126 fee negotiation 费谈判127 final assessment of control risk 控制风险的确定评定128 final audit 期末审计129 financial statement assertions 财政报告宣称130 financial 财务131 finished goods 产成品132 flowcharts 流程图133 fraud and error 舞弊134 fraud 欺诈135 fundamental principles 基本原理136 general CIS controls 一般的 CIS 控制137 general reports to 对…的一般报告138 going concern assumption 持续经营假设139 going concern 持续经营140 goods on sale or return 货物准许退货买卖141 goodwill 商誉142 governance 统治143 greenbury mittee greenbury 委员会144 guidance for internal auditors 指导为内部审计员145 hampel mittee hampel 委员会146 haphazard selection 随意选择147 hospitality 款待148 human resources 人力资源149 IAPS 1000 inter-bank confirmation procedures IAPS 1000 在中间- 银行查证程序过程150 IAPS 1001 CIS environments-stand-alone microputers IAPS 1001 CIS 环境-单机微型计算器151 IAPS 1002 CIS environments-on-line puter systems IAPS 1002 CIS 环境-(与主机)联机计算器系统152 IAPS 1003 CIS environments-database systems IAPS 1003 CIS 环境- 数据库系统153 IAPS 1005 the special considerations in the audit of small entities 在小的个体审计中的 IAPS 1005 特别的考虑154 IAS 2 inventories 信息家电 2 库存155 IAS 10 events after the balance sheet date156 IFACs code of ethics for professional accountants157 ine tax 所得税158 ining auditors 收入审计(查帐)员159 independent estimate 独立的估计160 ineligible for appointment 无被选资格的为任命161 information technology 信息技术162 inherent risk 固有风险163 initial munication 签署通讯164 insurance 保险165 intangibles 无形166 integrity 完整性167 interim audit 中期审计168 internal auditing 内部审计169 internal auditors 内部审计师170 internal control evaluation questionnaires (ICEQs)内部控制评价调查表171 internal control questionnaires (ICQs)内部控制调查表172 internal control system 内部控制系统173 internal review assignment 内部的评论转让174 international audit and assurance standards board (IAASB)国际的审计和保证标准登船(IAASB)175 international auditing practice statements (IAPSs)国际的审计实务声明(IAPSs)176 international federation of accountants (IFAC)国际会计师联合会(IFAC)177 inventory system 盘存制度178 inventory valuation 存货估价179 ISA 230 documentation 文件编制180 ISA 240 fraud and error 国际砂糖协定 240 欺诈和错误181 ISA 250 consideration of law and regulations 法和规则的国际砂糖协定 250 考虑182 Isa 260 munications of audit matters with those charge governance 审计物质的国际砂糖协定 260 通讯由于那些索价统治183 isa 300 planning isa 300 计划编制184 isa 310 knowledge of the business 企业的 isa 310 知识185 isa 320 audit materiality 审计重要性186 isa 400 accounting and internal control isa 400 会计和内部控制187 isa 402 audit considerations relating to entities using service organizations 与正在使用的个体有关的 isa 402个审计考虑服务组织188 isa 500 audit evidence 审计证据189 isa 501 audit evidence-additional considerations for specific items isa 501个审计证据- 补偿为特殊条款190 isa 510 external confirmations isa 510个外部的查证191 isa 520 analytical procedures 分析性程序192 isa 530 audit sampling 审计抽样193 isa 540 audit of accounting estimates 解释估计的 isa 540 审计194 isa 560 subsequent events 期后事项195 isa 580 management representations 管理当局声明书196 isa 610 considering the work of internal auditing isa 610 以内部审计的工作看来197 isa 620 using the work of an expert isa 620 使用专家的工作198 isa 700 auditors report on financial statements 财务报表上的 isa 700 审计(查帐)员的报告199 isa 710 paratives isa 710个比较的200 isa 720 other information in documents containing audited financial statements isa 720 证券包含 audited 财务报表的其他信息201 isa 910 engagement to review financial statements isa 910 复阅财务报表约定202 isas and rss isas 和 rss203 joint monitoring unit 连接检验单位204 knowledge of the entity's business 个体的企业知识205 law and regulations 法和规则206 legal and regulations 法定权利和规则207 legal obligation 法定义务,法定责任208 levels of assurance 保险程度,保障水平209 liability 负债210 limitation on scope 审计范围限制211 limitation of audit 审计的提起诉讼的限期212 limitations of controls system 控制系统的提起诉讼的限期213 litigation and claims 诉讼和赔偿214 litigation 诉讼215 loans 借款,贷款216 long term liabilities 长期负债217 lowballing 低价进入式审计定价策略218 management 管理219 management integrity 经营完整220 management representation letter 管理当局声明书221 marketing 推销,营销,市场学222 material inconsistency 决定性的前后矛盾223 material misstatements of fact 重大误报224 materiality 重要性225 measurement 计量226 microputers 微型计算器227 modified reports 变更报告228 narrative notes 叙述证券229 nature 性质230 negative assurance 消极保证231 net realizable value 可实现净值232 non-current asset register 非本期的财产登记233 non-executive directors 非执行董事234 non-sampling risk 非抽样风险235 non-statutory audits 目标236 objectivity 客观性237 obligating event 负有责任事件238 obligatory disclosure 有拘束的揭示239 obtaining work 获得工作240 occurrence 出现241 on-line puter systems (与主机)联机计算器系统242 opening balances 期初余额243 operational audits 经营审计,作业审计244 operational work plans 操作上的工作计划245 opinion shopping 意见购物246 other information 其他的信息247 outsourcing internal audit 支援外包的内部核数248 overall review of financial statements 财务报表的包括一切的评论249 overdue fees 超储未付费250 overhead absorption 管理费用分配251 periodic plan 定期的计划252 permanent audit files 永久审计档案253 personal relationships 个人的亲属关系254 planning 计划编制255 population 抽样总体256 precision 精密257 preface to ISAs and RSs 国际砂糖协定的序文和债券附卖回交易258 preliminary assessment of control risk 控制风险的预备评定259 prepayments 预付款项260 presentation and disclosure 提示和揭示261 problems of accounting treatment 会计处理的问题262 procedural approach 程序上的靠近263 procedures 程序264 procedures after accepting nomination 程序过程在接受提名之后265 procurement 采购266 professional duty of confidentiality 保密的职业责任267 projection of errors 错误的规划268 provision 备抵,准备269 public duty 公共职责270 public interest 公众利益271 publicity 宣传272 purchase ledger 购货分类账273 purchases and expenses system 买和费用系统274 purchases cut-off 买截止275 put on enquiry 询价上的期货买卖276 qualified opinion 保留意见277 qualifying disclosure 合格揭示278 qualitative aspects of errors 错误的性质上的方面279 random selection 随机选择280 reasonable assurance 合理保证281 reassessing sampling risk 再评价抽样风险282 reliability 可靠性283 remuneration 报酬284 report to management 对经营的报告285 reporting 报告286 research and development costs 研究和开发成本287 reservation of title 保留288 reserves 准备,储备289 revenue and capital expenditure 岁入和资本支出290 review 评论291 review and capital expenditure 评论和资本支出292 review 评论293 review engagement 复阅约定294 rights 认股权295 rights and obligations 认股权和待付款296 rights to information 对信息的认股权297 risk and materiality 风险和重要性298 risk-based approach 以风险为基础的方式299 romalpa case romalpa 个案300 rotation of auditor appointments 审计(查帐)员任命的循环301 rules of professional conduct 职业道德守则302 sales cut-off 销售截止303 sales system 销售(货)制度304 sales tax 销售税,营业税305 sales 销售,销货306 sample size 样本量307 sampling risk 抽样风险308 sampling units 抽样单位309 schedule of unadjusted errors 未调整的错误表310 scope and objectives of internal audit 内部核数的范围和目标311 segregation of duties 职责划分312 service organization 服务组织313 significant fluctuations or unexpected relationships 可重视的(市价)波动或不能预料的亲属关系314 small entity 小的个体315 smaller entities 比较小的个体316 sole traders 个体营业者317 sources of knowledge 知识的根源318 specimen letter on internal control 内部控制上的样本证书319 stakeholders 赌款保存人320 standardised working papers 标准化工作文件321 statement 1:integrity,objectivity and independence 声明 1: 完整,客观性和独立322 statement 2:the professional duty of confidence 声明 2: 信任的职业责任323 statement 3: advertising ,publicity and obtaining professional work 声明3: 广告法(学),宣传和获得专业性工作324 statement 5:changes in professional appointment 声明 5: 在职业上的任命中的改变325 statistical sampling 统计抽样326 statutory audit 法定审计327 statutory books 法定卷册328 statutory duty 法定责任329 stewardship 总管的职务330 strategic plan 战略性计划331 stratification 分层332 subsequent events 期后事项333 substantive procedures 实词程序过程334 substantive tests 实质性测试335 sufficient appropriate audit evidence 充分的适当审计证据336 summarising errors summarising 错误337 sundry accruals 杂的应计项目338 supervision 监督339 supervisory and monitoring roles 监督的和检验角色340 suppliers statements 供应商的声明341 system and internal controls 系统和内部的控制342 systematic selection 系统选择法343 systems-based approach 以系统为基础的方式344 tangible non-current assets 有形的非流动资产345 tendering 投标,清偿346 terms of the engagement 约定的条件347 tests of control 控制的证人348 the AGM 周年大会349 the board 委员会350 three Es 三 Es351 timing 定时352 tolerable error 可容忍误差353 trade accounts payable and purchases 贸易应付账款和买354 trade accounts payable listing 贸易应付账款挂牌355 training 培训356 treasury 国库,库房357 TRUE 真实358 turnbull mittee turnbull 委员会359 ultra vires 越权360 uncertainty 不确定性361 undue dependence 未到(支付)期的未决362 unqualified audit report 无条件的审计报告363 unqualified report 无条件的报告364 using the knowledge 使用知识365 using the work of an expert 使用专家的工作366 valuation 计价,估价367 value for money 现金(交易)价格368 voluntary disclosure 自愿披露369 wages and salaries 工资,薪金370 wages system 工资系统371 work in progress 在产品372 working papers 工作底稿。
财务词汇以及其他金融词汇INCOME STATEMENT损益表balance sheet 资产负债表Revenue 收入Disbursement 支出Gross revenues 总收入/毛收入Net revenues 销售收入/净收入Non-operating income 营业外收入Sales 销售额Turnover 营业额Operating expenses 销售(营业)成本Operating income(loss)营业利润/(亏损)Operating profit 营业利润Operating margin 营业利润率/营业毛利EBIT margin EBIT率(营业利润率)Gross profit 毛利润Gross margin 毛利率Other income and gain 其他收入及利得Other (expense) / income 其他收入/(费用)Ordinary income 普通所得、普通收益、通常收入Operating expenses 营业费用Profit from operating activities 营业利润/经营活动之利润Research and development costs (R&D)研发费用Selling Cost 销售成本cost of sales 销售成本production cost 生产成本product cost 产品成本Net operating revenue 销售(营业)收入净额Selling and distribution costs 营销费用/行销费用selling、general and administrative expenses 销售及一般管理费用administrative accounting 行政管理会计administrative budget 行政管理预算administrative expense行政管理费用departmental budget 部门预算flexible budget 弹性预算development cost 开发成本salary bonus、Employee benefits、Employee labor union dues、Employee education expenses工资薪金职工福利费、职工工会经费、职工教育经费Employee compensation 职工薪酬Entertainment expenses 业务招待费Advertising expenditure 广告支出Auditing, consulting and litigation expenses 审计、咨询、诉讼费Travelling expenses 差旅费Conference expenses 会议费Including entertainment expenses交际应酬费Salary and welfare fund expense 工资、福利费Rental expense 租金支出Royalty fee 特许权使用费Interest expense 利息支出manufacturing overhead 制造费用overhead 制造费用overhead cost 制造费用burden 制造费用overhead absorption rate 制造费用分配率fixed overhead 固定制造费用Fixed Assets 固定资产fixed asset turnover 固定资产周转率fixed cost 固定成本Depreciation of fixed assets 固定资产折旧Depreciation expense 折旧费depreciation 折旧Depreciation and amortization 折旧及摊销distribution cost 摊销成本Intangible assets 无形资产Other intangible assets 其他无形资产Goodwill 商誉Tangible assets 有形资产Available-for-sale investments 可供出售投资Property, plant and equipment 物业、厂房及设备或财产、厂房及设备或固定资产Investment properties 投资物业Plant Assets 厂房资产Lease prepayments 预付租金accounts payable 应付账款accounts receivable 应收账款Trade accounts receivable 应收账款Trade and bills receivables 应收账款及应收票据Accounts and bills payable 应付账款及应付票据bill payable 应付票据bill receivable 应收票据accounts receivable aging schedule 应收账款账龄分析表accounts receivable assigned 已转让应收账款accounts receivable collection period应收账款收款期accounts receivable financing 应收账款筹资,应收账款融资accounts receivable management 应收账款管理accounts receivable turnover 应收账款周转率,应收账款周转次数Inventories 存货/库存Prepayments and other receivables 预付款及其他应收款Accrued expenses and other payables 预提费用及其他应付款prepayments 预付款项Prepayments, deposits and other receivables 预付账款、按金及其它应收款budgetary control 预算控制budgeted capacity 预算生产能力Total current assets 流动资产合计Tax rate 税率Income taxes 所得税Sales tax 销售税金及附加Income before taxes 税前利润Profit before tax 税前利润Taxable Income 应纳税所得额Income tax payable 应缴所得税额Company income tax payable 应纳企业所得税额Local income tax payable 应纳地方所得税额Loss before income taxes 税前损失taxes 税项Current Income tax 当期所得税Deferred Income tax 递延所得税Deferred tax liabilities 递延税deferred taxation 递延税款added value tax 增值税additional tax 附加税VAT on sales 销项税额VAT on purchase 进项税额VAT Refund for exported goods 出口退税Amount transferred out from VAT on purchase 进项税额转出数Transfer out overpaid VAT 转出多交增值税VAT Paid 已交税金Tax reduced and exempted减免税款Transfer out unpaid VAT 转出未交增值税Amount not deducted at end of period (represented by a "-" sign)期末未抵扣数(用"-"号反映)VAT unpaid 未交增值税Finance costs 财务费用/财务成本Financial result 财务费用Finance income 财务收益Interest income 利息收入Interest income net 利息收入净额Additional paid-in capital 资本公积Statutory reserves 法定公积/法定准备金Retained earnings 未分配利润capital gain 资本收益capital surplus 资本盈余capital turnover 资本周转率contingent liabilities 或有负债Net income 净利润Net loss 净损失Net Margin 净利率OI(Operating Income) 经营收益OA(Operating Assets)经营性资产flow of funds statement 资金流量表Net cash flow 现金流量净额net realizable value 可变现净值Fair Value 公允价值net assets 净资产net book value 净帐面价值net liquid funds 净可变现资金Net Profit Margin on Sales/Net profit margin 销售净利率net present value(NPV) 净现值net profit 净利润net realizable value 可变现净值net worth 资产净值EBITDA 息、税、折旧、摊销前利润(EBITDA)EBITDA margin EBITDA率EBITA 息、税、摊销前利润EBIT 息税前利润/营业利润Operating Results 经营业绩Financial Highlights 财务摘要aggregate balance sheet 合并资产负债表Hong Kong listed investments, at fair value 于香港上市的投资,以公允价值列示Investment deposits 投资存款Designated loan 委托贷款Financial assets 金融资产Pledged deposits 银行保证金/抵押存款accounts receivable discounted 已贴现应收账款Prepayments for acquisition of properties 收购物业预付款项fair value 公允价值现金流量表STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS / Cash flow statementsCash flow from operating activities 经营活动产生的现金流Net cash provided by / (used in) operating activities 经营活动产生的现金流量净额Net income /loss 净利润或损失Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash provided by/(used in) operatingactivities: 净利润之现金调整项:Addition of bad debt expense 坏账增加数/(冲回数)Provision for obsolete inventories 存货准备Share-based compensation 股票薪酬Exchange loss 汇兑损失Loss of disposal of property, plant and equipment 处置固定资产损失Changes in operating assets and liabilities: 经营资产及负债的变化Net cash provided by / (used in) operating activities 经营活动产生/(使用)的现金Free cash flow 自由现金流Cash flow from investing activities 投资活动产生的现金流Net cash used in investing activities 投资活动产生的现金流量净额Purchases of property, plant and equipment 购买固定资产Payment of lease prepayment 支付预付租金Purchases of intangible assets 购买无形资产Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 处置固定资产所得Government grants received 政府补助Equity in the income of investees 采权益法认列之投资收益Cash flow from financing activities 筹资活动产生的现金流Net cash provided by financing activities 筹资活动产生的现金流量净额Proceeds from borrowings 借款所得Repayment of borrowings 还款Decrease / (increase) in pledged deposits 银行保证金(增加)/ 减少Proceeds from issuance of capital stock 股本发行所得Net cash provided by financing activities 筹资活动产生的现金Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 现金及现金等价物的汇率变更的影响Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents 现金及现金等价物的净减少Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period 期初现金及现金等价物Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period 期末现金及现金等价物Investments in acquisitions 并购投资Total assets 资产合计Exchange of non-monetary assets 非货币性资产Liabilities 负债Current liabilities 流动负债Short-term bank loans 短期银行借款Current maturities of long-term bank loans 一年内到期的长期银行借款Total current liabilities 流动负债合计Deferred income 递延收入Financial Net Debt 净金融负债Total liabilities 负债合计Commitments and contingencies 资本承诺及或有负债Assets 资产Current assets 流动资产current liabilities 流动负债current ration 流动比率Non-current assets 非流动资产Interests in subsidiaries 附属公司权益Cash and cash equivalents 现金及现金等价物Investment income 投资收益price ratio 市盈率Aggregate income statement 合并损益表Profit before disposal of investments 出售投资前利润Equity loss of affiliates 子公司权益损失Government grant income 政府补助Profit for the period 本期利润Comprehensive income 综合收益、全面收益bond certificate 债券debenture 债券stock certificate 股票Donated shares 捐赠股票Accumulated other comprehensive income 累积其他综合所得Treasury shares 库存股票Total shareholders’ equity股东权益合计Equity 股东权益、所有者权益、净资产Shareholders Equity股东权益Total liabilities and shareholders equity 负债和股东权益合计Capital and reserves attributable to the Company’s equity holders本公司权益持有人应占资本及储备Issued capital 已发行股本Share capital 股本Reserves 储备Cash reserves 现金储备Interim Dividend 中期股息Proposed dividend 拟派股息Proposed special dividend 拟派末期股息Proposed special dividend 拟派特别股息Proposed final special dividend 拟派末期特别股息Convertible bonds 可换股债券debit capacity 举债能力debt ratio 债务比率debtor 债务人Income from royalties 特许权使用费收益Net income in investment transfer 投资转让净收益Rental net income 租赁净收益Exchange net income 汇兑净收益Income from continuing operations 持续经营收益或连续经营部门营业收益Income from discontinued operations 非持续经营收益或停业部门经营收益extraordinary gain and loss 特别损益、非常损益Gain on trading securities 交易证券收益Net Profit attributable to Equity Holders of the Company 归属于本公司股东所有者的净利润Net income attributed to shareholders 归属于母公司股东的净利润或股东应占溢利Profit attributable to shareholders 归属于股东所有者(持有者)的利润或股东应占溢利Minority interests 少数股东权益/少数股东损益Change in fair value of exchangeable securities 可交换证券公允值变动Other comprehensive income — Foreign currency translation adjustment 其他综合利润—外汇折算差异Comprehensive (loss) / income 综合利润(亏损)Gain on disposal of assets 处分资产溢价收入Loss on disposal of assets 处分资产损失Asset impairments 资产减值Gain on sale of assets 出售资产利得Dividends 股息/股利/分红Deferred dividends 延派股利Net loss per share: 每股亏损Earnings per share(EPS)每股收益Earnings per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent 归属于母公司股东持有者的每股收益-Basic -基本-Diluted -稀释/摊薄(每股收益一般用稀释,净资产用摊薄)Diluted EPS 稀释每股收益Basic EPS 基本每股收益Weighted average number of ordinary shares: 加权平均股数:-Basic -基本-Diluted -稀释/摊薄Derivative financial instruments 衍生金融工具Borrowings 借貸Historical Cost 历史成本Capital expenditures 资本支出revenues expenditure 收益支出equity in affiliates 附属公司权益Equity Earning 股权收益、股本盈利Equity Compensation 权益报酬Weighted average number of shares outstanding 加权平均流通股treasury shares 库存股票Number of shares outstanding at the end of the period 期末流通股数目Equity per share, attributable to equity holders of the Parent 归属于母公司所有者的每股净资产Dividends per share 每股股息、每股分红Cash flow from operations (CFFO)经营活动产生的现金流量Weighted average number of common and common equivalent shares outstanding:加权平均普通流通股及等同普通流通股Equity Compensation 权益报酬Weighted Average Diluted Shares 稀释每股收益加权平均值Gain on disposition of discontinued operations 非持续经营业务处置利得(收益)Loss on disposition of discontinued operations 非持续经营业务处置损失participation in profit 分红profit participation capital 资本红利、资本分红profit sharing 分红Employee Profit Sharing 员工分红(红利)Dividends to shareholders 股东分红(红利)Average basic common shares outstanding 普通股基本平均数Average diluted common shares outstanding 普通股稀释平均数Securities litigation expenses, net 证券诉讼净支出ROA(Return on assets)资产回报率/资产收益率ROE(Return on Equity) 股东回报率/股本收益率(回报率)净资产收益率Equity ratio 产权比率ROCE(Return on Capital Employed)资本报酬率(回报率)或运营资本回报率或权益资本收益率或股权收益率RNOA(Return on Net Operating Assets)净经营资产收益率(回报率)ROI(Return on Investment)投资回报率OL(Operating Liabilities)经营性负债NBC(Net Borrow Cost) 净借债费用NOA(Net Operating Assets) 净经营性资产NFE(Net Financial Earnings) 净金融收益net financial liabilities 净金融负债FLEV(Financial leverage) 财务杠杆OLLEV(Operating Liabilities leverage) 经营负债杠杆CSE(Common Stock Equity) 普通股权益Spread/ price difference 差价RE(Residual Earning) 剩余收益discount rate 贴现率discounted cash flow 现金流量贴现。
