
Early: 1500-1700
Modern English (1500---Now)
Late :1700present
1)Old English vocabulary(450—1150AD) After Romans, 3 Germanic tribes called Angles, Saxons and Jutes controlled England. Their language—Anglo-Saxon also dominated the land. Common practice: combine 2 native words to create new words. It was a highly inflected language with about 50000-60000 words.In the 9th century, some Norwegians and Danish invaded England, which brought some Scandinavian words such as: skirt, window, skill, birth, egg”,etc.
These three tribes landed on the British coast, drove the Britons west and north and settled down on the island.
These three tribes merged into one people: the English people and the three dialects they spoke naturally grew into a single language: the English language.

1.1 一个词是什么?词语是什么?多年来已经引起了语言学家的关注。
也有像是misfortune和management 这样的复合词,他们都是多音节词,可以用来作主语,宾语和预示性词语。
英语词汇译文(下) 张维友

Perambulator 巡视者Telly电视Casualness偶然的Omit省略Oral口头的4.6acronymy 只取首字母的缩写词只取首字母的缩写词是构成新词的过程,通过连接社会和政治组织或者特别名词短语和技术术语的首字母。
Initialisms4.6.1 缩略词缩略词是字母挨个发音的词。
(anno domini)b.c.和c.o.d(delivery)货到付款,字母被句点分开,但是大多数没有句点在字母之间。
电视身份证肺结核总部Tuberculosis 肺结核Headquarter 总部RangAppoint指定V oluntary义务的Emergency紧急情况Treaty条约Immune免疫的Syndrome 综合征Symbolic象征性的Instruction指示Racial种族的Equality平等Lightwave光波Amplification扩张Stimulate刺激Emission排放物Radiation辐射Decimalization十进制Justify证明Remain残余物Contemporary同代的人Constituent成分Period句点4.6.2Acronyms首字母缩写词首字母缩写词是从首字母构成,但是发音是正常词,例如“雷达”(无线电探测和响铃)“义务女工”“艾滋病”(免疫匮乏综合征)“basic”(初学者多功能象征性指示码)“种族平等进程”“通过刺激辐射物排放导致的光波扩张”(激光)“英语教学”一些首字母缩写词是由第一词的首字母加上第二个整词构成,例如“核弹”“防御提示”“公务员”“十进制的日子”“胜利日”两种首字母缩写词在第二次世界大战以来已经变得非常流行并且因此极具活力。

《英语词汇学教程》(2004年版)练习答案【Chapter 1】7. tart: loose woman bloke: fellowgat: pistol swell: greatchicken: coward blue: fightsmoky: police full: drunkdame: woman beaver: girl8. haply = perhaps albeit = althoughmethinks = it seems to me eke = alsosooth = truth morn = morningtroth = pledge ere = beforequoth = said hallowed = holybillow = wave/ the sea bade = bid【Chapter 2】Ex.1The Indo-European Language Family is one of the most important languagefamilies in the world. It is made up of most of the languages of Europe, the Near East and India. English belongs to this family and the other members of the Indo-European have more or less influence on English vocabulary. A knowledge of the Indo-European Language Family will help us understand English words better and use them more appropriately.2. Indo-European Language FamilyBalto-Slavic Indo-Iranian Celtic Italian Hellenic GermanicRoumanian Hindi Breton Spanish Greek EnglishLithuanian Persian Scottish French SwedishPrussian Irish Italian GermanPolish Portuguese NorweigianSlavenian IcelandicRussian DanishBulgarian Dutch6.When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.Most of the content words are either of Greek or Latin origin. What are left are mostly functional words. This shows that Greek and Latin play a very important part in the English vocabulary.8. eventful [Latin + English] hydroplane [Greek + Latin]falsehood [ Latin + English] pacifist [Latin + Greek]saxophone [German + Greek]heirloom [ French + English]joss house [ Portuguese + English] t elevision[Greek + Latin]9.amateur (late) finacé (late) empire (early) peace (E) courage (E) garage (L)judgement (E) chair (E) chaise (L)grace (E) servant (E) routine (L)jealous (E) savaté (L) genre (L)gender (E) début (L) morale (L)state (E) chez (L) ballet (L)11.allegro, f轻快andante, j 行板diminuendo, g 渐弱largo, d 缓慢pianoforte, a轻转慢alto, i女低音crescendo, b渐强forte, e 强piano, h轻soprano, c女高音12.cherub (Hebrew) snorkel (G)coolie (Hindi) tulip (Turk)lasso (Sp) wok (Ch)shampoo (Indian) chocolate (Mex) tepee (Am Ind) jubilee (Gr)kibitz (G) Sabbath (Heb) chipmunk (Am Ind) tamale (Mex)cotton (Arab) voodoo (Afr)loot (Hindi) sauerbraten (G)13.a. alligatorb. lococ. rodeod. bonanzae. igloof. blitzkriegg. wigwam h. canoei. hurricane j. boomerangk. panchos【Chapter 3】1. a. morpheme b. allomorphc. bound morphemed. free morphemee. affixf. informational affixg. derivational affix h. rooti. stem j. base3. individualisticindividualist + ic [stem, base]individual + ist [stem, base]individu + al [stem, base]in + dividu [root, stem, base]undesirablesun + desirable [stem, base]desir + able [root, stem, base]free morpheme = free rootmorpheme bound rootbound morpheme inflectional affixaffix prefixderivational affixsuffix 【Chapter 4】Affixation5. non-smoker incapable impracticaldisobey insecurity irrelevantimmature inability/disability unofficiallyunwillingness illegal disagreement illogical disloyal inconvenientnon-athletic6. harden horrify modernizememorize falsify apologizedeepen glorify sterilizelengthen intensify beautifyfatten sympathizea. apologizedb. beautifyc. lengtheningd. sympathizede. fattenf. falsifyg. memorizing h. Sterilize7. a. employee b. politician c. participantd. waitresse. conductorf. teacherg. pianist h. examinee/examiner8.trans- = across: transcontinental, trans-worldmono- = one: monorail, monoculturesuper- = over, above: superstructure, supernaturalauto- = self: autobiography, automobilesub- = bad, badly: malpractice, malnutritionmini- = little, small: minicrisis, miniwarpre- = before: prehistorical, preelectionex- = former: ex-teacher, ex-filmerCompoundingheartbeat [S + V] brainwashing [V + O]movie-goer [place + V] baking powder [ V +adv]far- reaching [V + Adv] dog-tired [adv + a]lion-hearted [adv + a] love-sick [adv + a]boyfriend [S + complement] peace-loving [V +O]snap decision [V + O] easy chair [ a + n]on-coming [V +adv] tax-free [adv +a]light-blue [a + a] goings-on [V +adv]4. well-bred/well-behaved culture-bound/homeboundneedle work/homework praiseworthy/respectworthybar-woman/sportswoman nation-wide/college-wideclear-minded/strong-minded military-style/newstyleself-control/self-respect budget-related/politics-related water-proof/fire-proof once-fashionable/once-powerful news-film/news-letter mock-attack/mock-sadnesssister-in-law/father-in-law home-baked/home-producedhalf-way/half-done ever-lasting/ever-greenage-conscious/status-conscious campus-based/market-based Conversion7. a. stomach [n → v]b. room [n → v]c. wolf [n → v]d. come/go [v → n]e. familiar [a → n]f. innocent [a → n]g. flat [a → n]h. ah/ ouch [int → v]i. warm [a → n]j. has-been/might-have-been [finite v → n]k. Hamlet [proper n → v]l. buy [v → n]m. smooth [a → v]Blendingmotel (mo tor + ho tel)humint (hum an + int elligence)advertisetics (advertise ment + statis tics)psywarrior (psy chological warrior)hoverport (hover craft + port)chunnel (ch annel + t unnel)hi-fi (hi gh + fi delity)cinemactress (cinem a + actress)Clippingcopter (heli copter) dorm (dorm itory)lab (lab oratory) prefab (pref abricated house) gas (gas oline) prof (prof essor)scope (tele scope) champ (champ ion)sarge (serge ant) mike (mic rophone)ad (ad vertisement) tec (de tec tive)Acronymy2. kg = k ilo g ram ft = f oo t cf = c on f ercm = c enti m eter $ = dollaribid = ibid em etc. = et c eteraVIP = v ery i mportant p ersonOPEC = O rganization of P etroleum E xporting C ountries TOEFL = t eaching o f E nglish as a f oreign l anguage3. a. SALTb. radarc. AIDSd. BASICe. Laserf. WHOg. sonarh. G-manBackformation2. lase (laser)escalate (escalator)babysit (babysitter)peeve (peevish)orate (orator)commute (commuter)Commonization of Proper Namesa. tantalize—Tantalusb. Argus-eyed—Argusc. narcissism—Narcissusd. sabotage—sabotse. martinet—Martinetf. yahoo—Yahoog. Shylock—Shylockh. hoovering—Hooveri. utopia—Utopiaj. Uncle Tommism—Uncle Tom【Chapter 5】6. apes—b birds—acattle—m cricket—ndoves—c foxes—jgeese—k sheep—fwolves—g monkeys—epigs—l hyenas—hturkeys—d swans—i9. a. A scientist working in a project to develop industrial uses for nuclearpower might have all the positive associations with “atomic”, such as“benefit, energy”, etc.b. A Japanese resident of Hiroshima, victim of the atomic explosion at the endof World War II, might h ave all the negative associations with “atomic”, such as “suffering, killing, death, horror", etc.c. To a student of nuclear physics, “atomic” might be associated with “mystery,science, knowledge”, etc.10. talkative: implying a fondness for talking frequently and at length (neutral)articulate: expressing oneself easily and clearly (positive)gossip: indulging in idle talk or rumours about others (negative)rambling: talking aimlessly without connection of ideas (negative)fluent: speaking easily, smoothly, and expressively (positive)mouthy: overtly talkative, especially in a rude way (nagative)14. bull [-HUMAN +MALE +ADULT +BOVINE]cow [-HUMAN -MALE +ADULT +BOVINE] calf [-HUMAN +MALE -ADULT +BOVINE] rooster [-HUMAN +MALE +ADULT +GALLINE] hen [-HUMAN -MALE +ADULT +GALLINE] chicken [-HUMAN +MALE +ADULT +GALLINE]【Chapter 6】Polysemy4.Homonymy4. 1) Make both ends meat is a parody of make both ends meet which means “haveenough money for one’s needs”. Here the butcher cleverly uses the pair of homonyms meat and meet to make a pun. It makes a proper answer to the lady’s question. (1) Butchers cannot make both ends meat (make whole sausages with all meat) because they cannot make both ends meet (If they made sausages with all meat, which is more costly, they would not earn enough money to survive.)( 2) Don’t complain. All the butchers do the same. I am not the only one who is making sausages with bread.2) Swallow is a bird which is seen in summer. But by one swallow we see, wecannot deduce that it is already summer time. Swallow can also mean amouthful of wine. On a cold winter day, if one has a swallow of wine, one may feel warm.3) arms has two meanings: weapons; the human upper limbs. Since “a cannonball took off his legs”, the soldier was not able to fight on, so he “laid down his arms”, which means “surrender”. It can also mean he laid down his upper limbs.Synonymy3. avaricious: greedycourteously: politelyemancipate: set freecustomary: usualwidth: breadthadversary: opponentgullible: deceivedremainder: residueinnocent: sinlessobstacle: obstructionvexation: annoyance5. a. identifiable b. safetyc. motivatesd. delicatee. surroundingsf. artificialg. prestige h. perspirei. accomplishment j. silentk. impressive l. evaporate6. run move spinturn whirl roll7. a. stead b. gee-gee c. riped. maturee. effectivef. efficientg. fatigued, children h. tired, kidsi. declined j. refused k. rancidl. addled m. Penalties n. fineso. rebuked p. accusedAntonymy5. a. similar/same b. safec. sharp/ smartd. sende. stingy/ selfish h. simplef. significant/sensible i. sureg. skeptical/ suspicious l. smoothj. slipshod/ slovenly/ sloppyk. sleepiness/ sleep / slumberm. subjectiven. sob/ scowl6. a. old-fashioned b. completelyc. moistured. speciale. essentialf. similarityg. innocent h. rigidi. loosen j. clarityk. deserted l. fruitfulm. peremptory n. depressedo. indifferent7. a. feed—starve, cold-fever b. wisdom—folliesc. haste—leisured. penny—pound, wise—foolishe. speech—silencef. absence—presenceg. admonish—praise i. wise men—foolsh. young—old private—public saint—devilj. mind—body k. foul—fairl. danger—security m. deliberate--promptn. children—parents o. bully—cowardp. head—tail8.right—wrong single—returndry—sweet hard—easystrong—faint rough—calmlight—dark cold—warmhigh—low/deepHyponymy3. furniture: desk, chair, table, bedmatter: liquid, gas, solidmeat: pork, beef, muttongo: run, fly, walk4. profession workplacesurgeon: clinic, hospitalplumber: house, buildinglawyer: office, law courtsmechanic: garagephotographer: studioforeman: worksite, factory6. In Sentence 1, got, furniture, recently are superordinates because they are generaland convey a very vague idea whereas in Sentence 2, the three words are replacedrespectively by bought, cupboard, three days ago, which are subordinates, conveying a definite and clear idea. So Sentence 2 is better than Sentence 1.In 3, it is said, magnificent building, destroyed, yesterday are superordinate terms, which are comparatively much more general than the news says, Royal Hotel, burnt down, last night respectively in 4, which can be described as subordinates.Since 4 is clearer than 3 in meaning, it is better.Semantic field3. Group 1 is synonymously semantic field and Group 2 is semantic filed. Thedifference lies: In 1 the words are synonyms, none of them covers the meaning of another, and they differ only in style and emotive values. In 2 the words are not synonyms, but each refers to a specific type of horse. Horse is a cover term or superordinate, and others are subordinates. These terms have no difference in style or affective meaning.【Chapter 7】4. 1) extension 2) extension3) narrowing 4) degradation5) elevation 6) narrowing7) extension 8) extension9) narrowing 10) elevation11) narrowing 12) degradation13) degradation 14) degradation5. a. associated transferb. abstract to concretec. abstract to concreted. abstract to concretee. abstract to concretef. abstract of concreteg. associated transferh. associated transferi. synesthesiaj. synesthesia6. a. objective b. subjective, objectivec. objectived. subjectivee. subjectivef. subjectiveg. subjective h. subjective, objective7. a. die b. graveyardc. bedlam疯人院d. old peoplee. strikef. Policemang. stupid pupil h. poor peoplei. toilet j. fat personk. unemployed mother【Chapter 8】2. a. to repairb. measurement and determination of one’s posi tionc. predicamentd. injectiona. a single complete dividing part (of a rocket)b. the theatre or acting as a professionc. a particular point or period in a process of developmentd. to plan, arrange and carry outa. interchange and discussion of ideas, esp. for mutual understanding orharmonyb. conversationc. a written conversation (of a play, etc.)3. a. synonymb. explanation/ definitionc. antonymd. examplee. relevant detailsf. relevant detailsg. relevant details4. a. stop people drinkingstop drinking by themselvesb. a stone house which is biga house built of big stonesc. a picture possessed by Bettya photograph of Bettyd. aunts who are visitingpaying a visit to auntse. take Jane as his wifepreside over Jane’s weddingf. a weapon that can fly over long distance and that it explodes when it h its thething it aims atan object that is thrown at somebody in order to hurt him【Chapter 9】6. a—2) b—9) c—3)d—6) e—1) f—8)g—5) h—4) i—7)j—10)7. a. stand out againstb. approve ofc. get … over withd. looking intoe. come up withf. comply withg. cashed in onh. go withouti. to profit by / fromj. dut down …to8. a cool cat = a really calm personblow one's stack = lose control over oneselffly off the handle = become excessively angrywhat's more = furthermoreget away with = commit an illegitimate act without penaltyof course = naturallyget on = get oldpepper and salt = grey (hair)make up for = compensate forlost time = time wastedtake it easy = relax, not worryget up = rise from bedturn in = go into bedtake care of = manage or look afterlike a breeze = without effort or easilytime off = time for restget it made = be successfulthis is it = be in a position or place, or have possession of an objectbeyond which more of the same is unnecessary⏹⏹Sam is really a calm person. He never loses control of himself and hardly everbecomes too angry. Furthermore, he knows how to manage his business financially by using a few tricks… Needless to say, he, too, is getti ng older.His hair is beginning to turn grey, but he knows how to compensate for wasted time by relaxing. He rises early, exercises, and goes to bed early. He manages his frankfurter dispensary without visible effort, until it is someone else's turn to work there. Sam is successful, he has reached his life's goal.9. a. “Well, it's the old story of the stitch in t ime,” he said.A stitch in time saves nine.b. Fleur's head was lost in the tool-box, but her voice was heard saying: “Toomany cooks, better let me.”Too many cooks spoil the broth.c. But not many other people held that view discerning his finger still very largein every pie — so much so that there often seemed less pie than finger.have a finger in the pied. I’m thinking of putting up a “Silence is golden” placard in his office. Nobodycan hear themselves think.Speech is silver, silence is golden.e. They four had one likeness: their appearance and their work was as it were awheel in the middle of a wheel.wheel within wheelsf. He quotes them extensively nevertheless, together with other equally suspectevidence, because otherwise he would have no straw with which to make hisbricks.make bricks without straw10. wind and weather wheeling and dealingwaifs and strays town and gowntop and tail time after timerules and regulations rise and fallrags and tatters puff and blowpick and shovel peace and quietover and above one and onlyoff and on neck and neckshoulder to shoulder moan and groanmilk and water man and beast11. a. 好奇伤身。

