

AutoCAD 软件用户指南说明书

AutoCAD 软件用户指南说明书

l'aspetto e il motivo
È possibile conferire al disegno un aspetto uniforme usando i temi e i colori abbinati disponibili nella scheda Progettazione.
Condividere suggerimenti e proposte nei commenti
Uso di Visio per la visualizzazione di dati
Collegando le forme del diagramma a dati in tempo reale si può facilitare l'analisi e la comprensione di dati complessi. È possibile collegarsi a origini dati aziendali comuni, ad esempio Excel, Access, SQL Server o SharePoint, in modo che i dati delle forme vengano aggiornati automaticamente in caso di modifiche nell'origine dati.
Forme specializzate
I modelli includono gli stencil, ovvero raccolte di forme specializzate. È possibile aggiungere altri stencil per disporre di altre opzioni per le forme.




classmate CAD 产品说明书

classmate CAD 产品说明书

cation of solutions is an approved concept for reutilization Modeling with 3D CAD systems has a positive effect in many respects. Although quick creati-on of new models without considering existing design solutions increases the administration costs. Therefore many companies are looking for possibilities to improve the reutilization of parts and assemblies.classmate CAD is a software tool for a fully automated classifi cation of 3D CAD models. It is an extension to existing CAD- and PDM-systems to automatically fi ll a classifi cation with correct feature values. In the process image information like contours, viewer formats and thumbnails are automatically derived.classmate CAD classifi es 3D CAD models in order to disburden designersModeling with 3D CAD systems has a positive effect in many kinds. 3D CAD models increasingly provide more precise information than 2D drawings ever could. Issues like collision detection and manuf-acturing problems can be identifi ed and eliminated during the design process. New models can be derived from existing solutions within a few seconds.With every new design solution the administration costs in the following company departments grow. Expenses occur for writing master data information, bills of materials, process plans, proof and documentation of quality assurance, service information and storage costs during the business process.In order to reduce these costs, companies have been trying to increase the reutilization of existing solutions. For this purpose PDM systems are being implemented. They are indeed necessary for data adminis-tration of CAD models, drawings and other documents. However the task “reutilization by search and retrieval from a huge data stock” is insuffi ciently solved by PDM systems.Missing naming conventions and classifi cation information prevent the quick retrieval of information. Parts are often stored under nonrepre-sentational names as shaft, bolt or plate without further description and therefore cannot be identifi ed when searching for the name.With classmate CAD simus systems offers a proven solution for using the common advantages of a detailed classifi cation without mainte-nance expenses.classmate CAD automatically analyzes 3D CAD models and extracts feature information like dimensions, contours, holes, patterns, chamfers and notches. This information is used to fi ll up the classifi cation and the feature list. Furthermore image information like schemes, 2D drawings and 3D viewer formats are assigned or derived.These results are automatically generated without additional efforts of the designer. No specifi c modeling technique is needed. The designer himself creates his design solution as usual and saves/releases it to the PDM system. Controlled for example by the release status in the workfl ow, classmate CAD generates the classifi cation information. The results are available within seconds and stored to the database. This implies that the business processes do not need to be adapted for classmate CAD and the tool can be established within a short span of time.classmate CAD for an automated classifi cation of 3D CAD modelsClassifiClassifi cationclassmate CAD works with a highly effi cient rule base. This rule base is built out of the typical geometries existing in mechanical engineering and plant construction. Customer-specifi c requirements can be easily integrated into the rule base. Subsequently the 3D CAD models of the customer are analyzed in a batch process so that fi rst results are available in a few days.The geometrical classifi cation can be combined with a functional classi-fi cation. Any functional parameter (for example force, power, type) can be used to design additional classes and features.The presentation of the results depends on the used search client. Ifthe PDM- or ERP system does not have any module for storing classi-fi cation information simus systems offers the search client classmate FINDER. classmate FINDER provides various search and retrieval functions especially with detailed graphical information. Many standar-dized interfaces to existing ERP and PDM solutions already exist, e.g.: SAP Agile DBworks MaxxDBPDMWorks EnterpriseProductstream ProfessionalBasing the search on high-quality data a duplicate analysis can now be established easily. classmate FINDER includes an effective function for analyzing huge databases for duplicates. A classifi ed and simplifi ed database makes it easy to search for existing parts within seconds and therefore reutilization will increase extensively.Reutilization makes the database increase slower which results in considerable cost savings.Classifi cation with classmateCAD offers sophisticated search and retrieval functionsclassmate CAD automates the administration of classifi cation dataclassmate CAD offers the possibility to use an extensive customer-specifi c classifi cation with detailed feature lists without any additional effort for the designer. Automatically generated 3D viewer formats, thumbnails and schemes top off the function volume. If reasonable thegeometric classifi cation can be combined with an individually designed functional classifi cation. classmate CAD analyses the 3D CAD models independent of the modeling and does not need any further parameter lists or predefi ned features.simus systems GmbH | Haid-und-Neu-Straße 7 | 76131 Karlsruhe | Deutschland**********************||tel +49 (721) 83 08 43 -0 | fax +49 (721) 83 08 43 -77Your requirementsImprovement of transparency of product data Improved search options for the designers Quick retrieval of similar parts No additional effort for the designers Automatic fi lling of the classifi cation Automatic fi lling of the feature listAutomatic generation of viewer formats and thumbnails Elimination of duplicates Few expenses for the integration Short project durationAccurately defi ned project budgetOur offerAutomatic analysis of 3D CAD modelsAutomatic classifi cation of 3D CAD models into a customer specifi c classifi cation structure Automatic fi lling of customer-specifi c feature lists Possibility to combine a functional and a geometrical classifi cationA lot of interfaces to databases and systems, for example SAP PLM, Agile, Productstream Professional Subsequent extension of classifi cation structure Combination with the search client classmate FINDER Experience in projects with customers from small or medium-sized enterprises to huge corporationsWe are looking forward hearing from you.。








