《Steve Jobs》PPT
广州版英语六年级下册Unit 6《Steve Jobs》PPT课件
Ten years old
In 1965, Jobs of 10 years old good to learn. In primary school, Jobs is not very Until I met Hill in the fourth grade teacher when, to make efforts. Learning to soar, skip
Re-Define The Phone
▪ 2007, Apple launched iPhone
▪ 2010, mo sold
▪ App Store is the largest Online App market
▪ Leading people to a time with simple-smart communication and entertainment
Living Without PC
▪ 2010, Apple launched iPod, with large touch screen and powerful processor
▪ Has a trend to replace the PC
▪ Leading a Pad-Time ▪ A new challenge of
Steve Jobs
By 熊昕怡 王迎欢
▪ changed the world. The first one seduced Eve. The second one Three Apples awakened Newton. The third one was in
▪ Steve Jobs ( 1955-2011 ), inventor, entrepreneur, American co-founder, former CEO of Apple Corp. In 1976 Jobs and friends set up a Apple Com puter Inc, he accompanied the Apple Corp decades of ups and downs and rejuvenation, has leading and introduced the Macintosh computer, iMac, iPod, iPhone and other popular all over the world millions of electronic products, profoundly changed the modern communication, entertainment and even the way of life. In October 5, 2011 he died, at the age of 56. Jobs is to change the world of genius, he had a keen sense of touch and
— —A Legend as God
Made by Xin Lijun
Steve Jobs
Personal resume
Main achievements
Inventor, icon, genius. Steve Jobs gave Silicon Valley its identity
There is a words on the network, perhaps expressed the most deeply sure of people to Steve Jobs: “Three Apples changed the world.The first one seduced Eve.The second one awakened
1985 The unthinkable. Jobs is fired and starts a new computer company NeXT.
1997 Jobs returns as Apple CEO.
2000 Apple names him permanent CEO. Black turtleneck and wire glasses--his trademark image as a leader.
Apple CEO Steve Jobs poses with the new iPhone 4 during the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco, California in this June 7, 2010
Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs introduces the iPad 2 on stage during an Apple event in San Francisco, California in this March 2, 2011,
— —A Legend as God
Made by Xin Lijun
Steve Jobs
Personal resume
Main achievements
Inventor, icon, genius. Steve Jobs gave Silicon Valley its identity
There is a words on the network, perhaps expressed the most deeply sure of people to Steve Jobs: “Three Apples changed the world.The first one seduced Eve.The second one awakened
1985 The unthinkable. Jobs is fired and starts a new computer company NeXT.
1997 Jobs returns as Apple CEO.
2000 Apple names him permanent CEO. Black turtleneck and wire glasses--his trademark image as a leader.
