AOC 60 W CO2 激光器使用手册说明书
目录1、激光器安全 (3)1.1 激光等级 (3)1.2 激光安全职责 (3)1.3 激光安全操作指南 (4)1.4 危险及安全标识 (5)1.5 AOC激光器安全特性 (6)1.6保护承诺及政府要求的安全承诺 (6)2、激光器接口说明及随机配件 (7)2.1 激光器接口说明 (7)2.2 随机配件 (8)2.3 INTERLOCK接口 (9)2.4 RS232接口 (9)3、激光器使用要求及注意事项 (10)3.1 电气要求 (10)3.2 工作环境要求 (10)3.3 水冷机要求 (10)3.4 使用注意事项 (11)4、AOC NANO激光控制软件 (12)4.1 软件列表及系统要求 (12)4.2 安装及使用问题解决方法 (12)5、激光系统新一代控制软件界面 (13)5.1 用户界面说明 (13)5.2 工程界面说明 (15)5.3 激光器工作模式更改 (17)6、激光器基础操作 (18)6.1 激光器开机操作步骤 (18)6.2 激光器关机操作步骤 (20)6.3 一键开关机设置方法 (21)7、激光控制方式 (26)7.1 激光器控制方法介绍 (26)7.2 常见控制板卡接线方式 (27)8、常用光学配件介绍 (29)8.1 扩束镜 (29)8.2 场镜 (30)8.3 振镜 (30)9、英诺激光自主排查系统 (31)9.1 激光器控制软件报警信息提示 (31)9.2 激光器故障自主排查系统 (32)1、激光器安全1.1激光等级AOC全系列激光器均属于Class IV等级激光器(大于500mw),在中国根据 GB 7247.1-2012, 同样被列为4类。
6L6(T)2 28W后级放大器制作心得
e&*k1#4, *HT-tR43tutrW. ffiffi*,, &&ry.tul#Ffr n M, E tffi.FR
-EJt+ r* &6,en .^." ?aS H'ffi B + F" )EtuF F Wlifrt4++HE H4+ nh {ft, F, B,EF wtfrcsnfllti,tritul"'D'o" E +E+9 h\flr*F, F,H#tp.Htt, H+€ (tEEtrffi T,Q&fi, E{ftRtrI E^artr) *ffiW" MilL+*tufrK tnw3tfi'.F'. PEA-{+xfFEFrlffi{qe,tuE L&H 1F.4 W4l WErnI\iY. fr rtr Z " ffi.,rit,te, fH^Eflft #nTi H ffi JF. tfr 4+ffi ffJ EfrWIEffi)Ll+ il', tEe fr cD H-*$ffH!++,fi,fiffitRffi dL.E tliEEW*t f6H!F*t+,F, /\HO fif E, 6€ffi+ ffin{+), EqiEi{ *Wj}, &*E" %EF-4fr468, xt^ FfrUtr.FEffJ F. ffi+6&,ffi1ffi*, }:Iffitr.WJFW6F. WIiJ NI6ffi HE + tEqEH!+Efi " trrtt, 4 fftfrfi ffi MLE)LI+ t[ FJ 9li * ffiT fr#ffl m TE;t-196" kI E EWirW. I-a ^r)r ifr. E 4t @.B\WtFt ffi-W., E ffiBex+g ULE
Hi—Fi制作室·2×60W纯甲类双单声道功率放大器蔡贤[编者按] 纯甲类功率放大器音质之靓,已使多少焊机派发烧友跃跃欲试,然其制作工艺要求之高,又让人举步唯艰。
就分体式放大器中的后级功率放大器而言,纯甲类(Class A)的组态正表现在它那种适合作为中坚机种的魅力。
原理简介如上所述,在8Ω负荷时,本机的输出功率为2×60W,如果保持所用的电源容量和大功率晶体管的数量不变,只是将工作方式由甲类改为乙类(C1assB),即可轻易取得2×200W 的输出功率,但纯甲类却只能得到60W的输出,为什么有那么大的差别呢?这是因为乙类放大器和纯甲类放大器的电源功率天差地别之故。
产品规格.......................................................... 30 表情踏板 - 参数分配...................................... 32 音色库目录.......................................................33 效果库目录.......................................................33
在开始使用之前,请确认是否包含以下部件: • RP355效果器 • Cubase ® LE4录音软件DVD • PS0913B电源 • 保修卡
RP355在生产时都是精心制作的,所有组件都将包含并功能完善。如果有任何遗失请第一时间 与厂家联系。请在购买之后将产品保修卡寄给我们或者在www.digitech.com进行网上注册,它 将是你遇到问题时的有效保证。
第二部分 - 编辑功能
编辑/创作预设.................................................. 11 储存/复制/命名预设.......................................... 12
2SD参数用途2SD100锗 NPN 32V 400mA 250mW音频放大及驱动?2SD1000硅 NPN 60V 0.7A 2W *K超小型三极管2SD1001硅 NPN 80V 0.3A 2W *K超小型三极管2SD1002硅 NPN 45V 1A 0.4W超小型三极管2SD1003硅 NPN 60V 1A 0.4W超小型三极管2SD1004硅 NPN 100V 1A 0.4W超小型三极管2SD1005硅 NPN 100V 1A 2W *K超小型三极管2SD1006硅 NPN 100V 0.7A 2W *K超小型三极管2SD1007硅 NPN 120V 0.7A 2W *K超小型三极管2SD1009硅 NPN 150V 0.05A 1W *K超小型三极管2SD100A锗 NPN 45V 400mA 250mW音频放大及驱动?2SD101锗 NPN 80V 600mA 250mW音频放大及驱动?2SD1010硅 NPN 50V 0.05A 0.3W低噪声音频放大2SD1011硅 NPN 100V 0.02A 0.3W普通用途2SD1012硅 NPN 20V 0.7A 0.25W *K低频放大\驱动及输出2SD1014硅 NPN 50V 2A 0.9W开关管2SD1015硅 NPN 140V 2A 0.9W开关管2SD1016硅 NPN 1500V 7A 50W行输出管2SD1017硅 NPN 250V 2A 50W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1018硅 NPN 250V 4A 80W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD102硅 NPN 110V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1020硅 NPN 30V 0.7A 0.35W *K普通用途2SD1021硅 NPN 30V 0.7A 35W *K普通用途2SD1022硅 NPN 100V 5A 30W达林顿功率放大管2SD1023硅 NPN 200V 5A 30W 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管2SD1024硅 NPN 100V 8A 50W达林顿功率放大管2SD1025硅 NPN 200V 8A 50W 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管2SD1026硅 NPN 100V 15A 100W 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管2SD1027硅 NPN 200V 15A 100W 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管2SD1029硅 NPN 60V 4A 40W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD103硅 NPN 80V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1030硅 NPN 50V 50mA 200mW超小型三极管2SD1031硅 NPN 120V 6A 50W达林顿功率放大管2SD1032硅 NPN 60V 4A 60W *K音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1032A硅 NPN 80V 4A 60W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1032B硅 NPN 100V 4A 60W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1033硅 NPN 200V 2A 20W *K音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1034硅 NPN 600V 300A 1250W功率放大\开关管2SD1034A硅 NPN 600V 300A 1250W达林顿开关管2SD1035硅 NPN 150V 3A 40W达林顿功率放大管2SD1036 拆硅 NPN 150V 15A 150W功率放大\开关管2SD1037硅 NPN 150V 30A 180W功率放大\开关管2SD1038硅 NPN 150V 40A 180W功率放大\开关管2SD1039硅 NPN 150V 3A 40W功率放大\开关管2SD104硅 NPN 20V 400mA 150mW音频放大及驱动?2SD1040硅 NPN 150V 15A 150W功率放大\开关管2SD1040A硅 NPN 150V 15A 120W功率放大2SD1041硅 NPN 150V 30A 180W功率放大\开关管2SD1042硅 NPN 150V 40A 180W功率放大\开关管2SD1043硅 NPN 430V 5A 80W 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管2SD1044硅 NPN 100V 6A 60W 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管2SD1045硅 NPN 30V 3A 900mW普通用途2SD1046硅 NPN 150V 8V 80W *K音频放大\开关及功率放大 2SD1047硅 NPN 160V 12A 100W *K音频放大\开关及功率放大 2SD1048硅 NPN 20V 700mA 200mW *K超小型三极管2SD1049硅 NPN 120V 25A 80W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD105锗 NPN 20V 400mA 150mW *K音频放大及驱动?2SD1050硅 NPN 100V 10A 80W 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管2SD1051硅 NPN 50V 1.5A 1W *K普通用途2SD1052硅 NPN 50V 3A 30W达林顿功率放大管2SD1052A硅 NPN 50V 3A 30W功率放大2SD1053硅 NPN 400V 1A 15W功率放大\开关管2SD1054硅 NPN 300V 3A 80W功率放大\开关管2SD1055硅 NPN 40V 2A 750mW音频放大2SD1056硅 NPN 600V 50A 400W达林顿功率放大管2SD1059硅 NPN 100V 6A 40W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1060硅 NPN 60V 5A 30W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1061硅 NPN 60V 7A 40W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1062硅 NPN 60V 12A 40W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1063硅 NPN 60V 7A 60W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1064硅 NPN 60V 12A 80W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1064#硅 NPN 60V 12A 80W 10MHz普通用途2SD1065硅 NPN 60V 15A 90W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1066硅 NPN 600V 100A 770W达林顿功率放大管2SD1067硅 NPN 600V 30A 200W达林顿管2SD1068硅 NPN 1000V 10mA 25W *K功率放大\开关管2SD1069硅 NPN 300V 7A 40W行输出管2SD107硅 NPN 80V 5A 50W达林顿功率放大管2SD1070硅 NPN 100V 10A 60W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1071硅 NPN 300V 6A 40W达林顿功率放大管2SD1072硅 NPN 450V 5A 40W达林顿功率放大管2SD1073硅 NPN 300V 4A 40W达林顿功率放大管2SD1073 拆2SD1074硅 NPN 120V 1A 10W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1075硅 NPN 120V 1A 10W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1076硅 NPN 25V 2.5A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1076L硅 NPN 25V 2.5A 20W普通用途2SD1077硅 NPN 35V 2.5A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1078硅 NPN 50V 2A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1078B硅 NPN 50V 1A 20W 130MHz普通用途2SD1079硅 NPN 80V 2A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1079C硅 NPN 80V 1A 20W 130MHz普通用途2SD1079LB硅 NPN 80V 1A 20W 130MHz普通用途2SD1079LC硅 NPN 80V 1A 20W 130MHz普通用途2SD108硅 NPN 80V 5A 50W达林顿功率放大管2SD1080硅 NPN 180V 1.5A 20W *K音频放大\开关及功率放大 2SD1080B硅 NPN 180V 1.5A 20W 140MHz普通用途2SD1080C硅 NPN 180V 1.5A 20W 140MHz普通用途2SD1080LB硅 NPN 180V 1.5A 20W 140MHz普通用途2SD1080LC硅 NPN 180V 1.5A 20W 140MHz普通用途2SD1081硅 NPN 180V 1.5A 20W *K音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1081B硅 NPN 180V 1.5A 20W 140MHz普通用途2SD1081C硅 NPN 180V 1.5A 20W 140MHz普通用途2SD1081LB硅 NPN 180V 1.5A 20W 140MHz普通用途2SD1081LC硅 NPN 180V 1.5A 20W 140MHz普通用途2SD1082硅 NPN 200V 1.5A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1083硅 NPN 150V 2A 10W行输出管2SD1083L硅 NPN 150V 2A 20W普通用途2SD1084硅 NPN 500V 50A 400W达林顿功率放大管2SD1085硅 NPN 300V 3A 40W 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管2SD1085K硅 NPN 300V 3A 40W达林顿管2SD1087硅 NPN 100V 15A 100W 达林顿音频放大\开关及功率放大 2SD1088硅 NPN 300V 6A 30W达林顿功率放大管2SD1089硅 NPN 350V 6A 30W达林顿功率放大管2SD1090硅 NPN 200V 5A 80W达林顿功率放大管2SD1091硅 NPN 170V 4A 40W 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管2SD1092硅 NPN 45V 4A 80W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1093硅 NPN 1000V 7A 50W行输出管2SD1094 拆硅 NPN 1000V 10A 50W行输出管2SD1095硅 NPN 1200V 1.5A 50W行输出管2SD1096硅 NPN 25V 1A 10W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1097硅 NPN 1200V 2.5A 50W行输出管2SD1098硅 NPN 1200V 3A 50W行输出管2SD1099硅 NPN 1200V 5A 50W行输出管2SD11锗 NPN 25V 300mA 150mW开关管2SD110硅 NPN 130V 10A 100W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1100硅 NPN 20V 2A 0.9mW音频放大\开关与驱动2SD1101硅 NPN 25V 0.7A 0.15W *K超小型三极管2SD1101AB硅 NPN 25V 0.7A 0.15W超小型三极管2SD1102硅 NPN 1200V 4A 50W行输出管2SD1103硅 NPN 1200V 5A 50W行输出管2SD1104硅 NPN 1200V 6A 50W行输出管2SD1105硅 NPN 120V 15A 200W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1106硅 NPN 450V 50A 400W达林顿功率放大管2SD1107硅 NPN 500V 50A 400W达林顿功率放大管2SD110810W功率放大2SD1109硅 NPN 100V 6A 70W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1109A硅 NPN 120V 6A 70W功率放大2SD111硅 NPN 100V 10A 100W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1110硅 NPN 120V 7A 80W *K音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1110A硅 NPN 130V 7A 80W *K功率放大2SD1111硅 NPN 80V 700mA 600mW达林顿管2SD1112硅 NPN 350V 200mA 10W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1113硅 NPN 300V 6A 40W 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管2SD1113K硅 NPN 300V 6A 40W普通用途2SD1114硅 NPN 400V 6A 50W 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管2SD1114K硅 NPN 400V 6A 50W普通用途2SD1115硅 NPN 400V 3A 40W 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管2SD1115K硅 NPN 400V 3A 40W普通用途2SD1116硅 NPN 400V 3A 40W达林顿功率放大管2SD1117硅 NPN 40V 10A 50W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1117A硅 NPN 80V 10A 50W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1118硅 NPN 80V 10A 50W达林顿功率放大管2SD1119硅 NPN 40V 3A 500mW普通用途2SD1120硅 NPN 200V 2A 40W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2SD1121硅 NPN 200V 3A 500mW音频放大\开关及功率放大 2SD1122硅 NPN 200V 5A 80W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2SD1123硅 NPN 200V 8A 100W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2SD1124硅 NPN 80V 8A 100W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2SD1125硅 NPN 80V 12A 100W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2SD1126硅 NPN 120V 10A 50W 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管 2SD1126K硅 NPN 120V 10A 50W普通用途2SD1127硅 NPN 120V 10A 50W 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管 2SD1127K硅 NPN 50W普通用途2SD1128拆硅 NPN 150V 5A 30W达林顿功率放大管2SD1129硅 NPN 100V 15A 100W达林顿功率放大管2SD1129K硅 NPN 100W普通用途2SD113硅 NPN 100V 30A 200W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2SD1130硅 NPN 100V 20A 100W达林顿功率放大管2SD1130K硅 NPN 125W普通用途2SD1131硅 NPN 50V 4A 40W音频功率放大2SD1131B硅 NPN 50V 4A 40W 8MHz普通用途2SD1131C硅 NPN 50V 4A 40W 8MHz普通用途2SD1131D硅 NPN 50V 4A 40W 8MHz普通用途2SD1132硅 NPN 60V 4A 40W音频功率放大2SD1132B硅 NPN 60V 4A 40W 8MHz普通用途2SD1132C硅 NPN 60V 4A 40W 8MHz普通用途2SD1132D硅 NPN 60V 4A 40W 8MHz普通用途2SD1133硅 NPN 70V 4A 40W *K音频功率放大2SD1133 拆硅 