1.5 Classification of Words
by use frequency ↓ basic word stock & nonbasic vocabulary by notion ↓ content words & functional words by origin ↓ native words & borrowed words
Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabulary
魏冕 2019.9.10
1.1 What Is a Word
• Bound form and Free form -ess countess, lioness… -ish boyish, childish, greenish… -s hats, books, cups… • A free form which consists entirely of two or more lesser free forms, as for instance, poor john or john ran away or yes, sir, in a phrase, is a word. A word, then, is a free form which does not consist entirely of (two or more) lesser free forms; in brief, a word is a minimum free form.” (Bloomfield, 1993:177-178) • “Fire!” “Help!” “Old.” “Mother.”/ the, a, my…
1.4 Vocabulary

Chapter2【练习答案】1.Why should students of English lexicology study the Indo-European LanguageFamily?The Indo-European Language Family is one of the most important language families in the world. It is made up of most of the languages of Europe, the Near East and India. English belongs to this family and the other members of the Indo-European Language Family have different degrees of influence on English vocabulary. A knowledge of the Indo-European Language Family will help us understand English words better and use them more appropriately.2.Make a tree diagram to show the family relations of the modern language given below.Indo-European Language FamilyBalto-Slavic Indo-Iranian Celtic Italian Hellenic GermanicRoumanian Hindi Breton Spanish Greek EnglishLithuanian Persian Scottish French SwedishPrussian Irish Italian GermanPolish Portuguese NorweigianSlavenian IcelandicRussian DanishBulgarian Dutch3.What are the fundamental differences between the vocabularies of the threeperiods of development? Do you think we can divide the historical development in other ways? Defend your argument.The vocabularies of the three periods differ greatly from one another. Old English has (1) a small vocabulary (50,000—60,000), (2) a small number of borrowings from Latin and Scandinavian only and (3) the words full of endings.Middle English has (1) a comparatively large vocabulary, (2) a tremendous number of foreign words from French and Latin and (3) word endings leveled.Modern English has (1) a huge and heterogeneous vocabulary, (2) tremendous borrowings and (3) words with lost endings.Yes, we can divide the development in other ways, for example, Old English period can be called Anglo-Saxon period. And Middle English might start from 1066 the time of Norman Conquest. But in doing so, the logical continuation of the three phases of the original division is lost.4.What characteristics of English make the English language heterogeneous?It is receptivity and adaptability of the English language that make it possible forEnglish to borrow heavily from other major languages of the world, so that the English vocabulary eventually has become heterogeneous.5.Account for the popularity of English in the present world from a linguisticperspective.The popularity of English lies in the fact that English is ready to borrow from other languages and to adapt itself to new situations and new developments, that it has accepted elements from all other major languages and that it has simple reflection and a relatively fixed word order. All these make the language comparatively easy to learn and to use.6.Here is a text chosen from the Declaration of Independence.When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.Pick out all the words of Greek or Latin origin from the text and see of what origin are the words left. What insight does this exercise give you with reference to the borrowings from Greek and Latin?course human events necessary peopledissolve political connected assume separateequal station nature entitle decentrespect opinions requires declare causesimpel separationFrom the words picked out, we can see that most of the content words are either of Greek or Latin origin. What are left are mostly functional words. This shows that Greek and Latin play a very important part in the English vocabulary.7.Give a brief account of the four phases of Latin borrowing with two or threeexamples.Latin borrowing can be divided into four phase: (1) Pre-Anglo-Saxon period, (2) Old English period, (3) Middle English period and (4) modern English period.Borrowings in the first period are mainly common words such as wall, wine, kettle and so on; words borrowed in the second period are mainly religious terms such as candle, nun, church; the third period saw words borrowed often via French such as frustrate, history, infancy and so on and in the four period words borrowed from Latin are usually abstract formal terms like status, nucleus, minimum.8.Tell the different elements that make up the following hybrids.eventful [Latin + English]hydroplane [Greek + Latin]falsehood [ Latin + English]pacifist [Latin + Greek]saxophone [German + Greek]heirloom [ French + English]joss house [ Portuguese + English] television [Greek + Latin]9.Put the following French loan words into two groups, one being earlyborrowings and the other late ones.amateur (late)finacé (late)empire (early)peace (early)courage (early)garage (late)judgement (early)chair (early)chaise (late)grace (early)servant (early)routine (late)jealous (early)savaté (late)genre (late)gender (early)début (late)morale (late)state (early)chez (late)ballet (late)ment on Jespersen’s remark on Scandinavian element in English ‘AnEnglishman cannot thrive or be ill or die without Scandinavian words; they are to the language what bread and eggs are to the daily fare’.Jespersen’s comment reveals the importance of Scandinavian words in English.Just as people cannot live without bread and eggs, so English language cannot operate properly without Scandinavian words.11.Match the Italian musical terms with the proper definitionsallegro, f轻快andante, j 行板diminuendo, g 渐弱largo, d 缓慢pianoforte, a轻转慢alto, i女低音crescendo, b渐强forte, e强piano, h轻soprano, c女高音12.Look up these words in a dictionary to determine the language from whicheach has been borrowed.cherub (Hebrew) snorkel (G)coolie (Hindi)tulip (Turk)lasso (Sp)wok (Ch)shampoo (Hindi)chocolate (Mex)tepee (AmInd)jubilee (Gr)kibitz (G)Sabbath (Heb)chipmunk (AmInd)tamale (Mex)cotton (Arab)voodoo (Afr)loot (Hindi)sauerbraten (G)13.Here is a menu of loan words from various sources. Choose a word to fill ineach space.a. alligatorb. lococ. rodeod. bonanzae. igloof. blitzkriegg. wigwam h. canoei. hurricane j. boomerangk. panchos14.Describe the characteristics of the contemporary vocabulary.The characteristics of the contemporary vocabulary can be summarized as follows: (1) the vocabulary is huge in size and heterogeneous; (2) it has tremendous borrowings from all major languages of the world; (3) the words have lost most of their endings; (4) it is growing swiftly by means of word-formation because of the development of science and technology, social, economic and political changes and influence of other cultures and languages.15.What are the major modes of vocabulary development in contemporaryEnglish?The major modes of vocabulary development of contemporary are creation, that is means of word-formation; semantic change, adding new meanings to old words; borrowing words from other languages and revival or old-fashioned words, which has a insignificant role.【练习答案】1.Write the terms in the blanks according to the definitions.a. morphemeb. allomorphc. bound morphemed. free morphemee. affixf. informational affixg. derivational affix h. rooti. stem j. base2.What is the difference between grammatical and lexical morphemes, and inflectionaland derivational morphemes? Give examples to illustrate their relationships.Inflectional morphemes are the suffixes added to the end of words to denote grammatical concepts such as -s(-es), -ed, -ing and -est(to show superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs) whereas derivational morphemes are prefixes and suffixes added to words to form new words such as pre-, dis-, un-, -tion, -er, -ness and so on.Grammatical morphemes are those used to show grammatical concepts, including reflectional suffixes as mentioned above and functional words (prepositions, pronouns, articles, auxiliary verbs), for example, but, the, do and was; lexical morphemes are derivational affixes including both prefixes and suffixes.3. Analyse the words in terms of root, stem and base.individualisticindividualist + ic [stem, base]individual + ist [stem, base]individu + al [stem, base]in + dividu [root, stem, base]undesirablesun + desirable [stem, base]desir + able [root, stem, base]anize the following terms in a tree diagram to show their logical relationships.free morpheme = free rootmorpheme bound rootbound morpheme inflectional affixaffix prefixderivational affixsuffix【练习答案】Enumerate the three important means of word formation and explain their respective role in the expansion of English vocabulary.The three important means of word formation are affixation, which creates 30-40% of the total number of new words; compounding, which brings 28-30% of all the new words; and conversion which provides English with 26% of the new words. Affixation1.What is affixation? What is its alternative name?Affixation, also called derivation, is the formation of new words by adding affixes to stems. Affixation includes prefixation and suffixation according to the type of affixes used to form new words.2.What is the difference between prefixation and suffixation?Prefixation is to create new words by adding prefixes to bases and suffixation makes new words by adding suffixes to bases.3.What are the characteristics of prefixes and suffixes?Generally speaking, prefixes do not change part of speech of bases but their meaning whereas suffixes do change part of speech but modify the meaning of bases.4.What is the best way to classify prefixes? Why?The best way to classify prefixes is on the basis of meaning because prefixes change the meanings of bases only in general.5.Form negatives with each of the following words by using one of theseprefixes dis-, il-, im-, in-, ir-, non-, un-.non-smoker incapable impracticaldisobey insecurity irrelevantimmature inability/disability unofficiallyunwillingness illegal disagreementillogical disloyal inconvenientnon-athletic6.Turn the following nouns and adjectives into verbs with -en, -ify, -ize andthen choose them to fill in the blanks in the sentences that follow.harden horrify modernizememorize falsify apologizedeepen glorify sterilizelengthen intensify beautifyfatten sympathizea.apologizedb.beautifyc.lengtheningd.sympathizede.fattenf.falsifyg.memorizing h.Sterilize7.Each of the following sentences contains a word printed in italics. Completethe sentence by using this word to form a noun to refer to a person.a.employeeb.politicianc.participantd.waitresse.conductorf.teacherg.pianist h.examinee/examiner8.Match Column A with Column B and give two examples for each.trans- = across: transcontinental, trans-worldmono- = one: monorail, monoculturesuper- = over, above: superstructure, supernaturalauto- = self: autobiography, automobilesub- = below: subculture, subconsciousmal-= bad, badly: malpractice, malnutritionmini- = little, small: minicrisis, miniwarpre- = before: prehistorical, preelectionex- = former: ex-teacher, ex-filmerCompounding1.What are the criteria by which to differentiate compounds from free phrases?What do you think of these criteria?The three criteria are (1) stress pattern, that is stress in a compound falls on the first element but on the second in a free phrase, e.g. `--(compound), -` -(free phrase); (2) meaning, that is the meaning of a compound is usually not the combination of the meanings of the component parts, but the free phrase is, e.g.hot line (compound: busy line), hot potato (free phrase: potato which is hot); (3) grammatical unity, that is the different elements form a grammatical unit, which does not allow internal change, e.g. easy chair (compound: a special arm chair), easier chair (free phrase: a less easy chair).However, every rule has exception. The same is true of the criteria. There are examples against each of the three rules.2.Analyse the following compound words and explain their internalgrammatical relationship.heartbeat [S + V]brainwashing [V + O]movie-goer [place + V]baking powder [ V +adv]far- reaching [V + adv]dog-tired [adv + a]lion-hearted [adv + a]love-sick [adv + a]boyfriend [S + complement]peace-loving [V +O]snap decision [V + O]easy chair [ a + n]on-coming [V +adv]tax-free [adv +a]light-blue [a + a]goings-on [V +adv]3.What are the usual methods to form compound verbs? Give examples.There two ways to form verb compounds. For example, first name (v from first name), honeymoon(v from honeymoon) are words created by means of conversion; words such as proofread (v from proofreading) and chain-smoke (v from chain smoker) are formed by means of backformation.4.Form compounds using the following either as the first or the second element ofthe compound as indicated and translate the words into Chinese.well-bred有教养的well-behaved守规矩的culture-bound含文化的homebound回家的needle work针织品homework家庭作业praiseworthy值得表扬得respectworthy值得尊敬的bar-woman吧女sportswoman运动员nation-wide全国的college-wide全校的clear-minded头脑清晰的strong-minded意志坚强的military-style军事风格的newstyle新款self-control自制self-respect自尊budget-related有预算的politics-related与政治相关的water-proof防水fire-proof放火once-fashionable曾经流行的once-powerful曾经强大的news-film新闻片news-letter实事通讯mock-attack演习mock-sadness假悲伤sister-in-law嫂/弟媳妇father-in-law岳父/公公home-baked自家烤的home-produced自制的half-way半途/半道half-done半生不熟ever-lasting永久ever-green常青age-conscious年龄敏感的status-conscious身份敏感campus-based以校园为基地的market-based基于市场的Conversion1.What is conversion? What do you think of the alternatives functional shiftand zero-derivation?Conversion is to use words of one part of speech as those of another part of speech. The term functional shift reveals the actual function of conversion, i.e.change of the functions of words. The term zero-derivation approaches conversion from the perspective of derivation because it is a way of deriving new words by adding zero affixes, hence zero derivation.2.In what way is conversion different from suffixation?Although both are called derivation, suffixation is the derivation of new words by adding suffixes to bases, such as simple (adj) → simpli fy (v) whereas conversionis the derivation of new words by adding zero affixes, such as single (adj) → single(v).3.What classes of words are most frequently converted?The classes frequently involved in conversion are nouns, verbs and adjectives. 