Apple CEO Steve Jobs poses with the new iPhone 4 during the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco, California in this June 7, 2010
Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs introduces the iPad 2 on stage during an Apple event in San Francisco, California in this March 2, 2011,
朋友:加利福尼亚州州长杰里·布朗(Jerry Brown)、董事 长拉里·埃里森(Lawrence J Ellison)。
所获荣誉和奖项:1985年被里根总统授予国家技术奖章, 1987年荣获杰斐逊公众服务奖,1989年被《公司》杂志评 为“十年企业家”、拥有313项发明专利。
带着6502芯片,两个狂喜的年轻人回到乔布斯的车库,开始了自己伟大的创新。 他们设计了一个电路板,将6502微处理器和接口及其他一些部件安装在上面, 通过接口将微处理机与键盘、视频显示器连接在一起,仅仅几个星期,电脑 就装好了。
年轻时的史蒂夫·乔布斯与比尔·盖茨 乔布斯的朋友都震惊了,但他们都没意识到,这个其貌不扬的东西,会给以后的
乔布斯被认为是计算机业界与娱乐业界的标志性人物,同时 人们也把他视作麦金塔计算机、iPod、iTunes、iPad、 iPhone等知名数字产品的缔造者,这些风靡全球亿万人的 电子产品,深刻地改变了现代通讯、娱乐乃至生活的方式。
乔布斯是改变世界的天才,他凭敏锐的触觉和过人的智慧, 勇于变革,不断创新,引领全球资讯科技和电子产品的潮 流,把电脑和电子产品不断变得简约化、平民化,让曾经 是昂贵稀罕的电子产品变为现代人生活的一部分。
本PPT课件仅供学习用 本PPT课件仅供学习用 本PPT课件仅供学习用
爱好:被人称为神经高度紧张的工作狂,以其热情激励他人, 拥有一个“现实扭曲场”,热衷于技术,事必躬亲,傲慢 而偏执,有禅宗信徒一般让人镇静的力量。
所获荣誉和奖项:1985年被里根总统授予国家技术奖章, 1987年荣获杰斐逊公众服务奖,1989年被《公司》杂志评 为“十年企业家”、拥有313项发明专利。
带着6502芯片,两个狂喜的年轻人回到乔布斯的车库,开始了自己伟大的创新。 他们设计了一个电路板,将6502微处理器和接口及其他一些部件安装在上面, 通过接口将微处理机与键盘、视频显示器连接在一起,仅仅几个星期,电脑 就装好了。
年轻时的史蒂夫·乔布斯与比尔·盖茨 乔布斯的朋友都震惊了,但他们都没意识到,这个其貌不扬的东西,会给以后的
乔布斯被认为是计算机业界与娱乐业界的标志性人物,同时 人们也把他视作麦金塔计算机、iPod、iTunes、iPad、 iPhone等知名数字产品的缔造者,这些风靡全球亿万人的 电子产品,深刻地改变了现代通讯、娱乐乃至生活的方式。
乔布斯是改变世界的天才,他凭敏锐的触觉和过人的智慧, 勇于变革,不断创新,引领全球资讯科技和电子产品的潮 流,把电脑和电子产品不断变得简约化、平民化,让曾经 是昂贵稀罕的电子产品变为现代人生活的一部分。
本PPT课件仅供学习用 本PPT课件仅供学习用 本PPT课件仅供学习用
爱好:被人称为神经高度紧张的工作狂,以其热情激励他人, 拥有一个“现实扭曲场”,热衷于技术,事必躬亲,傲慢 而偏执,有禅宗信徒一般让人镇静的力量。
乔布斯的创新理念重新定义了多个市 场,如个人电脑、音乐播放器、智能 手机等,为行业发展树立了新的标杆 。
乔布斯对技术和设计有着极高的要求,他总是追求卓越,不断推动团队超越自 我。他相信只有对产品充满激情,才能创造出真正优秀的东西。
乔布斯通过不断创新,带领苹果公司发布了一系列具有影响力的产品,改变了科技产业格局,为全球经济发展做出了 贡献。这启示我们,创新是推动发展的关键,只有不断创新才能跟上时代的步伐。
《史蒂夫·乔布斯》 ppt课件
• 史蒂夫·乔布斯的生平简介 • 乔布斯的创新理念 • 乔布斯的领导风格 • 乔布斯的个人品质 • 乔布斯的影响与遗产
史蒂夫·乔布斯的生平 简介
史蒂夫·乔布斯于1955年出生于美 国旧金山,父母是叙利亚移民。
乔布斯在硅谷的家园附近的一所 小学和初中就读,后来进入洛斯 阿尔托斯高中学习。
乔布斯具有坚定的信念,他始终 相信自己的使命是改变世界。
他坚信自己的价值观和理念,并 将其贯穿于整个职业生涯中。
在他的领导下,苹果公司发布了 一系列具有影响力的产品和服务 ,这些产品和服务都体现了乔布
乔布斯对技术和设计有着极高的要求,他总是追求卓越,不断推动团队超越自 我。他相信只有对产品充满激情,才能创造出真正优秀的东西。
乔布斯通过不断创新,带领苹果公司发布了一系列具有影响力的产品,改变了科技产业格局,为全球经济发展做出了 贡献。这启示我们,创新是推动发展的关键,只有不断创新才能跟上时代的步伐。
《史蒂夫·乔布斯》 ppt课件
• 史蒂夫·乔布斯的生平简介 • 乔布斯的创新理念 • 乔布斯的领导风格 • 乔布斯的个人品质 • 乔布斯的影响与遗产
史蒂夫·乔布斯的生平 简介
史蒂夫·乔布斯于1955年出生于美 国旧金山,父母是叙利亚移民。
乔布斯在硅谷的家园附近的一所 小学和初中就读,后来进入洛斯 阿尔托斯高中学习。
乔布斯具有坚定的信念,他始终 相信自己的使命是改变世界。
他坚信自己的价值观和理念,并 将其贯穿于整个职业生涯中。
在他的领导下,苹果公司发布了 一系列具有影响力的产品和服务 ,这些产品和服务都体现了乔布
乔布斯(Steve Jobs)英语PPT
--Apple --Apple • Jobs and Woz sold the making over $776,000 from sales • In 1977, the two released the Apple II, a single board computer with onboard ROM and a color video interface (接口).