NPN 70V 4A 40W *K2SD1133B硅 NPN 70V 4A 40W 7MHz普通用途2SD1133C硅 NPN 70V 4A 40W 7MHz普通用途2SD1133D硅 NPN 70V 4A 40W 7MHz普通用途2SD1134硅 NPN 70V 4A 40W *K音频功率放大2SD1134B硅 NPN 70V 4A 40W 7MHz普通用途2SD1134C硅 NPN 70V 4A 40W 7MHz普通用途2SD1134D硅 NPN 70V 4A 40W 7MHz普通用途2SD1135硅 NPN 100 4A 40W *K音频功率放大2SD1135B硅 NPN 100V 4A 40W 10MHz普通用途2SD1135C硅 NPN 100V 4A 40W 0.2MHz普通用途2SD1136硅 NPN 200V 4A 30W音频功率放大2SD1137硅 NPN 100V 4A 40W *K音频功率放大2SD1138硅 NPN 200V 2A 30W *K音频功率放大2SD1138B硅 NPN 200V 2A 30W普通用途2SD1138C硅 NPN 200V 2A 30W普通用途2SD1138D硅 NPN 200V 2A 30W普通用途2SD1139硅 NPN 200V 2A 30W音频功率放大2SD114硅 NPN 70V 30A 200W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2SD1140硅 NPN 30V 2A 30W达林顿管2SD1141硅 NPN 400V 6A 40W达林顿管2SD1141K硅 NPN 400V 6A 40W普通用途2SD1142硅 NPN 1500V 3.5A 50W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1143硅 NPN 1500V 5A 50W行输出管2SD1145硅 NPN 60V 5A 900MW普通用途2SD1146硅 NPN 50V 2A 900mW普通用途2SD1147硅 NPN 120V 5A 30W达林顿功率放大管2SD1148硅 NPN 140V 10A 100W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1149硅 NPN 100V 0.02A 0.2W超小型三极管2SD1150硅 NPN 350V 6A 40W行输出管2SD1151硅 NPN 1500V 5A 95W 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管2SD1152硅 NPN 55V 100mA 200mW普通用途2SD1153硅 NPN 80V 1.5A 0.9W *K达林顿管2SD1154硅 NPN 350V 7A 50W行输出管2SD1155硅 NPN 400V 50A 300W达林顿功率放大管2SD1156硅 NPN 100V 5A 58W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1157硅 NPN 80V 8A 40W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1158硅 NPN 80V 8A 40W功率放大\开关管2SD1159 拆硅 NPN 200V 4.5A 40W 10MHZ行输出管2SD116硅 NPN 100V 7A 75W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1160硅 NPN 50V 2A 1W 带阻尼功率放大\开关管2SD1161硅 NPN 30V 30mA 150mW超小型三极管2SD1162硅 NPN 500V 10A 40W达林顿功率放大管2SD1162K硅 NPN 500V 10A 40W普通用途2SD1162L硅 NPN 500V 10A 40W普通用途2SD1162M硅 NPN 500V 10A 40W普通用途2SD1163硅 NPN 300V 7A 40W行输出管2SD1163A硅 NPN 350V 7A 40W开关电路2SD1164硅 NPN 150V 1.5A 10W达林顿功率放大管2SD1164K硅 NPN 150V 1.5A 10W狻 8000功率放大2SD1164L硅 NPN 150V 1.5A 10W狻 8000功率放大2SD1164M硅 NPN 150V 1.5A 10W狻 8000功率放大2SD1164-Z硅 NPN 150V 1.5A 10W =30000达林顿功率放大管 2SD1165硅 NPN 1000V 100A 1250W达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1165A硅 NPN 1000V 100A 1250W达林顿开关管2SD1166硅 NPN 1000V 200A 2500W功率放大\开关管2SD1166AP -180V -15A 150W功率放大2SD1168硅 NPN 1500V 5A 50W开关管2SD1169硅 NPN 150V 5A 40W达林顿功率放大管2SD117硅 NPN 150V 7A 75W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1170硅 NPN 120V 6A 70W达林顿功率放大管2SD1171硅 NPN 1500V 5A 50W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1172硅 NPN 1500V 5A 65W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1173硅 NPN 1500V 5A 70W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1174硅 NPN 1500V 5A 95W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1175硅 NPN 1500V 5A 100W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1176硅 NPN 60V 8A 45W *K功率放大\开关管2SD1177硅 NPN 100V 2A 20W *K音频功率放大2SD1178硅 NPN 100V 2A 20W音频功率放大2SD1179硅 NPN 120V 1.5A 20W音频功率放大2SD118硅 NPN 130V 7A 75W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1180硅 NPN 120V 1.5A 10W音频功率放大2SD1181硅 NPN 180V 1.5A 10W音频功率放大2SD1182硅 NPN 180V 1.5A 10W音频功率放大2SD1183硅 NPN 1200V 3A 50W功率放大\开关管2SD1184硅 NPN 1500V 3A 50W功率放大\开关管2SD1185 铁拆硅 NPN 1200V 5A 50W功率放大\开关管2SD1186硅 NPN 1500V 5A 50W功率放大\开关管2SD1187硅 NPN 100V 10A 80W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1189硅 NPN 40V 2A 5W 100MHz *K普通射频\功率放大2SD1189F硅 NPN 32V 2A 5W驱动管2SD118BL硅 NPN 130V 7A 100W音频输出/放大管2SD118R硅 NPN 130V 7A 100W音频输出/放大管2SD118Y硅 NPN 130V 7A 100W音频输出/放大管2SD119硅 NPN 100V 7A 100W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1190硅 NPN 70V 4A 30W =5000 *K 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管 2SD1191硅 NPN 70V 7A 35W =5000 *K 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管 2SD1191 拆硅 NPN 70V 7A 35W =5000 *K 带阻尼2SD1192硅 NPN 70V 10A 40W =5000 *K 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管 2SD1193硅 NPN 70V 15A 70W =5000 *K 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管 2SD1194硅 NPN 110V 3A 30W =4000 *K 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管 2SD1195硅 NPN 110V 5A 35W =4000 *K 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管 2SD1196硅 NPN 110V 8A 40W =4000 *K 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管 2SD1197硅 NPN 110V 10A 70W =4000 *K 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管 2SD1198硅 NPN 30V 1A 750mW =7000达林顿音频放大管2SD1198A硅 NPN 60V 1A 750mW达林顿低频放大管2SD1199硅 NPN 40V 50mA 400mW普通用途2SD119BL硅 NPN 100V 7A 100W音频输出/放大管2SD119R硅 NPN 100V 7A 100W音频输出/放大管2SD119Y硅 NPN 100V 7A 100W音频输出/放大管2SD12硅 NPN 75V 2.5A 60W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD120硅 NPN 60V 1.5A 4W低频开关管2SD1200硅 NPN 80V 700MA 100W *K音频功率放大2SD1200F硅 NPN 80V 0.7A 5W驱动管2SD1201硅 NPN 500V 10A 100W 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管2SD1202硅 NPN 500V 10A 100W达林顿功率放大\开关管2SD1203硅 NPN 500V 15A 100W 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管2SD1204硅 NPN 500V 15A 100W达林顿功率放大\开关管2SD1205硅 NPN 30V 500mA 400mW =8000达林顿音频放大管2SD1205A硅 NPN 60V 500mA 400mw达林顿低频放大管2SD1206硅 NPN 30V 100MA 400mW *K普通用途2SD1207硅 NPN 60V 2A 1W *K音频功率放大2SD1208硅 NPN 45V 5A 100W =5000达林顿功率放大管2SD1209硅 NPN 60V 1A 900mW =6000 *K达林顿音频放大管2SD120H硅 NPN 60V 1.5A 4W 1.9MHz普通用途2SD121硅 NPN 100V 1.5A 4W低频开关管2SD1210硅 NPN 150V 10A 80W =5000达林顿管2SD1211硅 NPN 120V 500mA 1W 200MHz *K音频放大2SD1212硅 NPN 60V 12A 35W *K功率放大\开关管2SD1213硅 NPN 60V 20A 60W功率放大\开关管2SD1214硅 NPN 25V 2A 35W =5000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1215硅 NPN 25V 4A 40W =5000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1216硅 NPN 25V 8A 45W =5000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1217硅 NPN 50V 2A 35W =5000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1218硅 NPN 50V 4A 40W =5000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1219硅 NPN 50V 8A 45W =5000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD121H硅 NPN 100V 1.5A 4W 1.9MHz普通用途2SD122硅 NPN 60V 3A 15W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1220硅 NPN 150V 1.5A 1W *K音频功率放大2SD1221硅 NPN 60V 3A 20W *K音频功率放大2SD1222硅 NPN 60V 3A 1W =5000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管2SD1223硅 NPN 100V 4A 1W =5000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管2SD1224硅 NPN 30V 1.5A 1W =10000达林顿功率放大管2SD1225硅 NPN 40V 1A 135W *K音频功率放大2SD1225M硅 NPN 32V 1A 1W驱动管2SD1226硅 NPN 80V 700MA 1W *K音频功率放大2SD1226M硅 NPN 80V 0.7A 1W驱动管2SD1227硅 NPN 40V 2A 1W *K音频功率放大2SD1227M硅 NPN 32V 2A 1W驱动管2SD1228硅 NPN 50V 500mA 1W音频功率放大2SD1228M硅 NPN 50V 0.5A 0.6W驱动管2SD1229硅 NPN 70V 10A 60W =5000 *K 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管 2SD122H硅 NPN 60V 3A 7W 1.6MHz普通用途2SD123硅 NPN 100V 3A 15W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1230硅 NPN 110V 8A 60W =4000 *K 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管 2SD1231硅 NPN 70V 10A 70W =5000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1232硅 NPN 70V 15A 80W =5000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管2SD1233硅 NPN 110V 8A 70W 4000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管2SD1234硅 NPN 110V 10A 80W =4000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管2SD1235硅 NPN 60V 8A 30W *K音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1236硅 NPN 120V 5A 30W *K音频功率放大2SD1236A硅 NPN 250V 6A 40W音频放大2SD1237硅 NPN 120V 7A 40W *K音频功率放大2SD1238硅 NPN 120V 12A 80W *K音频功率放大2SD1239硅 NPN 120V 20A 100W音频功率放大2SD123H硅 NPN 100V 3A 7W 1.6MHz普通用途2SD124硅 NPN 60V 6A 60W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1240硅 NPN 120V 25A 120W音频功率放大2SD1241硅 NPN 60V 5A 60W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1241A硅 NPN 80V 5A 60W音频功率放大2SD1242硅 NPN 60V 6A 70W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1242A硅 NPN 80V 6A 70W音频功率放大2SD1243硅 NPN 60V 10A 100W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1244硅 NPN 40V 5A 60W音频功率放大2SD1245硅 NPN 500V 6A 40W =5000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大管2SD1246硅 NPN 30V 2A 750mW普通用途2SD1247硅 NPN 30V 2.5A 1W普通用途2SD1248硅 NPN 120V 8A 40W 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1249硅 NPN 350V 750mA 35W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1249A硅 NPN 300V 0.75A 1.3W普通用途2SD124A硅 NPN 75V 7A 60W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD124AH硅 NPN 75V 7A 60W 0.012MHz普通用途2SD124H硅 NPN 60V 6A 60W 1MHz普通用途2SD125硅 NPN 100V 6A 60W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1250硅 NPN 200V 2A 30W *K音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1250A硅 NPN 180V 2A 1.3W普通用途2SD1251硅 NPN 60V 3A 30W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1251A硅 NPN 80V 4A 30W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1252硅 NPN 60V 3A 35W *K音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1252A硅 NPN 80V 3A 35W *K音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1253硅 NPN 60V 4A 40W *K音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1253A硅 NPN 80V 4A 40W功率放大2SD1254硅 NPN 130V 3A 30W *K音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1255硅 NPN 130V 4A 35W *K音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1256硅 NPN 130V 5A 40W *K音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1257硅 NPN 130V 7A 40W *K音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1257A硅 NPN 150V 7A 40W开关电路2SD1258硅 NPN 200V 1A 40W =2000音频功率放大2SD1259硅 NPN 80V 3A 40W =1500音频功率放大2SD1259A硅 NPN 100V 3A 40W =1500音频功率放大2SD125A硅 NPN 100V 7A 60W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD125AH硅 NPN 100V 7A 60W 1MHz音频输出/放大管2SD125H硅 NPN 100V 7A 60W音频输出/放大管2SD126硅 NPN 150V 7A 60W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1260硅 NPN 60V 2A 35W =10000 *K达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1260A硅 NPN 80V 2A 35W功率放大2SD1261硅 NPN 60V 4A 40W =10000 *K达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1261A硅 NPN 80VN 4A 40W功率放大2SD1262硅 NPN 60V 8A 45W =10000 *K达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1262A硅 NPN 80V 8A 45W功率放大2SD1263硅 NPN 350V 750mA 35W功率放大\开关管2SD1263A硅 NPN 400V 750mA 35W功率放大2SD1264 拆硅 NPN 200V 2A 30W *K功率放大\开关管2SD1264A 拆硅 NPN 200V 2A 30W功率放大2SD1265硅 NPN 60V 4A 30W功率放大\开关管2SD1265A硅 NPN 80V 4A 30W功率放大\开关管2SD1266硅 NPN 60V 3A 35W *K功率放大\开关管2SD1266 拆2SD1266A硅 NNPN 80V 3A 35W功率放大2SD1267硅 NPN 60V 4A 40W *K功率放大\开关管2SD1267A硅 NPN 80V 4A 40W功率放大2SD1268硅 NPN 130V 3A 30W *K功率放大\开关管2SD1269硅 NPN 130V 4A 35W *K功率放大\开关管2SD126H硅 NPN 150V 7A 60W音频输出/放大管2SD127硅 NPN 23V 0.5A 0.25W音频激励2SD127(A)锗 NPN 23V 0.5A 0.25W音频放大及驱动?2SD1270硅 NPN 130V 5A 40W *K功率放大\开关管2SD1271硅 NPN 130V 7A 40W *K功率放大\开关管2SD1271A硅 NPN 150V 7A 40W开关电路2SD1272硅 NPN 200V 1A 40W =2000音频功率放大2SD1273硅 NPN 80V 3A 40W =1500音频功率放大2SD1273A硅 NPN 100V 3A 40W音频功率放大2SD1274硅 NPN 150V 5A 40W功率放大\开关管2SD1274A硅 NPN 200V 5A 40W功率放大\开关管2SD1274B硅 NPN 250V 5A 40W功率放大\开关管2SD1275硅 NPN 60V 2A 35W =10000 *K达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1275A硅 NPN 80V 2A 35W功率放大2SD1276硅 NPN 60V 4A 40W =10000 *K达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1276A硅 NPN 80V 4A 40W功率放大2SD1277硅 NPN 60V 8A 45W =10000 *K达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1277A硅 NPN 80V 4A 40W开关电路2SD1278硅 NPN 1200V 8A 100W功率放大\开关管2SD1279硅 NPN 1400V 8A 45W开关电路2SD127A锗 NPN 23V 500mA 250mW音频放大及驱动?2SD128硅 NPN 32V 500mA 250mW音频放大及驱动?2SD1280硅 NPN 20V 1A 1W *K音频功率放大2SD1281硅 NPN 100V 2A 20W功率放大\开关管2SD1282硅 NPN 100V 2A 20W功率放大\开关管2SD1283硅 NPN 120V 1.5A 20W功率放大\开关管2SD1284硅 NPN 120V 1.5A 20W功率放大\开关管2SD1286硅 NPN 60V 1A 10W =8000 *K 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1287硅 NPN 300V 30A 150W =300达林顿管2SD1288硅 NPN 120V 7A 70W音频功率放大2SD1289硅 NPN 120V 8A 80W音频功率放大2SD128A锗 NPN 32V 0.5A 0.25W音频放大及驱动?2SD129硅 NPN 90V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1290硅 NPN 1500V 3A 65W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1291硅 NPN 1500V 3A 50W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1292硅 NPN 100V 1A 900mW音频放大2SD1293硅 NPN 100V 1A 1W音频放大2SD1293M硅 NPN 80V 1A 1W驱动管2SD1294硅 NPN 45V 5A 80W =5000达林顿管2SD1295硅 NPN 50V 1.5A 20W *K功率放大\开关管2SD1296 ?,硅 NPN 150V 15A 100W =1000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1297硅 NPN 150V 25A 100W =10000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1298硅 NPN 500V 10A 100W =600 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1299硅 NPN 150V 15A 100W =5000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD13硅 NPN 35V 10A 100W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD130硅 NPN 60V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1300硅 NPN 1500V 3A 50W行输出管2SD1301硅 NPN 1500V 2A 45W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1302硅 NPN 25V 500mA 625mW音频放大2SD1303硅 NPN 20V 1A 1W普通用途2SD1304硅 NPN 17V 100mA 200mW普通用途2SD1305硅 NPN 185V 150mA 200mW音频放大2SD1306硅 NPN 30V 700mA 150mW音频放大2SD1307硅 NPN 350V 6A 35W =2500达林顿管2SD1308硅 NPN 150V 8A 40W =6000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1309硅 NPN 150V 8A 40W =6000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD131硅 NPN 100V 5A 50W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1310硅 NPN 60V 3A 30W音频功率放大2SD1311硅 NPN 100V 4A 40W *K音频功率放大2SD1312硅 NPN 120V 1A 1W *K音频功率放大2SD1313硅 NPN 800V 25A 200W功率放大\开关管2SD1314硅 NPN 600V 15A 150W =100达林顿功率放大\开关管2SD1315硅 NPN 150V 5A 40W =20000达林顿功率放大\开关管2SD1316硅 NPN 25V 2A 35W =10000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1317硅 NPN 25V 4A 40W =10000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1318硅 NPN 25V 8A 45W =10000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1319硅 NPN 50V 2A 35W =10000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD132硅 NPN 100V 20A 150W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1320硅 NPN 50V 4A 40W =10000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1321硅 NPN 50V 8A 45W =10000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1322硅 NPN 25V 2A 35W =10000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1323硅 NPN 25V 2A 40W =10000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管2SD1324硅 NPN 25V 8A 45W =10000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1325硅 NPN 50V 2A 35W =10000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1326硅 NPN 50V 4A 40W =10000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1327硅 NPN 50V 8A 45W =10000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1328硅 NPN 25V 500mA 200mW音频放大2SD1329硅 NPN 50V 6A 40W =7000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1330硅 NPN 25V 0.5A 0.6W音频放大2SD1331硅 NPN 40V 1.5A 900mW音频放大2SD1332硅 NPN 100V 5A 60W *K音频放大2SD1333硅 NPN 120V 6A 70W音频放大2SD1334硅 NPN 140V 7A 80W音频放大2SD1335硅 NPN 150V 9A 100W音频放大2SD1336硅 NPN 200V 6A 40W =3000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1336A硅 NPN 250V 6A 40W =3000达林顿功率放大\开关管2SD1337硅 NPN 1500V 2.5A 50W行输出管2SD1338硅 NPN 1500V 2.5A 50W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1339硅 NPN 1500V 3.5A 50W行输出管2SD134锗 NPN 60V 5mA 0.03W开关管2SD1340硅 NPN 1500V 3.5A 50W行输出管2SD1341硅 NPN 1500V 5A 50W行输出管2SD1342硅 NPN 1500V 5A 50W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1343硅 NPN 1500V 6A 50W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1344硅 NPN 1500V 6A 50W 带阻尼2SD1345硅 NPN 60V 7A 40W *K功率放大\开关管2SD1346硅 NPN 1400V 2.5A 40W行输出管2SD1347硅 NPN 60V 3A 1W *K音频功率放大2SD1348硅 NPN 60V 4A 10W *K音频功率放大2SD1349硅 NPN 500V 7A 50W =5000达林顿管2SD1350硅 NPN 400V 500mA 1W音频功率放大2SD1350A硅 NPN 500V 500mA 400mW高压管2SD1351硅 NPN 60V 3A 30W音频功率放大2SD1352硅 NPN 80V 4A 30W音频功率放大2SD1353硅 NPN 50V 3A 30W =600音频功率放大2SD1354硅 NPN 60V 3A 30W音频功率放大2SD1355硅 NPN 100V 5A 40W音频功率放大2SD1356硅 NPN 80V 4A 30W音频功率放大2SD1357硅 NPN 100V 7A 40W =6000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1358硅 NPN 80V 7A 40W =6000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1359硅 NPN 60V 7A 40W =6000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD136硅 NPN 200V 0.1A 4W视频输出级2SD1360硅 NPN 60V 7A 40W =1000达林顿管2SD1361硅 NPN 300V 6A 20W =5000达林顿管2SD1362硅 NPN 100V 7A 40W功率放大\开关管2SD1363硅 NPN 70V 7A 40W功率放大\开关管2SD1364硅 NPN 300V 7A 40W行输出管2SD1365硅 NPN 800V 3A 40W功率放大\开关管2SD1366硅 NPN 25V 3A 1W *K音频功率放大2SD1366A硅 NPN 30V 1A 1W *K音频功率放大2SD1366AA硅 NPN 25V 1A 1W 190MHz普通用途2SD1366AAC硅 NPN 30V 1A 1W 190MHz普通用途2SD1366AAD硅 NPN 30V 1A 1W 190MHz普通用途2SD1366AB硅 NPN 25V 1A 1W 190MHz普通用途2SD1367硅 NPN 20V 2A 1W *K音频功率放大2SD1367BA硅 NPN 20V 2A 1W 80MHz普通用途2SD1367BB硅 NPN 20V 2A 1W 80MHz普通用途2SD1367BC硅 NPN 20V 2A 1W 80MHz普通用途2SD1368硅 NPN 100V 1A 1W *K音频功率放大2SD1368CA硅 NPN 100V 1A 1W 80MHz普通用途2SD1368CB硅 NPN 100V 1A 1W 80MHz普通用途2SD1368CC硅 NPN 100V 1A 1W 80MHz普通用途2SD1369硅 NPN 60V 3A 25W =5000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD137硅 NPN 300V 0.1A 4W视频输出级2SD1370硅 NPN 100V 4A 30W =4000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1371硅 NPN 300V 2A 40W音频功率放大2SD1372硅 NPN 300V 4A 50W音频功率放大2SD1373硅 NPN 300V 3A 50W音频功率放大2SD1374硅 NPN 300V 3A 50W音频功率放大2SD1375硅 NPN 300V 4A 90W音频功率放大2SD1376硅 NPN 120V 1.5A 8W =5000 带阻尼 *K达林顿管 2SD1376K硅 NPN 20W普通用途2SD1377硅 NPN 120V 8A 40W =4000达林顿管2SD1377K硅 NPN 120V 8A 40W =20000达林顿管2SD1378硅 NPN 80V 700mA 10W *K音频功率放大2SD1379硅 NPN 40V 2A 10W =20000达林顿管2SD138硅 NPN 200V 1A 30W视频输出级2SD1380硅 NPN 40V 2A 10W *K音频功率放大2SD1381硅 NPN 120V 1A 5W音频功率放大2SD1381F硅 NPN 80V 1A 5W驱动管2SD1382硅 NPN 120V 1A 10W狻 180音频功率放大2SD1383硅 NPN 40V 300mA 200mW =20000达林顿管2SD1383K硅 NPN 40V 0.3A 0.2W =1000达林顿管2SD1384硅 NPN 40V 2A 750mW *K音频放大2SD1385硅 NPN 400V 100mA 1.2W音频功率放大2SD1386硅 NPN 140V 8A 50W =4000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1387硅 NPN 20V 2A 700mW音频放大2SD1388硅 NPN 60V 1A 700mW音频放大2SD1389硅 NPN 1200V 6A 50W功率放大\开关管2SD139硅 NPN 300V 1A 30W视频输出级2SD1390 拆硅 NPN 1500V 2A 40W行输出管2SD1391硅 NPN 1500V 5A 100W行输出管2SD1392硅 NPN 60V 5A 30W =20000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1393硅 NPN 50V 1.5A 30W =4000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1394硅 NPN 50V 3A 30W =4000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1395硅 NPN 50V 5A 40W =4000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1396硅 NPN 1500V 2.5A 50W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1397硅 NPN 1500V 3.5A 50W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1398硅 NPN 1500V 5A 50W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1398拆硅 NPN 1500V 5A 50W 带阻尼2SD1399硅 NPN 1500V 6A 50W 带阻尼行输出管2SD14硅 NPN 75V 10A 100W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1402SD1400硅 NPN 1500V 2.5A 80W行输出管2SD1401硅 NPN 1500V 3.5A 80W行输出管2SD1402 拆硅 NPN 1500V 5A 120W 3MHz行输出管2SD1403 拆硅 NPN 1500V 6A 120W2SD1403合资2SD1403原装硅 NPN 1500V 6A 120W行输出管2SD1404硅 NPN 300V 7A 40W行输出管2SD1405硅 NPN 50V 3A 20W音频功率放大2SD1406硅 NPN 60V 3A 20W *K音频功率放大2SD1407硅 NPN 100V 5A 25W *K音频功率放大2SD1408 拆硅 NPN 80V 4A 20W *K音频功率放大2SD1409硅 NPN 600V 6A 25W =1000达林顿管2SD141硅 NPN 20V 3A 15W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1410硅 NPN 300V 6A 25W =4000达林顿管2SD1411硅 NPN 100V 7A 25W *K功率放大\开关管2SD1412硅 NPN 70V 7A 25W *K功率放大\开关管2SD1413硅 NPN 60V 3A 25W =5000 带阻尼 *K达林顿管 2SD1413 拆2SD1414硅 NPN 100V 4A 30W =4000 带阻尼 *K达林顿管 2SD1415硅 NPN 100V 7A 40W =6000 带阻尼 *K达林顿管 2SD1416硅 NPN 80V 7A 40W =6000 带阻尼 *K达林顿管 2SD1417硅 NPN 60V 7A 40W =6000 带阻尼 *K达林顿管 2SD1418硅 NPN 120V 1A 1W *K音频功率放大2SD1418DA硅 NPN 120V 1A 1W 140MHz普通用途2SD1418DB硅 NPN 120V 1A 1W 140MHz普通用途2SD1418DC硅 NPN 120V 1A 1W 140MHz普通用途2SD1419硅 NPN 120V 1A 1W *K音频功率放大2SD1419DD硅 NPN 120V 1A 1W 140MHz普通用途2SD1419DE硅 NPN 120V 1A 1W 140MHz普通用途2SD142硅 NPN 40V 3A 15W *K音频放大\开关及功率放大 2SD1420硅 NPN 180V 1.5A 500mW *K音频功率放大2SD1421硅 NPN 180V 1.5A 500mW *K音频功率放大2SD1422硅 NPN 100V 2A 500mW *K音频功率放大2SD1423硅 NPN 30V 500mA 300mW *K音频放大2SD1423A硅 NPN 60V 0.5A 0.3W *K音频放大2SD1424硅 NPN 50V 50mA 300mW =2000音频放大2SD1425硅 NPN 1500V 2.5A 80W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1425A硅 NPN 1500V 2.5A 80W狻 12开关管2SD1426硅 NPN 1500V 3.5A 80W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1426 拆机硅 NPN 1500V 3.5A 80W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1426A硅 NPN 1500V 3.5A 80W狻 12开关管2SD1426合资2SD1427硅 NPN 1500V 5A 80W 狻 12 带阻尼行输出管2SD1427A硅 NPN 1500V 5A 80W 狻 12 带阻尼行输出管2SD1427拆硅 NPN 1500V 5A 80W 狻 12 带阻尼行输出管 2SD1427合资硅 NPN 1500V 5A 80W 狻 12 带阻尼行输出管 2SD1428硅 NPN 1500V 6A 80W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1428A硅 NPN 1500V 6A 80W狻 12开关管2SD1428拆 ?,N 1500V 6A 80W 带阻尼2SD1429硅 NPN 1500V 2.5A 80W行输出管2SD1429A硅 NPN 1500V 2.5A 80W狻 20开关管2SD142AP -40V -15mA 80mW射频放大2SD143硅 NPN 80V 2A 15W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1430A硅 NPN 1500V 3.5A 80W狻 20开关管2SD1431硅 NPN 1500V 5A 80W行输出管2SD1431A硅 NPN 1500V 5A 80W狻 20开关管2SD1431拆硅 NPN 1500V 5A 80W行输出管2SD1432硅 NPN 1500V 6A 80W行输出管2SD1432A硅 NPN 1500V 6A 80W狻 20开关管2SD1433硅 NPN 1500V 7A 80W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1433 合资2SD1433A硅 NPN 1500V 7A 80W狻 20开关管2SD1434硅 NPN 1700V 5A 80W行输出管2SD1435 拆机 ?,硅 NPN 100V 15A 100W =5000 带阻尼 *K ?,达林顿管 2SD1435K硅 NPN 100V 15A 100W =20000 *K达林顿管2SD1436硅 NPN 120V 10A 80W =5000 带阻尼 *K达林顿管2SD1436K硅 NPN 120V 10A 80W =20000 *K达林顿管2SD1437硅 NPN 80V 3A 40W *K音频功率放大2SD1438硅 NPN 80V 2A 15W =5000功率放大\开关管2SD1439硅 NPN 1500V 3A 50W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1439 合资硅 NPN 1500V 3A 50W 带阻尼行输出管2SD144硅 NPN 100V 2A 15W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1440硅 NPN 1500V 3A 50W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1441硅 NPN 1500V 4A 70W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1442硅 NPN 40V 7A 30W *K功率放大\开关管2SD1442A硅 NPN 50V 7A 30W *K功率放大\开关管2SD1443硅 NPN 40V 10A 40W *K功率放大\开关管2SD1443A硅 NPN 50V 10A 40W *K功率放大\开关管2SD1444硅 NPN 40V 7A 30W *K功率放大\开关管2SD1444A硅 NPN 50V 7A 30W *K功率放大\开关管2SD1445硅 NPN 40V 10A 40W *K功率放大\开关管2SD14453N 