EzCad2 用户使用手册
由于软件升级所造成的实际操作方式、功能设置等,如有与本手册不 符之处,以软件为准。
EzCad 用户使用手册
第一章 概述 .................................................................................................. 1 1.1 EzCad2 软件简介 .............................................................................. 1 1.1.1 软件安装 ............................................................................... 1 1.1.2 软件功能 ............................................................................... 1 1.1.3 界面说明 ............................................................................... 2 1.2 本手册说明 ...................................................................................... 3 1.2.1 内容安排 ............................................................................... 3 1.2.2 其他声明 ............................................................................... 3



EzCad2软件使用说明第一章概述1.1 EzCad2国际版软件简介1.1.1 软件简介EzCad2.0国际版软件流畅运行所需计算机硬件环境:EzCad2.0国际版软件是在EzCad2.0软件上进行的一次重大升级,软件完全支持Unicode,所以基本上能支持所有国家的语言。

EzCad2.0国际版软件只能运行在Microsoft Windows XP和VISTA操作系统上。

本手册之后的全部说明均默认为Microsoft Windows XP操作系统。




1.1.2 软件功能本软件具有以下主要功能:●自由设计所要加工的图形图案●支持TrueType字体,单线字体(JSF),SHX字体,点阵字体(DMF),一维条形码和二维条形码。





●强大的节点编辑功能和图形编辑功能,可进行曲线焊接,裁剪和求交运算●支持多达256支笔(图层),可以为不同对象设置不同的加工参数●兼容常用图像格式(bmp,jpg,gif,tga,png,tif等)●兼容常用的矢量图形(ai,dxf,dst,plt等)●常用的图像处理功能(灰度转换,黑白图转换,网点处理等),可以进行256级灰度图片加工●强大的填充功能,支持环形填充●多种控制对象,用户可以自由控制系统与外部设备交互●直接支持SPI的G3版光纤激光器和最新IPG_YLP光纤激光器●支持动态聚焦(3轴加工系统)●开放的多语言支持功能,可以轻松支持世界各国语言1.1.3 界面说明●启动界面开始运行程序时,显示启动界面(图1-1),程序在后台进行初始化操作。

EzCad 2.0 扩展轴标刻插件使用说明书简体中文(

EzCad 2.0 扩展轴标刻插件使用说明书简体中文(

1 模块功能说明扩展轴标刻功能主要是为了解决使用小幅面的场镜标刻大幅面内容时所产生的问题的。






图1-1 分割标刻菜单扩展轴分割标刻有两种:单轴分割标刻和双轴分割标刻。




图1-2a 柱面旋转拼图加工图1-2b 平面拼图加工图1-2c Z轴定位加工柱面旋转拼图加工:如上图1-2a所示,如果直接加工较大幅面的内容,则由于柱形表面的影响,会造成激光聚焦在工件上时能量和变形比较大,距离中心点越远,加工的效果也就越差。









1.CAD常用工具基本操作1.1 简述CAD具有强大的图形绘制以及编辑功能,操作十分便捷,其在机械、建筑以及工程等设计领域中得到了广泛的应用。


1.2 文件●新建、打开、保存、另存以及关闭表操作任何软件时都需要对它所编辑的文件进行管理,CAD主要通过以上几个命令对文件进行管理,其操作方法较为简单,在此不再赘述。












1.3 编辑●剪切、复制以及粘贴以上几个命令跟office里的word、excel里的剪切、复制与粘贴类似,在这里,就不一一详细讲解。





PMCAD使用说明一、人机交互方式输入本章执行PMCAD的主菜单A、人机交互方式输入各层平面数据1. 特点本程序采用屏幕交互式进行数据输入,具有直观、易学,不易出错和修改方便等特点。





2. 如何开始交互输入数据在运行程序之前应进行下列准备工作:(1) 熟知各功能键的定义(2) 为交互输入程序准备配置文件。



(3) 从PMCAD主菜单进入交互式数据输入程序,程序将显示出下列菜单:对于新建文件,用户应依次执行各菜单项;对于旧文件,用户可根据需要直接进入某项菜单。


(4) 程序所输的尺寸单位全部为毫米(mm)。

3. 各结构标准层的描述过程本程序对于建筑物的描述是通过建立其定位轴线,相互交织形成网格和节点,再在网格和节点上布置构件形成标准层的平面布局,各标准层配以不同的层高、荷载形成建筑物的竖向结构布局,完成建筑结构的整体描述。




EzCad2软件使用说明第一章概述1.1 EzCad2国际版软件简介1.1.1 软件简介EzCad2.0国际版软件流畅运行所需计算机硬件环境:EzCad2.0国际版软件是在EzCad2.0软件上进行的一次重大升级,软件完全支持Unicode,所以基本上能支持所有国家的语言。