4.In what way are verbs converted from nouns semantically related to theoriginal nouns and versa?Verbs converted to nouns usually are related to the original verbs in six different ways. The new nouns converted from verbs refer to (1) state of mind or sensation, e.g. desire(state of desiring); (2) event or activity, e.g. swim(the activity of swimming) ; (3) result of the action, e.g. buy (the result of buying); (4) doer of the action, e.g. bore (the person who bores); (5) tool or instrument, e.g.paper (doing something with paper) and (6) place, e.g. turn (the place of turning).Nouns converted to verbs are generally related to the original nouns in seven different ways. The new verbs usually mean (1) to put in or on the noun, e.g.bottle (to put into the bottle); (2) to give the noun or provide with the noun, e.g.finance(to provide with finance); (3) to remove the noun from, e.g. peel(to remove the peel from); (4) to do with the noun, e.g. shoulder (to do something with shoulder); (5) to be or act as the noun, e.g. tutor (to be the tutor); (6) to make or change into the noun, e.g. cash (to change into cash) and (7) to send or go by the noun, e.g. ship (to send by ship).5.Explain partial conversion and full conversion with examples.When adjectives are converted into nouns, .some are completely changed, thus known as full conversion, and others are partially changed, thus known as partial conversion. Adjectives which are fully converted can achieve a full noun status, e.i. having all the characteristics of nouns. That is they can take a/an or-s/-es to indicate singular or plural forms: a native, a Republican, a pair of shorts, finals. Adjectives which are partially converted still keep adjective features. They should always be used with the, and they cannot take -s/-es to show plural forms. Moreover, the words can have comparative or superlative degrees: the poor, the poorer, the young, the very unfortunate.6.What changes are occasionally involved in the process of conversion?The changes occasionally involved are (1) change of spelling accompanied by pronunciation, e.g. life /laif/ → live /liv/, breath /breθ/ → breathe /bri:ð/ and blood /bl∧d→bleed/bli:d/; (2) change of pronunciation and stress, e.g. use n /ju:s/→ use v/ju:z/ and permit n /`pə:mit/ → v /pə`mit/ and so on.7.Pick out the words which you think are converted in the following sentencesand tell how they are converted.a.stomach [n → v]b.room [n → v]c.wolf [n → v]e/go [v → n]e.familiar [a → n]f.innocent [a → n]g.flat [a → n]h. ah/ ouch [int → v]i.warm [a → n]j.has-been/might-have-been [finite v → n]k.Hamlet [proper n → v]l.buy [v → n]m.smooth [a → v]BlendingAnalyse the blends and translate them into Chinese.motel (mo tor + ho tel)汽车旅馆humint (hum an + int elligence)情报advertisetics (advertise ment + statis tics)广告统计学psywarrior(psy chological warrior)心理战专家hoverport (hover craft + port)气垫船码头chunnel (ch annel + t unnel) 海峡隧道hi-fi (hi gh + fi delity) 高保真音响cinemactress (cinem a + actress)电影演员ClippingRestore the full forms of the following words and see how these slipped words are formed.copter (heli copter)front clippingdorm (dorm itory)back clippinglab (lab oratory)back clippingprefab (prefab ricated house)phrase clippinggas (gas oline)back clippingprof (prof essor) back clippingscope (tele scope)front clippingchamp (champ ion)back clippingsarge (serge ant)back clippingmike (mic rophone)back clippingad (ad vertisement)back clippingtec (de tec tive)front and back clippingAcronymy1.Both initialisms and acronyms are formed to a certain extent from initialletters. Is there any difference between them? Illustrate your point with examples.Yes, there is difference between them. The difference lies in the formation and pronunciation. Initialisms are formations pronounced letter by letter, e.g. UFO /ju:efou/ (unidentified flying object), BBC /bi:bi:ci:/ (British Broadcasting Corporation), VIP /vi:aipi:/ (very important person) and acronyms are formed to conform to the rule of spelling and pronunciation, that is the words look and sound like ordinary words, e.g. AIDS/`eiz/ (a cquired i mmune d eficiency s yndrome) , MAD/mæd/ (m utually a ssured d estruction), radir/`neidə/ (ra diod etecting a nd r anging).2.What do the short forms stand for?kg = k ilo g ram ft = f oo t cf = c on f ercm = c enti m eter$ = dollar ibid = ibid emetc. = et c etera VIP = v ery i mportant p ersonOPEC = O rganization of P etroleum E xporting C ountriesTOEFL = t eaching o f E nglish as a f oreign l anguage3.Choose a word from the list to fill each of the blanks.a. SALTb. radarc. AIDSd. BASICe. Laserf. WHOg. sonar h. G-manBackformation1.Both back-formation and back-clipping are ways of making words byremoving the endings of words. How do you account for the coexistence of the two? Can you illustrate the difference?It is true that both are means of making new words by removing the end part of the words. But they have difference. For a back-formed word, what is removed is supposed to be the suffix, e.g. auth← auth or, donate← donat ion, loaf← loaf er, the forms -or, -ion, -er coincide with the three suffixes. For back clipping, however, what is removed is usually difference from the existing suffixes, e.g.ad← ad vertisement, gas ← gas oline, exam ← exam ination, etc.2.Give the original words from which the following words are back-formed.lase (laser)escalate (escalator)babysit (babysitter)peeve (peevish)orate (orator)commute (commuter)Commonization of Proper NamesStudy the following sentences and pick out the words which used to be proper names and explain the meanings in relation to their origins.a. tantalize—Tantalus: to tease or torment by keeping sth. wanted out of reachb. Argus-eyed—Argus: to be extremely watchfulc. narcissism—Narcissus: excessive admiration of oneself or one’s appearanced. sabotage—sabots: (1) to destroy or damage deliberately;(2) deliberate damage or destructione. martinet—Martinet: strict/stern (military) trainerf. yahoo—Yahoo: a lout or ruffiang. Shylock—Shylock: a ruthless money lenderh. hoovering—Hoover: cleaning by using a vacuum cleaneri. utopia—Utopia: an imaginary place of ideal perfectionj. Uncle Tommism—Uncle Tom: behaving subserviently to whitesChapter 5【练习答案】1.What is reference?Reference is the connection between the word form and what the form refers to in the world.2.What is concept?Concept is a notion or idea, formed in the mind as a result of cognition, which reflects the objective world.3.What is sense?The sense of a word shows its place in a system of semantic relationships with other words in the language. It is often used to substitute meaning.4.What is motivation? Does this theory contradict the theory of ‘arbitrariness’and ‘conventionality’ concerning the relationship between linguistic symbols and their senses?Motivation explains the relationship between the linguistic symbol and its meanings, or the logical reason why a certain word has a certain meaning.As mentioned earlier, the relationship between sound and meaning is arbitrary and conventional. Motivation seems to contradict the definition. The answer is ‘yes and no’. By ‘yes’, we mean all the mono-morphemic words in a language are non-motivated except a few onomatopoeic words which imitate the natural noises. By no, we mean all the multi-morphemic words are motivated, for in many cases the meaning of the whole word is the combination of the morphemes. The morphemic structure explains the meaning.5.What are the four types of motivation? Explain them with examples.The four types of motivation are onomatopoeic motivation, morphological motivation, semantic motivation and etymological motivation. Onomatopoeic motivation explains onomatopoeic words whose meaning is based on the pronunication of the words such as mieow, thump, peng etc.; morphological motivation explains the words whose morphological structure throws light on their meaning, such profiteer(profit + eer), darkroom(dark + room), deconstruction(de + construct + ion), etc.; semantic motivation explains the figurative meaning of words whose literal meaning suggests the figurative meaning such as the tongue of fire, the mouth of the river, the face of the earth;etymological motivation explains the words whose meaning is closely related to their origins such as banting (therapy for keeping slim by going on a diet discovered by Doctor Banting) and Brille (language used by the blind created by Brille).6.Match the words in Column A with those in column B.apes—gibber birds—sing/twittercattle—low crickets-chirpdoves—coo foxes—yelpgeese—gabble sheep—bleatwolves—howl monkeys—chatterpigs—grunt hyenas—laughturkeys—gobble swans—cry7.What is the difference between grammatical meaning and lexical meaning?Grammatical meaning refers to the part of meaning which shows grammatical relationship such as part of speech of words, plural forms of nouns, tense of verbs, etc. and lexical meaning includes all the rest of the meanings of a word apart from the frammatical meaning, i.e. conceptual meaing and associative meaning.8.What are the characterisitics of conceptual meaning and associative meaning?Conceptual meaning is fundamental, universal and stable whereas assocaitive meaning is secondary, contextual, open-ended or indeterminate, thus changing.9.What connotations do you think the word atomic nmight have for each of thefollowing people?a. A scientist working in a project to develop industrial uses for nuclearpower might have all the positive a ssociations with “atomic”, such as“benefit, energy”, etc.b. A Japanese resident of Hiroshima, victim of the atomic explosion at the endof World War II, might have all the negative associations with “atomic”, such as “suffering, killing, death, horror", etc.c.To a student of nuclear physics, “atomic” might be associated with “mystery,science, knowledge”, etc.10.All the words talkative, articulate, gossip, garrulous, rambling, fluent, gabby,mouthy can be describe a person’s ability of speech. What impression do you obtain of the person with the use of each of the words?talkative: implying a fondness for talking frequently and at length (neutral)articulate: expressing oneself easily and clearly (positive)gossip: indulging in idle talk or rumours about others (negative)garrulous: talking too much about trivial things (somewhat negative)rambling: talking aimlessly without connection of ideas (negative)fluent: speaking easily, smoothly, and expressively (positive)gabby: inclined to chatter (neutral)mouthy: overtly talkative, especially in a rude way (nagative)11.Put the following groups of words under Appreciative, Neutral and Pejorative.12.What are semantic features?Semantic features are the minimal semantic components of words which are abstracted from the words. These features are used to describe the sense of each words.13.What are the merits and demerits of componential ananlysis?Componential anaysis (CA) is useful mainly in three aspects. First, Componential anaysis reveal the semantic features of the sense of a word and helps one grasp the conceptual meaing of the word. Second, CA can help show the synonymy of two words by revealing their same components. Third, CA can help tell whethera collocation or syntactic structure is acceptable or not.However, problems are obvious. First, CA is appliable only to concrete words which have definite referents, but not to abstract words or words expressing abstract ideas or concepts. Second, CA is useful in revealing the conceptual meaning, but helpless in showing the figurative meaning of words. 14.Try to analyse the following words in terms of semantic opposition [±HUMAN],[±MALE], [±ADULT], [±BOVINE], [±GALLINE].bull[-HUMAN+MALE+ADULT+BOVINE]cow[-HUMAN-MALE+ADULT+BOVINE]calf[-HUMAN±MALE-ADULT+BOVINE]rooster[-HUMAN+MALE+ADULT+GALLINE]hen[-HUMAN-MALE+ADULT+GALLINE]chicken[-HUMAN±MALE±ADULT+GALLINE]Chapter 6【单元练习答案】Polysemy1.What is polysemy?Polysemy is a sense relation that deals with words of more than one meaning.It is the result of semantic change.2.When a word is created, it is monosemous. Then how does the word acquireits new meanings and become polysemous? Illustrate your point with examples.Take “neck” for example. It has five senses: (1) that part of a man or animal joining the head to the body;(2) that part of the garment;(3) the neck of an animal used as food;(4) a narrow part between the head and body or base of any object;(5) the narrowest part of anything.Of these five meanings,(1)is the meaning given to the word when it was created and all the rest were derived later on in the process of development.3.What is the fundamental difference between radiation and concatenation?A word develop its meaning through the process of either radiation orconcatenation, and in many cases, of both.Radiation is a semantic process which shows that the primary meaning and。