1500V 3A 50W开关电路2SD1445A硅 NPN 50V 10A 40W *K功率放大\开关管2SD1446硅 NPN 500V 6A 40W =2000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1447硅 NPN 30V 1A 900mW *K音频功率放大2SD1447C硅 NPN 30V 1A 0.9W 100MHz普通用途2SD1447D硅 NPN 30V 1A 0.9W 100MHz普通用途2SD1447E硅 NPN 30V 1A 0.9W 100MHz普通用途2SD1448硅 NPN 70V 3A 10W音频功率放大2SD1448P硅 NPN 70V 3A 10W 60MHz普通用途2SD1448Q硅 NPN 70V 3A 10W 60MHz普通用途2SD1448-Z硅 NPN 70V 3A 10W音频功率放大2SD1449硅 NPN 120V 0.02A 0.3W Nf=1.5db低噪声视频输出2SD1450硅 NPN 25V 500mA 300mW =400音频放大2SD1451硅 NPN 1500V 1.5A 50W =12 带阻尼行输出管2SD1452硅 NPN 1500V 2.5A 50W =10 带阻尼行输出管2SD1453硅 NPN 1500V 3A 50W =10 带阻尼行输出管2SD1453拆硅 NPN 1500 3A 40W =10 带阻尼2SD1454硅 NPN 1500V 4A 50W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1455 拆硅 NPN 1500V 5A 50W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1456硅 NPN 1500V 6A 50W 带阻尼行输出管2SD1457硅 NPN 100V 6A 60W =4000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1457A硅 NPN 200V 6A达林顿管2SD1458硅 NPN 60V 700mA 1W =1500音频功率放大2SD1459Q硅 NPN 150V 1.5A 2W 8MHz普通用途2SD1459R硅 NPN 150V 1.5A 2W 10MHz普通用途2SD146硅 NPN 40V 1A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1460硅 NPN 100V 30A 200W =4000达林顿管2SD1461硅 NPN 430V 5A 80W =1000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1462硅 NPN 20V 2A 0.6W音频放大2SD1463硅 NPN 120V 50mA 1W *K音频功率放大2SD1463GA硅 NPN 1W普通用途2SD1463GB硅 NPN 120V 0.05A 1W 140MHz普通用途2SD1464硅 NPN 180V 50mA 1W *K音频功率放大2SD1464HA硅 NPN 180V 0.05A 1W 140MHz普通用途2SD1464HB硅 NPN 180V 0.05A 1W 140MHz普通用途2SD1465硅 NPN 120V 1.5A 20W =30000达林顿管2SD1465L硅 NPN 20W普通用途2SD1466硅 NPN 500V 15A 100W 猓 200 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1468硅 NPN 30V 1A 400MW fr=150M音频功率放大2SD1468S硅 NPN 30V 1A 0.4W音频功率放大2SD1469硅 NPN 30V 1A 600mW音频功率放大2SD1469M硅 NPN 15V 1A 0.6W 150MHz普通用途2SD147硅 NPN 40V 1A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1470硅 NPN 60V 1A 500mW =5000达林顿管2SD1471硅 NPN 40V 300mA 500mW =25000达林顿管2SD1472硅 NPN 120V 1.5A 1W =30000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1473硅 NPN 500V 500mA 500mW =20音频放大2SD1474硅 NPN 100V 6A 40W =800音频放大\开关及功率放大 2SD1475硅 NPN 80V 4A 30W =80音频放大\开关及功率放大 2SD1476硅 NPN 80V 4A 30W =80音频放大\开关及功率放大 2SD1477硅 NPN 30V 100mA 400mW =300音频放大2SD1478硅 NPN 30V 500mA 200mW =10000达林顿管2SD1478A硅 NPN 60V 0.5A 0.2W =20000达林顿管2SD1479硅 NPN 1500V 2A 80W =4行输出管2SD148硅 NPN 70V 2A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1480硅 NPN 60V 2A 25W =100 *K音频功率放大2SD1481硅 NPN 60V 2A 15W =8000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1482硅 NPN 40V 100mA 200mW =150音频放大2SD1483硅 NPN 20V 700mA 1W =1500音频放大2SD1484硅 NPN 50V 0.5A 0.2W音频放大2SD1484K硅 NPN 50V 0.5A 0.2W音频放大2SD1485硅 NPN 100V 5A 60W =100 *K音频功率放大2SD1486硅 NPN 120V 6A 70W =100 *K音频功率放大2SD1487硅 NPN 140V 7A 80W =100 *K音频功率放大2SD1488硅 NPN 150V 9A 100W =100 *K音频功率放大2SD1489硅 NPN 20V 2A 760mW *K音频放大2SD1489B硅 NPN 20V 2A 0.75W 80MHz普通用途2SD1489C硅 NPN 180V 0.05A 1W 140MHz普通用途2SD1489D硅 NPN 180V 0.05A 1W 140MHz普通用途2SD149硅 NPN 70V 1A 0.8W低频开关管2SD1490硅 NPN 70V 1A 750mW 80MHz *K音频放大2SD1490B硅 NPN 70V 1A 0.75W 80MHz普通用途2SD1490C硅 NPN 70V 1A 0.75W 80MHz普通用途2SD1490D硅 NPN 70V 1A 0.75W 80MHz普通用途2SD1492硅 NPN 1500V 1.5A 50W =15行输出管2SD1493硅 NPN 1500V 2.5A 50W =12行输出管2SD1494硅 NPN 1500V 3A 50W =12行输出管2SD1495硅 NPN 1500V 4A 50W =12行输出管2SD1496硅 NPN 1500V 5A 50W =12行输出管2SD1497 拆硅 NPN 1500V 6A 50W =15行输出管2SD1498硅 NPN 1400V 8A 50W =12行输出管2SD1499硅 NPN 100V 5A 40W =100 *K音频功率放大2SD15硅 NPN 60V 6A 80W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD150硅 NPN 50V 1A 15W *K音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1500硅 NPN 150V 10A 40W B=5000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1501硅 NPN 70V 1A 1W B=250音频功率放大2SD1502硅 NPN 300V 300mA 15W =7000达林顿管2SD1503硅 NPN 900V 6A 50W =5行输出管2SD1504硅 NPN 30V 500mA 300mW =430音频放大2SD1504D硅 NPN 30V 0.5A 0.3W 300MHz普通用途2SD1504E硅 NPN 30V 0.5A 0.3W 300MHz普通用途2SD1505硅 NPN 60V 3A 30W =120 *K音频功率放大2SD1506硅 NPN 60V 3A 10W =120 *K音频功率放大2SD1507硅 NPN 50V 3A 1W =120 *K音频功率放大2SD1507M硅 NPN 50V 3A 1W 90MHz普通用途2SD1508硅 NPN 30V 1.5A 10W =7000达林顿管2SD1509硅 NPN 80V 2A 10W =5000达林顿管2SD151硅 NPN 100V 10A 120W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1510硅 NPN 60V 4A 35W =5000达林顿管2SD1511硅 NPN 60V 1A 1W =1500达林顿管2SD1512硅 NPN 100V 20mA 300mW =1000音频放大2SD1513硅 NPN 20V 2A 750mW *K音频放大2SD1513K硅 NPN 20V 2A 0.75W 200MHz普通用途2SD1513L硅 NPN 20V 2A 0.75W 200MHz普通用途2SD1513V硅 NPN 20V 2A 0.75W 200MHz普通用途2SD1514硅 NPN 100V 15A 100W =4000达林顿管2SD1515硅 NPN 200V 15A 100W =3000达林顿管2SD1516硅 NPN 130V 2A 25W =130音频功率放大2SD1517硅 NPN 130V 2A 25W =130音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1518硅 NPN 900V 6A 50W =20功率放大\开关管2SD1519硅 NPN 1400V 10A 80W =20行输出\开关及功率放大2SD152硅 NPN 150V 1A 15W音频放大\开关及功率放大2SD1520硅 NPN 100V 4A 10W =3000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1520L硅 NPN 20W普通用途2SD1521硅 NPN 50V 1.5A 20W =4000 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1522硅 NPN 500V 10A 100W =500 带阻尼达林顿管2SD1523硅 NPN 450V 15A 100W =500达林顿管2SD1524硅 NPN 450V 10A 100W =300达林顿管2SD1525硅 NPN 100V 30A 150W =4000 带阻尼达林顿功率放大\开关管 2SD1526硅 NPN 130V 1A 1W =200音频功率放大2SD1527硅 NPN 1000V 500mA 25W =20音频功率放大2SD1528硅 NPN 130V 3A 30W =180功率放大\开关管2SD1529硅 NPN 130V 3A 30W =180功率放大\开关管2SD153硅 NPN 250V 10A 120W功率放大\开关管2SD1530硅 NPN 130V 3A 30W =180功率放大\开关管。
学位论文指导教师签名:年月日60W反激式开关电源的设计聂亚芬60W Flyback Switching Power Supply DesignYafen Nie2017年05月30日东华理工大学毕业设计摘要摘要电源技术是当代科技的重要组成部分,无论是在日常生活还是尖端科技中,电源技术都扮演着一个重要的角色。
设计考虑在设计60W电源方案时,以下是一些值得考虑的因素:1. 输入电压和频率输入电压和频率是电源设计中的重要因素。
2. 输出电压和电流根据设备的需求,确定输出电压和电流的要求。
60W的功率输出可以通过合适的电压和电流组合实现,例如12V和5A 或者 20V和3A。
3. 效率和能耗考虑到能源消耗和效率的重要性,选择具有高效率的电源方案可以降低功率损耗和电源热量。
4. 稳定性和可靠性电源设计应保证输出电压的稳定性,并具有过流、过热和过载保护功能,以防止设备损坏或故障。
5. 尺寸和重量电源方案的尺寸和重量对于一些应用场景非常重要,特别是移动设备和便携式电子产品。
60W电源方案示例以下是一个示例60W电源方案的详细设计:输入电压和频率•输入电压范围: 100-240V AC•输入频率范围: 50-60Hz输出电压和电流•输出电压: 12V DC•输出电流: 5A效率和能耗•预计效率: 85%以上•待机能耗: 低于0.5W稳定性和可靠性•输出电压稳定性: ±5%•过流保护: 自动恢复•过热保护: 自动断电尺寸和重量•尺寸: 10cm x 5cm x 3cm•重量: 200克总结本文介绍了一种适用于60W功率需求的电源方案设计考虑因素,并提供了一个示例设计。
BG-PSC6X2-4K 4K 18Gbps 6x2 演示放大器切换器说明书
USER MANUALThank you for purchasing this product. For optimum performance and safety, please read these instructions carefully before connecting, operating or adjusting this product. Please keep this manual for future reference.SURGE PROTECTION DEVICE RECOMMENDEDThis product contains sensitive electrical components that may be damaged by electrical spikes, surges, electric shock, lightning strikes, etc. Use of surge protection systems is highly recommended in order to protect and extend the life of your equipment.Table of ContentIntroduction (4)Features (4)Panel Descriptions (5)Front Panel (5)Rear Panel (6)Remote Control Description (7)Application Diagram (8)Specifications (8)IR TX/RX Guidelines (9)RS-232 Pin Assignment (9)RS232 and Telnet Commands (10)Package Contents (12)Maintenance (13)Warranty Policy (13)Limitations of Warranty (13)Exclusive Remedies (14)RMA Policy (14)Standard Replacement (14)Once you have obtained an RMA number (15)Please note: (15)Warranty Information (Second Year Assurance) (16)Mission Statement (17)IntroductionThe BG-PSC6X2-4K is a 4K/18Gbps presentation scaler switcher supports 6 inputs including 3 HDMI inputs, 1 DisplayPort, 1 USB-C and 1 VGA, and 2 HDMI mirrored outputs. With built-in scaler chip, the video can be scaled to various aspect ratios and resolutions from 1024x 768 up to 3840x 2160 @ 60Hz.The presentation switcher also features advanced audio embedding and de-embedding, it can offer flexible application of audio which includes analog and digital audio, MIC In and Line out. Each source and display could be controlled and configured via front-panel button, IR remote, RS232, Telnet, WebGUI. This product is a suitable solution for presentation purpose at classroom and conference room.Features•4K@60Hz 4:4:4, HDR10, HLG and full 3D•Switch & Scale 6 sources to 2 displays•3x HDMI input, 1x VGA w/Audio input, 1x USB-C input, 1x Display port input•2x HDMI mirrored outputs•1x MIC line level audio input (70 Db) with phantom power.•Audio embedding and de-embedding•3x HDMI inputs support CEC pass-through•Scaling from 640x480 to 4096x2160@60Hz•Front-panel LCD display for status feedback•Front-panel button, IR remote control, RS-232, TCP/IP and WebGUI for control•HDCP 2.2 compliantPanel DescriptionsFront Panel1. LCD display – Show the status of input-to-output selection, EDID info and so on.2. Power button – Press to power on the unit3. Mute button – Press to mute the HDMI outputs and L/R & Coaxial audio outputs.(Mutefunction only works for PCM format audio, other format audio will bypass)4. HDMI Input selection button – Press to select Output1& 2 from HDMI Input 1 to 3.5. Format set button – Press to set the resolution for the output6. Menu button – Press to enter EDID setting, volume setting or F/M information.Three EDID segments will display on the LCD panel formatted as: INPUT VIDEO AUDIO, for example: IN1 1080P 2.0CH, it means to set 1080P 2.0CH EDID to Input1. The blinking segment is the one can be changed currently, press “Menu”button will change the segment.7. Up selection button – Press to change segment’s value8. Enter button – Press to confirm the settings.9. IR receiver window – Receive the IR from the remote control of BG-PSC6X2-4K10. L/R In – Press to embed analog audio into the HDMI outputs.11. DP Input button – Press to select DisplayPort Input.12. USB-C Input button – Press to select USB-C Input.13. VGA Input button – Press to select VGA Input14. Volume up –Press to increase audio’s volume from HDMI outputs and Audio output.(Volume adjustment function only works for PCM format audio, other format audio will bypass)15. Volume down – Press to decrease audio’s volume from HDMI outputs and Audio output.(Volume adjustment function only works for PCM format audio, other format audio will bypass)16. Down selection button – Press to change segment’s value17. ESC – Press to quit EDID set mode.Rear Panel1. TCP/IP port – RJ45 connector, for TCP/IP control.2. RS232 port – DB9 female connector, to control the unit from a PC or control processor.3. Coaxial audio output – Output coaxial audio which always follow HDMI outputs4. L/R audio output – Output analog audio which follow HDMI outputs.5. Service port – Micro USB port, for firmware upgrade.(Upgrade cable should be purchasedseparately).6. Upgrade slip switch –Used with service port to upgrade SC/Scaler Chip or MB/MainBoard7. HDMI Input 1 to 3 – Connect to HDMI sources.8. DP Input – Connect to DisplayPort source.9. USB-C Input – Micro USB port, connect to USB-C source10. VGA Input – Connect to VGA source.11. L/R Input – L/R audio input with VGA input12. HDMI Output 1 to 2 – Connect to HDMI display.13. MIC In – Plug microphone in for audio source output.14. 