EzCad2.0国际版软件只能运行在Microsoft Windows XP和VISTA操作系统上。

本手册之后的全部说明均默认为Microsoft Windows XP操作系统。




1.1.2 软件功能本软件具有以下主要功能:自由设计所要加工的图形图案支持TrueType字体,单线字体(JSF),SHX字体,点阵字体(DMF),一维条形码和二维条形码。





强大的节点编辑功能和图形编辑功能,可进行曲线焊接,裁剪和求交运算支持多达256支笔(图层),可以为不同对象设置不同的加工参数兼容常用图像格式(bmp,jpg,gif,tga,png,tif等)兼容常用的矢量图形(ai,dxf,dst,plt等)常用的图像处理功能(灰度转换,黑白图转换,网点处理等),可以进行256级灰度图片加工强大的填充功能,支持环形填充多种控制对象,用户可以自由控制系统与外部设备交互直接支持SPI的G3版光纤激光器和最新IPG_YLP光纤激光器支持动态聚焦(3轴加工系统)开放的多语言支持功能,可以轻松支持世界各国语言1.1.3 界面说明启动界面开始运行程序时,显示启动界面(图1-1),程序在后台进行初始化操作。

TurboCAD CAD绘图软件的使用指南说明书

TurboCAD CAD绘图软件的使用指南说明书

The premier source of tooling, parts, and accessories for bench top machinists.What software do I need to run a CNC mill?Creating a part on a CNC mill is a three phase process. The part is drawn in a CAD (Computer Aided Design) drawing program such as AutoCAD. Then a CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) program is used to convert the CAD drawing to G-Code. Finally, the G-code controls the CNC mill as it makes the part.We will take a look at what is involved in using these three kinds of software by sketching out the creation of a very simple part.Creating a CAD DrawingThere are dozens of CAD programs with which you can create a drawing. Costs vary from free to many thousands of dollars. We are not going to get into reviews or recommendations here, but simply describe the CAD program that we know the best; TurboCAD. Let’s take a look at the steps required to create a drawing.A new drawing in TurboCAD is based on a template. In this case the template defines an A-size (8.5 x 11”) sheet using inches for dimensions and including the title block.This view is the Paper view. This is the page that prints. To work on the drawing we switch to Model view. The title block is gone and a grid appears. This is where we create our drawing.To start the drawing of our sample part, use the Rectangle tool on the left side of the drawing area to create a rectangle that is 2.5” tall and 1.5” wide. You can use your mouse to define the corners of the rectangle, but you will quickly find that you need to use the parameter block at the bottom of the screen to enter the values you want if you want your drawing to be accurate. Your finished part will not be any more accurate than your drawing.Create a double line ¾” long and ¼” wide. Center it ½” above the bottom of the part.Use the Arc tool to add semi-circles to the ends of the double line. This completes the slot.round the corners to 1/8” radius.This completes the top view of the part. We need to add this view to a separate layer so that the CAD program can differentiate this view from the other information in this drawing. We create a layer named Top View andassign all the elements of this view to that layer.Now add the right view of the part.Here’s what the Paper view looks like.To move this file to PartMaster CAM, we save it as a DXF (Drawing eXchange File).The CAM ProcessCAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) software takes the CAD drawing you created and translates it into G-code. It is an interactive process, because you must tell the software what tools you will use, plus information such as spindle speed, cutting depth and cutting speed.The CAM program we are using is Dolphin PartMaster CAM. Open PartMaster CAM and select Create a new job from a DXF file. Load the Example 1.DXF file we created with TurboCAD.In the DXF Import Options dialog choose Import only geometery on layer, and enter Top View.The top view of the part appears in PartMaster CAM. Here we have used View > Options to show Geometry Names.In the bar on the right of the screen, click Area Clearance and Pockets. Then click User Defined. The Pocket: Custom Shape dialog appears.Here we tell the CAD program how to clear the square at the top of the part. We have defined an end mill that is ¼” in diameter and set the spindle speed to 1000 RPM. We will cut to a depth of 0.26” so we go completely through the part in three passes.Use E xecute > Run Program to see how the program will run.Now click the Command tab on the right side of the window and make the settings for the slot at the bottom of the part.Now the machining parameters for both areas are set. Use Execute > Post Process to create the G-code.The program trundles for a few seconds, then produces the G-code necessary to run this part.