美国大学审计学Auditing and Assurance Services习题解
9-5 Because materiality is relative rather than absolute, it is necessary to have bases for establishing whether misstatements are material. For example, in the audit of a manufacturing company, the auditor might use as bases: net income before taxes, total assets, current assets, and working capital. For a governmental unit, such as a school district, there is no net income before taxes, and therefore that would not be an available base. Instead, the primary bases would likely be fund balances, total assets, and perhaps total revenue. 9-6 The following qualitative factors are likely to be considered in evaluating materiality: a. b. c. Amounts involving fraud are usually considered more important than unintentional errors of equal dollar amounts. Misstatements that are otherwise minor may be material if there are possible consequences arising from contractual obligations. Misstatements that are otherwise immaterial may be material if they affect a trend in earnixed assets are tested for overstatement and long-term loans for understatement because the auditor's objective in this case is to test for overstatements of owner's equity.
常用审计英语词汇1 ability to perform the work 能力履行工作2 acceptance procedures 接受程序3 accountability 经管责任,问责性4 accounting estimate 会计估计5 accounts receivable listing 应收账款列表6 accounts receivable 应收账款7 accruals listing 应计项目列表8 accruals 应计项目9 accuracy 准确性10 adverse opinion 否定意见11 aged analysis 账龄分析12 agents 代理人13 agreed-upon procedures 约定审查业务14 analysis of errors 错误分析15 anomalous error 反常的错误16 appointment ethics 接受任命的相关职业道德考虑17 appointment 任命18 associated firms 关联公司19 association of chartered certified accounts(ACCA)英国特许注册会计师公会20 assurance engagement 保证约定21 assurance 保证22 audit 审计,审核,核数23 audit acceptance 接受审计24 audit approach 审计方法25 audit committee 审计委员会,审计小组26 audit engagement 审计业务约定书27 audit evaluation 审计评价28 audit evidence 审计证据29 audit plan 审计计划30 audit program 审计程序31 audit report as a means of communication 作为沟通方式的审计报告32 audit report 审计报告33 audit risk 审计风险34 audit sampling 审计抽样35 audit staffing 审计工作人员调配36 audit timing 审计时间安排37 audit trail 审计线索38 auditing standards 审计准则39 auditors duty of care 审计人员的审慎职责40 auditors report 审计报告41 authority attached to ISAs 遵守国际审计准则42 automated working papers 电子工作底稿43 bad debts 坏账44 bank 银行45 bank reconciliation 银行对账单,余额调节表46 beneficial interests 受益47 best value 最好的价值48 business risk 经营风险,商业风险49 Cadbury committee Cadbury 委员会50 cash count 现金盘点51 cash system 现金系统52 changes in nature of engagement 改变约定的性质上53 charges and commitments 费用和承诺54 charities 慈善机构55 CIS application controls 控制信息系统的应用控制56 CIS environments stand-alone microcomputers 单机控制环境57 client screening 客户甄别58 closely connected 有密切关系59 clubs 俱乐部60 communications between auditors and management 注册会计师和管理层的沟通61 communications on internal control 内部控制上的沟通62 companies act 公司法63 comparative financial statements 比较财务报表64 comparatives 比较的65 competence 能力66 compilation engagement 编辑约定书67 completeness 完整性68 completion of the audit 审计完成69 compliance with accounting regulations 符合~的作法会计规则70 computers assisted audit techniques (CAATs)计算机辅助审计技术(CAATs)71 confidence 保密72 confidentiality 保密性73 confirmation of accounts receivable 应收账款的询证74 conflict of interest 利益冲突75 constructive obligation 推定义务76 contingent asset 或有资产77 contingent liability 或有负债78 control environment 控制环境79 control procedures 控制程序80 control risk 控制风险81 controversy 矛盾,冲突82 corporate governance 公司治理机制83 corresponding figures 对应数字84 cost of conversion 转换成本,加工成本85 cost 成本86 courtesy87 creditors 债权人88 current audit files 本期审计档案89 database management system (DBMS)数据库管理系统90 date of report 报告的日期91 depreciation 折旧,贬值92 design of the sample 抽样设计93 detection risk 检查风险94 direct verification approach 直接核查法95 directional testing 定向测试96 directors emoluments 董事酬金97 directors serve contracts 董事服务合约98 disagreement with management 与管理层不一致99 disclaimer of opinion 拒绝表示意见100 distributions 分销,分派101 documenting the audit process 记录审计程序102 due care 合理关注103 due skill and care 合理技能和关注104 economy 经济105 education 教育106 effectiveness 效用,效果107 efficiency 效益,效率108 eligibility / ineligibility 合格/ 无被选资格109 emphasis of matter 强调事项110 engagement economics 契约经济学111 engagement letter 业务约定书112 error 差错113 evaluating of results of audit procedures 审计程序结果的评估114 examinations 检查115 existence 存在性116 expectations 期望117 expected error 期望误差118 experience 经验119 expert 专家120 external audit 独立审计,外部审计121 external review reports 外部复核报告122 fair 公正123 fee negotiation 费用协商124 final assessment of control risk 控制风险的最终评定125 final audit 期末审计126 financial statement assertions 财政报告认定127 financial 财务128 finished goods 产成品129 flowcharts 流程图130 fraud and error 舞弊131 fraud 欺诈132 fundamental principles 基本原理133 general CIS controls 一般的CIS 控制134 going concern assumption 持续经营假设135 going concern 持续经营136 goods on sale or return 允许退货的销售137 goodwill 商誉138 governance 统治139 hospitality 款待140 human resources 人力资源141 income tax 所得税142 independent estimate 独立估计143 information technology 信息技术144 inherent risk 固有风险145 insurance 保险146 intangibles 无形147 integrity 诚实148 interim audit 中期审计149 internal auditing 内部审计150 internal auditors 内部审计师151 internal control evaluation questionnaires (ICEQs)内部控制评价调查表152 internal control questionnaires (ICQs)内部控制调查表153 internal control system 内部控制系统154 internal review assignment 内部评价任务155 international audit and assurance standards board (IAASB)国际的审计和保证标准理事会(IAASB)156 international auditing practice statements (IAPSs)国际审计实务声明(IAPSs)157 international federation of accountants (IFAC)国际会计师联合会(IFAC)158 inventory system 盘存制度159 inventory valuation 存货估价160 legal and regulations 法规161 legal obligation 法定义务,法定责任162 levels of assurance 保证程度163 liability 负债164 limitation on scope 审计范围限制165 limitation of audit 审计的局限性166 limitations of controls system 控制系统的局限性167 litigation and claims 诉讼和赔偿168 litigation 诉讼169 loans 借款,贷款170 long term liabilities 长期负债171 management 管理172 management integrity 管理层诚信173 management representation letter 管理当局声明书174 marketing 推销,营销,市场学175 material inconsistency 重要的不一致176 material misstatements of fact 重大误报177 materiality 重要性178 measurement 计量179 microcomputers 微型计算器180 modified reports 变更报告181 narrative notes 描述注释182 nature 性质183 negative assurance 消极保证184 net realizable value 可变现净值185 non-current asset register 固定资产财产登记186 non-executive directors 非执行董事187 non-sampling risk 非抽样风险188 non-statutory audits 非法定审计189 objectivity 客观性190 occurrence 出现191 on-line computer systems 在线计算器系统192 opening balances 期初余额193 operational audits 经营审计,作业审计194 other information 其他的信息195 outsourcing internal audit 将内审功能外包196 overall review of financial statements 财务报表的总体回顾197 overdue fees 过多的费用198 overhead absorption 管理费用吸收199 periodic plan 定期的计划200 permanent audit files 永久审计档案201 personal relationships 个人的亲属关系202 planning 计划编制203 population 抽样总体204 precision 精密205 preliminary assessment of control risk 控制风险的初步评估206 prepayments 预付款项207 presentation and disclosure 列示和披露208 problems of accounting treatment 会计处理的问题209 procedures 程序210 procedures after accepting nomination 接受提名后的相关程序211 procurement 采购212 professional duty of confidentiality 保密的职业责任213 projection of errors 错误的预测214 provision 备抵,准备215 public duty 公共职责216 public interest 公众利益217 publicity 公众218 purchase ledger 购货分类账219 purchases and expenses system 采购和费用系统220 purchases cut-off 采购截止日期221 put on enquiry 询价222 qualified opinion 保留意见223 qualitative aspects of errors 错误的定性方面224 random selection 随机选择225 reasonable assurance 合理保证226 reassessing sampling risk 重新评价抽样风险227 reliability 可靠性228 remuneration 报酬229 report to management 对管理层的报告230 reporting 报告231 research and development costs 研发成本232 reservation of title 保留权力233 reserves 公积234 revenue and capital expenditure 收入性和资本性支出235 review 复核236 review engagement 复阅约定237 rights 权利238 rights and obligations 权利与义务239 risk and materiality 风险和重要性240 risk-based approach 基于风险的审计方法241 rotation of auditor appointments 审计人员轮换242 rules of professional conduct 职业道德守则243 sales cut-off 销售终止点244 sales system 销售系统245 sales tax 销售税,营业税246 sales 销售,销货247 sample size 样本大小248 sampling risk 抽样风险249 sampling units 抽样单位250 schedule of unadjusted errors 未调整的错误表251 scope and objectives of internal audit 内部审计的范围和目标252 segregation of duties 职责分离253 service organization 服务组织254 significant fluctuations or unexpected relationships 重大(市价)波动或不能预料的(亲属)关系255 sole traders 个体营业者256 sources of knowledge 获取了解的来源257 stakeholders 利益相关人258 standardised working papers 标准化工作底稿259 statistical sampling 统计抽样260 statutory audit 法定审计261 statutory books 法定簿记262 statutory duty 法定责任263 stewardship 管理层的才智264 strategic plan 战略性计划265 stratification 分层266 subsequent events 期后事项267 substantive procedures 实质性测试程序268 substantive tests 实质性测试269 sufficient appropriate audit evidence 充分、适当的审计证据270 sundry accruals 各项应计费用271 supervision 监督272 supervisory and monitoring roles 监督的和监控角色273 suppliers statements 供应商的对账单274 system and internal controls 系统和内部的控制275 systematic selection 系统选择法276 systems-based approach 系统审计方法277 tangible non-current assets 有形固定资产278 tendering 投标,清偿279 terms of the engagement 约定书的条件280 tests of control 控制测试281 the AGM 股东周年大会282 the board 委员会283 three Es 三Es (效果、效率、经济)284 timing 定时285 tolerable error 可容忍误差286 trade accounts payable and purchases 贸易应付账款和采购287 trade accounts payable listing 应付账款清单288 TRUE 真实289 uncertainty 不确定性290 undue dependence 过分依赖291 unqualified audit report 无保留意见的审计报告292 using the knowledge 使用知识293 using the work of an expert 使用专家的工作294 valuation 计价,估价295 value for money 物有所值296 voluntary disclosure 自愿披露297 wages and salaries 工资,薪金298 wages system 工资系统299 work in progress 在产品300 working papers 工作底稿。
常用审计英语词汇1 ability to perform the work 能力履行工作2 acceptance procedures 接受程序3 accountability 经管责任,问责性4 accounting estimate 会计估计5 accounts receivable listing 应收账款列表6 accounts receivable 应收账款7 accruals listing 应计项目列表8 accruals 应计项目9 accuracy 准确性10 adverse opinion 否定意见11 aged analysis 账龄分析12 agents 代理人13 agreed-upon procedures 约定审查业务14 analysis of errors 错误分析15 anomalous error 反常的错误16 appointment ethics 接受任命的相关职业道德考虑17 appointment 任命18 associated firms 关联公司19 association of chartered certified accounts(ACCA)英国特许注册会计师公会20 assurance engagement 保证约定21 assurance 保证22 audit 审计,审核,核数23 audit acceptance 接受审计24 audit approach 审计方法25 audit committee 审计委员会,审计小组26 audit engagement 审计业务约定书27 audit evaluation 审计评价28 audit evidence 审计证据29 audit plan 审计计划30 audit program 审计程序31 audit report as a means of communication 作为沟通方式的审计报告32 audit report 审计报告33 audit risk 审计风险34 audit sampling 审计抽样35 audit staffing 审计工作人员调配36 audit timing 审计时间安排37 audit trail 审计线索38 auditing standards 审计准则39 auditors duty of care 审计人员的审慎职责40 auditors report 审计报告41 authority attached to ISAs 遵守国际审计准则42 automated working papers 电子工作底稿43 bad debts 坏账44 bank 银行45 bank reconciliation 银行对账单,余额调节表46 beneficial interests 受益47 best value 最好的价值48 business risk 经营风险,商业风险49 Cadbury committee Cadbury 委员会50 cash count 现金盘点51 cash system 现金系统52 changes in nature of engagement 改变约定的性质上53 charges and commitments 费用和承诺54 charities 慈善机构55 CIS application controls 控制信息系统的应用控制56 CIS environments stand-alone microcomputers 单机控制环境57 client screening 客户甄别58 closely connected 有密切关系59 clubs 俱乐部60 communications between auditors and management 注册会计师和管理层的沟通61 communications on internal control 内部控制上的沟通62 companies act 公司法63 comparative financial statements 比较财务报表64 comparatives 比较的65 competence 能力66 compilation engagement 编辑约定书67 completeness 完整性68 completion of the audit 审计完成69 compliance with accounting regulations 符合~的作法会计规则70 computers assisted audit techniques (CAATs)计算机辅助审计技术(CAATs)71 confidence72 confidentiality 保密性73 confirmation of accounts receivable 应收账款的询证74 conflict of interest 利益冲突75 constructive obligation 推定义务76 contingent asset 或有资产77 contingent liability 或有负债78 control environment 控制环境79 control procedures 控制程序80 control risk 控制风险81 controversy 矛盾,冲突82 corporate governance 公司治理机制83 corresponding figures 对应数字84 cost of conversion 转换成本,加工成本85 cost 成本86 courtesy87 creditors 债权人88 current audit files 本期审计档案89 database management system (DBMS)数据库管理系统90 date of report 报告的日期91 depreciation 折旧,贬值92 design of the sample 抽样设计93 detection risk 检查风险94 direct verification approach 直接核查法95 directional testing 定向测试96 directors emoluments 董事酬金97 directors serve contracts 董事服务合约98 disagreement with management 与管理层不一致99 disclaimer of opinion 拒绝表示意见100 distributions 分销,分派101 documenting the audit process 记录审计程序102 due care 合理关注103 due skill and care 合理技能和关注104 economy 经济105 education 教育106 effectiveness 效用,效果107 efficiency 效益,效率108 eligibility / ineligibility 合格/ 无被选资格109 emphasis of matter 强调事项110 engagement economics 契约经济学111 engagement letter 业务约定书112 error 差错113 evaluating of results of audit procedures 审计程序结果的评估114 examinations 检查115 existence 存在性116 expectations 期望117 expected error 期望误差118 experience 经验119 expert 专家120 external audit 独立审计,外部审计121 external review reports 外部复核报告122 fair 公正123 fee negotiation 费用协商124 final assessment of control risk 控制风险的最终评定125 final audit 期末审计126 financial statement assertions 财政报告认定127 financial 财务128 finished goods 产成品129 flowcharts 流程图130 fraud and error 舞弊131 fraud 欺诈132 fundamental principles 基本原理133 general CIS controls 一般的CIS 控制134 going concern assumption 持续经营假设135 going concern 持续经营136 goods on sale or return 允许退货的销售137 goodwill 商誉138 governance 统治139 hospitality 款待140 human resources 人力资源141 income tax 所得税142 independent estimate 独立估计143 information technology 信息技术144 inherent risk 固有风险145 insurance 保险146 intangibles 无形147 integrity 诚实148 interim audit 中期审计149 internal auditing 内部审计150 internal auditors 内部审计师151 internal control evaluation questionnaires (ICEQs)内部控制评价调查表152 internal control questionnaires (ICQs)内部控制调查表153 internal control system 内部控制系统154 internal review assignment 内部评价任务155 international audit and assurance standards board (IAASB)国际的审计和保证标准理事会(IAASB)156 international auditing practice statements (IAPSs)国际审计实务声明(IAPSs)157 international federation of accountants (IFAC)国际会计师联合会(IFAC)158 inventory system 盘存制度159 inventory valuation 存货估价160 legal and regulations 法规161 legal obligation 法定义务,法定责任162 