48V/MIC/Line – Slip switcher48V phantom power mode: connects with phantom condenser microphoneMIC mode: connects with dynamic microphone and electrets condenser microphoneLine mode: connects with wireless microphone or line audio input.15. IR slip switcher – Slip to select 5V IR or 12V IR16. IR Ctrl – Connect to IR receiver cable17. DC 24V – Use included 24V/1A power supply to power on the unit.Remote Control DescriptionInput: Source selection for HDMI output 1 & output 2.SRC AUD/Source Audio:Bypass: Audio on HDMI outputs is from HDMIinput selected.Embed: Audio on HDMI outputs is from L/RAnalogue audio input (3.5mm Jack)Format:Video output resolution selection.The BG-PSC6X2-4K includes built-in video scaler. Pressthe required resolution button on remote control to changethe HDMI output video resolutionMIC control:Mix On: Open Mix Audio modeMix Off: Close Mix Audio modeMic Only: Only microphone has audio outputVol+: Increase the volume of microphoneVol-: Decrease the volume of microphoneOutput Vol: Press to Increase/Decrease/Mute thevolume of Audio from HDMI outputs and De-embeddedaudio output.Application DiagramSpecificationsIR TX/RX GuidelinesIR Emitter: Plug in the IR emitter to emit all IR command signals received from the IR receiver from the other end to control the devices corresponding to the IR signals.IR Receiver: Plug in the IR receiver to receiver all IR command signals from the IR remote controls of the corresponding devices.RS-232 Pin AssignmentBaud Rate: 57600 bps Data Bit: 8-bit Parity: None Stop Bit: 1-bitFlow Control: NoneRS232 and Telnet Commandsxx=+: Volume Increasexx=-: Volume Decrease24 MUTE ON/OFF Set Scaler Output Audio Mute ON Or OFF25 MIC MIX mm Set MIC And Background Audio Mix Mode mm=ON: Mix MIC And Background Audio mm=BGO: Background Audio Onlymm= MICO: MIC Audio Only26 MIC VOL xx Set MIC Input Audio Volumexx=[00…01]:MIC Volume Value27 MIC MUTE ON/OFF Set MIC Mute On Or Off28 MIC AUTOBG ON/OFF Set Auto Decrease Background Audio When Detect MIC Voice29 MIC BGVOL pp Set Auto Decrease Background Audio To pp Percent of “VOL xx”pp=[00…100]:Percent of “VOL xx” Setting30 MIC BGR dd After Speaking, The MIC Takes dd Second To Raise The Volume dd=[01…20]: Delay Seconds31 NET DHCP ON/OFF Set Auto IP(DHCP) ON Or OFF32 NET IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Set IP Address33 NET GW xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Set Gateway Address34 NET SM xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx Set Subnet Mask Address35 NET TN XXXX Set Telnet Port36 NET RB Set Network Reboot and Apply New Config Package Contents1x BG-PSC6X2-4K1x 24V/1A power supply1x Remote control1x IR Receiver cable.1x mounting kit.MaintenanceClean this unit with a soft, dry cloth. Never use alcohol, paint thinner or benzene to clean this unit.Warranty PolicyBZBGEAR products are warranted against defects in material and workmanship for one year from the date of shipment. During the warranty period, BZBGEAR will, at its option, repair or replace products that prove to be defective. Repairs are warranted for the remainder of the original warranty.For equipment under warranty, the owner is responsible for freight to BZBGEAR and all related customs, taxes, tariffs, insurance, etc. BZBGEAR is responsible for the freight charges only for return of the equipment from the factory to the owner. BZBGEAR will return the equipment by the same method (i.e., Air, Express, Surface) as the equipment was sent to BZBGEAR.All equipment returned for warranty repair must have a valid RMA number issued prior to return and be marked clearly on the return packaging. BZBGEAR strongly recommends all equipment be returned in its original packaging.BZBGEAR’s obligations under this warranty are limited to repair or replacement of failed parts, and the return shipment to the buyer of the repaired or replaced parts.Limitations of WarrantyThe warranty does not apply to any part of a product that has been installed, altered, repaired, or misused in any way that, in the opinion of BZBGEAR, would affect the reliability or detracts from the performance of any part of the product, or is damaged as the result of use in a way or with equipment that had not been previously approved by BZBGEAR.The warranty does not apply to any product or parts thereof where the serial number or the serial number of any of its parts has been altered, defaced, or removed.The warranty does not cover damage or loss incurred in transportation of the product.The warranty does not cover replacement or repair necessitated by loss or damage from any cause beyond the control of BZBGEAR, such as lightning or other natural and weather-related events or wartime environments.The warranty does not cover any labor involved in the removal and or reinstallation of warranted equipment or parts on site, or any labor required to diagnose the necessity for repair or replacement.The warranty excludes any responsibility by BZBGEAR for incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of the equipment or products, or for any inability to use them either separate from or in combination with any other equipment or products.A fixed charge established for each product will be imposed for all equipment returned for warranty repair where BZBGEAR cannot identify the cause of the reported failure.Exclusive RemediesBZBGEAR’s warranty, as stated is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed, implied, or statutory, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The buyer shall pass on to any purchaser, lessee, or other user of BZBGEAR’s products, the aforementioned warranty, and shall indemnify and hold harmless BZBGEAR from any claims or liability of such purchaser, lessee, or user based upon allegations that the buyer, its agents, or employees have made additional warranties or representations as to product preference or use.The remedies provided herein are the buyer’s sole and exclusive remedies. BZBGEAR shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, whether based on contract, tort, or any other legal theory.RMA PolicyWhen returning product to BZBGEAR for any reason, the customer should fill out the official RMA form to obtain an RMA number. Without the permission or approval, BZBGEAR will not be responsible for any return. This can be initiated by emailing or calling your related sales. All requests are processed within 48 hours.Standard ReplacementFor customers that agree to return defective product to BZBGEAR first, a Standard Replacement option is available.An RMA number must first be issued by sales. This RMA number will need to be referenced on the outside of the return shipment.Upon receipt of the defective product, BZBGEAR will, at its discretion, either repair or replace the product and ship it out in the most expeditious manner possible. Subject to availability, the replacement product will be shipped on the business day following receipt of the defective product.In the event the product returned to BZBGEAR has been discontinued (i.e. the product is no longer being manufactured by BZBGEAR but is still under warranty), BZBGEAR will, at its discretion, either repair or replace with recertified product.Once you have obtained an RMA numberAfter obtaining an RMA number from BZBGEAR, you must send the product - freight prepaid - to BZBGEAR Technology Co., Ltd. The BZBGEAR RMA number must be prominently displayed on the outside of your package. If you send your product to BZBGEAR without the RMA number prominently displayed on the outside of the package, it will be returned to you unopened.Please use a shipping company that can demonstrate proof of delivery. BZBGEAR does not accept responsibility for any lost shipments unless proof of delivery to BZBGEAR is provided.Please note:Product shipped to BZBGEAR must be properly packaged to prevent loss or damage in transit.Shipping your RMA to BZBGEAR using regular mailing envelopes is not acceptable, as they do not protect the product from damage during shipping.BZBGEAR will not repair or replace a module that is shipped in such a way that the product is not properly protected.BZBGEAR will not accept any product that has been damaged as a result of accident, abuse, misuse, natural or personal disaster, or any unauthorized disassemble, repair or modification.Warranty Information (Second Year Assurance)BZBGEAR wants to assure you peace of mind. We're so confident in the quality of our products that along with the manufacturer's one-year limited warranty, we are offering free second-year warranty coverage upon registration*!Taking advantage of this program is simple, just follow the steps below:1. Register your product within 90 days of purchase by visiting /warranty.2. Complete the registration form. Provide all necessary proof of purchase details, including serial number and a copy of your sales receipt.Forquestions,**************************************************.For complete warranty information, please visit /warranty or scan the QR code below.*Terms and conditions apply. Registration is required.Mission StatementBZBGEAR manifests from the competitive nature of the audiovisual industry to innovate while keeping the customer in mind. AV solutions can cost a pretty penny, and new technology only adds to it. We believe everyone deserves to see, hear, and feel the advancements made in today’s AV world without having to break the bank. BZBGEAR is the solution for small to medium-sized applications requiring the latest professional products in AV.We live in a DIY era where resources are abundant on the internet. With that in mind, our team offers system design consultation and expert tech support seven days a week for the products in our BZBGEAR catalog. You’ll notice comparably lower prices with BZBGEAR solutions, but the quality of the products is on par with the top brands in the industry. The unparalleled support from our team is our way of showing we care for every one of our customers. Whether you’re an integrator, home theater enthusiast, or a do-it-yourselfer, BZBGEAR offers the solutions to allow you to focus on your project and not your budget.。
由IRF系列功率晶体管参数得出, 单个的IRF840 能提供最大为125瓦特的输出功率。
因而这些晶体管被广泛用于逆变器和功率放大器里,调好后的放大器只要输入一个较小的功率(3瓦), 可以得到60瓦的输出功率,所以非常地受欢迎VWN QRP的欢迎。
把一个24V/6w电灯接在天线插座上代替天线作为“假负载”. 输入手待机的信号调整10K的电阻使发射电流到100mA。
发射机就算调整好. IRF840功率放大器甚至还可以在120V的电压并使用230V/60W灯泡作为假负载的情况下调整(IRF840的工作电压不要超过Vds的一半)。
这个线性放大器使用的开启电压0.8 V。
因此功率管在使用是门限电压一定不要大于2V,用1V以下将是比较安全的 .