( Produced :- 19:45:18 Friday, October 23, 2009 )( CNC File :- Example 1 )( Post Processor :- M_MACH3 )( Part Number ID :- )N5G00G20G17G90G40G49G80N6G00G28Z0.0N7G49N8T1M06 ( End mill )N9G43Z1.9685H1N10S1000M03N11G94N12M08N13X0.375Y2.125N14Z0.125N15G01Z-0.0867F1.25 N16X1.125Y2.125F5.0 N17X1.125Y1.375N18X0.375Y1.375N19X0.375Y2.125N20X0.5625Y1.9375 N21X0.9375Y1.9375 N22X0.9375Y1.5625 N23X0.5625Y1.5625 N24X0.5625Y1.9375 N25X0.6563Y1.8438 N26X0.8438Y1.8438 N27X0.8438Y1.6563 N28X0.6563Y1.6563 N29X0.6563Y1.8438 N30G00Z1.9685N31X0.375Y2.125N32Z0.0383N33G01Z-0.1733F1.25 N34X1.125Y2.125F5.0 N35X1.125Y1.375N36X0.375Y1.375N37X0.375Y2.125N38X0.5625Y1.9375 N39X0.9375Y1.9375 N40X0.9375Y1.5625 N41X0.5625Y1.5625 N42X0.5625Y1.9375 N43X0.6563Y1.8438 N44X0.8438Y1.8438 N45X0.8438Y1.6563 N46X0.6563Y1.6563 N47X0.6563Y1.8438 N48G00Z1.9685N49X0.375Y2.125N50Z-0.0483N51G01Z-0.26F1.25N52X1.125Y2.125F5.0 N53X1.125Y1.375N54X0.375Y1.375N55X0.375Y2.125N56X0.5625Y1.9375 N57X0.9375Y1.9375N58X0.9375Y1.5625N59X0.5625Y1.5625N60X0.5625Y1.9375N61X0.6563Y1.8438N62X0.8438Y1.8438N63X0.8438Y1.6563N64X0.6563Y1.6563N65X0.6563Y1.8438N66G00Z1.9685N67M09N68G00G28Z0.0N69G49N70T2M06 ( End mill )N71G43Z1.9685H2N72S1500M03N73G94N74M08N75X0.375Y0.5313N76Z0.125N77G01Z-0.0867F1.25N78G03X0.4063Y0.5I0.375J0.5F5.0 N79X0.375Y0.4688I0.375J0.5N80G01X1.125Y0.4688N81G03X1.0938Y0.5I1.125J0.5N82X1.125Y0.5313I1.125J0.5N83G01X0.375Y0.5313N84Z-0.1733F1.25N85G03X0.4063Y0.5I0.375J0.5F5.0 N86X0.375Y0.4688I0.375J0.5N87G01X1.125Y0.4688N88G03X1.0938Y0.5I1.125J0.5N89X1.125Y0.5313I1.125J0.5N90G01X0.375Y0.5313N91Z-0.26F1.25N92G03X0.4063Y0.5I0.375J0.5F5.0 N93X0.375Y0.4688I0.375J0.5N94G01X1.125Y0.4688N95G03X1.0938Y0.5I1.125J0.5N96X1.125Y0.5313I1.125J0.5N97G01X0.375Y0.5313N98G00Z1.9685N99M09N100M30%We’re not going to teach you G-code here, but we will let you know what sort of thing you are looking at by explaining a few of the lines in that G-code.( Produced :- 19:45:18 Friday, October 23, 2009 )( CNC File :- Example 1 )( Post Processor :- M_MACH3 ) ( Part Number ID :- ) This is information for you, not the CNC Milling machine. Notice that you can read and understand it.N5G00G20G17G90G40G49G80 N6G00G28Z0.0N7G49N8T1M06 ( End mill )N9G43Z1.9685H1N10S1000M03N11G94N12M08 These are all “getting started” codes. Notice that all the lines start with N followed by a number. This is simply the line number and is more for youthan for the CNC machine. The CNC machine simply executes code in the order in which it is received.Look at line N5. In that line things are being set up. For example, G20 says to use inch units, while G90 says to use absolute distances.Line N8 stops the CNC machine so you can change the tool. It’s stopping for a tool change (M06) and asking for tool number 1 (T1). You click Start Cycle to resume the program once you have changed the tool.N15G01Z-0.0867F1.25 N16X1.125Y2.125F5.0 N17X1.125Y1.375N18X0.375Y1.375N19X0.375Y2.125N20X0.5625Y1.9375 N21X0.9375Y1.9375 Now we start making chips. In lineN15, G01 starts linear interpolation. The Z axis goes to -1.086 at a 1.25 feed rate (F1.25).The rest of the lines have X and Y coordinates. These are the end point for the cut for this line of code. As you can see, lines something like these make up most of the rest of the program.This is clearly not an exhaustive discussion of G-code. If you want the nitty-gritty, see Using Mach3Milll on .PartMaster CAM saved the G-code in a file with a PUN extension. It’s in the folder in which you saved your drawing.Creating the PartYou now have the definition of the part in a language that the CNC milling machine can understand; G-code. If you were using a commercial CNC machinesuch as a HAAS Vertical Machining Center , the controller would be built into the machine and you would transfer the G-code directly to the machine. Most hobby CNC machines have an external controller; a personal computer that is cabled to the CNC machine. A large percentage of these personal computers are running the Mach 3 machine control program.Let’s briefly see how Mach 3 works. Use a USB Flash Drive to move the G-code file to the computer connected to the CNC milling machine. You probably want to put it in C:\Mach3\GCode.Start Mach 3 using the profile that is appropriate to your CNC machine. In our case, we will use the KX3 profile, appropriate for the model 3503 CNC Milling Machine.This screen is the Mach 3 machine controller. You can confirm the profile in the lower right corner. Let’s load the G-code, and then look at this screen. Click Load G-Code and select the Example 1.pun G-code file.Now we