levels of assurance 保证程度163 liability 负债164 limitation on scope 审计范围限制165 limitation of audit 审计的局限性166 limitations of controls system 控制系统的局限性167 litigation and claims 诉讼和赔偿168 litigation 诉讼169 loans 借款,贷款170 long term liabilities 长期负债171 management 管理172 management integrity 管理层诚信173 management representation letter 管理当局声明书174 marketing 推销,营销,市场学175 material inconsistency 重要的不一致176 material misstatements of fact 重大误报177 materiality 重要性178 measurement 计量179 microcomputers 微型计算器180 modified reports 变更报告181 narrative notes 描述注释182 nature 性质183 negative assurance 消极保证184 net realizable value 可变现净值185 non-current asset register 固定资产财产登记186 non-executive directors 非执行董事187 non-sampling risk 非抽样风险188 non-statutory audits 非法定审计189 objectivity 客观性190 occurrence 出现191 on-line computer systems 在线计算器系统192 opening balances 期初余额193 operational audits 经营审计,作业审计194 other information 其他的信息195 outsourcing internal audit 将内审功能外包196 overall review of financial statements 财务报表的总体回顾197 overdue fees 过多的费用198 overhead absorption 管理费用吸收199 periodic plan 定期的计划200 permanent audit files 永久审计档案201 personal relationships 个人的亲属关系202 planning 计划编制203 population 抽样总体204 precision 精密205 preliminary assessment of control risk 控制风险的初步评估206 prepayments 预付款项207 presentation and disclosure 列示和披露208 problems of accounting treatment 会计处理的问题209 procedures 程序210 procedures after accepting nomination 接受提名后的相关程序211 procurement 采购212 professional duty of confidentiality 保密的职业责任213 projection of errors 错误的预测214 provision 备抵,准备215 public duty 公共职责216 public interest 公众利益217 publicity 公众218 purchase ledger 购货分类账219 purchases and expenses system 采购和费用系统220 purchases cut-off 采购截止日期221 put on enquiry 询价222 qualified opinion 保留意见223 qualitative aspects of errors 错误的定性方面224 random selection 随机选择225 reasonable assurance 合理保证226 reassessing sampling risk 重新评价抽样风险227 reliability 可靠性228 remuneration 报酬229 report to management 对管理层的报告230 reporting 报告231 research and development costs 研发成本232 reservation of title 保留权力233 reserves 公积234 revenue and capital expenditure 收入性和资本性支出235 review 复核236 review engagement 复阅约定237 rights 权利238 rights and obligations 权利与义务239 risk and materiality 风险和重要性240 risk-based approach 基于风险的审计方法241 rotation of auditor appointments 审计人员轮换242 rules of professional conduct 职业道德守则243 sales cut-off 销售终止点244 sales system 销售系统245 sales tax 销售税,营业税246 sales 销售,销货247 sample size 样本大小248 sampling risk 抽样风险249 sampling units 抽样单位250 schedule of unadjusted errors 未调整的错误表251 scope and objectives of internal audit 内部审计的范围和目标252 segregation of duties 职责分离253 service organization 服务组织254 significant fluctuations or unexpected relationships 重大(市价)波动或不能预料的(亲属)关系255 sole traders 个体营业者256 sources of knowledge 获取了解的来源257 stakeholders 利益相关人258 standardised working papers 标准化工作底稿259 statistical sampling 统计抽样260 statutory audit 法定审计261 statutory books 法定簿记262 statutory duty 法定责任263 stewardship 管理层的才智264 strategic plan 战略性计划265 stratification 分层266 subsequent events 期后事项267 substantive procedures 实质性测试程序268 substantive tests 实质性测试269 sufficient appropriate audit evidence 充分、适当的审计证据270 sundry accruals 各项应计费用271 supervision 监督272 supervisory and monitoring roles 监督的和监控角色273 suppliers statements 供应商的对账单274 system and internal controls 系统和内部的控制275 systematic selection 系统选择法276 systems-based approach 系统审计方法277 tangible non-current assets 有形固定资产278 tendering 投标,清偿279 terms of the engagement 约定书的条件280 tests of control 控制测试281 the AGM 股东周年大会282 the board 委员会283 three Es 三Es (效果、效率、经济)284 timing 定时285 tolerable error 可容忍误差286 trade accounts payable and purchases 贸易应付账款和采购287 trade accounts payable listing 应付账款清单288 TRUE 真实289 uncertainty 不确定性290 undue dependence 过分依赖291 unqualified audit report 无保留意见的审计报告292 using the knowledge 使用知识293 using the work of an expert 使用专家的工作294 valuation 计价,估价295 value for money 物有所值296 voluntary disclosure 自愿披露297 wages and salaries 工资,薪金298 wages system 工资系统299 work in progress 在产品300 working papers 工作底稿。
STANDARD ON AUDIT SAMPLING(DRAFT)Chapter One General PrinciplesArticle 1 This Standard is formulated in accordance with the Basic Government Auditing Standards of the People’s Republic of China in order to standardize the application of audit sampling methods by auditors, improve audit efficiency, reduce audit risks and ensure audit quality.Article 2 The term “audit sampling” mentioned herein refers to an audit technique applied by auditors when implementing audit procedures through which auditors select a certain number of samples from the population, conduct tests and review thereof and deduce features of the population on the basis of such tests and review. Such audit sampling can be either statistical or non-statistical.Article 3 Statistical sampling is a method of audit sampling that is designed according to the theory of probability and principles of mathematical statistics. Such sampling is capable of selecting samples scientifically and quantifying audit risks due to its tight procedural design and mathematical derivation.Article 4 Non-statistical sampling is also known as judgmental sampling. Such sampling is the same as statistical sampling in its basic procedures but depends on experienced judgement by auditors to select samples. Computation formulas and mathematical modules used in statistical sampling are not applicable to non-statistical sample design and evaluation of non-statistical sampling results.Article 5 Auditors should use their professional judgement when designing and selecting samples and evaluating sampling results. Where necessary, auditors should analyze relevant data with the assistance of information technology.Article 6 This Standard is not applicable when auditors are conducting detailed audit or selecting all items that are of special importance from the population for auditing purposes.Chapter 2 Design of Samples and Selection of Sampling Methods Article 7 When designing samples, auditors should consider the following basic elements:∙Audit objectives;∙Audit population and sampling unit;∙Sampling risks and non-sampling risks;∙Confidence level;∙Acceptable deviation;∙Predicted deviation of the population;∙Stratification;∙Computer environment;∙Other elements.Article 8 When considering the features of audit evidence to be collected and conditions giving rise to deviations, auditors should use their professional judgement, keep in mind specific audit objectives, and where necessary, analyze the mathematical distribution of the population with the assistance of information technology. On the basis of this process, auditors can determine specific audit sampling methods and design samples.Article 9 Audit population is the total number of events related to financial and accounting information or physical items that auditors plan to audit with the use of sampling methods in order to form audit opinions. While determining the audit population, auditors should ensure the completeness and relevance of items forming the population.Article 10 The sampling unit refers to individual events that constitute the audit population. The auditor should determine the sampling unit according to audit objectives, the real situation of the audited body and the specific sampling methods to be adopted.Article 11 Auditors should use appropriate methods to select a certain number of sampling units from the population according to different requirements so as to form an appropriate number of effective samples.Article 12 When designing samples, auditors should keep due prudence and give sufficient consideration to sampling risk arising from the sampling process and non-sampling risk caused by other elements.Article 13 Sampling risk is the possibility that the population features deduced by auditors on the basis of sampling test and review results are not consistent with the real situation of the audit population. The level of sampling risk is in inverse proportion to the number of samples. The larger the number of samples, the lower the sampling risk.Article 14 Non-sampling risk is the possibility that auditors fail to discover material deviations due to the adoption of inappropriate auditprocedures or methods and misunderstanding of audit evidence. Auditors should try to reduce non-sampling risk in an effective manner through appropriate planning, instruction and monitoring.Article 15 While conducting compliance testing, auditors should pay attention to the following audit risks:Risk of insufficient confidence.This refers to the possibility that due to the sampling results, auditors do not have sufficient confidence in the audited body’s internal control system which is actually reliable;Risk of excessive confidence.This refers to the possibility that the sampling results cause auditors to have more co nfidence in the audited body’s internal control system than the latter actually deserves.Article 16 While conducting substantive testing, auditors should pay attention to the following audit risks:Risk of auditors refusing financial statements by mistake.This refers to the possibility that the sampling results show that account balances contain material errors that actually do not exist;Risk of auditors accepting the financial statements by mistake.This refers to the possibility that the sampling results show that account balances do not contain material errors that actually exist.Article 17 In general, the risks of insufficient confidence and refusing financial statements by mistake will cause auditors to implement unnecessary audit procedures or increase the number of samples and thereby reduce audit efficiency. The risks of excessive confidence and accepting the financial statements by mistake are likely to lead to incorrect audit opinions. Therefore, auditors should pay particular attention to them.Article 18 Confidence level refers to the degree of reliability that auditors require their audit opinions to have. As a supplementary indicator of audit risks, confidence level is usually expressed in a percentage specifying the ability of predicted sampling results to represent the population. The higher is the confidence level required, the lower is audit risk and the larger the number of samples required to be selected.Article 19 Acceptable deviation is the maximum value of deviation of the population that auditors can accept while drawing conclusions about whetherthe tested subjects are acceptable or reliable under the prerequisite that the required confidence level is already satisfied.Article 20 In the course of compliance testing, acceptable deviation is the maximum deviation (in numbers of ratios) concerning the existence of a certain internal control system in the audit population that auditors can accept when they are drawing conclusions about the reliability of the internal control system. In the course of substantive testing, acceptable deviation is the maximum deviation amount in the audit population that auditors can accept when they are drawing conclusions about the acceptability of the total amount of the population (balance of an account or the actual transaction amounts and balances of a particular business activity).Article 21 While determining the predicted deviation of the audited population, auditors should rely on deviations discovered in previous audits or prelim inary investigations, changes in the audited body’s business nature and operation environment, evaluation of internal control and results of analytical review. If there are such predicted deviations, auditors should select more samples in a more prudent manner.Article 22 Stratification refers to the process of dividing the audit population into several stratums with each possessing its own features. With stratification, auditors can focus on testing and reviewing those stratums that are likely to have more serious deviations or of greater audit significance, and thereby reduce the scale of sampling.Article 23 When designing samples for substantive testing, auditors can use computer techniques as an assistance to analyze the mathematical distribution of events in the population and subsequently to determine whether stratification is required and what sampling methods to adopt.Article 24 When designing samples, auditors should consider the computer environment of the audited body. When the computer environment is very supportive, auditors should consider a larger sampling scale with preference given to statistical sampling methods.Article 25 When conducting compliance test, auditors can adopt the following statistical sampling methods:∙Fixed-number sampling;∙Stop-go sampling;∙Discovery sampling;∙Monetary unit sampling.Article 26 When conducting substantive testing, auditors can adopt thefollowing statistical sampling methods:∙Unit-average-estimate sampling;∙Proportional-estimate sampling;∙Deviation-estimate sampling;∙Monetary unit samplingChapter 3 Selection of SamplesArticle 27 Auditors can use either statistical or non-statistical sampling methods to select samples. As far as such sampling methods are properly used, auditors can obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence.Article 28 When selecting samples, auditors should consider the adoption of statistical sampling methods as a preference so that all events within the audit population have an equal opportunity of being selected to form a sample that is representative of the population.Article 29 When non-statistical sampling methods are used to select samples, sampling units should have distinctive judgmental symbols while auditors should have reliable professional backgrounds. Meanwhile, samples should reach a certain scale so that they can represent the features of the population.Article 30 Auditors may use the following methods to select samples: Random sampling.Samples are selected from all events of the population or stratums on a random basis.Systematic sampling.Auditors compute sampling intervals first, then determine the starting point of sampling on a random basis and then select samples sequentially according to the intervals.Arbitrary sampling.Auditors select samples in an arbitrary manner without considering any elements.Chapter 4 Evaluation of Sampling ResultsArticle 31 After implementing the necessary audit procedure, auditors should evaluate sampling results according to the follow steps:∙Analyzing sample deviation;∙Deducing population deviation;∙Re-evaluating sampling risks;∙Forming audit conclusionsArticle 32 When analyzing sample deviation, auditors should determine whether a problematic event constitutes a deviation according topre-determined conditions for formation of deviations.Article 33 When auditors cannot obtain audit evidence about the samples according to the fixed audit procedure, they should implement alternative audit procedure to obtain corresponding audit evidence. Where there is no such alternative or when it is impossible to implement such alternative, auditors should regard the related samples as deviations.Article 34 For sample deviation events with common features, auditors should regard them as an integrity, implement the corresponding audit procedure and make independent evaluation according to audit results.Article 35 Auditors should deduce the deviation of the population according to sample deviation and with the adoption of appropriate methods.Article 36 Where, in the course of compliance testing, sampling results show that the tested internal control falls short of the predicted confidence level, auditors should consider increasing the number of samples or revising the substantive testing procedure.Article 37 Where it is deduced that population deviation exceeds the acceptable level and the sampling risk after re-evaluation is unacceptable, auditors should increase the number of samples or implement alternative audit procedure.Article 38 Auditors should evaluate features of the population on the basis of sampling results and determine whether audit evidence is sufficient and reliable.Chapter 5 Supplementary RulesArticle 39 The authority to interpret this Standard rests with the CNAO.Article 40 This Standard shall come into effect as of the date of promulgation.。
general standards stress the important personal qualities that the auditor should possess.