《英语词汇学教程》(2015年版)练习答案【Chapter 1】7. tart: loose woman bloke: fellow gat: pistol swell: great chicken: coward blue: fight smoky: police full: drunk dame: woman beaver: girl8. haply = perhaps albeit = although methinks = it seems to me eke = also sooth = truth morn = morning troth = pledge ere = before quoth = said hallowed = holy billow = wave/ the sea bade = bid12.Denizens Aliens Translation loansSemantic loanskettle die wall skirt husbandconfrere pro patria Wunderkind mikado parvenuchopstick typhoonblack humour long time no seedream13. 1) slangs; 2) jargon; 3) argot; 4) content words; 5) native words; 6) translation loans; 7) neologisms; 8) denizens; 9) semantic loans; 10) basic vocabulary【Chapter 2】1. The Indo-European Language Family is one of the most important language families in theworld. It is made up of most of the languages of Europe, the Near East and India. English belongs to this family and the other members of the Indo-European have more or less influence on English vocabulary. A knowledge of the Indo-European Language Family will help us understand English words better and use them more appropriately.2. Indo-European Language FamilyBalto-Slavic Indo-IranianCeltic Italic HellenicGermanic HindiBreton Spanish Greek English Lithuanian Persian Scottish French Dutch Prussian Irish Italian German PolishPortuguese Norwegian Bulgarian Roumanian Swedish Slovenian IcelandicRussianDanish6. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.Most of the content words are either of Greek or Latin origin. What are left are mostly functional words. This shows that Greek and Latin play a very important part in the English vocabulary.8. eventful [Latin + English] hydroplane [Greek + Latin]falsehood [ Latin + English] pacifist [Latin + Greek]saxophone [German + Greek] heirloom [ French + English]joss house [ Portuguese + English] television [Greek + Latin]9. amateur (late) finacé (late) empire (early)peace (E) courage (E) garage (L)judgement (E) chair (E) chaise (L)grace (E) servant (E) routine (L)jealous (E) savaté (L) genre (L)gender (E) début (L) morale (L)state (E) chez (L) ballet (L)11. allegro, f 轻快andante, j 行板diminuendo, g 渐弱largo, d 缓慢pianoforte, a 轻转慢alto, i 女低音crescendo, b 渐强forte, e 强piano, h 轻soprano, c 女高音12. cherub (Hebrew) snorkel (G)coolie (Hindi) tulip (Turk)lasso (Sp) wok (Ch)shampoo (Indian) chocolate (Mex)tepee (Am Ind) jubilee (Gr)kibitz (G) Sabbath (Heb)chipmunk (Am Ind) tamale (Mex)cotton (Arab) voodoo (Afr)loot (Hindi) sauerbraten (G)13. a. alligator b. lococ. rodeod. bonanzae. igloof. blitzkriegg. wigwam h. canoei. hurricane j. boomerangk. ponchos【Chapter 3】1. a. morpheme b. allomorphc. bound morphemed. free morphemee. affixf. inflectional affixg. derivational affix h. rooti. stem j. base6. individualistic undesirablesindividualist [stem, base] undesirable [stem, base]individual [stem, base] desirable [stem, base]dividual [stem, base] desire [root, stem, base] dividu [root, stem, base]7.free morpheme = free rootmorpheme bound rootbound morpheme inflectional affixaffix prefixderivational affixsuffix【Chapter 4】Affixation5. non-smoker incapable impracticaldisobey insecurity irrelevantimmature inability/disability unofficiallyunwillingness illegal disagreementillogical disloyal inconvenientnon-athletic6. harden horrify modernizememorize falsify apologizedeepen glorify sterilizelengthen intensify beautifyfatten sympathizea. apologizedb. beautifyc. lengtheningd. sympathizede. fatteningf. falsifyg. memorizing h. Sterilize7. a. employee b. politician c. participantd. waitresse. conductorf. teacherg. pianist h. examinee/examiner8. trans- = across: transcontinental, trans-Siberianmono- = one: monorail, monoculturesuper- = over, above: superstructure, supernaturalauto- = self: autobiography, automobilesub- = below: subdivide, subsectionmal- = bad, badly: malpractice, malnutritioninter-= between: international, interdependentmini- = little, small: mini-library, miniskirtpre- = before: prehistorical, preelectionex- = former:ex-president, ex-convictCompounding2.heartbeat [S + V] brainwashing [V + O]movie-goer [V + Adverbial (place)] baking powder [ V + Adverbial (instrument)] far-reaching [V + Adverbial] dog-tired [noun-adverbial + adj.]lion-hearted [noun-adverbial + adj.] love-sick [noun-adverbial + adj.]boyfriend [S + complement] peace-loving [V +O]snap decision [V + O] easy chair [ S+ C]on-coming [V +adv] tax-free [noun-adverbial + adj.]light-blue [adj + adj] goings-on [V +adv]3. well-bred / well-behaved culture-bound / homeboundneedle-work / homework praiseworthy / trustworthybar-woman / sportswoman nation-wide / college-wideclear-minded / strong-minded military-style / western-styleself-control / self-respect budget-related / politics-relatedwater-proof / fire-proof once-fashionable / once-powerfulnews-film / news-letter mock-attack / mock-sadnesssister-in-law / father-in-law home-baked / home-producedhalf-way / half-done ever-lasting / ever-greenage-conscious / status-conscious campus-based / market-basedConversion7. a. stomach [n → v]b. room [n → v]c. wolf [n → v]d. come / go [v → n]e. familiar [a → n]f. innocent [a → n]g. flat [a → v]h. ah / ouch [int → v]i. warm [a → n]j. has-been / might-have-been [finite v → n]k. Hamlet [proper n → v]l. buy [v → n]m. smooth [a → v]Blendingmotel (mo tor + ho tel) 汽车旅馆humint (hum an + int elligence) 人工情报,谍报advertisetics (advertise ment + statis tics) 广告统计学psywarrior (psy chological warrior) 心理战战士hoverport (hover craft + port) 气垫船港口chunnel (ch annel + t unnel) 水底火车隧道hi-fi (hi gh + fi delity) 高保真cinemactress (cinem a + actress) 电影女演员Clippingcopter (heli copter): front clipping dorm (dorm itory): back clippinglab (lab oratory) :front clipping prefab (pref abricated house): phrase clipping gas (gas oline): front clipping prof (prof essor): back clippingscope (tele scope): front clipping champ (champ ion): back clippingsarge (serge ant): back clipping mike (mic rophone): back clippingad (ad vertisement): back clipping tec (de tec tive): front and back clippingAcronymy1. kg = k ilo g ram ft = f oo t cf = c on f ercm = c enti m eter $ = dollaribid = ibid em etc. = et c eteraVIP = v ery i mportant p ersonOPEC = O rganization of P etroleum E xporting C ountries TOEFL = t esting o f E nglish as a f oreign l anguage2. a. SALTb. radarc. AIDSd. BASICe. Laserf. WHOg. sonarh. G-manBackformation2. lase (laser)escalate (escalator)babysit (babysitter)peeve (peevish)orate (orator)commute (commuter)Commonization of Proper Names3. a. tantalize—Tantalusb. Argus-eyed—Argusc. narcissism—Narcissusd. sabotage—sabotse. martinet—Martinetf. yahoo—Yahoog. Shylock—Shylockh. hoovering—Hooveri. utopia—Utopiaj. Uncle Tomism—Uncle Tom【Chapter 5】6. apes—b birds—a cattle—mcricket—n doves—c foxes—jgeese—k sheep—f wolves—gmonkeys—e pigs—l hyenas—hturkeys—d swans—i9. a. A scientist working in a project to develop industrial uses for nuclear power might have all the positive associations with “atomic”, such as “benefit, energy”, etc.b. A Japanese resident of Hiroshima, victim of the atomic explosion at the end of World War II, might have all the negative associations with “atomic”, such as “suffering, killing, death, horror", etc.c. To a student of nuclear physics, “atomic” might be associated with “mystery, science, knowledge”, etc.10. talkative: implying a fondness for talking frequently and at length (neutral)articulate: expressing oneself easily and clearly (positive)gossip: indulging in idle talk or rumours about others (negative)rambling: talking aimlessly without connection of ideas (negative)fluent: speaking easily, smoothly, and expressively (positive)mouthy: overtly talkative, especially in a rude way (negative)11.No Appreciative Neutral Pejorative1 particular fastidious / fussy2 critical fault-finding / picky3 style/vogue fad4 artful cunning / sly5 unstable fickle / capricious6 developing underdeveloped / backward7 encourage/ promote instigate8 group clique / gang14. bull [-HUMAN +MALE +ADULT +BOVINE]cow [-HUMAN -MALE +ADULT +BOVINE]calf [-HUMAN OMALE -ADULT +BOVINE]rooster [-HUMAN +MALE +ADULT +GALLINE]hen [-HUMAN -MALE +ADULT +GALLINE]chicken [-HUMAN OMALE -ADULT +GALLINE]-HUMANbull cow calf +BOVINErooster hen chicken +GALLINE+MALE -MALE -ADULT【Chapter 6】Polysemy4. The word board first denoting "a table" has later acquired two very divergent senses. Each of them has given rise to another sense from which the original notion has disappeared. The process can be shown as follows:Homonymy4. 1) Make both ends meat is a parody of make both ends meet which means “have enoughmoney for one’s needs”. Here the butcher cleverly uses the pair of homonyms meat and meet to make a pun. It makes a proper answer to the lady’s question. (1) Butchers cannot make both ends meat (make whole sausages with all meat) because they cannot make both ends meet (If they made sausages with all meat, which is more costly, they would not earn enough money to survive.) (2) Don’t complain. All the butchers do the same. I am not the only one who is making sausages with bread.2) Swallow is a bird which is seen in summer. But by one swallow we see, we cannotdeduce that it is already summer time. Swallow can also mean a mouthful of wine. On a cold winter day, if one has a swallow of wine, one may feel warm.3) Arms has two meanings: weapons; the human upper limbs. Since “a cannon ball took offhis legs”, the soldier was not able to fight on, so he “laid down his arms”, which means “surrender”. It can also mean he laid down his upper limbs.Synonymy3. avaricious: greedy courteously: politelyemancipate: set free customary: usualwidth: breadth adversary: opponent gullible: deceived remainder: residueinnocent: sinless obstacle: obstruction vexation: annoyance5. a. identifiable b. safetyc. motivatesd. delicatee. surroundingsf. artificialg. prestige h. perspirei. accomplishment j. silentk. impressive l. evaporate6. run move spinturn whirl roll7. a. stead b. gee-gee c. riped. maturee. effectivef. efficientg. fatigued, children h. tired, kids i. declinedj. refused k. rancid l. addledm. Penalties n. fines o. rebukedp. accusedAntonymy5. a. similar/same b. safec. sharp/ smartd. sende. stingy/ selfish h. simplef. significant/sensible i. sureg. skeptical/ suspicious l. smoothj. slipshod/ slovenly/ sloppy k. sleepiness/ sleep / slumberm. subjective n. sob/ scowl6. a. old-fashioned b. completelyc. moistured. speciale. essentialf. similarityg. innocent h. rigidi. loosen j. clarityk. deserted l. fruitfulm. peremptory n. depressedo. indifferent7. a. feed—starve, cold-fever b. wisdom—folliesc. haste—leisured. penny—pound, wise—foolishe. speech—silencef. absence—presenceg. admonish—praise i. wise men—foolsh. young—old private—public saint—devilj. mind—body k. foul—fairl. danger—security m. deliberate--promptn. children—parents o. bully—cowardp. head—tail8. right—wrong single—returndry—sweet hard—easystrong—faint rough—calmlight—dark cold—warmhigh—low/deepHyponymy3.furniture: desk, chair, table, bedmatter: liquid, gas, solidmeat: pork, beef, muttongo: run, fly, walk4.profession workplacesurgeon: clinic, hospitalplumber: house, buildinglawyer: office, law courtsmechanic: garagephotographer: studioforeman: worksite, factory5.6. In Sentence 1), got, furniture, recently are superordinates because they are general and convey a very vague idea whereas in Sentence 2), the three words are replaced respectively by bought, cupboard, three days ago, which are subordinates, conveying a definite and clear idea. So Sentence 2) is better than Sentence 1.In Sentence 3), it is said, magnificent building, destroyed, yesterday are superordinate terms, which are comparatively much more general than the news says, Royal Hotel, burnt down, last night respectively in 4), which can be described as subordinates. Since 4) is clearer than 3) in meaning, it is better.Semantic field3. Group 1 is synonymously semantic field and Group 2 is semantic filed. The difference lies: In 1 the words are synonyms, none of them covers the meaning of another, and they differ only in style and emotive values. In 2 the words are not synonyms, but each refers to a specific type of horse. Horse is a cover term or superordinate, and others are subordinates. These terms have no difference in style or affective meaning.【Chapter 7】4. 1) extension 2) extension3) narrowing 4) degradation5) elevation 6) narrowing7) extension 8) extension9) narrowing 10) narrowing11) elevation 12) degradation13) degradation 14) degradation5. a. associated transferb. abstract to concretec. concrete to abstractd. abstract to concretee. abstract to concretef. abstract to concreteg. associated transferh. associated transferi. synesthesia (transfer of sensation from sight to hearing)j. synesthesia (transfer of sensation)6. a. objective b. subjective, objectivec. objectived. subjectivee. subjectivef. subjectiveg. subjective h. subjective, objective7. a. die b. graveyardc. bedlam疯人院d. old peoplee. strikef. Policemang. stupid pupil h. poor peoplei. toilet j. fat personk. unemployed mother【Chapter 8】2. 1) a. to repairb. measurement and determination of one’s positionc. predicamentd. injection2) a. a single complete dividing part (of a rocket)b. the theatre or acting as a professionc. a particular point or period in a process of developmentd. to plan, arrange and carry out3) a. interchange and discussion of ideas, esp. for mutual understanding orharmonyb. conversationc. a written conversation (of a play, etc.)3. a. synonymyb. explanation/ definitionc. exemplificationd. relevant detailse. relevant detailsf. relevant details4. a. stop people drinkingstop drinking by themselvesb. a stone house which is biga house built of big stonesc. a picture possessed by Bettya photograph of Bettyd. aunts who are visitingpaying a visit to auntse. take Jane as his wifepreside over Jane’s weddingf. a weapon that can fly over long distance and that it explodes when it h its the thing itaims atan object that is thrown at somebody in order to hurt him【Chapter 9】6. a—2) b—9) c—3)d—6) e—1) f—8)g—5) h—4) i—7)j—10)7. a. stand out againstb. approve ofc. get … over withd. looking intoe. come up withf. comply withg. cashed in onh. go withouti. to profit by / fromj. dut down …to8. a cool cat = a really calm personblow one's stack = lose control over oneselffly off the handle = become excessively angrywhat's more = furthermoreget away with = commit an illegitimate act without penaltyof course = naturallyget on = get oldpepper and salt = grey (hair)make up for = compensate forlost time = time wastedtake it easy = relax, not worryget up = rise from bedturn in = go into bedtake care of = manage or look afterlike a breeze = without effort or easilytime off = time for restget it made = be successfulthis is it = be in a position or place, or have possession of an object beyond which more of the same is unnecessarySam is really a calm person. He never loses control of himself and hardly ever becomes too angry. Furthermore, he knows how to manage his business financially by using a few tricks… Needless to say, he, too, is getting older. His hair is beginning to turn grey, but he knows how to compensate for wasted time by relaxing. He rises early, exercises, and goes to bed early. He manages his frankfurter dispensary without visible effort, until it is someone else's turn to work there. Sam is successful, he has reached his life's goal.9. a. “Well, it's the old story of the stitch in time,” he said.A stitch in time saves nine.b. Fleur's head was lost in the tool-box, but her voice was heard saying: “Too many cooks,better let me.”Too many cooks spoil the broth.c. But not many other people held that view discerning his finger still very large in everypie — so much so that there often seemed less pie than finger.have a finger in the pied. I’m thinking of putting up a “Silence is golden” placard in his office. Nobody can hearthemselves think.Speech is silver, silence is golden.e. They four had one likeness: their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel inthe middle of a wheel.wheel within wheelsf. He quotes them extensively nevertheless, together with other equally suspectevidence, because otherwise he would have no straw with which to make his bricks.make bricks without straw10. wind and weather wheeling and dealingwaifs and strays town and gowntop and tail time after timerules and regulations rise and fallrags and tatters puff and blowpick and shovel peace and quietover and above one and onlyoff and on neck and neckshoulder to shoulder moan and groanmilk and water man and beast11. a. 好奇伤身。

• Free morphemes are all roots, which are capable of being used as words or as wordbuilding elements to form new words like collect, ideal, prison, whereas bound morphemes consist of either roots or affixes, most of which can be used to create new words like re-, -ion, -ist and ex-.
• Grammatical morphemes, on the other hand, function primarily as grammatical markers, which are traditionally called functional words.
3.4 Identifying Morphemes
Derivational (1) Changes meaning or part of speech of the
stem. (2) Indicates semantic relations within the word. (3) Occurs with only some members of a class of
• An allomorph refers to a number of a set of morphs, which represent one morpheme. Just as we class phones together as allophones of a single phoneme, so we class morphs together as allomorphs of a single morpheme.