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T20.T39 那有卖的那10E电阻是多大的???????。
亚特兰斯商业音频放大器PA40G PA60G说明书
PA40G / PA60G Commercial AmplifierPA40G & PA60G Commercial AmplifiersPA40G Front Silkscreen Artwork Left InRight In1601 Jack McKay Blvd Ennis, TX 75119800.876.333360 Watts 70.7V/100V Speaker OutPA40G / PA60G Commercial Amplifier1601 Jack McKay Blvd. • Ennis, Texas 75119 U.S.A.Telephone: 800.876.3333 • Fax: 800.765.3435Table of ContentsImportant Safety Instructions ..................................................................................................3Introduction ..............................................................................................................................5Features ...................................................................................................................................5Applications ..............................................................................................................................5Front Panel Description ............................................................................................................5Rear Panel Description .............................................................................................................6Wiring the PA40G / PA60G ......................................................................................................6Optional Level Control Security Cover .....................................................................................7Optional Rack Mount Kit ..........................................................................................................7Limit LED & Load Considerations ............................................................................................7Specifications ...........................................................................................................................9Warranty .. (12)– 3 –1601 Jack McKay Blvd. • Ennis, Texas 75119 U.S.A.Telephone: 800.876.3333 • Fax: 800.765.34353. Heed all warnings.4. Follow all instructions.5. Do not use this device near water.6. Clean only with dry cloth.7. Do not block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.8. Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other device (including amplifiers) that produce heat.9. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a thirdgrounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.10. Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the device.11. Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.12. Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table specified by the manufacturer, or sold with the device. When a cart is used use caution when moving the cart/device combination to avoid injury from tip-over.13. Unplug this device during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.14. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the device has beendamaged in any way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled, or objects have fallen into the device, the device has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.15. WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, this device should not be exposed to rain or moisture and objects filled with liquids, such as a vase, should not be placed on this device.16. To completely disconnect this equipment from the mains, disconnect the power supply cord plug from the receptacle.17. The mains plug of the power supply cord shall remain readily operable.1. Plugging in or unplugging the power cord with wet hands may result in electric shock.2. Never move the device with the power cord plugged into the wall, as damage to the power cord may result.3. When unplugging the cord from the wall, grasp the plug, NOT the cord.4. Never install this device in humid or dusty locations, nor in direct sunlight, near sources of heat, or in areas where sooty smoke or steam are present. Fire and electric shock may result.5. Keep all sides of the device at least 31⁄2" away from objects that may obstruct air flow to prevent the unit'sinternal temperature rise.CAUTION – When Installing the Product– 4 –PA40G / PA60G Commercial Amplifier1601 Jack McKay Blvd. • Ennis, Texas 75119 U.S.A.Telephone: 800.876.3333 • Fax: 800.765.34351. To prevent electric shock, do not remove the device cover as there are high voltage components inside.Refer all servicing to Atlas Sound.2. Should any of the following irregularities occur during use, immediately switch off the power,disconnect the power cord from the AC outlet and contact Atlas Sound. Do not to attempt to continue operation with the device as this may cause fire or electric shock: • Smoke or strange smell coming from the unit. • If the device falls or the case is damaged.• If water or any metallic objects falls into the device. • If the power supply cord is damaged in any way. • If the device is malfunctioning.3. Do not insert or drop metallic objects or flammable materials into the ventilation holes of the device's cover, as this may result in electric shock or fire.4. Do not place any containers with liquid or metallic objects on the top of the device. If any liquid spills into the unit, fire or electric shock may result.5. Never operate this device or touch the power supply cord during an electrical storm, electric shock may result.6. Never exceed the wattage on the product when connecting equipment. Fire and/or property damage may result.7. Operate the device only with the voltage specified on the unit. Fire and/or electric shock may result if a higher voltage is used.8. Do not modify, kink, or cut the power cord. Do not place the power cord in close proximity to heaters and do not place heavy objects on the power cord, including the device itself, doing so may result in fire or electrical shock.9. Ensure that the safety ground terminal is connected to a proper ground. Never connect the ground to a gas pipe as a catastrophic disaster may result.10. Be sure the installation of the product is stable, avoid slanted surfaces as the product may fall and causeinjury or property damage.1. Never place heavy objects on the product, causing it to fall and/or break, resulting in personal injury andproperty damage. In addition, the product itself may fall and cause injury and property damage.2. Contact Atlas Sound for instructions on cleaning the inside of the unit. Large accumulations of dustinside the unit may result in heat buildup and fire.3. Ensure that the power supply plug is securely plugged into the wall outlet. Never allow dust toaccumulate on the power plug or inside the wall outlet.4. When cleaning the unit or the unit is not to be operated for an extended time period, unplug the powercord from the wall.WARNING – When the Device is in UseCAUTION – When the Device is in Use– 5 –PA40G / PA60G Commercial Amplifier1601 Jack McKay Blvd. • Ennis, Texas 75119 U.S.A.Telephone: 800.876.3333 • Fax: 800.765.3435IntroductionCongratulations and thank you for purchasing the Atlas Sound PA40G/PA60G commercial amplifier. This new and innovative professional grade product has been designed from the ground up to include the important features that professional installation personnel require to meet or exceed their customer’s expectations. Small andcompact, and engineered for reliability, the Atlas Sound PA40G/PA60G will provide years of service and flexibility in today’s background music and paging applications.Features• PA40G - 40W into 70.7V/100V • PA60G - 60W into 70.7V/100V • 1 Balanced Line Input• 1 Unbalanced, Summing Line Level Input• Global Power Supply, 100VAC-240VAC ~ 50/60Hz • Optional Level Control Security Cover •Optional Rack Mount KitApplicationsThe Atlas Sound PA40G and PA60G are the perfect choice for distributed business paging, background music (BGM) systems, and small to medium speech privacy systems.Front Panel Description1. Power LEDThis LED illuminates when the AC Mains is plugged in.2. Limit LED IndicatorThe LIMIT LED will illuminate when the PA40G/PA60G is in a clipping condition, caused by excessively high input levels or a GAIN control is turned up too high. An occasional flash is OK. Check that the proper signal level is being fed into theinputs and/or turn the input gain down until the LED is no longer illuminated. Refer to Limit LED & Load Conditions formore information.3. Signal LEDWhen the signal LED illuminates, this indicates that input signals connected to the amplifier are capable of driving the PA40G/PA60G to full power.4. Input 1 GainInput 1 level control potentiometer varies the amplitude of the signal fed into the amplifier. Turn clockwise to increase and counter-clockwise to decrease the signal level.Left InRight In 100V - 240V 50Hz/60Hz 750mABalanced InputSummed Inputs1601 Jack McKay BlvdEnnis, TX 75119800.876.3333 PA40G Front Silkscreen Artwork40 Watts 70.7V/100V Speaker Out – 6 –1601 Jack McKay Blvd. • Ennis, Texas 75119 U.S.A.Telephone: 800.876.3333 • Fax: 800.765.3435Rear Panel Description1. Balanced Line InputBalanced line level signals connect to the (+), (–), and (G) terminals. If you are connecting an unbalanced line level input, tie (short) the (G) and (–) terminals together. If transformer isolation is required for Input 1, contact Atlas Sound for details. Note: The Balanced Line Input and the Unbalanced RCA Inputs are electrically isolated from each other and can be used at the same time.2. Unbalanced Stereo RCA InputInput 2 consists of stereo summing inputs, suitable for connection to the output of CD/DVD players, etc. Note: The Balanced Line Input and the Unbalanced RCA Inputs are electrically isolated from each other and can be used at the same time.3. 70.7V / 100V Speaker OutputFor loudspeaker connections, follow the labeling paying special attention to the polarity or proceed to the Limit LED & Load Considerations section. Note: Do not short the terminals together or damage may occur.4. Global IEC AC Mains Power Receptical The PA Models support global power sources from 100V-240V 50/60Hz. The package contains a cord that has an international IED connector to a 120V USA type plug. It may be necessary to replace the removable power cord to meet your AC Mains plugtype used in your country. Note: It is not required to change the fuse for the different AC Mains voltages.Wiring the PA40G/PA60GSpeaker Outputs - Use 2 conductor unshielded wire of the appropriate gauge. If you are unsure about this, contact Atlas Sound Tech Support at 1-800-876-3333. Make sure you know how many speakers you need and what tap value you intend to use.Balanced Line Input - 2 conductor with shield for low level signals of 20 - 22-gauge is best. Maintain the proper polarity, + to +, – to – , and shield to ground.Unbalanced Input - Pre-made RCA cables can be purchased from vendors to simplify interconnection to external devices.Security Cover Option In order to prevent unauthorized operation of the PA40G & PA60G, optional security covers are available which take the place of the front panel knobs. After the PA amplifier has been installed and is operating as desired, grasp the front panel knobs and pull straight out from the front panel. Replace the knobs with security covers, Atlas Sound part number MPVCC-5, available in quantities of 5.Rack Mount Kit OptionThe PA40G & PA60G can be rack mounted as a single unit or with two units together. To do so a PA702RMK Rack Mount Kit needs to be purchased from Atlas Sound.Limit LED and Load ConsiderationIf the Red Limit LED illuminates, the amplifier has sensed an improper load or the input signal is too high, triggering the protection circuitry. When the load sense Limit circuitry is engaged the amp will operate but at a lower power output. It is highly recommended to discontinue use immediately and correct the fault condition. If you continue to operate with the RED Limit LED on, the second stage of the current sense circuit may engage causing the amp not to pass any signal. To reset the amp turn down the Level controls and turn the power off for 10 seconds.In most situations when the Limit LED is in the illuminated steady state it means the speaker system load to the amp is lower than what the amp is rated. This usually is detected when the system is first set up. Below are a few load conditions to check for if the Limit LED is on. 1. Connected to the wrong speaker terminal. Always check the speaker terminal to the type of load you are using. Example: If you are installing a 70V or 100V system make sure the wires are connected to the 70V/100V and common (COM) terminals. 2. Too many speakers connected to the amp. This is a very common mistake. If you are using a 60W amp and using the 70V speaker terminals, add up the number of speakers and their wattage selections at the speaker. If they exceed 60W you must retap the speakers or remove the correct amount speaker wattage until the wattage is 60W or less. Example if you are using a 30W tap you can only connect 2 speakers to the amp. If you are using the 7.5W tap, you can connect 8 speakers. If you have too many speakers on the amp it will load the amp down, causing excessive current demand and will trigger the Limit &Protect circuit.3. Wrong speaker tap selection. It is also common in a 70V or 100V system that one of the speakers are set too low of an impedance (8ohm) and not a 70V or 100V tap. Note: It only takes one speaker to load the amp down incorrectly.4. Short in system. This is common if the wire is run in metal conduit and the wire got nicked during the wire pull.5. Speaker Level Controls. If an L-PAD or stepped attenuator is wired wrong it can also load a system down.Front Panel KnobSecurity CoverFront Panel Knob Security Coveror– 8 –PA40G / PA60G Commercial Amplifier1601 Jack McKay Blvd. • Ennis, Texas 75119 U.S.A.Telephone: 800.876.3333 • Fax: 800.765.3435Measuring Speaker LoadsBelow is an Impedance load chart for the PA40G and PA60G. Measure the load impedance prior to connecting the load to theamplifier. The enclosed load chart will provide the information to determine if the load or speaker system impedance is too low for the amplifier's rating. In every install it is always recommended to measure the load prior to turning the system on to be sure the system is installed correctly.PA40G & PA60G Max Load ChartSpeaker Selection PA40G PA60G70.7V 125 Ohms 83 Ohms 100V 250 Ohms 166 OhmsMeasuring a Speaker System's ImpedanceNote: It is important to only use an Audio Impedance Meter and not a conventional Volt/Ohm meter.A true audio frequency impedance meter is essential for reliable installation of background music and paging systems in residences, office buildings and public areas. Avoid costly service calls and amplifier damage by verifying actual speaker system impedance prior to operation. Unlike conventional volt/ohm meters, which measure DC resistance, an Audio Impedance Meter unit utilizes an internal frequency oscillator to measure true impedance. It may also be utilized with 70.7V and 100V speaker line transformers, L-pads and matching Impedance volume controls. There are several Audio Impedance meters on the market, if you need to buy one we suggest going to MCM Electronics, Parts Express or search the internet for “Audio Impedance Meter”.Measuring 70.7V or 100V Distributed Speaker SystemsLarge distributed systems typically utilize 70.7V (North America) or100V (Europe) type system to greatly ease the connection of multiple speakers and facilitate long cable runs. Shown below are speakers connected in parallel with wattage ratings to calculate the overall load of the system. Connecting an Audio Impedance Meter to a speaker arrangement such as this will provide the overall impedance of the system.Using the following formula you can calculate the load impedance from the speaker selected wattage. The accumulative wattage of the speaker system must not exceed the maximum wattage output rating of the amplifier or damage may occur. In this example the measurement for a 70.7V design with three speakers of 15W each. The system impedance would measure close to 111Ω. Formula 70.7V x 70.7V = 4998, 4998 / 45W = 111Ω. The amplifier power requirements would be at least 60W for the system to operateproperly. Note: It is always recommended to use a larger amp than needed with power headroom of at least 25%. Calculate the load impedance and compare it to the meter's audio impedance reading. Note: They will never be the same due to the additional wire impedance, but if they are within 10% of the maximum impedance rating or if the impedance is higher than the maximum rating, proceed connecting the load to the amplifier. If they are not recheck your