1. The audit is to be performed by a person or persons having adequate technical training and proficiency as an auditor. 2. In all matters relating to the assignment, an independence in mental attitude is to be maintained by the auditor or auditors. 3. Due professional care is to be exercised in the planning and performance of the audit and the preparation of the report.
Chapter 2 Auditing Standards
GAAS (Generally Accepted Auditing Standards) 2.2 Quality Control 2.3 China Standards on Auditing, Review, Other Assurance, Related Services and Quality Control
Adequate Planning and Supervision
first standard deals with ascertaining that the engagement is sufficiently planned to ensure an adequate audit and proper supervision of assistants. Supervision is essential in auditing because a considerable portion of the field work is done by less experienced staff members.
It also requires auditors to report on the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting.
©2010 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 13/e, Arens/Elder/Beasley
Learning Objective 1
Describe auditing.
©2010 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 13/e, Arens/Elder/Beasley
©2010 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 13/e, Arens/Elder/Beasley 1-7
Audit Report
The final stage in the auditing process is preparing the Audit Report, which is the communication of the auditor’s findings to users.
The Demand for Audit and Other Assurance Services
Chapter 1
©2010 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 13/e, Arens/Elder/Beasley
SarbanesSarbanes-Oxley Act
常用审计英语词汇1 ability to perform the work 能力履行工作2 acceptance procedures 接受程序3 accountability 经管责任,问责性4 accounting estimate 会计估计5 accounts receivable listing 应收账款列表6 accounts receivable 应收账款7 accruals listing 应计项目列表8 accruals 应计项目9 accuracy 准确性10 adverse opinion 否定意见11 aged analysis 账龄分析12 agents 代理人13 agreed-upon procedures 约定审查业务14 analysis of errors 错误分析15 anomalous error 反常的错误16 appointment ethics 接受任命的相关职业道德考虑17 appointment 任命18 associated firms 关联公司19 association of chartered certified accounts(ACCA)英国特许注册会计师公会20 assurance engagement 保证约定21 assurance 保证22 audit 审计,审核,核数23 audit acceptance 接受审计24 audit approach 审计方法25 audit committee 审计委员会,审计小组26 audit engagement 审计业务约定书27 audit evaluation 审计评价28 audit evidence 审计证据29 audit plan 审计计划30 audit program 审计程序31 audit report as a means of communication 作为沟通方式的审计报告32 audit report 审计报告33 audit risk 审计风险34 audit sampling 审计抽样35 audit staffing 审计工作人员调配36 audit timing 审计时间安排37 audit trail 审计线索38 auditing standards 审计准则39 auditors duty of care 审计人员的审慎职责40 auditors report 审计报告41 authority attached to ISAs 遵守国际审计准则42 automated working papers 电子工作底稿43 bad debts 坏账44 bank 银行45 bank reconciliation 银行对账单,余额调节表46 beneficial interests 受益47 best value 最好的价值48 business risk 经营风险 ,商业风险49 Cadbury committee Cadbury 委员会50 cash count 现金盘点51 cash system 现金系统52 changes in nature of engagement 改变约定的性质上53 charges and commitments 费用和承诺54 charities 慈善机构55 CIS application controls 控制信息系统的应用控制56 CIS environments stand-alone microcomputers 单机控制环境57 client screening 客户甄别58 closely connected 有密切关系59 clubs 俱乐部60 communications between auditors and management 注册会计师和管理层的沟通61 communications on internal control 内部控制上的沟通62 companies act 公司法63 comparative financial statements 比较财务报表64 comparatives 比较的65 competence 能力66 compilation engagement 编辑约定书67 completeness 完整性68 completion of theaudit 审计完成69 compliance with accounting regulations 符合~的作法会计规则70 computers assisted audit techniques (CAATs)计算机辅助审计技术(CAATs)71 confidence 保密72 confidentiality 保密性73 confirmation of accounts receivable 应收账款的询证74 conflict of interest 利益冲突75 constructive obligation 推定义务76 contingent asset 或有资产77 contingent liability 或有负债78 control environment 控制环境79 control procedures 控制程序80 control risk 控制风险81 controversy 矛盾,冲突82 corporate governance 公司治理机制83 corresponding figures 对应数字84 cost of conversion 转换成本,加工成本85 cost 成本86 courtesy 87 creditors 债权人88 current audit files 本期审计档案89 database management system (DBMS)数据库管理系统90 date of report 报告的日期91 depreciation 折旧,贬值92 design of the sample 抽样设计93 detection risk 检查风险94 direct verification approach 直接核查法95 directional testing 定向测试96 directors emoluments 董事酬金97 directors serve contracts 董事服务合约98 disagreement with management 与管理层不一致99 disclaimer of opinion 拒绝表示意见100 distributions 分销,分派101 documenting the auditprocess 记录审计程序102 due care 合理关注103 due skill and care 合理技能和关注104 economy 经济105 education 教育106 effectiveness 效用,效果107 efficiency 效益,效率108 eligibility / ineligibility 合格 / 无被选资格109 emphasis of matter 强调事项110 engagement economics 契约经济学111 engagement letter 业务约定书112 error 差错113 evaluating of results of audit procedures 审计程序结果的评估114 examinations 检查115 existence 存在性116 expectations 期望117 expected error 期望误差118 experience 经验119 expert 专家120 external audit 独立审计,外部审计121 external review reports 外部复核报告122 fair 公正123 fee negotiation 费用协商124 final assessment of control risk 控制风险的最终评定125 final audit 期末审计126 financial statement assertions 财政报告认定127 financial 财务128 finished goods 产成品129 flowcharts 流程图130 fraud and error 舞弊131 fraud 欺诈132 fundamental principles 基本原理133 general CIS controls 一般的 CIS 控制134 going concern assumption 持续经营假设135 going concern 持续经营136 goods on sale or return 允许退货的销售137 goodwill 商誉138 governance 统治139 hospitality 款待140 human resources 人力资源141 income tax 所得税142 independent estimate 独立估计143 information technology 信息技术144 inherent risk 固有风险145 insurance 保险146 intangibles 无形147 integrity 诚实148 interim audit 中期审计149 internal auditing 内部审计150 internal auditors 内部审计师151 internal control evaluation questionnaires (ICEQs)内部控制评价调查表152 internal control questionnaires (ICQs)内部控制调查表153 internal control system 内部控制系统154 internal review assignment 内部评价任务155 international audit and assurance standards board (IAASB)国际的审计和保证标准理事会(IAASB)156 international auditing practice statements (IAPSs)国际审计实务声明(IAPSs)157 international federation of accountants (IFAC)国际会计师联合会(IFAC)158 inventory system 盘存制度159 inventory valuation 存货估价160 legal and regulations 法规161 legal obligation 法定义务,法定责任162 levels of assurance 保证程度163 liability 负债164 limitation on scope 审计范围限制165 limitation of audit 审计的局限性166 limitations of controls system 控制系统的局限性167 litigation and claims 诉讼和赔偿168 litigation 诉讼169 loans 借款,贷款170 long termliabilities 长期负债171 management 管理172 management integrity 管理层诚信173 management representation letter 管理当局声明书174 marketing 推销,营销,市场学175 material inconsistency 重要的不一致176 material misstatements of fact 重大误报177 materiality 重要性178 measurement 计量179 microcomputers 微型计算器180 modified reports 变更报告181 narrative notes 描述注释182 nature 性质183 negative assurance 消极保证184 net realizable value 可变现净值185 non-current asset register 固定资产财产登记186 non-executive directors 非执行董事187 non-sampling risk 非抽样风险188 non-statutory audits 非法定审计189 objectivity 客观性190 occurrence 出现191 on-line computer systems 在线计算器系统192 opening balances 期初余额193 operational audits 经营审计,作业审计194 other information 其他的信息195 outsourcing internal audit 将内审功能外包196 overall review of financial statements 财务报表的总体回顾197 overdue fees 过多的费用198 overhead absorption 管理费用吸收199 periodic plan 定期的计划200 permanent audit files 永久审计档案201 personal relationships 个人的亲属关系202 planning 计划编制203 population 抽样总体204 precision 精密205 preliminary assessment of control risk 控制风险的初步评估206 prepayments 预付款项207 presentation and disclosure 列示和披露208 problems of accounting treatment 会计处理的问题209 procedures 程序210 procedures after accepting nomination 接受提名后的相关程序211 procurement 采购212 professional duty of confidentiality 保密的职业责任213 projection of errors 错误的预测214 provision 备抵,准备215 public duty 公共职责216 public interest 公众利益217 publicity 公众218 purchase ledger 购货分类账219 purchases and expenses system 采购和费用系统220 purchases cut-off 采购截止日期221 put on enquiry 询价222 qualified opinion 保留意见223 qualitative aspects of errors 错误的定性方面224 random selection 随机选择225 reasonable assurance 合理保证226 reassessing sampling risk 重新评价抽样风险227 reliability 可靠性228 remuneration 报酬229 report to management 对管理层的报告230 reporting 报告231 research and development costs 研发成本232 reservation of title 保留权力233 reserves 公积234 revenue and capital expenditure 收入性和资本性支出235 review 复核236 review engagement 复阅约定237rights 权利238 rights and obligations 权利与义务239 risk and materiality 风险和重要性240 risk-based approach 基于风险的审计方法241 rotation of auditor appointments 审计人员轮换242 rules of professional conduct 职业道德守则243 sales cut-off 销售终止点244 sales system 销售系统245 sales tax 销售税,营业税246 sales 销售,销货247 sample size 样本大小248 sampling risk 抽样风险249 sampling units 抽样单位250 schedule of unadjusted errors 未调整的错误表251 scope and objectives of internal audit 内部审计的范围和目标252 segregation of duties 职责分离253 service organization 服务组织254 significant fluctuations or unexpected relationships 重大(市价)波动或不能预料的(亲属)关系255 sole traders 个体营业者256 sources of knowledge 获取了解的来源257 stakeholders 利益相关人258 standardised working papers 标准化工作底稿259 statistical sampling 统计抽样260 statutory audit 法定审计261 statutory books 法定簿记262 statutory duty 法定责任263 stewardship 管理层的才智264 strategic plan 战略性计划265 stratification 分层266 subsequent events 期后事项267 substantive procedures 实质性测试程序268 substantive tests 实质性测试269 sufficientappropriate audit evidence 充分、适当的审计证据270 sundry accruals 各项应计费用271 supervision 监督272 supervisory and monitoring roles 监督的和监控角色273 suppliers statements 供应商的对账单274 system and internal controls 系统和内部的控制275 systematic selection 系统选择法276 systems-based approach 系统审计方法277 tangible non-current assets 有形固定资产278 tendering 投标,清偿279 terms of the engagement 约定书的条件280 tests of control 控制测试281 the AGM 股东周年大会282 the board 委员会283 three Es 三Es (效果、效率、经济) 284 timing 定时285 tolerable error 可容忍误差286 trade accounts payable and purchases 贸易应付账款和采购287 trade accounts payable listing 应付账款清单288 TRUE 真实289 uncertainty 不确定性290 undue dependence 过分依赖291 unqualified audit report 无保留意见的审计报告292 using the knowledge 使用知识293 using the work of an expert 使用专家的工作294 valuation 计价,估价295 value for money 物有所值296 voluntary disclosure 自愿披露297 wages and salaries 工资,薪金298 wages system 工资系统299 work in progress 在产品300 working papers 工作底稿。