关键词 : 张维友 ; 《 英语词汇 学教程》; 学 习策略
中 图分 类 号 i H 3 1 9 文献 标 识 码 : A
《 英语 词汇学教程》 ( 以下简 称《 教程 》 ) 是张维 友先 生
在 多年的教学 实践 基础上 整理 而成 的, 是英 语词 汇学 教材 中“ 最早专章讨论语篇 中词 汇的著作 ” 。 L l 该教 材主要 着眼
段 。英语词 汇学 是高 等 院校 英语 专业 开设 的一 门课 程 , 或
了词 汇的基本 结构及构成 形式 ; 五至 八章 分别 展示 了词义
的理 据理 论、 词义关 系范 畴、 词义变化及语境词义 四方面 和 词 的意义相关 联的知识 ; 九 至十一章 主要 体现 了词 汇在 习 语 中的使 用及词汇学习相关工具书 的介 绍。 理清《 教程》 编写 过程 中遵 循 的逻 辑脉 络有 助 于将词
成分分析 、 语义关系 、 词 义 变化 、 意义 与语 境、 英语 习语 、 英
p h o n e ( 音位变体 ) , 音位 是音 系学 中的抽象 概念 , 需 要 以音 素为具体 的实现形式 , 并 且具有 一定 的音 位变体 。词汇 学 和音系学 中相似概念 的互为 印证 可以使学 习者对概念 的认
识 点是词 汇学学习的重点与难点 。如形位 、 形素 、 形位变体 三个概念 的区分 ; 构词法 中的前缀法 、 后缀法 、 复 合法、 转类
第3 4卷 第 5期
2 0 1 4年 5 月
湖 北 科 技 学 院 学 报
J o u r n a l o f Hu b e i Un i
V o 1 . 3 4 , N o . 5
Ma v . 2 0 1 4

《英语词汇学教程》(2004年版)练习答案【Chapter1】7.tart:loose woman bloke:fellowgat:pistol swell:greatchicken:coward blue:fightsmoky:police full:drunkdame:woman beaver:girl8.haply=perhaps albeit=althoughmethinks=it seemsto me eke=alsosooth=truth morn=morningtroth=pledge ere=beforequoth=said hallowed=holybillow=wave/the sea bade=bid12.Denizens Aliens Translation loans Semantic loanskettle diewall skirt husband confrerepro patriaWunderkindmikadoparvenuchopsticktyphoonblack humourlong time no seedream【Chapter2】Ex.1The Indo-European Language Family is one of the most important language families in the world.It is made up of most of the languages of Europe,the Near East and India.English belongs to this family and the other members of the Indo-European have more or less influence on English vocabulary.A knowledge of the Indo-European Language Family will help us understand English words better and use them more appropriately.2.Indo-EuropeanLanguageFamilyBalto-Slavic Indo-Iranian Celtic Italian Hellenic GermanicRoumanian Hindi Breton Spanish Greek EnglishLithuanian Persian Scottish French SwedishPrussian Irish Italian GermanPolish Portuguese NorweigianSlavenian IcelandicRussian DanishBulgarian Dutch6.When in the course of human events,it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another,and to assume among the powers of the earth separateand equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them,a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.Most of the content words are either of Greek or Latin origin.What are left are mostly functional words.This shows that Greek and Latin play a very important part in the English vocabulary.8.eventful[Latin+English]hydroplane[Greek+Latin]falsehood[Latin+English]pacifist[Latin+Greek]saxophone[German+Greek]heirloom[French+English]joss house[Portuguese+English]television[Greek+Latin]9.amateur(late)finacé(late)empire(early)peace(E)courage(E)garage(L)judgement(E)chair(E)chaise(L)grace(E)servant(E)routine(L) jealous(E)savaté(L)genre(L) gender(E)début(L)morale(L) state(E)chez(L)ballet(L) 11.allegro,f轻快andante,j行板diminuendo,g渐弱largo,d缓慢pianoforte,a轻转慢alto,i女低音crescendo,b渐强forte,e强piano,h轻soprano,c女高音12.cherub(Hebrew)snorkel(G)coolie(Hindi)tulip(Turk)lasso(Sp)wok(Ch)shampoo(Indian)chocolate(Mex)tepee(Am Ind)jubilee(Gr)。

2.2 Three Phases of the Historical Development
1) Old English (450-1150) totally 50,000-60,000 words The 1st people known to inhabit England were Celts, the language was Celtic. The second language was the Latin of the Roman Legions. The Germanic tribes called angles, Saxons and Jutes and their language, Anglo-Saxon dominated and blotted out the Celtic. Now people refer to Anglo-Saxon as old English. At the end of 6th century, the introduction of Christianity has a great impact on the English vocabulary. In the 9th century, many Scandinavian words came into English. At least 900 words of Scandinavian are in modern English, our daily life and speech. 特点: highly inflected language, complex endings or vowel changes (full ending)