can see what those empty rectangles are for on the screen. In the upper-left corner is the G-code file we are working with. In the upper-center is the DRO; the digital read out. This shows the current position of the four axes. In the upper-right corner is the tool path. This window shows the projected path of the tool and shows its current position as it progresses through the program.The lower-left panel incorporates most of the controls you need to load and execute a G-code program. The Reset button is the on-screen E-Stop, or Emergency Stop button. This button (and the hardware E-Stop button on the machine) will stop the machine immediately. You will use these buttons a lot as you learn CNC programming.Cycle Start does what you expect; it starts executing the program. It also re-starts execution from the current position after a tool change, Stop or Pause. Feed Hold pauses execution, while Stop stops it. Cycle Start resumes after either one. Be careful when resuming any programs, because changes you have made manually (such as stopping the spindle) are not reversed. The program is simply executed from the current line.The Tool Information provides just the information you would expect; which tool you are using (or which tool is requested if the Change Tool bar is lit), and information about that tool.The Feed Rate block shows the current feed rate and allows you to override the program settings. Like wise, the Spindle Speed block shows the current spindle speed settings and allows you to control the spindle speed.If you press the Tab key, the MPG “Pendant” appears. This is an on-screen representation of an MPG (Manual Pulse Generator) pendant, a hand-held control on some CNC machines. This screen allows you to manually control thefour axes and the spindle. For example, to move the Z-axis up, hold the Z+ button down with your mouse.We’ve skipped lots of steps to get to this point. For example, we have said nothing about the physical aspects of mounting your work piece and cutting tools in the CNC milling machine. And we haven’t addressed how to tell the CNC machine where your part blank and the cutting tool are located (hint, see the Offsets screen in Mach 3). But we did take a look at what the three major pieces of software are that are required to make a part on a CNC machine.Do you really need all this software?In a word, no. There are a couple ways around using all these software programs. You can simply write the G-code by hand. And many machine controllers have a “conversational mode” that helps you write the G-code for standard operations such as cutting a slot.Hand CodingThere are, of course, other ways to do this. One can create G-code “by hand”, by simply typing the G-code commands into a text editor such as Notepad. For very simple projects, this may be the quickest way to make your part.Here is the G-code to create a simple slot:G00 X0.1375 Y0.1375G01 Z-0.068 F30X1.3625 F400X1.275 Y0.05Y0.225X0.225Y0.05X1.275G00 Z1G00 X0.1375 Y0.1375G01 Z-0.125 F30X1.3625 F400X1.275 Y0.05Y0.225X0.225Y0.05X1.275G00 Z1X0.75 Y-0.05G01 Z-0.125 F30Y0.15 F400X0.125Y0.125X1.375Y0.15X0.75Y0.05G00 Z1M5 M9M30We won’t go into what all those codes mean because a) there are quite a few of them, and b) they mean (somewhat) different things to different CNC machines. If you want to hand code G-code, find the G-code reference for your machine.Conversational ProgrammingMost CNC Control programs, including Mach3, have the ability to “program themselves” using dialog boxes or wizards. This is known in the trade a Conversational Programming. You can do things like creating bolt circles, engraving, and other relatively standard operations.You run a wizard or fill out a dialog box or two and the controller creates the G-code it needs to execute the operation. This process is good for one-off projects, but combining the output of several canned cycles into a more complex process can be problematic.CAD and CAM ProgramsHere are short and very incomplete lists of CAD and CAM programs. Pricesrange from free (A9CAD) to several thousands of dollars. Don’t take these listsas recommendations. These are just the programs we found in a short sessionwith Google and Bing.CAD ProgramsA9CAD Alibre AutoCad BobCAD-CAM DeltaCad Dolphin Partmaster Mastercam SketchUp Pro SolidWorks' TurboCad VCarve Pro CAM ProgramsArtCAM Insignia BobCAD-CAM Cut2D D2nc Dolphin Partmaster Edgecam FeatureCAM GibbsCAM Mastercam VCarve Pro 。