审计英语词汇1 ability to perform the work 能力履行工作2 acceptance procedures 承兑程序过程3 accountability 经管责任,问责性4 accounting estimate 会计估计5 accounts receivable listing 应收帐款挂牌6 accounts receivable 应收账款7 accruals listing 应计项目挂牌8 accruals 应计项目9 accuracy 准确性10 adverse opinion 否定意见11 aged analysis 年老的分析(法,学)研究12 agents 代理人13 agreed-upon procedures 约定审查业务14 analysis of errors 错误的分析(法,学)研究15 anomalous error 反常的错误16 appointment ethics 任命伦理学17 appointment 任命18 associated firms 联合的坚挺19 association of chartered certified accounts(ACCA)特计的证(经执业的结社(ACCA)20 assurance engagement 保证债务21 assurance 保证22 audit 审计,审核,核数23 audit acceptance 审计承兑24 audit approach 审计靠近25 audit committee 审计委员会,审计小组26 ahudit engagement 审计业务约定书27 audit evaluation 审计评价28 audit evidence 审计证据29 audit plan 审计计划30 audit program 审计程序31 audit report as a means of communication 审计报告如一个通讯方法32 audit report 审计报告33 audit risk 审计风险34 audit sampling 审计抽样35 audit staffing 审计工作人员36 audit timing 审计定时37 audit trail 审计线索38 auditing standards 审计准则39 auditors duty of care 审计(查帐)员的抚养责任40 auditors report 审计报告41 authority attached to ISAs 代理权附上到国际砂糖协定42 automated working papers 自动化了工作文件43 bad debts 坏账44 bank 银行45 bank reconciliation 银行对账单,余额调节表46 beneficial interests 受益权47 best value 最好的价值48 business risk 经营风险49 cadbury committee cadbury 委员会50 cash count 现金盘点51 cash system 兑现系统52 changes in nature of engagement 改变债务的性质上53 charges and commitments 费用和评论54 charities 宽大55 tom walls tom 墙壁56 chronology of an audit 一审计的年代表57 CIS application controls CIS 申请控制58 CIS environments stand-alone microcomputers CIS 环境单机微型计算器59 client screening 委托人甄别60 closely connected 接近地连接61 clubs 俱乐部62 communications between auditors and management 通讯在审计(查帐)员和经营之间63 communications on internal control 内部控制上的通讯64 companies act 公司法65 comparative financial statements 比较财务报表66 comparatives 比较的67 competence 能力68 compilation engagement 编辑债务69 completeness 完整性70 completion of the audit 审计的结束71 compliance with accounting regulations 符合~的作法会计规则72 computers assisted audit techniques (CAATs)计算器援助的审计技术(CAATs)73 confidence 信任74 confidentiality 保密性75 confirmation of accounts receivable 应收帐款的查证76 conflict of interest 利益冲突77 constructive obligation 建设的待付款78 contingent asset 或有资产79 contingent liability 或有负债80 control environment 控制环境81 control procedures 控制程序82 control risk 控制风险83 controversy 论战84 corporate governance 公司治理,公司管制85 corresponding figures 相应的计算86 cost of conversion 转换成本,加工成本87 cost 成本88 courtesy 优待89 creditors 债权人90 current audit files 本期审计档案91 database management system (DBMS)数据库管理制度(数据管理系统)92 date of report 报告的日期93 depreciation 折旧,贬值94 design of the sample 样品的设计95 detection risk 检查风险96 direct verification approach 直接核查法97 directional testing 方向的抽查98 directors emoluments 董事酬金99 directors serve contracts 董事服务合约100 disagreement with management 与经营的不一致101 disclaimer of opinion 拒绝表示意见102 distributions 分销,分派103 documentation of understanding and assessment of control risk 控制风险的协商和评定的文件编集104 documenting the audit process 证明审计程序105 due care 应有关注106 due skill and care 到期的技能和谨慎107 economy 经济108 education 教育109 effectiveness 效用,效果110 efficiency 效益,效率111 eligibility / ineligibility 合格 / 无被选资格112 emphasis of matter 物质的强调113 engagement economics 债务经济学114 engagement letter 业务约定书115 error 差错116 evaluating of results of audit procedures 审计手序的结果评估117 examinations 检查118 existence 存在性119 expectations 期望差距120 expected error 预期的错误121 experience 经验122 expert 专家123 external audit 独立审计124 external review reports 外部的评论报告125 fair 公正126 fee negotiation 费谈判127 final assessment of control risk 控制风险的确定评定128 final audit 期末审计129 financial statement assertions 财政报告宣称130 financial 财务131 finished goods 产成品132 flowcharts 流程图133 fraud and error 舞弊134 fraud 欺诈135 fundamental principles 基本原理136 general CIS controls 一般的 CIS 控制137 general reports to mangement 对(牛犬等的)疥癣的一般报告138 going concern assumption 持续经营假设139 going concern 持续经营140 goods on sale or return 货物准许退货买卖141 goodwill 商誉142 governance 统治143 greenbury committee greenbury 委员会144 guidance for internal auditors 指导为内部审计员145 hampel committee hampel 委员会146 haphazard selection 随意选择147 hospitality 款待148 human resources 人力资源149 IAPS 1000 inter-bank confirmation procedures IAPS 1000 在中间- 银行查证程序过程150 IAPS 1001 CIS environments-stand-alone microcomputers IAPS 1001 CIS 环境-单机微型计算器151 IAPS 1002 CIS environments-on-line computer systemsIAPS 1002 CIS 环境-(与主机)联机计算器系统152 IAPS 1003 CIS environments-database systems IAPS 1003 CIS 环境- 数据库系统153 IAPS 1005 the special considerations in the audit of small entities 在小的个体审计中的 IAPS 1005 特别的考虑 154 IAS 2 inventories 信息家电 2 库存155 IAS 10 events after the balance sheet date 在平衡sheeet 日期後面的信息家电 10 事件156 IFACs code of ethics for professional accountants IFACs 道德准则为职业会计师157 income tax 所得税158 incoming auditors 收入审计(查帐)员159 independent estimate 独立的估计160 ineligible for appointment 无被选资格的为任命161 information technology 信息技术162 inherent risk 固有风险163 initial communication 签署通讯164 insurance 保险165 intangibles 无形166 integrity 完整性167 interim audit 中期审计168 internal auditing 内部审计169 internal auditors 内部审计师170 internal control evaluation questionnaires (ICEQs)内部控制评价调查表171 internal control questionnaires (ICQs)内部控制调查表172 internal control system 内部控制系统173 internal review assignment 内部的评论转让174 international audit and assurance standards board (IAASB)国际的审计和保证标准登船(IAASB)175 international auditing practice statements (IAPSs)国际的审计实务声明(IAPSs)176 international federation of accountants (IFAC)国际会计师联合会(IFAC)177 inventory system 盘存制度178 inventory valuation 存货估价179 ISA 230 documentation 文件编制180 ISA 240 fraud and error 国际砂糖协定 240 欺诈和错误181 ISA 250 consideration of law and regulations 法和规则的国际砂糖协定 250 考虑182 Isa 260 communications of audit matters with those charge governance 审计物质的国际砂糖协定 260 通讯由于那些索价统治183 isa 300 planning isa 300 计划编制184 isa 310 knowledge of the business 企业的 isa 310 知识185 isa 320 audit materiality 审计重要性186 isa 400 accounting and internal control isa 400 会计和内部控制187 isa 402 audit considerations relating to entities using service organisations 与正在使用的个体有关的 isa 402个审计考虑服务组织188 isa 500 audit evidence 审计证据189 isa 501 audit evidence-additional considerations for specific items isa 501个审计证据- 补偿为特殊条款190 isa 510 external confirmations isa 510个外部的查证191 isa 520 analytical procedures 分析性程序192 isa 530 audit sampling 审计抽样193 isa 540 audit of accounting estimates 解释估计的 isa 540 审计194 isa 560 subsequent events 期后事项195 isa 580 management representations 管理当局声明书196 isa 610 considering the work of internal auditing isa 610 以内部审计的工作看来197 isa 620 using the work of an expert isa 620 使用专家的工作198 isa 700 auditors report on financial statements 财务报表上的 isa 700 审计(查帐)员的报告199 isa 710 comparatives isa 710个比较的200 isa 720 other information in documents containing audited financial statements isa 720 证券包含 audited 财务报表的其他信息201 isa 910 engagement to review financialstatements isa 910 债务复阅财务报表202 isas and rss isas 和 rss203 joint monitoring unit 连接检验单位204 knowledge of the entitys business个体的企业知识205 law and regulations 法和规则206 legal and regulations 法定权利和规则207 legal obligation 法定义务,法定责任208 levels of assurance 保险程度,保障水平209 liability 负债210 limitation on scope 审计范围限制211 limitation of audit 审计的提起诉讼的限期212 limitations of controls system 控制系统的提起诉讼的限期213 litigation and claims 诉讼和赔偿214 litigation 诉讼215 loans 借款,贷款216 long term liabilities 长期负债217 lowballing218 management 管理219 management integrity 经营完整220 management representation letter 管理当局声明书221 marketing 推销,营销,市场学222 material inconsistency 决定性的前后矛盾223 material misstatements of fact 重大误报224 materiality 重要性225 measurement 计量226 microcomputers 微型计算器227 modified reports 变更报告228 narrative notes 叙述证券229 nature 性质230 negative assurance 消极保证231 net realizable value 可实现净值232 non-current asset register 非本期的财产登记233 non-executive directors 非执行董事234 non-sampling risk 非抽样风险235 non-statutory audits 目标236 objectivity 客观性237 obligating event 负有责任事件238 obligatory disclosure 有拘束的揭示239 obtaining work 获得工作240 occurrence 出现241 on-line computer systems (与主机)联机计算器系统242 opening balances 期初余额243 operational audits 经营审计,作业审计244 operational work plans 操作上的工作计划245 opinion shopping 意见购物246 other information 其他的信息247 outsourcing internal audit 支援外包的内部核数248 overall review of financial statements财务报表的包括一切的评论249 overdue fees 超储未付费250 overhead absorption 管理费用分配251 periodic plan 定期的计划252 permanent audit files 永久审计档案253 personal relationships 个人的亲属关系254 planning 计划编制255 population 抽样总体256 precision 精密257 preface to ISAs and RSs国际砂糖协定的序文和债券附卖回交易258 preliminary assessment of control risk控制风险的预备评定259 prepayments 预付款项260 presentation and disclosure 提示和揭示261 problems of accounting treatment 会计处理的问题262 procedural approach 程序上的靠近263 procedures 程序264 procedures after accepting nomination程序过程在接受提名之后265 procurement 采购266 professional duty of confidentiality 保密的职业责任267 projection of errors错误的规划268 provision备抵,准备269 public duty 公共职责270 public interest 公众利益271 publicity 宣传272 purchase ledger 购货分类账273 purchases and expenses system 买和费用系统274 purchases cut-off 买截止275 put on enquiry 询价上的期货买卖276 qualified opinion 保留意见277 qualifying disclosure 合格揭示278 qualitative aspects of errors 错误的性质上的方面279 random selection 随机选择280 reasonable assurance 合理保证281 reassessing sampling risk 再评价抽样风险282 reliability 可靠性283 remuneration 报酬284 report to management 对经营的报告285 reporting 报告286 research and development costs 研究和开发成本287 reservation of title 保留288 reserves 准备,储备289 revenue and capital expenditure 岁入和资本支出290 review 评论291 review and capital expenditure 评论和资本支出293 review engagement 复阅债务294 rights 认股权295 rights and obligations 认股权和待付款296 rights to information 对信息的认股权297 risk and materiality 风险和重要性298 risk-based approach 以风险为基础的方式299 romalpa case romalpa 个案300 rotation of auditor appointments 审计(查帐)员任命的循环301 rules of professional conduct 职业道德守则302 sales cut-off 销售截止303 sales system 销售(货)制度304 sales tax 销售税,营业税305 sales 销售,销货306 sample size 样本量307 sampling risk 抽样风险308 sampling units 抽样单位309 schedule of unadjusted errors 未调整的错误表310 scope and objectives of internal audit内部核数的范围和目标311 segregation of duties 职责划分312 service organization 服务组织313 significant fluctuations or unexpected relationships 可重视的(市价)波动或不能预料的亲属关系315 smaller entities 比较小的个体316 sole traders 个体营业者317 sources of knowledge 知识的根源318 specimen letter on internal control 内部控制上的样本证书319 stakeholders 赌款保存人320 standardised working papers 标准化工作文件321 statement 1:integrity,objectivity and independence 声明 1: 完整,客观性和独立322 statement 2:the professional duty of confidence 声明 2: 信任的职业责任323 statement 3: advertising ,publicity and obtaining professional work声明 3: 广告法(学),宣传和获得专业性工作324 statement 5:changes in professional appointment声明 5: 在职业上的任命中的改变325 statistical sampling 统计抽样326 statutory audit 法定审计327 statutory books 法定卷册328 statutory duty 法定责任329 stewardship 总管的职务330 strategic plan 战略性计划331 stratification 分层332 subsequent events 期后事项333 substantive procedures 实词程序过程334 substantive tests 实质性测试335 sufficient appropriate audit evidence 充分的适当审计证据336 summarising errors summarising 错误337 sundry accruals 杂的应计项目338 supervision 监督339 supervisory and monitoring roles 监督的和检验角色340 suppliers statements 供应商的声明341 system and internal controls 系统和内部的控制342 systematic selection 系统选择法343 systems-based approach 以系统为基础的方式344 tangible non-current assets 有形的非流动资产345 tendering 投标,清偿346 terms of the engagement 债务的条件347 tests of control 控制的证人348 the AGM 周年大会349 the board 委员会350 three Es 三 Es351 timing 定时352 tolerable error 可容忍误差353 trade accounts payable and purchases 贸易应付帐款和买354 trade accounts payable listing 贸易应付帐款挂牌355 training 培训356 treasury 国库,库房357 TRUE 真实358 turnbull committee turnbull 委员会359 ultra vires 越权360 uncertainty 不确定性361 undue dependence 未到(支付)期的未决 362 unqualified audit report 无条件的审计报告 363 unqualified report 无条件的报告364 using the knowledge 使用知识365 using the work of an expert 使用专家的工作 366 valuation 计价,估价367 value for money 现金(交易)价格368 oluntary disclosure 自愿披露369 wages and salaries 工资,薪金370 wages system 工资系统371 work in progress 在产品372 working papers 工作底稿。
Chapter 6
©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder
Learning Objective 1
Explain the objective of conducting an audit of financial statements and an audit of internal controls.
Management’s Responsibilities
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act provides for criminal penalties for anyone who knowingly falsely certifies the statements.
©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder
6 - 13
Financial Statements Cycles
Audits are performed by dividing the financial statements into smaller segments or components.