speaker taps or check for shorts.PA40G / PA60G Commercial Amplifier1601 Jack McKay Blvd. • Ennis, Texas 75119 U.S.A.Telephone: 800.876.3333 • Fax: 800.765.3435SpecificationsPower Output: PA40G=*********(125Ω), 40W @100V (250Ω)PA60G=*********(83Ω), 60W @ 100V (166Ω) Frequency Response : 50Hz - 20kHzTHD+N: .5% or Less @ 1kHz, Rated Output Sensitivity: Line Input 500mv (600Ω)Inputs 2/3 RCA 500mv (10k Ω) Output Regulation: Less Than 2dB, No Load To Full Load Signal to Noise Ratio: Balanced Input = >55dBUnbalanced RCA Summed = >55dB Indicators:Power, Signal, LimitPower Consumption: PA40G: Idle: 0.075A, 8W, 27 BTU Average: 0.26A, 24W, 81 BTU Max: 0.8A, 71W, 242 BTU PA60G: Idle: 0.075A, 8W, 27 BTU Average: 0.41A, 34W, 116 BTUMax: 1.25A, 102W, 348 BTUHeight: 1 RU, 1.75" (44mm) Width: 8.5" (216mm) Depth: 7.81" (198mm)Weight: MA40G: Net Weight = 2.9lbs. (1.32kg), Shipping Weight = 3.1lbs. (1.4kg)MA60G: Net Weight = 2.9lbs. (1.32kg), Shipping Weight = 3.1lbs. (1.4kg)Fuse: PA40G = T630mAPA60G = T1ANOTE: Average power consumption is based on one third (1/3) of the maximum power rating, 50% duty cycle.PA40G / PA60GCommercial AmplifierNOTES1601 Jack McKay Blvd. • Ennis, Texas 75119 U.S.A.Telephone: 800.876.3333 • Fax: 800.765.3435PA40G / PA60GCommercial Amplifier NOTES1601 Jack McKay Blvd. • Ennis, Texas 75119 U.S.A.Telephone: 800.876.3333 • Fax: 800.765.3435PA40G / PA60G Commercial Amplifier1601 Jack McKay Blvd. • Ennis, Texas 75119 U.S.A.Telephone: 800.876.3333 • Fax: 800.765.3435Limited WarrantyAll products manufactured by Atlas Sound are warranted to the original dealer/installer, industrial or commercial purchaser to be free from defects in material and workmanship and to be in compliance with our published specifications, if any. This warranty shall extend from the date of purchase for a period of three years on all Atlas Sound products, including SOUNDOLIER brand, and ATLAS SOUND brand products except as follows: one year on electronics and control systems; one year on replacement parts; and one year on Musician Series stands and related accessories. Additionally, fuses and lamps carry no warranty. Atlas Sound will solely at its discretion, replace at no charge or repair free of charge defective parts or products when the product has been applied and used in accordance with our published operation and installation instructions. We will not be responsible for defects caused by improper storage, misuse (including failure to provide reasonable and necessary maintenance), accident, abnormal atmospheres, water immersion, lightning discharge, or malfunctions when products have been modified or operated in excess of rated power, altered, serviced or installed in other than a workman like manner. The original sales invoice should be retained as evidence of purchase under the terms of this warranty. All warranty returns must comply with our returns policy set forth below. When products returned to Atlas Sound do not qualify for repair or replacement under our warranty, repairs may be performed at prevailing costs for material and labor unless there is included with the returned product(s) a written request for an estimate of repair costs before any nonwarranty work is performed. In the event of replacement or upon completion of repairs, return shipment will be made with the transportation charges collect.EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT APPLICABLE LAW PREVENTS THE LIMITATION OF CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURY , ATLAS SOUND SHALL NOT BE LIABLE IN TORT OR CONTRACT FOR ANY DIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL LOSS OR DAMAGE ARISING OUT OF THE INSTALLATION, USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCTS. THE ABOVE WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.Atlas Sound does not assume, or does it authorize any other person to assume or extend on its behalf, any other warranty, obligation, or liability. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights which vary from state to state.ServiceShould your PA Series amplifier require service, please contact the Atlas Sound warranty department at1-877-689-8055, ext. 277 to obtain an RA number.Atlas Sound Tech Support can be reached at 1-800-876-3333.Visit our website at to see other Atlas products©2010 Atlas Sound L.P . All rights reserved. Atlas Sound is a trademark of Atlas Sound L.P .All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ATS003582 RevC 4/10。
公布 PUBLIC A D D R E S S 放大器 PAM-60 120 的解包和安装说明书
OPERATING MANUALB L IC AD D RE S SPAM-60/120FEATURESAlthough it is neither complicated to install nor difficult to operate your double cassette deck, a few min-utes of your time is required to read this manual for a properly wired installation and becoming familiar with its many features and how to use them. Please take a great care in unpacking your set and do not discard the carton and other packing materials. They may be needed when moving your set and are required if it ever becomes necessary to return vour set for service. Never place the unit near radiator, in front of he-ating vents, to direct sun light, in excessive humid or dusty location to avoid early damage and for your years of quality use. Connect your complementary components as illustrated in the following page.CHIME WITH FOUR TONESYou can conveniently use four tone chime before the announcement. SPEAKER SELECTINPUT GAIN CONTROLSThis AMP is perfect for applications requiring High Reliability, Excellent Audio Quality. Units assemble in any configuration, AMP +Tuner, AMP+ CD(Deck), AMP+Tuner+CD(Deck), utilizing modules. 6 speaker selector switches are provided to enable you to select 5 speakers individually or totally. MODULAR AMPLIFIERThis system controls input gain in rear panel input gain volume per CH, you can use conveniently. MUTING FOR PRIORITYCH1,2, CHIME and TELEPHONE have priority to the others signal.TELEPHONE INPUT/MUSIC-ON HOLDTo connect with the telephone system, the function of Telephone input and Music-on Hold are provided (Music-on Hold is only for PAM-Tuner)INPUT TERMINALSInput terminals is designed the type of terminals, XLR jack, phone jack, screw terminals and RCA jack.6. CH1~CH6 VOLUME1. POWER SWTCHThis display indicates the output level (RMS) per 0dB. These volume adjust the level of CH1~CH6.3. CHIME BUTTONPressing this button will activate 4 tone chime circuitry.Pressing this switch to ON will make the power indicating LED ON and supply the power to this unit.2. SPEAKER SELECTORThese switches are used for connecting the output of amplifier to the speakers individually or totally.4. MASTER VOLUMEThis control is used for adjusting the volume of finally mixed sound.5. TONE CONTROLEach frequency level is adjusted to +12dB by the 2 controls from 100Hz to10KHz.7. PROTECTION INDICATORThis LED indicates the condition of the protection circuit. When the protection LED is “ON” the amplifier is not operating normally (overheating and limiting), please check the INPUT/OUTPUT condition of the amplifier.8. OUTPUT LEVEL DISPLAY9. DECK AND CD PLAYER OPTIONThis Panel is used to connecting the DECK and CD player.10. TUNER OPTIONThis Panel is used to connecting the TUNER.* Connection of option is provided the connector of internal unit.-CH 1CH 2CH 3CH 4CH 5CH 61. CH1~CH6 INPUT JACK (OPTION)These are input terminals which is designed electrical balanced circuitry. Optionally, the type of terminals, XLR female jack, phone jack, screw terminals and RCA jack are provided. And transformer balanced circ-uitary is optional per buyer’s order.2. INPUT GAIN CONTROLAccording to the input signal source, adjust adequately these gain controls not to exceed input sensitivity. When the input level exceed the rated sensitivity, output signal of amplifier could be distorted and overloaded.Gain adjusting range of these volumes are 44dB, and general position of the volume is as following.MIC (Microphone) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-50~-60dB MIC ATT (Electric Guitar) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-30~-50dB AUX (Deck, Tuner, etc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -20~-30dB3. EQ CONTROLThe equalizer section provides +12dB of control over high, mid and low ranges at the following fre-quencies.HIGH : 10K, +12dB MID : 1K, +12dB LOW : 100Hz, +12dB 4. PHANTOM POWER SWITCHThis switch turns on/off the phantom power supply for all channels. Use this switch when you are using co-ndenser microphones. When this switch is turned on, DC +24V will be supplied to pins 2 and 3 of each INPUT jack.If you do not need phantom power, be sure to leave this turned off.* It is safe to connect balanced dynamic microphones or line level devices even if this switch is left on, but connecting unbalanced devices or devices whose transformers are center-grounded will cause hum or m-5. PRIORITY SWITCHThis switch have priority to the others channels.----alfunctions.These terminals are to be connected to telephone ewchange system for paging.When these terminals are shorted, the circuitary of 4 tone chime is activated. Also, you can use these te-When PAM - 60 3A/25OV 1.5A/25OV 5A/250V PAM - 1205A/25OV2.5A/25OV10A/25OV6. AMP IN JACKThis jack is for connecting the external signal input. If plug is inserted on this jack, mixed signal of all input is not connected to main amplifier, and only amp in signal is connected.7. PRE AMP OUT JACKThis jack is for connecting the preamp out signal to external effect deive or external musical instru-ment. If the plug is inserted on this jack mixed signal of all input is not connect to main amplifier and only amp in signal is connected. 8. LINK OUT JACKThis jack is used to connecting the same kinds amp of this unit and record in of deck.9. LINK IN JACKTo the expansion of input channels this jack is provided to connect with the output terminalof external mixer.10. DC INPUT TERMINALSThese terminals are for connecting DC power supply of battery. Connect red colored terminal to p- ositive lead of battery and black colored one to negative lead of bettery. 11. FUSE HOLDERS, AC AND DCThis fuse holders contain AC and DC fuses. When fuses are blown out, it should be replaced with the same type just like following page. If it continues to blow, stop replacing fuse and refer servicing to qualified personnel.Model VoltageAC 100V/120V AC 220V/230V/240VDC 24V 12. AC INLET13. EXT MUTEThis terminal is conncctcd AC input cord.these two terminals are shorted, the signals from CH3 to CH6, tuner and turntable are muted, and thesignals from CH1, CH2, LINK IN and CHIME are not muted. You can use these terminal for remote control. 14. EXT CHIMErminal for rcmotc control.These terminals are for connection of speaker lines to deliver power output to speaker. Impedance(volta-17. SPEAKER OUTPUT TERMINALSges) of 4Ω, 25V, 70V and 100V are provided for convenience. In any case, use the speakers whose combined impedance is equal to or higher than the rated output impedance of amplifier.15. TELEPHONE IN TERMINALNOTE : When there are paging signal through this terminal, all other input signals except AMP IN are muted. Also, you can adjust to input level by the volume of internal unit from 200mV to 1V. 16. MUSIC-ON HOLD (PAM-TUNER ONLY)These terminals are for connecting to the telephone system.NOTE: When the tuner is turned on, the tuner output signal is always supplied these terminals and isnot concerned with master volume and tuner volume. Also, you can adjust to output level by the volume of internal unit.PAM - 60 PAM - 120Model15.5V 22V4Ω10.5Ω5.2Ω25V 83Ω42Ω70V 165Ω83Ω100V* 100V or 250V can be selected optionally.* Pay attention than only high impedance terminal can be controlled by the speaker selector of front panel.18. IMPEDANCE SELECTOR SWITCHThis switch is for selecting the high impedance.PAM-60 : 165Ω(100V) or 83Ω(70V)PAM-120 : 83Ω(100V) or 42Ω(70V)19. (OPTION)This terminal is for connecting the antenna terminal, when you can use the tuner.(Our Model PAM-UNER)When you connect the speaker, remove the power cord from Acount let. And use the suitable terminals con-necting way as belows.Be sure that total impedance is not less than rated impedance.MADE IN KOREA12dB• EQ Control (100Hz, 1KHz, 10KHz).................................................................................................. GENERAL• Power Source........................................................................................AC 110V~240V, 50/60Hz, DC 24V • Power Consumption..............................................................................................................PAM-60:150WPAM-120:300W • Weight.................................................................................................................................PAM-60:11.4KgPAM-120:13.5Kg• Dimensions....................................................................................................420(W)。
Theater 7 Power AmplifierSETUP GUIDEGetting StartedKrell’s history is rich with breakthrough Class A amplifiers that have helped build the Krell legacy of offering the best sounding amplifiers available. Audiophiles have always considered Class A technology to be the best sounding operating state for amplifiers. However, despite Class A’s unrivaled sound quality, it has fallen out of fashion because of recent demands to reduce power consumption and heat in home electronics products. Krell engineering took this challenge and redefined the meaning of high performance power amplifier. Our goal – unmatched performance, elegant design, and a compelling array of features. The breakthrough, iBias, a patent pending circuit delivering Class A operation without the excessive heat and wasted energy of conventional designs, housed in a striking new form factor, with network connectivity for advanced access and monitoring. The sound is open and unconstrained, in a manner that rivals live performance and the true sound of voices and instruments. Music and dialogue are reproduced with a richness, detail, and startling dynamics that fill a room.The Theater 7 amplifier is easy to operate and integrate into your system.Do not place the amplifier where it could be exposed to dripping or splashing.Do not remove or bypass the ground pin on the end of the AC cord. This may cause radio frequency interference (RFI) to be introduced into your playback system.The ventilation slots on the top and bottom of the amplifier as well as the fan openings on thebottom must be unobstructed at all times during operation. Do not place flammable material on top of or beneath the component.Turn off all systems’ power before connecting the amplifier to any component.Make sure all cable terminations are of the highest quality, free from frayed ends, short circuits, or cold solder joints.THERE ARE NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE ANY KRELL PRODUCT .1.Open the shipping box and remove the top layer of foam. You will see these items:2.Carefully remove all items from the shipping box.3.Place the amplifier in a safe location and remove the protective plastic wrapping.WARNINGS Krell Theater 7 Amplifier 1UnpackingKrell Industries, LLC., 45 Connair Road, Orange, CT 06477-3650 USATEL 203-799-9954, FAX 203-799-9796*****************************, WEB SITE Connecting the Theater 7 Amplifier to Your SystemBecause of its powerful amplifier channels and high-capacity power supply, theTheater 7 will benefit from a dedicated AC circuit. Avoid connections through extension cords or multiple AC adapters. High quality 20 amp AC strips are acceptable. Please contact your authorized Krell dealer or distributor befor e using any devices designed to alter or stabilize the AC power.Follow these steps to connect the Theater 7 amplifier to your system.1.Make sure all power sources and components are off before connecting inputs andoutputs.2.Neatly organize the wiring between the Theater 7 and all system components.Separate AC wires from audio cables to prevent hum or other unwanted noises from being introduced into the system.3.Connect the loudspeaker cables to the appropriate channel’s binding post terminals,paying attention to the correct polarity.4.Connect the outputs of your preamplifier or processor to the appropriate input jacks.Krell recommends following the channel assignments on the rear panel for best sound.5.Plug the AC cord into the IEC connector (19) on the back panel of the iBias amplifier.Plug the remaining end into the AC wall receptacle. Move the Power Breaker Switch on the rear panel to the up position. The red stand-by indicator (2) illuminates and the display shows the model number, firmware version, serial number, and IP