--leaving Apple --leaving As sales of the Macintosh took off, CEO John Sculley(约翰·史考利 ) thought that Jobs was hurting Apple’s success, and gradually forced Jobs to leave.
Young Steven Jobs Education Career
Young Steven Jobs
• Born in 1955 in Green Bay, Wisconsin • Adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs to live in Santa Clara, California • Graduated high school in Cupertino, California
--Apple’s Growth -• From 1977 to 1983, Apple continued to grow exponentially(以指数方式地 ). • In 1981, IBM finally entered the personal computer market, and in just two years began to outsell(卖的比 多) 卖的比…多 卖的比 Apple. • After the failure of the Apple III and Lisa, Jobs needed a new computer that could compete with the IBM PC. • In 1985, Bill Gates convinced Jobs to license the graphical user interface in the Macintosh to create Windows, which could run on IBM PC’s
广州版英语六年级下册Unit 6《Steve Jobs》PPT课件
Later, Jobs got a summer job in HP. Jobs's
The Beginnings of Apple
After spending time in India in 1974, Jobs returned to America Steve Jobs , Steve Wozniak And Ronald Gerald Wayne in 1976.
sunior high school.
The time of high school
In 1969, a class photo electronic It is the middle of the 14 year old Jobs, the first on the left is their teacher McCollum. Jobs entered the Holmes Ted after high school, he attended an electronic class.
Re-Define The Phone
• 2007, Apple launched iPhone • 2010, more than 50 ,000,000 iPhone was sold • App Store is the largest Online App market • Leading people to a time with simple-smart communication and entertainment
Soul Of Apple
• 1984: National Medal of Technology • 1987: Jefferson Award for Public Service • 2007:the most powerful person in business by Fortune Magazine • 2009: CEO of the decade by Fortune Magazine • 2010: Financial Times named Jobs its person of the year for 2010 • ......
The Beginnings of Apple
After spending time in India in 1974, Jobs returned to America Steve Jobs , Steve Wozniak And Ronald Gerald Wayne in 1976.
sunior high school.
The time of high school
In 1969, a class photo electronic It is the middle of the 14 year old Jobs, the first on the left is their teacher McCollum. Jobs entered the Holmes Ted after high school, he attended an electronic class.
Re-Define The Phone
• 2007, Apple launched iPhone • 2010, more than 50 ,000,000 iPhone was sold • App Store is the largest Online App market • Leading people to a time with simple-smart communication and entertainment
Soul Of Apple
• 1984: National Medal of Technology • 1987: Jefferson Award for Public Service • 2007:the most powerful person in business by Fortune Magazine • 2009: CEO of the decade by Fortune Magazine • 2010: Financial Times named Jobs its person of the year for 2010 • ......
《Steve Jobs》PPT【优质课件】
• Steve Jobs ( 1955-2011 ), inventor, entrepreneur, American co-founder, former CEO of Apple Corp. In 1976 Jobs and friends set up a Apple Com puter Inc, he accompanied the Apple Corp decades of ups and downs and rejuvenation, has leading and introduced the Macintosh computer, iMac, iPod, iPhone and other popular all over the world millions of electronic products, profoundly changed the modern communication, entertainment and even the way of life. In October 5, 2011 he died, at the age of 56. Jobs is to change the world of genius, he had a keen sense of touch and wisdom, the courage to change, innovation, leading the global information technology and electronic product trend, the computer and electronic product becomes simple, civilians, that used to be expensive rare electronic products become part of modern life.