《英语词汇学教程》(2004年版)练习答案[Chapter 1】7. tart: loose woma nbloke: fellowgat: pistolswell: great ehieke n: cowardblue: fightsmoky: policefull: drunkdame: woma n beaver: girl8. haply = perhapsalbeit = althoughmethi nks = it seems to me eke = alsosooth : =truth morn = morni ngtroth = p ledge ere = beforequoth =saidhallowed = holybillow =wave/ the seabade = bid12.【Chapter 2】Ex.1The Indo-European Language Family is one of the most important Ianguagefamilies in the world. It is made up of most of the Ianguages of Europe, the Near East and In dia. En glish bel ongs to this family and the other members of the In do-Europea n have more or less in flue nee on En glish vocabulary. A kno wledge of the Indo-European Language Family will help us understand English words better and use them more appropriately.In do-Europea n Lan guage Family1 11111Balto-SlavicIn do-Ira nianCelticItalia n : : :Helle nicGerma nic2.Roumanian Hindi Breton Spanish Greek EnglishWhe n in the course of huma n eve nts it becomes n ecessaryfor one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connectedthem with another, and to assumea mong the powers of the earthseparatea nd equal statio n to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causeswhich impel them to theseparatio n.Most of the content words are either of Greek or Lati n origi n. What are left are mostly functional words. This shows that Greek and Latin play a very important part in the En glish vocabulary.8. eventful [Latin + English] hydroplane [Greek + Latin]falsehood [ Latin + English] pacifist [Latin + Greek] saxophone [German + Greek]heirloom [ French + English]joss house [ Portuguese + English] television [Greek + Latin] 9.amateur (late) finac (late) empire (early) peace (E) courage (E)garage (L) judgement (E) chair (E) chaise (L) grace (E) servant (E)routine (L) jealous (E) savat (L) genre (L) gender(E)d (but (L)morale (L)Lithuanian Prussian Polish Slavenian Russian Bulgarian6.Persian Scottish IrishFrench Italian PortugueseSwedish German Norweigian Icelandic Danish Dutchstate (E) chez (L) ballet (L)11.allegro, f轻快andante, j行板diminuendo, g渐弱largo, d缓慢pianoforte, a轻转慢alto, i女低首crescendo, b渐强forte, e强piano, h轻soprano, c女咼首12.cherub (Hebrew) coolie (Hindi) lasso (Sp) shampoo (Indian)tepee (Am Ind) kibitz (G) chipmunk (Am Ind) cotton (Arab)snorkel (G)tulip (Turk)wok (Ch) chocolate (Mex) jubilee (Gr) Sabbath (Heb) tamale (Mex) voodoo (Afr)sauerbraten (G)13.a. alligator c. rodeo e. igloo g. wigwam i. hurricanek. panchos b. loco d. bonanza f. blitzkrieg h. canoe j. boomerang【Ch apter 31. a. morpheme c. bound morpheme e. affix g. derivati onal affix i. stem 3. in dividualistic in dividualist + ic [stem,base] in dividual + ist [stem, base] in dividu + al [stem, base] in + dividu [root, stem, base]un desirablesun + desirable [stem, base] desir + able [root, stem, base] -free morpheme = free rootmorpheme bound rootbound morpheme - in flect ional affixLaffix + r prefixderivati onal affixsuffixloot (Hindi) b. allomorphd. free morpheme f. informational affix h. root j. base【Ch apter 4】Affixation5. non-smokerdisobey immatureun willi ngn essillogical non-athletic in capablein securityin ability/disabilityillegal disloyalimpractical irrelevant uno fficiallydisagreeme ntinconvenient6. harde n horrify moder nizememorize falsify apologizedeepen glorify sterilizelen gthe n inten sify beautifyfatte n sympathizea. apologizedb. beautifyc. len gthe ningd. sympathizede. fatte nf. falsifyg. memorizi ng h. Sterilize7. a. employee b. politicia n c. participa ntd. waitresse. con ductorf. teacherg. pia nist h. exam in ee/exam iner8.trans- = across: transcon ti nen tal, tran s-world mono- = one:mono rail, mono culturesuper- = over, above: superstructure, super natural auto- = self: autobiography, automobilesub- = bad, badly: malpractice, malnu triti on mi ni- = little, small: min icrisis, mi ni war pre- = before: prehistorical, preelecti on ex- = former: ex-teacher, ex-filmerCompoundingheartbeat [S + V] movie-goer [place + V] far- reachi ng [V + Adv] lion-hearted [adv + a] boyfrie nd [S + compleme nt] snap decisi on [V + O] on-coming [V +adv] light-blue [a + a] brai nwashi ng [V + O] bak ing powder [ V+adv] dog-tired [adv + a] love-sick [adv + a] peace-lo ving [V +0] easy chair [ a + n] tax-free [adv +a] goin gs-on [V +adv]4. well-bred/well-behaved culture-bo un d/homebo undConversion 7. a. stomach [n f v]b. room [n fc. wolf [ n fd. come/go [ve. familiar [af. innocen t [ag. flat [a fh. ah/ ouch [inti. warm [a f n]j.has-bee n/might-havebee n [fin ite vf n]k. Hamlet [proper n f v] l. buy [v f n] m. smooth [a f v]Blendingmotel (motor + hotel) humint (huma n + in tellige nee)advertisetics (advertiseme nt + statistics) psywarrior (psychological warrior) hoverport (hovercraft + port) chunnel (cha nnel + tunnel) hi-fi (high + fidelity) cin emactress Qn ema + actress dorm (dormitory) prefab (prefabricated house) prof (professor) champ (champi on) mike (micropho ne) tec (detective) Acronymy2. kg = kilogram ft = foot cf = confer cm = centimeter $ = dollaribid = ibidem etc. = et cetera VIP = very importa nt pers onOPEC = Orga ni zati on of Petroleum Export ing Coun triesn eedle work/homework bar-woma n/sportswoma n clear-mi nded/stro ng-mi nded self-c on trol/self-respect water-proof/fire-proof n ews-film/news-letter sister-i n-law/father-i n-law half-way/half-d one age-co nscious/status-c on sciouspraiseworthy/respectworthy n atio n-wide/college-widemilitary-style/newstyle budget-related/politics-related on ce-fashio nable/o nce-powerful mock-attack/mock-sad ness home-baked/home-produced ever-lasti ng/ever-gree ncampus-based/market-basednnmClippingcopter (helicopter) lab (laboratory) gas (gasoli ne) scope (telescope* sarge ^ergea nt) ad (advertiseme nt)TOEFL = teachi ngof En glish as aforeig n Ian guage3. a. SALTb. radarc. AIDSd. BASICe. Laserf. WHOg. sonarh. G-ma nBackformation2. lase (laser)escalate (escalator)babysit (babysitter)peeve (peevish)orate (orator) commute (commuter)Commonization of Proper Namesa. tan talize—Tantalusb. Argus-eyec—Argusc. n arcissism—Narcissusd. sabotage- sabotse. martinet—Martinetf. yahoo—Yahoog. Shylock—Shylockh. hooveri ng—Hooveri. utopia—Utopiaj. Un cle Tommism—Uncle Tom【Chapter 5】6. apes— b birds—acattle—m cricket—ndoves— c foxes—jgeese- k sheep- fwolves—g pigs—l turkeys—d mon keys— e hyenas— h swa ns— i9. a. A scie ntist worki ng in a project to develop in dustrial uses for nu clear power might have all thepositive associationswith “ atomic ” , such as“ ben efit, en ergy ” , etc.b. A Japa nese reside nt of Hiroshima, victim of the atomic explosi on at the endof World War II, might have all the n egative associati ons with“ atom icsuch as “ sufferi ng, killi ng, death, horror", etc.c. To a student of nuclear physics, “ atomic ” might be associated with“ myscienee, knowledge ” , etc.10. talkative:articulate:gossip: impl ying a fondn ess for talk ing freque ntly and at len gth neutral) express ing on eself easily and clearly positivein dulgi ng in idle talk or rumours about others (negativerambli ng: talking aimlessly without connection of ideas (negative) flue nt: speak ing easily, smoothly, and expressively positive mouthy: overtly talkative, especially in a rude way (nagative)14.[Chapter 6】 Polysemy 4.4. 1) Make both en dsmeat is a parody of make both ends meet which means“ haveeno ugh money for one ' s n eeds ” . Here the butcher cleverly uses the pair ofhomonyms meat and meet to make a pun .It makes a proper an swer tothelady ' s questio(1) Butchers cannot make both ends meat (make wholesausageswith all meat) becausethey cannot make both ends meet (If they madesausages with all meat, which is more costly, they would not earn eno ugh money to survive.)( 2) Don ' t compla in. All the butchers do the same. I am not the only one who is making sausages with bread.2) Swallow is a bird which is seen in summer. But by one swallow we see, wecannot deduce that it is already summer time. Swallow can also mean a mouthful of wine. On a cold win ter day, if one has a swallow of wi ne, one may feel warm.3) arms has two meanin gs: weap ons; the huma n upper limbs. Si nee a cannonball took off his legs ”,the soldier was not able to fight on, so he laiddining table council tablefood served at the table; meal supplied by the week or monthcouncilors; committee ; directors of a companyhis armS',which means Surrende ”.lt can also mean he laid down limbs. Synonymy3. avaricious:greedycourteously: politely ema ncipate: set freecustomary: usualwidth: breadthadversary: opponentgullible: deceivedrema in der: residueinnocent: si nlessobstacle: obstructio nvexatio n: annoyance5. a. ide ntifiable b. safetyc. motivatesd. delicatee. surro undingsf. artificialg. prestige h. perspirei. accomplishme nt j. sile nt k. impressive l. evaporate6. run movespi n turn whirl roll7. a. stead b. gee-geec. riped. maturee. effectivef. efficie ntg. fatigued, childre n h. tired, kidsi. decli ned j. refused k. ran cidl. addled m. Pen alties n. fineso. rebuked p. accusedAntonymy5. a. similar/same b. safec. sharp/ smartd. sende. sti ngy/ selfish h. simplef. sig nifica nt/se nsible i. sureg. skeptical/ suspicious l. s moothj. slipshod/ slove nly/ sloppyk. sleep in ess/ sleep / slumberm. subjectiven. sob/ scowl6. a. old-fashi oned b. completelydow n his upper5.c. moisturee. esse ntialg. innocenti. loose nk. desertedm. peremptoryo. in differe ntd. special f. similarity h. rigid j. clarity l. fruitful n. depressed 7. a. feed — starve, cold-fever c. haste — leisuree. speech- sile nee g. adm onish — praise h. young — old private — j. mind — bodyl. dan ger — security n.childre n — pare ntsp. head — tail8. right — wrong dry —sweet stro ng — fai nt light —dark high —low/deepb. wisdom — folliesd. penny —pound, wise —foolishf. abse nee- prese neei. wise men —fools k. foul —fair m. deliberate-prompt o. bully —coward Hyponymy3. furn iture: desk, chair, table, bed matter: liquid, gas, solidmeat: pork, beef, mutt ongo: run, fly, walkworkplace cli nic, hospital house, build ing office, law courts garagestudio worksite, factorydress ing gown sin gle — return hard — easy rough — calm cold —public saint — devil4. profession surge on:plumber:lawyer:mecha nic:photographer:forema n:6. In Sentence 1,got, furniture, rece ntly are superord in ates because they are gen eraland convey a very vague idea whereas in Sentence 2, the three words are replaced respectively by bought, cupboard, three days ago, which are subordinates,conveying a definite and clear idea. So Sentence 2 is better than Sentence 1.In 3, it is said, magn ifice nt build ing, destroyed, yesterdayare superordi nate terms, which are comparatively much more gen eral tha n the n ews says, Royal Hotel, bur nt dow n, last ni ght respectively in 4, which can be described as subord in ates.Since 4 is clearer than 3 in meaning, it is better.Semantic field3. Group 1 is synonymouslysemanticfield and Group 2 is semanticfiled. The differenee lies: In 1 the words are synonyms none of them covers the meaning of another, and they differ only in style and emotive values. In 2 the words are not synonyms, but each refers to a specific type of horse Horse is a cover term or superordi nate, and others are subord in ates. These terms have no differe nee in style or affective mea ning.[Chapter 7】4. 1) exte nsion 2) exte nsion3) n arrowi ng 4) degradation5) elevati on 6) n arrowi ng7) exte nsion 8) exte nsion9) n arrowi ng 10) elevati on11) n arrowi ng 12) degradation13) degradati on 14) degradation5. a. associated tran sferb. abstract to con cretec. abstract to con creted. abstract to con cretee. abstract to con cretef. abstract of con creteg. associated tran sferh. associated tran sferi. syn esthesiaj. syn esthesiab. subjective, objective d. subjective f. subjective h. subjective, objective[Chapter 8】2. a. to repairb. measureme nt and determ in atio n of one ' s positi onc. predicame ntd. injectio na.a sin gle complete divid ing part (of a rocket) b.the theatre or acting as a professi on c.a particular point or period in a process of developme nt d. to pla n, arrange and carry outa. in tercha nge and discussi on of ideas, esp. for mutual un dersta nding or harmonyb. con versati onc. a writte n conv ersati on (of a play, etc.)3. a. synonymb. expla nati on/ defi niti onc. antonymd. examplee. releva nt detailsf. releva nt detailsg. releva nt details4. a. stop people drinking stop drinking by themselvesb. a stone house which is biga house built of big stones a. die b. graveyardc. bedlam 疯人院d. old peoplee. strikef. Policema ng. stupid pupil h. poor peoplei. toiletj. fat pers onk. un employed mother 7. 6. a. objective c.objective e.subjective g.subjectivec. a picture possessed by Bettya photograph of Bettyd. aunts who are visit ingpay ing a visit to auntse. take Jane as his wifepreside over Jane ' s weddingf. a weap on that can fly over long dista nee and that it explodes whe n itnits thething it aims atan object that is throw n at somebody in order to hurt him[Chapter 9】6. a— 2) b—9) c—3)d—6) e—1) f —8)g—5) h—4) i—7)j—10)7. a. sta nd out aga instb. approve ofc. get …over withd. look ing intoe. come up withf. comply withg. cashed in onh. go withouti. to profit by / fromj. dut dow n …to8. a cool cat= a really calm pers on blow one's stac k lose con trol over on eself fly offthe handle r become excessively angry what's more= furthermore get away with= commit an illegitimate act without pen alty of course r n aturally get on= get old pepper and sal= grey (hair) make up for= compe nsate forlost time= time wastedtake it easy= relax, not worryget up= rise from bedturn in = go into bedtake care of= man age or look after like a breeze= without effort or easily time off = time for rest get it made= be successful this is it= be in a positi on or place, or have possessi on of an object bey ond which more of the same is unn ecessary Sam is really a calm pers on. He n ever loses con trol of himself and hardly ever becomes too an gry. Furthermore, he knows how to man age his bus in ess finan cially by using a few tricks •…Needless to say, hgetting older.His hair is begi nning to tur n grey, but he knows how to compe nsate for wasted time by relax ing. He rises early, exercises, and goes to bed early. He man ages his fran kfurter dispe nsary without visible effort, un til it is some one else's tur nto work there. Sam is successful, he has reached his life's goal.9. a. Well, it's the old story of the stitch in time,” he said.A stitch in time saves nine.b. Fleur's head was lost in the tool-box, but her voice was heard say ing: Toomany cooks, better let me”Too many cooks spoil the broth.c. But not many other people held that view discer ning his fin ger still very large inevery pie ——so much so that there ofte n seemed less pie tha n fin ger. havea fin ger in the pied. I'm thinking of putting up a Silenee is golden" placard in his office. Nobody canhear themselves thi nk.Speech is silver, sile nee is golde ne. They four had one like ness: their appeara nee and their work was as it were awheel in the middle of a wheel.wheel within wheelsf. He quotes them exte nsively n evertheless, together with other equally suspectevide nee, because otherwise he would have no straw with which to make hisbricks.make bricks without straw10. wind and weather waifsand strays top and tailrules and regulatio nsrags and tatters pick andshovel over and aboveoff and on wheeli ng and deali ng town and gow n time after time rise and fall puff and blow peace and quiet one and only n eck and n eckshoulder to shoulder milk and water 11. a.好奇伤身。

3) Pejorative Prefixes
mal- meaning ‘badly, bad’ added to verbs, participles, adjectives, and abstract nouns
4.1 Affixation
• Affixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to bases. This process is also known as derivation, by which new words are derived from old or base forms. The words created in this way are called derivatives. According to the position affixes occupy in words, affixation falls into two subcategories: prefixation and suffixation.
mis- meaning ‘wrongly, astray’, added to verbs, participles, and abstract nouns
pseudo- meaning ‘false, imitation’, a productive affix with nouns and adjectives

3.2 Morphs and Allomorphs
• Morphemes are abstract units, which are realized in speech by discrete units known as morphs. ‘They are actual spoken, minimal carriers of meaning’. In other words the phonetic or orthographic strings or segments which realize morphemes are termed ‘morphs’. Most morphemes are realized by single morphs like bird, tree, green, sad, want, desire, etc.. These morphemes coincide with words as they can stand by themselves and function freely in a sentence. Words of this kind are called monomorphemic words. Some morphemes, however, are realized by more than one morph according to their position in a word.
• Morphemes which cannot occur separate words are bound. They are so named because they are bound to other morphemes to form words or to perform a particular grammatical function. Bound morphemes are chiefly found in derived words.

英语语音实用教程张维友课后答案1、Julia’s on holiday in Shanghai _______. [单选题] *A. in a momentB. after a momentC. at the moment(正确答案)D. at any moment2、We need a _______ when we travel around a new place. [单选题] *A. guide(正确答案)B. touristC. painterD. teacher3、( ) What she is worried __ is ____ her daughter is always addicted to chatting online./; that [单选题] *A /; thatB of thatC about that(正确答案)D about what4、Actually, we don't know whether this news comes from a reliable()or not. [单选题] *A. source(正确答案)B. originC. basisD. base5、We’re proud that China _______ stronger and stronger these years. [单选题] *A. will becomeB. becameC. is becoming(正确答案)D. was becoming6、I _______ no idea of where the zoo is. [单选题] *A. thinkB. getC. have(正确答案)D. take7、He has two sisters but I have not _____. [单选题] *A. noneB. someC. onesD. any(正确答案)8、( ). The old man enjoys ______ stamps. And now he has1300 of them [单选题] *A. collectB. collectedC. collecting(正确答案)D. to collect9、—Why do you call him Mr. Know?—______ he knows almost everything that we want to know.()[单选题] *A. SoB. OrC. ButD. Because(正确答案)10、72.—? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??—Yes, please. I want a sweater. [单选题] *A.How muchB.Can I help you(正确答案)C.Excuse meD.What will you take11、_____how to do with the trouble of the computer, Tom had to ask his brother for help. [单选题] *A.Not to knowB.Not knowing(正确答案)C.Not knownD.Not know12、It is reported that the fire caused serious()to that school building. [单选题] *A. damage(正确答案)B. destroyC. harmD.hurt13、( ) ________ large the library is! [单选题] *A. WhatB. What aC. How(正确答案)D. How a14、He studied harder to _______ his reading skills. [单选题] *A. improve(正确答案)B. rememberC. memorizeD. forget15、6.Hi, boys and girls. How are you ________ your posters for the coming English Festival at school? [单选题] *A.getting onB.getting offC.getting with (正确答案)D.getting16、You needn’t _______ me. I’m old enough to take care of myself. [单选题] *A. worry about(正确答案)B. write downC. put awayD. wake up17、I have seldom seen my father()pleased with my progress as he is now. [单选题] *A. so(正确答案)B. veryC. tooD. rather18、I don’t like playing chess. It is _______. [单选题] *A. interestingB. interestedC. boring(正确答案)D. bored19、His handwriting is better than _____. [单选题] *A. mine(正确答案)B. myC. ID. me20、It is my _______ to meet you here. [单选题] *A. pleasure(正确答案)B. pleaseC. pleasedD. pleasant21、Just use this room for the time being ,and we’ll offer you a larger one _______it becomes available [单选题] *A. as soon as(正确答案)B unless .C as far asD until22、Tom and Mary's house bought last year is()Lucy, s. [单选题] *A. the three size ofB. three times the size of(正确答案)C. as three times large asD. three times as larger as23、Can you tell me how the accident _______? [单选题] *A. came about(正确答案)B. came backC. came downD. came from24、Nick has always been good _______ finding cheap flights. [单选题] *A. at(正确答案)B. forC. withD. to25、There is _______ meat in the fridge.Lets go and buy some. [单选题] *A. little(正确答案)B. a littleC. fewD. a few26、86.—? ? ? ? ? ? ?will it take me to get to the Golden Street?—About half an hour. [单选题]* A.How farB.How long(正确答案)C.How oftenD.How much27、_____, Martin can reach the branch of that tall tree at the gate. [单选题] *A. As a short manB. Being shortC. As he is shortD. Short as he is(正确答案)28、35.Everyone in China ______ Mid-Autumn Day. [单选题] *A.likes(正确答案)B.likeC.is likingD.are like29、We sent our children to school to prepare them for the time _____ they will have to work for themselves. [单选题] *A. thatB. when(正确答案)C. whileD. as30、Although the story is written for children, it can be read by adult, _____. [单选题] *A. alsoB. eitherC. as wellD. too(正确答案)。