©2008 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Auditing 12/e, Arens/Beasley/Elder
Auditor’s Responsibilities
➢ Material versus immaterial misstatements ➢ Reasonable assurance ➢ Errors versus fraud ➢ Professional skepticism ➢ Fraud resulting from fraudulent financial
©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Essentials of Auditing 1/e, Arens/Elder/Beasley
6 - 20
Audit Documentation
©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Essentials of Auditing 1/e, Arens/Elder/Beasley
Terms Types of Evidence
Compare Count Observe
Documentation Physical examination
Inquire Inquiries of client
Information Other Information Insurance coverage Contingent liabilities
Bond indenture agreements Collateral held by creditors
Insurance company Bank, lender, and client’s counsel Bondholder Creditor
Effectiveness of client’s
internal controls
Auditor’s direct
Qualifications of provider
Objectivity of evidence
©2003 Prentice Hall Business Publishing, Essentials of Auditing 1/e, Arens/Elder/Beasley
Book ReviewsAuditing and Assurance Services:An Applied Approach,Iris C.Stuart,1st ed.,McGraw-Hill,New York (2012),(ISBN:978-0-07-131716-0(International edition),ISBN-139780073404004(US edition),xxi+435pages,£46.99,US $138.25)Auditing and assurance services:an applied approach is a well-written and easy-to-follow auditing textbook.In the preface,the author contends that the book combines the teaching of theory and practice,an approach that differs from current textbook approaches.A key element of this approach is “an early mix of practice and theory.”Indeed,the structure of the book is a clearly observable difference from conventional auditing textbooks.Typically auditing textbooks explain in detail the key concepts of auditing before moving on to the auditing of different business processes.The book consists of 14chapters.Chapter 1starts traditionally by explaining why audits exist,mainly building on management's incentive to misstate financial statements.This is followed by brief descriptions of audit profession,audit regulation and professional guidance,audit evidence and tests,and audit reports.The chapter provides an overview of the rest of the book.Chapter 2focuses on audit planning.The chapter divides audit planning into three main steps:consideration of preconditions for an audit,risk assess-ments and determination of materiality levels,and development of audit strategy and audit plan.By now,the reader is familiar with two key concepts of auditing -audit risk and materiality,and how they link to audit planning.Chapter 3takes us into a client firm by introducing internal controls (IC)and explaining the role of IC in the auditing process.The chapter describes different types of controls and how to test them.It also explains the auditor's and the management's reporting requirements for internal controls in the U.S.Chapter 4introduces readers to a revenue and auditing process,the first of five business processes the book examines.Chapter 5returns to a conceptual level.It is divided into two parts.The first part introduces audit evidence,a third key concept of auditing.Now the reader is familiar with the three key concepts of auditing:audit risk,materiality,and evidence.Part 2in Chapter 5explains fraud,identification of fraud,and the auditor's responsibility to detect a fraud.The following two chapters take us back to auditing business processes:acquisitions and expenditures,and inventories.The next two chapters explain the idea of sampling in auditing.Chapter 8focuses on sampling for tests of internal controls and Chapter 9on substantive tests of details.These chapters contain some repetition.The discussion of the concepts of sampling and nonsampling risks,and statistical and nonstatistical sampling are found in both chapters.In Chapters 10and 11we return to auditing of business processes.Chapter 10deals with cash and investment Available online at The International Journal of Accounting 48(2013)135–143136Book Reviewsbusiness process and Chapter11examines long-term debt and owners’equity process. Now all five business processes are covered.It is time to move to the completion phase of an audit and bring together the audit evidence gathered in the fieldwork,evaluate the evidence,and prepare an audit report.This completion phase of an audit is covered in the next two chapters.Chapter12discusses the presentation of the financial statements and explains auditor's responsibility on issues such as subsequent events,going concern assessments,and related party transactions.Chapter13is devoted to audit reports.It describes the structure of a standard‘clean’audit report,and different types of deviations from this standard wording.Chapter14,on the auditing profession,ends the book.As the above description of the structure of the book shows,the sequence of the issues introduced is unusual for an auditing text book,because of the dialogue between the discussion of concepts of auditing and auditing of business processes.For example,auditing of revenue process(Ch.4)is introduced before the concept and nature of audit evidence (Ch.5)is explained.Also,Chapters8and9on audit sampling are placed in the middle of the chapters of auditing of the other business processes(chapters6,7,10and11).To our understanding,the purpose of this unusual structure is to ease the learning of abstract concepts of auditing with the help of a student's prior knowledge of a firm's business processes.Each chapter of the book provides a stand-alone discussion on the topic in hand.Each chapter begins with a list of learning objectives,a list of auditing standards relevant to issues covered,both the U.S.and international(ISAs),and an overview of the chapter. Each chapter ends with a summary(“Chapter Takeaways”)and review questions.The text is enriched with short real-life stories(“Did you Know?”)from sources such as the Wall Street Journal and SEC releases.Each chapter includes an abundance of material suitable for problem solving.This provides the teacher with good opportunities to discuss auditing problems at a more practical level.At the end of chapters there is plethora of exercises to choose from.These exercises include multiple choice questions from CPA examinations,discussion questions and research problems,real-world auditing problems,and internet assignments.Chapters3 and4are supplemented by appendices.The book is supplemented with instructor material accessible in the web pages of the publisher.The text is easy to read,which we consider one of the strengths of the book.On rare occasions,however,the attempt to achieve this ease-of-reading may have led to oversimplification.One such example is on page76where the author argues that“because outsiders have no information about the company other than what it provides,the accuracy of the information given to outsiders is extremely important”.In our opinion,there are other sources of information on the company,for example analyst forecasts.The book is clearly shorter than most of auditing textbooks,which vary between600 and900pages.This brevity is partially achieved by combining related topics and areas under the same chapter.For example,audit evidence and fraud detection are explained in the same chapter.Also,relevant types of audit tests are discussed in conjunction with chapters discussing auditing of business processes.The business processes are divided into five categories.Chapter6focusing on auditing the acquisition and expenditure business process could perhaps incorporate a discussion of auditing of Human Resource management,especially payroll systems and related transactions.After all,auditing of HR and payroll is an important area of the audit process.The book examines auditing in the U.S.context.Discussion on audit regulation and auditor's legal liability describes the U.S.rules and regulations.Short stories in the text and real-life auditing problem exercises deal with the U.S.practice.To conclude,the book provides ample of material for auditing courses,the text flows well and provides many real life examples enriching the text.All this provides the teacher with plentiful material for practical problem solving as promised in the Preface.In short,we believe that the book achieves what the author has set out to do:providing a mix of practice and theory of auditing.Lasse Niemi *Hannu Ojala Aalto University,Helsinki,Finland ⁎Corresponding author./10.1016/j.intacc.2013.01.001Creative accounting,fraud and international accounting scandals,Michel Jones (Eds.),John Wiley and Sons Ltd.,England (2011),(576pages,£50.00,€60.00ISBN 978-0470-05765-0)This book provides a global approach to creative accounting and fraud.It first examines the environment,motivations to manipulate,and methods of creative accounting.Then it presents a selection of important accounting scandals from twelve countries and refers to accounting's role in the recent worldwide crisis.Finally,it explores the short and long-term implications of creative accounting and scandals and suggests some possible solutions.Editor Michel Jones is Professor at Bristol University,and he compiled the text's 21authors,who collaborate to explain accounting scandals in their respective countries.The book consists of 23chapters divided into three parts.Part A includes the first seven chapters written by Michel Jones.Chapter 1is an introduction to the book,where the author explains the structure of the book.In this introduction,he explores the terms creative accounting and fraud,and related terms like earnings management and aggressive accounting.Such definitions are useful because these terms can be confusing.Chapter 2refers to the main actors involved in creative accounting:managers,investment analysts,regulators,auditors,shareholders,merchant banks,legal authorities and other users.It shows the different interests of each actor.This chapter emphasizes the importance of corporate governance and the economic environment.Chapter 3explains the incentives for creative accounting and sometimes fraud,grouping them into four groups:personal incentives,market expectations,special circumstances and cover-up fraud.In Chapter 4,the author comments on different methods of creative accounting and fraud.These methods are classified in accordance with the strategy of the firm (increase income,decrease expenses,increase assets,decrease liabilities or increase operating cash flows).Chapter 5reviews the literature in this field.The studies are divided into two groups:the descriptive studies and the statistical ones.In the last 137Book Reviews。
常用审计英语词汇1 ability to perform the work 能力履行工作2 acceptance procedures 接受程序3 accountability 经管责任,问责性4 accounting estimate 会计估计5 accounts receivable listing 应收账款列表6 accounts receivable 应收账款7 accruals listing 应计项目列表8 accruals 应计项目9 accuracy 准确性10 adverse opinion 否定意见11 aged analysis 账龄分析12 agents 代理人13 agreed-upon procedures 约定审查业务14 analysis of errors 错误分析15 anomalous error 反常的错误16 appointment ethics 接受任命的相关职业道德考虑17 appointment 任命18 associated firms 关联公司19 association of chartered certified accounts(ACCA)英国特许注册会计师公会20 assurance engagement 保证约定21 assurance 保证22 audit 审计,审核,核数23 audit acceptance 接受审计24 audit approach 审计方法25 audit committee 审计委员会,审计小组26 audit engagement 审计业务约定书27 audit evaluation 审计评价28 audit evidence 审计证据29 audit plan 审计计划30 audit program 审计程序31 audit report as a means of communication 作为沟通方式的审计报告32 audit report 审计报告33 audit risk 审计风险34 audit sampling 审计抽样35 audit staffing 审计工作人员调配36 audit timing 审计时间安排37 audit trail 审计线索38 auditing standards 审计准则39 auditors duty of care 审计人员的审慎职责40 auditors report 审计报告41 authority attached to ISAs 遵守国际审计准则42 automated working papers 电子工作底稿43 bad debts 坏账44 bank 银行45 bank reconciliation 银行对账单,余额调节表46 beneficial interests 受益47 best value 最好的价值48 business risk 经营风险 ,商业风险49 Cadbury committee Cadbury 委员会50 cash count 现金盘点51 cash system 现金系统52 changes in nature of engagement 改变约定的性质上53 charges and commitments 费用和承诺54 charities 慈善机构55 CIS application controls 控制信息系统的应用控制56 CIS environments stand-alone microcomputers 单机控制环境57 client screening 客户甄别58 closely connected 有密切关系59 clubs 俱乐部60 communications between auditors and management 注册会计师和管理层的沟通61 communications on internal control 内部控制上的沟通62 companies act 公司法63 comparative financial statements 比较财务报表64 comparatives 比较的65 competence 能力66 compilation engagement 编辑约定书67 completeness 完整性68 completion of the audit 审计完成69 compliance with accounting regulations 符合~的作法会计规则70 computers assisted audit techniques (CAATs)计算机辅助审计技术(CAATs)71 confidence 保密72 confidentiality 保密性73 confirmation of accounts receivable 应收账款的询证74 conflict of interest 利益冲突75 constructive obligation 推定义务76 contingent asset 或有资产77 contingent liability 或有负债78 control environment 控制环境79 control procedures 控制程序80 control risk 控制风险81 controversy 矛盾,冲突82 corporate governance 公司治理机制83 corresponding figures 对应数字84 cost of conversion 转换成本,加工成本85 cost 成本86 courtesy87 creditors 债权人88 current audit files 本期审计档案89 database management system (DBMS)数据库管理系统90 date of report 报告的日期91 depreciation 折旧,贬值92 design of the sample 抽样设计93 detection risk 检查风险94 direct verification approach 直接核查法95 directional testing 定向测试96 directors emoluments 董事酬金97 directors serve contracts 董事服务合约98 disagreement with management 与管理层不一致99 disclaimer of opinion 拒绝表示意见100 distributions 分销,分派101 documenting the audit process 记录审计程序102 due care 合理关注103 due skill and care 合理技能和关注104 economy 经济105 education 教育106 effectiveness 效用,效果107 efficiency 效益,效率108 eligibility / ineligibility 合格 / 无被选资格109 emphasis of matter 强调事项110 engagement economics 契约经济学111 engagement letter 业务约定书112 error 差错113 evaluating of results of audit procedures 审计程序结果的评估114 examinations 检查115 existence 存在性116 expectations 期望117 expected error 期望误差118 experience 经验119 expert 专家120 external audit 独立审计,外部审计121 external review reports 外部复核报告122 fair 公正123 fee negotiation 费用协商124 final assessment of control risk 控制风险的最终评定125 final audit 期末审计126 financial statement assertions 财政报告认定127 financial 财务128 finished goods 产成品129 flowcharts 流程图130 fraud and error 舞弊131 fraud 欺诈132 fundamental principles 基本原理133 general CIS controls 一般的 CIS 控制134 going concern assumption 持续经营假设135 going concern 持续经营136 goods on sale or return 允许退货的销售137 goodwill 商誉138 governance 统治139 hospitality 款待140 human resources 人力资源141 income tax 所得税142 independent estimate 独立估计143 information technology 信息技术144 inherent risk 固有风险145 insurance 保险146 intangibles 无形147 integrity 诚实148 interim audit 中期审计149 internal auditing 内部审计150 internal auditors 内部审计师151 internal control evaluation questionnaires (ICEQs)内部控制评价调查表152 internal control questionnaires (ICQs)内部控制调查表153 internal control system 内部控制系统154 internal review assignment 内部评价任务155 international audit and assurance standards board (IAASB)国际的审计和保证标准理事会(IAASB)156 international auditing practice statements (IAPSs)国际审计实务声明(IAPSs)157 international federation of accountants (IFAC)国际会计师联合会(IFAC)158 inventory system 盘存制度159 inventory valuation 存货估价160 legal and regulations 法规161 legal obligation 法定义务,法定责任162 levels of assurance 保证程度163 liability 负债164 limitation on scope 审计范围限制165 limitation of audit 审计的局限性166 limitations of controls system 控制系统的局限性167 litigation and claims 诉讼和赔偿168 litigation 诉讼169 loans 借款,贷款170 long term liabilities 长期负债171 management 管理172 management integrity 管理层诚信173 management representation letter 管理当局声明书174 marketing 推销,营销,市场学175 material inconsistency 重要的不一致176 material misstatements of fact 重大误报177 materiality 重要性178 measurement 计量179 microcomputers 微型计算器180 modified reports 变更报告181 narrative notes 描述注释182 nature 性质183 negative assurance 消极保证184 net realizable value 可变现净值185 non-current asset register 固定资产财产登记186 non-executive directors 非执行董事187 non-sampling risk 非抽样风险188 non-statutory audits 非法定审计189 objectivity 客观性190 occurrence 出现191 on-line computer systems 在线计算器系统192 opening balances 期初余额193 operational audits 经营审计,作业审计194 other information 其他的信息195 outsourcing internal audit 将内审功能外包196 overall review of financial statements 财务报表的总体回顾197 overdue fees 过多的费用198 overhead absorption 管理费用吸收199 periodic plan 定期的计划200 permanent audit files 永久审计档案201 personal relationships 个人的亲属关系202 planning 计划编制203 population 抽样总体204 precision 精密205 preliminary assessment of control risk 控制风险的初步评估206 prepayments 预付款项207 presentation and disclosure 列示和披露208 problems of accounting treatment 会计处理的问题209 procedures 程序210 procedures after accepting nomination 接受提名后的相关程序211 procurement 采购212 professional duty of confidentiality 保密的职业责任213 projection of errors 错误的预测214 provision 备抵,准备215 public duty 公共职责216 public interest 公众利益217 publicity 公众218 purchase ledger 购货分类账219 purchases and expenses system 采购和费用系统220 purchases cut-off 采购截止日期221 put on enquiry 询价222 qualified opinion 保留意见223 qualitative aspects of errors 错误的定性方面224 random selection 随机选择225 reasonable assurance 合理保证226 reassessing sampling risk 重新评价抽样风险227 reliability 可靠性228 remuneration 报酬229 report to management 对管理层的报告230 reporting 报告231 research and development costs 研发成本232 reservation of title 保留权力233 reserves 公积234 revenue and capital expenditure 收入性和资本性支出235 review 复核236 review engagement 复阅约定237 rights 权利238 rights and obligations 权利与义务239 risk and materiality 风险和重要性240 risk-based approach 基于风险的审计方法241 rotation of auditor appointments 审计人员轮换242 rules of professional conduct 职业道德守则243 sales cut-off 销售终止点244 sales system 销售系统245 sales tax 销售税,营业税246 sales 销售,销货247 sample size 样本大小248 sampling risk 抽样风险249 sampling units 抽样单位250 schedule of unadjusted errors 未调整的错误表251 scope and objectives of internal audit 内部审计的范围和目标252 segregation of duties 职责分离253 service organization 服务组织254 significant fluctuations or unexpected relationships 重大(市价)波动或不能预料的(亲属)关系255 sole traders 个体营业者256 sources of knowledge 获取了解的来源257 stakeholders 利益相关人258 standardised working papers 标准化工作底稿259 statistical sampling 统计抽样260 statutory audit 法定审计261 statutory books 法定簿记262 statutory duty 法定责任263 stewardship 管理层的才智264 strategic plan 战略性计划265 stratification 分层266 subsequent events 期后事项267 substantive procedures 实质性测试程序268 substantive tests 实质性测试269 sufficient appropriate audit evidence 充分、适当的审计证据270 sundry accruals 各项应计费用271 supervision 监督272 supervisory and monitoring roles 监督的和监控角色273 suppliers statements 供应商的对账单274 system and internal controls 系统和内部的控制275 systematic selection 系统选择法276 systems-based approach 系统审计方法277 tangible non-current assets 有形固定资产278 tendering 投标,清偿279 terms of the engagement 约定书的条件280 tests of control 控制测试281 the AGM 股东周年大会282 the board 委员会283 three Es 三 Es (效果、效率、经济)284 timing 定时285 tolerable error 可容忍误差286 trade accounts payable and purchases 贸易应付账款和采购287 trade accounts payable listing 应付账款清单288 TRUE 真实289 uncertainty 不确定性290 undue dependence 过分依赖291 unqualified audit report 无保留意见的审计报告292 using the knowledge 使用知识293 using the work of an expert 使用专家的工作294 valuation 计价,估价295 value for money 物有所值296 voluntary disclosure 自愿披露297 wages and salaries 工资,薪金298 wages system 工资系统299 work in progress 在产品300 working papers 工作底稿。
审计学一种整合方法15版英文教辅资源 arens15_irm_03_rev