广州版英语六年级下册Unit 6《Steve Jobs》PPT课件
skip the fifth grade in junior high school.
The time of high school
In 1969, a class photo electronic It is the middle of the 14 year old Jobs, the first on the left is their teacher McCollum. Jobs entered the Holmes Ted after high school, he attended an electronic class. Jobs teacher is Mr McCollum, he later said, Jobs was a student on the telephone to David Hewlett "offer one's own services", which made him very shocked. Later, Jobs got a summer job in HP. Jobs's entrepreneurial ability demonstrated in
Ten years old
In 1965, Jobs of 10 years old good to learn. In primary school, Jobs is not very Until I met Hill in the fourth grade teacher when, to make efforts. Learning to soar,
Re-Define The Phone
• 2007, Apple launched iPhone
• 2010, more than 50 ,000,000 iPhone was sold
• 乔布斯是改变世界的天才,他凭敏锐的 触觉和过人的智慧,勇于变革,不断创 新,引领全球资讯科技和电子产品的潮 流,把电脑和电子产品变得简约化、平 民化,让曾经是昂贵稀罕的电子产品变 为现代人生活的一部分。 • Jobs is to change the world of genius, he had a keen sense of touch and great wisdom, the courage to change, continuous innovation, leading the global information technology and the trend of the electronic products, computer and electronic product becomes simplified, popular, let was expensive rare electronic products into modern part of life.
• 学生时代 的乔布斯聪明、顽皮,肆无忌惮 ,常常喜欢别 出心裁地搞出一些令人啼笑皆非 的恶作剧。 • Student age of jobs smart, naughty, unbridled , often like to try to be unique to make out some wry chronicling of tricks. • 不过,他的学习成绩倒是十分出众。 • However, his study result is very outstanding. • 当时,乔布斯就生活在后来著名的“硅谷 附近,邻居都 是“硅谷”元老——惠普公司的职员。 • At that time, jobs will live in later known as the "silicon valley" "nearby, neighbors are" silicon valley "patriarch hewlett-packard company staff.
In this Jan. 24, 1984, file photo, Steve Jobs, chairman of the board of Apple Computer, leans on the new "Macintosh" personal computer following a shareholder's meeting in Cupertino, Calif
In this Jan. 7, 1997, file
photo, Steve Jobs, chief
executi at the MacWorld
trade show in San
Francisco.(now he has
returned the apple
company )
2007 Jobs captures the world’s attention again with the iPhone. They make an app for everything. 2010 The iPad. Jobs latest creation, the fast-selling technological device ever. August 2011 An announcement: Jobs resigs as chief executive. oct.5,2011 Jobs leave the world peacefully.
2000 Apple names him permanent CEO. Black turtleneck and wire glasses--his trademark image as a leader.
2001 The music industry forever change with the iPod, iTunes follows. Billions of songs are downloaded.
In this Jan. 24, 1984, file photo, Steve Jobs, chairman of the board of Apple Computer, leans on the new "Macintosh" personal computer following a shareholder's meeting in Cupertino, Calif
In this Jan. 7, 1997, file
photo, Steve Jobs, chief
executi at the MacWorld
trade show in San
Francisco.(now he has
returned the apple
company )
2007 Jobs captures the world’s attention again with the iPhone. They make an app for everything. 2010 The iPad. Jobs latest creation, the fast-selling technological device ever. August 2011 An announcement: Jobs resigs as chief executive. oct.5,2011 Jobs leave the world peacefully.
2000 Apple names him permanent CEO. Black turtleneck and wire glasses--his trademark image as a leader.
2001 The music industry forever change with the iPod, iTunes follows. Billions of songs are downloaded.
4 >>
2001 Ipod
1998 Imac
2010 Ipad
2007 Iphone
4 >>
4 >>
left us forever
4 >>
4 >>
• Jobs captures the world’s attention again with the iPhone. They make an app for
4 >>
广州版英语六年级下册Unit 6《Steve Jobs》PPT课件
fifth grade in junior
high school.