AU 2014社交媒体喷泉:AutoCAD电气说明书

AU 2014社交媒体喷泉:AutoCAD电气说明书
<project name>.<file extension> located in the same folder as the active .wdp file DEFAULT. < file extension> located in the same folder as the active .wdp file DEFAULT. < file extension> located in the Support Directories
Project Manager
AutoCAD Palette Customized Right Click Menus
The AutoCAD Electrical Project
Create New Project Dialog Box
Name it Location for files Option to create a new folder Copy another project file’s settings Descriptions: project-wide
Class summary
If you are currently using AutoCAD® to develop controls drawings or if you have AutoCAD® Electrical but you are still primarily using it as vanilla AutoCAD to complete your controls drawings, this is the class for you. Learn key tips and tricks to get you quickly up and running with AutoCAD Electrical, so that you can start utilizing all of its amazing automation! Hot Topics will include template development, support file step up, and user friendly automated commands. This class will be electrifying and have you feeling the spark of love for ACADE!















图形 、图形编辑操作一般均是单指操作,按下弹起即结束当前操作。





二、 浏览工具图形浏览工具在主工具栏的图标为:,点击即进入图形浏览状态,副工具栏显示的图形浏览工具:三、 绘图工具 绘图工具在主工具栏的图标为:,点击即进入图形绘制状态,副工具栏显示的图形绘制工具:标点击即进入带角度点符号绘制状态,手工绘制;在连机测量时按测量键号,但此时的符号均为正北方向的符号。

SecondLook Digital CAD 系统 操作手册摘要说明书

SecondLook Digital CAD 系统 操作手册摘要说明书

SecondLook Digital CAD 系统操作手册摘要版本号:7.2DTM108 Rev. A此页空白法规要求本产品符合下列法规要求:• Council Directive 93/42/EEC 中关于医疗器械的规定: 标识 证明符合此道则。