address.Note:Use only the power cord provided with the Theater 7 amplifier to make the connection to AC power. Operation with a power cord other than the one supplied by Krell can induce noise, limit current, or otherwise impair the ability of the Theater 7 amplifier to perform optimally.When powering up any system, alway turn amplifiers on last. When powering down, always turn amplifiers off first.1.When the amplifier is in stand-by mode, with the red stand-by indicator (2)illuminated, turn the amplifier on by pressing the power button on the front panel (1).There are audible clicks. The blue power indicator (2) illuminates. The display will show the IP Address and model number and then turn off. The Theater 7 amplifier is now in the operational mode.2.With the preamplifier or processor in the mute position, or the volume control fullyattenuated, select a source.3.Start playing the source.4.Set the volume to a comfortable listening level using the preamplifier or processorvolume control.5.To turn the amplifier off, press the power button on the front panel (1). The redstand-by indicator (2) illuminates.It is now safe to turn off the rest of the system.4 Krell Theater 7 AmplifierOperating the Theater 7 AmplifierEMC directive (89/336/EEC) and the low-voltage directive (73/23/EEC).1 Theater 7 amplifier chassis1 IEC connector (AC power) cord 1 12V Trigger cable 1 Setup GuidePlacementAC POWER GUIDELINESMODEL:SERIAL NUMBER:OverviewThis CLASS 1 apparatus must be connected to a MAINS socket outlet with a protective earthing connection.Krell recommends using balanced interconnect cables. Balanced interconnect cables not only can minimize sonic loss but are also immune to induced noise, especially with installations using long cables. Balanced connections have 6 dB more gain than single-ended connections. When level matching is critical, keep this gain value in mind. When using single- NoteSave all packing materials. If you need to ship the iBias th unit in its original packaging to prevent shipping damage.Place the Theater 7 amplifier on a firm, level surface, away from excessive heat, humidity, or moisture. The amplifier requires at least one inch (2.54 cm) of clearance on each side and at least two inches (5 cm) of clearance above to provide adequate ventilation. Installations inside cabinetry may need extra ventilation. Do not place the amplifier on a deep pile carpet. There are ventilation slots on the bottom that must remain clear. Hot air vents from the bottom so the amplifier should not be placed on any surface that will be affected by air temperatures up to 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60 degrees Celsius).ended connections, the U-clips must be installed in the channel’s corresp-onding XLR jack between pins 1-3.2 Krell Theater 7 AmplifierKrell Theater 7 Amplifier 3Figure 2Network Control Screen1 Power ButtonUse this button to switch the Theater 7 amplifier between stand-by and operational modes.2 Power IndicatorThe stand-by indicator illuminates red when the Theater 7 ampli f ieris plugged into a standard AC wall receptacle and the rear panel power breaker switch is in the up position . Thisindicat es that the amplifier is in the stand-by mode and ready to be switched to the operational mode. The indicator illuminates blue when the Theater 7 amplifier is in operational mode.3 Front Panel DisplayThe front panel display shows the model number, firmware version, serial number, and IP address. Fault conditions are also displayed on the front panel display.After connecting the Theater 7 amplifier to a local area network(LAN) via the RJ 45 connector (17),enter the amplifier's IP address into the address bar of a web browser on a device connected to the same LAN. The following additional features are now available.1Temperature Monitoring The Theater 7 monitors the temperature of theheat sink and adjusts fanspeed to maintain propercooling. T emperatures shownin green, yellow, and red,indicate cool, warm, and hot operating temperatures.2 Fan Operation Status Fan speed is monitored and is indicated by a green OK for proper operation and a red E for an error.3 Display WindowIndicates amplifier status and any fault conditions.4 Software Update Press this button toinitiate a software update 5 Error LogSet to Enabled to have fault conditions sent to the e-mail addresses listed in the e-mail address window (6).Network Control1234987566 E-mail Address window Up to 3 e-mail addresses can entered to receive fault condition e-mails.7 Display TimeoutSet the time for how long the front panel display remains illuminated. The Disabled option keeps the display illuminated indefin i tely.8 No Signal TimerSet the time for how long the amplifier remains in operational mode without receiving an input signal. The Disabled option keeps the amplifier in operational mode indefin i tely.Note :The network must have Internet access for features 4 and 5 to function.14 Loudspeaker OutputsThe Theater 7 amplifier is equipped with standard binding posts for each amplifier channel.15 Balanced Analog InputsThe Theater 7 amplifier is equipped with one balanced input per channel via XLR connector.16 Single-Ended Analog InputsThe Theater 7 amplifier is equipped with one single-ended input per channel via RCA connector.17 Ethernet Connection18 12 VDC In (12 V trigger)The 12 V Trigger input allows you to place the Theater 7 amplifier into the stand-by or operational mode from other components. 19 IEC ConnectorThe connector is for use with the provided IEC standard 20 amp power cord. This connector and power cord must remainunobstructed for easy removal in case of emergency.20 AC Power Switch Use this switch to change the Theater 7 amplifier from off to the stand-by mode.9 Power ButtonClick on the Power button to turn the Theater 7 on or off. The RJ45 connector is used toconnect the Theater 7 amplifier to a local area network (LAN). Once the amplifier is connected to the LAN, the amplifier’s network control screen is viewable with a web browser on a device connected to the same network. Output current, fan speeds, and temperature are all monitored in real time. If a fault occurs, it is displayed on the front panel and on the web browser interface. Additionally, if the LAN has Internet access, e-mails will automatically be sent to as many as three e-mail addresses to notify Krell, the end user and/or the dealer of the condition.This product is manufactured in the United States of America. Krell ® is a registered trademark of Krell Industries, LLC., and is restricted for use by Krell Industries, LLC. its subsidiaries, and authorized agents. Krell Current Mode™, iBias™ and CAST™ is a trademark of Krell Industries, LLC. All other trademarks and trade names are registered to their respective companies.© 2017 by Krell Industries, LLC., All rights reserved。
Pyle 家庭 PCM30A 60W最大 PA 放大器手册说明书
PCM30A60W MAXP .A. AMPLIFIER1. Read Instructions — All the safety and operating instructions should be read before the appliance is operated.2. Retain Instructions — The safety and operating instructions should be retained for future reference.3. Heed Warnings — All warnings on the appliance and in the operating instructions should be adhered to.4. Follow Instructions — All operating and use instructions should be followed.5. Water and Moisture — The appliance should not be used near water -for example, near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, laundry tub, swimming pool, or a wet basement.6. Ventilation — The appliance should be situated so that its location or position does not interfere with its proper ventilation. For example, the appliance should not be situated on a bed, sofa, rug, or similar surface that may block the ventilation openings: or placed in a built-in installation, such as a bookcase or cabinet that may impede the flow of air through the ventilation openings.7. Heat — The appliance should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other appliances(including amplifiers) that produce heat.8. Power Sources — The appliance should be connected to a power supply only of the type described in the operating instructions oras marked on the appliance.9. Grounding or Polarization — Precaution should be taken to insure that the grounding or polarization means of an appliance is not defeated.10. Power-Cord Protection — Power supply cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against them, paying particular attention to cords at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point at which they exit from the appliance.11. Cleaning — The appliance should be cleaned only as recommended by the manufacturer.12. Power Lines — An outside antenna system should not be located in the vicinity of overhead power lines or other electric light orpower circuits, or where it can fall into such power lines or circuits. When installing an outside antenna system, extreme care should be taken to keep from touching such power lines or circuits as contact with them might be fatal.13. Nonuse Periods — The power cord of the appliance should be unplugged from the outlet when the appliance isto be left unused for a long period of time.14. Object and Liquid Entry — Care should be taken so that objects do not fall and liquids are not spilled into the enclosure through openings.15. Carts and Stands — If the appliance is used with a cart or stand, the cart or stand should be a type recommended bythe manufacturer.An appliance and cart combination should be moved with care. Quick stops, excessive force,and uneven surfaces cause the appliance and cart combination to overturn.16. Mounting — The appliance should be mounted only as recommended by the manufacturer.17. Damage Requiring Service — The appliance should be serviced by qualified service personnel when:A. The power-supply cord or plug has been damaged.B. Objects have fallen into, or liquid has been spilled into the appliance enclosure.C. The appliance has been exposed to rain.D. The appliance has been dropped, or the enclosure damaged.E. The appliance does not appear to operate normally or exhibits a marked change in performance.18. Servicing — The user should not attempt to service the appliance beyond that described in the user’s operating instructions. All other servicing should be referred to qualified personnel.19. Overloading — Do not overload wall outlets and extension cords as this can result in a risk of fire or electric shock.20. Replacement Parts — When replacement parts are required, be sure the service technician has used replacement parts specified by the manufacturer or have the same characteristics as the original part. Unauthorized substitutions may result in fire, electric shock or other hazards.21. Safety Check — Upon completion of any service or repairs to this appliance, ask the service technician to perform safety checks to determine that the appliance is in proper operating condition.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSYour new PYLE HOME PCM Amplifiergives you the power and versatility you need in a professional sound system.The wide frequency response of it handles easily amplification of voice and music. The monitor terminal, talkover function on MIC 1, and Tel/Paging make it perfectly to use in meeting halls, auditoriums, sports events in school, and paging system in offices , anywhere you need to deliver special announcement with excellent sound.FEATURES AND CONTROLSFEATURES AND CONTROLSSPEAKER CONNECTIONOne or more speakers (4, 8 or 16 Ohms) can be connected to the amplifier with or without transformers. However, before you connect any speakers to the amplifier, the total impedance must be calculated in order to avoid damage to the amplifier. A total speaker impedance greater than 16 Ohms or less than 4 Ohms can cause this damage to occur.SYSTEM 1 : Single Speaker SystemNOTE : Connect the speaker (+) to the amplifier's 4-Ohm, 8-Ohm or 16-Ohm terminal, depending on the speaker being used.SYSTEM 2 : Two (or more) Speakers in SeriesNOTE : Connect the speaker (+) to the amplifier's 4-Ohm, 8-Ohm or 16-Ohm terminal, depending on the TOTAL IMPEDANCE of the two speakers. If each speakerhas an impedance of 8-Ohm, the total speaker impedance in this seriescofiguration is 16 ohms.SYSTEM 3 : Two (or more) Speakers in ParallelNOTE : Connect the speaker (+) to the amplifier's 4-Ohm, 8-Ohm or 16-Ohm terminal,depending on the TOTAL IMPEDANCE of the two speakers. If each speakerhas an impedance of 8-Ohm, the total speaker impedance in this seriesconfiguration is 4 ohms.SYSTEM 4 : Four Speakers in Series and ParallelNOTE : Although the description above is for connecting two series pairs of 8 Ohms speakers in a parallel hook up, you may also select to combine a series pair and a parallel pair in a parallel hook up, simply be sure you have calculated the total impedance, and attach the speaker (+) circuit wire to the proper amp terminal.SYSTEM 5 : Connecting Speakers with TransformersNOTE : When the 25V or 70V constant line voltages are used, a line matching transformer must be used with each speaker, All transformers must be connected in parallel, never connect line transformers in series.CONNECTION DIAGRAMYour Pyle Home Amplifier is anexample of superior design andSpecificationsInput Impedance AUX...................................200mV/50k-Ohm, Unbalanced MIC 1/MIC 2...........................1.0mV/600-Ohm, Balanced TEL/PAGE ............................100mV/600-Ohm, BalancedMax Output Power.........................................60 Watts x 1THD at rated output power..................1% or less at 1 kHz Frequency Response +/- 3 dB..................50 Hz to 15 kHz Signal to Noise Ratio A-Weighted MIC..........................................................................55dB AUX..........................................................................70dB TEL..........................................................................60dBSpeaker Outputs........................4-Ohm, 8-Ohm, 16-Ohm,25V, and 70V line outputs Monitor (MOH) Output.............600-Ohm 1V (head phones)and 8-Ohm 1W (speaker) Mute Level (AUX/MIC 2)............................................40dBTone Controls Treble....................................................+/- 10dB, 10 kHz Bass......................................................+/- 10dB, 100 HzPower Requirement............120V AC 60Hz/230V AC 50Hz Power Fuse.........................T 2AL 250V for 110-120V andT 1AL 250V for 220-240V Dimensions, inches (mm) WxHxD..........10.7 x 3.46 x 8.86(272 x 88 x 225) Weight, lbs (kg) ...............................................9.79 ( 4.44)Specifications are typical; individual units might vary.Specifications are subject to change and improvement without notice.。
1.毫米波60W波导空间功率合成放大器研究 [J], 方建洪;李军
2.改进偏置电路提高音质的单声道60W晶体管功率放大器 [J], 李宇
3.S频段60W功率放大器设计 [J], 陈创业
4.采用接地线圈,抑制高频噪声更加完善——60W单声道功率放大器 [J], 从余
5.日本制作竞赛大功率放大器获奖作品选甲类10W/甲乙类80W可切换的双声道直流功率放大器 [J], 徐国鼐
通用功率扩展器 200-500 W VA 使用说明说明书
通用功率扩展器 200-500 W/VA订货号 : 1035 00使用说明1 安全指南电气设备的安装和装配只允许由电气专业人员执行。
只能使用符合EN 61558-2-6(VDE 0570,第 2-6 部分)的安全隔离变压器。
在隔离变压器网上运行时,功率至少为 10 kVA。
2 设备结构图像 1: 设备结构(1)功率放大器3 功能正常应用-参考列表(参见技术数据一章)中所述的 Tronic 或通用调光器的功率扩展-接通高压白炽灯、高压卤素灯以及使用 Tronic 变压器或可调光感应式变压器的卤素灯,并进行调光-适合于指定总功率以下的混合运行(参见技术数据一章)-按照 DIN EN 60715 安装至配电箱中的支承轨道上i功率超过 1000 W/VA 的照明设备涉及到专业化的应用状况。
i非 Tronic 变压器和感应式变压器的混合运行。
i无法运行高压 LED 灯。
4 电气专业人员信息4.1 安装和电气连接危险!接触导电部件可能导致触电。
7.PIN2. OFF,PIN5 CUT1/2.
銅帶導線:可用#24 AWG漆包線.
N1 N3: 用漆包線2UEW
初級輸入電壓 DC80-375V
初級輸入電流 0.8A~1.6A
率 50Hz
輸 出 電 壓 DC5V
最高輸出電流 6A
額定輸出電流 0.1A
偏 側 電 壓 12V
開 關 頻 率 50KHz
占 空 比 0.51(MAX)
磁 芯 型 號 PQ2625
Edited by Foxit Reader 60W高頻變C壓op器yr規igh格t(C要) 求by Foxit Software Company,2005-2008
S1: 0.6*0.05 *0.9TS挂PIN5
N1: 0.45*21TS
銅帶 絕緣膠帶
1 3 45 6
9 BA
材料: 磁芯: PC40EEPQ2625,或類同磁芯. 線圈骨架: PQ2625電木 銅帶:
備注: 1.成品需含浸. 2. core需研磨 3. 銅箔需背膠 4. 銅箔包 0.9TS 5.PIN長3.5mm 6.A,B為飛線. 外露長45mm.
For Evaluation Only.
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APS-250則是指機箱,Turandot與Skywalker 算是品牌;一只APS-250機箱可以裝兩片小金剛。
當初進口LS844時,I dss要求在9mA左右,美國廠商也同意先挑選,並保證在8~10mA之間。
P通道不知有沒有問題?最早是透過Monarchy購買1500只,但I dss大多在5mA以下!沒辦法,只得兩只併接以增高I dss,故一組2N5465差動,在PC板上實際是每聲道裝四只,真的很傷本。
Mini King Kong.3最精彩的仍是全對稱FET輸入級的恆流源,這是大師Mr.John Curl的設計,但只適用於FET差動,一般bi-polar晶體差動輸入級不適用。
依我個人的看法,John Curl的設計本領要比Nelson Pass高明多了。
功率晶體由兩對130W/15A的Sanken改成三對150W/15A的Toshiba 2SC5200/A1943,當然都經過挑選配對。
這是輸出電壓V L,計算輸出電流I L=22V/8Ω=2.75A。
可是以Nelson Pass早期A-40後級放大器為例,Pass先生建議變壓器次級電壓就是22V,可是輸出目標卻是40W而非60W。
故60W後級採單一電源(輸入級沒有施加穩壓)時,變壓器次級電壓至少要有27V 才能得到60Wrms的輸出功率。
Do you know?將後級擴大機接上假負載(不是示波器),讓它輸出至滿功率,這是很危險的事!時間稍長,很多國產機、日製機都可能掛掉;故美國FCC只要求「1/3輸出功率」連續輸出「3小時」就可以。
完整Mini King Kong後級有三片電路板,先各別裝好。
這就是Mark Levinson所講的Active Bias主動式偏壓。