In 1969, a class photo electronic It is the middle of the 14 year old Jobs, the first on the left is their teacher McCollum. Jobs entered the Holmes Ted after high school, he attended an electronic class. Jobs teacher is Mr McCollum, he later said, Jobs was a student on the telephone to David Hewlett "offer one's own services", which made him very shocked. Later, Jobs got a summer job in HP. Jobs's entrepreneurial ability demonstrated in their early life.
+ 2010, Apple launched
iPod, with large touch screen and powerful processor + Has a trend to replace the PC + Leading a Pad-Time + A new challenge d her sister Patti
The old photograph is a picture of little Jobs and his sister Patti in the "Joe Grand Courtyard". Wear Headset small head of Jobs more than 3 years old, holding "iPod prototype", a small
【广州版】六年级英语下册:Unit 6《Steve Jobs》ppt课件
( F ) 1.Dr Sun Yatsen was born in Guangzhou. ( F ) 2.He was the father of PRC.
modern China.
( T ) 3.He was a great leader of the Chinese people. ( F ) 4.He wasn’t against the emperor.
Key sentences:
1.Where was he born? 2.He was born in Guangdong. 3.He was the father of modern China. 4.Why was he so important? 5.He was a great leader. 6.He was against the emperor. 7.He tried to change China and free the people.
Can you guess who she/he is ?
Can you guess who she/he is ?
actor Hongkong Kung fu
Can you guess who she/he is ?
astronaut The first Chinese person to land on the moon
A 4. Dr Sun Yatsen was against the ______.
C 5. Dr Sun Yatsen tried to ______ the people.
A. busy B. change C. free
A. emperor
( F ) 1.Dr Sun Yatsen was born in Guangzhou. ( F ) 2.He was the father of PRC.
modern China.
( T ) 3.He was a great leader of the Chinese people. ( F ) 4.He wasn’t against the emperor.
Key sentences:
1.Where was he born? 2.He was born in Guangdong. 3.He was the father of modern China. 4.Why was he so important? 5.He was a great leader. 6.He was against the emperor. 7.He tried to change China and free the people.
Can you guess who she/he is ?
Can you guess who she/he is ?
actor Hongkong Kung fu
Can you guess who she/he is ?
astronaut The first Chinese person to land on the moon
A 4. Dr Sun Yatsen was against the ______.
C 5. Dr Sun Yatsen tried to ______ the people.
A. busy B. change C. free
A. emperor
课件_Steve Jobs
Re-Define The Phone
• 2007, Apple launched iPhone
• 2010, more than 50 ,000,000 iPhone was sold
• App Store is the largest Online App market
• Leading people to a time with simple-smart communication and entertainment
• Steve Jobs ( 1955-2011 ), inventor, entrepreneur, American co-founder, former CEO of Apple Corp. In 1976 Jobs and friends set up a Apple Com puter Inc, he accompanied the Apple Corp decades of ups and downs and rejuvenation, has leading and introduced the Macintosh computer, iMac, iPod, iPhone and other popular all over the world millions of electronic products, profoundly changed the modern communication, entertainment and even the way of life. In October 5, 2011 he died, at the age of 56. Jobs is to change the world of genius, he had a keen sense of touch and wisdom, the courage to change, innovation, leading the global information technology and electronic product trend, the computer and electronic product becomes simple, civilians, that used to be expensive rare electronic products become part of modern life.
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grade in junior high school.