系统手册中说明了CE 标志在设备系统中的位置。

iCAD 公司欧洲注册地:Medical Device Safety Service GmbHAttn: Ludger MoellerSchiffgraben 4130175 HannoverGermanyPhone: +49 511 62628630Fax: +49 511 62628633• Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (UL),一家独立的测试实验室。

• Canadian Standards Association (“CSA”,加拿大标准协会)。

• International Electrotechnical Commission (“IEC”,国际电工委员会,系一家国际标准化组织)若可适用。


• USA/HHS:美国联邦法规定此产品仅由医师使用或在医师指导下使用。

• 原始文件为英文。

图像注释注 :由于设备允许医师使用Image Annotation (图像注释)功能保存患者信息,针对“ 数据管理中对于患者私人信息的保护和患者数据的信息流动” 的European Directive(欧洲导则)要求电脑文件保存的用户(放射科医师、医师)信息中不应保存下述信息: - 种族,- 哲学观点,- 宗教信仰,- 政治立场,- 等。


必须从完成使用寿命的设备和附件上拆除所有可能对环境造成污染的材料和组件 (如:干电池、湿电池以及变压器油,等)。

MetaCAM 2D CAD 产品说明书

MetaCAM 2D CAD 产品说明书

Leading the Industry with Innovative CAD/CAM SolutionsTangentIntersectionAlign:XIntersecti o nAlign:YAlign:XCenterLi n e2D CADMetaCAM’s easy to use andpowerful drafting system helps you breeze through part creation. Each drawing icon is designed to morph into several operations using shortcuts that eliminate troublesome switching between icons.Intelligent Snaps, Automatic construction lines, library of canned shapes and user defined parametrics are just a few of the many powerful CAD functions in MetaCAM.Highlights:● Supports blocks, layers and spline curves. ● Automatic Dimensioning of Parts.● Imports drawings from DXF, DWG, IGES or PRT files.● Parametric Transitions and Duct unfold.● Solidedge © and Solidworks © Import. ● Flat to 3D model fold up capability. ● Common Shape Array Tool.● Clean up Splines,Duplicate, and Open geometry.● Supports Etch and Engraving Layers that can be tooled when programmed.● Easily unfold 3D models to 3view shop shop floor drawings.3D CADMetaCAM’s 3D sheetmetal modeler can......● Read IGES, STEP, Solidege © and Solidworks © native 3D models.● Easily switch between Bend and Cut Edges.● Unfold 3D models into Flat patterns directly ready for CAM.● Represent form shapes such as Louvers, Lances, Countersinks and automatically assign Tooling.● Automatically create Boxes, Mitered Corners.● Model and Unfold weld & hemming flanges.Laser Auto ToolConditions required for various Laser CAM processes can be specified in the Part Settings Dialog (Approach Point, Escape Geometry, Joints, Pierce types, Corner Loop Types, work - chute). Conventional operations that manually controlled these parameters are no longer necessary - they are all completely automated.Auto Tool SortingOperations such as Optimization, routing of traverse lines, repositioning are allbundled into single auto sequence operation.Laser Cutting DatabaseMetaCAM provides an extensive database to control various aspects of laser tooling, such as cut conditions, pierce conditions, approach and escape settings.Time StudyMetaCAM provides a detailed time study that displays the total time along with information such as the total length of cut, traverse time, part weight and number ofpierces.MetaCAM's engine for laser, plasma, router and water-jet machines helps you get the most out of profile cutting machines. Sophisticated technology tables optimize machine parameters after analyzing SER / PROFILE CAMLeaders in Profile Cutting.Highlights:● Unparalleled support for special machines.● Sophisticated algorithms handle traverse-line routing for even the most complicated parts.● Punch-laser hybrid machines support.● Optimally divides the processing between punch and laser in hybrid machines.● Automatically assign Lead-in, Escape Geometry based on part size and thickness of material.● Support Multiple Pierce Types and Cut Conditions to exploit machine specific features.Highlights● Sophisticated Auto Tooling Engine minimizes manual intervention.●Color Coded Graphical Turret and Tool Library for easy operation.● Automatic Assignment of Wirejoints and Cornerjoints based on size of part● Automatic Chute Assignment● Support for Custom Shape Tools and Form Tools● Automatic Sequencing and Repositioning generates NC code in one operation● Table Sequencing provides graphical display and easy editing to sheet wide sequence.● Supports Multiple Tool Libraries and Tool Collections based on make and model of tooling.Auto Tool FunctionAuto Tooling is done based on large set ofparameters and tooling guidelines. Tooling Patterns, Nibble Pitch, Tool Overlap, Tool Size Tolerance etc. can be controlled and automated through the tooling process.Tool LibraryStandard, Special, Forming, and Custom tools can be created, maintained, and syncd using theMetaCAM Tool Library. Graphical Turrets with a true representation of the actual machine turret is a standard feature. Tools can be loaded using drag-and-drop feature. Multiple turrets can be stored for each machine and reports printed to review tool lists.Auto SequenceMetaCAM allows you to sequence the tooling of the part for generating NC code. Table and Interactive Sequence help you to graphically verify the tooling sequence.Priority Driven Auto ToolingAuto Tooling Patterns are all priority driven and subdivided based on tool shape, hole size and tool type. You can also select the pattern of your choice graphically.List StyleTurret StylePunch Auto-tooling dialogPunch CAMUnparalleled Productivity for Turret PressesMaximize Material Utilization and Reduce Programming Time. Go From 1000 job orders to nested NC programs in minutes.NestingFree Shape Geometry Nesting deliversExcellent Material EfficiencyMRP Integration and AutomationThe Metaworks AI and AutoCAM modules from Metamation, Inc is the latest product developed to further improve productivity from your MetaCAMsoftware. Using this software, users can batch program and auto nest parts with just a few clicks. Just select a material and point to the folder where your CAD files are stored, let the software do the rest—Metaworks can……..● Import, Tool up and program a parts in less than 5 secs.● Automatically load an MRP feed to nesting at about one sec a part.● AutoNest and Generate ready to run NC code based on the MRP schedule for the day/week/month.Auto ToolingOnce the desired bend machine is selected, the auto tooler assigns suitable tooling based on the 3D model to generate a collision free bend sequence. The Bend Sequence and Tooling Layout can be output on graphical reports.Collision Check and SimulationThe Bend Simulator provides detailed, precise, andconfigurable simulation of the entire operation. Back gauge movement, ram stroke, part insertion, and retraction are all animated. Simulation checks for collision between parts, tools, punch holder, and machine - displays any such collisions found in the model. Collisions can be visually inspected, zoomed in, and corrected using the graphical interface.Back gauge editingYou can view the back gauges graphically and also change the position of the back gauges in the 3D visual representation window.MetaBEND3d Bend SImulation and Programming● Full 3D Bend Simulation and Collision Checking.● Collision Checking for safer operation of the press brake.● Graphical reports provide the operator detailed step by step setups.● Eliminate Scrap due to Trial and Error Programming.● Safely store complex bend programs for reuse.● Optimize tool selection to minimize changing setups.HighlightsMetaCAM’s rotary cutting module allows rotary axis programming for round, square and rectangular tubes. The Multiaxis programming module canprogram 3D curved surfaces which eliminates teachand playbackMultiAxis & RotaryCAMHighlights● Holes can be arrayed, projected through and wrapped around tubes.● Automatic Collision Checking warns the user of any machine collisions.● Automatic / Interactive Sequencing of cuts.● Automatic Fixture Creation based on the shape of the 3d model.● Auto Export Fixture to 2D nesting and cut using a 2D laser.● Add / Remove cutting vectors to smoothly cut out curved surfaces.1698 Meadow Wood Lane Ste 202Reno, NV 89502Ph : 775 826-1717FAX: 775 826-1723***********************Computer SpecificationsRequired to install MetaCAM.USB Port required if no Parallel port is available.Serial Port required for RS-232C (DNC) output.Metamation, Inc.All Copyright and Trademarks are Property of their Respective Owners。