【Chapter 1】7.tart: loose woman bloke: fellowgat: pistol swell: greatchicken: coward blue: fightsmoky: police full: drunkdame: woman beaver: girl8. haply = perhaps albeit = althoughmethinks = it seems to me eke = alsosooth = truth morn = morningtroth = pledge ere = beforequoth = said hallowed = holybillow = wave/ the sea bade = bid12.Denizens Aliens Translation loans Semantic loanskettle die wall skirt husband confrerepro patriaWunderkindmikadoparvenuchopsticktyphoonblack humourlong time no seedream【Chapter 4】Affixation5. non-smoker incapable impracticaldisobey insecurity irrelevantimmature inability/disability unofficiallyunwillingness illegal disagreement illogical disloyal inconvenientnon-athletic6. harden horrify modernizememorize falsify apologizedeepen glorify sterilizelengthen intensify beautifyfatten sympathizea. apologizedb. beautifyc. lengtheningd. sympathizede. fattenf. falsifyg. memorizing h. Sterilize7. a. employee b. politician c. participantd. waitresse. conductorf. teacherg. pianist h. examinee/examiner8.trans- = across: transcontinental, trans-worldmono- = one: monorail, monoculturesuper- = over, above: superstructure, supernaturalauto- = self: autobiography, automobilesub- = bad, badly: malpractice, malnutritionmini- = little, small: minicrisis, miniwarpre- = before: prehistorical, preelectionex- = former: ex-teacher, ex-filmerCompoundingheartbeat [S + V] brainwashing [V + O]movie-goer [place + V] baking powder [ V +adv]far- reaching [V + Adv] dog-tired [adv + a]lion-hearted [adv + a] love-sick [adv + a]boyfriend [S + complement] peace-loving [V +O]snap decision [V + O] easy chair [ a + n]on-coming [V +adv] tax-free [adv +a]light-blue [a + a] goings-on [V +adv]4. well-bred/well-behaved culture-bound/homeboundneedle work/homework praiseworthy/respectworthybar-woman/sportswoman nation-wide/college-wideclear-minded/strong-minded military-style/newstyleself-control/self-respect budget-related/politics-relatedwater-proof/fire-proof once-fashionable/once-powerfulnews-film/news-letter mock-attack/mock-sadnesssister-in-law/father-in-law home-baked/home-producedhalf-way/half-done ever-lasting/ever-greenage-conscious/status-conscious campus-based/market-basedConversion7. a. stomach [n → v] b. room [n → v]c. wolf [n → v]d. come/go [v → n]e. fam iliar [a → n]f. innocent [a → n]g. flat [a → n]h. ah/ ouch [int → v]i. warm [a → n]j. has-been/might-have-been [finite v → n]k. Hamlet [proper n → v]l. buy [v → n]m. smooth [a → v]Blendingmotel (mo tor + ho tel)humint (hum an + int elligence) advertisetics (advertise ment + statis tics) psywarrior (psy chological warrior) hoverport (hover craft + port) chunnel (ch annel + t unnel) hi-fi (hi gh + fi delity) cinemactress (cinem a + actress) Clippingcopter (heli copter) dorm (dorm itory)lab (lab oratory) prefab (pref abricated house)gas (gas oline) prof (prof essor)scope (tele scope) champ (champ ion)sarge (serge ant) mike (mic rophone)ad (ad vertisement) tec (de tec tive)Acronymy2. kg = k ilo g ram ft = f oo t cf = c on f ercm = c enti m eter $ = dollaribid = ibid em etc. = et c eteraVIP = v ery i mportant p ersonOPEC = O rganization of P etroleum E xporting C ountriesTOEFL = t eaching o f E nglish as a f oreign l anguage3. a. SALT b. radar c. AIDS d. BASICe. Laserf. WHOg. sonarh. G-man Backformation2. lase (laser)escalate (escalator)babysit (babysitter)peeve (peevish)orate (orator)commute (commuter)Commonization of Proper Namesa. tantalize—Tantalusb. Argus-eyed—Argusc. narcissism—Narcissusd. sabotage—sabotse. martinet—Martinetf. yahoo—Yahoog. Shylock—Shylockh. hoovering—Hooveri. utopia—Utopiaj. Uncle Tommism—Uncle Tom6. apes—b birds—acattle—m cricket—ndoves—c foxes—jgeese—k sheep—fwolves—g monkeys—epigs—l hyenas—hturkeys—d swans—i9. a. A scientist working in a project to develop industrial uses for nuclear power might have allthe positive associations with “atomic”, such as “benefit, energy”, etc.b. A Japanese resident of Hiroshima, victim of the atomic explosion at the end of World War II, might have all the negative associations with “atomic”, such as “suffering, killing, death, horror", etc.c. To a student of nuclear physics, “atomic” might be associated with “mystery, science,knowledge”, etc.10. talkative: implying a fondness for talking frequently and at length (neutral)articulate: expressing oneself easily and clearly (positive)gossip: indulging in idle talk or rumours about others (negative)rambling: talking aimlessly without connection of ideas (negative)fluent: speaking easily, smoothly, and expressively (positive)mouthy: overtly talkative, especially in a rude way (nagative)11.No Appreciative Neutral Pejorative1 particular fastidious/fussy2 critical fault-finding/picky3 style/vogue fad4 artful cunning/sly5 unstable fickle/capricious6 developing underdeveloped/ backward7 encourage/ promote instigate8 group clique/gang14. bull [-HUMAN +MALE +ADULT +BOVINE]cow [-HUMAN -MALE +ADULT +BOVINE]calf [-HUMAN +MALE -ADULT +BOVINE]rooster [-HUMAN +MALE +ADULT +GALLINE]hen [-HUMAN -MALE +ADULT +GALLINE]chicken [-HUMAN +MALE +ADULT +GALLINE]-HUMANbull cow calf +BOVINErooster hen chicken +GALLINE+MALE -MALE +ADULTPolysemy4.a piece of timbertabledining table council tablefood served at the table; meal supplied by the week or monthcouncilors;committee;directors of acompany boardHomonymy4. 1) Make both ends meat is a parody of make both ends meet which means “haveenough money for one’s needs”. Here the butcher cleverly uses the pair ofhomonyms meat and meet to make a pun. It makes a proper answer to the lady’s question. (1) Butchers cannot make both ends meat (make whole sausages with all meat) because they cannot make both ends meet (If they made sausages with all meat, which is more costly, they would not earn enough money to survive.)( 2) Don’t complain. All the butchers do the same. I am not the only one who is making sausages with bread.2) Swallow is a bird which is seen in summer. But by one swallow we see, we cannot deduce that it is already summer time. Swallow can also mean a mouthful of wine. On a cold winter day, if one has a swallow of wine, one may feel warm.3) arms has two meanings: weapons; the human upper limbs. Since “a cannon ball took off his legs”, the soldier was not able to fight on, so he “laid down his arms”, which means “surrender”. It can also mean he laid down his upper limbs.Synonymy3. avaricious: greedycourteously: politelyemancipate: set freecustomary: usualwidth: breadthadversary: opponentgullible: deceivedremainder: residueinnocent: sinlessobstacle: obstructionvexation: annoyance5. a. identifiable b. safetyc. motivatesd. delicatee. surroundingsf. artificialg. prestige h. perspirei. accomplishment j. silentk. impressive l. evaporate6. run move spinturn whirl roll7. a. stead b. gee-gee c. riped. maturee. effectivef. efficientg. fatigued, children h. tired, kidsi. declined j. refused k. rancidl. addled m. Penalties n. fineso. rebuked p. accusedAntonymy5. a. similar/same b. safec. sharp/ smartd. sende. stingy/ selfish h. simplef. significant/sensible i. sureg. skeptical/ suspicious l. smoothj. slipshod/ slovenly/ sloppyk. sleepiness/ sleep / slumberm. subjectiven. sob/ scowl6. a. old-fashioned b. completelyc. moistured. speciale. essentialf. similarityg. innocent h. rigidi. loosen j. clarityk. deserted l. fruitfulm. peremptory n. depressedo. indifferent7. a. feed—starve, cold-fever b. wisdom—folliesc. haste—leisured. penny—pound, wise—foolishe. speech—silencef. absence—presenceg. admonish—praise i. wise men—foolsh. young—old private—public saint—devilj. mind—body k. foul—fairl. danger—security m. deliberate--promptn. children—parents o. bully—cowardp. head—tail8.right—wrong single—returndry—sweet hard—easystrong—faint rough—calmlight —dark cold —warm high —low/deep Hyponymy3. furniture: desk, chair, table, bedmatter: liquid, gas, solid meat: pork, beef, mutton go: run, fly, walk 4. profession workplacesurgeon: clinic, hospital plumber: house, building lawyer: office, law courts mechanic: garage photographer: studio foreman: worksite, factory5.6. In Sentence 1, got, furniture, recently are superordinates because they are general and convey a very vague idea whereas in Sentence 2, the three words are replaced respectively by bought, cupboard, three days ago , which are subordinates, conveying a definite and clear idea. So Sentence 2 is better than Sentence 1. In 3, it is said, magnificent building, destroyed, yesterday are superordinate terms, which are comparatively much more general than the news says, Royal Hotel, burnt down, last night respectively in 4, which can be described as subordinates. Since 4 is clearer than 3 in meaning, it is better.Semantic field3. Group 1 is synonymously semantic field and Group 2 is semantic filed . The difference lies: In 1 the words are synonyms , none of them covers the meaning of another, and they differ only in style and emotive values. In 2 the words are not synonyms, but each refers to a specific type of horse . Horse is a cover term or superordinate, and others are subordinates. These terms have no difference in style or affective meaning.BEDROOM mattress dressing gownclothes pyjamas carpetrug mirror comb hairbrush pillows sheetsblanketsleepersdressing tablewardrob bed4. 1) extension 2) extension3) narrowing 4) degradation5) elevation 6) narrowing7) extension 8) extension9) narrowing 10) elevation11) narrowing 12) degradation13) degradation 14) degradation5. a. associated transferb. abstract to concretec. abstract to concreted. abstract to concretee. abstract to concretef. abstract of concreteg. associated transferh. associated transferi. synesthesiaj. synesthesia6. a. objective b. subjective, objectivec. objectived. subjectivee. subjectivef. subjectiveg. subjective h. subjective, objective7. a. die b. graveyardc. bedlam疯人院d. old peoplee. strikef. Policemang. stupid pupil h. poor peoplei. toilet j. fat personk. unemployed mother2. a. to repairb. measurement and determination of one’s positionc. predicamentd. injectiona. a single complete dividing part (of a rocket)b. the theatre or acting as a professionc. a particular point or period in a process of developmentd. to plan, arrange and carry outa. interchange and discussion of ideas, esp. for mutual understanding orharmonyb. conversationc. a written conversation (of a play, etc.)3. a. synonymb. explanation/ definitionc. antonymd. examplee. relevant detailsf. relevant detailsg. relevant details4. a. stop people drinkingstop drinking by themselvesb. a stone house which is biga house built of big stonesc. a picture possessed by Bettya photograph of Bettyd. aunts who are visitingpaying a visit to auntse. take Jane as his wifepreside over Jane’s weddingf. a weapon that can fly over long distance and that it explodes when it h its thething it aims atan object that is thrown at somebody in order to hurt him6. a—2) b—9) c—3)d—6) e—1) f—8)g—5) h—4) i—7)j—10)7. a. stand out againstb. approve ofc. get … over withd. looking intoe. come up withf. comply withg. cashed in onh. go withouti. to profit by / fromj. dut down …to8. a cool cat = a really calm personblow one's stack = lose control over oneselffly off the handle = become excessively angrywhat's more = furthermoreget away with = commit an illegitimate act without penaltyof course = naturallyget on = get oldpepper and salt = grey (hair)make up for = compensate forlost time = time wastedtake it easy = relax, not worryget up = rise from bedturn in = go into bedtake care of = manage or look afterlike a breeze = without effort or easilytime off = time for restget it made = be successfulthis is it = be in a position or place, or have possession of an objectbeyond which more of the same is unnecessarySam is really a calm person. He never loses control of himself and hardly ever becomes too angry. Furthermore, he knows how to manage his business financially by using a few tricks…Needless to say, he, too, is getting older. His hair is beginning to turn grey, but he knows how to compensate for wasted time by relaxing. He rises early, exercises, and goes to bed early.He manages his frankfurter dispensary without visible effort, until it is someone else's turn to work there. Sam is successful, he has reached his life's goal.9. a. “Well, it's the old story of the stitch in t ime,” he said.A stitch in time saves nine.b. Fleur's head was lost in the tool-box, but her voice was heard saying: “Too many cooks,better let me.”Too many cooks spoil the broth.c. But not many other people held that view discerning his finger still very large in every pie— so much so that there often seemed less pie than finger.have a finger in the pied. I’m thinking of putting up a “Silence is golden” placard in his office. Nobody can hearthemselves think.Speech is silver, silence is golden.e. They four had one likeness: their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in themiddle of a wheel.wheel within wheelsf. He quotes them extensively nevertheless, together with other equally suspect evidence,because otherwise he would have no straw with which to make his bricks.make bricks without straw10. wind and weather wheeling and dealingwaifs and strays town and gowntop and tail time after timerules and regulations rise and fallrags and tatters puff and blowpick and shovel peace and quietover and above one and onlyoff and on neck and neckshoulder to shoulder moan and groanmilk and water man and beast11. a. 好奇伤身。