Chapter 3Audit ReportsNote regarding report terminology: The Clarity project resulted in significant changes in the audit report for non-public entities under AICPA audit standards. We present the standard audit report under both AICPA and PCAOB standards. We believe this current divergence in reporting standards is likely to be confusing for students.Under AICPA standards, an unqualified opinion or report is now called an unmodified opinion or report, and report qualifications are referred to as report modifications. Because the unqualified terminology is still applicable under current PCAOB auditing standards, and most practitioners still refer to this terminology even when referring to audit reports for non-public entities, we have continued to use that terminology in the current edition of the text, rather than confuse students with two different terminologies. We do note that explanatory paragraphs are now referred to as emphasis-of-matter paragraphs under AICPA auditing standards. Below is a mapping of the terminology (see also OH-3-6).New Terminology in AICPA Standards Terminology in PCAOB Standards Unmodified Opinion or Report Unqualified Opinion or Report Modified Report Qualified OpinionQualified opinion Qualified opinionAdverse opinion Adverse opinionDisclaimer of opinion Disclaimer of OpinionEmphasis-of-Matter Explanatory Paragraphs& Other-Matter ParagraphsAudit reports can be covered at any time during the course. Some professors prefer to overview audit reports early, whereas others teach it near the end of the course. Either option is great. There will be no problem if you prefer to teach reports later or to split it into two segments as shown in the one-quarter syllabus. We find that students are able to comprehend the primary reporting issues early in the term and that it helps for them to see the end product of an audit. We therefore cover audit reports early so that we can refer to reporting concepts throughout the term as we address various other topics.The way we teach audit reporting is less conceptual and more rule-oriented than any other part of the course. The following are the topics we cover:⏹Chapter opening vignette⏹Overview⏹Parts of the audit report for non-public entities⏹ Categories of audit reports⏹Unqualified audit report under PCAOB auditing standards⏹ Separate report on internal control over financial reporting⏹Unqualified audit report with explanatory paragraph or modified wording⏹Conditions requiring a departure⏹ Audit reports other than unqualified⏹Other issuesChapter Opening Vignette — “The Audit Report Was Timely,But at What Cost?”This vignette highlights several important issues. The first, and overriding issue, is the importance of knowing that the audit has been completely and properly performed before the audit report is issued. The case shows the severe penalty that can result from one poor judgment on the part of the auditor.The second issue is the effect of conflicting responsibilities that can occur in public accounting. Here, the partner’s participation in the engagement is essential, yet he was unable to give this audit sufficient attention until the last day of field work.Third is the problem of time pressure to complete an audit by a deadline. This is especially common when filing a registration statement. The problem is that this is also a situation where risk is great. So the auditor is “caught between a rock and a hard place.”The fourth issue is the notion of risk. The company is going public, which will provide management with great financial rewards. Audit risk is high because management, which has extensive control, is strongly motivated to overstate earnings. Business risk is also high because of the market aspects.Fifth, there are evidence issues involving management’s representations, representations by the Company’s attorney, and the weakness of a fax confirmation.The final issue is the matter of the client’s behavior and how the auditor reacts to it. A difficult aspect of auditing or any other business is how to deal with negative or threatening behavior.OverviewFor the class period dealing with audit reporting, we post materials on our course web page that includes selected portions of annual reports or copies of the auditor’s report downloaded from Form 10-Ks filed with the SEC () from different companies. We ask students to bring these materials to class so that we can review them together in class that day. We make sure there are a few explanatory paragraphs, and if possible, a few qualifications and modified wording opinions included in the annual reports. At the start of class, each student is asked to review the auditor’s report. With the annual report as a frame of reference, we cover the following general concepts:⏹Purpose of auditors’ reports⏹Distinction between the auditor’s and management’s responsibility⏹Which financial statements and other information are covered by theauditor’s report⏹Auditor’s responsibility for “other information” in the annual report, includingspecific examples from students’ annual reportsIf you do not have a web page for the course, you can take copies to class. As an alternative to providing report examples, prior to this class session you can assign students responsibility for searching for audit report examples from company web sites or SEC filings on EDGAR.Before discussing audit reports, we note that the form of the audit report for nonpublic entities under the clarified AICPA auditing standards is different than the report for public companies under PCAOB auditing standards. We emphasize that there are more similarities than differences in the formats of the two audit reports. Parts of the Standard Unqualified Audit Report non-Public Entities (page 48)We start by showing the parts of the audit report for non-public entities under AICPA auditing standards included on OH-3-1.(See OH-3-1; also included on Slide 3-6)Report Title – We emphasize the inclusion of the word “Independent” under both AICPA and PCAOB auditing standards.Address – Ask students to state any report address other than “The Stockholders of the Company.”Introductory Paragraph– The purpose of the introductory paragraph is discussed along with the standard wording. Ask each student to compare titles on the financial statements with those on the auditor’s report. Then, display the standard wording of the introductory paragraph on the overhead (Figure 3-1, on page 49).(See Figure 3-1, shown on slide 3-7)Management’s Responsibility– Ask students the purpose of the paragraph for management’s responsibilities. We emphasize that management is responsible for the financial statements, including selection of appropriate accounting principles and maintenance of internal control over financial reporting.Auditor’s Responsibility – The purpose of the section on the auditor’s responsibility is discussed along with the standard wording. We discuss the standard wording of the scope paragraph (Figure 3-1, on page 49).Auditor’s Opinion – Go through the same routine with the opinion paragraph.Discuss the meaning of the wording “present fairly, in all material respects.”Name and Address of CPA Firm– Ask why the name is included. Ask students to refer to their sample reports and inquire whether all names are in script and whether any audits have been done by firms other than the “Big Four.” Also highlight the mid-chapter vignette at the top of page 50 noting that the EU requires audit partners to personally sign the audit report.Audit Report Date– The purpose of the date is explained. Ask students to refer to their reports and calculate the number of days between the balance sheet date and the date of the auditor’s report. The least and most number of days are identified, and possible reasons for the differences are briefly discussed. Categories of Audit Reports (page 51)The next topic we cover is the four categories of audit reports, including Figure 3-2on page 51. We emphasize the increasing severity of the departures from a standard unqualified report, as depicted in Figure 3-2.(See Figure 3-2; shown on Slide 3-10)Unqualified Audit Report under PCAOB Auditing Standards (page 52)We briefly review the content of the standard unqualified audit report under PCAOB auditing standards in Figure 3-3 on page 52. We make sure students can identify and understand that the content is similar to the report for non-public entities in Figure 3-1.(See Figure 3-3)Separate Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting (page 53)We display the wording of a separate report on internal control over financial reporting in Figure 3-4 on page 53. We discuss why reporting on internal control is required for accelerated filer public companies under the Sarbanes–Oxley Act, and the effect this has on the amount of audit testing and audit fees. We discuss the additional paragraphs for the definition of internal control and inherent limitations of internal control. Finally, we highlight the differences in the introductory, scope, and opinion paragraphs from the standard audit report on the financial statements, and we highlight the framework used for internal control and that internal control is evaluated as of the end of the most recent fiscal year. We also note that because the audit report is for a public company, it refers to practice standards established by the PCAOB. Note: An example combined report on financial statements and internal control over financial reporting is included in the glossy Hillsburg Hardware Annual Report inserted in the text and issues surrounding the nature of the auditor’s opinion on internal control are addressed in Chapter 10.(See Figure 3-4; shown on Slide 3-15)Unqualified Audit Report with Emphasis-of-Matter Explanatory Paragraph or Modified Wording (page 54)Next we cover the five causes of an unqualified report with an emphasis-of-matter explanatory paragraph or modified wording. We put most of the emphasis on reports involving the going concern situations, the use of other auditors, and consistency exceptions, because they are the most common ones in practice. Weshow illustrations from practice. For a summary of unqualified audit reports with an explanatory paragraph or modified wording, we use OH-3-2.(See OH-3-2)When we plan to discuss the use of other auditors more extensively, we also use OH-3-5.Conditions Requiring a Departure from Unqualified Opinion (page 58) At this point we go over, in some detail, each of the three conditions, the type of opinion that is appropriate for each condition, and examples. We then refer students to Table 3-2(page 66) and try to make sure students understand everything on that page. OH-3-3 is also useful in covering the conditions and type of report.(See OH-3-3)(See Table 3-2)It is important that students be given practice at this point. The following problems are useful for that. (Keep Table 3-2projected throughout all of the problems you have time to cover.)3-25–Multiple choice questions.3-28–Type of opinion. After students answer the question for each situation, we often change the situation slightly.3-29–Type of opinion.At this point it is useful to go over several illustrative audit reports included in the text to make sure students understand which conditions exist, the type of report issued, and the nature of the wording.Departures from an Unqualified Report (page 58)Next, we go over the types of qualified auditors’ reports (qualified, adverse, and disclaimer), with emphasis on materiality. We remind students that these reports are on the financial statements only to distinguish them from the separate report on internal control over financial reporting. You may also find the matrix in OH-3-4 useful:(See OH-3-4)Homework problem 3-30 can be used to help students link the type of opinion with the format of the auditor’s report.You might also call attention to the mid-chapter vignette on page 67 that notes how the Auditing Standards Board has commissioned research to study the communication effectiveness of the current auditor’s report.International Accounting and Auditing Standards (page 67)With the continual move towards the embrace of both international accounting and auditing standards, we expose students to the SEC-proposed roadmap that may lead to the embrace of international accounting standards for U.S. public companies by 2015. This provides an excellent opportunity to help students connect topics from their financial accounting courses to the audit course. We then discuss how auditor reports would be modified when they conduct the audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) that was introduced in Chapter 2. We note that the standard unqualified report for non-public entities in Figure 3-1on page 49 is similar to an audit report issued under the ISAs.Other IssuesTo the extent we have time, we do the following:⏹Expand discussion of materiality and related issues⏹Consistency versus comparability (See Problem 3-31)⏹Problem 3-27 – Deficiencies in the audit report⏹Research Problem 3-1 – U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s(SEC) EDGAR Database, and other sources of audited financial statements.3-7CHAPTER 3CROSS-REFERENCE OF LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND PROBLEM MATERIALPARTS OF AUDIT REPORT1.Report Title2.Audit Report Address3.Introductory Paragraph4.Management’s Responsibility5.Auditor’s Responsibility– Scope Paragraph6.Auditor’s Opinion and Address of CPA Firm8.Audit Report DateUNQUALIFIED AUDIT REPORT WITH EMPHASIS-OF-MATTER EXPLANATORY PARAGRAPH OR MODIFIED WORDINGTYPES OF AUDIT REPORTSCONDITIONS REQUIRING A DEPARTUREUSE OF OTHER AUDITORSComparison of Report Terminologies inAICPA and PCAOB StandardsTerminology inAICPA Standards PCAOB StandardsUnmodified Opinion or Unqualified Opinion or ReportReportModified Report Qualified OpinionQualified opinion Qualified opinionAdverse opinion Adverse opinionDisclaimer of opinion Disclaimer of Opinion Emphasis-of-Matter Explanatory Paragraphs& Other-Matter ParagraphsOH-3-6。
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Browse Location: United States\PwC Material\Montgomery's Auditing, Twelfth Edition\Part 3: Auditing Specific Accounts20Auditing Prepayments and Accruals20.1 AUDIT OBJECTIVES20.2 INTERNAL CONTROL20.3 DETERMINING THE AUDIT STRATEGY20.4 SUBSTANTIVE TESTS(a) Accrued Pension Costs,(i) Auditing Insured Plans,(ii) ERISA-Related Procedures,(b) Other Postretirement Benefit Obligations,(i) Accounting for the SubstantivePlan,(ii) Actuarial Assumptions,(c) Postemployment Benefit Obligations,(i) Type s of Postemployment BenefitsOffered by Employers,(ii) Accounting Requirements,(iii) Auditing PostemploymentBenefits,(d) Environmental Liabilities,(i) Accounting Requirements,(ii) Auditing EnvironmentalRemediation Liabilities,(e) Self-Insurance Arrangements,(f) Substantive Tests of Other Prepayments andAccruals,(i) Prepaid Insurance,(ii) Prepaid and Accrued PropertyTaxes,(iii) Prepaid and AccruedCommissions,(iv) Travel and Other Advances,(v) Accrued Profe ssional Fees,(vi) Bonuse s and Profit-SharingPlans,(vii) Unpaid Dividends,(viii) Compensated Absence s,(ix) Royalties Payable,(x) Provisions for Warranty Costs,(xi) Suspense Debits and Credits,Prepayments are assets, most often in the form of services (but sometimes goods such as stationery and supplies), that have been acquired as part of the purchasing cycle but that apply to future periods or to the production of future revenues-for example, unexpired insurance, rent paid in advance, and prepaid taxes other than those on income. There is little conceptual difference between prepayments and assets like inventories, plant and equipment, and intangibles: All are expected to benefit future periods. Prepayments often are assumed to be less readily realizable than inventory or equipment, but there are significant exceptions; it may be easier to realize cash from the contractual right to cancel an insurance polic y than on a custom-built, single-purpose structure.Prepayments consist of prepaid expenses and deferred charges; the distinction is based mainly on whether the asset is current or noncurrent. How precisely that distinction is made depends on custom and materiality considerations. Prepaid insurance, for example, and many types of deposits do not expire and are not realized within one year or the entity's operating cycle, but traditionally are classified as current. The prepaid expense account is seldom material to the financial statements, and noncurrent items that are not material are included in prepaid expenses for convenience. If deferred costs (such as debt issuance costs) are material and will expire over several years, they are properly classified as noncurrent deferred charges.Accruals, often referred to as accrued expenses, are items for which a service or benefit has been received and for which the related liability is acknowledged and reasonably determinable, but that are not yet payable (either because of the terms of the commitment or because the invoice has not been received). Some accrued liabilities accrue with the passage of time-for example, interest, rent, and property taxes-or with some service or activity, for example, payrolls, pensions, vacation pay, royalties, sales commissions, and payroll taxes. Others-for example, accrued environmental remediation costs-are accrued when it is probable that a liability has been incurred and the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated. Deferred credits (such as unearned revenue and deferred income accounts) result from the receipt ofrevenues in advance of the related delivery of goods or services and are discussed in Chapter 18.Agency obligations, such as payroll withholdings and deductions and sales tax collections, are funds collected for others for which accountability must be maintained until the funds are turned over at the required time to the agency for whom they are held in trust. Those obligations result from transactions that are part of the purchasing cycle, discussed in Chapter 14, and the revenue cycle, discussed in Chapter 13.Many similarities exist among prepaid expenses, accrued liabilities, and agency obligations and among the underlying transactions that affect these accounts. For example, similar types of transactions may result in prepaid insurance or accrued insurance expense; the same is true for rent and property taxes. Items such as insurance premiums and various deposits often are held as agency obligations. All three categories of accounts frequently are subjected to similar types of controls and the general audit approach employed is also similar.Other prepayments and accruals, such as those for pension and other postretirement benefits, are estimates that are highly dependent on assumptions and usually are prepared by specialists, such as actuaries. The audit approach for those accounts focuses on determining the reasonableness of those estimates and on using the work of specialists.20.1 AUDIT OBJECTIVESThe auditor should approach prepayments and accruals with the view that liabilities are more likely to be understated or omitted from the accounts than overstated and, conversely, assets are more likely to be overstated than understated. Therefore, audit objectives should focus on ascertaining that prepaid assets are not overstated and that accrued liabilities are not understated, but without ignoring the possibility that the opposite may occur.In specifying audit objectives for prepaid assets, the auditor should focus on obtaining reasonable assurance that:∙All amounts reported as assets were acquired in authorized transactions and were properly recorded at the time of acquisition (existence/occurrence, accuracy)∙The balance of the expenditure carried forward relates to future periods or can be reasonably expected to be recovered from future income (valuation or allocation)∙The basis of amortization is reasonable and consistent with prior years (valuation or allocation)∙Related expenses are properly classified (presentation and disclosure)Principal audit objectives related to accrued liabilities are to obtain reasonable assurance that:∙All material accrued expenses, agency obligations, and other liabilities existing at the balance sheet date have been authorized, recorded, and properly measured(completeness, existence/occurrence, accuracy, and valuation or allocation)∙Related expenses have been recognized and properly measured on a consistent basis (valuation or allocation)20.2 INTERNAL CONTROLChapter 14 discusses the acquisition of goods and services and the controls to which such expenditures usually are subjected. The transactions that give rise to prepayments and accruals often originate and are processed and controlled in the same way as transactions for other goods and services. Other prepayments and accruals, particularly those that are based on assumptions and estimates prepared by specialists such as actuaries, are not the result of transactions that are considered part of the purchasing cycle and, therefore, may not be subject to extensive control activities.Control activities are applied to recurring prepaid expenses, accrued liabilities, agency accounts, and other liabilities to ensure timely recording of the required entries. Those activities are necessary because of the method of procuring many prepaid and accrued expense items. Recurring services such as utilities and rents, after initial identification, are provided continuously without further request. Specialized services, such as insurance, legal, advertising, and auditing services, also are frequently rendered on an ongoing basis. Real estate and property taxes are assessed and paid according to the