DraftSight 2D CAD 说明书

DraftSight 2D CAD 说明书

ACCESS EXISTING DWG FILES AND CREATE NEW ONES WITH RELIABILITY AND SAVINGSIf you’re frustrated by the high cost of your 2D CAD licenses and upgrades, forced to have a subscription plan,or feel you’re get t ing limit ed value from your 2D CAD invest ment s, Draft Sight ®can answer your needs.DraftSight’s familiar user interface, minimal learning curve, and easy transition from your current application provides reliable DWG ® compatibility for legacy or current projects. It can also help with the challenges of 2D compliance, migration to Microsoft ® Windows ® 7 or 8 (which could create compatibilityissues with your current 2D CAD product), or using LISP routines. At the same time, DraftSight offers 50 to 80 percent savings and gives you the option of using a network license that is easy-to-deploy and manage.DRAFTSIGHTPROFESSIONAL-GRADE 2D CAD AT A FRACTIONOF THE COST OF ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTSPRODUCT AVAILABILITY DraftSight FreeDownload DraftSight for Free at /Download .The Professional Pack Offering for DraftSightTo learn more about, to purchase, or to sign up for a free, 30-day, no-obligation trial of DraftSight Professional, go to /Professional .The Enterprise Pack Offering for DraftSightTo request a quote, go to /RAQ .For more information about DraftSight, go to .Our 3D EXPERIENCE platform powers our brand applications, serving 12 industries, and provides a rich portfolio of industry solution experiences.Dassault Systèmes, the 3D EXPERIENCE ® Company, provides business and people with virtual universes to imagine sustainable innovations. Its world-leading solutions transform the way products are designed, produced, and supported. Dassault Systèmes’ collaborative solutions foster social innovation, expanding possibilities for the virtual world to improve the real world. The group brings value to over 170,000 customers of all sizes in all industries in more than 140 countries. For more information, visit .©2014 D a s s a u l t S y s t èm e s . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . 3D E X P E R I E N C E , t h e C o m p a s s i c o n a n d t h e 3D S l o g o , C A T I A , S O L I D W O R K S , E N O V I A , D E L M I A , S I M U L I A , G E O V I A , E X A L E A D , 3D V I A , B I O V I A , a n d N E T V I B E S a r e c o m m e r c i a l t r a d e m a r k s o r r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k s o f D a s s a u l t S y s t èm e s o r i t s s u b s i d i a r i e s i n t h e U .S . a n d /o r o t h e r c o u n t r i e s . A l l o t h e r t r a d e m a r k s a r e o w n e d b y t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e o w n e r s . U s e o f a n y D a s s a u l t S y s t èm e s o r i t s s u b s i d i a r i e s t r a d e m a r k s i s s u b j e c t t o t h e i r e x p r e s s w r i t t e n a p p r o v a l.Corporate Headquarters Dassault Systèmes10, rue Marcel Dassault CS 4050178946 Vélizy-Villacoublay Cedex FranceAmericasDassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corporation 175 Wyman StreetWaltham, MA 02451 USA Phone:180****9000Outside the US: +1 781 810 5011 Email:**************************Asia-PacificDassault Systèmes K.K.ThnkPark Tower2-1-1 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku,Tokyo 141-6020JapanDraftSight runs on Microsoft Windows, App l e ® Macintosh ®, and Linux ® operating systems, and is backed by Dassau l t Systèmes. Users can choose from the following options.DRAFTSIGHT FREEThe free version of DraftSight is for students, hobbyists, or other individuals who need a straightforward 2D CAD product.THE PROFESSIONAL PACK OFFERING FOR DRAFTSIGHTDraftSight Professional is for small and medium size companies that need a professional-grade CAD product with powerful, time-saving functionalities. DraftSight Professional includes industry-standard content that can be added to a document with ease and batch printing to print multiple files without opening them. Companies that have a need to customize their CAD system using LISP will find significant value in DraftSight Professional.THE ENTERPRISE PACK OFFERING FOR DRAFTSIGHTDraftSight Enterprise is for large organizations with many users or multiple sites that need a professional-grade CAD product with technical support. A network license is included that enables concurrent usage and helps manage mission critical CAD requirements and compliance across the organization. DraftSight Enterprise resolves DWG file compatibility issues at a fraction of the cost of other solutions, and with DraftSight Enterprise application programming interfaces (APIs), organizations can quickly create applications to customize their experience.DRAFTSIGHT SUPPORTNo matter what option you select, DraftSight delivers access to support:DraftSight FreeDraftSight Free includes online community support for students, hobbyists, and individuals.The Professional Pack Offering for DraftSightCompanies that use DraftSight Professional have access to online community support. Prosumer Support is also available for purchase and includes installation, activation, and configuration support via email and telephone. Prosumer is renewable for 3 or 12 months.The Enterprise Pack Offering for DraftSightCompanies with many users or multiple sites receive telephone and email technical support with DraftSight Enterprise, as well as a network license and a deployment wizard to ease installation and configuration. DraftSight Enterprise can berenewed on an annual basis.COMPARING THE VALUE OF DRAFTSIGHT’S OFFERINGS:Community Resources: Access to a global online community, support, and an abundance of learning resources, including a free Getting Started Guide.u u u Compatibility: Runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux.u u u Search in Options: Simplified search to find your topic quickly.u u u Quick Group: Quickly group elements of your drawing with the click of a button.uuuStandard Compliant Drawings: Use the VerifyStandards command to check that the current drawing conforms to industry, corporate, and custom standards.u u uiQuestions Integration: Get community support by searching or submitting iQuestions directly from DraftSight’s task pane.u u uToolbox for DraftSight: A mechanical symbol library that allows quick insertion of standard hardware, balloons, welding symbols, surface finish symbols, and more.u uDesign Library: Provides a central location for user-defined reusable elements such as blocks that can be simply dragged and dropped into the drawing.u uDrawing Compare: Quickly find differences between similar drawings with a graphical comparison.u u DraftSight APIs and API updates: APIs allow end users to customize and automate DraftSight to support LISP routines or other macros.u u Batch Printing: Print multiple documents at once and save batch print jobs for subsequent use.u u Layer Preview: Quickly view which entities are on which layers one by one or by a set of specified layers.u u PDF Underlay: Easily attach pages of a PDF document to a drawing with the AttachPDF command.uuStay Current: Access product upgrades, new releases, and servicepacks that become available during your entitlement period, so you can always stay current.u uTechnical Support: Get assistance via telephone and email.u Network License: Helps deploy 2D CAD across the entire organization, eliminating headaches related to license management and versioning data incompatibility.uDeployment Wizard: Enables large groups of users to install or upgrade DraftSight.u。



EzCad2软件使用说明第一章概述1.1 EzCad2国际版软件简介1.1.1 软件简介EzCad2.0国际版软件流畅运行所需计算机硬件环境:EzCad2.0国际版软件是在EzCad2.0软件上进行的一次重大升级,软件完全支持Unicode,所以基本上能支持所有国家的语言。

EzCad2.0国际版软件只能运行在Microsoft Windows XP和VISTA操作系统上。

本手册之后的全部说明均默认为Microsoft Windows XP操作系统。




1.1.2 软件功能本软件具有以下主要功能:●自由设计所要加工的图形图案●支持TrueType字体,单线字体(JSF),SHX字体,点阵字体(DMF),一维条形码和二维条形码。





●强大的节点编辑功能和图形编辑功能,可进行曲线焊接,裁剪和求交运算●支持多达256支笔(图层),可以为不同对象设置不同的加工参数●兼容常用图像格式(bmp,jpg,gif,tga,png,tif等)●兼容常用的矢量图形(ai,dxf,dst,plt等)●常用的图像处理功能(灰度转换,黑白图转换,网点处理等),可以进行256级灰度图片加工●强大的填充功能,支持环形填充●多种控制对象,用户可以自由控制系统与外部设备交互●直接支持SPI的G3版光纤激光器和最新IPG_YLP光纤激光器●支持动态聚焦(3轴加工系统)●开放的多语言支持功能,可以轻松支持世界各国语言1.1.3 界面说明●启动界面开始运行程序时,显示启动界面(图1-1),程序在后台进行初始化操作。

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