2. Homonymy (同形同音异义关系)
1)perfect homonyms(same spelling and pronunciation) bank bear date 2) homograph(same spelling only) bow弓 bow鞠躬
3) homophone(same pronunciation only) dear, deer right, write, rite sight, cite
A.mutually exclusive B.nongradable • they cannot be used in comparative degrees and do not allow adverbs of intensity like very to qualify them.
非此即彼; 无比较级; 不能用very 修饰
3)difference in application
• • • • charge & accuse begin & start sense & meaning He is a man of sense. sensible
4. Antonymy
1)Complementaries(矛盾反义词) They are also known as binary antonyms, binary taxonomy or Contradictory terms . dead-alive; male-female; same-different; single-married Q:what are the features ?
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《英语词汇学教程》(2004年版)练习答案【Chapter 1】7.tart: loose woman bloke: fellowgat: pistol swell: greatchicken: coward blue: fightsmoky: police full: drunkdame: woman beaver: girl8. haply = perhaps albeit = althoughmethinks = it seems to me eke = alsosooth = truth morn = morningtroth = pledge ere = beforequoth = said hallowed = holybillow = wave/ the sea bade = bid【Chapter 2】Ex.1The Indo-European Language Family is one of the most important language families in the world. It is made up of most of the languages of Europe, the Near East and India. English belongs to this family and the other members of the Indo-European have more or less influence on English vocabulary. A knowledge of the Indo-European Language Family will help us understand English words better and use them more appropriately.2. Indo-European Language FamilyBalto-Slavic Indo-Iranian Celtic Italian Hellenic GermanicRoumanian Hindi Breton Spanish Greek EnglishLithuanian Persian Scottish FrenchSwedishPrussian Irish Italian GermanPolish Portuguese Norweigian Slavenian IcelandicRussian DanishBulgarian Dutch6.When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth separateand equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requiresthat they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.Most of the content words are either of Greek or Latin origin. What are left are mostly functional words. This shows that Greek and Latin play a very important part in the English vocabulary.8. eventful [Latin + English] hydroplane [Greek + Latin]falsehood [ Latin + English] pacifist [Latin + Greek]saxophone [German + Greek]heirloom [ French + English]joss house [ Portuguese + English] television [Greek + Latin]9.amateur (late) finacé (late) empire (early)peace (E) courage (E) garage (L) judgement (E) chair (E) chaise (L)grace (E) servant (E) routine (L) jealous (E) savaté (L) genre (L) gender (E) début (L) morale (L)state (E) chez (L) ballet (L)11.allegro, f轻快andante, j 行板diminuendo, g 渐弱largo, d 缓慢pianoforte, a轻转慢alto, i女低音crescendo, b渐强forte, e 强piano, h轻soprano, c女高音12.cherub (Hebrew) snorkel (G)coolie (Hindi) tulip (Turk)lasso (Sp) wok (Ch)shampoo (Indian) chocolate (Mex)tepee (Am Ind) jubilee (Gr)kibitz (G) Sabbath (Heb) chipmunk (Am Ind) tamale (Mex)cotton (Arab) voodoo (Afr)loot (Hindi) sauerbraten (G)13.a. alligatorb. lococ. rodeod. bonanzae. igloof. blitzkriegg. wigwam h. canoei. hurricane j. boomerangk. panchos【Chapter 3】1. a. morpheme b. allomorphc. bound morphemed. free morphemee. affixf. informational affixg. derivational affix h. rooti. stem j. base3. individualisticindividualist + ic [stem, base]individual + ist [stem, base]individu + al [stem, base]in + dividu [root, stem, base]undesirablesun + desirable [stem, base]desir + able [root, stem, base]free morpheme = free rootmorpheme bound rootbound morpheme inflectional affixaffix prefixderivational affixsuffix【Chapter 4】Affixation5. non-smoker incapable impracticaldisobey insecurity irrelevantimmature inability/disability unofficiallyunwillingness illegal disagreement illogical disloyal inconvenient non-athletic6. harden horrify modernizememorize falsify apologizedeepen glorify sterilizelengthen intensify beautify fatten sympathizea. apologizedb. beautifyc. lengtheningd. sympathizede. fattenf. falsifyg. memorizing h. Sterilize7. a. employee b. politician c. participantd. waitresse. conductorf. teacherg. pianist h. examinee/examiner8.trans- = across: transcontinental, trans-worldmono- = one: monorail, monoculturesuper- = over, above: superstructure, supernaturalauto- = self: autobiography, automobilesub- = bad, badly: malpractice, malnutritionmini- = little, small: minicrisis, miniwarpre- = before: prehistorical, preelectionex- = former: ex-teacher, ex-filmerCompoundingheartbeat [S + V] brainwashing [V + O]movie-goer [place + V] baking powder [ V +adv]far- reaching [V + Adv] dog-tired [adv + a]lion-hearted [adv + a] love-sick [adv + a]boyfriend [S + complement] peace-loving [V +O]snap decision [V + O] easy chair [ a + n]on-coming [V +adv] tax-free [adv +a]light-blue [a + a] goings-on [V +adv]4. well-bred/well-behaved culture-bound/homeboundneedle work/homework praiseworthy/respectworthybar-woman/sportswoman nation-wide/college-wideclear-minded/strong-minded military-style/newstyleself-control/self-respectbudget-related/politics-relatedwater-proof/fire-proof once-fashionable/once-powerful news-film/news-letter mock-attack/mock-sadnesssister-in-law/father-in-law home-baked/home-produced half-way/half-done ever-lasting/ever-greenage-conscious/status-conscious campus-based/market-basedConversion7. a. stomach [n → v]b. room [n → v]c. wolf [n → v]d. come/go [v → n]e. familiar [a → n]f. innocent [a → n]g. flat [a → n]h. ah/ ouch [int → v]i. warm [a → n]j. has-been/might-have-been [finite v → n]k. Hamlet [proper n → v]l. buy [v → n]m. smooth [a → v]Blendingmotel (mo tor + ho tel)humint (hum an + int elligence)advertisetics (advertise ment + statis tics)psywarrior (psy chological warrior)hoverport (hover craft + port)chunnel (ch annel + t unnel)hi-fi (hi gh + fi delity)cinemactress (cinem a + actress)Clippingcopter (heli copter) dorm (dorm itory)lab (lab oratory) prefab (pref abricated house) gas (gas oline) prof (prof essor)scope (tele scope) champ (champ ion)sarge (serge ant) mike (mic rophone)ad (ad vertisement) tec (de tec tive)Acronymy2. kg = k ilo g ram ft = f oo t cf = c on f ercm = c enti m eter $ = dollaribid = ibid em etc. = et c eteraVIP = v ery i mportant p ersonOPEC = O rganization of P etroleum E xporting C ountries TOEFL = t eaching o f E nglish as a f oreign l anguage3. a. SALTb. radarc. AIDSd. BASICe. Laserf. WHOg. sonarh. G-manBackformation2. lase (laser)escalate (escalator)babysit (babysitter)peeve (peevish)orate (orator)commute (commuter)Commonization of Proper Namesa. tantalize—Tantalusb. Argus-eyed—Argusc. narcissism—Narcissusd. sabotage—sabotse. martinet—Martinetf. —Yahoog. Shylock—Shylockh. hoovering—Hooveri. utopia—Utopiaj. Uncle Tommism—Uncle Tom【Chapter 5】6. apes—b birds—acattle—m cricket—ndoves—c foxes—jgeese—k sheep—fwolves—g monkeys—epigs—l hyenas—hturkeys—d swans—i9. a. A scientist working in a project to develop industrial uses for nuclear power might have all the positive associations with “atomic”, such as “benefit, energy”, etc.b. A Japanese resident of Hiroshima, victim of the atomic explosion at the end of World War II, might have all the negative associations with “atomic”, such as “suffering, killing, death, horror", etc.c. To a student of nuclear physics, “atomic” might be associated with “mystery, science, knowledge”, etc.10. talkative: implying a fondness for talking frequently and at length (neutral)articulate: expressing oneself easily and clearly (positive)gossip: indulging in idle talk or rumours about others (negative)rambling: talking aimlessly without connection of ideas (negative) fluent: speaking easily, smoothly, and expressively (positive) mouthy: overtly talkative, especially in a rude way (nagative)14. bull [-HUMAN +MALE +ADULT +BOVINE]cow [-HUMAN -MALE +ADULT +BOVINE]calf [-HUMAN +MALE -ADULT +BOVINE] rooster [-HUMAN +MALE +ADULT +GALLINE] hen [-HUMAN -MALE +ADULT +GALLINE]chicken [-HUMAN +MALE +ADULT +GALLINE]【Chapter 6】Polysemy4.Homonymy4. 1) Make both ends meat is a parody of make both ends meet which means “have enough money for one’s needs”. Here the butcher cleverly uses the pair of homonyms meat and meet to make a pun. It makes a proper answer to the lady’s question. (1) Butchers cannot make both ends meat (make whole sausages with all meat) because they cannot make both ends meet (If they made sausages with all meat, which is more costly, they would not earn enough money to survive.)( 2) Don’t complain. All the butchers do the same. I am not the only one who is making sausages with bread.2) Swallow is a bird which is seen in summer. But by one swallow we see, we cannot deduce that it is already summer time. Swallow can also mean a mouthful of wine. On a cold winter day, if one has a swallow of wine, one may feel warm.3) arms has two meanings: weapons; the human upper limbs. Since “a cannon ball took off his legs”, the soldier was not able to fight on, so he “laid down his arms”, which means “surrender”. It can also mean he laid down his upper limbs.Synonymy3. avaricious: greedycourteously: politelyemancipate: set freecustomary: usualwidth: breadthadversary: opponentgullible: deceivedremainder: residueinnocent: sinlessobstacle: obstructionvexation: annoyance5. a. identifiable b. safetyc. motivatesd. delicatee. surroundingsf. artificialg. prestige h. perspirei. accomplishment j. silentk. impressive l. evaporate6. run move spinturn whirl roll7. a. stead b. gee-gee c. riped. maturee. effectivef. efficientg. fatigued, children h. tired, kidsi. declined j. refused k. rancidl. addled m. Penalties n. fineso. rebuked p. accusedAntonymy5. a. similar/same b. safec. sharp/ smartd. sende. stingy/ selfish h. simplef. significant/sensible i. sureg. skeptical/ suspicious l. smoothj. slipshod/ slovenly/ sloppyk. sleepiness/ sleep / slumberm. subjectiven. sob/ scowl6. a. old-fashioned b. completelyc. moistured. speciale. essentialf. similarityg. innocent h. rigidi. loosen j. clarityk. deserted l. fruitfulm. peremptory n. depressedo. indifferent7. a. feed—starve, cold-fever b. wisdom—folliesc. haste—leisured. penny—pound, wise—foolishe. speech—silencef. absence—presenceg. admonish—praise i. wise men—foolsh. young—old private—public saint—devilj. mind—body k. foul—fairl. danger—security m. deliberate--promptn. children—parents o. bully—cowardp. head—tail8.right—wrong single—returndry—sweet hard—easystrong—faint rough—calmlight—dark cold—warmhigh—low/deepHyponymy3. furniture: desk, chair, table, bedmatter: liquid, gas, solidmeat: pork, beef, muttongo: run, fly, walk4. profession workplacesurgeon: clinic, hospitalplumber: house, buildinglawyer: office, law courtsmechanic: garagephotographer: studioforeman: worksite, factory6. In Sentence 1, got, furniture, recently are superordinates because they are general and convey a very vague idea whereas in Sentence 2, the three words are replaced respectively by bought, cupboard, three days ago, which are subordinates, conveying a definite and clear idea. So Sentence 2 is better than Sentence 1.In 3, it is said, magnificent building, destroyed, yesterday are superordinate terms, which are comparatively much more general than the news says, Royal Hotel, burnt down, last night respectively in 4, which can be described as subordinates. Since 4 is clearer than 3 in meaning, it is better.Semantic field3. Group 1 is synonymously semantic field and Group 2 is semantic filed. The difference lies: In 1 the words are synonyms, none of them covers the meaning of another, and they differ only in style and emotive values. In 2 the words are not synonyms, but each refers to a specific type of horse. Horse is a cover term or superordinate, and othersare subordinates. These terms have no difference in style oraffective meaning.【Chapter 7】4. 1) extension 2) extension3) narrowing 4) degradation5) elevation 6) narrowing7) extension 8) extension9) narrowing 10) elevation11) narrowing 12) degradation13) degradation 14) degradation5. a. associated transferb. abstract to concretec. abstract to concreted. abstract to concretee. abstract to concretef. abstract of concreteg. associated transferh. associated transferi. synesthesiaj. synesthesia6. a. objective b. subjective, objectivec. objectived. subjectivee. subjectivef. subjectiveg. subjective h. subjective, objective7. a. die b. graveyardc. bedlam疯人院d. old peoplee. strikef. Policemang. stupid pupil h. poor peoplei. toilet j. fat personk. unemployed mother【Chapter 8】2. a. to repairb. measurement and determination of one’s positionc. predicamentd. injectiona. a single complete dividing part (of a rocket)b. the theatre or acting as a professionc. a particular point or period in a process of developmentd. to plan, arrange and carry outa. interchange and discussion of ideas, esp. for mutualunderstanding orharmonyb. conversationc. a written conversation (of a play, etc.)3. a. synonymb. explanation/ definitionc. antonymd. examplee. relevant detailsf. relevant detailsg. relevant details4. a. stop people drinkingstop drinking by themselvesb. a stone house which is biga house built of big stonesc. a picture possessed by Bettya photograph of Bettyd. aunts who are visitingpaying a visit to auntse. take Jane as his wifepreside over Jane’s weddingf. a weapon that can fly over long distance and that it explodes whenit hits thething it aims atan object that is thrown at somebody in order to hurt him【Chapter 9】6. a—2) b—9) c—3)d—6) e—1) f—8)g—5) h—4) i—7)j—10)7. a. stand out againstb. approve ofc. get … over withd. looking intoe. come up withf. comply withg. cashed in onh. go withouti. to profit by / fromj. dut down …to8. a cool cat = a really calm personblow one's stack = lose control over oneselffly off the handle = become excessively angrywhat's more = furthermoreget away with = commit an illegitimate act without penaltyof course = naturallyget on = get oldpepper and salt = grey (hair)make up for = compensate forlost time = time wastedtake it easy = relax, not worryget up = rise from bedturn in = go into bedtake care of = manage or look afterlike a breeze = without effort or easilytime off = time for restget it made = be successfulthis is it= be in a position or place, or have possession of an objectbeyond which more of the same is unnecessary Sam is really a calm person. He never loses control of himself and hardly ever becomes too angry. Furthermore, he knows how to manage his business financially by using a few tricks… Needless to say, he, too, is getting older. His hair is beginning to turn grey, but he knows how to compensate for wasted time by relaxing. He rises early, exercises, and goes to bed early. He manages his frankfurter dispensary without visible effort, until it is someone else's turn to work there. Sam is successful, he has reached his life's goal.9. a. “Well, it's the old story of the stitch in time,” he said.A stitch in time saves nine.b. Fleur's head was lost in the tool-box, but her voice was heardsaying: “Too many cooks, better let me.”Too many cooks spoil the broth.c. But not many other people held that view discerning his fingerstill very large in every pie — so much so that there often seemed less pie than finger.have a finger in the pied. I’m thinking of putting up a “Silence is golden”placard in hisoffice. Nobody can hear themselves think.Speech is silver, silence is golden.e. They four had one likeness: their appearance and their work wasas it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.wheel within wheelsf. He quotes them extensively nevertheless, together with otherequally suspect evidence, because otherwise he would have no straw with which to make his bricks.make bricks without straw10. wind and weather wheeling and dealingwaifs and strays town and gowntop and tail time after timerules and regulations rise and fallrags and tatters puff and blowpick and shovel peace and quietover and above one and onlyoff and on neck and neckshoulder to shoulder moan and groanmilk and water man and beast11. a. 好奇伤身。