taxing authority's fiscal year, and must be properly allocated to the entity's interim accounting periods. Systematic recording of accruals and amortization is best ensured by making standard monthly journal entries, approved by appropriate personnel.After a prepaid expense has been recorded, further monitoring is required to ensure that it is amortized properly and that the unamortized balance does not exceed the value of the future benefit. If the expenditure initially was charged directly to an expense account, the appropriate amount (i.e., the portion deemed applicable to future p eriods) is removed from the expense account at the end of each accounting period and recorded as an asset.Control activities for recurring prepayments, accruals, and the related expense accounts frequently include maintaining detailed files for expenditu res like insurance, rent, and commissions, or schedules that are cross-referenced to the related supporting documents and contain pertinent information like cost, starting date, period covered, and amount to be expensed or accrued each period. The account balances and amortization computations are subjected to periodic monitoring activities. Some liability and agency accounts are treated as part of the purchasing cycle and are subjected to related accounting procedures and control activities. That may be the case for payroll withholdings, customers' deposits, and commissions payable.20.3 DETERMINING THE AUDIT STRATEGYThe auditor may obtain the required understanding of internal control with respect tosystems-derived prepaid and accrued accounts as part of auditing the purchasing cycle. Although the assessment of control risk for these accounts is strongly influenced by the assessed level of control risk for the purchasing cycle, the audit strategy for prepaid and accrued accounts usually emphasizes substantive tests of year-end account balances, largely because of efficiency considerations. In this regard, Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 78, Consideration of Internal Control in a Financial Statement Audit: An Amendment of SAS No. 55 (AU Section 319), recognizes that "ordinarily audit planning does not r equire an understanding of the control activities related to each account balance, transaction class, and disclosure component in the financial statements or to every assertion relevant to them" (para.33). Also, a single test may serve to both substantiat e a prepaid or an accrued account balance and test the related control activities. Moreover, since substantive tests of balance sheet accounts at the beginning and end of a period also tend to provide assurance about the related expense accounts, it is both conceptually sound and efficient for the auditor to focus on substantive testing of the balance sheet accounts.In formulating the audit strategy for systems-derived prepaid and accrued accounts, the auditor considers the nature and materiality of the specific accounts, the desired timing of their examination, and inherent risks that have been identified. The auditor might perform tests of controls relating to prepayments and accruals on an engagement involving an extremely fast year-end report release or publication of financial data by a large, well-controlled entity. Those tests would focus on control activities addressing the accuracy and authorization of prepayments, and the completeness of accruals.The auditor often reviews and analyzes the composition of prepayments and accruals at an interim date. It is ordinarily more efficient, however, to perform other substantive tests at the balance sheet date, unless there are year-end time constraints that make early testing desirable. Early substantive testing requires the auditor to consider alternative means of obtaining the necessary audit assurance at the balance sheet date. In many cases, this is accomplished by updating the substantive tests performed at an interim date. In other situations, the auditor may perform tests of controls during the intervening period. Even in these cases, however, the auditor would be likely, at a minimum, to review the year-end account balances for reasonableness.In determining the extent of substantive tests, the auditor should consider the inherent risk that the account may be materially misstated. Two key aspects of this risk are how liquid an asset is and the extent to which judgment enters into determining the account balance. Since prepayments by their nature are not particularly liquid, this usually is not a significant factor. Also, little judgment may be required for many of the recurring expenses that are amortized or accrued on a time basis, such as rent, insurance, and interest.The materiality of prepaid asset and accrued liability accounts also may be a significant consideration in determining the extent of substantive tests. Some prepayments and accruals are insignificant, and an auditor may consider it sufficient simply to compare the balance with the corresponding balance in the prior period and scan the current-period activity. On the otherhand, since auditing prepayments and accruals often affords insight into certain controls in the purchasing cycle and therefore may contribute to an auditor's understanding of internal control, some auditors scrutinize individual accrued and prepaid accounts even though the balances are insignificant.Furthermore, while an individual prepaid account may not be significant to the balance sheet, an understanding of the content of the account may alert the auditor to a potential misstatement that could have a material effect on the financial statements. This is especially true of the prepaid insurance account. An understanding of the manner in which the entity manages risk, in particular the types of insurance coverage it maintains, may make the auditor aware of uninsured risks or unrecorded liabilities.In many circumstances, the same auditor audits the financial statements of both the entity that provides pension and other employee benefits (i.e., the employer) and the related benefit plans themselves. When designing the nature, extent, and timing of auditing procedures for financial statement amounts recorded in accordance with Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) Nos. 87 and 106, the auditor should not only base materiality judgments on the employer's financial statements, but also consider expected materiality to the plan's financial statements. Considering plan materiality when auditing the employer's financial statements can help avoid later adjustments to amounts in the plan's financial statements.20.4 SUBSTANTIVE TESTSSubstantive testing usually consists of examining the contractual, statutory, or other basis for prepayments and accruals; examining documentation that supports additions to the accounts; ascertaining that the method of calculating periodic amortization or accrual is appropriate; and recomputing the amortization or accrual and the account balance. For many accrued liabilities and some prepaid expenses, the accrual or prepayment is based on an estimate of a liability or a future benefit that cannot be determined precisely. In that case, the basis and rationale for the estimate should be reviewed, compared with prior experience, and evaluat ed in the light of related circumstances. The related expense account usually is audited (at least in part) in connection with the aforementioned amortization or accrual.The balances of agency accounts should be supported by trial balances of the detailed amounts. Based on materiality and risk assessment, the auditor should consider the need for substantive tests directed at the completeness and accuracy of agency accounts.Prepaid expense and accrued liability balances often consist of routine recurring allocations of expenses between periods. When this is the case, the auditor often can obtain the necessary assurance about the accuracy of the account balance by recomputing it or applying analytical procedures, without performing a detailed analysis of the activity in the account. Thus, in some cases, analytical procedures are the principal or even the only substantive tests performed on prepaid and accrued accounts. Balances in those and related expense accounts should be compared with the prior-year balance sheet and income statement amounts. The underlying causes of trends, fluctuations, and unusual transactions should be evaluated for theirimplications for other accounts. If they exist, variance reports and analyses of actual costs and expenses compared with budgeted amounts also may be examined.In a stable business, predictable relationships often exist among certain accounts, and changes in those relationships may signal conditions requiring accounting recognition. The auditor should compute pertinent ratios and compare them with corresponding ones for prior periods. For example, comparing selling expense with sales might lead the auditor to discover sales commissions that should be but were not accrued. Unexplained changes in ratios involving revenue and expense accounts may indicate possible misstatements of related prepayments and accruals.Analytical procedures applied to related expense accounts can provide additional assurance about the reasonableness of prepayments and accruals. The auditor m ay review expense account activity for missing or unusual entries that may indicate unrecorded liabilities or the failure to amortize prepayments. Substantive tests of details normally are not performed on expense account balances unless the controls are extremely ineffective or the auditor wants additional assurance in high-risk or sensitive areas (such as legal expense).(a) Accrued Pension CostsTo ascertain that the liability for pension costs and the related expense have been determined in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), as set forth in SFAS No. 87, Employers' Accounting for Pensions (Accounting Standards Section P16), the auditor must understand the contractual and other arrangements giving rise to pension costs and be aware of the requirements of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).1SFAS No. 87 prescribes precisely the way to calculate pension costs. The significance of pension costs to most entities, and the effect of a possible misstatement of them on the financial statements, often calls for substantive testing. The extent of testing will depend on theauditor's risk assessment and on materiality considerations.Many of the basic calculations required by SFAS No. 87 are actuarial calculations that should be considered the work of a specialist, and the auditor should apply the provisions of SAS No. 73, Using the Work of a Specialist (AU Section 336), in auditing those amounts. This does not require the auditor to reperform the actuary's calculations. Rather, the auditor needs to be satisfied that the assumptions provided by the entity and the methods used by the actuary are reasonable and in conformity with GAAP. It is particularly important for the auditor to understand the reasons for fluctuations in pension information from one period to the next, for example, changes in the settlement rate assumption, the methods and time periods for amortizing gains and losses, prior service cost, and the transition amount.Under SAS No. 73, the auditor should obtain an understanding with the entity and the actuary about the nature of the actuary's work. This understanding should cover:The objectives and scope of the actuary's work∙The actuary's representations regarding his or her relationship, if any, to the entity∙The methods and assumptions to be used∙ A comparison of those methods and assumptions with the ones used in the preceding period∙The appropriateness of using the actuary's findings to corroborate the representations in the financial statements∙The form and content of the actuary's report needed by the auditorSAS No. 73 requires the auditor to evaluate the actuary's qualifications, reputation, and experience. The auditor also is required to make appropriate tests of the census data and other information the entity provided to the actuary. Those tests include confirming directly with the actuary the information provided by the entity and used by the actuary and reconciling that information to the entity's payroll and other records.In examining actuarially determined amounts, the auditor should be satisfied that the assumptions provided by the entity and the methods used by the actuary conform with the provisions of SFAS No. 87. The auditor should not rely on an actuary's conclusion about whether the actuarially computed amounts conform with GAAP; such a conclusion requires a skilled and experience-based knowledge of accounting principles. The auditor should inquireof management or the actuary about unusual or unexpected shifts from the prior period in components of pension cost or benefit obligation. Analytical techniques can be effective audit tools when performed with an appropriate understanding of the methodologies prescribed in SFAS No. 87, the entity's activities, and the characteristics of its work force.Other suggested procedures are set forth below. They are not intended to be all-inclusive or to apply to all situations. Selecting auditing procedures appropriate for a particular situation is a matter of judgment.∙Identify the entity's pension plans, and obtain an understanding of the nature, coverage, and other relevant matters pertaining to each plan.∙Compare pension cost and related balance sheet and disclosure amounts and other information with the prior year for reasonableness and changes affecting comparability.Trace amounts to the actuary's report and to any supporting schedules or workingpapers used in connection with other auditing procedures.∙Evaluate compliance with ERISA (see below).∙Determine whether plan asset and obligation amounts have been computed as of the measurement date and whether plan assets have been measured in conformity withGAAP. Investments are generally measured at fair value, except that certain contractswith insurance companies may be measured at their contract value, as discussed inSFAS No. 110 (Accounting Standards Section Pe5).∙Examine the entity's records to determine that the basic data (e.g., size, age, and sex distribution of the work force) used by the actuary is appropriate and that employeesultimately entitled to participate in the plan have been included in the actuarialcalculations. Trace (normally in summary form) the employee data tested to theactuary's report or confirm it directly with the actuary.∙Review the actuary's report to determine whether all plan terms have been properly reflected in it and that the actuarial cost method is appropriate.∙Determine whether pension cost and related amounts have been computed on a consistent basis and recognized and disclosed in conformity with GAAP.∙Review the period from the measurement date to the entity's year-end (and beyond, to the extent necessary) to determine whether any significant events (e.g., changes inplan provisions) have occurred that would materially affect the computation of theprovision for pension costs. If such events have occurred, consult with the actuary and obtain an estimate of the dollar effect on the provision.(i) Auditing Insured Plans. The auditor needs to determine the nature of the arrangement between the employer and the insurance company. In some arrangements, an insurance company unconditionally undertakes a legal obligation to provide specified benefits to specific individuals in return for a fixed consideration or premium. For example, the insurance company sells a nonparticipating annuity and assumes the risks and rewards associated with the benefit obligation and the assets transferred. On the other hand, in participating annuity arrangements, the employer participates in the experience of the insurance company, whereby the insurance company typically pays dividends to the purchaser, effectively reducing the employer's cost. Many variations of such contracts exist.Auditing procedures for annuity contracts normally involve examining the contract or insurance company dividend and premium statements. If the annuity is a participating annuity, the participation right should be recognized, at cost, as an asset at its inception. The cost is determined by comparing the participating annuity contract with equivalent contracts without participation rights. In subsequent periods, the auditor should ascertain whether fair value can be reasonably determined and, if it cannot, should review the method used to amortize the cost of the participation right.(ii) ERISA-Related Procedures. In reading minutes of meetings of the entity's board of directors and pertinent committees, and in performing other auditing procedures, t he auditor should be alert to any evidence that a pension plan may potentially be terminated. In addition, the auditor may wish to inquire of management about the possibility of a plan termination. If there is more than a remote possibility, the auditor should ensure that appropriate entries are recorded or disclosures made in the financial statements.The auditor should obtain evidence that the entity is in compliance with ERISA (the Act), since noncompliance may have an impact on the financial statements. In addition to funding requirements, the Act requires compliance in the areas of plan design, reporting and disclosure, fiduciary responsibilities, and record keeping. Determining compliance with the Act is a legal matter; the auditor therefore customarily relies on inquiries of the actuary, plan trustees, and the entity's and the plan's legal counsel for those determinations, as well as obtaining a representation from the entity as part of the management representation letter.(b) Other Postretirement Benefit ObligationsThe provisions of SFAS No. 106, Employers' Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions (Accounting Standards Section P40), are similar in many respects to those of SFAS No. 87, Employers' Accounting for Pensions (Accounting Standards Section P16), and SFAS No. 88, Employers' Accounting for Settlements and Curtailments of Defined Benefit Pension Plans and for Termination Benefits (Accounting Standards Section P16). SFAS No. 106, however, addresses matters unique to nonpension postretirement benefits and provides recognition, measurement, and disclosure requirements related to those benefits.2As SFAS No. 106 notes, "to the extent the promise to provide pension benefits and the promise to provide postretirement benefits are similar, the provisions of this Statement are similar to those prescribed by Statements 87 and 88; different accounting treatment is prescribed only when the Board has concluded that there is a compelling reason for different treatment." Thus, auditing procedures for postretirement benefit costs and obligations are similar to those for pension costs and obligations, although there are some distinctions.(i) Accounting for the Substantive Plan. SFAS No. 106 requires that the accounting reflect the substantive terms of the postretirement benefit plan as understood by the employer and its employees. The substantive plan, however, may not be reflected in the terms described in the written plan. For example, a past practice of regularly increasing benefits or changing the cost-sharing provisions of the plan (e.g., deductibles, coinsurance provisions, or retiree contributions) may indicate that the substantive plan differs from the written plan.An employer's cost-sharing policy will constitute the cost-sharing provisions of the substantive plan if either of the following conditions exist:1. The employer has a past practice of either (1) maintaining a consistent level of costsharing with its retirees or (2) consistently increasing or decreasing its share of thecost of benefits by changing retirees' or active plan participants' contributions,deductibles, coinsurance provisions, out-of-pocket limitations, and so forth, inaccordance with the employer's established cost-sharing policy.2. The employer has the ability, and has communicated to affected plan participants itsintent, to institute different cost-sharing provisions at a specified time or when certainconditions exist (e.g., when health care cost increases exceed a certain level).。