The time of high school
In 1969, a class photo electronic It is the middle of the 14 year old Jobs, the first on the left is their teacher McCollum. Jobs entered the Holmes Ted after high school, he attended an electronic class. Jobs teacher is Mr McCollum, he later said, Jobs was a student on the telephone to David Hewlett "offer one's own services", which made him very shocked. Later, Jobs got a summer job in HP. Jobs's
PPT素材:/sucai/ PPT图表:/tubiao/ PPT教程: /powerpoint/ 范文下载:/foan/ PPT 课件:/k ejian/ 数学课件:/kejian/shu xue/ 美术课件:/kejian/me ishu/ 物理课件:/kejian/wul i/ 生物课件:/kejian/she ngwu/ 历史课件:/kejian/lish i/
Steve Jobs
• changed the world. The first one seduced Eve. The second one Three Apples awakened Newton. The third one was in the hands of Steve
PPT模板:/moban/ PPT背景:/beijing/ PPT下载:/xiazai/ 资料下载:/ziliao/ 试卷下载:/shiti/ PPT论坛: 语文课件:/kejian/yuw en/ 英语课件:/kejian/ying yu/ 科学课件:/kejian/kexu e/ 化学课件:/kejian/huaxue/ 地理课件:/kejian/dili/
The childhood of Steve Paul Jobs
In 1958, Jobs and her sister Patti
The old photograph is a picture of little Jobs and his sister Patti in the "Joe Grand Courtyard". Wear Headset small head of Jobs more than 3 years old, holding "iPod prototype", a small bench legs "
Ten years old
In 1965, Jobs of 10 years old good to learn. In primary school, Jobs is not very Until I met Hill in the fourth grade teacher when, to make efforts. Learning to soar, skip the fifth
• Steve Jobs ( 1955-2011 ), inventor, entrepreneur, American co-founder, former CEO of Apple Corp. In 1976 Jobs and friends set up a Apple Com puter Inc, he accompanied the Apple Corp decades of ups and downs and rejuvenation, has leading and introduced the Macintosh computer, iMac, iPod, iPhone and other popular all over the world millions of electronic products, profoundly changed the modern communication, entertainment and even the way of life. In October 5, 2011 he died, at the age of 56. Jobs is to change the world of genius, he had a keen sense of touch and wisdom, the courage to change, innovation, leading the global information technology and electronic product trend, the computer and electronic product becomes simple, civilians, that used to be expensive rare electronic products become part of modern life.
The time of high school
In 1969, a class photo electronic It is the middle of the 14 year old Jobs, the first on the left is their teacher McCollum. Jobs entered the Holmes Ted after high school, he attended an electronic class. Jobs teacher is Mr McCollum, he later said, Jobs was a student on the telephone to David Hewlett "offer one's own services", which made him very shocked. Later, Jobs got a summer job in HP. Jobs's
PPT素材:/sucai/ PPT图表:/tubiao/ PPT教程: /powerpoint/ 范文下载:/foan/ PPT 课件:/k ejian/ 数学课件:/kejian/shu xue/ 美术课件:/kejian/me ishu/ 物理课件:/kejian/wul i/ 生物课件:/kejian/she ngwu/ 历史课件:/kejian/lish i/
Steve Jobs
• changed the world. The first one seduced Eve. The second one Three Apples awakened Newton. The third one was in the hands of Steve
PPT模板:/moban/ PPT背景:/beijing/ PPT下载:/xiazai/ 资料下载:/ziliao/ 试卷下载:/shiti/ PPT论坛: 语文课件:/kejian/yuw en/ 英语课件:/kejian/ying yu/ 科学课件:/kejian/kexu e/ 化学课件:/kejian/huaxue/ 地理课件:/kejian/dili/
The childhood of Steve Paul Jobs
In 1958, Jobs and her sister Patti
The old photograph is a picture of little Jobs and his sister Patti in the "Joe Grand Courtyard". Wear Headset small head of Jobs more than 3 years old, holding "iPod prototype", a small bench legs "
Ten years old
In 1965, Jobs of 10 years old good to learn. In primary school, Jobs is not very Until I met Hill in the fourth grade teacher when, to make efforts. Learning to soar, skip the fifth
• Steve Jobs ( 1955-2011 ), inventor, entrepreneur, American co-founder, former CEO of Apple Corp. In 1976 Jobs and friends set up a Apple Com puter Inc, he accompanied the Apple Corp decades of ups and downs and rejuvenation, has leading and introduced the Macintosh computer, iMac, iPod, iPhone and other popular all over the world millions of electronic products, profoundly changed the modern communication, entertainment and even the way of life. In October 5, 2011 he died, at the age of 56. Jobs is to change the world of genius, he had a keen sense of touch and wisdom, the courage to change, innovation, leading the global information technology and electronic product trend, the computer and electronic product becomes simple, civilians, that used to be expensive rare electronic products become part of modern life.